The Society - Witness Protection free porn video

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1The Society - Witness Protection

By The Technician

BDSM, Non-consensual, Punishment, Depilation, Flogging, Public Bondage, Public Nudity, Public Humiliation

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A member of The Inner Circle of The Society has agreed to become a traitorous informant in return for being taken into Witness Protection.  Things do not turn out quite like she had anticipated.

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WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article.  This story is copyright (c) 2013 by The Technician ( [email protected]. )

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use.  Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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As the lights in the arena dimmed to blackness, a small spotlight became visible in the center of the circular stage.  Soft murmurings from the crowd could be heard as a solitary figure dressed in a black, sequined evening dress walked elegantly across the stage and moved into that narrow shaft of light.  She turned slowly as though surveying the crowd which surrounded her, even though all faces were now hidden in the darkness.

As the spotlight which enveloped her came slowly to full brightness, she clasped her hands lightly in front of herself, and in a somber tone addressed the gathering, "Masters and Mistresses..,  Dommes and Masseurs..., we have been most foully betrayed."

Her words were met with a buzz of voices in the darkness.  She paused until the crowd quieted once again.  "We have been betrayed by one within our own inner circle... one who, to protect themselves, agreed to help bring down this ancient society which we each have come to love and to serve as it loves and serves us."

She smiled as she stood quietly in the center of the stage.  The glare of the spotlight reflected off her perfectly white teeth.  She sighed and then laughed softly.  Her laugh sounded more like an expression of relief rather than of joy.  After a deep breath, she continued, "Fortunately for us, the founders of many generations ago and the guardians of today erected and have maintain barriers against such betrayal.  There are security measures beyond your imagination which prevent such deceit.  No one is above these measures.  Even I, your Grand Mistress, am watched carefully for the good of The Society."

She began to walk slowly around the circular stage looking out into the darkness as though she could see each and every person there and was addressing them personally.  "This society was formed many generations ago in England with twenty Masters and Mistresses.  As The Society grew, the original twenty decided to limit membership to help maintain secrecy.  The number of Masters and Mistresses worldwide has remained at 300 to this day.  The number of slaves has never been counted.  Slaves, after all, don't deserve to be counted."

She paused to let her words sink in, and then strode quickly back to the very center of the stage.   "The Society has associates.  We have friends who share our interest and benefit from our power and control, but in all the world there are only 300 true members of The Society.   Following the tradition of the founders, twenty of those members form The Inner Circle which governs us.  As much as it pains me to say this, it was from within that inner circle that this traitor arose."

She held up a folded piece of very stiff paper.  "300 very special invitations went out worldwide for this annual gathering of our membership.  You are an elite group.  Only full members of The Society can attend this annual slave auction and celebration.  Only full members of The Society even know when and where we are to meet.  Twenty complete agendas and plans were also distributed to The Inner Circle."

The Grand Mistress held her hand to her head and paused as she apparently listened to something being said to her in a small earpiece that was barely visible in her left ear.  She smiled briefly and continued, "299 of those invitations were identical.  Nineteen of those full agendas were true and correct.  One invitation was false.  One agenda and planning report was a fake.  I call your attention to the screens above the stage.  I think you will all find this very interesting."

A ring of six huge screens arranged to be visible throughout the arena came to life above the Grand Mistress.  The picture was slightly blurred and very shadowed.  The audio was but a jumbled series of quick reports.  "Team one in place."   "Team seven ready."  "Team six in place."  "Team five awaiting orders."

Then a loud voice said, "Go, go, go!  All teams Go!"

Suddenly the screen was bright with vivid images.  It was apparent from the rapid movement and rapidly changing scenes that this was a feed from a helmet cam of some sort and that a raid was taking place.  Police officers and agents in bright blue vests with FBI on the front and back were running into an arena very similar to the one in which the Grand Mistress now stood.   SWAT teams clothed in black and wearing heavy body armor ran alongside them.

The loud voice spat out, "What the hell!"  Several voices shouted at once and then the loud voice yelled, "Everyone quiet!   Tach Team One, tell me what the hell is going on!"

A soft, but disgusted voice came back, "We've been had.  Our informant said that at least one hundred bitches and studs would be auctioned off tonight.  She was right, but this is a god-damned dog show and these bitches are female breeding dogs."

Voices slightly away from the speaker's microphone could be heard, but not understood.  The voice continued, "It's an accredited dog breeders organization.  The president of the group said that they normally held their event at the fair grounds, but a very generous, anonymous donor has arranged for them to have this facility each year for the next ten years.  They got all the proper permits months ago.  It's all legal.  They even filed the appropriate change of location forms last week."

"Damn!" replied the loud voice.  "We were set up.  You'd better make sure that we get that informant into witness protection tonight.  She is the only lead we had into The Society.  If they haven't gotten her, maybe she can still give us useful information."

The screens went dark.  Another spotlight, this one very bright, suddenly illuminated a young, red-haired woman sitting in the front row.  She was attempting to get up out of her seat, but two burly gentlemen standing behind her were holding her down.

The Grand Mistress raised the microphone to her mouth and said quietly, "I think you have figured out who had the false information, haven't you Mistress Jane?  Perhaps you now understand why I insisted that the entire inner circle arrive in special limousines.  The windows were very dark, weren't they?  And since your limousine dropped you off inside, you never realized that we weren't where you thought we would be, did you?"  She paused and then said curtly, "Bring her here."

Mistress Jane struggled against the grip of the two men, but they were well muscled and well trained and she didn't have a chance to escape.  As they brought her to the center of the stage, two cables descended from the darkness.    A heavy, black, steel I-beam hung between the cables.  Near the ends of the beam hung two short chains with leather restrains attached to them. 

Two additional guards joined the first two as they stepped beneath the beam.  While the first two guards held Jane firmly in their grip, the other two stretched out her arms and pulled her hands up to the leather restraints which they wrapped tightly around her wrist and forearms.  The cables then ascended slightly into the air until Jane was pulled onto her tiptoes and beyond.  Her shoes fell from her feet as she danced in the air, trying to reach the floor.

"You can't do this," she screamed.  "They will know that you have me.  They will find me and they will take you down."

