Blake Blossom indian porn

4 years ago
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Dan phoned Blake about 1pm on the Sunday afternoon. "Are your free to talknow?""Yes, Mum's cooking lunch," replied Blake. The sound of Dan's voice wasenough to make the boy's cock begin to stiffen."Did you have fun with the butt-plug last night?" asked Dan."It took me some minutes to get it fully in but then it felt good," saidBlake."Good enough to make you spunk off?" Dan asked.Blake smiled to himself, glad to be on his own. "Yes, twice before I wentto sleep.""I'm pleased to hear that. I want...

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The train journey to London was uneventful. Dan did some work online andmade a few business phone calls but he took time to chat to Blakeoccasionally and point out places of interest as they travelledsouth. Blake was captivated by a novel that Dan had given him to read. Itwas a novel by an American author about a gay teenager and hisrelationships with some much older men.By 5.30pm they had unpacked and Blake's thoughts turned to dinner. "Are wegoing out for dinner this evening or eating in the...

3 years ago
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Chapter 6Blake stretched out and suddenly realised he wasn't in his own bed. Heturned his head and looked up to see Dan smiling down at him."Good morning, Blake. You looked so peaceful and so cute sleeping there,"Dan said.Blake couldn't help smiling. "Good morning.""How is your pussy this morning?" Dan asked. "It took quite a pounding lastnight."Blake put his hand between his legs and winced slightly when he touched hispink pucker. "It's a little bit tender.""Maybe I should ask Betty to look at...

2 years ago
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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 12Blake woke up on Saturday morning to find Dan and Betty towering overhim. "Is there something wrong?" he asked."I hope not." Dan smiled reassuringly and then went on. "I'm not surprisedthat you have slept much later than normal after two wild sex sessions lastnight. Our former nurse here..." Dan nodded at Betty. "Well, she thinks itwise to check that there has been no damage done to your boy-pussy. Afterall, Tom and I both have bigger than average cocks.""I'm fine....

2 years ago
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Dan phoned Blake on Friday evening. "Are you free tomorrow? I've got abusiness meeting in Glasgow and it would be good if you could come withme."As Dan expected, Blake was eager to join him on a trip to the big city. Hearranged to pick Blake up at 8.30am and then phoned two of his contacts inGlasgow to explain that he would be accompanied by a young man."I haven't been to Glasgow for a long time," Blake said as Dan drove offthe next morning."Well, you'll probably go with me once a month from...

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Chapter 7The next few days passed fairly quietly. Blake took some online tuitioncourses on the computer programs he would be using and received somepractical guidance on other matters from Dan. He met a few business clientsbut wasn't required to sit in on the meetings with Dan. Each working daywould end with a swim before dinner and then later they would go to bed andhave sex. By Thursday Blake was able to be penetrated with little more thansome mild discomfort. He always spunked off while...

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"I need to go down to London for business on the 16th of next month,Blake," Dan said in the office one morning. "Can you book train tickets andfind us a hotel room for three nights, please?""Sure, boss," said Blake. He was glad to have a real job to do as he spentmuch of his time in the office simply doing little things for Dan. He hadsuspected for some time that his office duties were secondary to his roleas Dan's sex-toy. Not that he minded - he loved the sex - but sometimes hewas bored in...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 9Blake enjoyed his visit to the museum, even though Dan embarrassed him acouple of times by drawing his attention to men who were clearly lustingafter him in his skin-tight trousers. "Why do you blush when you see menadmiring you?" Hendrik asked him "You should be happy that men enjoylooking at you." Blake nodded but said nothing.The trio stopped for a drink outside a canal-side bar and then had dinnerin a restaurant not far from Amsterdam Centraal station before...

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Chapter 10"I have told Betty that we will have dinner late this evening," Danannounced one afternoon a few days after their return from Amsterdam. "I amtaking you to see the doctor when we have finished work.""Why? I'm not ill." Blake didn't understand the reason for the visit."You have been having sex for several weeks now, and sometimes it has got abit rough," said Dan. "I want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine. I don't need...""Enough, Blake. You will do as I tell you," Dan stated...

