Togetherness - MChapter 2: Unwritten Rules free porn video

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In the middle of reading about how the Hopi behaved for his Anthro course, Andy had an insight. The Hopi all followed a set of rules, and there was a book mentioned in the text that laid out those rules, a book for anthropologists; Hopi apparently weren’t given the rules all neatly set down any more than Andy had been. Maybe Anthropologists had written down the rules for American culture, too. That would be a great help. He was always running afoul of some rule that hadn’t been laid down.

Professor Kozak had office hours on Tuesday, and he went to see him then.

“Professor, are there any Anthro books on American culture?”

“Well, there are a great many on Native Americans, and there are also some on minority groups. There are Mormon split-offs who still practice polygamy, and they’ve been studied.”

“I mean mainstream American culture, like you and me.”

“There is a field called ‘Urban Anthropology.’ At one point, we left that to sociologists, but they didn’t ask quite the same questions. It’s really not my field, but if that’s where you want to write your term paper, it’s a very good idea. There is a great deal of work done comparing one culture with another from published reports of both, but real anthropology starts with field studies. And a field study for a term paper would be great. You’d have to work on a tiny segment, one fraternity, the interactions of one sports team, something like that.” Those, Andy could tell, were only examples, and examples that were particularly inappropriate for him. On the other hand, if he knew the unwritten rules he wouldn’t be here. Such a paper looked like a guaranteed way to fail.

“That wasn’t really what I had in mind. I wanted to read something to let me know the unwritten rules of this culture. I’d be content with the unwritten laws of the U of I.”

“Well. We have a good library. Look up ‘urban anthropology,’ and follow your nose. The shelves are divided between circulating and reference books, and you should check out both sorts of shelves. Do you know how to get books on related areas in the library?”

“Yeah. Libraries, I can deal with.” Libraries were easy to deal with; they wrote down all their rules. People, with rules far more complicated than the Library of Congress numbers, kept their rules secret.

“All right -- urban anthropology. And good luck. At a guess -- and, as I said, it’s not my field -- you’ll only find very narrow studies. How bus drivers interact with each other and with their passengers and bosses, that sort of thing.”

“Not like a book on the Hopi, but about us instead?”

“I wouldn’t expect that. Maybe, some anthropologist from Mars would write such a book, but there don’t seem to be any Martian anthropologists.”

“Well, thank you, Professor. I’ll check out the library.” And he did, without much luck. Before he went, though, he found out what were the more usual subjects for a term paper.

Marilyn was too busy with her sorority that week to see him, or, at least, that was the story. Actually, it was her period. That she didn’t say so was one of the unwritten rules he didn’t understand. Sure, what was happening in her genitals was something she didn’t want to discuss with a casual acquaintance -- especially a casual male acquaintance. But he’d been in her genitals; it wasn’t as though his acquaintance with her was still casual.

On the other hand, it was only one of a million rules he didn’t understand. She wore lipstick for a date with him, fine. She didn’t want him to see her without her makeup. But, if something happened that meant he did see her without it, she put her lipstick on in front of him.

Saturday was a study day and a study night. His only term paper would be in Anthro, but the engineering courses would each have a project. He wasn’t far enough along to start on one of those, and they required a partner. He would start on the Anthro paper instead.

Many cultures had “cross cousins” as the preferred marriage partners, sometimes nearly the required ones. Well, the father’s sister’s child or the mother’s brother’s child was not only a small pool, it was likely to be unbalanced pool. What happened then? Then, too, most of these cultures had grooms significantly older than brides. What happened to the late-arriving son of a youngest son? It depended on culture, but all the cultures they’d seen in class or in the book had work-arounds.

Labeling a Cross-cousin seemed to be a reasonable comparative topic. He went to the library to look up studies of individual cultures. Then he looked in the index. When he found some reference to cross cousins, he put the book on his stack. Of ten books, probably five would give him something he could use. When he had ten books on his stack, he checked them out at the desk. For almost the first time, the car was a help in his study life. He could have walked to the library, but carrying all those books, he would have staggered home.

He chose one book and took it to the laundromat with him. When he got back, he emptied the laundry bag on his bed and went back to his books. He had several bookmarks in the first book, and he put it in what would be the keeper pile.

He spread the books out and went through them to see what they said about marriage patterns and how the search for a fiancée dealt with numerical unbalances. When he got hungry, he put the opened can of beef stew in some water in the saucepan and turned on the heat. He had a new head of lettuce, but the old cabbage wasn’t quite finished yet. He took it into the kitchen to cut off hunks to eat while the stew was warming. Beef stew was really gross when eaten cold, there were chunks of fat on the top of the can. He ate a second third of the can and went back to the table to work.

He was too deep in the complexities of Tiwi marriage to notice the sounds at the door until it swung open. It was Marilyn!

“Marilyn?” Why hadn’t she warned him that she was coming? He hadn’t cleaned up the room for her.