"No 'they' won't," answered the Grand Mistress calmly.  "We have known of your treachery for some time now.  We know that in return for your betrayal, 'they' have made arrangements for you to go into witness protection.  After tonight, your identity was to be changed.  After tonight, you were to start a new life."

She paused to walk directly over in front of Jane and spoke in a terse, even voice,  "That is exactly what is going to happen.  The Society will take you into our 'Witness Protection Program.'  We will protect ourselves from you so that you can never be a witness against us."

She clapped her hands and said, "Video!"

Again the screens came to life, and again they were showing helmet cam feeds from somewhere.  A voice was giving a report.  "She was trying to get away from someone.  Whoever it was clipped her car as she was going across the river and drove it over the side rail on the bridge.  I'm amazed she survived the drop.  The medics says she doesn't seem to be injured, but is very confused and disoriented.  They think there might be some head injuries and loss of memory."

The Grand Mistress continued, "As you can see, 'they' think that they have just rescued you from the river.  'They' think they have saved you from the vengeance of The Society.  'They' will watch you recover, but as you recover, 'they' will realize that you don't seem to be able to remember much of anything - especially about The Society.  In a few months, you will decide you no longer want to be in 'their' Witness Protection Program and will disappear.  And 'they' won't care... ... because after you lost your memory of everything you knew about The Society you became useless to them."

The Grand Mistress looked directly into Jane's eyes as she continued, "The planning for all this took a great deal of my time.  A skilled stunt team to set up that accident was very expensive.  Finding someone who can pass for you was not easy.  And sufficiently rewarding her so that she will remain quiet forever is not cheap.  You have caused us many problems and owe us a great deal, FORMER Mistress Jane."

Jane began to cry and beg.  "Please don't do this.  Please don't do this.  I had to do it.  I had to do it."  She was speaking rapidly.  "They had proof of tax fraud and embezzlement at my business, and they even said that they could prove that I had tried to kill my ex-boyfriend when he threatened to go to the police."

She choked back several short sobs before continuing, "I didn't do that.  I was only trying to scare him.  I wouldn't have hurt him, but they said they could make it sound like I intended to kill him.  I was going to go to jail for a long time unless I cooperated with them."

The Grand Mistress frowned as she set her hands on Jane's hip to stop her swaying.  Jane gave a final trembling sob and hung limply in her bonds.  Her head was now down in defeat and humiliation.

"Jane..., Jane..., Jane, you were a part of The Inner Circle.  True, you were a recent addition. ... ...  And true, your inclusion was mainly because of the power and influence of your late father, whose business you have run into the ground, but as a part of that circle, you saw The Society's power and influence.  We could have helped you.... we could have protected you.... we could have saved you... if you had just acted like a true Mistress."

"If you had confessed your crimes to The Inner Circle, we would have protected you from 'them.'   You would have lost your place on the inner council.  And there would have been punishment.  But there also would have been guidance, and Mistress Jane would have eventually  been returned to full status among us.  You did not do that because at the very core of your being you are not a true Mistress....   You never were!" 

Those last few words were nearly spat out of the Grand Mistresses mouth.  She clapped her hands sharply together and two black-clothed security guards ran onto the stage carrying another black I-beam.    The ease at which they carried it and the high pitched clink when they set it on the floor at Jane's feet indicated that, despite its appearance, it was a very light-weight metal, or perhaps even a modern plastic composite.  Two very short chains with leather restraints were attached near each end of the beam.

The cables holding Jane in the air lowered slightly as the guards each grabbed a leg and pulled it outward toward the ends of the beam and wrapped the restraint around her ankles.  The cables then raised once again until Jane was pulled taut and the beam rose to just off the floor.

The Grand Mistress again clapped her hands and two females in tight fitting, skimpy black dresses ran onto the stage.  It was obvious that there was nothing under the dresses but them.

"I think you recognize your slaves Trixie and Dixie?" asked The Grand Mistress.  "They know that you were abandoning them.  How do you think they feel that you didn't even make arrangements for their safekeeping?  You didn't even put them up for auction tonight to a new, and more deserving, Master or Domme."

She gave a swift, curt nod of her head and both slaves raised their hands to reveal that each was carrying a pair of scissors.  Trixie started at the bottom of the dress on Jane's left and Dixie started at the bottom on her right and they began cutting upward through the expensive material.  Soon, two flaps of black cloth were hanging from Jane's shoulders.  Simultaneous snips from Trixie and Dixie and the strips of cloth fluttered to the ground leaving Jane clad only in her dark blue satin panties with matching bra and a pair of thigh-high dark stockings.  Again Trixie and Dixie timed their cuts so that the bra and then the panties fluttered to the ground.  They gathered up the scraps of cloth and scampered off stage.

Jane blushed red with embarrassment and shame.  She could hear the buzz of voices in the crowd and knew they were commenting on her body.  In one of those sudden gaps of silence that often occurs in such murmuring, she clearly heard one voice say, "Look at that cute little ass.  I wish my butt was that tight."

Additional redness flared across her skin, but this time it was accompanied by a twinge between her legs and a stiffening of her nipples.  Her face showed shock and alarm as she thought to herself, "Am I getting turned on by this?"

Jane had always been very proud of her body and spent a great deal of time and money to keep herself perfectly in shape.  But that had always been to show her superiority, not so that her body could be displayed for the enjoyment of others.

Another dip in the noise level allowed her to hear, "Such a flat stomach and such good muscle tone in those legs.  I wouldn't mind owning that."

Her nipples stiffened further and a coolness between her legs told her that moisture was beginning to seep through her pussy lips.  "Nooooo," she said aloud as she realized that her body was responding to the idea of being owned.  She looked down into the face of The Grand Mistress and could see that she was looking at her nipples and then down to her glistening cunt.  When The Grand Mistresses eyes again looked up at Jane, there was a big smile on her face.

"No, no, no, no, nooooooooo," whimpered Jane.

The Grand Mistresses responded with a laugh and said, "I believe we need the assistance of security once again."

Two guards ran onto the stage.   One guard released the restraint from Jane's leg and the other rolled the stocking down and off of her foot.  The restraint was then restored.  An additional piece of strapping was then wrapped several times around the beam so that Jane's foot was held firmly to the top of the beam.   The effect was to turn her leg slightly and further open her stance and prevent her from closing her legs.   They repeated the same procedure on the other leg so that Jane was now hanging totally spread-eagled and naked.  Her body, glistening with perspiration from fear, shook with her sobs as she cried silently.  The guards pocketed the stockings and walked off stage.

