The Society Of The Rules free porn video

The Society of the Rules
Admission into the Society
The large gates opened electrically and the large limousine entered the estate. From the spacious area at the back of the vehicle, Aurelia was amazed by the wide expenses of land, as well as by the high stone wall that was circumscribing it. Everything around her was breathing out wealth. Everything belonged to the Society of the Rules. And soon, if the leaflet she had read was right, all of this would belong to her as well. She could not believe it. It was a dream come true.
One week earlier, she had been in the deepest bout of despair. The enterprise she was working for had closed one year earlier leaving her without resource nor money. She had not been hired since then. She had progressively sold all of her jewels, all her belongings. She had lost her friends, she had no close family and ultimately, when she had been unable to pay for her housing, she had been expelled from her flat as well. She had been roaming London, sleeping in parks, shivering in the night, anxious of what would happen when winter would arrive.
And then, this man with wealthy clothes had seen her and had given her the leaflet. He had told that she just has to sign up into the Society of the Rules and all material concerns would evaporate for ever. She had read the leaflet again and again. It showed pictures of the wealthy mansion with the rich rooms where society members of both sexes were reading, eating, and partying. She had called the phone number specified on the document and a few hours later the limo had come to pick her up.
She had almost been ashamed to enter it with her filthy clothes. She had not been able to bathe or to change her jeans and T-shirt in three days and they were in a pitiful state. The driver was wearing a neat black leather uniform. He had a curious leather collar around his neck holding a discrete badge with the "B" letter. Five golden studs were lined on his collar. He did not say a word, just motioning her to climb in behind him. She had reflected upon this during the whole trip through the English countryside.
Ten minutes after having passed the gates, the limo stopped at the foot of a monumental staircase, leading to the main door of an immense palace. The driver opened the door and Aurelia climbed out. She distinctly saw the driver wrinkling his nose as she passed near him. She blushed at the idea of her smell. She was probably reeking of cold sweat. She felt so miserable here, in her dirty clothes, at the foot of such a rich palace.
A woman was waiting for them at the top of the stairs. She too was wearing black-leather clothes, but of a more sexy cut - much more. She was perched on the top of high heels, her legs were mostly bare up to her upper thighs where a short leather skirt was covering them. The top consisted of a corset and a sleeveless jacket. Her neck was adorned with a collar similar to the driver's one, also bearing the letter "B" but it lacked all the golden studs. Aurelia did not dare to ask the meaning of this collar. She would not get any answer anyway because the girl could not speak: a black ball was strapped in her mouth!
Aurelia's eyes widened at this strangeness. She turned toward the driver who just smiled to her, bowed and said: "Milady, I am going to wait here for one hour, in case you need my services to go back to the city. For now, I invite you to follow your hostess up there. She will lead you to our registration desk."
Aurelia did not know what to say, what to ask. Finally, she just answered thanks and climbed the stairs toward the girl who was smiling under her gag, welcoming her. She motioned her to follow her and they entered the palace, into a grandiose hall. Aurelia had a glimpse of more leather-clad men and girls before they took a side door. After a short walk, the girl knocked at a massive oak door and, upon invitation, opened it and invited Aurelia to enter.
Again, the smelly girl was ashamed as well as impressed by the wealth of the room's decoration. Behind a huge wooden desk a woman was sitting. She was wearing an elaborate dress made of various types of black velvet. A discrete golden string was wrapped around her neck, holding a little medallion with a "A" letter nicely engraved. She was smiling widely. In front of the desk, kneeling on the thick carpet and leaned over her feet was another girl. This one was wearing a white tunic that stopped just below her buttocks, allowing Aurelia to notice that she wore no panties. She was barefoot as well, apart from leather cuffs encircling her ankles. She was busy painting the dressed woman's toenails.
"Welcome, Aurelia!" smiled the dressed woman. "Take a seat." With that, she had a small jerk with her foot, pushing the kneeling girl away. This one immediately straightened herself and crawled to a corner of the room, behind Aurelia where she knelt down in silence. And silenced she was, as she was wearing a ball gag too, but of a much larger kind than the hostess' one. On closer inspection, it seemed the ball was actually made of stone or steel instead of rubber. She was wearing a wide and thick leather collar with a tag dangling in front and bearing the letter "C".
