- 3 years ago
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‘What the fuck happened?’ Connor demanded angrily, meeting Eamonn at the entrance to the surgical wing.
‘I don’t know, man,’ Eamonn tried to placate Connor. ‘She was fine and then she was almost fainting.’
‘Just like that? She has one of the strongest stomachs of anyone I’ve ever met. Surgery has never made her lose her lunch.’ Connor ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. ‘I mean, she’s been tired lately, but fainting?’
‘Look, she’s in the break room. I gave her a mug of tea and told her to stay there. She didn’t seem too happy with me, for whatever reason.’
‘I’m not too happy with you right now,’ Connor growled.
Eamonn stopped before they reached the break room and snagged Connor’s white coat. ‘Are you ok?’
Connor released an aggravated sigh. ‘Aside from the fact that I haven’t gotten laid in a few weeks, my girlfriend doesn’t remember dating me, I live in constant fear of her getting lost because she doesn’t remember where we live, and I know she’s holding things back from me. She seemed so content to be back at work. Do you know that she woke up screaming last week from a nightmare?’ Connor stopped talking and started pacing.
Eamonn watched for a moment before speaking. ‘Does she know you’re wound this tight?’
Connor turned sharply to face him. ‘If you mean, have I told her I need to get laid? No! She has enough problems as it is.’ Connor tried to calm himself. ‘I don’t want to put any pressure on her. And you aren’t going to tell her any of this, alright?’
‘Lang, reads people like a book. I’m sure she can tell you’re stressed out.’ Eamonn frowned slightly, ‘Just take care of yourself. She’ll kill you if you end up sick over her.’ Connor’s laugh was strained, but he laughed nonetheless. ‘Anyway, she was stubborn enough to finish out the surgery, but I’m taking her off the list for the rest of the day. And if you find out why she’s so pissed off at me, let me know?’
‘I’ll let you know,’ Connor muttered and squared his shoulders before heading into the break room. His breath nearly left him when he caught sight of Laney. She had wedged herself in the corner of the window bench, her knees tucked under her chin, and her hands clutching the mug of tea. He watched her take a shaky breath and use the heel of her hand to wipe away tears. She looked defeated. God, she was crying, he cringed at the sensations it wrought in his gut.
‘Laney?’ She turned to face him and tried to fake a smile, failing miserably. Giving up on the smile, she sniffed and looked down at her hands, her lower lip quivering. ‘Oh, sweetie,’ he dropped onto the bench next to her and pulled the mug from her hands, setting it on a nearby table. ‘What happened?’
‘How long was I crashing on your couch after Katie died?’
Whatever he had been expecting her to say, that wasn’t it. He blinked trying to catch up to the question. ‘When Katie died?’ he asked. She nodded. ‘I don’t know, three weeks maybe a month. I didn’t want you in your flat by yourself, Robby didn’t mind you being there, and you weren’t really willing to go home for a break.’
She sniffed, straightening her back as if bracing herself. ‘What happened between me and Eamonn?’
Connor took her hands in his, running the pads of his thumbs over her knuckles. ‘Laney, you don’t have to do this.’
She gave a bittersweet smile. ‘I do, though.’ She glanced around the empty room before returning her gaze to their joined hands. ‘I can’t imagine I took being thrown out of theatre very well.’
‘No, you didn’t.’ He tugged her from the corner and wrapped her in a comforting hug. ‘I took you home that day. You were in shock, a violent and angry shock, but shock nonetheless. Anytime anyone got near you, you’d start yelling.’
‘Except you?’
‘Except me.’ He gave her a small smile. ‘You didn’t talk to Eamo before the funeral, and he let you be. About a week later, he convinced me to let him come over and talk to you. I thought it was a good idea. But then you started throwing things.’
Langdon frowned, ‘Really?’
‘How does he still talk to me?’
‘You guys worked things out. Not as a couple, but first to work together again, and then just socially. He’s a decent guy, but he gets a little skittish around you when you’re holding dishes.’ Connor pulled back to get a read on her face. ‘Is that what happened, then? You remembered Eamonn throwing you out of theatre that day?’
