- 3 years ago
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Afterwards, she led the pledge class in serenading the actives during Sunday dinner. They could have sounded better, but nobody complained. The meeting dealt with two routine matters, and she got to study most of the afternoon and evening. She would, at least, be prepared for Monday.
Monday night, the pledges were kept in the study room after dinner. Laura had persuaded Natalie that this would maintain discipline while having them likelier to pass their subjects. She sat with them doing her own study. That earned her a little credit in the unwritten-but-real “dealing with pledges” account each active kept in her head. It also caught her nearly up on schoolwork. Tuesday, she took a break from schoolwork to make a list for Andy.
As long as Marilyn shares the apartment with Andy part of the time, Andy will follow these rules in the apartment all the time: Every meal is eaten off plates. The plates are washed rather than used for another meal.
So is any silverware used washed after use.
Lunch and dinner each require a vegetable and a salad.
Salads are placed on a separate plate.
Main dishes are heated in the pan -- or cooked some other way -- and served in a serving dish.
You sit at the table to eat any meal in the apartment.
She thought that covered it. If not, it would be an improvement. She really didn’t want Prince Albert; it’s just that she didn’t want Conan the Barbarian, either.
She went back to her schoolwork. On a later break, she typed the list up. Then she folded it and put it in the envelope with her Pill dispenser. One thing she’d never figured out how to move into Andy’s was the Pill dispenser. It sat in her dresser drawer six mornings a week, but she had it in her purse from Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon. She was at Andy’s for most of that time, but she did carry her purse to church. She could just imagine dropping the purse and the dispenser falling out. Well, she’d never spilled the contents of this purse, and she’d had it for years. Spilling it in church was extremely unlikely, but she kept the dispenser in the envelope when it was in her purse, nevertheless. She’d be sure to notice the list Sunday morning if not before.
She took one book with her Saturday, but she was determined to cook Andy a nice meal before cracking it. They shopped, as usual, on their way to the apartment. Before lovemaking, she put all the food away. It wouldn’t really be that long, but she didn’t want to be sloppy when about to ask Andy to be neat.
The meal was pork chops and home-fries, and she did it well. Andy’s praise was so dependable that she had stopped using it to judge, but her own taste buds told her that it was a success. Andy cleared and took the dishes to the sink. She got her list from her purse.
“Remember when I said I might have a list of things I’d ask from you?”
“Well, here’s the list.” She handed it to him.
“Okay.” He read the list. “Wash dishes after every meal?”
“No. I tried to be careful to not say that. You rinse them off and leave them in the sink. Every day, maybe every other day for a single person, you wash them. Leaving the dishes to pile up in the sink until you run out of dishes is considered slovenly, but, with the number of dishes you have, it wouldn’t be all that slovenly.”
“What does that mean?”
“I’ll try to keep all these rules.”
“No argument? No bargaining?”
“No. One of the things I want is to keep you happy. Two things, really. I want your happiness, and I want you to be happy to be around me. I figure that this will contribute to both, and it doesn’t look all that hard.” Some days, Andy was hard to figure. Well, she’d wanted to civilize him, and he was willing to act civilized to please her. If his statements sounded like the civilization would be skin deep, he was being honest.
They got out the books and each of them studied. It had been more fun when they had courses together, but this night would end better than those sessions had.
And, between Saturday night studying across from Andy and Sunday evening studying in the sorority, she got her current work caught up. Monday, she started blocking out her Education paper.
That night, she got a call from Andy.
“Love you,” he started.
“Likewise.” There were plenty of ears that could hear her. It wasn’t as if she was afraid of saying that she loved him within hearing of her sisters. They knew where she spent Saturday nights, for God’s sake. It just seemed a weird way of starting a phone conversation.
“This Saturday is a home game. Are we going?” That wasn’t the best way to make an invitation, but he was being realistic about their relationship.
“Why Andy, I’d love to. Thank you very much.” There were still ears around her. Besides, maybe he’d take the hint. Then she got practical. “Give rides to a few others?”
“Sure.” They talked for a few more minutes although they had no other business. There was a rule about tying up the phone, though.
“Love you,” she ended the conversation, “but I’ve got to run.”
“Love you, too.” She planned out the Saturday. Making out in the sight of thousands had been fun, but it would be childish when they’d end the day in bed; she’d wear a bra and sit next to him. Studying might be a good idea; she’d bring her Teaching English book.
Taking three pledges to the game had an odd feel to it. She was not only a couple with Andy, they were like parents to three teenagers. She’d skipped the wedding and the honeymoon. Well, she’d skipped toilet training, too, and maybe they’d be having the honeymoon that night.