Puzzled, Aurelia sat in the comfortable armchair and saluted the woman.
"Welcome to our place, Aurelia" the woman repeated. "My name is Lady Jessica and I am here to tell you more about our little community and, hopefully, convince you to join us merry few."
Aurelia nodded, too impressed to speak, and Lady Jessica continued.
"The Society of the Rules is composed of five classes of members. Each class fulfils an unique and most necessary role in our organisation. You have already met the driver and your hostess, who belong to class B. These members are responsible for the functioning of the Society and its properties. They are in charge of ensuring that all members perform their duties correctly. And behind you, in the corner, is a class-C. Those are assigned maintenance and comfort duties. Class-D and Z members are responsible for providing the Society with goods, food, energy and many other services. They are probably our most important members. Ah, and I almost forgot class A. We are supervising the whole organisation, ensuring that everything is working well and that the Society thrives."
Aurelia was listening intently, not daring to interrupt the proud woman. She was feeling deeply out-of-place in her filthy clothes.
"Each member class has its own duties to accomplish, and they have to respect a set of rules. With so many members, rules are mandatory of course. We believe that without rules a society cannot work properly. So, we insist that rules must be followed to the letter. Persons who cannot follow rules are not welcome in the Society. I am sure you understand this, Aurelia, don't you?"
"Yes Milady, of course" Aurelia nodded.
"And you can respect rules, don't you? You must understand this is very important if you want to join us. Being a member of the Society of the Rules is a great privilege bringing comfort and security to one's life, but it comes to a price: you have to respect rules. Do you feel like you can cope with that?" Lady Jessica insisted, her stern eyes fixed into Aurelia's.
"Of course I can. I mean, I can and I understand the need for rules. Of course!" Aurelia answered hastily, afraid that she might be deemed unsuitable for the Society.
"Good! I was sure you were a serious young girl. Now, you might wonder which class you would be assigned to? Actually, the beauty of our Society is that it lets you decide which is the best class for YOU. You will start at class B. If you respect the rules, you will soon be proposed to change to class A. If you break any rules, you will be blamed for that. If you break the rules 5 times, you will be demoted to class C. Each class has its own set of rules, of course. So, do well, respect the rules and I am sure a smart girl as you will soon thrive in class A comfort."
Aurelia nodded. It sounded so logical, so simple. She wondered why politicians had not devised so simple a type of government.
"Now, dear Aurelia, you have a very simple choice to do: Either you sign up this registration contract, stipulating you agree to join the Society and respect its rules for ever, or you just return to your usual affairs and the limousine will drive you back to London."
Aurelia eagerly signed her name at the end of the document, fearing that Lady Jessica might change her mind.
"Great, Aurelia. You are now a member of our Society as a Class-B member. You will be given a proper outfit and a collar stating your status. From now on you will just be called Aurelia. Forget about your last name. Also, from now on you have to respect the rules of the class B."
Aurelia smiled, feeling a large weight lifted from her shoulders.
"Thank you, thank you so much. I shall do my best not to disappoint you. I shall respect all the rules to the letter. Now, please Milady, could you provide me with the list of these rules? I am eager to learn them by heart as soon as possible."
"My dear Aurelia, this is not possible. As mentioned in the contract you have just signed, you are to learn the rules by yourself. You will see that it is easy: every time you do something wrong, one of us will teach you which rule you have just broken. We have remarked that our members learned much faster that way."
Aurelia's jaw dropped. "But... I shall not be punished the first time I break a rule, of course?"
"Aurelia, don't be silly. The contract stipulates very clearly that rules are to be respected with no exception. Also, I believe I have been very clear upon that during our little discussion. Am I not right?"
"Uuuuh, yes Milady" Aurelia said in a meek voice.
"Good. I see you understand quickly. That's a good point. Now, let's get your outfit." Upon these words, Lady Jessica ringed a bell.
Level B
Day 1 - Alone in her room
The hostess came and led Aurelia through the halls of the huge mansion. She could see other members of the society talking and enjoying themselves. A pair of women with the distinctive 'B' were wearing tiny bikinis and carrying towels - they must be headed for a swimming pool or something. In one of the halls there was a barman serving drinks, this would look like a nice resort, the only odd thing was that the man was chained to the bar, forced to keep his place.
