Blake - FChapter 4: Fiancé free porn video

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David had called ahead. The jeweler brought out several examples of ring sets. He’d removed the price tags. “That’s not for you to worry about,” David said. “You want to consider what it would look like on your finger for the rest of your life. If you want time to think, that’s fine. Just look now.” But there was an emerald and diamond ring with the tiniest diamond on the woman’s wedding ring and none on the man’s.

“You’re sure you want to wear a ring?” she asked him.

“If it means I’m married to Jen, it will make me proud.”

She thought the rule was that she paid for his ring, but David and the jeweler seemed to be agreed that he was going to pay for all three. He handed over his MasterCard, looked at the bill, and the sale was made. She still didn’t know the price when he took her hand. “Jennifer Saunders, will you marry me?”

“David Blake, I will.”

He slipped the ring on her finger. The two wedding rings were in separate boxes. He gave the man’s ring to her and pocketed the other box.

They were back in the car well before five. “What do you want to do with the rest of the evening?” he asked. “I’ll admit that this was my priority. I’ll drive you back, if you want. Still, I’d rather have a date with you. I haven’t had a date with my fiancée, yet. Would you rather go out to eat? Would you rather take out something and eat at my place.”

“I’m not really dressed for a fancy restaurant.” She’d get by, but she would really prefer to spend the time at his place. “And we did eat lunch late.”

“Want to go back to my place? I’m a little nervous walking around with the band in my pocket. We can plan the rest of the evening there.”


At the apartment, he took her coat without rushing to set the coffee on. When both coats were in the closet, he kissed her. First the kiss was sweetly gentle. Only his lips touched hers. Then he pulled her against him while his tongue invaded her mouth. His hands were on her rump, she decided to do the same to him. He pulled one hand up to adjust the angle of her head. Finally, they had to breathe. “Come into the kitchen,” he said, “while I start the coffee.”

There were several tasks involved in this. He’d obviously prepared before the other times. When the percolator was working to his satisfaction, he returned to the kiss. Then he turned her around in his arms. He kissed her hair and occasionally her ear while he held her breasts. “You liked those better without the bra?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. “I liked them even better without the dress. Still, this is nice, too. I even like the way you look with your hair cut.”

“But better with it long. I had it long enough to sit on in college. You’d have loved that.”

“Sweeping the ground when you walk.”

“Gee, thanks! It was hard enough to care for when it was half that length. I can imagine combing dirt and twigs out of it every night.”

“Well, I said I like how you look now. I wasn’t talking about practicalities; I was talking about looks. I like the way you’re dressed now; I liked the way you were dressed Monday better; and I liked the way you were dressed Monday in the bedroom best of all. Still, I wouldn’t suggest you go out in this weather without a coat.”

“I’ll forgive you.”

He kissed her right ear then. That tickled and she turned her head. He took that opportunity to kiss her left ear. The percolator burbled, and he released her to deal with it. He poured them each a cup. “There still is ice cream in the freezer. Don’t want you to spoil your dinner, but you could have a bowl.”

“‘Spoil your dinner.’ You sound like my mother.”

He dished her up a bowl. “At the risk of being repetitive, do you want me to get a pizza?”

“Pizza? Did the man say pizza? I might propose.”

“Can’t. You’re wearing an engagement ring. What sort of topping?” He got the menu that had come with the first box. “Green peppers?”



“Mmm,” she said, “mushrooms.”


“Are you going to read me the whole list?”

“Why not?”

“Pepperoni. That should be enough.”

“And cheese?” he asked.

“And cheese. Isn’t a pizza without cheese.”

“Cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers. Sounds like a heartburn special.”

“Now you do sound like my mother. A heartburn special would have to include hot peppers and onions.”

“Want them?”

“Heavens no,” she said. She didn’t want the heartburn, either. Cheese, pepperoni, green peppers, and mushrooms would be a nice satisfying meal. She ate the ice cream. He hadn’t dished himself any, though he drank his coffee.