She nodded. ‘I remembered the whole miserable day.’
A short laugh managed to escape him, ‘I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you. But it explains why Eamonn thinks you’re upset with him.’
‘I thought I had every right to be,’ she muttered.
‘Well, maybe you did. At least a little. You shouldn’t have been running that resuss, and Eamonn knows that.’
She felt a ripple of tension run through him and she raised a delicate brow. ‘You told him so, didn’t you?’
A guilty grin spread across Connor’s face. ‘Maybe.’ Langdon laughed and Connor breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to see her laugh. ‘Look, Eamonn took you off the surgical list for the day.’ He continued quickly to keep her from objecting, ‘Which I agree with.’ She frowned and nodded reluctantly. ‘You can go home and rest if you want. I shouldn’t be late.’
‘No,’ she shook her head vehemently. ‘I’ll be fine. I can’t just go home whenever I have a bit of a rough day.’ She stood and collected herself, straightening her scrubs, smoothing her hair, and wiping the last traces of tears from beneath her eyes. ‘I’ll go back to ward work for the rest of the day. Page me before you go home?’
Connor smiled warmly. ‘That’s my girl.’ He gave her a quick hug and rested his hands on her shoulders.
Langdon didn’t miss the pained expression that flit through his eyes. ‘Are you ok?’
‘Yeah, of course. I’m just a little tired today,’ he lied.
‘You’ve been restless at night.’
He plastered a reassuring smile on his face. ‘So have you. Take care of yourself today, alright?’
‘Out of trouble, check.’ She watched him leave before collecting her white coat and leaving the surgical wing for the wards. It’d be a cold day in hell before she’d slink home with her tail between her legs. She didn’t want to work on the wards all day, but it was better than the alternative. Langdon straightened her coat and hurried to find Eoin.
Eoin gave her a wry smile when she showed up on the ward. ‘Get sick of cutting so soon?’
Langdon scowled. ‘Very funny.’
‘I’m a funny guy, what can I say.’ He handed her a stack of charts. ‘Good news, I’m also busy.’
‘Oh, you’re just peachy.’ She stared at the pile of paperwork.
‘You love me,’ he grinned.
Langdon threw herself into the work, spending the day taking blood, running lines, re-charting prescriptions, re-dressing wounds, and filling in page after page of patient charts. It was tedious, necessary work, and work that she had spent much of her medical rotation slaving over. When a call came in of a report that needed to be picked up from the pathology department, she volunteered to take pick it up so Eoin could finish with his patients.
She wound her way through the maze of halls that comprised the old hospital, reaching the far basement corner where they housed the morgue, the post-mortem rooms, and the path labs. Why did every hospital put the morgue in the basement? she wondered with a shudder. She edged past the autopsy rooms with a slight frown on her face. There was something creepy about the rooms.
The door leading to pathology office cluster was ajar. She knocked and peeked her head in. ‘Dr. Maslow?’ She heard someone in the back of the lab and stepped into the dark room. ‘Dr. Maslow? I’m here to pick up the path report.’ At the far end of the office block, she could see a light on and started to wend her way through rows of filing cabinets and specimen lined shelves. The smell of forma
lin was overwhelming and she wondered how anyone could work down here. It wasn’t just the smell, the whole place was eerie. Who wanted to work late next to the room where bodies were dissected or remains were prepared for burial?
The sound of something clattering to the floor had her spinning. She squinted into the dark, but couldn’t see any signs of movement. ‘Dr. Maslow?’ she called again. Now she was vividly reminded why she’d hated working late on her path rotation. As interesting as the work was, the whole place gave her the heebie-jeebies.
A hand dropped down on her shoulder and she jumped, stifling a scream. She whirled, coming face to face with Paul. ‘Jesus, Paul!’ she pressed a hand to her chest, trying calm the rapid beating of her heart. ‘You scared the crap out of me!’
Paul gazed down at her, his hands now shoved in the pockets of his white coat. ‘Sorry, I didn’t realise there was anyone else down here.’ He scanned the room, seeing no one else in sight. ‘What are you doing down here?’
