Breach Of Confidentiality Ch. 02 free porn video

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Back at the home office, things weren’t going any better for Michelle. Her immediate supervisor Archie was on vacation, so she was meeting with Archie’s superior, Albert. Albert was at least as unhappy as Kelly had been.

‘I hope you understand that you blew the Blonde Concepts account, Michelle,’ said Albert, in a dreadfully casual tone. ‘That was a blue chip client, and your personal actions cost us the money we would have made as well as damaging our reputation. Now, make no mistake…I’m about to fire you. But I find myself saying, ‘Well, perhaps there’s a good reason Michelle completely disregarded procedure and decided her personal entertainment was more important than her job. Perhaps our blue chip client just over-reacted.’ So, why don’t you tell me what you said to that girl that got the management over there in such a tizzy?’

This was it. Michelle had this one chance to save her job. She looked at Albert, took a deep mental breath and opened her mouth to describe the conversation. Unfortunately, what came out was a girlish giggle.

Albert blinked as Michelle clapped a hand over her mouth. Veins began to stand out on Albert’s forehead. ‘Do you think this is funny, Michelle?’ asked Albert. He watched Michelle shake her head. ‘Then try it one more time. And this really better be good.’

Michelle’s heart was racing. Where the hell had that giggle come from? She gave herself a moment to calm down before looking at Albert again. She tried again to speak, but found herself pressing her knees together, ankles splaying apart, her hands in her lap as she again giggled helplessly. The more she tried to explain, the more she giggled.

Albert stood up, his face thunderclouds. ‘You’re done here, Michelle. Clean out your desk. Good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future.’ He then turned and walked out the door.


Michelle put the box in the trunk of her car. It had been really strange seeing her desk so empty.

The drive home was unpleasant, and now she had to find new employment. She hadn’t planned on staying at MarketTech forever anyway, so maybe this was a chance for a new opportunity. Remembering that Power Plus Marketing had once offered her a position- she had turned it down because MarketTech had fortunately offered her a position at the same time- she decided to start there.

She tried not to be nervous as she dialed the number. Too soon someone answered, ‘Power Plus Marketing.’

‘I’d like to speak with Tom Chalmers, please,’ said Michelle. She waited as the call was transferred.

‘Tom Chalmers.’

Michelle took a breath. ‘Hello, Mr. Chalmers. I don’t know if you remember me, but I…’

Tom interrupted her. ‘Michelle! Of course I remember you. So does every other man here, no doubt. You made quite the impression.’

It was nice to know her flirting had paid off for once. ‘Thank you, Mr. Chalmers. I just wanted to let you know that I’m in the market once again, and if you have any opportunities available, I’d love to explore them.’

Chalmers brayed laughter. ‘Yeah, I already heard you got bounced by the MarketTech boys, although nobody said why. Did you steal from a client?’


‘Did you sleep with any of your clients?’


‘Too bad. That would have scored points in your favor. Alright, as long as you didn’t steal or kill, whatever happened is between you and MarketTech, alright? Come by tomorrow, we’ll get you started.’

‘Oh!’ said Michelle. ‘Thank you, Mr. Chalmers! You won’t regret this.’

‘I hope not,’ said Chalmers. ‘We’ll see you tomorrow.’

A rush of excitement surged through Michelle as she hung up the phone. A new job already, on the first call, no less! Yes, Chalmers could be a bit inappropriate at times and Power Plus wasn’t in the same league as MarketTech, but she was willing to put up with it for now.



Michelle woke up the next morning and knew immediately that something was different.

She sat up, blinking. Then she got out of bed and made her way towards the bathroom. And finally she realized what was bothering her.

Her hair was much fuller and longer than it had any right to be.

Michelle turned on the bathroom light and looked in the mirror. What she saw made her eyes widen and her heart race.

Her hair was a thick mass of poofy blonde curls flowing all the way down her back. It was a teenager’s first perm, embarrassingly adorable, and far more appropriate on a beach bunny than in a marketing office.

Michelle tried to calm her racing thoughts. Chalmers probably wouldn’t care…in fact, he’d probably like it…but it was still going to be embarrassing as hell. And why the hell did this have to happen today? It had to be some reaction to her shampoo, or the chemicals that Kelly had been pumping into her.

