On Forgetting Ch. 08 free porn video

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‘What the fuck happened?’ Connor demanded angrily, meeting Eamonn at the entrance to the surgical wing.

‘I don’t know, man,’ Eamonn tried to placate Connor. ‘She was fine and then she was almost fainting.’

‘Just like that? She has one of the strongest stomachs of anyone I’ve ever met. Surgery has never made her lose her lunch.’ Connor ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath. ‘I mean, she’s been tired lately, but fainting?’

‘Look, she’s in the break room. I gave her a mug of tea and told her to stay there. She didn’t seem too happy with me, for whatever reason.’

‘I’m not too happy with you right now,’ Connor growled.

Eamonn stopped before they reached the break room and snagged Connor’s white coat. ‘Are you ok?’

Connor released an aggravated sigh. ‘Aside from the fact that I haven’t gotten laid in a few weeks, my girlfriend doesn’t remember dating me, I live in constant fear of her getting lost because she doesn’t remember where we live, and I know she’s holding things back from me. She seemed so content to be back at work. Do you know that she woke up screaming last week from a nightmare?’ Connor stopped talking and started pacing.

Eamonn watched for a moment before speaking. ‘Does she know you’re wound this tight?’

Connor turned sharply to face him. ‘If you mean, have I told her I need to get laid? No! She has enough problems as it is.’ Connor tried to calm himself. ‘I don’t want to put any pressure on her. And you aren’t going to tell her any of this, alright?’

‘Lang, reads people like a book. I’m sure she can tell you’re stressed out.’ Eamonn frowned slightly, ‘Just take care of yourself. She’ll kill you if you end up sick over her.’ Connor’s laugh was strained, but he laughed nonetheless. ‘Anyway, she was stubborn enough to finish out the surgery, but I’m taking her off the list for the rest of the day. And if you find out why she’s so pissed off at me, let me know?’

‘I’ll let you know,’ Connor muttered and squared his shoulders before heading into the break room. His breath nearly left him when he caught sight of Laney. She had wedged herself in the corner of the window bench, her knees tucked under her chin, and her hands clutching the mug of tea. He watched her take a shaky breath and use the heel of her hand to wipe away tears. She looked defeated. God, she was crying, he cringed at the sensations it wrought in his gut.

‘Laney?’ She turned to face him and tried to fake a smile, failing miserably. Giving up on the smile, she sniffed and looked down at her hands, her lower lip quivering. ‘Oh, sweetie,’ he dropped onto the bench next to her and pulled the mug from her hands, setting it on a nearby table. ‘What happened?’

‘How long was I crashing on your couch after Katie died?’

Whatever he had been expecting her to say, that wasn’t it. He blinked trying to catch up to the question. ‘When Katie died?’ he asked. She nodded. ‘I don’t know, three weeks maybe a month. I didn’t want you in your flat by yourself, Robby didn’t mind you being there, and you weren’t really willing to go home for a break.’

She sniffed, straightening her back as if bracing herself. ‘What happened between me and Eamonn?’

Connor took her hands in his, running the pads of his thumbs over her knuckles. ‘Laney, you don’t have to do this.’

She gave a bittersweet smile. ‘I do, though.’ She glanced around the empty room before returning her gaze to their joined hands. ‘I can’t imagine I took being thrown out of theatre very well.’

‘No, you didn’t.’ He tugged her from the corner and wrapped her in a comforting hug. ‘I took you home that day. You were in shock, a violent and angry shock, but shock nonetheless. Anytime anyone got near you, you’d start yelling.’

‘Except you?’

‘Except me.’ He gave her a small smile. ‘You didn’t talk to Eamo before the funeral, and he let you be. About a week later, he convinced me to let him come over and talk to you. I thought it was a good idea. But then you started throwing things.’

Langdon frowned, ‘Really?’


‘How does he still talk to me?’

‘You guys worked things out. Not as a couple, but first to work together again, and then just socially. He’s a decent guy, but he gets a little skittish around you when you’re holding dishes.’ Connor pulled back to get a read on her face. ‘Is that what happened, then? You remembered Eamonn throwing you out of theatre that day?’

She nodded. ‘I remembered the whole miserable day.’

