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From A Society Girl



From A Society Girl

To A Slave








Chapter I




All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park.

In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family and who was reputed to be multi-millionaire.

He lived in it only a few months of the year and spent therest of the time traveling in his powerful car through Britain and abroad.

Lord Kelington was about forty-five years old. His body wasathletically built but his face was ravaged by too much good-living. Vice andspirits had left their marks and given him a strange expression of sadism andcruelty. He had the reputation of being heartless and insensitive to human suffering. Besides this, hewas reportedly very stingy and always dreamed of adding still more to hisalready immense fortune.

The people and tradesmen of the village very seldompenetrated into the domain which was surrounded by a very high wall for milesaround. Only an old guardian lived in a small house near the entrance andobeyed blindly the orders of his Master, so that it was almost impossible toenter the castle and it would have been still more difficult to get out if byany chance one had got in.

The guardian?s wife, an old woman, looked after the cooking.The only other member of the staff was the servant of Lord Kelington, namedBridget. She was a fine slip of a girl, aged twenty-three, buxom and robust,with a beautiful face lit up by fine blue eyes and hair the color of ripe corn.Formerly she had, had scandalous incidents of behavior at the village. Then shebecame Lord Kelington?s maid and was no longer seen outside the castle. Ofcourse it was widely whispered that her services were not limited to those of asimple chambermaid.

Anyhow, there was a lot of gossip about Lord Kelington andthe people living in the castle, but what was certain was that his life wasenshrouded by a deep mystery which nobody could pierce.

Our story begins with a visit to the castle, by a youngwomen who had just arrived at the station, met by Lord Kelington.

Seated in a deep leather armchair she was now conversingwith her host. She was twenty-eight years old and her name was Dorothea vonBerner. Her nationality was British, but her parents were German. She wasstrikingly beautiful, but her type of beauty was harsh, imperious andfascinating at the same time.

Her hair was black and shiny, with bluish reflections andcarefully arranged into numerous curls which gave it the appearance of beingnaturally wavy. Her face was pale but remarkably well made up and its profilewas very fine. Her mouth was rather strong and sensual, yet willful and itslips were very red, contrasting with her wonderfully white and regular teeth.Her eyebrows were carefully kept and tapered towards the temples, being thickertowards the middle of the face.

But what struck one most in her face were her eyes ? as greyas metal, they stared one out of countenance, so harsh and bright they were.Coming from under oval eye1ids, they seemed to cast off an exceptional sheenwhich took possession of the object or the person on which they were focused.

She wore tortoise-shell spectacles with iridescent lenseswhich gave still more strength to her look and did not make her any-the-lessbeautiful. She had the habit of taking them off and putting them on againseveral times in the course of a conversation, which may have been involuntaryor perhaps purposely, in order to reveal the two aspects of her handsome face.

The young woman?s body was rather heavily built, but verynear to perfection. Her bust was taut and extremely arrogant under the silkblouse. The breasts were heavy but its tips pointed hard and seemed to stretchthe material to the bursting point.

Dorothea?s only physical defect would seem to be a certainheaviness and massiveness, but it made her behind appear all the more insolentand voluptuous and her skirt looked as if it would burst its seams.

On her head was perched a natty little felt hat and she worean elegant pearl-grey tailor-made suit. Her legs were encased in stockings ofthe finest silk and on her feet she wore flat-heeled brown buckskin shoes.

There emanated from her a current of overbearingness mixedwith a suspicion of sadism, a refined charm that both drew one to her andchilled one.

She was smoking a cigarette, now and then shaking offnonchalantly its ashes with her very white hand which had purple-dyedfinger-nails.

Lord Kelington, standing in front of her, was talkinganimatedly to her.

?Dear Miss von Berner, I have already hinted at the reasonwhy I wished you to come here in the letter I sent you. I would need yourservices for a year at least, perhaps two, who knows, maybe more. Can you startat once???

The attractive girl smiled a whole row of cruel teeth.

?Certainly, Lord Kelington, and the proof is that I havebrought along all my luggage, which is at the station ? two trunks for mypersonal effects and a third one containing several disciplinary instruments,for, if I understand correctly, my task will be to bring up a young girl understrict discipline, am I right??

?You are perfectly right. By the way, may I ask whether youstill have the same methods of education which are, so to speak, yourtrademark??

?Yes, I have.?

?I still recall perfectly the lord reminisced, ?our firstmeeting which took place at my friend?s, Lord Delphy, and I shall neverforget the original and delightful manner with which I surprised you for thefirst time. I was walking in the park when I saw you at a place where the pathwas curving, with your pupil, Lucy Mae Nerling, who was Lord Delphy?s ward. Shewas lying in front of you on her stomach on the graveled path. Her skirt andunderskirt were pulled up above her waist and her drawers pulled down to herankles ? a rather odd position for a nineteen-year-old aristocratic girl. Ialso noticed that she was wearing a very strait-laced corset and that both herhands and her ankles were firmly shackled with steel bracelets. And you weregiving her the best whipping I had ever witnessed. The poorgirl was screaming her head off!I can still see the scene in my mind as fresh as if it had happened only yesterday. But what struck me most, waswhen I saw Lucy, after the whipping,thank you on her knees, on your order, for having punished her so well, and then kiss your feet. I understood then,Miss von Berner, how effective your teaching methods were.?

?That was nothing,? the young woman replied with an enigmatic smile ?you could have seen much better than that.?

?That was when,? Lord Kelington went on, ?my friendDelphy told me that you were a governess of a rather special kind and that you aimed to destroy completelythe personality of Lucy Mae Nerling,to make her your slave so that herplentiful inheritance should go entirely to Delphy.?

Lord Kelington laughed and Dorothea blushed slightly.

?I was only doing myjob of educator, milord. And Lord Delphy had promised me ten percent of the inheritance if I succeeded in my task.?

?And what happenedto Lucy??

?I got her tamed so well that it was impossible for her to resume her title and her place in society. Lord Delphy gaveher to me as a present and I tookher with me to London where she became my personal maid and she had to maintain thestrictest discipline. Later, Igot tired of her and I gave heraway to a friend of mine, awealthy American woman who was going back to the States. Then I learned ina letter from that friend thatshe had sold Lucy to an eighteen-year-oldscreen actress, a very attractivestarlet, very promising, but extremelytemperamental. She locked Lucy up in herHollywood villa and used her as a slave, whipping herevery morning before going tothe studio merely to calm her nerves.?

?A fine resu1tMiss von Berner, a fine result indeed,? exclaimed Lord Kelington. ?I see that girls who get put under your claws are definitely tamed and their personalitiesannihilated for ever, Well, I have asimilar job for you and that is whyI asked you to come. I am the legal guardian of a young girl called Mabel Sunway, a very pretty girl, aged seventeen and a half. She has been an orphan five years andwas brought up in an expensive schoolin the suburbs of Paris.As she has now left that school, itis up to me to look after hertill she is of age.?

He drew near Dorothea and lowered the tone of his voice.

?Now, when she istwenty-one, Mabel Sunway is to inherita great fortune, something like ahundred thousand pounds. And Idon?t want her to be able to use thatmoney, do you get me??

?I understand perfectly!?Dorothea exclaimed, with a cruel smileand almost licking her chops.

?If you succeedin reducing that girl to bondage,? LordKelington whispered, ?I?ll give you ten percent of the heritage.?

?Agreed I And I can assureyou that when your Mabel getsout of my hands she won?t have awill of her own to claim hermoney.?

?Fine!? theman exclaimed, rubbing his hands with satisfaction. ?But I warn you, Miss Von Berner, your taskwon?t be an easy one. Mabelis pretty and has been brought up like a princess. She is high-handed and capricious,terribly snobbish andimbued with her rank and fortune.Besides, I believe she is verymodern in outlook, independent and flirtatious and quite bold. It won?t be easy for you to tame her.?

?I?ll enjoy it allthe more,? the beautiful governess said.

She got up fromher armchair and walked up anddown the room, which made herpowerful hips move suggestively under her tight skirt

?I?ll tame her!? sheexclaimed. ?I?ll shower humiliations of all kinds upon her. I?ll tameher with the whip, with fetters,corsets, tight panties and all the ways and means I have at my disposal.?

?I trust you, dear Miss von Berner. As soon as myward arrives I shall hand herover to you and depart for along trip in Europe. I shall be back in aboutthree months and during myabsence you will be the absolute Master of the castle and you will have my faithful maid Bridget tohelp you in your taming work.?

?Be without fear, milord, when you come back home, Mabelwill lick your boots and tell you that she is my lifelong slave and that shewill submit to your authority as well as mine if I want it so.?

On hearing those words, Lord Kelington smiled with joy. Hecould not help admiring the calm assurance, the authority and marvelous beautyof this strange governess who dominated girls by means of whippings and madethem her slaves. And, already, he was savoring the thought of the inheritanceof pretty Mabel that would be entirely his.

That same day, at five in the afternoon, Mabel Sunwayarrived in the mysterious castle. Her guardian had picked her up at the stationand had been obliged to hire a small lorry to carry her numerous luggage.

Lord Kelington had not exaggerated ? the young English girlwas very pretty. Her almost eighteen years of age complexion was clear, cheeksblooming like apples, her nose so to speak, pert, very soft big blue eyes, paleblonde hair which made her look like one of those eighteenth-century paintingswhich are so delightfully charming.

She moved with incomparable grace and freshness. She was ofmedium height and her figure was admirable. She possessed a behind that juttedout provocatively and showed its curves under her dress with the suggestion ofripe cleavage in the middle.

She was dressed very smartly and Lord Kelington noticed thatshe wore a lot of make-up, even on her eyes. During the five years Mabel hadspent in a French college, Mabel had received every month an important sum ofmoney from the notary who looked after the heritage of her dead parents. Shecould use that money as she pleased and hence, her manners were free andhigh-handed and she had the insolent assurance of a very wealthy young girl whoknows what money can buy.

Lord Kelington greeted her with simulated affection, but itdid not deceive the young English girl. She did not like her guardian, althoughshe had only seen him twice in her life. He seemed to her wicked and false.

?I?m so sorry,? the lord said, ?but I can stay with you onlytill tonight and then I go away on a long trip. That is why, my dear, thinkingthat you would feel lonely by yourself in this big isolated estate, I havehired a governess to keep you company.?

Mabel?s eyebrows shot up suddenly.

?A governess? But, uncle, I am no longer of age to be?governed,? don?t you think so???

?I?m afraid I was perhaps incorrect in my choice of words,?Lord Kelington said. ?She?s more a companion than an actual governess, ? a kindof friend, you see. I?m sureyou will like her. She is a very attractive twenty-eight year old woman. And,even though you are up-to-date, I feel sure that you will learn something fromher and that she will give you some precious advice.?

?I don?t need anybody?sadvice!? Miss Sunwayretorted proudly. ?I was perfectly well brought up in France and I won?t tolerate anyoneintruding into my private life.?

Lord Kelington realizedthat his ward would not be easy for anyone to govern. She really had a verystrong personality for her almost eighteen years.

?Come, come,? he said genially, ?we aren?t going quarrel on our first day together, are we? Do you imagine that I would impose upon you any kind of obligation? However, I would adviseyou not to act in such a spirit of revolt. When you are twenty-one, you will dowhat you please, but until then don?t forget that I am your guardian and that,according to the law, I have to look after you and your education.?

Mabel blushed. Sheknew that only too well. For threeand a half more years she wouldhave to live in this castle and curb her instincts of revolt. Besides,her guardian had the keys to where the money was and without moneyshe could do nothing. So, on reflection, it was wiser to be more tolerant andaccept the suggestions of this uncle ofhers who, after all, might notbe as bad as all that.

Lord Kelington understood that his ward was beginning to bemore reasonable.

?Well, my dear Mabel, I have to say good-bye now,? he saidin a kind voice. ?You won?t be seeing your governess before tomorrow morning, for she has gone to town. Until then, makeyourself at borne and do what you like. Bridget, the maid, will naturally be under your orders.?

He kissed her with affection and went out.

Alone, Mabel startedthinking. It was hard forher to get used to the idea of having agoverness. She was terribly independent and proud, and had so far beenpampered and treated like therich, noble girl she was. At college, she had, had very good friends who loved and admired her for she dominated them morally, and, although she was gifted in herstudies, she did exactly what she pleased and not more. What she loved was before all, sport and pleasure. Very often, she went out to Paris withsome of the girls and went so faras to go and have tea in some dancing cabarets. She wasreceived in the best Parisian societyand had experienced the joy of flirtationin more than one brilliant evening. All that was still in her mind, a delightfully fresh souvenir.But now, what was her life going to be like? How would she feel in thisvast solitary castle, away from all pleasures, with an unclewhom she did not like and with agoverness she had not asked for?Indeed, the future as not very smiling.

She vowed to herself that she would feign to accept this newlife that they imposed upon her, but that all the time, she would react underthe surface, striving to maintain intact her personality, that of a young andwealthy young girl, and never to letherself be dominated by these people whom she considered strangers.

Mabel was mullingover all that while unpackingher things and putting them awayin the sumptuous room that had beengiven her, and this occupationdistracted her from all hergloomy thoughts. Being very coquettish, she admired, one by one, the expensive dresses which had been made especially for her at the best places in Paris. With loving care, she putaway in the cupboards all her silkblouses, frilly panties, stockingsof the finest quality,brassieres, etc. She would soon show those Scottish people how a pretty young heir brought up in the luxury of Parisknows how to dress.

She had justfinished putting her things awaywhen she heard a knock at thedoor. It was Bridget. She was really pretty, that healthy-looking girl, in her silk paleblue dress, her lace apron and maid?s cap.

But Mabel gave her adespising look. Like manysnobbish English girls, she had a high notion of the difference of social classes and despised domestics.

?You are Bridget, the maid, I take it?? she snapped out.

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Has my uncletold you that you would be under mypersonal service during hisabsence??

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Good. You?re goingto start your service at onceby bringing me my supper in this room. I do not want to go down to the dining room.?

?But, ma?am, I wasjust coming to tell you that dinner was serveddownstairs.?

?I don?t care.You shall serve it here. I want it so. Or are you going to discuss my orders??

?No, ma?am, I?msorry.?

Mabel did not noticethe ironical smile on Bridget?s lips, for the maid had alreadytalked with Dorothea von Berner and she knew perfectly well that the English girl would soon lose her arrogance.

But, with apparent submissiveness, she served Mabel?ssupper in her room, and thearistocratic girl went so far as tooblige her to remain standingbehind her chair during the whole course of her meal.

After supper wasover, Mabel dawdled a little up her room. She got undressed and admired her nakedbody in the full-length mirror. She was very proud of that body of hers, with its fine breastsand plum round rump. She always tookgood care of her beauty and usedall sorts of creams and skintreatments, as well as perfumes. As wasthe custom for her every evening, she spent nearly an hour in front of her dressing table. Then she put on en elegant silk pajama, lit acigarette, played a few records on her gramophone, then suddenly, shefelt the fatigue of her long trip and decided to go to bed.

In the darknessof her room, she lay for a while thinking again of thelife that was awaiting her inthis lonely castle and was again revoltedby the idea of the governess imposed upon her. Then, vanquished by sleep, she stopped thinking and started dreaming.























Chapter II


The followingmorning Mabel was awakened by Bridget who was taking her breakfast up to herroom. She stretched lazily, grunted and glanced at the clock. Then she sat upangrily.

?Eight o?clock! But are you mad? I had ordered my chocolatefor half past ten. Is this the way you are carrying out my orders??

Bridget put the breakfast plate on the table, withoutbatting an eyelid.

?I?m sorry, Miss, but I only obeyed the governess?s orders.She told me to wake you up at eight o?clock.?

?The governess indeed! I won?t have anything to do with thegoverness! Are you under her orders or mine? You must obey me, understand? I?lltell my uncle about this. Yousilly girl, you deserve to be slapped!?

Mabel was less furious at being awakened before time than atthe thought of that governess, whom she hated beforehand, daring to rearrangeher schedule.

?We?ll see who is the Master here, the governess or I,?Mabel said, ?now go and prepare my bath!?

She got up, being too much aroused to stay in bed. Shehurried over her dressing, boiling inwardly and impatient to have anexplanation with this unknown woman who wanted to play tyrant with her.

An hour later, dressed in a ravishing dishabille of silk andlace, Mabel, sitting in front of her dressing-table, was putting some red stuffon her fingernails and thinking of all the words she would tell the blastedgoverness, words that would hurt and sting, when suddenly she was startled bythe noise of the door opening. Furious that anyone should dare enter her roomwithout knocking, Mabel raised her eyes and remained for a moment speechlesswith surprise: there stood a woman before her, and she guessed that she was theunknown governess. But she was quitedifferent from what she had imagined her to be. Instead of an elderlywoman with her hair made up in a bun and a frosty look, this governess was anelegant woman, as beautiful as a goddess, and she was looking at herdespisingly and coldly from under her tortoiseshell spectacles.

Dorothea von Bernerwas wearing a white silk blouse which clung narrowly to the curves ofher breasts, a black hobble-skirt which made her powerful hips stand out. Black silk stockings and high-heeledshoes completed the picture.

Mabel was astounded. So this was the young and pretty womanwho had the cheek to want to regulate her private life!

?Dorothea von Berner, your educator. Your name is Mabel,isn?t it??

The pretty English girl shrugged her shoulders. ?I don?thave to give you any account of myself, nor to tell you my name. I haveaccepted from my uncle a companion, but by no means a governess or an?educator,? as you say. And henceforth, I want you to mind your own businessand to stop giving my maid orders contrary to mine.?

Dorothea did not answer. She just smiled ironically and,sitting near Mabel, she scrutinized her with her hard look. There was such aflame in those steel-like eyes that the young girl could not help blushing. Itseemed to her that this feminine look was undressing her, touching her body,and it made her flesh shiver under her light dressing-gown.

?Eighteen years old almost,? Dorothea at last spoke in aslow voice, ?not-yet eighteen and already so unbearably proud! You are lucky,Mabel, that I know you so little, or else I would have punished you ? for yourinsolence. I can see through you though ? a stupid spoiled girl, imbued withher rank and fortune, coquettish and profligate, in a word, badly brought up.But all that is going to change, my dear, I?ll see to that. Now that you areunder my command you will become more than submissive and obedient to myorders. I shall tame you, Mabel. You don?t know yet how, but you will soon see!A girl like you should have a new education right from scratch, and I?ll takecare of it. You will soon fear me and yet love me at the same time, you?llsee!?

White with rage, Miss Sunway had stood up, looking squarelyinto the face of the governess.

?Pending the realization of your predictions,? she hissed,?you will please get the hell out of here! As for me, I won?t stay one hourmore in this confounded castle. At what time does the next train for London leave? I?m going tobe on it, and away from your comedies and grimaces.?

Dorothea burst out laughing.

?So you would fly away, would you? Don?t you know thatleaving the domicile of your guardian before you are of age would deprive youby law of all your fortune? And what would you do, all on your own, withoutmoney, I ask you? Anyway, I?d better warn you that the gate is locked and thatthe wall is fifteen feet high, which is a bit too much for a little creaturelike you. And, last but not least, what about the scandal? A young aristocratescaping from her guardian?s house, what shame! You wouldn?t dare face anyone ofyour rank ever again.?

Seeing that Mabel found no reply to her arguments, thegoverness stood up and went away towards the door.

?Come, little girl, be reasonable, it will be better foryou. And wait at least till your uncle comes back before making a decision.Meanwhile, get dressed ? you?re almost naked!?

?I don?t mind getting dressed,? Mabel said with repressedanger, ?but don?t expect me to obey you! Never, do you hear, never!?

?We shall see,? Dorothea answered calmly.

She went out of the room, taking the key with her to preventMabel from locking herself in.

Alone in her room, poor Mabel was about to give way tosorrow. But she was energetic and courageous so she drew back her tears, madeup with care and got dressed. An hour later she was ready and she lookedwonderful in a white dress drawn tight by a red leather belt, and elegant whitebuckskin shoes.

Then Dorothea came in again without knocking. Mabel walkedback to the far wall, and her fists were closed in balls and her lips were acouple of white lines, so angry she was.

?Bravo!? the governess said with a smile. ?You look prettylike this. Why don?t you speak? I?ll soon make you answer me when I talk toyou, you?ll see.?

With calm, she sat down on an armchair, drawing up her skirtabove her knees and revealing perfectly shaped legs.

?My dear child,? she said, ?you must take the habit ofconsidering yourself as a mere little child in front of me. I command, and youobey. That is your role... You aren?t very talkative, are you? From now on, youwill have to tell me how your are dressed, in detail, every morning. Let?s see.What are you wearing under your skirt? A slip? A bra? A pair of silk panties?And how about your stockings, how are they fixed? Answer, Mabel, I?mlistening!?

A long silence succeeded her words, Miss Sunway contentedherself with shrugging her shoulders with contempt.

?You still persist in not answering, do you?? the educatorwent on, ?So, I shall have to give you a more direct order. Lift up your skirtwith your hands to show me what you are wearing underneath!?

Of course, Mabel did not move. So Dorothea stood up andwalked up to her. Her steely eyes were glistening with anger under herspectacles and her pretty face was white and taut.

?This is to teach you to be more obedient!? She said, andshe delivered a really smacking slap on the cheek of the girl who reeled underthe shock and remained a few seconds speechless and too astounded to react.

When Mabel had recovered the momentary shock her eyessparkled and all her pride surged up in her.

?You brute! Wicked woman! You?ll pay for that!? she said.

Miss von Berner shrugged her shoulders and said, betweenthin lips; ?The only person who will pay is you, little fool, or rather it willbe your behind! But I am prepared to be forgiving. I?m going to leave this roomfor five minutes. When I return I wantto see you, with your skirt up to you waist, do you hear? And if you don?t do as I say, you will answer for theconsequences!?

Without leaving any time for Mabel to answer, she got out of the room,locking the door behind her.

Locked up and powerless, the young English girl could nolonger master her rage. She threw herself on the bed, kickingand pounding the pillow with her fists and sobbing uncontrollably.

When the door openeda few moments later andthe governess appeared, Mabel got up,pale but defiant.

?Well, what about that skirt??Dorothea asked calmly.

?I?ll never liftthis skirt, do you hear?? thegirl cried out, ?You?re a wicked creature, an abominable rascal, and I?ll drag you before the courts! Forthe last time, I demand that youlet me leave at once!?

The governess smiled sardonically.

?Very well, Miss MabelSunway, since you won?t obey of your own free will, I?llmake you obey by means of the whip!?

?The whip??

?That?s right ?the whip on your bare behind!I?m going to whip you like ababy, for all your seventeenyears!?

She went towards the door and called out; ?Bridget! Bringthe silk cords and the dog whip!?

On hearingthose words, Mabel became very pale. She no longer doubted now the awful reality, as she saw the servant enter, and sheguessed that she had been standing for quite a while behind the door.

?Now, Bridget, ?the governess went on, ?you?re going to help memaster this girl. We?re going to tie her up and make her submit to thepunishment!?

The two women threw themselves on the unfortunate girl who did her best to fight, butBridget was big and robust; as for Dorothea von Berner she was uncommonly strong, so both of them had little difficulty inreducing the English girl to impotence and they dragged her to the feet of a chair in spite of her cries of rage and her insults which sheshowered at her skirtedexecutioners.

Mabel was laid onher stomach across the chair, her breasts on the seating part.They tied her hands to thelegs on one side and her thighs to the legs on the other side of the chair. Her knees were on the floor but the upper part of her body was entirely fixedto the chair, allowing no possibilityof movements.

?Cowards! Brutes! Dirty cowards!? Mabel howled, ?let me go at once! I forbid you to treat me inthis way!?

Dorothea calm and ironical got near the girl, so near thather perfumed skirt caressed her face.

?This is where disobedience has led you, Mabel!? she said. ?Do you understand nowthat you are at my mercy and that I can do exactly what I please with you??

And while she was speaking, she tugged violently at Mabel?sears and even tried to fondle her face as if speaking to a dog, but the Englishgirl, at the apex of rage, tried to bite her hand, so Dorothea went to theother side of the seat.

?You see,? she said, ?what you were asked to show me of yourown free will, you?ll have to let me see it all now. Now, do you feel the handsthat are lifting up your skirt, do you feel them??

At the same time, she seized Mabel?s dress and drew it backup to her waist, revealing the fat and magnificent behind of the girl, offeringitself insolently, as it were, from its vantage position. It was clothed in apair of pink silk panties decorated by fine lace.

?Gosh!? Dorothea mocked, ?what pretty panties! Not tightenough to my liking, but we shall remedy that later. For the moment, I want tosee your bare behind, your big buttocks which are going to be whipped sothoroughly!?

So saying, she undid the two buttons which tied the knickersround the girl?s waist. Then she drew them down to her feet and threw them awayin a corner of the room.

As Mabel had not put on any stockings, she had noother garments left, and she wasnow offering to the mocking looksof her executioners, her nudity, her fat and whitebuttocks, with a skin smooth andflawless, were convulsively drawntogether. Mabel whined with the shame of feeling the air caress the most intimate part of her anatomy.

?A fine behindindeed, fit to be whipped!? thegoverness said. ?I?ll show youthat, for a girl like you, discipline is to be administeredalmost exclusively on that side of yourperson.?

?You won?t dare,?cried Mabel, ?you won?t dare touch me!?

?I won?t dare?You?ll see if I won?t!?

The governess grasped a heavy dogwhip, with its lash ofplaited leather. She placed herself conveniently at some distance from her victim, then, with all her strength,she gave one lash on Mabel?s buttocks.

A long red weal could now be seen plainly on the wounded flesh.

Mabel had let out a shriek of pain and anger mixed with shame. She tried her best to move and nearly upset the chair on which she was tied.

?Bridget,? thegoverness ordered, ?go and sit down on Mabel?s back ? to prevent her from moving! But sitnear her neck, so that there should be no risk of my hittingyou with the whip.?

Bridget obeyed withjoy. Her vulgar soul cruelly enjoyed humiliating that proud aristocrat who had been her Mistress only yesterday. She sat down heavily, weighing down on Mabel?s delicate breasts which crushed against the seat. Bridget was big and tall and weighed about thirteen stone. Under theweight of her enormous rump the younggirl was half suffocating.

Then, with calm,Dorothea resumed the punishment. Shelashed with all her strength and witha refined art that was the result of a long practice. Liftingher arm high up, she brought it downfuriously and the end of the whip bit the flesh with a smacking sound. With her free hand the governess held up her own skirt up to her knees, to allow for a freer movement. With herpinched lips and her eyessparkling with an evil glee, she seemed to derive a real physical enjoyment from the torture she was inflicting.

Ten lasheshad left their traces on the soft behindof the girl who, stifled thoughshe was under Bridget?s weight, stillmanaged to howl and sob her headoff.

Suddenly, Miss vonBerner stopped and drew up herown skirt. Her voluminous rump was clothed with panties of pink silkstockinet drawn tight without a single fold against her skinand so tight that it seemed it was engulfed into the cavern in thecentre.

She took off those panties with some difficulty as they were tightly drawn against herbuttocks, then she walked towards Mabel and stood in front of her. She bentdown in order to be face to face with herand told her

?You?re so noisy that I?m going to gag you with my panties.And you can consider it a great honor for a girl like you to have her facewrapped in the material used asa rule for my behind!?

Mabel was feeling with disgust the perfumed breath of theattractive governess on her tear-stainedface. Then she was blinded and stifled withthe pink panties which Dorothea fixed against her face with a string. The material was still warm with the feminine flesh andgave off such an odor that theEnglish girl?s heart missed a beat.

Then the whipping wasresumed. Dorothea was now striking with more rapid and violent movements. Mabelfelt as if she would die. Her buttocks were afire and she waited for the nextlash that would bite and sting. She felt above her the weight and warmth ofBridget whose heavy buttocks nailed her to the seat, and when she
wanted to howl, she was prevented from doing so by the beautiful governess?spanties which entered her mouth, stifling and blinding her abjectly.

Dorothea stopped only when her victim?s flesh startedbleeding. She then threw away the whip, took off Mabel?s gag and put it on with calm, wicked laugh. She was holding in her hand a whilethe chin of the English girl, halfunconscious, who was whining dully.

?Mabel Sunway?, she said in a slow voice, ?do you now recognize that I am your all-powerfulgoverness, and do you accept it? Do you submit to my authority?Answer!?

The young girl?s pridegave her a little strength, enough to answer; ?Never, never! You?re a monsterand I despise you!?

?Very well, I?lltake good note of it,?Dorothea said calmly. ?Bridget, help me carry this revolting creature down tothe cellar. We shall tie her to the rack which I prepared yesterday.?

The two youngwomen untied the fetters of the unfortunate girl and helped her to walk or rather, carried her ?so weak she was ? through the dark passage of the castle.

In a small dampand cold cellar, there stood a rack, near the air vent. It was acurious instrument, consistingof a horizontal beam with four legs;something like a wooden horse with nohead. Mabel was placed astride onit, and the wooden beam?scutting edge hurt her flesh. She was forced to lie down on it full-length and they tied her body to the beam so that her bust was resting hard on it. Then they tied her four limbs to the legs of the instrument. This very painful positiondrew cries of pain from the girl, but Dorothea was not moved in the least. She addressed her victim in a dry despising voice.

?Mabel Sunway, Irepeat again that I intend to have upon you a complete authority. You shallsubmit to it willy-nilly. I shall leave you here without eating or drinking until you have decided to recognize my right and authority to punishyou. Bridget is going to administer more discipline to you shortly. She willstart with ten stokes of a birch twig,next it will, be a cane, thenthe horsewhip, then, if need be, theknout and the stick. As soonas you have decided to obey me like aslave you will tell Bridget so,and she will deliver you to me. Until then I won?t hear from you!?

Having spoken, thegoverness went out, rolling her powerful hips and Bridget followed her.

Mabel remainedalone, trembling with cold and fear, shaken now and then bypitiful sobs. She had nostrength left to think nor to realize what was happening to her. All the events of the morning appeared to her like an awful nightmare. She recalled confusedly her past life, her young years of a free and happy girl, wealthy and triumphant with youth and beauty. Then, nearly atonce the vision of Dorothea von Berner superimposed itself on the other thoughts, cancelling themout. Was that young and beautiful woman a demon, a fiend in human shape? What would become of her, a helplesscreature, in the claws of this odiousmonster?

Her buttocks were giving her a lot of pain, and so did thecords that were tying her and the edge of the wooden beam that was cutting intothe flesh of her breasts and sex. Was it really her, Mabel Sunway, beinginflicted with such treatments? She, who a few hours earlier, was still alaughing and carefree girl, with her body clad in silk lingerie and smartdresses, and with her heart full of songs and laughter?

The entrance of Bridget pulled her abruptly out of herreverie. The maid, made up like a prostitute, was drawing towards her with abirch twig.

With her hands akimbo, she stood in front of her victim,mocking; ?Well, Mabel, how are you, ducks? You?re not very proud now, are you?Not now that your big rump is bleeding. You wouldn?t dare order me about likeyou did last night, with your lah-de dah airs, eh? You, with your ?my maid,??my orders,? ?do this, do that,? you little bitch! Now everything?s changed andyour buttocks will pay for your insolence.?

Pale with rage and humiliation the girl listened to thisdegrading speech. Her silence exasperated the maid.

?You see,? she went on mockingly, ?how you are now at mymercy, you fair damsel! I can do what I please, and there?s nothing you can doabout it. You know what? I?m going to spit on you, it?ll make me feel good!?

She bent down andspat out three times on Mabel?s face.Her saliva, mixed with lipstick,ran slowly down the wane cheeks of the girl and even soiled her mouthand eyes.

?Brute, dirty brute!You appalling creature!? whined Mabel. ?I despise you! I hate you!?

?Well if that is so,as I don?t want to hear your whining and cursing, I?m going to gag you, just as my Mistress did a while ago! Yes, my dear, I?ll do you the great honor of putting your nose into my panties!And I even peed in them to humiliateyou still more!?

So saying,the pretty maid had slipped her hands underneath her dress and untied her pale blue pantieswhich she picked up from the floor. She folded themup carefully into a gag whichshe applied vigorously against Mabel?s mouth and nose. The damp panties gaveoff a powerful smell. The English girl gave a horrified start, but already Bridget was fixing the improvisedgag firmly by means of a leatherbelt. Then she took hold of the birch twig, or rather severaltwigs bound together and startedwhipping Mabel?s buttocks with it.

The twigs bruisedthe girl?s bleeding behind, but thistime, humiliation was stillgreater than the pain. Mabel felt themany wooden twigs break on her flesh with dry cracking sounds. It seemed to her as if she were being pricked with a thousand needles, and the damp panties of the maid,pressing hard against her mouth, prevented her from crying out loudly.

Bridget really whipped with a vengeance and gave morestrokes than she had been ordered to.

But finally she left, disdainful, not without havinggratified Mabel with a pair of hard slaps with her bare palm on top of herbeaten bottom. Purposely, she forgot to undo the gag, so that the girl, had tohave the unclean undergarment material against her face and in her mouth forthe next two hours.

When these two hours were over, another whipping with twigstook place. Mabel?s rumps were in a pitiful state. But the proud English girlwas not yet ready to capitulate. As Bridget asked her if she was willing tosubmit, she answered by shaking her head no, proudly.

The third beating was administered with a supple cane, whichdug bloody furrows into the martyred girl?s buttocks. Mabel?s shrieking crieswere stifled by the gag.

And thus she received two more whippings with the stick. Atlast, Bridget, mockingly announced that night was coming but that she promisedher twenty strokes with a horsewhip for breakfast the next morning.

It would be impossible to describe Mabel?s night. She reallysuffered a lot, as can be imagined; abandoned in the cold damp cellar, with herbuttocks aflame, her body immobilized in a painful position and her face incontact with the soiled piece of underclothes of the maid, she despaired andcalled for death rather than to endure such torture. Her sufferings had aterrible effect on her nerves, so overwrought and tired. During the long hoursof the night she meditated on her situation. What could she do if not acceptthe bondage that was required of her?

Dawn found her vanquished and weakened. She was alsobeginning to feel deeply the pangs of thirst and hunger.

At last, she started as she heard steps, soon followed byBridget?s voice: ?Well, slave have you decided to submit to your Mistress??

The word ?slave,? set up a reaction of revolt in the mind ofproud Mabel. She had enough strength left to shake her head in refusal.

The maid laughed and Mabel suddenly felt the lash of ahorsewhip on her buttocks. The girl had ever been horsewhipped before. Perhapsbecause it was striking already wounded flesh, the horsewhip made her sufferstill more than the dog-whip, the birch twig or the cane.

Bridget horsewhipped her with all her strength. Mabel wantedto scream out and beg for mercy, but she was prevented from doing so by her gagand she had to endure the terrible punishment till the end. At last, Bridgetstopped and asked; ?And now, what have you decided??

At the end of her physical resistance, the girl nodded herhead quickly in submission, whereupon the maid delivered her from theunderskirt and the panties that were imprisoning her head and, like a dream,Mabel at long last saw the light, and the first thing she saw was the vulgarlymade-up face of Bridget who was looking at her with contempt.

?Slave,? the maid said; ?have you decided to submit entirelyto your governess, Miss von Berner??

?I submit,? whispered Mabel, ?but please don?t beat meanymore! Mercy! Mercy!?

Bridget shrugged her shoulders and unhurriedly untied thecords that were holding the girl against the rack. Then she stood her up andhad to hold her up a few seconds for the girl?s legs were like cottonwool.

?Come, follow me!? she ordered.

Behind the maid who was holding her hand as a baby, Mabelpainfully walked up the steps and along passages up to Dorothea von Berner?sdoor, who lived next to her own room, Bridget knocked on the door.

?Who is it?? the governess asked.

?It?s Mabel, Miss, she?s come to submit and I?m bringing herin.?

?All right, let her in!?

Trembling, Miss Sunway went into her Mistress?s room. It wasa vast room, luxuriously furnished and cluttered with precious gewgaws. Silkdresses and underclothes were scattered on some pieces of furniture. Dorotheavon Berner, sitting in front of her dressing table, wore a dressing-gown ofblack lace under which could be seen some patches of white flesh. She was notwearing any glasses and Mabel could not help noticing how beautiful she was.

?Get her on her knees, Bridget!? Miss von Berner said atlast. ?Make her kneel in a corner and keep an eye on her. I shall deal with herin a while. For the moment, I have my make-up to attend to.?

During a long quarter of an hour, Mabel had to wait on herknees, under the severe look of Bridget, until the governess deigned to giveher, her attention. At last Dorothea stood up and walked up to her victim witha slow and voluptuous step.

?Well, have you decided to be submissive and obedient??


?Have you understood that your revolts would be of no useand that you are now under my discipline, and that you are but a naughty girlatoning for her past and being re-educated??


Mabel kept her head down, not daring look up into the faceof the governess. She saw only her small feet shod in dainty shoes, and the hemof her perfumed dressing gown which was caressing her face.

?Tomorrow,? the governess went on, ?your first day ofdiscipline will begin, but before that, I shall give you a whole night in orderto recuperate your forces. You will be locked up in your room and Bridget willbring you a hearty meal. Youwill have a bath and cure your behindwith some salve which you will findon your bed table, and you will sleep. Tomorrow we shall see if your obedience is genuine and yoursubmission total. Take her away,Bridget!?

Very humiliated,Mabel got up and followed the maid up to her own sleeping-room. Bridget brought up to her a tray containing a copious meal and withdrew after having locked up the doorgiving on to the passage, aswell as the one which communicated with the room of the governess.Dazed with weariness and suffering and with her brain completely empty of thoughts the girl went to the bathroom, where she took awarm perfumed bath that acted like a balm.

Back in her room,she examined in a mirror her behind and nearly uttered a cryof horror when she saw its state? it was all crimson and streaked with red and bleeding lashes, and bluish with bruises in some parts. Alas, where was her pretty behind of yesterday which was her pride, so white,soft and plump? The girl almost cried at the sight of such a disaster. It took her more than anhour to apply salve with careand rub it in smoothly, and it relievedher pain a lot.

As she was looking for pajamas, she saw that nearly all her clothes had beenremoved from the cupboards and that her room had been cleared ofall its unnecessary objects ?the gewgaws, her gramophone, hercigarettes, the handbag into which she put her money, all that had disappeared.As for the cupboard and dressers containing her dresses and skirts, they werelocked.

She managed to find a pajama in pink silk and a pair ofpanties which she padded with cotton-wool. It made her behind look oddly bumpy.Having donned her pajamas, she ate voraciously the meal that had been preparedfor her and at last, broken up by lack of sleep and her suffering, she went tobed.

In her bed, she wept in big sobs like a child, thenweariness had the better of her and she sank bite a deep sleep, agitated nowand then by long nervousshudders.
















Chapter III




The followingmorning, Mabel was awakened by Bridget who entered her room at seven sharp. Ofcourse, the maid had come in without knocking and looked very bold andinsolent.

She walked up to the girl?s bed end briskly removed all theblankets and sheets.

?Get up, slave, and be quicker than that!? she ordered.

Mabel?s first reaction was to revolt ? she was still halfasleep.

?I won?t allow this way of treating me?, she said.

?Slap!? went Bridget?s hand on her cheek. ?You don?t have toallow this or that!? Bridget admonished. ?From now on you are a slave andnothing else. Miss von Berner said you had to obey, so you?d better get upunless you want me to get the horsewhip.?

That argument was very convincing and beat down the girl?sresistance, for she still had the smarting remembrance of yesterday?spunishment.

So she got up abruptly in spite of the pain still vivid onher buttocks and stood awkwardly in front of the maid, intimidated and notknowing what to do next.

?You are not to wash before the governess says so. You?lljust comb your hair and put some make up on to appear presentable when yourMistress comes to visit you. And you will have to be completely naked when shecomes in, understand??

As Mabel was not answering, Bridget slapped her face again.

?Answer; ?Yes, ma?am!?

?Yes, ma?am!?

?All right, slave, do as I told you!?

The maid left the room without looking back and Mabel beganto understand with dismay how humiliating her life was going to be from now on.But, heedful not to be punished again, she did as she was ordered. She combedher hair and made up her face, then she took off her pajamas and her paddedpanties. She looked at her behind in the mirror and was surprised to find that theswelling and the bruises had vanished. Thanks to Miss von Berner?s miraculoussalve, her behind had resumed its normal aspect, although there still remaineda trace of the beatings in the way of a rosy hue crisscrossed by reddish weals.

Mabel?s intention was to remain naked as she had beenordered to, but suddenly a kind of shame took hold of her. For all her modernand bold outlook on life, she still remained a modest girl in that she wouldnever show off her naked body. So, nearly instinctively, she took adressing-gown and wrapped her body in it. Then he sat on the edge of the bedwith her heart beating hard with the fear of the consequences her disobediencewould entail.

Dorothea von Berner went into the room and Mabel stood upsuddenly and walked back against the far wall, just like a lion in front of itstamer, and she fixed the governess with wide-open eyes. She could not helpnoticing again how wonderfully beautiful she was.

Dorothea was already coiffured and made up with care. Hermouth, daubed with lipstick, had taken up an evil expression. Behind hertortoiseshell glasses her steely eyes sparkled vividly. She was dressed in aJapanese kimono and round her waist there was a varnished leather belt. She didnot seem to be wearing anything underneath. Her beautiful sun-tanned legs werelikewise bare; as for her feet, they were shod in high-heeled red slippers.

Mabel noticed with fright that the governess was holding ahorsewhip in her hand and that she was tapping the end of it nervously againsther slippers.

Looking at Mabel fixedly, the attractive governess walkedslowly up to her.

?A slave should get down on her knees,? she said briskly.?when her Mistress does her the honor of entering her room. From now on, if youforget to do so, you will get ten lashes on your breasts. I condescend not topunish you for this once, since you didn?t know. Go on, bitch, on your knees!?

Tamed, more dead than alive, the pretty English girl slippedto the floor on her knees.
?Kiss my feet in submission!?

Forgetting her pride and shame, Mabel bent down and placedher trembling lips on the varnished slippers before her.

Dorothea turned round her victim and examined her withattention.

?If I am not mistaken, you were ordered to appear nakedbefore me. Why haven?t you obeyed??

?I don?t know,? the girl whispered bashfully.

The governessslapped her face violently.

?Be polite and answer ?I don?t know, Mistress!? ?

?I don?t know, Mistress,? Mabel repeated.

?From now on,? Dorothea went on, ?you will have to call me,?Mistress,? all the time and you shall be punished every time you forget to. Isthat understood??

?Yes, Mistress.?

?And now, since you have kept on this dressing-gown againstby orders, you will be punished.?

?Oh no, Mistress, please don?t!?

?Silence!? Dorothea said in a loud voice, ?you must speakonly when I ask you to. Must we flay you alive to show you that you are a slavein need of discipline? Come on, take off your dressing-gown, and quickly!?

Already, tears of despair were welling up in Mabel?s eyes.She now had the impression of living an awful nightmare. She took off herdressing-gown and her splendid nudity appeared.

Meanwhile Dorothea had sat down on a chair.

?Come up to me,? she ordered, ?and lie down on your stomachacross my knees! As I don?t want to be too harsh for your still sore bottom, Ishall spank you with my bare hand, like a baby.?

Poor Mabel took up with shame the position that had beenindicated to her. What a terrible humiliation for an almost eighteen-year-oldgirl to find herself, thus all naked across the knees of her governess and topresent her behind to her!

Dorothea understood perfectly her slave?s feelings, for she talked to her while slappingviolently her buttocks with the palm of her right hand.

?Take this, and that, and that, you bad, naughty girl! Doyou feel your spanking? Aren?t you ashamed to be spanked as if you were fouryears old? (slap, slap!) I know how to tame you, do you hear me? You shallbecome a thing without a will of her own and without any pride at all. This isthe way to treat bad girls like you, modern girls who believe themselvesinfallible, this is the way ? by spankingtheir bare bottoms!? (slap, slap, slap!...).

And, as he talked, she smacked vigorously the girl?s nakedbehind. The noise was characteristic and echoed in the room. It was morehumiliating than really painful, although, little by little, all the pain ofthe day before was reawakened by the violent slaps.

At last the governess stopped and placed her pupil on herknees before her and gave her, her perfumed white hand to kiss.

?Kiss my hand,? she ordered, ?kiss the hand that has justspanked you and is still warm with the contact of your bare buttocks! And thankme for this punishment; I hope it will be profitable and that thanks to myenergetic care you will soon become the good and docile girl I want you to be.?

?Oh, thank you! Thank you, Mistress,? Mabel whispered, withno revolt left in her.

?And now we shall deal with your toilet. Bridget will giveyou a hand and from now on she will wash and clothe you every morning. Every day at half past eight you willcome to my room to wish me a good morning and you will show me if all yourclothes are in order. Bridget, is Mabel?s bath ready??

?Yes, ma?am!?

?Good! Follow me, Mabel!?

The girl followed her Mistress into the bathroom whereBridget, with her eyes glistening with an evil glee, was awaiting them.

?Come, step into the bath, quickly!? the governess ordered,pointing at a bath of steaming water.

Mabel wanted to obey, but she screamed: the water was muchtoo hot and she had burned her foot with it. But Dorothea lashed her shoulderswith two strokes of the horsewhip.

?Don?t make any fuss! I demand that your baths be like thisalways, for hot water melts down rebellious minds. You will have to get used toit!?

Grimacing with pain, Mabel got into the water. She was verysensitive and her delicate skin was hurt with this harsh treatment.

?Bridget,? Dorothea told the maid, ?every morning you willcheek Mabel?s bath and see that she washes very carefully. Then you will dressher up in the clothes I shall indicate and you will send her to me at eightthirty so that I can see the result.?

She came nearer the bath.

?Go on,? she told Mabel, ?lather energetically, your faceand neck! No, better than that, if you don?t want us to whip you! More... nowthose breasts, one after the other! Stand up now! Rub your stomach! Come on,lower, don?t be afraid to rub your sex and also your behind. You must be keptscrupulously clean and I?ll see to it, you can depend on it! No! Better thanthat in between your cheeks! Put some soap on a finger and drive it in deeply!That?s an order! Right, that?s good! The thighs now, and the legs... your feet,come on, put some soap between each toe! All right, that will do, make a dipinto the water... and now get out!?

Mabel had obeyed all the orders mechanically. She realizedthat she could not resist and that even her most intimate gestures were nowcontrolled by that terrible disciplinarian Dorothea.

After the girl had dried herself in towels, her Mistressordered her to lie on a couch which was in the bathroom.

?Come and help me, Bridget,? she said, ?we?re going to rubthis girl with a horsehair glove.?

That was another torture for the English girl, for the twowomen, each armed with a sharp horsehair glove, began rubbing with such energy,that she could not help fidgeting and screaming. So she was tied onto the couchwith cords and the operation was resumed.

?And now,? the governess said to her victim, ?I?m going todepilate you. I see you are depilated perfectly under the arms but there issome more hair I want to remove.?

And so saying, she seized a handful of blond hair betweenthe legs of the girl.

?When I have removed this,? Dorothea went on, ?yourfemininity will be much more attractive and besides, I can check itscleanliness better. Also, since I intend giving you the discipline of tightdrawers, the material of the panties will cling all the better to your intimateflesh if the unwanted hair is removed.?

Mabel could not understand the full meaning of those words.What did the governess mean, with her talk of tight drawers and depilation? The poor girl was notgoing to he left in ignorance very long, for already Dorothea was coming backwith scissors and depilating tongs, as well as a small shearer. She sat down on a chair by the patient and thenproceeded patiently and carefully to shear the hair between the girl?s legs.Mabel felt outraged in her womanly dignity. Helpless, tied down onto the couch,there was nothing she could do and she was really at the mercy of thegoverness. Miss von Berner?s agile fingers came and went on her intimate flesh,palpitating and tapping it as she pleased. First, she used the scissors thenthe depilating tongs to tear off the hair? which was very painful? then theshearer finished off the work. It seemed to Mabel as if she was being mutilatedor raped. The work lasted more than an hour. At last the governess stood upwith a satisfied smile.

?Ah, this is really the sex of a slave as it should be!Every week you will be sheared so that you should never have a hair on yourfemininity.?

She untied the bonds of the girl and obliged her to look atherself in the mirror. The sight of her flesh all bare, soft and velvety like aseashell, made Mabel whine with despair. She was so proud of her silky blonddown! It seemed as if she had gone back to infancy and as if her dignity of awoman had vanished forever.

?And now, the make-up!? shouted the governess, ?I want you to be always madeup with care, for I like having a pleasant face in front of my eyes. Sit downin front of the dressing- table and don?t move, or else, the whip!?

Armed with crayons, salves and pomades, the beautifulDorothea started making up her slave. She lengthened Mabel?s eyebrows, dabbedsome black on her eyelids, gave a glisten to the eyelashes, then puffed rougeon her cheeks, lipstick on her lips, and placed two artificial beauty-spots onher face, one at the corner of the eyelids and the other near the lips.

Mabel had lost her aspect of well-to-do girl, but had lostnothing of her beauty. Made up thus, she looked like a delightful doll or ayoung girl thrown too early into the commerce of love.

?Come now, into your room!? the governess ordered, ?we?regoing to clothe you!?

With her heart beating with apprehension the girl obeyed andwalked to the next room. There, Dorothea opened the locked cupboards and Mabelsaw that her articles of dressing seemed to be complete and that there wereeven some more clothes added to them which she had not seen before.

?Here,? the governess explained ?is your underclothing.Bridget has spent one and a half days modifying it according to myinstructions. That was very kind of her, to work for a bitch like you! So, kneeldown before her and kiss her feet, and thank her to have worked so hard foryou!?

The English girl hesitated a few seconds but the lash of thewhip obliged her to do her humiliating duty. She went near the maid who waslooking at her with a mocking smile and knelt down before her. Bridget hadlifted up her dress a little and was pointing imperatively at her foot. Deeplyblushing with shame, Mabel kissed the varnished shoe of the maid.

?Thank you,? she murmured.

?Thank you who??

?Thank you, Bridget!?

?Not at all!? cried Miss von Berner. ?You owe Bridget thegreatest of respect and henceforth you are of a social rank much lower thanhers. I demand that you should address her as ?Your Ladyship,? and that youshould talk to her in the third person. Besides, she will have the right toorder you about and to punish you as she pleases. And, to chastise you forhaving been insolent to her on the evening of your arrival, you will from nowon become her maid. Tell her so politely and thank her!?

That was the hardest humiliation that the aristocraticEnglish girl had ever suffered.
She bottled up her anger and said in a voice hardly audible; ?Thank you, I amyour servant.?

?Bridget,? asked Dorothea, ?don?t you think Mabel has justmade a mistake??

?Yes, ma?am, she said ?you? to me.?

?Well, punish her by slapping her face!?

The servant did not need a repetition of the order andslapped the pretty face of her former Mistress with vim.

?And now, you shall tell Bridget exactly these words : ?Ithank your Ladyship for having modified my underclothing. I submit to theorders of your Ladyship, and I ask your Ladyship whether she condescends totake me as a maid.?

Mabel, crimson with shame, repeated the sentence.

?I condescend,? Bridget answered with haughtiness, ?andhenceforth, I consider you as my slave.?

?Stand up,? Miss von Berner ordered, ?we?re going to dressyou up.?

The governess had just taken out of a cupboard a strangecorset in black varnished leather with several steel buckles. She showed it toher victim.

?My girl, you?ll have to get used to wearing corsets,? shesaid. ?A slave being educated must feel well maintained, in a way a prisoner ofher own clothes. Wearing a corset will make you stand erect, it will give you abigger buttocks and will make your breasts jut out and remain firm. I?ll haveyou wear more and more severe corsets, until you have a fifteen-inchwaistline.?

Mabel had become pale on hearing those words.

?Oh, Mistress, please, not that!? she begged.

?Do you want a whipping? Who authorized you to speak? Comeup here and shut up!?

Trembling, the girl obeyed. Then Dorothea applied on herstomach the corset of discipline. The contact of the varnished leather on herbare flesh caused her a strange sensation. The corset was relatively short, covering only the stomach andabdomen. It was laced in the back all along and left the breasts entirely free,pushing them up, which made their tips point up towards the sky. As for therump, it was completely disengaged, for the stays stopped right at the small ofthe back. Mabel noticed that the instrument was supplied with about forty smallbuttons or knobs which formed a kind of belt around it. Besides, one inch abovethose buttons there was a small hook and another behind.