The Grand Mistress addressed her.  "You took great pride in calling yourself 'The Redheaded Mistress.'  I have seen you naked many times before as you used almost any excuse to prove that you were a natural redhead.  Your red hair is a part of your identity... or should I say, your former identity."

She clapped her hands and Trixie and Dixie again appeared.  This time they were each carrying some form of hair clippers.  Trixie began buzzing Jane's head while Dixie worked on the bronze thatch between Jane's legs.  After a few moments, they gathered up the hair from the floor and once again scampered off stage.

They returned a few moments later each carrying a green can of shaving cream.  They sprayed generous amounts of foam into their hands and began applying it to Jane's entire body.  Dixie rubbed thick layers of it onto Jane's breasts.  Trixie took special delight in working it into Jane's cunt and ass.  Soon Jane was totally encased except for her eyes.

"That is menthol shaving cream," The Grand Mistress explained to the audience.  "On the tough skin of a man's face, it feels cooling.  On the tender skin of a woman's body, it starts out feeling cool, but soon begins to burn in an icy sort of way."

She clapped her hands again and the two slaves left the stage.  "Now we need the expertise of a master barber.  Jane, I think you know enough to remain perfectly still."

Jane, however, was not remaining still.  In fact she was struggling wildly against her bonds as the menthol created its icy burning sensation between her legs.  When the barber stood in front of her and opened his straight razor, however, she suddenly held very still.

He started at both ends and worked toward the middle.  The red stubble on her head was soon gone, as were her eyebrows.  The barber worked very carefully removing all shaving cream from her body with the razor whether there was any hair apparent in that area or not.  Soon the only area still covered with the white foam was between her legs.

Standing behind her, the barber held her asscheeks open with one hand while he deftly swiped across her rosebud with the razor held in the other hand.  Then, moving to her front, he held her skin taut as he scrapped the remaining reddish copper shadow from the folds of her cleft.  Finally, he pulled a white towel from his pocket, wiped her body of any minor traces of foam, and left the stage.

Trixie and Dixie reappeared.   Now they were wearing clear plastic face protectors and were covered from head to toe in what appeared to be blue, medical hazmat suits.  Each held a small bucket and a sponge in their hands.

"Close your eyes and hold them tightly shut," commanded The Grand Mistress.

Shaking slightly in fear, Jane did so and the two slaves began wiping down her body with a foul smelling, slightly green liquid that burned almost immediately as it touched her skin.  Soon, she was whimpering in pain and quivering in her bonds.

"The burning only lasts a few moments," observed The Grand Mistress.  "Once the hair follicle is dead, the pain goes away."

Jane stopped whimpering and began thrashing against her bonds.

"You will only hurt yourself," said The Grand Mistress.  She sounded like a mother talking to a small child, or perhaps more like a Mistress talking to a new slave.

Trixie and Dixie returned.  Now they were carrying larger buckets and sponges.  They rinsed off the green liquid leaving Jane wet, shiny and now totally and permanently hairless.  After using large towels to clean the floor beneath her, they again left the stage.

"This I will do myself," announced The Grand Mistress and a security guard raced up to her and handed her something that looked like a large flashlight with what appeared to be a vacuum cleaner attachment on the end of it.

"This is a laser branding device," she explained.  "It can be programmed to burn a specific word or pattern into the skin."

She held it against Jane's belly, just above her pubic bone.  Jane screamed and attempted to pull away, but the chains held her taut.  After a few moments, there was a soft beep and a small light on the side of the device changed from red to green.

"Let's see what we have, shall we?" asked The Grand Mistress.

When she pulled the unit away from Jane's skin, a brand was visible.  In large ornate letters, it said clearly, "witness."

"Mistress Jane is gone," began The Grand Mistress, "... never to be seen again.  Slave witness, you have betrayed 300 people, including the woman who was once Mistress Jane.  I decree that as your punishment, you will receive one lash for each person whom you have betrayed."

Jane, now slave witness looked mutely at her as though in shock.  She continued, "Normally, I would then make you the first slave to be sold at auction tonight, but there are special circumstances.   So instead, you are being given as a gift to the associate who provided us with such interesting videos of this evening's activities.  He also is the one who first informed us of your treachery.  He was supposed to be part of your protection detail.  He was ordered to guarantee that you got safely into Witness Protection."

She laughed softly and turned to address the audience.  "He has assured me that he will keep us protected from witness and will keep witness protected from us and from herself from now on.  So he has fulfilled his duty.  She will be in Witness Protection."

The screens above the stage again came to life as a hooded figure in black leather came onto the stage.  He was carrying a large whip made of what appeared to be very soft, braided leather. The screens showed a closeup of his hooded face.  His pale blue eyes looked almost slate grey against the black of the mask he wore.

In a heavy Germanic accent, he told witness and the crowd.  ""I am an expert.  You will feel each and every lash, but even after 299 strokes I will not have broken the skin.  Your body will be bruised to the bone, but the skin will not be broken."

He brushed the coiled whip slowly down the front of slave witness's body.  "The 300th lash, however, I will apply differently.  I want it to cut and to mark.  It will be from the right side, directly across the center of your ass.  It will cut deeply into the skin...  and to insure that you scar, I will pour lemon juice and salt into the wound.  That is the way that I sign my work.  You will carry my signature forever.  You will never be able to forget that, tonight, you have been whipped by an artist."

The screens now showed a split-screen closeup of witness's face and back.  The lash uncoiled and struck with a loud "pop."  Slave witness screamed.  Trixie and Dixie, standing at the edge of the stage in front of a microphone, counted, "One."

A punishment flogging is rather a mundane and predictable event, but it can still be somewhat interesting, especially in the case of a new slave.  The first dozen or so strokes are more shock than pain, especially if the slave's body responds sexually to the pain. 