A short laugh managed to escape him, ‘I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you. But it explains why Eamonn thinks you’re upset with him.’

‘I thought I had every right to be,’ she muttered.

‘Well, maybe you did. At least a little. You shouldn’t have been running that resuss, and Eamonn knows that.’

She felt a ripple of tension run through him and she raised a delicate brow. ‘You told him so, didn’t you?’

A guilty grin spread across Connor’s face. ‘Maybe.’ Langdon laughed and Connor breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to see her laugh. ‘Look, Eamonn took you off the surgical list for the day.’ He continued quickly to keep her from objecting, ‘Which I agree with.’ She frowned and nodded reluctantly. ‘You can go home and rest if you want. I shouldn’t be late.’

‘No,’ she shook her head vehemently. ‘I’ll be fine. I can’t just go home whenever I have a bit of a rough day.’ She stood and collected herself, straightening her scrubs, smoothing her hair, and wiping the last traces of tears from beneath her eyes. ‘I’ll go back to ward work for the rest of the day. Page me before you go home?’

Connor smiled warmly. ‘That’s my girl.’ He gave her a quick hug and rested his hands on her shoulders.

Langdon didn’t miss the pained expression that flit through his eyes. ‘Are you ok?’

‘Yeah, of course. I’m just a little tired today,’ he lied.

‘You’ve been restless at night.’

He plastered a reassuring smile on his face. ‘So have you. Take care of yourself today, alright?’

‘Out of trouble, check.’ She watched him leave before collecting her white coat and leaving the surgical wing for the wards. It’d be a cold day in hell before she’d slink home with her tail between her legs. She didn’t want to work on the wards all day, but it was better than the alternative. Langdon straightened her coat and hurried to find Eoin.

Eoin gave her a wry smile when she showed up on the ward. ‘Get sick of cutting so soon?’

Langdon scowled. ‘Very funny.’

‘I’m a funny guy, what can I say.’ He handed her a stack of charts. ‘Good news, I’m also busy.’

‘Oh, you’re just peachy.’ She stared at the pile of paperwork.

‘You love me,’ he grinned.

Langdon threw herself into the work, spending the day taking blood, running lines, re-charting prescriptions, re-dressing wounds, and filling in page after page of patient charts. It was tedious, necessary work, and work that she had spent much of her medical rotation slaving over. When a call came in of a report that needed to be picked up from the pathology department, she volunteered to take pick it up so Eoin could finish with his patients.

She wound her way through the maze of halls that comprised the old hospital, reaching the far basement corner where they housed the morgue, the post-mortem rooms, and the path labs. Why did every hospital put the morgue in the basement? she wondered with a shudder. She edged past the autopsy rooms with a slight frown on her face. There was something creepy about the rooms.

The door leading to pathology office cluster was ajar. She knocked and peeked her head in. ‘Dr. Maslow?’ She heard someone in the back of the lab and stepped into the dark room. ‘Dr. Maslow? I’m here to pick up the path report.’ At the far end of the office block, she could see a light on and started to wend her way through rows of filing cabinets and specimen lined shelves. The smell of forma
lin was overwhelming and she wondered how anyone could work down here. It wasn’t just the smell, the whole place was eerie. Who wanted to work late next to the room where bodies were dissected or remains were prepared for burial?

The sound of something clattering to the floor had her spinning. She squinted into the dark, but couldn’t see any signs of movement. ‘Dr. Maslow?’ she called again. Now she was vividly reminded why she’d hated working late on her path rotation. As interesting as the work was, the whole place gave her the heebie-jeebies.

A hand dropped down on her shoulder and she jumped, stifling a scream. She whirled, coming face to face with Paul. ‘Jesus, Paul!’ she pressed a hand to her chest, trying calm the rapid beating of her heart. ‘You scared the crap out of me!’

Paul gazed down at her, his hands now shoved in the pockets of his white coat. ‘Sorry, I didn’t realise there was anyone else down here.’ He scanned the room, seeing no one else in sight. ‘What are you doing down here?’

Langdon took a step back, Paul’s proximity making her uncomfortable. ‘I came down to pick up a report. Have you seen Dr. Maslow?’

Paul took a step forward, closing the distance between them again. ‘No,’ he said, his voice low. ‘In fact, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone around here in the past hour.’

