Electives Ch. 05 free porn video

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Chapter 5: Meeting Henrietta and the trip home

The next day was Thursday. Brian took us for a tour of the property next door. He first took us to the antique shop that also served as the office. ‘This room and the smaller bedroom were once filled with teddy bears,’ he said, as we stood in what had been the living room of the small house.

‘We lived here when I was three years old,’ Amanda said.

‘Did I live here?’ Phillip asked.

‘We brought you home to this house when you were born, but it wasn’t long before we moved next door.’

Brian quoted the dates when the barn was replaced, the buildings that housed the business were built, and when he and Peggy took over Mr. Bennett’s business interests.

‘I’m going to take Randy for a ride around the town,’ he said, locking the door to the small house. The kids wanted to go along, but Brian reminded them that he had taken them to the café the day before.

He drove by the apartment building first, saying that the structure needed constant attention, inside and out. ‘I’ve been trying to get Lois to find older tenants who are widowed. They tend to stay longer than young married couples,’ Brian said. I remembered Lois Banks and her husband stopping by the house on Christmas day.

People on the street waved to Brian, and he waved back. He rolled down the window to hear one of them asked if he was back for good. He answered that he would be back soon.

Next, we drove by the two older homes that were part of the Bennett deal. ‘The librarian and her mate live in that one,’ he said, pointing to one of the small houses. ‘Max Leach and his wife live in the other one. I understand you know him.’

I realized that Ginny must have told him about my relationship to the Leach brothers. ‘He’s my step-brother,’ I admitted, and the subject was dropped until he was introducing me to Henrietta.

There were very few people in the café. Brian directed me to a booth in the back. He sat on one side and I sat on the other. We ordered coffee. Brian asked the waitress if Henry was there, and it was only seconds later when a tall, black woman took a seat next to Brian. She kissed him on the cheek, laid her head on his shoulder, and asked, ‘When are you coming back to me, Lover?’

Brian didn’t bat an eye. ‘This is Randy. He’s my sister’s boyfriend. Randy, this lady is the love of my life.’

Henrietta actually blushed as she extended her hand. Like the rest of her body, the hand was long, and you could see the bones protruding below the skin.

‘Randy is a used car salesman. He’s also acquainted with the Leach brothers,’ Brian said as our coffee arrived. The waitress caught Henrietta off guard by asking if she wanted coffee.

‘Ah, no,’ Henrietta said, staring bug-eyed at me. She closed her mouth, and said, ‘That’s a double whammy.’

I laughed. ‘My mom married their father. That was long before I became a used car salesman.’

Brian got right to the point. ‘Henry thinks Mark is screwing my former girlfriend.’

This was not news to me. I couldn’t act surprised. ‘Are you sure it’s just Mark?’

Brian and Henrietta looked at each other. ‘Wouldn’t that be a kick in the ass?’ Henrietta exclaimed. What makes you say that, Randy?’

‘I often heard them scheming when I was ten.’

‘You were only ten? Boys that age don’t know about such things as screwing your brother’s girlfriend,’ Henrietta said, with skepticism.

‘They made sure I understood what they were talking about. They even dared me to tell my mother what they were doing. I know I was only ten because that was the year Max graduated from college. He moved out, but that didn’t stop them, though. They bragged about screwing each other’s girl fiends until I left when I was twelve.’

‘That’s sick,’ Henrietta said, feigning shock.

This was my chance to get even with the Leach brothers. They’d made my life miserable when we were living under the same roof.

‘I’ve heard that Max’s wife is a knock-out. I wonder if she knows about Max’s and Mark’s games.’

‘I wonder if she’s an unsuspecting victim of the ruse.’ Henrietta mused.

Brian looked at her. She smiled, almost knowing what he was planning to say. ‘You wouldn’t tell her that she may be taken advantage of, would you?’

Henrietta became indignant. ‘Not me, she may like the variety.’

Brian frowned. ‘We have no proof that they’re still actively involved in their immature game. I can’t imagine Max letting his brother fuck his wife.’

‘You don’t know the Leach brothers very well. I’ve heard them talk about being involved in some lewd shit,’ I said, not wanting to close the discussion of what my step-brothers were capable of doing.

Henrietta was quick to jump in. ‘I might warn Marian. I’d like to see her catch them in the act, but I doubt if that’s possible. I think they make a game of passing for one another. Do you know of any difference between them that Marian could look for, Randy?’

