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He called the next day, however. After thanking her for the company at lunch, he asked her to out again in two weeks. The second lunch was like the first. He called on Monday and asked her out in two weeks’ time. He attended the next Sunday, and she went to the Petersons for dinner. Nobody in the congregation invited her for the next week. Without consulting her, maybe without discussing it with each other, Blake and the congregation had divided her Sunday afternoons neatly. The third week, Blake at least took her to a different restaurant without asking for her recommendation. Still, he didn’t come in; he didn’t kiss her good night.
He called that Monday, however, and invited her to another lunch in two weeks. She accepted. The intervening Sunday, she had dinner with the Watkins family. The next Saturday, she went to bed early. She could feel she was coming down with a cold. She barely woke to the alarm that morning. She had kicked the blankets off during the night. Despite the inadequate furnace in the parsonage, she felt like she was burning up. Getting out of bed was a tremendous effort, and she realized that she was seriously sick. There was no way she could lead a service that morning. She managed to call the District Superintendent but got his answering machine. She called Joe Englehard, chair of the pastor-parish committee, to tell him that she couldn’t make it. “You know, David Blake?” she croaked. “Professor Blake? He’s an ordained minister. See if he can lead the service.” Then she crawled back to bed. By then, she was shivering, and the blankets didn’t seem to help.
Blake called Wednesday. “This is David. I hope you are feeling better.”
“Better. Not good.”
“I’ve been going through the Old Testament -- Lectio Divina -- so I preached on Exodus. It wasn’t a passage from the lectionary, but you didn’t give me much warning.”
“I didn’t have much warning, myself.”
“Well, they were kind afterwards. They did get some sort of service. Anyway, Sunday is the first Sunday of December. You celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month, don’t you?”
“Do you want me to do it? Frankly, you still don’t sound recovered.” She still didn’t feel recovered. She felt, actually, more dead than alive.
“Could you? And I’m sorry to miss the lunch.”
“I’ll call your district superintendent and establish my bona fides. Don’t worry about the lunch. I’m sorry, too, but I’m sorrier that you have to go through the sickness.”
“It’s only a cold. I keep telling myself. It feels more like the black plague.”
“I’d bet against the black plague, but have yourself checked out. It’s an upper respiratory infection; I can hear that over the phone. But people die from the flu, and you could have pneumonia.”
“I’ve been to the doctor.”
“Good. I’ll call your DS.”
And, he did lead the service that Sunday. She dragged herself there and heard him preach from the lectionary. She half- expected Englehard to ask why she couldn’t preach like that, but all he asked her was about her recovery. She was back in the pulpit the next Sunday, and she felt almost recovered. He called that Monday.
“This is David. You sounded much better, yesterday. Have you recovered, or was that a false dawn?”
“You always identify yourself. And it’s never Dave. I think I’ve recovered. It was only a cold.”
“One of those things which they describe as, ‘it’s not fatal; you only wish it were.’”
“Pretty much.”
“I wondered if you think you’ll be recovered enough next Sunday to go out for another lunch. That was supposed to be an invitation; I’m sorry if it sounds so convoluted.”
Recovered enough? She’d get up off her death bed to go out with him. Then, she remembered that she had stood him up earlier. And she couldn’t go that week.
“That’s the potluck. Are you coming?”
“Of course! Where two or three Methodists are gathered together, there shall a potluck be also.” She laughed. “I’ll bring my famous Pauline chili.”
“Who’s Pauline?”
“You don’t know her. I chopped her up to add to the chili. No. ‘Pauline’ is an adjective. I make the chili according to the directions of St. Paul. Well, I’m keeping you. Bye.”
He’d been in an awful hurry to hang up. But, then, it might have been avoiding the obvious questions about St. Paul. There was no entry for ‘chile’ or ‘chili’ in her concordance; she wasn’t surprised.