“Deep dish?” he asked suddenly.

“Is there another kind?”

“There is on the menu. If I wanted to really sound like your mother, I’d send you to bed without your supper.”

What had she done? Then the magic word, ‘bed,’ sank in. “I’m willing.”

He came over and held out his hand until she took it. He helped her to her feet and pulled her into his arms. After the kiss, he led her to his bedroom. In front of a chair, he kissed her again. His tongue explored her mouth while he hugged her to him. She became quite conscious of the firmness against her belly.

When he broke the kiss, he gestured toward the chair behind her. He knelt at her feet as she sat. He removed the clunky shoes and the warm socks. He massaged her feet through the pantyhose. When he stood up, he didn’t reach for her. Instead, he removed the spread from the bed and dumped it on a chair on the other side of the bed from her. When he’d turned down the sheets and blankets together, he folded them down again. They were an oblong on the bottom quarter of the bed.

This time, he came over and spread his arms wide. The kiss was long and a little awkward. He was even taller when she had her shoes off. Keeping up the kiss, he explored the back of the dress with his hands. He pulled the zipper all the way down before finding the snap at the neck. When he had unhooked her bra, he stepped back.

She removed the dress and then the bra and handed them to him. He took them and draped them across the bedspread on the chair. When he returned to her, he kissed her while his hands roved over her skin. They stopped on her breasts. He bent down to kiss each, holding them up with his hands. “Lovely. See, you look even better this way.”

“They aren’t too small?” she asked,

He kissed them again, sucking each tip into his mouth in turn. “They’re too big to fit. What more do you want?”

“I want you to do that again.” So, he did, this time licking the nipple when it was in his mouth. She could take this all day. Who needed pizza?

He knelt again and eased her panties down. When they puddled around her feet, she stepped out of them. He pulled the pantyhose off her rump and down to mid-thigh. He kissed her mound. “See,” he said, “your hair doesn’t have to be long for me to love it. I think, though, that this would work better if you were sitting down.”

When she sat, he removed the pantyhose from each leg. He kissed her right knee and trailed a string of kisses up her thigh. It tickled, and she drew her knees together. “But,” he said, “I think you were sent to bed.” She got up, crossed the distance of a yard or so, and lay down on the bed. “Do you want to remove your watch?”

She couldn’t see why for a minute. But when she had put the watch on the nightstand to her left, she was wearing nothing but the engagement ring. He took her left hand in both of his, and kissed it, first the back and then down the finger to the ring. He stepped out of his loafers and joined her in the bed. Still, he was fully dressed.

They had a long kiss, tongues licking tongues. He was leaning over her from her right, and his hand caressed her from her knee to her breasts and back again. He was holding her left breast when he broke the kiss.

He took two breaths. She was out of breath, too. Then he began kissing and licking down her neck. The licks couldn’t leave hickeys, but they were ticklish. He didn’t relent however much she wiggled. He went on to her left breast. When he licked that nipple, his hand caressed downward. His fingers combed firmly through the hair on her mound. On her lower lips, however, they were very gentle.

She held his shoulders. “You’re still dressed,” she said.

“Ihm hihm.” Great! She’d intended a hint, not a score on a true-false test. Then he parted her lips and stroked between them. He moved his mouth over to her right breast, and she forgot about his clothes. His lips and tongue did lovely things to her; so did his finger. She relaxed and wallowed in the sensations.

He was gone for a moment, but then he was between her legs kissing the inside of her thigh. She drew her knees up and spread her legs to give him access. All he did was to switch thighs. It was minutes later when he finally kissed her lower lips. She pulled his head against her more firmly. He moved his arms so his hands were on her breasts. All the sensations were lovely. She kept her hands on the head which was delivering such sweetness but relaxed back to let it happen.