“Ta da.” That wasn’t quite what he thought of as a clear statement of the reason for her visit. She took off her own coat and closed the door. “Ta da.” She took off her scarf. “Ta da.” She took off her loose sweater. Even though she had a sweatshirt under it, this was beginning to look interesting. When she’d got down to her skin and was completely topless, he started for her.

He tried to hug her, but she pushed the hug up around her neck. They had a kiss. While they were kissing, she unbuckled his belt. She opened the pants and slid them and his underpants down. What was she trying to do?

That much was soon clear. She took his cock into her mouth. The idea was shocking -- Marilyn doing this? The sensations were wonderful -- her mouth was as warm and even wetter than the other mouth was. If her mouth didn’t touch all around, her tongue licked all the most sensitive parts on the bottom of his cock. He’d imagined blow jobs, but never even imagined one from Marilyn.

“You don’t have to do this.” She really didn’t. He loved the sensations, but he was afraid of her seeing his orgasms as something he demanded. She didn’t have to do it, but he put his hand on her head, partly to improve his balance, partly to keep her there.

She continued licking him and moving her mouth back and forth on him as his arousal approached its fated conclusion. He came in four separate spurts. The fourth had hardly ended when she began to rise. She let him go and ran into the john. He could hear her spitting. He regained his balance and stooped to raise his underpants. As he was finishing with his jeans, she ran past into the kitchen. She returned to the john with a glass, and he could hear continual spitting.

“You don’t taste all that good, you know,” she said. Well, it had been her idea. He hadn’t objected; he had, indeed, enjoyed it, but he hadn’t asked for it.

“Sorry about that. Next month I won’t force you like I did this time.”

“Okay, it was my idea. I wasn’t saying it wasn’t. It’s just that you don’t taste as good as I’d expected.” Which seemed to suggest that she hadn’t done it to anybody else, which was good to hear.

“Next month?” she asked in a rising voice. What was wrong? Oh, yes, he’d assumed that this was related to her period. Well, he’d enjoyed it, but he wouldn’t have enjoyed it as an alternative to their usual love making. But he’d stepped in it; she didn’t want any mention of her period. Well, he should explain that. She was usually forgiving when he blundered if she understood why.

“Look, Marilyn, I’m Andy, your Andy. I’m the guy who learns things by reading. I don’t claim to know what menstruation feels like to you. But some things, like every four weeks, some things I know about.” Still, he shouldn’t have brought it up. Really, he hadn’t brought it up; he’d just assumed something, and it had trickled into his words. He was bad at keeping his mouth closed.

“For how long?” She must mean how long had he known about her. Good question. He thought he could remember.

“Well, remember when you used nylons instead of pantyhose? One date, you went back to pantyhose. I was desperate, wondering what I’d done. Then, when you wore nylons again, I figured out why.”

“And you never said anything?” First, he was wrong to have mentioned it; now he was wrong to have not mentioned it.

“Well, you didn’t say anything. It seemed to me that it was your choice -- your body, your choice.”

“You wouldn’t have wanted to touch me there when it was like that.” Now, that was going too far. Her body, her choice; but she was making it sound like his choice.

“Now, you’re putting words in my mouth. If you don’t want to be touched now, I’ll understand. After all, it’s only one week in four, and it’s not like you’re refusing me and accepting other guys. But that’s your decision. I always want to touch you. I love you -- not sometimes but all the time.”

“Andy, you are weird.” Generally, he couldn’t fight that claim. Really, though, he thought the rest of them were weird. In this specific situation, he hadn’t shown any weirdness, even from the perspective of her sorority sisters.

“Well, yes ... But loving you isn’t the weirdness.” And speaking of touching her, how about tonight? “Now that we’re no longer avoiding the subject, can you stay the night? You have church dresses in the closet.”

“I don’t have Tampax.” And she needed some. Well, that was easy to fix.

“Want me to go out and buy some?” If she put on her coat, she’d put on her bra, shirt, and sweater, too. There was no telling how long before she’d take them off again.

“Andy, you aren’t going to buy Tampax ... I’ll get it.” Well, that was it for his seeing her breasts. Still, he could have her company. And, implicitly, she was agreeing to stay.

“I’ll walk you to the store.” She got dressed, and they went to the drugstore. Afterwards, he put his laundry away and gave her hers to put away. The box of Tampax went into the same drawer.

She slept with him nude, but she insisted that he couldn’t touch her below the waist. That rule only applied to his hands, though. They woke much too early since they weren’t going to make love. They did share a shower, and she cooked breakfast while he got to watch. She got dressed -- except for the robe replacing her dress -- before that.

Sunday afternoon, he got back to the Anthro books. None of them could explain Marilyn, though. Even so, they’d got past one unwritten law. And, he hoped, she’d share his bed the Saturday night of her next period, too. She’d left the Tampax in her drawer, after all. Her body in his arms had been restful, which was strange. How could such an arousing experience be restful? It should have been, in one sense it had been, frustrating as hell.