‘There’s one,’ I said, watching Henrietta to make sure I had her attention. ‘Mark was always bragging about having a bigger cock than Max. That seemed to concern them when they were making plans to try to deceive their prey.’

‘That’s it, I remember Mark saying he has a bigger cock,’ Henrietta said. ‘How much bigger is it?’

‘Don’t ask me. I was only ten at the time.’

Brian and Henrietta laughed, and that ended the discussion of my step-brothers taking advantage of unsuspecting females. Brian said he wanted to go home and spend the rest of the day with his children.

We got up early to see him off. I would have liked to leave that day, too, but Ginny said she needed to make sure that Amanda and Phillip were going to be okay.

Mary sent us off the next morning with a full thermos, sandwiches and fruit. It was with heavy hearts that we set out, vowing to return often.

We didn’t talk for the first fifty miles, reliving our memories of the last few days. Ginny was wearing a heavy coat, open in front to show the sweater I’d given her. She turned to face me.

‘Thank you taking me to spend the holiday with my brother’s family.’

‘I had a good time,’ I said.

‘The sex was good, wasn’t it?’ she asked, blushing.

‘I said I had a good time, didn’t I?’ I asked, and watched the shade of her blush become deeper.

‘About that…’

‘The sex?’

‘Don’t take this the wrong way, Randy. I enjoyed it, really I did.’

‘Do I smell a ‘but’ coming?’

‘I’d like for you to give Millie’s book back, and that we forget about most of those positions.’

Ginny had a ‘there, I said it,’ expression on her face.

‘You want us to forget about most of the positions. Does that mean there were some that you liked?’

‘If you must know, I like the one where we sat face to face with you inside me, and we moved gently. It was easier for me to maintain my ‘mind over matter,’ composure.’

‘You showed exceptional self-restraint.’

She grinned. ‘Believe me, it wasn’t easy. I’m looking forward to tomorrow night when I can be as loud as I want in my own room.’

‘I’m surprised that you’re going to revert to screaming. I thought I had you trained,’ I teased her.

‘Humph,’ she said, indicating that the talk of sex was over…for now.

‘What did Brian talk about when he took you for a tour of his town?’ I asked.

Her look was smug. ‘I think you know. He wanted to know about you.’

‘And you just happened to tell him about my connection to the Leach brothers?’

‘I didn’t mean to, it just came out,’ she said, apologetically.

‘It’s okay. It may have turned out to my advantage.’

‘Brian began by telling me how sorry he was to hear about Danny’s death. They’d never met, you know. Then he asked if we were serious. I explained how we met, and how I began having feelings for you before I’d ful
filled my commitment to honor Danny for a year. I told him about our studying together, and how we’d had a good time at the circus. I even admitted that I kissed you the night I took you home. Remember that?’

I nodded, indicating that I remembered her kiss.

‘He asked if I thought we would have a future together,’ she said, staring out the window.

Ginny wouldn’t look at me. ‘What did you tell him?’

She turned her head my way, and nodded. ‘I said I hoped we will, but that we haven’t talked about the future.’

‘Would you like to talk about the future?’

‘Only when you’re ready to talk.’

I looked at the road ahead. She was twenty-four, I was twenty, and it would be a year and a half before I would graduate. What was I going to do after graduation? I hadn’t given it much thought.

‘Ginny, I love you and want to share the future with you. Is that enough for now?’

She nodded. ‘I owe you an explanation. Brian was critical of me for not knowing what was in store for me. I felt compelled to tell him about your background, how your father was killed when you were only four years old, how your mother remarried, and how you were mistreated by your step-brothers. I hope you don’t mind my telling him so much.’

‘Actually, it worked out for the best. He took me to the café. Did you meet Henrietta?’

‘No, we didn’t stop at the café. I wish we had.’

‘Henrietta is a tall, black woman with more personality in her little finger than I’ve seen in most people. When she sat down next to Brian I saw sparks fly, like they were about to ignite at any second. It was impossible for me to judge her age. I’ve never felt more comfortable with a woman that I’d just met.’

‘What did you talk about?’

‘Brian introduced me as a used car salesman. He didn’t mention that I’m also a college student. Henrietta’s interest piqued when she learned about my connection to the Leach brothers. This gave me the opportunity to tell them about how Max and Mark used to boast about screwing each other’s girlfriends. We talked about the possibility that it’s still happening.’