There were five long tables for the potluck, with places for eight at each table. He didn’t try to sit at her table. Two more tables held the serving dishes. His chili was hot, which might be a mistake with this crowd. People were complimentary, though. Not many men cooked around Independence. “Well,” he said in a voice which comfortably carried this small group, “I tried to follow the advice of Paul. He says to cook chili a long time over very low heat, so all the flavors mix in -- but the dish isn’t scorched.”
This was too much. Jen said, “I had a thorough introduction to the letters from Paul taught by an excellent professor. The course didn’t mention chili.”
“I can’t see how it missed it. Somebody have a Bible?” Don Montgomery was sitting at the same table. He pulled out his pocket New Testament. “Excellent, please read First Corinthians, Chapter seven, verse nine.”
Montgomery looked up the text. He laughed and passed the book over to Blake. “You read it.”
“For it is better to marry than to burn,” Blake read. Jen wasn’t the only one who groaned. This led to more jokes in the same vein: how we know that God plays baseball, the name of Jesus’ dog.
Blake answered that one. “His dog was named ‘Physician.’ For in Verse 23 of the fourth Chapter, Luke records Jesus as saying, ‘Physician, heel!’”
When everything was cleaned up, he offered her a ride back to the parsonage. She was tempted, but there were a dozen people listening whose rides she had rejected in the past. “It’s only a short walk.”
“I’ll walk you back, then. Let me put this in the trunk.”
He walked her to her door. It was now or never. “Would you like to come in?” she asked.
Now what could she offer him? Coffee seemed a little weird; she had none made, and the church women had poured out pots a few minutes ago. She didn’t need to offer anything.
As soon as she closed the door, he took her in his arms and kissed her. That was sudden. It was also delightful. She put her arms around him. “You don’t know,” he said, “how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Well, not as long as she’d wanted him to do it.
She snuggled against him. “The first day?” She hoped that seeing her in a leadership role the first time he attended this church had changed his picture of her.
“Not quite. I tried to teach the course without my glasses. No reason for you to remember. Anyway, fourth or fifth class, I gave up. I wore the glasses and could see you clearly. Stupid of me to have deprived myself of that sight for so long.”
He’d been attracted back in class! “You never showed it.”
“Well, I tried not to. What would your classmates have said! Still, I’m not sure I hid it all that well.”
She kissed him for that; well, for something. He licked her lips at the start of her kiss, then inserted his tongue. A shock ran through her when their tongues met. She tried to unzip her coat and failed. She stepped back to remove it. He pulled his off, as well. Then he tossed it towards the couch.
This time, their bodies met when they kissed. His tongue explored her mouth while his hands explored her back. One settled on her rump; the other held the back of her head. She was out of breath when he broke the kiss.
“It is as good as my dreams,” he said. She was glad she hadn’t been the only one dreaming of this. “I’m going to leave while I can. I’ll call.” Then he walked out the door, carrying his coat.
She needed a change of clothes, at least. She’d been sweating; inability to feel anything wasn’t the only problem caused by kissing while wearing a winter coat inside. She suspected that the food smells weren’t the only ones on her clothes, either. It wouldn’t do to have her parishioners get downwind of her while she smelled like a cat in heat.
She made a few necessary phone calls; she’d cut way back on hospital and nursing-home visits while she suspected that she was in the contagious stage of her cold. Phone duties over, she drew herself a luxuriously hot bath. She was wallowing in the depth of the water, in her memories of the afternoon, and in her imagination of taking it further, when the phone rang. Getting out of the hot bath and going downstairs to answer it would just risk a relapse of the cold. Besides, David didn’t call on Sundays. She let the answering machine get it.
When she did listen to the messages, though, it had been David. Well, she had his phone number. She dressed in a warm nightie and robe and got comfortable before she dialed.
“David Blake.”
“This is Jen. You called.”
“I didn’t mean for this to be on your bill; I’ll keep it short.”
“I’m in a comfortable chair. I meant for it to be a long call. Minimum salary isn’t that minimal.”