Langdon retreated another step and felt her back collide with one of the filing cabinets. ‘What are you doing down here, Paul?’

He took another step forward, his size dwarfing her smaller frame. ‘Oh, this and that. You know how it is when you’re running all over the place.’ Langdon furrowed her brow, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

‘Ms. Murphy?’ a call came from the lit office.

Langdon cleared her throat and stared at Paul. ‘Yes, Dr. Maslow?’

‘I thought I heard someone out there. Come on in, I have a report that I need you to sign off on.’

Langdon inched away from Paul, backing toward the office. ‘I’ll see you around, Paul,’ she said softly before turning and fleeing into the sanctity of Maslow’s office.


Paul watched Langdon close the door and grumbled to himself. It unnerved him that she had surprised him again. She didn’t seem to be scared of him. That was a good sign, right? If she’d remembered, she would have run like hell, right? What if she was just messing with him? What was he going to do? She had been right there, alone… He pounded his fist against his forehead. If he couldn’t get the job done, he was dead. Fuck.


Langdon spent a few minutes catching up with Dr. Maslow. She had worked in his lab for a few weeks when she was trying to decide on a specialty. He was brilliant, loved his work, but it wasn’t the job for her. She collected the report and was relieved to find Paul had left the offices. She had always thought of herself as a good reader of people and situations and her gut was in knots over her last interaction with Paul. Something was just off. And she rarely had such a reflexive fear of anyone. Regardless, she didn’t feel comfortable until she was back on the ward brushing shoulders with Eoin.

She filed the report with the appropriate chart and resumed her work. It was later in the afternoon when Eoin dropped into a chair next to her and grimaced slightly at the dirty look she shot his way. ‘Hey now, I didn’t tell you to come up here.’

‘Did you make a dent in your to-do list at all?’ she asked, closing the last chart and trying to shift a kink out of her neck.

‘Sure, though you may have made a bigger dent than I did. If you ever want to drop the whole surgical career, I’d welcome you to the medical any day.’

‘And switch to the dark side? Never,’ she graced him with a half smile.

‘Well, if nothing else, you look better than you did earlier.’ He clapped her on the back. ‘Want to tell me about it?’

Langdon glanced at her watch, ‘Do you have time for a mug of tea?’

Eoin nodded and helped her return the completed charts before heading off to the canteen. He waited until they were both seated with steaming mugs of tea before asking, ‘So what have you been mulling over all day that’s had your forehead wrinkled. I can practically hear the gears grinding from this side of the table.’

‘Mmmn, just a little more sarcasm to sweeten the tea there, Eoin?’

He chuckled. ‘Snarky, nice.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Are you going to be helpful or are you just going to make fun of me?’

‘I’m always helpful.’ His blue eyes turned serious, ‘Lang, you know if you need something…’

‘I need some advice, Eoin.’ She stared at the mug in her hands for a few moments, swallowing the swell of pride that was about to prevent her from asking for his help. ‘Look, Connor isn’t talking to me. I don’t know what to do. He’s not sleeping, he’s not eating like he should, and I’d bet money that it’s worry over me.’

Eoin stared blankly, blinking at her slowly blushing face. ‘Do you need the handcuffs again?’ She turned bright red and he laughed. ‘Tell me something, Lang. When’s the last time you two… you know?’

Langdon furrowed her brow. ‘The last time we what?’

His mouth drew up into a slow and menacing smile. ‘You know. Had sex, bumped uglies, screwed around, slept together, made love, fuck-‘

‘Stop!’ Her face was bright red now. ‘I get it, Eoin. And it’s been since before the accident.’

‘And you’re wondering why he’s high strung. Seriously, Lang, I thought you were smarter than that.’

‘It’s not like I haven’t been encouraging the attention, Eoin,’ she hissed. ‘He blows hot and cold all the time.’

‘Maybe he’s gay.’ Eoin raised a brow and grinned.

‘Oh you’d love that, wouldn’t you?’

‘Ha!’ Eoin set a comforting hand on her shoulder. ‘Lang, he’s straight, I promise. Otherwise, I’d be all over that. But here’s the thing: are you ‘encouraging attention’ or are you throwing yourself at him?’