The week went smoothly in class. He got a test back in PDE. Professor Lundgren didn’t give letter grades, but the 92 looked like A territory, especially when he heard the complaints from the other students. Many of the books he’d checked out didn’t help on his tentative paper topic, and he returned them. He went down the shelf and took out two more books that had ‘cross cousin’ in the index.

The truth was that he’d come to the pleasant time of youth that the idiots had always told him was in high school. He was healthy enough that he ignored his body -- ignored it when he and Marilyn weren’t sharing the pleasures of their bodies. Half the bullies of high school hadn’t gone on to college, a few had grown up, and the rest didn’t interact with him. It had been one thing to pass them in the corridors and share gym and other classes with them every day in a small high school; it was quite another to pass them on the walks of a huge university.

Probably the guys who driveled on about high school being the best years of your life had been the bullies in their high-school days. The academic types who regretted the anonymity of the huge lecture halls of the distribution courses didn’t look like they’d ever been bullies; probably they were simply clueless. His fellow students in the engineering and math courses knew him. To the rest of the student body, he was just somebody occupying a seat. That anonymity saved him a lot of grief.

And, just as his-last ever gym course -- Andy lumped Phys Ed into the same category as high-school gym -- had been pleasant, his last-ever distribution course was turning out to be fun.

What Andy didn’t realize was that much of the reason he was finding school more pleasant was that he had more time for it. He was not only saving time by not participating in the recreations that he’d only joined because others had told him that they were fun, he was consolidating his other activities. The mental exercises that he’d long enjoyed were now engineering-course homework. He was actually spending less of his waking time on Marilyn, although spending it more pleasantly.

She was with him more than ever before, but half that time was spent in sleeping. The Marilyn-related orgasms were only slightly more frequent, but three of them a week were in her presence. And, while he spent as much time imagining a bright future with her as he had before, he spent much less time worrying about her.

Of course, he was spending effort on his food and housing which had previously been provided by the university, but he put out damned little effort in that direction. Other than keeping himself fed and dressed, he dealt with only school and Marilyn, and her sorority limited how much he could deal with Marilyn. One visit a week meant that the bed linens were changed, the room was neatened, and the dishes were washed once a week. Something like that much effort was really necessary, although he reused the cereal bowl, cup, glass, and silverware. Similarly, except for his suit which he got to the cleaners once a month and his underwear which he changed daily, he changed to clean clothes each time he expected to see Marilyn. He shaved with his electric razor every morning before class and with a blade before any date and Sunday morning when she was in his room.

When he drove over to the Zeta house to pick up Marilyn, Andy was feeling quite happy with his life. Marilyn was carrying several books when she came downstairs, but he hardly noticed. And there were much more important things to notice for the next hour or so. She got out of bed, though, when he’d have been happier holding her longer.

“It’s not fair, I know,” she said. “But I’m behind in three of my classes. Tomorrow, I’ll catch up in one, but I’ve brought the books for the others with me.” Just why that was unfair, he couldn’t see. He’d rather see her writhe on his bed until he was erect again, but they never spent their time that way. If they weren’t going to spend their time in sex but were going to spend their time together, what the activity they did together hardly mattered.

“Well, we are in school, after all. We’ll study together -- different subjects but across from each other.”

“I haven’t even planned out the dinner.” That a dinner needed planning was another of Marilyn’s odd opinions. She was too sexy to argue with, but some of her notions were very strange.

“Want me to open a can?” The one in the refrigerator had his germs. Besides, there was only one serving left.

“I won’t go that far. I’ll cook, but I’ll cook from your cans. What did you eat last?”

“Beef stew. Why?”

“So, I don’t cook it.” Why not? If she insisted on heating the food, that was one that needed it. Besides, she ate less than he did, and most of the other stuff came in two-meal cans. Left-over beef stew, including the can in the ‘fridge, would be easier to break into meals.

“Why not. It’s really one that needs heating. The others don’t. Besides it and the baked beans come in the largest cans. Having you here to eat one makes sense.”

“Andy, you can’t eat the same thing two nights in a row.” Usually, he didn’t.

“Why not? Not that I do it all that often. Like I said, only baked beans and beef stew. Usually I start a can at lunchtime and finish it for dinner, or vice versa.”

Despite the explanation, she cooked lasagna as well as veggies and a fancy salad. When he cleaned the dinner dishes off the table, she set her books down in her place.

He got out one of the Anthro books which would be really useful for the paper. He started the cards. He’d been going to wait until he’d sorted out all the books he wanted, but that would take too much table space the way he worked. Studying across from her was fun, and he could look at her and see how she pretty she looked when she was concentrating and how she fit in. She even had her regular spot at the table in this apartment. Hours passed.

