Blake Ch. 06 free porn video

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Author’s Note: To my readers,

I apologize for the delay in this submission. I originally intended to release this chapter with chapter five, but was not satisfied and scraped the whole thing. Other projects have also delayed my progress, but I assure you, I intend to keep writing and finish this series (in due time). I hope to have Chapter 7 done within the next week or too. Thanks for your dedication!


When I walked into my apartment a little after two in the morning, I had expected Desiree and Blake to be asleep. If they were awake, they would most likely be occupied so I could slip by unnoticed. I could not be more wrong.

The living room lamp was on. Blake was sitting on the couch, elbows resting on his knees, with a drink in his hand. He was still dressed for the party. He looked devastated. When I walked in, he didn’t acknowledge my presence. He just sat and continued to sip from his drink.

I moved in slowly, not because I was trying to be quite. I ached all over from sex with Vance and every movement was painful. I winced in pain at one moment. The sound of my gasp drew Blake’s attention.

‘So you went through with it?’ he asked.

‘Why does it matter to you?’ I was ready to go on the offensive against Blake. I was prepared to defend my actions. I was prepared to stand against Blake’s verbal assault and ready to dish it back out to him. However, I wasn’t prepared for his actual reaction.

Blake said nothing. He placed his drink on the table and put his face in his hands. He stayed there for a minute in silence. He finally pulled his hands away and stood up. He walked towards me and stopped inches from my face.

When I looked at him, I didn’t see anger. His eyes were absent of rage and disgust. All I saw was pain. I was confused. I waited for it all the change, for him to yell at me. I waited for him to chastise me, call me a common office whore. But the vile never came. He just placed his forehead to mine, closed his eyes, and muttered a simple phrase.

‘I’m sorry.’

I was taken aback. He was actually apologizing to me for something that I had done. I was more confused than before.


‘I’m sorry. I pushed you to Vance. When you ended things so abruptly, I couldn’t understand. Throughout the week, I saw you and Vance getting closer and I was jealous. I wanted you back so badly. I worked hard tonight to make you jealous of Desiree and me. I made you jealous of a lie. I was hoping you would come back to me. Instead, my greatest fear was realized when you left with Vance. Now, you’re paying the price for my stupidity and immaturity. I’m so sorry, Kaitlin. I’m so sorry!’

I had never seen Blake so raw. He was in pain. Deep emotional pain. And as much blame as he had put on himself, I realized that this was my doing. I should’ve been the bigger person and not fueled the fire. But by sleeping with Vance, I had burned down the whole damn forest. The strong, confident, and sexy man was gone. Blake was broken.

In an instant, my moment of triumph was gone. Instead, I was the girl sitting on the counter one week ago. All I wanted to do was comfort him, tell him that everything was going to be all right. I didn’t know if it was, but I had to do something to repair the damage I had caused.

‘Blake, it-‘ he placed his finger over my lips, shaking his head.

‘Don’t try to take any blame. I won’t let you.’ He pulled away from me. I wanted so desperately to pull him back, to hang on to him. He moved back to the couch and sat down, staring at the empty glass on the table.

‘You’ve had a trying night, Kaitlin. I’ll see you in the morning,’ he said, never taking his gaze from the glass.

I stood in shock at what I had done. Tears began to well up in my eyes. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I didn’t want Blake to see me cry. I couldn’t face myself in the mirror. All the pride I had felt when I walked in was gone. I was disgusted with myself and what I had done. I wished it was all a bad dream. I wished I hadn’t slept with Vance. I wished I talked things out with Blake. I wished I could rewrite history and make everything perfect.

I couldn’t erase the past and I couldn’t scrub my memory, but I was going to get rid of every bit of physical evidence of my misadventure. I grabbed my toothbrush and scrubbed inside my mouth as hard as I could. I didn’t want to taste Vance. When I was finished, I threw it in the trash. I turned the water in the shower on as hot as possible. I tried to unzip my dress, but was met with excruciating pain. I looked down at my wrist, which was already starting to bruise. The tears that had been lurking in my eyes had spilled over and I collapsed onto the counter.

The fallout had been much worse than I anticipated. I knew I was in physical pain from my violent sex with Vance, however I hadn’t realized the extent of the damage until now. Forgetting this night anytime soon would not be possible, at least not until the bruises healed. Hiding them would be incredibly difficult and it would only be a matter of time until Blake saw them. His own healing would be prolonged and there was no one to blame but me.

I laid on the counter, sobbing. How could I have let myself get so out of control? I used to be in command of everything, but now, my life was spinning wildly. I didn’t know what to do. I just stayed there crying.

I was so engulfed by my misery, I hadn’t noticed the hand resting on my shoulder. I spun around and jumped into Blake’s arms, tears still streaming down my face.

