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He kissed her again, his tongue meeting hers while she hugged him. She pulled his clothed chest against her breasts until they hurt. When she let go, he moved away. Then he was kissing her face and neck. He kissed down to her breasts, kissed all over her left one before getting to the nipple. He held her right breast while he licked there, then teased the right nipple with his hand while sucking the left one. He kissed a trail down her left breast, across the bone, and up her right one. Finally, he licked and sucked that nipple.
He kissed a trail down from her breasts and across her stomach. Then he pulled away. She felt abandoned until he started untying her shoe. He removed both of them -- she’d worn such clunky shoes for the winter weather. He pulled her socks off and kissed her big toes through her pantyhose. He knelt on the bed over her as he kissed her stomach again, working up her body to her breasts. There, again, he kissed all over each breast before getting to the nipple. Then he kissed back down to her navel. That was ticklish.
“Let me,” he said. His hands were at her waistband. She arched so that her rump was off the bed. He tugged the jeans down, the panties going with them. Jen had selected her bra for him to see; the panties were old, and the elastic was shot. She hoped he wasn’t looking at them. Now, she was wearing only pantyhose and a watch.
He kissed her stomach before saying, “Again.” She arched, and he pulled her pantyhose down. He stopped to kiss her mound -- the bony part, not anything sensitive -- before taking them all the way off.
“Sweet Jen,” he said. “Beautiful Jen. Delectable Jen.” Now, he kissed her thighs. She raised her knees and spread her legs to welcome him, but he lay beside her instead. While he kissed her breast, his hand caressed her thighs and toyed with the hair on her mound. He parted her lips. “Darling!” he said. He sucked her left nipple as his finger traced up her cleft.
When the finger touched her clitoris, she gasped. He sucked hard. He stroked her and sucked alternate nipples until she shook with a climax.
Not relenting even then, he kissed her gasping mouth and then headed between her thighs. His finger made way for his tongue. He licked those lips, occasionally just touching her clitoris with his tongue. She felt herself spiraling upward again. He didn’t let up, licking her lips, licking her so-sensitive clitoris, playing with her nipples with one hand. He inserted a finger and massaged her tunnel while his tongue was busy just outside. He even sucked the clitoral area while she was already having a spasm. She arched again and again. Finally, she reached down and pushed his head away.
He withdrew his finger and lay beside her. It was time for him, way past time, but she needed to catch her breath first.
The next thing she knew, she was covered with the bedspread and several blankets. He was shaking her shoulder. “Time to wake up. I have to get you back.”
“What time is it?”
“Nearly one. You’ve been asleep for hours.”
She had?
“I’ve put your clothes at the foot of the bed,” he said. “Are you going to go back to sleep?”
No. For one thing, she had to use the bathroom. “I’m awake.”
He left her. When she had donned the minimum, she dashed out. He directed her to the bathroom without her asking. After that, she got everything on. He’d put her outerwear on a chair. She was tempted to sneak a look at his drawers, the drawers in the nightstands, at least. He might come in, though. She did look around. There was a stationary bike to one side. It almost looked like two rooms, one for sleep, a much smaller one for the exercise.
He was already wearing a sweater when she came out, and he got his coat on immediately. They went downstairs with him carrying the pizza box. When they got to the front door, he said, “Wait in here.” She watched him get in the car he’d left down the block. He took some time getting it started, then he drove away. Before she could figure out that this was the most efficient way to get back to the apartment house, he was back. When he stopped, she went out. On the short walk to the car, the wind cut her to the bone. “I’d have offered you a shower,” he said, “but I was afraid you’d catch your cold back in this weather.” The heater was on, and, by the time they passed the county line, the car was warm.
“I’m sorry,” he said. She wasn’t. She was just sorry this hadn’t happened months ago. He couldn’t date a student? What about the year and a half she’d been a seminary student but not his student. “I got carried away.” He wasn’t the only one. And not only figuratively. He’d carried her off to his bed. How Neanderthal! How sexy!
He didn’t say anything else. She almost dropped off again. He started humming. “Sing it,” she said.
“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine,” he sang softly. “Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine,” was much louder. Then his voice softened again. Was he being suggestive? Professor Blake being blasphemous? She decided it was all her imagination.
After he finished the tune, she asked, “Would you like to sing another?” She fell asleep to his marvelous voice.