“Ten O’clock,” he announced when it was. “Do you need more study time?”

“Want to call it a night?” She asked. Well, he really wanted to get down to the main event, but it might gross her out if he said so.


She took off her own clothes, not as much fun as his doing it for her, but great to watch. He had to admit, too, that it was faster, and the night was chilly. She took a long time in the john but came out nude. She ran to the bed and climbed in immediately -- a sexy sight. After his time in the john, he joined her. He was erect on his way to bed, and she was watching. Well, turnabout was fair play; she could watch as much as she wanted if he got to watch her.

Since his hands were cold, he confined himself to kisses. His hands had probably been cold in the car, too, but now they had lots of time. As they warmed up, he reached around to stroke her back. When she lay on her back, he kissed her breast. She spread her legs when his hand reached her mound. She was hot there, which meant that he must have felt cold to her. If so, she didn’t say anything.

He could feel her arousal. When he went from one nipple to the other, the new one was already firm under his lips. She stiffened. Under the covers, he could detect her special odor. When she felt like she was near, he moved his head out from under the covers. He watched her face as she got ready. She grimaced, and her mound rose under his hand.

“Marilyn,” he said when she writhed beside him and her face looked pained. Her mound rose against his palm and then dropped as her hips slammed down on the mattress.

Her body relaxed as her expression changed from the intense grimace of her climax to the delightful smile of her satiation. He watched the relaxation take her close to sleep while his arm felt her breathing slow.

“I love you.” And he did love her in all her aspects. He maybe loved her more, though, when she was writhing beside him. He began stroking her again. She responded and didn’t try to avoid him. As she stiffened and her expression started to look worried, she reached towards his cock. Well, if she wanted that, he wanted her even more. Having her handle his cock when it was in this state, though, might bring things to a premature conclusion. He shifted his hips back to escape her hand.

“Okay,” he said, not wanting her to think he was turning her down. He got between her legs and got the sheet and blanket back over them both. Like this, it would need more hands than he had available. “Open yourself.” When she did, he moved until he could feel her lips around him. “Oh, Marilyn.”

He could feel her warmth slide over him. Her hot moisture welcomed him into her. When all of him was in her depths, she clasped the whole length of his cock. He kissed her and rose to arm’s length so he could watch her face as he began moving.

“Love you,” he said. He loved her face, her personality, her willingness to accept him. Most of all, right then, he loved her warm, wet, welcoming vagina.

“Love you,” she replied. And she was loving him with her body as it accepted him, clasped him, rose to meet him. The covers slipped off him from his motions, and she returned them to his shoulders and lovingly tucked them around him.

Watching her lovely face, he saw her glance down between them to where his cock was sliding in and out of her. She always looked sexy, but right then she looked lustful. Then the grimace crossed her face. he could feel her clasp around him more tightly. She was writhing under him and writhing around his cock as it slid in and out.

“Oh, my love.” He stroked all the way into her and out through that hot clench. “Oh, my love.” And he made another stroke. “Oh, my love,” and another. “Oh.” he couldn’t finish as his orgasm took him, drove him into her, poured out of him.

He collapsed, partly onto his elbows, but mostly onto her softness. He lay like that, gasping into her ear and hearing her gasp into his. When he could muster the strength, he moved off. But the evening, delightful as it had been, wasn’t finished even then. He turned onto his side facing her.

“Want to lie in my arms?” And the delightful girl, the sexy woman, moved back until he was holding her. After adjusting the covers yet again, he hugged her and drifted off.

In the morning, she felt delightful. He, however, wouldn’t feel delightful to her. He scrambled into the john, pissed -- not easy in the condition she’d left him in -- shaved, and brushed his teeth. When he came back and hugged her, she wanted her own time in the john. That was fair, and she looked delightful going there and coming back. Then he put his glasses back on the nightstand, and they kissed. She cooperated in the kiss and in everything else, but she put on her robe after they’d made love. She started to cook breakfast.

That, too, was enjoyable.

“I like your breakfasts better than mine,” he said.

“Well, I enjoy cooking for you ... Andy, do you think I do a lot for you?”

“Yeah.” That answer was easy.

“Do you think you would do something for me?”

“Sure.” If he could do it, he would.

“Not so fast. Remember your warning me to ask what the favor was before agreeing to your father’s request.”

“Good advice, although I don’t remember giving it. But that is Dad. I love you, and -- as important for agreeing to something unseen -- I think you love me, too.”

“You think your Dad doesn’t love you?”

“Not in that...” Well, not in the way they usually meant it, but for agreeing to a request, the meaning of ‘love’ was a little different. “Actually, while I love you -- and I think you love me -- in quite a different way, this trust I spoke about is really based on wanting what is best for the other. Dad wants, if not what is best for me, what he thinks is best for me...” Not that he’d ever give the old man something without asking for something back. “Still, bargaining with Dad is fun. I’m not sure I’d enjoy that sort of tussle with you.”