He opened her lips with his tongue. He thrust it hard against her entrance. Then he licked her cleft up to her clitoris. He licked one lip, then the other, then the valley in between. He pressed his chin against her lips and moved it back and forth. She was near, she was very near, when he moved his mouth away to rest his cheek right there. He kissed her left thigh. She pulled on his hair again, but he ignored her. Even his hands were motionless on her breasts.

“Sweet Jen,” he said. “Sweet, sweet, Jennifer and her special sweetness.” At that he resumed licking her center. His hands moved again, drawing his fingers across her nipples. His tongue was on one lip, then the other. The tension built at every sensation. She gloried in his attentions, she ached from his attentions.

Finally, he closed his lips over the area of her clitoris and sucked. She flew away.

But he didn’t release her. He kept sucking, kept licking, kept fingering her suddenly-so-sensitive nipples. She spasmed, spasmed again and again. She arched upwards into his mouth. Then she collapsed.

She vaguely felt the bed shift as he got up, felt the covers being removed from under her feet. She was covered with the blanket and sheet. He carefully tucked her in and kissed her forehead. “Guten abend,” he sang, “gute nacht, mit rosen bedacht...”

“Jen,” he said in a much different voice, not singing but speaking loudly. “Jen, wake up! It’s dinner time. Pizza’s here.” Why couldn’t he let her sleep? She only needed ten minutes. But, even if he would, her bladder wouldn’t. She opened her eyes. The only light was spilling in from the doorway.

He was completely dressed, and when he kissed her forehead again, his cheek felt cold. “I have something for you,” he said. “Look.” He was holding a robe. “And slippers. I figured that you needed to keep your feet warm.”

She put on the robe and stumbled into the slippers. They were warm -- indeed fuzzy; they were also a little tight. By the time she got out of the bathroom, she was awake.

“You look delightful,” he said. “Want to eat dressed like that?”

“I have to go with you to get the pizza.”

“It’s in the kitchen.” And so it was, a box on the kitchen table held a deep-dish pizza already sliced. There was a slice on each of two plates at facing places at the table. A bottle of red wine and two wine glasses shared the table with them. A light was beginning to dawn.

“How long did I sleep?”

“Little more than an hour. Hungry?” Surprisingly, she was.

“Yes. Should I dress? Did you get the wine on the same trip?”

“I already had the wine. Not opened in case you’d want to eat something else. You are dressed, darling.”

“Did you buy the robe and slippers especially for me?”

“Yep. Hope the slippers fit.”

Should she tell the truth? If they were going to be married, he’d have to know her sizes. “Actually, they’re a little small.”

“Good! You have a petite build, but the slippers looked awfully tiny when I compared them to my feet. Can you wear them tonight?”

“Sure. Slippers aren’t that size-dependent.” They fit her feet; they were just a little snug. Slippers should flop around a little.

She sang the grace with him and sat down. “Delicious!” she said before taking her second bite.

“So you are, but it’s not modest to say so.” The pizza in her mouth dissuaded her from sticking out her tongue. “You need to plan how you’re going to tell your congregation. Merely wearing a ring and waiting for people to notice might work for some women, but it’s probably not what you want.” He was still in the professor mode. Well, he had the experience of being the pastor, although probably not of being a pastor announcing his engagement.

“And how are you going to handle your end?”

“I’m not. Oh, I’ll tell my family. Basically, though, I plan to let this year’s supply of students depart thinking I’ll always be an old bachelor, and next year’s supply come to class to see a man who looks like he’s been married forever. Not that many students check you out to see whether you’re wearing a ring. Especially men teachers.”

“A long engagement?”

“You’re in charge of schedule -- within reason. It should be obvious, though, that if you want a decent honeymoon you’ll have to wait ‘til the end of school. Of course, we could marry earlier and just take a vacation when we can both get off. Honeymoons are a tradition; they aren’t an essential part of marriage.