‘I’m so sorry, Blake,’ I said, sobbing into his shoulder. ‘I shouldn’t have done it. I saw you and Desiree having sex. I was so upset, so jealous that I was willing to hurt you to make myself feel better, but it only made everything worse.’

I looked into his eyes.

‘I’m sorry I hurt you. I was stupid and selfish. I know you said not to blame myself, but I did this to you. It kills me to see you like this and know that I did it. I’ll do anything to make this right, Blake. I just want to see you happy again.’

I buried my face into his strong chest as the tears continued to stream down. I stayed there weeping, waiting for a response. I was hoping he would take my apology. I didn’t want him to continue to blame himself.

Blake brought his hand to the back of my head and gently stroked my hair. I looked up at him. The pain in his eyes was starting to ebb.

‘Kaitlin, there’s no need for tears,’ he said, wiping my cheek. ‘I’ll be fine. Let’s not worry about tonight any longer.’

His words didn’t help put me at ease. He kissed my forehead and began to leave.

‘Stay,’ I said meekly. He stopped and looked back at me. He seemed hesitant to say yes. ‘I just want some company. You don’t have to come in the shower with me. Just stay in here and chat. Please?’ I was desperate to keep him close. I didn’t care if it lead to anything sexual. I just needed him with me.

He paused and thought about my offer. He gave me a weak smile.

‘Okay. I’ll be right back,’ and he departed.

I fought the pain in my wrist as I unzipped my dress. I quickly moved into the shower, as I didn’t want Blake to see the darkened flesh on my wrists. Steam had already filled the room, as the water was incredibly hot. I burned my skin trying to adjust it to a comfortable temperature. I began to submerse my body in the cascading fall of warm water. Instead of being whisked into a state of relaxation, I was greeted with more pain.

I opened my eyes and fully examined the extent of the damage caused by Vance. It had been much worse than I had expected. My left breast was adorned with bite marks and slight bruising. My ass was bruised also from his vicious spanking and my pussy ached from his vigorous and violent assault. The crest of my hips were bruised as well from Vance’s tight grip. I winced in pain when the water directly contacted any of these points. I was re
ally paying for my mistake.

Blake soon returned to the bathroom. I was lucky that the glass was textured, obscuring his vision of me. I wasn’t going to let him see the bruising. I knew it would do nothing to make him feel better. However, it wasn’t the visual that was going to give me away. The smallest movements created significant pain that I was finding hard to stifle. It was going to take everything I had not to give it away.

The silence was no help at all. I wanted some noise to drown out any slip ups I had, but I didn’t know how to start the conversation. I didn’t want to say something that was going to make either of us upset again and the last thing I wanted to talk about was Vance. After several eerily quiet minutes, Blake broke the ice.

‘You looked beautiful tonight.’

‘Thank you,’ I replied quietly.

‘You made it incredibly difficult to keep face, Kaitlin. It was hard to keep from staring at you.’ I could hear a smile in his voice. I was glad there was something from this night that he could look back on happily. It was a little bit of an ego boost that I was the subject of his enjoyment.

‘I wish it was you on my arm tonight and not that bimbo,’ he said. I could hear him sipping from his glass. His demeanor was changing as he spoke of her.

‘Did something happen tonight?’ I asked, suppressing the twinge of pain.

‘You saw how she was dressed tonight. It was inappropriate. Not to mention that there will be pictures of us all over the business page with stories questioning my ability to make decisions for the company. Questions that didn’t exist this morning and are only being asked by my choice to date her. It won’t surprise me if there is a dip in the stock price too.’

He was getting angry the more he spoke about the evening. I wanted to go out and calm him down, but I knew if he saw the bruises, it would make matters worse. I had to let him vent.

‘When you left, I went to the bar to get a drink to calm my nerves. She used it as an opportunity to get plastered. By the end of the night, she was grinding on four managers and two board members. On three different occasions, I had to urge her to keep her clothes on. I finally had to drag her out literally kicking and screaming while her father laughed nearby.’

I had known Desiree to be an excessive drinker, but never to go that far in public. I wondered what had set her off, but I had very little time to dwell on that, as Blake wasn’t finished his tirade.

‘When we got back, she tried to throw herself at me, then proceeded to get sick in the sink twice. I was able to get her into her bed as she tried undressing me. When I refused her, she started crying hysterically, before finally passing out with half her dress off. If I had just taken you…’ he became inaudible as he mumbled into the glass.

His night had been worse than mine had. I felt for him, but at the same time, was confused. He knew Desiree was a classless, spoiled brat. Did he really believe that she was going to behave like a lady tonight? I was hesitant to ask as I didn’t want to set him off again, but I couldn’t help myself.