Same as Togetherness - M
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You don't think it's a big deal that you fucked your own brother?" was all Sarah's mother could say. The moment the sentence left her mouth, she realized how absurd it was. Sarah rolled her eyes, "It wasn't like that! They were just hookups. We followed the rules. It is NOT a big deal!"With their parents panic stricken at finding out about their hookup arrangement, Sarah and her brother sat at the kitchen table, waiting for the lecture to stop. Sarah even had the audacity to check her text...

3 years ago
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South of Bikini 3 Trial of the Century Broken Rules

Alexander Steinert and the new sisters travel to 'her' private domain and instead find themselves in a 'Wonderland' of sorts were Cmdr. Steinert is on trial for her recent actions. Can the new Empress understand the twisted charges and defend her sister before the four most revered figures she's ever known? What rules have been broken in order to save a life? Copyright 2012 R.G. Beyer Episode 5 "Trial of the Century? Broken...

4 years ago
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My Sissy Rules

I love being a sissy. I have been in permanent chastity since 27 Sep 2016, and am loving it.I have sissy training rules that are focused on keeping me doing the household chores and training me to be rented out as a cheap sissy whore/maid, a list of sissy motivational sayings which I listen to on repeat whilst doing nightly chores, and service rules for the rare occasions when I am rented out to others. This is my sissy life, and it makes me happy.Sissy's Training Rules- Sissy must wear...

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CuttyChapter 26 The New Rules

The Cops The sound of the vacuum cleaner filled the room as Donna busied herself cleaning the last glass splinters from the room. Her mind was far away, contemplating her situation. On autopilot she moved through the room, shifting the furniture to clean underneath as she went. The glass splinters were everywhere, and she wanted them gone so that she wouldn’t be reminded of the shameful accident if even one was found later. She grabbed the dildo from the small table where she had placed it...

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Togetherness Part 3

The foursome eventually went to bed, with the puppies joining the respective counterparts in bed and in a deep sleep once their humans were asleep themselves. Lee and Gabriela slept soundly too, with Reed and Jessie happy that their kids were acting like siblings more and more as time wore on. They would have fights eventually, but at least they had a good start before then. Ryan was actually the last to go to sleep. He kept to himself during the puppies' introductions and tried to...

2 years ago
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Togetherness FChapter 6 Campus couple

From the evening of Saturday, Jan. 8, to noon on Wednesday, Jan. 12, Marilyn and Andy hardly left the apartment. They showered together before breakfast. Without dressing, they went back to bed. He would bring her to climax with his mouth until she’d beg for a respite. Then they would drowse together. If the room got warm enough, he’d bring her off with his hand in front of the mirror; then she’d ride him to a mutual conclusion back on the bed. Otherwise, they stayed under the covers hugging...

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Togetherness FChapter 4 Going Home

As they’d agreed, Marilyn Grant called Andy as soon as she got back to the house from her last exam in December ‘76. “Andy?” “I love you. Should I come over now?” “Give me an hour. I’m not packed yet.” “There in an hour. I love you.” “I love you, too.” At 1:15, someone yelled up the stairs that Andy was there. She yelled back that she’d be down in a minute. When she got close enough to the bottom for him to reach, he took the suitcase, and set it on the floor, then he took the book bag...

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Togetherness MChapter 6 Pretend marriage

Andy had planned to spring a suggestion on Marilyn in church. She came alone, and suggested that they sit with Dad, which fouled up the chances. Dad, though, headed for the exit immediately after the services were over. Usually, he waited for Andy to fetch the car when they were together. “Look,” he said to her in the hearing of people straggling out the aisles, “the season is more-or-less over. I was thinking of heading back to campus and getting a jump on the quarter. What do you think of...

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Togetherness FChapter 8 Every night

When Marilyn was taking a shower the next morning, Andy stepped into the tub behind her. He had been making a habit of that. “I’m going to miss this,” Andy said. “Oh, is it the showers you’re going to miss?” “Among other things. What I’ll miss is being with you.” “With or inside?” “Both,” he said. “You’re sexy as hell, but I’ve told you. What I want is to have you in my arms every night. Having you in my sight during the day is a bonus. But I want you in my arms every night.” “Well,...

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Susannahs Rules

From her fourth floor office, Miranda watched the street below. Hard sunlight created deep shadows and a breeze half-heartedly stirred leaves on the trees. A black London cab stopped at the opposite kerb. The lone passenger was a tall blonde in a summer dress. Her arms and shoulders were bare and tanned, her legs toned and shapely. Miranda saw the jut of high breasts and the breeze whipped her dress up around her thighs. She tilted her head into the breeze, her blonde hair fluttering from her...

