shemale sex slave
- 2 years ago
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I don’t know whether it was just plain luck or fate which brought to meet the very glamorous Princess Zeeta of Tyros on that fateful day when I went shopping for a new Dinner Jacket in Regent Street. My old jacket had succumbed to years of being sloshed with university cheap wine, and the subsequent dry cleaning had made it look much the worse for wear. It was my 23rd Birthday and the money had been given to me by my loving sister and her husband who was my only living relatives as a joint graduation and birthday present.
But on entering the store in Regent St, I was immediately struck by the intense beauty of the two young girls browsing in the women’s wear section. The tallest girl was obviously of African descent, she was about five foot nine inches tall very slim with beautiful aquiline features. She was absolutely lovely and very stylishly dressed. Her partner was a gorgeous natural blonde girl, a shade shorter but also very slim and very pretty. Both girls seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely, and I could not help but watch them from the corner of my eye as they talked in a very animated manner as they examined the clothes on display. I moved closer to them. It was obvious that they had money the way the black girl was spending as she loaded her purchases on to her partner to carry..
My attention was then distracted by a dinner jacket on display, and I my
interest switched away briefly from the girls, and I was concentrating on
examining the jacket in detail, when a voice with a slightly foreign accent
“That is far too fuddy duddy for you!”
I looked round to see the black girl speaking to me, she had a lovely smile and
beautiful white teeth that were very noticeable when she smiled contrasting well
with her very dark complexion.
“Do you really think so ?”I stammered, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
“Haven’t you got a wife or a girlfriend to help you with your shopping?”
“No, unfortunately not but then I have only just met you, so I live in hope!” I
said cheekily.
She giggled and looking at her companion she said “Izzie we obviously have a
cheeky boy here - what is your name cheeky boy?”
“My name is Tony and today is my twenty third birthday, and my darling sister
wanted to buy me a new dinner jacket for my birthday so here I am, doing my
simple best.”
“ Hi my name is Zeeta and my friend here is Izzie and we are offering to help
you choose something that suits you darling, providing you buy us a coffee
afterwards as a reward for our absolutely expensive expertise? ”
“That’s a deal Zeeta? I replied as I shook hands with her.
Afterwards we got to know each over a large coffee, followed by a snack lunch
and more coffee as we talked about many things.
Then Zeeta asked. “Tony are you going to invite us to your birthday party ?
I laughed. “No there is no party as I only have my older sister and me now, and
I do not have any friends in the area as I have only just moved here to live
with her.
“So you are all alone in the world?”
“Well apart from my sister.” I told her.
Zeeta looked at Izzie “ Do you think we can arrange one of our very special
birthday parties for Tony tonight darling Izzie?”
Izzie did not look too sure but reluctantly agreed, and that is how we met, and that is how I ended up being picked up by a large black chauffer driven limousine at the entrance to a public park near my sisters home, at 8.00 pm that evening.
The car had taken me to a big house in the diplomatic area of the City and the girls were waiting for me in the side doorway as I alighted. It was a very small party with just Zeeta, Izzie and two of her friends who she said were Russian and the daughters of a senior official at the Russian Embassy, but they spoke almost perfect English. She introduced them as Chrissy and Megan, they too were glamorous young blondes who were acting very much in the party spirit There was an enormous amount of food and drink on display and lots of loud music, and I soon realised that as I was to be the only male in attendance it was an anything goes party as far as the girls and I were concerned.
Wow and what a party it was Zeeta and I danced to a smoochy ballroom dance for a long time, she was making all the running, as she persisted in thrusting her delicious young loins into my groin, causing my erection to respond in the party manner . As the evening wore on her inhibitions faded away and soon her free hand soon had drifted down to feel my rampant cock. I suspected the girls were smoking something which kept them high, but I refused their offer of a joint as I had always kept clear of drugs of any kind. Eventually Zeeta pulled me down on a corner couch and the lights were conveniently turned down as we kissed and fondled each other in a very intimate manner for a long time, while the two russian girls danced together as Izzie was kept bust providing us with up a continuous flow of drinks. I soon realised that Zeeta was wearing no panties under her dress and she actively encouraged me to explore her pussy with my fingers while she was soon busy undoing my zip and fondling my rather large cock.