Dorothea was standing behind Mabel, and tugging with all herstrength on the cords of the stays, tightening them to the utmost. The girlfelt the leather sheath gradually close in upon her, pressing on her abdomen,crushing her stomach, making her gasp.

?Mistress,? she moaned, ?Mistress, I beg you!?

The governess slapped her hard.

?Not a word out of you! Will you ever behave??

The tightening proceeded. Now poor Mabel had the impressionof being crushed in a vice. Her rump, thrown back, jutted out insolently andher abdomen was flattened by the varnished leather. The torture was intolerableand the girl started moaning. But Dorothea, far from being moved, only shruggedher shoulders.

?You?ll get used to it,? she said philosophically. ?And now,the drawers!?

She rummaged in a cupboard and took out a pair of pinkpanties of silk and lace which was one of the best pieces of underclothingwhich the pretty English girl owned. The governess showed them to her.

?You see, your panties have been readjusted by Bridget ?they are much narrower now.?

?But, Mistress, my panties were already very tight...?

?First of all, I don?t want any remarks from you, and next,if I wanted them tighter, I had a good reason for it, so you don?t haveanything to say. A girl being re-educated must have her behind kept extremelytight. She must feel the material hampering her every movements. I have alreadytold you, Mabel, that it is by concentrating on your behind, that I shall makeyou lose all your personality. Not only will it have to be whipped often, butit must feel as if it were imprisoned. Understand once and for all, that notonly your brain but also your sex and behind are under my absolute government.Every second of your slave?s life, I want you to feel that your flesh belongsto me and that I am imposing it a discipline and a law. Now, put on thesepanties, and beware you don?t tear the silk!?

Red with shame, Mabel took the tiny panties and did her bestto put them on. They were too tight and she was very much afraid to tear it byslipping them up her thighs. It became much more of a problem when it came tothe behind: her buttocks could not tighten themselves sufficiently to allow anadequate passage into the silken prison. But at last, helped by two or threelashes of the horsewhip, she managed. Her rumps were so tight and the materialsticking so much against them, that it felt like a second skin. Her sex wasbruised by the silk pulling and stretching over it, and the panties penetratedinto the cleavage of her buttocks as deeply as possible and she experienced aburning sensation.

Then Mabel understood the use of the forty white buttonsthat adorned her corset, for Bridget had sewn forty corresponding buttonholesall around the waist of the drawers. One after the other they were tied and thenthe panties were hermetically held up in position without any possibility ofmovement and drawn upwards still more although that seemed impossible.

The poor English girl felt extremely uncomfortable. She didnot dare make any brisk move for fear of tearing the material which moldeditself to her. Encompassed by her panties and stays, she walked with daintysteps and feared the moment when she would have to sit down.

Yet she was not yet at the end of her torments.

?That?s not all,? Miss von Berner said, ?you aren?tsufficiently imprisoned between your legs. We?re going to strap you.?

She took out of a cupboard a wide tape of varnished leatherwith a hook at each end. It was put upon her like a hygienic towel, with oneend fixed to the stays in front and the other behind, by hooks. It was appliedwith extreme tightness, crushing her sex and driving into the cleavage of herbuttocks. Mabel felt awfully strapped and harnessed.

Dorothea threw her a pair of fine black silk stockings.

?Sit down and put these on!? she ordered.

To sit down, there was the rub! With infinite precautions,the girl bent gradually down, feeling her stays pressing hard against herstomach and the strap between her legs hurting her. The panties did not tear,but Bridget and the governess burst out laughing at the spectacle of theslave?s efforts not to tear them.

When Mabel had put on the stockings, they were fixed bygarters of red satin with ornaments in the shape of little knots, which weretied tightly round her thighs.

Dorothea now produced a pair of strange-looking shoes, highboots of varnished leather with 1aces and heels about four inches high.

?You?ll have to get used to high heels that will oblige youto hold yourself straight,? the governess said.? I?ll make you wear some thatare five or six inches high. Now you?re going to wear these high boots whichwill train you and discipline your calves.?

It was true. The varnished boots imprisoned Mabel?s legsvery closely. Besides which, they were at least one size too small and hurt thedelicate feet of the poor English girl.

Dorothea obliged her to walk round the room ten times. Shewas so tightened up on all of her body by the different garments that shewalked stiffly like a robot. She was egged on however, by whip lashes and nowand then she let out a sob of despair.

But the dressing up was not finished. It was completed bypink silk cammy-knickers which the girl had to slip on over her stays. They,too, had been shortened and tightened by Bridget and molded narrowly all thecontours of her body stopping just underneath the knees.

Then the girl was made to put on a white silk blouse and avery tight black skirt closed in front from top to bottom by a row of buttons.

?I hope,? the governess mocked, ?that you feel well disciplinedin your clothes. Wearing very tight clothes is the best way to peg down your excessive pride.?

She walked up to her victim.

?Put your hands behind your back!? she snapped.

Mabel, trembling, obeyed and Dorothea put the girl?s palmstogether and tied them up with a string.

?You will always have your hands tied,? she ordered, ?exceptwhen I need you for some domestic work. You must get used to no longer having any personalinitiative and to be only a machine that carries out my orders when, how, andthe way I want you to.?

She then saw that Mabel seemed to be ill-at-ease and thatshe was moving from one foot to the other.

?Well, what?s the matter with you, what are you dancingabout for??

?Excuse me, Mistress,? the girl said awkwardly ?but I wouldlike to... I need to go to...?

?To what? Explain yourself clearly!?

?To the toilet,? the girl said, blushing.

During the time she had been a free girl, she had alwayshated mentioning such things. An extreme modesty paralyzed anything thatconcerned these bodily needs.
But Dorothea was not such a prude.

?To pee, or for something else?? she asked.

?Both, Mistress!?

?How many times a day do you usually go to the toilet??

Blushing hard, the girl thought for a moment. ?About six orseven times, Mistress,? she answered.

?Well, from now on, you shall go only twice, once in themorning and once in the evening. It?s an excellent exercise of discipline for agirl being re-educated to have a physical need she is not allowed to satisfy.Every morning and evening, when you feel the need coming, you will ask Bridgetvery politely. If she deems it necessary, she will then give you her permissionand accompany you to watch the operation. For this time I advise you to havepatience for you will only be allowed to go after about an hour or two fromnow.?

Those words left Mabel dumbfounded and even appalled. Theidea that her governess should control even thosethings revolted her deeply. In spite of her submission and the fear of the whipshe was about to revolt and insult her torturer. But, once more, the fear ofthe consequences made her keep silent.

Miss von Berner had gone out for a while. She came backholding three huge photos. They were three pictures of herself? onewhole-length, in a suggestive bathing-suit which molded her voluptuouslysculptured body; the second one in riding-trousers and with a riding-crop inher hand; the third was a larger-than-life portrait where Dorothea appearedvery beautiful, with a cruel and domineering expression and the steely glint ofher eyes. She placed the three photos on the cupboard and laid before them ahorse-whip and a dog-whip.

?From now on,? she said, ?these photos will remain in yourroom and I want you to learn to contemplate them with respect and adoration,for not only do I want you to fear me, but also to love me, with an abject,groveling love. The love of a slave for her Mistress, the All-Mighty one. Nowyour future schedule will be this (until, at least you have become awell-trained slave): it will begin with one hour of worship and prayers. Youwill kneel in front of my photos and, while you contemplate how you can pleaseand improve your behavior toward me, you will pray to God that he give you asupple and docile soul and that he should help you to atone for your faults andthe insolence of your past life You will pray to me, too, for you must get itinto your head that I am your All, and you are nothing. Yes, I know, you won?thave such thoughts in the first few days, but, thanks to my education there willcome the moment when your adoration for me will be natural and genuine and youwill pray to me as to a Goddess without my having to order you to do so.?

Mabel listened to her with awe and fright. She wonderedwhether the governess was insane and whether her folly would gradually gain inupon her. She read in the eyesof the beautiful Dorothea a kind of sadistic expression which acted upon herlike a mysterious magnet. Almost mechanically she knelt in front of thephotographs.

?I shall leave you to your worship,? Dorothea went on. ?Ifyou have moved but half an inch when I come back, you shall be cruellypunished. And try to hold back the need you mentioned just now because Bridget,before leading you to the toilet, will inspect your underclothes, and if everthey are found to be damp you will be whipped on your bottom till blood comes.?

Miss von Berner beckoned to Bridget and both women left theroom, locking it up behind them. When she was alone, Mabel believed she wouldstifle with rage, humiliation and despair. But what could she do? There shewas, with her hands tied behind her back, kneeling like the most abject ofslaves. She felt, all along herbody, the corset that squeezed her under her skirt, and her legs and thighswere likewise imprisoned. Those terrible stays were cutting into her skin andthe too narrow panties, made narrower still by the leather strap, bit into hertender woman-flesh.

She was about to cry and sob to calm her despair. Then shethought about the two different whips in front of her eyes, which seemed tohave eyes of their own to witness her undignified position, and also the threephotographs of her domineering Mistress which fascinated her with the gleamingexpression of her steely-grey eyes and with the sensual power of her beautifulbody.

Her physical need tortured her. The thought that she wouldnot be able to satisfy it without Bridget?s permission was driving her crazy.She was about to let go and drop everything in her panties, but the shame andthe fear of the punishment obliged her to control herself.

It seemed impossible that so many obligations andconstraints should not bring Mabel to rebellion. The girl gnashed her teeth andher eyes were brimful of tears. It was too much?better to be dead than reducedto such an abject state.

Thus an hour passed, an awful hour which saw now thedespair, now the revolt of the poor girl.

Then Bridget came in. She had a mocking expression on herface and she walked up to her victim in a wiggling movement.

?Well, slave, still have your need?? she asked.

Her assurance and haughtiness were stronger than Mabel?spride.

?Yes, Your Ladyship,? she said, casting down her eyes.

?And, no doubt, you would like me to take you to thetoilet??

?Yes, Your Ladyship.?

?Maybe,? Bridget said with cruelty, ?we?ll see if youdeserve it. Get up!?

Painfully, the girl stood up.

?You haven?t wetted your drawers, have you?? the maid asked.

?No, Your Ladyship.?

?We shall see.?

With slow movements, Bridget lifted Mabel?s skirt andcammy-knickers. She lifted the strap in front. Then she crouched down andinspected with care the girl?s drawers at the precise spot in which herfemininity was slightly bulging under the adhering material. The maid, withmalicious pleasure, even put her hand to it, palpating the fruit of love a longwhile to make perfectly sure there was no dampness. Mabel?s shame was immense to feel herself beingtouched thusly without her being able to prevent it.

At last, Bridget appeared satisfied with her check.

?All right,? she said, ?you?ve been a good girl. Walk infront of me!?

She had taken a horsewhip with her and gave little strokeswith it on the girls calves to make her walk more quickly. She made her go intothe water closet and locked herself up with her. There, she again lifted up theskirt and underskirt of her captive and untied her hands. ?Down with yourpanties!? she ordered, ?undo them.?

That was not easy at all, for Mabel had to unbutton fortybuttons which tied her drawers to the hooks on her stays. In spite of her haste,she was given a violent stroke of the whip on her breasts to punish her forbeing too slow.

Having at last taken off her panties, the girl had then tohold up her skirts and sit on the seat under the mocking eyes of Bridget whowas watching every one of her moves. Awfully mortified, the poor slave had torelieve herself and let a few incongruous noises escape, which made the maidburst out laughing.

?Now, wipe yourself up!? Bridget ordered. ?And do it well,for you?ll have to show me your arse before putting back on your panties!?

Showing her anus?! Wouldno humiliation be spared her? She had to drink the bitter cup to the lees.

With herskirts held high up, she had to bend downtowards Bridget and draw her buttocks well apart to let the maid inspecther most intimate parts at her leisure.

?All right, you may button yourself up!?

The discipline drawers were put on again and fixed with theforty white buttons, then, on top of them, the cruel strap.

?You know what,? Bridget said with a smile, ?it?s a pity Idon?t feel like it, or else I would have obliged you to wipe me up. That?s whatyou will soon do, I can tell you, for you?re my slave and I can do what I jollywell please with you, can?t I??

She tied Mabel?s hands behind her back so tightly that ithurt the girl?s delicate wrists.

Outside the toilet, she gave an ultimate humiliation to herslave.

?Kneel down before me,? she ordered, ?Thank me and kiss myfeet.?

Mabel hesitated a second but a powerful pair of slaps madeher obey. She humbly kissed the maid?s feet and murmured; ?I thank Your Ladyship for Her havingaccompanied me to the toilet.?

Satisfied, Bridget ordered her to stand and walked back withher to her room. Then she knocked on the door of the neighboring room andreported everything to the governess.

?Very good, Bridget, I thank you,? Dorothea said. ?Mabel?sschedule now indicates an hour?s walk before lunch. You will accompany her.Lift up her skirts to her waist and fix them with safety-pins, so that you canlash her bottom if she doesn?t obey you. Fix a leash to the hook that maintainsthe strap in the back, and so you can walk her before you without untying herhands. Make her walk erect, with head very high and her breasts thrust forward.And make her run a little to teach her to get used to her boots.?

?Yes, ma?am, thank you,? Bridget answered joyously.

Mabel had heard all that with dismay. She trembled at thethought of being given again to the cruel servant as a toy.

Five minutes later she was in the park, with her skirtslifted up high, exposing her bottom shrouded in clinging silk and strapped withthe wide leather tape. Bridget was walking behind her, holding her on a leashfixed to the back hook of her corset. Almost uninterruptedly, she lashed herwith light strokes and gave her orders:

?Hold your head high and your body erect! Better than that,slave! Thrust forward your teats And your bottom backwards, offer it well to mywhip! Draw in your belly! Stare right in front of you, straighten your neck!You little bitch, I?ll teachyou how to walk!?

With tears in her eyes the poor girl tried her best to obey.She was completely tamed, vanquished by this very tiring walk. Thus she coveredthe shaded walks of the park without hearing the blessed song of the birds inthe sun mottled foliage. Her imprisoned feet hurt her terribly, rolling on thegravel of the walks, and she almost twisted her ankles at every step, so highwere her heels. It became worse when Bridget, with violent whiplashes, obligedher to run. Whipped furiously, Mabel made superhuman efforts, tripping veryoften and tortured by her stays which drove into her skin.

?Stop!? Bridget cried at last.

The maid, tired from the long run, wanted a rest. She saw agood spot of mossy grass in the shadow of a large tree and sat down on it witha sigh of satisfaction.

?Lie down at my feet, slave!? she ordered.

The girl obeyed with gusto, being happy to rest her wearylimbs. Bridget, sitting at a slightly higher level, had drawn her knees inwardsand hitched up her own skirt, thus affording the sight of her undies. Mabelglanced at the fat white thighs of the maid, with the black satin garters andthe clinging pale silk panties, perhaps the same ones which had served to gagMabel the other day!

?Well,? Bridget said suddenly, ?why are you staring up myskirts? Is my bottom fascinating to you? You see, it?s sti1l bigger then yours,but then mine is that of a free woman that has never been whipped and neverwill be! Now, kiss it, I allow you to!?

Mabel, revolted at the very suggestion, stood up abruptly inspite of her new spirit of submission. Never, oh, never, would she stoop solow!

But Bridget, furious, lashed her cruelly and the strokecaught her on the dainty pink tips of her breasts. The girl howled with pain.

?Slave, I order you to kiss my bottom at once! Obey, if youdon?t want me to tear your breasts to pieces with the whip! Quick, put yourhead underneath my skirts!?

Any resistance was out of the question. With a sob ofdespair, Mabel bent down and slipped under the maid?s dress. Her tied handshampered this operation and the weight of her own body drew her forward and shefell headlong ending up with her lips against Bridget?s panties, at the precisespot where the femininity bulged under the thin material.

The servant, lying down lazily on the grass, had crossed herlegs in a knot round her victim?s neck and, with a sadistic and voluptuoussmile, she seized Mabel?s hair and crushed her face against her fruit of love.

?Kiss, slave, kiss well!? she ordered. ?And draw out yourtongue, so that I should feel the caresses, through my panties!?

With her mind in a whirl, Mabel felt like a drunken girl. ALesbian against her wishes, she had to kiss this domineering pair of knickersand she felt the hairy spot soften and become wet under her tongue.

?You see,? Bridget mocked, ?I?m not depilated! It?s for aslave like you to be depilated?! Continue slave, quicker, harder! Stop onlywhen I order you to?! Enough, now, go down lower and kiss my arse! There,that?s fine, put your face against it?! Stop now, I?ve had enough. Get out ofthere!?

Red and disheveled, Mabel came out of her warm prison and inher haggard eyes there flashed some glints of madness.

Next, the servant ordered her to lie full-length on herback, and she sat down on her breasts, reveling in the pleasure of crushingdown under her heavy bottom the pretty breasts of the girl. Stifled andbruised, Mabel sighed but Bridget laughed, fit to burst.

?Now, this is a very fine cushion for the bottom of amistress. I?ll use it frequently d?you hear, slave??

?Yes, Your ladyship,? Mabel whispered, gasping.

At last, the maid got up. She took the leash and theriding-crop and took the prisoner running up to the castle. Mabel arrived therein an indescribable state of depression and fatigue. Bridget allowed her to lieon the bed until lunch time, but she did not untie her hands.

That was another torture: having her arms kept behind herback for long periods of time and her wrists tied tightly? it became graduallymore and more painful.

It was the governess who came to fetch her, half an hourlater. She wore a white skirt and a red silk blouse. As it was very hot she wasnot wearing any stockings, and on her feet were spotless white buckskin shoes.

As she saw her come in, Mabel?s first thought was to stay onher bed without moving, but Miss von Berner?s steely stare was so hard that shegot up quickly, knelt down and kissed her governess?s feet.

?That?s good,? she said, ?I see you?re beginning to knowyour part.?

She pushed in front of her the girl up to the dining-roomwhere stood a huge table richly laid up. Bridget was already waiting to servethe hors-d?oeuvre.

Mabel cast a look around and trembled when she saw the seatthat was reserved for her? it was a chair like the others, with the onlydifference that the padded seat had been replaced with a very harsh horsehaircushion.

?At each meal,? the governess announced, ?you will sit onthis discipline chair until your education is completed. But first, we shalltake off your drawers in order not to damage them.?

Aided by Bridget, she lifted up the girl?s skirts, unbuckledthe strap and undid the many buttons of the panties which she took off and castaway. Then she forced Mabel to sit on the chair, maintaining her skirts liftedup. The contact of her already bruised bottom with the hard horsehair, thebristle of which drove into her naked bottom-skin, made her moan with pain. ?Mercy, Mistress,? she cried,?I haven?t done anything wrong, have??

?I know you haven?t done anything wrong,? Dorothea saidsarcastically. ?This seat is not a punishment. I only want your bottom tosubmit to a continual discipline until you are completely educated. The painproduced by the horsehair will make you forget the pleasures of the meals.Besides, you should realize that you are under continual penance to atone foryour past faults.?

While she was speaking, she tied Mabel on the chair by meansof a leather strap which passed under the seat and crossed over the girl?s lap.She tightened this strap so that the horsehair bristles drove still more deeplyinto the girl?s flesh.

?What?s the menu, Bridget?? the governess asked.

?Hors-d?oeuvre, ma?am, then trout, roast chicken, salad,cheese and chocolate cakes.?
Mabel, who was very fond of eating, was feeling very glad at the announcementof such delicacies and even forgot her pain a little.

?And for Mabel??

?For Mabel, the cook has prepared what you ordered her to: amaize porridge, a little pork, mashed potatoes and some whey.?

?Perfect!? Dorothea said.

She turned towards her pupil.

?You see how I take good care of your health. I?ve decidedto put you on a diet so that your bowels should keep in an excellent state. Itis also normal that a girl being re-educated should not eat the same menu asher Mistress, isn?t it??

Mabel lowered her head in shame. She did not experience anysurprise now for she knew that from now on her life would be nothing butsufferings and humiliation.

But she was nevertheless surprised that they should have lefther hands tied. She soon understood the reason why. Bridget, after havingwaited upon Miss von Berner, laid before the slave a plate brimful of maizeporridge and, sitting beside her, she started forcing her to eat out of a spoonas one does to a baby. With her hands tied and being strapped to the horsehairseat, Mabel was obliged to obey. The porridge tasted awful. Bridget shoved intoher mouth great big spoonfuls of it and the girl swallowed with a grimace ofdisgust.

?Pinch her nose, Bridget!? Dorothea ordered. ?She doesn?topen her mouth wide enough. And slap her face if she doesn?t hurry more!?

The maid complied with those orders with relish. She seizedrudely the delicate nose of the English girl between her fingers, obliging herto open her mouth in order to breathe. Thus Mabel swallowed willy-nilly thefulsome porridge. Three times she was slapped by Bridget for not hurryingenough.

A huge portion of puree followed the porridge. Mabel felther stomach swell up under the corset that was squeezing her painfully. Shetried to turn her head aside in spite of the slaps she was now being dealt veryoften on her pretty face.

?If you don?t eat all there is on your plate,? Miss vonBerner said ?you will be whipped till the blood runs! The meat now... But you?dbetter not swallow the pieces without masticating them, it wouldn?t be good foryour health. Bridget, do masticate them yourself and then spit them out fromyour mouth into hers ? that will teach her to eat better!?

Mabel?s whole body was convulsed with a shudder of distastebut Bridget was pinching her nose so strongly that she had to open her mouth tobreathe and thus submit to the fulsome treatment. The maid put the pieces ofmeat one after the other in her own mouth,chewed them a long time, then she drew her face near Mabel?s and spat out thepieces into her mouth. At last that torture was over. The girl ended her mealwith two platefuls of whey accompanied by a glass of water.

Meanwhile, Dorothea von Berner had partaken of all thesucculent tidbits, washing them down with burgundy wine.

?Take the girl to her room, Bridget!? she ordered. ?There,you will button up her panties, and you?ll wash her face and fix her crotchstrap, then you will blow her nose as it?s running, and you?ll wash her faceand fix her make up, then you?ll send her to me in the drawing-room.?

Dorothea?s orders were duly carried out. A quarter of anhour later, Mabel, made upfreshly, re-buttoned up and strapped, presented herself before the implacablegoverness who was having coffee in the drawing-room. ?Kneel down in front ofme,? she ordered, ?and don?t move!?

Miss Sunway obeyed. A long half hour elapsed without a wordfrom the governess. She was sipping her coffee, smoking cigarettes andnonchalantly leafing through magazines. Mabel hardly dared to breathe. Shelooked up fearfully the magnificent face of Dorothea, watching her white handswith ruby-red nails turning pages, her plump, insolent rumps sprawling on thecouch and her bare legs with white thighs revealing their shapes under thehitched up skirt. And she could not help admiring this splendid creature whoseiron will was weighing upon her as a law. And yet, who exactly was thisDorothea? A mere governess hired by Lord Kelington ? a subaltern indeed... andthere she was, happy, carefree and enjoying a luxury she was not entitled to,while Mabel, a young girl of nobility and good breeding, an heir to a greatfortune, was obliged to kneel like a slave before her with her hands tied up.The young English girl realized how that situation made the social classestopsy-turvy and she was appalled. But then she thought of the punishments shehad received and understood that the Whip is a great Master and all-powerfulmagician, to be able to bring about such social upheavals.

The governess looked at her wrist-watch.

?Your time-table for the afternoon is about to begin, Mabel!You know you will have to submit to it whether you like it or not, for if yourefuse, the worst punishments would await you and will quickly bring you backto the straight path. Until further notice, your schedule will be divided intothree parts: from two to three, you will have a lesson, for I suppose that youreducation is far from perfect in spite of your seventeen years of age. Fromthree to six you?ll do some housework as I intend to make you my chambermaidand you?ll have to get well prepared for it. Then, from six to seven, I?ll giveyou a rather special lesson which I?ll name: ?a lesson of humiliation? in orderto make you obey better and to teach you to be a passive thing submitting toall my whims and be happy with your degrading situation. Now follow me to theoffice which I?ve transformed into a study-room!??

She stood up and led Mabel to Lord Kelington?s office.There, to the girl?s great surprise she untied her hands and indicated a heavyarmchair in front of the desk.

?You?re going to sit here,? she ordered, ?and I want you tolift up your skirt before sitting down, for I want the seat always to be in direct contact withyour bare flesh or your thin panties! Execution???

She punctuated her order with a slight stoke of thehorsewhip on the pupil?s calves. So Mabel quickly hitched up her skirts up tothe waist and sat down on the armchair. Then the governess took two smallchains, each supplied with a padlock, and chained up the girl?s ankles to thetwo forelegs of the armchair.

?I keep the key to the padlocks!? she said with a mockingsmile. ?So, even though your hands are free, you will remain attached to yourseat!?

She gave a large book to Mabel.

?Here?s your study book. I won?t make you study history orliterature or such things that have no more interest for you. As I want you tobecome a perfect slave, only one thing must interest you from now on the storyof the slaves, their ways of life and submission to their masters, as well asthe punishments they are inflicted when they don?t obey. So this is a;?Treatise on Bondage? which dates from the earliest periods of our times untilnow. Every day you will have to read ten pages and learn by heart two pages.Work, and beware if you don?t know your lesson when I come back. Understood??

?Yes, Mistress,?Mabel sighed mournfully.

When the governess had left the room the girl startedreading. The first chapter described the treatments given to the slaves ofancient Rome bythe demanding patricians and their wives. It seemed to Mabel as if her ownbrethren were telling her their lives.

She read about ten pages and started learning the first twoby heart. Luckily enough she was gifted with an excellent memory, so that whenDorothea came back, the girl told her the humiliating lesson without a singlemistake.

?Not bad,? the governess said condescendingly, ?I give youeight marks out of a possible ten. And you can call yourself lucky for a seven or a six are punishedwith a whipping with birch twigs, a five or a four deserve a horsewhipping onthe breasts and an inferior gets you the dog whip on the buttocks. Rememberthat for the next lessons!?

She detached the poor slave and rang for the maid.

?Bridget,? she told her, ?this girl will have to do threehours of housework. We shall make her sew, iron and clean the rooms. I intendto oblige her every day to stitch for me some pretty ornaments of material, butfor today we shall make her do the washing only. Let?s go down to thewashroom!?

With Bridget and the governess on each side of her, MissSunway went down to the cellar of the castle where a modern wash-room had beeninstalled.

?Did you get down my dirty linen, Bridget?? Miss von Bernerasked.

?Yes, ma?am, the one you were wearing yesterday and the onethat was in your trunks. In all there are nine pairs of stockings, three slips,six handkerchiefs, two bras and five pairs of drawers. I also have the linenwhich Mabel was wearing about her when she arrived at the castle.?

?Perfect,? said Dorothea. ?And what about you, Bridget, haveyou got dirty linen of your own? Mabel must wash it since she?s your personalmaid.?

Bridget blushed with pleasure and pointed at a parcel in acorner.

?There, I have pajamas, two hygienic towels, stockings, achemise and two pairs of panties. If you?ll allow me, I?ll add the one I?mwearing now and which is rather dirty.?

?But of course, do.?

Bridget lifted up her skirts, took off the blue pantieswhich Mabel knew only too well.

She picked them up and tossed them at the girl?s face.

?Here you are, slave, and get these clean!?

?I do hope so,? Miss von Berner added, ?looking at Mabelseverely. I?ll give you three hours to wash all that. And I?d better warn youthat I?m very particular about my own linen. If I find the least stain on it,I?ll tear the skin off your bottom with a horsewhip. Now, get to work!?

She cast her slave a despising look and went out withBridget, taking good care of padlocking the door behind her. Mabel could comeand go but she was a prisoner just the same since the only window was anair-vent and the room was lit by electricity.

The girl sighed deeply. So this is where she had sunk: downto washing the dirty linen of the governess and even that of the chambermaid!

She started working. First of all, she looked afterDorothea?s linen. It was while handling the gossamer bras and the silk or satindrawers, the slave could not help thinking of the splendid flesh and theperfect shape which these clothes had imprisoned. She felt a strange sensationthinking that what she was washing Dorothea herself had soiled with the mostintimate contact of her body, that it was Dorothea whose triumphant breasts hadcaressed the material with their hard nipples, that it was Dorothea whoa hadworn under her skirt these coquettish pink panties and had soiled them...Suddenly, without thinking, she took a pair of panties and smelled them. Itsodor was heady like a voluptuous perfume.She lost her head and kissed ardently the tepid material.

Then, almost at once, she was ashamed of her gesture andresumed her working. The chambermaid, although coquettish, had but a relativedegree of hygiene and her linen was frankly dirty, and its cleaning wasparticularly odious to the unhappy heiress.

Three long hours elapsed in frantic work. Mabel had justfinished when her two mistresses came back. Dorothea ordered her slave to showher the different articles of her clothing one after the other and she examinedthem scrupulously, with eyebrows knitted by concentration.

?It?s all right? she said at last, ?quite perfect. Bridget,have a look at yours and then send Mabel up to my room for the lesson ofhumiliation.?

She left the room, leaving Mabel with the chambermaid. On herknees, she had to present the linen she had washed for her.

?And what about this?? the servant exclaimed suddenly,pointing at one of her pairs of drawers ?you find this clean, do you? Don?t yousee that there are some stains left, you fool? Answer me!?

?I apologize to Your Ladyship,? Mabel murmured, trembling,?I thought??

Bridget?s eyes sparkled with anger and she interrupted herwith a brutal slap.
?You thought, you thought ? you mustn?t think!You only have to obey! If Iplease to forget myself in my linen, you?re here to wash it. You?re aslave and nothing else, d?you hear??

?Yes, Your ladyship.?

?Go ahead and do it again before me, and get it clean! And,first of all, come near me so that I punish you for your lack of care!?

With fear tugging at her heart, Mabel did as she was told.She received four powerful slaps on the face which made her reel and twostrokes of the horsewhip across the breasts, which drew screams of pain out ofher. Again she had a spark of anger, but she quickly suppressed any thoughts ofrebellion. Bridget was a lot tougher coming from her lower station in life, andshe was bigger and stronger.? She stifledthoughts she briefly had of rebellion thinking that even with her hands free,she was no match for Bridget, or her whip. Mabel understood that in any contestwith either of the two woman, she would be the under dog.

So she returned to her trough and, under the despising eyesof the chambermaid, she started again washing the panties in question.

?It?s all right now,? Bridget said after a while.? Wipe yourhands and follow me to your governess?s room.?

While she was walking upstairs the English girl felt aviolent tug at her bowels. She could not help mentioning it to Bridget andasked her timidly to accompany her to the toilets.

?When you go to bed, not before!? was the maid?s harshanswer.

Mabel wondered with anguish how she could ever reach thatmoment.

Bridget, knocked at the governess?s door.

?Let Mabel in,? Dorothea said. ?As for you, Bridget, you maygo down and lay the table.?

We can guess with what apprehension Mabel entered herMistress?s room. What struck her first was the strange costume Miss von Bernerwas wearing. The governess had given a last minute touch to her make up and shelooked more ravishing than ever. She was dressed in the Spanish way an ancientshawl of great beauty was draped round her like a blouse, molding her proudbosom. As for her flowered skirt, such as the Sevillian dancers wear, it was aswide as an eighteenth-century dress and gave her a very particular exoticcharm. On her ankles she wore gold bracelets, visible under the very thin silkstockings, and on her feet were small high-heeled red leather shoes.

Subjugated by such imperious beauty, Mabel knelt down andkissed respectfully the dominant woman?s feet. The latter pushed her back witha slight kick in her face and sat down in an armchair, playing with a thinhorsewhip.

?Today, Mabel,? she said in a severe tone, ?will, begin yourfirst lesson of humiliation. Be attentive and obedient if your don?t want yourbig behind to strike acquaintance with this riding-crop!?

She paused dramatically and went on; ?I have already toldyou what I thought of you: you?re rude, putrid with pride, modern anddissipated. In a world full of defects. It was time I arrived into your life tobring you back on the straight path. I repeat it, my intention is to make youbecome a submissive and pliable thing, without a shadow of personality, in aword, a complete slave. Already you must be aware of how little you are beforeme. Here you are, on your knees, trembling in the fear of the whip. Your fleshis no longer free since you?re strapped in a corset after my own wishes. Yourbody linen is quite unlike that of any girls of your age since, under my orders,you?re wearing ridiculously small panties maintained between your thighs by aleather strap and attached to the waist by forty buttons in order to imprisonyour behind bettor.

Your hands, now free, are mostly tied behind your back, justbecause I like it this way. In a word, you?re really a slave, ?my slave?. Now,a slave?s lot is to obey. So you will learn to obey me and carry out myfanciest orders without resistance or murmur. But, first of all, I shallinspect your linen to see if you have learned to check your bodily needs. Standup, lift up your skirt and cammy-knickers and walk up to me!

Poor Mabel was beginning to be used to such a gesture, sothat it was almost mechanically that she lifted her skirts and walked up to thegoverness. The latter unbuckled the leather strap and inspected carefully thegirl?s panties. Then, just as Bridget had done some time before, she put herhand to it and started pawing, caressing, pinching the juvenile flesh throughthe silk panties.

?Tell inc in a loud intelligible voice what I?m doing!? sheordered.

?You?ve got your hand between my thighs, Mistress, andyou?re feeling my panties tosee if they are dry.?

?And now??

?Now you?re slipping your hand behind? You?re caressing myright, buttock slowly... now you?re caressing the left one... you?re puttingyour finger in the middle... you?re driving the material into it... now you?rebringing your hand back between my thighs, you?re tickling me... you?repinching me... Mercy, Mistress, you?re hurting me!?

Dorothea went on pinching with sadistic joy and Mabel had tosubmit, with tears in her eyes.

?That?s enough,? the governess said at last. ?Lower downyour skirts, I shall now submit you to a few exercises of obedience. I shallgive you rapid orders and youmust obey with the rapidity. And mind the whip!?

Then, Miss von Berner started ordering her slave a wholeseries of movements which the unfortunate girl tried her best to carry out atonce. She made her get on her knees, then flat down on her stomach, then stand up,back on her knees, stand up, down again on her stomach, and so on. As soon asMabel was a little slow she received a stroke of the whip. This perverse gamelasted a quarter of an hour. The merciless governess seemed to enjoy the gameof cat and mouse. More than a hundred times Mabel had to kneel down, stand up,crawl, lie down on her stomach, kiss her Mistress?s feet. Diseve1led, bathed insweat, she seemed exhausted when at last the Mistress put an end to these cruelexercises.

?And now,? Dorothea said, ?you will learn to worship me. For you must understandthat I don?t want to dominate you only by the fear of the whip ? I also wantyou to consider me as an exceptional creature, a Goddess whose shoes you arehardly worth kissing.?

She spoke with great pride, conscious of all her powerfulauthority. And Mabel was looking at her with fright and awe.

?You must learn to love and to respect everythingsurrounding me or belonging to me; not only the different parts of my body, butalso my clothes, my linen, my ornaments and everything on me. In the worship of every object, your brain will follow amorbid evolution and eventually you will end up by considering as sacredeverything connected with my person. Just like a bitch who recognizes theperfumy odor of her Mistress, so you will soon know me by my perfumes, from theodor of my dresses to the most intimate ones of my body. And, to begin with,you will start by lying down on your stomach and licking slowly, humbly,abjectly, my shoes, from thetips up to the heels, without forgetting the soles!?

She punctuated her order with a lash of the whip and Mabelhad to do as he was told. It was a strange spectacle indeed to see thisattractive young girl whose waist was squeezed narrowly, licking the red shoesof a superb Mistress who was comfortably sitting and with a cigarette in hermouth, lashed her without pity from time to time to stimulate her.

The humiliating licking of the shoes lasted a quarter of an hour. When Mabel?s tongue had becomeall dry, the governess had another whim. She stood up, majestically, and forcedher slave to kneel down.

?Now,? she ordered, ?you will kiss the hem of my dress, veryhumbly. Then you will lift up my skirt and put your head underneath. Then youwill understand why I?ve a wide dress on? it is to keep you a prisoner under meso that you can worship my linen like the good slave you are. First, you willkiss my legs with passion, from the ankles up to the thighs. You will deposit along kiss on each of my garters, then you will lick my bare thighs. Then youwill kiss the hem of my drawers and all its surface first in front and thenbehind. And above all, you must understand that it is a great honor I?m doingyou in allowing you to kiss my bottom. You must be trembling with emotion,ecstasy and respect and you must understand that the whip will punish you ifever you are not passionate enough in your caresses. Now, you can begin!?

Blushing with shame, Mabel prostrated herself and began bykissing the violently perfumed Spanish skirt. With a sigh, she then slipped herherself under the woman?s dress. The material was light and did not prevent thelight from traversing it. Imprisoned under Dorothea?s skirt, Mabel could seedistinctly all the details ? the marvelously shaped legs, in silk stockingsheld up the flesh-colored bare thighs and lost themselves like indiscreetsnakes into the festoons of a small pair of pink silk panties tightened againstthe perfect rump of Dorothea. A violent perfume of luxurious linen and ofwomanly intimacy filled the slave?s nostrils. Already a strange heady sensationwas taking hold of her. She kissed the soft legs, brushing with her face andlips the fine silk of the stockings. She did not forget to pay homage to thegarters, whose steel buckles enrobed with pink satin hurt her teeth. She atlast kissed and licked the suntanned skin of the heavy thighs; under her busysupple tongue this skin seemed divine to her ? firm and warm, it had a slightsalty taste of sweat which she did not dislike at all. The girl at last reachedup to the hem of the drawers. After having kissed them, she gradually rubbed upher face against the governess?s belly. She felt the beautiful fruit of lovepalpitate under her avid lips?it was hot and smelling wonderfully. Strange to say,far from displeasing her, this contact was infinitely pleasant to her. Shereally had the impression of being admitted into Dorothea?s intimacy ? it waslike an honor for her. Into the soul of the young girl, masochism was takingroot gradually: her submissive tongue brushed against the swelling material,under which was this secret flesh whose shape she tried unconsciously toreconstruct under the silk prison of the drawers.

Suddenly she heard above her the governess?s voice whichsounded so far away.
?Adore your Mistress, Mabel! Learn to recognize all my intimate odors whichyour nose must never, ever forget!Kiss with respect this linen which alone is worth more than all of your tamedbody girl! And now, go round behind me without interrupting your task!?

Possessed by a strange ecstasy, the girl obeyed. Her face,under the dress, came into contact with the magnificent bottom of Dorothea.Never before had Mabel contemplated from so near this large, dominating seatwhich she had so far admired only through the governess?s dresses. Now she hadbefore her the two superb globes spreading out from the middle cleft into whichthe silk of the panties penetrated. Under Miss von Berner?s orders, Mabel hadto kiss respectfully the immense buttocks one after the other and then to dipher face into their intersection. The governess took a sadistic pleasure incrushing between her tight buttocks the slave?s pretty face, half smotheringher and gorging her with abjection. For a long time, she held her so, a prisoner,and the while, while the girl paid her homage, she let out a stream ofhumiliating words. At last satisfied, she ordered Mabel to come out of herskirts.

The unfortunate girl was red and puffing, both scarlet withshame and trembling with a strange voluptuousness.

?And now,? Dorothea said sarcastically, ?to compensate alittle the pleasure I?ve just given you, I shall slap you severely!?

?But, Mistress, I haven?t done anything!?

The dominating woman laughed; ?I know quite well that youhaven?t done anything. I?m not going to slap you as a punishment but onlybecause I feel like it, because I enjoy it, that?s all. And I demand that,after each slap, you should thank me nicely, to prove your submission!?

Before Mabel had recovered from her surprise, the governesshad sat down and drawn towards herself by her ears the young girl?s face. Withgreat violence, she slapped her face and soon afterwards there was the mark ofher fingers visible in red.

?Now, what do you say??

?Thank you, Mistress,? Mabel murmured.

Fifteen more slaps succeeded the first one. The poor slave?sface was crimson, almost purple; her ears were tingling and her cheeks wereterribly sore. Suffering and sobbing, she had nevertheless to thank fifteentimes her torturer and kiss the hand that had beaten her.

?Everything! I can do everything I want with you!? Dorotheasaid with force. ?I consider you now an abject slave whom I despise more thanthe ground I tread on. But your re-education is far from over: soon, Mabel, youwon?t be able to live without me. You will have lost the habit of doing byyourself the most elementary gestures of everyday life and you will answer mycontempt with your adoration of me!?

She stooped, hacked, and spat on the floor.

?Lick it up at once,? she ordered, ?if you don?t want thewhip!?

With a moan of outraged dignity, Miss Sunway prostratedherself and licked servilely the fresh saliva of her governess. The latterburst out laughing derisively.

?That?s good, you?re a good bitch! Give me your hands so Ican tie them up; the lesson is over for today! And go back to your room.Bridget will wash you and make you up for dinner!? Half an hour later, theslave was bound on her horsehair seat, facing her Mistress. And while thelatter was enjoying a plentifulmeal, Mabel had to be content which a cold tapioca soup, boiled noodles and anapple.

After dinner, the governess decided to have a little walk inthe park, for the night was superb. She was walking slowly along the paths,smoking cigarettes and dragging behind her on a leash her slave. The poorEnglish girl was suffering, for the walk had just revived in her the physicalneed she had been feeling for so long and which was becoming intolerable.Finally, Mabel could not help letting go and she wetted her drawers, but shebecame pale with fright, thinking of the punishment that was awaiting her.

?We shall now proceed to look after your bed-time,? Dorotheadeclared when they bad come back to the castle. ?Bridget, please come intoMabel?s room!?

The servant came at once. Soon, the three women weretogether in the slave?s room.

?Bridget, untie her hands!? the governess ordered. ?She?sgoing to get undressed by herself in front of us!?

Mabel was trembling with fright. Slowly, as if regretfully,she got rid of her narrow skirt and cammy-knickers. On Dorothea?s order sheapproached so that they should untie her strap.

?Oh!? Miss von Berner exclaimed, ?what do I see here? Itseems your drawers are wet, eh??

?I?m so sorry, Mistress, but I just couldn?t help myself!?

Mabel?s face was slapped hard twice.

?You couldn?t help yourself, you couldn?t, and my orders,then? What are you doing with myorders? So you peed in your drawers just like a four-year-old kid. You, analmost eighteen-year-old girl! Well, I ask you! What do you think of that,Bridget??

?I think, ma?am, that it deserves a good spanking!?

?So do I, Bridget, and we shall do it right now! Go ahead,remove your panties, you dirty girl!?

Shaking with fright, Mabel got busy removing the fortybuttons from the corresponding buttonholes, and, when the wet drawers fell downto her feet, the governess picked it up and vigorously rubbed Mabel?s face withit.

?Here you are, you dirty bitch, wash your face with thisbefore being whipped!?

Aided by Bridget, she then removed Mabel?s corset. The girl,all naked, had the impression of a great:solace. It was as if her flesh, benumbed by the corset, suddenly cameback to life. But she lost her sensation of well-being at the sight of Dorothea von Berner?staking hold of a horsewhip.

?We?re not going to whip your bottom, for it hasn?t quiterecovered from yesterday?s punishment,? she announced. ?I shall chastise youfor your uncleanliness by applying ten strokes of the horsewhip on yourbreasts!?

On her breasts! Mabel shuddered. She was so proud of herbeautiful maidenly breasts, snow-white and round like cups, were they going tobe submitted to the same treatment as her unfortunate bottom?

She had no more leisure to think it over. Already, Bridget,taking hold of her from behind, had dragged her to a chair upon which she sather down on her lap and imprisoned her legs between hers, holding her arms toher sides. Unable to move an inch, the girl screamed with terror us thegoverness?s horsewhip lashed her breast cruelly. The pain was atrocious, forthe end of the whip had landed on a nipple. Mabel had the impression that herbreast was being torn away from her. Another stroke, aimed carefully, reachedthe other nipple. And the whipping continued, painful and implacable. Eachbreast received five lashes which marked the attractive bust with as manypink-colored weals and drew sobs of despair from Mabel.

?That will teach you to pay attention to your clothes!?Dorothea said, ?and to keep in your needs the next time!?

Sobbing, the slave had to kneel down and thank her governessby kissing her feet.

?And now we?re going to prepare you for the might, for youmustn?t imagine that you will be any more free at night than during the day ? Itold you that at each moment of your existence your body must feel thediscipline of squeezing clothes. Only that can make you obey.?

She addressed the chambermaid; ?Bridget, have you preparedMabel?s night clothes? The calico corset, the rubber panties and hernight-sack??

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Well, hand over the corset, we?re going to put it on her!?

Willy-nilly, Mabel had to let her shuddering flesh beimprisoned once again. The night corset, rather long, was fashioned out ofrough calico stiffened with steel whalebones. It was tied on the side. A littleless squeezed than the day one, it nevertheless seemed unbearably hard to thegirl. Dorothea then ordered her to put on the rubber panties. They were smalland made out of thin red rubber, clinging to the skin and tied to the stayswith six buttons.

?Before putting on your night-sack, you?re going to wish usgoodnight,? Miss von Berner said. ?Every evening you will do this: after havingknelt down like a good girl you will tell me: ?Mistress, I thank you for thisgood day which you have dedicated to my education. I beg your pardon for all myfaults and hope to become soon, with your help a perfect slave, obedient andsubmissive, just as you wish. And I wish you a good night!? Then, you will kissmy feet and the hem of my dress, then you will say the same to Bridget, alsokneeling before her.?

Then she was ordered to lie down on the bed and Dorotheaproduced the night-sack. It was a very long shirt of strong calico the bottomof which was sewed together like a sack. Mabel, lying on her back, had to holdup her whole body to have it slipped on her. When she put her arms into thesleeves she realized that they were sewed together at their ends. The shirt,buttoned at her neck, imprisoned the girl?s body entirely. But that still didnot satisfy beautiful Dorothea. With several leather straps, the governess gotto work, tying one round Mabel?s ankles over the shirt and another atknee-level. Then the slave was ordered to cross her hands on her breasts andthey tied her hands with a third strap. She was trussed so securely that shecould not move at all.

?Thus, I?m sure you will be a good girl during the night,?the governess said with an evil smile, ?and that you won?t do any shamefulthings.? With calm lack of modesty, Dorothea suddenly lifted up her skirts andunbuttoned her pretty pink panties.

?I?m going to tie them up on your face,? she announced tothe girl, ?so that you take the habit of thinking of me even in your sleep andof living in the absolute intimacy of your Mistress!?

She wrapped carefully the slave?s face with her perfumeddrawers, still warm with the contact of her body, and she fixed them with astrap knotted round Mabel?s head, at mouth level.

?She looks nice like this!? exclaimed Bridget laughing.?This is how a slave should be.?

Miss von Berner drew up the bed-sheets, covering her victimup to her chin. ?Good night, Mabel!? she said in a grave tone. ?And don?tforget that you are no longer Miss Mabel Sunway, the rich heiress, but only aslave submitting to my orders and tied up at my service.?

The two women left the room.

During the night, the poor girl abandoned herself todespair. She was stifling with heat and unable to move an inch. This totalimpotence dominated her, made her despair, and yet she decided to submit to it,for already she was getting gradually down into the slough of abjection andservitude like a man in quicksand. Crushed by her corset and her rubberpanties, closely wrapped in her night-sack, this was no longer aseventeen-year-old girl lying there, but only a slave ? fearful but already inlove with her fearsome Mistress. She sniffed the air that passed through thesilk of Dorothea?s panties, filled with the most degrading of perfumes.

And she dreamed of her governess as a fanatic dreams of hisAll-Mighty God.



















































Chapter IV




During a week, Miss Sunway lived the same existence, withouta single detail of difference brought by Dorothea von Berner. The continualdiscipline and the implacable authority of the beautiful governess weighed downupon poor Mabel like the hardest of laws. Gradually, the girl felt her ultimatedesires of resistance melt away and what had once been her personality wasgetting erased in the fog of bondage. And how could it have been otherwise? Thegirl could not have any initiative whatsoever ? the least of her gestures wasimposed upon her as an order and every single deviation to it was punishedcruelly.

Then, too, Mabel?s body endured every minute theannihilating impression of its servitude. As soon as a corset was untied,another, tighter then the first, was put on in its place. She took off herpanties only to do her toilet twice a day and to receive the whip, then,immediately afterwards, her bottom was imprisoned in those awfully tightdrawers which were imposed uponher. Her hands, nearly always tied, were untied only in order to make heraccomplish a menial task. And her knees were sore with prostrating herself infront of Miss von Berner or Bridget.

As for the punishments, they rained hard upon her. She wasoften whipped, spanked or slapped.

She had fully realized that she had no other course leftopen than to submit and that any attempt at escape was impossible. So, she gotresigned to her lot with absolute passivity, but, all the while, she was indeep sorrow. In the course of eight days, she had lost the habit of speakingwithout being asked a question or to do any gesture without being given anorder. Only one thing mattered now for her ? to serve and satisfy her Mistress.

Dorothea von Berner, by means of her beauty as well as herenergy, had captured entirely, the soul of her slave. She had made of her athing without a will of her own completely malleable and as obedient as abitch. But that did not satisfy entirely the terrible governess in spite ofMabel?s passivity, she invented every day a new torture and a new way ofreminding the girl of the discipline under which she was a prisoner.
She also watched with great care her slave?s health. Thus, she had decreed thatMabel should take a purgative injection twice a week, and that was anotheroccasion for humiliating the English girl.

Upon the governess?s order, the girl was laid down on thebed all naked on her stomach and with her feet and hands tied to the legs ofthe bed. Then Bridget arrived and prepared Mabel to receive her injection: shedipped her forefinger into a pot of Vaseline, went up to her victim, drewwell-apart her buttocks in a brisk gesture before plunging her finger rudelyinto the hole. In spite of the fact that her most intimate parts werecontinually handled by her torturers, Mabel always felt awful when her nakedbuttocks were offered to the sight and sarcasm of her mistresses. Brutally,Bridget plunged her finger smeared with Vaseline down the girl?s tight orifice.She left the finger inside, moving it in and out and around and around, thenplunging it in as deeply as she could, torturing the girl in this way until thegoverness arrived.

The governess reserved for herself the pleasure of injectingthe slave with as much liquid as Mabel?s guts could hold.

Dorothea von Berner?s first use of an injection nozzle intoher young victim, was one of normal size and shape. But, after introducing theoriginal nozzle to Mabel, the Mistress began gradually using a bigger one,after each injection.

?Your behind must become more accessible,? she said laughingto the frightened slave. ?I want to be able to drive into it with the greatestof ease, any object I wish.?

Now, the nozzle was the size of a candle and, driven insidefor a good length, it distended painfully Mabel?s inner flesh, she penetratedher, raped her, as it were.

Naturally, the poor slave was not allowed to scream or everto moan during the whole operation. She submitted to her torture stoically, with her lips sealed on her pain and shame.

Four pints of hot watermixed with glycerin were then introduced into the so-called patient?s body. This very hot liquid penetratedinto the girl?s bowels, causing herexquisite sufferings. Then, as if reluctantly,Dorothea took out the nozzle.

?And now, the cork!? the governess ordered.

That was another refinement of cruelty. Into the intimateorifice of the heiress, Bridget drove as far as she could, a big cork, in order to prevent the girl fromhaving any relief until the prescribed time. Over the cork, Mabel had to put on one of those pairs ofhermetical rubber drawers atrociously tight and crushing her bruised buttocks.

Then she had to get up, get dressed and do her work as ifnothing had happened. She felt an awful stomach-ache, but it was only two orthree hours later that she was led to the toilet. In the presence of her twotorturers she had to uncork herself with the greatest difficulty and to let goat last, under the laughs and jokes of the governess and chambermaid.

It can be easily appreciated that this injection was for thegirl a cruel and humiliating experience.

But it was but one episode out of her existence of are-educated heiress, since her life was but a tissue of humiliations andcruelties.

When Dorothea von Berner deemed that her slave had reached a degree of degradation and submission that was suitable, she badethe slave to appear before herpresence and told her; ?I hope that within yourself there is nosemblance of resistance or pride left and that your re-educationis beginning to have the desired benefits? Answer!?

?Oh, you?re right,Mistress,? the girl muttered. ?I am completely submissive and obedient to your orders,I am your slave.?

She was on her kneesand kept her downcast eyeson her Mistress?s tiny feet.