2 years ago
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Rods Rules

ROD'S RULES by Throne "Now Lenny," my wife Claire said, sounding perfectly reasonable, "you know this is how it has to be." "B... but..." I began, upset and losing control of my speech. "It's just... You're not being fair if... I mean..." "Darling," she soothed, "this is the way Rod wants it. You're a complete dud in bed. He's a sex monster, to put it mildly. And I'm not prepared to give up what he has to offer. So if he makes some new rules, well, those are what we're...

2 years ago
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Togetherness MChapter 5 The weirdest culture of all

Andy and Marilyn needed to be at the station at noon. That meant that they had one more hour than they usually had before church when they awoke that morning. His face shaved, his bladder empty, and his teeth brushed, he felt it only reasonable to use that time to store up memories for their future period of deprivation. Marilyn seemed amenable. After a long period of her writhing beside him, their kissing and making out, and then her writhing again, he entered her. He loved her and desired...

3 years ago
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Togetherness MChapter 7 Reflections of love

When classes were over, Andy picked Marilyn up at the Zeta House. She was waiting for him by the door, and he lifted her for a kiss before getting her things and carrying them to the car. Once in the apartment, he lifted her for another few kisses before they got down to the serious job of undressing. He opened the closet door so they could use the mirror, then a question struck him. “Too cold?” He felt that the apartment was warm enough that nakedness was more comfortable. She, however,...

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Togetherness MChapter 8 Every

Andy Trainor found the rest of the week of Spring Break fun, but less fun than the first half had been. Marilyn seemed distracted when he wanted to cuddle while they were dressed, and – in bed -- insisted that he come into her after she’d had only two climaxes under his hand or mouth. They didn’t try anything more in front of the mirror or with her on top. It was a far cry from celibacy, but it was more restricted than he had hoped for from the week. The pleasure of discussing their future...

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Togetherness FChapter 2 Ta Da

While Andy was driving her back to the chapter house, Marilyn switched her mind from the recent past, pleasant as that had been, to the immediate future. She caught Judy as she was going into Sunday dinner. They stepped aside. “Look, I want to warn the other pledges against this guy. Would you be willing to tell them in a group what happened?” “Yeah. Most of them know, already.” “After chapter meeting, then.” They had dinner and went to a rather dull chapter meeting. She warned Merrillie...

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Togetherness FChapter 3 Sensuality reflected

Afterwards, she led the pledge class in serenading the actives during Sunday dinner. They could have sounded better, but nobody complained. The meeting dealt with two routine matters, and she got to study most of the afternoon and evening. She would, at least, be prepared for Monday. Monday night, the pledges were kept in the study room after dinner. Laura had persuaded Natalie that this would maintain discipline while having them likelier to pass their subjects. She sat with them doing her...

4 years ago
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Togetherness FChapter 5 Parental approval withheld

Marilyn’s parents and Andy’s Dad met the train. Andy was carrying her suitcase, her book bag, and his own suitcase. His dad took Andy’s suitcase and walked with them until Andy put her stuff in the trunk. Then they took their goodbyes. Andy had his suitcase back when they walked away. “Really, dear, did he have to come to the car with you?” Mom asked. “Well, you noticed, didn’t you, that he carried my luggage to the car. If you wanted him to leave me, Dad could have taken my suitcase. I...

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Togetherness FChapter 7 Spring break

Usually, Marilyn could study better at Andy’s than at the house. Sure, they made love before getting down to work, and on Saturdays she cooked a meal. When they did sit down to study, though, his example kept her studying longer and with fewer breaks than the constant coming and going of the study room allowed. Even if he said nothing, even when he didn’t know what she was studying, Andy’s presence seemed to communicate, “Studying for tomorrow afternoon? You should have that done and be...

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Togetherness MChapter 4 Trip preparation

Andy Trainor walked out of his PDE final cautiously pleased. None of the questions had stumped him, and he’d finished in time to check every answer once before he had to turn the test in. When he got back to the apartment, he straightened it up. He took a shower and put his old clothes in the laundry bags. He shaved with a blade. When he’d finished finals in the past, he’d been unable to stop thinking about the exams. He’d taken to a binge as the solution. Now, he hardly thought about the...

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Togetherness MChapter 3 Planning for 2

Andy had been current on schoolwork before Marilyn sequestered herself, and he’d buried himself in his books in an attempt to forget her absence. He finished the work for Wednesday, when she returned to the apartment. He then started on reviewing PDE. He was careful not to suggest a break until she clearly had had enough. Once in bed, though, all her attention was on him again. She writhed in his arms. When he moved over her, she was eager for him. After a long, slow session, she writhed...

4 years ago
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In the absence of rules

“Are you sure about this?” Tom asked her as she applied her mascara and gave her reflection a nervous little smile in the mirror. “Yes” she said, as she simultaneously without moving her lips she asked herself the same question in the mirror, and that was all. Ten minutes later he poured them both large glasses of pinot grigio and massaged her shoulders in an effort to relax her. The doorbell made them both jump and she took a deep breath as he let in their two guests. “Oh fuck!” She said just...