She was led to a hall full of doors and through one of them. They entered what looked like a five-star hotel room: a nice jacuzzi, plasma TV, comfortable king size bed, a pink silk robe in the closet. Aurelia understood that this was going to be her room and she smiled widely. She could not believe her luck and was looking all around in awe, barely daring to touch the rich material that was surrounding her.
A woman wearing only a canvas loin-cloth knocked on the door an was allowed to enter. She was tasked with getting Aurelia some clothes. She took out her measuring tape and used up down and around her body. Aurelia could notice two things, one the label C on her neck, and two, while it is not strange for seamstresses to carry needles, she had never seen one who carried them inserted in her breasts - a pair of pin cushions that went with her everywhere.
The hostess just left a written message on the table before both women left the room. The note read 'back for you in two hours'.
Once both girls had left, Aurelia let her happiness explode. She could not believe what was happening! This was going to be her life from now on! Of course, there were some strange things, and the pain the seamstress was probably enduring with her needles carried in her breasts was one of the worst, but still, there was a lot to win from this new life. She was sure that, smart as she was, she would have no difficulty in staying at the B level, and even climbing to the A. She would just have to be very careful and break no rules. This seemed easy enough.
She danced towards the large bathroom and filled the jacuzzi with foaming water. Throwing away her filthy clothes, she immersed herself in the bubbly water. She stayed there for the best part of an hour, relaxing and washing herself. She washed her hair too. Finally, she left and used the time remaining to pamper herself. She dropped her former clothes into the trash and put on the pink half-transparent silk robe.
Just as she knotted the belt around her waist the hostess knocked at the door. Her gag had been removed. She was holding some clothes in a bundle. They were made of black leather. They consisted in a mini skirt, and a top with a very generous cleavage. It was amazing how well it fitted her body. Leather clothes made exactly to her size in under two hours. Also there were cotton panties and a bra. A pair of sandals with tons of laces completed the outfit.
"Hello, I'm Karla, put these on and we can go downstairs to have a meal, are you hungry?"
"Oh yes, I am very hungry. I haven't eaten in days!" she answered eagerly.
As Aurelia was putting her new clothes on, she continued: "I'm glad that you can speak now. Why did you wear a gag, earlier?"
"I broke a rule yesterday and this was my punishment. 24 hours have elapsed and I have now been freed from it" Karla answered matter-of-factly.
Among the clothes was a leather collar, bearing the famous "B" badge. As Aurelia lifted it, she realised it was heavier than she had thought. She looked at it more closely. Obviously it had a metal core covered by a layer of black leather. On one side of the badge were five holes were the golden studs she had seen in other collars could be screwed. She showed these holes to Karla.
"I have seen a few of those collars already, and some have golden studs screwed here. What do they mean?" Aurelia asked.
"Lady Jessica must have told you about rules and classes" Karla answered. "Well, each day you pass without breaking a rule, you win a stud in your collar. Once you get five studs you, are legible to be promoted to the immediately superior class. This also provides a level of hierarchy within a class: you must obey members of the same class as you who have more studs than you. Apart from the studs, the members of the upper class have to vote to let you in, so behaving is not enough - you also need to make good friends with them.
"And why don't you have any?" inquired Aurelia, avid to learn more about the curious protocols of the Society.
"I had three studs yesterday, but because I broke one rule, I lost them all. But let me fit this collar on you" Karla answered.
She took the collar from Aurelia's hands, placed it around the neck of the newbie girl. There was a click. "Here, you are all set!" told Karla. "These collars are locked and only a class A can open it. This will only happen if you change class. But now, let's go eating. I'm hungry!"
They both went trough the hall and into a large, luxury room. There were several other members seated there. They sat at an empty table by a large window and ordered a meal. At first, Aurelie felt self-conscious as her outfit was revealing much of her anatomy. But most of the other B members were clothed in much the same kind of attire, or even more wanton. Only the class A seemed to be decently clothed, although most of them were quite sexy anyway. As they waited, Aurelia asked:
"Could you tell me more about these rules? What are those for class B? Which one did you break yesterday?"
