Brother's Teenage Sex-Slave free porn video

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This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected]

----------- Cerberus

Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden surface. She moans loudly, despite the cactusballgag in her mouth, filling the large greenhouse with a dolorous mantra.Through a red haze of pain, the beautiful fourteen year-old's mind is floodedwith the flashbacks of the torture and degradation her brother Wayne has forcedher to endure in the short time since they learned that their parents had beenkilled. Until then, she had been an innocent girl with no reason to suspectthat a continued life of privilege and comfort would come to a brutal end.

After an hour, her hands stop bleeding but her pussy and ass continue toooze small streams of blood from the dozens of wounds made by the tiny thornsof the cacti in both sensitive holes. The muscles in her lower back throb painfullybut when she tries so stand straight her nipples feel like they are being tornfrom her chest. Occasionally the ache becomes unbearable and she straightensup until her nipples are stretched so badly that the pain in them overpowersthat of her back. When she pulls her nipples, she reopens the wounds causedby the two-inch-long cactus needles that pierce the base of each tender bud.Small drops of blood sprinkle onto the upper surfaces of the vise. Molly'sonly relief comes from the fact that her saliva slowly softens the cactus inher mouth sufficiently for her to bite down on it and spit it onto the table.Unfortunately, the coarse rope that had held the urine-soaked cactus in hermouth remains in place, drawing the corners of her lips back in a hideous rictusof pain. Blood-tinged saliva drools out of her mouth and dangles from her chin.Her slender body is bathed in sweat. Soon dozens of flies, attracted by herblood and sweat, descend from every corner of the large green house to swarmover her body. Most of them land on the flesh of her butt and pussy. With herhands nailed to the table, she can do little to fend them off.

Molly hears a woman's footsteps. She twists her head around and sees oldMrs Johnson approaching.

"Well, Molly, my dear," says the grandmotherly looking woman brightly. "It'stime to meet the people that your brother has invited to help make the youthe best little sex-slave in the country." Mrs Johnson removes the rope fromMolly's mouth and then puts on gardening gloves to remove the cactus from theunfortunate girl's cunt and asshole. Molly whimpers loudly when Mrs Johnsonpulls the long cactus spikes from her nipples. The old woman then takes a prybar and a small block of wood. She carefully removes the steel nails from thefourteen year-old's hands. Molly immediately reaches for the handle of thevise and loosens its jaws, freeing her nipples. Blood rushes back into themmaking them ache more than before. The young girl steps off the cactus pillowsonto the floor. Mrs Johnson tells her to sit up on the table so she can tendto her wounds.

Molly is about the same size as the old woman and can probably overpowerher but she is afraid of more punishment if she fails escape from the estate.She obediently hops up on the table. The old woman applies the Thanatos Society'squick-healing antiseptic balm to the girl's hands as well as her bruised andtorn nipples. She bandages her hands while explaining that the balm is so effectiveher wounds will probably be completely healed in a day or two. Mrs Johnsonthen takes a black leather dog collar from out of her pocket and straps ittightly around Molly's slender neck. It is so tight that Molly has difficultyswallowing. She reaches into another pocket and takes out a six-foot long blackleather leash which she hook to a silver ring in the front of the collar.

The old woman tugs the handle of the leash and orders the girl to hop offthe table and follow her. The naked teenager obeys. She winces as she walksfor the bottoms of her feet are still studded with cactus spikes. Even morepainful are the tiny cactus needles that remain imbedded in the soft, delicateflesh of her pussy and asshole. Despite these discomforts, she manages to keepup with the old woman. They walk around to the front of the house. A dark blueLexus and a large moving van are parked in the curved driveway. Molly's brotheris talking to a man and woman. The woman is holding the leash of one of thelargest, ugliest dogs Molly has ever seen.

The twelve year-old Johnson twins sit on the porch steps drinking Cokes andeating potato chips. Their piggy little eyes light up when they see Molly beingled like an animal by their grandmother. They stand up and come over. "Lookat her nipples," says Jack to his brother. "Geez, they look swollen to twicetheir normal size."

"Yeah," agrees Roger. "And look how bruised they are. You can see the cross-hatchingof the surface of the vice cut into her nips. Neat!" Indeed, Molly's pink budsare now purple and swollen. In fact, a little blood continues to ooze out ofthe wounds made when the old woman pushed the large cactus thorns through thebase of each nipple.

Wayne overhears the boys' comments and turns to his sister and Mrs Johnson.He smiles and says, "Mrs Johnson, please bring Mollycunt over here. I wantthe Kryzlers to meet her." The twins follow Mrs Johnson as she leads the teenover to where her brother, Mr Johnson and his newly arrived guests stand onthe grass in the shade of the truck. Several large men are unloading largecrates from the back of the vehicle. Mr Johnson gallantly offers to take theleash from his wife. He then tugs sharply down on it, forcing Molly onto herknees. Wayne looks down on his naked sister and says to the Kryzlers.

"This exquisite morsel of fuck-meat is my little sister, Mollycunt," he announces.

Molly looks into the faces of a man a woman. The dog is pulling at his leashtrying to get closer to Molly. She cowers back. The woman holds tightly ontothe dog's leash. Mr Johnson grips the back of Molly's collar and prevents herfrom retreating further. The huge animal's face is so close to Molly's thatshe can smell dog food on his rank breath. In a Russian accent the woman says, "Rasputinis getting excited. He must smell your sister's pussy."

The woman continues to hold the slavering beast inches from Molly as Waynecontinues the introductions.

"Mollycunt, this is Dr Edgar Kryzler," he says. "You may call him 'Sir".

A tall powerfully built man nods at her. "Hello, Bitch," he says in a Britishaccent. "You're a pretty little thing. Just how old are you?"

"Fourteen," says Molly.

"Fourteen, 'SIR' you dumb cunt!!" shouts Wayne as he slaps his sister hardon her cheek.

Tears surge from Molly eyes as she sobs "F-f-fourteen, S-s-sir."

"That's better. Good manners are important," says Edgar softly. "Fourteenis a magical age. It's an age when many girls' bodies ripen wonderfully. Mollyhere is a perfect example – a true woman-child. Wayne, you are fortunateto be able to pluck her at this time." Looking at her closely, he continues. "Inotice the little bitch has a hairless cunt. She seems sufficiently developedto have sprouted a few cunt hairs."

"Yes," replies Wayne. "But I fed my dear sister some mind control pills andhad use duct tape to pull her cunt hairs out by the roots."

"Wonderful!" laughs Kryzler. "But from now on there'll be no mind controllingdrugs for little Mollycunt. I prefer my "students" to be somewhat resistant."