“Well, I’m not too bright, but sometimes ideas do get through. Y’know, your congregation wants to feed you on Sundays. There is no reason that I have to compete with that. I know about committee meetings; Lord, how I know. Still, are you available any weeknights? What’s your schedule this week?”
Was he talking about taking her out this week? She could cancel the meetings. “I have trustees on Wednesday and choir practice every Thursday.”
“I have late afternoon classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Would Friday cut into sermon prep too much?”
For a date with David, she’d wing it. For that matter, she wrote more than half her sermons on Saturdays as it was. “Friday would be fine.”
“Expect me then. Parsonage at five o’clock?”
Five was a little early, but she wanted to see him. She certainly wasn’t going to ask him to come later. For that matter, maybe she could ask him in. “I’ll expect you then.”
On Friday, he waited on the front porch and escorted her to his car. “Look, I’m sorry for springing this on you,” he said when he was behind the wheel, “but I wanted to see the state of the roads first. How would you like to eat in Chicago?”
Ride with him for more than an hour each way? That sounded delightful. Besides, sometimes she had to escape the country. “That sounds lovely. But it means two round trips for you.” Of course, she should offer to drive her own car. But she wanted to sit beside him.
“No bother. The roads are fairly clear. Probably less driving than you do on a hospital-visit day.” That was an exaggeration. “Have you ever eaten Korean?”
“Bulgogi is to Korean cuisine what McDonald’s is to American. Feeling adventurous?”
She was feeling very adventurous. “Let’s.”
“You were a great hit on Sunday,” she told him. Then she saw that he could take that two ways. He’d been a greater hit with her than he had ever been with the potluck, but maybe she should stick to the public appearance. “People were talking about you before and after the trustees’ meeting.”
“My popularity didn’t extend to my cooking. I don’t think anyone but myself took seconds on my chili.”
“You know what Johnson said about women preaching?”
“When a dog walks on its hind legs, you don’t ask how well he does it?”
“Right. Well, I think these people regard a man’s cooking the same way. Ted Jackson and George Blum are widowers. They brought the store-bought desserts.”
“My mistake was trying to vary the recipe for what I imagined the crowd would like. I used half the hal-uh-pain-yoess that I would have used for myself.”
Jen noticed that Greek words weren’t the only ones that David seemed to pronounce like the people who invented them. “The hot peppers?”
“Yeah. I figured that bunch for favoring blandness, so I only used two. And I cut them into very small pieces, too.”
“Yours wasn’t the only chili there.”
“I noticed two bean dishes. They looked identical to me.”
“Mrs. Benson’s chili. She brings a smaller pot without any chili powder for the people who don’t care for it.”
“That must have been the batch I took. But I thought it was better to take from the larger pot.”
“That’s chili in Independence. A sprinkling of chili powder for the adventurous.”
“Look, Korean food might be a mistake.”
“That’s Independence. I’m Jen. Anyway, they liked your jokes.”
“That’s Independence, you’re Jen.”
She decided to let that pass. “And they said you preached a good sermon, too. A couple of the men were talking about ‘Dave,’ though. I wondered whether I should correct them.”
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 12Blake woke up on Saturday morning to find Dan and Betty towering overhim. "Is there something wrong?" he asked."I hope not." Dan smiled reassuringly and then went on. "I'm not surprisedthat you have slept much later than normal after two wild sex sessions lastnight. Our former nurse here..." Dan nodded at Betty. "Well, she thinks itwise to check that there has been no damage done to your boy-pussy. Afterall, Tom and I both have bigger than average cocks.""I'm fine....
Dan phoned Blake on Friday evening. "Are you free tomorrow? I've got abusiness meeting in Glasgow and it would be good if you could come withme."As Dan expected, Blake was eager to join him on a trip to the big city. Hearranged to pick Blake up at 8.30am and then phoned two of his contacts inGlasgow to explain that he would be accompanied by a young man."I haven't been to Glasgow for a long time," Blake said as Dan drove offthe next morning."Well, you'll probably go with me once a month from...