‘You talked about those things with a woman you’d just met?’

‘She’s very easy to get to know. Like I said, I’ve never known anyone that I felt as comfortable with from the moment I met them, especially not a female.’

‘What makes you think there are sparks between Henrietta and my brother?’

‘It was the way she leaned in to him, and teased him. He tried to pretend that it didn’t affect him, but there were definitely sparks flying.’

‘What did you mean by the possibility that it may still be happening?’

‘We agreed that we’d love to expose them, but Brian cautioned that we had no proof and Henrietta said that it would be impossible to prove because the Leach brothers are identical in every way. I told her that Mark always bragged that his cock was bigger, and she remembered him saying that very thing.’

‘Randy, I know you would like to get back at your step-brothers, but I don’t like where this is headed.’

‘I don’t know that either one of them is going to act on this minor difference between the brothers. Henrietta said she would like to find a way to alert Max’s wife, and Brian…’

‘Max’s wife? Don’t tell me you suspect he’s sharing his wife with Mark.’

‘Anything’s possible.’

‘I hope Brian doesn’t make an issue of this with Marian. He should just drop her.’

I nodded my agreement, but I secretly hoped that Brian would put a bug in Marian’s ear. Anyway, I wanted to change the subject.

‘What did Amanda want to tell you after she got off the phone with your mom?’

‘She was so excited that I don’t think she realized it was my mom that she had been speaking to. She kept referring to her as ‘Phillip’s grandmother’ and ‘Dad’s mother.’ She kept saying, ‘she wanted to talk to me, not just Phillip.’

‘I guess my parents have ignored Amanda all these years because they were disappointed that Brian would father a child with a woman that refused to marry him.

‘But now that they’ve come to depend on him to send them my Dad’s share of Aunt Elsie’s estate, they’ve come to realize that he’s made a life for himself that includes Amanda and their grandson.

‘I’ve been doing my part to change their thinking about Brian. In all these years, he’s never let them know how successful he’s become. I believe he became disillusioned when they wouldn’t accept Peggy and her daughter.

‘I tried to tell him how sorry I am when we had our drive around his town, but I couldn’t make the words come out properly. Perhaps I’ll try to put it in writing. You’ll help me, won’t you?’

Her expectant look ripped at my gut. Didn’t she know that she didn’t need to ask?

‘Of course I’ll help.’

‘Amanda repeated everything that my mom said. I didn’t hear an apology for what has happened in the past, but the future sounded very optimistic. Amanda took it to mean that my parents will pay Brian and his family a visit. I hope that little girl is not disappointed.’

‘You’d been crying when you came downstairs.’

‘I was so happy for her that I couldn’t help it. We cried, and held each other. I told her that she’s the best niece a woman like me could want. She said that I’m the best aunt a girl could want. And then, can you guess what she said?’

‘No, what?’

‘She said, ‘I’m adopted, you know?”

‘I have a sister a few months older than Amanda. I get an occasional picture, but I haven’t seen her since she was two. I wonder if Cassie is as mature as Amanda.’

‘Would you like to visit her?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘I’ll go with you.’

I smiled at her, and she seemed to know that I appreciated her offer. ‘I’m glad we had this time to talk,’ I said.

‘There’s one more thing I want to discuss.’

‘We’ve got another hour before we get home.’

‘It’s Clifford. I can’t stand him.’

She never complained about him before. ‘I share your sentiments.’

She leaned back in her seat and spoke frankly. ‘He’s crude. He walks around the house in his underwear. He thinks it’s funny when he belches and farts. I don’t know how Barbara puts up with him.’

‘I understand he has a big cock.’

‘That wouldn’t…you don’t think that Barbara…no,’ Ginny said, blushing.

‘Do you want me to talk to him?’

She shook her head. ‘Can you guess what I wish?’

‘You want me to shoot him?’

‘No, Silly, I wish we had our own place, where we could do as we like.’

This was sudden. Was she serious? ‘Does that mean that you would move in with me?’

She was keeping her eyes fixed on mine as she nodded. ‘I love you, Randy. I want us to be together.’

‘I don’t make very much, and I have school expenses.’

‘Hush, I know that. I have some money from Danny’s insurance.’

I was too stunned to speak, but I knew I couldn’t accept money that she’d come by as a result of her husband’s death. Also, there was the matter of my grandparents. Would they approve? And, how would her parents feel about their daughter shacking up with someone four years her junior?