Well, she didn’t have time to worry about it. She could flow around the obstacles as well as the next person, and she had bigger fish to fry, so she jumped in the shower and spent the next hour shampooing and blow-drying her mass of hair.

She finally finished with her hair, so it was time to get dressed. And that was when Michelle made another discovery.

Her bra was a size too small.

Michelle swore. This wasn’t happening. The damn thing had to have shrunk in the laundry. Every bra she tried on, however, ended with the same result. The band size was fine, but the cup was too small. Michelle finally had to face it. Her boobs had somehow grown a cup size.

Michelle clenched her teeth. This had to be Kelly’s stupid security formula or whatever it was. Well, she couldn’t do anything about it now. She squeezed her boobs into her stretchiest bra and decided to go with it. Yes, they were bulging a bit out the top and she jiggled a bit when she walked, but, as long as she kept them covered, that would be fine.

Getting dressed, however, proved to be a bit of a problem. Nothing seemed to fit right. she seemed to have lost an inch or two on her waist, but her hips seemed an inch or two wider. Michelle finally settled on a long skirt and blouse combination, but nothing felt right. It was frustrating, but she could feel a wave of heat just sweeping over her every time she slipped the clothing on. It was like her skin being covered by clothing caused her to be distractedly aroused. Chemicals couldn’t possibly be causing this!

Michelle finally settled on a skirt and blouse combination that was quite a bit more casual and revealing than her original choices, but at least she was able to get dressed. The blouse showed more cleavage than was really appropriate for the first day at a new job, and the skirt showed more leg than necessary, but Chalmers probably wouldn’t mind and she was able to wear it, so she left it at that. She still felt a constant buzz of arousal, but she would just have to live with that for now.

The problems she had getting ready and dressed had delayed her, and she had to race to Power Plus Marketing headquarters. She rushed in the door and looked at the clock, hoping that somehow their clock was slow. No such luck.

Chalmers stepped out of his office and looked at Michelle.

Michelle walked over to Chalmers with her hand extended. ‘Gosh, thank you so much for this opportunity! I mean it! I am sooooo sorry for running late, but it won’t happen again, ‘kay? I promise!’

Michelle saw Chalmers looking at her oddly, and her cheeks colored as she realized she had babbling. She looked down and mumbled an apology, wishing there was a hole she could jump into.

‘Hey, don’t worry about it, okay?’ said Chalmers. ‘It happens. I see you changed your hair color since the last time I saw you. It’s, ah, nice. It suits you. Sort of. Anyway, come on…I’ll show you your desk.’

Michelle gratefully followed Chalmers to her desk. She found herself in a cubicle, with rose-colored separators surrounding her. Well,
it was something, anyway. She turned to Chalmers. ‘Thank you, Mr. Chalmers,’ she said, in what she hoped was a more professional tone of voice that her earlier babble.

‘You’re welcome, Michelle,’ said Chalmers. ‘We’re going to have a meeting in about thirty minutes, give you a chance to meet everyone, get your first assignment, that kind of thing. Go ahead and get settled for now.’

Michelle was grateful for the brief reprieve. She had gotten flustered, and that had caused her to babble like a teenager. She forced herself to calm down and prepare for the meeting. It would be everybody’s first time meeting Michelle, and she had to make sure she made the proper first impression.

Two cups of coffee later, Chalmers stuck his head in the cubicle and summoned Michelle. Michelle stood up, heart racing from pure caffeine, and made her way to the meeting room. She took a seat at the long table and watched her new co-workers as they filed into the room

Chalmers sat at the head of the table and called the meeting to order. ‘Good morning. This won’t take long. First, I want to congratulate Jackson on the work he did on the Flowers By Ike account. Nice job, Mr. Jackson! Secondly, I want to announce we have a new account with Martin’s Sporting Goods store. They’re a small but growing company, and we’re getting in at just the right time. And finally, I want everybody to meet our newest employee, Michelle. We managed to steal her from MarketTech, and we’re expecting big things from her. She’ll be working the Martin’s account. Give her a big hello, everybody.’

Michelle stood up and there was a round of applause tinged with respect. MarketTech was one of the big boys, and snatching one of their people was a coup of sorts.

Michelle waited until the applause died down before speaking. Then she said, ‘Thanks, guys! It’s super to be here! I’ve already got some, like, awesome ideas for this Mikey’s Sporting Goods store! This is gonna be totally off the hookah!’

