Breach Of Confidentiality Ch. 01 free porn video

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‘All right, do you understand your assignment, Michelle?’

Michelle looked at the Projects Coordinator and offered a saucy wink. ‘Yes, fearless leader Archie, I understand. Go to Blonde Concepts and let them know I’m from Chrystal Heights MarketTech, their new marketing agency. Do a wonderful job. Acquire kudos. Win awards.’

‘I’m glad you have a timeline prepared,’ said Archie. ‘They’re really big on security there and you’re going to have to jump through hoops where that’s involved. I know you’ll think it’s silly, but just do what they tell you to without your usual running commentary, okay?’

‘Sure, no problem, boss,’ said Michelle. She offered Archie a winsome look. ‘Don’t you trust me?’

‘I *know* you,’ said Archie.

Michelle fluttered her eyelashes. ‘You say the sweetest things.’


Michelle used the drive through downtown Chrystal Heights to mentally review her information.

She had heard of Blonde Concepts, of course. Everybody had. They were a relatively new cosmetics company, but they really were about much more than just makeup. They produced their own game show- Bimbomania- and they used the game show to showcase their technological advances in the field of beautification and cosmetic improvement, even transformation. They were cutting-edge leaders in the field, rivaling Sleek Curvosity out of Darkview and sometimes even mentioned in the same breath as Bimbo Tech. They offered a wide range of products and their Research and Development team worked relentlessly to provide a constant stream of fresh, contemporary concepts.

Michelle presented her I.D. to the gate guard and the fence began to slide open. Security was a top priority with these cosmetic companies, because industrial espionage was very common. Michelle understood the need for it, but it made her job very difficult. Getting the information necessary to conduct a proper marketing campaign was much like giving birth to a baby elephant, as layers of security were in place specifically to keep one person from knowing too much about several aspects of the company. It was ironic, as the information required to put the campaign together was actually fairly superficial- a magazine advertisement certainly wasn’t going to list the components used to make the various perfumes or whatnot- but because of their access to all aspects of the company, the marketing personnel actually required higher clearances than many of the employees.

Michelle blew a kiss at the security guard and chuckled at the resulting squirm. She then drove until she found a parking spot. She exited her vehicle, making sure she had her chic yet fashionable pink portfolio with her. Being pink, it had seemed a reasonable choice to work with at Blonde Concepts.

She made her way up the steps and walked through the automatic doors into the lobby. Bright, cheerful colors and tasteful pastels seemed to be everywhere, and she was prepared to swear that she could hear birds chirping. Michelle took a moment to take in the lobby, trying to figure an angle to perhaps work it in somewhere. She filed it away mentally and walked to the receptionist desk.

A cheerful blonde with big hair and even bigger breasts-which appeared to be attempting to escape their confinement- greeted Michelle.

‘Hi! Welcome to Blonde Concepts! Can I help you?’ said the blonde. Her badge identified her as Bibi.

Michelle offered a bright smile. ‘Hi, Bibi. I’m Michelle. I’m here to see Kelly.’

Bibi blinked twice. Then she said, ‘Oh! Oh, you mean *Kelly*! Sure, wait just one minute, okay?’ She nodded very earnestly.

Michelle snickered to herself. She had played bimbo herself often enough to appreciate the real thing, and Bibi was the real thing. Big, blonde hair down to her belly button, thick red lips, long red acrylic nails and an adorably confused expression as she was no doubt trying to wrap her tiny brain around whatever Kelly was telling her on the phone. Ironically enough, the desk appeared very organized and efficient. Bibi appeared to be a very organized bimbo.

Bibi finally set the receiver down and took a deep breath. ‘Kelly says to wait *right here* and don’t go *anywhere*, ‘kay? She’s coming now to see you, honest!’

Michelle laughed. ‘Thanks, Bibi,’ she said. Then she leaned forward and grinned impishly. ‘You were really helpful, and I hope I see you again soon.’ Then Michelle let her eyes drop from Bibi’s face to her cleavage.

Bibi blushed a rosy red and she dropped her eyes, but her hips twitched in response. Michelle wasn’t going to pursue it…yet…but she had to admit that Bibi was quite fetching, if not a ball of fire in the brains department. Maybe after a couple of drinks…

‘Michelle! I’m glad you made it so quickly.’