She cleared her throat nervously. ‘Encouraging?’

‘And does that normally work with him?’

Langdon considered what she remembered of how she and Connor started dating and blushed again. ‘No,’ she muttered.

‘Then you know what needs to be done.’ He winked at her.

She rolled her eyes. ‘I love that this is your solution.’

‘I have a feeling that he’s trying to be gentle with you. He’s never been able to keep his hands off of you, so let’s look at it from a different perspective.’ Eoin laced his fingers and formed a point with his index fingers, tapping them together in thought. ‘If I were Connor, which I’m not, thank God… No offence. And you were ‘fragile’ and couldn’t remember that you were dating me, the idea of sleeping with you would make me feel like I was manipulating you in some way. You know, it would make me feel a little sleezy.’

‘You think?’ she chewed on her lower lip, contemplating Eoin’s idea.

‘Well,’ he grinned lasciviously. ‘I don’t think I’d have a problem taking advantage of you. But Connor probably would.’

Langdon laughed. ‘You’re terrible.’

‘And you, chicken, are going to have to take the initiative on this one.’ He reached across the table and patted her arm in a comforting manner. ‘Take him in hand if you will.’

‘Enough, Eoin, I get it.’ She fiddled with her mug as she thought about the proposal. ‘So, when do I do this?’

‘The sooner the better.’ He leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head. ‘Put him out of his misery, dearie. Put yourself out of your misery. If I remember correctly, you’re quite the accomplished masseuse. You know what, take him away for the weekend and fuck his brains out so I don’t have to see you glowing in the mornings. That would just piss me off.’

Langdon broke down in a fit of giggles and Eoin was quick to join her. Connor and Lang had been his friends since they started school and it bothered him to see either one upset. Hopefully, this would help. Otherwise, he was serious abou
t handcuffing them together again. ‘Eoin, you’re brilliant.’

‘I still hate you.’

‘You love me and you know it.’

Eoin smiled. ‘Yeah, I know. Can’t put anything past you, can I? Now get the hell out of here. Go home and plot this coup of yours.’

Langdon grinned and planted a kiss on Eoin’s cheek before heading for the locker room, plans for the evening already forming in her head.


Paul stripped the bloody surgical gloves from his hands and dropped them into the biomed waste bin. He made the mistake of glancing back at the body that lay on the table, slowly growing cold. The first time he had seen a dead body was the first day of their anatomy lab. The cadaver that had been on the table was there as a learning tool, a sacrifice to the furthering of their education, a wonderful and generous gift to those needing knowledge and experience.

Now, he had seen more bodies than he could count. Hell, he’d had his hands in more than a dozen of them and, he shuddered, maybe he’d brought the end sooner than expected. He thought of himself as merciful. What he did down here was art. Brilliant really. No one suspected a thing… Except Langdon.

Then again, she didn’t really suspect anything, but she would know sooner or later, he was sure of it. Growling to himself, he shouldered the bulging backpack and flicked off the lights. He had a new plan. He knew how he’d get rid of her. But it seemed like such a waste.


Connor eyed Langdon from his vantage point against the counter. She had been quiet all evening. Too quiet for his liking. He knew she was getting bored, restless, frustrated. But tonight she was nearly silent, shooting furtive glances his way when she thought he wasn’t looking. Now she was scurrying around the kitchen, cleaning up the remnants of the evening meal. He moved to help her, but she slapped his hand. ‘You’ve been tending me for two weeks now. I told you that I’d take care of everything tonight and you agreed. I cooked, I’m cleaning. That was the deal. Go sit down.’

Connor smiled and the spunk she was showing then moved out of her way, settling on the couch and letting her work out whatever peeve had her so worked up. He turned on the TV to catch up on sports and tuned out the noise from the kitchen. Moments later, he tuned out everything and dozed off on the couch.

Langdon finished cleaning and glanced over to find Connor out cold. She frowned slightly as she watched him sleep. His hair was mussed as if he’d been running his hands through it all day, his shirt was rumpled, the sleeves rolled to his elbows, his face was drawn, pale, there were dark circles under his eyes, and exhaustion etched in every line of his body, an exhaustion that she felt responsible for. He needed her. No, she shook herself. He needed the now Laney, not the past Laney. Past Laney seemed to be rather needy and wasn’t getting the job done. She didn’t know what to do anymore and was flat out of ideas. Maybe Eoin was right. Sighing, she shrugged and trudged over to the couch. If nothing else, she could help him relax.