Wayne tells Molly that she should feel honored that Edgar has agreed to takepart in her training. "You see, Sis, he is an expert in dealing pain. For morethan a year I've had a DVD of some of his work at the Thanatos Manor," he explains. "Ihid it from mom and dad by putting it in a Marilyn Manson CD case – that'sone artist they'd never play. Now I'll get to watch him in person while heworks on you. Edgar is a fourth degree Master Torturer. Only a handful of menand women have achieved that level of expertise. He's been a guest instructorat Thanatos Manor where he teaches those who intend to make torture their life'swork. Here, unfortunately, he will not have access to a fully equipped torturechamber – although I am planning to build one very soon. So, he'll haveto make do with the tools he's brought with him and whatever we can find aroundthe house."

Turning to the woman, Wayne says. "This is Katerina, Edgar's partner. She'shere to remind you of your place in the new social structure of our happy littlefamily. You may call her 'Ma'am'."

"Tell me Little One," says Kat. "Do you like my little doggie?"

"Y..y..yes, Ma'am," lies the trembling girl. Molly remembers the slap herbrother delivered when she failed to say "Sir" to Edgar.

The dog continues to pant its foul breath into the girl's face. He is droolingand when he shakes his massive head, flecks of dog spit spray onto Molly'sface and naked chest.

"Rasputin is a cross between a Neapolitan mastiff and a pit bull," Kat explains. "He'sa very talented animal, my dear. You see, he's been trained to fuck littlegirls like you."

Terrified, Molly looks at the animal. It must outweigh her by fifty pounds.Suddenly, the dog appears to lose interest in her and sits on the grass. Hebegins licking his balls. Molly is revolted to see that its bright red cockhas emerged from its sheath, but at least the dog is no longer panting in herface.

"Your brother tells me that when 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' were alive you weretheir cherished princess," says Kat. "He says that they treated you as if yourshit tasted like chocolate pudding. Nothing was too good for their little girl.He says that you were the favored child and that he was a distant second intheir affections. Well, my dear, that's all over now." Turning to Edgar, shesays. "Eddie dear, could you go and tell the movers to bring over the dog cage?"

As Edgar leaves, the Russian beauty turns her attention back to Molly. "Letme explain your place in 'Wayne's World'. Your brother, of course, is now headof the family. He owns you body and soul. He can do whatever he wishes withyou. You will fuck whom he tells you to fuck and suck whom he tells you tosuck. Your life is in his hands. If he tires of you he can kill you and theThanatos Society will help him dispose of your worthless carcass.

"Next in order of importance are Edgar and I. For the next few days, we controlyour life. After us comes any guest who might visit, like the Johnsons andtheir two delightful grandsons. Then comes Rasputin here. He has a higher statusand more privileges than you do. In fact, any mice or cockroaches that mightbe crawling around the cellar of your brother's fine home are freer than you."

Tears slowly flow down Molly's cheeks as she listens. Kat asks Mr Johnson,who continues to hold Molly by her dog collar, if he would be kind enough tobend Molly over so her head rests on the lawn. The old man obliges by pushingher head down. The Johnson twins run over. Each boy pulls one of Molly's armsout and places her damaged hands flat on the grass. They then stand on herhands so she can't move. She is bent over with her naked bum in the air andher head turned so that her left cheek lies on the grass of the lawn. The boysguffaw in anticipation.

"Molly," says Kat. "You appear to be a bright girl so it shouldn't take youlong to learn your place in our little family. Even Rasputin knows your arehis inferior. Here, I'll prove it to you."

Upon hearing his name the huge dog stops licking his balls and gazes obedientlyat Mistress Kat. A flick of the Russian's finger towards the supine teenagerand the well-trained animal gets the order. He stands up and walks over toMolly. He sniffs at her head. The dog licks her face a couple of times. Suddenlyhe growls and clamps his large jaws around Molly's throat. The girl quiversin terror. His fangs are pressed tightly into the flesh of her neck. She knowsthe dog can easily crush her. However, the animal does not want to kill her.He is simply showing her in "dog language" that he is the boss. He emphasizeshis point by releasing her and turning so he can lift his hind leg and releasea stream of hot piss onto the side of her face.

The boys howl with laughter as the dog continues to hose down the poor squirminggirl. Her hair is soaked with dog piss. The sour brew thunders into her ear.Her eyes sting and she blinks frantically to clear them. She makes the mistakeof crying out and piss fills her mouth. She quickly shuts it. The dog's floodof piss seems endless. A reeking puddle forms in the grass around her head.Molly watches a black ant run along a blade of grass to escape the growingflood. Her heart breaks to realize that even a tiny ant has freedom to avoidthe piss but she does not.

As the teenager endures the degradation, the two movers bring over a largecage and place it on the sunny lawn near Molly. They look for a minute or twoat the girl as she suffers at the hands of her tormentors but then go backto unloading the truck as if a dog pissing on a naked girl happens every day.The steel dog cage is four feet wide, four feet high and six feet long. Designedfor a large canine, the narrow vertical bars that make up the walls of thecage are set six inches apart. The set of bars at each end of the contraptionis hinged, forming doors. Mrs Johnson swings open one of the doors. The flooris a four by six-foot metal tray that slides out for cleaning.

When Rasputin as finished peeing on Molly, he sneezes twice and returns toKat's side and sprawls nonchalantly on the grass. Freed by the twins, the girlrolls away from the puddle of piss and lies on her back crying softly.

Wayne looks at his watch and announces that it is time for lunch.

"Before we go inside," says Kat. "I think we should make Molly comfortable.Perhaps she and Rasputin can spend the time getting better acquainted." Lookingat the porcine Johnson twins, she adds. "Boys. Can you help me?"

When it comes to tormenting Molly, the Johnson brothers are always willingto help. Mr Johnson picks up Molly's leash and drags her onto her hands andknees. Edgar gives young Roger a leather gag with a metal ring in it that willforce Molly to keep her mouth open. With his brother's help, he fastens itaround her head. Once it's in place, the poor girl can't close her mouth fora one and a half-inch diameter thin metal ring, with a serrated outer-edge,bites into the soft flesh of the bottom of her mouth and her palate just behindher teeth. Her pink tongue rests on the inside of the ring's hole. The boys'grandfather leads the girl to the cage. With the help of his grandsons, heforces the girl into the pen. Her hands and knees sting from the sun-bakedhot metal floor. She remains on her on all fours with her face pressed againstthe bars on the opposite end of the cage. With the enthusiasm of pervertedyouth, twins fasten ropes around each of her knees and pull to separate herlegs. Then they tie the end of each rope to a bar on opposite sides of theenclosure. Molly now kneels with her legs spread and her asshole and pussyexposed. While the youngsters deal with the girl's legs, Kat loops a rope aroundthe back of Molly's head and pulls it tight, forcing the helpless teen's faceagainst the bars. She pulls Molly up until her face is two and a half feetfrom the floor of the cage. Edgar has fastened the girl wrists to the barsat the top of the cage. They then step back to admire their handiwork.