"I'm afraid not, I'm not allowed to tell the rules to the newcomers. Well, you can infer from that that telling the rules to a new member is against the rules. But that is all I can say about that."
A woman wearing a too-short maid uniform and a C steel collar put a big tray of delicious canapés on the table. Aurelia rubbed her hands. She was salivating. "That looks delicious! I'm so happy to be here!" She giggled merrily as she picked a canapé and wolfed it down eagerly.
The room went silent and a man with a medallion with an A came to her side.
"What do you think you are doing eating before all the members above you have helped themselves to the food? Bend over, I will administer the punishment right now!". He took a leather crop, like the one used in race horses.
Aurelia passed through a collection of feelings: surprise, shame, anger and resignation. She starred at the riding crop. She had never felt such a thing on her skin. She wondered if this was going to be painful. She lowered her eyes.
"I am sorry. I did not know I was breaking a rule. I am new here" she answered. And then she quickly added "Of course this is no excuse and I deserve to be punished."
With that, she stood up and bent over, bracing her hands on the back of her seat.
"You forgot to say 'Sir', you always have to say "Sir" of "Madam" to the members of the upper class. It will be double the strokes for that, and I'm going to mark those two errors on your tag."
"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry Sir" she answered meekly, feeling her throat clenching.
"Count them!"
The first lash exploded on her butt. The mini skirt was too small and her cotton panties too thin to provide any protection. Never before she had felt so much pain. She yelped in agony and her legs jerked. Her finger nails dug into the the soft material of the seat back. She gulped her saliva and announced "One!". She was better prepared for the next but it still bit like hell. "Two!" As the lashes accumulated on her buttocks, red welts were accumulating on her white skin, criss-crossing it with crimson marks. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Lady Jessica was right: she was not going to forget that rule. She was clenching her teeth so tight that her jaws began to hurt. She wanted to run away, to scream, to insult but she refrained to as she did not want to break any more rule. A group had formed around them, cheering the man yielding the riding crop. As she looked around, Aurelia met no comforting eyes. She abruptly realised that all the members were actually competing for status. Any member punished increased one's chances to be promoted.
The man gave Aurelia 20 hits to her displayed bottom. As the last one crashed on her throbbing butt, Aurelia moaned "Twenty!" and collapsed on the floor, on her kneels, bracing against the seat and sobbing. She felt as if her butt was glowing and had swelled to twice its size.
The man told her to stand and put her hands behind her back. He used a couple of wide leather straps to tie them wrist to elbow behind her back. "These will stay like that until tomorrow at this time, and also this so you learn to speak properly, and not eat food out of turn". He produced a ball gag, "Open up".
Aurelia opened her mouth wide and he pushed the ball behind her teeth before strapping it behind her neck, under her auburn mane. The ball was not too large but it would prevent her from speaking and eating. Aurelia felt her heart sinking.
Having done that, he opened a small drawer and took a small device like those made to punch holes in papers. On the tag, under the big letter B was her name, and under it there were five small squares. He used the device to punch holes in two of the squares.
With a last pat on her burning butt, he left, and the gathering around them dispersed too, leaving Aurelia on her knees on the thick carpet and Karla sitting in front of her. Her bound arms forced her to arch her back, thrusting her breasts forward. She felt utterly helpless. Just in front of her, her plate was offering its delicious canapés, of which she had only tasted one bit. Her empty stomach was churning. She was so hungry.
She stood up and sat on the chair. She moaned in her gag as her raw buttocks pressed against the material. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She looked at Karla with pitiful eyes. Only then did she notice the little squares on Karla's tag, one of which had a hole punched through it. She understood what had been done to hers, and also realised that she might only have three more chances before being demoted to class C. She shivered at the thought. She had seen that C members were confined to lower tasks, difficult chores. They did not seem to benefit from the same luxury rooms as hers.
All the seats were occupied by now, and everyone started eating, the lower classes after the upper ones had eaten, everyone except for Aurelia who just watched helplessly. She was salivating profusely. The gag was making it difficult not to drool and her chin and cleavage was soon glistening under a layer of saliva. Threads were connecting her chin to her upper chest and, with her arms secured, there was nothing she could do to change it. This increased her feeling of helplessness and humiliation.