Michelle turned at the voice. A dark-haired woman was approaching with her hand extended. Michelle took the offered hand. ‘Glad to be here. You’re Kelly, I presume?’

The woman nodded. ‘I am. I’m in charge of Public Relations for Blonde Concepts, so I’m going to give you the run-down on what we’re expecting. First, however, we’ve got to take care of your security clearance. Red tape, but I’m sure you understand.’

Michelle nodded, her smile locked in place. Kelly appeared to be rather no-nonsense, so it didn’t seem to be a good time for one of Michelle’s colorful observations.

Kelly nodded at Bibi and the door buzzed to allow them entrance. ‘Most companies rely on the traditional five year agreement with employees to ensure confidentiality,’ said Kelly as they strolled through the door into the hallway. ‘However, we both know that doesn’t prevent ex-employees or even disgruntled employees from revealing information you don’t want passed to competitors. Yes, it gives one strong legal grounds, but that can’t fix the damage. The best way to fix the damage is to make sure it doesn’t happen in the first place. Step into this room, please.’

Kelly and Michelle entered a room dominated by electronic equipment. A man in a white lab coat was flicking a needle. Another man stood nearby and looked at Kelly and Michelle with what seemed to be disdain.

Kelly nodded at the arrogant-seeming gentleman. ‘Good morning, sir. This is Michelle. She’s the new girl from the marketing agency.’ Kelly turned to Michelle. ‘Michelle, this is Dr. Street,’ she said. ‘Dr. Street is the founder and Director of Blonde Concepts.’

Michelle looked at the man with a new respect. The big man himself. She gave her best professional smile. ‘Good morning, Dr. Street. I appreciate this opportunity to work with you, and I think you’ll be happy with the results.’

The man gave Michelle what appeared to be a disapproving look-over, then turned to Kelly. ‘She’s brunette,’ he said, in much the same tone of voice he might have said, ‘She’s growing a second head.’

Kelly nodded. ‘Yes, sir. Apparently they didn’t have anything lighter available.’

Dr. Street shook his head. ‘I already have a dark-haired girl in my PR department. I don’t need another.’

‘I understand, sir,’ said Kelly, ‘but I haven’t had a chance to discuss that with her yet.’

Michelle kept her voice deceptively casual. ‘If you don’t mind my asking,’ she said, ‘am I understanding correctly that there’s a problem with my, ah, hair color?’

Kelly held up her hand. ‘Please, Michelle, don’t misunderstand. Dr. Street is well aware that hair color has no bearing on ability. However, this *is* Blonde Concepts, and it would hardly be appropriate to have our marketing and PR department heads uniformly non-blonde. In point of fact, we actually requested a light-haired female person, if available.’

Michelle shook her head. ‘That explains it,’ she said. ‘I was the only female available for this assignment. Also, the receptionist who takes the calls has a sweet phone voice, but she’s a pretty hard-core feminist. She may have conveniently forgotten to pass on that part of the message.’
< br> Kelly sighed. ‘It’s no reflection on your ability, you understand,’ she said, ‘but you see our problem?’

Michelle was quiet for several heartbeats. Then she finally said, ‘Oh, what the hell. Why not? Alright, I’ll go blonde for a little while, at least until the account is up and running. Will that be acceptable?’

Kelly nodded. ‘Indubitably so, Michelle. And thank you. You’ll be pleased to know that it won’t cost you a cent to do so, either. We have a salon on-site and it is staffed by some of the finest hair technicians in Chrystal Heights.’

Michelle nodded. ‘That will be fine,’ she said.

Kelly glanced at Dr. Street, who nodded his apparent acceptance of the solution. ‘Excellent,’ said Kelly. ‘Now, we continue. The next step may seem a tad excessive and perhaps a bit intimidating, Michelle, but I assure it’s harmless.’

‘I’m glad to hear that,’ said Michelle, glancing at the array of computer equipment.

A nurse with a professional bearing came forward, syringe in hand. She paused in front of Michelle and said, ‘Bare your hip.’

Michelle’s eyebrows rose. ‘I beg your pardon?’ she said.