Connor didn’t notice as she slid behind him on the couch or the first few tentative touches as her hands grazed his shoulders and arms. Slowly, he awoke to softness, warmth, and the sensation of small but strong fingers massaging the knots from his shoulder muscles. He groaned, it felt fantastic. The hands hesitated when he stirred and he groaned again, this time in frustration. ‘God, Laney, don’t stop. That feels wonderful.’

Langdon smiled softly and pressed the pads of her thumbs into the muscles running up the back of his neck, smoothly freeing the tension he held there. ‘Rough day?’ she asked quietly.

‘Mmn,’ Connor couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, nearly losing himself in the sensation of her fingers. ‘Nothing too bad, just busy,’ he managed to mumble.

‘Liar.’ She wove her fingers through his hair to massage his scalp with one hand, and he didn’t think to stop her when the other hand began to unbutton his shirt. The warm flats of her palms slid into the collar of his shirt and along his shoulders, her fingers like small kisses as they worked down his arms from inside the shirt.

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Frenemy Switch Epilogue

Frenemy Switch - Epilogue - Version June 2015 *************************************** This story builds on the Three-some Switch story arc. You can jump in anywhere you'd like, but the intended order to read the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Pt 2 4) Three-Some Switch part 2 5) Frenemy Switch part 1 6) Frenemy Switch part 2 7) Frenemy Switch part Epilogue These stories are available...

1 year ago
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He was just explaining how he could make multiple versions of himself. He had built a machine that, when he stepped inside, would allow him to create multiple versions of himself with pure thought. They would be fully him, and in fact they would act from a sort of hive mind, with his mind controlling each of them. Yet they would have their own sensations and perspectives. And best of all, when a copy returned to the machine, it disappeared just as suddenly as it had come, but his mind retained...

3 years ago
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Night With An Angel

Seth had met her innocently enough, well maybe not so innocently. They met on an adult webcam site. It was her eyes that caught his attention and he decided to send her an email, complimenting her. Much to his surprise, she wrote back. Over the next few weeks, their conversations became more in depth and personal, each person sharing their deepest feelings and fears. It was nice to have someone he could talk to again, especially someone as beautiful and erotic as Faith. Faith was in her early...

2 years ago
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Miss Crystal part 2

I won't bore you with my weekend but suffice it to say  I had no money and was terrified.  Mostly because I knew I was going to give myself to Miss Crystal and that she was clearly cruel and sadistic.  But I had no real choice.  I could say no, not give her what she wanted.  She had given me an easy out, even encouraged me to take it.  I was allowed to say no but was just incapable of it.  I was compelled beyond my abilities to resist.  I needed to be a slave to a woman who would not hesitate...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions India Summer Second Appearance

When we first encountered Dr. India Summer, she was counseling Kira Noir, a young woman confused with her sexuality. Since Dr. Summer specializes in sexual issues, it’s no surprise we find her in session with “Fluffy Slave”. You witnessed Fluffy’s drama right here, when his girlfriend, Carolina, cheated on him with Daizy and Rob! Fluffy can’t figure out if he should be pissed off at his girl…or if it turns him on! Fluffy’s little dick gets stiff since...

1 year ago
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The Evolution of Sex Pt 01

This story is Part 1 of its series. It follows the lives of a young married couple in 1813. I chose this era because I wanted to explore the evolution of marital sex in a time where many women were forced to marry a stranger. I wanted to recreate how two people could come together and slowly begin to know each other, inside and out. This series is not meant to be completely historically accurate, some lingual anachronisms may occur. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘Do you, John...

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The Shadow Lover

Hands resting on a smooth balustrade, their pale colour contrasting nature, she was frozen. There was something wrong with her hands, something very wrong. They were …. They should be …. She could not catch that instinctive feeling, explain her certainty of wrongness. Her mind seemed to want to give her a desperate hint as she looked down on the smooth, unmarked skin; but she could not grasp the fledgeling thought which hovered just out of reach. Instead, her eyes lifted to take in the...

