Belfast RulesChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
Danny was certain to be on time for his "date" with Molly not because he was trying to get into her pants but because he needed to talk to someone young who was not of his time and unlikely to scrutinize him for mistakes in relating events.
They were already serving some gratuitous snacks to the after-work crowd when Molly showed up at the door. She drew a lot of attention from the randy lads lined up at the bar but they were all too lazy to get up from their drinks and free snacks.
She saw him across the room sitting in the corner booth and made her way through the closely packed tables managing to avoid shoulders and legs like hurdles to be jumped. He couldn't help but wonder how she kept her body so slender and trim in a desk job all day long. She was probably one of the lucky ones who seldom put on extra weight because their system metabolized anything they put in their mouth.
"You are looking all smug and comfortable there, Danny boy. Like the cat that ate the canary."
He had to laugh because in a sense she had hit the mark right on the head. He was feeling a little smug because he had tested his appearance on more than one "old hand" that day and found that he was able to blend in without any suspicion in the least. It was a comfort and a relief to him because any hint of recognition and he would be off with the hounds looking for some other hiding hole to scurry into hoping that his trail was free of curious parties.
They had a pair of beers each despite her earlier determination to "only have one" slowly sipping and learning about each other like sparring partners not ready to jump into the real match because the damage might be too severe when caution is thrown to the wind.
"How long have you lived in Belfast Molly?"
She twisted her light-colored hair around her forefinger and looked off into space with one of those "Mona Lisa" looks that showed she was thinking in the past and not really liking what she saw.
"I was born right here Danny but my parents moved to Dunmurry on the road to Lisburn when I was only ten and we stayed there until I went to University and when it came time for graduation, I decided to move back to Belfast by myself because the memory of the sights and the sounds and the excitement of the city drew me like a magnet. I guess Belfast was in my blood and I missed it terribly."
He watched her facial expressions looking for some sign of guile but found none evident.
"Are your parents still living in Dunmurry?
Molly gave him a funny look and took a long, deep sip of beer before she responded.
"They are used to the country life now, Danny, and my mum is in all the clubs just like the Queen of the manor and in control of her life and everything around her. I think it is something she needed desperately after life in Belfast."
He noticed she didn't mention her father and that struck him as strange because she had the air of a typical "Daddy's Girl" and Danny didn't find that unappealing at all.
She even got into the disclosure that her parents had apparently had some sort of marital discord whilst still in Belfast and the move to the county was to save the marriage and keep the family together as long as possible. The quiet man with the eyes that constantly scanned the interior of the noisy pub suspected that they were probably still unhappy but making a go of things just to present a stable environment to the outside world. It was a typical family arrangement in a country that put the family above happiness and where divorce was historically a disaster of biblical proportions.
A looming shadow of a hulk of a man was cast over their table distracting them from their interesting private conversation. One of the "elbows on the bar" regulars was smiling like a drunken fool at Molly and introduced himself as "Mighty Mickey" stating that he could kick any man's arse in the pub. He could see the others at the bar laughing at the scene and Danny was reasonably certain he had been badgered into making a disgrace of himself whilst in his cups.
Molly was not in the least out of sorts probably because she met a lot of his type in the courthouse forced to answer to "justice" for their transgressions against society.
Danny didn't want to call attention to himself so he stood up and "accidently" stepped on the lout's instep causing him to fall forward and smash his face into the brass railing on the side of the booth. Now, with a crippled foot and a bloody face, the bleary-eyed clod turned to his back-up lads at the bar and they were so busy laughing that he stumbled away advising his adversary to watch out where he was stepping in future.
Molly wasn't certain if his action was truly accidental or done on purpose but she told him it might be a good time for them to wrap it up and move outside to the park bench right in front of the courthouse. It was a mild evening and there were a number of other city folks just sitting and talking safe in the knowledge that the authorities were always present in this little piece of real estate.
"Were you worried about that brute of a lad, Danny?"