There was complete silence for several heartbeats. Michelle’s eyes suddenly widened as she realized that what she had tried to say was not what had actually come out. Her fingers flew to her mouth and she tried to play it off. Unfortunately, what came out was an inane giggle.

Chalmers finally stepped in at that point. ‘Alright, everybody, thanks for your time. Meeting adjourned!’ Everybody stood up and began to file out. There was a murmur of conversation, and it wasn’t hard to figure out what they were talking about.

Chalmers turned to Michelle. ‘Michelle, are you feeling okay? You sounded a bit, ah, ditzy there, you know.’

Michelle’s cheeks were burning. ‘I know, Mr. Chalmers. I just, ah, got a little flustered, that’s all. I’ll be fine.’

Chalmers nodded. ‘I’m glad to hear that,’ he said.

But Michelle wasn’t fine. She found the problem getting worse, and she struggled with her speech patterns for the rest of the day. She found herself chirping in a high-pitched, cheerful tone when asking or answering questions. If she tried to concentrate on her word formation, it was even more pronounced. Her words would then come out choppy and slow, and she knew she sounded even more bubble-headed than when she bimbo-babbled. It was as if she had an editor in her head…everything she wanted to say seemed to go through this editor before it reached her mouth. If she tried to say ‘hello,’ it came out of her mouth as ‘Hi there, cutie!’ If she tried to say ‘yes,’ it came out as ‘okey dokey’ or ‘yeppers!’ She sounded embarrassingly cutsie, but she couldn’t stop it. And equally frustrating was her incessant giggle. It was becoming more pronounced and automatic.

Five o’clock couldn’t arrive soon enough. At five minutes til, however, Chalmers called Michelle into his office.

‘Congratulations on making it through your first day, Michelle,’ said Chalmers. ‘You’ve been looking a bit confused and flustered all day, though, and I was wondering if everything is all right? You seem a little, ah, different from what I remember from your original interview.’

Michelle sighed. She knew she had to tell him what happened. Besides, she had already triggered the stupid effects…what else could happen now?

Michelle giggled. ‘Well, I was, like, working on this account, you know? And it was…was…it was…’

Chalmers looked at Michelle with a dubious expression. ‘It was what? What account are you talking about?’

Michelle opened her mouth, but she was unable to speak. Her mouth and lips were tingling and her eyes widened as an incredibly overwhelming urge to suck swept over her. She blinked, breathless, and her eyes were riveted to the bulge in Chalmer’s pants. Her mouth was watering at the very thought of that cock just sliding through her tightly wrapped lips and filling her mouth with hot…

‘Michelle?’ said Chalmers’ voice. ‘Michelle?’

‘Oh!’ said Michelle. ‘I’m, like, sorry, honest! I’m kinda spacey today, you know?’ She took several steps backward, her eyes still glued to Chalmers’ crotch. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, cutie, ‘kay?’ Then she turned and fled.

Michelle made it to her car breathing like she had sprinted the entire way. There was nothing wrong with her brain. Nothing! But she couldn’t control her speech patterns or her giggle, and now she was having trouble controlling her arousal. She had been horny since she got dressed in the morning, but the wave that had swept over her in Chalmers’ office was something else entirely. And worse, it wasn’t going away. She needed to suck something in the worst way.

She rifled through her purse trying to find a lollipop, but there were none. Finally, in desperation, Michelle slid her thumb into her mouth. She ignored the looks of the other drivers as she sped onward. She had to run some errands before she went home. Glancing down at her bulging boobs, she knew what her first stop would be.


Michelle arrived home and tossed her packages to the side. She quickly locked and chained her door, then stripped off her clothing. Then she popped her new pacifier into her mouth and raced to grab her strongest vibrator. She plopped onto her bed, spread her legs and immediately pressed the humming vibe against her swollen clit. Her nipples hardened, her hips began bucking and almost instantly she was squealing around the pacifier.

She was a slave to her vibrator for nearly twenty minutes before it finally rolled from her powerless hand. She was barely conscious. Michelle had gone from store to store, buying new clothes. Trying on clothes, however, apparently triggered her arousal. At least, the most conservative clothing did. Michelle had tried on several long skirts and dresses, and that had been a mistake. She had become so overwhelmed by arousal that she had started jilling herself in the changing room, and that had gotten her thrown out. Still, she had managed to get almost everything she needed. But her arousal had built to an unbearably heated precipice, and so her release had been catastrophic.