Langdon took a step back, Paul’s proximity making her uncomfortable. ‘I came down to pick up a report. Have you seen Dr. Maslow?’
Paul took a step forward, closing the distance between them again. ‘No,’ he said, his voice low. ‘In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone around here in the past hour.’
Langdon retreated another step and felt her back collide with one of the filing cabinets. ‘What are you doing down here, Paul?’
He took another step forward, his size dwarfing her smaller frame. ‘Oh, this and that. You know how it is when you’re running all over the place.’ Langdon furrowed her brow, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.
‘Ms. Murphy?’ a call came from the lit office.
Langdon cleared her throat and stared at Paul. ‘Yes, Dr. Maslow?’
‘I thought I heard someone out there. Come on in, I have a report that I need you to sign off on.’
Langdon inched away from Paul, backing toward the office. ‘I’ll see you around, Paul,’ she said softly before turning and fleeing into the sanctity of Maslow’s office.
Paul watched Langdon close the door and grumbled to himself. It unnerved him that she had surprised him again. She didn’t seem to be scared of him. That was a good sign, right? If she’d remembered, she would have run like hell, right? What if she was just messing with him? What was he going to do? She had been right there, alone… He pounded his fist against his forehead. If he couldn’t get the job done, he was dead. Fuck.
Langdon spent a few minutes catching up with Dr. Maslow. She had worked in his lab for a few weeks when she was trying to decide on a specialty. He was brilliant, loved his work, but it wasn’t the job for her. She collected the report and was relieved to find Paul had left the offices. She had always thought of herself as a good reader of people and situations and her gut was in knots over her last interaction with Paul. Something was just off. And she rarely had such a reflexive fear of anyone. Regardless, she didn’t feel comfortable until she was back on the ward brushing shoulders with Eoin.
She filed the report with the appropriate chart and resumed her work. It was later in the afternoon when Eoin dropped into a chair next to her and grimaced slightly at the dirty look she shot his way. ‘Hey now, I didn’t tell you to come up here.’
‘Did you make a dent in your to-do list at all?’ she asked, closing the last chart and trying to shift a kink out of her neck.
‘Sure, though you may have made a bigger dent than I did. If you ever want to drop the whole surgical career, I’d welcome you to the medical any day.’
‘And switch to the dark side? Never,’ she graced him with a half smile.
‘Well, if nothing else, you look better than you did earlier.’ He clapped her on the back. ‘Want to tell me about it?’
Langdon glanced at her watch, ‘Do you have time for a mug of tea?’
Eoin nodded and helped her return the completed charts before heading off to the canteen. He waited until they were both seated with steaming mugs of tea before asking, ‘So what have you been mulling over all day that’s had your forehead wrinkled. I can practically hear the gears grinding from this side of the table.’
‘Mmmn, just a little more sarcasm to sweeten the tea there, Eoin?’
He chuckled. ‘Snarky, nice.’
She rolled her eyes. ‘Are you going to be helpful or are you just going to make fun of me?’
‘I’m always helpful.’ His blue eyes turned serious, ‘Lang, you know if you need something…’
‘I need some advice, Eoin.’ She stared at the mug in her hands for a few moments, swallowing the swell of pride that was about to prevent her from asking for his help. ‘Look, Connor isn’t talking to me. I don’t know what to do. He’s not sleeping, he’s not eating like he should, and I’d bet money that it’s worry over me.’
Eoin stared blankly, blinking at her slowly blushing face. ‘Do you need the handcuffs again?’ She turned bright red and he laughed. ‘Tell me something, Lang. When’s the last time you two… you know?’
Langdon furrowed her brow. ‘The last time we what?’
His mouth drew up into a slow and menacing smile. ‘You know. Had sex, bumped uglies, screwed around, slept together, made love, fuck-‘
‘Stop!’ Her face was bright red now. ‘I get it, Eoin. And it’s been since before the accident.’
‘And you’re wondering why he’s high strung. Seriously, Lang, I thought you were smarter than that.’
‘It’s not like I haven’t been encouraging the attention, Eoin,’ she hissed. ‘He blows hot and cold all the time.’
