Belfast RulesChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 26
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BELFAST (1968)
The year of 1968 was almost over when Danny got his marching orders from the section outside of Dublin that had administered most of his "in-house" training that was filled with sessions in defusing of explosive devices and identifying various weapons and ammunition from the current stock in their inventory. He really was not one to take great pride in the planting and activation of the explosives but he knew it was their primary weapon right now and would probably remain so for a long time into the future.
He excelled in the use of handguns and seemed to have a natural ability to sense when was the exact right moment to let loose with a barrage that eliminated the opposition. Eventually they promoted him to the "Terminator" section that took care of all internal removals and also dabbled in the Northern Ireland region to water down the ardor of the Constabulary and even restrain the Whitehall crowd from becoming too rowdy in their methods of control.
It was a cold night in the early winter that he was called in to organize a purging of an internal problem related to conflict between the labor contingent and the fanatical religious followers of the Papal Party sect that wanted secular control of the entire Island. Danny had his own set of feelings regarding the imposition of secular control but he kept them to himself. His read on the current problem was that the rabid dogs of the Papal Party were jeopardizing the delicate balance of Catholic vs Protestant relations in the south and the only way to solve the problem was to remove the worst offenders of the general truce.
He decided that he only had to take "care" of three of the most grievous culprits and matters would sort themselves out without further interference from on high. It came down to the O'Malley's and the firebrand Timothy Leary with his shocking white hair and his deep booming voice that sounded like he was sent from God in person.
Danny kept a record of their movements and it was no problem at all to deduce that they would be in an exposed position almost the entire weekend whilst they were participated in the protest march against the "Fox Hunting" crowd that saw the sport as a reflection of heritage rather than some sort of upper class and mostly Protestant dominance over the Catholic masses. He knew that the protest group was loosely comprised and that he was easily accepted in their numbers having distributed notices and taken parts in some disorderly conduct run-ins with the local law enforcement. It was enough to allow him access and yet not enough to put him on the radar screens of the Constabulary or the chess-players in Whitehall watching developments all across the region.
He watched the trio of troublemakers heading out to the other side of the bridge that the horses tended to avoid because the gaps in the planks could damage their hooves. Most of the riders just jumped the small stream looking for a soft landing on the other side. They were waiting there with their firecrackers hoping to scare the mounts into dumping their riders in the water or in the mud to make a sight when they straggled back into the rally point looking forlorn and down in spirits.
The O'Malley's was a fine pair of fools. Danny was not quite certain which one was more ignorant, the father or the son. They would both be equally at fault if one of the riders broke their back and was paralyzed for life or worse yet, broke their neck and with a funeral shortly after. The other one called Timothy Leary was more mean spirited in his attitude and Danny could almost see the evil intent swirling around his unshaven face and his beady red eyes showing the effects of too much ale the night before. There were a lot of rumors floating about that he was one to make the girls cry if he got them alone by themselves and he was ever bragging about his ability to get any girl's knickers down either by hook or by crook and they never complained to the authorities.
He decided it would be better to take care of them all before they had a chance to do their damage on both horse and human at the crossing. Danny slowly screwed on his silencer not wanting the sound of shots to do the same kind of damage that the three miscreants were planning in their uneducated little minds. It was simple to merely walk up behind them all innocent like with the handgun inside his newspaper and give then each a quick double tap straight up into their brain cavity like he was splitting melons for an afternoon snack. He was careful about walking away slowly because he did not want to arouse suspicion. The three men were slumped against the waist-high hedge like they were in hiding and nothing looked out of order.
Danny watched the clumps of horsemen and horsewomen ride past him and he stayed well out of the way to show he had no intention of interfering or obstructing their progress. There was a pair of police cars at the end of the narrow lane and he just nodded to the bored patrolmen and walked quickly to the bus stop to get as far away as possible before discovery of the grim evidence was found behind the hedge. He was reasonably certain it would all be blamed on some ardent supporters of the fox hunting obsession and he would be well out of it without any problem at all.
He had considered dumping the handgun and silencer but it was a real beauty of a piece and he hated to lose it even if it meant it could mean the rest of his life in prison. Besides, all he had to do was to switch the barrel and the firing pin and it would be almost impossible to tie that particular weapon to the triple killing except in the sense that it was the same caliber. If he could evade the police for about seventy-two hours, he would be rid of the residue evidence and the old clothes would make nice cleaning rags for the rag-man who didn't care where the stuff came from.