Her heartbeat was just returning to normal when she faded into a blissful sleep.


When she woke, Michelle knew her day wasn’t going to be any better than the previous day.

She sat up and was immediately rewarded by a weighty jiggling between her shoulders and just above her belly. Michelle clenched her teeth as she realized her boobs had swelled even more. Now, however, her nipples were much more sensitive than they had been the day before. In fact, they were distractingly sensitive.

Michelle stood and then padded her naked body into her bathroom. She examined herself in the full-length mirror. It was as bad as she feared. In fact, it was worse.

Her boobs had swelled to the outer limits of barely appropriate. Her waist now pinched in and her hips had widened another inch or two. Michelle turned sideways and gasped as she realized her ass had bubbled as well. Then she leaned in and examined her face and noticed somethi
ng else. Her lips were swelling, and not just a little.

Michelle stared at her reflection. She realized she was twirling a strand of hair around her finger and she forced herself to stop. Alright, she was trapped in this embarrassing bimbo body right now, but that didn’t mean she had to act like a bimbo. It would take a lot of work, but Michelle was going to make sure that everybody eventually saw past her exaggerated curves and realized there was a brain under that mop of blonde curls.

As long as she could keep her arousal under control, that was.

Getting dressed again proved to be challenging. The more clothing she wore…specifically, the more skin she covered, the more intense the arousal spike. Michelle had thought herself ready to put up with being hot and horny, but she wasn’t ready for the intensity of the heat. It was much stronger than yesterday, and she had found herself on the floor jilling herself before she knew what was happening when she had tried some conservative garb. Nipples hard, squirming, belly muscles twitching, Michelle finally accepted she had no choice. She slipped into a miniskirt that was barely three inches below her ass and a blouse that showed a good three inches of belly and far more cleavage than she would have ever expected to show in the office. And, even with this outfit, she still maintained a low ebb of distinct arousal.

Michelle was running late again, but she ran into the office just before nine. She made it into her cubicle and collapsed in relief. She had a few minutes to gather her thoughts and get ready to show everyone that she wasn’t just a big pair of boobs.

‘Good morning, Michelle,’ said Chalmers, standing at the opening of her cubicle, several files in his hand.

‘Oh!’ said Michelle. Then she giggled. ‘Hiya, Mr. Chalmers!’ She bounced up and walked around her desk.

‘So, are you ready to start your new account- Martin’s Sporting Goods?’ asked Chalmers, holding out a file.

‘Oh, you betcha!’ said Michelle. ‘I am sooooo gonna kick some butt! You’ll see!’ Michelle wanted to scream in frustration, but all that came out was a perky giggle. She was struggling not to stare at Chalmers’ bulge. Her mouth was watering helplessly.

‘I’m glad to see that kind of enthusiasm,’ said Chalmers. ‘Keep up the good work!’ He reached out and patted her shoulder, but his hand somehow slid down her back and right off her rounded ass.

Michelle’s first thought had been to step back, but, to her embarrassment, she found herself instinctively sticking her ass out and giggling as his hand made contact with her rounded globes.

Chalmers chuckled and winked, then turned and left the cubicle. Blushing, Michelle stomped back to her desk and tried to think of something really painful to do to Kelly and Dr. Street.

Michelle did the best she could, despite feeling horribly underdressed and helplessly aroused. She kept her thighs pressed together and tried to distract herself, but her belly muscles twitched without mercy. Her nipples were hard, and every movement caused waves of pleasure to flow through her. Worse, she still had an overwhelming need to suck. Then Chalmers showed up in front of her desk again.

‘Alright, Michelle,’ said Chalmers, ‘the representatives from Martin’s Sporting Goods will be here in about half an hour for a brainstorming session. I know it’s short notice, but try to have at least a little something ready for them, okay?’

Michelle’s belly muscles fluttered with nervousness, but she didn’t let that show. ‘Sure, no pwoblem, boss!’

Chalmers’ left eyelid twitched momentarily. Then he held out a large teeshirt. ‘Here,’ he said. ‘Put this on. I had several made this morning. Make sure you wear it for the meeting.’