Chapter 7The next few days passed fairly quietly. Blake took some online tuitioncourses on the computer programs he would be using and received somepractical guidance on other matters from Dan. He met a few business clientsbut wasn't required to sit in on the meetings with Dan. Each working daywould end with a swim before dinner and then later they would go to bed andhave sex. By Thursday Blake was able to be penetrated with little more thansome mild discomfort. He always spunked off while...
"I need to go down to London for business on the 16th of next month,Blake," Dan said in the office one morning. "Can you book train tickets andfind us a hotel room for three nights, please?""Sure, boss," said Blake. He was glad to have a real job to do as he spentmuch of his time in the office simply doing little things for Dan. He hadsuspected for some time that his office duties were secondary to his roleas Dan's sex-toy. Not that he minded - he loved the sex - but sometimes hewas bored in...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 9Blake enjoyed his visit to the museum, even though Dan embarrassed him acouple of times by drawing his attention to men who were clearly lustingafter him in his skin-tight trousers. "Why do you blush when you see menadmiring you?" Hendrik asked him "You should be happy that men enjoylooking at you." Blake nodded but said nothing.The trio stopped for a drink outside a canal-side bar and then had dinnerin a restaurant not far from Amsterdam Centraal station before...
Chapter 10"I have told Betty that we will have dinner late this evening," Danannounced one afternoon a few days after their return from Amsterdam. "I amtaking you to see the doctor when we have finished work.""Why? I'm not ill." Blake didn't understand the reason for the visit."You have been having sex for several weeks now, and sometimes it has got abit rough," said Dan. "I want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine. I don't need...""Enough, Blake. You will do as I tell you," Dan stated...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 13Dan was busy with another call so it was Blake who received the messagefrom the tailor that his bondage gear was ready for collection. "Thank you,sir. I will inform my master," he said to James, automatically falling intohis slave role when speaking to him. As soon as Dan was free, he told himthe news and asked, "Shall we pick it up later today?"Dan smiled. "Eager to begin playing bondage games?"Blake blushed slightly. "Yes, I enjoy learning new things with...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 16"Have you decided what you want to do today?" Dan asked Blake duringbreakfast in their London hotel."I'd like to go on the London Eye and visit the warship HMS Belfast,"replied Blake. "My Mum's late brother was in the Royal Navy.""Okay. What else? An art gallery or museum?" suggested Dan.Blake shook his head. "I'd prefer something less stuffy. A walk in HydePark perhaps. Or maybe we could visit your friend, Richard? I know he saidhe was busy this week but he might...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 8The short flight to Amsterdam was Blake's first ever flight and he enjoyedit. They only had hand luggage so they were soon on the train into the citycentre where Dan's friend and business associate was waiting to greet them."Hendrik! Good to see you, my friend," Dan said as he hugged his friend.Blake could see that the fair-haired man was older than Dan (Hendrik wasactually 50) but he thought he was handsome. The man was similar in heightto Dan and had a bit of a beer...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 17On their way back to the hotel, Dan checked his phone for missedcalls. "Two messages from Tony while we were with Richard," he toldBlake. "It seems you really charmed him last night. He wonders if we canmeet him again before we return home.""I don't mind," said Blake. "We have nothing else planned for thisevening."Dan chuckled when he read the second message. "He says he can't stopthinking about those photos. He asks if it might be possible to see younaked but closer...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 1Dan entered the Tesco supermarket and went straight to the fruit andvegetable department. To his delight, the young man he had hoped to see wasthere.Dan had come across Blake (he knew the teenager's name from the badge hewore) the day before. Blake had been re-stocking apples and the man's firstview had been from the rear. He saw a slim fair-haired youth of about 5ft7in (170 cm) in the usual blue-checked shirt and tight blacktrousers. Blake had turned and Dan's gaze...