2 years ago
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The Best Fucking Year Ever

(Many thanks to my colleague Phil Gorman for his proofing and editorial assistance) I was bored out of my mind. I had no interest at all in the game on TV and the rest of the offerings were just plain shit! I searched the streaming services and found nothing I wanted to watch. Earlier I had jerked off to some hot lesbian porn and didn’t feel the need to watch any more. I needed to do something! I read shit-loads of stuff and just didn’t feel like reading anything at the moment. I wandered...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Meeting

Hi my name is Lexus Ford I am from a small town near Melbourne Australia. Graduate from the University of Melbourne with a Doctorate in Psychology being the lead Professor at a major University in Europe. I am 35 year old blonde which sometimes I change when the mood hits. I have green eyes and my measurements are 38FF 24 36. I have been divorced now for ten years but looking to get back in a relationship. This was the reason I decided to take a month long holiday to maybe let my hair down...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Too FarChapter 3

She pulled herself together in time to go to work like nothing ever happened. Just a normal Monday morning. She supposed that all things considered, she wasn't really cut out to be a basement slave for the rest of her life after all, but living out the fantasy of it would have been better if it had lasted longer. Though just like fairy tales and romantic comedies ending at the wedding, stories and roleplays of breaking the will of a kidnapped slave always stop after the exciting parts. The...

1 year ago
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My Little Miss Apple Queen

Chapter 01 My wife of seventeen years was getting ready to leave on a business trip. Her curvaceous form glided across the floor as she packed for her trip. I watched the sway of her hips and the bounce of her tits with lust in my hurt and a throb in my groin. Sherry had just stepped out of the shower, throwing on a lacey black bra that barely contained her 34D breast and her black butterfly thong that I thought was her sexiest. Her long blond hair was still wet but it only made her sparkling...

3 years ago
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Surprise Threesome For My Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hay there, beautiful people! Sorry for taking such a long time to bring you the story of a surprise threesome. You guys might know from that my girlfriend has been so obsessed with threesome lately. In the last part, I promised Asmita to arrange a threesome for her while having our first anal sex. She’s been so excited about this. I needed someone trustworthy and would get ready for this. I wanted to ensure her safety at the same time. When I had a threesome with Asmita and her sister, I had...

4 years ago
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The New Shed

The concrete for the floor had already been poured by two very energetic gentlemen, but that is another story. The lumber had been delivered a few days ago along with all the hardware. The saw station was set up in a shady area so work could go quickly. The wives took all the children to Michigan Adventure for the day so we men had no distractions, but each other of course. After a couple of hours, we were all in oversized short pants and bare-chested. I had bottled water while working and...

4 years ago
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The Bachelor Party Chapter 1

Things with James and Donna had never been better. With her working now at the club, and the trucking company James worked at doing better, money was no longer the specter it used to be. Now they could check the mail in peace and not be afraid that they wouldn't make the bills. In fact, things were so good that James and Donna had started planning a long-awaited vacation.It had been about nine months since James had found out, rather unexpectedly, about her working at the strip club. And while...

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Wife Reluctantly Agrees to Husbands Fantasy

“Here, take this. I want you to be safe. “ With that, my husband handed me a condom. Actually, I don’t know why he bothered. I’m not going to need it. He’s truly kidding himself if he thinks that I will be having sex tonight with somebody else. “Dress up seductively”, he told me as we were getting ready to go out. Tonight was the night that I had agreed, quite reluctantly I must add, to act one of his fantasies. Maybe “act out” is a bit strong. Go through the motions is a lot closer to...

3 years ago
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Cum Away With Me

A surprise vacation at Hedonism leads to a full-fledged orgy.Jeff and Kris were a happily married couple. They had experimentedsexually before their marriage, but with marriage and c***dren, thingshad slowed down. They both wanted more time together, but struggled tobalance it with the demands of life.Jeff decided to whisk Kris away for a vacation for two. He arranged forthe k**s to be taken care of while they were gone. He packed a bag forher that included a very sexy and revealing bikini,...