4 years ago
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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 13Dan was busy with another call so it was Blake who received the messagefrom the tailor that his bondage gear was ready for collection. "Thank you,sir. I will inform my master," he said to James, automatically falling intohis slave role when speaking to him. As soon as Dan was free, he told himthe news and asked, "Shall we pick it up later today?"Dan smiled. "Eager to begin playing bondage games?"Blake blushed slightly. "Yes, I enjoy learning new things with...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 16"Have you decided what you want to do today?" Dan asked Blake duringbreakfast in their London hotel."I'd like to go on the London Eye and visit the warship HMS Belfast,"replied Blake. "My Mum's late brother was in the Royal Navy.""Okay. What else? An art gallery or museum?" suggested Dan.Blake shook his head. "I'd prefer something less stuffy. A walk in HydePark perhaps. Or maybe we could visit your friend, Richard? I know he saidhe was busy this week but he might...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 8The short flight to Amsterdam was Blake's first ever flight and he enjoyedit. They only had hand luggage so they were soon on the train into the citycentre where Dan's friend and business associate was waiting to greet them."Hendrik! Good to see you, my friend," Dan said as he hugged his friend.Blake could see that the fair-haired man was older than Dan (Hendrik wasactually 50) but he thought he was handsome. The man was similar in heightto Dan and had a bit of a beer...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 17On their way back to the hotel, Dan checked his phone for missedcalls. "Two messages from Tony while we were with Richard," he toldBlake. "It seems you really charmed him last night. He wonders if we canmeet him again before we return home.""I don't mind," said Blake. "We have nothing else planned for thisevening."Dan chuckled when he read the second message. "He says he can't stopthinking about those photos. He asks if it might be possible to see younaked but closer...

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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 1Dan entered the Tesco supermarket and went straight to the fruit andvegetable department. To his delight, the young man he had hoped to see wasthere.Dan had come across Blake (he knew the teenager's name from the badge hewore) the day before. Blake had been re-stocking apples and the man's firstview had been from the rear. He saw a slim fair-haired youth of about 5ft7in (170 cm) in the usual blue-checked shirt and tight blacktrousers. Blake had turned and Dan's gaze...

2 years ago
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Dan went to collect Blake and his mother at 6pm as arranged. "It's apleasure to meet you, Mrs Dean. You have raised a very polite, hard-workingyoung man."Mrs Dean smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr Rogers. Blake speaks highlyof you.""I feel confident that we will have a good working relationship," saidDan. "Please follow me to the car and I will show you where Blake will beliving and working - with your blessing, of course. Come along, Blake. Youcan sit in the back."On the journey to the...

4 years ago
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Blake Ch 06

Author’s Note: To my readers, I apologize for the delay in this submission. I originally intended to release this chapter with chapter five, but was not satisfied and scraped the whole thing. Other projects have also delayed my progress, but I assure you, I intend to keep writing and finish this series (in due time). I hope to have Chapter 7 done within the next week or too. Thanks for your dedication! *** When I walked into my apartment a little after two in the morning, I had expected...

1 year ago
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Blake Blossom 14 000 420 000

If you know your porn, you know Blake Blossom's pussy. I couldn't tell you how many fucking times I've blown my load to Blake Blossom. She's one of the hottest blonde bombshells in porn, and like me, you probably already lost count of how many times you've watched her videos. One of those videos you probably saw her in was Nubiles: Princess Cum Volume Ten when she fucked her stepbrother. That creampie was hot as fuck, and it's when I first discovered her pussy lips doing that sexy flapping...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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I was watching Sex and the City as I awaited my love to come and pick me up. I heard the doorbell ring and quickly ran toward it. I silently cheered and opened the door. "Hey!" Blake said to me. I noticed him look at me up and down. He got lost in my boobs until I said "Hi" back. He told me I looked amazing. He lead me to his car and we got inside. We drove off We finally arrived at the park. We ate lunch there and talked for hours. We flirted alot, and told each other sex jokes....

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Blake FChapter 2 Parishioner

He called the next day, however. After thanking her for the company at lunch, he asked her to out again in two weeks. The second lunch was like the first. He called on Monday and asked her out in two weeks’ time. He attended the next Sunday, and she went to the Petersons for dinner. Nobody in the congregation invited her for the next week. Without consulting her, maybe without discussing it with each other, Blake and the congregation had divided her Sunday afternoons neatly. The third week,...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 9 Tender Blossom

Claudia Garibaldi, along with several guests, arrived at the Villa Agostino the day after my first meeting with Ferdinando Stanley. A great bustle and flurry then ensued, with servants scurrying about, and boxes and travel trunks carried back and forth, and rooms allocated. It was some time before I managed a moment alone with Claudia. I first made an abject apology for my words in Genoa, which she graciously accepted. “Actually, Giovanni, your distaste when discovering the cargo my vessels...