Poor Molly is kneeling on the burning metal floor of the cage. Her face isforced between the bars at one end of the pen. She can't move for her wristshave been tied to the roof of the cage. The hot sun beats down on her alabasterskin. In order to protect her skin from an unsightly burn, Wayne asks Rogerif he would like to slather sunblock on Molly. Gleefully, the fat boy crawlsinto the cage and begins smearing sunscreen over her body. The teenaged girlshudders at the touch of the youth. A few days ago, she would not botheredto acknowledge the existence of a fat, ugly twelve year old boy like RogerJohnson.

As she endures the boys molesting touch Wayne explains to his guests thathe has mixed the sun block with honey. "The lawn is crawling with ants," hesays. "The honey should attract a few colonies. My only regret is that theyaren't fire ants." Addressing Roger, he instructs him to smear some of themixture on the floor beside Molly's knees and to run the smear to the edgeof the cage in order to attract the insects.

The lad follows orders and creates two sweet trails. Continuing to smearthe grease on Molly, he makes sure every inch of her is covered and spendsmuch of his time fingering her bruised nipples. He finishes by concentratingthe parts of her that he knows very well the sun will never shine. After Rogerfinishes his humiliating massage, he gets out of the cage. His brother placesa bowl of water and canned dog food on the corner of the cage behind Molly.Finally, Kat order Rasputin into his cage. Tempted by the food and the nakedteenaged girl, the dog eagerly obeys. Wayne sets up a digital video camerato record Molly's ordeal. Kat says that it is getting quite hot and she doesn'twant Rasputin to suffer so she has the movers place a cloth cover over thehalf of the cage where the dog will spend its time. Molly, however, remainsexposed to the hot rays of the afternoon sun.

Wayne and his guests leave. The movers continue to unload the truck. Thegirl can hear Rasputin moving around behind her. She listens to him loudlylapping up the water in his bowl. She can hear him noisily eating his food.The sides and backs of her knees begin to prickle. It hasn't taken long forthe ants to discover the honey. The sound of the dog's sloppy drinking is replaceby the scratch of his claws on the metal floor. She feels his hot breath onher behind. She gasps when he presses his cold nose into the cleft of her asscheeks. He begins to lick her butt and between her legs. His huge, hot wettongue laps over the surfaces of her exposed cunt lips. Soon Molly's pink assglistens with the dog's saliva. Meanwhile hundreds of black ants scurry overthe back of her shins and up her thighs. Thousands of tiny feet tickle herflesh. She wriggles her butt in a futile attempt to discourage the Rasputinfrom slathering his wet tongue over her pussy lips and asshole.

"Charlie!" says one of the men. "Look at all the flies on her face."

"Jesus, Bobby" responds his friend. "I think we should help her. Don't you?"

"Yep," says Charlie. "In fact I can help her and save myself a trip intothe house."

With a laugh he unzips his fly and takes out his cock. Molly looks at thetip of his dick only six inches from her face. Suddenly a stream of hot pisshits her in the eye. The bugs fly away as soon as the first burst of urinehits her left cheek. With a deft touch Charlie manages to hose all the cumfrom Molly's face. When he is finished her face glistens with pee. Charlieputs his cock back in his trousers and Bobby takes his out.

"I gotta pee, too," he says. "But I'm too much of a gentleman to spray thispoor girl's face." He then inserts the tip of his cock into Molly's mouth.She can feel it resting on her tongue. Suddenly her mouth is filled to overflowingwith piss. While some leaks out her mouth, most of it pours into her stomach.She can feel the two injured flies being washed down her throat. She gags andcoughs until Bobby stops peeing. He pulls his cock out of her mouth and buttonsup. He asks Molly if his piss tastes better than Rasputin's does. The exhaustedgirl ignores him so he and his friend Charlie go back to work. Molly is miserable.Her cunt hurts from being raped by the dog. Her knees ache and the flies havereturned. Now they are attracted to her piss-covered face. Her moans of miseryspread out over the large lawn as the sun beats down on her body. For halfan hour, Molly's body serves as a slimy smorgasbord for the flies, ants andthe odd bumblebee. They cover her face and ass. Some crawl into her mouth andothers into her ears. The insides of her thighs and her exposed cunny teemwith hundreds of insects. Their infernal buzzing is driving her mad. In fact,the buzzing is so loud that it wakes up Rasputin. Molly can hear the clatterof his claws on the floor of the cage as he stands up. He yawns once and sneezestwice. He begins licking Molly between her legs. At least his actions havescared away some of the flies and wash away the ants. Molly can hear voices.Wayne and his guests have finished dining and are returning to see how Molly'sdoing. The boys run ahead of the adults.

"Oh, yuck," exclaims Roger. "Look at all the bugs on her! And poo, her hairis soaked with piss. Gross!"

The adults arrive and stand around the cage. Kat can see her dog's cock slimedrooling down Molly's thighs. "I see you and Rasputin have become close friends," shemocks.

Molly only blushes in humiliation.

Wayne tells the twins to get the garden hose and wash Molly down. They runoff and return in a moment with a long green hose. They attach one end of itto a water pipe buried in the lawn. They begin to fight over who has controlof the brass nozzle. Wayne settles the argument by reaching into his pocketto retrieve a quarter and telling the boys that he will flip a coin. The winnerwill get the hose. Roger is lucky the winner. His brother is disappointed butis placated when Wayne tells him that he can assist Dr Kryzler later todayduring his first session with Molly.

Roger carries the hose up to the cage while Kat opens one end to let outRasputin. The boy releases an icy blast of water onto Molly's back. It is socold that she gasps and can hardly catch her breath. The twelve year-old washesdown her back and flanks and then points the hose at her head. He blasts thepiss out of her hair and the ants off her body. He walks to the front of thecage and directs the water at the girl's pretty face. He releases the triggeron the nozzle and the flow suddenly stops. With a wicked smile he places thetip of the nozzle into Molly's mouth and pulls the trigger. Her mouth is floodedwith water so cold that it makes her teeth ache and cheeks bulge. The backof her throat closes reflexively to prevent her from drowning and the waterhas nowhere to go but out her nose. Finally, the fat boy carries the hose aroundto the other end of the cage. He crawls in behind the bound teenager and directsthe icy water over her ass. Getting closer, he shoots water onto her assholeand over her pussy lips. Finally, he shuts the hose and inserts the end ofthe nozzle in Molly's bruised vagina. The girl is gasping and shivering fromthe icy shower. She screams through her ring gag when Roger opens the hose,shooting a powerful jet of ice-water up her cunt. This frigid douche servesto clean any remnant of Rasputin's sperm from her body.