‘Give me a day or two to think about it?’

‘You do that, Randy, but I’m going to find a way to move out of that house. If you don’t want to live with me full time, we can leave things the way they are. I’ll accept only two nights a week if that’s what you want.’

She sounded desperate. ‘I didn’t realize you felt so strongly about this. How come you haven’t said anything before?’

‘I kept thinking that Barbara would tire of him, but it isn’t happening.’

‘I hear you. We’ll do something to change things,’ I said.

We smiled at each other. Our trip would be over in a half hour. This was my last chance to ask something that had been on my mind for some time.

‘That Sunday night,’ I began, and watched Ginny draw her body into a ball, l
ike she knew what was coming next. Her actions increased my curiosity, and I continued.

‘It was six days before your twenty-fourth birthday. We fell asleep in your bed. I woke up to find my pants missing and my shorts around…’

‘Okay, okay, I was horny. You had your arm around me, and I felt your cock poking around. You were hard in the middle of the night, Randy.’

I laughed. ‘Why haven’t you said anything? Didn’t you know I would wake up?’

‘I felt your cock, and all I could think about was that I wanted it inside me. I got your pants off without you waking up, but when I pulled your shorts down, you said something, incoherent. I waited, and when I didn’t hear you say more, I guided your cock into me. I know it was inconsiderate of me to take advantage of you that way, but I couldn’t help it.’

She was still rolled up in a ball, looking small, like she was trying to become invisible.

‘Hey, you can take advantage of me any time the mood strikes you.’ Ginny looked my way, grinned shyly, and then her face took on a glum expression. ‘I might have trouble getting the condom on you.’

‘That’s another thing that I’m curious about. You knew I wasn’t wearing a condom that night, but ever since then you’ve made sure that we used one.’

‘I told you, I was so horny that I didn’t care what happened.’

‘Thanks for being candid with me.’

We were pulling in front of her house. I helped her with her luggage, and made it to work on time to relieve Millie. We brought each other up to date regarding the holiday and she left, saying the lot had been quiet so far.

Sunday night was my regular night with Ginny. We went to her room and she made all the noise she wanted. Since I didn’t have to work the next day, I stayed all night. It must have been two AM when Clifford and Barbara came in. I was pissed at being awakened, but more so because of Clifford’s presence. It was not his night to be there.

We endured another hour of hearing insults being exchanged between the lovebirds before they tired and went to sleep.

Ginny suggested that we go out for breakfast. I knew she wanted to prevent a scene between Clifford and me. I also knew that something had to be done about Clifford. He was too big for me to take on, and he was too stupid to listen to reason. After breakfast, we drove around for an hour, unable to come up with a solution to the problem.

Ginny looked shocked when I stopped at my grandparents’ house. It took me ten minutes to convince her to come inside.

I’m not sure what I was trying to achieve. It began as a plea for their permission to let me move in with Ginny. But in order to present my case, it became necessary for me to describe the living conditions in the house that Ginny shared with her sister-in-law.

I didn’t have to go into detail about Clifford thinking it was funny to fart and belch. My grandfather said that he had heard stories about Clifford.

I was appealing to my grandparents to say it was okay for us to search for a suitable apartment, when I saw my grandmother motion for my grandfather to join her in the next room.

Ginny held my hand, nervously wondering what my grandparents were discussing. I tried to ease her fears, telling her that there was nothing to worry about. They were reasonable people, weren’t they?

My grandmother did the talking: ‘Randy will be twenty-one next October. Until then, we would prefer that he remain under our roof. But once he reaches the age of majority, he’ll receive an insurance settlement from his father’s estate, and he’ll be free to do as he pleases.

‘In the meantime, we have a spare room, and we’d like to offer it to you, Ginny. The room is next door to Randy’s room, and we only have two rules for guests in our home. First, you’ll need to respect Randy’s study schedule. Second, you’ll have to keep down the noise. Randy needs his rest.’

Ginny’s eyes were dilated when she looked my way. She bit her lip, wrung her fingers, and gulped large amounts of air in an effort to remain calm.

‘Mrs. Jansen, I’ll be happy to pay rent. I’ll help you in the kitchen, and I’ll keep the upstairs bathroom spotless. I promise not to disturb Randy while he’s studying, but…’

Ginny looked my way, and silently begged me to jump in. I couldn’t help but laugh. .