‘Why do you date Desiree? You guys have different personalities. It just doesn’t make sense to-OW!’ I had pushed myself too far in my bathing and hurt my wrist. My cover was blown.

‘Are you alright?’ Blake asked, jumping to his feet. I didn’t have time to reassure him I was okay before he had opened the sliding glass door. I was exposed, in more ways than one.

‘God, Kaitlin. Are you okay?’ he said, stepping into the shower. He didn’t bother removing the tight gray t-shirt and red gym shorts he was wearing. I moved closer to him and out of the water.

‘I’m fine,’ I lied. ‘Just a little sore.’

‘A little sore? Sweetie, you covered in bruises. What did Vance do to you?’

‘He likes really rough sex. I didn’t think he would leave marks. Or that it would hurt so much to move.’

‘I knew Vance was an asshole, but I didn’t know this was what he did. Otherwise I would have made sure you never left with him tonight.’

His fingers were tracing the bruises on my body gently. I was savoring his touch. I bit my lip and closed my eyes as I tried to keep my breathing under control, however, I found the task difficult. Even in my physical condition, I still craved Blake. I wanted him to take me in his arms and kiss me passionately. I wanted him to take my breast into his mouth and play with my erect nipples. I wanted him to bury his cock deep inside my moistening pussy and reclaim me as his own. The simple thought of him doing any of it was making me wet. I wanted to touch myself so badly.

I opened my eyes to see Blake gazing at me. His eyes were full of concern.

‘Are you finished showering, Kaitlin? You need your rest.’

I nodded. Blake reached behind me and turned off the water. He grabbed my oversized towel and wrapped me in its warmth. He scooped me into his arms and carried me back to my room. Once there, he helped me dry off.

‘I can do it,’ I protested.

‘No, you’ll hurt yourself again. Just stay still.’ His hands were gentle under the towel. He moved slowly over me, as if he was trying to memorize my body with his touch. As he traveled, my breath was growing quicker and it was hard to control myself. I needed him so badly.

When I was finally dry, he gazed into my eyes. I was lost. I was captivated. I wanted his soft lips pressed against mine. I brought my hand up to his face and stroked down his cheek to his lips, then traced his lower lip with my thumb. He took a quick breath in and I stopped. His eyes were closed as he was focused on steadying his breathing. I took my hand away and moved in for a kiss, but was met with open space as he moved away from me.

‘Do you have something to wear to bed?’ he asked, heading towards my dresser.

‘Yea,’ I replied, disheartened. I moved across the room and grabbed an oversized t-shirt out of the top drawer. I hastily put it on without looking at Blake. What did I expect? I wasn’t going to get away with my transgressions without punishment.

‘Thanks for your help,’ I said, moving towards my bed. I pulled back the covers and looked up to see that Blake had left. I climbed into bed and turned off my lamp.

Once in the seclusion of darkness, I let the tears fall again. Why did I care so much? Blake had no romantic link to me. It was just sex. Nothing more, right? No. Both of us had been profoundly impacted by my latest sexual misadventure. Could there be more?

The prospect of more had always excited me. Now that future seemed impossible. This thought only made the tears come harder. I stifled my cries and let the soundless tears flow as I tried to drift into a lonely, dark sleep.

‘Kaitlin?’ his voice sounded from the door softly.

‘Yea?’ I replied, quickly wiping away the tears. He moved around my bed and turned the lamp on, before crouching down to my level.

‘I brought you some medicine to help with the pain.’ He handed me the pills and a glass of water.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked, wiping away a stray tear.

‘I’m angry with myself. I should never have done what I did tonight. Seeing how much it hurt you, it killed me Blake.’

‘Don’t worry about me,’ he chuckled softly. ‘I think you are the one who was more hurt by tonight.’ He took my wrist in his palm as gently as possible. It was as if he was handling a delicate piece of china. He ran his fingers over the tender flesh. I held my breath.

‘Besides, I’m the one to blame.’ He sat down on the edge on the bed, still holding my wrist, his gaze focused on it, as he continued. ‘Kaitlin, you started to ask me why I date Desiree. I wish I could tell you, but I can’t right now.’

‘Why not?’ None of this was making sense to me.

‘It’s complicated. Since I met you, I’ve been working so hard to get out of this thing with Desiree. I don’t want her. Not when there is a far better w
oman sitting right in front of me.’ He looked up into my eyes. ‘I need you to trust me. I will do everything in my power to protect you from this, but at the end of the day, I have to play the part of her boyfriend. Know that I wouldn’t do it unless I had to. If I complete control of the situation, we would both be sleeping comfortably in my bed tonight. I would be holding you tightly in my arms and never let go.’

I was completely confused by it all. Why couldn’t he tell me? What secret was he hiding? How could he expect me to trust him when I have been through so much emotional turmoil in the last two weeks, all of which has been caused by our unusual relationship?