?Very well,? Dorothea went on. ?It. seems to me that now you have reached a suitable degree of submissiveness and thatI can modify your time-table.Oh, don?t feel glad about it! You will continue to be kept in discipline and yourstays will be more and more tight,and you will keep to thesame diet. But I have thought that now youcan also act as my chambermaid,or rather ?chamberslave.? I don?t likebeing served by an ordinarymaid. What I want is ahumiliated and trembling girl whom I can order about as I please and whom I can whip when the work hasn?t been done to my satisfaction, and that, you canunderstand, cannot be demanded from a free woman ? only from a slave. As youare a slave, you will be my maid. You will dress and undress me, you will waitupon me at table and you will follow me around always like a dog, understand??

Brutally, she seized Mabel by the ears.

?Go ahead, yell to me that you will be happy to be mychamberslave and that it?s an honor for you! Say it!?

?Oh, yes, Mistress, I shall be very happy about it and itwill be an honor for me to be your chamberslave,? Mabel repeated docilely, redwith shame.

?That?s fine. Your service will begin tomorrow morning.?

Indeed, on the following day, after Bridget had supervisedthe slave?s washing and dressing, the chambermaid obliged Mabel to put on apretty lace apron and, on her head, a charming maid?s cap which suited herblonde complexion to perfection.

At nine o?clock, Mabel entered her governess?s room, bearingthe breakfast tray. According to the orders she had received, she knelt down infront of the bed and respectfully waited till the beautiful Dorothea awoke.

Then she had to be used a table, holding the tray at arms?length for her Mistress to eat out of.

?Your function of chambermaid doesn?t exempt you from theinspection of your underclothes,? her Mistress said. ?Stand up and show them tome!?

Mabel lifted up her skirt and silk underskirt with bothhands, showing her varnished strap well adjusted between her thighs and herstomach impeccably molded in a pretty pair of pale green silk panties fixed toher stays with forty mother-of-pearl buttons.

?Have you been punished yet this morning?? asked Dorothea.

?Oh, yes, Mistress, while Her Ladyship was taking off mynight-sack I made a false move and slightly tore the material of the sack. HerLadyship then gave me ten lashes with a horsewhip on my bare bottom and Ithanked her humbly.?

?She did well to punish you,? the governess said severely?and what corset did she put on you to-day? A tighter one than yesterday, Ihope??

?Yes, Mistress. A black varnished leather corset measuringthirteen inches round the waist.?

?Have you got the impression that it makes your bottom standout??

?Oh, yes, Mistress! When my corset is drawn tight asMistress desires, my bottom is much bigger.?

The beautiful Dorothea listened to those confessions with akind of sadistic joy.

?Turn around!? sheordered.

The girl obeyed and presented her enormous bottom; it pushedout and insolently offered itself to her mistress?s sight thanks to the tightcorseting. With her lorgnette, (opera glasses) the governess inspected atlength the girl?s ample buttocks.

?Your panties make a fold on the left buttock! Smooth it outby pulling the material tightly between your buttocks?! But, my word, youhaven?t buttoned yourself very well! There is a button undone in the back. Soyou don?t know yet how to put on your panties as you should? You deserve to bewhipped!?

Taking hold of her horsewhip she gave two violent lashes onthe backs of the thighs of her slave.

?Go on now,to work! You?re going to bathe me! Carry me into the bathroom!?

Mabel tried to obey, but her Mistress was too large and muchtoo heavy for her petite size and adolescent arms. She had to give up, to Missvon Berner?s great vexation. She then thought up the idea of putting Mabel downon all fours, and then she sat on top of her and obliged the poor slave tocarry her on horseback all the way to the bathroom, stimulating her with violentstrokes of her heels.

?Oh, this will work! From now on, you can carry me this wayinto my toilet whenever I need to use it! You make an excellent beast of burdenfor your Mistress!?

The governess?s bath was a delicate operation. Never beforehad Dorothea appeared naked before Mabel. The girl was both awed with frightand admiration in front of the powerful, magnificent body, so feminine in itsplenitude, with supple limbs, large fleshy buttocks and big proud breasts. Thegoverness was so beautiful and powerful appearing to her, that the slave?s hands trembled asshe lathered, rinsed and dried her. Of course, Miss Sunway was also extremelybeautiful, but she had lost in her bondage and enslavement, all her pride andany of the feeling of her own beauty and charm. Because of the Mistress?ssuccess in a complete domination over her, she now appeared the Goddess figureDorothea had meant to create in Mabel?s mind. A figure so powerful and solarger than life to her, that the body of her Mistress completely frightenedand fascinated her.

Dorothea was well aware of the power her body exerted onMabel.

?So, you find my body beautiful, don?t you??

?Oh, yes, Mistress.?

?I don?t want you to have any other God than my body,? theproud creature went on. ?You are completely at my service and you musthumiliate yourself constantly before me. Now, lie down on your back, I?m goingto wipe my bare wet feet off on your face.?

The slave obeyed and Dorothea rubbed for a long time herdainty feet on Mabel?s face; the red-nailed toes curled well into Mabel?smouth, marking them with a victorious smudging of Mabel?s lipstick across herface when they were unceremoniously removed.

Then the heiress had to do the manicure of her Mistress,paring and polishing with care the nails of her fingers and toes. Meanwhile herMistress was indolently reclining, nonchalantly smoking cigarettes or dippinginto a box of chocolates. From time to time Mabel cast a furtive glance at thiswide open box which was tantalizingher.

?Oh, do you like chocolates?? Dorothea asked innocently.

?Oh, yes, Mistress!?

The woman took the box and put it insolently under Mabel?snose, moving it back and forth, making her smell them carefully.

?Look how fine they are.From one of the best chocolate makers in Europe.What a pity these are not chocolatesfor a mere slave!?

She put the box down and brutally slapped Mabel?s face.

?Pay attention to your work, you little bitch, you?rehurting me!?

When the slave had finished her task, her Mistress spat outon the tiled floor of the bathroom the half-chewed chocolate that was in hermouth.

?Here,? she said, ?I didn?t care for that one, so I willallow you to finish it, but pick it up without the help of your hands!?

Mabel knew quite well that if she refused to eat thehalf-chewed, saliva-coated sweet on the bathroom floor, she would be whippedfuriously. She had to do as she had been told. Bending over, she picked up thedripping chocolate sweet between her teeth and lips like a dog, carefullylapping the spot clean of melted chocolate and spit. She did so with infiniteprecautions, for fear of tearing the taut material of her panties.

Then, standing behind her Mistress?s dressing-table she hadto help her with her hair and make-up. Then she helped her put her clothes on,doing nearly all the work, and taking great care with the precious silkgarments.

When at last Dorothea was ready, she suddenly changed hermind.

?I?d forgotten, I wanted to have a swim in the pool thismorning. Take off my clothes, quick!?

Unable to refuse the order, the girl obeyed. She helped herMistress don a ravishing and bold swimming-suit, all white and opening at theside, fixed with satin ribbons.

A quarter of an hour later, Mabel, held on a leash like adog, was following her Mistress in the park, carrying Dorothea?s bath-wrap,parasol and bag.

In Lord Kelington?s park there was a large marbleswimming-pool in the center of a lawn, but Mabel had never swum in it. Miss vonBonier had decided that this swimming-pool should be reserved for herexclusively.

The Mistress went on the diving-board and dived gracefullyinto the azure water. What a temptation for poor Mabel! She just loved swimmingand had been quite excellent at it, and the weather was hot, yet she had toresign herself to standing motionless, corseted and wearing a maid?s apparel,while her governess was enjoying this refreshing morning swim.

When her Mistress got out of the water, she pushed away herslave who wanted to dry her in the bath-wrap.

?Not yet, I want to dry myself in the sun, but there?s nochair, that?s quite annoying, I can?t sit in the grass with my finebathing-suit on!?

She had a sudden inspiration. She turned to Mabel and said:?Hmmm, well, we can fix that, can?t we? As you well know, a slave has many usesand can very we1l serve her Mistress as a piece of furniture. Or, like in thissituation, as a deck-chair. Go on and lie down full length on your back!?

Mabel, having quickly obeyed and Dorothea first sat downheavily on the girl?s stomach, then lazily stretched herself all along Mabel?sbody. Her wet body crushed that of the little slave whose clothes were rapidlysoaked by the wet body of her Mistress. But the governess did not care at allabout that. Voluptuously sprawled out, with her eyes closed, she lay smokingcigarettes and making herself as heavy as possible. Mabel, completelymotionless was stifling under the heavy wet weight of her Mistress?s body.Dorothea?s warm round buttocks were bruising her slave?s stomach, pressing, asthey were, the bones of her stays against her skin. Dorothea had even let herwet hair fall fully on Mabel?s face and her black perfumed hair was gettinginto Mabel?s open, panting mouth as she tried to breathe under the weight. Thewet hair was blinding her, and tickling her eyes and nostrils.

For a full hour the girl was thus transformed into a humanseat for her Mistress. Then, at last, Dorothea got up.

?I?ll do without you to get dressed for this time,? shesaid, ?you?re much too wet for that. Go to Bridget now and ask her to changeyour dress and underclothes. Then you will wait upon me at table!?

?Yes, Mistress!?

It was all done according to Miss von Berner?s orders.Mabel, freshly clothed and made up, served her Mistress?s lunch and stoodbehind her chair for the whole length of the meal. Only later did she take herown lunch and then came back to serve Dorothea. The latter tied her up on achair and gave her a few things to sew. That work lasted two, hours. ThenBridget came to untie the slave whom Dorothea wanted to see.

?I?m going for a walk in the park,? Dorothea declared,?you?re going to follow me and serve me as a seat when I decide to have a rest,and generally be at my disposal when I need you. But I see you haven?t had yourhands tied yet today. I?m going to remedy it so that you remember that youaren?t a free woman.?

She took out of a cupboard a pair of silver handcuff andimprisoned the slave?s wrists in them. The click of the cold metal and itscontact against her skin were new sensation for Mabel who so far had always hadher hands tied by cords.

In the paths of the park the girl walked slowly behind herMistress. The latter only turned round two or three times. The rest of the timeshe walked proudly and silently and Mabel instinctively followed with her eyesglued as they were supposed to be, to the swinging to and fro of her Mistress?sbuttocks under the thin dress she was wearing.

Suddenly, at the corner of a little hunting box, a smallmouse scurried out of a cranny and ended up at Mabel?s feet. The girl uttered ascream of fright. She hadalways had a fear and aversion for mice and rats.

The governess had turned round quickly and saw what hadcaused her pupil?s fright

?Who allowed you to scream?? she asked harshly.

?Oh, I?m sorry, Mistress, but I was so afraid?I??

A slap on her cheek interrupted her.

?So, now you?re afraid of mice? Do you think you?re a?lady,? someone of importance to be so delicate? You?re a common thing now.I?ll teach you not to put on airs of importance and train you not to be afraidof such harmless creatures. Follow me to the castle!?

She quickened her step and Mabel followed, anxiouslywondering what was to befall her now.

In front of the facade of the castle, Miss von Berner calledBridget who appeared at once.

?Yes, ma?am??

?My dear Bridget, just imagine; Mabel took the liberty ofscreaming at the sight of a harmless little mouse that had come near her legs. I?m going to punishher for her fright. There are mousetraps in the cellar, isn?t that right? And likely, they will have a few mice,alive in them maybe??

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Go and take two of them and bring them here? the onescontaining the largest mice, Also bring me one of Mabel?s pairs of panties, butnot a tight one. Or rather, take a pair of linen drawers, the ones with a widebottom, which I intended one day to stuff with nettles for a punishment. Andalso bring a few cords!?

?All right, ma?am.?

Mabel had become pale with apprehension. She was afraid toguess the horrible torture Dorothea had in store for her.

When Bridget came back with the requested objects, thegoverness came up to her slave and, without untying her hands, she lifted upher skirts, unbuckled her strap, unbuttoned the silk panties Mabel was wearing,and took them off entirely. The naked buttocks of the girl covered themselvesinstantly with goose-pimples at the contact of the air. Dorothea then put onMabel a wide pair of linen drawers, very strong and coarse, but whose legs were supplied with tightelastic bands which were drawn tight against the girl?s thighs. Miss von Bernerbuttoned on the drawers but left an opening behind.

Mabel was beginning to tremble. She tried to soften upDorothea with endearing glances but she knew it was useless.

Then the governess took Mabel to the foot of a tree thebranches of which were pretty low. She made the slave lift up her manacledhands above her head and fixed them to a branch with a solid cord.

?Bridget, give me the mouse-traps!? Dorothea ordered.

Mabel?s face became convulsed.

?Mistress,? she moaned, ?no, not that, please! Oh, no!?

?Silence, slave!I do what I please with you, and you have nothing to say about it!?

The sadistic young woman then drew apart the opening of thegirl's panties and put the mouth of the mouse-trap against it, letting the micedrop down in the hole one after the other. The girl?s howls pleased the twowomen enormously. Dorothea carefully buttoned up the opening of Mabel?s pantiesso that no exit was left for the imprisoned mice ? neither upwards, since the drawerswere buttoned on to the corset, nor down, since the legs were drawn tight withelastics. Mabel so howled with fright that Dorothea had to slap her face several times to make her be silent.

?These two mice aregoing to stay in your panties for two hours, until dinnertime,? she announced, ?that will teachyou to be less afraid of themfrom now on! Come, Bridget, we shall come back in an hour to see how Mabel is faring.?

The two women walkedaway. Trembling and pale with fright, thegirl remained alone, tied to the tree by her uplifted manacled wrists.In the bottom of her drawers shefelt an awful bustle. The mice, frightened and half stifling, were desperatelyseeking an exit which they never found.The clung and clawed with theirsmall legs and now climbed alongMabel?s abdomen, now along herrounded buttocks. Then they fell back to the bottom of her panties and that was more awful still,for the girl felt them drop to her lower bottom and begin wriggling intoher crotch. They squirmed well into the groove of her femininity or in the narrow valley of her anus. She whined, screamed and fidgetedfrenetically as if she werehaving a fit of St Vita?s dance. But her movements had the opposite effect and only served to frighten and excite still more thetiny rodents. The mice, in their frantic efforts, even tried to gnaw throughthe coarse material of thepanties but it was too strong for their efforts.

One hourlater, Dorothea and Bridget came backto see their wriggling, sobbing victim and were very much amused at the sight of her movements andfrightened antics. Then, weary of the dancing spectacle, they walkedback to the castle.

What a terrible torture! Mabel did not manage to calmherself. For two terribly long hours, she had to endure the awful scratchingsand frantic movements of the imprisoned creatures. Her nerves were beginning tobe at the end of their resistance. She was pale and shaken with sobs andshudders. Then the bell announcing that dinner was ready chimed and Bridgetcame to release Mabel. She took off her panties, killed the mice which wantedto escape, then took her to the governess. The latter, comfortably sitting inthe drawing room, was sipping aglass of port wine. Mabel went down abjectly onto her knees.

?Well, Mabel,? Dorothea said, mockingly, ?you will no longerbe afraid of mice now, will you??

?O-oh, n-no,Mistress, I p-promise you.?

?Apologize for having been afraid and thank me for this goodand clever teaching punishment.?

?I humbly beg your pardon, Mistress, and I thank you forteaching me and punishing me!?

?That?s good! Kiss my feet and go to your room with Bridgetto change your panties!?

Submissive and still trembling, the girl followed thechambermaid.

After dinner, which she served to her Mistress, Mabel wasagain taken to the sitting-room.

?Mabel,? Dorothea told her, ?I won?t need your servicesuntil eleven tonight. Until that time you will be Bridget?s slave and domesticservant, for you mustn?t ever forget that you also belong to her. So you shallgo to her and put yourself at her complete disposal like a nice girl. And youmust obey her and satisfy her if you don?t want your big buttocks punished,understand me??

?Yes, Mistress!?

?Good. Now, go!?

Mabel, with her face blushed with shame went to theservant?s quarters. It was a real torture to her to put herself at the serviceof that course, domestic woman whom she thoroughly hated.

Bridget had just finished her work and was preparing to goto bed.

?What are you doing here?? she asked the slave in a hard voice.

Mabel knelt down at her feet.

?Mistress has ordered me to put myself at the completedisposal of Her Ladyship and be Her domestic slave and servant until eleventonight.?

The vulgar face of the maid lit up in a wicked smile.

?Ah, that?s fine, it?s good that you should learn to serveme too! And beware of the whip if you aren?t a perfect slave! Follow me to myroom!?

?Yes, Your Ladyship!?

She went up the stairs, followed by Mabel, trembling. Shehad in her hand a leather horsewhip which she violently moved through the airwith ominous whistling sounds.
Never before had the girl been in Bridget?s room. Situated on the last floor,it was comfortable, but furnished with very bad taste. There was a smell ofcheap perfume in the air.

Some bold, crude drawing were pinned to the walls and therewere also a few autographed photos of men, probably former lovers.

?On your knees!? Bridgetordered in a dry tone. ?A slave must be on her knees in the room of herMistress.?

She was sitting on her bed and looking despisingly down atMabel.

?The roles have really changed, haven?t they?? she laughed,?You, who thought you were so superior to me when you arrived. You who thoughtyou would be ordering me about and treating me as your chambermaid. You?re morethan just my chambermaid now though, aren?t you,? you?re my slave, a slave whom I order aboutwith whiplashes, and I can ask you to do anything! Anything I fancy.?

She thought for a few moments what she was going to orderher slave to do.

Take off your dress and underskirt!? she ordered. ?I wantyou to be in stays and panties to serve me, so that I can whip you better.?

Mabel complied. Half undressed she offered her Mistress astrange hourglass silhouette, with her tiny waist tightened to the utmost inthe varnished leather corset, her naked breasts jutting out, as well as herwide buttocks upon which the silk of her panties was drawn exceedingly tautwithout a single fold.

?And now,? the chambermaid went on, ?you?re going to lake off my shoes with your teeth!

Prostrated in front of the demanding maid, Miss Sunwayreluctantly took between her teeth the high heels of Bridget?s booties and tugged at them in turn until they wereboth off, then ? also with hermouth she shod her with slippers,

?Stand up!? Bridget then ordered, ?and follow me into thetoilet!?

In the small toilet, she told her slave to remove herpanties. Then, holding them, Mabel had to kneel in front of the door, waitingfor her Mistress to call her.

?Come in!? she heard Bridget say at last. ?You?re going toattend to my intimate toilet. You may have the honor of cleaning my ass forme!?

That news was almost too much for the unfortunate heiress.She had a movement of disgust, quickly curbed by a few lashes with thehorsewhip. With tears in her eyesshe had to attend to the repulsive task of wiping her Mistress?s rear, emptyingthe contents of the toilet, and then cleaning it, the seat and the bowl rimwith her tongue, all the while, there rang in her ears the vulgar sarcasm andlaughter of her torturer.

Back in Bridget?s room, Mabel, on her knees, took offBridget?s clothes for her. The naked body of the young woman was a bit heavy,but not without a certain attraction. Thehapless slave contemplated this powerful body with a profound respect earnedfrom the many painful lessons exacted out on her. The awe she felt now in thisgirl?s presence was mixed with a profound fear. She felt sad and downcast,impotent and weak before her now, absolutely under the thumb of this insolentand violent girl, who enjoyed punishing her victim at any chance she got.

?I?m going to comb my hair and remove my make-up for the night,? Bridget announced, ?but I prefer sitting on you than on a chair. Stand on all fours in front of the mirror andbeware you don?t make a move!?

?Yes, Ma?am!?

Having obeyed, Mabel felt the servant sit heavily on top ofher, crushing her back with herheavy-fleshed buttocks. For a long half hour she had to be a human seatand every time she became weak, a hard slap from Bridget, on her face orrear made her take up her position quickly and firmly again.

?It seems to me, you still haven?t been educated well enough yet,? Bridget said, standing up at last, ?I think deep down, youstill consider yourself above me, I intend to erase those thoughts completelyfrom your mind before too much longer by shaming and punishing you until I?vebroken you completely. You will? bepunished every time I think you are acting anything less than my abject slave,so I won?t go to bed withoutgratifying your rump with a few lashes!Take off your panties!?

?Mercy, Your Ladyship!Please don?t beat me again! I haven?tdone anything wrong, I?m submissive, I?m completely obedient. Please,don?t beat me, please!?

?Silence, slave, and obey me!?

Mabel had to do as she was told. Lying down full length on the carpet, she offered her bare buttocks to the chambermaid?s horsewhip. With a sadistic pleasure, Bridget whippedher cruelly. Ten strokes made thealready tenderized buttocks of the girl begin to bleed in places.

Satisfied, Bridget atlast went to bed, dressed in a black silk pajama. Kneeling by the bed,Mabel then had to fan her Mistress, licking and kissing her feet. She had to light her cigarettesand then hold in front of her a book Bridget was reading. She turned the pages carefully for her when Bridget signaled bypulling her hair. When she heard eleven o?clock chime she felt an immenserelief, she took her leave from thecruel chambermaid, kissing her feet,before she went back to Miss von Berner to take further orders.

Serving the governesswas much more pleasant for her, because the strange feelings she now had for Dorothea were not at all those inspired by the maid. She feared Bridget greatly for her cruelty and shetrembled abjectly before her, but,together with her humiliation she felt a kind of rage and impotentrevolt boiling inside her at the idea of being the slave of a worthless servinggirl and vulgar domestic. On the contrary, Dorothea inspired profound respectin her, and she would not dream of discussing her orders now. Subjugated,fascinated by the authoritative governess, she had now reached the stage whereshe was almost happy to serve her and obey her. She felt for her a strange,almost boundless admiration, she found her completely beautiful and fearsomeand adored her like a Goddess, judging that to serve her was a privilege andhonor. Though it was naturally humiliating to do so.

In the voluptuous atmosphere of the large, sweet-smellingroom, Mabel busied herself around her Mistress. She undressed her, helped her with her night toiletand accepted without hardly flinching the many slaps which her Mistress gaveher at the least excuse.

As she went to drape the beautiful naked body of herMistress with a thin night-dress, Dorothea stopped her with a gesture.

?No,? she said, ?I want to go to bed all naked? and I want you to be naked too! Get undressed!?

She lay down on the bed while Mabel, with feverish hands,got rid of all her cumbersome clothes. The governess watched her with an oddexpression, akin to lasciviousness. A short while later, the nubile body of theyoung slave was all bare. Delightfully plump and pink, this young body was likea spot of light in the dusk of the room. Mabel?s curvy shapes were reallyattractive. Wearing a cruelly tight corset had given her an un-naturally thinwaist which made her breasts stand out, as well as her plump buttocks, madeeven bigger still by the swelling brought about by constant whippings ? theywere like two ripe fruits streaked with raised red welts.

?Come here, Mabel,? Dorothea ordered, ?on your knees, andlick my feet!?

Trembling, and beginning to feel a strange kind of ecstasy,the girl knelt down. Her lips drew near the dainty feet of her Mistress withdevotion.

?I?m going to teach you,? Dorothea went on, ?to lick yourMistress?s feet the way it should be done. Put out your tongue as far as youcan, and then start by licking my toes, then in between them, so that yourtongue caresses be at the same time a thorough cleaning. Suck on each toe as lovinglyas possible. Finally, you?ll take as much of my foot as you can into your mouth and cover it with saliva? slaveslobber?and I expect you to be able to take in more and more of it over time.Then, you will continue to lick it until I tell you to stop. Now start!?

A prey to an odd sensation, Mabel started. At length andrespectfully, she licked the woman?s feminine feet, tangy with the day?s sweatand perspiration. Humiliatingly, Mabel now found them to be strangelytangy-sweet-flavored. Soon, she became as if drunk with them. Dorothea let herlick, and, from time to time, she lashed her with the horsewhip a little toactivate or slow the rhythm of her submissive caresses. Mabel, gasping, was allin a sweat. This servile, licking seemed to her a great honor and a feast. Fora long hour and a half, she satisfied thus her governess?s lust.

?Enough!? Dorothea said at last. ?Now, climb onto the bed,lie down on your stomach between my legs and kiss softly in between my thighs.?

Without fully understanding all that the order contained inperversion, the na?ve, virgin slave obeyed. Squeezed in between Dorothea?sbeautiful fleshy thighs, she put her head into the soft heat, kissing andlicking the velvety inner thighs until Dorothea directed her face into the warmhollow of her femininity. The soft, curly black down penetrated her mouth andnose and tickled her deliciously. She could feel, under the thick, perfumedhair, the warm moist fruit of love which palpitated like a small preciousanimal.

?Go on,? the governess said in a voice dry with passion, ?doyour best, to caress me as I wish... That?s good, use your tongue and lips,yes, continue like this... Drive your, tongue further in now! Draw your tonguemore, slave! Lap! Now flick it! Drive it inside as far as you can! Now, pull itback and do it again? in, out, in, out... that?s good, but wriggle it more?continue! Suck out all the juices, lick and suck at the same time. Don?t miss asingle spot!?

Mabel was getting frantic. Under the orders, accompanied eachtime with whiplashes and cruel tugs on her hair, she did as best she could. Adelicious acrid feminine odor and taste penetrated her intimately, filling hermouth and nose with the bubbly syrup. Under her agile tongue she discovered newmysteries; she had the impression of discovering a strange new world.

Dorothea breathed loudly and squeezed more and more on theslave?s head between her robust-fleshed thighs. Suddenly she grasped with bothhands the head that was caressing her and rubbed it forcefully against hersex-flesh with a kind of fury. Mabel, crushed, gave herself passionately tothis new game, struggling to breath inthe thickly-moist environment. She had stopped for the time to think that shewas a mere slave and that her Mistress was simply using her as she would a mere towel or like a pleasure beast. She did not think of anything, so excited was she at whatwas happening. Dorothea?s sex-flesh wasto her like a divine essence and her lips trembled with ecstasy at its contact. A virgin, and completely ignorant ofperverse pleasures, she broughtto this act all the zeal she had in her, not even feeling the cruelwhiplashes which Dorothea gave her on her back and rear with more and more violence.

FinallyDorothea?s beautiful body arched itself and her throat gave out a very soft hoarse moan. At the same time, Mabel?s face was inundated with a thick, musky dew that went mostly into her mouth, and her head was terribly crushed between her Mistress?s thighs; nailed to thesweating, gasping belly, blinded,almost drowned, face and hair covered in Dorothea?s sweat and juices, the slavefelt herself die with joy.

Only a long timelater did Miss von Bernerrelease her prey from the confines of her heavy thighs. And now, hereyes had regained their hard andbright expression.

?On your knees atthe foot of my bed!? sheordered.

Briskly recalled to her true position, Mabel quickly obeyed.The governess looked at her with amocking contempt.

?Do you like my body?? she asked smirkingly.

?Oh, yes, Mistress, I adore it!? Mabel sighed, in ecstasy.

?Put out your tongue!?

Between her fingers,Dorothea cruelly pinched Mabel?spink tongue, holding itprisoner.

?You see,?? she went on, ?this tongue is just a slave?stongue, it is completely at the service and pleasure of my body, and any time I feel like it, I shall have you drive thistongue into me for my pleasure!?

And she concluded; ?As for you, I want, you to be alwaysready to kiss and lick with complete joy and respect, any part of my body, even the most intimate ofareas. Otherwise, I shall oblige youto do so anyway with means ofthe whip. Understood, slave??

?Y-yes, Mistress!?

?From now on,?the implacable Dorothea went on,?You will no longer just call me ?Mistress,? but, ?Divine Mistress.? That is logical, since I am now your God as well as yourMaster. Now, go and fetch the panties Iwore earlier today and use them towipe me up!?

With trembling hands, Mabel wiped up the dripping wet sex of her Mistress with the pink silk knickers. Then Dorothea used themto wrap around Mabel?s head, seeing toit that the most soiled parts of the material should be in direct contact with the slave?s mouth, bunching the crotch andwet spots into her mouth as a gag.

Then she made her liedown, all naked, on thebed-side rug and tied up her feet andhands. Completely immobilized and blinded, the slave heard her Mistress go back to bed, and then hervoice from above her, saying; ?I hope you?revery happy, slave, to have hadthe honor to kiss all the secret places of my body??

?Oh, yes, Divine Mistress,?Mabel said indistinctly throughthe soiled panties in her mouth.

?And I hope you will thank me for it tomorrow by obeying mestill better than usual and submitting totally to me??

?Yes, Divine Mistress, I swear I will.?

?That?s good. You may sleep now! And don?t let me hear another sound out of you, or elsetomorrow night, I?ll let you sleep in my toilet.?

?Yes, Divine Mistress.?

At last satisfied, the beautiful Dorothea lay downcomfortably among her plush silk pillows and soft comforters and went to sleepat once.























































Chapter V



A few days later an unusual event took place? a visit atKelington castle, that of Eva Crimpton, a friend of Miss von Berner?s who cameto settle down in Scotlandfor an indefinite period.

Eva Crimpton was a strange woman. Aged about forty-five, shemust have been very beautiful once, but she had let herself grow rather toofat. All sorts of stories were whispered about her, and all were true. She hadbeen at one time a singer in a ?cafe-concert;? richly kept by several men, shewas known by her hardness of heart and a strange sadism ? she loved to seeothers suffer.

After having reduced to misery a few lovers and getting richherself, she had amassed a considerable fortune and had founded near London, a girl?sboarding-school which did not admit just any girl, but only orphans or girls ofwhom their parents wanted to get rid of. Once in this boarding-school, the poorgirls never came out of it again, for, as one can easily imagine, they weresubmitted to the most rigid discipline and became slaves in the hands of theplump manageress.

When the pupils came of age and had forever lost allsemblance of a personality, their destinies changed. Miss Crimpton kept a fewas domestic slaves, and the others were sold off at very high prices to youngaristocratic women who were as sadistic as Eva and who kept these girls captivefor life in the country and used them to their own cruel ends.

Eva?s school will be the subject of our next book.

Dorothea von Berner had at one time been a teacher in thatstrange school. It was Eva Crimpton who first initiated her to the perversedomination of girls and it was there that Dorothea had learned to become a fearsomegoverness.

She was in very good terms with Eva Crimpton and that is whythe latter wanting a holiday, had come to settle down in the castle, with LordKelington?s assent. She had arrived with numerous pieces of luggage and shedrove herself in a luxurious car.

Mabel Sunway, completely absorbed in her demanding domesticwork, had not even seen her arrive. It was only when Eva was installed andsettled that Miss von Berner called Mabel to the drawing-room.

Mabel felt surprise awl shame to see her Mistress talkingamicably with an unknown woman. She stared with terror at this majestic andheavy-set person sitting on the sofa. Miss Crimpton, very elegant and dressedin black silk, was wearing numerous jewels. Her face was heavily made up andstill had remnants of a great beauty. Her eyes were of a wonderful light greycolor, her nose small, her mouth sensual and with a lot of lipstick on; herauburn hair was admirably coiffured; and the skin of her neck and arms seemedthat of a young girl, so white, milky and soft it looked.

?Come nearus, Mabel,? Dorothea said in a dry tone, ?and salute Madam! Go on your kneesand kiss her feet! Go on, be quick!?

Frightened, the girl obeyed like an automaton. She steppedup to the fat woman who was looking at her with complete contempt through alorgnette, (opera glasses). She knelt down and kissed Eva?s varnished shoes.

?This,? the governess said, ?is the girl I talked to youabout. Needles to say, as good a slave as she is, she will do anything you maywant her to do and she will obey you with complete and utter submission.?

With the tip of her shoe, Miss Crimpton obliged Mabel tolift up her head.

?Very pretty,indeed, a charming slave, I congratulate you, Dorothea!? Eva said. ?What?s yourname, little one? Answer me, looking me in the eyes! You mustn?t call me madambut; ?Your honor.? And don?t let me have to repeat it to you, either. When aslave wearies me I give her quite a whipping. Understood??

?Y-yes, Your Honor.?

?Would you like me to untie her,? Dorothea proposed, ?sothat she gets undressed and you can see her body in the nude??

?I shall undress her myself,? Eva answered, ?it ispreferable that a slave should always keep her hands tied when she is on duty.First, I?ll have a look at her breasts.?

So saying, Miss Crimpton crudely thrust her hands intoMabel?s blouse and took out in one gesture her two naked breasts which shestarted immediately to caress.

?Pretty breasts, indeed!? she exclaimed. ?I hope her bottomis worthy of the front.?

Mabel, with tears in her eyes, submitted to the odioustouch. Then, Eva lifted up the slave?s dress which she tucked up into thecorset to keep it in an upward position. Her grey eyes sparkled with pleasure.

?Congratulations, darling Dorothea, this is a fine piece of agirl! And she?s impeccably strapped and her panties are nice and tight justlike those worn by the girls in my school. Not a single wrinkle on the buttocksand well strapped between the legs, perfect!?

Eva undid the strap anal started to paw insolently theslave?s femininity through the silk material.

?I hope she?s depilated?? Yes, I can see she is.

She made the girl turn round and slipped one of her fingersinto her anus, through the material.

?Let?s see her naked, now!?

Dorothea rushed forward, eager to help.

?I won?t let you unbutton all that by yourself. Let me helpyou!?

The two women undid, one after the other, the forty buttonswhich tied Mabel?s panties to the stays. The girl felt herself near to tears.She was in the possession, as it were, of this stranger, and she was giving herthe most secret parts of herself and she could not do anything to prevent it.

The drawers, freed from the waist, were pulled low andfinally fell to the feet of the slave.

?Lie down on your stomach on my lap!? Miss Crimpton ordered.

Mabel, dominating her rage, if not her humiliation took upthe position of a baby being spanked. She could smell Eva?s violent perfume andfeel the soft warmth of her fat thighs. Then, the most humiliating examinationbegan. Miss Crimpton, bending down over her victim, inspected all the detailsof the young rump with her lorgnette. She caressed softly the buttocks, askingDorothea whether it was the whip or the riding crop which had caused all theseweals and welts. Then she drew the plump globes apart and, first with her eyes,then with her fingers, she explored the gap in between.

?The bottom,? she said, ?is for me the touchstone offeminine education. It is by whippings that a girl is educated and made a slaveof. Take for instance a proud aristocratic girl like this one once was? whichis the best way to humiliate her? Surely, that of baring often her youngbuttocks, proving to her that, that part of her anatomy is no longer her ownbut that of her Mistress. Whippings, injections, tight panties, the birch ? allthat must be given almost without stopto a slave. A girl being re-educated, whether she is sitting or standing, orlying down, must have continuously the feeling of her own behind ? she mustfeel it being either whipped, or penetrated, or simply crushed by the materialof her panties. I hope, my dear Dorothea, that the bottom of your slave hasn?tgotten even a single minute of respite??

?I?m doing my best,? the governess said smiling. EvaCrimpton was pinching Mabel?s buttocks.

?This behind is big, but not enough for a slave. You shouldmake her ride a bicycle. Is there one here??

?Yes, we have one in the hangar,? Dorothea said.

?Good. I?ve brought for Mabel a bicycle saddle which I?vealso made for my pupils and which is conceived specially to fortify the musclesof the behind. Shall I show it to you??

?Yes, do, by all means. We have a full hour beforelunch-time and we could use it to give Mabel her first ride. How must she dressfor that??

?Don?t let her put her panties back on,? Miss Crimpton said,?but she better keep on her stays. Remove her skirt, underskirt, blouse, strap,stocking and shoes and let her wear a simple, but very short skirt stopping atthe mid thighs and tied to the corset, and put her bare feet into sandals.?

?All right, Bridget will dress her up accordingly and she?lltake her to the park when she?s ready.?

The slave was authorized to leave Eva?s lap and was handedover to the chambermaid. A few moments later, dressed as Eva had indicated, shewas again in the presence of her mistresses near the hangar.

At once, she shuddered at the sight of the bicycle uponwhich the special saddle had been mounted. This odd instrument was not actuallya saddle but only a polished wooden ball, as big as an egg, at the end of ametal rod.

?Mabel,? the governess asked, ?I hope you can ride abicycle??

?Yes, I can, Divine Mistress.?

?Then ride it!? MissCrimpton ordered.

Bridget was holding the bicycle. Mabel went astraddle it,put her feet on the pedals, but she did not dare sit on the wooden ball forfear of hurting herself. Dorothea slapped her face.

?What are you waiting for to sit down??

Trembling with fear, the girl tried to obey. Eva had takenposition behind her; she drew the girl?s buttocks apart brutally and forced herto sit down briskly. Mabel screamed with pain: the wooden ball, penetratingbetween her buttocks, was driving inside her anus more and more deeply. Theslave was impaled on the saddle. It was a particularly painful position, forthe buttocks were not resting on anything and the whole weight of her bodyrested on the secret orifice of the girl.

?But she?s going to try to lift herself up by getting aleverage on the pedals,? remarked Dorothea.

?I?ve thought about that,? replied Miss Crimpton. ?So weshall tie her up on the bike by fixing one end of this chain to her corset andthe other end to the back mud-guard of the bicycle. Then we shall tie her handson to the handlebar and her heels to the pedals!?

While Bridget was still holding the bicycle up, the twomistresses fixed the chain to Mabel?s corset and tied up her hands; then theybent down to tie her feet to the pedals. In that movement, their dresses werelifted a little and their under-clothes visible. Mabel noticed how huge Eva?s bottomwas, squeezed in a luxurious pink silk pair of panties.

At last everything was ready. Dorothea and her friend wentinto Eva?s car, ready to follow Mabel during her ride. They had taken with thema long whip with a leather lash like those used in circuses when showinghorses.

?And mind you stay always near the car,? Miss Crimptonrecommended, ?if you don?t want to be whipped to death after your ride!?

?Y-yes D-Divine Mistress!?

Then Bridget let go of the bicycle and Mabel startedpedaling. From the car, the two torturers watched her with sadistic joy. Fromtime to time, Dorothea lashed the bare legs of the slave.

?Faster!? She cried, ?keep your head held up and your backerect! Obey, Mabel, or else beware!?

The poor girl was suffering horribly. For more than half anhour she was forced to pedal without stop through the walks of the park. Shewas sweating profusely and her corset was crushing her most painfully, obligingher to stand erect. But, above all, it was her behind that was hurting her. It feltall bloody. When, now and then, her skirts flew up with the wind, Dorothea tookadvantage of it by lashing the soft bared buttocks with her long whip.

At last the Mistresses called a halt.

?But I can?t alight,? Mabel moaned, ?I?m tied up!?

?Well what about it, stupid, there?s some moss at the edgeof the path; just you let yourself fall down on it!?

Her nerves taut with fear,the girl obeyed. She fell heavily to the ground, still tied to herbicycle and bruising her right thigh and arm in the process.

They left her thus for long minutes without bothering abouther. The two friends, in the car, were chattering amiably. At last, Dorotheagot up and walked up to her victim, Taking a handkerchief out of her purse shewiped up the sweating, tear-stained cheeks of the slave and made her blow hernose, which was running profusely. Then she ordered her to ride once again. Shelifted up the girl and the bike and placed her in the right direction on thepath.

For another half hour, Mabel had to pedal without a minute?srest, lashed by her Mistress?s whip, and with their cruel laughter ringing ather ears.

When she arrived back at the castle, poor Mabel was halffainting with fatigue. She let herself fall at the end on the gravel path withher bicycle. The two women went in without bothering about her and it was onlyhalf an hour later that Bridget went to deliver Mabel from her uncomfortableposition.

The slave was so tired and trembling that, exceptionally,she was exempted from waiting at table on her Mistresses. She was made to liedown on a bed and she slept until two o?clock, and, during her sleep, shesighed now and then, and sobbed and shuddered nervously.

After a hasty meal, Mabel was dressed up again and her hairarranged, then Bridget strapped her up tightly. Then, freshly made up, she wasled to her Mistresses who were having coffee in the drawing-room.

Fat Eva Crimpton contemplated her with a cruel smile.

?Come here, my girl!? she called. ?Come and kneel downbefore me!?

Mabel having obeyed, she took her by the ears, forcing herto lift up her head.

?Well,? she asked, ?do you feel more disciplined now afteryour ride? Is your behind still hurting you after that good ride on thebicycle??

?Oh, yes, Your Honor,? Mabel whispered, with despair in hereyes.

?So much the better. We shall make you ride it every day.?

She addressed Dorothea

?Really darling, your slave is most charming, and I reallyfeel like using her a little. Would you lend her to me for tonight??

?But of course, Eva. Mabel will be led to your room at thetime you please and will be at your complete disposal for as long as you like,won?t you, slave??

?Y-yes, Divine Mistress.?

?Put out your tongue!? Miss Crimpton ordered with alecherous smile.

Mabel?s velvety pink tongue shot out from her painted lips.Eva pinched it cruelly between her fingernails, pulled it out to the maximum,and caressed it voluptuously with her fingers.

?This tongue looks like it?s the right size for what I wantit to do,? she told Dorothea with a knowing wink.

The beautiful governess burst out laughing. ?Yes, indeed,?she said, amused. ?So you still have your special tastes, have you??

?It?ll certainly do,? the fat woman replied with a tranquillack of modesty, ?I don?t feel any pleasure on the front side, and, in myschool, I?ve admirably taught one of my special pupils to caress me exactlyaccording to my wishes. I have even lengthened and narrowed her tongue withspecial apparatuses. I always had that girl beside me wherever I went and shewas quite ready, at the lash of a whip, to creep underneath my skirts. And, atnight, to have her better at my disposal, I used to make her sleep inside ahuge night-stand near my bed.?

Dorothea von Berner laughed.

?Oh, Eva, you?ll never change!?

?But,? Miss Crimpton went on, ?I?m beginning to be tired ofher and I think I?m going to give her to one of my girl-friends, and, as forme, I shall teach a brand-new girl to be of service to my behind.?

During the whole time she had been speaking, she had not letgo of Mabel?s tongue, which she pawed nervously. And the girl wondered withanguish what was the meaning of that strange talk.

?Get up now!? Miss Crimpton ordered at last, ?and remainthere motionless, with your heels together and your head erect, until I needyou again.?

The English girl having obeyed, the fat Mistress examinedher with attention.

?Higher, your head, higher!? she said dryly. ?A slave mustbe arched completely and her eyes must look up at the ceiling, just like awell-groomed valet. Dorothea, my darling, you should let her wear a disciplinebit to teach her to lift up her head better.?

?I know, Eva, but I haven?t got one here.?

?But I?ve gotsome! Since you told me that you had a girl-slave here. I brought with me a fewinstruments of discipline in my suitcases. Mabel?!??

?Your Honor??

?Go to my room. There, you?ll find on a table, a steel andleather instrument, similar to a horse-bit. Bring it to me!?

?But my hands are tied, Your Honor!?

?Well, take it in your teeth, stupid. Go on and don?tdiscuss it with me!?

Two minutes later, the slave came back with the instrument.It was the exact copy of a horse-bit, on a reduced scale made out of fine steeland with red varnished leather reins.

?On your knees before me, and open up your mouth wide!? MissCrimpton ordered.

Mabel, trembling, did as she was told. The fat Mistress thenput the bit into her mouth, the metal part holding her tongue down, which wasrather painful. The instrument was tied under the chin and the reins gatheredbehind the head. Eva pulled briskly on the reins, making the slave?s head takeup an upward position to the maximum of its
possibility. She moaned as her mouth was bruised terribly by this horrible instrument. Withoutbatting an eyelid, Eva fixed the end of the reins to a ring of the corset inthe back.

?There she is, bridled like a young mare!? she saidlaughing. ?That will teach herto stand a little more erectly!?

?That?s perfect,? exclaimed Dorothea von Berner. ?And howlong will she have to wear this instrument of discipline??

?I advise you, darling, to put her to the bit every time shehas a special work to do. In my school, my pupils wear it at least four hours aday.?

Mabel?s beautiful eyes were filled with tears. How painfuland humiliating this horse-bit was to her! It made her stand erect, withoutbeing able to move her head at all, with her eyes heavenwards and her mouthbruised by the cruel instrument.

In that uncomfortable position she had to accompany hermistresses in their walk a few minutes later. They had untied her hands so thatshe could carry the ladies? bags, parasols and coats. She walked three pacesbehind them, half paralyzed with pain and humiliation.

When they were back in the castle Mabel was locked in MissCrimpton?s room, with the order to unpack all her suitcases and to put away inthe cupboards all the belongings of the fat lady. They had removed the bit atlast, but with the promise that it would be applied again the next day.

She had hardly finished her work when Eva Crimpton came intothe room. With her lorgnette carried defiantly in front of her critical eye,she checked all the cupboards, and, under the pretence that a pile of linen wasnot quite shipshape, she condemned Mabel to be whipped at once.

With her panties removed, the poor girl had to go on allfours in the middle of the room and offer her behind to Miss Crimpton?shorsewhip. She received a dozen lashes which made her scream with pain. Evastruck still more powerfully than Dorothea von Berner. Mabel?s poor buttocks coveredthemselves with bleeding cuts and the horsewhip burst the blisters caused byprevious whippings. Then, on her knees, the slave had to thank her torturer andhumbly lick her feet. She was extremely humiliated to be treated in this way bythat fat woman who, the very morningof that same day, was still unknown to her. She understood now that this MissCrimpton would be a particularly implacable and experienced Mistress.

The remainder of theday was spent without any other incident. Mabel, dressed as a serving maid,served dinner to her two mistresses, then waited upon Bridget, and only afterthat was she allowed to eat herself. Then she was summoned to the drawing-roomto receive further orders.

?You still want theslave for tonight, Eva?? Dorothea van Berner asked her friend.

The fat woman smiledwith an expression of greedy lust which did not escape Mabel.

?And how, darling. I?m looking forward very much to becaressed as I like by this little beast ofpleasure. But I would like her to be locked in my room from now on, fortwo hours so that she should prepare herself in prayers for me to obey me andserve me as I wish.?

?Should she be naked?? Bridget asked.

?No, on the contrary, I would like her dressed, very dressed? in an evening gown, for instance, just as she was when she was still a freeand proud girl going to balls. Put her into a long evening gown and, under it,corset her very tightly, to the maximum. As for her underclothes, let her wearthe same as worn usually by little whores, such as, for instance, panties inblack laced satin ? that would be fine. Ah, I nearly forgot ? before lettingher put on her panties, slip a glycerin suppository well up into her anus undstop it up well with a cork. Then you will tie her up at the foot of my bed andgag her with my dirty linen, a chemise or rather, my knickers which von willfind in the cupboard.?

On hearing so many perverse refinements, Bridget?s face hadlit up with a wide smile, while Mabel?s had become crimson with shame andfright.

The slave took leave of her Mistresses and was taken away bythe maid. A half hour later,Miss Crimpton?s orders had been carried out to the letter. Mabel, atrociouslycorseted in leather stays, was dressed in an adorable evening-gown in black andpink silk, the very dress which she had once worn at fashionable balls in Paris.

For Mabel, it seemed a lifetime ago.

As for her underclothes, she wore only a narrow pair ofpanties in black silk and lace, very perverse and sexy, which she was wearingfor the first time.

The girl?s secret orifice was corked up well with care and already she was beginning tofeel the effects of the suppository which Bridget had introduced with sadisticjoy. Mabel understood that cruel Eva would probably force her to keep it in allnight without taking off the cork, in order to cause her the maximum ofdiscomfort and shame.

The poor slave was on her knees, with her hands tied behindher back by a string connected to her dress. The lower part of her face wasgagged with the mauve panties worn for the last three days by the fat Mistress.

For two hours she had to stay there, meditating on her cruelfate. Then she heard noises of steps and laughter coming from the passage. Theroom was suddenly inundated with light and Miss Crimpton appeared. She went toher dressing-table without condescending even to glance at the tied up slave.For a long while she paced across the room, putting away her things, as ifMabel did not even exist. Finally she took hold of a strong leather horsewhipand went up to the girl. She made her stand up with a kick and showed her thebed with an imperative finger.

?Lie downhere and don?t move!? she ordered.

Mabel, with her hands still tied up, obeyed. She lay down onthe blankets and followed all her Mistress?s moves with fearful eyes.

A few minutes later, Eva came and sat on the bed near theslave. She surveyed her for a long time, without a word, and with contempt inher grey eyes. Then, slowly, began to paw her. First, her hands touched herbreasts, caressing them through the material of the dress and now and thenpinching the nipples violently. Then she caressed Mabel?s belly, thighs andsuddenly slipped her hand underneath her skirt. Mabel shuddered as she felt thefat hand go to and fro on the bare flesh of her inner thighs and under thematerial of the panties, on her imprisoned femininity. Then the hand slippedtowards her buttocks, penetrated between them and checked whether the cork waswell in position.

This perverse game lasted for about half an hour. Miss Crimptonpawed, pinched and caressed, without omitting a single inch of Mabel?s fleshand, all the while, she looked hypnotically into her slave?s eyes.

Mabel was becoming frantic with rage, despair and shame.Gagged and tied up she just had to submit to the pawing, and tears welled up inher pretty eyes.

Then the woman removed the knickers that were gagging Mabeland started caressing the girl?s face just as she had caressed the other partsof her body. She even obliged her to open her mouth and dipped into it two ofher fingers on which she was wearing rings, and explored every nook and crannyof Mabel?s mouth, under her tongue, along her teeth and her palate. Mabel hadto take a hold on herself not to bite those insolent fingers.

At last Eva stood up and began undressing under the eyes ofher slave. Her heavy fat body, the skin of which was however magnificentlysmooth and exceedingly white, soon appeared. She wore a lace brassiere and apink pair of panties over an enormouslyfat rump. Those two articles of clothing were also removed and then MissCrimpton was entirely naked. Strange to say, in spite of her fatness, there was something very attractive in herbody, probably because it majestic shapes were perfectly delineated.

?Slave,? she said, ?I madeyou come hero so that I could use you, or rather your tongue, as anobject of pleasure. So you?re going to be very attentive and affectionate andmake all your best efforts to please me, if you don?t, want to be punished very severely. My horsewhip will alwaysbe here to give you a few warnings and force you to a slavish, devotion. I willtell you, if you need to give you a few warnings, you will be very sorry andyou can be sure, I?ll punish you severely before I once more force you to anunceasing activity. Your slavish, tongue must neither slow down, nor tirebefore I say so. You probably don?t, knowthe kind of caresses I am fond of, but you will soon know. I don?t want ?normal? caresses from you,understand? It is only on my charming back orifice which, in your case, is atthis very moment stopped up by a cork, that I want you to work with your tongueas diligently as possible. Do you get me??

At first, Mabel did not catch the meaning of Miss Crimpton?swords. Then, all at once, she understood and her face made a grimace of horrorand disgust. So that waswhat this fat Mistress wanted her to do? Oh, dear God! But she had not theleisure to even think it over, for Eva had come back to the bed and suddenlysat astraddle right on poor Mabel?s face. Crushed by the enormously hotbuttocks, the poor slave was half stifled. She felt completely debased anddominated by the perverse whims that this fat woman was imposing upon her.

Miss Crimpton, bending forward a little, lifted up Mabel?sskirts up to her waist and, on the pretty belly of the girl, drawn tight by athin silk pair of panties, she delivered a blow with the horsewhip which landedright on Mabel?s femininity.

The girl moaned loudly with pain and became more active inher loathsome task. Dominating her natural disgust, she tried as best she couldto introduce her tongue well into her Mistress? rear orifice.

?Better than that!? Eva shouted, whipping her slave likemad. ?Drive it in more deeply! There, that?s good! Continue! No, more and morequickly and beware if you don?t satisfy me as I wish!?

Under the powerful buttocks crushing her face, the girl wasgetting nearly hysterical. She had thrown all modesty and disgust to the windsand was now boring deeply with her tongue, swabbing into her Mistress?s anuswith only one thought ? that of satisfying her. The whip vent down and downwith clockwork regularity on the poor slave?s tender sex, tearing her pantiesto strips.

Soon, Eva Crimpton began to fidget like mad on her humanseat. She felt pleasure come and stimulated Mabel with great severity. Herenormous moving, sweating rumps bruised the poor girl?s face and squeezed heras if in a moist vice. Finally, the Mistress?s body was shaken by a greatshudder and her ass muscles relaxed. With a moan of pleasure, Eva let herselfgo and rolled on the bed, naked and shuddering with ecstasy, driving herfingernails into the sobbing slave?s face.

The Mistress stayed for a while prostrate and languid,shaken now and then by small shudders of bliss. At last she got up, but it wasonly to inflict a new torture to the unhappy slave.

Out of a cupboard, Eva took a strange-looking garment, itwas a large pair of woman?s panties similar to normal ones, with the exceptionthat the bottom was cut into a large opening which one could as one wished,shut or open it with a zipper. Miss Crimpton put on that garment and orderedMabel to slip under the bedclothes.

The girl obeyed Eva, who went to the bed and pushed down herslave with her feet until Mabel?s face was level with her Mistress?s behind.