‘Grandma, I’ve got a noisy one,’ I said, waiting for her to catch on. She didn’t. I looked at my grandfather. He took my grandmother into the next room, and when they came back, my grandmother was ready to talk.

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You are Dirk, an aspiring adventurer who after two long years of exercise, training, and saving is finally ready to head out into the wide world beyond your peaceful hometown of Willsford. As you pack your gear outside of your family's house, you see a rider approaching the gate, you recognize him as your master Alfric, a retired adventurer who trains apprentices in the art of combat, as he has for you for the last two years. Seeing you outside he calls out, "Dirk, I'm glad I made it in time, I...

4 years ago
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Our First Time

I reach down and take hold of your hand. My touch is firm and my hand is warm. I raise your hand to my lips and kiss the back of it lightly. My lips are warm and dry, and the kiss is soft and steady. I kiss the back of your hand again, close to the wrist. Your heart begins to pound as I turn your hand over and kiss your fingertips lightly. You feel your knees go weak as my lips float from your fingertips to the palm of your hand. I softly kiss the palm of your hand, letting my lips part...

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SRU Little Black Dress

I stepped through the doorway from the mall into the cluttered shop. Not believing it to be real I let go of the old wooden door which closed behind me once again ringing the bell that had first sounded when I'd opened the door. It couldn't be real. This place only existed in stories on the internet. But here I was in a store that could only be Spells-R- Us. All of the details mentioned in the stories I'd read were there: wooden door, in place of another store in a mall, bigger on the...

3 years ago
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Tattoo muscle

Don't know why but I have recently been finding myself attracted to men with sleeve tattoos and across their bodies. Age isn't a factor but I do like a man in good shape. I recently got talking to a man in his 50s in a nightclub. I was full of lust for him and aroused straight away ay thinking about how his body looked under his tshirt, what colour his underwear was and how stiff his cock got when aroused. I said how much I liked his tattoos and touched his arm. He told me that he had one on...

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The Widow Ch 01

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter one Fran Martin and her friend, Joanne Williams, stood on the porch of Fran’s mountain cabin in rural James County, looking at the sunset. Actually, they’d forgotten the sunset. They were watching Greg and Abby Atkinson, Fran’s neighbors, embrace and kiss passionately on the dock that jutted out into the lake in front of the Atkinson property. The couple grabbed at each other’s bodies and, even from the women’s observation point...

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Chronos Chronicles 3 Journey AroundChapter 17 Whos That

"I do not buy it." I snap at the boys as they give me a ridiculous hanged dog expression. "You have been chasing pussy like it is your god given right." I sweep the gun I confiscated at them. "It is going to stop. Now!" I push outward with my anger. I do to them on purpose what I did to Nimrod by accident. I am awash with pain of every girl they have accosted, for every bung hole they tried to fill. They cringe away from me in fear. It is glorious! The power to inspire this kind of...

1 year ago
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The forbidden Line

Note : This story is completely fictional! Heloo reader, I am again this is a new story for you it is as son’s confession. Read and cum you dear reader.I like THE CONTENT THAT I EVER WRITTEN. It all started when I moved back home with my parents after college. I had attended college on the other side of the country and had only been home for brief visits since high school. I had moved in with my parents while I was searching for a job and trying to save money to get my own place. My father is a...

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My Aunt Fathima 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is continuation for my first story My fuck with my Aunt Fathima in this story I am going to describe u about her daughter Afrina she was thin and her figure was super and her body size was 36 34 36 she was amazing she was married to my Fathima aunts brother he was in Dubai and she had a baby 5 months old. Her husband will come for every three years .Afrina came to aunts house and she saw me and we talked with each other she is elder than me for two years and that evening my...

2 years ago
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After Midnight Part two

In part one Candy has been almost killed in a car crash returning from a wild cock fest at a night club and husband Andy has discovered her lesbian affair. Four days later Andy was taking a breath of disinfected air and adjusting to the ambience of the intensive unit when Marsha interrupted him. There was silence at Candy’s end of the ward but he couldn’t see her because there were screens around the bed. ‘What’s happened?’ he said, suddenly fearing the worst. ‘She’s off the respirator. Right...