He made a point of brushing it off as just an unfortunate incident and that it was best forgotten because life was "too short" to dwell on the little things. She seemed to accept that at face value and he knew she was far too intelligent to think it was just an accident. Danny liked the fact he could be called to protect her when the need arose.
"Why did your parents move all the way to Dunmurry? Were they not happy here in Belfast?"
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Danny sensed that he might be coming across as bit too much of the interrogator because of his line of questioning. He would have deleted the words if they were not already spoken and taken a much more indirect way of exploring Molly's motivations. He could see from the way that Molly carefully patted the top of her neatly braided hair and pausing slightly before organizing a reply that she was on her guard. He would have kicked himself in the leg for being too pushy except for the face that those two bullets were pestering him far too much in the cool night air.
His lack of patience was a fault that he knew did him little good in the world of today where everyone had their secrets and were slow to divulge them unless painted into a corner and had no other alternative other than disclose them.
"I often ask the same question, Danny, and to be honest I can't give a good answer. I think it was because my mum was beginning to be afraid of just walking on the street with me at her side without fear of getting in a crossfire with nowhere to run. Besides, my da was out of work then and we had no reason to stay in the city where everything was a lot more expensive. He did get a position with the De Lorean auto plant but they are not doing too well lately."
Danny was positive she was telling the truth because he had years of practice sorting out such things.
"You have been asking all the questions, Danny, and that is simply not fair. Besides, I am a lawyer and I should be asking the questions."
He laughed and shrugged his shoulders in mock surrender.
"I should ask you how old you are but that would mean you get to ask me the same thing so I will not put you on the spot. I am curious Danny about why you stayed away from Ireland for so long. Did you not miss your native country?"
He quickly answered with his stock responses used to put a damper on suspicion and create an air of casual "blending in". It was something Danny was good at and he excelled at the game necessary for survival in a world of no mercy for the unforgiven.
"My parents were of a mind for me to stay but I had this itch to see the world and make my own way. I always had my memories of Ireland and finally gave into my deep-seated sense of home-sickness that plagued me for so very long. I am glad to be home at last and hope to stay a long time as long as I can stay out of trouble."
Molly appeared to accept his bland generalization and they huddled close together because there was another couple on the bench whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. He was a bit embarrassed to see the other couple kiss passionately right next to them and was confused for a moment as to deciding if he should attempt the same maneuver with Molly or just ignore it and keep on the same slow-moving train of getting acquainted.
BELFAST – 1995 The story of Belfast in 1995 was how this story started and it was highlighted in the following eight chapters. (CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 16, 17) It is conceivable that this timeline will be presented in a different format because it is a bit confusing to the continuity of the storyline. Suffice it to say that the chapters dealing with the time period prior to 1995 were historical in nature to the flow of events and the final chapter 26 will be the concluding Epilogue to...
BRIGHTON 1984 The Polish woman was a special case because she was more the professional and her experience equaled his own. Danny didn't like that fact but it was orders from up above and he was stuck with her. Besides, she had contacts that he didn't have and would most likely prove more valuable on the back-end rather than in the middle of the mess. Pretending to be an ignorant tourist, Danny traveled around the area noting the military and police strong points and was astonished at...
BELFAST 1972 The warmth of the changing seasons slowly thawed out Danny's bones in the spring of 1972. He was only just past the magic twenty-one and he felt like one of those old farts sitting on the cement benches to soak up the friendly sun. For some strange reason, he was off the birds and wasn't sure the reason why. Maybe the juices of spring would bring his libido back so he could pretend to be young once again. He was sat in the little nook just inside the curtain-drawn window...
BELFAST – 1968 1968 was a year of dying in many places around the globe. It was the year of the "Tet Offensive" and the casualty figures from Southeast Asia drove a wedge into the hearts and minds of the American people as sharp and painful as the division between Irish Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. The business of dying in Belfast was often an unexpected thing. It didn't come just in bed after a long life of struggle to make ends meet. It didn't come only in an...