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Blakes adventures 2

Chapter 2The pair met again the following afternoon day when Dan brought a contractof employment. Blake didn't study it in detail but read the section aboutearnings before signing it. "I will hand in my notice immediately but Ithink I will be able to finish here on Friday of next week," he told Dan."That suits me," smiled Dan. "Gives me time to get everything organised. Bythe way, you will need to have a medical check-up before officiallybecoming an employee. I'll arrange that. Is there...

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Blake FChapter 3 Lover

He kissed her again, his tongue meeting hers while she hugged him. She pulled his clothed chest against her breasts until they hurt. When she let go, he moved away. Then he was kissing her face and neck. He kissed down to her breasts, kissed all over her left one before getting to the nipple. He held her right breast while he licked there, then teased the right nipple with his hand while sucking the left one. He kissed a trail down her left breast, across the bone, and up her right one....

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Blake FChapter 4 Fianc eacute

David had called ahead. The jeweler brought out several examples of ring sets. He’d removed the price tags. “That’s not for you to worry about,” David said. “You want to consider what it would look like on your finger for the rest of your life. If you want time to think, that’s fine. Just look now.” But there was an emerald and diamond ring with the tiniest diamond on the woman’s wedding ring and none on the man’s. “You’re sure you want to wear a ring?” she asked him. “If it means I’m...

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The tainting of the May blossom

Judy always walked to school. It was the first day of May and it was her birthday. Being seventeen was such a land mark and yet she so wanted to be eighteen. She knew it was only a matter of time before her fake ID got her busted and properly grounded. She had had umpteen arguments with her Mum about parties and late nights. Many was the night she had cried herself to sleep, hating her Mum. As if the changes in her body weren’t enough, she was now full of angst and rebellion. Being seventeen...

First Time
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Sumiko s Joyful Blossom

The reason why young Sumiko did not have a dedicated suitor as yet was the fact she helped her parents in their tiny fish store that specialized in gourmet delights from under the sea. It was not because she was too busy to waste time on allowing a young man to court her. It certainly was not because she lacked longing for the touch of a male hand on her feverish young girlish flesh. Quite simply, it was because she carried with her the odor of fish no matter how hard she tried to wash the...

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Lotus Blossom

"Well, what do you think of my offer, hmm?" Captain James Matheson swirled his brandy around in his glass. The offer was indeed tempting. Here he was, in Hong Kong for a few days, and the offer of a 'lotus blossom' was just what he needed. Sex. No strings attached. He smiled devilishly at his companion, Choi Ho-San. Ho-San owned a brothel and had many beautiful women at his disposal. "I'd like to take you up on that offer," he replied in answer to Ho-San's question. Ho-San grinned...

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HotwifeXXX Blake Blossom New Hotwife Blake Begins To Blossom

Beautiful and bubbly blonde wife Blake is new to the hotwife scene and was extremely excited and wet to know Latin lover Ramon was gonna be the first new big cock to fuck with her soft hot tight married pussy! Ramon of course enjoys her perfectly big natural tits before licking up her sweet pussy juices and slips his hard cock right inside her dripping pussy, getting right to work pounding her juicy ass. Now as a teacher Ramon has Blake learn to deep throat his throbbing cock and rewards her...

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The Plucking of an exotic island blossom visit here to see real porn Trevor Christian was a 33 year old third generation Englishman, who had recently arrived on Pitcairn Island to take up the threads of the life and means of livelihood which had originally been started by his Grandfather, Fletcher Christian who was one of the original rebels on board the ship "THE BOUNTY" which had been run aground on it's shores over 100 years ago. The sailors had thereafter decided to continue their lives on this beautiful...

1 year ago
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The Plucking of an exotic island blossom

Trevor Christian was a 33 year old third generation Englishman, who had recently arrived on Pitcairn Island to take up the threads of the life and means of livelihood which had originally been started by his Grandfather, Fletcher Christian who was one of the original rebels on board the ship "THE BOUNTY" which had been run aground on it's shores over 100 years ago. The sailors had thereafter decided to continue their lives on this beautiful island, and married many of the local girls and merged...

Erotic Fiction
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The Heart Blossoms When It Blossoms

"What's the big deal? They just want to throw you a bachelorette party." I marched right out of the bathroom and halted right in front of him, as he stood a few feet away from the door. "I'm fully aware that when I marry you, I marry into your family, but that setting is the last place I wanna be in with them." He bit his bottom lip and I saw the brown hair atop his head moving around. "Well, they both loved you when they met you. My mom is a sweet lady and I've known Celeste for five years...

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Lindsey Blossoms

****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet. If it is found in any other place it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text, and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...