She gave a cry of delight as she brought my cock into the open for everyone to see, and she bent down to have a little suck. Her cry of delight had brought the other girls to gather round while she played with me, unceremoniously pushing me back on the couch in order that she had full access to my groin area.. Suddenly Zeeta having made me cum once into a napkin stood up and said to Megan and Zeeta he’s all yours to play with girls. Then she stood up and took Izzie to one side and started to talk. I saw Izzie shake her head and remonstrate, and then Zeeta slapped her on the face and told her something in a stern voice.
Meanwhile the girls had once again pushed me back on to the couch and started to use their feminine charms on me. Everything went, short of actual intercourse. By this time I had lost count of the drinks that were being poured down me, interspersed by plenty of kissing and intimate fondling of my body parts. Quite quickly Megan had opened her top and pushed a tit into my mouth while Chrissy started working valiantly with her mouth on my cock. I was in heaven and I have no idea how long this play lasted, or how many times I came. Then everything seemed to go blank. I did vaguely recall Izzie mutter to the girls. “Its OK girls we are ready for him now“.
In hindsight I realise now that I must have been drugged because that was the last thing I remembered. I seemed vaguely being led to a room with the girls holding me up and I seemed to recall the girls undressing me with some difficulty and a lot of giggling. For some time I drifted in and out of a semi conscious state and somehow I knew each time that I was having sex with various female bodies, and thoroughly enjoying it although I was in a very abstract state. I remember feeling quite a lot of pleasure and at times when my mind seemed to be clearing, I was made to drink something cool and then everything went hazy again.
When I did eventually come back to full consciousness I was naked in bed and I was very aware of soft arms winding around my neck. A moment later a warm female body was sexily rubbing against mine She was naked, and I felt some sweet lips softly kissing me, plus an overpowering smell of perfume. I felt a pair of long legs straddle me and I felt my cock being embraced in what seemed a very warm wet pussy and I guessed it was Zeeta. It was a fantastic sensation of being embraced in a warm wet cocoon and then I felt some soft lips pressing on mine. Quite instinctively I put my arms round the girls neck and responded to the pace of her movements. When I opened my eyes I realised that it was indeed the lovely Zeeta who I was making love to. Suddenly I felt myself cum and I pushed up hard into her slim young body.
"I hope this is what you had in mind darling she whispered, for a birthday party. We have all had a wonderful time with that big cock of yours. You are so bloody big and vigorous that we are all shagged out " she breathed.
"Absolutely," I replied, as my hands caressed her soft but quite small breasts.
"You like playing with my nipples darling ?" She murmured as she rose to her knees, gently pushing those beautiful tits into my mouth. I gently sucked on them, rolling my tongue over the hardening nipples. She moaned, pressing herself harder against me. Slowly, she slid her body down mine, until her soft mouth was sucking the end of my hardening cock. I stood it for as long as I could, then I reached down to pull her to me, kissing her hard as once again she lowered her wet pussy onto my cock. She was hot and tight, but I felt her shiver with pleasure as again I entered her. Soon she was bucking up and down, her gorgeous young body writhing wildly against mine as we both came and came again.
Finally exhausted ,I heard someone say, “time for sleep baby, bye bye, I felt a needle go into my arm she slumped against me, kissing me again with those soft lips. "Mmmm, I think that you will do me nicely darling." I heard her say.
“All I have to do now is sell you to daddy.”
Some time later I awoke as I felt my cock being fondled by another pair of soft hands and this time I awoke to find myself surrounded by Zeeta Megan and Chrissy all as naked as I was, and all enjoying parts of my body. As Izzie standing further back was taking a number of photographs of us with a Polaroid Camera. I had a hazy recollection of some very erotic dreams as I gradually came to full realisation of where I was.
Megan was giggling and clutching a bundle of Polaroid photographs and laughing
as she showed them to her friends. They then showed them to me one by one, and I
could see that they were all of me in various stages of intercourse with each
one of the girls. I suddenly realised that I was in big trouble if those
photographs ever got into the public domain. The girls were all obviously under
age, But Megan took no notice as she was busy pinning them to the bedroom wall.
I said. “Please let me have those photos or else I will be in big trouble girls, and I think I should be getting home now.”
Megan laughed and in a funny sort of accent she said “You are not going anywhere Tony boy, you are Janes birthday present to herself, and those sexy photos are an insurance against you trying to escape.”