Wayne tells Roger to stop. The boy puts down the hose and stands beside theolder man.

Edgar, Kat and Mrs Johnson untie the ropes binding Molly and let her comeout of the cage. The teen is greatly relieved when the old woman removes herring gag. Mr Johnson attaches the leash to her collar and leads her to kneelbefore her brother. The old man pushes her knees apart with his foot, exposingher naked cunt. He pulls up and back on the Molly's collar, forcing her, ineffect, to kneel at parade rest. Still shivering, she looks imploringly upat her sibling.

"Wayne," she sobs. "Why are you doing these horrible things to me?"

"Because I can," he replies with contempt. "Tell me, Slut Sister. Did youcum when Rasputin fucked you?"

Molly blushes and remains silent.

"Come on now, my little cum sponge", he continues. "You might as well tellus. I'll bet the video will show you rutting like a bitch in heat. So 'fessup. Did you cum?"

"Yes," Molly whispers.

"You disgusting dog-fucking skank," he laughs. "I bet with all that screwingyou really worked up an appetite. I don't think Rasputin will mind if you eatout of his bowls. After all, you're such intimate friends now.

While his brother was hosing down Molly, Jack had gone into the house withone of Rasputin's bowls. He returns and put the bowl on the lawn beside Molly.The dog rushes up to it, eager to eat some more but when he sniffs the contents,he snuffles loudly, shakes his head and walks away, leaving the food untouched.Mr Johnson bends the girl toward the bowl. As she comes closer, Molly can seewhy the dog chose not to eat its contents. Her gorge rises and she almost pukesas she is forced on her hands and knees with her face inches above the concoction.Canned dog food by itself smells bad enough, but the mess in this bowl is revolting.

"Looks yummy, doesn't it?" Wayne says.

With eyes brimming with tears the poor teenager stares at the bowl. Mollyhasn't eaten for a very long time and should be famished. Nonetheless, herstomach heaves at the thought of placing lips to the revolting mess in thelarge dog dish. The bowl is filled with what appears to be canned dog food.However, teaming over the greasy surface of the are hundreds of wriggling yellow-whitemaggots.

"What's the matter, Bitch?" Wayne snarls. "Don't you find your meal appetizing?"

Mr Johnson pulls Molly up to a kneeling position so she can pay attention.

"It's horrible," moans the captive girl. "I won't eat it."

"What do you mean you won't eat it?" says Wayne. "Do you think you have achoice? Especially after all the trouble I went through searching the bushbehind the house to find a dead, maggot-filled bird. Consider the maggots proteinsupplements. Now eat!"

Mr Johnson grabs Molly by the back of her neck and forces her face inchesfrom the vermin-laced dog food. She stares at the writhing white mass on thefoul smelling mess.

"That doesn't look like my dog's regular food," remarks Kat.

"It's not," says Wayne. "I noticed you feed Rasputin high quality name brands.And so you should. He deserves it. Cunt Molly here can survive on cans no-namehorsemeat. I bought a couple of cases that had expired a few months ago froma dollar store in town."

Tired of Molly's hesitation, Wayne asks Eric if he would do something topique his sister's appetite. Happy to oblige, Kryzler bends down and grabsMolly's left leg by the ankle. He lifts it up so that her thigh is parallelto the ground. Eric asks Wayne to hold her leg still. He then tells the twinsto come over. "Boys, I want you to watch closely. I'm going to show you somethingthat you might find useful when you start dating. The correct way to push aneedle under a girl's toenail."

Upon hearing this, Molly struggles ineffectively to escape. Eric takes aneedle that had been stuck into the lapel of his sports coat. He holds thepoint of the inch-long pin just where the flesh of her big toe meets the undersideof her pedicured nail. Continuing his impromptu lesson he says, "It's importantthat the needle travel as close to the undersurface of the toe-nail as possible.You know you're doing it right if you can see the shaft of the needle travelunder the nail. I'll just scratch off this pink nail polish before I start." Kryzleruses his thumbnail to scratch away the layer of enamel on the girl's big toe. "Nowwatch." He slowly slides the needle into the sensitive flesh under poor Molly'stoenail. She howls with pain and struggles to get away. Wayne tightens hisgrip on her ankle.

"See boys," says Eric calmly. "You can make out the needle as it travelsinto her toe." Sure enough, the twins can clearly see a half-inch of the needle'ssilver shaft under Molly's clear toenail. A small pearl of blood has eruptedfrom the wound.

Molly's tormentor pushes the needle in another quarter of an inch and thenstops. He and Wayne let go of Molly's leg. Johnson retains a tight grip onthe back of her collar.

"OK, Mollycunt," Wayne says. "Start eating or I'll let the twins practiceon your other toes.

Molly feels like her toe has been amputated. She does not want to endureany more torture so she lowers her face to the teeming mess of dog food andbegins to eat. As she eats, Molly can feel the maggots writhing on her tonguebefore she works up the nerve to swallow them. She manages to choke down mostof the concoction before her stomach heaves and she retches much of it backinto the bowl. Wayne forces her to eat it again.

"I guess Mollycunt prefers her food warm," he jokes as watches her lap upthe vomitous mixture.

After several attempts, the girl manages to keep down the dog food mixture.

Molly remains kneeling in front of her tormentors as Wayne tells her thathe is going to let her get some rest before her first session with Edgar. Theyneed a few hours to set up a makeshift torture chamber.

"It'll take a few weeks to construct my permanent 'playroom'", says Wayne. "I'vedecided to pattern it after a medieval torture chamber. But don't worry, it'llhave all the modern technological marvels our modern age has to offer."

Old Man Johnson jerks on Molly's leash and she stands. She follows the othersinto the house. Once inside they all go up stairs towards her bedroom.

"You'll notice, Mollycunt," says Wayne. "That I've made a few changes toyour room."