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Where Is the Love

I had decided to go on vacation nowhere to extravagant just down to Miami for some sun and a bit of surf. I wasn't going to surf or at least I didn't think so but I'll get more into that later. I left Chicago late on the 17th of June and arrived even later in Miami. I decided the beach would still be there on the 18th so I checked into a hotel and went right to bed even though it was 9 o'clock it felt a lot later. I had checked with t the desk clerk to see if there was anyone famous staying...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 150

A man walked into a bar and ordered a twelve-year-old scotch. Believing that the customer would not be able to tell the difference, the bartender poured him a shot of cheap three-year-old house scotch. The man took a sip before spitting it out on the bar. “I’m not drinking this!” he complained. “This is cheap three-year-old scotch. Now give me the good twelve-year-old scotch that I asked for!” Still looking to cut corners, the bartender poured him a shot of a moderate six-year-old...

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My name is Marie, I'm 29 years old. My husband left me 4 months ago and I'm in the process of divorce. I've got brown medium length hair and hazel eyes. I'm a single mother to 4 year old twins who doesn't get out of the house much, so tonight was amazing. I had first met Ty online looking for something different. After my husband left us I had a few rebound one night stands, but being with a man just hadn't felt right. I wasn't sure if it was just strange being with...

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The DumontsChapter 2

I took flight on a Tuesday morning before daylight bound for Uruguay. I was to be in Mercedes three days and then I was to fly over the Andes Mountains to Chile, where I had meetings for four days. Then I had five days in Colombia. These were all places where the corporation either had interests in place, or were planning on setting up new ones. Everything was right on schedule up until my last day in the Southern Hemisphere. The last meeting was half-way between Medellin and Bogotá. Leaving...

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Institution very naughty girls

I will begin ,this story about myself Lucinda Holm and my friend Amber. This story is based on the situation we got locked into. Firstly I can not name the institution involved or of senor staff ect will be different to their actual name. I will make mention of some celebrity associates by initial . This intuition is based in England but has powerful members , influence world wide .Money wise it goes into billions. I am only briefly touching on this as it would take pages and pages to fully...

2 years ago
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HuGeHuNg fucks desperate turkish wife Burcu

Before I start I must tell you a little about myself. I am a Turkish Stud body-builder with huge hard hung cock who has a extraordinary desire for married wives. My experience tells me that most, if possibly not all have a deep desire to taste the "forbidden fruit" of huge thick hard muscled turkish cock. Let me tell you of my latest conquest.I work as a social worker in a large metropolitan hospital. My education includes a Doctorate Degree in Psychology; and a Masters Degree in Social...

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I Work in a Doctors Office IV

I recently had a patient who came to see the doctor for premature ejaculation. After a short consult with the patient, he turned him over to me. I met with the young man in one of the examination rooms. He was very young, only 18, and was extremely embarrassed when he realized a woman was going to be taking care of his problem. I am used to this and am usually able to assure my patients that there is no reason for embarrassment and that I do this every day. After discussing his problem with...

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a night to remember21

It was two days after Christmas; we were 15 and had just gotten back from skating at Rockefeller Center and having fun in the city. My parents were going to a wake and staying over at a hotel there. It had been so long since we had time to ourselves. We had sex twice before, but that was in the summer and I was extremely horny. He had gone back home to get a shower and his parents needed him for something. I guess I may as well give you guys a little background on us. I'm pretty tall...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 124

"Laura," Cecilia said on the answering machine, "you don't love me any more, you never call! Guess what. My husband's going out of town again for three days, starting tomorrow. Remember last time? Call me, I have a surprise for you." Laura smiled. How could she forget their last time together, the sheets drenched in Cecilia's warm milk, Laura coming with her mouth full of it, melting down like an out-of-control nuclear reactor, imploding. The orgasms, while just as intense as the anal...

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Chapter 10

Allie was gone. Her father came and collected her, and she was gone. Now it was just me and Mel and Mike. I'm not sure when he moved in and I moved out onto the other bed, but it happened. And it was around that time when I started going back to work, leaving the apartment for eight hours at a time.I'd come back, and it would be almost like old times--except it would be Mike laying Mel on her back and fucking her instead of Allie with a cucumber or something. Then I would go back into my room...

1 year ago
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The unwitting third wheel or Haileys story

Originally the story was about the two main characters, but since it took so long for them to reconnect, Chris's girlfriend Hailey took on a larger part of the story than I had originally planned. Here is th story from her point of view. Fair warning, it takes a while before any sex occurs. “So how was your big date?” Hailey could hear the excitement in her best friend’s voice and sighed. “It was awful. He’s a total ass.” “What happened? What did he do?” The concern in Amanda’s...