“Jenny,” he said. “We’re there.” He shook her. He walked her to the door and went into the kitchen while she was starting to unwrap herself.
He was still in his coat, though, for the good-night kiss. He was more tender than passionate. “Love you,” he said. “I’ll call.” She managed to bolt the door after him and get into her nightgown before dropping into bed. She had so much to think about, but sleep took her immediately.
The next morning, she found the pizza box perched precariously on top of some of the other items in her refrigerator. There were two pieces still in it. However much a Chicagoan she was, cold pizza wasn’t her idea of breakfast. She did nuke one for lunch, however. Her phone rang about two-thirty.
“Independence United Methodist Church.”
“David. Can you talk?”
“It rings in the parsonage, too. I’m all alone.”
“No calls from the D. S. asking what you were doing being driven home after 2:30?”
“No. I think they were all asleep.”
“Lucky them. This seminar isn’t going to get much from me today.”
“I’m sorry!”
“I’m not. Look, I already know that the rest of this week is shot. Could I prevail on you for another date next Monday?” Could he prevail? The question was whether she could wait that long.
“I’d be honored.”
“Same time? Maybe another nationality’s cuisine?”
“What nationality is pizza anyway?”
“American. Chicago isn’t a nationality.”
“Tell Da Mare! Anyway, I’d be honored.” She’d said that already. But he didn’t seem to be complaining.
She was tempted to call him during the week, but she resisted. She paid for personal long distance, but the church treasurer saw all the bills, and they included the numbers she called and the minutes the call lasted. Maybe she was paranoid; maybe somebody had seen her arrive in David’s car in the middle of the night and told all their friends. They wouldn’t call the district superintendent to complain, whatever David thought. They wouldn’t even complain officially to the pastor-parish committee. Martha Englehard would hear the gossip and tell Joe. Since he hadn’t been officially informed, there would be nothing for him to do.
On the other hand, she had to deliver moral imperatives to these people. If they suspected that she wasn’t following the morality that they thought important, they’d ignore her even more thoroughly than they did now. At the committee meetings, anyway, she saw no sign of disillusionment.
Sunday morning, she heard him during the first hymn. That voice had sung for her on their way back, a private concert. She started to think back on that evening but pulled herself up short. She had a service to lead; she couldn’t even think of her sermon until its time came.
The handshake and the comments seemed incredibly innocent to her. Others took longer in the line than he had.
Monday, he called her again. “On for four?”
“Oh yes. Dress casual?”
“Casual is fine.”
Well, casual might be fine, but she wasn’t going to wear tight jeans again. She was ready at ten ‘til four. He rang the bell at five ‘til. “Was I too demanding on the ride back?” she asked. “I loved your singing, but I was too out of it to think that you might strain your voice. And then I fell asleep on you.”
“I kept singing. It kept me awake. How did your day go?”
“Last week? I was rather slow in the morning, but I felt wonderful. I did some hospital visits in the afternoon and perked right up by the evening meeting.”
“And today?”
“Great” she said. “I had this to look forward to.”
He stopped for Philippine take-out in the city. He seemed to know where everything was. They had to park two blocks from his apartment, but the walk wasn’t chilling. Again, she collected the keys and gave them to him when he returned from the kitchen. He helped her off with her coat and scarves, then stood back to admire her peasant dress. “If that’s casual, I’m one of the casualties.”
“It’s old.” And she couldn’t wear it around the church; it almost called for pigtails, not that she would wear them -- not that she could wear them with this haircut. Still, she didn’t look professional in the dress; she looked like a young girl. On the other hand, she had no problem with David’s thinking of her as a girl.
He tipped her head up and kissed her sweetly. The percolator burbled before they could get serious. In the kitchen, he poured her a cup, and served her a small portion of each of five dishes.
“Taste each,” he said. “Take as much as you want for seconds.”
“Chicken adobo,” he identified one dish.
“I’m glad you waited until after I’d tasted it. It tastes delicious, but ‘adobe’ doesn’t sound appetizing.”
“Adobo is different. I think the names are a coincidence. Now that,” of another dish she was sampling, “is pon-sit. The Greek gods ate ambrosia ‘cause nobody on Mount Olympus could make pon-sit.”
It was delicious. The whole meal was delicious. “Want dessert?” he asked at the end.
Well, yes. But she didn’t want ice cream. She wanted some more of his delicious kisses. “No. Want me to take the coffee while you clean up?”