Dan went to collect Blake and his mother at 6pm as arranged. "It's apleasure to meet you, Mrs Dean. You have raised a very polite, hard-workingyoung man."Mrs Dean smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr Rogers. Blake speaks highlyof you.""I feel confident that we will have a good working relationship," saidDan. "Please follow me to the car and I will show you where Blake will beliving and working - with your blessing, of course. Come along, Blake. Youcan sit in the back."On the journey to the...
Author’s Note: To my readers, I apologize for the delay in this submission. I originally intended to release this chapter with chapter five, but was not satisfied and scraped the whole thing. Other projects have also delayed my progress, but I assure you, I intend to keep writing and finish this series (in due time). I hope to have Chapter 7 done within the next week or too. Thanks for your dedication! *** When I walked into my apartment a little after two in the morning, I had expected...
If you know your porn, you know Blake Blossom's pussy. I couldn't tell you how many fucking times I've blown my load to Blake Blossom. She's one of the hottest blonde bombshells in porn, and like me, you probably already lost count of how many times you've watched her videos. One of those videos you probably saw her in was Nubiles: Princess Cum Volume Ten when she fucked her stepbrother. That creampie was hot as fuck, and it's when I first discovered her pussy lips doing that sexy flapping...
Twitter Porn AccountsI was watching Sex and the City as I awaited my love to come and pick me up. I heard the doorbell ring and quickly ran toward it. I silently cheered and opened the door. "Hey!" Blake said to me. I noticed him look at me up and down. He got lost in my boobs until I said "Hi" back. He told me I looked amazing. He lead me to his car and we got inside. We drove off We finally arrived at the park. We ate lunch there and talked for hours. We flirted alot, and told each other sex jokes....
Chapter IThere are times that it is gratifying to be a parish priest. Especially with regard to some faithful devoted ladies. For some of them, the priest is a kind of “exhaust valve” of their yearnings, the friend and the confessor at last a sort of entity close to divinity, which will make them win the heaven. The priest is for these ladies, the friend whom they can say, the most intimate sins, because they trust him and know that the secret will be kept forever. For some ladies, the priest...
Chapter 2The pair met again the following afternoon day when Dan brought a contractof employment. Blake didn't study it in detail but read the section aboutearnings before signing it. "I will hand in my notice immediately but Ithink I will be able to finish here on Friday of next week," he told Dan."That suits me," smiled Dan. "Gives me time to get everything organised. Bythe way, you will need to have a medical check-up before officiallybecoming an employee. I'll arrange that. Is there...
He kissed her again, his tongue meeting hers while she hugged him. She pulled his clothed chest against her breasts until they hurt. When she let go, he moved away. Then he was kissing her face and neck. He kissed down to her breasts, kissed all over her left one before getting to the nipple. He held her right breast while he licked there, then teased the right nipple with his hand while sucking the left one. He kissed a trail down her left breast, across the bone, and up her right one....
David had called ahead. The jeweler brought out several examples of ring sets. He’d removed the price tags. “That’s not for you to worry about,” David said. “You want to consider what it would look like on your finger for the rest of your life. If you want time to think, that’s fine. Just look now.” But there was an emerald and diamond ring with the tiniest diamond on the woman’s wedding ring and none on the man’s. “You’re sure you want to wear a ring?” she asked him. “If it means I’m...
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We used to go to the same pub at least a couple of times every week, became one of the “regulars” and got to know loads of people in the same position. Only about a 10 minute walk from home, it was great, and nearly all the regulars were also. One young man of about 20, called Richard, seemed to develop a sort of “crush” on my wife. Don’t get me wrong, nobody flirts more than me and I had a passionate “snog” with a few women frequenting the pub, but at...