BELFAST – 1995 There was a small note in the slot behind the hotel clerk where his key resided. He was a bit upset because it was just folded over and anyone could read it without any effort. Fortunately, it was from his Legend insurance girl Laura who had recently given him cover before his journey to Belfast. She was a simple girl and easy to please and her note said it all. "Danny, I miss you and hope you think of me at times. I am sorry I asked you for too much. Please call me so I...
BELFAST – 2015 There was a bit of chill in the air when Molly came home that evening. It was a bit too early for the really cold weather but the wind made the sudden drop in temperature feel colder than it really was. Danny dug out his wooly-pulley from the back laundry room where it had hung for several months out of sight and out of mind. He enjoyed the feel of the familiar cloth on his shoulders and thought that the thing was a bit like him being stuck away out of sight and hopefully out...
(MOLLY'S STORY – LONDON 2005) Molly had been reading the report on the Brighton bombing in 1984 and she kept coming back to the mysterious suspect that seemed to be putting obstacles in the way of the bombers at every turn. That was quite surprising to her because she had assumed they were all working to the same objective of terminating the Prime Minister with extreme prejudice. Now, she was of the opinion that there were different agendas at work in the days leading up to the explosion...
(BELFAST – 1972) It was far too early in the morning for whiskey in his coffee but Danny had that urge to soak up the bite of the dog before facing the stern faces of his masters in Belfast. His recollection of the evening before was a bit cloudy but he distinctly remembered inviting his landlady in for a drink and then found her stretched out next to him snoring when he woke up the next morning. It would have been a matter of amusement except for the fact her jealous husband was on the...
BRIGHTON – 1984 Danny was not happy that they called him in on the whole sordid Brighton affair at the last minute. His suspicion was that the hierarchy was in a state of confusion because of changing circumstances and the threat of retribution after the assassination of a ruling Prime Minister was pushed front and center with shocking realization. When he first was read into the operation, it was his cautious nature that kept him from standing up in the small room filled with frightened...
BRIGHTON - 1984 In a way the incident at Brighton should never have gotten off the drawing board because it came at the wrong time and in the wrong place for long range benefit of the future generations of the residents of the Free Irish State. Just because the sheer arrogance of the much maligned female PM had so affronted the lads in Dublin to the point that they were drinking unusually long and with reduced satisfaction was no excuse for the ill-timed bombing project. Danny was called...
BELFAST – 1968 Danny was one of those morning people that pop out of bed and look for that first cup of coffee to get all their systems working top notch. This particular morning was not one of those days. The hazy memories of the night before recalled the free rounds of drinks at a place called O'Horrigan's with the dark murky shadows of hidden nooks and the bored housewives looking for a bit of strange. He barely remembered what he was drinking but from the taste in his mouth and the...
BELFAST – 2015 The newspapers were filled with stories about the killings in Derry in the old days before all the negotiations and the peace that seemed to be holding despite all odds. As if to offset the sensationalism of the print hype, there were some smaller articles about some retired military types being arrested and brought in to assist with the new police force's inquiries about the massacre. Danny read the articles with some interest because it represented a new approach to the...
(MOLLY'S STORY – BELFAST 1995) Molly knew that there was something not quite right about Danny but he was such a darling of a man she was ready to take things as they came and not question him too much about his past because it might drive him away and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. A few times in those early days, he would disappear for a few days and then tell her, "Away on business, love, thinking about you and hope you do the same." It always made her giggle because...
BELFAST (1968) The year of 1968 was almost over when Danny got his marching orders from the section outside of Dublin that had administered most of his "in-house" training that was filled with sessions in defusing of explosive devices and identifying various weapons and ammunition from the current stock in their inventory. He really was not one to take great pride in the planting and activation of the explosives but he knew it was their primary weapon right now and would probably remain so...