3 years ago
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The tainting of the May blossom

Judy always walked to school. It was the first day of May and it was her birthday. Being seventeen was such a land mark and yet she so wanted to be eighteen. She knew it was only a matter of time before her fake ID got her busted and properly grounded. She had had umpteen arguments with her Mum about parties and late nights. Many was the night she had cried herself to sleep, hating her Mum. As if the changes in her body weren’t enough, she was now full of angst and rebellion. Being seventeen...

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Rose Blossoms 01by The TechniciansRose didn't think that she could take any more of this torture.  She had displeased Master and hewas punishing her.  It was the worst form of punishment possible.  He wasn't spanking her orflogging her or jolting her with electricity.  Those she could endure.  Those she had endured.Those she would now relish.  No, Master was torturing her in a much worse way.  He wasignoring her.Master had not touched her in over three weeks.  Not only had he not used her...

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Blake s Got A New Face Part 1

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Olivia s Rosebud Blossoms

We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...

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Casey Blossoms

I was always a bit shorter than the other boys, never as muscular. I always tried to move and act in a masculine manner, but as I grew, I ended up about 5’6” and about 140 pounds with rather a delicate frame. My face was not clearly feminine, kind of in between masculine and feminine. I never had all that much body or facial hair and got teased even as it was. I looked at the girls and I envied them. They could do all kinds of fun things that I could never do. They got to dress up and be...

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Hiking for Love 2 Love Blossoms

I got up and she led me to bed. Once in the bedroom, we stripped down and crawled in bed. I was already hard, just looking at her. She smiled as she lay down and slightly spread her legs. I grabbed her hurt leg, and gently brought up by my face, and kissed her ankle gently. She looked at me with a weird look on her face, "Foot Fetish?" "No. Actually this is the one part of you I totally love all ready. Because of this ankle, it brought us together. Had you not been a klutz,...

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Olivias Rosebud Blossoms

We became online friends. Her interest had been piqued by enema scenes that I had included in my stories. She admitted that she had never had anything “back there” before. I was surprised at her interest in enemas, although not entirely shocked. I should back up a little. I’m a fifty plus guy and Olivia is an eighteen year old blond, a beautiful but seemingly innocent young lady. Well, maybe innocent in the real, physical world, but certainly not in her mind. As I said, she expressed an...

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Love Blossoms

Have you ever faced a dilemma where you know that whatever you are going to do, or whatever you are thinking is not right, and you still want to do it? Well I have been facing this from 2 years exactly now. I am Sharath. The dilemma I am talking about is that, I really love my best friend more than my life. I do have a girlfriend, but it’s just a casual relationship. My best friend’s name is Ananya, and my girlfriend’s name is Varsha. You are definitely thinking why, despite having a...

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PART 1: "LEAVE BEFORE THE LIGHTS COME ON "You know, you did alright tonight. I had a good time." She hiccupped and slurred her words. The olive-green beer bottle in her hand frothed and dripped as she gulped at it. "Thanks..." I smiled. My heeled leather boots clattered on the pavement, staggering from side to side, clopping on the paving stones. My nylon covered legs laddered, tattered and torn, my vision a blur. "I did too, actually." "Not bad for a first time, eh?" She...

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A Blossoming

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…..”Is there something wrong with me?”That;s what Diane, my next door neighbor asks me. We’ve been neighbors all our lives. I’m two weeks older than her and we’ve been buddies ever since I can...

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This is my first attempt at writing so I would appreciate any feedback. Please note that this story has adult themes so you must be over 18 years old to continue on. *** Chapter 1. Tiffany Prentice The young doe ran out of its paddock into the surrounding fields, stopping to look around before beginning to graze the sweet smelling grass in the valley.... Tiffany awoke from her daydream, stretching out on her couch. Having focused initially on a corner of the room that she felt had not been...

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Love Blossomed

Hi friends..Im mr.X and im going to narrate my first love experience with my best friend monisha to all of you..Im 18 years old and so she is..We both are from the same college and same department..The interesting thing is we both studied together from class 6.. She is my best friend and i’ll do anything for her.. I had never seen her with a bad eye.. But one fine day there was a party for the second year students at our college..Everyone planned to dress well and show off.. I wore a nice...

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A Perfect Valentines Night Out

Was thinking how lovely it would have been if we were going out to central London town to this highly lovely wine bar at the basement. Very secluded and with romantic settings. Wooden floor with low wooden ceiling, dim lights with small wooden round tables with small petite chairs round the able. A fire place with real fire on one of the walls not far from the table we choose to sit down at. The place has a very chilled romantic atmosphere to it, relaxing and yet so cosy. We sit at the table...