‘Maybe he’s gay.’ Eoin raised a brow and grinned.
‘Oh you’d love that, wouldn’t you?’
‘Ha!’ Eoin set a comforting hand on her shoulder. ‘Lang, he’s straight, I promise. Otherwise, I’d be all over that. But here’s the thing: are you ‘encouraging attention’ or are you throwing yourself at him?’
She cleared her throat nervously. ‘Encouraging?’
‘And does that normally work with him?’
Langdon considered what she remembered of how she and Connor started dating and blushed again. ‘No,’ she muttered.
‘Then you know what needs to be done.’ He winked at her.
She rolled her eyes. ‘I love that this is your solution.’
‘I have a feeling that he’s trying to be gentle with you. He’s never been able to keep his hands off of you, so let’s look at it from a different perspective.’ Eoin laced his fingers and formed a point with his index fingers, tapping them together in thought. ‘If I were Connor, which I’m not, thank God… No offence. And you were ‘fragile’ and couldn’t remember that you were dating me, the idea of sleeping with you would make me feel like I was manipulating you in some way. You know, it would make me feel a little sleezy.’
‘You think?’ she chewed on her lower lip, contemplating Eoin’s idea.
‘Well,’ he grinned lasciviously. ‘I don’t think I’d have a problem taking advantage of you. But Connor probably would.’
Langdon laughed. ‘You’re terrible.’
‘And you, chicken, are going to have to take the initiative on this one.’ He reached across the table and patted her arm in a comforting manner. ‘Take him in hand if you will.’
‘Enough, Eoin, I get it.’ She fiddled with her mug as she thought about the proposal. ‘So, when do I do this?’
‘The sooner the better.’ He leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head. ‘Put him out of his misery, dearie. Put yourself out of your misery. If I remember correctly, you’re quite the accomplished masseuse. You know what, take him away for the weekend and fuck his brains out so I don’t have to see you glowing in the mornings. That would just piss me off.’
Langdon broke down in a fit of giggles and Eoin was quick to join her. Connor and Lang had been his friends since they started school and it bothered him to see either one upset. Hopefully, this would help. Otherwise, he was serious abou
t handcuffing them together again. ‘Eoin, you’re brilliant.’
‘I still hate you.’
‘You love me and you know it.’
Eoin smiled. ‘Yeah, I know. Can’t put anything past you, can I? Now get the hell out of here. Go home and plot this coup of yours.’
Langdon grinned and planted a kiss on Eoin’s cheek before heading for the locker room, plans for the evening already forming in her head.
Paul stripped the bloody surgical gloves from his hands and dropped them into the biomed waste bin. He made the mistake of glancing back at the body that lay on the table, slowly growing cold. The first time he had seen a dead body was the first day of their anatomy lab. The cadaver that had been on the table was there as a learning tool, a sacrifice to the furthering of their education, a wonderful and generous gift to those needing knowledge and experience.
Now, he had seen more bodies than he could count. Hell, he’d had his hands in more than a dozen of them and, he shuddered, maybe he’d brought the end sooner than expected. He thought of himself as merciful. What he did down here was art. Brilliant really. No one suspected a thing… Except Langdon.
Then again, she didn’t really suspect anything, but she would know sooner or later, he was sure of it. Growling to himself, he shouldered the bulging backpack and flicked off the lights. He had a new plan. He knew how he’d get rid of her. But it seemed like such a waste.
Connor eyed Langdon from his vantage point against the counter. She had been quiet all evening. Too quiet for his liking. He knew she was getting bored, restless, frustrated. But tonight she was nearly silent, shooting furtive glances his way when she thought he wasn’t looking. Now she was scurrying around the kitchen, cleaning up the remnants of the evening meal. He moved to help her, but she slapped his hand. ‘You’ve been tending me for two weeks now. I told you that I’d take care of everything tonight and you agreed. I cooked, I’m cleaning. That was the deal. Go sit down.’