They enter her bedroom. Molly is stunned. The walls used to be painted alight rose color. Now they are blood red, as is the ceiling. The girl can smellthe wet paint. Her carpet has been removed and replaced with a hard black rubbersurface. Her bed with the frilly canopy has disappeared. All her furniturehas been removed. Powerful track lighting brightly illuminates the room. Inthe center of the room is a wooden platform, painted red. It is three feethigh and as wide and long as a king-sized bed. Two black rubber hoses run alongthe floor from Molly's bathroom to the platform. Astonished, Molly looks aroundthe room until her gaze falls on the strange outfit resting in the middle ofthe stand. Her brother asks her if she likes her new "pajamas".

As they lead her to the edge of her new "bed", her brother says, "I sentall your clothes to the Salvation Army. You won't need them anymore." Pointingto the outfit on the bed her continues. "Mistress Kat was kind enough to bringthis from Thanatos Manor. It's quite unique. I'll let her explain its featuresbefore we help you into it."

The Russian woman lifts up the dull black rubber bodysuit. "This outfit ismade of neoprene, the same material used to make SCUBA diver suits," Kat explainsas she holds the garment up so that all can see that it opens along the back.She opens it to reveal the inside surface. Molly can see hundreds of rows ofvery narrow rubber tubes lining the surface. Each tube is the diameter of astrand of spaghetti. Closing the suit, Kat shows Molly two brass valves inthe front of the outfit. They are situated where the wearer's nipples wouldbe, once inside the suit.

"You are probably wondering what these hose couplings are for," the Russiancontinues. "Let me explain. This rubber tubing that line the inside the suitis, in fact, a single tube. Once you wearing it we will connect the hoses tothe suit. A computerized pump in the bathroom is attached to the bathtub faucets.It has been programmed so that steaming hot water alternates with icy coldwater every few minutes. The water will flow into the left valve, circulatethrough the suit and then flow out of the right valve back to the bath drain.

"Let me show you something really clever," says Kat as she opens the suitagain to reveal two black dildos fixed to its interior. "The larger one willgo into your pussy and the smaller one into your asshole. Notice that the rubbertubing spirals up and down their surfaces too."

Lying on the platform is the facemask that will complete Molly's sleep apparel.It is a black neoprene mask. Like the suit to which it attaches, it is linedwith tiny tubes. Once in place, the ends of the small hoses will fit into theends of the hoses in the suit's tight hood. Wayne picks it up to show his slave-sisterits finer points. There is a small round hole for her mouth and two smallerholes for her nostrils. In fact the mouthpiece is a one inch diameter plastictube that will force Molly to keep her mouth open. There are no holes for Molly'seyes. She will be blind. Two small speakers will cover Molly's ears once sheis inside the suit.

Holding the mask in front of his sister, Wayne says. "Well, Slut. What doyou think? Isn't this better than a flannel cotton nightie?"

"Please, Wayne," sobs Molly. "Please don't do this. Stop now and I promiseI won't tell anyone what you've done to me. If you want me to leave and nevercome back, I will. Please, please let me go."

"Mollycunt," smiles Wayne. "I don't want you to leave. In fact, I don't wantyou to ever leave. You're my slave now and I plan to have you around for manyyears to come."

He turns to Edgar and says that it is time to give Molly her injection beforeshe takes her nap.

Edgar goes into Molly's bathroom and returns after a minute, holding a largesyringe with a two-inch long heavy gauge needle. The cylinder of the syringeis filled with a purple liquid. Mr Johnson keeps a tight grip on the back ofMolly's collar while the each of the twins takes one of her arms in a tightarm lock. Kryzler approaches and holds the syringe inches from Molly's face. "This,Cuntlet, is a chemical developed especially for the Society. It serves a doublepurpose. The first is to make the skin on your lovely body more sensitive totouch and temperature. The second is to make you less prone to pass out undertorture. After all, you don't all my hard work to go unappreciated do you"

Molly mewls with fear and struggles weakly to get free from the embrace ofher three captors.

"I helped develop this drug in the labs at Thanatos Manor," says Edgar. "Ihappen to be a physician and biochemist so when I'm not torturing young ladiesI spend much of my time in the lab. Now, you'll be relieved to know that wenever experiment on animals. The Thanatos scientists harm no little bunnies.No, we prefer to use little girls like you to test our potions. Of course,there is a great advantage in this because the girls can describe the effectsof the drugs -- something bunnies can't do.

"I remember, while refining this particular drug, I tried it out on one dothe students of the Slave Academy – I believe her name was Slave Carolyn.She was a delightful black haired youngster -- a wisp of a girl no older thanyou are. She had been sent to the labs as a punishment for having nipped theend of the cock of one of the members. Frankly, the man was a fool. You see,he had arranged to surprise the girl by having one of the Facilitators pressa red-hot branding iron into her left buttock while his cock was in her mouth.It's a good thing that he was on the 'out-stroke', so to speak, or she mighthave bitten his dick right off. But I digress. I injected the drug into herand waited an hour. I then turned her over my knee and gave her a spanking.Mind you, I used only my bare hand and never raised it above my shoulders.Despite this, Carolyn squirmed and howled. When I had finished and she hadrecovered sufficiently to describe the experience, she told me it felt likeI had been beating her with a metal table tennis paddle that I had just removedfrom a four hundred-degree oven. I remember the look of shocked relief on herpretty, tear-stained face when she looked over her shoulder to see a rosy glowon her pretty ass cheeks. She had been expecting to see the skin on her bumtorn and blistered."

"Do you mean to tell me that the only punishment that little bitch got forbiting off the end of a member's 'member" was a simple spanking?" interjectsMr Johnson in astonishment.

"Not at all, my friend," Kryzler replies. "When Slave Cindy returned to theAcademy, the Head Master had a particularly nasty means of reminding her tobe careful while sucking her betters' cocks. You see, one of the members stayingat Thanatos Manor when this unfortunate incident occurred was Jonathan Spranglerwho happens to be the president of a company that controls, among other things,a chain of funeral homes in the southern United States. You might have heardof him. He's called 'Sprangler the Strangler' because of his penchant for chokingto death young girls while he fucks them. But I digress. When Sprangler heardwhat had happened, he phoned his mortuary in Atlanta. He asked the managerif any "fresh dead" was currently on the slab waiting embalming. He was informedthat they had just taken delivery of the corpse of an old gentleman of colorwho had expired peacefully just before his eighty-fourth birthday. Spanglerordered that the man's cock and testicles be cut off and sent to Thanatos Manor.He made a point of instructing that the man-meat be sent through the normalpost and that it not be packed in ice. Consequently, when the package was deliveredto the Manor ten days later, it was rather ripe, to say the least. The nextmorning, during an assembly of students of the Slave Academy, young Cindy wasbrought on stage where her mouth was forced open and the rotting cock and ballsshoved in. A few loops of duct tape around her head ensured that she couldnot spit them out – at first they were going to sew her lips shut buther current owner didn't want her scarred. She was told that the tape wouldstay in place for five days and she had a choice of either keeping the rottingdead meat in her mouth or chewing it up and swallowing it. Cindy held out forthree days before she could take no more and ate the putrid cock and balls."