(BELFAST 2020) The tired looking older man with the shaggy eyebrows sat on the park bench watching the young lads playing football on the open field. It was one of those lazy summer days when the weather was perfect and everything was nice and shiny-clean because of the quick afternoon shower that pounded the sidewalks and the streets and left tell-tale moisture on the grass to remind people that growing things needed the damp to make them grow. Danny was interested in the pace of the play...
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Twitter Porn AccountsAfter a few sips of water, she made a face and poured the rest into the sink, opting instead for half a glass of Moscato. Sitting down at the kitchen bar, she lost herself in thought again. She thought of Robert again and smirked at how he was basically just her long-term sugar daddy. At almost twenty years her senior, everyone else knew exactly what he was as well but she didn't care. "If you can get it, flaunt it!", she thought and smirked again, a facial expression that was nearly...
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So this story starts of with you, whether you are the succubus or the summoner ( If you choose to be the summoner both first and last name will be used if you are the succubus just the first name will be used not the female first just the normal one)
Fantasyim 28 year for morocco im opsesed to make love with older women than me i really love that.your age not important for me and i dont need any money from you ,what i need is just to find mature woman like youngs and accept me as i am .as you know its too hard to find what i want in my country morocco because they are not open mined like people in usa or europ that's why i search in xhamster site of porno ,in reality im not lying to you i sent the same message to all my friends in xhamster just...
"Did you sleep well?" "Ya, a little strange sleeping in someone else's bed but I got use to it quick" "Well eat and we will talk about what we are doing today" I sat down next to him and put some eggs on my plate and poured a cup of coffee. "So you got big plans today for my ass?" "You could say that." "So what do you have in store for me?" "Well, today you are going to make me some money. I have set you up to be a prostitute for the day and anyone that comes over...
Hi, my name is prudhvi and I have been writing erotic stories for a long time to an international publisher. After going through this ISS site, I was quite pleased by the taste of the ISS readers for Incest and sex. Several years of writing sex stories has made me turn into a sex maniac and I don’t miss a chance of fucking when a opportunity comes along, what I am going to tell you readers is a true story happened with me about a couple of months back. Now let’s go into the story. I am 30 years...
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The Woman of the House and Her Girls. We would have been some sight for any boy from my old school passing by, our mum and her three daughters. Only, what would any such boy be doing in our living room? Mum was wearing a nightie, which suited a sophisticated woman of her age and which was rather less provocative than the red lace neglig?e that my older sister, Cara, was wearing or the white silk and lace slip my younger sister Sharon was wearing or the black silk and lace slip I w...
SAIGON LESBIANS – PART 5The Army base was turning out to be a real nest of lesbians. The military personnel knew about it, especially the brass but nobody cared as long as the women did their thing behind closed doors. Those “closed doors” were most often those of the food warehouse where Diem had been on the menu of the female cook and the secretaries. Some of the secretaries were straight and others were not out of the closet, especially the Chinese girls. “Who are you fucking now ? ”, asked...
Chapter 1 When this all took place, it was summer and my sister, she's a year older at seventeen, she had come home the night before from two weeks at the camp she's been going to for a number of years. We were having our lunch, she always made us sandwiches when we were home together while I fixed us something to drink, sometimes lemonade, the frozen kind or Cokes or something. So, I asked her about camp, expecting to hear all the usual stuff about campfires and singing and canoeing and...
Hello guys , before I start my story me apne baare me kuch batna chahunga – mera naam nikhil hai me 19 saal ka hun mere body muscular hai , mera lund -6 inch ka hai or muje sex bohot pasand hai. To ab me apni story start krta hun me or mera parivar bhopal me ek flat me rehte the , mere parivaar me mere papa , mummy or sirf me hi tha mujhe sex ki lat lagi hui thi to me kaamwali ko dekh dekh ke muth marke hi kaam chalaya krta tha hamare baju me 2 flat the , ek flat to pura khali pada hua tha or...