?Now, you?re goingto put your head through the opening in the back of my panties,? Eva ordered,?and during the whole night, you will stay thusly, your face stuck next to mybuttocks, and you will kiss and lick all over my arse until I fall asleep. And mind you, don?t disturb me atall during the night!?

Her mind in a whirl, completely repulsed, the slave stilldid as she had been told. The whole of her head disappeared into her Mistress?spanties and the latter shut it hermetically by means of the zipper which wasthen held fast by a string around her slave?s neck. Mabel had now become partof her Mistress and her face was completely imprisoned in her panties, keepingclose company to the sweaty, enormous feminine buttocks.

The poor slave was very uncomfortable, extremely hot, forshe was entirely dressed and her corset was squeezing her atrociously. Theenormous buttocks-flesh pressing against her face, ran with perspiration andsoon her hair became damp with the woman?s sweat. As for the suppository, itseffect was torturing her a lot. On each move made by her Mistress, Mabel had tofollow, for she could not detach herself in the least from the buttocks towhich she was tied, or rather glued, as it were.

Never, since the beginning of her bondage, had the girlsuffered so much morally and physically. She had the impression of an absolutedegradation. Little by little, she lost conscience of her own personality; herface, stuck well to that fat, feminine behind, had lost all its former nobilityand human dignity. It seemed to Mabel as if her face had itself become a behind, a fat, sweating posterior, sinceit was being treated as such.

When, ten long, long hours later, the girl was at lastdelivered from her strange prison, she tried in vain to recover her humanmentality, but she could not, and instead, she fell unconscious, exhausted withthe suffering and complete shame from the awful treatment she had beensubjected to.

Miss Eva Crimpton as the experienced Mistress she was, hadgiven Mabel the decisive stroke that foreverput an end to Mabel Sunway?s personality. Mabel Sunway, thesophisticated and well-bred young society woman was gone, and in her place wassomething broken, without a spine or spirit. Now, Lord Kelington, coming backto his castle ? would find only a meek slave without strength or will-power ofher own, a slave who never again would or could become a free-thinking womanagain.
































Chapter VI




Life was following its slow dark course, uneventfully, atthe Kelington Castle. Under the implacable yoke of herMistress?s Mabel was becoming every day more broken and submissive. She had nowacquired the real soul of a slave. She obeyed with equal zeal not just to thebeautiful Dorothea von Berner, but also to the imposing Eva Crimpton and evento the hateful maid Bridget. Mabel still loathed Bridget, but now saw her, notjust as a common maid, but as her superior in all things. Just a blow out of awhistle or an imperative clack of fingers sufficed to make Mabel throw herselfon her knees in front of any of these three Mistress?s, with her bodytrembling, her eyes full of tears and her big buttocks apprehending andexpecting a whipping.

One day, a letter addressed to Miss Mabel Sunway arrived atthe castle. Naturally, it was Dorothy who opened it and read it. That letter,written in a high, elegant hand on perfumed paper, came from a certain MyriamHekings who had been a school-friend of Mabel?s. The girl, after a thousand andone confidences such as are usually exchanged between old school pals,announced to her friend that she was ready to come to Kelington?s castle tovisit her, since Mabel, before leaving for college, had invited her so kindly. She asked Lord Kelington?s niece to lether know if and when she was ready to receive her.

Dorothea showed the letter to Miss Crimpton who read it withgreat interest. The two Mistress?s, sitting in the drawing-room, orderedBridget to fetch Mabel, who was cleaning Eva Crimpton?s bathroom. A few minuteslater the young slave came into the room. She was very lovely even under herexcessive make-up.

A pink satin corset was crushing her waist, leaving her fullbreasts completely naked, pushed up high and the tips of her breasts, herprominent nipples, had been painted in bright red. She was wearing a very shortskirt made out of Scotch silk, and stopping just below her bottom cheeks; onher legs, up to her mid thighs, she wore white silk stockings with red gartersand on her feet were black varnished shoes with extremely high heels. Her handswere bound with gold handcuffs behind her back, and the lower part of her facewas gagged by a filthy brown rag. She had been on her hands and knees wipingoff the bathroom surfaces with that rag. Not having the use of her hands, shehad to polish the faucets and porcelain bowls with the rag tied on her face.Under that gag-rag, the girl?s cheeks were swollen as if she had an object inher mouth.

Under Dorothea?s order, Bridget undid Mabel?s gag and tookoff the object that was stuffing her mouth ? a pair of 3 day-worn dirty pantiesbelonging to Eva Crimpton, which the latter had imposed upon her in order tohumiliate her.

The slave, on her knees, kissed respectfully her Mistress?sfeet. In the movement of bending down, her short skirt climbed upwards over themoons of her rear, revealing for a while her buttocks clad in silk knickers thecolor of peaches and quite suggestive.

?I?m going to ask you questions, Mabel,? the governessdeclared in a severe voice, ?and you?re going to answer them with absolutetruthfulness, that is, if you want to avoid twenty stokes of the horsewhipwhich you will get for everylie you tell. Is that completely understood??

?Y-yes, DivineMistress!?

?Who isMyriam Hekings??

The Pretty slave?s heart missed a beat. Her eyes widened asshe glanced at the letter which Dorothea was holding nervously in her fingersand upon which she had just recognized her best friend?s handwriting.

?S-she?s a f-friend I had in m-my boarding-school, DivineM-Mistress,? she answered with an effort. ?S-she?s twenty years old, and a verywealthy E-English girl, and I made her acquaintance in F-France. I had t-takenthe liberty of inviting her here f-for a st-stay, at a t-time w-when Ist-st-still th-thought th-that??

?When you thought what? Answer me!?

?W-when I th-thought I would st-stay a f-free g-girl...?

?And this Myriam, Is she pretty?? Miss Crimpton asked.

?Oh, y-yes, Y-Your Honor, she?s ravishingly p-pretty, andalso v-very elegant, and her c-character is very w-willful and stubborn.?

?And what?s her family situation??

?M-Myriam has only her father left alive, D-DivineM-Mistress. H-he is an officer in the B-British army In India, and is hardlye-ever in England,th-that is why his d-daughter is full of independence.?

Miss Eva winked understandingly to her friend. ?Now, allthat seems perfect to me,? she said, smiling.

?Stand up!? Dorothea ordered, making her horsewhip lash theair. ?Bridget, untie Mabel?s hands and sit her down to the desk!?

The governess stood up and came near her slave.

?And now, you will write what I?m going to dictate!? sheordered in a dry tone. ?My Dear Myriam, I received your letter with greatpleasure. Of course I shall be very glad to have you her at Kelington?s.We?re having quite a lot of fun here at the moment. Come as soon as you can,and bring all your clothes and things with you, for I won?t let you go so soon!Please wire the date of your arrival and a car will pick you up at the station.I?m looking forward to seeing you very much. With an affectionate kiss, YourMabel.?

While she was writing, Mabel?s hands were tremblingterribly. She had guessed that her Mistress was planning something very wickedand that Myriam Hekings would be the victim. She looked uneasily at herMistress and ventured to say; ?D-Divine M-Mistress, I b-beg y-you, n-notM-Myriam!?

Dorothea slapped her face with violence.

?So!? she cried, ?a little bitch of a slave like you, youallow yourself the audacity to give your opinion? An opinion? An interfere inyour Mistress?s affairs! Mind you don?t everdo that again, or else, beware of the whip!?

She addressed the maid Bridget; ?Bridget, take this sillyslave back to her toilet work!?

?And don?t forget,? Miss Crimpton recommended, ?to gag herseverely after having replaced my panties back into her mouth!??

When Mabel had left the room with her only at lunch,Mistress Crimpton?s filthy panties, Miss Crimpton spoke again to her friend; ?Ihope, my dear Eva,? she said with a cruel smile, ?that we shall soon have twoslaves in Kelington?s castle.?



* * * * *



Three days later, Miss Myriam Hekings arrived unsuspectinginto the Mistress?s lair. Mabel had not lied. Her friend was of great beauty.Two years older than Miss Sunway, she was slightly taller than the petiteMabel, and more mature. Her face was made up tastefully, with great care butwithout any excess and had green eyes and dark auburn hair. Her body wasaristocratic charm, with a sensual mouth, large breasted for a girl fond ofsports but, to judge from the roundness covering her tailor-maid suit, wasquite curvaceous. Very elegant, she had in her gait something insolent and herhead was held up quite proudly, showing that she knew about her beauty and herwealth.

Dorothea von Berner had arranged everything with carefulplanning for the girl?s arrival. At the station, Myriam was astonished not, tofind her friend waiting for her. There was only a livered chauffeur hired forthe occasion by Dorothea and who was at the wheel of Miss Crimpton?s car. Hedrove with another car behind, carrying all the suitcases and trunks belongingto the newcomer.

At the castle, she wasreceived very courteously by Bridget, dressed up in a spruce maid?soutfit. She ushered Myriam into the luxuriously furnished parlor.

?Miss Mabel will be here in a moment,? she announcedpleasantly.

Slightly taken aback by this odd greeting, Myriam waited fora long quarter of an hour, wondering why Mabel was not showing herself moreeager to meet her. At last, the door opened and Miss Sunway came in.

?Mabel, darling!? said Myriam, ?how happy I am to see youagain!?

Impetuously she threw herself Into Mabel?s arms, then shedrew back and said, astonished; ?Whatever are you wearing under your dress? It-it?s hard!?

Mabel blushed scarlet.

?It?s... it?s m-my c-corset!? she said with an effort.

Miss Hekings burst out laughing.

?What? You? You who couldn?t bear any constraints on yourbody? You?re now wearing stays? You must be kidding me? You really havechanged!?

While she was speaking, Myriam was examining her friend withsurprise. Mabel had changed.She used to be so gay and merry, as well as quite coquettish, but now sheseemed very shy and blushing and as If paralyzed by an unaccountable fright.Myriam was looking her up and down with growing astonishment. Why was Mabelmade up like a whore? And with a large beauty patch at the corner of one eyeand another near the mouth? Why was she standing so erect, with her eyes fixedand her head thrown back, and her arms hanging limply alongside her body? Herfriend was also astonished to notice that Mabel had now a very waspish waist and an enormous bottom jutting outprovocatively, and that her feet were shod in exaggeratedly high-heeled shoes.And what funny garments she was wearing! This white silk corset so tight, andher red silk skirt also very tight which molded her buttocks with indiscreetprecision.

But proper etiquette dictated that she did not dare askMabel outright for the reasons of her strange way of dressing and the changesin her attitude. Instead, she just said gaily; ?It was very kind of you toinvite me to the castle. I hope we?re going to have lots of fun.?

?I hope so too,? the slave said softly in a strangled voice.

?What do you do here? Rides in cars? Tennis? Swimming??

Mabel had a moment, betraying her fear, for she knew herMistresses had to be close by.

?Oh no,? she answered, ?I?m not allowed to.?

This time, Myriam did not, could not, hide her surprise.

?Well, what do you mean? You?ve always been so independent,The other girls at school admired you for that, for your spirit, I don?tunderstand. Who doesn?t allow you to have fun? My God, you?re seventeen and ahalf years of age, you?re no longer a baby, are you? Who is it, tell me??

?My governesses,? the girl answered in a low voice.

?Governesses at your age? Decidedly, Mabel, you astonish me!I thought you to be made of stronger stuff than that! But, I say, darling, I?dbetter warn you that those honorable persons had better not try to impose theirlaw upon me! And I hope that in my honor they will allow you a little morefreedom than you seem to have, what??

?Oh, hush, Myriam, if they hear you?!?

The distress in Mabel?s voice at possibly being overheardbrought real alarm to Myriam all at once. She now began to realize thatsomething more was afoot here. This was not her friend of old who stood beforeher, dressed and made up like a cheap tavern tart, whining and frightened.

At that precise moment, the door opened wide and Mabel drewback a few steps like a trained animal, bowing and lowering her head asDorothea von Berner was entering the room. She was beautiful as always, withher proud face carefully made up, her black lustrous hair, her sculptured bodystrictly molded into a tight blue velvet tailor-made suit-jacket and matchingskirt, her legs were encased in expensive silk stockings, her wrists circledwith golden bracelets. She was holding in her hand a thin horsewhip with whichshe tapped nervously the tip of her leather shoes.

With a nonchalant step she advanced to the middle of theroom, without appearing to have noticed the presence of Myriam Hekings. And shefixed Mabel with a hard expression in her eyes.

?Well? Aren?t I saluted properly today??

Dumbfounded, Myriam saw the incredible sight of Mabel,blushing with shame, as she quickly knelt down, while casting a furtive glancein her direction; then she prostrated herself face down before the new-comer,licking like a dog the tips of her shoes. Insolently, the governess was eyeingthe body groveling before her.

?And my bottom!? she said dryly.

Blushing more and more, poor Mabel half rose, then, crawlingon her knees, she went behind Dorothea, lifted up her skirt a little, up to thebottom of the pink panties adorned with satin garters and then she put her head completely under the skirt. Applyingher lips robustly against the meaty buttocks of her Mistress, Mabel remainednearly a minute in that position, loud, moist smacking sounds attesting to thefact that she was devotedly kissing the large, panty-covered buttocks of herMistress.

Dumbstruck, mute with her stupor, Myriam had sat down on asofa.

At that moment, Dorothea seemed to become aware of thegirl?s presence and smiled at her; ?You?re probably astonished to see yourfriend Mabel so transformed? Of course, she has failed to warn you about it.Let me tell you that Mabel Sunway is no longer the girl she once used to be;she has entirely lost all her high qualities of an heiress and an aristocrat.Come on out now, Mabel, tell us in your own words what you?ve become!?

She punctuated her order with a slight lash with thehorsewhip and Mabel, ducking her bright red face out from under the skirts ofher Mistress answered; ?I?m only a humble slave now, Divine Mistress, anobedient little bitch, happy to belong to you, and completely subservient toyour whip and whims.?

?That?s fine. Now stand up and put your hands behind yourback when I?m talking to you. I haven?t seen you yet today. Are you wellcorseted and strapped? And do you feelunder my absolute rule? Is your body submitting withrespect to the discipline of yourclothes??

?Yes, DivineMistress, I?m wearing under my dress a tightly-laced corset, my bottom is imprisoned, as you always wish it to be,in a slavishly tight pair of white silk panties which cling so tightly to my bottom that they do not makea single wrinkle or fold on mybuttocks.?

?And you haven?twetted them today, I hope? You?ve kept your need in check?

?Oh, yes, Divine Mistress!?

?Show me!?

With two tremblinghands, Mabel lifted up her dress clear up to her waist. Myriam, dumbfounded, saw her friend?s enormous bottom sheathed in white silk drawers andstrapped between her legs by awide tape of varnished leather.Dorothea, putting her hands under the strap after having unbuckled it, felt and pawed for a long while Mabel?sfemininity. ?Have you been punishedyet this morning?? she asked.

?Yes, DivineMistress. Her Honor Miss Crimptongave me the whip on my breasts becauseI hadn?t prostrated myself quicklyenough when she was passing by.And Her Ladyship gave me the whip on my bottom because she found I hadn?t polished her shoes well enough.?

?That?s perfect!?mocked Dorothea with a cruel smile,?that will teach you, to be more careful in future, won?t it? And how come you have your hands free? Don?t you know that aslave like you should always have her hands tied when she?s not working? Turn around!?

Picking up the stringsfrom the top of a table, the governess tied up with cord the hands of her slave, palm against palm; then,behind her back, she tied one elbowagainst the other, which was a verypainful position to remain in for any length of time, though Mabel wasbeginning to be almost used to it by now, even the pain of being bound that wayfor hours at a time. Then Dorothea slapped Mabel violently across her face, once, twice, and again.

?That?s to teach you not to walk about with your hands free,? she said.

Myriam Hekings hadviewed all that with growing stupefaction.It seemed she was having astrange dream and she hadn?t even thestrength to raise a murmur of protestin front of the shameful spectacle thathad been offered to her.

Miss von Berner thenrang and Bridget appeared,with her fists akimbo and a mocking smile on her lips. Dorotheaseized Mabel by her ear and threw herdown to the chambermaid?s feet.

?I heard thatyou had some complaint thismorning about the slave, my dear Bridget?? she asked.

?Yes, ma?am, I hadgiven her my shoes to clean and shedidn?t even trouble to scrape the mud from under the heels, so I whipped her severely.?

?You did quite well. And you, little bitch, beg Her Ladyship?s pardonagain for your negligence!?

Crimson with shame,Mabel prostrated herself before the maid Bridget and humbly kissed her feet.

?Oh, I beg Your Ladyship to please excuse and pardon me,? she moaned. ?I shall be much more attentive to Your Ladyship?s ordersand more obedient to you in the future.?

With a kick in her face, the maid obliged the slave to standup.

?We?ll see if you?re as good as your promise,? she grumbled.?Don?t you forget that Miss von Berner has given me all rights to you and that you must learn toserve me like a well-styleddomestic maid. I shall force you towith the whip!?

?Now, Bridget,?Dorothea said, ?take thisnaughty girl away and put her tocleaning in the toilets on her kneesuntil lunch-time. And, this afternoon, you can have hercompletely at your use and disposal so that you may teach her to obey you asshe should.?

?Thank you, ma?am.I?m very glad, for today is my day off and I intend, if madam doesn?t mind, to receive a few friends for tea at the bottom ofthe park, and Mabel will be my personal maid and wait upon us.?

?All right,Bridget, the slave is yours untiltonight. When you have put her in thetoilets, come back here for I shall probably need you.?

Bridget bent down overMabel and gave her a formidablepair of slaps on her already red cheeks.

?Follow me, little bitch, and beware if you aren?t the completely submissive slave I want you to be!?

Dorothea remained alonewith Myriam Hekings. Smiling, shesat in front of the girl,who had become very pale.

?I think,? Myriam said, ?that you won?t mind if I leave the castle immediately. I had come here invited by my friend Mabel, but now that I see what you?ve done to her, I don?t see how my presence here is in any way necessary.?

Dorothea did not answerat once. With a ghost of a smile playing upon her lips, she was playing with her horsewhip and seemed to be absorbed in her thoughts.

?That?s whereyou?re wrong, Miss Hekings,quite wrong. You?ve come here in the hope of adjourning here for a long time. So I insist on satisfyingthat desire. I wish to see you remain here for a very long time!?

?In this castle? Or ratherin this prison??? the girl hissedangrily.

Dorothea stoodup suddenly like a released spring. With flashing eyes she fixed Myriam.

?You?ve said it ?a prison! That is the ?mot juste?,?she ejaculated. ?But it?s not onlyMabel?s prison, but yours as well. For I intend to makea slave of you, also.?

?A slave? Areyou mad??

Dorothea?s arm jerked out and her horsewhip lashed Myriam?s cheek, tracing a bleeding mark onit. The girl howled with pain.

?Mad?? Dorothea. went on.? Is this the way a slave shouldspeak to her Mistress? You?ll pay for that, my dear, you?ll pay for your insolence, your pride, all your horribledefects of a spoilt girl. I?llmake a servant, a bitch, of you,whether you like it or not!And, first of all, a slave should kneel when her Mistress condescends to speakto her. Go on, on your knees, bitch, on your knees!?

Miss von Berner, to give more weight to her words, lashedout again with the riding-crop, reaching Myriam Hekings right across herbreasts and tearing the silk of her blouse swollen by her pretty bust.

The girl, howling with pain, drew back against the door. Hergreen eyes flashed with fury and her mouth foamed with rage. One felt withinher a fearsome strength all reared up against the despotic force of Dorotheavon Berner.

?You wicked woman!? shelashed out, ?you damned creature, I despise and hate you! You want to make aslave out of me! Well, you?d better think again!?

With a brisk gesture, she opened the door and made as if torush out but her body collided against Bridget?s who was barring the way andwho seized her in her powerful arms.

?Quiet, my girl, quiet ! A slave doesn?t escape like thisfrom her Mistress! I?m stronger than you are, and you should realize it!?

The maidtwisted violently Myriam?s wrists, and the poor girl screamed with pain and,fury. Bridget made her go back into the room she had tried to leave.

?Nice work, Bridget!?Dorothea exclaimed laughing. You?re going to help me to give a whippingto this slave, for she?s really deservedit for her lack of submission.?

?I?m not a slave and I forbid you to treat me like this!? Miss Hekings howled, furiously.

Bridget did not heed her protests and, having tripped thegirl?s body and sent it sprawling against the carpet, she nailed her to thefloor by sitting astraddle on top of her.

?What shall I do with this fury, ma?am?? she asked quietly.

?Let?s tie her up on the sofa,? Dorothea answered. ?We?regoing to undress her and whip her bottom as she deserves.?

The maid got up and seized Myriam like a parcel and threwher down on a low sofa. Quickly and expertly the girl was trussed up like asausage by a rope around her loins, another tying her ankles and a third fixingher hands to the legs of the sofa.

Vanquished and unable to defend herself, Myriam did not stop throwing abuse right andleft. But Dorothea only laughed at her insults anduseless fury. She took out a pair scissors from the drawer of a cupboard.

?It would bedifficult to undress this slave without untying her,? she explained to Bridget, ?so we shall use this method!?

She bent downover Myriam and used her scissors to cut through the material of the tailor-made suit, the blouseand the brassiere the girl was wearing. Then she removed the torn pieces and threw them away in a cornerof the room. The velvety bare back ofMyriam appeared in its sculptured beauty, which Dorothea contemplated witha satisfied smile. Thenthe governess slipped her hand underthe sprawling body of MissHekings and palpated her bare breastscrushed against the sofa.

?This is a mightyfine bust for a slave!? she exclaimed. ?What pleasure I shall haveto torture these arrogant breasts which are mine from nowon!?

?Brute, dirty brute!? cried Myriam, who was choking with rage.

?And now, theskirt!? Miss von Berner said.

Arming herself againwith the scissors she spilt thegrey dress on all its length, made it slip down and threw it in acorner of the room. The girl?sinsolently curved out bottom offereditself to the mocking sight of the two torturers. It was a really massive buttocks, straining at thematerial of the pink silk panties which Myriam was wearing. Under the lacehemming the knickers, there appeared the long, sun-tanned, and appetizing thighs, the fine legs sheathed in beige silk stockings.

With her long nails,Dorothea pinched the bottom ofher victim and laughed insolently.

?Now, this is a bottom after my own liking, one that seems ideal for receiving the whip! And this pairof panties ? It?s so tighton you that it?s nearly like that of aslave. So madam likes beingtight in her underclothes. Well,madam will have her wishes more thanfulfilled ?starting from tomorrow,she?ll have to wear corsets and we?ll teach her to wear discipline-drawers, well-strapped, like those worn byher friend Mabel! Meanwhilewe?re going to remove these withthe whip on her bottom!?

The governess, havingspoken, drew back one step, took a firm hold on the thin leather horsewhip andapplied a hard blow on Myriam?s buttocks. It was so hard that the panties split. Mad with shame and pain, Miss Hekings had made a greateffort not to scream. With her head buried in the cushions, she let out a long moan.

?The bitch has a tough skin,? Miss von Berner said. ?So much the worse for your bottom,bitch. I?ll stop punishing only when this slave Is ready to lick at my feet.?

Other lashesfollowed, more and more violent. Throughthe rips in the drawers the buttocksappeared, striped with longred streaks. Soon, the materialwhich covered the victim?s bottom wasreduced to a shapeless rag. There only remaineda few shreds of pink silk stuck well between the girl?s buttocks; it was on this ultimate target that Dorothea showered her blows, which rained down on the youthful flesh, digging eachtime a bleeding furrow.

Myriam, who had resistedfor a long while, was now at the endof her physical resistance. Her moanshad soon been succeeded by screams, then by inhuman howls.

?Are your readyto admit you?re my slave ?Dorothea asked.

?Never!? the unfortunate girl sobbed. ?I?d rather die!?

?All right, then, I?ll continue!? the governess said. ?ButI?m tired of hearing your screams. Bridget, sit down on this girl?s face andgag her under the weight of your buttocks!?

The servant laughed. It was a real pleasure for her to carryout such orders. She lifted up her skirts, showing her bottom sheathed inpanties of a doubtfully white color. She pulled Myriam?s hair, obliging her toturn her head aside, and then, she could not resist the impulse of giving her avery hard slap on her cheek. Then she sat heavily on the girl?s head whichdisappeared entirely, crushed under the maid?s full-fleshed buttocks. Bridget,smiling, let her skirts go down in order to imprison Myriam?s head completelyin her underclothes.

Then Dorothea resumed the punishment. For ten long minutesshe whipped, without bothering about the state of her victim. The fine fleshedbottom, now quite bare, was covering itself with blisters and swellings. Hereand there, a bloody rivulet was running along the buttocks, losing itself inthe cushions of the sofa.

Had Myriam fainted? She could not tell, for the girl,entirely covered by Bridget?s bottom, could not make herself heard.

?Get up, Bridget!? Miss von Berner said at last. ?I thinkthe slave has been punished enough now!?

The maid arose, disengaging from under her skirts the red,bruised and tearful face of Mabel?s friend.

?Now, bitch,? the governess said in a dry tone, ?have youbecome more docile? Are you ready to make me a good slave ??

?I?ll do anything you ask,? Myriam murmured, vanquished.

Smiling, Dorothea sat on her victim?s loins, making her gaspwith her weight.

?Now, Myriam Hekings, you?re my slave,? she went on. ?Mindyou never forget it; From now on, you will have no other personality than thatof your Mistress, or rather your Mistress?s. The whip will be your only God. Andlet me tell you that you will never be free again, never! You will remain a slave until the day you die. Your father,the only member of your family alive, Is now in India and I?ve prepared everythingso that he will learn that you have died accidentally, so nobody is ever goingto bother about you and you?ll be able to devote your whole life to the serviceof your Mistress?s.?

With a moan, Myriam had heard that terrible sentence. Butwhat could she do about it? She was broken with weariness and humiliation, andher flesh was afire, her body tied up. Yes, she was really at the mercy of thecruel governess! And she understood that her lot would become the same as thatof Mabel. Could she have imagined it only a few moments ago when she hadwitnessed Mabel debasing herself? Could she have dreamed that soon she would bereduced to the same bondage? It seemedimpossible, like a nightmare fromwhich she would, thank God, soon wake up.

At that moment the dooropened and Eva Crimpton appeared. Thefat woman, sheathed In a blackskirt and white satin blouse was, as usual,outrageously made up and bejeweled.

?Ah, you arrivejust in time, dear,? Dorothea told her. ?I?ve just tamed a new slave.?

With majestic stepsEva went up to the sofa upon which Myriam was lying. She viewed her through her lorgnette.

?Perfect, perfect!?she exclaimed. ?This is a fine slipof a girl, indeed. When she has been well corseted and when thewhip has taught her discipline, I?m sure she?ll be a very satisfying bitch.. What?s your name, young slave??

Miss Hekings, in amoment of pride, did not answer. But Dorothea gave her a pair of slaps,punctuated with the words; ?Don?t you answer your Mistress now??

?My name?s Myriam,?the girl said with an effort.

?Call this lady?Mistress? If you don?t want another whipping! Go on, say it!?

?My name?s Myriam, Mistress.?

?My dear Eva,? the governess went on, ?I intendto present this now slave to you. She will be attached to your personal service, sinceMabel belongs to me. Seewe?ll have one slave each and everythingwill be ideal!?

?Perfect!? Miss Crimpton said. ?I shall teach this girlaccording to my liking and she will be my personal chamber slave.?

She got near Myriam and seized the tips of her ears whichshe shook with force.

?Do you hear, bitch, you?ll be my personal chambermaid, fromnow on! And beware that you obey me perfectly, if you want to avoid the whip!Understood??

?Yes, Mistress!?

?Good! I?m going to untie you, so that you can begin at onceyour service with me.?

The fat Mistress, having spoken, went to sit on acomfortable armchair while Dorothea and Bridget untied the slave and obligedher to get up. Then, all naked, she was thrown to the feet of Eva Crimpton.

?Kiss my feet, slave, and tell me that you will belong to mealways!?

She accompanied her order with a violent blow with herriding-crop on Miss Heking?s breasts, With rage in her heart, the girl had todo as she was told.

?And now, open my purse, take out a cigarette, put it in mymouth and light it for me!?

When that was done, Miss Crimpton smoked silently, now andthen blowing the smoke into the kneeling slave?s face. She had ordered her tohold the palm of her hand up to be used as an ash-tray. Miss Hekings viewedwith awe this still attractive, quite plump woman whom she did not even knowless than an hour before and who was already treating her like the lowest ofslaves. On her knees, with her buttocks afire, subjugated by the imperiouscharm that emanated from Eva Crimpton, she did not dare make a move,

Yet, pride was not completely quashed in Myriam?s heart.When Eva ordered her to open her mouth to use as a spittoon, the girl gave astart of revolt.

?Never, never shall I stoop so low,? she whispered, ?I?drather die.?

?So you refuse to obey,? Miss Crimpton said calmly. ?Allright, you force me to use certain methods of discipline which will make youquickly change your mind. Bridget, go to my room and bring back a pair ofdiscipline panties, a whip and some gags!?

The maid was soon back with the required objects. Thediscipline panties were indeed a curious instrument they were very short andmade of strong red rubber and their bottomwas fitted with two big cylinders of hard rubber, having the diameter oflarge candles and being about three inches long.

Eva Crimpton turned these drawers inside out, daubed someVaseline on the cylinders and sprinkled them with red pepper. Then, helped byDorothea and Bridget who were holding Myriam firmly, she slipped these strangepanties on her, all along her thighs and then the two cylinders were driven tothe hilt into the hapless girl?s corresponding holes ? one into her vagina, andthe other into her anus.

The girl howled with pain, for, under the pressure, hermaidenhead had been unceremoniously ripped open, and pain was gnawing at herentrails. As for the other cylinder, it was making her suffer just as much,impaling the slave as it was. The drawers were tightened to the maximum whichhad the effect of keeping the two cylinders well in to the hilt. Myriam felt herselfbored and gored by the two terrible rubber sticks and awfully burnt by the redpepper with which they were smeared.

They put the unfortunate slave up on her feet and tied herhands behind her back. Then she was gagged severely and blindfolded with a silkneckerchief. Eva Crimpton, in a refinement of cruelty, pulled on thisneckerchief and tied its ends to the slave?s wrists, which had the result ofpulling her head painfully backwards.

?I hope,? the fat woman mocked, ?that you?re now feelingcompletely in my power? Here you are, incapable of speaking, seeing, movingyour arms or lowering your head. This is the way a good slave in disciplineshould hold herself. And now, you?re going to grope your way ?round the room,and don?t stop walking. Beware if you don?t obey. Now, start!?

The order was punctuated by a terrible lash with thehorsewhip on Myriam?s breasts.
Moaning, the girl started walking. Each step was for her a torture because ofthe cylinders that were moving around inside her. Every now and then, eitherEva Crimpton or Dorothea lashed out with their whips which landed on her legs,on her back or on her breasts. Under her gag the poor slave made muffled soundsof pain and fright. She felt debased, dominated, hurt, but every time shestopped walking, the whip descended upon her with rage.

That terrible walk lasted more than a half hour. The twoMistress?s and the maid took an extreme pleasure in watching Myriam?ssufferings. They lashed the unfortunate girl without pity to make her walkfaster, and she kept bumping into furniture which she could not see as she wasblindfolded.

At last, exhausted, the slave crumpled down to the carpet. She was half unconscious and neither insults nor blows could pull her out of her immobility.So they took off her gag and bondsand laid her on a sofa to enable her tocome to.

?Well, slave, do you still want to disobey me? Do you wantanother little walk like the one you?vejust had??

An expression of intense terror flashed in Myriam?s prettyeyes.

?Oh, no, Mistress, please not that! Oh, not that! I?m readyto satisfy you in everything, but please don?t torture me anymore I beg ofyou!?

?That?s fine. A while ago I had ordered you to open yourmonth as a spittoon for me. Are you ready to obey that order now??

At once, the girl opened her scarlet mouth and tipped backher head. With sadistic joy, Miss Crimpton bent down and, hacking a few times,spat right into the offered mouth. Dorothea von Berner and Bridget followedsuit.

?You see,? Eva mocked, as the slave was made to swallow thethick mouthful of spit and phlegm, ?you were made to submit to all my whimswithout discussing them, even the most degrading ones. I?ll forgive you foryour disobedience but you will have to keep on your discipline panties till tonightAnd now, I shall take you to my room so that I can dress you up as I fancy.Then you will begin your apprenticeship for becoming my personal work andchambermaid. Follow me!?

With a horsewhip in her hand, she went out of the room,followed by Myriam.

A few hours later the same girl, strictly corseted, wearingboots up to her mid-thigh, and with a discipline-bit in her mouth, was lookingafter the plump Mistress like the most submissive of slaves. Once more, themagical force of the whip had produced its desired effect. There were now twoslaves in Kelington castle.

In the course of the same day, Bridget, who had a day off,was to receive a few girlfriends for tea. The maid had received permission toorganize her reception in a small hunting-lodge at the bottom of the park andto use Mabel?s services, whom Miss von Berner had put completely at herdisposal.

The poor slave was still doing penance, kneeling andscrubbing in the toilets, when Bridget came to fetch her. She had to accompanythe maid to her room, helping her to change her dress and underclothes. Tohonor her guests, Bridget had made herself beautiful. She was wearing asky-blue dress and Mabel had brushed her hair and made up her face for her,Then, Bridget checked how her slave was dressed and made her put on a shortblack satin skirt stopping at upper thigh-level, a lace bonnet and a littlelace maid?s apron.

?Today,? she said, ?you?remy personal maid. You?re going to follow me to the lodge where you willbring tea, port wine and sweet-cakes, which I?ve prepared. And when my friendscome, don?t forget to kneel down in front of them and to clean with your tonguethe dust off their shoes. Then you will take their coats off them and you?lltell them: ?Ladies, I am Miss Bridget?s personal slave and, under the orders ofmy Mistress, I have the honor to put myself at your disposal also, to serve youand obey all your orders. If I don?t satisfy you as you wish, I beg you topunish me very severely and thank you for it?? Understood??

?Yes, Your Ladyship.?

?Today, I won?t let you call me ?Your Ladyship?. You willcall me ?Mistress,? do you hear me??

?Yes, Mistress.?

?Good. Follow me!?

A few minutes later, Bridget, comfortably reclining on asofa in the hunting-lodge, was waiting for her guests while chiding her slave,kneeling in front of her.

The girlfriends she was expecting were four. First, therewas May Colson, a pretty twenty-year old blonde with an arch expression, whowas employed by the neighboring castle owners as a maid; then there was RobertaGrey, a robust young woman, very vulgar,who lived in Londonas a prostitute and whom Bridget had known a long time for they had been bornin the same village. Then there was GladysSmith, a thirty-five year old woman who used to be a maid but now lived withher lover, a bad character of the village. She was accompanied by her daughter,a fourteen-year old girl, bold-looking, simple of mind, and who had a very badreputation in the village.

It is easy to understand what a humiliation it was for theformer heiress who had become a slave, to be obliged to stoop in front of thosevulgar women with whom, a few months earlier, she would not have even shakenhands.

The four guests arrived together and, laughing, went intothe room where Bridget was expecting them. Bridget had already told them abouteverything and they knew what to expect, and it can be easily appreciated howpleased and thrilled they were at the idea of a young woman from the highsociety acting as their maid and slave.

Lashed by a violent blow from the horsewhip, Mabel had toprostrate herself in front of the womenand repeat word for word, the humiliatingsentence she had learnt.

?Lick these ladiesfeet, bitch!? Bridget ordered. First,the slave knelt down in front of May and put her lips on the blond girl?s elegant varnished shoes. The girl looked at her despisingly.

?Better than that!? she ordered suddenly. ?Don?t you see that there is still some dustleft, you fool? And under the sole?Can?t you clean my shoe any betterthan that??

Under the quips and laughs of the girls, Mabel completedthe cleaning with her tongue. Then she knelt down in front of Roberta,the prostitute, and licked her black buckskin shoes. Then came Gladys Smith?s turn. Exhausted and with her tongue all coatedwith dust, Mabel was about to standup when Gladys seized her rudely by the hair.

?Well, is that all??she exclaimed, furious. ?And mydaughter? Aren?t you going to salute her? Even though she?s only fourteen, you owe her respect, youworthless slave!?

Mabel, In despair,knelt down in front of the sniggering flapper and licked her dirty shoes.

?Slap her face, Molly,?Bridget said, ?slap her hard to punish her for her lack of courtesy towards you!?

The child did not have to hear the invitation twice ? her little hand shot out with violence and slapped Mabel?s cheeks six times.

May was laughing herhead off.

?It?s wonderfulto have a slave!? she cried. ?I?d love to teach my employer to serveme like this! What a vengeance that would be!?

?And you know,? Bridget added, ?she is perfectly tamed, you can ask her to do. anythingyou like. Why, even if you spat in her face, she would thankyou for doing her the honor!?

?Oh, can we do it?? Molly asked. ?Will she really thank usfor spitting in her face??

?Well, let?s try andsee!? the blonde said. She bentdown and spat twice on Mabel?s face, and her saliva, mixed with lipstick,ran down the slave?s cheek.

?Now, what do you say?? she asked, provocatively.

?Thank you, madam,? Mabel whispered, almost sobbing.

Roberta was examining the slave. ?She?s funnilydressed, isn?t she?? she remarked.

?She?s dressedthe way a slave should be toserve her Mistresses,? Bridget answered.?Stand up, bitch, and draw up your skirts high to show these ladles how well you?re strappedand corseted!?

In front of thelaughing women, the girl had to stand up and lift up her skirtsshoulder high. Her thin waist appeared, terribly squeezed in a blackleather corset, and her big rumps sheathednarrowly in pink silk panties, with a prettyvarnished leather strap tight upbetween her thighs.

?I would liketo see her bottom naked,? littleMolly said.

?She will certainly show it to us in just a while, whenshe?s deserved a whipping,? Bridget said. ?For the moment, she?s goingto serve us tea.?

Three of the women sat down on the sofa and the other two onarmchairs. The slave had to wait upon them on her knees,stimulated by slaps on the face which showered upon her from all quarters.After tea, the women smoked cigarettes and Mabel stretched out on the floor tobe a carpet to them. Ten feminine feet trod her body and face, bruising thematrociously. The girls talked and laughed with a vulgarity, without giving athought to the slave?s sufferings, which horrified their unfortunate victim.

?She can also be used as a seat,? Bridget said after awhile. ?Come on, bitch, lie down on your stomach on the sofa!?

Mabel, having obeyed, the maid then invited her friends tosit on the slave. Molly sat on her legs, Gladys on her stomach, Roberta on her breastsand May smack on the face.

Horribly stifling and bruised, overwhelmed by that quadrupleweight, Mabel thought her last hour had come. But she had to resist for morethan an hour. And when the guests at last condescended to get up, they had tomake her come to, for she had at last, fainted.

After only a few minutes of rest, she had to resume herservice. To humiliate her, Bridget obliged her to slip her head under each ofthe women?s skirts, kissing each bottom several times in turn. Ignoring her naturalrepulsion, Mabel had to press her pretty face against May?s natty seat, coveredwith pink silk, then onto Roberta?s powerful buttocks, sheathed in black lace knickers, then on the big buttocks of Gladys,then on the small panties covering Molly?s precocious roundness.

But her humiliations were not over. May, the blond maid,having asked to go and see a man about a dog, Bridget loaned her the slave whowent to the toilet with her and had to clean her afterwards with her tongue.Then, one after the other, all the other guests did likewise, and Mabel hadthus to spend a long half hour satisfying their dirty whims.
Under the false pretext that the slave had not unbuttoned fast enough Molly?spanties, she was sentenced to a whipping. Under her Mistress?s orders, she hadto bare her bottom, showing her big buttocks still bearing the livid marks ofher daily punishments. The women also laughed at the sight of her depilatedsex. Then she was tied onto a sofa and gagged with May?s dirty panties. ThenBridget and her four girlfriends, one after the other, flogged to blood Mabel?sbuttocks with a horsewhip.

After she had thanked her torturers on her on her knees,Mabel was sent for a walk in the park with little Molly. The cruel child, afterhaving pinched her in many places, and insulted her to her heart?s content,laughed at her, glad of the unique opportunity offered to her. She suddenlythought it would be a wonderful idea if she used the slave as a mount. So,sitting on her shoulders and holding onto her hair with her left hand and armedwith a horsewhip in her right, she made Mabel run in the paths as fast as shecould, and scratched her and kicked and slapped her as she ran, lashing hercruelly.

Finally, the women went away, delighted with theirentertaining afternoon, and, as a parting gift, they made her kneel and openher mouth and all of them spat into Mabel?s face. Mabel had to swallow theirspittle and snot and thank them for honoring her with their gift.

Mabel went back into the castle, completely humiliated,another level of her spirit broken through by the hated Bridget who hadsucceeded in filling her with even more shame. It had been one of the worstdays of her slavery and it was nearly a relief for her to resume her submissiveservice with Dorothea von Berner.?































Three more months had elapsed. Life in Kelington Castlehad been hell for the two slaves and a source of perverse amusements for thetwo mistresses and the cruel maid.

Mabel Sunway and Myriam Hekings had forever lost any shadowof their personality. They had become passive things, obedient like bitches,fearing the whip, submitting at once and without any hesitation or discussion to any order that was given them, even the most fanciful,humiliating or disgusting. They were no longer considered to be women by theMistresses, or even themselves? just slaves condemned to a lifetime of completeservitude and abject submission.

And the Mistress?s magnetic power was so great over themthat the slaveshad soon reached the stage where they actually adored them while stillfearing them. Mabel knew no other reason for living than to breathe Dorotheavon Berner?s female perfume, to lick at her feet and live under her skirts. Asfor Myriam, she knew no other religion than the whip and no other God andworship than Eva Crimpton?s fat, obese body.

But, alas, all goodthings must come to an end. The holiday over, Eva Crimpton had to goback to the boarding-school which she managed and which was nothing more than apenitentiary. Since Myriam Hekings belonged to her for life now, she haddecided to take her with her as her personal maid, Thanks to whippings andcontinual discipline, Myriam had become a model chamber-slave and, at night,she was now quite an expert caresser, satisfying her Mistress?s special tastesfor analingus marvelously well.

The day, Eva Crimpton was leaving Kelington Castletill the next holidays, elegant and perfumed, she was driving her luxuriouscar. Next to her, a young woman was sitting motionless covered with a huge machaving the hood down. Under it, the girl was tied up tightly, her anklestogether, and her hands behind her back. Her magnificent young body wassqueezed painfully into an iron corset, her youthful behind imprisoned in a triplepair of rubber panties and strapped by a wide leather tape. Under the hood, thepretty mouth was gagged by means of ? yes, you?ve guessed it! ? Eva Crimpton?ssoiled panties! Scotch tapesealed them in place, over which a silk shawl had been tied. And, finally, shewas blindfolded. That young woman, unable to move, speak or see, was, ofcourse, Myriam Hekings, or rather ?Slave Myriam? now, who was leaving with herMistress, the castle of sufferings to go on to another still more painfuldestiny.

After the last minute kisses and embraces between the twofriends, the car started and Dorothea followed her with her eyes until itbecame a black dot on the horizon.



* * * * *



The beautiful governess and Brigitte were again alone with theirslave. But not for long, for, that evening, Lord Kelington was to return to thecastle after his long absence. Having been keeping in contact with Dorothea, hewas quite happy at the idea of finding his niece a completely tamed andtransformed creature. Although he had been assured of her transformation, hefound it hard to believe it could be completely true.

But his wishes were more than fulfilled, for, almost as soonas he entered the castle, no more than a few minutes after he had been seatedand sat drinking an expensive glass of brandy than a young girl, a leash aroundher neck, was ushered into the sitting room and threw herself at his feet. Agirl? No, rather a trembling, quivering, abject little slave, made up, quite tartily,very much like a prostitute, with a waspish waist and a skirt so short that onecould see, when she was only slightly bending, her big buttocks sheathed inpink silk panties. And, while the lord recovered from his surprise atrecognizing his niece Mabel, the latter was busy licking his shoes like a mere dog.Behind her stood Dorothea von Berner, in a long, tightly molded black velvetdress, and holding a horsewhip.

?This little slave has something to tell you Milord!? thegoverness said.

She gave the girl a lash on her bottom and then the girl?s voice pronounced the wordsshe?d been taught to say; ?Master, I beg humbly of you that you should nolonger consider me as your ward but, instead, as an obedient little bitch. I amno longer Mabel Sunway, a wealthy society girl, but only a mere servant and slavethat belongs to the Divine Mistress Dorothea. On your desk, Master, you willfind a legal document signed by me and renouncing my entire fortune in yourfavor. I beg you humbly to be so kind as to keep me on as your slave in thiscastle and I shall do my best to serve you. I shall also give to you, shouldyou see fit to use it, the humble pleasures of my body. It is only theworthless body of a mere slave, but this worthless body of mine will belong completelyto you whenever you want it for your use and pleasure. I swear to you complete humility,obedience and devoted faithfulness.?

After her speech, Mabel continued to lick at length thelord?s dusty shoes. The latter, dumbstruck for a while, considered thegoverness with great admiration

?You?ve worked a miracle, Miss von Berner,? he said at last.?I cannot believe it! I was expecting a change, but nothing like this, I canassure you!?

Then, to the kneeling girl, he said; ?That?s fine, littleslave, I take good note of all your declarations and promises. But, unfortunately for you, my pet, Ishall not be keeping you in this castle. You see, you do not belong to me. Youbelong to Miss von Berner now, I promised you to her if she broke and trainedyou properly, and as we both know, she has done a remarkable job of it. As muchas I would enjoy keeping you on here as my servant and maid, I simply couldn?trenege on my promise deprive her of your considerable services, which I?m sureshe has been enjoying immensely.?

?But, Milord,? Dorothea said smirking, ?as much as I doenjoy this little creature, and would enjoy keeping her as my pet for a time,you might want to reconsider, this little slave can be of some service to you.She?s an excellent chambermaid who has been trained in all aspects of householdchores and can do all kinds ofdomestic work as well as the more personal, intimate kind. And, I might add,I?ve kept her a virgin so far...?

Lord Kelington went into a brown study for a while, lookinginto Dorothea?s beautiful face now and then as if for inspiration.

?There could be a way, of course,? he ventured at last. ?Where you could keep her asyour personal slave, and I could still enjoy her services as well, when you?renot using her yourself, of course.?

?Yes, milord???Dorothea asked, a smirk of understanding beginning to dawn on her.

The man walked up to her and softly took her hands in his.

?I shall be quite frank, Dorothea. You know the admiration I have for you, and which I might add,is not only an admiration for your capabilities. So, what I?m proposing is,would you do me the great honor of accepting my offer to remain at the castle as my companion, mywife? In that way, the slave would remain entirely at your service withouthaving to leave Kelington, and I too, could enjoy the pleasures this slave?sbody has to offer, as well as the benefit of her newfound domestic skills.?

Dorothea?s eyes sparkled with pleasure. As an answer, shedrew against the lord and opened her lips invitingly.

Above Mabel?s kneeling body the future lovers, futurespouses exchanged a passionate kiss. Mabel?s undoing had been the event whichbrought the two lovers together. Her introduction to a life of humiliation,pain and slavery, had been the impetus for bringing them both, wealth andhappiness!

A few hours later, after a good meal, Lord Kelington andMiss von Berner sipped coffee in the drawing room, sitting side by side on aplush sofa. Lying down in front of them, Mabel acted as their carpet. Thelord?s feet lay on her breasts and Dorothea?s on her face. As the governess?sskirt rode higher on her thighs, Mabel faced her Mistress?s fine thighs. Shecould see well between them, above the smart stockings, and she could even seeher silk panties upon which Lord Kelington now and then slipped his hand...

But soon a blow from the heel of her Mistress?s shoe onMabel?s mouth recalled her to her duty.

?Kneel downbefore me, Mabel!?

After the girl had quickly obeyed, the governess ordered;?You will go to Bridget and inform her of the news of your Divine Mistress andyour uncle?s impending wedding in the near future. You will let her know thatsince you will be staying on here as the slave and domestic servant of thiscastle, that she should continue to make use of your talents and services asher own domestic servant and slave as she has been doing right along. For youare not only the slave of your uncle and myself, but you are also going to beBrigitte?s personal chambermaid as well. You will humbly ask her to dress youup in a tight corset, stockings and rubber drawers, then you will go and waitfor me in my room, where you will be ready to undress me and wash me before Igo to bed. Then??

?Then?? Lord Kelington asked with a cruel smile.

?Then,? Dorothea went on in a lower voice, ?you will waitfor your Master and undress and wash him also. After that slave, you will remain all night at ourdisposal too. And when we are both in our bed, you will be the fortunate andimpotent witness of the first night of love of your new Master and your DivineMistress.?

And to aid her anticipation on this sweet prospect, thegoverness turned towards Lord Kelington and again offered her lips to him whileMabel, the submissive slave, hastened towards her cruel and final destiny.














From A Society Girl

To A Slave








Chapter I




All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park.

In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family and who was reputed to be multi-millionaire.

He lived in it only a few months of the year and spent therest of the time traveling in his powerful car through Britain and abroad.

Lord Kelington was about forty-five years old. His body wasathletically built but his face was ravaged by too much good-living. Vice andspirits had left their marks and given him a strange expression of sadism andcruelty. He had the reputation of being heartless and insensitive to human suffering. Besides this, hewas reportedly very stingy and always dreamed of adding still more to hisalready immense fortune.

The people and tradesmen of the village very seldompenetrated into the domain which was surrounded by a very high wall for milesaround. Only an old guardian lived in a small house near the entrance andobeyed blindly the orders of his Master, so that it was almost impossible toenter the castle and it would have been still more difficult to get out if byany chance one had got in.

The guardian?s wife, an old woman, looked after the cooking.The only other member of the staff was the servant of Lord Kelington, namedBridget. She was a fine slip of a girl, aged twenty-three, buxom and robust,with a beautiful face lit up by fine blue eyes and hair the color of ripe corn.Formerly she had, had scandalous incidents of behavior at the village. Then shebecame Lord Kelington?s maid and was no longer seen outside the castle. Ofcourse it was widely whispered that her services were not limited to those of asimple chambermaid.

Anyhow, there was a lot of gossip about Lord Kelington andthe people living in the castle, but what was certain was that his life wasenshrouded by a deep mystery which nobody could pierce.

Our story begins with a visit to the castle, by a youngwomen who had just arrived at the station, met by Lord Kelington.

Seated in a deep leather armchair she was now conversingwith her host. She was twenty-eight years old and her name was Dorothea vonBerner. Her nationality was British, but her parents were German. She wasstrikingly beautiful, but her type of beauty was harsh, imperious andfascinating at the same time.

Her hair was black and shiny, with bluish reflections andcarefully arranged into numerous curls which gave it the appearance of beingnaturally wavy. Her face was pale but remarkably well made up and its profilewas very fine. Her mouth was rather strong and sensual, yet willful and itslips were very red, contrasting with her wonderfully white and regular teeth.Her eyebrows were carefully kept and tapered towards the temples, being thickertowards the middle of the face.

But what struck one most in her face were her eyes ? as greyas metal, they stared one out of countenance, so harsh and bright they were.Coming from under oval eye1ids, they seemed to cast off an exceptional sheenwhich took possession of the object or the person on which they were focused.

She wore tortoise-shell spectacles with iridescent lenseswhich gave still more strength to her look and did not make her any-the-lessbeautiful. She had the habit of taking them off and putting them on againseveral times in the course of a conversation, which may have been involuntaryor perhaps purposely, in order to reveal the two aspects of her handsome face.

The young woman?s body was rather heavily built, but verynear to perfection. Her bust was taut and extremely arrogant under the silkblouse. The breasts were heavy but its tips pointed hard and seemed to stretchthe material to the bursting point.

Dorothea?s only physical defect would seem to be a certainheaviness and massiveness, but it made her behind appear all the more insolentand voluptuous and her skirt looked as if it would burst its seams.

On her head was perched a natty little felt hat and she worean elegant pearl-grey tailor-made suit. Her legs were encased in stockings ofthe finest silk and on her feet she wore flat-heeled brown buckskin shoes.

There emanated from her a current of overbearingness mixedwith a suspicion of sadism, a refined charm that both drew one to her andchilled one.

She was smoking a cigarette, now and then shaking offnonchalantly its ashes with her very white hand which had purple-dyedfinger-nails.

Lord Kelington, standing in front of her, was talkinganimatedly to her.