Connor smiled and the spunk she was showing then moved out of her way, settling on the couch and letting her work out whatever peeve had her so worked up. He turned on the TV to catch up on sports and tuned out the noise from the kitchen. Moments later, he tuned out everything and dozed off on the couch.
Langdon finished cleaning and glanced over to find Connor out cold. She frowned slightly as she watched him sleep. His hair was mussed as if he’d been running his hands through it all day, his shirt was rumpled, the sleeves rolled to his elbows, his face was drawn, pale, there were dark circles under his eyes, and exhaustion etched in every line of his body, an exhaustion that she felt responsible for. He needed her. No, she shook herself. He needed the now Laney, not the past Laney. Past Laney seemed to be rather needy and wasn’t getting the job done. She didn’t know what to do anymore and was flat out of ideas. Maybe Eoin was right. Sighing, she shrugged and trudged over to the couch. If nothing else, she could help him relax.
Connor didn’t notice as she slid behind him on the couch or the first few tentative touches as her hands grazed his shoulders and arms. Slowly, he awoke to softness, warmth, and the sensation of small but strong fingers massaging the knots from his shoulder muscles. He groaned, it felt fantastic. The hands hesitated when he stirred and he groaned again, this time in frustration. ‘God, Laney, don’t stop. That feels wonderful.’
Langdon smiled softly and pressed the pads of her thumbs into the muscles running up the back of his neck, smoothly freeing the tension he held there. ‘Rough day?’ she asked quietly.
‘Mmn,’ Connor couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, nearly losing himself in the sensation of her fingers. ‘Nothing too bad, just busy,’ he managed to mumble.
‘Liar.’ She wove her fingers through his hair to massage his scalp with one hand, and he didn’t think to stop her when the other hand began to unbutton his shirt. The warm flats of her palms slid into the collar of his shirt and along his shoulders, her fingers like small kisses as they worked down his arms from inside the shirt.
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Nani aur maa ko chooda Hi friend I am vikrum again bought a Desi stories for you. One of my friend ramu fucked his mother and nani in the village. I will narrate his stories as below.(any girl or lady want sex chat contact at and having any sex problem contact please..) Main ramu 21 saal ka tandurast jawan beta hun. Hum log up ke ek gaon me rahete hain. Jab main 10 saal ka tha meri maa ka dehant hogaya. Aur pitaji ne 22 saal ki ek garib larki se dusari saadi karli. Hum log kheti badi karke...
Everyone. :) I am back with the 2nd part of the story. Well before I start with the 2nd part , let me rewind my story a bit so that you will be able to remember the details. So it starts with how my habit of being late to catch the bus makes me meet a girl. I didn’t mention much of her details in the 1st part , so let me mention it now ( I know guys love knowing this detail) :p. W Ell she wasn’t petite and neither she was fat ,had exact amount of fat at right place. She had decent pair of boobs...
Director Elloson representing the Florven Technocracy stepped out of the airlock and into the reception chamber of the Tafta space station and was greeted by Senior Comptroller Vangis representing the Trenoc Alliance. “Welcome to Tafta,” he greeted Elloson after the official greetings. “Thank you. I’m here to speak to the Empire regarding assistance in our struggle against these aliens,” Elloson replied. “I’ll take you to the conference room where they are waiting.” “I’m surprised they...
For years i had fantasised about having fun with a group of black men and never dared do anything about it but my urges got so powerful that i had to sort it. I joined a gay website and did some pics of me dressed as a sissy and advertised myself as a sissy and that i wanted meet a group of black men for sucking/bukkake/fucking fun. I made contact with a 30yr old black guy who said he could arrange a meet with some of his bi friends. At first i didnt believe him but about a month later he said...
India Summer is a smoking hot artistic mylf who loves to paint and also loves to pleasure herself. Her only problem is whatever she paints always comes out looking like a dick! Maybe she might be more proficient at actually drawing real life dicks, so she picked up her phone and started searching for nude models. India was actually able to locate a service that provides people willing to model naked. She made her specs clear to the agency. The model had to be tall, muscular, and have a huge...
xmoviesforyouThe car was packed and I had said my goodbyes to friends and family. I was off to start a new chapter in my life. I was looking forward to it but I was also a little nervous, after all I was leaving home for the first time in my life to live with people I did'nt know.As I arrived there was a hive of activity around the halls of residence carpark. Parents helping their sons and daughters with their stuff, carrying all kinds of things into the halls of res. There was me with hardly anything in...