And, after Andy drove the girls back to the house, they did have their honeymoon. Andy had bought a full-length mirror and mounted it on the closet door. The apartment being warm for once, he brought her to that mirror when they’d stripped each other.
“Look how beautiful you are.” She wasn’t beautiful, but he petted and kissed and stroked her until she felt beautiful. Watching his hands stroke her was even sexier than feeling them in the dark car had been. She saw her nipples harden; she saw herself blush at what his hands were doing and what her eyes were seeing. She’d seen her mound in the mirror many times. It was a neat, fur-covered patch with a tiny cleft just at the bottom. When his finger parted those lips, the fur parted, the cleft grew, and she could see the lips on each side of his finger.
As he stroked her there, standing began to require too much attention. she sank back against him, and he moved her to the right before supporting her. She could see his cock peeking out at the mirror at the side of her waist. As she felt herself tense, she could see it in the mirror.
He held her when the lightning struck. She wasn’t beautiful at all, scowling, her body wriggling in his arms. Her arms flailing. The sight, if not pretty, was arousing as hell.
Afterwards, when she sagged against his back, he carried her to bed and kissed her everywhere.
When she knew that lightning was about to strike a second time, she pulled him up until he entered her. As he filled her, she convulsed. She felt his firmness within her grip, and then his pulsing in her depths. Afterwards, he cuddled her and kissed the back of her head. That was delightful, but soon her conscience reminded her that she had studying to do.
After two hours of studying, she made dinner. When she went back to her book after dinner, he got out some library books. Andy wasn’t about to interfere with her studying, though she caught him looking at her sometimes. When she finally closed the book, though, he stopped his own studying. He was undressed by the time she came out of the bathroom, and he joined her in bed only minutes later.
The man was insatiable, wanting sex a second time that night and in the morning, too. She enjoyed the action, of course. Maybe she was hypocritical to blame him for wanting what she enjoyed, but he was the instigator each time. Sunday morning, they showered together. Then they went to church.
The next football game was during her period. She told him to let her off with the pledges. He called later that afternoon.
“You know, you could still sleep in my arms. We don’t have to have sex.”
“I don’t think so, Andy.” True, he would always take no for an answer, but she didn’t want to see his desire when she was opposed to satisfying it. And it wasn’t just seeing; lying in his arms without having sex meant his erection jutting against her ass all night.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” She was at the phone in the hall with ears all around her.
“Shall I pick you up for church?”
“That would be nice. 10:45?” And he came by at 10:45.
That set their pattern for nearly the rest of the quarter. She was with him from after lunch Saturday to noon on Sunday three weeks out of four. The other sisters knew she wasn’t available then; what they would never have believed was that she got a fair amount of studying done in those evenings.
When Hell Week was in the offing, she warned him. She’d have to deal with the pledges during the Saturdays at either end. He didn’t argue or plead for her to dodge her responsibilities, but he did look awfully dejected. She didn’t even want him calling during that time.
He called on the last night before that ban went into effect. He sounded quite unhappy.
“I’m not leaving you; you know.”
“You have left me,” he replied. “Promise that you’ll come back.”
“I’ll come back.” He wasn’t being realistic. She loved him, loved how he could make her feel. He might not know her emotions, but her clothes were also in the closet.
Even though the actives outnumbered the pledges and often one or two sisters could deal with the entire pledge class, Hell Week was hard on the actives as well. They got through it, though, and the pledges did, too. Despite her study deficit, Marilyn took care of her sleep deficit first. After the chapter meeting Sunday, she slept until the supper hour. She called Andy after supper.
“Want to pick me up after class on Monday?” The weather had been nasty, and there was slush all over the sidewalks.
“When do you get out?”
“Five o’clock. It’s a late one. Clark Hall.” He was there. Being Andy, he was waiting at the door to walk her to the car when she came down the stairs.
“Mind stopping by the house for a few minutes?” she asked after they’d got in the car and shared a kiss. “I want to change over to tomorrow’s books. Then we’ll pick up the groceries.” She hadn’t done any studying for her Tuesday classes. He let her out in front, but he was waiting inside when she came back down with the right books. They had a brief kiss before she took the last two steps down.
“Would you consider a change of plans?” he asked as they were walking to the car. “This is something to celebrate. Would you be willing to go out to a restaurant?”
“Don’t you like my cooking?”
“Your cooking is delightful for me. Maybe it’s more work than celebration for you.” Spontaneous as he tried to make the invitation sound, Andy had scouted out the restaurant. The meal was lovely.
When they’d taken off their coats back at the apartment, they continued with their other clothes. It was chilly, and she got into bed immediately. He followed right after.