The door of the room opened and Lady Jessica entered. She was carrying a dog leash, but at the end of the leash there was no dog, instead it was a naked woman. Her hair was cut short, and her only piece of clothing was a heavy steel collar with a very visible D tag. Her ankles and wrists were also shackled in steel irons. From the way her skin was chaffed, it was obvious that these restraints were rarely, if ever, removed.
Aurelia's eyes opened wide at this sight. This was the first D-class member she had seen. It made her realise that there might be worse situations than what she had been imagining. She wondered what the Z members could be and she shivered at the thought.
"Okay bitch, you service all the men and women in this room unless you want another hole in your tag".
The naked woman on all fours crawled under the tables, and started giving oral pleasure to all the people sitting there. Starting of course with the A members who could easily be distinguished by their clothing.
Meanwhile Lady Jessica walked slowly around the table.
Aurelia, whose belly was growling noisily from hunger, watched as each man and woman, one after the other, was brought to orgasm by the agile tongue and mouth of the D girl. Obviously, she was very keen at doing it. When she was servicing a man, she was very cautious to swallow all the sperm they produced. When a man had jerked too much and some of his cum had spurted on the carpet, she had dutifully licked it clean. Aurelia felt her stomach heaving at the thought of the awful task she was forced to accomplish. She swore to herself she would never let herself fall down to this level. Because of her inexperience in the Society, she realised there was a chance she might make a short trip in the C class but she was sure that, even if that happened, she would then be smart and experienced enough to rapidly come back to the B or even the A level.
Lady Jessica continued walking around the table and stopped behind Aurelia.
"Are you comfortable?"
Aurelia gulped her saliva and mumbled a "yeshhh, 'a'am" through her gag. Her heart was beating hard inside her chest, trying her best to stay immobile so as to not commit any mistake.
"Don't you think it's appropriate for a member of a lower class to leave her place to another of the upper class when all the seats are taken?"
Aurelia grunted an excuse and shuffled rapidly to get out of her chair and stand up by its side, looking down at her sandals.
Lady Jessica said something to a B member who went quickly to another room, returning with two chains. Those chains had a wide shackle at each end.
"Since you enjoy so much your sitting position, we will let you have it for 24 hours".
One of the shackles was fixed to Aurelia's left knee. The front of her top was opened so as to let her breasts protrude out of it. Her bra was removed, offering the naked flesh of her perfectly firm breasts as a gift to all onlookers. The shackle on the other end of the chain went around her left breast. It was tightened, squeezing the flesh trapped inside. Aurelia saw her breast ballooning forward, its skin getting very taut and darkening. A dull pain began to grow in her trapped mammaries and she gasped. The same was done to her right side. She had been sat back on the chair and the chains were fixed with her thighs at right angle to her torso. Finally, Lady Jessica punched a third hole in Aurelia's tag.
"Now leave that chair!" she ordered.
Aurelia tried to stand up but a painful yank on her breasts pulled back down on the seat. With her hands strapped behind her, she had a difficult time sliding down the chair, all the way painfully jerking on her breasts. Finally she landed on her knees and she shuffled on the side of the chair. She sobbed, feeling utterly debased. Everybody was grinning at her or staring at her monstrously exposed breasts. She sat on her knees and lowered her eyes, sobbing silently.
She was desperate to leave that place and remain hidden in her room for the next 24 hours. That way, she would be sure not to break any rules. But she did not dare to leave the room on her own, afraid of breaking another rule again. She could feel her breasts swelling as internal pressure increased from blood being trapped past the shackles. Her boobs felt heavier, warmer and were beginning to itch and ache. They were turning purple and their skin was getting tauter and tauter. All long, she kept drooling on them.
The meal ended, and everyone started to leave the room, ignoring the restrained girl. She was left there.
After a while, a B with four golden studs entered the room.
"Leave this room, now, the C members must clean it, or do you want to become a C member yourself?"
Aurelia shook her head. She had already begun to crawl towards the exit as soon as she had been alone. Walking with her knees chained to her breasts was difficult and painful. She had to bend over, which lifted the back of her short skirt, showing everybody her criss-crossed butt. Walking also required a lot of caution as each move of her legs threatened to yank on her breasts.