Actually, for the past 34 years, since President Nixon declared a wage freeze in 1973, Jack’s life and the lives of most of the middle class baby boomers began a downward spiral of misery, misfortune, and poverty. In 2000, Jack turned 60-years-old, his wife died of cancer, and the city broke ground to develop low income and section 8 housing the next street over from his house and in his neighborhood. The mayor, the Head of the Housing Inspectors, and the Police Commissioner were indicted for...
It was summer and i was home all day unless I was to go to swimming lessons at the city center. So daily i had chores to do before i was allowed to go anywhere. Already a few days into Summer and i had perfected and mastered my chores and knew how to knock them out early so i would have the whole rest of the day to do what i wanted which was ride my bike around and scope out the Hottest smoking studs possible and then hope that i would be able to somehow speak or talk to him and from there...
By: Manjukichudai Hello dosto me Raj apni 4rvi stori lekar hajir hu meri pichali tino story sab logone padhi or kafi logo or ladkiyoke mail bhi aaye me apko ek khush khabri sunane jaa raha hu ki ap muje facebook me bhi mil sakte he or mere sath ladka ya ladki chating bhi kar sakte he meri facebook id (rajkistory) he aplog facebook pe sarch me jayiye or (Raj kistory) search kijiye or muje friend request bhejiye me aapko mery manju bhabhi ki personal bate bataunga or esa lage to Apko milaunga...
Jack and Lisa made it back to Los Angeles a little after six Sunday night. Their revised schedule had worked well for them. Jack picked up two green shards in the Seattle area and a third in Tacoma, all from various tech company executives. He had then retrieved a pair of green crystal shards in Reno, one from a casino owner and the other from a very successful gambler. Then it was on to Las Vegas. That was a different experience. Jack retrieved two green shards, one from a casino owner and...
The Year: 2011 The Place: New York Captain America opens his eyes for the first time in 70 years. Next to his hospital bed is a radio broadcasting the baseball game of the Yankees. He immediately realises something is wrong, he was at that game. He rushes out to see what's happening but something is wrong, everything is wrong. He looks around and sees a lot of strange looking vehicles, tall buildings with some sort of short movie playing and everyone is naked, all men at least. Every man he...
FetishBob came around in a few minutes and Sally tended to his hand. Caleb looked him in the eye and said, "You've got two choices, Bob. The whiskey is busted up. There ain't no more of it. You can either promise me you'll not try to hurt anyone here and ride on into St Louis with us, or we'll give you a mule and you can leave now. Either way, St Louis is as far as you go with us." "Pap, I ain't gonna make no promises about not hurting anyone. Jase shot me and he's gonna pay for...
mata wayasa 22k witara wenawa.meka sidda wela den masa 6k witara ethi..ape gedarata eha pette thikyena gedara malli kenek innawa..O/L karapu..aurudu 16k witara ethi..ekiwwe 2011 Thama O/l kale..Miniha samanyayen apegedara enawa sathiyata 4-5 watawak witara man download karana film illaganna.minihata o/l walin passe gedar hinda welathibba oona tharam film balanna.eeta allpu gedara gedarath malli kenek innawa.u dan 10 wasare..wayasa 15i..mun dennagema gewal walath ape gedaraw agema kauruth...
My next assignment came in a couple of days after Beth. This time it was a 19 year old Greek girl by the name of Valentina Dumeer. Tina, as she liked to be known, had taken out a $3000 loan with Ling to pay for repairs to her daddy's car. She lost her job soon after, and had been unable to pay it back. Ling had negotiated with Tina for a one movie deal, but Tina needed to agree to both pussy and anal sex in the movie. The photo of Tina showed a tall skinny girl with a darkish complexion...
Best Real Doll! Let’s face it. Real women are a hassle, and manufactured women who don’t speak are all the rage. Why in the Sam Hell would you go out of your way to coddle some spoiled brat when you could just pay money for a woman who knows her place, to begin with? I mean, the average woman is just going to bleed you dry and leave you for a dude with a bigger dick and a bigger bank account. It’s the natural order of things. Women gravitate to power. Dolls don’t have that problem, though;...