“Oh, Marilyn,” he said after the first kiss, “you did come back.” Then he kissed all over her face. He continued down her body to her thighs. After kissing between them until she was quite excited, he began licking between those lips. Lightning struck.
When she relaxed, he began kissing her thighs again. When he continued after her second climax, she grabbed his shoulders and tugged upwards.
“Oh love,” he said as he began to enter her. He stared into her eyes as he slowly, firmly, inexorably, filled her. He paused for a second buried in her to kiss her forehead. Then he said, “oh love,” again and began stroking in and out. As his strokes quickened, she matched him. Finally, he pressed deeply into her and throbbed. His climax brought on her third.
He was still looking into her eyes as she recovered. With him above her, pressed against her stomach, hugging her arms with his and with his legs hugged by hers, occupying her, she was finally warm.
When he got off, he lay on his side and pulled her back against him. He hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head.
“You came back,” he murmured between kisses.
“Andy, I’ll always come back to you.” After all, she’d been deprived as long as he had. Her dresses were in the closet and her other clothes were in the dresser. She felt him go stiff. He didn’t let go, but the comfort was gone. What had she said?
“Always?” he said after a damned awkward pause. He hadn’t relaxed a bit.
“That wouldn’t be fair to you,” he said a while later. What had she said? She’d heard of guys being afraid of commitment, but that had been her commitment. It was what he’d asked of her. And what wouldn’t be fair? be fair to her? There was a bit more awkward silence before he spoke again.
“Look, do you ever think about after graduation?” No more than three times a minute. “You’re going to be a teacher, sure, but do you ever think whether there will be an us after graduation?” Good question. Two questions, really, and the important one was in the subordinate clause.
“Well, what do you think?” If he was going to freeze over a bit of commitment, he could damn-well express the commitment.
“There’s no question about me.” Well, there was a question in her mind about him, even though he was relaxing a tiny bit.
“If you can ask the question, you can answer it. That’s only fair.”
“I want as much of you as I can get,” he said, then paused. “As long as you let me.” Now, there was an interesting statement. What did it mean? But it didn’t sound like he was scared of commitment. Having said it, he even relaxed. She turned over, though it put her face almost against his.
“Is this a proposal?” If so, it was a damned awkward one. But whatever he was trying to say now, it was awkward.
“It’s not fair for me to propose when I can’t support you.” Well, she hadn’t decided what she would say to a proposal anyway. She wasn’t the sort of girl her mother wanted her to be, one who wouldn’t sleep with a man unless marriage were involved. She suspected that girls who wouldn’t sleep with a man until after marriage were before even mom’s generation. Was she a girl, though, who would sleep with a man and then refuse him marriage? Anyway, supporting her sounded more chauvinistic than Andy usually did.
“Well, I’m going to be a teacher, as you said. I’ll be able to support my own self.”
“Yeah, but only after graduation. We can’t get married if we can’t pay rent.” He had a point there. She might never be Andy’s dependent, but she was damn-well her parents’ dependent right now. She thought of a married couple as free-standing, maybe not as strongly as Andy did. “But do you mind if I think about it?” he asked Now that was a different question.
Chapter 1 If you've read my earlier stories on here, you know I'm very taken with Katarina Witt's sexiness and her awesome hotness both as a young woman and as a world class and Olympic gold medal figure skater. In my opinion, Katarina is probably the sexiest woman ever to strap on a pair of ice skates and skate competitively in the history of the sport. If you never had the privilege of actually seeing Katarina skate, I wish you get the chance. She was extremely talented, extremely...
Sensuality hanging in the air: it was a thought. A solitary nagging question of ‘What if I did?’ They’d written to each other and talked about it, of course, but somehow the situation had never quite arisen: timing, mood, other events getting in the way. For the most part, the thought never surfaced, buried now in the layers of friendship, the discussion of books, love and the day-to-day demands of life. Sometimes, however, like this afternoon, it invaded Clare’s mind. It made her head spin...
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Tom asked Tanya as she entered their living room. “At first,” she replied. “You like it?’ It was a white gown with narrow shoulder straps and a V-cut down to her navel. It covered the outside portion of her breasts, leaving the inside flesh of the rounded swell visible. The back was open to below her waist. The fabric gathered at her waist with what appeared to be a belt made of the loose fabric of the gown. The skirt was flowing and loose with broad panels...
Wife Lovers“Are you sure you want me to do this?” Karla asked her husband. Kevin sat in a chair across the bedroom, still attired in his tux. He nodded. “Yes.” The voice was just a whisper. Karla was clad only in the black bra and panty set she had worn beneath her short cocktail dress, the black thigh-high stockings and the four-inch heels that gave her backside the tantalizing motion that beckoned her potential lover. She looked down and saw the arms of the man, still covered in the sleeves of his...