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My Daughters Best Friend

After a stint in the service, I went to work for the Government. I traveled a great deal and it created a very rocky marriage. The only saving grace was my daughter, Jen. Jenny had a best friend named Dawn, who was always at our house, which was fine. They were both the same age, sixteen years old and they both had tight little bodies and budding breasts that I'm sure were driving all the young boys wild. And truth be known, I enjoyed the show when they ran around in panties and nighties,...

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Cindy the Slut

Cindy the Slut.Doug walked into our bedroom, finding me lightly oiled and naked, just as I was pulling the nipple enhancer ring over my partially erect nipple. I tweaked my nipple, pulling more of the erect flesh through the flexible gold ring. My right nipple was poking forward as the erect nipple swelled inside the tight gold ring."Be a love and do the other for me!" I smiled at my husband.Picking up the other gold ring, he placed the metal flexible ring over my erect left nipple. Copying my...

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Bunny and the Slopes

Bunny Johnson was looking forward to the ski trip she had agreed to co-sponsor for the High School Seniors in the travel club at Smoky Hill High School in Tanner Oklahoma. She'd never been skiing herself, but it didn't look too hard and she loved snow and cold weather. Her position as History teacher and Drama coach for the school kept her very busy, and this was one of the only ways she was able to get away and have some fun. Besides that, she figured that chaperoning kids who would be...

2 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 9 Dinner

The moment the Embassy car dropped Derek at the main entrance to the Golden Palace, no side doors for this visit, he was escorted by an obsequious guard through the Throne Room and to a door behind the dais. From there a eunuch escorted him along a corridor into a large, well-appointed dining room whose walls were decorated with beautiful fine mosaics depicting scenes of sexual excess. The Emir rose from the table and said, "Good. I'm glad you could come. There is something I want to talk...

1 year ago
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Straight Invaded Chapter 6

I was startled by a knock at the door. I looked at the clock and it said 8:11AM. Knowing the rules I opened the door, surprised to see Nate. He had changed clothes and cleaned up from last night. "Please come in," I said invitingly. "How can I help you Nate?" I thought you could use some release after yesterday, and looking at you I see I was right," he said eyes drawn to the tent in my pants. "Clothes off and on the bed, Cocksucker!" I did as commanded, stripping quickly and flopped myself...

3 years ago
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Secretaries Revenge

Secretary's Revenge by Cindy V. Femdom, TV, humiliation "Here's your bonus check, boss." That was Nancy, my beautiful secretary, handing me an envelope with my check. Long, silky blonde hair. A wonderful face and body. She would selectively accentuate one part of her body at a time. Sometimes she would wear a short dress and heels to call attention to her long and perfectly proportioned legs. Other times she would hide those gorgeous legs beneath an ankle length skirt, but her...

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Alexandriarsquos First Time

Alexandria’s First TimeIf you recall, we shared with you about the pool party our four couple group threw for our young teenaged babysitters (see The Young Babysitters). At the time our babysitter, Alexandria (Alex for short) was only 15. She was a cute girl with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. She was just starting to develop her womanly figure with a narrow waist and slightly wider hips. I’ll be generous and say at the time she may have been wearing a b-cup, but they fit her well...

2 years ago
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OMG Im a Bimbo Slut Part 6

As always, thank you for reading! I hope you contiue to enjoy. Also, thank you to Candy for brainstorming with me! Stay safe! Xoxo OMG! I'm a Bimbo Slut - Part 6 Vicki slowly opened her eyes, her head feeling fuzzy from the previous night. Looking over at her clock, she could see it was 5:45am. "Arghh!" she grunted, remembering the amount of alcohol her and Ruth went through. Surveying the room, which was now a mess, she noticed Ruth's hair looking like part of that mess. Her...

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Accident Gets Me And Mom Close 8211 Part 1

Hi, My name is Sameer, 28 yrs old and I live in Pune with my Mom. Only child of my Mom Sunanda. Dad Suresh works in Dubai and visits us only in 6 months basis. Recently I met with an accident at Pune while coming back from office. Since the accident happened just near my home, the people got me home and Mom(Sunanda) panicked looking at me. I asked Mom for some ice packs and kept on the leg where it was paining. After sometime I asked Mom to take the car out and take me to hospital. Mom took...