?Dear Miss von Berner, I have already hinted at the reasonwhy I wished you to come here in the letter I sent you. I would need yourservices for a year at least, perhaps two, who knows, maybe more. Can you startat once???

The attractive girl smiled a whole row of cruel teeth.

?Certainly, Lord Kelington, and the proof is that I havebrought along all my luggage, which is at the station ? two trunks for mypersonal effects and a third one containing several disciplinary instruments,for, if I understand correctly, my task will be to bring up a young girl understrict discipline, am I right??

?You are perfectly right. By the way, may I ask whether youstill have the same methods of education which are, so to speak, yourtrademark??

?Yes, I have.?

?I still recall perfectly the lord reminisced, ?our firstmeeting which took place at my friend?s, Lord Delphy, and I shall neverforget the original and delightful manner with which I surprised you for thefirst time. I was walking in the park when I saw you at a place where the pathwas curving, with your pupil, Lucy Mae Nerling, who was Lord Delphy?s ward. Shewas lying in front of you on her stomach on the graveled path. Her skirt andunderskirt were pulled up above her waist and her drawers pulled down to herankles ? a rather odd position for a nineteen-year-old aristocratic girl. Ialso noticed that she was wearing a very strait-laced corset and that both herhands and her ankles were firmly shackled with steel bracelets. And you weregiving her the best whipping I had ever witnessed. The poorgirl was screaming her head off!I can still see the scene in my mind as fresh as if it had happened only yesterday. But what struck me most, waswhen I saw Lucy, after the whipping,thank you on her knees, on your order, for having punished her so well, and then kiss your feet. I understood then,Miss von Berner, how effective your teaching methods were.?

?That was nothing,? the young woman replied with an enigmatic smile ?you could have seen much better than that.?

?That was when,? Lord Kelington went on, ?my friendDelphy told me that you were a governess of a rather special kind and that you aimed to destroy completelythe personality of Lucy Mae Nerling,to make her your slave so that herplentiful inheritance should go entirely to Delphy.?

Lord Kelington laughed and Dorothea blushed slightly.

?I was only doing myjob of educator, milord. And Lord Delphy had promised me ten percent of the inheritance if I succeeded in my task.?

?And what happenedto Lucy??

?I got her tamed so well that it was impossible for her to resume her title and her place in society. Lord Delphy gaveher to me as a present and I tookher with me to London where she became my personal maid and she had to maintain thestrictest discipline. Later, Igot tired of her and I gave heraway to a friend of mine, awealthy American woman who was going back to the States. Then I learned ina letter from that friend thatshe had sold Lucy to an eighteen-year-oldscreen actress, a very attractivestarlet, very promising, but extremelytemperamental. She locked Lucy up in herHollywood villa and used her as a slave, whipping herevery morning before going tothe studio merely to calm her nerves.?

?A fine resu1tMiss von Berner, a fine result indeed,? exclaimed Lord Kelington. ?I see that girls who get put under your claws are definitely tamed and their personalitiesannihilated for ever, Well, I have asimilar job for you and that is whyI asked you to come. I am the legal guardian of a young girl called Mabel Sunway, a very pretty girl, aged seventeen and a half. She has been an orphan five years andwas brought up in an expensive schoolin the suburbs of Paris.As she has now left that school, itis up to me to look after hertill she is of age.?

He drew near Dorothea and lowered the tone of his voice.

?Now, when she istwenty-one, Mabel Sunway is to inherita great fortune, something like ahundred thousand pounds. And Idon?t want her to be able to use thatmoney, do you get me??

?I understand perfectly!?Dorothea exclaimed, with a cruel smileand almost licking her chops.

?If you succeedin reducing that girl to bondage,? LordKelington whispered, ?I?ll give you ten percent of the heritage.?

?Agreed I And I can assureyou that when your Mabel getsout of my hands she won?t have awill of her own to claim hermoney.?

?Fine!? theman exclaimed, rubbing his hands with satisfaction. ?But I warn you, Miss Von Berner, your taskwon?t be an easy one. Mabelis pretty and has been brought up like a princess. She is high-handed and capricious,terribly snobbish andimbued with her rank and fortune.Besides, I believe she is verymodern in outlook, independent and flirtatious and quite bold. It won?t be easy for you to tame her.?

?I?ll enjoy it allthe more,? the beautiful governess said.

She got up fromher armchair and walked up anddown the room, which made herpowerful hips move suggestively under her tight skirt

?I?ll tame her!? sheexclaimed. ?I?ll shower humiliations of all kinds upon her. I?ll tameher with the whip, with fetters,corsets, tight panties and all the ways and means I have at my disposal.?

?I trust you, dear Miss von Berner. As soon as myward arrives I shall hand herover to you and depart for along trip in Europe. I shall be back in aboutthree months and during myabsence you will be the absolute Master of the castle and you will have my faithful maid Bridget tohelp you in your taming work.?

?Be without fear, milord, when you come back home, Mabelwill lick your boots and tell you that she is my lifelong slave and that shewill submit to your authority as well as mine if I want it so.?

On hearing those words, Lord Kelington smiled with joy. Hecould not help admiring the calm assurance, the authority and marvelous beautyof this strange governess who dominated girls by means of whippings and madethem her slaves. And, already, he was savoring the thought of the inheritanceof pretty Mabel that would be entirely his.

That same day, at five in the afternoon, Mabel Sunwayarrived in the mysterious castle. Her guardian had picked her up at the stationand had been obliged to hire a small lorry to carry her numerous luggage.

Lord Kelington had not exaggerated ? the young English girlwas very pretty. Her almost eighteen years of age complexion was clear, cheeksblooming like apples, her nose so to speak, pert, very soft big blue eyes, paleblonde hair which made her look like one of those eighteenth-century paintingswhich are so delightfully charming.

She moved with incomparable grace and freshness. She was ofmedium height and her figure was admirable. She possessed a behind that juttedout provocatively and showed its curves under her dress with the suggestion ofripe cleavage in the middle.

She was dressed very smartly and Lord Kelington noticed thatshe wore a lot of make-up, even on her eyes. During the five years Mabel hadspent in a French college, Mabel had received every month an important sum ofmoney from the notary who looked after the heritage of her dead parents. Shecould use that money as she pleased and hence, her manners were free andhigh-handed and she had the insolent assurance of a very wealthy young girl whoknows what money can buy.

Lord Kelington greeted her with simulated affection, but itdid not deceive the young English girl. She did not like her guardian, althoughshe had only seen him twice in her life. He seemed to her wicked and false.

?I?m so sorry,? the lord said, ?but I can stay with you onlytill tonight and then I go away on a long trip. That is why, my dear, thinkingthat you would feel lonely by yourself in this big isolated estate, I havehired a governess to keep you company.?

Mabel?s eyebrows shot up suddenly.

?A governess? But, uncle, I am no longer of age to be?governed,? don?t you think so???

?I?m afraid I was perhaps incorrect in my choice of words,?Lord Kelington said. ?She?s more a companion than an actual governess, ? a kindof friend, you see. I?m sureyou will like her. She is a very attractive twenty-eight year old woman. And,even though you are up-to-date, I feel sure that you will learn something fromher and that she will give you some precious advice.?

?I don?t need anybody?sadvice!? Miss Sunwayretorted proudly. ?I was perfectly well brought up in France and I won?t tolerate anyoneintruding into my private life.?

Lord Kelington realizedthat his ward would not be easy for anyone to govern. She really had a verystrong personality for her almost eighteen years.

?Come, come,? he said genially, ?we aren?t going quarrel on our first day together, are we? Do you imagine that I would impose upon you any kind of obligation? However, I would adviseyou not to act in such a spirit of revolt. When you are twenty-one, you will dowhat you please, but until then don?t forget that I am your guardian and that,according to the law, I have to look after you and your education.?

Mabel blushed. Sheknew that only too well. For threeand a half more years she wouldhave to live in this castle and curb her instincts of revolt. Besides,her guardian had the keys to where the money was and without moneyshe could do nothing. So, on reflection, it was wiser to be more tolerant andaccept the suggestions of this uncle ofhers who, after all, might notbe as bad as all that.

Lord Kelington understood that his ward was beginning to bemore reasonable.

?Well, my dear Mabel, I have to say good-bye now,? he saidin a kind voice. ?You won?t be seeing your governess before tomorrow morning, for she has gone to town. Until then, makeyourself at borne and do what you like. Bridget, the maid, will naturally be under your orders.?

He kissed her with affection and went out.

Alone, Mabel startedthinking. It was hard forher to get used to the idea of having agoverness. She was terribly independent and proud, and had so far beenpampered and treated like therich, noble girl she was. At college, she had, had very good friends who loved and admired her for she dominated them morally, and, although she was gifted in herstudies, she did exactly what she pleased and not more. What she loved was before all, sport and pleasure. Very often, she went out to Paris withsome of the girls and went so faras to go and have tea in some dancing cabarets. She wasreceived in the best Parisian societyand had experienced the joy of flirtationin more than one brilliant evening. All that was still in her mind, a delightfully fresh souvenir.But now, what was her life going to be like? How would she feel in thisvast solitary castle, away from all pleasures, with an unclewhom she did not like and with agoverness she had not asked for?Indeed, the future as not very smiling.

She vowed to herself that she would feign to accept this newlife that they imposed upon her, but that all the time, she would react underthe surface, striving to maintain intact her personality, that of a young andwealthy young girl, and never to letherself be dominated by these people whom she considered strangers.

Mabel was mullingover all that while unpackingher things and putting them awayin the sumptuous room that had beengiven her, and this occupationdistracted her from all hergloomy thoughts. Being very coquettish, she admired, one by one, the expensive dresses which had been made especially for her at the best places in Paris. With loving care, she putaway in the cupboards all her silkblouses, frilly panties, stockingsof the finest quality,brassieres, etc. She would soon show those Scottish people how a pretty young heir brought up in the luxury of Parisknows how to dress.

She had justfinished putting her things awaywhen she heard a knock at thedoor. It was Bridget. She was really pretty, that healthy-looking girl, in her silk paleblue dress, her lace apron and maid?s cap.

But Mabel gave her adespising look. Like manysnobbish English girls, she had a high notion of the difference of social classes and despised domestics.

?You are Bridget, the maid, I take it?? she snapped out.

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Has my uncletold you that you would be under mypersonal service during hisabsence??

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Good. You?re goingto start your service at onceby bringing me my supper in this room. I do not want to go down to the dining room.?

?But, ma?am, I wasjust coming to tell you that dinner was serveddownstairs.?

?I don?t care.You shall serve it here. I want it so. Or are you going to discuss my orders??

?No, ma?am, I?msorry.?

Mabel did not noticethe ironical smile on Bridget?s lips, for the maid had alreadytalked with Dorothea von Berner and she knew perfectly well that the English girl would soon lose her arrogance.

But, with apparent submissiveness, she served Mabel?ssupper in her room, and thearistocratic girl went so far as tooblige her to remain standingbehind her chair during the whole course of her meal.

After supper wasover, Mabel dawdled a little up her room. She got undressed and admired her nakedbody in the full-length mirror. She was very proud of that body of hers, with its fine breastsand plum round rump. She always tookgood care of her beauty and usedall sorts of creams and skintreatments, as well as perfumes. As wasthe custom for her every evening, she spent nearly an hour in front of her dressing table. Then she put on en elegant silk pajama, lit acigarette, played a few records on her gramophone, then suddenly, shefelt the fatigue of her long trip and decided to go to bed.

In the darknessof her room, she lay for a while thinking again of thelife that was awaiting her inthis lonely castle and was again revoltedby the idea of the governess imposed upon her. Then, vanquished by sleep, she stopped thinking and started dreaming.























Chapter II


The followingmorning Mabel was awakened by Bridget who was taking her breakfast up to herroom. She stretched lazily, grunted and glanced at the clock. Then she sat upangrily.

?Eight o?clock! But are you mad? I had ordered my chocolatefor half past ten. Is this the way you are carrying out my orders??

Bridget put the breakfast plate on the table, withoutbatting an eyelid.

?I?m sorry, Miss, but I only obeyed the governess?s orders.She told me to wake you up at eight o?clock.?

?The governess indeed! I won?t have anything to do with thegoverness! Are you under her orders or mine? You must obey me, understand? I?lltell my uncle about this. Yousilly girl, you deserve to be slapped!?

Mabel was less furious at being awakened before time than atthe thought of that governess, whom she hated beforehand, daring to rearrangeher schedule.

?We?ll see who is the Master here, the governess or I,?Mabel said, ?now go and prepare my bath!?

She got up, being too much aroused to stay in bed. Shehurried over her dressing, boiling inwardly and impatient to have anexplanation with this unknown woman who wanted to play tyrant with her.

An hour later, dressed in a ravishing dishabille of silk andlace, Mabel, sitting in front of her dressing-table, was putting some red stuffon her fingernails and thinking of all the words she would tell the blastedgoverness, words that would hurt and sting, when suddenly she was startled bythe noise of the door opening. Furious that anyone should dare enter her roomwithout knocking, Mabel raised her eyes and remained for a moment speechlesswith surprise: there stood a woman before her, and she guessed that she was theunknown governess. But she was quitedifferent from what she had imagined her to be. Instead of an elderlywoman with her hair made up in a bun and a frosty look, this governess was anelegant woman, as beautiful as a goddess, and she was looking at herdespisingly and coldly from under her tortoiseshell spectacles.

Dorothea von Bernerwas wearing a white silk blouse which clung narrowly to the curves ofher breasts, a black hobble-skirt which made her powerful hips stand out. Black silk stockings and high-heeledshoes completed the picture.

Mabel was astounded. So this was the young and pretty womanwho had the cheek to want to regulate her private life!

?Dorothea von Berner, your educator. Your name is Mabel,isn?t it??

The pretty English girl shrugged her shoulders. ?I don?thave to give you any account of myself, nor to tell you my name. I haveaccepted from my uncle a companion, but by no means a governess or an?educator,? as you say. And henceforth, I want you to mind your own businessand to stop giving my maid orders contrary to mine.?

Dorothea did not answer. She just smiled ironically and,sitting near Mabel, she scrutinized her with her hard look. There was such aflame in those steel-like eyes that the young girl could not help blushing. Itseemed to her that this feminine look was undressing her, touching her body,and it made her flesh shiver under her light dressing-gown.

?Eighteen years old almost,? Dorothea at last spoke in aslow voice, ?not-yet eighteen and already so unbearably proud! You are lucky,Mabel, that I know you so little, or else I would have punished you ? for yourinsolence. I can see through you though ? a stupid spoiled girl, imbued withher rank and fortune, coquettish and profligate, in a word, badly brought up.But all that is going to change, my dear, I?ll see to that. Now that you areunder my command you will become more than submissive and obedient to myorders. I shall tame you, Mabel. You don?t know yet how, but you will soon see!A girl like you should have a new education right from scratch, and I?ll takecare of it. You will soon fear me and yet love me at the same time, you?llsee!?

White with rage, Miss Sunway had stood up, looking squarelyinto the face of the governess.

?Pending the realization of your predictions,? she hissed,?you will please get the hell out of here! As for me, I won?t stay one hourmore in this confounded castle. At what time does the next train for London leave? I?m going tobe on it, and away from your comedies and grimaces.?

Dorothea burst out laughing.

?So you would fly away, would you? Don?t you know thatleaving the domicile of your guardian before you are of age would deprive youby law of all your fortune? And what would you do, all on your own, withoutmoney, I ask you? Anyway, I?d better warn you that the gate is locked and thatthe wall is fifteen feet high, which is a bit too much for a little creaturelike you. And, last but not least, what about the scandal? A young aristocratescaping from her guardian?s house, what shame! You wouldn?t dare face anyone ofyour rank ever again.?

Seeing that Mabel found no reply to her arguments, thegoverness stood up and went away towards the door.

?Come, little girl, be reasonable, it will be better foryou. And wait at least till your uncle comes back before making a decision.Meanwhile, get dressed ? you?re almost naked!?

?I don?t mind getting dressed,? Mabel said with repressedanger, ?but don?t expect me to obey you! Never, do you hear, never!?

?We shall see,? Dorothea answered calmly.

She went out of the room, taking the key with her to preventMabel from locking herself in.

Alone in her room, poor Mabel was about to give way tosorrow. But she was energetic and courageous so she drew back her tears, madeup with care and got dressed. An hour later she was ready and she lookedwonderful in a white dress drawn tight by a red leather belt, and elegant whitebuckskin shoes.

Then Dorothea came in again without knocking. Mabel walkedback to the far wall, and her fists were closed in balls and her lips were acouple of white lines, so angry she was.

?Bravo!? the governess said with a smile. ?You look prettylike this. Why don?t you speak? I?ll soon make you answer me when I talk toyou, you?ll see.?

With calm, she sat down on an armchair, drawing up her skirtabove her knees and revealing perfectly shaped legs.

?My dear child,? she said, ?you must take the habit ofconsidering yourself as a mere little child in front of me. I command, and youobey. That is your role... You aren?t very talkative, are you? From now on, youwill have to tell me how your are dressed, in detail, every morning. Let?s see.What are you wearing under your skirt? A slip? A bra? A pair of silk panties?And how about your stockings, how are they fixed? Answer, Mabel, I?mlistening!?

A long silence succeeded her words, Miss Sunway contentedherself with shrugging her shoulders with contempt.

?You still persist in not answering, do you?? the educatorwent on, ?So, I shall have to give you a more direct order. Lift up your skirtwith your hands to show me what you are wearing underneath!?

Of course, Mabel did not move. So Dorothea stood up andwalked up to her. Her steely eyes were glistening with anger under herspectacles and her pretty face was white and taut.

?This is to teach you to be more obedient!? She said, andshe delivered a really smacking slap on the cheek of the girl who reeled underthe shock and remained a few seconds speechless and too astounded to react.

When Mabel had recovered the momentary shock her eyessparkled and all her pride surged up in her.

?You brute! Wicked woman! You?ll pay for that!? she said.

Miss von Berner shrugged her shoulders and said, betweenthin lips; ?The only person who will pay is you, little fool, or rather it willbe your behind! But I am prepared to be forgiving. I?m going to leave this roomfor five minutes. When I return I wantto see you, with your skirt up to you waist, do you hear? And if you don?t do as I say, you will answer for theconsequences!?

Without leaving any time for Mabel to answer, she got out of the room,locking the door behind her.

Locked up and powerless, the young English girl could nolonger master her rage. She threw herself on the bed, kickingand pounding the pillow with her fists and sobbing uncontrollably.

When the door openeda few moments later andthe governess appeared, Mabel got up,pale but defiant.

?Well, what about that skirt??Dorothea asked calmly.

?I?ll never liftthis skirt, do you hear?? thegirl cried out, ?You?re a wicked creature, an abominable rascal, and I?ll drag you before the courts! Forthe last time, I demand that youlet me leave at once!?

The governess smiled sardonically.

?Very well, Miss MabelSunway, since you won?t obey of your own free will, I?llmake you obey by means of the whip!?

?The whip??

?That?s right ?the whip on your bare behind!I?m going to whip you like ababy, for all your seventeenyears!?

She went towards the door and called out; ?Bridget! Bringthe silk cords and the dog whip!?

On hearingthose words, Mabel became very pale. She no longer doubted now the awful reality, as she saw the servant enter, and sheguessed that she had been standing for quite a while behind the door.

?Now, Bridget, ?the governess went on, ?you?re going to help memaster this girl. We?re going to tie her up and make her submit to thepunishment!?

The two women threw themselves on the unfortunate girl who did her best to fight, butBridget was big and robust; as for Dorothea von Berner she was uncommonly strong, so both of them had little difficulty inreducing the English girl to impotence and they dragged her to the feet of a chair in spite of her cries of rage and her insults which sheshowered at her skirtedexecutioners.

Mabel was laid onher stomach across the chair, her breasts on the seating part.They tied her hands to thelegs on one side and her thighs to the legs on the other side of the chair. Her knees were on the floor but the upper part of her body was entirely fixedto the chair, allowing no possibilityof movements.

?Cowards! Brutes! Dirty cowards!? Mabel howled, ?let me go at once! I forbid you to treat me inthis way!?

Dorothea calm and ironical got near the girl, so near thather perfumed skirt caressed her face.

?This is where disobedience has led you, Mabel!? she said. ?Do you understand nowthat you are at my mercy and that I can do exactly what I please with you??

And while she was speaking, she tugged violently at Mabel?sears and even tried to fondle her face as if speaking to a dog, but the Englishgirl, at the apex of rage, tried to bite her hand, so Dorothea went to theother side of the seat.

?You see,? she said, ?what you were asked to show me of yourown free will, you?ll have to let me see it all now. Now, do you feel the handsthat are lifting up your skirt, do you feel them??

At the same time, she seized Mabel?s dress and drew it backup to her waist, revealing the fat and magnificent behind of the girl, offeringitself insolently, as it were, from its vantage position. It was clothed in apair of pink silk panties decorated by fine lace.

?Gosh!? Dorothea mocked, ?what pretty panties! Not tightenough to my liking, but we shall remedy that later. For the moment, I want tosee your bare behind, your big buttocks which are going to be whipped sothoroughly!?

So saying, she undid the two buttons which tied the knickersround the girl?s waist. Then she drew them down to her feet and threw them awayin a corner of the room.

As Mabel had not put on any stockings, she had noother garments left, and she wasnow offering to the mocking looksof her executioners, her nudity, her fat and whitebuttocks, with a skin smooth andflawless, were convulsively drawntogether. Mabel whined with the shame of feeling the air caress the most intimate part of her anatomy.

?A fine behindindeed, fit to be whipped!? thegoverness said. ?I?ll show youthat, for a girl like you, discipline is to be administeredalmost exclusively on that side of yourperson.?

?You won?t dare,?cried Mabel, ?you won?t dare touch me!?

?I won?t dare?You?ll see if I won?t!?

The governess grasped a heavy dogwhip, with its lash ofplaited leather. She placed herself conveniently at some distance from her victim, then, with all her strength,she gave one lash on Mabel?s buttocks.

A long red weal could now be seen plainly on the wounded flesh.

Mabel had let out a shriek of pain and anger mixed with shame. She tried her best to move and nearly upset the chair on which she was tied.

?Bridget,? thegoverness ordered, ?go and sit down on Mabel?s back ? to prevent her from moving! But sitnear her neck, so that there should be no risk of my hittingyou with the whip.?

Bridget obeyed withjoy. Her vulgar soul cruelly enjoyed humiliating that proud aristocrat who had been her Mistress only yesterday. She sat down heavily, weighing down on Mabel?s delicate breasts which crushed against the seat. Bridget was big and tall and weighed about thirteen stone. Under theweight of her enormous rump the younggirl was half suffocating.

Then, with calm,Dorothea resumed the punishment. Shelashed with all her strength and witha refined art that was the result of a long practice. Liftingher arm high up, she brought it downfuriously and the end of the whip bit the flesh with a smacking sound. With her free hand the governess held up her own skirt up to her knees, to allow for a freer movement. With herpinched lips and her eyessparkling with an evil glee, she seemed to derive a real physical enjoyment from the torture she was inflicting.

Ten lasheshad left their traces on the soft behindof the girl who, stifled thoughshe was under Bridget?s weight, stillmanaged to howl and sob her headoff.

Suddenly, Miss vonBerner stopped and drew up herown skirt. Her voluminous rump was clothed with panties of pink silkstockinet drawn tight without a single fold against her skinand so tight that it seemed it was engulfed into the cavern in thecentre.

She took off those panties with some difficulty as they were tightly drawn against herbuttocks, then she walked towards Mabel and stood in front of her. She bentdown in order to be face to face with herand told her

?You?re so noisy that I?m going to gag you with my panties.And you can consider it a great honor for a girl like you to have her facewrapped in the material used asa rule for my behind!?

Mabel was feeling with disgust the perfumed breath of theattractive governess on her tear-stainedface. Then she was blinded and stifled withthe pink panties which Dorothea fixed against her face with a string. The material was still warm with the feminine flesh andgave off such an odor that theEnglish girl?s heart missed a beat.

Then the whipping wasresumed. Dorothea was now striking with more rapid and violent movements. Mabelfelt as if she would die. Her buttocks were afire and she waited for the nextlash that would bite and sting. She felt above her the weight and warmth ofBridget whose heavy buttocks nailed her to the seat, and when she
wanted to howl, she was prevented from doing so by the beautiful governess?spanties which entered her mouth, stifling and blinding her abjectly.

Dorothea stopped only when her victim?s flesh startedbleeding. She then threw away the whip, took off Mabel?s gag and put it on with calm, wicked laugh. She was holding in her hand a whilethe chin of the English girl, halfunconscious, who was whining dully.

?Mabel Sunway?, she said in a slow voice, ?do you now recognize that I am your all-powerfulgoverness, and do you accept it? Do you submit to my authority?Answer!?

The young girl?s pridegave her a little strength, enough to answer; ?Never, never! You?re a monsterand I despise you!?

?Very well, I?lltake good note of it,?Dorothea said calmly. ?Bridget, help me carry this revolting creature down tothe cellar. We shall tie her to the rack which I prepared yesterday.?

The two youngwomen untied the fetters of the unfortunate girl and helped her to walk or rather, carried her ?so weak she was ? through the dark passage of the castle.

In a small dampand cold cellar, there stood a rack, near the air vent. It was acurious instrument, consistingof a horizontal beam with four legs;something like a wooden horse with nohead. Mabel was placed astride onit, and the wooden beam?scutting edge hurt her flesh. She was forced to lie down on it full-length and they tied her body to the beam so that her bust was resting hard on it. Then they tied her four limbs to the legs of the instrument. This very painful positiondrew cries of pain from the girl, but Dorothea was not moved in the least. She addressed her victim in a dry despising voice.

?Mabel Sunway, Irepeat again that I intend to have upon you a complete authority. You shallsubmit to it willy-nilly. I shall leave you here without eating or drinking until you have decided to recognize my right and authority to punishyou. Bridget is going to administer more discipline to you shortly. She willstart with ten stokes of a birch twig,next it will, be a cane, thenthe horsewhip, then, if need be, theknout and the stick. As soonas you have decided to obey me like aslave you will tell Bridget so,and she will deliver you to me. Until then I won?t hear from you!?

Having spoken, thegoverness went out, rolling her powerful hips and Bridget followed her.

Mabel remainedalone, trembling with cold and fear, shaken now and then bypitiful sobs. She had nostrength left to think nor to realize what was happening to her. All the events of the morning appeared to her like an awful nightmare. She recalled confusedly her past life, her young years of a free and happy girl, wealthy and triumphant with youth and beauty. Then, nearly atonce the vision of Dorothea von Berner superimposed itself on the other thoughts, cancelling themout. Was that young and beautiful woman a demon, a fiend in human shape? What would become of her, a helplesscreature, in the claws of this odiousmonster?

Her buttocks were giving her a lot of pain, and so did thecords that were tying her and the edge of the wooden beam that was cutting intothe flesh of her breasts and sex. Was it really her, Mabel Sunway, beinginflicted with such treatments? She, who a few hours earlier, was still alaughing and carefree girl, with her body clad in silk lingerie and smartdresses, and with her heart full of songs and laughter?

The entrance of Bridget pulled her abruptly out of herreverie. The maid, made up like a prostitute, was drawing towards her with abirch twig.

With her hands akimbo, she stood in front of her victim,mocking; ?Well, Mabel, how are you, ducks? You?re not very proud now, are you?Not now that your big rump is bleeding. You wouldn?t dare order me about likeyou did last night, with your lah-de dah airs, eh? You, with your ?my maid,??my orders,? ?do this, do that,? you little bitch! Now everything?s changed andyour buttocks will pay for your insolence.?

Pale with rage and humiliation the girl listened to thisdegrading speech. Her silence exasperated the maid.

?You see,? she went on mockingly, ?how you are now at mymercy, you fair damsel! I can do what I please, and there?s nothing you can doabout it. You know what? I?m going to spit on you, it?ll make me feel good!?

She bent down andspat out three times on Mabel?s face.Her saliva, mixed with lipstick,ran slowly down the wane cheeks of the girl and even soiled her mouthand eyes.

?Brute, dirty brute!You appalling creature!? whined Mabel. ?I despise you! I hate you!?

?Well if that is so,as I don?t want to hear your whining and cursing, I?m going to gag you, just as my Mistress did a while ago! Yes, my dear, I?ll do you the great honor of putting your nose into my panties!And I even peed in them to humiliateyou still more!?

So saying,the pretty maid had slipped her hands underneath her dress and untied her pale blue pantieswhich she picked up from the floor. She folded themup carefully into a gag whichshe applied vigorously against Mabel?s mouth and nose. The damp panties gaveoff a powerful smell. The English girl gave a horrified start, but already Bridget was fixing the improvisedgag firmly by means of a leatherbelt. Then she took hold of the birch twig, or rather severaltwigs bound together and startedwhipping Mabel?s buttocks with it.

The twigs bruisedthe girl?s bleeding behind, but thistime, humiliation was stillgreater than the pain. Mabel felt themany wooden twigs break on her flesh with dry cracking sounds. It seemed to her as if she were being pricked with a thousand needles, and the damp panties of the maid,pressing hard against her mouth, prevented her from crying out loudly.

Bridget really whipped with a vengeance and gave morestrokes than she had been ordered to.

But finally she left, disdainful, not without havinggratified Mabel with a pair of hard slaps with her bare palm on top of herbeaten bottom. Purposely, she forgot to undo the gag, so that the girl, had tohave the unclean undergarment material against her face and in her mouth forthe next two hours.

When these two hours were over, another whipping with twigstook place. Mabel?s rumps were in a pitiful state. But the proud English girlwas not yet ready to capitulate. As Bridget asked her if she was willing tosubmit, she answered by shaking her head no, proudly.

The third beating was administered with a supple cane, whichdug bloody furrows into the martyred girl?s buttocks. Mabel?s shrieking crieswere stifled by the gag.

And thus she received two more whippings with the stick. Atlast, Bridget, mockingly announced that night was coming but that she promisedher twenty strokes with a horsewhip for breakfast the next morning.

It would be impossible to describe Mabel?s night. She reallysuffered a lot, as can be imagined; abandoned in the cold damp cellar, with herbuttocks aflame, her body immobilized in a painful position and her face incontact with the soiled piece of underclothes of the maid, she despaired andcalled for death rather than to endure such torture. Her sufferings had aterrible effect on her nerves, so overwrought and tired. During the long hoursof the night she meditated on her situation. What could she do if not acceptthe bondage that was required of her?

Dawn found her vanquished and weakened. She was alsobeginning to feel deeply the pangs of thirst and hunger.

At last, she started as she heard steps, soon followed byBridget?s voice: ?Well, slave have you decided to submit to your Mistress??

The word ?slave,? set up a reaction of revolt in the mind ofproud Mabel. She had enough strength left to shake her head in refusal.

The maid laughed and Mabel suddenly felt the lash of ahorsewhip on her buttocks. The girl had ever been horsewhipped before. Perhapsbecause it was striking already wounded flesh, the horsewhip made her sufferstill more than the dog-whip, the birch twig or the cane.

Bridget horsewhipped her with all her strength. Mabel wantedto scream out and beg for mercy, but she was prevented from doing so by her gagand she had to endure the terrible punishment till the end. At last, Bridgetstopped and asked; ?And now, what have you decided??

At the end of her physical resistance, the girl nodded herhead quickly in submission, whereupon the maid delivered her from theunderskirt and the panties that were imprisoning her head and, like a dream,Mabel at long last saw the light, and the first thing she saw was the vulgarlymade-up face of Bridget who was looking at her with contempt.

?Slave,? the maid said; ?have you decided to submit entirelyto your governess, Miss von Berner??

?I submit,? whispered Mabel, ?but please don?t beat meanymore! Mercy! Mercy!?

Bridget shrugged her shoulders and unhurriedly untied thecords that were holding the girl against the rack. Then she stood her up andhad to hold her up a few seconds for the girl?s legs were like cottonwool.

?Come, follow me!? she ordered.

Behind the maid who was holding her hand as a baby, Mabelpainfully walked up the steps and along passages up to Dorothea von Berner?sdoor, who lived next to her own room, Bridget knocked on the door.

?Who is it?? the governess asked.

?It?s Mabel, Miss, she?s come to submit and I?m bringing herin.?

?All right, let her in!?

Trembling, Miss Sunway went into her Mistress?s room. It wasa vast room, luxuriously furnished and cluttered with precious gewgaws. Silkdresses and underclothes were scattered on some pieces of furniture. Dorotheavon Berner, sitting in front of her dressing table, wore a dressing-gown ofblack lace under which could be seen some patches of white flesh. She was notwearing any glasses and Mabel could not help noticing how beautiful she was.

?Get her on her knees, Bridget!? Miss von Berner said atlast. ?Make her kneel in a corner and keep an eye on her. I shall deal with herin a while. For the moment, I have my make-up to attend to.?

During a long quarter of an hour, Mabel had to wait on herknees, under the severe look of Bridget, until the governess deigned to giveher, her attention. At last Dorothea stood up and walked up to her victim witha slow and voluptuous step.

?Well, have you decided to be submissive and obedient??


?Have you understood that your revolts would be of no useand that you are now under my discipline, and that you are but a naughty girlatoning for her past and being re-educated??


Mabel kept her head down, not daring look up into the faceof the governess. She saw only her small feet shod in dainty shoes, and the hemof her perfumed dressing gown which was caressing her face.

?Tomorrow,? the governess went on, ?your first day ofdiscipline will begin, but before that, I shall give you a whole night in orderto recuperate your forces. You will be locked up in your room and Bridget willbring you a hearty meal. Youwill have a bath and cure your behindwith some salve which you will findon your bed table, and you will sleep. Tomorrow we shall see if your obedience is genuine and yoursubmission total. Take her away,Bridget!?

Very humiliated,Mabel got up and followed the maid up to her own sleeping-room. Bridget brought up to her a tray containing a copious meal and withdrew after having locked up the doorgiving on to the passage, aswell as the one which communicated with the room of the governess.Dazed with weariness and suffering and with her brain completely empty of thoughts the girl went to the bathroom, where she took awarm perfumed bath that acted like a balm.

Back in her room,she examined in a mirror her behind and nearly uttered a cryof horror when she saw its state? it was all crimson and streaked with red and bleeding lashes, and bluish with bruises in some parts. Alas, where was her pretty behind of yesterday which was her pride, so white,soft and plump? The girl almost cried at the sight of such a disaster. It took her more than anhour to apply salve with careand rub it in smoothly, and it relievedher pain a lot.

As she was looking for pajamas, she saw that nearly all her clothes had beenremoved from the cupboards and that her room had been cleared ofall its unnecessary objects ?the gewgaws, her gramophone, hercigarettes, the handbag into which she put her money, all that had disappeared.As for the cupboard and dressers containing her dresses and skirts, they werelocked.

She managed to find a pajama in pink silk and a pair ofpanties which she padded with cotton-wool. It made her behind look oddly bumpy.Having donned her pajamas, she ate voraciously the meal that had been preparedfor her and at last, broken up by lack of sleep and her suffering, she went tobed.

In her bed, she wept in big sobs like a child, thenweariness had the better of her and she sank bite a deep sleep, agitated nowand then by long nervousshudders.
















Chapter III




The followingmorning, Mabel was awakened by Bridget who entered her room at seven sharp. Ofcourse, the maid had come in without knocking and looked very bold andinsolent.

She walked up to the girl?s bed end briskly removed all theblankets and sheets.

?Get up, slave, and be quicker than that!? she ordered.

Mabel?s first reaction was to revolt ? she was still halfasleep.

?I won?t allow this way of treating me?, she said.

?Slap!? went Bridget?s hand on her cheek. ?You don?t have toallow this or that!? Bridget admonished. ?From now on you are a slave andnothing else. Miss von Berner said you had to obey, so you?d better get upunless you want me to get the horsewhip.?

That argument was very convincing and beat down the girl?sresistance, for she still had the smarting remembrance of yesterday?spunishment.

So she got up abruptly in spite of the pain still vivid onher buttocks and stood awkwardly in front of the maid, intimidated and notknowing what to do next.

?You are not to wash before the governess says so. You?lljust comb your hair and put some make up on to appear presentable when yourMistress comes to visit you. And you will have to be completely naked when shecomes in, understand??

As Mabel was not answering, Bridget slapped her face again.

?Answer; ?Yes, ma?am!?

?Yes, ma?am!?

?All right, slave, do as I told you!?

The maid left the room without looking back and Mabel beganto understand with dismay how humiliating her life was going to be from now on.But, heedful not to be punished again, she did as she was ordered. She combedher hair and made up her face, then she took off her pajamas and her paddedpanties. She looked at her behind in the mirror and was surprised to find that theswelling and the bruises had vanished. Thanks to Miss von Berner?s miraculoussalve, her behind had resumed its normal aspect, although there still remaineda trace of the beatings in the way of a rosy hue crisscrossed by reddish weals.

Mabel?s intention was to remain naked as she had beenordered to, but suddenly a kind of shame took hold of her. For all her modernand bold outlook on life, she still remained a modest girl in that she wouldnever show off her naked body. So, nearly instinctively, she took adressing-gown and wrapped her body in it. Then he sat on the edge of the bedwith her heart beating hard with the fear of the consequences her disobediencewould entail.

Dorothea von Berner went into the room and Mabel stood upsuddenly and walked back against the far wall, just like a lion in front of itstamer, and she fixed the governess with wide-open eyes. She could not helpnoticing again how wonderfully beautiful she was.

Dorothea was already coiffured and made up with care. Hermouth, daubed with lipstick, had taken up an evil expression. Behind hertortoiseshell glasses her steely eyes sparkled vividly. She was dressed in aJapanese kimono and round her waist there was a varnished leather belt. She didnot seem to be wearing anything underneath. Her beautiful sun-tanned legs werelikewise bare; as for her feet, they were shod in high-heeled red slippers.

Mabel noticed with fright that the governess was holding ahorsewhip in her hand and that she was tapping the end of it nervously againsther slippers.

Looking at Mabel fixedly, the attractive governess walkedslowly up to her.

?A slave should get down on her knees,? she said briskly.?when her Mistress does her the honor of entering her room. From now on, if youforget to do so, you will get ten lashes on your breasts. I condescend not topunish you for this once, since you didn?t know. Go on, bitch, on your knees!?

Tamed, more dead than alive, the pretty English girl slippedto the floor on her knees.
?Kiss my feet in submission!?

Forgetting her pride and shame, Mabel bent down and placedher trembling lips on the varnished slippers before her.

Dorothea turned round her victim and examined her withattention.

?If I am not mistaken, you were ordered to appear nakedbefore me. Why haven?t you obeyed??

?I don?t know,? the girl whispered bashfully.

The governessslapped her face violently.

?Be polite and answer ?I don?t know, Mistress!? ?

?I don?t know, Mistress,? Mabel repeated.

?From now on,? Dorothea went on, ?you will have to call me,?Mistress,? all the time and you shall be punished every time you forget to. Isthat understood??

?Yes, Mistress.?

?And now, since you have kept on this dressing-gown againstby orders, you will be punished.?

?Oh no, Mistress, please don?t!?

?Silence!? Dorothea said in a loud voice, ?you must speakonly when I ask you to. Must we flay you alive to show you that you are a slavein need of discipline? Come on, take off your dressing-gown, and quickly!?

Already, tears of despair were welling up in Mabel?s eyes.She now had the impression of living an awful nightmare. She took off herdressing-gown and her splendid nudity appeared.

Meanwhile Dorothea had sat down on a chair.

?Come up to me,? she ordered, ?and lie down on your stomachacross my knees! As I don?t want to be too harsh for your still sore bottom, Ishall spank you with my bare hand, like a baby.?

Poor Mabel took up with shame the position that had beenindicated to her. What a terrible humiliation for an almost eighteen-year-oldgirl to find herself, thus all naked across the knees of her governess and topresent her behind to her!

Dorothea understood perfectly her slave?s feelings, for she talked to her while slappingviolently her buttocks with the palm of her right hand.

?Take this, and that, and that, you bad, naughty girl! Doyou feel your spanking? Aren?t you ashamed to be spanked as if you were fouryears old? (slap, slap!) I know how to tame you, do you hear me? You shallbecome a thing without a will of her own and without any pride at all. This isthe way to treat bad girls like you, modern girls who believe themselvesinfallible, this is the way ? by spankingtheir bare bottoms!? (slap, slap, slap!...).

And, as he talked, she smacked vigorously the girl?s nakedbehind. The noise was characteristic and echoed in the room. It was morehumiliating than really painful, although, little by little, all the pain ofthe day before was reawakened by the violent slaps.

At last the governess stopped and placed her pupil on herknees before her and gave her, her perfumed white hand to kiss.

?Kiss my hand,? she ordered, ?kiss the hand that has justspanked you and is still warm with the contact of your bare buttocks! And thankme for this punishment; I hope it will be profitable and that thanks to myenergetic care you will soon become the good and docile girl I want you to be.?

?Oh, thank you! Thank you, Mistress,? Mabel whispered, withno revolt left in her.

?And now we shall deal with your toilet. Bridget will giveyou a hand and from now on she will wash and clothe you every morning. Every day at half past eight you willcome to my room to wish me a good morning and you will show me if all yourclothes are in order. Bridget, is Mabel?s bath ready??

?Yes, ma?am!?

?Good! Follow me, Mabel!?

The girl followed her Mistress into the bathroom whereBridget, with her eyes glistening with an evil glee, was awaiting them.

?Come, step into the bath, quickly!? the governess ordered,pointing at a bath of steaming water.

Mabel wanted to obey, but she screamed: the water was muchtoo hot and she had burned her foot with it. But Dorothea lashed her shoulderswith two strokes of the horsewhip.

?Don?t make any fuss! I demand that your baths be like thisalways, for hot water melts down rebellious minds. You will have to get used toit!?

Grimacing with pain, Mabel got into the water. She was verysensitive and her delicate skin was hurt with this harsh treatment.

?Bridget,? Dorothea told the maid, ?every morning you willcheek Mabel?s bath and see that she washes very carefully. Then you will dressher up in the clothes I shall indicate and you will send her to me at eightthirty so that I can see the result.?

She came nearer the bath.

?Go on,? she told Mabel, ?lather energetically, your faceand neck! No, better than that, if you don?t want us to whip you! More... nowthose breasts, one after the other! Stand up now! Rub your stomach! Come on,lower, don?t be afraid to rub your sex and also your behind. You must be keptscrupulously clean and I?ll see to it, you can depend on it! No! Better thanthat in between your cheeks! Put some soap on a finger and drive it in deeply!That?s an order! Right, that?s good! The thighs now, and the legs... your feet,come on, put some soap between each toe! All right, that will do, make a dipinto the water... and now get out!?

Mabel had obeyed all the orders mechanically. She realizedthat she could not resist and that even her most intimate gestures were nowcontrolled by that terrible disciplinarian Dorothea.

After the girl had dried herself in towels, her Mistressordered her to lie on a couch which was in the bathroom.

?Come and help me, Bridget,? she said, ?we?re going to rubthis girl with a horsehair glove.?

That was another torture for the English girl, for the twowomen, each armed with a sharp horsehair glove, began rubbing with such energy,that she could not help fidgeting and screaming. So she was tied onto the couchwith cords and the operation was resumed.

?And now,? the governess said to her victim, ?I?m going todepilate you. I see you are depilated perfectly under the arms but there issome more hair I want to remove.?

And so saying, she seized a handful of blond hair betweenthe legs of the girl.

?When I have removed this,? Dorothea went on, ?yourfemininity will be much more attractive and besides, I can check itscleanliness better. Also, since I intend giving you the discipline of tightdrawers, the material of the panties will cling all the better to your intimateflesh if the unwanted hair is removed.?

Mabel could not understand the full meaning of those words.What did the governess mean, with her talk of tight drawers and depilation? The poor girl was notgoing to he left in ignorance very long, for already Dorothea was coming backwith scissors and depilating tongs, as well as a small shearer. She sat down on a chair by the patient and thenproceeded patiently and carefully to shear the hair between the girl?s legs.Mabel felt outraged in her womanly dignity. Helpless, tied down onto the couch,there was nothing she could do and she was really at the mercy of thegoverness. Miss von Berner?s agile fingers came and went on her intimate flesh,palpitating and tapping it as she pleased. First, she used the scissors thenthe depilating tongs to tear off the hair? which was very painful? then theshearer finished off the work. It seemed to Mabel as if she was being mutilatedor raped. The work lasted more than an hour. At last the governess stood upwith a satisfied smile.

?Ah, this is really the sex of a slave as it should be!Every week you will be sheared so that you should never have a hair on yourfemininity.?

She untied the bonds of the girl and obliged her to look atherself in the mirror. The sight of her flesh all bare, soft and velvety like aseashell, made Mabel whine with despair. She was so proud of her silky blonddown! It seemed as if she had gone back to infancy and as if her dignity of awoman had vanished forever.

?And now, the make-up!? shouted the governess, ?I want you to be always madeup with care, for I like having a pleasant face in front of my eyes. Sit downin front of the dressing- table and don?t move, or else, the whip!?

Armed with crayons, salves and pomades, the beautifulDorothea started making up her slave. She lengthened Mabel?s eyebrows, dabbedsome black on her eyelids, gave a glisten to the eyelashes, then puffed rougeon her cheeks, lipstick on her lips, and placed two artificial beauty-spots onher face, one at the corner of the eyelids and the other near the lips.

Mabel had lost her aspect of well-to-do girl, but had lostnothing of her beauty. Made up thus, she looked like a delightful doll or ayoung girl thrown too early into the commerce of love.

?Come now, into your room!? the governess ordered, ?we?regoing to clothe you!?

With her heart beating with apprehension the girl obeyed andwalked to the next room. There, Dorothea opened the locked cupboards and Mabelsaw that her articles of dressing seemed to be complete and that there wereeven some more clothes added to them which she had not seen before.

?Here,? the governess explained ?is your underclothing.Bridget has spent one and a half days modifying it according to myinstructions. That was very kind of her, to work for a bitch like you! So, kneeldown before her and kiss her feet, and thank her to have worked so hard foryou!?

The English girl hesitated a few seconds but the lash of thewhip obliged her to do her humiliating duty. She went near the maid who waslooking at her with a mocking smile and knelt down before her. Bridget hadlifted up her dress a little and was pointing imperatively at her foot. Deeplyblushing with shame, Mabel kissed the varnished shoe of the maid.

?Thank you,? she murmured.

?Thank you who??

?Thank you, Bridget!?

?Not at all!? cried Miss von Berner. ?You owe Bridget thegreatest of respect and henceforth you are of a social rank much lower thanhers. I demand that you should address her as ?Your Ladyship,? and that youshould talk to her in the third person. Besides, she will have the right toorder you about and to punish you as she pleases. And, to chastise you forhaving been insolent to her on the evening of your arrival, you will from nowon become her maid. Tell her so politely and thank her!?

That was the hardest humiliation that the aristocraticEnglish girl had ever suffered.
She bottled up her anger and said in a voice hardly audible; ?Thank you, I amyour servant.?

?Bridget,? asked Dorothea, ?don?t you think Mabel has justmade a mistake??

?Yes, ma?am, she said ?you? to me.?

?Well, punish her by slapping her face!?

The servant did not need a repetition of the order andslapped the pretty face of her former Mistress with vim.

?And now, you shall tell Bridget exactly these words : ?Ithank your Ladyship for having modified my underclothing. I submit to theorders of your Ladyship, and I ask your Ladyship whether she condescends totake me as a maid.?

Mabel, crimson with shame, repeated the sentence.

?I condescend,? Bridget answered with haughtiness, ?andhenceforth, I consider you as my slave.?

?Stand up,? Miss von Berner ordered, ?we?re going to dressyou up.?

The governess had just taken out of a cupboard a strangecorset in black varnished leather with several steel buckles. She showed it toher victim.

?My girl, you?ll have to get used to wearing corsets,? shesaid. ?A slave being educated must feel well maintained, in a way a prisoner ofher own clothes. Wearing a corset will make you stand erect, it will give you abigger buttocks and will make your breasts jut out and remain firm. I?ll haveyou wear more and more severe corsets, until you have a fifteen-inchwaistline.?

Mabel had become pale on hearing those words.

?Oh, Mistress, please, not that!? she begged.

?Do you want a whipping? Who authorized you to speak? Comeup here and shut up!?

Trembling, the girl obeyed. Then Dorothea applied on herstomach the corset of discipline. The contact of the varnished leather on herbare flesh caused her a strange sensation. The corset was relatively short, covering only the stomach andabdomen. It was laced in the back all along and left the breasts entirely free,pushing them up, which made their tips point up towards the sky. As for therump, it was completely disengaged, for the stays stopped right at the small ofthe back. Mabel noticed that the instrument was supplied with about forty smallbuttons or knobs which formed a kind of belt around it. Besides, one inch abovethose buttons there was a small hook and another behind.

Dorothea was standing behind Mabel, and tugging with all herstrength on the cords of the stays, tightening them to the utmost. The girlfelt the leather sheath gradually close in upon her, pressing on her abdomen,crushing her stomach, making her gasp.

?Mistress,? she moaned, ?Mistress, I beg you!?

The governess slapped her hard.

?Not a word out of you! Will you ever behave??

The tightening proceeded. Now poor Mabel had the impressionof being crushed in a vice. Her rump, thrown back, jutted out insolently andher abdomen was flattened by the varnished leather. The torture was intolerableand the girl started moaning. But Dorothea, far from being moved, only shruggedher shoulders.

?You?ll get used to it,? she said philosophically. ?And now,the drawers!?

She rummaged in a cupboard and took out a pair of pinkpanties of silk and lace which was one of the best pieces of underclothingwhich the pretty English girl owned. The governess showed them to her.

?You see, your panties have been readjusted by Bridget ?they are much narrower now.?

?But, Mistress, my panties were already very tight...?

?First of all, I don?t want any remarks from you, and next,if I wanted them tighter, I had a good reason for it, so you don?t haveanything to say. A girl being re-educated must have her behind kept extremelytight. She must feel the material hampering her every movements. I have alreadytold you, Mabel, that it is by concentrating on your behind, that I shall makeyou lose all your personality. Not only will it have to be whipped often, butit must feel as if it were imprisoned. Understand once and for all, that notonly your brain but also your sex and behind are under my absolute government.Every second of your slave?s life, I want you to feel that your flesh belongsto me and that I am imposing it a discipline and a law. Now, put on thesepanties, and beware you don?t tear the silk!?

Red with shame, Mabel took the tiny panties and did her bestto put them on. They were too tight and she was very much afraid to tear it byslipping them up her thighs. It became much more of a problem when it came tothe behind: her buttocks could not tighten themselves sufficiently to allow anadequate passage into the silken prison. But at last, helped by two or threelashes of the horsewhip, she managed. Her rumps were so tight and the materialsticking so much against them, that it felt like a second skin. Her sex wasbruised by the silk pulling and stretching over it, and the panties penetratedinto the cleavage of her buttocks as deeply as possible and she experienced aburning sensation.

Then Mabel understood the use of the forty white buttonsthat adorned her corset, for Bridget had sewn forty corresponding buttonholesall around the waist of the drawers. One after the other they were tied and thenthe panties were hermetically held up in position without any possibility ofmovement and drawn upwards still more although that seemed impossible.

The poor English girl felt extremely uncomfortable. She didnot dare make any brisk move for fear of tearing the material which moldeditself to her. Encompassed by her panties and stays, she walked with daintysteps and feared the moment when she would have to sit down.

Yet she was not yet at the end of her torments.

?That?s not all,? Miss von Berner said, ?you aren?tsufficiently imprisoned between your legs. We?re going to strap you.?

She took out of a cupboard a wide tape of varnished leatherwith a hook at each end. It was put upon her like a hygienic towel, with oneend fixed to the stays in front and the other behind, by hooks. It was appliedwith extreme tightness, crushing her sex and driving into the cleavage of herbuttocks. Mabel felt awfully strapped and harnessed.

Dorothea threw her a pair of fine black silk stockings.

?Sit down and put these on!? she ordered.

To sit down, there was the rub! With infinite precautions,the girl bent gradually down, feeling her stays pressing hard against herstomach and the strap between her legs hurting her. The panties did not tear,but Bridget and the governess burst out laughing at the spectacle of theslave?s efforts not to tear them.

When Mabel had put on the stockings, they were fixed bygarters of red satin with ornaments in the shape of little knots, which weretied tightly round her thighs.

Dorothea now produced a pair of strange-looking shoes, highboots of varnished leather with 1aces and heels about four inches high.