4 years ago
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By Choice or by ForceChapter 8

Laurie did not think that she would sleep, but the moment her head hit the pillows it seemed that the last couple of days hit her, and she was effectively dead to the world. She was so deep into sleep that she did not even dream – or certainly no dreams that she could remember, when she was awoken the next morning – by the same woman who had shown her to this room. “Mr Richards suggested that you would like to take some breakfast in your room and then freshen up and get dressed.” she...

3 years ago
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Hes Not What You Think Ch 01

This is the first story I have ever written. Many thanks to my patient editor. All mistakes are mine. This being an erotic sight, you’re most likely looking for that erotica. There is no sex in this first part. Sorry, it will come later. Please, let me know your thoughts. Of course, it is fiction. ***** Chapter one ‘Linda, please meet with him. It took me almost two weeks to convince him to agree to this,’ Cathy’s pleading eyes look down as she takes the first bite of her lunch. Linda...

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swingers wedding

After twenty yearsCeased to love, Mikicakoji masturbating all the time namestao so that it grabs the cock and stuffed her mouth eagerly, telltale sigh of pleasure at the moment to stop her husband who immediately began that pulls even harder and silovitije. I do not remember when the eovako violently fucked last Mikicino presence and participation are even more dubious suituaciju that she does not malte immediately when she grabbed his dick and not mal climaxed At the same time when she put her...

1 year ago
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The Girl With The Pink Flowered Panties

I was in an apartment laundry room when I saw them for the first time. And my cock went as hard as a rock. I've seen a lot of hot girls. I've seen a lot of girls that wore some very sexy things and that showed off a lot of skin. However, the girl that I saw on that Friday evening was one that I would never forget. The girl with the pink flowered panties.I was putting my clothes in a washing machine when the girl walked into the room. I didn't know her name or who she was. All I knew was that...

2 years ago
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My true stories No 1 Finally home

I heard the whistle of the conductor from one of the cars way up ahead, and watched as the buildings started to move, slowly at first then faster and faster as the train picked up speed again. I had already been in this uncomfortable seat for almost two hours, watching as passenger after passenger got off, some of them with loads of bags and suitcases, others with nothing but their cellphone glued to their ears. But all of them with more or less of that relieved “finally home” – look on their...

2 years ago
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Molly the Manager Part 6 Happy New Year 1983

these events actually happened. Names have been changed. Geographical locations have not, as it ads to context. The week after Christmas, 1982 up to New Year 1983. Those were some of the happiest years of my life up to that point. The week between Christmas and New Year was a busy one for both of us. Molly, being a manager spent, literally, opening and closing at the return/exchange booth. I on the other hand, was dropped to 25 hours. My saving grace is people that had purchased new...

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Torn LivesChapter 2

Natasha Bridgeport, neé Sorenson, was the only offspring of a couple formed by third generation Norwegian immigrants in the mountain ranges of Idaho, near Montana. In fact the nearest town to their family ranch is Clark Fork over interstate 95. Despite her parents being strict Presbyterians, she was a loved and pampered girl, not strange to the works of the ranch as any hand would, who went from a long legged and adorable teenager to a beautiful young woman. She had inherited the genes of her...

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A Real Lover

It wasn't my first time.   Like most of us, I had a few of those experiences with teenage boys.  You know what I mean, a few hours with no one home, hot petting on the couch, a hand up my skirt, and a blast of his cum as soon as he is inside me, or maybe sooner.  This wasn't like that.Alonzo wasn't a boy.  Twenty something, I guess.   His long dark hair, and lithe, muscular body called to me and I came.  I don't know how we quickly moved to his apartment, but we did.  I just remember that he...

First Time
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House owner8217s sexy desire

It is Funguy again with another hot encounter had with the neighbor near our office. I joined with the new company after two months and started working on. It was an MNC and they started their branch in Madurai, I was put in charge of the branch. Initially there was no one other than me, my duty was to co-ordinate with Chennai office and establish the office and then select candidates for office. We took an office for rent and the House owner was residing on the ground floor and let the first...

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Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...

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The Devils Pact SideStory Cynthia and Vivians First Webcast

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Cynthia and Vivian's First Webcast Note: This takes place between Chapter 19 and Chapter 20. Follows the characters of Cynthia and Vivian from Chapter 1. “I think we're set, Viv,” Cynthia said as she fiddled with the webcam, aiming it at our bed. A long cable connected the webcam to my laptop, I didn't know what it was called, but the Geek Squad member assured me it was the cable we needed. “How does it look?” I was...