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Helping My Girlfriends Daughters Come Of Age 3

We let go of each other. "Right girls its bedtime I think” Christine announced. “Okay Auntie but” "But what?“ ”Can we take these with us" Katie held up the vibrators."No ! Not at all take these instead" Christine reached into her large handbag and brought out two oblong packages wrapped in greetings paper. "Sorry Girls.With all the fun I'd forgot about your pressies". I'd heard from your Mam that you're birthday present was going to be a fuck off Sparky and she'd already told me she'd given you...

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CHAPTER THREE: THE MAGDALENESI was taken aback by the enthusiastic and welcoming response after the uncertainty of the long night I had just experienced. We were still gathered outside the open gate of the compound and I spotted a few villagers stop in their early morning routines to watch our gathering at the end of the well-beaten path from the village to the compound. It caused me to blush under the layer of dripping cum but, as the sisters noticed, they giggled at my reaction.“You’ll get...

1 year ago
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BlizzardChapter 5

To say I was “thrown out” of the coffee shop would be an overstatement. I was asked to pay for Sam’s pastry and leave. The sun had cut through the afternoon gloom. I couldn’t make heads or tails out of our barista. Her nametag said Carmine. Not Faye. Not Gretchen. I had tried to talk with her, but she hairpin-turned from joking about pancakes and last night’s dinner, to laughing off the idea that she could handle a second job, let alone a third. I couldn’t help getting angry, but I shouldn’t...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part Two

Cheers, Steelkat29 Part 2 Lying on the demon's soft bed, his body weighing over me, I feel my pleasure mounting again. One hot finger massages my throbbing clit while two more stroke the moist folds of my opening. My own hands are grasping at his dark broad shoulders, holding on to him as if he were my lifeline in this ocean of ecstasy. I'm drowning in it, sinking further into the abyss. My world is melting, becoming one with his, and becoming one with him. Every touch, every...

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Breaking Jennifer part 1

After my encounter with Karen my life had changed for the better. I had a new found confidence. My attitude changed drastically. With the money I had saved, and some my father had given me, I went out and bought new clothes. I stopped in Abercrombie and Fitch, American Eagle and Banana Republic at our local mall. I bought fitted shirts that hugged my torso and showed off my toned physique. The pants I bought were tight. Not skinny jeans mind you but jeans that fit tight in my crotch and ass. I...

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Joe Hates Bitches Valerie

Joe Hates Bitches : Valerieby [email protected], I might not be the smartest guy in the world, but i'm smart enough to fucking know fake when I see it. That's the problem with the whole fucking world, everyone's so used to fake shit that they started becoming fake themselves. Nobody cares enough. That faggot who says that he 'respects a bitch for her mind' - that's so fucking fake it would be funny if it wasn't such a goddamn DISEASE, because it lets bitches like Valerie get away...

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Tmkoc episode 9 Jetha Aur Anjali Ki Chudayi

Hello friends this is Humraaj back with next episode of Tmkoc series. Thank you all for giving so much of a positive reponse to this series and please do check my other stories of . If any one want to contact from and around Ahmedabad please mail me on Now let’s start the episode. Jaisa ki aap jante hai Babitaji Anjali bhabi ko Jethalal ke lund ke bare mein batati hai. Par Anjali thoda doubt mein hoti hai ki Jetha bhai ke sath kaise? A: Babitaji ek taraf to daar lag raha hai ki Jetha bhai ne...

4 years ago
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Alex and Emma Watson and some shades of Grey II

Emma had laid her hands on the edge of the sink and her head on her hands. Her ass, her pussy and her gorgeous long legs were close in front of the face of her brother Alex, who was sitting at the edge of the bathtub behind her. He was massaging her ass cheeks with wonderfully scented body oil. For the first time he had spanked her hard with a wooden cook-spoon in the kitchen and now he wanted to do her aching ass something good.Emma and Alex Watson, the two famous “Watson-siblings” were having...

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The Seven Secret Lifes of Walt Mitlery

James Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...

2 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 35

"All right, Larry, do you want to tell me what this is all about?" She'd been uncharacteristically silent on the drive back, and now that I was back in my room she was piping up again with serious concern underlying it. I still wasn't ready to tell her, though, if I could put it off a bit longer. Wasn't that the procrastinator's litany? Never do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow. I did have my reasons for delay, such as they were, though; I knew I was going to set off a...

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