Michelle held the teeshirt out at arm’s length. It was black with the words ‘TEAM MARTIN’ in white lettering across the chest. Looking at the tag, Michelle saw that it was an extra-large.

‘Ummmm…do you have anything a bit, um, tighter, like?’ she asked.

Chalmers shook his head. ‘No,’ he said. ‘I’m not sure what size the representatives from Martin’s will be, so I got all extra-larges. Don’t worry…I’m sure they’ll still notice your big tits, alright? Just wear it, and don’t embarrass me.’

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I watched Zoe finish practice and did my homework, anticipating the call with Josh later that night. Walking out to the parking lot to find Mrs. Bell, we heard a shout. Out near one of the cars partway back in the parking lot, I saw Tami pressed up against a car with Jake Masuko pawing at her. It was clear she was trying to push him away. I dropped Zoe's hand and sprinted towards them. When I shouted Tami's name, Jake backed up. Seeing me he practically bristled, his hands balled up into a...

2 years ago
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Male teen his friend and his friendrsquos dad

That night, after having seen my friend Jon’s dad pleasure himself, it was all I could think of. (my post, “Male teen watches his friend’s dad masturbate”) I was staying at their house for the week and as I layed awake on the floor of my friend’s room, the image of that big, thick, hairy cock spilling out its thick, white creamy cum haunted me. Every teen boy knows the overwhelming sexual drive at comes with puberty, and I was no different. Curiosity and the sights and sounds of watching his...

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the mall

Today she was going to the mall to find a guy to suck cock. She was hoping for a big thick one. She wore a tight shirt and short skirt. No underwear. Her tits are large and her pussy shaved. She was very good at sucking cock. A gay man taught her how to suck it deep and drink the cum. at the mall she walked thru the sporting section. Her back arched so her tits were very noticeable. One man stared looking at her. She walked by him and rubbed his chest and walked away then looked back at him...

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Ritual Ritual Your awoken by the arrival of the six priestesses in your room of the temple, they are naked and their bodies smooth of any hair, two of them start to fill the large bath, two more move about the room preparing everything for you. ?The final two approach you in your bed and draw back the covers to reveal you naked except for your chastity belt.? They unlock and remove the chastity belt revealing the only hair left on your body, the rest of you shaved smooth as required or...

4 years ago
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Policewomen 5 Cindy Tries Girls

Policewomen 5: Cindy Tries Girls Three years ago. Chapter 1 She was almost there, so very close. A few more seconds and she would explode with pleasure. Cindy was in the hospital giving birth to her son. The 18-year-old felt her muscles contract and tighten, her spine starting to tingle, and warm waves, burning hot, to course through her body. “Come on, Cindy! You can do it!” her mother, by her side, cheered her on. Cindy’s mother had no idea her daughter was about to...

3 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 10

It was only fair. Dale, Mrs. Robertson, licked her husband's come out of me, and I licked Larry's come out of her. We then got a lot more involved with each other. I'd never really eaten a woman before, not seriously, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I brought her to a squealing, wailing, climax. Of course she had to lick all of her juices from my face, which was a lot of fun. Then she went down on me. Guys had gone down on me before at these parties, though they're a little...

4 years ago
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True Story Getting My Wife Naked Massaged

I had previously arranged a number of home massage sessions and said that guys I had met at adult education learn to massage classes wanted to meet to practice further and would she be the model.So on over ten occasions, we had these sessions with one or two guys who would come to our home. After exchanging pleasantries, my wife would get undressed in front of them and hop up onto the table. I would recommend to place an eye shade over her eyes to "keep the light out of her eyes" but really it...

Wife Lovers
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 11

Tonya felt like she was in a haze; she tried to make her way through it, but it was thick, even heavier than fog, more like heavy smoke, but it didn't choke her at all. The haze started clearing; Tonya was able to move through it more easily. She bumped up against a wall, but she couldn't see it. 'Glass?', she thought to herself. She wasn't sure why she felt that way, but she got the feeling she was being watched. It didn't make any sense to her. She made her way along the wall, and...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Begins

As recession hits, I struggled to pay my employees, owing them few month of salaries before one by one leaving the company. Few stayed with me, I manage to keep my business alive after I found a person name, John, from Greece, willing to invest in it. My pretty wife, Stephy, 29yo, 160cm with 28A cup flat chest followed me to airport to pick him up. We showed him around our country popular sites before bringing him to our office. We tried our best to convince him to invest more into our business...