“Look, there is what David wants, and what Jen wants, and what David’s situation requires, and what Jen’s situation requires. My bottom line was satisfied when you said you’d marry me. I might have preferences besides, but I don’t have other requirements. You are going to find that your situation lays a lot more demands. I’m just looking ahead at some of them. Your congregation is going to expect that their church is the scene of the wedding. Your parents might well expect otherwise. I’m not being demanding; I’m exercising forethought. I’ve had more time to look at what this will mean, after all.”

This was a more interesting point than people telling her where they wanted her to have her wedding. “How long have you known you would propose?”

“Known? Not long. We couldn’t get married without knowing we were sexually compatible, could we?” She’d have to think about that comment, but now wasn’t the time. “Been considering it? Not as long as I should have. I’ll swear that I wasn’t thinking about marriage when I first looked up what church you’d been assigned to. It was nowhere in my mind those first lunches. Now, looking back, it should have been. I couldn’t let this girl go out of my life; I had to see her again -- and again and again. So how else could I keep her in my life? When you think of it, I was an idiot for not seeing that.

“On the other hand,” he continued, “dreaming of kissing you was frustrating enough. If I had been thinking of marriage back then, I’d have driven myself crazy. There were too many obstacles.”

So why hadn’t he mentioned this to her? He’d played a disinterested professor, then a faculty member checking out how a former student was doing. On the other hand, he was the only Garrett prof who had shown up in Independence. And she should have tumbled when he came back -- he couldn’t have visited many students on that schedule. It wasn’t as if he got to some church services on Mondays and others on Tuesdays. “So, all of this was a plot?”

“Well, no. That’s what I just said. Or, and in one manner it was, it was horribly done. I just wanted to see you again. Then I wanted to take you out. Then -- well really not then -- I wanted to kiss you. I’d wanted to kiss you much earlier, but I never thought I’d be able. And asking your pastor out for lunch is easy enough; dozens of families in your church do it. Kissing a woman you’ve taken to lunch is easy enough; she might not like it, but she likes you enough to go on a lunch date. It isn’t as if it’s a great step. Kissing a woman you’ve taken to lunch because she’s your pastor is impossible.”

“Well, when you hid your feelings, I couldn’t respond to them.” She was being a little unfair; she’d hidden some feelings, as well.

“And if I had stated them explicitly, it would have been sexual harassment.”

After a brief pause, he laughed. “You can’t guess what I’m working on now, though.”

He was eating pizza now, but that isn’t what he meant. Was he working on another idea for their marriage? For their evening together? “What?”

“A book on Paul’s views on marriage. A fairly ambitious one. The nature of marriage in the Hellenistic society of his audience, in the Roman law which more-or-less controlled them, in the Old Testament background and contemporary practices of Palestinian Jews. Then Paul’s admonitions in light of those practices. I’m not dealing with one Letter, nor with what he says on other subjects in the Letters I mention. I didn’t see the connection ‘til just now. It’s a fair question, an important segment of his teaching. I’m obsessing over an ex-student I’ll never see again, and I -- just coincidentally -- set out to investigate what Paul says about marriage. So, I wasn’t consciously thinking of marrying you until fairly recently.”

There was a long silence. She thought about his last comment; she thought about her dinner. She wanted more; she’d been deprived of real pizza for most of the last year. On the other hand, she didn’t want to overeat. She might have a heavy weight on her stomach soon. Indeed, she’d be disappointed if she didn’t. This business of licking her to ecstasy was all very well. What was she thinking -- it was delightful. But she wanted him in her, too. Finally, she asked, “could you cut one of those slices in half?”

He served her the half slice. As she was finishing it, he got up and dished himself a portion, a very small portion, of the lime sherbet. As she poured her second glass of wine, she decided to refuse dessert. She never got the opportunity. “Let’s adjourn to the bedroom,” he said as she ate her last bite of pizza.