3 years ago
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Tiffany does a Caribbean Cruise 2

Mark guided them to the Sky Bar on the highest deck. Obnoxious modern music was playing, but it wasn't too loud. After receiving their drinks, Mark commented. “ You are a great fuck. Your pussy is tight and you are flexible. You suck cock well too.” Tiffany smiled and looked down into her drink. Her head was reeling. She must have wanted this to happen. Why else the change of outfit? Something subconscious, she guessed. “Go into the ladies room and push two fingers as far up inside you as...

1 year ago
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Weekend guest part one

"Please come in," Audra Cornell said to the cute young blonde woman, "I'm Audra and you must be Kristin!!!" "Yes, ma'am, "Kristin replied softly while giving the apartment a quick once over, "I'm very happy to meet you!!!" "I don't want to seem pushy," Audra said, "but if you don't mind I'd like to see your driver's license just to verify your age!!!" Kristin reached into her small leather pocket book and produced the required document and handed it over while sizing up the fiftyish woman who...

5 years ago
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Sex Files from a Therapist Chapter 2

Carol slogged through the next few days, her mind clouded by her sexual surrender to her son, Zach, and her time filled at the office with mostly a few men, with their wives holding them accountable, struggling to overcome their addiction to porn. Carol did not find the porn thing to be as big of an issue as the wives did. She mostly saw what seemed like some very chilly women who had pushed their men to other sources, but she refrained from judgment and spent most of the meetings asking...

2 years ago
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The tables have turned or have they

its been a while since i have written a story.. as right now i am lying in my bed with a black thong and a cock ring on - instructed by my amazing mistress M to write a story about our encounter last week. prolog: mistress and i have made some bets on the championship of handball a few weeks ago and the wagers where possible acts and orders that we could indulge in... i won the big one and made my waager to be me being Master for a night. thats the story of the night as it happend.the days...

3 years ago
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Last Wives Club 5 Another Man

"Mrs. Cardinal, he cheated on me again." "I'm so sorry to hear that, Mrs. White. I know it hurts, but it's not cheating now. He has your permission." "But he wasn't careful. It was a coworker. I think he should be punished for that, but mostly I'm just hurting. Can I come up there and see you?" "You mean like tonight?" "Yeah, or not. Listen, if you're too busy..." "Nope, just checking my calendar and I'm all yours tonight. I'll send a limo for you. That will remind him to stay in line. Besides,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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You Are Mine

“I am going to claim you now.” The stranger told me after I opened the front door. That was all he said and I had no idea who is this fine man.“I beg your pardon?” I said, with confusion written across my face.“You heard me. You’re mine now. I’ve known it from the moment I laid my eyes on you. You. Are. Mine!” He enunciated those three words very slowly. I gasped.“But... How? What? I don’t know you... You don’t know me!” I struggled to say something. My mind is a complete blank. I stood there,...

4 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 14

Carly sat on her hotel bed watching some documentary on the TV. She had been trying to call Sam for half an hour. Then she tried calling Freddie. Same thing, it went straight to voicemail. She a left a message for both of them, figuring they had their phones off while they were "together" or something. A little concerned that she couldn't reach her friends, Carly stretched out on the bed and waited for one of them to call her back. She fell asl*ep sometime around 10.She woke up at midnight when...

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Living the dream Ch 04

We slowly disentangled ourselves and I slumped to one side. Fay rolled off on the other side and lay in the other direction. All three of us were breathing heavily and shone with sweat. I raised my head and looked at Sofi. Her face was smeared with Fay’s juices and she had a strange glowing beauty. I saw Fay begin to crawl around and looked down as she dragged herself between Sofi’s legs. Sofi’s shaven cunt was oozing with my cum and Fay seemed eager not to let it go to waste and began lapping...

4 years ago
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Bachelor 8217 s Uninterrupted Fantasies 8211 Part 2

Hello Doston, Main Pleasure Boy…Kaafi samay ke baad aap ke liye apni story ko continue kar raha hu….Mujhe maaf karna maine kaafi time laga diya agle story ko post karne mein.Umeed hai main aap sab ko yaad hu.Jo pehli bar padh rahe hain meri story please meri pichli story padhen aur fir ise padhen – Bachelor’s Uninterrupted Fantasies Part 1 (link on top). Aap ko gurantee maza aayega. Ab main aap ko aage ki kahani sunata hu.Main rajani, komal, nandita, leela, saumya aur karishma sabke saath so...