(MOLLY'S STORY – LONDON 2001) Now that she was a married woman with a husband that tended to her needs like a proper man is required to do with constant regularity, Molly was fearful of accepting the position in London not certain about her husband Danny's reaction to being uprooted from Belfast. She wondered how he would adjust to living in the midst of the English in the center of the UK and so close to the Whitehall. It was a subject that he never commented on verbally and she was loath...
BELFAST – 1995 The story of Belfast in 1995 was how this story started and it was highlighted in the following eight chapters. (CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 16, 17) It is conceivable that this timeline will be presented in a different format because it is a bit confusing to the continuity of the storyline. Suffice it to say that the chapters dealing with the time period prior to 1995 were historical in nature to the flow of events and the final chapter 26 will be the concluding Epilogue to...
BRIGHTON 1984 The Polish woman was a special case because she was more the professional and her experience equaled his own. Danny didn't like that fact but it was orders from up above and he was stuck with her. Besides, she had contacts that he didn't have and would most likely prove more valuable on the back-end rather than in the middle of the mess. Pretending to be an ignorant tourist, Danny traveled around the area noting the military and police strong points and was astonished at...
BELFAST 1972 The warmth of the changing seasons slowly thawed out Danny's bones in the spring of 1972. He was only just past the magic twenty-one and he felt like one of those old farts sitting on the cement benches to soak up the friendly sun. For some strange reason, he was off the birds and wasn't sure the reason why. Maybe the juices of spring would bring his libido back so he could pretend to be young once again. He was sat in the little nook just inside the curtain-drawn window...
BELFAST – 1968 1968 was a year of dying in many places around the globe. It was the year of the "Tet Offensive" and the casualty figures from Southeast Asia drove a wedge into the hearts and minds of the American people as sharp and painful as the division between Irish Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The business of dying in Belfast was often an unexpected thing. It didn't come just in bed after a long life of struggle to make ends meet. It didn't come only in an...
BELFAST – 1995 There was a small note in the slot behind the hotel clerk where his key resided. He was a bit upset because it was just folded over and anyone could read it without any effort. Fortunately, it was from his Legend insurance girl Laura who had recently given him cover before his journey to Belfast. She was a simple girl and easy to please and her note said it all. "Danny, I miss you and hope you think of me at times. I am sorry I asked you for too much. Please call me so I...
BELFAST – 2015 There was a bit of chill in the air when Molly came home that evening. It was a bit too early for the really cold weather but the wind made the sudden drop in temperature feel colder than it really was. Danny dug out his wooly-pulley from the back laundry room where it had hung for several months out of sight and out of mind. He enjoyed the feel of the familiar cloth on his shoulders and thought that the thing was a bit like him being stuck away out of sight and hopefully out...
(MOLLY'S STORY – LONDON 2005) Molly had been reading the report on the Brighton bombing in 1984 and she kept coming back to the mysterious suspect that seemed to be putting obstacles in the way of the bombers at every turn. That was quite surprising to her because she had assumed they were all working to the same objective of terminating the Prime Minister with extreme prejudice. Now, she was of the opinion that there were different agendas at work in the days leading up to the explosion...
(BELFAST – 1972) It was far too early in the morning for whiskey in his coffee but Danny had that urge to soak up the bite of the dog before facing the stern faces of his masters in Belfast. His recollection of the evening before was a bit cloudy but he distinctly remembered inviting his landlady in for a drink and then found her stretched out next to him snoring when he woke up the next morning. It would have been a matter of amusement except for the fact her jealous husband was on the...
BRIGHTON – 1984 Danny was not happy that they called him in on the whole sordid Brighton affair at the last minute. His suspicion was that the hierarchy was in a state of confusion because of changing circumstances and the threat of retribution after the assassination of a ruling Prime Minister was pushed front and center with shocking realization. When he first was read into the operation, it was his cautious nature that kept him from standing up in the small room filled with frightened...
BRIGHTON - 1984 In a way the incident at Brighton should never have gotten off the drawing board because it came at the wrong time and in the wrong place for long range benefit of the future generations of the residents of the Free Irish State. Just because the sheer arrogance of the much maligned female PM had so affronted the lads in Dublin to the point that they were drinking unusually long and with reduced satisfaction was no excuse for the ill-timed bombing project. Danny was called...
BELFAST – 1968 Danny was one of those morning people that pop out of bed and look for that first cup of coffee to get all their systems working top notch. This particular morning was not one of those days. The hazy memories of the night before recalled the free rounds of drinks at a place called O'Horrigan's with the dark murky shadows of hidden nooks and the bored housewives looking for a bit of strange. He barely remembered what he was drinking but from the taste in his mouth and the...