Kelly interjected smoothly, ‘It’s just an activator, Michelle. It’s completely harmless. Well, assuming you don’t attempt to sell our secrets, anyway. It’s more of a chemical catalyst than anything, and it has no direct effect on you, so you can relax. It was mentioned in the paperwork you signed, remember?’

Michelle did remember, although she hadn’t understood the significance of that paperwork at the time. Still, assuming they were telling the truth, the chemical was harmless. She still felt a bit leery, but she kept her face straight as she slid the waist of her skirt down, baring her hip to the nurse.

‘That’s fine,’ said Michelle. ‘Do what you have to do.’

The nurse wiped Michelle’s hip. Michelle looked away and jumped only slightly when the needle slid into her hip. Then it was over.

‘Very good,’ said Kelly. ‘Now, Michelle, if you would please come here and sit down.’

Michelle walked to the indicated machine and sat down. She was sitting directly between two complex machines that appeared to be industrial computers of some sort. The two machines were connected by a myriad of wires that connected to a visored helmet.

Kelly stepped forward and handed Michelle the helmet. ‘Put this on, Michelle,’ said Kelly. ‘I’m also attaching these Velcro strips to your wrists. You’re going to feel a rush once the program starts. Don’t worry, that’s normal. This can’t hurt you. This is simply an advanced hypnosis program of sorts.’

Michelle’s eyebrows rose. ‘Hypnosis?’ she said.

Kelly nodded. ‘Yes. Don’t worry, you’re not going to start clucking like a chicken or stripping in the lobby. This is strictly business-related and it will only interfere with you attempting to intentionally leak extensive information about our agency. We can’t make you kill somebody or anything like that.’

Michelle nodded. ‘I understand. I’m just surprised you feel that, ah, hypnotism is dependable enough to ensure security.’

‘Well, it’s a bit more complex than that,’ said Kelly, ‘but not much more. And it’s worked so far. Are you ready?’

Michelle nodded and then slid the helmet carefully onto her head. She saw the technician fiddling with the buttons and suddenly the inside of the helmet inflated. Michelle could feel various metal ends pressing against her scalp. Then she felt an odd buzzing through her head. It was quite distracting. It felt like each individual hair follicle was vibrating. Very strange. In fact, she was…

‘All finished! How do you feel?’ said Kelly.

‘Huh?’ said Michelle. ‘I mean, I’m fine. Sorry. Just a bit out of it there.’

‘That’s common after a session in this machine,’ said Kelly. Kelly then turned to Dr. Street. ‘With your permission, sir, I’ll continue with Michelle’s introduction tour now.’

‘Yes, yes, of course,’ said the professor. ‘Nice to have met you, Michelle.’


The salon wasn’t large, but it was quite well-equipped and modern-looking. The silver surfaces gleamed and the manner in which the technicians comported themselves suggested they were competent and knew their business. Business appeared to be fairly brisk as a redheaded woman with an employee badge was leaving and two other non-employee customers were waiting. One of the customers was even male.

This was the final stop of a busy day for Michelle. She had toured the various departments and even a few of the laboratories, and she had to admit they had a pretty complex operation going. There was a positive buzz in the air and a good deal of hustle and bustle as the company prepared for their Fall lineup. Apparently this was where Michelle would focus her initial efforts. Blonde Concepts was launching a wave of new Autumn-themed scents and cosmetics and expectations were high.

It had been a long day and Michelle enjoyed V.I.P. treatment as the salon technicians- probably responding to Kelly’s presence- scrambled to ensure Michelle’s every comfort. Soon she was lying back in a comfortably reclining salon chair, a bottle of spring water in her hand.

‘This is a fairly new process, but it’s becoming very popular, despite its expense,’ said Kelly. ‘Rather than simply change your hair color, they are going to treat each individual follicle. I don’t fully understand the science, but the end result is simply that your hair will actually be permanently blonde now. Until you have the process reversed, your hair is going to grow in blonde, so you won’t have to return monthly to get your roots done.’

‘Really?’ said Michelle. ‘That sounds, ah, expensive.’

‘It is,’ said Kelly, ‘but don’t worry…we’re picking up the tab for this one. We’ll even tip the stylist.’

‘Thank you,’ said Michelle. ‘Keeping one’s stylist happy is rather important, you know.’