?You?ll have to get used to high heels that will oblige youto hold yourself straight,? the governess said.? I?ll make you wear some thatare five or six inches high. Now you?re going to wear these high boots whichwill train you and discipline your calves.?

It was true. The varnished boots imprisoned Mabel?s legsvery closely. Besides which, they were at least one size too small and hurt thedelicate feet of the poor English girl.

Dorothea obliged her to walk round the room ten times. Shewas so tightened up on all of her body by the different garments that shewalked stiffly like a robot. She was egged on however, by whip lashes and nowand then she let out a sob of despair.

But the dressing up was not finished. It was completed bypink silk cammy-knickers which the girl had to slip on over her stays. They,too, had been shortened and tightened by Bridget and molded narrowly all thecontours of her body stopping just underneath the knees.

Then the girl was made to put on a white silk blouse and avery tight black skirt closed in front from top to bottom by a row of buttons.

?I hope,? the governess mocked, ?that you feel well disciplinedin your clothes. Wearing very tight clothes is the best way to peg down your excessive pride.?

She walked up to her victim.

?Put your hands behind your back!? she snapped.

Mabel, trembling, obeyed and Dorothea put the girl?s palmstogether and tied them up with a string.

?You will always have your hands tied,? she ordered, ?exceptwhen I need you for some domestic work. You must get used to no longer having any personalinitiative and to be only a machine that carries out my orders when, how, andthe way I want you to.?

She then saw that Mabel seemed to be ill-at-ease and thatshe was moving from one foot to the other.

?Well, what?s the matter with you, what are you dancingabout for??

?Excuse me, Mistress,? the girl said awkwardly ?but I wouldlike to... I need to go to...?

?To what? Explain yourself clearly!?

?To the toilet,? the girl said, blushing.

During the time she had been a free girl, she had alwayshated mentioning such things. An extreme modesty paralyzed anything thatconcerned these bodily needs.
But Dorothea was not such a prude.

?To pee, or for something else?? she asked.

?Both, Mistress!?

?How many times a day do you usually go to the toilet??

Blushing hard, the girl thought for a moment. ?About six orseven times, Mistress,? she answered.

?Well, from now on, you shall go only twice, once in themorning and once in the evening. It?s an excellent exercise of discipline for agirl being re-educated to have a physical need she is not allowed to satisfy.Every morning and evening, when you feel the need coming, you will ask Bridgetvery politely. If she deems it necessary, she will then give you her permissionand accompany you to watch the operation. For this time I advise you to havepatience for you will only be allowed to go after about an hour or two fromnow.?

Those words left Mabel dumbfounded and even appalled. Theidea that her governess should control even thosethings revolted her deeply. In spite of her submission and the fear of the whipshe was about to revolt and insult her torturer. But, once more, the fear ofthe consequences made her keep silent.

Miss von Berner had gone out for a while. She came backholding three huge photos. They were three pictures of herself? onewhole-length, in a suggestive bathing-suit which molded her voluptuouslysculptured body; the second one in riding-trousers and with a riding-crop inher hand; the third was a larger-than-life portrait where Dorothea appearedvery beautiful, with a cruel and domineering expression and the steely glint ofher eyes. She placed the three photos on the cupboard and laid before them ahorse-whip and a dog-whip.

?From now on,? she said, ?these photos will remain in yourroom and I want you to learn to contemplate them with respect and adoration,for not only do I want you to fear me, but also to love me, with an abject,groveling love. The love of a slave for her Mistress, the All-Mighty one. Nowyour future schedule will be this (until, at least you have become awell-trained slave): it will begin with one hour of worship and prayers. Youwill kneel in front of my photos and, while you contemplate how you can pleaseand improve your behavior toward me, you will pray to God that he give you asupple and docile soul and that he should help you to atone for your faults andthe insolence of your past life You will pray to me, too, for you must get itinto your head that I am your All, and you are nothing. Yes, I know, you won?thave such thoughts in the first few days, but, thanks to my education there willcome the moment when your adoration for me will be natural and genuine and youwill pray to me as to a Goddess without my having to order you to do so.?

Mabel listened to her with awe and fright. She wonderedwhether the governess was insane and whether her folly would gradually gain inupon her. She read in the eyesof the beautiful Dorothea a kind of sadistic expression which acted upon herlike a mysterious magnet. Almost mechanically she knelt in front of thephotographs.

?I shall leave you to your worship,? Dorothea went on. ?Ifyou have moved but half an inch when I come back, you shall be cruellypunished. And try to hold back the need you mentioned just now because Bridget,before leading you to the toilet, will inspect your underclothes, and if everthey are found to be damp you will be whipped on your bottom till blood comes.?

Miss von Berner beckoned to Bridget and both women left theroom, locking it up behind them. When she was alone, Mabel believed she wouldstifle with rage, humiliation and despair. But what could she do? There shewas, with her hands tied behind her back, kneeling like the most abject ofslaves. She felt, all along herbody, the corset that squeezed her under her skirt, and her legs and thighswere likewise imprisoned. Those terrible stays were cutting into her skin andthe too narrow panties, made narrower still by the leather strap, bit into hertender woman-flesh.

She was about to cry and sob to calm her despair. Then shethought about the two different whips in front of her eyes, which seemed tohave eyes of their own to witness her undignified position, and also the threephotographs of her domineering Mistress which fascinated her with the gleamingexpression of her steely-grey eyes and with the sensual power of her beautifulbody.

Her physical need tortured her. The thought that she wouldnot be able to satisfy it without Bridget?s permission was driving her crazy.She was about to let go and drop everything in her panties, but the shame andthe fear of the punishment obliged her to control herself.

It seemed impossible that so many obligations andconstraints should not bring Mabel to rebellion. The girl gnashed her teeth andher eyes were brimful of tears. It was too much?better to be dead than reducedto such an abject state.

Thus an hour passed, an awful hour which saw now thedespair, now the revolt of the poor girl.

Then Bridget came in. She had a mocking expression on herface and she walked up to her victim in a wiggling movement.

?Well, slave, still have your need?? she asked.

Her assurance and haughtiness were stronger than Mabel?spride.

?Yes, Your Ladyship,? she said, casting down her eyes.

?And, no doubt, you would like me to take you to thetoilet??

?Yes, Your Ladyship.?

?Maybe,? Bridget said with cruelty, ?we?ll see if youdeserve it. Get up!?

Painfully, the girl stood up.

?You haven?t wetted your drawers, have you?? the maid asked.

?No, Your Ladyship.?

?We shall see.?

With slow movements, Bridget lifted Mabel?s skirt andcammy-knickers. She lifted the strap in front. Then she crouched down andinspected with care the girl?s drawers at the precise spot in which herfemininity was slightly bulging under the adhering material. The maid, withmalicious pleasure, even put her hand to it, palpating the fruit of love a longwhile to make perfectly sure there was no dampness. Mabel?s shame was immense to feel herself beingtouched thusly without her being able to prevent it.

At last, Bridget appeared satisfied with her check.

?All right,? she said, ?you?ve been a good girl. Walk infront of me!?

She had taken a horsewhip with her and gave little strokeswith it on the girls calves to make her walk more quickly. She made her go intothe water closet and locked herself up with her. There, she again lifted up theskirt and underskirt of her captive and untied her hands. ?Down with yourpanties!? she ordered, ?undo them.?

That was not easy at all, for Mabel had to unbutton fortybuttons which tied her drawers to the hooks on her stays. In spite of her haste,she was given a violent stroke of the whip on her breasts to punish her forbeing too slow.

Having at last taken off her panties, the girl had then tohold up her skirts and sit on the seat under the mocking eyes of Bridget whowas watching every one of her moves. Awfully mortified, the poor slave had torelieve herself and let a few incongruous noises escape, which made the maidburst out laughing.

?Now, wipe yourself up!? Bridget ordered. ?And do it well,for you?ll have to show me your arse before putting back on your panties!?

Showing her anus?! Wouldno humiliation be spared her? She had to drink the bitter cup to the lees.

With herskirts held high up, she had to bend downtowards Bridget and draw her buttocks well apart to let the maid inspecther most intimate parts at her leisure.

?All right, you may button yourself up!?

The discipline drawers were put on again and fixed with theforty white buttons, then, on top of them, the cruel strap.

?You know what,? Bridget said with a smile, ?it?s a pity Idon?t feel like it, or else I would have obliged you to wipe me up. That?s whatyou will soon do, I can tell you, for you?re my slave and I can do what I jollywell please with you, can?t I??

She tied Mabel?s hands behind her back so tightly that ithurt the girl?s delicate wrists.

Outside the toilet, she gave an ultimate humiliation to herslave.

?Kneel down before me,? she ordered, ?Thank me and kiss myfeet.?

Mabel hesitated a second but a powerful pair of slaps madeher obey. She humbly kissed the maid?s feet and murmured; ?I thank Your Ladyship for Her havingaccompanied me to the toilet.?

Satisfied, Bridget ordered her to stand and walked back withher to her room. Then she knocked on the door of the neighboring room andreported everything to the governess.

?Very good, Bridget, I thank you,? Dorothea said. ?Mabel?sschedule now indicates an hour?s walk before lunch. You will accompany her.Lift up her skirts to her waist and fix them with safety-pins, so that you canlash her bottom if she doesn?t obey you. Fix a leash to the hook that maintainsthe strap in the back, and so you can walk her before you without untying herhands. Make her walk erect, with head very high and her breasts thrust forward.And make her run a little to teach her to get used to her boots.?

?Yes, ma?am, thank you,? Bridget answered joyously.

Mabel had heard all that with dismay. She trembled at thethought of being given again to the cruel servant as a toy.

Five minutes later she was in the park, with her skirtslifted up high, exposing her bottom shrouded in clinging silk and strapped withthe wide leather tape. Bridget was walking behind her, holding her on a leashfixed to the back hook of her corset. Almost uninterruptedly, she lashed herwith light strokes and gave her orders:

?Hold your head high and your body erect! Better than that,slave! Thrust forward your teats And your bottom backwards, offer it well to mywhip! Draw in your belly! Stare right in front of you, straighten your neck!You little bitch, I?ll teachyou how to walk!?

With tears in her eyes the poor girl tried her best to obey.She was completely tamed, vanquished by this very tiring walk. Thus she coveredthe shaded walks of the park without hearing the blessed song of the birds inthe sun mottled foliage. Her imprisoned feet hurt her terribly, rolling on thegravel of the walks, and she almost twisted her ankles at every step, so highwere her heels. It became worse when Bridget, with violent whiplashes, obligedher to run. Whipped furiously, Mabel made superhuman efforts, tripping veryoften and tortured by her stays which drove into her skin.

?Stop!? Bridget cried at last.

The maid, tired from the long run, wanted a rest. She saw agood spot of mossy grass in the shadow of a large tree and sat down on it witha sigh of satisfaction.

?Lie down at my feet, slave!? she ordered.

The girl obeyed with gusto, being happy to rest her wearylimbs. Bridget, sitting at a slightly higher level, had drawn her knees inwardsand hitched up her own skirt, thus affording the sight of her undies. Mabelglanced at the fat white thighs of the maid, with the black satin garters andthe clinging pale silk panties, perhaps the same ones which had served to gagMabel the other day!

?Well,? Bridget said suddenly, ?why are you staring up myskirts? Is my bottom fascinating to you? You see, it?s sti1l bigger then yours,but then mine is that of a free woman that has never been whipped and neverwill be! Now, kiss it, I allow you to!?

Mabel, revolted at the very suggestion, stood up abruptly inspite of her new spirit of submission. Never, oh, never, would she stoop solow!

But Bridget, furious, lashed her cruelly and the strokecaught her on the dainty pink tips of her breasts. The girl howled with pain.

?Slave, I order you to kiss my bottom at once! Obey, if youdon?t want me to tear your breasts to pieces with the whip! Quick, put yourhead underneath my skirts!?

Any resistance was out of the question. With a sob ofdespair, Mabel bent down and slipped under the maid?s dress. Her tied handshampered this operation and the weight of her own body drew her forward and shefell headlong ending up with her lips against Bridget?s panties, at the precisespot where the femininity bulged under the thin material.

The servant, lying down lazily on the grass, had crossed herlegs in a knot round her victim?s neck and, with a sadistic and voluptuoussmile, she seized Mabel?s hair and crushed her face against her fruit of love.

?Kiss, slave, kiss well!? she ordered. ?And draw out yourtongue, so that I should feel the caresses, through my panties!?

With her mind in a whirl, Mabel felt like a drunken girl. ALesbian against her wishes, she had to kiss this domineering pair of knickersand she felt the hairy spot soften and become wet under her tongue.

?You see,? Bridget mocked, ?I?m not depilated! It?s for aslave like you to be depilated?! Continue slave, quicker, harder! Stop onlywhen I order you to?! Enough, now, go down lower and kiss my arse! There,that?s fine, put your face against it?! Stop now, I?ve had enough. Get out ofthere!?

Red and disheveled, Mabel came out of her warm prison and inher haggard eyes there flashed some glints of madness.

Next, the servant ordered her to lie full-length on herback, and she sat down on her breasts, reveling in the pleasure of crushingdown under her heavy bottom the pretty breasts of the girl. Stifled andbruised, Mabel sighed but Bridget laughed, fit to burst.

?Now, this is a very fine cushion for the bottom of amistress. I?ll use it frequently d?you hear, slave??

?Yes, Your ladyship,? Mabel whispered, gasping.

At last, the maid got up. She took the leash and theriding-crop and took the prisoner running up to the castle. Mabel arrived therein an indescribable state of depression and fatigue. Bridget allowed her to lieon the bed until lunch time, but she did not untie her hands.

That was another torture: having her arms kept behind herback for long periods of time and her wrists tied tightly? it became graduallymore and more painful.

It was the governess who came to fetch her, half an hourlater. She wore a white skirt and a red silk blouse. As it was very hot she wasnot wearing any stockings, and on her feet were spotless white buckskin shoes.

As she saw her come in, Mabel?s first thought was to stay onher bed without moving, but Miss von Berner?s steely stare was so hard that shegot up quickly, knelt down and kissed her governess?s feet.

?That?s good,? she said, ?I see you?re beginning to knowyour part.?

She pushed in front of her the girl up to the dining-roomwhere stood a huge table richly laid up. Bridget was already waiting to servethe hors-d?oeuvre.

Mabel cast a look around and trembled when she saw the seatthat was reserved for her? it was a chair like the others, with the onlydifference that the padded seat had been replaced with a very harsh horsehaircushion.

?At each meal,? the governess announced, ?you will sit onthis discipline chair until your education is completed. But first, we shalltake off your drawers in order not to damage them.?

Aided by Bridget, she lifted up the girl?s skirts, unbuckledthe strap and undid the many buttons of the panties which she took off and castaway. Then she forced Mabel to sit on the chair, maintaining her skirts liftedup. The contact of her already bruised bottom with the hard horsehair, thebristle of which drove into her naked bottom-skin, made her moan with pain. ?Mercy, Mistress,? she cried,?I haven?t done anything wrong, have??

?I know you haven?t done anything wrong,? Dorothea saidsarcastically. ?This seat is not a punishment. I only want your bottom tosubmit to a continual discipline until you are completely educated. The painproduced by the horsehair will make you forget the pleasures of the meals.Besides, you should realize that you are under continual penance to atone foryour past faults.?

While she was speaking, she tied Mabel on the chair by meansof a leather strap which passed under the seat and crossed over the girl?s lap.She tightened this strap so that the horsehair bristles drove still more deeplyinto the girl?s flesh.

?What?s the menu, Bridget?? the governess asked.

?Hors-d?oeuvre, ma?am, then trout, roast chicken, salad,cheese and chocolate cakes.?
Mabel, who was very fond of eating, was feeling very glad at the announcementof such delicacies and even forgot her pain a little.

?And for Mabel??

?For Mabel, the cook has prepared what you ordered her to: amaize porridge, a little pork, mashed potatoes and some whey.?

?Perfect!? Dorothea said.

She turned towards her pupil.

?You see how I take good care of your health. I?ve decidedto put you on a diet so that your bowels should keep in an excellent state. Itis also normal that a girl being re-educated should not eat the same menu asher Mistress, isn?t it??

Mabel lowered her head in shame. She did not experience anysurprise now for she knew that from now on her life would be nothing butsufferings and humiliation.

But she was nevertheless surprised that they should have lefther hands tied. She soon understood the reason why. Bridget, after havingwaited upon Miss von Berner, laid before the slave a plate brimful of maizeporridge and, sitting beside her, she started forcing her to eat out of a spoonas one does to a baby. With her hands tied and being strapped to the horsehairseat, Mabel was obliged to obey. The porridge tasted awful. Bridget shoved intoher mouth great big spoonfuls of it and the girl swallowed with a grimace ofdisgust.

?Pinch her nose, Bridget!? Dorothea ordered. ?She doesn?topen her mouth wide enough. And slap her face if she doesn?t hurry more!?

The maid complied with those orders with relish. She seizedrudely the delicate nose of the English girl between her fingers, obliging herto open her mouth in order to breathe. Thus Mabel swallowed willy-nilly thefulsome porridge. Three times she was slapped by Bridget for not hurryingenough.

A huge portion of puree followed the porridge. Mabel felther stomach swell up under the corset that was squeezing her painfully. Shetried to turn her head aside in spite of the slaps she was now being dealt veryoften on her pretty face.

?If you don?t eat all there is on your plate,? Miss vonBerner said ?you will be whipped till the blood runs! The meat now... But you?dbetter not swallow the pieces without masticating them, it wouldn?t be good foryour health. Bridget, do masticate them yourself and then spit them out fromyour mouth into hers ? that will teach her to eat better!?

Mabel?s whole body was convulsed with a shudder of distastebut Bridget was pinching her nose so strongly that she had to open her mouth tobreathe and thus submit to the fulsome treatment. The maid put the pieces ofmeat one after the other in her own mouth,chewed them a long time, then she drew her face near Mabel?s and spat out thepieces into her mouth. At last that torture was over. The girl ended her mealwith two platefuls of whey accompanied by a glass of water.

Meanwhile, Dorothea von Berner had partaken of all thesucculent tidbits, washing them down with burgundy wine.

?Take the girl to her room, Bridget!? she ordered. ?There,you will button up her panties, and you?ll wash her face and fix her crotchstrap, then you will blow her nose as it?s running, and you?ll wash her faceand fix her make up, then you?ll send her to me in the drawing-room.?

Dorothea?s orders were duly carried out. A quarter of anhour later, Mabel, made upfreshly, re-buttoned up and strapped, presented herself before the implacablegoverness who was having coffee in the drawing-room. ?Kneel down in front ofme,? she ordered, ?and don?t move!?

Miss Sunway obeyed. A long half hour elapsed without a wordfrom the governess. She was sipping her coffee, smoking cigarettes andnonchalantly leafing through magazines. Mabel hardly dared to breathe. Shelooked up fearfully the magnificent face of Dorothea, watching her white handswith ruby-red nails turning pages, her plump, insolent rumps sprawling on thecouch and her bare legs with white thighs revealing their shapes under thehitched up skirt. And she could not help admiring this splendid creature whoseiron will was weighing upon her as a law. And yet, who exactly was thisDorothea? A mere governess hired by Lord Kelington ? a subaltern indeed... andthere she was, happy, carefree and enjoying a luxury she was not entitled to,while Mabel, a young girl of nobility and good breeding, an heir to a greatfortune, was obliged to kneel like a slave before her with her hands tied up.The young English girl realized how that situation made the social classestopsy-turvy and she was appalled. But then she thought of the punishments shehad received and understood that the Whip is a great Master and all-powerfulmagician, to be able to bring about such social upheavals.

The governess looked at her wrist-watch.

?Your time-table for the afternoon is about to begin, Mabel!You know you will have to submit to it whether you like it or not, for if yourefuse, the worst punishments would await you and will quickly bring you backto the straight path. Until further notice, your schedule will be divided intothree parts: from two to three, you will have a lesson, for I suppose that youreducation is far from perfect in spite of your seventeen years of age. Fromthree to six you?ll do some housework as I intend to make you my chambermaidand you?ll have to get well prepared for it. Then, from six to seven, I?ll giveyou a rather special lesson which I?ll name: ?a lesson of humiliation? in orderto make you obey better and to teach you to be a passive thing submitting toall my whims and be happy with your degrading situation. Now follow me to theoffice which I?ve transformed into a study-room!??

She stood up and led Mabel to Lord Kelington?s office.There, to the girl?s great surprise she untied her hands and indicated a heavyarmchair in front of the desk.

?You?re going to sit here,? she ordered, ?and I want you tolift up your skirt before sitting down, for I want the seat always to be in direct contact withyour bare flesh or your thin panties! Execution???

She punctuated her order with a slight stoke of thehorsewhip on the pupil?s calves. So Mabel quickly hitched up her skirts up tothe waist and sat down on the armchair. Then the governess took two smallchains, each supplied with a padlock, and chained up the girl?s ankles to thetwo forelegs of the armchair.

?I keep the key to the padlocks!? she said with a mockingsmile. ?So, even though your hands are free, you will remain attached to yourseat!?

She gave a large book to Mabel.

?Here?s your study book. I won?t make you study history orliterature or such things that have no more interest for you. As I want you tobecome a perfect slave, only one thing must interest you from now on the storyof the slaves, their ways of life and submission to their masters, as well asthe punishments they are inflicted when they don?t obey. So this is a;?Treatise on Bondage? which dates from the earliest periods of our times untilnow. Every day you will have to read ten pages and learn by heart two pages.Work, and beware if you don?t know your lesson when I come back. Understood??

?Yes, Mistress,?Mabel sighed mournfully.

When the governess had left the room the girl startedreading. The first chapter described the treatments given to the slaves ofancient Rome bythe demanding patricians and their wives. It seemed to Mabel as if her ownbrethren were telling her their lives.

She read about ten pages and started learning the first twoby heart. Luckily enough she was gifted with an excellent memory, so that whenDorothea came back, the girl told her the humiliating lesson without a singlemistake.

?Not bad,? the governess said condescendingly, ?I give youeight marks out of a possible ten. And you can call yourself lucky for a seven or a six are punishedwith a whipping with birch twigs, a five or a four deserve a horsewhipping onthe breasts and an inferior gets you the dog whip on the buttocks. Rememberthat for the next lessons!?

She detached the poor slave and rang for the maid.

?Bridget,? she told her, ?this girl will have to do threehours of housework. We shall make her sew, iron and clean the rooms. I intendto oblige her every day to stitch for me some pretty ornaments of material, butfor today we shall make her do the washing only. Let?s go down to thewashroom!?

With Bridget and the governess on each side of her, MissSunway went down to the cellar of the castle where a modern wash-room had beeninstalled.

?Did you get down my dirty linen, Bridget?? Miss von Bernerasked.

?Yes, ma?am, the one you were wearing yesterday and the onethat was in your trunks. In all there are nine pairs of stockings, three slips,six handkerchiefs, two bras and five pairs of drawers. I also have the linenwhich Mabel was wearing about her when she arrived at the castle.?

?Perfect,? said Dorothea. ?And what about you, Bridget, haveyou got dirty linen of your own? Mabel must wash it since she?s your personalmaid.?

Bridget blushed with pleasure and pointed at a parcel in acorner.

?There, I have pajamas, two hygienic towels, stockings, achemise and two pairs of panties. If you?ll allow me, I?ll add the one I?mwearing now and which is rather dirty.?

?But of course, do.?

Bridget lifted up her skirts, took off the blue pantieswhich Mabel knew only too well.

She picked them up and tossed them at the girl?s face.

?Here you are, slave, and get these clean!?

?I do hope so,? Miss von Berner added, ?looking at Mabelseverely. I?ll give you three hours to wash all that. And I?d better warn youthat I?m very particular about my own linen. If I find the least stain on it,I?ll tear the skin off your bottom with a horsewhip. Now, get to work!?

She cast her slave a despising look and went out withBridget, taking good care of padlocking the door behind her. Mabel could comeand go but she was a prisoner just the same since the only window was anair-vent and the room was lit by electricity.

The girl sighed deeply. So this is where she had sunk: downto washing the dirty linen of the governess and even that of the chambermaid!

She started working. First of all, she looked afterDorothea?s linen. It was while handling the gossamer bras and the silk or satindrawers, the slave could not help thinking of the splendid flesh and theperfect shape which these clothes had imprisoned. She felt a strange sensationthinking that what she was washing Dorothea herself had soiled with the mostintimate contact of her body, that it was Dorothea whose triumphant breasts hadcaressed the material with their hard nipples, that it was Dorothea whoa hadworn under her skirt these coquettish pink panties and had soiled them...Suddenly, without thinking, she took a pair of panties and smelled them. Itsodor was heady like a voluptuous perfume.She lost her head and kissed ardently the tepid material.

Then, almost at once, she was ashamed of her gesture andresumed her working. The chambermaid, although coquettish, had but a relativedegree of hygiene and her linen was frankly dirty, and its cleaning wasparticularly odious to the unhappy heiress.

Three long hours elapsed in frantic work. Mabel had justfinished when her two mistresses came back. Dorothea ordered her slave to showher the different articles of her clothing one after the other and she examinedthem scrupulously, with eyebrows knitted by concentration.

?It?s all right? she said at last, ?quite perfect. Bridget,have a look at yours and then send Mabel up to my room for the lesson ofhumiliation.?

She left the room, leaving Mabel with the chambermaid. On herknees, she had to present the linen she had washed for her.

?And what about this?? the servant exclaimed suddenly,pointing at one of her pairs of drawers ?you find this clean, do you? Don?t yousee that there are some stains left, you fool? Answer me!?

?I apologize to Your Ladyship,? Mabel murmured, trembling,?I thought??

Bridget?s eyes sparkled with anger and she interrupted herwith a brutal slap.
?You thought, you thought ? you mustn?t think!You only have to obey! If Iplease to forget myself in my linen, you?re here to wash it. You?re aslave and nothing else, d?you hear??

?Yes, Your ladyship.?

?Go ahead and do it again before me, and get it clean! And,first of all, come near me so that I punish you for your lack of care!?

With fear tugging at her heart, Mabel did as she was told.She received four powerful slaps on the face which made her reel and twostrokes of the horsewhip across the breasts, which drew screams of pain out ofher. Again she had a spark of anger, but she quickly suppressed any thoughts ofrebellion. Bridget was a lot tougher coming from her lower station in life, andshe was bigger and stronger.? She stifledthoughts she briefly had of rebellion thinking that even with her hands free,she was no match for Bridget, or her whip. Mabel understood that in any contestwith either of the two woman, she would be the under dog.

So she returned to her trough and, under the despising eyesof the chambermaid, she started again washing the panties in question.

?It?s all right now,? Bridget said after a while.? Wipe yourhands and follow me to your governess?s room.?

While she was walking upstairs the English girl felt aviolent tug at her bowels. She could not help mentioning it to Bridget andasked her timidly to accompany her to the toilets.

?When you go to bed, not before!? was the maid?s harshanswer.

Mabel wondered with anguish how she could ever reach thatmoment.

Bridget, knocked at the governess?s door.

?Let Mabel in,? Dorothea said. ?As for you, Bridget, you maygo down and lay the table.?

We can guess with what apprehension Mabel entered herMistress?s room. What struck her first was the strange costume Miss von Bernerwas wearing. The governess had given a last minute touch to her make up and shelooked more ravishing than ever. She was dressed in the Spanish way an ancientshawl of great beauty was draped round her like a blouse, molding her proudbosom. As for her flowered skirt, such as the Sevillian dancers wear, it was aswide as an eighteenth-century dress and gave her a very particular exoticcharm. On her ankles she wore gold bracelets, visible under the very thin silkstockings, and on her feet were small high-heeled red leather shoes.

Subjugated by such imperious beauty, Mabel knelt down andkissed respectfully the dominant woman?s feet. The latter pushed her back witha slight kick in her face and sat down in an armchair, playing with a thinhorsewhip.

?Today, Mabel,? she said in a severe tone, ?will, begin yourfirst lesson of humiliation. Be attentive and obedient if your don?t want yourbig behind to strike acquaintance with this riding-crop!?

She paused dramatically and went on; ?I have already toldyou what I thought of you: you?re rude, putrid with pride, modern anddissipated. In a world full of defects. It was time I arrived into your life tobring you back on the straight path. I repeat it, my intention is to make youbecome a submissive and pliable thing, without a shadow of personality, in aword, a complete slave. Already you must be aware of how little you are beforeme. Here you are, on your knees, trembling in the fear of the whip. Your fleshis no longer free since you?re strapped in a corset after my own wishes. Yourbody linen is quite unlike that of any girls of your age since, under my orders,you?re wearing ridiculously small panties maintained between your thighs by aleather strap and attached to the waist by forty buttons in order to imprisonyour behind bettor.

Your hands, now free, are mostly tied behind your back, justbecause I like it this way. In a word, you?re really a slave, ?my slave?. Now,a slave?s lot is to obey. So you will learn to obey me and carry out myfanciest orders without resistance or murmur. But, first of all, I shallinspect your linen to see if you have learned to check your bodily needs. Standup, lift up your skirt and cammy-knickers and walk up to me!

Poor Mabel was beginning to be used to such a gesture, sothat it was almost mechanically that she lifted her skirts and walked up to thegoverness. The latter unbuckled the leather strap and inspected carefully thegirl?s panties. Then, just as Bridget had done some time before, she put herhand to it and started pawing, caressing, pinching the juvenile flesh throughthe silk panties.

?Tell inc in a loud intelligible voice what I?m doing!? sheordered.

?You?ve got your hand between my thighs, Mistress, andyou?re feeling my panties tosee if they are dry.?

?And now??

?Now you?re slipping your hand behind? You?re caressing myright, buttock slowly... now you?re caressing the left one... you?re puttingyour finger in the middle... you?re driving the material into it... now you?rebringing your hand back between my thighs, you?re tickling me... you?repinching me... Mercy, Mistress, you?re hurting me!?

Dorothea went on pinching with sadistic joy and Mabel had tosubmit, with tears in her eyes.

?That?s enough,? the governess said at last. ?Lower downyour skirts, I shall now submit you to a few exercises of obedience. I shallgive you rapid orders and youmust obey with the rapidity. And mind the whip!?

Then, Miss von Berner started ordering her slave a wholeseries of movements which the unfortunate girl tried her best to carry out atonce. She made her get on her knees, then flat down on her stomach, then stand up,back on her knees, stand up, down again on her stomach, and so on. As soon asMabel was a little slow she received a stroke of the whip. This perverse gamelasted a quarter of an hour. The merciless governess seemed to enjoy the gameof cat and mouse. More than a hundred times Mabel had to kneel down, stand up,crawl, lie down on her stomach, kiss her Mistress?s feet. Diseve1led, bathed insweat, she seemed exhausted when at last the Mistress put an end to these cruelexercises.

?And now,? Dorothea said, ?you will learn to worship me. For you must understandthat I don?t want to dominate you only by the fear of the whip ? I also wantyou to consider me as an exceptional creature, a Goddess whose shoes you arehardly worth kissing.?

She spoke with great pride, conscious of all her powerfulauthority. And Mabel was looking at her with fright and awe.

?You must learn to love and to respect everythingsurrounding me or belonging to me; not only the different parts of my body, butalso my clothes, my linen, my ornaments and everything on me. In the worship of every object, your brain will follow amorbid evolution and eventually you will end up by considering as sacredeverything connected with my person. Just like a bitch who recognizes theperfumy odor of her Mistress, so you will soon know me by my perfumes, from theodor of my dresses to the most intimate ones of my body. And, to begin with,you will start by lying down on your stomach and licking slowly, humbly,abjectly, my shoes, from thetips up to the heels, without forgetting the soles!?

She punctuated her order with a lash of the whip and Mabelhad to do as he was told. It was a strange spectacle indeed to see thisattractive young girl whose waist was squeezed narrowly, licking the red shoesof a superb Mistress who was comfortably sitting and with a cigarette in hermouth, lashed her without pity from time to time to stimulate her.

The humiliating licking of the shoes lasted a quarter of an hour. When Mabel?s tongue had becomeall dry, the governess had another whim. She stood up, majestically, and forcedher slave to kneel down.

?Now,? she ordered, ?you will kiss the hem of my dress, veryhumbly. Then you will lift up my skirt and put your head underneath. Then youwill understand why I?ve a wide dress on? it is to keep you a prisoner under meso that you can worship my linen like the good slave you are. First, you willkiss my legs with passion, from the ankles up to the thighs. You will deposit along kiss on each of my garters, then you will lick my bare thighs. Then youwill kiss the hem of my drawers and all its surface first in front and thenbehind. And above all, you must understand that it is a great honor I?m doingyou in allowing you to kiss my bottom. You must be trembling with emotion,ecstasy and respect and you must understand that the whip will punish you ifever you are not passionate enough in your caresses. Now, you can begin!?

Blushing with shame, Mabel prostrated herself and began bykissing the violently perfumed Spanish skirt. With a sigh, she then slipped herherself under the woman?s dress. The material was light and did not prevent thelight from traversing it. Imprisoned under Dorothea?s skirt, Mabel could seedistinctly all the details ? the marvelously shaped legs, in silk stockingsheld up the flesh-colored bare thighs and lost themselves like indiscreetsnakes into the festoons of a small pair of pink silk panties tightened againstthe perfect rump of Dorothea. A violent perfume of luxurious linen and ofwomanly intimacy filled the slave?s nostrils. Already a strange heady sensationwas taking hold of her. She kissed the soft legs, brushing with her face andlips the fine silk of the stockings. She did not forget to pay homage to thegarters, whose steel buckles enrobed with pink satin hurt her teeth. She atlast kissed and licked the suntanned skin of the heavy thighs; under her busysupple tongue this skin seemed divine to her ? firm and warm, it had a slightsalty taste of sweat which she did not dislike at all. The girl at last reachedup to the hem of the drawers. After having kissed them, she gradually rubbed upher face against the governess?s belly. She felt the beautiful fruit of lovepalpitate under her avid lips?it was hot and smelling wonderfully. Strange to say,far from displeasing her, this contact was infinitely pleasant to her. Shereally had the impression of being admitted into Dorothea?s intimacy ? it waslike an honor for her. Into the soul of the young girl, masochism was takingroot gradually: her submissive tongue brushed against the swelling material,under which was this secret flesh whose shape she tried unconsciously toreconstruct under the silk prison of the drawers.

Suddenly she heard above her the governess?s voice whichsounded so far away.
?Adore your Mistress, Mabel! Learn to recognize all my intimate odors whichyour nose must never, ever forget!Kiss with respect this linen which alone is worth more than all of your tamedbody girl! And now, go round behind me without interrupting your task!?

Possessed by a strange ecstasy, the girl obeyed. Her face,under the dress, came into contact with the magnificent bottom of Dorothea.Never before had Mabel contemplated from so near this large, dominating seatwhich she had so far admired only through the governess?s dresses. Now she hadbefore her the two superb globes spreading out from the middle cleft into whichthe silk of the panties penetrated. Under Miss von Berner?s orders, Mabel hadto kiss respectfully the immense buttocks one after the other and then to dipher face into their intersection. The governess took a sadistic pleasure incrushing between her tight buttocks the slave?s pretty face, half smotheringher and gorging her with abjection. For a long time, she held her so, a prisoner,and the while, while the girl paid her homage, she let out a stream ofhumiliating words. At last satisfied, she ordered Mabel to come out of herskirts.

The unfortunate girl was red and puffing, both scarlet withshame and trembling with a strange voluptuousness.

?And now,? Dorothea said sarcastically, ?to compensate alittle the pleasure I?ve just given you, I shall slap you severely!?

?But, Mistress, I haven?t done anything!?

The dominating woman laughed; ?I know quite well that youhaven?t done anything. I?m not going to slap you as a punishment but onlybecause I feel like it, because I enjoy it, that?s all. And I demand that,after each slap, you should thank me nicely, to prove your submission!?

Before Mabel had recovered from her surprise, the governesshad sat down and drawn towards herself by her ears the young girl?s face. Withgreat violence, she slapped her face and soon afterwards there was the mark ofher fingers visible in red.

?Now, what do you say??

?Thank you, Mistress,? Mabel murmured.

Fifteen more slaps succeeded the first one. The poor slave?sface was crimson, almost purple; her ears were tingling and her cheeks wereterribly sore. Suffering and sobbing, she had nevertheless to thank fifteentimes her torturer and kiss the hand that had beaten her.

?Everything! I can do everything I want with you!? Dorotheasaid with force. ?I consider you now an abject slave whom I despise more thanthe ground I tread on. But your re-education is far from over: soon, Mabel, youwon?t be able to live without me. You will have lost the habit of doing byyourself the most elementary gestures of everyday life and you will answer mycontempt with your adoration of me!?

She stooped, hacked, and spat on the floor.

?Lick it up at once,? she ordered, ?if you don?t want thewhip!?

With a moan of outraged dignity, Miss Sunway prostratedherself and licked servilely the fresh saliva of her governess. The latterburst out laughing derisively.

?That?s good, you?re a good bitch! Give me your hands so Ican tie them up; the lesson is over for today! And go back to your room.Bridget will wash you and make you up for dinner!? Half an hour later, theslave was bound on her horsehair seat, facing her Mistress. And while thelatter was enjoying a plentifulmeal, Mabel had to be content which a cold tapioca soup, boiled noodles and anapple.

After dinner, the governess decided to have a little walk inthe park, for the night was superb. She was walking slowly along the paths,smoking cigarettes and dragging behind her on a leash her slave. The poorEnglish girl was suffering, for the walk had just revived in her the physicalneed she had been feeling for so long and which was becoming intolerable.Finally, Mabel could not help letting go and she wetted her drawers, but shebecame pale with fright, thinking of the punishment that was awaiting her.

?We shall now proceed to look after your bed-time,? Dorotheadeclared when they bad come back to the castle. ?Bridget, please come intoMabel?s room!?

The servant came at once. Soon, the three women weretogether in the slave?s room.

?Bridget, untie her hands!? the governess ordered. ?She?sgoing to get undressed by herself in front of us!?

Mabel was trembling with fright. Slowly, as if regretfully,she got rid of her narrow skirt and cammy-knickers. On Dorothea?s order sheapproached so that they should untie her strap.

?Oh!? Miss von Berner exclaimed, ?what do I see here? Itseems your drawers are wet, eh??

?I?m so sorry, Mistress, but I just couldn?t help myself!?

Mabel?s face was slapped hard twice.

?You couldn?t help yourself, you couldn?t, and my orders,then? What are you doing with myorders? So you peed in your drawers just like a four-year-old kid. You, analmost eighteen-year-old girl! Well, I ask you! What do you think of that,Bridget??

?I think, ma?am, that it deserves a good spanking!?

?So do I, Bridget, and we shall do it right now! Go ahead,remove your panties, you dirty girl!?

Shaking with fright, Mabel got busy removing the fortybuttons from the corresponding buttonholes, and, when the wet drawers fell downto her feet, the governess picked it up and vigorously rubbed Mabel?s face withit.

?Here you are, you dirty bitch, wash your face with thisbefore being whipped!?

Aided by Bridget, she then removed Mabel?s corset. The girl,all naked, had the impression of a great:solace. It was as if her flesh, benumbed by the corset, suddenly cameback to life. But she lost her sensation of well-being at the sight of Dorothea von Berner?staking hold of a horsewhip.

?We?re not going to whip your bottom, for it hasn?t quiterecovered from yesterday?s punishment,? she announced. ?I shall chastise youfor your uncleanliness by applying ten strokes of the horsewhip on yourbreasts!?

On her breasts! Mabel shuddered. She was so proud of herbeautiful maidenly breasts, snow-white and round like cups, were they going tobe submitted to the same treatment as her unfortunate bottom?

She had no more leisure to think it over. Already, Bridget,taking hold of her from behind, had dragged her to a chair upon which she sather down on her lap and imprisoned her legs between hers, holding her arms toher sides. Unable to move an inch, the girl screamed with terror us thegoverness?s horsewhip lashed her breast cruelly. The pain was atrocious, forthe end of the whip had landed on a nipple. Mabel had the impression that herbreast was being torn away from her. Another stroke, aimed carefully, reachedthe other nipple. And the whipping continued, painful and implacable. Eachbreast received five lashes which marked the attractive bust with as manypink-colored weals and drew sobs of despair from Mabel.

?That will teach you to pay attention to your clothes!?Dorothea said, ?and to keep in your needs the next time!?

Sobbing, the slave had to kneel down and thank her governessby kissing her feet.

?And now we?re going to prepare you for the might, for youmustn?t imagine that you will be any more free at night than during the day ? Itold you that at each moment of your existence your body must feel thediscipline of squeezing clothes. Only that can make you obey.?

She addressed the chambermaid; ?Bridget, have you preparedMabel?s night clothes? The calico corset, the rubber panties and hernight-sack??

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Well, hand over the corset, we?re going to put it on her!?

Willy-nilly, Mabel had to let her shuddering flesh beimprisoned once again. The night corset, rather long, was fashioned out ofrough calico stiffened with steel whalebones. It was tied on the side. A littleless squeezed than the day one, it nevertheless seemed unbearably hard to thegirl. Dorothea then ordered her to put on the rubber panties. They were smalland made out of thin red rubber, clinging to the skin and tied to the stayswith six buttons.

?Before putting on your night-sack, you?re going to wish usgoodnight,? Miss von Berner said. ?Every evening you will do this: after havingknelt down like a good girl you will tell me: ?Mistress, I thank you for thisgood day which you have dedicated to my education. I beg your pardon for all myfaults and hope to become soon, with your help a perfect slave, obedient andsubmissive, just as you wish. And I wish you a good night!? Then, you will kissmy feet and the hem of my dress, then you will say the same to Bridget, alsokneeling before her.?

Then she was ordered to lie down on the bed and Dorotheaproduced the night-sack. It was a very long shirt of strong calico the bottomof which was sewed together like a sack. Mabel, lying on her back, had to holdup her whole body to have it slipped on her. When she put her arms into thesleeves she realized that they were sewed together at their ends. The shirt,buttoned at her neck, imprisoned the girl?s body entirely. But that still didnot satisfy beautiful Dorothea. With several leather straps, the governess gotto work, tying one round Mabel?s ankles over the shirt and another atknee-level. Then the slave was ordered to cross her hands on her breasts andthey tied her hands with a third strap. She was trussed so securely that shecould not move at all.

?Thus, I?m sure you will be a good girl during the night,?the governess said with an evil smile, ?and that you won?t do any shamefulthings.? With calm lack of modesty, Dorothea suddenly lifted up her skirts andunbuttoned her pretty pink panties.

?I?m going to tie them up on your face,? she announced tothe girl, ?so that you take the habit of thinking of me even in your sleep andof living in the absolute intimacy of your Mistress!?

She wrapped carefully the slave?s face with her perfumeddrawers, still warm with the contact of her body, and she fixed them with astrap knotted round Mabel?s head, at mouth level.

?She looks nice like this!? exclaimed Bridget laughing.?This is how a slave should be.?

Miss von Berner drew up the bed-sheets, covering her victimup to her chin. ?Good night, Mabel!? she said in a grave tone. ?And don?tforget that you are no longer Miss Mabel Sunway, the rich heiress, but only aslave submitting to my orders and tied up at my service.?

The two women left the room.

During the night, the poor girl abandoned herself todespair. She was stifling with heat and unable to move an inch. This totalimpotence dominated her, made her despair, and yet she decided to submit to it,for already she was getting gradually down into the slough of abjection andservitude like a man in quicksand. Crushed by her corset and her rubberpanties, closely wrapped in her night-sack, this was no longer aseventeen-year-old girl lying there, but only a slave ? fearful but already inlove with her fearsome Mistress. She sniffed the air that passed through thesilk of Dorothea?s panties, filled with the most degrading of perfumes.

And she dreamed of her governess as a fanatic dreams of hisAll-Mighty God.



















































Chapter IV




During a week, Miss Sunway lived the same existence, withouta single detail of difference brought by Dorothea von Berner. The continualdiscipline and the implacable authority of the beautiful governess weighed downupon poor Mabel like the hardest of laws. Gradually, the girl felt her ultimatedesires of resistance melt away and what had once been her personality wasgetting erased in the fog of bondage. And how could it have been otherwise? Thegirl could not have any initiative whatsoever ? the least of her gestures wasimposed upon her as an order and every single deviation to it was punishedcruelly.

Then, too, Mabel?s body endured every minute theannihilating impression of its servitude. As soon as a corset was untied,another, tighter then the first, was put on in its place. She took off herpanties only to do her toilet twice a day and to receive the whip, then,immediately afterwards, her bottom was imprisoned in those awfully tightdrawers which were imposed uponher. Her hands, nearly always tied, were untied only in order to make heraccomplish a menial task. And her knees were sore with prostrating herself infront of Miss von Berner or Bridget.

As for the punishments, they rained hard upon her. She wasoften whipped, spanked or slapped.

She had fully realized that she had no other course leftopen than to submit and that any attempt at escape was impossible. So, she gotresigned to her lot with absolute passivity, but, all the while, she was indeep sorrow. In the course of eight days, she had lost the habit of speakingwithout being asked a question or to do any gesture without being given anorder. Only one thing mattered now for her ? to serve and satisfy her Mistress.

Dorothea von Berner, by means of her beauty as well as herenergy, had captured entirely, the soul of her slave. She had made of her athing without a will of her own completely malleable and as obedient as abitch. But that did not satisfy entirely the terrible governess in spite ofMabel?s passivity, she invented every day a new torture and a new way ofreminding the girl of the discipline under which she was a prisoner.
She also watched with great care her slave?s health. Thus, she had decreed thatMabel should take a purgative injection twice a week, and that was anotheroccasion for humiliating the English girl.

Upon the governess?s order, the girl was laid down on thebed all naked on her stomach and with her feet and hands tied to the legs ofthe bed. Then Bridget arrived and prepared Mabel to receive her injection: shedipped her forefinger into a pot of Vaseline, went up to her victim, drewwell-apart her buttocks in a brisk gesture before plunging her finger rudelyinto the hole. In spite of the fact that her most intimate parts werecontinually handled by her torturers, Mabel always felt awful when her nakedbuttocks were offered to the sight and sarcasm of her mistresses. Brutally,Bridget plunged her finger smeared with Vaseline down the girl?s tight orifice.She left the finger inside, moving it in and out and around and around, thenplunging it in as deeply as she could, torturing the girl in this way until thegoverness arrived.

The governess reserved for herself the pleasure of injectingthe slave with as much liquid as Mabel?s guts could hold.

Dorothea von Berner?s first use of an injection nozzle intoher young victim, was one of normal size and shape. But, after introducing theoriginal nozzle to Mabel, the Mistress began gradually using a bigger one,after each injection.

?Your behind must become more accessible,? she said laughingto the frightened slave. ?I want to be able to drive into it with the greatestof ease, any object I wish.?

Now, the nozzle was the size of a candle and, driven insidefor a good length, it distended painfully Mabel?s inner flesh, she penetratedher, raped her, as it were.

Naturally, the poor slave was not allowed to scream or everto moan during the whole operation. She submitted to her torture stoically, with her lips sealed on her pain and shame.

Four pints of hot watermixed with glycerin were then introduced into the so-called patient?s body. This very hot liquid penetratedinto the girl?s bowels, causing herexquisite sufferings. Then, as if reluctantly,Dorothea took out the nozzle.

?And now, the cork!? the governess ordered.

That was another refinement of cruelty. Into the intimateorifice of the heiress, Bridget drove as far as she could, a big cork, in order to prevent the girl fromhaving any relief until the prescribed time. Over the cork, Mabel had to put on one of those pairs ofhermetical rubber drawers atrociously tight and crushing her bruised buttocks.

Then she had to get up, get dressed and do her work as ifnothing had happened. She felt an awful stomach-ache, but it was only two orthree hours later that she was led to the toilet. In the presence of her twotorturers she had to uncork herself with the greatest difficulty and to let goat last, under the laughs and jokes of the governess and chambermaid.

It can be easily appreciated that this injection was for thegirl a cruel and humiliating experience.

But it was but one episode out of her existence of are-educated heiress, since her life was but a tissue of humiliations andcruelties.

When Dorothea von Berner deemed that her slave had reached a degree of degradation and submission that was suitable, she badethe slave to appear before herpresence and told her; ?I hope that within yourself there is nosemblance of resistance or pride left and that your re-educationis beginning to have the desired benefits? Answer!?

?Oh, you?re right,Mistress,? the girl muttered. ?I am completely submissive and obedient to your orders,I am your slave.?

She was on her kneesand kept her downcast eyeson her Mistress?s tiny feet.

?Very well,? Dorothea went on. ?It. seems to me that now you have reached a suitable degree of submissiveness and thatI can modify your time-table.Oh, don?t feel glad about it! You will continue to be kept in discipline and yourstays will be more and more tight,and you will keep to thesame diet. But I have thought that now youcan also act as my chambermaid,or rather ?chamberslave.? I don?t likebeing served by an ordinarymaid. What I want is ahumiliated and trembling girl whom I can order about as I please and whom I can whip when the work hasn?t been done to my satisfaction, and that, you canunderstand, cannot be demanded from a free woman ? only from a slave. As youare a slave, you will be my maid. You will dress and undress me, you will waitupon me at table and you will follow me around always like a dog, understand??

Brutally, she seized Mabel by the ears.

?Go ahead, yell to me that you will be happy to be mychamberslave and that it?s an honor for you! Say it!?

?Oh, yes, Mistress, I shall be very happy about it and itwill be an honor for me to be your chamberslave,? Mabel repeated docilely, redwith shame.

?That?s fine. Your service will begin tomorrow morning.?

Indeed, on the following day, after Bridget had supervisedthe slave?s washing and dressing, the chambermaid obliged Mabel to put on apretty lace apron and, on her head, a charming maid?s cap which suited herblonde complexion to perfection.

At nine o?clock, Mabel entered her governess?s room, bearingthe breakfast tray. According to the orders she had received, she knelt down infront of the bed and respectfully waited till the beautiful Dorothea awoke.

Then she had to be used a table, holding the tray at arms?length for her Mistress to eat out of.

?Your function of chambermaid doesn?t exempt you from theinspection of your underclothes,? her Mistress said. ?Stand up and show them tome!?

Mabel lifted up her skirt and silk underskirt with bothhands, showing her varnished strap well adjusted between her thighs and herstomach impeccably molded in a pretty pair of pale green silk panties fixed toher stays with forty mother-of-pearl buttons.

?Have you been punished yet this morning?? asked Dorothea.

?Oh, yes, Mistress, while Her Ladyship was taking off mynight-sack I made a false move and slightly tore the material of the sack. HerLadyship then gave me ten lashes with a horsewhip on my bare bottom and Ithanked her humbly.?

?She did well to punish you,? the governess said severely?and what corset did she put on you to-day? A tighter one than yesterday, Ihope??

?Yes, Mistress. A black varnished leather corset measuringthirteen inches round the waist.?

?Have you got the impression that it makes your bottom standout??

?Oh, yes, Mistress! When my corset is drawn tight asMistress desires, my bottom is much bigger.?

The beautiful Dorothea listened to those confessions with akind of sadistic joy.

?Turn around!? sheordered.

The girl obeyed and presented her enormous bottom; it pushedout and insolently offered itself to her mistress?s sight thanks to the tightcorseting. With her lorgnette, (opera glasses) the governess inspected atlength the girl?s ample buttocks.

?Your panties make a fold on the left buttock! Smooth it outby pulling the material tightly between your buttocks?! But, my word, youhaven?t buttoned yourself very well! There is a button undone in the back. Soyou don?t know yet how to put on your panties as you should? You deserve to bewhipped!?

Taking hold of her horsewhip she gave two violent lashes onthe backs of the thighs of her slave.

?Go on now,to work! You?re going to bathe me! Carry me into the bathroom!?

Mabel tried to obey, but her Mistress was too large and muchtoo heavy for her petite size and adolescent arms. She had to give up, to Missvon Berner?s great vexation. She then thought up the idea of putting Mabel downon all fours, and then she sat on top of her and obliged the poor slave tocarry her on horseback all the way to the bathroom, stimulating her with violentstrokes of her heels.

?Oh, this will work! From now on, you can carry me this wayinto my toilet whenever I need to use it! You make an excellent beast of burdenfor your Mistress!?