En peyar amith vayathu 25, ithu naal varai enaku pengal endraal ena vendre theriyaathu, enaku pengaludan kaamam seiya vendrum endru rumba naalaga aasai. Aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penidamum sendru pesiyathe illai. Naan parka nandraaga irupen en thudai sexyaaga thadimbalaaga irukum pinbu en sunni 7″ perithaaga irukum. En siru vayathil irunthu naan suya inbam seithu varugiren, athanaal en sunni perithaaga viraithu irukum. Niraiya kaama padangal paarpen appozhuthu ellam en sunniyai...
We grew up in a rather conservative household. My mom hated that friends would come over to our house, we weren’t allowed to visit friends at their house as well so we spend the majority of our teenage years at home with no outside contact, besides at school. I discovered masturbation by accident and even believed that I discovered something that nobody knew. I had sexual education a few weeks before but of course they never told us about orgasms or how good it felt. So one night I was...
It was Friday morning, the day after the session with Tarryn. I was at the office early as I had some things to get organised for the day. I had a full roster of patients from 9:00 AM up to 3:30 PM, and after that I was clear. Since I had no hospital rounds this weekend, I was thinking about going up to the mountains for at least Friday night, but had not yet decided if I would do it.I heard the door open and Mrs. Winterbottom come in and get settled at reception. I went out to greet her, and I...
MasturbationJimmy Laughlin was a just regular kind of guy. There was nothing really remarkable about him. At six foot tall and 165 pounds with sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes he was good looking, but nothing spectacular. He wasn’t rich by any means – he worked hard to make a living. Jimmy was a ‘picker’, a person that goes from one swap meet, yard sale, or rummage sale to another buying things that he thought he could fix up, clean up, and resell for a profit. He was mechanically-inclined and pretty good...
Hi guys my name is Ankit Singh and this is my first story in indian sex stories dot net. I often read stories here especially gay male category and enjoy reading it. I have decided to share my first and only sex experience with you guys. I was living with my relatives in Surat and was preparing for my CA exams which soon ended. After the exams I had nothing to do and I started feeling lonely because I didn’t know anyone in Surat and my relatives were not free either. I felt very lonely and...
Gay MaleSometimes at night we like to just lie in bed together, naked, idly stroking each other, intending to eventually fuck, but feeling no need to hurry. We just enjoy each other’s company and the touch of each other’s hands. “Tell me a story,” she said one night. “I want to hear about one of your early sexual adventures. I want to think about you fucking some young babe.” “Anything in particular you want to hear about?” I ask? “How about your first time? Not very original, I know, but you’ve...
We followed Vera, with Collie, Jen, Joey, and Beth in her Mercedes. I drove my truck with Tamika, Heather, and Alise with me. Barbra drove her big SUV with Cindy, Katy, Alana, Alicia, Jerry, and Allen as we rode out of town about three miles and came to a huge wooded estate enclosed by a tall security fence and a red brick wall in front. We drove through behind her as the guard waved his approval, then closed the gate. When we all pulled into the circle at the end of the long winding drive,...
I was a little bit on edge as I entered the block of flats. I had done my intelligence checks which showed my suspect lived alone but there was always the prospect of her having company. I knew she had recently split from a violent boyfriend, and I did not relish the prospect of finding him there.Normally I would have been doing this enquiry with my work partner, Diana. However, she had called in sick and was not able to accompany me. I knew if she said she was ill, she was. Diana was a...
AnalWhen Mrs. Barker woke up, Andino was looking at her. She said, ‘I am probably not very attractive in the morning. As his hand came up between her legs, he said, ‘You look just great to me. Did you get your answer about Italian lovers?’ ‘Yes, I did. But now it is time for me to get started for the day. Would you like to join me for a shower?’ As they were showering, he said, ‘I have to have you one more time before you go back to America.’ He lifted her up against the shower wall and she...