Turning to Wayne, Kryzler returns to the subject of the drug by explainingthat its greatest advantage is that it permits one to deliver a great dealof pain without doing permanent damage to the victim.

"Now," he continues. "To what part of little Molly's body shall we deliverthis magic potion? Any suggestions?"

"Her nipple!" says Roger as he tightens his grip on Molly's arm.

"No, no, her butt," interjects his brother.

"What about the tip of her nose?" Mrs Johnson adds helpfully.

"I have a suggestion," says Kat in her accented English. "Why don't you stickthe needle into her perineum?"

The twins look puzzled. They don't know where Molly's perineum is.

Wayne, however, does and is delighted by the suggestion. "Yes, Kat. That'sa wonderful idea. In fact, I'd like Mollycunt to see the needle go in."

Under the direction of the Katerina, the twins and Mr Johnson force Mollyonto her back on the black rubberized floor. While the older man holds thegirl down, each boy takes one of the her feet. They lift her legs, spread themand force them back until her toes touch the floor above her head. Her kneesare near her shoulders. The helpless teenager stares at her own pussy and asshole.

"Boys," says Edgar as he kneels beside Molly. "The perineum is that delightfularea of pink flesh that separates Molly's pussy from her butt hole. Kat's suggestionthat I inject her there is brilliant. You see, the increasing sensitivity buildsthroughout the body from the point of inoculation. It'll take an hour for Mollycunt'sentire body to become sensitized, but her pussy and ass should be affectedin only ten or so minutes. Now hold her tight.

Molly pleads and struggles as Edgar moves the syringe between her legs. Hepurposely hesitates, holding the needle a millimeter from the unblemished skinof her perineum. He smiles as the poor girl's resistance increases.

"Please, please don't let him do this Wayne," she begs. "I'll do whateveryou want. I'll be your slave. I'll let you fuck me, I'll suck you cock… I'lleat your shit. Just don't let him stick that needle in me!"

"You'll 'let' me fuck you, slut?" says Wayne. "Am I to infer that you havea choice? You have no choice. You'll fuck and suck who and what I tell you.When we're finished with you, you'll eat Rasputin's shit -- and ask for seconds.

"Edgar, please proceed."

During this brief interchange between the siblings, Kryzler has been waitingpatiently with his eyes closed and a look of beatific tranquility on his face.The young girl's pathetic entreaties have the same soothing affect on him thata work by Mozart might have on a normal man. He seems to soak up the energyof her suffering much as a house cat seems to bask in the attention of itsmaster. If he could, Edgar would purr.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, Edgar tells the Johnson twins and theirgrandfather to hold Molly tightly."

Kryzler is not content to plunge the needle into the flesh between poor Molly'scunt and asshole. No, first he must torment her as a cat does a mouse. He pressesthe sharp needle a millimeter into the smooth puffy flesh near her left pussylip. He pulls the syringe back and places the needle against the side of thefleshy petal that is her right cunt lip. Ever so slowly, he pushes the needlethrough the sensitive skin until it comes out the other side. Molly's shrieksbounce off the walls of the room. Her smiling tormentor pulls the syringe backand touches the needle to the nerve-filled flesh of her clitoris. Molly increasesher efforts to squirm away. For several minutes, the sadistic doctor puncturesthe flesh of the girl's pussy and ass. It is almost a relief when, at last,he pushes the needle deep into the flesh of her perineum and injects the purpleliquid into her body.

As soon as he removes the needle, Molly can feel the effects of the drug.The tiny punctures in her pussy lips and ass begin to hurt more now than whenthey were made. The boys and Mr Johnson let her goes and she lies on her backon the rubber floor. Kat gets the suit and brings it over. She and Edgar solicitWayne and Mr Johnson's help to put Molly in the suit. By now, the pain in Molly'snipples has increased five-fold.

Ignoring her moans and supplications for mercy, Kat tells Molly that normally,one dusts the inside of a tight rubber garment with talcum powder to make itslightly slippery and easier to slide on over one's skin. "In your case, littleone," she announces, "I've dusted the suit with itching powder."

Kat begins dressing the girl by putting Molly's feet into the legs of thesuit. She pulls the garment over her knees. She has to struggle for the suitis extremely tight. When she has pulled it up the teen's thighs, Kat pausesand places the tips of the dildoes in the entrances of Molly's cunt and asshole.Then, with a mighty tug she pulls the suit up to the girl's waist. The girlscreams as the rough artificial cocks push into her intimate flesh. Kat andher helpers force Molly's arms into the rubber sleeves and flip her over ontoher front so they can tug the bodice onto the front of the girl's body. Thesuit crushes poor Molly's breasts. It is so tight that there is a two-inchgap between the two edges at the back of the suit. A series of eight-inch-longstraps line one edge of the opening. Lining the other hem is a series of buckles.Kat and Wayne slip the ends of the straps into the buckles and pull hard, closingthe back of the Molly's suit. After a five-minute struggle, Molly is trappedin the tight suit. They lift her off the floor and put her onto the platformon her back. The black bondage outfit is so tight that the unfortunate girlmust struggle to breathe. The itching powder that coats the inside surfacesof the suit is driving her mad.

Silver rings have been sewn into the suit at Molly's wrists and ankles. Theboys attach short chains to each ring and pull them toward the corners of theplatforms where they hook them over nails that have been hammered into thesurface of the wood. Consequently, the girl is stretched into a tight spread-eagle.Kat climbs onto the platform and kneels beside Molly's head. She lifts therubber facemask places it over the girl's face. Then she carefully fits theedge of the mask to the rest of the suit, making sure that the tiny hoses connect.Wayne then hands her the hoses that lead from the bathroom and she attachesthem to the connectors on the front of the suit. She then slides off the platformand stands beside the others, admiring their handiwork.

Poor Molly is trapped in a hellish bondage suit. It is so tight that shefeels she is suffocating. With each breath, she must struggle against the bindingrubber to expand her chest cavity and fill her lungs. Her skin burns and itches.Suddenly her left breast begins to freeze. Icy cold water is being pumped intothe hoses that line her suit. In less than a minute she is shivering with cold.She feels like icicles are raping her pussy and ass. Suddenly her left titbegins to burn as steaming hot water courses into her suit. The icicles havebeen replaced by soldering irons. She is sure that her skin must be blisteringfrom the heat. She screams and whimpers with pain.