He took his bowl and coffee cup with him and set them down on the left-hand nightstand. She set her cup and her wineglass on the other nightstand; she normally avoided coffee at night lest it should keep her awake but keeping awake might be necessary in view of her recent experience in this room.

Same as Blake - F
Chapter 4: Fiancé Videos

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My mother and I live alone because of some circumstances. My brother is in college and my father is having a business trip somewhere around Asia. I was very happy when I heard that we will be alone for 5 months. I have always lusted for my mother , she is 44 years old, black hair with brown eyes and her boobs' size are average. I started to lust for her four years ago when I was 12 years old, I saw them fuck each other one night. Since then Ive always dreamed of fucking her.One day I went to my...

3 years ago
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Sensual Sex With An Indian Sex Stories Reader

What’s up buddies, Rahul here with another sex story of mine. I am 25 yrs old, fair and athletic. My email id is I thank you all for your feedbacks. So, this is my sex encounter, which happened with a reader of mine. She was from Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh. During our conversation of one and a half months, she had said me everything about her. It started slowly though, but soon we got very close to each other. So finally, we both decided to meet. We decided the spot and time of our meeting....

2 years ago
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Yellow Saree Doctor 8211 Part 3

Hi friends this is Cock here to pen down the Part-3 of Yellow saree doctor. For new readers pls read part 1&2 of yellow color saree. As the continuation of Part 2 let me what happened after 11.30am. Lets get into the drive friends.. at 11.30am I received a message as hubby left to office. Just by hearing this my BP raised, lol. Immediately I called her and asked whats shall do now. She said hope you can do anything u want if u come home. OMG !! I was really excited and took my yamaha Rx-100...

1 year ago
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What happens in Abu Dhabi stays in Abu Dhabi

I’d never really looked at my boss in ‘that way’ until about a year ago when one of the other girls joked over a glass of wine that I had the best looking boss in the company. She went further to say she thought he was the sort of guy who would know what he was doing with a girl. I laughed it off at the time, saying that I’d never be so unprofessional as to have a crush on my married boss. That was true when I said it, but the thought planted a seed, and a few months later, whilst masturbating...

Office Sex
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Elizabeths Story Chapter 8 I get engaged

I arrived on the west coast campus as a scared and naïve freshman in August 2012. UCLA had offered me a full academic scholarship, so my choice of where to attend school was relatively easy.In many ways, I was a bit of an enigma. I was not a virgin, but had only been intimate with one boy, my stepbrother. My relationship with Gary was deeply emotional and complex. You may recall from the previous seven chapters, that my family went through a very rough stretch following the death of my...

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daddys little girl

add me on msn at [email protected] Ernest Ernie Haberfeld sat in his recliner, his feet propped up in the air while he rested leisurely in his sweats. His wife, Agnes, was out with her lady friends at her weekly bridge club, probably gossiping up a storm as they played cards to wile away their time. Ernie never begrudged his wife her time away from the home, it gave him time to do the kinds of things she found distasteful. Agnes was seven years older than his fifty five years, a fact that had...

2 years ago
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Banging My Hot Aunty

Hi. Friends hope you all are well there. I m joker(name not given due to privacy issue ) I’m currently living in haryana. Any ladies near here can contact me at my mail address. I have a pretty big dick 8 inches in length and 3 inches thick so can satisfy any women So coming to the story one fine day I went to my aunt’s house her son was in school and I came to know that my uncle was also out of town due to some businesses trip so I was feeling sad about that as I sat on the couch my aunt said...