“That would be kind of you.”
He had two nightstands, one on either side of a twin bed. She put a cup on each and went back for the pot. It went on the nightstand with his cup. She was still wearing the clunky shoes. She wore them to the church and changed there on Sundays. She slipped them off now. She sat against the headboard.
“Jen,” he called from the living room. A minute later, he looked in the doorway. There weren’t a hell of a lot of places to look in the apartment. He quirked an eyebrow but made no verbal comment. He sat against the headboard on the right side. There wasn’t much room, but she didn’t want more. “My cup?” he asked, nodding towards it.
He kissed her deeply, then held her breast through the dress. He didn’t mention that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Maybe he had noticed earlier, though it would be hard to see in this dress. His other hand reached behind her and slipped inside the neckline. His fingers couldn’t quite reach her left nipple, they stroked the top of her breast.
When she broke the kiss to breathe, he kissed her forehead and nose. That tickled. He moved back, pulling at the shoulders of her dress. “Don’t want to get this wrinkled,” he said. Wrinkled? She’d told him it was old. On the other hand, since the option seemed to be removing it, let’s protect it from wrinkles by all means.
She’d selected this pair of panties for his view. They covered only the essentials and were lacy there. He seemed to be looking at her bare breasts, instead. She hoped he wasn’t disappointed at their size. But he’d seen them already, and he hadn’t seemed to think they were too small. This time, too, he looked at them appreciatively. Then he kissed them appreciatively.
He covered with kisses the entire surface of each breast except the areolas. When he finally licked across her nipple, it sent a thrill through her. She was quite excited before he returned to her mouth for another deep kiss. His hand went to her thighs during that kiss. He tickled her there, caressed the insides of each thigh. She spread her legs, but he didn’t seem to get the hint.
Then he trailed his hands up between her legs, stroking the thighs as he went. This time, he didn’t stop. His hand covered her mound. He licked and sucked her nipples as he lightly caressed her lower lips. She arched to press more firmly against his hand. She loved the feelings; then she wanted more; then even those stopped.
He lifted his head and his hand moved to her waist. “These are lovely,” he said, “but aren’t they in the way just now?” She lifted her rump again so he could remove the panties, and then again to help him ease off her pantyhose. He stripped off his shirt and undershirt, although not -- oddly enough -- his pants before returning to lie beside her.
His skin was warm against hers as he kissed her. Then he moved aside before renewing the kiss. He stroked her thighs again while his tongue invaded her mouth. This time, there was nothing barring his access to her genitals. His fingers were a little chilly as they parted her lips, but the sensations they brought heated her. He stroked her as his lips traveled down her throat and chest. He sucked on her left nipple just as he stroked her clitoris for the first time. Fire burned through her; she may have gasped.
“Lovely Jen,” he said. “Delightful Jen.” Then his mouth went back to doing better things. When he abandoned her breasts, it was to trail kisses lower and lower. When he got to her waist, he got up to move between her legs. He kissed both thighs on his way to their juncture. The first touch of his lips on her lower ones was delightful. And then it got better and better.
Heat spread out all over her body from her center, from his tongue. The heat became a fire which burned through her. It consumed her.
And, when it left, nothing remained. Slowly, her self came back together, David was holding her, cuddling her, murmuring to her. “Jen, sweet Jen,” he said. “Jen, lovely Jennifer, say yes.” Say yes to what? He was holding something in front of her face. It was a packaged condom.
“Yes,” she said. “Yes, David, oh yes!” Which, one part of her brain noted, was much more romantic than ‘It’s about time.’
He rolled away from her. She felt the bed shake as he pulled off his trousers and rolled on the condom. Kneeling between her legs, he kissed her. Then he kissed each of her breasts while his fingers spread her labia. She felt him right at the opening. He kissed her again. “Oh Jen,” he said. Then he pushed in.
He spread her, filled her, stretched her. She felt his pelvis press hers. He shifted so his hands could reach her breasts. “Sweet Jen,” he said before he started moving.
He withdrew slowly and almost all the way on each stroke, then pressed inward until she was filled. Then he would rub against her from side to side before withdrawing again. She crossed her ankles behind his rump and lay back to enjoy all the sensations. Soon, though, she dropped her feet to the bed to thrust back. She was enjoying every moment of this, and she would enjoy the moment of his orgasm the most. She was looking forward to that, the tribute to her desirability. She’d had hers, and -- as much as she was enjoying the prelude -- knew she wouldn’t have another tonight.