‘Of course,’ said Kelly. ‘It’s my business to know that.’

The process was lengthy but relatively pain-free. The color was stripped from Michelle’s hair, and then an analysis performed to determine the perfect shade of blonde for her features and hair type. Then a helmet was lowered onto her head and she felt the pressure of many tiny needles pressed against her scalp. The helmet was finally lifted and the stylist went back to work on her hair. When she finished, Michelle could scarcely believe her eyes.

‘It actually looks…good!’ she said. ‘I’m surprised. Blonde has traditionally been a disaster for me.’

‘We appreciate your sacrifice,’ said Kelly. ‘I’m sure we’re going to do great things together.’


A week later, Michelle was sitting in the Electric Raven Coffee and Juice Bar for a late drink. She was alone.

The Electric Raven resembled a tavern more than a cafe. It was set off the main street, a short way down a darkened alley. Steps led down to a dimly lit door. Inside was somewhat better lit, but there were a host of darkened corners and nooks to sit unobserved. Various small tables were placed haphazardly with no particular order to them. Old couches were placed here and there, along with the occasional loveseat. Various quotes and artistic images covered the walls. In a corner was a small slightly raised stage- more of a deck, really- with a single dim spotlight shining on a microphone stand with a stool next to it, in place for the weekly poetry open-mike nights. Track lighting left some areas better lit than others. Everybody was welcome at the Electric Raven and questions weren’t asked.

The clientele represented an interesting cross-section of Chrystal Heights. Several mohawked punks lounged on a couch sipping cappuccinos and Shakespeare in equal doses. A bespectacled accountant in a suit-and-tie read ‘Tax Laws and Dungeons’ while holding a leash attached to the spiked leather collar of a six-foot lingerie model dressed in a skin-tight leather catsuit and licking cream from a bowl. A musician with a local har
d-rock band drank cucumber chasers and whispered sweet nothings into the ear of a girl dressed in the regalia of Queen Victoria. A pair of nuns sipped chilled Jagermeister and chatted amicably about Emily Dickinson with two cheerleaders who had sweet smiles and evil eyes.

Michelle was sitting at the bar. She was bored. She idly tossed pretzels to the live gremlin sitting next to the cash register as she thought about her job.

It had been a busy week. Blonde Concepts was getting ready to kick off the fall campaign, and they wanted the marketing plans in place immediately. Michelle had been racing from department to department, getting a feel for the products, and it was going well, but the security issues were interfering time and again. She’d also had to sit through the helmet and injection treatment two more times. The management didn’t trust *anybody*, and she was getting tired of being treated like a spy.

And that was when the striking redhead sat down next to her.

Not that Michelle minded. After all, she often said that redheads make the best toys. But there was something familiar about this redhead, and, after a minute, Michelle knew what it was. This was the same redhead that she had seen walking out of the salon on her first day at Blonde Concepts.

Surely her presence here was a coincidence, right? Michelle decided to find out. She waved the bartender over.

‘Ah, yes, what can I get for you, luv?’ asked the bartender.

Michelle tapped her lower lip with a finger briefly, then smiled. ‘Well, I was going to order another Mike’s *Hard* Lemonade,’ she said, ‘but I’ve changed my mind. I think I’d rather have a Redheaded Slut.’

The bartender glanced at the woman sitting next to Michelle and grinned. ‘Jagermeister, peach schnapps and cranberry juice. No problem,’ he said. He walked away to prepare the drink.

The red-haired woman hadn’t missed the exchange, and she was looking at Michelle with a tolerant smile on her face. ‘Interesting name for a drink,’ she said. ‘I’ve never had one.’

Michelle let her tongue touch the bottom of her upper teeth. Then she smiled. ‘Oh, you should. Redheaded sluts are *delicious*.’

The woman chuckled politely, but her hips twitched in response. ‘It sounds like you’ve had a lot of redheaded sluts,’ she said.

‘Some,’ said Michelle, ‘but you never get tired of them. No matter how chilled they are, they just melt in your mouth.’

‘You sound sure of yourself,’ said the woman.

‘Sure,’ said Michelle. ‘I’ll show you.’ She turned and caught the bartender’s attention. She held up two fingers and the bartender nodded. ‘Now you’ll get a redheaded slut of your very own.’