Group Sex
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Click I hear you, you have just come through the front door, you are taking your jacket off. I have done as you asked me, I’m standing in the bedroom facing away from the door, with just my under wear on - a black and red lace bra and thong. You have moved from the front door now and are in the kitchen. Knowing you are down there making me wait for you is turning me on, then thoughts of what you are going to do to me start to pop into my head, this excites me further and I can feel myself...

Straight Sex
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Robins Loving Family Book 2Chapter 7 Road Trip Rules

The three weeks leading up to their vacation, Rachel had become something of a fixture at the house. She had her own car, so she didn’t have to bum rides from friends or parents. Rachel really liked coming here for she was accepted for who she was 100%. The fact that there were a multitude of holes to fuck and even a couple of real dicks to ride certainly helped. Also, one person at the house seemed to have a serious crush on her, Samantha. For her part she said it was because Rachel was a...

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Her Rules

Imagine my cousin and I.Saturday night, near midnight, you're at a storefront business in Seaside, CA. Music plays low from behind the counter, some eighties rap song. They're all looking at you. You look like a total whore. This is the intended effect, but you're embarrassed and try to cover by acting aloof. This is stupid, counterproductive. This is why you're standing in the fourth liquor store of the night. You keep losing nerve, then acting too stuck-up to be approached. You want to do...

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The Spanking Rules

Hi. My name is Cindy, and I'm married to my wonderful husband and Daddy named Tom. I love him very much, and I know he loves me. Our relationship is rich and complex, but as you could probably guess from me calling him Daddy, he is my leader as well as the love of my life.I'm by no means a perfect wife. I have a willful streak and when it gets out of hand, Daddy will tell me so, and if I don't rein myself in, he'll pass sentence on the spot, usually by saying, "Alright, Cindy, it's clear that...

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Tim And Abbie 67 Abbie Breaks The Rules

Things are not always rosy between Tim and Abbie.  Well, actually, they are still rosy, but in a quite different way sometimes.Things have gone well for a couple of months now, and Abbie has not been across Tim’s lap for discipline.  Tim almost thinks that perhaps they are past that stage, until a Tuesday evening in early October.After dinner, Tim goes out to the garage to put washer fluid in Abbie’s car.  He notices a dozen bags or more in the trunk and on the backseat.  He fills the fluid and...

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Cuckold rules

This was written by a good friend of mine who we will call Tracy. She is in a cuckolding relationship with her white boyfriend Paul and her black master Sean. Sean had trained both Paul and Tracy in becoming slaves to his black cock and these are the genuine rules that Tracy wrote for her boyfriend and made him sign. Just for the record they are still together today and still owned by Sean. They wanted to share this to turn you all on abit and inspire over couples and cuckolds.Rules for cuckold...

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The Family Rules

The family of my first girlfriend in college had "rules" for everything. But, from my perspective, there were three that had the most impact on our relationship. The first rule was that the two daughters, Theresa (my girlfriend) and Valerie (her younger sister by a year) were not allowed to date until they were 18, coming from a very small conservative town as well as two very protective parents. Thus, even though Teri was 19 and a freshman at the local junior college when I first met her, I...

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Company Rules

Company RulesLaura Harper joined the staff of Gilbert and Mayes from university five years ago. She had graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Psychology from Cardiff and then decided to use these skills in the world of advertising. Gilbert and Mayes were one of the foremost London agencies founded in 1952 and had quickly developed a respected reputation in advertising and were rewarded with a number of high profile multi-national accounts. Their success continued to blossom to the...

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Nauka Vihar 8211 The Erotic Boat Sex Ride 8211 Part 3 Setting The Rules

This part is a continuation of the previous parts. This, just like the previous parts, is also a narration of subsequent real incidents. And so will have dialogues in Bengali, as and how they took place. For your convenience, I will give the English translations side by side. So, after the whole eroticism got over and we were done with clicking the pics, it was time for us to wrap up things. Mimi was in a mess with her cunt dripping with the sexual fluids of Paltu and Babu. So, she took out the...

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Sorority Sisters Service Project Hormones and House Rules

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - Hormones and House Rules By Lenal Samantha found Brody sitting on her bed, clutching a ruffled pink pillow against her chest. She knocked on the door. "Okay if I come in?" Brody looked up, her eyes red and watery. "Not like I can stop you, Your Majesty." Samantha walked in and put her arm around Brody. "This is your room now: if you don't want me here, I'll leave. Do you want me to leave?" Brody sniffled. "No," she said finally. "What's...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 16 Broken Rules

Steve Davies I stared in awe at the door. I had edited it after it had been edited. That should be impossible under the old rules. I glanced down at my phone. At the increased abilities of my editing app. My heart pounded in my chest as this rush shot through me. I’d doubled my number edits for the day. After my new modifications, the door showed itself as unlocked from editing. It was like I had greater admin privileges or something. I could edit a lesser version of the app’s...