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 12Blake woke up on Saturday morning to find Dan and Betty towering overhim. "Is there something wrong?" he asked."I hope not." Dan smiled reassuringly and then went on. "I'm not surprisedthat you have slept much later than normal after two wild sex sessions lastnight. Our former nurse here..." Dan nodded at Betty. "Well, she thinks itwise to check that there has been no damage done to your boy-pussy. Afterall, Tom and I both have bigger than average cocks.""I'm fine....
Dan phoned Blake on Friday evening. "Are you free tomorrow? I've got abusiness meeting in Glasgow and it would be good if you could come withme."As Dan expected, Blake was eager to join him on a trip to the big city. Hearranged to pick Blake up at 8.30am and then phoned two of his contacts inGlasgow to explain that he would be accompanied by a young man."I haven't been to Glasgow for a long time," Blake said as Dan drove offthe next morning."Well, you'll probably go with me once a month from...
Chapter 7The next few days passed fairly quietly. Blake took some online tuitioncourses on the computer programs he would be using and received somepractical guidance on other matters from Dan. He met a few business clientsbut wasn't required to sit in on the meetings with Dan. Each working daywould end with a swim before dinner and then later they would go to bed andhave sex. By Thursday Blake was able to be penetrated with little more thansome mild discomfort. He always spunked off while...
"I need to go down to London for business on the 16th of next month,Blake," Dan said in the office one morning. "Can you book train tickets andfind us a hotel room for three nights, please?""Sure, boss," said Blake. He was glad to have a real job to do as he spentmuch of his time in the office simply doing little things for Dan. He hadsuspected for some time that his office duties were secondary to his roleas Dan's sex-toy. Not that he minded - he loved the sex - but sometimes hewas bored in...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 9Blake enjoyed his visit to the museum, even though Dan embarrassed him acouple of times by drawing his attention to men who were clearly lustingafter him in his skin-tight trousers. "Why do you blush when you see menadmiring you?" Hendrik asked him "You should be happy that men enjoylooking at you." Blake nodded but said nothing.The trio stopped for a drink outside a canal-side bar and then had dinnerin a restaurant not far from Amsterdam Centraal station before...
Chapter 10"I have told Betty that we will have dinner late this evening," Danannounced one afternoon a few days after their return from Amsterdam. "I amtaking you to see the doctor when we have finished work.""Why? I'm not ill." Blake didn't understand the reason for the visit."You have been having sex for several weeks now, and sometimes it has got abit rough," said Dan. "I want to make sure you're okay.""I'm fine. I don't need...""Enough, Blake. You will do as I tell you," Dan stated...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 13Dan was busy with another call so it was Blake who received the messagefrom the tailor that his bondage gear was ready for collection. "Thank you,sir. I will inform my master," he said to James, automatically falling intohis slave role when speaking to him. As soon as Dan was free, he told himthe news and asked, "Shall we pick it up later today?"Dan smiled. "Eager to begin playing bondage games?"Blake blushed slightly. "Yes, I enjoy learning new things with...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 16"Have you decided what you want to do today?" Dan asked Blake duringbreakfast in their London hotel."I'd like to go on the London Eye and visit the warship HMS Belfast,"replied Blake. "My Mum's late brother was in the Royal Navy.""Okay. What else? An art gallery or museum?" suggested Dan.Blake shook his head. "I'd prefer something less stuffy. A walk in HydePark perhaps. Or maybe we could visit your friend, Richard? I know he saidhe was busy this week but he might...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 8The short flight to Amsterdam was Blake's first ever flight and he enjoyedit. They only had hand luggage so they were soon on the train into the citycentre where Dan's friend and business associate was waiting to greet them."Hendrik! Good to see you, my friend," Dan said as he hugged his friend.Blake could see that the fair-haired man was older than Dan (Hendrik wasactually 50) but he thought he was handsome. The man was similar in heightto Dan and had a bit of a beer...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 17On their way back to the hotel, Dan checked his phone for missedcalls. "Two messages from Tony while we were with Richard," he toldBlake. "It seems you really charmed him last night. He wonders if we canmeet him again before we return home.""I don't mind," said Blake. "We have nothing else planned for thisevening."Dan chuckled when he read the second message. "He says he can't stopthinking about those photos. He asks if it might be possible to see younaked but closer...
BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 1Dan entered the Tesco supermarket and went straight to the fruit andvegetable department. To his delight, the young man he had hoped to see wasthere.Dan had come across Blake (he knew the teenager's name from the badge hewore) the day before. Blake had been re-stocking apples and the man's firstview had been from the rear. He saw a slim fair-haired youth of about 5ft7in (170 cm) in the usual blue-checked shirt and tight blacktrousers. Blake had turned and Dan's gaze...
Dan went to collect Blake and his mother at 6pm as arranged. "It's apleasure to meet you, Mrs Dean. You have raised a very polite, hard-workingyoung man."Mrs Dean smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr Rogers. Blake speaks highlyof you.""I feel confident that we will have a good working relationship," saidDan. "Please follow me to the car and I will show you where Blake will beliving and working - with your blessing, of course. Come along, Blake. Youcan sit in the back."On the journey to the...
Author’s Note: To my readers, I apologize for the delay in this submission. I originally intended to release this chapter with chapter five, but was not satisfied and scraped the whole thing. Other projects have also delayed my progress, but I assure you, I intend to keep writing and finish this series (in due time). I hope to have Chapter 7 done within the next week or too. Thanks for your dedication! *** When I walked into my apartment a little after two in the morning, I had expected...
If you know your porn, you know Blake Blossom's pussy. I couldn't tell you how many fucking times I've blown my load to Blake Blossom. She's one of the hottest blonde bombshells in porn, and like me, you probably already lost count of how many times you've watched her videos. One of those videos you probably saw her in was Nubiles: Princess Cum Volume Ten when she fucked her stepbrother. That creampie was hot as fuck, and it's when I first discovered her pussy lips doing that sexy flapping...
Twitter Porn AccountsI was watching Sex and the City as I awaited my love to come and pick me up. I heard the doorbell ring and quickly ran toward it. I silently cheered and opened the door. "Hey!" Blake said to me. I noticed him look at me up and down. He got lost in my boobs until I said "Hi" back. He told me I looked amazing. He lead me to his car and we got inside. We drove off We finally arrived at the park. We ate lunch there and talked for hours. We flirted alot, and told each other sex jokes....
He called the next day, however. After thanking her for the company at lunch, he asked her to out again in two weeks. The second lunch was like the first. He called on Monday and asked her out in two weeks’ time. He attended the next Sunday, and she went to the Petersons for dinner. Nobody in the congregation invited her for the next week. Without consulting her, maybe without discussing it with each other, Blake and the congregation had divided her Sunday afternoons neatly. The third week,...
Chapter 2The pair met again the following afternoon day when Dan brought a contractof employment. Blake didn't study it in detail but read the section aboutearnings before signing it. "I will hand in my notice immediately but Ithink I will be able to finish here on Friday of next week," he told Dan."That suits me," smiled Dan. "Gives me time to get everything organised. Bythe way, you will need to have a medical check-up before officiallybecoming an employee. I'll arrange that. Is there...
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You drive through the night, the only sound your tires singing on wet black pavement and the rhythm of your own heart. You watch your small hands griping the steering wheel so tightly your knuckles are white with anticipation. You are amazed, why should you feel this tension? You have done this many times. This is no new experience, you know this lover. This is no single night’s lust with a stranger. This is more than your lover you meet this is your love. But then you think. "Can I ever know...
EroticMy name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Boston, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 34 years old, and I've been married to Jason for 11 years now. Jason is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...
Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate Rashmi looked into the rearview mirror of her minivan...
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AnalLast Friday I was still in my police uniform when Gretchen’s motorcycle roared as she drove into my driveway. My 43 year old new found lesbian lover had arrived and I knew I was in for a long passionate night. I had become bi-sexual after my divorce, I wanted to try women and found out I preferred the tender lovemaking and soft body of a women. I had no problem attracting women, I knew I was still hot for a 34 year old, I had the large body of a full figured Scandinavian women, I am six feet...
My heart was light and I was filled with excitement! I was finally leaving the plane that had taken me from my home to Austin and my lover! As I walked down the plane's aisle, fresh cum from my favorite cab driver still oozing from my pussy, my excitement at finally seeing Tyrone again had me jumping out of my skin! It had been a couple of weeks since we'd been together and, even though I'd had plenty of sex from others, my heart and my body craved to be mated to him; to be one with him....