4 years ago
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My Hot Neighbor Part 2 Fucking The Sexy MILF

I thought that Mansi was upset with me for flirting with her. But the next day I got a text from her in the afternoon saying she needed to talk to me. I was a little excited. I knew I hadn’t pushed my limit because I hadn’t gone forward or even initiated sexting. Maybe she wanted to thank me. I was hoping that would give me more good points. I went to her house. The moment she opened the door I was awestruck. She had her hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a little makeup. She had...

3 years ago
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Youre Even Better Than Mom

Forgive me, please, dear readers, but every morning, when I read Peanuts, I think of Snoopy sitting in front of a typewriter (remember them?) and resolve that one day, for no reason whatsoever, I will start a story with what is reputed to be the worst example of literature in the English language. 'It was a dark and stormy night... ' In truth, the storm had finally abated, after threatening to ruin business for the entire evening, leaving behind just a strong if cold breeze. It was safe...

4 years ago
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Special Needs

Juliette held her daughter’s hand while she drew the flower. ‘Flower,’ she repeated patiently. Simon smiled from across the too short table as he assisted his son. ‘Car,’ his deep, sexy West Texas drawl caressed her skin. Her nipples hardened inside her plain white bra. ‘Get a grip,’ she chastised herself. She had no business lusting after the super hot single dad, who had recently joined their special needs homeschool group. Looking up, she saw five other pair of eyes watching the man’s...

3 years ago
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First Time Using THC Edibles

By now my wife was a getting bit mellow as the chocolate kicked in. Wearing nothing but her stockings and spike heels, she slid seductively onto the bed and leaned back against the headboard with her knees up and legs spread. Her eyes were slightly unfocused as she enjoyed the new sensation of being high. I decided to just lick her sweet pussy and tease her clit to see how she would react. I got out of my clothes and settled down between her thighs. I knew it was going to be a great night when...

1 year ago
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Stephanie my cum slut Part 2

Stephanie my slut slave : Part 2. Two days later, Stephanie was again slip shod in her approach to her master and he decided that this time she was going to be really humiliated. So he arranged to meet her in the centre of town and lead her through a succession of back streets till they reached a pet shop. The took his little cum slut inside the shop and he whispered that she should go select a leather dog collar and leash from near the counter. She should unbutton the top five buttons of her...

4 years ago
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Cab Fare

I wasn’t sure of what I had taken that night. Actually I knew some of what I had taken that night to be more accurate. I was high – High as a kite they say. I was tipsy as well. The combination of the drugs and alcohol made me unsteady on my feet. I have always had ‘balance issues’, they were just exasperated by the toxins in my body. I was swaying as I walked down the street with my red and gold high heeled shoes swinging in my left hand. The soles of my feet were black from traipsing around...

2 years ago
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E034 A present for Emma And the seventeenth pearl is earned

Saturday morning, they both wake somewhat early, well rested and ready for the day ahead.  Donald has big plans for how they are going to spend part of the day.  A special shopping trip for Emma.  While he had planned this as part of her training, he is spurred on pursuing this from reading the last entry from Emma’s mother’s diary.“Emma, we are going shopping this morning for something for you,” he tells her as they lay in the bed cuddling.Emma can’t imagine what it would be.  He has bought...

Love Stories
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Room intruder in spandex PT 1

Divorces are hard, my folks split when I was in the 11th grade. I went with my mom, my pops decided to travel for work more, part of why they ended it all. My moms got closer with a guy friend, we ended up moving in with him and his daughter's, he was single too. He had a young daughter who was sweet and a 20 year old daughter Tiffany was the opposite, she thought my mom was taking advantage of her dad, she took that anger out on me by being mean and demanding, tripping over little things. Most...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess10e04 Dawn McCall 34 from Manchester and her wife Cath Dudley 32

We fade in on our ‘bedroom’ set. All in darkness, then turn on the spotlights, highlighting the rusty, ugly old bedstead, and dirty mattress. It’s a sleezy scene, a bed that no self-respecting woman would lie down on ... And she comes now... We hear footsteps approaching – multiple footsteps, and two women walk into frame. One is a little heavyset, wearing jogging pants that should be baggy but stretch over her large frame, and a t-shirt that hugs her round belly and big boobs - frankly...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Pinni

Hi I am Chandu and I am 25years now. I want to tell something true about what happened in my life, about my Pinni( Renuka 35years now) and me she is elder to me of 10 years when ever I used get holidays I used to go to my grandmothers’ house. At that time she was unmarried and she was 23.she has a good figure of 36 boobs and looks like soundarya. I remember that was I was so small it happened. Nanu thana sanam cheyinchedi chinnapatiunchi full naked, but at that time I was small around 7years,...