After about ten strokes, most of the audience could tell that witness was, indeed, responding sexually to the pain.  Her cries sounded almost more like cries of confusion rather than pain - like she could not understand why her body was doing this.  By the thirtieth stroke, it was obvious to everyone that witness was feeling the pain as sexual stimulation.  The pitch and tone of her cries as well as the way that her cunt glistened in the spotlights made it very clear that she was a pain slut.

Somewhere around seventy strokes, witness had her first orgasm.  She could feel it building in her body and tried to hold it back.  The shame of being publicly driven to orgasm by a flogging was almost too much for her to bear.  As the orgasm approached, she began crying "No, no, no."   The crowd could hear her as she wailed, "This can't be happening.   This can't be happening."

The German wielding the whip could also hear her and could clearly see her state of intense arousal.  As she approached her peak, he moved so that he was directly behind her, and landed blows to the sides of her rib cage that caused the whip to snake around to her front and flick her engorged nipples.  Her shrill screams of pain were followed immediately by a deep "aaaaagh" as her body began to overwhelm her mind.  Then, at just the right moment, the whip master swung upward so that the whip went between her tightly stretched legs.  It popped loudly as it slammed into her pussy lips and her eyes and mouth opened to their fullest as she screamed out in pain... and then in orgasm.

The whip master paused while witness thrashed violently in an extremely strong extended orgasm.   The whistles and applause heaped additional shame upon the struggling slave, but to her amazement, that shame heightened, rather than diminished the intensity of her feelings.

As soon as her thrashing slowed, the flogging resumed.  Now the pain was more pain than arousal, but beneath the pain was still an intense sexual stimulation.  Trixie and Dixie had just counted one hundred and fifty-three when witness could be heard yelling, "No, no, not again.  I can't stand it.  I can't stand it."

This time, the whip master ignored her sexual response and continued carefully moving his lashes up and down her body so that she had almost continuous whip marks from wrist to ankle.  Somewhere around two hundred, she again thrashed in orgasm.  After that she hung limp in her bonds whimpering with each blow of the lash.

Finally the counting of the two slaves reached two hundred and ninety-nine.  The whip master stopped for twenty or thirty seconds, and then snapped his whip loudly several times as if clearing it or limbering it.  Very carefully and deliberately, he stepped to slave witnesses right side and, after swinging the whip softly back and forth several times, snapped it loudly against her asscheeks.

Witnesses eyes flew open and a new scream came from her mouth.  She was well beyond sexual stimulation.  This was a scream of pure pain.  The scream became louder and even more shrill as the hooded whip master then stepped forward with a small bottle and slowly poured it across the bleeding welt.   Three times he dribbled the yellow mixture of lemon juice and salt across her wound.  On the third time, her head slumped forward, and she passed out.

The whip master and the two slaves Trixie and Dixie left the stage and the Grand Mistress returned to the spotlight.  "Slave witness will remain here suspended above the stage for the remainder of the evening that all may know what awaits those who would betray The Society."

With that, two pairs of security guards came running onto the stage carrying additional small I- beams.   These long, thin beams somehow connected the upper and lower beams so that as the cables holding witness pulled her upward she would be, in fact, standing on the lower I-beam.  With several loud clicks everything locked into place, and the now complete picture frame displaying witnesses bruised and swollen body continued upward until it was slightly above the ring of video screens above the stage.  As she hung there above the stage, two medium intensity spotlights illuminated her so that she was visible from any place in the arena.

As the guards walked off into the darkness, Trixie and Dixie returned with large towels and began cleaning the stage floor.  Members of the audience began rummaging in their belongings for their auction lists and their bidding number cards, but The Grand Mistress stopped them with, "Before we begin our auction, there is one more item of business related to this betrayal."

She stood and waited for the buzz of voices to subside before continuing.  "None of this would have happened if I had not allowed myself to be persuaded by the traitor's father to put her on the inner council.  I knew that was the wrong decision.  I knew that she was more slave than Mistress, but I was weak and allowed her father to overrule me.  I did not fulfill my duties as Grand Mistress and do what was best for The Inner Circle and The Society.  The fault was mine and I have confessed this grievous error to The Inner Circle."

Another burst of murmuring forced the Grand Mistress to wait for a moment before continuing.  "It has been decided that I will remain on The Inner Circle, but will give up my position as Grand Mistress.  The Inner Circle has elected Master Tyrone to succeed me as Grand Master."

Again the Grand Mistress had to wait for the noise of the crowd to abate before she could finish speaking. "My last act as your Grand Mistress is to decree the punishment for my failure.  I decree that the one who failed the twenty members of The Inner Circle shall receive twenty lashes from the whip master.  She shall be shorn and displayed naked and hairless like a common slave for the rest of this evening."

This time the buzz from the crowd droned on until The Grand Mistress held up her hand and signaled for silence.  "I shall accept my punishment properly, that you may see that I am a true Mistress.   I will bear Herr Peitschemaster's mark from now on to remind me, and any who see me, that even a Grand Mistress is accountable for her mistakes."

Another set of cables lowered from the ceiling on the opposite side of the stage from where witness was hanging.  The Grand Mistress walked over, stepped out of her high heels, and stood beneath them.  Two security guards hurried onto the stage and pulled her arms apart and fastened them to the restraints.  The beam then rose slightly into the air.

Two more security guards ran onto the stage carrying another of the light-weight spreader I- beams.  They spread her legs and bound her feet with the restraints, fixing her feet firmly to the beam as they had done Jane's.  Then Trixie and Dixie returned to the stage with their scissors. 

The Grand Mistress had prepared herself.  When the black, sequined gown fluttered to the ground, there was nothing beneath it.  Her body was not as slender as the much younger slave witness, but it was very well toned, and the light brown hair between her legs was neatly trimmed into a small triangle.

The two slaves scampered off stage and returned with their clippers.  The Grand Mistress hung stoically as they buzzed the hair off her head and from between her legs.  She continued to remain motionless as they slathered the menthol shaving cream across her skin.  Her only response was a slight grimace when Trixie forced a large handful of the cream into her cunt. 

The barber came back on stage and completed the depilation.  After he had wiped any excess foam from her body, the whip master returned.  Again the screens above the stage were split- screened with images of the Grand Mistresses face and ass.