Super Lovers Story by Angela J. ([email protected]) Editing by Steve Zink ([email protected]) Episode 1 "The Beginning" "Legend tells of two super beings, one male and one female. Their powers were derived from their super suits and each other. The suits were designed for two lovers. The lovers, wearing their super suits, made love in order to temporarily obtain their super powers. Together they were invincible. Apart and alone, they would fail..." I quickly got bored with...
I remember a couple of years ago when I was home alone with my mom. My dad was gone for the evening, I cant remember why.My mom kept getting textmessages that she was trying to ignore. Suddenly her phone rang. My mom g****d it and went outside. Curious I opened the window slightly to listen to the conversation."No, not tonight, Its too late" The window made a noise and my mom noticed me. "I got to go" she ended the call with."was it dad" I asked, knowing that was not the case. "It was from...
” Kuki, I will be visiting Banglore today at 8 pm. Darling, I am on my way to Sri Lanka and my plane is leaving for Sri Lanka two days after. I thought I would spend some NICE TIME with my darling daughter. I cant wait for time to pass. How is Raman? I hope he is taking care of my DARLING!” Papa was saying on the phone as I had just stepped out of the bathroom. I had a small towel round my waist, water dripping from my wet body. As I heard my Papa speak to HIS DARLING DAUGHTER, her pussy was...
Incest"You can come in now!" Tony wheeled Tim into his wife's bedroom. Belinda lay on the bed, with one hand she turned the pages of her album while touching herself with her other hand. Her warm body softly undulated. The pattern of her panties concealed the finer details of her sex, but not the size nor thickness of her smooth, shaven vulva which stood out like a hot, swollen tumulus. He enjoyed the humiliation that his wife put him through, including the unconventional taste she had in men....
I’ll admit it: the first six months after my divorce I was like a blind dog on Viagra , ready, willing, and able to jump on anything female. You see, I’d been married for almost 10 years to a good-looking but very uptight and very frigid woman; at 37, I was finally free and clear and happy. I was determined to have a good time, and I did. My childhood friend Stoney was also recently divorced. Together we hit every singles bar in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and most in...
I believe every woman should take the time to make her man feel like he is the man of her dreams, her fantasies, her hero. Preparing herself with loving attention and care in anticipation of the devotion she hopes he will shower upon her will only serve to enhance a wonderful enchanted evening. This story is dedicated to every young man who desires to awaken long-restrained passions in an older woman, to allow her to once again enjoy being a woman, generously showering her with loving...
I found out my sexy wife was cheating on me. Ana had often let some black man to fuck her; but his time I suspected she was having an affair with some guy I knew. A white man, not a black one.I knew exactly on which days they fucked; since these days Ana received me smiling as I came back from my office married. She was freshly showered and she did not let me have sex with her those same days…Ana finally knew that I knew about her naughty behavior. So, I made her she would not have a show after...
Hi I have known I had gay tendencies since I was a boy. Especially on Boy Scout trips where I used to admire other lads in white Y fronts. My story begins when I went to a lay-bye that was frequented by gays. We would park in the lay bye and then go for a walk into the woods. On this particular day I call there before starting my afternoon shift.I first noticed a gorgeous looking dark haired man in his late thirties. He got out of his car and walked into the woods. I quickly followed and...
older first time anal sex I want to lose my viriginityMy name is Mary and I'm eighteen. I’m kind of shy around my peers, andhave not really ever had a boyfriend before. I just get real nervous andstart to sweat a little around them. I love school and do really well inmy studies. I’m in my last year of high school and will be attendingcollege in the fall.I have long brown hair and green eyes, and I am five foot five inchestall. I’m one hundred and ten pounds. I have long legs, and I’m a 34 Bcup...
The anticipation and excitement was building. I had never had a real life encounter with a woman from a website before. You were so beautiful that I was willing to take a chance. I felt nervous and extremely aroused all at the same time. Over the course of sharing fantasies with each other, you had shared a particular fantasy that aroused you more than the others. Now, I was going to do my best to make it the hottest experience you ever had. Just thinking about carrying the plan out had me very...
FetishI'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...
Greg eased Judy down onto her king-sized bed, looking lasciviously down on her gloriously proportioned nakedness. "You must excuse me," he told her, "but I need to use the little boy's room"."Through the lounge and down the hall," Judy told him, "second door on the left. Could you bring our drinks back?" Greg grinned down at her. "Your wish is my command, beautiful lady!" he responded, heading for the door.Judy's hungry eyes feasted on his still swollen, semi-erect cock bobbing before him as he...