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Stealing Zoe

With a slight groan the lock in the window parted,and swung open silently. I lifted myself through and dropped down low letting the silence wash over me. I looked around the room letting my eyes adjust to the darkness before moving into the house. I was after anything small and concealable, I didn't want to be stopped by the cops walking down the road with a television in my arms. Kind of awkward to explain that away at two am in the morning.I made for the stairs and went up, the best stuff...

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My Seductionist Neighbour

Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also, do send feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. This story is different from all my previous ones. Because in the previous ones, I tried to seduce ladies towards me, but in this case, a lady seduced me towards her. It was a long process and took nearly 2-3 years to bear fruit. 3 years back, we shifted to our new home. It was on the day of our housewarming that I met Renuka aunty for the first time. She...

4 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 16

"What the hell is your problem tonight?" Richie poked a few pieces of Thanksgiving leftovers around his plate, his head propped up with his arm. "Can the act, Mom," he said in a tired voice. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Richie frowned and looked up. The Aura around Sandra seethed. "It's back. You don't have to pretend like you're my mother anymore. We had our fun, so now it's back to the same old shit. Might as well tell me how you want me to fuck you...

4 years ago
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The New Family Part 6

All your suggestions and criticisms are more than welcomed at ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karan and Kavya came back from their trip. For a couple of days after returning, Karan wasn’t able to talk to Riya due to work pressure and also she was trying to avoid him. On the christmas eve, Kavya invited Karan and Riya to her place for dinner. She was throwing a small party for very close group of her friends. Both of them went to her house on that day. Very neatly dressed. Riya looked absolutely stunning and...

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Her Wish My Command 8211 A Crazy Orgy

Hey guys, this is Rohan, back with another story after the positive response to my previous story, “Pounding the professor.” This time around the story is about how we got into an orgy in an unexpected fashion when on tour. Yeah, so the discrete relationship between Sana and me was going quite well and we were enjoying sex even after going two years down the line. Now I was in my final year of graduation and had finished taking up all my competitive exams. I was confident of getting an...

2 years ago
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Breaking the Miss Teenage USA 2012 Contest RulesChapter 4

(Holly Is a Winner) Holly and her two new friends Crystal and Vickie were all in the big circular bed with the overhead mirror that allowed them to see each other's naked bodies on top of the red silk sheets. Vickie, as usual, was the one with the strap-on and she looked fierce and dangerous. She could see her own backside was all red from the way that Crystal had spanked her a lot harder than she had expected. Not that she was complaining, it was so much fun that she had orgasmed twice...

4 years ago
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Reardoor Love Guide for Beginners

BROWN-EYE LOVER TO CHEEKY BUM GIRL (10 Feb 14) Dear Cheeky Bum Girl, I took your advice with regard to the use of the warming lubricant on the base of my dick when I mounted my target. It certainly livened things up, I must say. You were so kind to describe the sensation you received when your buttocks were stimulated in that manner. I will take this opportunity to thank you for the "selfie" of how you reacted to entry from that difficult angle by a cock of that length and thickness. I...

3 years ago
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The Girl Book 1 Chapter 5

Sam looked at her with an evil smile. Hank also approached with a bit of concern on his face. --- "I told you Hank, she'll come." --- said Sam --- "She's like an addict now." --- "Sure you wanna be here, kid?" --- said Hank, finishing his cigarette. Lilly looked at him, took the cigarette from his hand, shook the ashes and blew on it to strengthen the smolder. She then parted her pussy lips with one hand, and placed the stub between her legs with the other. Looking into the eyes of...