The woman smiled. ‘You didn’t have to do that, you know.’

Michelle let her eyes drop slightly, taking in the woman’s body, then raised her eyes again. ‘I know,’ she said, ‘but I like redheaded sluts.’

The shots arrived. The woman picked hers up and said, ‘Thank you. I’m Cassandra, by the way.’


They pitched back their shots at the same time, and Michelle chuckled as Cassandra shuddered slightly.

‘Well,’ said Cassandra, ‘that’s different. What’s that ghastly aftertaste?’

‘Jagermeister. You get used to it.’ Michelle signaled for two more. ‘So what do you do, Cassandra?’

The redhead paused only briefly before answering. ‘I’m an administrative assistant for a software company. You?’

*You mean you’re a spy for Blonde Concepts, you adorable little liar, you*, thought Michelle. Out loud, she said, ‘Marketing for a major corporation.’

Cassandra’s voice was a shade too casual. ‘Really?’ she said. ‘Which one?’

‘Blonde Concepts,’ said Michelle.

‘Omigod, you’re kidding!’ said Cassandra. ‘I love their products! I’d love to know what they’re coming out with next!’

Michelle groaned to herself. This was the best lead-in Cassandra could come up with? As a spy, Cassandra had a ways to go. ‘Well, in that case,’ said Michelle, ‘just wait until I tell you about the Autumn ‘Winds of Change’ lineup kicking off in a few weeks! It’s going to make Blonde Concepts bigger than Revlon or Maybeline!’

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The Train Ride

It was time to head back to college after three days at home and that meant a commuter train trip into New York City then a walk to the bus terminal and a bus upstate. Plenty of time to relax but no one to share it with. She was catching the train for the hour and half trip in mid-morning, a time when all the business commuters were already at work so the train would be more or less empty. The pretty brunette said goodbye to her mother at the car and walked to the waiting train. As it was early...

1 year ago
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My New Neighbors Part 4 of 5

Introduction: Over the next few days, Benny and I jerked, grinded, touched and sucked each other every chance we got&hellip,until Benny got bored with jerking and sucking, and was ready to graduate to the next level ! PART 4 of 5 Please read Parts 1 through 3 of My New Neighbors in order to make sense of this story. Thank you. Over the next few days, Benny and I jerked, grinded, touched and sucked each other every chance we got&hellip,until Benny got bored with jerking and sucking, and was...

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Night Games2

The kids ranged in age from 8 to 14, I was 10 at the time. I was always one of the faster more athletic kids, but couldn’t quite keep up with the older kids in the group. We played different night games, but the most common were kick the can, and hide and seek. I remember one summer night very vividly. We had played a few games already. It was Maria’s turn to choose the game, she chose hide and seek. When we started playing, Maria told me to follow her, she had a good place to hide. I...

2 years ago
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My New Sex Buddy

I must tell of my new fuck buddy, I met him while I was at summer camp. He was from another urban YMCA on the west side of town, I was from a YMCA on the east side of town. We went to different high schools in the same school system, and became good friends at first meeting, his name is Ralph W. Ralph and I sneaked out of camp to go exploring at night, we didn't go far just to the clearing behind the shacks. Ralph asked me 'David, want to some thing I got that you ain't?' 'What is it you got I...

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The WolvesChapter 34

Earth Adventurer’s Guild HQ, Ottawa August 16, 2019 18:40 EDT There were many black SUVs in the parking lot so I was glad the headlights turned on when I hit the unlock button on the key fob. Escorting Tessa over to it, I opened the passenger door for her before walking around to the other side. After starting it up I got my first surprise of the evening; there weren’t any gauges above the steering wheel, instead, a holographic display was projected against the windshield. The display didn’t...

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My Brothers KeeperChapter 4

“Hey, papi ... come join us!” Carmen told me the next morning as she showered with Neda. “Scott still sleeping off the Long Islands?” I chuckled now. “Yep, he’s a bit of a lightweight still ... but it makes him so adorable. He can be downright mushy while drunk, you know,” Neda laughed softly as she spoke of her fiance, my own brother. “So ... papi ... you wanna ... mess around in the shower?” Carmen licked her lips while fondling Neda’s ass. “Don’t mind if I do,” I grinned as I groped my...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Victim

Introduction: A woman gets a lesson about teasing Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasnt the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved out of her parents house. It wasnt that she didnt get along with them, in fact, they were probably a lot closer than most families. She just wanted to start a family of her own in the quiet setting that was the rural areas. Moving to the Oregon coast, she soon found out that...