The governess?s bath was a delicate operation. Never beforehad Dorothea appeared naked before Mabel. The girl was both awed with frightand admiration in front of the powerful, magnificent body, so feminine in itsplenitude, with supple limbs, large fleshy buttocks and big proud breasts. Thegoverness was so beautiful and powerful appearing to her, that the slave?s hands trembled asshe lathered, rinsed and dried her. Of course, Miss Sunway was also extremelybeautiful, but she had lost in her bondage and enslavement, all her pride andany of the feeling of her own beauty and charm. Because of the Mistress?ssuccess in a complete domination over her, she now appeared the Goddess figureDorothea had meant to create in Mabel?s mind. A figure so powerful and solarger than life to her, that the body of her Mistress completely frightenedand fascinated her.

Dorothea was well aware of the power her body exerted onMabel.

?So, you find my body beautiful, don?t you??

?Oh, yes, Mistress.?

?I don?t want you to have any other God than my body,? theproud creature went on. ?You are completely at my service and you musthumiliate yourself constantly before me. Now, lie down on your back, I?m goingto wipe my bare wet feet off on your face.?

The slave obeyed and Dorothea rubbed for a long time herdainty feet on Mabel?s face; the red-nailed toes curled well into Mabel?smouth, marking them with a victorious smudging of Mabel?s lipstick across herface when they were unceremoniously removed.

Then the heiress had to do the manicure of her Mistress,paring and polishing with care the nails of her fingers and toes. Meanwhile herMistress was indolently reclining, nonchalantly smoking cigarettes or dippinginto a box of chocolates. From time to time Mabel cast a furtive glance at thiswide open box which was tantalizingher.

?Oh, do you like chocolates?? Dorothea asked innocently.

?Oh, yes, Mistress!?

The woman took the box and put it insolently under Mabel?snose, moving it back and forth, making her smell them carefully.

?Look how fine they are.From one of the best chocolate makers in Europe.What a pity these are not chocolatesfor a mere slave!?

She put the box down and brutally slapped Mabel?s face.

?Pay attention to your work, you little bitch, you?rehurting me!?

When the slave had finished her task, her Mistress spat outon the tiled floor of the bathroom the half-chewed chocolate that was in hermouth.

?Here,? she said, ?I didn?t care for that one, so I willallow you to finish it, but pick it up without the help of your hands!?

Mabel knew quite well that if she refused to eat thehalf-chewed, saliva-coated sweet on the bathroom floor, she would be whippedfuriously. She had to do as she had been told. Bending over, she picked up thedripping chocolate sweet between her teeth and lips like a dog, carefullylapping the spot clean of melted chocolate and spit. She did so with infiniteprecautions, for fear of tearing the taut material of her panties.

Then, standing behind her Mistress?s dressing-table she hadto help her with her hair and make-up. Then she helped her put her clothes on,doing nearly all the work, and taking great care with the precious silkgarments.

When at last Dorothea was ready, she suddenly changed hermind.

?I?d forgotten, I wanted to have a swim in the pool thismorning. Take off my clothes, quick!?

Unable to refuse the order, the girl obeyed. She helped herMistress don a ravishing and bold swimming-suit, all white and opening at theside, fixed with satin ribbons.

A quarter of an hour later, Mabel, held on a leash like adog, was following her Mistress in the park, carrying Dorothea?s bath-wrap,parasol and bag.

In Lord Kelington?s park there was a large marbleswimming-pool in the center of a lawn, but Mabel had never swum in it. Miss vonBonier had decided that this swimming-pool should be reserved for herexclusively.

The Mistress went on the diving-board and dived gracefullyinto the azure water. What a temptation for poor Mabel! She just loved swimmingand had been quite excellent at it, and the weather was hot, yet she had toresign herself to standing motionless, corseted and wearing a maid?s apparel,while her governess was enjoying this refreshing morning swim.

When her Mistress got out of the water, she pushed away herslave who wanted to dry her in the bath-wrap.

?Not yet, I want to dry myself in the sun, but there?s nochair, that?s quite annoying, I can?t sit in the grass with my finebathing-suit on!?

She had a sudden inspiration. She turned to Mabel and said:?Hmmm, well, we can fix that, can?t we? As you well know, a slave has many usesand can very we1l serve her Mistress as a piece of furniture. Or, like in thissituation, as a deck-chair. Go on and lie down full length on your back!?

Mabel, having quickly obeyed and Dorothea first sat downheavily on the girl?s stomach, then lazily stretched herself all along Mabel?sbody. Her wet body crushed that of the little slave whose clothes were rapidlysoaked by the wet body of her Mistress. But the governess did not care at allabout that. Voluptuously sprawled out, with her eyes closed, she lay smokingcigarettes and making herself as heavy as possible. Mabel, completelymotionless was stifling under the heavy wet weight of her Mistress?s body.Dorothea?s warm round buttocks were bruising her slave?s stomach, pressing, asthey were, the bones of her stays against her skin. Dorothea had even let herwet hair fall fully on Mabel?s face and her black perfumed hair was gettinginto Mabel?s open, panting mouth as she tried to breathe under the weight. Thewet hair was blinding her, and tickling her eyes and nostrils.

For a full hour the girl was thus transformed into a humanseat for her Mistress. Then, at last, Dorothea got up.

?I?ll do without you to get dressed for this time,? shesaid, ?you?re much too wet for that. Go to Bridget now and ask her to changeyour dress and underclothes. Then you will wait upon me at table!?

?Yes, Mistress!?

It was all done according to Miss von Berner?s orders.Mabel, freshly clothed and made up, served her Mistress?s lunch and stoodbehind her chair for the whole length of the meal. Only later did she take herown lunch and then came back to serve Dorothea. The latter tied her up on achair and gave her a few things to sew. That work lasted two, hours. ThenBridget came to untie the slave whom Dorothea wanted to see.

?I?m going for a walk in the park,? Dorothea declared,?you?re going to follow me and serve me as a seat when I decide to have a rest,and generally be at my disposal when I need you. But I see you haven?t had yourhands tied yet today. I?m going to remedy it so that you remember that youaren?t a free woman.?

She took out of a cupboard a pair of silver handcuff andimprisoned the slave?s wrists in them. The click of the cold metal and itscontact against her skin were new sensation for Mabel who so far had always hadher hands tied by cords.

In the paths of the park the girl walked slowly behind herMistress. The latter only turned round two or three times. The rest of the timeshe walked proudly and silently and Mabel instinctively followed with her eyesglued as they were supposed to be, to the swinging to and fro of her Mistress?sbuttocks under the thin dress she was wearing.

Suddenly, at the corner of a little hunting box, a smallmouse scurried out of a cranny and ended up at Mabel?s feet. The girl uttered ascream of fright. She hadalways had a fear and aversion for mice and rats.

The governess had turned round quickly and saw what hadcaused her pupil?s fright

?Who allowed you to scream?? she asked harshly.

?Oh, I?m sorry, Mistress, but I was so afraid?I??

A slap on her cheek interrupted her.

?So, now you?re afraid of mice? Do you think you?re a?lady,? someone of importance to be so delicate? You?re a common thing now.I?ll teach you not to put on airs of importance and train you not to be afraidof such harmless creatures. Follow me to the castle!?

She quickened her step and Mabel followed, anxiouslywondering what was to befall her now.

In front of the facade of the castle, Miss von Berner calledBridget who appeared at once.

?Yes, ma?am??

?My dear Bridget, just imagine; Mabel took the liberty ofscreaming at the sight of a harmless little mouse that had come near her legs. I?m going to punishher for her fright. There are mousetraps in the cellar, isn?t that right? And likely, they will have a few mice,alive in them maybe??

?Yes, ma?am.?

?Go and take two of them and bring them here? the onescontaining the largest mice, Also bring me one of Mabel?s pairs of panties, butnot a tight one. Or rather, take a pair of linen drawers, the ones with a widebottom, which I intended one day to stuff with nettles for a punishment. Andalso bring a few cords!?

?All right, ma?am.?

Mabel had become pale with apprehension. She was afraid toguess the horrible torture Dorothea had in store for her.

When Bridget came back with the requested objects, thegoverness came up to her slave and, without untying her hands, she lifted upher skirts, unbuckled her strap, unbuttoned the silk panties Mabel was wearing,and took them off entirely. The naked buttocks of the girl covered themselvesinstantly with goose-pimples at the contact of the air. Dorothea then put onMabel a wide pair of linen drawers, very strong and coarse, but whose legs were supplied with tightelastic bands which were drawn tight against the girl?s thighs. Miss von Bernerbuttoned on the drawers but left an opening behind.

Mabel was beginning to tremble. She tried to soften upDorothea with endearing glances but she knew it was useless.

Then the governess took Mabel to the foot of a tree thebranches of which were pretty low. She made the slave lift up her manacledhands above her head and fixed them to a branch with a solid cord.

?Bridget, give me the mouse-traps!? Dorothea ordered.

Mabel?s face became convulsed.

?Mistress,? she moaned, ?no, not that, please! Oh, no!?

?Silence, slave!I do what I please with you, and you have nothing to say about it!?

The sadistic young woman then drew apart the opening of thegirl's panties and put the mouth of the mouse-trap against it, letting the micedrop down in the hole one after the other. The girl?s howls pleased the twowomen enormously. Dorothea carefully buttoned up the opening of Mabel?s pantiesso that no exit was left for the imprisoned mice ? neither upwards, since the drawerswere buttoned on to the corset, nor down, since the legs were drawn tight withelastics. Mabel so howled with fright that Dorothea had to slap her face several times to make her be silent.

?These two mice aregoing to stay in your panties for two hours, until dinnertime,? she announced, ?that will teachyou to be less afraid of themfrom now on! Come, Bridget, we shall come back in an hour to see how Mabel is faring.?

The two women walkedaway. Trembling and pale with fright, thegirl remained alone, tied to the tree by her uplifted manacled wrists.In the bottom of her drawers shefelt an awful bustle. The mice, frightened and half stifling, were desperatelyseeking an exit which they never found.The clung and clawed with theirsmall legs and now climbed alongMabel?s abdomen, now along herrounded buttocks. Then they fell back to the bottom of her panties and that was more awful still,for the girl felt them drop to her lower bottom and begin wriggling intoher crotch. They squirmed well into the groove of her femininity or in the narrow valley of her anus. She whined, screamed and fidgetedfrenetically as if she werehaving a fit of St Vita?s dance. But her movements had the opposite effect and only served to frighten and excite still more thetiny rodents. The mice, in their frantic efforts, even tried to gnaw throughthe coarse material of thepanties but it was too strong for their efforts.

One hourlater, Dorothea and Bridget came backto see their wriggling, sobbing victim and were very much amused at the sight of her movements andfrightened antics. Then, weary of the dancing spectacle, they walkedback to the castle.

What a terrible torture! Mabel did not manage to calmherself. For two terribly long hours, she had to endure the awful scratchingsand frantic movements of the imprisoned creatures. Her nerves were beginning tobe at the end of their resistance. She was pale and shaken with sobs andshudders. Then the bell announcing that dinner was ready chimed and Bridgetcame to release Mabel. She took off her panties, killed the mice which wantedto escape, then took her to the governess. The latter, comfortably sitting inthe drawing room, was sipping aglass of port wine. Mabel went down abjectly onto her knees.

?Well, Mabel,? Dorothea said, mockingly, ?you will no longerbe afraid of mice now, will you??

?O-oh, n-no,Mistress, I p-promise you.?

?Apologize for having been afraid and thank me for this goodand clever teaching punishment.?

?I humbly beg your pardon, Mistress, and I thank you forteaching me and punishing me!?

?That?s good! Kiss my feet and go to your room with Bridgetto change your panties!?

Submissive and still trembling, the girl followed thechambermaid.

After dinner, which she served to her Mistress, Mabel wasagain taken to the sitting-room.

?Mabel,? Dorothea told her, ?I won?t need your servicesuntil eleven tonight. Until that time you will be Bridget?s slave and domesticservant, for you mustn?t ever forget that you also belong to her. So you shallgo to her and put yourself at her complete disposal like a nice girl. And youmust obey her and satisfy her if you don?t want your big buttocks punished,understand me??

?Yes, Mistress!?

?Good. Now, go!?

Mabel, with her face blushed with shame went to theservant?s quarters. It was a real torture to her to put herself at the serviceof that course, domestic woman whom she thoroughly hated.

Bridget had just finished her work and was preparing to goto bed.

?What are you doing here?? she asked the slave in a hard voice.

Mabel knelt down at her feet.

?Mistress has ordered me to put myself at the completedisposal of Her Ladyship and be Her domestic slave and servant until eleventonight.?

The vulgar face of the maid lit up in a wicked smile.

?Ah, that?s fine, it?s good that you should learn to serveme too! And beware of the whip if you aren?t a perfect slave! Follow me to myroom!?

?Yes, Your Ladyship!?

She went up the stairs, followed by Mabel, trembling. Shehad in her hand a leather horsewhip which she violently moved through the airwith ominous whistling sounds.
Never before had the girl been in Bridget?s room. Situated on the last floor,it was comfortable, but furnished with very bad taste. There was a smell ofcheap perfume in the air.

Some bold, crude drawing were pinned to the walls and therewere also a few autographed photos of men, probably former lovers.

?On your knees!? Bridgetordered in a dry tone. ?A slave must be on her knees in the room of herMistress.?

She was sitting on her bed and looking despisingly down atMabel.

?The roles have really changed, haven?t they?? she laughed,?You, who thought you were so superior to me when you arrived. You who thoughtyou would be ordering me about and treating me as your chambermaid. You?re morethan just my chambermaid now though, aren?t you,? you?re my slave, a slave whom I order aboutwith whiplashes, and I can ask you to do anything! Anything I fancy.?

She thought for a few moments what she was going to orderher slave to do.

Take off your dress and underskirt!? she ordered. ?I wantyou to be in stays and panties to serve me, so that I can whip you better.?

Mabel complied. Half undressed she offered her Mistress astrange hourglass silhouette, with her tiny waist tightened to the utmost inthe varnished leather corset, her naked breasts jutting out, as well as herwide buttocks upon which the silk of her panties was drawn exceedingly tautwithout a single fold.

?And now,? the chambermaid went on, ?you?re going to lake off my shoes with your teeth!

Prostrated in front of the demanding maid, Miss Sunwayreluctantly took between her teeth the high heels of Bridget?s booties and tugged at them in turn until they wereboth off, then ? also with hermouth she shod her with slippers,

?Stand up!? Bridget then ordered, ?and follow me into thetoilet!?

In the small toilet, she told her slave to remove herpanties. Then, holding them, Mabel had to kneel in front of the door, waitingfor her Mistress to call her.

?Come in!? she heard Bridget say at last. ?You?re going toattend to my intimate toilet. You may have the honor of cleaning my ass forme!?

That news was almost too much for the unfortunate heiress.She had a movement of disgust, quickly curbed by a few lashes with thehorsewhip. With tears in her eyesshe had to attend to the repulsive task of wiping her Mistress?s rear, emptyingthe contents of the toilet, and then cleaning it, the seat and the bowl rimwith her tongue, all the while, there rang in her ears the vulgar sarcasm andlaughter of her torturer.

Back in Bridget?s room, Mabel, on her knees, took offBridget?s clothes for her. The naked body of the young woman was a bit heavy,but not without a certain attraction. Thehapless slave contemplated this powerful body with a profound respect earnedfrom the many painful lessons exacted out on her. The awe she felt now in thisgirl?s presence was mixed with a profound fear. She felt sad and downcast,impotent and weak before her now, absolutely under the thumb of this insolentand violent girl, who enjoyed punishing her victim at any chance she got.

?I?m going to comb my hair and remove my make-up for the night,? Bridget announced, ?but I prefer sitting on you than on a chair. Stand on all fours in front of the mirror andbeware you don?t make a move!?

?Yes, Ma?am!?

Having obeyed, Mabel felt the servant sit heavily on top ofher, crushing her back with herheavy-fleshed buttocks. For a long half hour she had to be a human seatand every time she became weak, a hard slap from Bridget, on her face orrear made her take up her position quickly and firmly again.

?It seems to me, you still haven?t been educated well enough yet,? Bridget said, standing up at last, ?I think deep down, youstill consider yourself above me, I intend to erase those thoughts completelyfrom your mind before too much longer by shaming and punishing you until I?vebroken you completely. You will? bepunished every time I think you are acting anything less than my abject slave,so I won?t go to bed withoutgratifying your rump with a few lashes!Take off your panties!?

?Mercy, Your Ladyship!Please don?t beat me again! I haven?tdone anything wrong, I?m submissive, I?m completely obedient. Please,don?t beat me, please!?

?Silence, slave, and obey me!?

Mabel had to do as she was told. Lying down full length on the carpet, she offered her bare buttocks to the chambermaid?s horsewhip. With a sadistic pleasure, Bridget whippedher cruelly. Ten strokes made thealready tenderized buttocks of the girl begin to bleed in places.

Satisfied, Bridget atlast went to bed, dressed in a black silk pajama. Kneeling by the bed,Mabel then had to fan her Mistress, licking and kissing her feet. She had to light her cigarettesand then hold in front of her a book Bridget was reading. She turned the pages carefully for her when Bridget signaled bypulling her hair. When she heard eleven o?clock chime she felt an immenserelief, she took her leave from thecruel chambermaid, kissing her feet,before she went back to Miss von Berner to take further orders.

Serving the governesswas much more pleasant for her, because the strange feelings she now had for Dorothea were not at all those inspired by the maid. She feared Bridget greatly for her cruelty and shetrembled abjectly before her, but,together with her humiliation she felt a kind of rage and impotentrevolt boiling inside her at the idea of being the slave of a worthless servinggirl and vulgar domestic. On the contrary, Dorothea inspired profound respectin her, and she would not dream of discussing her orders now. Subjugated,fascinated by the authoritative governess, she had now reached the stage whereshe was almost happy to serve her and obey her. She felt for her a strange,almost boundless admiration, she found her completely beautiful and fearsomeand adored her like a Goddess, judging that to serve her was a privilege andhonor. Though it was naturally humiliating to do so.

In the voluptuous atmosphere of the large, sweet-smellingroom, Mabel busied herself around her Mistress. She undressed her, helped her with her night toiletand accepted without hardly flinching the many slaps which her Mistress gaveher at the least excuse.

As she went to drape the beautiful naked body of herMistress with a thin night-dress, Dorothea stopped her with a gesture.

?No,? she said, ?I want to go to bed all naked? and I want you to be naked too! Get undressed!?

She lay down on the bed while Mabel, with feverish hands,got rid of all her cumbersome clothes. The governess watched her with an oddexpression, akin to lasciviousness. A short while later, the nubile body of theyoung slave was all bare. Delightfully plump and pink, this young body was likea spot of light in the dusk of the room. Mabel?s curvy shapes were reallyattractive. Wearing a cruelly tight corset had given her an un-naturally thinwaist which made her breasts stand out, as well as her plump buttocks, madeeven bigger still by the swelling brought about by constant whippings ? theywere like two ripe fruits streaked with raised red welts.

?Come here, Mabel,? Dorothea ordered, ?on your knees, andlick my feet!?

Trembling, and beginning to feel a strange kind of ecstasy,the girl knelt down. Her lips drew near the dainty feet of her Mistress withdevotion.

?I?m going to teach you,? Dorothea went on, ?to lick yourMistress?s feet the way it should be done. Put out your tongue as far as youcan, and then start by licking my toes, then in between them, so that yourtongue caresses be at the same time a thorough cleaning. Suck on each toe as lovinglyas possible. Finally, you?ll take as much of my foot as you can into your mouth and cover it with saliva? slaveslobber?and I expect you to be able to take in more and more of it over time.Then, you will continue to lick it until I tell you to stop. Now start!?

A prey to an odd sensation, Mabel started. At length andrespectfully, she licked the woman?s feminine feet, tangy with the day?s sweatand perspiration. Humiliatingly, Mabel now found them to be strangelytangy-sweet-flavored. Soon, she became as if drunk with them. Dorothea let herlick, and, from time to time, she lashed her with the horsewhip a little toactivate or slow the rhythm of her submissive caresses. Mabel, gasping, was allin a sweat. This servile, licking seemed to her a great honor and a feast. Fora long hour and a half, she satisfied thus her governess?s lust.

?Enough!? Dorothea said at last. ?Now, climb onto the bed,lie down on your stomach between my legs and kiss softly in between my thighs.?

Without fully understanding all that the order contained inperversion, the na?ve, virgin slave obeyed. Squeezed in between Dorothea?sbeautiful fleshy thighs, she put her head into the soft heat, kissing andlicking the velvety inner thighs until Dorothea directed her face into the warmhollow of her femininity. The soft, curly black down penetrated her mouth andnose and tickled her deliciously. She could feel, under the thick, perfumedhair, the warm moist fruit of love which palpitated like a small preciousanimal.

?Go on,? the governess said in a voice dry with passion, ?doyour best, to caress me as I wish... That?s good, use your tongue and lips,yes, continue like this... Drive your, tongue further in now! Draw your tonguemore, slave! Lap! Now flick it! Drive it inside as far as you can! Now, pull itback and do it again? in, out, in, out... that?s good, but wriggle it more?continue! Suck out all the juices, lick and suck at the same time. Don?t miss asingle spot!?

Mabel was getting frantic. Under the orders, accompanied eachtime with whiplashes and cruel tugs on her hair, she did as best she could. Adelicious acrid feminine odor and taste penetrated her intimately, filling hermouth and nose with the bubbly syrup. Under her agile tongue she discovered newmysteries; she had the impression of discovering a strange new world.

Dorothea breathed loudly and squeezed more and more on theslave?s head between her robust-fleshed thighs. Suddenly she grasped with bothhands the head that was caressing her and rubbed it forcefully against hersex-flesh with a kind of fury. Mabel, crushed, gave herself passionately tothis new game, struggling to breath inthe thickly-moist environment. She had stopped for the time to think that shewas a mere slave and that her Mistress was simply using her as she would a mere towel or like a pleasure beast. She did not think of anything, so excited was she at whatwas happening. Dorothea?s sex-flesh wasto her like a divine essence and her lips trembled with ecstasy at its contact. A virgin, and completely ignorant ofperverse pleasures, she broughtto this act all the zeal she had in her, not even feeling the cruelwhiplashes which Dorothea gave her on her back and rear with more and more violence.

FinallyDorothea?s beautiful body arched itself and her throat gave out a very soft hoarse moan. At the same time, Mabel?s face was inundated with a thick, musky dew that went mostly into her mouth, and her head was terribly crushed between her Mistress?s thighs; nailed to thesweating, gasping belly, blinded,almost drowned, face and hair covered in Dorothea?s sweat and juices, the slavefelt herself die with joy.

Only a long timelater did Miss von Bernerrelease her prey from the confines of her heavy thighs. And now, hereyes had regained their hard andbright expression.

?On your knees atthe foot of my bed!? sheordered.

Briskly recalled to her true position, Mabel quickly obeyed.The governess looked at her with amocking contempt.

?Do you like my body?? she asked smirkingly.

?Oh, yes, Mistress, I adore it!? Mabel sighed, in ecstasy.

?Put out your tongue!?

Between her fingers,Dorothea cruelly pinched Mabel?spink tongue, holding itprisoner.

?You see,?? she went on, ?this tongue is just a slave?stongue, it is completely at the service and pleasure of my body, and any time I feel like it, I shall have you drive thistongue into me for my pleasure!?

And she concluded; ?As for you, I want, you to be alwaysready to kiss and lick with complete joy and respect, any part of my body, even the most intimate ofareas. Otherwise, I shall oblige youto do so anyway with means ofthe whip. Understood, slave??

?Y-yes, Mistress!?

?From now on,?the implacable Dorothea went on,?You will no longer just call me ?Mistress,? but, ?Divine Mistress.? That is logical, since I am now your God as well as yourMaster. Now, go and fetch the panties Iwore earlier today and use them towipe me up!?

With trembling hands, Mabel wiped up the dripping wet sex of her Mistress with the pink silk knickers. Then Dorothea used themto wrap around Mabel?s head, seeing toit that the most soiled parts of the material should be in direct contact with the slave?s mouth, bunching the crotch andwet spots into her mouth as a gag.

Then she made her liedown, all naked, on thebed-side rug and tied up her feet andhands. Completely immobilized and blinded, the slave heard her Mistress go back to bed, and then hervoice from above her, saying; ?I hope you?revery happy, slave, to have hadthe honor to kiss all the secret places of my body??

?Oh, yes, Divine Mistress,?Mabel said indistinctly throughthe soiled panties in her mouth.

?And I hope you will thank me for it tomorrow by obeying mestill better than usual and submitting totally to me??

?Yes, Divine Mistress, I swear I will.?

?That?s good. You may sleep now! And don?t let me hear another sound out of you, or elsetomorrow night, I?ll let you sleep in my toilet.?

?Yes, Divine Mistress.?

At last satisfied, the beautiful Dorothea lay downcomfortably among her plush silk pillows and soft comforters and went to sleepat once.























































Chapter V



A few days later an unusual event took place? a visit atKelington castle, that of Eva Crimpton, a friend of Miss von Berner?s who cameto settle down in Scotlandfor an indefinite period.

Eva Crimpton was a strange woman. Aged about forty-five, shemust have been very beautiful once, but she had let herself grow rather toofat. All sorts of stories were whispered about her, and all were true. She hadbeen at one time a singer in a ?cafe-concert;? richly kept by several men, shewas known by her hardness of heart and a strange sadism ? she loved to seeothers suffer.

After having reduced to misery a few lovers and getting richherself, she had amassed a considerable fortune and had founded near London, a girl?sboarding-school which did not admit just any girl, but only orphans or girls ofwhom their parents wanted to get rid of. Once in this boarding-school, the poorgirls never came out of it again, for, as one can easily imagine, they weresubmitted to the most rigid discipline and became slaves in the hands of theplump manageress.

When the pupils came of age and had forever lost allsemblance of a personality, their destinies changed. Miss Crimpton kept a fewas domestic slaves, and the others were sold off at very high prices to youngaristocratic women who were as sadistic as Eva and who kept these girls captivefor life in the country and used them to their own cruel ends.

Eva?s school will be the subject of our next book.

Dorothea von Berner had at one time been a teacher in thatstrange school. It was Eva Crimpton who first initiated her to the perversedomination of girls and it was there that Dorothea had learned to become a fearsomegoverness.

She was in very good terms with Eva Crimpton and that is whythe latter wanting a holiday, had come to settle down in the castle, with LordKelington?s assent. She had arrived with numerous pieces of luggage and shedrove herself in a luxurious car.

Mabel Sunway, completely absorbed in her demanding domesticwork, had not even seen her arrive. It was only when Eva was installed andsettled that Miss von Berner called Mabel to the drawing-room.

Mabel felt surprise awl shame to see her Mistress talkingamicably with an unknown woman. She stared with terror at this majestic andheavy-set person sitting on the sofa. Miss Crimpton, very elegant and dressedin black silk, was wearing numerous jewels. Her face was heavily made up andstill had remnants of a great beauty. Her eyes were of a wonderful light greycolor, her nose small, her mouth sensual and with a lot of lipstick on; herauburn hair was admirably coiffured; and the skin of her neck and arms seemedthat of a young girl, so white, milky and soft it looked.

?Come nearus, Mabel,? Dorothea said in a dry tone, ?and salute Madam! Go on your kneesand kiss her feet! Go on, be quick!?

Frightened, the girl obeyed like an automaton. She steppedup to the fat woman who was looking at her with complete contempt through alorgnette, (opera glasses). She knelt down and kissed Eva?s varnished shoes.

?This,? the governess said, ?is the girl I talked to youabout. Needles to say, as good a slave as she is, she will do anything you maywant her to do and she will obey you with complete and utter submission.?

With the tip of her shoe, Miss Crimpton obliged Mabel tolift up her head.

?Very pretty,indeed, a charming slave, I congratulate you, Dorothea!? Eva said. ?What?s yourname, little one? Answer me, looking me in the eyes! You mustn?t call me madambut; ?Your honor.? And don?t let me have to repeat it to you, either. When aslave wearies me I give her quite a whipping. Understood??

?Y-yes, Your Honor.?

?Would you like me to untie her,? Dorothea proposed, ?sothat she gets undressed and you can see her body in the nude??

?I shall undress her myself,? Eva answered, ?it ispreferable that a slave should always keep her hands tied when she is on duty.First, I?ll have a look at her breasts.?

So saying, Miss Crimpton crudely thrust her hands intoMabel?s blouse and took out in one gesture her two naked breasts which shestarted immediately to caress.

?Pretty breasts, indeed!? she exclaimed. ?I hope her bottomis worthy of the front.?

Mabel, with tears in her eyes, submitted to the odioustouch. Then, Eva lifted up the slave?s dress which she tucked up into thecorset to keep it in an upward position. Her grey eyes sparkled with pleasure.

?Congratulations, darling Dorothea, this is a fine piece of agirl! And she?s impeccably strapped and her panties are nice and tight justlike those worn by the girls in my school. Not a single wrinkle on the buttocksand well strapped between the legs, perfect!?

Eva undid the strap anal started to paw insolently theslave?s femininity through the silk material.

?I hope she?s depilated?? Yes, I can see she is.

She made the girl turn round and slipped one of her fingersinto her anus, through the material.

?Let?s see her naked, now!?

Dorothea rushed forward, eager to help.

?I won?t let you unbutton all that by yourself. Let me helpyou!?

The two women undid, one after the other, the forty buttonswhich tied Mabel?s panties to the stays. The girl felt herself near to tears.She was in the possession, as it were, of this stranger, and she was giving herthe most secret parts of herself and she could not do anything to prevent it.

The drawers, freed from the waist, were pulled low andfinally fell to the feet of the slave.

?Lie down on your stomach on my lap!? Miss Crimpton ordered.

Mabel, dominating her rage, if not her humiliation took upthe position of a baby being spanked. She could smell Eva?s violent perfume andfeel the soft warmth of her fat thighs. Then, the most humiliating examinationbegan. Miss Crimpton, bending down over her victim, inspected all the detailsof the young rump with her lorgnette. She caressed softly the buttocks, askingDorothea whether it was the whip or the riding crop which had caused all theseweals and welts. Then she drew the plump globes apart and, first with her eyes,then with her fingers, she explored the gap in between.

?The bottom,? she said, ?is for me the touchstone offeminine education. It is by whippings that a girl is educated and made a slaveof. Take for instance a proud aristocratic girl like this one once was? whichis the best way to humiliate her? Surely, that of baring often her youngbuttocks, proving to her that, that part of her anatomy is no longer her ownbut that of her Mistress. Whippings, injections, tight panties, the birch ? allthat must be given almost without stopto a slave. A girl being re-educated, whether she is sitting or standing, orlying down, must have continuously the feeling of her own behind ? she mustfeel it being either whipped, or penetrated, or simply crushed by the materialof her panties. I hope, my dear Dorothea, that the bottom of your slave hasn?tgotten even a single minute of respite??

?I?m doing my best,? the governess said smiling. EvaCrimpton was pinching Mabel?s buttocks.

?This behind is big, but not enough for a slave. You shouldmake her ride a bicycle. Is there one here??

?Yes, we have one in the hangar,? Dorothea said.

?Good. I?ve brought for Mabel a bicycle saddle which I?vealso made for my pupils and which is conceived specially to fortify the musclesof the behind. Shall I show it to you??

?Yes, do, by all means. We have a full hour beforelunch-time and we could use it to give Mabel her first ride. How must she dressfor that??

?Don?t let her put her panties back on,? Miss Crimpton said,?but she better keep on her stays. Remove her skirt, underskirt, blouse, strap,stocking and shoes and let her wear a simple, but very short skirt stopping atthe mid thighs and tied to the corset, and put her bare feet into sandals.?

?All right, Bridget will dress her up accordingly and she?lltake her to the park when she?s ready.?

The slave was authorized to leave Eva?s lap and was handedover to the chambermaid. A few moments later, dressed as Eva had indicated, shewas again in the presence of her mistresses near the hangar.

At once, she shuddered at the sight of the bicycle uponwhich the special saddle had been mounted. This odd instrument was not actuallya saddle but only a polished wooden ball, as big as an egg, at the end of ametal rod.

?Mabel,? the governess asked, ?I hope you can ride abicycle??

?Yes, I can, Divine Mistress.?

?Then ride it!? MissCrimpton ordered.

Bridget was holding the bicycle. Mabel went astraddle it,put her feet on the pedals, but she did not dare sit on the wooden ball forfear of hurting herself. Dorothea slapped her face.

?What are you waiting for to sit down??

Trembling with fear, the girl tried to obey. Eva had takenposition behind her; she drew the girl?s buttocks apart brutally and forced herto sit down briskly. Mabel screamed with pain: the wooden ball, penetratingbetween her buttocks, was driving inside her anus more and more deeply. Theslave was impaled on the saddle. It was a particularly painful position, forthe buttocks were not resting on anything and the whole weight of her bodyrested on the secret orifice of the girl.

?But she?s going to try to lift herself up by getting aleverage on the pedals,? remarked Dorothea.

?I?ve thought about that,? replied Miss Crimpton. ?So weshall tie her up on the bike by fixing one end of this chain to her corset andthe other end to the back mud-guard of the bicycle. Then we shall tie her handson to the handlebar and her heels to the pedals!?

While Bridget was still holding the bicycle up, the twomistresses fixed the chain to Mabel?s corset and tied up her hands; then theybent down to tie her feet to the pedals. In that movement, their dresses werelifted a little and their under-clothes visible. Mabel noticed how huge Eva?s bottomwas, squeezed in a luxurious pink silk pair of panties.

At last everything was ready. Dorothea and her friend wentinto Eva?s car, ready to follow Mabel during her ride. They had taken with thema long whip with a leather lash like those used in circuses when showinghorses.

?And mind you stay always near the car,? Miss Crimptonrecommended, ?if you don?t want to be whipped to death after your ride!?

?Y-yes D-Divine Mistress!?

Then Bridget let go of the bicycle and Mabel startedpedaling. From the car, the two torturers watched her with sadistic joy. Fromtime to time, Dorothea lashed the bare legs of the slave.

?Faster!? She cried, ?keep your head held up and your backerect! Obey, Mabel, or else beware!?

The poor girl was suffering horribly. For more than half anhour she was forced to pedal without stop through the walks of the park. Shewas sweating profusely and her corset was crushing her most painfully, obligingher to stand erect. But, above all, it was her behind that was hurting her. It feltall bloody. When, now and then, her skirts flew up with the wind, Dorothea tookadvantage of it by lashing the soft bared buttocks with her long whip.

At last the Mistresses called a halt.

?But I can?t alight,? Mabel moaned, ?I?m tied up!?

?Well what about it, stupid, there?s some moss at the edgeof the path; just you let yourself fall down on it!?

Her nerves taut with fear,the girl obeyed. She fell heavily to the ground, still tied to herbicycle and bruising her right thigh and arm in the process.

They left her thus for long minutes without bothering abouther. The two friends, in the car, were chattering amiably. At last, Dorotheagot up and walked up to her victim, Taking a handkerchief out of her purse shewiped up the sweating, tear-stained cheeks of the slave and made her blow hernose, which was running profusely. Then she ordered her to ride once again. Shelifted up the girl and the bike and placed her in the right direction on thepath.

For another half hour, Mabel had to pedal without a minute?srest, lashed by her Mistress?s whip, and with their cruel laughter ringing ather ears.

When she arrived back at the castle, poor Mabel was halffainting with fatigue. She let herself fall at the end on the gravel path withher bicycle. The two women went in without bothering about her and it was onlyhalf an hour later that Bridget went to deliver Mabel from her uncomfortableposition.

The slave was so tired and trembling that, exceptionally,she was exempted from waiting at table on her Mistresses. She was made to liedown on a bed and she slept until two o?clock, and, during her sleep, shesighed now and then, and sobbed and shuddered nervously.

After a hasty meal, Mabel was dressed up again and her hairarranged, then Bridget strapped her up tightly. Then, freshly made up, she wasled to her Mistresses who were having coffee in the drawing-room.

Fat Eva Crimpton contemplated her with a cruel smile.

?Come here, my girl!? she called. ?Come and kneel downbefore me!?

Mabel having obeyed, she took her by the ears, forcing herto lift up her head.

?Well,? she asked, ?do you feel more disciplined now afteryour ride? Is your behind still hurting you after that good ride on thebicycle??

?Oh, yes, Your Honor,? Mabel whispered, with despair in hereyes.

?So much the better. We shall make you ride it every day.?

She addressed Dorothea

?Really darling, your slave is most charming, and I reallyfeel like using her a little. Would you lend her to me for tonight??

?But of course, Eva. Mabel will be led to your room at thetime you please and will be at your complete disposal for as long as you like,won?t you, slave??

?Y-yes, Divine Mistress.?

?Put out your tongue!? Miss Crimpton ordered with alecherous smile.

Mabel?s velvety pink tongue shot out from her painted lips.Eva pinched it cruelly between her fingernails, pulled it out to the maximum,and caressed it voluptuously with her fingers.

?This tongue looks like it?s the right size for what I wantit to do,? she told Dorothea with a knowing wink.

The beautiful governess burst out laughing. ?Yes, indeed,?she said, amused. ?So you still have your special tastes, have you??

?It?ll certainly do,? the fat woman replied with a tranquillack of modesty, ?I don?t feel any pleasure on the front side, and, in myschool, I?ve admirably taught one of my special pupils to caress me exactlyaccording to my wishes. I have even lengthened and narrowed her tongue withspecial apparatuses. I always had that girl beside me wherever I went and shewas quite ready, at the lash of a whip, to creep underneath my skirts. And, atnight, to have her better at my disposal, I used to make her sleep inside ahuge night-stand near my bed.?

Dorothea von Berner laughed.

?Oh, Eva, you?ll never change!?

?But,? Miss Crimpton went on, ?I?m beginning to be tired ofher and I think I?m going to give her to one of my girl-friends, and, as forme, I shall teach a brand-new girl to be of service to my behind.?

During the whole time she had been speaking, she had not letgo of Mabel?s tongue, which she pawed nervously. And the girl wondered withanguish what was the meaning of that strange talk.

?Get up now!? Miss Crimpton ordered at last, ?and remainthere motionless, with your heels together and your head erect, until I needyou again.?

The English girl having obeyed, the fat Mistress examinedher with attention.

?Higher, your head, higher!? she said dryly. ?A slave mustbe arched completely and her eyes must look up at the ceiling, just like awell-groomed valet. Dorothea, my darling, you should let her wear a disciplinebit to teach her to lift up her head better.?

?I know, Eva, but I haven?t got one here.?

?But I?ve gotsome! Since you told me that you had a girl-slave here. I brought with me a fewinstruments of discipline in my suitcases. Mabel?!??

?Your Honor??

?Go to my room. There, you?ll find on a table, a steel andleather instrument, similar to a horse-bit. Bring it to me!?

?But my hands are tied, Your Honor!?

?Well, take it in your teeth, stupid. Go on and don?tdiscuss it with me!?

Two minutes later, the slave came back with the instrument.It was the exact copy of a horse-bit, on a reduced scale made out of fine steeland with red varnished leather reins.

?On your knees before me, and open up your mouth wide!? MissCrimpton ordered.

Mabel, trembling, did as she was told. The fat Mistress thenput the bit into her mouth, the metal part holding her tongue down, which wasrather painful. The instrument was tied under the chin and the reins gatheredbehind the head. Eva pulled briskly on the reins, making the slave?s head takeup an upward position to the maximum of its
possibility. She moaned as her mouth was bruised terribly by this horrible instrument. Withoutbatting an eyelid, Eva fixed the end of the reins to a ring of the corset inthe back.

?There she is, bridled like a young mare!? she saidlaughing. ?That will teach herto stand a little more erectly!?

?That?s perfect,? exclaimed Dorothea von Berner. ?And howlong will she have to wear this instrument of discipline??

?I advise you, darling, to put her to the bit every time shehas a special work to do. In my school, my pupils wear it at least four hours aday.?

Mabel?s beautiful eyes were filled with tears. How painfuland humiliating this horse-bit was to her! It made her stand erect, withoutbeing able to move her head at all, with her eyes heavenwards and her mouthbruised by the cruel instrument.

In that uncomfortable position she had to accompany hermistresses in their walk a few minutes later. They had untied her hands so thatshe could carry the ladies? bags, parasols and coats. She walked three pacesbehind them, half paralyzed with pain and humiliation.

When they were back in the castle Mabel was locked in MissCrimpton?s room, with the order to unpack all her suitcases and to put away inthe cupboards all the belongings of the fat lady. They had removed the bit atlast, but with the promise that it would be applied again the next day.

She had hardly finished her work when Eva Crimpton came intothe room. With her lorgnette carried defiantly in front of her critical eye,she checked all the cupboards, and, under the pretence that a pile of linen wasnot quite shipshape, she condemned Mabel to be whipped at once.

With her panties removed, the poor girl had to go on allfours in the middle of the room and offer her behind to Miss Crimpton?shorsewhip. She received a dozen lashes which made her scream with pain. Evastruck still more powerfully than Dorothea von Berner. Mabel?s poor buttocks coveredthemselves with bleeding cuts and the horsewhip burst the blisters caused byprevious whippings. Then, on her knees, the slave had to thank her torturer andhumbly lick her feet. She was extremely humiliated to be treated in this way bythat fat woman who, the very morningof that same day, was still unknown to her. She understood now that this MissCrimpton would be a particularly implacable and experienced Mistress.

The remainder of theday was spent without any other incident. Mabel, dressed as a serving maid,served dinner to her two mistresses, then waited upon Bridget, and only afterthat was she allowed to eat herself. Then she was summoned to the drawing-roomto receive further orders.

?You still want theslave for tonight, Eva?? Dorothea van Berner asked her friend.

The fat woman smiledwith an expression of greedy lust which did not escape Mabel.

?And how, darling. I?m looking forward very much to becaressed as I like by this little beast ofpleasure. But I would like her to be locked in my room from now on, fortwo hours so that she should prepare herself in prayers for me to obey me andserve me as I wish.?

?Should she be naked?? Bridget asked.

?No, on the contrary, I would like her dressed, very dressed? in an evening gown, for instance, just as she was when she was still a freeand proud girl going to balls. Put her into a long evening gown and, under it,corset her very tightly, to the maximum. As for her underclothes, let her wearthe same as worn usually by little whores, such as, for instance, panties inblack laced satin ? that would be fine. Ah, I nearly forgot ? before lettingher put on her panties, slip a glycerin suppository well up into her anus undstop it up well with a cork. Then you will tie her up at the foot of my bed andgag her with my dirty linen, a chemise or rather, my knickers which von willfind in the cupboard.?

On hearing so many perverse refinements, Bridget?s face hadlit up with a wide smile, while Mabel?s had become crimson with shame andfright.

The slave took leave of her Mistresses and was taken away bythe maid. A half hour later,Miss Crimpton?s orders had been carried out to the letter. Mabel, atrociouslycorseted in leather stays, was dressed in an adorable evening-gown in black andpink silk, the very dress which she had once worn at fashionable balls in Paris.

For Mabel, it seemed a lifetime ago.

As for her underclothes, she wore only a narrow pair ofpanties in black silk and lace, very perverse and sexy, which she was wearingfor the first time.

The girl?s secret orifice was corked up well with care and already she was beginning tofeel the effects of the suppository which Bridget had introduced with sadisticjoy. Mabel understood that cruel Eva would probably force her to keep it in allnight without taking off the cork, in order to cause her the maximum ofdiscomfort and shame.

The poor slave was on her knees, with her hands tied behindher back by a string connected to her dress. The lower part of her face wasgagged with the mauve panties worn for the last three days by the fat Mistress.

For two hours she had to stay there, meditating on her cruelfate. Then she heard noises of steps and laughter coming from the passage. Theroom was suddenly inundated with light and Miss Crimpton appeared. She went toher dressing-table without condescending even to glance at the tied up slave.For a long while she paced across the room, putting away her things, as ifMabel did not even exist. Finally she took hold of a strong leather horsewhipand went up to the girl. She made her stand up with a kick and showed her thebed with an imperative finger.

?Lie downhere and don?t move!? she ordered.

Mabel, with her hands still tied up, obeyed. She lay down onthe blankets and followed all her Mistress?s moves with fearful eyes.

A few minutes later, Eva came and sat on the bed near theslave. She surveyed her for a long time, without a word, and with contempt inher grey eyes. Then, slowly, began to paw her. First, her hands touched herbreasts, caressing them through the material of the dress and now and thenpinching the nipples violently. Then she caressed Mabel?s belly, thighs andsuddenly slipped her hand underneath her skirt. Mabel shuddered as she felt thefat hand go to and fro on the bare flesh of her inner thighs and under thematerial of the panties, on her imprisoned femininity. Then the hand slippedtowards her buttocks, penetrated between them and checked whether the cork waswell in position.

This perverse game lasted for about half an hour. Miss Crimptonpawed, pinched and caressed, without omitting a single inch of Mabel?s fleshand, all the while, she looked hypnotically into her slave?s eyes.

Mabel was becoming frantic with rage, despair and shame.Gagged and tied up she just had to submit to the pawing, and tears welled up inher pretty eyes.

Then the woman removed the knickers that were gagging Mabeland started caressing the girl?s face just as she had caressed the other partsof her body. She even obliged her to open her mouth and dipped into it two ofher fingers on which she was wearing rings, and explored every nook and crannyof Mabel?s mouth, under her tongue, along her teeth and her palate. Mabel hadto take a hold on herself not to bite those insolent fingers.

At last Eva stood up and began undressing under the eyes ofher slave. Her heavy fat body, the skin of which was however magnificentlysmooth and exceedingly white, soon appeared. She wore a lace brassiere and apink pair of panties over an enormouslyfat rump. Those two articles of clothing were also removed and then MissCrimpton was entirely naked. Strange to say, in spite of her fatness, there was something very attractive in herbody, probably because it majestic shapes were perfectly delineated.

?Slave,? she said, ?I madeyou come hero so that I could use you, or rather your tongue, as anobject of pleasure. So you?re going to be very attentive and affectionate andmake all your best efforts to please me, if you don?t, want to be punished very severely. My horsewhip will alwaysbe here to give you a few warnings and force you to a slavish, devotion. I willtell you, if you need to give you a few warnings, you will be very sorry andyou can be sure, I?ll punish you severely before I once more force you to anunceasing activity. Your slavish, tongue must neither slow down, nor tirebefore I say so. You probably don?t, knowthe kind of caresses I am fond of, but you will soon know. I don?t want ?normal? caresses from you,understand? It is only on my charming back orifice which, in your case, is atthis very moment stopped up by a cork, that I want you to work with your tongueas diligently as possible. Do you get me??

At first, Mabel did not catch the meaning of Miss Crimpton?swords. Then, all at once, she understood and her face made a grimace of horrorand disgust. So that waswhat this fat Mistress wanted her to do? Oh, dear God! But she had not theleisure to even think it over, for Eva had come back to the bed and suddenlysat astraddle right on poor Mabel?s face. Crushed by the enormously hotbuttocks, the poor slave was half stifled. She felt completely debased anddominated by the perverse whims that this fat woman was imposing upon her.

Miss Crimpton, bending forward a little, lifted up Mabel?sskirts up to her waist and, on the pretty belly of the girl, drawn tight by athin silk pair of panties, she delivered a blow with the horsewhip which landedright on Mabel?s femininity.

The girl moaned loudly with pain and became more active inher loathsome task. Dominating her natural disgust, she tried as best she couldto introduce her tongue well into her Mistress? rear orifice.

?Better than that!? Eva shouted, whipping her slave likemad. ?Drive it in more deeply! There, that?s good! Continue! No, more and morequickly and beware if you don?t satisfy me as I wish!?

Under the powerful buttocks crushing her face, the girl wasgetting nearly hysterical. She had thrown all modesty and disgust to the windsand was now boring deeply with her tongue, swabbing into her Mistress?s anuswith only one thought ? that of satisfying her. The whip vent down and downwith clockwork regularity on the poor slave?s tender sex, tearing her pantiesto strips.

Soon, Eva Crimpton began to fidget like mad on her humanseat. She felt pleasure come and stimulated Mabel with great severity. Herenormous moving, sweating rumps bruised the poor girl?s face and squeezed heras if in a moist vice. Finally, the Mistress?s body was shaken by a greatshudder and her ass muscles relaxed. With a moan of pleasure, Eva let herselfgo and rolled on the bed, naked and shuddering with ecstasy, driving herfingernails into the sobbing slave?s face.

The Mistress stayed for a while prostrate and languid,shaken now and then by small shudders of bliss. At last she got up, but it wasonly to inflict a new torture to the unhappy slave.

Out of a cupboard, Eva took a strange-looking garment, itwas a large pair of woman?s panties similar to normal ones, with the exceptionthat the bottom was cut into a large opening which one could as one wished,shut or open it with a zipper. Miss Crimpton put on that garment and orderedMabel to slip under the bedclothes.

The girl obeyed Eva, who went to the bed and pushed down herslave with her feet until Mabel?s face was level with her Mistress?s behind.

?Now, you?re goingto put your head through the opening in the back of my panties,? Eva ordered,?and during the whole night, you will stay thusly, your face stuck next to mybuttocks, and you will kiss and lick all over my arse until I fall asleep. And mind you, don?t disturb me atall during the night!?

Her mind in a whirl, completely repulsed, the slave stilldid as she had been told. The whole of her head disappeared into her Mistress?spanties and the latter shut it hermetically by means of the zipper which wasthen held fast by a string around her slave?s neck. Mabel had now become partof her Mistress and her face was completely imprisoned in her panties, keepingclose company to the sweaty, enormous feminine buttocks.

The poor slave was very uncomfortable, extremely hot, forshe was entirely dressed and her corset was squeezing her atrociously. Theenormous buttocks-flesh pressing against her face, ran with perspiration andsoon her hair became damp with the woman?s sweat. As for the suppository, itseffect was torturing her a lot. On each move made by her Mistress, Mabel had tofollow, for she could not detach herself in the least from the buttocks towhich she was tied, or rather glued, as it were.

Never, since the beginning of her bondage, had the girlsuffered so much morally and physically. She had the impression of an absolutedegradation. Little by little, she lost conscience of her own personality; herface, stuck well to that fat, feminine behind, had lost all its former nobilityand human dignity. It seemed to Mabel as if her face had itself become a behind, a fat, sweating posterior, sinceit was being treated as such.

When, ten long, long hours later, the girl was at lastdelivered from her strange prison, she tried in vain to recover her humanmentality, but she could not, and instead, she fell unconscious, exhausted withthe suffering and complete shame from the awful treatment she had beensubjected to.

Miss Eva Crimpton as the experienced Mistress she was, hadgiven Mabel the decisive stroke that foreverput an end to Mabel Sunway?s personality. Mabel Sunway, thesophisticated and well-bred young society woman was gone, and in her place wassomething broken, without a spine or spirit. Now, Lord Kelington, coming backto his castle ? would find only a meek slave without strength or will-power ofher own, a slave who never again would or could become a free-thinking womanagain.
































Chapter VI




Life was following its slow dark course, uneventfully, atthe Kelington Castle. Under the implacable yoke of herMistress?s Mabel was becoming every day more broken and submissive. She had nowacquired the real soul of a slave. She obeyed with equal zeal not just to thebeautiful Dorothea von Berner, but also to the imposing Eva Crimpton and evento the hateful maid Bridget. Mabel still loathed Bridget, but now saw her, notjust as a common maid, but as her superior in all things. Just a blow out of awhistle or an imperative clack of fingers sufficed to make Mabel throw herselfon her knees in front of any of these three Mistress?s, with her bodytrembling, her eyes full of tears and her big buttocks apprehending andexpecting a whipping.

One day, a letter addressed to Miss Mabel Sunway arrived atthe castle. Naturally, it was Dorothy who opened it and read it. That letter,written in a high, elegant hand on perfumed paper, came from a certain MyriamHekings who had been a school-friend of Mabel?s. The girl, after a thousand andone confidences such as are usually exchanged between old school pals,announced to her friend that she was ready to come to Kelington?s castle tovisit her, since Mabel, before leaving for college, had invited her so kindly. She asked Lord Kelington?s niece to lether know if and when she was ready to receive her.

Dorothea showed the letter to Miss Crimpton who read it withgreat interest. The two Mistress?s, sitting in the drawing-room, orderedBridget to fetch Mabel, who was cleaning Eva Crimpton?s bathroom. A few minuteslater the young slave came into the room. She was very lovely even under herexcessive make-up.