BELFAST – 2015 The newspapers were filled with stories about the killings in Derry in the old days before all the negotiations and the peace that seemed to be holding despite all odds. As if to offset the sensationalism of the print hype, there were some smaller articles about some retired military types being arrested and brought in to assist with the new police force's inquiries about the massacre. Danny read the articles with some interest because it represented a new approach to the...
(MOLLY'S STORY – BELFAST 1995) Molly knew that there was something not quite right about Danny but he was such a darling of a man she was ready to take things as they came and not question him too much about his past because it might drive him away and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. A few times in those early days, he would disappear for a few days and then tell her, "Away on business, love, thinking about you and hope you do the same." It always made her giggle because...
(BELFAST 2020) The tired looking older man with the shaggy eyebrows sat on the park bench watching the young lads playing football on the open field. It was one of those lazy summer days when the weather was perfect and everything was nice and shiny-clean because of the quick afternoon shower that pounded the sidewalks and the streets and left tell-tale moisture on the grass to remind people that growing things needed the damp to make them grow. Danny was interested in the pace of the play...
Danny dreamed that night of the days of his youth. Now, ordinary grown men would be dreaming about football games, young girls in the back row of the cinema or friends who they had lost contact with over the years. In Danny's case however, he dreamed of bloody-faced men pleading for their lives, mothers and sisters crying about dead or kneecapped fathers, brothers and young lovers in the bloom of youth. He jerked and cried out softly in his sleep begging forgiveness for his sins and hoping...
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xmoviesforyouThe Examination She sat in the sparkling white office in the scratchy, thin paper robe that they make everyone wear. Perched upon the barely cushioned table that sported a pair of metal torture devices that forces women to lie in the most completely vulnerable position, she waited for her turn with an unsympathetic doctor. Yes, Jodi could say without a doubt, that she hated getting her yearly pap smears. They probed, poked and prodded, and worse, it didn’t even feel good while they did it. If...
I am one of the reader of ISS since many years & fan to ISS. Thank you ISS for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. This story is only about how we became close. Please share your feedback or discussion or anything you want to talk email me at Girls, women, aunty if you like to share or talk or have a date email me. Especially the ones around Hyderabad and bangalore. My name is Rahul. I’m from Hyderabad. As usual a graduate. I’m 23 years old. Too much masturbation...
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They drove to another part of the city, then turned down a back street and parked in a quiet area, nowhere near any of the clubs or bars that Nina was familiar with. She looked around, and asked, "Where are we going? It doesn't look like there's any place here." "A little place I know. It's a bit off the beaten path, on purpose." They got out of the car and walked to a door in one of the buildings. Beside the door was a small brass plaque that said 'Private Club—Members Only.' Nina...
Ako nga pala so kyle 25 years old working as a call center agent. Ang ikukuwento ko sa inyo ay totong nang yari sa buhay ko. Noong first year pa lang ako doon ko pa lang na diskobre sa Sarili ko lalaki rin ang hanap ko dahil sa tuwing nakakakita ako ng Matipuno at gwapong lalaki ay agad akong humahanga. Noong uno hindi ko pinansin pero nag-uumapaw talaga ung Pagiging beki ko. Tinago ko ito sa kaibigan ko at lalo na sa pamilya ko Dahil baka kamuhian nila ako. Isang araw ng mag CR ako nakasabay...
I was on my way to work when I saw the face of a familiar man. He was getting into a cab. His features were all the same as the ghost from last night. My heart started to race, and I felt myself get wet. I cursed under my breath, knowing that I had to go to work and I was getting aroused. I couldn't show up to work with my panties soaking. So, I went back home and stripped out of my soaked panties, and started to masturbate myself to an orgasm. Little did I know that this was only the first of...
Straight SexA couple weeks ago, I found myself on a rather interesting business trip. The long and short of it is that I ended up walking in...accidentally, mind you...on one of my coworkers masturbating. But, a little background before I get to the good stuff. My name is Will, and my aforementioned coworker is Kelli. I'm 33, in the neighborhood of five foot nine, perfectly average looking, with my only distinguishing characteristics being particularly vivid blue eyes and a propensity for waistcoats....
MasturbationThe colors from the night before had all run together into a gray sunrise. She slowly woke up to find herself alone in his bed. She lay there for a few minutes, absolutely loving the feel of his bed sheets on her naked body. After prolonging getting out of bed long enough, she set foot on the floor, the carpet of his bedroom tingling her bare feet. She walked over to his closet and found one of his white shirts, which fit her with plenty of room to spare. She walked into the kitchen, where she...