Herr Peitschemaster drew back his whip and a loud "pop" echoed through the arena.   "One," said the Grand Mistress.  Other than the count, no other words or sounds escaped her lips until after the twentieth lash when the whip master poured the lemon juice and salt mixture into the wound.  Her sharp intake of breath through gritted teeth could be heard throughout the arena.

The whip master left the stage and a very handsome black man in his mid-forties walked onto the stage.  He gave a hand signal and the security men connected the upright beams.  Then the cables holding the former Grand Mistress raised her up to a position similar to slave witness.  Spotlights came on to illuminate her so that she also could be seen throughout the arena.

Once she was in place, the house lights raised slightly so that the members of the audience were once again visible.  Master Tyrone addressed the crowd.  "Ladies and Gentlemen..., Masters and Mistresses..., Dommes and Masseurs..., slave kelly will remain a slave - my slave - until the hair on her head has regrown to the length of one inch.  After that has occurred, Mistress Kelly will once again be a full member of The Society and of  The Inner Circle and will be treated as such by everyone."

He paused and looked around the arena at the crowd.  "Failure to treat her as a slave during her period of punishment or failure to acknowledge her as a full Mistress once her punishment is ended will bring punishment upon yourself.  Those are the rules, and, as you have seen very clearly tonight, no one in The Society is above the rules."

With that, he pulled a sheaf of papers from an inner pocket, flexed his shoulders to settle his coat, and said loudly, "Now, we have some slaves to buy and sell.  I declare this auction open.  Bring out the first item."

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The Wildwood Society

I met Aileen by chance, shopping for vintage clothes in Kensington Market. She is buxom and beautiful, soft dark waves of hair to her shoulders, smoldering green eyes, full lips, and wide inviting hips. We fell in love instantly. She took me to her mansion in Etobicoke, Baby Point, and we consummated our love. We abandoned our current partners. Our passions for reading, cooking, ancient history, art, music, all coincide. Most of all is our passion for sex. We began to research all forms...

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The Society of the Rules

The Society of the RulesAdmission into the SocietyThe large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not...

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Witness Protection Chapter 1

It was a hot, sticky tenth of July back in '65. I remember the day because I had just made Detective about a month prior and this was my first big case. I say my first big case but in reality, I was just one of many people working on it.We had been trying to crack this big drug ring that had been plaguing the city of Chicago for several years. We knew they were operating in the city and we knew some of the smaller players - the dealers and pushers. We'd busted a couple of them but only on minor...

2 years ago
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The Society

Julie sat in The Society Director's antechamber nervously drumming her fingers on a file folder almost an inch thick. She glanced at her watch. 2:59. She wouldn't have much longer to wait. She had heard about The Society from an old boyfriend. He had been a member before he met her, but he lost his job and couldn't afford the dues anymore. He told her stories she could hardly believe.  The Society was, the way he told it, the ultimate sexual match-making service. They would set members up for...

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Seducing The Hot Sexy Virgin Girl Of The Society

Hey Guys. It’s the story about a girl named Vishruti (name changed). She lives in my society. Her age would be 22 and figure 36-28-36. She has the figure to die for, every guy in my colony has an eye on her luscious body. She has a totally fair complexion, white milky skin tone, cute face, cherry lips and a curvy figure. Old and young, every guy in my society wish to see her hot figure at least once in a day. She can easily make even a kid’s cock erect by her cute innocent face along with lusty...

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The Totalitarian Society You Will Love

Roman Dyer woke up in a warm and comfortable bed. Something he didn't expect as he had fallen asleep in a cold coffin-like pod, while a dozen of tubes pumped chemicals into him. He was still in a pod, but one that was much roomier and luxurious. In the dim light, he could barely see details. There was no handle or button. Still, he extended his hand and gasped. This slender form definitely was not his. Moving his hand close to his face he saw delicate and female looking...

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The Witness Protection Plan With A TG Twist

****************************************************** THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM WITH A TG TWIST by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999 ****************************************************** "I have no further questions for the witness, your honor.", the attorney who was leading Jason Tamborn's defense team said in a off-handed manner; knowing with a certainty that though he had tried every ploy he knew during the course of his lengthy...

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A More Stable Society

Title: More Stable SocietyAuthor: cubedLawnRating: R, 18+Warnings: bdsm, dub/noncon, body mod, M/f, M/M/M/f, incest, impregnation, M/f/fDISCLAIMER: OBVIOUSLY everything in this document is a work of fiction and any similarities to any people in real life is purely coincidental. Also, sexual-play is fun to do, but remember that the ideas in this story are purely fictional. Some women are naturally tops and some men are naturally tops, and some are naturally switches. Racism, sexism and other...

1 year ago
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## the housewife from high Part 1 society to whore in colony part 1. #erotic Characters Priya :lawyer and heroine Maid :shyamala Watchman :Ramu Maid husband :Gopal Call girl : Swapna Old colony president :raghunath(63yrs) Tailor :Ramlal Tailor wife : rangamma Madam : brothel house owner Hi , this is Priya and I am writing one of my humiliating experiences in this story . I am going to tell you how one incident has changed me from being a decent and arrogant wife to...

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The SocietyChapter 5

The following week dragged by for Sondra. She had changed her mind dozens of times, first succumbing to the allure of the mysterious society and its erotic and salacious temptations followed by the acceptance that she was a thirty-three year old homemaker who had to be kidding herself to entertain, even for a moment, the notion that she could become a part of some secret hedonistic group and their orgies. Back and forth she vacillated, but as the responsibilities of motherhood and wife began...

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No Use to Society

?No use to society? by [email protected] had never met another person who had the same extremist views as himself.  Usually people didn’t like illegal immigrants and the detrimental role that they played on society.  Usually people agreed with him that they added no real value to British society.  But he had never met anyone who had the same singlemindedness and determination to eradicate them from society as Matt appeared to do.  James ran his finger around the top of his pint glass...

2 years ago
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Witness Sex Change

Witness Sex Change (WitSex.); By: Allison. I had always thought being in the witness protection program would be a fascinating experience, but I had came to that conclusion mostly through watching TV and mediocre Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. In the real life, it is much, much different and even more different in my particular case. It was about six months ago and I was out and about in quite suburbia minding my own business, just a regular 26 year-old guy making his way in the...