My name is Jim, and I'm a senior at college. I'm about as large and buff as they come. I play runningback for the school's football team and I'm even an amateur boxer. I'm 6'9", and I could probably bench press about 300, maybe more. And I love it when a petite girl a third of my size takes control and tells me what to do. I had a dominating girlfriend last year, but she was a year older than me and she graduated. Now, I need a new mistress. Many of the girls on campus look desiringly at me,...
BDSMWhen they had finished dinning, Sophie and Domenic went wandering through the casino. People from all walks of life were playing at the gaming tables, tourists mingling with locals, all excited by the atmosphere and the thrill of the risk. There was a frantic Australian game of ‘two up’ being played, a gambling game in which two coins are tossed in the air after bets have been placed on the showing of two heads or two tails…the locals stood in a circle cheering loudly for the players....
I escorted Dave to the morgue. He was allowed to see Melissa, but when he tried to touch her, he had to be restrained. That was the most painful thing I’d ever witnessed on the job, maybe in my whole life. I could see his pain, his loss. He’d lost the love of his life. I thought about Jude. Were we done? Was it over? Was it too late for us or could I stop what was happening and win her back? Did I want her back? As I was about to drive Dave back home, Martinez pulled me aside. “The...
In part one of this story, I told you how I had discovered my friend Rob's penchant for watching his wife with other guys after a drunken day out ended with me looking through his photos and videos on his phone. For those that haven't read it, he had been quite happy to talk about the idea of it on and off for a while. That day he decided to show me some nude pics of her, which gave him (and me) a bit of a thrill, but he had passed out drunk and left his drunk friend with his phone.Big mistake....
CuckoldYou arrive at her door. The date was great and she looks amazing. She hesitates to open the door and she's biting her lip a lot. You both care for each other, and you want to kiss her, but...
RomanceTeagan was a petite girl at the age of **, her milky white skin was as smooth like a newborn baby. She had a small face with a little button nose and long straight brunette hair. At about 4'10" tall, she had smooth short legs topped by a little apple bottom ass. Her arms were slender with soft delicate fingers on her little girl hands. Her boobs were tiny, yet, she would sometimes wear padding in her training bras from last year, intended for young girls. Her lips were not too thin, but not too...
Perhaps at another time or in another place, I would have done things differently. Certainly another person might have done things differently. Or the same. Depending. In any case, I had three days to arrange one of the biggest and best parties Gardner and Hammerstein had ever seen, and I was running out of options. Cost wasn't a problem. An open cheque book from the Partners took care of that. But after spending the first two hours on the phone just trying to track down a suitable and...
BDSMHey there a dear reader your JJ back with a bang, late is late nothing to feel sorry the new assignment is taking my time away. No fuss here is what I have scribbled for you. ‘Yes’ you are right mature passion again, my god why do these women older to me drive me crazy? To understand this concept you need to go through this heavenly journey. A day at the office as a new joiner nothing much to do and it was driving me nuts to just sit there and do nothing. Like always I started to scribble these...
A Vist from o?s Mom o?s Gamble After W/we showered, Master instructed me to pack an overnight bag for Him and wait on the porch. i packed and assumed slave?s position on Master?s front porch. He brought the car out of the garage and instructed me to join Him. Master drove to a little neighborhood deli and went in while i sat in the locked car. A young couple parked next to Master?s car, on the passenger side. As the man got out of thier car, i heard him tell his lady-friend to come...
‘Alessa, David’s found a nice secluded place just out of town where we can go and sunbathe in complete privacy. Would you like to join us?’ ‘What do you mean “secluded?”‘ Jennifer, having just come from having a shower, was wearing only her robe. She let it fall to the floor then raised her arms, clasping her hands together high above her head. Totally naked, she arched her back, stretched upwards and turned around slowly showing a beautifully evenly tanned body. ‘Hey, you haven’t got any...