3 years ago
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Ms Waddles

Ms. Waddles ? by: Mary Beth Sanford Facts from fiction: Sandy is real and she provided me with a lot of things to wear growing up. Some things she knew about some she didn't. She was also a plus size little girl and a plus size woman and I adored her for all of our lives. Sandy is also a woman I've since come to know after discovering she has a passion for taking boys down a peg or two. Both are very tolerant of a boy like me. I've mixed the two for this story and the rest was...

3 years ago
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Christmas Eve in Baltimore

The flight from Heathrow to Newark was late; late enough that I missed my connecting flight to BWI and had to wait until after six pm for the “next available.” It was, after all, Christmas Eve. I was lucky to even get a seat. I called Marissa to give her the bad news. She took it in stride. “I’ll meet you at baggage claim, sweetie. Love you.” “Love you, too, babe.” Air kisses and I clicked off. I slept a little bit in the Presidents Club lounge, but an insistent buzzing from my phone finally...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Voyages of the St Veronica Ch 03

Faithful reader, I was well and truly depleted at this point, my day had been long and arduous. I decided to spend some time with the girl in conversation. I used my sleeve to brush away her tears, and again carefully removed the pear from her mouth after warning her to keep a civil tongue in her head. ‘So, Fine Bitch, now you have experienced the loss of one of your virginities, and I will take your two others by morning. The most painful is done, the most pleasant will be last. Tell me,...

4 years ago
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Penny s Promiscuity 22 to 25 Going Pro

Chapter 22“Can you see?” the young radiologist asked, running the square plastic sensor over my lower belly.Pete and I were in a private examination room in the discreet clinic in which the Gynaecologist I had previously visited was based. It was far enough away from home for our visit not to be noticed by our friends or colleagues and the consultant himself was known for his discretion.I was lying on my back; my slightly swollen tummy was bared and covered in goo to allow our first ultrasound...

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The Kitten The Domme The Wall

Warning:The following fictional post contains scenes of some rather shocking sexual torture. All fictional characters involved are over the age of 18 and have fictionally consented to everything that fictionally occurs.Proceed ahead with a kinky mind, for the most enjoyment! :P------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Kitten, The Domme, & The Wall"Welcome to the Pleasure Palace", read the bright pink...

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 71 Settlement

Bill arrived just before 8am and took everyone to Brisbane. They arrived just on 9.45. Collecting some coffee’s they went to the top floor room for the settlement. The legal team wanted to see the cheque first, Zac showed them but did not release. Paperwork please. They handed over a folder with all of the title documents and signed transfers. Both Ben, Suzanne and Jane thoroughly check every document. They were being very careful. Zac asked for the tenants list. Everything appeared to be in...

3 years ago
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Jessica s Tape

Jessica woke up when she heard the doorbell ringing. She looked at the clock; it was pretty late in the afternoon. She must have slept really heavy again. She felt sore 'down there' maybe she was going to start her period. That was strange, she had had her period just a week ago, mayby she was early, no matter. She put on a robe and went down stairs. She looked out the peep hole in the door and saw no one. Then she noticed a package laying on the door step. She undid the dead bolt and the...

2 years ago
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Enslavement of my soul Part One

Again the dream, sweat rolling down his face, the drugged feeling. The scent still lingering in his memory, the music floating away as the fog lifted from him. His body ached as he pulled himself from the sweat soaked sheets. He flipped the bathroom light switch,  light always seemed to ease the feeling slowly away. The ice cold water that he splashed on his face brought clarity to his mind. The dreams were coming more frequent more vivid. After so many years instead of fading, her image became...

3 years ago
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Swinging with her Parents

*They had listened to Margo's whining from the moment George announced the great deal he gotten on a full week's stay at a Caribbean resort. The catch? They wouldn't know which resort until they got there. "But what if it's horrible?" Margo fretted. "What if it's a dive filled with roaches and rats. They have rats in the Caribbean, don't they?""They promised a four-star resort," George insisted, rolling his eyes at their daughter. Jena couldn't resist smirking. She had grown up witnessing Mom...

4 years ago
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Big Blue EyesChapter 26

“All he did was sing it, I’m the one who programmed and played it, where’s my kiss?” Maurice said with a smirk on his face. My beautiful little sister walked over to where Maurice was sitting, got on his lap, and gave him a nice kiss, on the lips, surprising him so much, that he actually blushed. SUNDAY LATE AFTERNOON This second weekend’s performances of WEST SIDE STORY went better than anticipated, a subtle notch below opening night, but quite good nonetheless. Word of mouth generated...