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The Society for the Suppression of Vice

London 13th January 1872 “I say, have you seen today’s copy of Leisure Hour?” “No. Not as yet, George. Anything good?” “There’s an appeal from the Society for the Suppression of Vice.” The movement of whiskers suggested that they were hiding an amused smile as the owner of the curling lips leant forward and poured another generous measure of whisky into his glass. “Another snifter?” Hazel eyes shifted away from the text of a newspaper and took a lingering look at the half empty bottle of...

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The SocietyChapter 8

The last three days had seemed interminable for Sondra. She had busied herself with the usual housewife types of chores, the kids and Brad, but her mind kept coming back to Joubert and the council vote. Of course that would only give her the opportunity to prove herself to the members which would ultimately decide on whether she would be granted membership. However, she knew that a single negative vote and she would never hear from the society or Joubert again. The few times the phone had...

1 year ago
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The Red Bandana Society

Sheila kept her silence although she fumed internally. Her friends were lamenting about how frequently their husbands wanted sex. At an appropriate pause in the conversation, Sheila arched an eyebrow and in her natural southern accent she said, "Y'all are going ‘bout this all wrong.”She sipped a little wine. Should she share her long-held secret with her friends?All of the women turned towards her. They blinked expectantly waiting for Sheila to finish her thought."Y'all's husbands want to...

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The SocietyChapter 9

The next two weeks for Sondra were miserable. She had cheated. It was plain and simple -- well perhaps not so simple. This was no affair, drunken or otherwise, with a neighbor or even a stranger in a bar. This was out-and-out debauchery. She had discussed it with Brenda, allowed her friend to masturbate her to orgasm in a crowded restaurant, then willingly spent the night in the arms of a stranger, giving her body to him in every conceivable manner, and finally stripping naked in front of...

4 years ago
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Witness Chapter One

Chapter One - Cooch-Curtain Miniskirt "Move to the left a little." The kid with the camera waved his hand accordingly. His friend seemed to be cracking up. Something was hilarious anyway. "Yeah that's it, I want you framed in the doorway." Poppy put out her hand to lean on the jamb of the battered door, her heels were killing her. "Hurry up kid, you're scaring away the trade." Poppy lifted her foot and picked a cigarette butt off the bottom of her high heel. The kid had...

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Secret SexFight Society Ch 04

Story till now: 19 year old bully Tommy Gunn had been accepted in the Secret Sex-Fight Society, an violent underground organization of martial-artists and cage-fighters who use sex as a weapon. Managed by the beautiful and mysterious Ciara Chocolate, Tommy won two of his first three official matches, defying expectations of what a rookie with a big cock can do. But Tommy lost his last match to the bisexual demigod Poseidon, who has taken the macho teen as his personal bitch. Will Tommy be able...

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Spanker Joins A BDSM Society Part 2

The next morning, Saturday, was devoted to group sex. More society couples joined us, including a black couple, and the fucking went on freely for two hours. Spanker and Ann loved it and were kept busy as newly arrived BDSM Society couples wanted to try out the new members. They especially enjoyed the black couple, a tall athlete and his petite chubby wife with broad hips and a broad smile and black pubic hair all tightly curled on her pussy that called Spanker’s cock to action. She fascinated...

1 year ago
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Witness Relocation and Protection Program II

Witness Relocation and Protection Program II By Bill Hart Superior Court Judge Abigail Carstairs looked down from the bench in the direction of the prosecution's star witness, while the convicted defendant was escorted in shackles from her court. She wasn't overly pleased about the deal that had been struck by the DA's office giving this particular witness immunity from prosecution for all of his earlier crimes in exchange for his testimony, but she also knew all too well that the...

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The Society Party Crashers

1The Society - Party Crashersby The TechnicianBDSM, Slavery, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Flogging, Public Spanking = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Twin sisters in rural England crash the wrong party with very interesting, life-changing effects."The Society" stories are not a sequential series of stories but rather a collection of separate stories that are all set in the world inhabited by members of The Society.  Each story or series stands on its own although they do rely...

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The Society

The Society By Lauren Summers Chapter 1 - Help I just couldn't go on with it anymore, I felt like a total failure as a man and knew I had to do something about my situation; I was beginning to feel quite depressed about the whole situation of these male and female feelings rattling around in my brain. The constant cycles of dressing, purging then shopping again had taken their toll on me and I was in desperate need of help. Finally I took the plunge and decided to call someone and...

1 year ago
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Modern Amazon Feminist Society

Modern Amazon Feminist Society By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), bondage, trangender (TG), Body Modification and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the...

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Namrata Becoming A Society Whore

Hi, I am Namrata I am 24 and live in Delhi with my husband Ashok in a housing society. I married Ashok 3 months back when my parents found out about my escapades in college. I was a big slut in college where I let everyone from students to teachers fuck me for stuffs ranging from class notes to good grades. Boys used to take me to the gent’s toilet at their wish and they all used to fuck me there. Obviously my husband didn’t know any of these in the first few months of our marriage he fucked...

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INN Housing Society

Hi, I am Swetha sara, when I was 24 and live in Delhi with my husband in a housing society. I married 3 months back when my parents found out about my escapades in college. I was a big slut in college where I let everyone from students to teachers fuck me for stuffs ranging from class notes to good grades. Boys used to take me to the gent's toilet at their wish and they all used to fuck me there.Obviously my husband didn't know any of these in the first few months of our marriage he fucked me...

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My Debt To Society

My Debt To Society By Katharine Sexkitten "Defendant will rise!" I stood up. My court-appointed lawyer rose with me. I didn't actually know his name. The Judge looked at me sternly, over top of the rims of his glasses. "Young man," he snarled, "this is the second time you've appeared in this court, much to my consternation." I thought, oh boy, this can't be good. "A third time will result in a sentence of considerable penalty, in a federal penitentiary. Do you...

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Witness Relocation and Protection Program III

Witness Relocation and Protection Program III By Bill Hart Veteran WRPP field agent Jake Losfeld wondered what was up as he rode upwards in the elevator of the WRPP headquarters. He hated riding in elevators; they were too confining for his tastes. Given a choice, his preference would always be fieldwork. However, something was very definitely up; he could always tell. Whatever it was, Jake had a bad feeling about it. He'd been summarily summoned from the field and ordered to report...