As they watch the young girl writhing feebly against her chains, Dr Kryzlerexplains to Wayne that the water feels much hotter and much colder to poorMolly than it actually is, thanks to the stimulant coursing through her body.

Before they leave Molly to "rest" for a couple of hours, Wayne attaches thewires leading from the speakers sewn into his sister's suit to a Walkman. Heswitches on the player. Wayne and his guests go down to supervise the moverswho are installing a makeshift torture chamber in the basement of the house.However, before he leaves, Roger Johnson cannot resist crawling onto Molly'splatform and leaning over the blinded girl's facemask. With a twinkle in hisporcine eye, he noisily clears his throat and horks a loogie into the poorteenager's mouth. Not to be outdone by his brother, Jack digs a forefingerinto his nostril and pulls out a large, green wad of snot. He flicks it intoMolly's mouth.

Alone now, Molly's sobs and cries echo off the walls of her once comfortablebedroom. Suddenly her brother's voice bombards her ears. "Mollycunt, I've madethis tape to give you a little preview of what we are going to do to you afterour nap. You see, slave, I've decided that you should never feel pleasure again.I know that you have been pleasuring yourself since you were a little girl – Ihave the videotapes to prove it. Well, those days are over. In two hours weare going to take you downstairs and Edgar is going to remove your clitoris."

Poor Molly's heart pounds with fear and she struggles irrationally to escapebut the chains hold her fast.

"To give you an idea of what you're in for," the tape continues. "Edgar hasbeen kind enough to provide me with sound recordings of him performing clitoridectomieson five of the young sluts at Thanatos Manor. He used different techniquesto relieve the girls of their little lust buttons. On one bitch he used a dullrazor. On another, he chose to crush her clitty with needlenose pliers. Hedripped sulfuric acid on yet another. He bound one girl with her legs spreadand watched while her owner bit off her clit with his teeth. Edgar used a red-hotknitting needle to burn out the clit of another slave. Listen to the tape andif you can tell me, in order, the different technique used by Dr Kryzler, Imay have him simply push a ring through your clit rather than cut it off."

As soon as her brother's voice trails off, a series of cries and screamsof anonymous, young teenagers assault Molly's ears. Despite her incrediblediscomfort, the fourteen-year-old struggles to concentrate and remember herbrother's description of the different ways Edgar Kryzler tortured and destroyedthe girls' most intimate flesh. The screams and pleas play repeatedly, untilpoor Molly is driven half-mad. Nonetheless she concentrates, trying to imaginewhat sort of torture spawns each agonized scream.

… End of Part Four

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Vizag Couple Used Me As Their Sex Slave

Hello everyone. My name is Ajay Kumar and I am based in Visakhapatnam. Any couples (or) shemales (or) females nearby want me as their submissive bottom slave do ping me on Google hangouts at Males please don’t even message me. I’m not into males and won’t even read your text. A little introduction about me. I became bi-sexual under different circumstances and was later diagnosed with erectile dysfunction which made me more drawn towards the bisexual world. I have met guys but always felt...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Submissive Mother and her Dominant Teenage Son

This is a story of a woman who suffers the tragic loss of her husband, only to find her long-held desire to be dominated satisfied by her teenage son. Together they explore the roles of dominant and submissive, leading to pleasure through surrender that neither could have imagined. This is a work of fiction and I have no desire to participate in incest or sex with a minor, nor do I condone it. Should you find yourself considering either please seek professional help. As this is my first...

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Discussion QuestionsChapter 11 Getting a Livein Teenage Sexpot

Steve came by the house on Sunday afternoon. He knew the kids were going to be around, and he just wanted some companionship instead of doing his own thing alone. We had a fun afternoon, plus he helped me with a couple of small chores where I needed another pair of hands. As we were working outside, putting up a trellis that had blown down, Steve told me about Stacy and the scene while they'd been traveling. We both ended with hard-ons. Steve gave me some details I didn't know from my...

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shemale sex slave

BDSM JOURNEY.Let me first say i am no writer by any means.This story starts 5 years ago. I was looking to move up in the mountains off grid with a homestead. I was a single man and wanted a parnter who could share with the daily chores and have for sexual gratification. Finding some one to leave everything the city offered to move to a rural area was a quest in itself. I knew I wanted a completely submissive woman ant my feet.So I put a ad on craigslist and it went a lil something like this"...

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Mature couple use me as interracial sex slave

A few years ago I made contact with an older middle class couple, S & A, on an amateur porn site. S asked me do some tribute pics for A and this led to more as I regularly chatted to them and masturbated on cam for them. S & A had been married for 25 years and A was a virgin when they met and they were looking for some more excitement in their marriage. As we got to know each other better S & A started to use me more as part of their fantasies and role playing scenarios. In the...

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Queen of the Sex Slaves

By Olga Anastasia To my muse, E.O.M., who knows why. 1-Hub She tried to evade them for years, but in the end, they finally caught her, Tisya Achoka, and they brought her here. It is a fact widely agreed upon throughout the galaxy, that this place, the piratical slave traders’ planet of Aghara-Penthay is one of the best places in the universe to be male, and one of the worst to be female. Although the Slavers of Aghara-Penthay do deal in some male captives, such as for labor, for breeding...

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Kinky Dream of Sex Slave

I was young and in high school still. There was this gang of guys that was mean to me a little. But, they always picked on my guy friend a lot more. They always chased him around trying to beat him up, but they would never catch him. Sometimes they would catch his other guy friend that was slower. They ended up catching me after a while and r****g me... My guy friend said he felt bad that he wasn’t around when they did. They had him distracted away at that time.Then I jumped fast forwarded...

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Making Mom My Sex Slave

Your name is John O’Conner. You are a very smart, 20-year-old male. You could say that you’re kind of a nerd. You currently only live with your Mom, Meghan. Your mom is the very definition of a MILF. She has long black hair, an hourglass figure, large round breasts (you say much bigger than DD) and a large round ass. Ever since you hit puberty, you have dreamed many times of one day fucking your own mother and turning her into your sex slave. Now you believe you found a way to make that dream a...

Mind Control
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Sex Slave

I was at the club dancing, when I turned around a girl was standing there. She wanted to know if she could take me to her place. I said "Yes!!!.". When we got in her car, she lifted up my mini skirt and started rubbing my pussy. She put my hand in hers. When, we got to her apartment, she started kissing me and finger fucking me up my skirt. Then, she pushed me on the bed and told me she was going to the bathroom. When she came back she was naked! She came over to me and got me naked. She pushed...