Wife Lovers“Hello, there, stranger,” Karla whispered to her husband as she rolled over in their bed to face him. “Hmmm,” he murmured softly. “No stranger than you.”“Am I strange?” Karla asked him seriously.Kevin caressed the curve of her jaw softly. “You’re not strange.”“We did strange things, though,” she grinning. “I didn’t even know what a daisy-chain was until I was in one.”Kevin grinned.“I think everybody had a good time, though,” she said, stretching.“I had a good time,” Alex voice joined them from...
SeductionAs they settled in the first class cabin of the jet taking them home, Karla lifted the cuff of Kevin’s jacket, slid her hand underneath his and intertwined her fingers with his so his hand lay atop hers. Kevin looked at her and smiled. “You’re my master,” she whispered to him. Kevin chuckled. “No, I’m not. We’re partners.” “Okay,” she nodded, her auburn locks waving forward and back. “But you’re the one who decides.” “We decide together,” he protested mildly. She lifted her hand and brought his...
Wife Lovers“We need to get back on track,” Kevin said to his wife following their respective weekend experiences. “How do you mean?” “There’s somebody at the hotel where we first played.” “There is? Who?” “Do you remember the bartender? Ted?” “I remember him. He’s cute.” “I promised him I’d give him the complete lowdown the last time we were there. That was, what? Three months ago?” “Something like that. What’s ‘the complete lowdown’?” “He was concerned we were engaged in something illegal. I promised I’d...
Wife Lovers“We need to host a holiday party,” Karla announced to Kevin nearly two months after their last meeting with Julian. “Okay,” Kevin said, unwilling to argue. “Who are you thinking of inviting?” “Well, Tom and Tanya, Don and Denise, Gary and Gloria, to start.” “Doesn’t sound too heavy a guest list.” “Well, those are the ones I thought of at first blush. I’m sure we can come up with others.” The sun beamed through the small kitchen window and cast rhombic squares of light on the list that Karla...
Wife LoversWould there be a next time? Karla smiled to herself. Oh, hell, YES! she thought. There would definitely be a next time. He has led her down this road and she wanted to explore its variations, every twist, turn, rise and expanse to its fullest. She loved Kevin to distraction. They were soul-mates. Sometimes she thought he could read her mind but not in this instance. He didn’t really understand how obsessed she had become. The images and memories flooded her mind. She could feel the delicious,...
Wife LoversASCENT INTO SENSUALITY – THE BEGINNING Hi, my name is Carly Simones, and today is my 16 th birthday and to make things perfect it’s the weekend and also the beginning of the summer holidays. I’ve just got up and had a shower and slowly walk out onto my balcony, enjoying the soft morning breeze across my naked body. The breeze is cool enough to make my nipples pucker and harden. It’s a beautiful day, the sky is clear and dark blue and the breeze does not even ruffle the surface of the lake. ...
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Copyright© 2005 by Strickland83. All rights reserved. I heard about the play from a friend. I had done some acting before, but I was no professional. This was amateur theater. You didn't get paid. Everyone volunteered. It was a lot of fun, though, and you sometimes even got to work with people who really had talent. I drove downtown to the theater one evening. It was a small theater, an old bank building, I think. It was square and built of tan brick, with white globe lights on either side...
The trio arrived at the Boston offices of Inferno Productions, with John meeting them outside to take the boys upstairs. Kelly drove off to which John explained, "I'm overseeing the dates tonight so I'm the one stuck with you. Reed and Ian are busy, Jessie has to travel to New York for an emergency PT session, Pierre is in New York meeting with record company executives, and I can guarantee that Scott is forced to stay home by Stacy and his parents. That leaves me to supervise. Kelly is a...
Early June 2042, Interstate 95 one mile north of Danvers State Police Barracks Sergeant Oscar Pierce was stuck doing another shift for one of the lazier troopers. This was the norm for him as he took the worst shifts for the troop due to having a wife whose work hours were erratic and a family who had to be told to back away at times from helping them cope with parenthood. Today was different. Today there was a car stopped on the side of the highway causing a backup that he had...
Dinner was solemn as none of the family wanted to talk about the upcoming interviews while Jasmine did her best to keep her other in-laws from trying to intervene to help the kids and potentially harm the investigations by hiring their own people to investigate. Her own father was the worst, he had access to a lot of people who could get information but it came at a cost- bruises, bloodshed, and confessions. The duo went to bed with their puppies helping them sleep as their pets knew...