Sex Doll ShopsMy third year at Oregon State University ended on a mixed note. First, I lost my girlfriend Liz when she went back to Canada to finish her schooling. She had qualified for her national swim team, and they wanted her closer to home. That hurt. We had just become lovers a few months earlier, and I was seriously considering asking Liz to marry me, but all that went out the window. I would have been really down in the dumps if something amazing hadn't happened just after Liz left. I found my...
We 'Jock' Around - #6----------High school was so much fun and even though I was the shy one, always trying to stay in the background, it seems that I also had the most deviant ideas as well. I had a small group of friends and we met at each other's houses and did homework together, laughed and talked about all sorts of crazy things and had frequent sleepovers. Everyone liked my house for our get-together because our basement was partially finished into a game room. Dad had found several boxes...
Hey everybody this is patty with a real experience mind you it ain’t a story its my experience. Coming onto the point this is my first story and I’d expect all the viewers to excuse my mistakes. My name is Patty (name changed for sure) besides the fact that my girl used to call me by this name.This incident happened when I was 18 and completely virgin. My experience starts here when I went to my maternal uncle’s (Mama) house for deewali vacations. Being a city boy I always liked my uncle’s...
I had landed a new job as the assistant to the owner of a small architectural firm. The Boss, Mr. Anderson is a very attractive man about 40 years old. He is wealthy and confident and I love serving him. I have sucked his dick on several occasions. He has discovered that I am a transgender girl and have a penis. This seems to excite him. Mr Anderson asked me if I could stay after work on Friday. He said it was not work but that a friend of his coming and he wanted me to join them for dinner. He...
Keri’s nipples are so impressive. When fully erect they are about an inch long and about three quarters of an inch wide. When unaroused they are the same width but shrink to less than half an inch long. The surrounding areolas are a rich brown red clay color and surrounded by many smaller Montgomery Glands. It would seem that her nipples are attached directly to her clitoris. If my hand brushed her pussy her nipples pop up fully. If I pinch a nipple her clit swells. If I do both at the same...
Woman around 27 years old. Married childless after 6 years of marriage. She and her husband were trying their best for a child with their full force But still she has not been able to become a mother . Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a...
When introducing Nat Turnher an employee of Sean Michael’s, to his stunning wife Maddy O’Reilly he notices how Nat is mesmerized by her. Sean catches him off guard when he gives Nat the okay to fuck her. He quickly declines, until Maddy tempts him by sucking her husband’s cock right in front of him luring him to join in on the fun. How can he resist a woman like Maddy who is craving double penetration? All she wants is two big black cocks in her at the same time is that too...
xmoviesforyouBeautiful Submission By Murry Davis You wonder what plans your Master made for you tonight. You know that you will do whatever he commands you to do. Since becoming his willing slave, you have never disobeyed him. Tonight would be no different. You walk into the bathroom to prepare. You know your Master will want you clean and fresh. You slip out of your silk gown and let it fall around your ankles. Standing before the mirror, you study your nude body. At the age of 24, you have the body...
I used to work over in the South of France were the weather in the summer was beautiful. Three of the lads I worked with used to rent a villa which had a swimming pool in the garden and its own personal grounds surrounded by a low wall, a road and pathway running by the villa one side and a simular neighbouring villa to which a couple also from the UK rented in there mid 20’s lived. One weekend my two room mates had decided to go home for the weekend, leaving me to the villa and pool for the...
So we met her first blk cock and the only other cock that ever was in her pussy. He was a great guy. Good looking, athletic, nice but fuckin nasty with the perfect cock for her first experience.We met him quite a few times in the beginning. He fucked the living piss out of her. He also made sure he fucked her ass which her and I NEVER imagined that she let happen, let alone love and crave it thereafter.He would bring a buddy every so often and they fucked her right. The first time they...