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Jamaica Blacken PT11

2nd Thursday – 5th day as BBC slut wife, Jaye and her new Master humiliate B. Jaye is fisted in public. B submits to his own Master:After I cleaned up their morning fuck, theyh eaded for the shower together.My wife smiled sweetly at me and gave my cock a quick squeeze as she passed by."Order us room service, B! And ask if Andre (our usual waiter in the restaurant) can deliver it!"I called in the order. Andre was in early and available to deliver.I started to get dressed, but when Jaye came out...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 02 Futas Wild Day 3 Futas First Wild Party

Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Now this sounds interesting,” Adelia Tash said. My interviewer leaned forward, her caramel face alight with curiosity. “What could have happened in your dorm room to so change your outlook on your futa-cock?” I shifted in my seat on the couch, glancing at the studio audience watching. I could feel the breathless anticipation buzzing through the air. I didn't fight the smile growing on my lips as I felt...

2 years ago
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One Night on the Space Coast Part 1

The Saturday morning of the Memorial Day weekend was warm and muggy, as I got up with the sun to walk the dog along the coastline of the campground. I was working my way south pulling my RV along the I95 and heading for Key West eventually, but found myself this morning in a small campground in Titusville, pausing for a couple of days to take a break and visit NASA. I’m 51, retired military and currently a firefighter, and burning off three weeks of vacation time hauling my fifth-wheel south...

4 years ago
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VacationChapter 41

Day Forty-one - Saturday I looked at the clock that told me that I should go back to sleep. Today was Saturday, nothing big scheduled, the new shop will be done today, so we can start moving Monday. Too bad we didn't use up all of the frame materials. There was enough material to do two more frames and of course there was enough sheet metal to create one more set. Al seemed to be pretty fast. I'll have to have Gene evaluate what he has produced so far to see if it is quality work. It...

2 years ago
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Oh No Not Dorothy 12

Chapter #12 The next day (which was a Monday) right after Lynn's dad left, some of the other girls had stopped by, while Ricky and Lynn were practicing. Yes Ricky was dressed up in a really cute outfit as Jennifer, when the girls showed up. They all decided to take a break and go swimming in Lynn's pool. Once again Jennifer was back wearing her cute, little girls, Princess, bathing suit, and the girls just loved having Jennifer around. The next day Ricky was back at Lynn's practicing....

1 year ago
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My Wife Calls Her Ex

"Oh god, Baby that was amazing!" my wife moaned as I lifted myself off her, slowly letting my cock slide from her pussy. When I said "my cock," I really meant the thick eight-inch long black strap-on dildo my wife made me wear tonight."You made me cum so fucking hard!" she said, still squirming from her last orgasm. I had only imagined making my wife cum like that with my dick, but it isn't anywhere near the size of this dildo."How many times was it?" I asked."Enough for me to lose count,” she...

4 years ago
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Naked Drunk And Passed Out In My Backyard

Naked, Drunk, And Passed Out In My Backyard I heard a car take off with its tires screeching all the way down the block. For some reason I looked out my bedroom window into the backyard. It looked as if someone was sleeping in one of my lawn chairs. So I put on my sweat pants and went down to check it out. Sure enough it was Tommie from next door. She was drunk off her ass and she was only sixteen years old. I could tell that she had had sex with more than one boy too. She had dried...

3 years ago
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College life spring semester 32

Waking with Corey on Sunday in our dorms in April, I quietly watched himprepare to leave just before 7. We spent the night holding each other withlots of hot making out. We forewent sex since our heart would not be in itbut it was great to hold him."Feeling any better?" I asked."I guess. Maybe it was one of those days. We're allowed those, right?""Yes, we are allowed a moody day," I said.Corey was reaching for a shirt when I heard his golf clubs rattle together.It hit me what he might be able...

1 year ago
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Nights at the Sex ShopChapter 6

Tova has a lot to think about. She has her sexual awakening to contend with, especially because of what she did with another girl, and then there is the revelation of the coitikins. Stazie didn’t really elaborate on what they were exactly. The woman fed just the right enough information to sate the girl’s thirst. Now that girl is hungry for more. But it’s not just knowledge she craves. The next few hours seem to drag on. The more she thinks about things the longer time slips by. Day soon...