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My son wanted his mother 3

I drove around for about an hour then went home. Nothing more happened that night except for Debbie and I fucking the night away. We did the same thing a few more times and both of us really enjoyed the excitement of our son getting off watching his mother. I was in hopes things would go a little further. Like him being able to somehow touch her or something like that. She told me even though she did get very excited from what our son was doing that she was satisfied with the two of us getting...

1 year ago
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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 8 The picnic

Beth was brought back to the present by the phone once more ringing on the table beside her, "Hello." "Hi mom." "David, how are you? Are you having a good time?" "I'm fine mom and yes a great time." "That's great honey, how's everyone else?" "There all fine, I just rang to tell you I miss you." "I miss you too David, do you know when you'll be coming home." "Yeah, another few days I think, is that OK." "Of course it is, enjoy yourself." "I will, love you...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 12

Two weeks earlier, when Duncan and Eli had split as they arrived in Tulsa, Duncan felt alone as he rode north toward Kansas. Though he’d been a deputy marshal for over two years when he met Eli, he’d grown to like hid friend so well that he missed his company and the friendship they shared together on their trips into the Territory. He rode into southern Kansas two days later, after riding late like he and Eli often did when they first met. He wanted to hurry and do his law business, then...

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Sians CousinsChapter 7

Adrian and I stood up, and went to find Vee. As we ascended the stairs, I gave him some advice. "Adrian, as you are going to fuck Vee now, you need to realise that she's a petite girl, so her vagina will be really tight at first, and you will need to use plenty of lube. Having said that, she can get really carried away and I've had a couple of incredible fucks with her. Be gentle, but once she starts fucking you back, speed up and enjoy yourself!" I led Adrian into Sian's room, and...

4 years ago
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Marwadi Bhabhi

Hi i am sam from baroda. age 30 little bulky body cock size is 7.5 inches and 4.00 inches thick. ye tab ki baat he jab me apne dosto ke saath movie dekhne gaya tha. jo amir khan ki last block bustur movie he. show housefull tha. aur hame black me ticket li par us bewakoof blacker ne hame do alag alag seat no de diya (baadme usse mene thnx bhi kaha tha is bewakoofi ke liye} to ab story par atta hu. hamari jaha par seat thi me aur ek mera dost sath me bethe baju wali seat par ek bachha tha aur...

1 year ago
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Together Again

He had thought about her so much that it felt strange to him when she wasn't in his thoughts. Her image filled his mind and he could hear her voice. He refused to wash the shirt he wore the last night with her. Sometimes at night, he slept with it on the pillow next to him so he could smell her perfume and her scent. He walked in the park where they had played. He realized he was lost without her. Days dragged by. His friends tried to get him to join them at clubs. They were worried about...

3 years ago
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My best friends mom needs a massage

My best friend Tony and I grew up next door. We have been best friends since the first grade. Tony and I are both 19 now. My mom and dad divorced when I was very young and I lived with my dad. Growing up without a mom was hard. Tony’s mom, Mrs. C. always insisted I call her mom, I think she felt sorry for me and tried to be the surrogate mom that I didn’t have since my own mom remarried and moved out of the country. I was over Tony’s house every day since my dad worked long hours. Mrs. C....

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Trophy DaughterChapter 6 Redefinition recommitment reeverything

The cookout and sex party did indeed last most of the weekend. Sunday evening Jon, Mike, Dan, John, and Gail departed, leaving Wilkins and me with April, Serena, Megan, and Mary. Wilkins sought me out when I was alone, "Sir, I want to talk to you about the weekend." I kind of guessed what he wanted to say, so I humored him. "Yes, go on; hasn't it been great?" "Well, first, I must say; this weekend has been the highlight of my life. I hope you know I would never initiate something...