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Witness Chapter Two Proper Chapter

Chapter Two - Penelope Poppy lay on the couch in a very undignified repose. She was wearing a black vinyl micro-miniskirt, a pink crop-top and transparent white lycra tights. Her legs were splayed, lying side-on watching TV. Elliot could see what he thought was a camel-toe in her tight pink nylon panties, but he knew it wasn't and quickly averted his eyes. "I saw you looking." Poppy caught him averting his gaze. "You're intrigued aren't you? How has she got a god-dammed...

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The White Glove Society

The White Glove Society.By ninja5                                                Bailie glanced over at her younger cousin.  ?You sure about this Dakota?  I wasn’t a planed baby and I turned out pretty good.??Bailie, I know you agree with the great state we call home and its anti-abortion laws, but it was your brother who knocked me up.  I ain’t having no toothless offspring.??Well why did you sleep with him??  Bailie checked her cousin again.  Dakota, like all the women in the Walters family...

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The SocietyChapter 2

Over the next few days, Sondra tried, unsuccessfully, to put out of her mind the titillating and fascinating comments of her friend from college. What was this society? And what were the pleasures of which Brenda spoke? And why all the secrecy? She had, at first, laid the card with Brenda's phone number on the night stand nest to the bed, but when she found herself becoming more and more enthralled with the sensuality which her friend had implied was an integral part of this society, she...

1 year ago
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The FreshmanChapter 32 The Witness

The following Monday, over the furious objections of their defense attorneys, the trial of Mega-Town Associates Executives Richard Moore, Joe Guerra, and Jeff "Cutter" Stern got underway. The Chief Justice of the Danubian Supreme Court announced that, no matter what the defense attorneys wanted, the trial would begin, because keeping the lower-level mercenaries confined much longer in their current condition was not acceptable. Before the trial, the judge issued a stern warning to the...

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Secret SexFight Society Ch 02

Story till now: In the year 2099 the metropolis of Climax City has become one of the most violent and corrupt cities in the world, were the super rich and super poor live mere miles from each other, but are in entirely different worlds. Tommy Gunn, a 19 year old bully, is returning home after a long day fucking someone else’s girlfriend and witnesses an unusual event. Two young woman fighting and fucking each other on a train in an abandoned part of the city, who are each coached by two older...

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Prema Sets Me Up With Another Girl In Society

Hi all, this is ilrumjack again with another story of mine with maid and another girl from my society. You must have hopefully read about how I got to have sex with my maid Prema for the first time. This is another of the episodes with my maid and how it progressed. A little brief about my Prema. She was a 34 year old Maharashtrian lady, around 5.2 tall with a very petite and nice figure. She had lovely small tits (32 size) and round butts. She always used to wear a 9-yard sari and kept herself...

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Spanker Joins A BDSM Society Part 1

A few weeks after Spanker’s sex session with my wife Deb (see “Session With Spanker”), Spanker invited me over to do the same to his wife, Ann. Believe me, I got so hot that I came twice in Ann’s sweet brown pussy. She is hot and willing!Spanker and I began to swap wives regularly. Spanker didn’t know that Deb and I were members of a secret society of couples who liked to swap wives and punish them. As I got to know him, I realized that he and Ann would be ideal members, so Deb and I invited...

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AudryChapter 7 High Society

Hazel Parmentier Steele Lemmer looked over the ballroom-a look of distaste momentarily marred her patrician features. She'd lots rather be shagging George out in the hayloft of the barn, on their Long Island estate. But George's friends had insisted and he agreed that it might be good for business. So here she was, guest of honor at a reception in Manhattan-that she and George had to pay for! 'Quit bitching, Hazel!' she sternly told herself. 'You knew that some of this went with the...

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The Witness

The Witness By Sheila Anne Morgan 1 Richard Marks had followed his father into the family business, the Mob. His father had been killed several years ago. Now the FBI had enough on him to send him away for a long time. "Listen, Punk, as I see it you've got two choices. Either you cooperate with us and we put you in the witness protection program or we put you on trial and you go...

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Witness Relocation and Protection Program

While I was running this throught the spellchecker this morning, I had the idea that this might make an interesting new universe. Bill -------------------------------- Witness Relocation and Protection Program by Bill Hart "On behalf of the state, Mr. Marwell, I'd like to personally thank you for coming forward and testifying." the judge said. "Without your testimony, its very likely we would have had to release Frank Farnelli for lack of evidence." "Prison's the best place...

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The Society of Atreus

The Society of Atreus by C. A. Smith ©2005 Part 1 It all began with certain drawings. She had come across them on the internet one night almost two years ago whenshe felt a little lonely, a little horny. She was just bopping around, lookingfor something that would stir up a bit of a tingle in that bodily zone thatwas her chief source of solace, bliss and ecstasy. Looking for something alittle naughty. Something a little outrageous. She'd found it all right! Firstthe drawings, then stories to...

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Service SocietyChapter 1 An Odd Animal

Human beings are social animals. For thousands of years, people have banded together for protection. In prehistoric times, people formed nomadic tribes and crossed savannas in groups facing sudden death from lions and other predators. There was nothing worse than being banished from the tribe. It was essentially a death sentence for the individual. Even in modern times the worst punishment, short of death, is solitary confinement. If a hundred people are put in an enclosed area the size of a...

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Secret SexFight Society Ch 03

Story till now: In the year 2099 the metropolis of Climax City has become one of the most violent and corrupt cities in the world, were the super rich and super poor live mere miles from each other, but are in entirely different worlds. Tommy Gunn, a 19 year old bully, has just joined the Secret Sex-Fight Society, and shadowy organization of the world’s richest people who train erotic martial artists who engage in sexual combat for money, sex, and sadistic joy. He was recruited by the beautiful...

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Fucked My Society8217s Bhabhi Part 1

Dear ISS Readers. Hi, I am Shail. I am writing for the first time on this so, please forgive me for any mistakes. This is 100% true story about how I fucked my bhabhi in my society. Let’s start the story. I live In Ahmedabad and in my society there was my friend older than me. Soon after his marriage, he was sent to the USA by his company for a project for a year. So bhabhi became our friend quickly. We all used to hang out. Her name was Riya (not real name). She was 5’6 and she looks very...