Just then the door opened and the girl Izzie came into the room followed by an older lady who was obviously her mother . She was almost as lovely as Zeeta and I quickly gathered it was her mother by her attitude. She saw my naked body on the bed and her mouth opened in amazement. “So it is true, no wonder that the newspapers are full of this boy going missing - your daddy will have a fit. ”
The conversation became a bit confused for me then and shortly afterwards
another woman came into the room who I gathered was some sort of official. Young
Zeeta was having a petulant fit and shouting
“He’s mine Mummy and I am going to keep him. - I want him to make me a boy baby
especially for Mummy and for Daddy and Tony is so pretty he can make some nice
babies with me“.
Then a man came who soon realised was Janes father came into the room, he stood staring at me just looking but not speaking. He said to Zeeta “Is he fertile?” Zeeta nodded and said. “ Dr Fariah said he was highly fertile, then he ushered them all out of the room, a few minutes later Izzie came into the room with some food. I was very hungry and then I realised that at some time while I was busy eating that at some time my leg had been chained to the of the bed with a quite thin but obviously very strong chain. She then sat on the bed and started fondling my cock as she spoke.
“Her father is a bit annoyed with me. He now knows all about how we trapped you and brought you here.”
“But where am I?” I asked.
“Darling you are in the Tyros Embassy in London.”
“What and where is Tyros?” I asked.
“Darling Tyros is a small island state of about 400.000 people not far from
Bermuda - it’s a small pretty island with fertile fields and quite a lovely
place to live. Zeeta‘s father is the Crown prince Randolph and he is the heir to
the throne and currently the High Commissioner here in Britain, but relations
between Britain and Tyros are at a very anxious state because the fact that we
still use slaves. But Britain can do nothing because Tyros has China and Russia
as friends. The British are also very keen on having the oil exploration rights
on the island, so every one is sucking up to us like hell.“
“I though slavery was officially abolished everywhere, and how do I get out of
here.” I asked anxiously.
“Well slavery is supposed to be abolished, but many countries still employ
slaves like the Arab states and of course we do in Tyros I am afraid you don’t
get out. I am a slave too, and in Tyros they have lots and lots of slaves
including some whites like us, so I don’t think you will be leaving us darling.
Princess Zeeta my mistress has got you, and her father will not upset his
darling girl. So I reckon a life of slavery awaits you. If you make trouble they
will kill you first, and burn your body in the Embassy incinerator rather than
get found out, or let you go, but I promise you darling that your life as a sex
slave is not so bad as long as you behave.”
Her attention was then drawn to my growing erection “I would love to have some of this lovely cock I was tempted when I was alone with you, but I think you were too drugged up to do anything much Anyway, I will I expect they will want you to breed with me before long when my mistress has got a little bored with you.”
She said as she bent over and put her lips round the head of my cock.
“You have quite the biggest cock I have seen for a long time. In fact I reckon
you are bigger than any of the niggers back home that I have seen which is quite
strange on a whitey.”
“How long have I been here Izzie?”
“Shucks honey - you have been here for four days now and in two days time is
Zeeta’s big day her fifteenth birthday, when she is allowed to have sex and
marry legally, and she has decided that she wants you to fuck her after her
party, and make her pregnant. She wants you to be the maid at the party. We have
to start your training honey as you will be dressed as a French maid and you
will be serving the food.”
“But she has already had sex with me.”
“Yes and one or two others before you darling, but her family is the law and they can always break it when it suits them, like kidnapping you which in many ways was a stupid thing to do.”
Zeeta’s father came to see me later and sat with me He made it absolutely clear to me that there was no escape from the Embassy. “You can not go as I can not afford to have you creating a diplomatic incident. I know its tough but that us life. You co-operate with us and we will treat you well, but you play up and ……”
“But Izzie is a slave and she was allowed out of the Embassy when she found me.” I protested.
“Yes but where could she go - she is quite happy with her life with us and we trust her, but you have to earn that trust before we can give you any measure of freedom.. Soon I will send you back to Tyros and there when you prove yourself, you will be allowed partial freedom and may be citizenship in time. It was just your bad luck, or it may be your good luck that Zeeta decided she wants you to mate with her. I don’t mind too much as you will make a useful addition to my breeding programme later and if you can keep the girls happy and give her, or my wife a male child well that will be absolutely first class.”