3 years ago
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Family DiscoveryChapter 2

It was 07:00am on Saturday morning and Amanda was deciding if she should get up or sleep in. She had this Saturday off and Sara was at an overnighter with a friend. It suddenly dawned on her that she had Sean all to herself and quickly threw the sheet off of her body and walked down the hall to his room. She smiled when her eyes saw her son lying on his back with the sheet covering his morning erection. She walked softly to the bed, kneeled down and gently ran a finger up and on the bulging...

3 years ago
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A Jolly Freedom To Use Whomever He Desires

"Fuck," John cursed, loud enough that the person next to him could hear but low enough that the lecturer didn't. "Yo, you shouldn't curse man," said Todd next to him. Todd was his dormmate, he was nice and was a good roommate. He never cursed, never brought any girls to the apartment, always did the dishes and laundry. His only fault was his inexperience around those of opposite gender, other than that he was a perfect roommate. "Sure, sure," he said nonchalantly, not listening to Todd. The...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 24 Old Swimsuits Are Best

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 (Continued) After dinner, the adults said they'd do the dishes so they could chat, sending us kids to play in the hot tub. I thought that was an excellent idea. As we were leaving the room, I told Julia, "Goody. I'm looking forward to seeing what you look like in swimsuit. Very eager indeed. Walk faster!" "You can see me naked any time you want, and you're getting excited about seeing me in a swimsuit?" "I certainly am. Quite excited." "In that case...

2 years ago
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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

2 years ago
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My Daughter s Sleepover 1 Friday Night

John popped two aspirins in his mouth, followed by a glass of water to soothe his throbbing headache caused by the roaring music from the second door on the right upstairs, his 18-year-old daughter's room. He collapsed in his leather chair and stared at the computer monitor. The light from the screen only intensified his headache, but he had a lot of work to do. He had a big project that was due Monday morning, and although he had a month to work on it, he procrastinated until the weekend...

Straight Sex
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Kitten s New Life

My thoughts are spiraling out of control creating a tangled web of thoughts. I try pushing through it to think clearly but I'm stuck and I stand there taking a deep breath as I sort them away. Neat drawers labeled with names such as fear, excitement, joy, and weaknesses and as I shuffle them away I look out into the mismatched people waiting for their friends and family to arrive. I twirl a strand of hair nervously as I always do and take a step. I see you and my body screams at me...

2 years ago
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Hot Summer Night

I joined Lush awhile ago and met some wonderful friends. Within hours of joining I met a friend who became very close and dear to me. She was my first friend. She has followed me since I started writing. Hello's are exchanged every day. Chatting happened when we had time. We spent long hours talking about life. We got to know each other very well. We exchanged photos and email addresses. We exchanged story ideas and improved our combined knowledge of writing. She read all my stories and I read...

1 year ago
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I Am Marcus Lennox First Ride

A mini pudge protrudes under her chocolate mounds, with stretch marks creating a trail to her treasures hidden below. Her breast seems to hide the fact of any children. Above her right breast on the side of her right shoulder, I find a red rose embedded in her dark chocolate skin. Connected to the rose is a black line that attached to a cursive “I” that connects to a set of letters: FREDII spells out in black ink. I soon lose interest in the spelling when I see bright red lips slowly going down...

Sex With Stranger
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My First Sex With An Unknown Aunty

Hi friends I am regular reader of ISS. my name is Umesh I am new to Bangalore . I am working in some mnc company. And my sex gorgeous name is Pavani. Her sizes is 36-30-36. Awesome round boobs. Coming to story I was traveling to Bangalore from Hyderabad. As it was festival season I was did not get the ticket. I went to the apsrtc counter request the manager as it was urgent for me to come for Bangalore. As it was double cost I agreed then I got the seat. First boarding point I get into the...

4 years ago
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My darling Anita

This is a real true story and my first story after reading so many at I am 34 years of age, male, very handsome. Went to attend a training programmed in Amritsar. We were placed in the guest house by the organizers. This was a premier research institute and students from all over used to come here. Those days were examination days and students were preparing diligently for the examination. When I was having breakfast, one girl named Anita 5’5″, extremely fair, about 27...

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Yarno s Last RaidChapter 7

Sanchez's men were milling around and looking like they didn't know what to do by the time I was able to make my way to the beginning of the pass. I could see that Sanchez was arguing with somebody, I didn't know who, but I was willing to bet that he was an influential member of the gang and he wanted to go anywhere besides through that pass. Finally, in a fit of passion, Sanchez pulled his revolver and shot the man he was talking to in the chest. That finally woke me up to taking some...