It was in this humped posture that Aurelia got out of the dining room and entered the main hall. Contorting her neck, she looked around to orientate herself. She then started to walk again, headed towards her room.
On her way out she got a glimpse of the cleaning crew. All of them were dressed like sexy maids, one had her hands tied behind her back, but that didn't prevent her from sweeping the floors with the broomstick that had been shoved up her ass. Another one had a duster with a handle resembling a penis fixed to her mouth. They all wore the dreadful steel shackles around their necks, ankles and wrists.
Aurelia moved slowly across the hall, until she reached the stairs going up to the rooms. She moved so slowly that it seemed as if the 24 hours would have elapsed by the time she would have reached her bedroom. Her breasts were sore from being yanked whenever she took too wide a step. It seemed their volume had doubled. As she worked her way up the stairs, several A men slapped her compiscuously displayed butt as they passed by, adding to the humiliation.
Finally she reached her room. However another problem awaited her: the magnetic key-card was in a pocket in the back of her skirt and the door handle was several inches above her head. Some A and B members were passing to or from their respective room, but they were not paying much attention to her. For some time she tried to attract their attention by producing little moans and pleading with her eyes, but they kept ignoring her. Maybe a rule stated not to help fellow members in difficulty.
One of the members, an A, stopped and turned around to face her.
"Are you asking for help? to me? what am I, your servant? The rules state that while restrained you must not ask for help from members above you, you must look for someone below. I'm in a hurry, there's a Z member waiting for my attentions down below, so I don't plan to add another restraint. Just another hole in your tag. Oh well, look at this, it seems you are close to the following class."
With that, he punched a hole in her tag. Some members seemed to always have that device with them. And, not wanting this lesson to be forgotten to easily, he gave the girl five slaps on each breast before going on his way. Aurelia yelped through her gag, her eyes pleading pitifully.
Aurelia felt very frustrated to be so close to the safety of her room and still be unable to enter it. Finally, she got an idea. Carefully, she went down on her side, on the thin carpet covering the hall in front of her room. There, she began to hump her hips and crawl in a circle, still trying her best to keep her knees close to her chest. As she had hoped for, she felt her skirt slowly being pulled down past her hips, then down her thighs. Finally, by moving her legs, she was able to completely remove it.
Full of hope, she grabbed her skirt with her bound hands and managed to pull the key-card out of its pocket. She put it at an angle between the floor and the wall and crawled in a half circle until her face was close to it. Then she managed to grab the card between her upper lip and the gag. She carefully squirmed to her knees and then to her feet. The card slot was just a little to high. She had to get on her toes to slide the magnetic card in it. A green light blinked next to the door handle, indicating that it had been unlocked. All she had to do now was to press on the handle.
This was easier to say than to do, even with one's speech garbled by a gag. After many fruitless attempts, she realised there was only one way to do it. She braced her flank against the door, her face a few inches under the handle. She got as high on her toes as she could, and then she began to lift her torso. Her breasts began to stretch and she felt the pain increasing in her trapped mammaries. Still she was too short. She pulled some more, stretching her breasts farther from her chest, moaning from this self-inflicted torture. She was sweating profusely in her desperate efforts. Finally, she managed to press her gag against the tip of the handle. By chance, it was a rubber gag and so the handle did not slip as she slowly pressed it downwards. There was click as the door opened and she fell inside as its support was suddenly removed from the precariously tip-toeing Aurelia. As she fell, she yanked painfully on her already sore breasts.
She smiled as she realised she had succeeded. She was back in her room and she would just have to wait inside for 24 hours. This would be a long, painful, boring, hungry and thirsty wait, but it was better than to be demoted to the C status. She lifted her eyes and realised that her key-card was still in its slot. She had not the courage to recover it now. Instead, she crawled inside, kicked the door closed, got on her feet and shuffled into her room. She let herself fall onto her comfortable beg and, for the first time since she had been punished in the dining room, she breathed freely.
At least the remote controller for the TV was on the bed. The TV had some of the usual channels with sports and movies, some with porn movies, and there were two channels that differentiated this place from any hotel: One was a Video-On-Demand channel, the collection of videos proposing movies like:
Z-132 wooden horse
Z-132 rack
Z-334 electricity
Z-14 execution day 1
Z-14 execution day 2
The screen allowed the user to search for the name of Z-member or method; each video had a running time of several hours.