Izzie later told me that providing she expected that Janes mother would want me as she was still in child bearing age as they were desperate for male progeny. She also said that if I did as I was told I would be in no danger, and I would be treated well, but that they could be utterly ruthless if they were annoyed with me, or if I tried to escape.
******************************************************************************** Thanks to kyron120867 my story is set in his world, but none of his characters are involved. Story written by Ghostwolf63 Chapter one ********************************************************************************* Hello, my name Will Johnson, I was asked to write this story along with my wife. She will write about her experience and I will be writing my experience. So let's get started. First some info...
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I was young and in high school still. There was this gang of guys that was mean to me a little. But, they always picked on my guy friend a lot more. They always chased him around trying to beat him up, but they would never catch him. Sometimes they would catch his other guy friend that was slower. They ended up catching me after a while and r****g me... My guy friend said he felt bad that he wasn’t around when they did. They had him distracted away at that time.Then I jumped fast forwarded...
Your name is John O’Conner. You are a very smart, 20-year-old male. You could say that you’re kind of a nerd. You currently only live with your Mom, Meghan. Your mom is the very definition of a MILF. She has long black hair, an hourglass figure, large round breasts (you say much bigger than DD) and a large round ass. Ever since you hit puberty, you have dreamed many times of one day fucking your own mother and turning her into your sex slave. Now you believe you found a way to make that dream a...
Mind ControlI was at the club dancing, when I turned around a girl was standing there. She wanted to know if she could take me to her place. I said "Yes!!!.". When we got in her car, she lifted up my mini skirt and started rubbing my pussy. She put my hand in hers. When, we got to her apartment, she started kissing me and finger fucking me up my skirt. Then, she pushed me on the bed and told me she was going to the bathroom. When she came back she was naked! She came over to me and got me naked. She pushed...
LesbianAlways one to date thin, tight-bodied girls, I was between girlfriends for a couple of weeks and was getting horny for pussy, any pussy. It’s proven I guess that as the night at the bar goes on the girls get prettier, they also get thinner as you drink more. When I arrived that night a fat girl asked me to dance and I turned her down. My cousin always liked plumpers and he thought I was crazy. Finally, towards the end of the evening I spotted a pretty hot, black haired beauty with...
One of the things you may notice about my fantasy writing is that a lot of the same themes play over in them. Part of that is because we’re dealing with my fantasies, but it’s also because when it comes to describing a particular scene I tend to base it off my experiences. I try to remember what things felt like, tasted like, smelled like and while I may change things around or amplify the bdsm aspects of the scene in my story, I’m writing based on what I can see in my head if that makes...
Isabelle Are you ready ? Isabelle ask her twin sister “I'm staying after school for a Junior committee meeting” Annabelle lies to me. “Fine I'll walk by self, we only live like two blocks away” “bye sis” “bye” I says as I walk downstairs towards the entrance of the school. I walk towards the entrance the school I walks outside I take the steps down then walk toward the school gates once I gets to the school gates I then leaves I walks down the street. I kept walking...
Imagine a hot girl – 5’8 height, not thin and flaunting a cleavage more often than not from her deep neck blouses in the office. What would you like to do? Fuck her? Fuck her bosom? Right? I did exactly that! Today, I have brought you my story, a story that I am proud of. Proud because of many reasons. First, she was a big girl with a big ass and big tits and to fuck such a girl her mind out is always satisfying for a man. But, it was more than that. My real pride was in making her accept that...
HI ISS ranjan from Orissa again with a new my last story (Became a regular sex slave),i got many response form all parts of India.many people has invited me to have their slave. But one couple from Kolkata has really interested to make me their slave.and my story starts from here. They are a young couple(30 and 26)just married and having no our chatting they shows a good interest to make me their slave for one day and i agredd with their proposal.we both are agreed...
The Society is a underground club of like minded men who enjoy forcing women into becoming obedient slaves for their owners pleasure. She who I have ***********ed looked in her late thirties to early forties. She wore a wedding ring, so was married. Was five foot sixish in height and had a half decent body, curves in the right places and obviously was trying to become fitter by walking. Her hair was straight, brown and short of her shoulders and almost manly styled. She also was attractive,...