4 years ago
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RevengeChapter 20

Two evenings later when she still was living with us the inevitable finally happened. We were having dinner when Ms. Abigail turned to Alexa and looked at sweetly. "Alexa dear, I already know that you are about to finish high school here but certainly you do have some plans after that. Wouldn't you mind sharing those with me?" I knew that Alexa was usually very capable for hiding her fiery temper just unlike Sofia had been. The problem was that once she lost it she totally lost it. I...

4 years ago
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Ashok Uncle 8211 Part 5 The kinky morning after coffee

When I finally opened my eyes, the sunlight was streaming through the window. I was still naked under the covers on the bed that Ashok uncle had fucked me. I lay there for a few minutes and took stock of all the sensations. I felt the soft sheets felt delicious on my bare skin felt. My lips felt throbbing and swollen. My throat felt dry and sore, and my ass felt stretched and mildly painful. I wasn’t sure what to feel as memories of the previous evening came flooding back. He had fucked me. He...

4 years ago
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Angels Story Chapter 72

I'm woken by the sensation of kisses to my neck, lovely soft kisses, making me purr softly around my gag, making me squirm in my bonds. "Morning my little sissy slut," Mistress Thorne whisper in my ear, making me groan. "Still a dirty little bitch?" I nod my head sliding against the silk pillow, brushing against the dampness from the drool from my mouth. I wriggle my ass against her, guessing from her greeting she's horny... wanting to show I'm receptive. "Hmm.. really?" she says...

3 years ago
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Friday night at the Cock Ass Tavern

The Cock & Ass tavern was undeniably the most popular pub in the valley. Everyone for miles around, old and young, would gather there every night to unwind from a tiring day in good company. Well, not exactly everyone. This pub was really only frequented by the men in the valley, and the reason the public house was so popular with them was also the reason women tended to steer clear - the landlady, Erica.It was 8pm on a typical Friday night at the Cock & Ass, the bar was reasonably...

4 years ago
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Fucked A Desperate Lonely Milf Part 8211 1

Hi, All, This is my first story at I am a big fan of ISS. I am Vicky, 31 yrs old.I am married and currently live in Nagpur. This is one of the incidents that happened to me while I was working in Pune a few years back. I was working in a reputed NMC situated in Hinjewadi. I had a handsome package and had every amenities of life. My client was UK based and during November end the workload was the very low cause of holidays in the Western world. I was getting bored so I was...

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breast milk

I imagine the empty area in my mother-in-law's basement is actually a large baby nursery. Most of her family thinks Mary works a normal secretary job, but she actually babysits infants every day. Every morning, 5 infant boys are dropped off at her house while the parents work. She only babysits infant boys, as she is a special type of babysitter. Mary is a wet nurse. She only babysits parents with lots of money, as parents bid for her services. When the baby turns 1 year old, she no longer...

2 years ago
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Secondary Education Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 5 A Hard Road to Ho. I awake alone, my limbs twisted in rumpled sheets. The tattered window shade flaps in a desultory breeze billowing in one moment, sucking against the screen in the next. The cheerful trill of a passing ice cream truck making its final rounds makes me hungry, and I drag myself from the bed. I look out the window into the gloaming. It's night. I have slept a couple of hours. The...

3 years ago
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Look but Don t TouchChapter 5

After few hours Kendall wakes up and the first thing she does is slip two fingers in her burning pussy and start to masturbate. Whatever the worm is doing inside of her has awakened her passions to new limits. Lori sees it and slides down to start nibbling on the inside of Kendall’s thigh. Immediately, Lori can smell Kendall’s pussy juices and aches to taste her. However, she is not in any hurry, so she moves upward, kissing and nibbling along the way until she reaches Kendall’s...

2 years ago
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Geek GoddessChapter 14 Kim

I woke up the next morning with an even worse hangover than I did the day before. "What happened?" I thought to myself, rubbing my aching head. I was careful and only had one margarita, but I felt like I drank a dozen! A maddeningly loud moan came from the other side of the bed. I looked over and Kevin had rolled over and was facing me. Wincing in pain, I massaged my temples. I never realized rustling sheets could be so loud! It was obvious that Kevin was in at least as much pain as I was....

4 years ago
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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 1

I guess I should try and tell you how I got into this situation. I did not plan on it. It just happened. I had been married sixteen years. We lived in a medium sized southern city where my husband, Titan, worked as a research scientist. Titan is an exceptionally brilliant mind. He was given full scholarships by the military to the best schools where he got two PhDs without hardly ever studying. The fact that this could happen under his nose would have been amazing. His education and street...

Wife Lovers

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