The other channel was a live feed of the things happening in the dungeon, with the option of selecting the camera angle. Right now there was a naked woman on a metal chair, electrodes attached to her genitals and breasts; she danced and squirmed as the man that had just punished Aurelia operated a control box.
She zapped quickly through the different channels and videos, her eyes widening at the sight of the cruelties that were being or had been performed in this place. The Z-members were a pitiful lot indeed. All those she saw were stark naked. They looked filthy and exhausted. Some were wearing incredible scars or were even cruelly mutilated. They had no real name. Just a number. Aurelia shivered.Those girls were probably the dumbest on Earth to have broken so many rules as to finish there. Maybe, they were deserving of their fates, after all.
Apart from the sensations coursing trough Aurelia at that moment, she started to feel the need to piss. She switched off the TV set and squirmed until she was sitting at the edge of her bed. From this position, she stood up while staying doubled over at the waist. She shuffled her feet towards the bathroom, which, by chance, was open. Inside, she leaned against the wall and managed to hook her panties against a towel hanger. By wiggling her hips and legs, she was able to slide her panties down. The lower part of her body was now stark naked, except for her sandals. The upper part was still wearing her top and bra, but as her breasts had been pulled out of them, they were hardly providing any covering.
With her panties out of the way, she sat down on the toilet bowl and released her bladder. With her arms strapped as they were, she was unable to wipe herself clean. However, she would try and take a bath later in the day. For now, she only flushed the toilet and then shuffled toward the sink. She was able to open the water and, by pressing her gagged mouth against the faucet, she managed to drink some of it. This was very welcome as her mouth was completely dry from drooling so much.
Once her thirst had been quenched, she moved back to her bed and lay on it. She looked at the clock: there were still 22 hours to wait before being released. Only then could she be allowed to eat something and then to earn her first golden stud.
Her forced curled position was causing aching in her arms and back. And of course her breasts were getting more and more painful. She was also bored to death. The TV set kept lurking at her. Curiosity made her switch it on and select the "Z-132 wooden horse movie". Maybe, by looking and listening intently, she could manage to learn a few more rules... Although she doubted the rules for the Z level were the same as those for the B level.
Browsing the videos she noticed a chilling fact: some of the series labeled execution reached until day 16. When the movie started, the screen was divided in four panels, each focusing on the center of the chamber from a different angle. They showed a naked woman astride a wooden ridge, her legs secured to rings set on the floor. She was held upright by a pair of shackles on her breast that hanged from the ceiling, similar to the ones Aurelia was currently wearing, only these showed signs of blood on the edges. One of the camera angles was a close-up of her crotch. One could see the sharpness of the ridge, and when the prisoner moved a little one could also get a glimpse of a wooden phallus deeply inserted into her vagina. The was a little blood.
A man entered the scene, and with a long bullwhip started painting red lines on her back and front, both angles covered perfectly by the cameras. This went on for about 10 minutes and the progress bar at the bottom of the screen showed that only 2% of the video had elapsed. Most of the video was her suffering alone. At one point, the chains holding her legs were shortened, pulling her harder on the ridge, and a tray containing red hot coals placed on the floor under her feet. A camera zooming on her feet showed the blisters forming on her soles.
Aurelia was profoundly shocked by what she was seeing. She zapped through a few other videos, all showing similar cruelties. The torturers were always class-A members, sometimes assisted by a few class B. Aurelia did not know how to sit to relieve the pain in her arms. With time, cramps had begun to form in her muscles and shoulders and she could find no comfortable position. Her breasts too were aching like hell. They were so taut, so sensitive. Event the light brush from a bed sheet was enough to make her whimper in pain. Having to keep her legs folded all the time was producing severe cramps in her muscles and her lower back was aching. There was no way she could stretch her legs though.
She urinated once again and then took a bath in her private jacuzzi. This relaxed her a little. Drying herself afterwards proved difficult though. She had to pull the towel onto the floor and roll against it. Her soaked hair was the most difficult to attend to and she ended up with her curls all entangled.