The foursome eventually went to bed, with the puppies joining the respective counterparts in bed and in a deep sleep once their humans were asleep themselves. Lee and Gabriela slept soundly too, with Reed and Jessie happy that their kids were acting like siblings more and more as time wore on. They would have fights eventually, but at least they had a good start before then. Ryan was actually the last to go to sleep. He kept to himself during the puppies' introductions and tried to...
From the evening of Saturday, Jan. 8, to noon on Wednesday, Jan. 12, Marilyn and Andy hardly left the apartment. They showered together before breakfast. Without dressing, they went back to bed. He would bring her to climax with his mouth until she’d beg for a respite. Then they would drowse together. If the room got warm enough, he’d bring her off with his hand in front of the mirror; then she’d ride him to a mutual conclusion back on the bed. Otherwise, they stayed under the covers hugging...
As they’d agreed, Marilyn Grant called Andy as soon as she got back to the house from her last exam in December ‘76. “Andy?” “I love you. Should I come over now?” “Give me an hour. I’m not packed yet.” “There in an hour. I love you.” “I love you, too.” At 1:15, someone yelled up the stairs that Andy was there. She yelled back that she’d be down in a minute. When she got close enough to the bottom for him to reach, he took the suitcase, and set it on the floor, then he took the book bag...
Andy had planned to spring a suggestion on Marilyn in church. She came alone, and suggested that they sit with Dad, which fouled up the chances. Dad, though, headed for the exit immediately after the services were over. Usually, he waited for Andy to fetch the car when they were together. “Look,” he said to her in the hearing of people straggling out the aisles, “the season is more-or-less over. I was thinking of heading back to campus and getting a jump on the quarter. What do you think of...
When Marilyn was taking a shower the next morning, Andy stepped into the tub behind her. He had been making a habit of that. “I’m going to miss this,” Andy said. “Oh, is it the showers you’re going to miss?” “Among other things. What I’ll miss is being with you.” “With or inside?” “Both,” he said. “You’re sexy as hell, but I’ve told you. What I want is to have you in my arms every night. Having you in my sight during the day is a bonus. But I want you in my arms every night.” “Well,...
In the middle of reading about how the Hopi behaved for his Anthro course, Andy had an insight. The Hopi all followed a set of rules, and there was a book mentioned in the text that laid out those rules, a book for anthropologists; Hopi apparently weren’t given the rules all neatly set down any more than Andy had been. Maybe Anthropologists had written down the rules for American culture, too. That would be a great help. He was always running afoul of some rule that hadn’t been laid...
When Julian left the room, Karla rolled over and hiked herself on some of the pillows. Her long fingers wiped viciously at her cheeks to remove the remnants of her tears. She took a series of deep breaths and then turned to look at Kevin. “Do you hate me now?” she asked. He chuckled. “Absolutely not. I love you more than ever.” “Did you see what a slut I was? I sucked his cock. Then I let him eat my pussy. I was the one who put his cock inside me. And then I screamed like a whore when he fucked...
Wife LoversAndy and Marilyn needed to be at the station at noon. That meant that they had one more hour than they usually had before church when they awoke that morning. His face shaved, his bladder empty, and his teeth brushed, he felt it only reasonable to use that time to store up memories for their future period of deprivation. Marilyn seemed amenable. After a long period of her writhing beside him, their kissing and making out, and then her writhing again, he entered her. He loved her and desired...
When classes were over, Andy picked Marilyn up at the Zeta House. She was waiting for him by the door, and he lifted her for a kiss before getting her things and carrying them to the car. Once in the apartment, he lifted her for another few kisses before they got down to the serious job of undressing. He opened the closet door so they could use the mirror, then a question struck him. “Too cold?” He felt that the apartment was warm enough that nakedness was more comfortable. She, however,...
Andy Trainor found the rest of the week of Spring Break fun, but less fun than the first half had been. Marilyn seemed distracted when he wanted to cuddle while they were dressed, and – in bed -- insisted that he come into her after she’d had only two climaxes under his hand or mouth. They didn’t try anything more in front of the mirror or with her on top. It was a far cry from celibacy, but it was more restricted than he had hoped for from the week. The pleasure of discussing their future...
While Andy was driving her back to the chapter house, Marilyn switched her mind from the recent past, pleasant as that had been, to the immediate future. She caught Judy as she was going into Sunday dinner. They stepped aside. “Look, I want to warn the other pledges against this guy. Would you be willing to tell them in a group what happened?” “Yeah. Most of them know, already.” “After chapter meeting, then.” They had dinner and went to a rather dull chapter meeting. She warned Merrillie...