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * “But, Doc, I just don't understand why I'm in so much trouble,” I said. “I mean, it isn't like I was the first one to....” My advisor, Doctor Patterson, put his hands on his desk and leaned over toward me. “David James Michaels, don't even start that shit with me about how everyone's fucked Teri Richards. I'm sure almost everyone has – hell, she asked me if I wanted a blowjob at the department Christmas party!” “Yeah? How did you like...
Having studied very hard, Swati had graduated from her school with honours. Although her parents were not thrilled that she had rejected their choice of husband, they had eventually relented and she married her classmate Siva. Much to their delight, the young lovers both found jobs as IT professionals at the same company. Five years later, they arrived in America. It was supposed to be a two year contract with an option to extend if business continued to improve. In the beginning, everything...
we stroll off the lodge premises and onto the beach. nothing much happening there, just the sea and some fishermen in their boats beyond the surf. some have come ashore to check their catch. most are still busy outside. as we walk up n down da beach u see a dude selling coconuts. as hardly any customers he cracked one for himself and drinks the milk. the sheer sight of the milk running down the cheeks reminds u of something else. u quickly turn around and walk me back towards the lodge. at the...
Hi friends, hope so ki aapko meri pehli sex stories in hindi pasand aayegi. Ab mai apne baare mai batata hu mai whetish color ka hu athletic body hai , mera lund size 6- 7 inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai aur ma haryane ka rehne vaala hu . Yeh kahani jo mai aapko batane vala hu yeh meri first gf ki meet (name changed) hai jo dikhne me meri jaise whetish but thodi fair thi uski hight 5 feet hogi bra aize 30 ka h pr sexy the uski kamar bahut patli thi vo 32 ki penty pehenti thi .Aur tight round ass...
I guess six months or so had passed since my son Eddie, and I had, had our first sexual encounter. Before that happened, it had been eleven years since I had been with a man. Our relationship, had really turned my life around. It had also had a great effect on Eddie also . He was running with a bunch of older boys, never at home, and his grades in school were just above failing. He was now coming home at night, doing his home work, and his grades had jumped way above average......
Mom noticed my body was more toned and in better shape over the next two months. The reason was I had plenty of exercise. As soon as school let out, I raced over to Kayla's house. Kayla and Courtney walked home together, so I couldn't walk with them and keep my secret. What was my secret? When Kayla showed up at her house, we went to her bedroom and fucked. When we were done, I ate her cake. Courtney didn't know! After Kayla's, I went home. I dropped my school stuff in my room and farted...
March 16th, 4:15 AM CT; Hilton Chicago O’Hare; Chicago, IL Lance rolled himself out of bed and, wearing silk red pajamas monogrammed with his initial, picked up the telephone beside his bed, punching an auto-dial button on the phone. Lance was a morning person, and so he was feeling more chipper than he usually did. He was smiling to himself and generally feeling like he had a positive outlook on the human race. “I want coffee, a bowl of fruit- ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN’T ROOM SERVICE?...
I suppose I'd better tell you about myself. My name is Terry. This story is about a time in my life when I gave it all up to live off the land in a little known river valley in northern Arizona. During the early 70's , I went on a camping trip for the first time at the Verde hot springs. This place was fantastic. During the prohibition, someone built a hotel and bathhouse at the Hot Springs by Childs power plant. The hotel burned down a long time ago, but the bathhouses and walkways are...
I woke up feeling a little hungover. I had a slight headache from the drinks and my ass was understandably a little irritated and sore from the pounding I took from Mark. I took a long hot shower, got dressed, and headed out to meet a colleague for coffee before the trade show opened.The show was super-busy, so the day went by fast. I met a supplier for a quick drink afterward and ended up going straight to my dinner meeting with Mark. I saw him in the lobby talking to the hostess. As I...
Gay MaleThe discovery It was a warm sultry early morning in the suburbs of Los Angeles. John Malkvic was preparing to enter the morgue. That's right, he was a mortician. Most of his days were spent grooming dead corpses for the funerals that awaited them. He in truth, hated his job. At first, John was fascinated at the concept of death; and thought it would be cool to work with the dead one on one. But as the years had rolled on he found it interlay too dreary. His shift began at 1 A.M., and...