She returned to her bed and decided to have a look at an execution video.
Shocked by so much horror, she finally fell asleep. Her night was filled with nightmares. She woke up regularly, either because of too scary a dream, or because her legs had yanked on her breasts. Her back ache was driving her mad and she could not find any position that brought her relief for more than a few minutes. When she woke up in the morning, she was drenched in sweat and tired.
Looking at the clock, she realised that the 24 hours were almost over. She took a shower to wash her sore body from the woes of the night. Once clean and more or less dry, except for her hair which was completely entangled, and as matted as that of a witch. As she laid back on her bed, looking at the clock, she was wondering if someone would come to her room to free her of whether she should get out to find someone. She preferred to wait a little longer, just to be on the safe side. Nobody came to see Aurelia in her room, she was left to suffer her punishment alone until the 24 hours had elapsed.
Day 2 - Demoted!
Finally there was a beep behind her neck, on the padlock holding the gag, followed by another behind her back. But that was all, only a signal that the time had elapsed. In the mirror, she could get a glimpse of a green light on them, but they did not unlock themselves. Maybe only certain members could remove them.
She decided to leave her room. By now, she was feeling weak from lack of food and she really longed for a good meal. The only problem was that she did not know how to put back on the clothes she had removed. Apart from the sandals, she was naked up to the waist, and her breasts were obscenely protruding out of her top. After a few unsuccessful attempts to glide into her skirt, she resigned herself to getting out of her room half naked. She was just hoping this would not be seen as breaking a rule.
She had not completely closed the door of her room and thus it was relatively easy to open it with her toes. She walked out, bent at the waist and drooling on the floor. She was unable to recover her key-card, which was still waiting in the slot. I'll take it later, when my arms are free again, she thought.
Slowly, carefully, painfully, she shuffled down the stairs into the main hall. As she walked, she was careful not to bump into anybody or anything. She kept her eyes down all the time. Her sore breasts received quite a lot of hard yanking along the way. Once in the hall, she knelt on the marble floor and waited for someone to notice her and the flashing green lights on her restraints. She did not dare to approach anybody, fearing to break a rule.
The girl was not a sight that could go unnoticed. A man, B member with four studs, finally had pity of her and using a special key decided to remove the restraints, first the gag, then the shackles of her arms, and finally opened the ones forcing her in the sitting position.
"Hope you have learned your lessons, you are on the very edge of the next class. And go get some clothes, if the people here get used to seeing you naked they will make sure you break some more rules".
"Thanks for freeing me, and thanks for the advice too. I wish you a good day. I hope to meet you again" she answered, a wide smile on her face. Her breasts were still throbbing from their long incarceration, but she felt so much better now.
"You must have been gagged for failing to speak properly to a member superior to you. And not a minute passes before you break that very same rule again. I have no power to punch the last hole on your tag right now, but you better prepare for your degradation ceremony later."
Aurelia's blood froze in her veins. She had broken a rule. She had not realised that four-stud B-members too were considered superior to her and she had failed. Now she was trembling. She knew what this mistake meant. It was her fifth mistake, the one that was going to demote her to the C level. She felt depressed. Still, she knew she had to hurry if she was to have anything to eat.
She put her breasts back inside her widely-cleft top and hurried up the stairs. It was so easy to move now! She reached her room and grabbed the key-card before entering her room. She had to hurry to get ready for the lunch. She took a short shower, arranged her hair and put back her outfit. It felt so good to be clothed again! Happy with her looks, she left her room again and hurried to the dining room. There, she found Karla at the same table as the previous day. There was a free place by her side and, after asking if she could sit there and being welcomed, she sat down.
Once again, her stomach was growling and forming knots inside her belly. She was salivating in anticipation. Still, she was very careful not to speak unless spoken to and was very attentive about where class A members were and what they were doing.
As the lunch moved on, Aurelia ate eagerly the delicious food. The meal was comforting her and she almost forgot the mistake she had done. Maybe the man would forget it too? After all, he was a B member as well, he might have pity. But every time a new meal was served, the sight of the C-member who brought it was making her heart contract. She was wondering what their life was, where their quarters were located, what comforts they were allowed. She realised she knew so little about the other classes...

- 04.12.2020
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