Marilyn’s parents and Andy’s Dad met the train. Andy was carrying her suitcase, her book bag, and his own suitcase. His dad took Andy’s suitcase and walked with them until Andy put her stuff in the trunk. Then they took their goodbyes. Andy had his suitcase back when they walked away. “Really, dear, did he have to come to the car with you?” Mom asked. “Well, you noticed, didn’t you, that he carried my luggage to the car. If you wanted him to leave me, Dad could have taken my suitcase. I...
Usually, Marilyn could study better at Andy’s than at the house. Sure, they made love before getting down to work, and on Saturdays she cooked a meal. When they did sit down to study, though, his example kept her studying longer and with fewer breaks than the constant coming and going of the study room allowed. Even if he said nothing, even when he didn’t know what she was studying, Andy’s presence seemed to communicate, “Studying for tomorrow afternoon? You should have that done and be...
Andy Trainor walked out of his PDE final cautiously pleased. None of the questions had stumped him, and he’d finished in time to check every answer once before he had to turn the test in. When he got back to the apartment, he straightened it up. He took a shower and put his old clothes in the laundry bags. He shaved with a blade. When he’d finished finals in the past, he’d been unable to stop thinking about the exams. He’d taken to a binge as the solution. Now, he hardly thought about the...
Andy had been current on schoolwork before Marilyn sequestered herself, and he’d buried himself in his books in an attempt to forget her absence. He finished the work for Wednesday, when she returned to the apartment. He then started on reviewing PDE. He was careful not to suggest a break until she clearly had had enough. Once in bed, though, all her attention was on him again. She writhed in his arms. When he moved over her, she was eager for him. After a long, slow session, she writhed...
There were eight of them around the dinner table in the nice steakhouse. Kevin gave a crooked kind of grin as the image of the bill flashed through his mind. They could afford it, but his judicious upbringing still caused an inward wince when Karla demanded he pick up the tab for such a large group.“So,” his wife addressed the group, “Before I tell you about my find, why don’t each of you share your experiences.”“Well, I’m a slut, a whore, a bitch,” Tanya offered. “What else, Kevin?”“I don’t...
NovelsKarla-17The sun was just setting when the phone rang. Kevin looked at it and smiled. He hadn’t heard from Karla for three days, but she did say via email that she was having a wonderful time.“Hello, darling,” he said after he pushed the answer button.“Good evening, Senor Williams,” the soft voice whispered through the speaker.“Karla?” he asked, nearly sure it was not.“Fredericka,” came the reply. “Karla is, how do you say, busy at the moment.”“Having fun, I would hope,” he responded.Karla...
Novels“Good morning, everybody,” Karla greeted her guests brightly. She wore a torn T-shirt that extended only to her waist and a pair of pink panties. She had brushed her hair and applied a light pink lipstick. “Everybody sleep well?” “I don’t know about sleeping,” Tanya replied. “It was a good night, though.” “Alex?” She grinned a little sheepishly. “Yeah. Good night.” “I don’t need to check with you,” she said to Jasmine with a grin. “I know what kind of night you had.” “You’re embarrassing...
Group SexCassandra got the zipper down and my dick popped out and stood there twitching like it had too much caffeine. I could feel it pulse like a heartbeat causing each twitch. Cass touched it and slid her fingers down the shaft to my balls making it move even more. To the floor with my pants and I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of them.Lena had started to unzip Rick, and Cass watched intently. As she got below his cock it sprang from his pants. It was larger than it looked in the shared photos....
Swingers“There’s a bartender in your lounge by the name of Ted,” Kevin spoke into the phone. “I don’t want any personal information. I just want to get a message to him.” “I’m not allowed to confirm anyone who works here,” the mature female voice intoned. “Okay, fine. Just write this down, and if a bartender named Ted happens to be employed there, pass him the message. The note should say that Kevin Williams, husband of Karla Williams would like to speak with him. Then write down this number.” Kevin...
Wife LoversBased on true incident – Narrated as a story Shweta sat watching the TV with her hand on her thigh. She was horny but was in no mood to masturbate, she wanted to have sex. Slow, sensual, deep, ahh! she was losing it, but it had been months since her husband had fucked her. Just then her colleague, Sammy called. He was in her area and wanted to return her USB he had borrowed, and he was going to come in another 20 minutes. Shweta checked herself out in the mirror. Her shoulder length straight...
“Well, that’s some exciting news,” Karla said as she punched the “End” button on her phone. She and Kevin were sitting on their deck enjoying the warm evening air and sipping Margueritas. “The Argentines are coming!” she concluded.“Are they?” Kevin asked easily. “How many and when?”“Six!” Karla replied with a broad smile. “I thought there might be a couple or two. But, Fredericka said they’ll be three couples. Not Julian, though. That’s a little disappointing.”“Well, he’s busy,” Kevin...