2 years ago
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RunChapter 28 Rules

Despite his earlier confidence, Gene was feeling less sure that he could keep his breakfast down. Holly had driven the pontoon hard over the growing swells, and the up-and-down motion was unsettling his sense of balance. The wind blew spray over him as he clung to the railing and tried not to be sick. The short blonde showed no signs of being affected. She kept her gaze mostly straight ahead, her grip on the wheel steady and firm. Despite the protection in the cockpit, her clothes were...

1 year ago
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College Rules

CollegeRules, or at least it has the potential to. Institutions of higher learning tend to be jam-packed full of sexually ripe babes first experiencing the freedom of not living with their parents. If you can’t see the inherent possibilities, you may need to see a doctor about your inhumanly low libido. I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve either experienced those possibilities for yourself, or you’re just looking to live vicariously through the magic of hardcore pornography. Just because...

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Childish Obsessions PART 2 Cyra Learns The Rules

We arrived home and I slid out of the car, startling Cyra and waking her. I knew she might try to run and I also wanted her to remember that what I said goes... so i grabbed her arm before she was completely aware and dragged her out of the car. "Welcome home baby." She rubbed her eyes with her free hand and looked around. "Where are we?" Thats all she asked as she looked around and saw nothing but the house in front of us. This place was out in the woods. Not much around except...

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Childish Obsessions PART 2 Cyra Learns The Rules

Introduction: Hello everyone. This is a part of a series and you shoud read them in order to understand the roles. I will have one out atleast every 2-4 weeks. ENJOY!!!!! As my vacation house (and our new home together) is pretty far away from where Cyra once lived, it took us a while to get home. Cyra had fallen asleep and gradually slid to the side til she was laying with her head on my lap. Even asleep my little beauty had me ready to go again. Man oh man did I make a good choice in choosing...

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Nancys Rules

I had never been good at math, but a certain number kept running through my head. Eighteen. I was finally a legal adult! Had been for three days and four hours! A whole new world would open up, I could vote (for what good it did), drink (legally), and adults would stop ordering me around (I hoped).It was 1974, a time when males were required to swim nude in schools, YMCAs, even YWCAs, Boys Clubs and just about everywhere else, and it was also a time when more and more women were taking...

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Sammy Learns To Follow The Rules

Ok those of you that follow my stories know my wife Kat has unbreakable rules. These rules must be followed or else. She keeps her bitches in line that way. The rule that she hates broken the most is if you have any kind of party you must invited us to it. here is what happens if you don't! Two days ago myself and Kat are on are way to get some food and pass Ronni's house. Ronni is a 30yrs. 5'7" 107lbs. long black hair that touches her out of this world ass and a face that gives dead...

4 years ago
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Breaking the rules

This story happened in May at my father's house in Florida. He has these striked rules for the house, be home by 11pm, leave room doors open, and wrost of all, NO SEX!!! Im 24 I shouldn't have to follow these rules. But here in my dad's house his words is law. Must follow orders. So, one mirning my dad left to work, since I do tattoos I can take take my jods anyware. I had a few things lined up for the aftetnoon hours, so I didn't have much to do in the morning I took a long shower and got...

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The Awful Terrible Really Bad Bet Rules

The Awful, Terrible, Really Bad Bet: Rules. Sweetie, I know losing this bet is difficult for you. Perhaps you should not have made it, but it is too late for that now. As you know, the terms were for 1500 points this time; the last time I lost for 1000 points and you made me pay dearly, but that was before our divorce started. You will probably get laughed at in the office, at least in the beginning, but I cleared it with your boss Carol, and HR (did they ever laugh). It is not...

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No Rules

Brad's door was closed. Ashley knocked. “Come in,” he hollered. Ashley pushed the door open. She looked at the clothes strewn around the room. “Yuck, you really need to clean this place,” she snapped. Brad had just cinched the belt to his jeans. Ashley looked at his bare chest and imagined what was hidden below the belt. “I'm on my way to Jarrad's so I can't do it today.” Brad looked up. His stepsister was wearing a string-type black bikini and nothing else. “I was going swimming.” Ashley put...

Straight Sex
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Sissy rules

SISSIFICATION RULES OF OUR HOUSEYou will NEVER NEVER use the word NO.You will be trained to dress properly in a french maid’s outfit, dressed, latex or Lingerie and monitored by phone and email, if not in our presence.You will be forced to wear make up at all times: foundation, blush, lipstick, lipliner, mascara, eyeliner, loose face powder, and body and face glitter.You will be taught to stand correctly at attention, bosom thrust out, belly in, …You will be trained in walking on high heels.You...

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