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Sex With A Beauty Of A Lifetime 8211 Sheetal Aunty

Hello friends I am back again with a new story which happened with me by chance. I hope you all liked my previous story “Fucked my cousin in Lonavala”. To people who are reading my story first time, I am Ashish from Pune. My age is 26 and I am a guy with sporty physique. My dick is too big n thick about 8 – 8.5 inches. I really think I am a luck guy that I got a chance to fuck an Angel looking aunty who stays near my society. To describe about her, her age is approx 34, her boobs are not so...

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Katies Journey Into Sluthood Pt 1

Pt1 Katie Gets An Idea   Katie was trying her very best to be quiet. It was 40 minutes after she had promised to be in and she was expecting trouble. Her step-father didn’t seem in the best of moods lately, she tried her hardest to keep him happy but he had become distant and irritable with her.She didn’t like the current atmosphere much as they had always had a close relationship, but she couldn’t blame him for feeling awful since her mother had left them a year ago. She had sent him a text...

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Pandemoniums WakeChapter 4

"Where are we going?" Ferro asked. They had stripped off their suits and hung them in lockers on the other side of the inner hatch. Kay made him strip off his clothes, leaving them in the locker as well. Reaching into a closet, she brought out clothes. They both dressed in simple woven pants and blouses that looked faded and well worn with lots of pockets. He tried on several pairs of soft soled shoes, which were really moccasins, until he found a pair that fit. Then she led him into a...

4 years ago
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Suraksha Kee Pahlee Garam Chudeyee

Meraa naam Vinod haa par for writing hot stories I use my nickname – Suckhot. Mee delhi may rahtaa huu. Meraa mail id haa- apnee Orkut net friends see baat kar ke unkee sex encounters kee baraa mee zaankaree haaseel kartaa huu aur us par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa ap manee yaa naa manee yee aap par nirbhar kartaa haa. Niche likhee story bhee bilkul sach haa. Mee us story kee nayikaa Surakshaa kee munh see uskee garamaa garam pahlee Dhakaa dhak mote lund see...

2 years ago
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Glory Hole Big Arab Dick

AS TOLD TO ME from a friend! Big Arab Dick, I went to an adult video book store for the first time. It was exiting. My dick was stirring and getting hard in my pants. I was enjoying viewing the porn playing in the video machines. I had never sucked cock before, but watching a voluptuous naked girl sucking a black guy’s huge penis was a real turn on. I have to admit the black guy’s enormous daddy dick looked inviting to suck on.My own penis was rock hard. I had unzipped my fly and was jacking...

2 years ago
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School Chaos

School Chaos By Hello329 WARNING: This story contains elements of TG, and humiliation. If you are offended by such materials than do not read "That little bitch." Serena, said as she absentmindedly played with a strand of her blonde hair. Who does she think she is! Serena was the one of the prettiest girls in Hochstein High school, and she never let anyone forget it. She would often belittle and abuse the girls at school whom she thought were inferior than herself. Serena knew she...

3 years ago
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Weekend on the RiverChapter 4

Jeremy awoke the next morning and groggily looked at his watch. The digital face read 7:30. He wormed his way out of his sleeping bag, and then out of the tent. The campsite was lit by the early morning light, and soft, gray smoke still trickled from the remnants of the previous night's fire. He remembered groggily that he had woken up in the night hearing strange noises, like a grunting, or moaning he had thought. But he had discounted it as an animal and drifted off to sleep. He started...

1 year ago
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GirlsOnlyPorn Rebecca Volpetti Tiffany Tatum What Are Friends For

Rebecca Volpetti has been seeing Nikki Nutz for a while, but things take a turn for the worse when Rebecca picks up his phone and sees another girl texting him with explicit content. Of course there’s nothing for Rebecca to do but kick Nikki out and make sure it’s clear. Devastated in the aftermath, Rebecca picks up the phone and calls her BFF Tiffany Tatum to come over and cheer her up. Tiffany rushes to Rebecca’s place to console her friend. She gives Rebecca a hug and then...

1 year ago
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The sperm clinic

When Karma got a job in a fertility clinic a young man came in and said he wanted to deposit his sperm. She handed him a cup and said to find and room and fill it."You don't understand, I want to squirt it in your pussy" he smiled.Karma looked at the handsome boy and whispered."Wait until I get off work and we will go to your house"Men jacking off behind closed doors made her so horny she she wanted sex. His name was Fred and he was waiting for her after she got off work."Have you been waiting...

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