Novels“So, are we going to fuck tonight?” Taylor asked Tom as they sat around the table at the semi-family steakhouse.“Taylor!” Karla gasped.“Well,” Taylor said, sounding exasperated, “There’s Jasmine, you, me and him. Ted’s with Kevin, double-teaming my mother. Tanya’s auditioning Jake. So, I thought we were going to gang up on Tom and make him forget his slut-wife riding the cock of our new stud.”“Will you keep your voice down!” Karla admonished her. “It may be normal for us, but it isn’t for...
NovelsThe Williams house was quiet and dark. Taylor padded her way softly into master bedroom and gently smoothed her hand across her mother’s shoulder.Alex burrowed deeper into the pillows.“Mom,” Taylor whispered softly, continuing to stroke her mother’s skin.“What is it?” Alex said quietly. “You woke me up.”“Time to switch,” Taylor whispered.“You can’t be serious.”“Shush. You’ll wake him. Ted’s waiting for you.”“This isn’t a good idea, Taylor.”“We talked about this, Mother,” Taylor whispered...
Novels“I’ve got to tell you, sweetheart,” Kevin told his wife as they shared coffee at their breakfast bar, “I’m exhausted. I don’t bounce back the way I used to.” “Honey, that was two nights ago!” “But we went all night. I don’t know how you do it.” “It’s fun. Is it fun for you, or is it just work?” “It was fun,” he conceded. “But Tanya damned near wore me out and that was before you arrived.” Karla smiled at him. “But you just had to lie there and lick her pussy. I was the one working, you know,...
Wife LoversKarla set about writing the invitations the next morning as Kevin scanned the paper before leaving for work. The light, sing-song tune of Karla’s phone broke the silence. “It’s Tanya,” Karla told Kevin she retrieved the phone. “Good morning, darling.” “What have you got on for today?” Tanya’s voice came through the tiny speaker. Kevin crumpled his paper in his lap. “Good morning, Tanya,” he called. “He’s there? I thought he’d already left.” “He’s here,” Karla confirmed. “Tell him ‘Good...
Wife Lovers“Kind of a rocky start,” Kevin observed to his wife the following morning as he poured a cup of coffee for her into a blue pottery mug. Karla looked great to him. Her hair was tousled yet still had billows of auburn surrounding her face. She wore a simple, light, white peignoir that hid little of her features. She eased onto a stool at the breakfast bar and smiled as he handed her the mug. “True,” she admitted after her first sip. “But the finish was fantastic. That’s what really...
Wife Lovers“You are aware that this wasn’t supposed to happen like this?” Kevin told Karla the following Tuesday morning as they sat at their breakfast bar nursing hot coffee. Kevin had taken a personal day. There would be no pressure for him to get to the office. He wanted to take some time with his wife to examine their current situation and the effects it might have on their relationship. “Like what?” she asked. “When we began, this was all about you. Suddenly we’re into a realm that I never...
SeductionThere are times during a lifetime or even just a day, when our minds wander, when we remember times past or times wished for. Below are a few of my thoughts and their effect on me. There’s something about you that makes me want to kiss you. I would love to take you to dinner, share a bottle of wine as we talk but all the while, watching your lips as we talk, wanting to kiss them. After our dinner/wine/banter we walk out. I can’t stop it, I take your face in my hands and kiss you, softly at...
The first thing I noticed was the sweet, sensuous smell. I twisted my head from side to side, but it seemed to be coming from all around. “What the hell’s that?” I whispered. “It smells like a Turkish brothel in here.” “And you’d know, sweetie,” he said, taking his cue as I knew he would. “Don’t you like it?” “You know I do,” I replied. “It’s sandalwood and rose, my favourite.” I felt his hand on my arm as he guided me forward. The silken blindfold was much more effective than I’d expected,...
BDSMSo this is my first time doing this... I dont know how I am going to go through with it. One of my relatives decided to set me up on a blind date. They say I have been single for far too long...and well they are right. I go through some major preparation. A couple of yoga poses to stretch my slightly stiff body. Then I get into the shower...ohhh...the warm water feels so good on my skin. I roam my soapy hands on my body. I touch my neck, massaging it slightly, then slide them along my breasts,...
Fredericka lay naked atop Kevin in the King-sized bed in his bedroom. Her hands pressed his against the bedsheet. She brushed her erect nipples up and down on his chest while her eyes were locked on his. Below, she had his erect meat trapped between her vulva, rubbing his length against her moist flesh.“Dona Karla was right,” she told him in a harsh whisper. “You are an accommodating lover.”Kevin smiled at her. “Because I let you have control?” he asked.“That, yes,” she replied. “And...