A pink satin corset was crushing her waist, leaving her fullbreasts completely naked, pushed up high and the tips of her breasts, herprominent nipples, had been painted in bright red. She was wearing a very shortskirt made out of Scotch silk, and stopping just below her bottom cheeks; onher legs, up to her mid thighs, she wore white silk stockings with red gartersand on her feet were black varnished shoes with extremely high heels. Her handswere bound with gold handcuffs behind her back, and the lower part of her facewas gagged by a filthy brown rag. She had been on her hands and knees wipingoff the bathroom surfaces with that rag. Not having the use of her hands, shehad to polish the faucets and porcelain bowls with the rag tied on her face.Under that gag-rag, the girl?s cheeks were swollen as if she had an object inher mouth.

Under Dorothea?s order, Bridget undid Mabel?s gag and tookoff the object that was stuffing her mouth ? a pair of 3 day-worn dirty pantiesbelonging to Eva Crimpton, which the latter had imposed upon her in order tohumiliate her.

The slave, on her knees, kissed respectfully her Mistress?sfeet. In the movement of bending down, her short skirt climbed upwards over themoons of her rear, revealing for a while her buttocks clad in silk knickers thecolor of peaches and quite suggestive.

?I?m going to ask you questions, Mabel,? the governessdeclared in a severe voice, ?and you?re going to answer them with absolutetruthfulness, that is, if you want to avoid twenty stokes of the horsewhipwhich you will get for everylie you tell. Is that completely understood??

?Y-yes, DivineMistress!?

?Who isMyriam Hekings??

The Pretty slave?s heart missed a beat. Her eyes widened asshe glanced at the letter which Dorothea was holding nervously in her fingersand upon which she had just recognized her best friend?s handwriting.

?S-she?s a f-friend I had in m-my boarding-school, DivineM-Mistress,? she answered with an effort. ?S-she?s twenty years old, and a verywealthy E-English girl, and I made her acquaintance in F-France. I had t-takenthe liberty of inviting her here f-for a st-stay, at a t-time w-when Ist-st-still th-thought th-that??

?When you thought what? Answer me!?

?W-when I th-thought I would st-stay a f-free g-girl...?

?And this Myriam, Is she pretty?? Miss Crimpton asked.

?Oh, y-yes, Y-Your Honor, she?s ravishingly p-pretty, andalso v-very elegant, and her c-character is very w-willful and stubborn.?

?And what?s her family situation??

?M-Myriam has only her father left alive, D-DivineM-Mistress. H-he is an officer in the B-British army In India, and is hardlye-ever in England,th-that is why his d-daughter is full of independence.?

Miss Eva winked understandingly to her friend. ?Now, allthat seems perfect to me,? she said, smiling.

?Stand up!? Dorothea ordered, making her horsewhip lash theair. ?Bridget, untie Mabel?s hands and sit her down to the desk!?

The governess stood up and came near her slave.

?And now, you will write what I?m going to dictate!? sheordered in a dry tone. ?My Dear Myriam, I received your letter with greatpleasure. Of course I shall be very glad to have you her at Kelington?s.We?re having quite a lot of fun here at the moment. Come as soon as you can,and bring all your clothes and things with you, for I won?t let you go so soon!Please wire the date of your arrival and a car will pick you up at the station.I?m looking forward to seeing you very much. With an affectionate kiss, YourMabel.?

While she was writing, Mabel?s hands were tremblingterribly. She had guessed that her Mistress was planning something very wickedand that Myriam Hekings would be the victim. She looked uneasily at herMistress and ventured to say; ?D-Divine M-Mistress, I b-beg y-you, n-notM-Myriam!?

Dorothea slapped her face with violence.

?So!? she cried, ?a little bitch of a slave like you, youallow yourself the audacity to give your opinion? An opinion? An interfere inyour Mistress?s affairs! Mind you don?t everdo that again, or else, beware of the whip!?

She addressed the maid Bridget; ?Bridget, take this sillyslave back to her toilet work!?

?And don?t forget,? Miss Crimpton recommended, ?to gag herseverely after having replaced my panties back into her mouth!??

When Mabel had left the room with her only at lunch,Mistress Crimpton?s filthy panties, Miss Crimpton spoke again to her friend; ?Ihope, my dear Eva,? she said with a cruel smile, ?that we shall soon have twoslaves in Kelington?s castle.?



* * * * *



Three days later, Miss Myriam Hekings arrived unsuspectinginto the Mistress?s lair. Mabel had not lied. Her friend was of great beauty.Two years older than Miss Sunway, she was slightly taller than the petiteMabel, and more mature. Her face was made up tastefully, with great care butwithout any excess and had green eyes and dark auburn hair. Her body wasaristocratic charm, with a sensual mouth, large breasted for a girl fond ofsports but, to judge from the roundness covering her tailor-maid suit, wasquite curvaceous. Very elegant, she had in her gait something insolent and herhead was held up quite proudly, showing that she knew about her beauty and herwealth.

Dorothea von Berner had arranged everything with carefulplanning for the girl?s arrival. At the station, Myriam was astonished not, tofind her friend waiting for her. There was only a livered chauffeur hired forthe occasion by Dorothea and who was at the wheel of Miss Crimpton?s car. Hedrove with another car behind, carrying all the suitcases and trunks belongingto the newcomer.

At the castle, she wasreceived very courteously by Bridget, dressed up in a spruce maid?soutfit. She ushered Myriam into the luxuriously furnished parlor.

?Miss Mabel will be here in a moment,? she announcedpleasantly.

Slightly taken aback by this odd greeting, Myriam waited fora long quarter of an hour, wondering why Mabel was not showing herself moreeager to meet her. At last, the door opened and Miss Sunway came in.

?Mabel, darling!? said Myriam, ?how happy I am to see youagain!?

Impetuously she threw herself Into Mabel?s arms, then shedrew back and said, astonished; ?Whatever are you wearing under your dress? It-it?s hard!?

Mabel blushed scarlet.

?It?s... it?s m-my c-corset!? she said with an effort.

Miss Hekings burst out laughing.

?What? You? You who couldn?t bear any constraints on yourbody? You?re now wearing stays? You must be kidding me? You really havechanged!?

While she was speaking, Myriam was examining her friend withsurprise. Mabel had changed.She used to be so gay and merry, as well as quite coquettish, but now sheseemed very shy and blushing and as If paralyzed by an unaccountable fright.Myriam was looking her up and down with growing astonishment. Why was Mabelmade up like a whore? And with a large beauty patch at the corner of one eyeand another near the mouth? Why was she standing so erect, with her eyes fixedand her head thrown back, and her arms hanging limply alongside her body? Herfriend was also astonished to notice that Mabel had now a very waspish waist and an enormous bottom jutting outprovocatively, and that her feet were shod in exaggeratedly high-heeled shoes.And what funny garments she was wearing! This white silk corset so tight, andher red silk skirt also very tight which molded her buttocks with indiscreetprecision.

But proper etiquette dictated that she did not dare askMabel outright for the reasons of her strange way of dressing and the changesin her attitude. Instead, she just said gaily; ?It was very kind of you toinvite me to the castle. I hope we?re going to have lots of fun.?

?I hope so too,? the slave said softly in a strangled voice.

?What do you do here? Rides in cars? Tennis? Swimming??

Mabel had a moment, betraying her fear, for she knew herMistresses had to be close by.

?Oh no,? she answered, ?I?m not allowed to.?

This time, Myriam did not, could not, hide her surprise.

?Well, what do you mean? You?ve always been so independent,The other girls at school admired you for that, for your spirit, I don?tunderstand. Who doesn?t allow you to have fun? My God, you?re seventeen and ahalf years of age, you?re no longer a baby, are you? Who is it, tell me??

?My governesses,? the girl answered in a low voice.

?Governesses at your age? Decidedly, Mabel, you astonish me!I thought you to be made of stronger stuff than that! But, I say, darling, I?dbetter warn you that those honorable persons had better not try to impose theirlaw upon me! And I hope that in my honor they will allow you a little morefreedom than you seem to have, what??

?Oh, hush, Myriam, if they hear you?!?

The distress in Mabel?s voice at possibly being overheardbrought real alarm to Myriam all at once. She now began to realize thatsomething more was afoot here. This was not her friend of old who stood beforeher, dressed and made up like a cheap tavern tart, whining and frightened.

At that precise moment, the door opened wide and Mabel drewback a few steps like a trained animal, bowing and lowering her head asDorothea von Berner was entering the room. She was beautiful as always, withher proud face carefully made up, her black lustrous hair, her sculptured bodystrictly molded into a tight blue velvet tailor-made suit-jacket and matchingskirt, her legs were encased in expensive silk stockings, her wrists circledwith golden bracelets. She was holding in her hand a thin horsewhip with whichshe tapped nervously the tip of her leather shoes.

With a nonchalant step she advanced to the middle of theroom, without appearing to have noticed the presence of Myriam Hekings. And shefixed Mabel with a hard expression in her eyes.

?Well? Aren?t I saluted properly today??

Dumbfounded, Myriam saw the incredible sight of Mabel,blushing with shame, as she quickly knelt down, while casting a furtive glancein her direction; then she prostrated herself face down before the new-comer,licking like a dog the tips of her shoes. Insolently, the governess was eyeingthe body groveling before her.

?And my bottom!? she said dryly.

Blushing more and more, poor Mabel half rose, then, crawlingon her knees, she went behind Dorothea, lifted up her skirt a little, up to thebottom of the pink panties adorned with satin garters and then she put her head completely under the skirt. Applyingher lips robustly against the meaty buttocks of her Mistress, Mabel remainednearly a minute in that position, loud, moist smacking sounds attesting to thefact that she was devotedly kissing the large, panty-covered buttocks of herMistress.

Dumbstruck, mute with her stupor, Myriam had sat down on asofa.

At that moment, Dorothea seemed to become aware of thegirl?s presence and smiled at her; ?You?re probably astonished to see yourfriend Mabel so transformed? Of course, she has failed to warn you about it.Let me tell you that Mabel Sunway is no longer the girl she once used to be;she has entirely lost all her high qualities of an heiress and an aristocrat.Come on out now, Mabel, tell us in your own words what you?ve become!?

She punctuated her order with a slight lash with thehorsewhip and Mabel, ducking her bright red face out from under the skirts ofher Mistress answered; ?I?m only a humble slave now, Divine Mistress, anobedient little bitch, happy to belong to you, and completely subservient toyour whip and whims.?

?That?s fine. Now stand up and put your hands behind yourback when I?m talking to you. I haven?t seen you yet today. Are you wellcorseted and strapped? And do you feelunder my absolute rule? Is your body submitting withrespect to the discipline of yourclothes??

?Yes, DivineMistress, I?m wearing under my dress a tightly-laced corset, my bottom is imprisoned, as you always wish it to be,in a slavishly tight pair of white silk panties which cling so tightly to my bottom that they do not makea single wrinkle or fold on mybuttocks.?

?And you haven?twetted them today, I hope? You?ve kept your need in check?

?Oh, yes, Divine Mistress!?

?Show me!?

With two tremblinghands, Mabel lifted up her dress clear up to her waist. Myriam, dumbfounded, saw her friend?s enormous bottom sheathed in white silk drawers andstrapped between her legs by awide tape of varnished leather.Dorothea, putting her hands under the strap after having unbuckled it, felt and pawed for a long while Mabel?sfemininity. ?Have you been punishedyet this morning?? she asked.

?Yes, DivineMistress. Her Honor Miss Crimptongave me the whip on my breasts becauseI hadn?t prostrated myself quicklyenough when she was passing by.And Her Ladyship gave me the whip on my bottom because she found I hadn?t polished her shoes well enough.?

?That?s perfect!?mocked Dorothea with a cruel smile,?that will teach you, to be more careful in future, won?t it? And how come you have your hands free? Don?t you know that aslave like you should always have her hands tied when she?s not working? Turn around!?

Picking up the stringsfrom the top of a table, the governess tied up with cord the hands of her slave, palm against palm; then,behind her back, she tied one elbowagainst the other, which was a verypainful position to remain in for any length of time, though Mabel wasbeginning to be almost used to it by now, even the pain of being bound that wayfor hours at a time. Then Dorothea slapped Mabel violently across her face, once, twice, and again.

?That?s to teach you not to walk about with your hands free,? she said.

Myriam Hekings hadviewed all that with growing stupefaction.It seemed she was having astrange dream and she hadn?t even thestrength to raise a murmur of protestin front of the shameful spectacle thathad been offered to her.

Miss von Berner thenrang and Bridget appeared,with her fists akimbo and a mocking smile on her lips. Dorotheaseized Mabel by her ear and threw herdown to the chambermaid?s feet.

?I heard thatyou had some complaint thismorning about the slave, my dear Bridget?? she asked.

?Yes, ma?am, I hadgiven her my shoes to clean and shedidn?t even trouble to scrape the mud from under the heels, so I whipped her severely.?

?You did quite well. And you, little bitch, beg Her Ladyship?s pardonagain for your negligence!?

Crimson with shame,Mabel prostrated herself before the maid Bridget and humbly kissed her feet.

?Oh, I beg Your Ladyship to please excuse and pardon me,? she moaned. ?I shall be much more attentive to Your Ladyship?s ordersand more obedient to you in the future.?

With a kick in her face, the maid obliged the slave to standup.

?We?ll see if you?re as good as your promise,? she grumbled.?Don?t you forget that Miss von Berner has given me all rights to you and that you must learn toserve me like a well-styleddomestic maid. I shall force you towith the whip!?

?Now, Bridget,?Dorothea said, ?take thisnaughty girl away and put her tocleaning in the toilets on her kneesuntil lunch-time. And, this afternoon, you can have hercompletely at your use and disposal so that you may teach her to obey you asshe should.?

?Thank you, ma?am.I?m very glad, for today is my day off and I intend, if madam doesn?t mind, to receive a few friends for tea at the bottom ofthe park, and Mabel will be my personal maid and wait upon us.?

?All right,Bridget, the slave is yours untiltonight. When you have put her in thetoilets, come back here for I shall probably need you.?

Bridget bent down overMabel and gave her a formidablepair of slaps on her already red cheeks.

?Follow me, little bitch, and beware if you aren?t the completely submissive slave I want you to be!?

Dorothea remained alonewith Myriam Hekings. Smiling, shesat in front of the girl,who had become very pale.

?I think,? Myriam said, ?that you won?t mind if I leave the castle immediately. I had come here invited by my friend Mabel, but now that I see what you?ve done to her, I don?t see how my presence here is in any way necessary.?

Dorothea did not answerat once. With a ghost of a smile playing upon her lips, she was playing with her horsewhip and seemed to be absorbed in her thoughts.

?That?s whereyou?re wrong, Miss Hekings,quite wrong. You?ve come here in the hope of adjourning here for a long time. So I insist on satisfyingthat desire. I wish to see you remain here for a very long time!?

?In this castle? Or ratherin this prison??? the girl hissedangrily.

Dorothea stoodup suddenly like a released spring. With flashing eyes she fixed Myriam.

?You?ve said it ?a prison! That is the ?mot juste?,?she ejaculated. ?But it?s not onlyMabel?s prison, but yours as well. For I intend to makea slave of you, also.?

?A slave? Areyou mad??

Dorothea?s arm jerked out and her horsewhip lashed Myriam?s cheek, tracing a bleeding mark onit. The girl howled with pain.

?Mad?? Dorothea. went on.? Is this the way a slave shouldspeak to her Mistress? You?ll pay for that, my dear, you?ll pay for your insolence, your pride, all your horribledefects of a spoilt girl. I?llmake a servant, a bitch, of you,whether you like it or not!And, first of all, a slave should kneel when her Mistress condescends to speakto her. Go on, on your knees, bitch, on your knees!?

Miss von Berner, to give more weight to her words, lashedout again with the riding-crop, reaching Myriam Hekings right across herbreasts and tearing the silk of her blouse swollen by her pretty bust.

The girl, howling with pain, drew back against the door. Hergreen eyes flashed with fury and her mouth foamed with rage. One felt withinher a fearsome strength all reared up against the despotic force of Dorotheavon Berner.

?You wicked woman!? shelashed out, ?you damned creature, I despise and hate you! You want to make aslave out of me! Well, you?d better think again!?

With a brisk gesture, she opened the door and made as if torush out but her body collided against Bridget?s who was barring the way andwho seized her in her powerful arms.

?Quiet, my girl, quiet ! A slave doesn?t escape like thisfrom her Mistress! I?m stronger than you are, and you should realize it!?

The maidtwisted violently Myriam?s wrists, and the poor girl screamed with pain and,fury. Bridget made her go back into the room she had tried to leave.

?Nice work, Bridget!?Dorothea exclaimed laughing. You?re going to help me to give a whippingto this slave, for she?s really deservedit for her lack of submission.?

?I?m not a slave and I forbid you to treat me like this!? Miss Hekings howled, furiously.

Bridget did not heed her protests and, having tripped thegirl?s body and sent it sprawling against the carpet, she nailed her to thefloor by sitting astraddle on top of her.

?What shall I do with this fury, ma?am?? she asked quietly.

?Let?s tie her up on the sofa,? Dorothea answered. ?We?regoing to undress her and whip her bottom as she deserves.?

The maid got up and seized Myriam like a parcel and threwher down on a low sofa. Quickly and expertly the girl was trussed up like asausage by a rope around her loins, another tying her ankles and a third fixingher hands to the legs of the sofa.

Vanquished and unable to defend herself, Myriam did not stop throwing abuse right andleft. But Dorothea only laughed at her insults anduseless fury. She took out a pair scissors from the drawer of a cupboard.

?It would bedifficult to undress this slave without untying her,? she explained to Bridget, ?so we shall use this method!?

She bent downover Myriam and used her scissors to cut through the material of the tailor-made suit, the blouseand the brassiere the girl was wearing. Then she removed the torn pieces and threw them away in a cornerof the room. The velvety bare back ofMyriam appeared in its sculptured beauty, which Dorothea contemplated witha satisfied smile. Thenthe governess slipped her hand underthe sprawling body of MissHekings and palpated her bare breastscrushed against the sofa.

?This is a mightyfine bust for a slave!? she exclaimed. ?What pleasure I shall haveto torture these arrogant breasts which are mine from nowon!?

?Brute, dirty brute!? cried Myriam, who was choking with rage.

?And now, theskirt!? Miss von Berner said.

Arming herself againwith the scissors she spilt thegrey dress on all its length, made it slip down and threw it in acorner of the room. The girl?sinsolently curved out bottom offereditself to the mocking sight of the two torturers. It was a really massive buttocks, straining at thematerial of the pink silk panties which Myriam was wearing. Under the lacehemming the knickers, there appeared the long, sun-tanned, and appetizing thighs, the fine legs sheathed in beige silk stockings.

With her long nails,Dorothea pinched the bottom ofher victim and laughed insolently.

?Now, this is a bottom after my own liking, one that seems ideal for receiving the whip! And this pairof panties ? It?s so tighton you that it?s nearly like that of aslave. So madam likes beingtight in her underclothes. Well,madam will have her wishes more thanfulfilled ?starting from tomorrow,she?ll have to wear corsets and we?ll teach her to wear discipline-drawers, well-strapped, like those worn byher friend Mabel! Meanwhilewe?re going to remove these withthe whip on her bottom!?

The governess, havingspoken, drew back one step, took a firm hold on the thin leather horsewhip andapplied a hard blow on Myriam?s buttocks. It was so hard that the panties split. Mad with shame and pain, Miss Hekings had made a greateffort not to scream. With her head buried in the cushions, she let out a long moan.

?The bitch has a tough skin,? Miss von Berner said. ?So much the worse for your bottom,bitch. I?ll stop punishing only when this slave Is ready to lick at my feet.?

Other lashesfollowed, more and more violent. Throughthe rips in the drawers the buttocksappeared, striped with longred streaks. Soon, the materialwhich covered the victim?s bottom wasreduced to a shapeless rag. There only remaineda few shreds of pink silk stuck well between the girl?s buttocks; it was on this ultimate target that Dorothea showered her blows, which rained down on the youthful flesh, digging eachtime a bleeding furrow.

Myriam, who had resistedfor a long while, was now at the endof her physical resistance. Her moanshad soon been succeeded by screams, then by inhuman howls.

?Are your readyto admit you?re my slave ?Dorothea asked.

?Never!? the unfortunate girl sobbed. ?I?d rather die!?

?All right, then, I?ll continue!? the governess said. ?ButI?m tired of hearing your screams. Bridget, sit down on this girl?s face andgag her under the weight of your buttocks!?

The servant laughed. It was a real pleasure for her to carryout such orders. She lifted up her skirts, showing her bottom sheathed inpanties of a doubtfully white color. She pulled Myriam?s hair, obliging her toturn her head aside, and then, she could not resist the impulse of giving her avery hard slap on her cheek. Then she sat heavily on the girl?s head whichdisappeared entirely, crushed under the maid?s full-fleshed buttocks. Bridget,smiling, let her skirts go down in order to imprison Myriam?s head completelyin her underclothes.

Then Dorothea resumed the punishment. For ten long minutesshe whipped, without bothering about the state of her victim. The fine fleshedbottom, now quite bare, was covering itself with blisters and swellings. Hereand there, a bloody rivulet was running along the buttocks, losing itself inthe cushions of the sofa.

Had Myriam fainted? She could not tell, for the girl,entirely covered by Bridget?s bottom, could not make herself heard.

?Get up, Bridget!? Miss von Berner said at last. ?I thinkthe slave has been punished enough now!?

The maid arose, disengaging from under her skirts the red,bruised and tearful face of Mabel?s friend.

?Now, bitch,? the governess said in a dry tone, ?have youbecome more docile? Are you ready to make me a good slave ??

?I?ll do anything you ask,? Myriam murmured, vanquished.

Smiling, Dorothea sat on her victim?s loins, making her gaspwith her weight.

?Now, Myriam Hekings, you?re my slave,? she went on. ?Mindyou never forget it; From now on, you will have no other personality than thatof your Mistress, or rather your Mistress?s. The whip will be your only God. Andlet me tell you that you will never be free again, never! You will remain a slave until the day you die. Your father,the only member of your family alive, Is now in India and I?ve prepared everythingso that he will learn that you have died accidentally, so nobody is ever goingto bother about you and you?ll be able to devote your whole life to the serviceof your Mistress?s.?

With a moan, Myriam had heard that terrible sentence. Butwhat could she do about it? She was broken with weariness and humiliation, andher flesh was afire, her body tied up. Yes, she was really at the mercy of thecruel governess! And she understood that her lot would become the same as thatof Mabel. Could she have imagined it only a few moments ago when she hadwitnessed Mabel debasing herself? Could she have dreamed that soon she would bereduced to the same bondage? It seemedimpossible, like a nightmare fromwhich she would, thank God, soon wake up.

At that moment the dooropened and Eva Crimpton appeared. Thefat woman, sheathed In a blackskirt and white satin blouse was, as usual,outrageously made up and bejeweled.

?Ah, you arrivejust in time, dear,? Dorothea told her. ?I?ve just tamed a new slave.?

With majestic stepsEva went up to the sofa upon which Myriam was lying. She viewed her through her lorgnette.

?Perfect, perfect!?she exclaimed. ?This is a fine slipof a girl, indeed. When she has been well corseted and when thewhip has taught her discipline, I?m sure she?ll be a very satisfying bitch.. What?s your name, young slave??

Miss Hekings, in amoment of pride, did not answer. But Dorothea gave her a pair of slaps,punctuated with the words; ?Don?t you answer your Mistress now??

?My name?s Myriam,?the girl said with an effort.

?Call this lady?Mistress? If you don?t want another whipping! Go on, say it!?

?My name?s Myriam, Mistress.?

?My dear Eva,? the governess went on, ?I intendto present this now slave to you. She will be attached to your personal service, sinceMabel belongs to me. Seewe?ll have one slave each and everythingwill be ideal!?

?Perfect!? Miss Crimpton said. ?I shall teach this girlaccording to my liking and she will be my personal chamber slave.?

She got near Myriam and seized the tips of her ears whichshe shook with force.

?Do you hear, bitch, you?ll be my personal chambermaid, fromnow on! And beware that you obey me perfectly, if you want to avoid the whip!Understood??

?Yes, Mistress!?

?Good! I?m going to untie you, so that you can begin at onceyour service with me.?

The fat Mistress, having spoken, went to sit on acomfortable armchair while Dorothea and Bridget untied the slave and obligedher to get up. Then, all naked, she was thrown to the feet of Eva Crimpton.

?Kiss my feet, slave, and tell me that you will belong to mealways!?

She accompanied her order with a violent blow with herriding-crop on Miss Heking?s breasts, With rage in her heart, the girl had todo as she was told.

?And now, open my purse, take out a cigarette, put it in mymouth and light it for me!?

When that was done, Miss Crimpton smoked silently, now andthen blowing the smoke into the kneeling slave?s face. She had ordered her tohold the palm of her hand up to be used as an ash-tray. Miss Hekings viewedwith awe this still attractive, quite plump woman whom she did not even knowless than an hour before and who was already treating her like the lowest ofslaves. On her knees, with her buttocks afire, subjugated by the imperiouscharm that emanated from Eva Crimpton, she did not dare make a move,

Yet, pride was not completely quashed in Myriam?s heart.When Eva ordered her to open her mouth to use as a spittoon, the girl gave astart of revolt.

?Never, never shall I stoop so low,? she whispered, ?I?drather die.?

?So you refuse to obey,? Miss Crimpton said calmly. ?Allright, you force me to use certain methods of discipline which will make youquickly change your mind. Bridget, go to my room and bring back a pair ofdiscipline panties, a whip and some gags!?

The maid was soon back with the required objects. Thediscipline panties were indeed a curious instrument they were very short andmade of strong red rubber and their bottomwas fitted with two big cylinders of hard rubber, having the diameter oflarge candles and being about three inches long.

Eva Crimpton turned these drawers inside out, daubed someVaseline on the cylinders and sprinkled them with red pepper. Then, helped byDorothea and Bridget who were holding Myriam firmly, she slipped these strangepanties on her, all along her thighs and then the two cylinders were driven tothe hilt into the hapless girl?s corresponding holes ? one into her vagina, andthe other into her anus.

The girl howled with pain, for, under the pressure, hermaidenhead had been unceremoniously ripped open, and pain was gnawing at herentrails. As for the other cylinder, it was making her suffer just as much,impaling the slave as it was. The drawers were tightened to the maximum whichhad the effect of keeping the two cylinders well in to the hilt. Myriam felt herselfbored and gored by the two terrible rubber sticks and awfully burnt by the redpepper with which they were smeared.

They put the unfortunate slave up on her feet and tied herhands behind her back. Then she was gagged severely and blindfolded with a silkneckerchief. Eva Crimpton, in a refinement of cruelty, pulled on thisneckerchief and tied its ends to the slave?s wrists, which had the result ofpulling her head painfully backwards.

?I hope,? the fat woman mocked, ?that you?re now feelingcompletely in my power? Here you are, incapable of speaking, seeing, movingyour arms or lowering your head. This is the way a good slave in disciplineshould hold herself. And now, you?re going to grope your way ?round the room,and don?t stop walking. Beware if you don?t obey. Now, start!?

The order was punctuated by a terrible lash with thehorsewhip on Myriam?s breasts.
Moaning, the girl started walking. Each step was for her a torture because ofthe cylinders that were moving around inside her. Every now and then, eitherEva Crimpton or Dorothea lashed out with their whips which landed on her legs,on her back or on her breasts. Under her gag the poor slave made muffled soundsof pain and fright. She felt debased, dominated, hurt, but every time shestopped walking, the whip descended upon her with rage.

That terrible walk lasted more than a half hour. The twoMistress?s and the maid took an extreme pleasure in watching Myriam?ssufferings. They lashed the unfortunate girl without pity to make her walkfaster, and she kept bumping into furniture which she could not see as she wasblindfolded.

At last, exhausted, the slave crumpled down to the carpet. She was half unconscious and neither insults nor blows could pull her out of her immobility.So they took off her gag and bondsand laid her on a sofa to enable her tocome to.

?Well, slave, do you still want to disobey me? Do you wantanother little walk like the one you?vejust had??

An expression of intense terror flashed in Myriam?s prettyeyes.

?Oh, no, Mistress, please not that! Oh, not that! I?m readyto satisfy you in everything, but please don?t torture me anymore I beg ofyou!?

?That?s fine. A while ago I had ordered you to open yourmonth as a spittoon for me. Are you ready to obey that order now??

At once, the girl opened her scarlet mouth and tipped backher head. With sadistic joy, Miss Crimpton bent down and, hacking a few times,spat right into the offered mouth. Dorothea von Berner and Bridget followedsuit.

?You see,? Eva mocked, as the slave was made to swallow thethick mouthful of spit and phlegm, ?you were made to submit to all my whimswithout discussing them, even the most degrading ones. I?ll forgive you foryour disobedience but you will have to keep on your discipline panties till tonightAnd now, I shall take you to my room so that I can dress you up as I fancy.Then you will begin your apprenticeship for becoming my personal work andchambermaid. Follow me!?

With a horsewhip in her hand, she went out of the room,followed by Myriam.

A few hours later the same girl, strictly corseted, wearingboots up to her mid-thigh, and with a discipline-bit in her mouth, was lookingafter the plump Mistress like the most submissive of slaves. Once more, themagical force of the whip had produced its desired effect. There were now twoslaves in Kelington castle.

In the course of the same day, Bridget, who had a day off,was to receive a few girlfriends for tea. The maid had received permission toorganize her reception in a small hunting-lodge at the bottom of the park andto use Mabel?s services, whom Miss von Berner had put completely at herdisposal.

The poor slave was still doing penance, kneeling andscrubbing in the toilets, when Bridget came to fetch her. She had to accompanythe maid to her room, helping her to change her dress and underclothes. Tohonor her guests, Bridget had made herself beautiful. She was wearing asky-blue dress and Mabel had brushed her hair and made up her face for her,Then, Bridget checked how her slave was dressed and made her put on a shortblack satin skirt stopping at upper thigh-level, a lace bonnet and a littlelace maid?s apron.

?Today,? she said, ?you?remy personal maid. You?re going to follow me to the lodge where you willbring tea, port wine and sweet-cakes, which I?ve prepared. And when my friendscome, don?t forget to kneel down in front of them and to clean with your tonguethe dust off their shoes. Then you will take their coats off them and you?lltell them: ?Ladies, I am Miss Bridget?s personal slave and, under the orders ofmy Mistress, I have the honor to put myself at your disposal also, to serve youand obey all your orders. If I don?t satisfy you as you wish, I beg you topunish me very severely and thank you for it?? Understood??

?Yes, Your Ladyship.?

?Today, I won?t let you call me ?Your Ladyship?. You willcall me ?Mistress,? do you hear me??

?Yes, Mistress.?

?Good. Follow me!?

A few minutes later, Bridget, comfortably reclining on asofa in the hunting-lodge, was waiting for her guests while chiding her slave,kneeling in front of her.

The girlfriends she was expecting were four. First, therewas May Colson, a pretty twenty-year old blonde with an arch expression, whowas employed by the neighboring castle owners as a maid; then there was RobertaGrey, a robust young woman, very vulgar,who lived in Londonas a prostitute and whom Bridget had known a long time for they had been bornin the same village. Then there was GladysSmith, a thirty-five year old woman who used to be a maid but now lived withher lover, a bad character of the village. She was accompanied by her daughter,a fourteen-year old girl, bold-looking, simple of mind, and who had a very badreputation in the village.

It is easy to understand what a humiliation it was for theformer heiress who had become a slave, to be obliged to stoop in front of thosevulgar women with whom, a few months earlier, she would not have even shakenhands.

The four guests arrived together and, laughing, went intothe room where Bridget was expecting them. Bridget had already told them abouteverything and they knew what to expect, and it can be easily appreciated howpleased and thrilled they were at the idea of a young woman from the highsociety acting as their maid and slave.

Lashed by a violent blow from the horsewhip, Mabel had toprostrate herself in front of the womenand repeat word for word, the humiliatingsentence she had learnt.

?Lick these ladiesfeet, bitch!? Bridget ordered. First,the slave knelt down in front of May and put her lips on the blond girl?s elegant varnished shoes. The girl looked at her despisingly.

?Better than that!? she ordered suddenly. ?Don?t you see that there is still some dustleft, you fool? And under the sole?Can?t you clean my shoe any betterthan that??

Under the quips and laughs of the girls, Mabel completedthe cleaning with her tongue. Then she knelt down in front of Roberta,the prostitute, and licked her black buckskin shoes. Then came Gladys Smith?s turn. Exhausted and with her tongue all coatedwith dust, Mabel was about to standup when Gladys seized her rudely by the hair.

?Well, is that all??she exclaimed, furious. ?And mydaughter? Aren?t you going to salute her? Even though she?s only fourteen, you owe her respect, youworthless slave!?

Mabel, In despair,knelt down in front of the sniggering flapper and licked her dirty shoes.

?Slap her face, Molly,?Bridget said, ?slap her hard to punish her for her lack of courtesy towards you!?

The child did not have to hear the invitation twice ? her little hand shot out with violence and slapped Mabel?s cheeks six times.

May was laughing herhead off.

?It?s wonderfulto have a slave!? she cried. ?I?d love to teach my employer to serveme like this! What a vengeance that would be!?

?And you know,? Bridget added, ?she is perfectly tamed, you can ask her to do. anythingyou like. Why, even if you spat in her face, she would thankyou for doing her the honor!?

?Oh, can we do it?? Molly asked. ?Will she really thank usfor spitting in her face??

?Well, let?s try andsee!? the blonde said. She bentdown and spat twice on Mabel?s face, and her saliva, mixed with lipstick,ran down the slave?s cheek.

?Now, what do you say?? she asked, provocatively.

?Thank you, madam,? Mabel whispered, almost sobbing.

Roberta was examining the slave. ?She?s funnilydressed, isn?t she?? she remarked.

?She?s dressedthe way a slave should be toserve her Mistresses,? Bridget answered.?Stand up, bitch, and draw up your skirts high to show these ladles how well you?re strappedand corseted!?

In front of thelaughing women, the girl had to stand up and lift up her skirtsshoulder high. Her thin waist appeared, terribly squeezed in a blackleather corset, and her big rumps sheathednarrowly in pink silk panties, with a prettyvarnished leather strap tight upbetween her thighs.

?I would liketo see her bottom naked,? littleMolly said.

?She will certainly show it to us in just a while, whenshe?s deserved a whipping,? Bridget said. ?For the moment, she?s goingto serve us tea.?

Three of the women sat down on the sofa and the other two onarmchairs. The slave had to wait upon them on her knees,stimulated by slaps on the face which showered upon her from all quarters.After tea, the women smoked cigarettes and Mabel stretched out on the floor tobe a carpet to them. Ten feminine feet trod her body and face, bruising thematrociously. The girls talked and laughed with a vulgarity, without giving athought to the slave?s sufferings, which horrified their unfortunate victim.

?She can also be used as a seat,? Bridget said after awhile. ?Come on, bitch, lie down on your stomach on the sofa!?

Mabel, having obeyed, the maid then invited her friends tosit on the slave. Molly sat on her legs, Gladys on her stomach, Roberta on her breastsand May smack on the face.

Horribly stifling and bruised, overwhelmed by that quadrupleweight, Mabel thought her last hour had come. But she had to resist for morethan an hour. And when the guests at last condescended to get up, they had tomake her come to, for she had at last, fainted.

After only a few minutes of rest, she had to resume herservice. To humiliate her, Bridget obliged her to slip her head under each ofthe women?s skirts, kissing each bottom several times in turn. Ignoring her naturalrepulsion, Mabel had to press her pretty face against May?s natty seat, coveredwith pink silk, then onto Roberta?s powerful buttocks, sheathed in black lace knickers, then on the big buttocks of Gladys,then on the small panties covering Molly?s precocious roundness.

But her humiliations were not over. May, the blond maid,having asked to go and see a man about a dog, Bridget loaned her the slave whowent to the toilet with her and had to clean her afterwards with her tongue.Then, one after the other, all the other guests did likewise, and Mabel hadthus to spend a long half hour satisfying their dirty whims.
Under the false pretext that the slave had not unbuttoned fast enough Molly?spanties, she was sentenced to a whipping. Under her Mistress?s orders, she hadto bare her bottom, showing her big buttocks still bearing the livid marks ofher daily punishments. The women also laughed at the sight of her depilatedsex. Then she was tied onto a sofa and gagged with May?s dirty panties. ThenBridget and her four girlfriends, one after the other, flogged to blood Mabel?sbuttocks with a horsewhip.

After she had thanked her torturers on her on her knees,Mabel was sent for a walk in the park with little Molly. The cruel child, afterhaving pinched her in many places, and insulted her to her heart?s content,laughed at her, glad of the unique opportunity offered to her. She suddenlythought it would be a wonderful idea if she used the slave as a mount. So,sitting on her shoulders and holding onto her hair with her left hand and armedwith a horsewhip in her right, she made Mabel run in the paths as fast as shecould, and scratched her and kicked and slapped her as she ran, lashing hercruelly.

Finally, the women went away, delighted with theirentertaining afternoon, and, as a parting gift, they made her kneel and openher mouth and all of them spat into Mabel?s face. Mabel had to swallow theirspittle and snot and thank them for honoring her with their gift.

Mabel went back into the castle, completely humiliated,another level of her spirit broken through by the hated Bridget who hadsucceeded in filling her with even more shame. It had been one of the worstdays of her slavery and it was nearly a relief for her to resume her submissiveservice with Dorothea von Berner.?































Three more months had elapsed. Life in Kelington Castlehad been hell for the two slaves and a source of perverse amusements for thetwo mistresses and the cruel maid.

Mabel Sunway and Myriam Hekings had forever lost any shadowof their personality. They had become passive things, obedient like bitches,fearing the whip, submitting at once and without any hesitation or discussion to any order that was given them, even the most fanciful,humiliating or disgusting. They were no longer considered to be women by theMistresses, or even themselves? just slaves condemned to a lifetime of completeservitude and abject submission.

And the Mistress?s magnetic power was so great over themthat the slaveshad soon reached the stage where they actually adored them while stillfearing them. Mabel knew no other reason for living than to breathe Dorotheavon Berner?s female perfume, to lick at her feet and live under her skirts. Asfor Myriam, she knew no other religion than the whip and no other God andworship than Eva Crimpton?s fat, obese body.

But, alas, all goodthings must come to an end. The holiday over, Eva Crimpton had to goback to the boarding-school which she managed and which was nothing more than apenitentiary. Since Myriam Hekings belonged to her for life now, she haddecided to take her with her as her personal maid, Thanks to whippings andcontinual discipline, Myriam had become a model chamber-slave and, at night,she was now quite an expert caresser, satisfying her Mistress?s special tastesfor analingus marvelously well.

The day, Eva Crimpton was leaving Kelington Castletill the next holidays, elegant and perfumed, she was driving her luxuriouscar. Next to her, a young woman was sitting motionless covered with a huge machaving the hood down. Under it, the girl was tied up tightly, her anklestogether, and her hands behind her back. Her magnificent young body wassqueezed painfully into an iron corset, her youthful behind imprisoned in a triplepair of rubber panties and strapped by a wide leather tape. Under the hood, thepretty mouth was gagged by means of ? yes, you?ve guessed it! ? Eva Crimpton?ssoiled panties! Scotch tapesealed them in place, over which a silk shawl had been tied. And, finally, shewas blindfolded. That young woman, unable to move, speak or see, was, ofcourse, Myriam Hekings, or rather ?Slave Myriam? now, who was leaving with herMistress, the castle of sufferings to go on to another still more painfuldestiny.

After the last minute kisses and embraces between the twofriends, the car started and Dorothea followed her with her eyes until itbecame a black dot on the horizon.



* * * * *



The beautiful governess and Brigitte were again alone with theirslave. But not for long, for, that evening, Lord Kelington was to return to thecastle after his long absence. Having been keeping in contact with Dorothea, hewas quite happy at the idea of finding his niece a completely tamed andtransformed creature. Although he had been assured of her transformation, hefound it hard to believe it could be completely true.

But his wishes were more than fulfilled, for, almost as soonas he entered the castle, no more than a few minutes after he had been seatedand sat drinking an expensive glass of brandy than a young girl, a leash aroundher neck, was ushered into the sitting room and threw herself at his feet. Agirl? No, rather a trembling, quivering, abject little slave, made up, quite tartily,very much like a prostitute, with a waspish waist and a skirt so short that onecould see, when she was only slightly bending, her big buttocks sheathed inpink silk panties. And, while the lord recovered from his surprise atrecognizing his niece Mabel, the latter was busy licking his shoes like a mere dog.Behind her stood Dorothea von Berner, in a long, tightly molded black velvetdress, and holding a horsewhip.

?This little slave has something to tell you Milord!? thegoverness said.

She gave the girl a lash on her bottom and then the girl?s voice pronounced the wordsshe?d been taught to say; ?Master, I beg humbly of you that you should nolonger consider me as your ward but, instead, as an obedient little bitch. I amno longer Mabel Sunway, a wealthy society girl, but only a mere servant and slavethat belongs to the Divine Mistress Dorothea. On your desk, Master, you willfind a legal document signed by me and renouncing my entire fortune in yourfavor. I beg you humbly to be so kind as to keep me on as your slave in thiscastle and I shall do my best to serve you. I shall also give to you, shouldyou see fit to use it, the humble pleasures of my body. It is only theworthless body of a mere slave, but this worthless body of mine will belong completelyto you whenever you want it for your use and pleasure. I swear to you complete humility,obedience and devoted faithfulness.?

After her speech, Mabel continued to lick at length thelord?s dusty shoes. The latter, dumbstruck for a while, considered thegoverness with great admiration

?You?ve worked a miracle, Miss von Berner,? he said at last.?I cannot believe it! I was expecting a change, but nothing like this, I canassure you!?

Then, to the kneeling girl, he said; ?That?s fine, littleslave, I take good note of all your declarations and promises. But, unfortunately for you, my pet, Ishall not be keeping you in this castle. You see, you do not belong to me. Youbelong to Miss von Berner now, I promised you to her if she broke and trainedyou properly, and as we both know, she has done a remarkable job of it. As muchas I would enjoy keeping you on here as my servant and maid, I simply couldn?trenege on my promise deprive her of your considerable services, which I?m sureshe has been enjoying immensely.?

?But, Milord,? Dorothea said smirking, ?as much as I doenjoy this little creature, and would enjoy keeping her as my pet for a time,you might want to reconsider, this little slave can be of some service to you.She?s an excellent chambermaid who has been trained in all aspects of householdchores and can do all kinds ofdomestic work as well as the more personal, intimate kind. And, I might add,I?ve kept her a virgin so far...?

Lord Kelington went into a brown study for a while, lookinginto Dorothea?s beautiful face now and then as if for inspiration.

?There could be a way, of course,? he ventured at last. ?Where you could keep her asyour personal slave, and I could still enjoy her services as well, when you?renot using her yourself, of course.?

?Yes, milord???Dorothea asked, a smirk of understanding beginning to dawn on her.

The man walked up to her and softly took her hands in his.

?I shall be quite frank, Dorothea. You know the admiration I have for you, and which I might add,is not only an admiration for your capabilities. So, what I?m proposing is,would you do me the great honor of accepting my offer to remain at the castle as my companion, mywife? In that way, the slave would remain entirely at your service withouthaving to leave Kelington, and I too, could enjoy the pleasures this slave?sbody has to offer, as well as the benefit of her newfound domestic skills.?

Dorothea?s eyes sparkled with pleasure. As an answer, shedrew against the lord and opened her lips invitingly.

Above Mabel?s kneeling body the future lovers, futurespouses exchanged a passionate kiss. Mabel?s undoing had been the event whichbrought the two lovers together. Her introduction to a life of humiliation,pain and slavery, had been the impetus for bringing them both, wealth andhappiness!

A few hours later, after a good meal, Lord Kelington andMiss von Berner sipped coffee in the drawing room, sitting side by side on aplush sofa. Lying down in front of them, Mabel acted as their carpet. Thelord?s feet lay on her breasts and Dorothea?s on her face. As the governess?sskirt rode higher on her thighs, Mabel faced her Mistress?s fine thighs. Shecould see well between them, above the smart stockings, and she could even seeher silk panties upon which Lord Kelington now and then slipped his hand...

But soon a blow from the heel of her Mistress?s shoe onMabel?s mouth recalled her to her duty.

?Kneel downbefore me, Mabel!?

After the girl had quickly obeyed, the governess ordered;?You will go to Bridget and inform her of the news of your Divine Mistress andyour uncle?s impending wedding in the near future. You will let her know thatsince you will be staying on here as the slave and domestic servant of thiscastle, that she should continue to make use of your talents and services asher own domestic servant and slave as she has been doing right along. For youare not only the slave of your uncle and myself, but you are also going to beBrigitte?s personal chambermaid as well. You will humbly ask her to dress youup in a tight corset, stockings and rubber drawers, then you will go and waitfor me in my room, where you will be ready to undress me and wash me before Igo to bed. Then??

?Then?? Lord Kelington asked with a cruel smile.

?Then,? Dorothea went on in a lower voice, ?you will waitfor your Master and undress and wash him also. After that slave, you will remain all night at ourdisposal too. And when we are both in our bed, you will be the fortunate andimpotent witness of the first night of love of your new Master and your DivineMistress.?

And to aid her anticipation on this sweet prospect, thegoverness turned towards Lord Kelington and again offered her lips to him whileMabel, the submissive slave, hastened towards her cruel and final destiny.













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Private Society

Do we live in a Private Society? I guess it depends on how you define the term. I’m sure some would argue the days of true privacy are long gone, our pure alone time sacrificed for phones that know exactly when and where you want a burger or a beat-off. These days, the smarter motherfuckers won’t even crank it in front of the computer without their webcams covered up, because who the hell knows who’s watching? Incidentally, you might want to cover it up now if you’re worried you’ve accidentally...

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3 years ago
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Polite Society

Sociology students take at least one course in social deviance, I took that course as well. Now, many years later, I am a social deviant writing sexually explicit stories, and you, dear readers, are being socially deviant as well. You see, what we do on explicit web sites is still outside the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. Even though the boundaries are much more broad in contemporary society, the content of these stories is the imaginative fantasy of the writer and most often a...

4 years ago
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Naked Society

The Naked Society consisted of a group of wealthy influential individuals that have existed since the mid 2020s. They believe that the more puritanical rules that were inherited from the old world stifled the evolution of man. The most important being removing the boundaries of shame that most people impose on exposed flesh. They funded several nude studies over the years, not just in the U.S., but all over the world. In the early 2050's they convinced the federal government to implement a nude...

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The Fucking Society

Authors note: In some parts of this story, there will be Conditions, so you will need the "Start Game" button or the story will not make any sense. The Stories where you need it will be marked as such. Edit note: Originally this was planned as a little collection of Whorehouses and the events which take place in them but I realized quickly, that there is so much more to tell here. This is not just a Whorehouse Collection (don´t worry it still is too, you find them in the Section with this...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Society

The year is 9 TE (decreed as the Tentacle Era, or 2026 if you're going by the Resistance Model) and most of the known world is in a state of blissful, orgasmic peace. After almost twenty years of being molested by infinite hordes of tentacles, humanity has all but forgotten the meaning of "rape". All sex, whether invited or not, has become something to be celebrated - or at least accepted with little comment as you go about your day. This is mostly due to the tentacles themselves, which have no...

3 years ago
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Gokul Dham Society Part 8211 3

Sabse phle to jisne meri story pdhi or mujhe mail kiye usk liye dhnywad ummid h apko mera ye part bhi psnd aayega Agr accha lge to mujhe mail kriyega Ab me story start krta hu . Daya ki mast chudai ke bad hum chlte h gokul dham society me jha subh subh ka shant mahol h . Jethalal akela hota h ghr pr tbhi phone ki ring bajti h . Jetha: hello Tarak: jethalal me mehta bol rha hu Jetha : ha mehta sab boliye aaj subh subh kese yad kiya .? Tarak:mene socha aaj daya bhabhi nhi h to aaj ka...

3 years ago
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Gokul Dham Society Part 8211 1

Subh ka time rahta h jethalal ke ghr pr :- Phone bajta h .Daya phone uthati h . Daya: hello Sundar: hello bena me sundar bol raha hu ahmdabad se .Rakhi aane wali h isliye tumhe ahmbad aana h . Daya: ha veera me tapu or babuji kal subah hi ahmdabad k liye nikal rahe h .Or sab kesa chal raha h .? Sudar: sab thik h behna accha me abhi busy hu yha aane pr bat krte h . Daya: thik h veera (phone kat deti h ) Jetha: (khush hote huve ) kal ahmdabad ja rahe ho mujhe chhod kr .? Daya: ap bhi chliye...

2 years ago
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Society Whore Anjali 8211 Part 1

This is a story about a wife named Anjali and how she was brutally exploited and abused and used by the members of her society (colony) like the managers, watchmen, milkmen and many other low class people. This story is written by author of Brutal Brother Series Hi, mera naam Anjali h or mai 23 saal ki hu. Mai ek shaddi-shuda housewife hu jo apni pati ke sath Delhi m reheti hu. Meri pati ek sarkari naukari karte h or usme bohat busy bhi rehete h vo mujhe bohat kam time de pate h or hamari sex...

2 years ago
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The Conflicts of Magic Tradition and Society Caught Breaking the Rules

So, yeah, this story contains sex. It contains weird stuff as well. I'm doing my best, though, to make this story very worthwhile. It's going to have likeable characters that will be developed by action instead of discription. I think that it's time that I make a good, well-written story. Keep in mind that this little message is being written before-hand. I'm going to try and collaborate with people to make it a good one. I've been kind of inspired from reading a lot of...

3 years ago
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Society Wedding

This is a story of man to she-male sex. If you are underage or offended, go elsewhere. Society Bride By Alice Barry Years ago, in another time in my life, I had a very strange neighbor. We have all had strange neighbors; but this is the story of Darlene and me. The day after Darlene moved in across the hall, she knocked on my door in her nightgown. For some interminable reason, she had been taking out the garbage in just her nightie and dropped the house key in the dumpster. I...

2 years ago
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The Heartbreakers Society

This story contains adult material and, if you’re not of age to read that/don’t like what you see here, don’t read it.  I think it goes without saying that some of the acts that take place in this work of fiction should never be attempted by anyone, professional or otherwise, living or dead.  Rape is bad, M’kay?It is unseasonably cold outside for so early in September and the skies are clouded gray with the threat of an early snowfall or a downpour of freezing rain.  This being a suburb of...

4 years ago
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Discipline Society

In a place known only as the Discipline Society, the government created laws that allowed for the corporal punishment of women under the age of 40. This decision came about due to a belief that younger women were not mature enough to act obediently on their own. Specifically, the law allowed organizations, such as schools or companies, to punish women who broke the rules. The types of punishment varied depending on the location. Some places preferred more mild punishments in order to not...

4 years ago
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The SocietyChapter 4

"Hi Sondra, it's Brenda. Have i caught you at a bad time?" "Not really. There just don't seem to be many good times lately." "Whoa, sounds like someone could use some cheering up." "I... yes! How about lunch?" "Great! Rommany's okay?" "I'll see you in an hour." Sondra hung up the phone and hurried upstairs to get ready. It had been several days since her disappointing confrontation with Brad and she was still smarting to think he would even have to consider making a...

3 years ago
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The SocietyChapter 6

Sondra awoke smiling to find herself in the middle of a circular bed so large that spreading her arms and legs fully she still could not come within two feet of the edge. She was also completely naked. The thought flashed through her mind to cover herself as Joubert entered from the bathroom wearing a silk bathrobe, but although her mind was a bit fuzzy about last night (Sondra was not accustomed to the effects of stiff brandies) she could still quite vividly recollect that Joubert had not...

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Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave

Reinhardt eyed the woman in front of him. She was much shorter than his girlfriend, whom he had been cohabiting with for over for years. She laid her back on the bed and was an attractive Brunette at her mid 20s, and was probably Eastern European too. “Now I want you to turn around and lie face down,” Reinhardt ordering the young prostitute. “Yes sir,” the prostitute meekly replied. The prostitute turned her body and face around and laid face down on the bed. She was...

4 years ago
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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 6 A BDSM Slave

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the part of the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM slave fantasy. If you haven’t read the first parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I started preparing for the BDSM session. I had the bondage tools with me but required more items like ropes, wax, and other stuff. I purchased and kept my bag ready for the day. I messaged Simi that I am ready. I also...

2 years ago
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How Jenna became a slave

How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...

2 years ago
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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

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