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My First Fat Pussy My First Sex Slave

Always one to date thin, tight-bodied girls, I was between girlfriends for a couple of weeks and was getting horny for pussy, any pussy. It’s proven I guess that as the night at the bar goes on the girls get prettier, they also get thinner as you drink more. When I arrived that night a fat girl asked me to dance and I turned her down. My cousin always liked plumpers and he thought I was crazy. Finally, towards the end of the evening I spotted a pretty hot, black haired beauty with...

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My Real Slave Life First Time I Was a Sex Slave

One of the things you may notice about my fantasy writing is that a lot of the same themes play over in them. Part of that is because we’re dealing with my fantasies, but it’s also because when it comes to describing a particular scene I tend to base it off my experiences. I try to remember what things felt like, tasted like, smelled like and while I may change things around or amplify the bdsm aspects of the scene in my story, I’m writing based on what I can see in my head if that makes...

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From Hot Office Colleague To Sex Slave

Imagine a hot girl – 5’8 height, not thin and flaunting a cleavage more often than not from her deep neck blouses in the office. What would you like to do? Fuck her? Fuck her bosom? Right? I did exactly that! Today, I have brought you my story, a story that I am proud of. Proud because of many reasons. First, she was a big girl with a big ass and big tits and to fuck such a girl her mind out is always satisfying for a man. But, it was more than that. My real pride was in making her accept that...

4 years ago
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Real Sex With Cousin Sister At Early Teenage

It happened to me when i was 18 years old. During my summer vacation i and my mother visited my mother’s sister (mosi) place. My elder brother was 21 at that time and he use to remain busy with his education and work etc. so i usually never had a close friendship with him as he was too senior. At my mosi home i had one sister who was just one month younger to me (Prachi) and her sister who was 4 yrs younger to both of us. Since my brother was to senior and one of my cousin being 4 years...

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Job Of Sex Slave

HI ISS ranjan from Orissa again with a new my last story (Became a regular sex slave),i got many response form all parts of India.many people has invited me to have their slave. But one couple from Kolkata has really interested to make me their slave.and my story starts from here. They are a young couple(30 and 26)just married and having no our chatting they shows a good interest to make me their slave for one day and i agredd with their proposal.we both are agreed...

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Jasmine Wanted To Be His Sex Slave

His daughter is 16 and has been helping in the office with some paper work and a gofer in general. She goes to school most days except for the summer. She has meet a new friend, Jasmine, a new girl in town. Jasmine is a tall girl with a slender body with nicely developing curves. She has been dating since she was 14 so she is not a stranger to sex but she is not that experienced. Still her hormones are active and there are times when she is very hot for something. She and Kate meet...

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Jasmine Sex Slave

Tom ran a home remodeling business and the office was an old home he had remodeled as a demonstration of what he could do. The kitchen was the company break room the living room was the main office and a bedroom was his private office. The 2.5 baths were completely new and one had a two person jet tub and the other had a shower with several different heads. His daughter is 16 and has been helping in the office with some paper work and a gofer in general. She goes to school most days except...

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My Dream Of Being A Sex Slave

Thinking of being used as a femdom sex slave makes me happy. I am fond of femdom videos. I have seen many femdom videos over my laptop and I have enjoyed every bit of every video. So let’s come to the incident which happened to me 6 months before. We have one neighboring couple. The man is an IT engineer and woman is a housewife, both aged between 28-30 years. I used to call them Manish bhaiya and Shilpa bhabhi. I want to tell you about Shilpa bhabhi. She is a sex goddess with firm boobs, round...

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The Day I Become Sex Slave

Hi everybody I am Lisa my age is 18 years old and I am a good looking girl with a good figure my friends joke that I am very cute and sometimes they feel like having sex with me but I never thought of any lesbian sex even I had never had a friend who thought so. I finished my plus2 and was planning of joining a prestigious college since I was good in studies and had almost 95% marks it was easy to get admission. This was the first time I was going to stay in a hostel since i had always studied...

1 year ago
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Turning John Into a Sex Slave

I was a second year student at the university and midterm was fast approaching. I decided that for one evening I would stay inside and study in my dorm room. My friend John however decided to go out to a party. It was nearing twelve when I heard John and this girl come inside the door. The girl was pretty hot the beautiful hour glass figure plus tow huge breasts, I wondered how John managed to get such a . He was shorter than her and pretty cute but his dick made her a class above him. Along...

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My Uncle8217s Sex Slave

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net My family and I were visiting my aunt and uncle for a few days in their village. We were staying for 2 weeks, as I was off from classes also. Their kids were older and off to college in neighboring states. So my aunt and uncle were by themselves. My parents and I would visit occasionally to keep them company. On our first day there, my uncle gifted me some chocolates he had bought when he was stationed out of the state for...

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Upstairs Bhabhi Made Me Her Sex Slave

Hello Friends, first of all, I would like to thank all the ladies and aunties who have read my earlier story and given me an immense pleasure and response which led me to submit my another story. So sit back and be ready for another real-life encounter I had with Nisha (name changed for privacy reasons). For those who are reading my story for the first time I wanted to tell you briefly about me. I am Alok Saxena, 28 years of age and currently working with a reputed company and residing in...

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Hypnotic Sex Slave

Many people fantasize about being or having a sex slave. Hypnosis makes it possible. Inhibitions disappear and unconscious desire takes over. This is a story about such an event. * * * * * I belonged to a bowling league in the center of the city. It was a scratch league where high bets were very common. We were in the third game and our team was up by thirty pins in the eighth frame. Our team had bet the other team $1000 on the series. This was in addition to league winnings. I had just...

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My Life as a Male Sex Slave

I don’t know whether it was just plain luck or fate which brought to meet the very glamorous Princess Zeeta of Tyros on that fateful day when I went shopping for a new Dinner Jacket in Regent Street. My old jacket had succumbed to years of being sloshed with university cheap wine, and the subsequent dry cleaning had made it look much the worse for wear. It was my 23rd Birthday and the money had been given to me by my loving sister and her husband who was my only living relatives as a joint...

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From Society Girl To Slave

From A Society Girl  From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous     Chapter I   All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...

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How Jenna became a slave

How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...

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Britney Teen Hypnotic Sex Slave

Writing these stories has given me a perspective on things sexual that I had not had previously. The thought that occurs to me the most is the ‘what if?’ questions. What if as a young adult I had the skill as a hypnotist that I developed over the years? This story assumes a young man of extraordinary intelligence. We pick the story up after he has completed thorough research into hypnosis and the related psychology. He is a virgin with no dating experience. Sam is small, about five feet six,...

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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

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