NovelsAs she came down to earth from the crashing sensation she felt Sophia pulling herself up and then felt Sophia’s lips against hers with a kiss that tasted on Iliafray’s own juices. “What has got into you this morning my pet, you really are being naughty.” “Does that mean my Lady will have to punish me ?” came the reply at the same time she felt Sohia’s cunt pressed against her right thigh rubbing up and down leaving a wet trail “Assuming of course that my lady can stand up” Sophia was panting...
Everyone has everyone’s misfortune, and everyone’s happiness, who can say that his misfortune will not be happiness. A woman’s happiness is to find a good man. Will a good man be her husband? Women have sexual desire and are stronger than men. Once exposed, women's power is also infinite. Women must be careful, beautiful women must be more careful, beautiful young women must be more careful, because young women do it, there will be no troubles, a young woman to sue others for rape rarely, but...
BDSMUnclothed, and shivering slightly as the fan directed outside air to caress her skin, Oriana stood determinedly beside her bed. Muscles rippled along her narrow frame as she unconsciously clenched her fists and tightened her shoulders. Painful knots worsened, and tension began to accumulate in a crescent along her brow. The beginnings of a headache finally awakening her to her own self-t*****e, Oriana strode to the corner of her small dormitory room and unrolled a pale green yoga mat. She...
He had long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a clear complexion. There was no doubt about he was the hottest boy in the whole of Lanphier High School. Then the school bell rang. He sighed in regret and pulled himself away from the mirror. He had always hated school, the routine, the fact he couldn’t look at himself, the homework, the lack of mirrors in the classrooms, the long hours. And oh, and did he mention the lack of mirrors? He walked to the classroom with a look of pride that most...
MY SENSUAL JOURNEY - PART ONE By Katharine Sexkitten The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It's a clich?, but it's true. It's a clich? because it's true. And it's true even if you don't know you're on the journey. My first step was when I was ten years old. Someone gave my mother a pair of boots, for a present. I can't remember if it was her birthday or Christmas. She politely smiled and said thank you, and never wore them. They were a little too risqu? for her...
What is the difference between spanking (flogging or caning, etc.) of a "sensual" nature and a "disciplinary" nature?DISCIPLINARY SPANKINGDisciplinary spanking is physically punishing a submissive for unacceptable/incorrect behaviour or attitude The submissive MUST know that they are being disciplined, and for what. Without this knowledge, they may assume that they are receiving a sensual spanking. The mindset of the submissive is central to discipline. If they don’t know they are is being...
Skulduggery pleasant – chapter 1 A Time For Reflection ———————————————————————————————————————————– Valkyrie sighed and rolled over she couldnt sleep her body still pumped with adrenaline from their previous adventure. She groaned and sat up flicking her lamp on to illuminate her room she had too many thoughts running through her head, the loss of Kenspeckle and tanith, her being Darquesse and how she let slip that she was in love with fletcher. She also thought about Caelan but she pushed it...
Sensualality © 2003 Dan Johnson I love your sensualality the every movement of your sexuality breathes the immortality of our love. I love your sensualality your every breath exudes the spirituality of our love. I love your sensualality the way your smile your touch your very being brings about the practicality of our love. I love your sensualality you undress me, constantly impress me, with the fornicality of our love. I love your sensualality the...
I am Santosh, age 32 and belong to Delhi. I recently shifted to Navi Mumbai. My company asked me to train and monitor the performances of our Branch in India. Apart from my Profession I learn the art of Massage with passion. It is now my part-time job on weekends to treat my wife with my magical fingers on her. I enjoy massaging her more than anything this gives the satisfaction to her by my work, and keeps her happy & healthy. I don’t do Massage to anyone. Till now it was within close door...
This is a stand alone story involving the Black Djinn, although you do get to see how he works. TALES OF DJINNAR: The Pool of Truest Reflection by Raven John sat in the bar with his close friend, Aleem. The setting was early Friday evening, nearly seven o'clock, and the place was filled with young professional women celebrating the onset of another weekend. Aleem noted his perpetually brooding buddy, and reminded him in his faint Arabic accent, "John? This is called Happy...
My mom and I had gone out shopping as we wanted to spend the day together. While shopping she asked me whether I was the one who took her to her bedroom. When I said yes she planted a soft kiss on my forehead and thanked for that. We called up my sister to know whether her work was done and whether she would be joining us for a movie or dinner. She declined as she was still busy at the office. We decided to have some Japanese dinner. We went to a famous Japanese restaurant in the city and had...