His daughter is 16 and has been helping in the office with some paper work and a gofer in general. She goes to school most days except for the summer. She has meet a new friend, Jasmine, a new girl in town. Jasmine is a tall girl with a slender body with nicely developing curves. She has been dating since she was 14 so she is not a stranger to sex but she is not that experienced. Still her hormones are active and there are times when she is very hot for something. She and Kate meet...
Tom ran a home remodeling business and the office was an old home he had remodeled as a demonstration of what he could do. The kitchen was the company break room the living room was the main office and a bedroom was his private office. The 2.5 baths were completely new and one had a two person jet tub and the other had a shower with several different heads. His daughter is 16 and has been helping in the office with some paper work and a gofer in general. She goes to school most days except...
Thinking of being used as a femdom sex slave makes me happy. I am fond of femdom videos. I have seen many femdom videos over my laptop and I have enjoyed every bit of every video. So let’s come to the incident which happened to me 6 months before. We have one neighboring couple. The man is an IT engineer and woman is a housewife, both aged between 28-30 years. I used to call them Manish bhaiya and Shilpa bhabhi. I want to tell you about Shilpa bhabhi. She is a sex goddess with firm boobs, round...
Hi everybody I am Lisa my age is 18 years old and I am a good looking girl with a good figure my friends joke that I am very cute and sometimes they feel like having sex with me but I never thought of any lesbian sex even I had never had a friend who thought so. I finished my plus2 and was planning of joining a prestigious college since I was good in studies and had almost 95% marks it was easy to get admission. This was the first time I was going to stay in a hostel since i had always studied...
LesbianI was a second year student at the university and midterm was fast approaching. I decided that for one evening I would stay inside and study in my dorm room. My friend John however decided to go out to a party. It was nearing twelve when I heard John and this girl come inside the door. The girl was pretty hot the beautiful hour glass figure plus tow huge breasts, I wondered how John managed to get such a . He was shorter than her and pretty cute but his dick made her a class above him. Along...
BisexualFriends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net My family and I were visiting my aunt and uncle for a few days in their village. We were staying for 2 weeks, as I was off from classes also. Their kids were older and off to college in neighboring states. So my aunt and uncle were by themselves. My parents and I would visit occasionally to keep them company. On our first day there, my uncle gifted me some chocolates he had bought when he was stationed out of the state for...
IncestHello Friends, first of all, I would like to thank all the ladies and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense pleasure and response which led me to submit my another story. So sit back and be ready for another real-life encounter I had with Nisha (name changed for privacy reasons). For those who are reading my story for the first time I wanted to tell you briefly about me. I am Alok Saxena, 28 years of age and currently working with a reputed company and residing in...
Many people fantasize about being or having a sex slave. Hypnosis makes it possible. Inhibitions disappear and unconscious desire takes over. This is a story about such an event. * * * * * I belonged to a bowling league in the center of the city. It was a scratch league where high bets were very common. We were in the third game and our team was up by thirty pins in the eighth frame. Our team had bet the other team $1000 on the series. This was in addition to league winnings. I had just...
From A Society Girl From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous Chapter I All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...
How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...
Writing these stories has given me a perspective on things sexual that I had not had previously. The thought that occurs to me the most is the ‘what if?’ questions. What if as a young adult I had the skill as a hypnotist that I developed over the years? This story assumes a young man of extraordinary intelligence. We pick the story up after he has completed thorough research into hypnosis and the related psychology. He is a virgin with no dating experience. Sam is small, about five feet six,...
Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now. PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...
Submissive slave Kara was lost. All the men she dated just seemed superficial and bland. She needed more or less, she didn’t know. Then she met Phil. He owned his own company and was into the import and export of goods from Africa and Indonesia. He was the most confidant man she had ever known but until she landed the secretary job she only knew his name and his reputation as a businessman. On their first real date they ate a lite dinner and he invited her to his place. They had had lunch in...
You know how you hear that people that are hypnotized will never do anything under hypnosis that they would never do in real life. Now, that might be true for most people but I wasn't sure about my girl friend.Here is our story -My girl friend, Sherry, and I have been together for a few years and in the beginning the sex was great but has now gotten boring. I loved her and did not want to lose her but I didn't know what to do.One day, I was talking to my best friend, Tony and asked him how his...