1 year ago
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PornTrex Piss

There are many aspects to being a man that make it awesome, and having a penis is on the top of that list. Other notables are intelligence, athletics, and leadership skills. All important shit but not nearly as important as the penis. It is by far the superior sex organ.Many women point to its floppiness and suggest that the pussy is the better genital to carry around. While I’ll admit that pussy is the best genital for sticking things into, it’s way more fun to have a cock. Don’t be upset...

Scat Porn Sites
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The Ultimate Seductresses 8211 Part V

Hi friend s and fans i know you guys missed me a lot so here i am now back again with the next part of this series, but friends if you have not read the previous parts then i would like to recommend that you read previous parts first and then start this one so friends here is the complete list with links …..Friends please don’t forget to mail me your comments on ……. Vandna ka nanga nach Http://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/vandna-ka-nanga-nach/ Seduced by wife’s...

3 years ago
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13year old boy 15 year old girl

one week end my and her parents both had to go out of town. so we told each other where we were going and we both were going to the same beach, and were staying at the same hotal i was on the 5th floor she on the 6th. when our parents would leave. we went to each others rooms and made out. well one day i went over and she was naked watching porn on the tv. she told me to sit down by her so i did. she started to p;ay with her self and i got hard watching...

4 years ago
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Squeak Squeak Sounds of a Good Whore

It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved from the big city a few weeks ago. I graduated from the Police Academy. Worked two years on the mean streets of NYC. I needed a big change in my life. I decided to move down to Maryland. Out on the Eastern Shore. As far away from civilization, I could...

3 years ago
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Mami Ki Jabardust Chudai

Meri mami ka name anu hai.wo 30 saal ki jawaan,khoobsorat aur bahut hi chudaku hain.unka jism karib 36 ka hoga,koi bhi unhe dekh le to deewana ho jaye.kisi ka bhi man unhe chodne ko ho jayega.aakhir cheez hi aisi hain wo.pichhle dino,garmi ki chhutiyan pad gayi thi meri.mami ne mujhe apne yaha aane ko kaha,mai bhi ye soch kar aane ko raaji ho gaya ki chalo chuutiyan wahi bitayi jaye.mai apne kapde waigarah pack kar shaam ki train me reservation kara li.maine apna reservation 3rd ac me karwya...

2 years ago
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Girls Night in

Girl’s night in.My wife just informed me that I would have to be out of the house tonight (Friday night), so she could have a girl’s night. I didn’t really feel like doing anything or going anywhere, but I reluctantly agreed. I started calling friends in an attempt to make my own plans, just when I was about to finalize my night, my wife informed me that our babysitter just canceled, and that the other people who could have watched them are not available. So this left me with a choice, either...

3 years ago
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Where Ive Been Continued

So I decided to serve another month and I’m back now. I figured I should do my best to summarize my experiences over the last month for my xhamster friends so that I don’t have to repeat the story so many times. I’d like to start by saying that I truly appreciate the concern that a lot of my friends have shown me. I apologize for any worries and would like to say that I knew what I was enrolling into and did so willingly.This term was better on a lot of levels. Having already served a term...

2 years ago
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Katies Dream

This was a Ex gf's DreamOk well we're in England at the hotel in Manchester, day of Nicki's visityou wake before me and I am woke up by you binding me to the bed spread eagled....then you notice I am awake so you tell me not to talk and then you blind fold meI am thinking you're going to use me, and I become more and more excited as I hear you moving about the roomthen I feel as you sit on the bed between my legs and I moanyou instantly slap my cunt hard, telling me I am NOT to make a soundI...

1 year ago
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First Day

Jeff was dreading the day he would start at his new school. His father was a very successful engineer and so they had moved for business reasons. His mother worked from home as an interior designer. School would start on Monday and Jeff had been on holiday for nearly 2 months. He had tried with a couple of girls in the holidays and had not been successful at all even though Jeff was not a bad looking guy. Monday morning he got his stuff together and left. “Cheerz mom”, Shouted Jeff up the...