2 years ago
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Sex On The Concert Bus With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1988. We had tickets to attend a concert at an outdoor venue. The drive was a few hours so we bought a package through the radio station and we were going by bus. INXS was the headline act but we were bigger fans of Cheap Trick, an opener.Kelly and I were twenty-eight then. Kelly was dressed for the times and the concert. On top, she wore a short black tube top covered in black sequins. On the bottom, she wore a short black leather mini skirt. Although I was never a...

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Bugger his wife

I have a married friend whose wife can be quite a bitch and I have often fantasised fucking her in her tight little ass. The other day I was surprised to get a call from her as usually we don’t talk but instead my friend and I do things without her. She asked if I could come over as she needed some help and Mark was at work. I figured what the hell I wasn’t doing anything at the time anyway and I might as well go over, hell I might even get to look at her ass without her noticing. When I...

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Landlord Deals a deal PT4

Whatever the long-term results, Jess's cuckolding me with my brother and father seemed to have shredded whatever need for privacy and discretion she previously required. Courtesy of my father, she'd had all her body hair removed by laser and was now completely smooth and soft. Much to my discomfort, she'd "outed" us to her mom and older sister, but her mom had been supportive and her sister – 26 and married – had been intrigued and expressed considerable interest in meeting Derrick, the hung...

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Becoming Friends With Benefits

“Thanks again for coming.” I said as soon as we were alone in the hotel room.“It wasn’t that bad.” He said.“It’s also not your family.” I took out of my bag the bottle of wine that stole, snuck out of the cousin’s wedding reception, whatever you want to say. “Wine?”“Why not?”I found the two hotel provided glasses on the dresser and poured as each a too full glass. They weren’t wine glasses, but they would do. I handed him one and we gently clinked glasses. “Cheers.”We planned to go into town...

Straight Sex
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Brad Nancy and Shari 2

It is now friday afternoon and am sitting on the couch drinking my first cup of coffee. I am thinking how my life has suddenly changed after seeing the recording that Shari had shown me and the sex that we had. I should be nervous about confronting my wife about her cheating on me, buy I am not at all nervous. My mind is more on Shari and what we did. We had sex but there was more to it than that. It was something that happened, it was not just sex to get even with them for cheating on us,...

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Spanking Straight From the Headlines 2004

Spanking Straight From the Headlines 2004 The following happened is based on a real life incident that was in the news recently. A boss had his employers sign a contract that gave him permission to spankthem in lieu of firing if they mad mistakes on the job. The young women spankedwere working at a Tasty Flavors Sno-Biz Shaved Ice Location outside ChattanoogaTennessee and he took them into the backroom, bent them over his knee and gavethem 20 hard spanks. The day before he had snapped a...

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I had my way with my girl Leah06

Most of the story takes place in a room in a house called 'The Snuggery', which the narrator, " Deepak ", converts into a kind of erotic torture chamber equipped with beds to which women can be strapped and held helpless and which is soundproofed to make their screams unheard. Other equipment includes cords and pulleys, flagellation implements and a mechanical "Chair of Treachery" to which helpless females are lured to be restrained in. From the Dairy of Mr. Deepak Kumar.. You have...

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Evelynns strange adventure Part 4

Evelynn's strange adventure --------------------------- part 4, by Mr.G The previous part of this story ended after a terrible night out for our poor Evelynn. When her friends Tamara and Keith first changed her into a black man using an elaborate and realistic disguise and renamed her Adam, almost two weeks ago, she hated this new form and felt awkward, but as the days had gone by the vain Evelynn had slowly but steadily warmed up to the idea and she had accepted her new male...

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Babysitting my little cousin

Introduction: When they could not find a babysitter, Mom and dad asked me to sit for my little cousin. The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. Babysitting my little cousin. My name is Todd. I am 19, six foot one and weigh 160. Im told that I am attractive. I dont want to sound conceded but I have to agree and that makes it pretty easy for me to get dates. I dont have or want...

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Cuckolded slowly more postdivorce taunting

My ex breezed past me like she used to own the place, the very picture of calm and sexual confidence. It was comfortably warm that Friday evening in the Atlanta suburbs. She was wearing what a guy might call a T-shirt except it was made with some kind of gauzy material. I suppose that makes it a blouse. Whatever it was, it was sheer and her nipples poked through sans bra. Her blue jean shorts were very worn and pale blue, the hems rolled up against her ass cheeks. Her long legs were toned and...