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Hottest And Horniest Society Aunty

Hello all I am an avid ISS reader from Ahmadabad and any girl, aunty can contact me at for any type of relationship and everything will be private and safe as I expect the same. This is a story of how I fucked the hottest aunty in my society who was alone and very unsatisfied. We play cricket in our society compound and the ball many times go into other people houses while playing. So in the same way, one week before I was batting and the ball went into the auntie’s house by me and we have a...

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From Society Girl To Slave

From A Society Girl  From A Society Girl To A Slave Anonymous     Chapter I   All the inhabitants of the villageof Kronink in Scotland know the castle of Kelingtonwhich stands majestically a few miles outside of the village, and which neverfails to draw all the visiting tourists who are struck by the mysterious charmof its old-fashioned towers looming at the horizon and surrounded by the thickvegetation of an immense park. In that castle lived Lord Kelington, the heir of an oldScottish family...

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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 10 The Spanking Society and the Top Brass See Me Naked

The Friday after my public humiliation (that I loved every seconds of) was the meeting of the Spanking Society. Riley had agreed to come along with me, and to get spanked. Wearing just very short dresses and a warm jacket, we got a taxi to the pub, got ourselves a drink then asked where the function room was. As with the Orgasm Club there was a huge bouncer outside the door who opened it when I said that we were there to see Tommy. The room was bigger than the Red Lion function room but the...

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Private Society

Do we live in a Private Society? I guess it depends on how you define the term. I’m sure some would argue the days of true privacy are long gone, our pure alone time sacrificed for phones that know exactly when and where you want a burger or a beat-off. These days, the smarter motherfuckers won’t even crank it in front of the computer without their webcams covered up, because who the hell knows who’s watching? Incidentally, you might want to cover it up now if you’re worried you’ve accidentally...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Witness Chapter Three

Chapter Three - Do You Have Anything Besides 'Cheap American Hooker' In Your Wardrobe? "And that's everything." Poppy drained the last of her scotch and put the glass on the coffee table. Elliot remained silent and she wondered if she had put him to sleep with her story. She looked up at him and saw the tears rolling down his cheeks. After telling Elliot her story she was jonesing for a cigarette. Poppy had not had a cigarette since she arrived at the safe house, Elliot...

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The Conflicts of Magic Tradition and Society Caught Breaking the Rules

So, yeah, this story contains sex. It contains weird stuff as well. I'm doing my best, though, to make this story very worthwhile. It's going to have likeable characters that will be developed by action instead of discription. I think that it's time that I make a good, well-written story. Keep in mind that this little message is being written before-hand. I'm going to try and collaborate with people to make it a good one. I've been kind of inspired from reading a lot of...

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The Heartbreakers Society

This story contains adult material and, if you’re not of age to read that/don’t like what you see here, don’t read it.  I think it goes without saying that some of the acts that take place in this work of fiction should never be attempted by anyone, professional or otherwise, living or dead.  Rape is bad, M’kay?It is unseasonably cold outside for so early in September and the skies are clouded gray with the threat of an early snowfall or a downpour of freezing rain.  This being a suburb of...

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The SocietyChapter 4

"Hi Sondra, it's Brenda. Have i caught you at a bad time?" "Not really. There just don't seem to be many good times lately." "Whoa, sounds like someone could use some cheering up." "I... yes! How about lunch?" "Great! Rommany's okay?" "I'll see you in an hour." Sondra hung up the phone and hurried upstairs to get ready. It had been several days since her disappointing confrontation with Brad and she was still smarting to think he would even have to consider making a...

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The SocietyChapter 6

Sondra awoke smiling to find herself in the middle of a circular bed so large that spreading her arms and legs fully she still could not come within two feet of the edge. She was also completely naked. The thought flashed through her mind to cover herself as Joubert entered from the bathroom wearing a silk bathrobe, but although her mind was a bit fuzzy about last night (Sondra was not accustomed to the effects of stiff brandies) she could still quite vividly recollect that Joubert had not...

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The Fucking Society

Authors note: In some parts of this story, there will be Conditions, so you will need the "Start Game" button or the story will not make any sense. The Stories where you need it will be marked as such. Edit note: Originally this was planned as a little collection of Whorehouses and the events which take place in them but I realized quickly, that there is so much more to tell here. This is not just a Whorehouse Collection (don´t worry it still is too, you find them in the Section with this...

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Polite Society

Sociology students take at least one course in social deviance, I took that course as well. Now, many years later, I am a social deviant writing sexually explicit stories, and you, dear readers, are being socially deviant as well. You see, what we do on explicit web sites is still outside the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. Even though the boundaries are much more broad in contemporary society, the content of these stories is the imaginative fantasy of the writer and most often a...

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Naked Society

The Naked Society consisted of a group of wealthy influential individuals that have existed since the mid 2020s. They believe that the more puritanical rules that were inherited from the old world stifled the evolution of man. The most important being removing the boundaries of shame that most people impose on exposed flesh. They funded several nude studies over the years, not just in the U.S., but all over the world. In the early 2050's they convinced the federal government to implement a nude...

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Tentacle Society

The year is 9 TE (decreed as the Tentacle Era, or 2026 if you're going by the Resistance Model) and most of the known world is in a state of blissful, orgasmic peace. After almost twenty years of being molested by infinite hordes of tentacles, humanity has all but forgotten the meaning of "rape". All sex, whether invited or not, has become something to be celebrated - or at least accepted with little comment as you go about your day. This is mostly due to the tentacles themselves, which have no...

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Gokul Dham Society Part 8211 3

Sabse phle to jisne meri story pdhi or mujhe mail kiye usk liye dhnywad ummid h apko mera ye part bhi psnd aayega Agr accha lge to mujhe mail kriyega Ab me story start krta hu . Daya ki mast chudai ke bad hum chlte h gokul dham society me jha subh subh ka shant mahol h . Jethalal akela hota h ghr pr tbhi phone ki ring bajti h . Jetha: hello Tarak: jethalal me mehta bol rha hu Jetha : ha mehta sab boliye aaj subh subh kese yad kiya .? Tarak:mene socha aaj daya bhabhi nhi h to aaj ka...

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