4 years ago
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Dolly Takes A Lover

Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr’s monster cock had stretched Dolly’s...

2 years ago
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The club

Please read the Info and press Start game on the right. The noise hit her like a wall. It was overwhelming. Brooke was way out of her comfort zone and she could already feel her anxiety starting to rise. _What am I even doing here?_ The answer tipped her on her shoulder and had a dark and stormy in her hand. Her best friend Erin looked at her with a huge smile. "Come on Brooke! Try to relax and have fun! I can't do this often." Her husband and Brook's business partner was in Florida with their...

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Yes Daddy

I am cleaning dishes as you come home from a night out with the boys. I am in a pair of boy shorts and a t-shirt and you can see just the bottom of my butt cheeks. This makes your dick hard, and you come up from behind me and begin to kiss my neck. Soft at first, just enough to get my attention. It makes my pussy wet and my stomach get butterflies in it.  I keep trying to do the dishes but you bite me harder and kiss my ear and neck. I am trying to ignore the now very hard cock that is pushed...

1 year ago
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After The Dance 8211 Bhabhi And Deevar 8211 Part II

After that day I was a bit liberal. I knew that he was watching me while I am in bathroom but I ignored him and was least disturbed by his peeping. I just pretended everything was as normal as before when I did not know about all these. I never tried to cover anything and would shave or masturbate as and when I liked. Outside bathroom, it was lenient too. He would often touch me here and there but I never mind. He would often come to kitchen when I am cooking and squeeze my butt pretending it...

3 years ago
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Dont Go Breaking My HeartChapter 3

After we both went into the room, the first thing I did, was call home to explain why weren't going to be home until morning. "Hey Dad—this is Jerry," I started. "Where are you two?" he asked. "We're still in Visalia, there's not a problem, it just seemed too late to come home. It was quite the wedding..." I explained most of the events that had happened, Dad concurred then asked, "So where are you staying?" "At a Best Western a couple miles away from where the wedding was,"...

4 years ago
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Debbie Does Because

There was a time when I thought that I was "one sick puppy." No, that's not right, I am one sick puppy, but there was a time that I thought that I was alone in my particular obsession. Then I got a computer, got turned on to the internet, and found out that there are a lot of other people out there who are just like me. My obsession? Eating my wife's pussy after she has been freshly fucked by someone else! I wasn't always that way. I used to be a clean living, fun-loving guy, and then I...

1 year ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 31

The boys caressed my inner thighs and boobs. I recapitulated the extraordinary turn of events over the last three months. Vineeta has fucked her son. I got sucked into the experience and ended up sucking my son. I took it up a few notches higher by fucking my son and husband in an amazing threesome. Then my son and Vini’s son fucked the living daylights out of her and made ‘her pussy see stars.’ Now I was gearing up for the same treatment. Where is this all going? There can’t be any turning...

3 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 47

The next morning Jeanne and I were sitting at the kitchen table having breakfast. She had the front page of the newspaper. I was reading the sports page. After taking a sip of her coffee, she set the newspaper down and looked  across the table at me. Realizing that she wanted to talk, I refolded the sports page, set it down and said, “There's something on your mind.”Jeanne nodded. I said, “Tell me.”“Michael, are we still okay? I mean after last night.”Smiling, I answered, “Yes Jeanne, we're...

1 year ago
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Starts with truth or dare pt 41

They wait at the door, Tina and the two boys in t-shirts and boxes. Lisa in only a t-shirt. He pulls up. Lisa is nervous but answers the door. Tony smiles and.looks Lisa up and down. "You guys having a party" ask Tony. No just four of us at a sleepover. "Shoot, I'm off work and bored was hoping it was a party" Tina steps from around the corner. "It's kind of like a party, come on in" Tony smiles and walks in. Tina introduces herself and the three others."I'm Tony, I'm a senior...

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