Wife Lovers
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Volunteering With Nedra

Introduction: From legitimate community service work, with one thing leading to another, my relationship with Nedra progressed delightfully into us becoming fuck buddies. First, some background. Im 55, a business owner who has control of my schedule and am financially secure. I live in a seasonal resort town where the local or year round population is small enough that almost everyone knows or, at least, knows of, everyone else who owns a business or does community work. After 5 years of...

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Mosi Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Hi readers me Vrinsh from bilimora. Aaj me aapse apni life ki sacchi ghatna btana ja raha hu ki kese mene apni mashi ki ladki ko kese choda. Phle me aap logo ko apne bare me btata hu meri hight 5.11 inch hai or normal indian body hai. Or mere ghr me mere papa mumny or 1 bhen hai. Or mashi ki ldki mujse 10 km me rehti hai uski age abhhi 17 ki hogi or figer 30 26 30 hai koi bhi dekh kr use chodna chahe ga. To ab story pr ata hu. Baat aaj aaj se 2 saal pehle ki hai jb. Mere ghr wale dashere ke...

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With Strength and SteelChapter 13

"And so the intrepid heroes walk boldly into the enemy's lair and are promptly captured, tortured and killed." "If you want to be pessimistic," Marcus whispered testily, "you can go back and keep watch." "Not a chance." After failing to convince each other to stay behind, we both stepped through the illusion and onto a spiraling stair, taking the smooth stone steps winding around earthen walls deeper and deeper underground. Oddly, dim light continued to show my eyes the way, though...

4 years ago
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Im Not Really a Waitress Part 4

We continued driving further and further from town as my nervousness contiued to intensify! "Dale where are we going?" "Well to be honest, I'm not realy hungry either, so why don't we just skip the dinner part?" I looked at him with my best please take me home look as he contiued to drive into the darkness of the night. "How does this spot look to you?" Everything was pitch black and we parked in the middle of a wooded lot. "Dale please take me home, I'm not ready for this yet."...

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410 Daves reassuring hand holding pt2

410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...

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Jack and DianeChapter 11

I stretched, languorously, only to be brought up short as the bruised muscles of my belly screamed their memory of the previous evening. Doubled up to relieve the pain, I revisited the events of the preceding night. The sun filtering through the curtains filled the bedroom with a warmth that I did not share. A mixture of cold determination and seething anger focused my thoughts. "There is no way I'm taking any more of her shit," I addressed the house. Gently uncurling, I lifted the phone....

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wrong tape

                 The three college boys were exhausted from their afternoonof tennis on the campus courts. Arriving at Brad's new apart-ment, they decided to relax and watch a movie.   "You guys pick a tape out of that box over there and I'llgo throw a couple bags of popcorn in the microwave and rustleup some beers."   Lee and Jason got up and began to rummage through the boxof videos. "Haven't gotten everything put away yet, hunh?" Leeyelled out.   "No," Brad yelled back from the kitchen,...

4 years ago
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Star Trek The Second Life of Janice Lester

Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? This is a sequel to my earlier story STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER. STAR TREK: THE SECOND LIFE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * 2269: Elba II "I stole your body because I wanted to captain a starship, something Starfleet doesn't allow women to do," said Janice Lester....

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When Coyote Met Misty

WHEN COYOTE MET MISTY By C Part I For the Mythican hunter in a hurry, there are few manuals more clearly written–andmore informative–than Crinolina: A Brief Guide for Busy Predators .Every paragraph is a little feast in itself. Let me share with you a few of my favoritepassages: "No land fay in Mythica is more winsome, or more flavorful,than Fatamorgana Crinolina--Crinolina for short. Unlike other fays, shealways wears a sleeveless dress with full skirt and petticoat. The petticoatis a...

1 year ago
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Cousin Anu

About me john , 28, not so fair, Project lead in a software firm in Calicut(Kerala). This is my second true posting and I have 2 more to publish soon. This happened about a year later my first experience happened with Sumi. (First encounter). I was in my engineering college. If somebody from Orissa is reading this story and he can understand that in engineering colleges in Orissa you can have only a hard on and a sore dick. Sleeping around with girls in college is far out of scope if you a part...


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