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Peter North fucks my wife

In 1994 I took some money from a loan shark, at the time they stated how I had 2 weeks to pay it back or there would be problems and of course I didn’t want that. There was 1 week left to pay and I had only 30% of the money I owed I was starting to panic as I didn’t want any trouble, for the next few days I was doing all I could to get the money back and with 1 day left the loan shark called and asked if I had the moneyi said “ I’ve got 90% please take this and give me some more time for the...

2 years ago
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Mr X

Some people might say my life, as it is now is somewhat disturbing. Disgusting, that I’m going to hell for what I do. But to be desired, to be used makes me feel special. You are probably wondering what I’m talking about. So I will start from the beginning. No one knew my name, pale and unfamiliar, undesirable a nonentity. I spend most of my days wishing I was someone else. Secretly waiting, for someone to pull me out of obscurity. It was the first time I had noticed the sun, streaks of light...

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Bonnie McBride

There was a straight chair next to the sofa bed. Billy crept toward it, afraid the ancient floorboards would squeak, and stood very quietly when he got to the chair. A bra and a pair of panties were draped over the back of the chair. He reached out and fingered the bra briefly, then lifted it and held it to his nose. It smelled like detergent. He picked up the panties. They were lacy panties, but the crotch and back were silky smooth. He sniffed them. More detergent. It wasn't a woman scent --...

4 years ago
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The GoatherdChapter 12

Returning to Port Zamfara this morning made me nervous. The gate guards didn’t act any different except they seemed indifferent to Karako’s presence today. The line of people hoping to sell slaves started forming even before the marketplace seemed awake. It was much shorter than yesterday, even though I recognized several people who had returned to sell additional slaves. I guessed that they thought overnight about the long-term financial prospects for Port Zamfara and decided to reduce their...

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Preacher sucks and dresses again

If you have been following the stories, I had just fucked the preachers daughter, Jaimie, 23 year old and pregnant with my baby, and Katrina, a 19 year old young married m_ommy for hours in a hotel. I used them well and had them use each other. This was the week the preachers wife, Pam, a real MILF and another of my sluts, was seducing my wife (or ordered to do so anyway) at the church ladies retreat.I left the Jaimie at my house to meet the school bus and my k**s, Katrina had went home to her...

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The Girl With The Emerald Eyes Chapter 7

As Emily flicked through the pictures small “oohs” and “ahhs” emanated from her lips. A twinkle glinted in those effervescent emerald eyes and a broad smile was etched on her face. At least that was something — she wasn’t horrified or worse.Quietly I began to get dressed as she carried on examining Nat’s pictures. From where I was it was impossible to tell which image was attracting each response. But I was delighted that she seemed to be enjoying them.“So you’re much kinkier than just wanting...

College Sex
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Hell Week

Hell Week ? by: Cowgyrl The moment of truth had come. It had been one long semester of learning everything there was to know and more about the house and its members, and now, our pledge class was preparing for our initiation week or hell week. We'd all heard the stories of hazing and outright verbal abuse throughout the campus during these rites-of-passage, and it was not sitting well with any of us I suspect. However, nothing could prepare us for what lay in store in the next...

4 years ago
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A helping hand for Lotte

Part 1Lotte observed her visitor. He was large black man, with grey hair, balding noticeably at the front. He had a cheerful expression on his face, and his big belly pushed against his shirt.“And how old are you, girl?” he asked, moving a little closer to her and looking around at the nicely-furnished sitting-room. “Eighteen,” said Lotte, smiling shyly.“Yes, Billy told me. Well, I am a little bit older than you.” He laughed, now very near Lotte, almost touching. “I am one of Billy’s oldest...

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A Cuckold By Choice Chapter 3

 Walking in the street without panties was another first for me, it felt really sexy and I wondered if my daughter did anything like that with her lover.As we walked I told Charlie about her.“Yeah, I think a lot of people are into this sort of thing, you girls seem to get sexier as you get older.”“Thanks, I think.”“Well just think about it, when you were first married would you have done this?”“No,” I laughed, “Although I might have been tempted if you’d been around.”“Yeah, I wish I had been...


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