Straight SexChapter 1My wife Kari and I have always had a good sex life and a good fantasy life. This story may begin easy, but like my wife, it gets nastier the further it goes.She is the attractive, but normal and unassuming everyday woman in the office, at least on the outside. But underneath, she's a sexy woman that has always wanted to be let out of her cage of 'conservative upbringing'. She just has trouble letting herself go. I am a Creative Director for an ad agency and Kari works in a studio...
Wife’s “special” encounter with a prodigiously endowed black man!Wife walked back to our pond to relax. Loved the privacy with 500 acres, wore her one-piece bathing suit. Once at the pond off came her bathing suit so she could lie on some large beach towels, enjoy some fresh fruit, splash in the water and just enjoy the day. She had no idea just how much she’d enjoy her day or how it would impact on her life permanently, in a good way, going forward!She’s 55 years old, 45EE-36-45, still fertile...
*** ONE YEAR AGO *** “Secondly,” the mysterious woman – Elaina – continued. “This place is one of the last standing sanctuaries for our kind.” “Our kind?” Aran asked, momentarily forgetting that he was naked and in a room with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, let alone the fact that she was effectively naked herself; the sheer robe she wore hid absolutely nothing. “What does that mean?” A sudden thought occurred to him, and he asked without thinking. “Are you not human?” A throaty...
For just a moment after opening her eyes Julie didn't know where she was. As her eyes became accustomed to the dark room she was able to pick out the shape of the furniture, thanks to the sliver of light coming through the blackout curtain. That's when she remembered that she was in a suite at a local four-star hotel. The clock on the nightstand told her that she had been asleep for only ten minutes.'It wasn't supposed to be this good,' was the first thing that Julie said to herself after she...
Love StoriesI was about 14 years old (and still a virgin.....with females at least), my parents had been divorced since I can remember. My dad had remarried, divorced and remarried again. With his latest wife I acquired 2 step-brothers, the oldest (we'll call him steve) was into pot, beer and playing the guitar. My other step brother (Josh) was the polar opposite, a football star with girls hanging off him. Imagine my surprise when he turned on a she-male porn in front of me which started our years of...
Sometimes my work takes me to the other side of the country for a lengthy period. It makes me crazy to be without my lover for long periods of time, but we manage somehow. * Tell me again what you’ve got cooked up for me when I get back, I smiled. It will be a surprise, darling, don’t you worry, you’ll be amazed, she told the telephone receiver, I’ve really been exercising diligently. Seems the more I stretch, the better I get. I’m really astounded myself at my...
Victor had warned me his business trip would take at least two weeks.Before leaving he had fucked my ass wildly, bearing in mind I was on my period. Later his assistant Jennifer had fingered my wet cunt in the bathroom, being my husband unaware of her presence there…By Tuesday I was feeling fine, but also very horny. Then I called my black lover Jimmy, as I had promised him. He was very excited and so was I that I had to finger myself to get rid of a bit of the sexual excitement that was...
Wednesday morning after dropping my daughter off at crèche, I made my way to gym. Just before I started my workout I received a message from my younger lover saying that he can't wait to see me after his exam today. I immediately became wet and looked forward to seeing him. I did my workout and then made my way home where I had breakfast and a hot bath while I waited for my lover to arrive. Once out the bath and dry I decided I would dress up for Nick to set the mood. I put on a pair of my...
65 Taking Pam a lover Jim and Pam had been married for about 8 years, they were just at the period where sexual experimenting had gone, and long term acceptance had yet to kick in, so they were bored sexually, having two c***dren Peter a lively 7 year old and at 6 Milly pretty blond and knowing tended to cramp the style a bit, but the k**s were loved and nothing would change that. Jim being a self employed journalist, spent long hours doing research, so for Pam, now the k**s had both...
Dympna of the Sí, is hungry. Her lover has gone west to meet the setting sun and to mourn her, she has taken no nourishment for seven full moons, one for every three years they were together.Even the fae of the otherworld must feed, and for her to feed she must take a special lover. She casts her net far and wide, and soon she smiles. She has found a poet, and this one has a penis. When did she last taste a fine, fat, meaty cock?*Dermot Fitzgibbon looks around the room and sighs. Surgical...
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