Say no, I told myself. This cannot end well.

But I didn’t listen.

‘What’s stopping you from holding me right now and falling asleep in my bed?’

He smirked his signature, sexy smirk.

‘Well, I’m afraid of hurting you, Kaitlin. Clearly, you are very fragile and the last thing you need is your sleep disrupted by me accidentally touching one of your many bruises.’

‘Maybe your kisses will make them feel better.’

He took my challenge. Blake brought his wrist up to his lips and gently kissed my skin. His eyes never left mine. I bit my lip in excitement. He repeated the same process with the other wrist. My heart was racing, as I reveled in the moment.

‘Like that?’ he asked, smiling up at me.

I shook my head. His touch was heavenly. I didn’t want him to stop.

Blake maneuvered over me and laid down on the bed, propping his upper body up on his elbow. He lowered the bed sheet enough to get at the hem of my shirt and lifted up, revealing my breast, which was adorn with two bruises. He softly kissed the bruise above my left nipple, and then slowly dragged his lips down, lightly flicking my nipple with his tongue as he passed over it, before reaching the bruise at the bottom of my breast and gently kissing it. I moaned as he continued down my body, removing the covers of the sheet. His lips never left my flesh.

When he reached my waist, he turned his head and traveled down my backside to the bruise on my ass. He planted another gentle kiss, before gliding up to my hips and planting a kiss on each hipbone bruise.

My blood was on fire. I was biting into my lip hard to stifle the moans. My body was eager and I wanted him. Yet, I couldn’t make the next move. I didn’t know where his mind was given the evenings events. The cracks had been mended, but I knew if I moved to soon, I’d risk bursting the dam. I had to wait for his lead.

Blake continued his descent, his lips barely grazing my skin. His lips trailed down my pelvis and over my pubic bone, before coming to rest just above my clit. My body shuddered in anticipation. I waited for him to bury his face into me, give me the release I needed. Instead, he planted a soft kiss on my clit. Although it was not what I wanted, the sensation caused me to moan and my breath to quicken.

Blake gazed into my eyes, gauging my reaction, before kissing the same place again. I moaned louder this time. My pulse was quickening and my body temperature was rising. It was becoming apparent that the slightest touch from Blake was driving my body wild.

I waited in anticipation for Blake’s next kiss, but was stunned when I felt his tongue flick my clit. I threw my head back and moaned as my body tensed up. He became more urgent as he licked my clit repeatedly. Tension was rising in my body the more his mouth played with me. As much as I was enjoying it, this was not how I wanted to climax.

I pushed his face away from me. He looked puzzled. I pulled Blake up to me and kissed him. Our mouths melded together. He moaned against me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He expertly maneuvered his tongue around mine. I groaned against his lips. My hands moved down his perfect body to his hips. I could feel his cock straining against his gym shorts. I pulled them abruptly, just enough to free him. I took hold of his dick and guided it to the entrance of my vagina.

Blake broke our kiss.

‘Wait, Kaitlin. As much as I want to, I don’t want to hurt you.’

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Carly woke up at 7:33 that morning, about an hour after Melanie had fell asl*ep, only she didn't know that. She opened her eyes and say Mel straight across from her, sound asl*ep. Carly smiled. She looked sweet. At peace. Whatever was going on between her and Sam, it didn't look like it was bothering her right now. Carly smiled as she seen a smile come across the sl*eping Melanie's face. She watched as Melanie grabbed the pillow she was sl*eping on tighter, the smile never vanishing from her...

2 years ago
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Flirty chemist assistant

About five years ago I suffered enomously with insomnia, on my fifth day or night without sleep I decided to go for a drive, I ended up about 40 miles away from my hometown, it was 9:30 in the morning and I parked up in a village and looked round, finding a chemist I went in and asked the assistant if she had anything that would help me sleep.She was a petite blonde haired girl around 20 years old and when I asked she was very flirty. She said she'd give me something to help relax me, and I...

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My best friends secret

(The only reason I'm describing this story is 1) His wife would never find out about it because she hates porn and 2) it makes me rock hard just typing it out, because I had been waiting SO long for a trusting cock in my mouth.It was supposed to be just an ordinary day until an old friend called me out of the blue. He was part of our "gang" growing up. We were like the k**s from Stand By Me. Always together. Me, Steven and the person who called me, Greg.Hopefully you read my other story...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Ryan Keely Big Titty MILFs

Ryan Keely is a star performer who is always on the road. Today, she’s filling in Elias Cash, her new personal roadie, on the tasks he’s expected to perform when traveling with her. He has to handle the merchandise, carry gear, set up the stage… Basically, whatever she needs done, he has to be the man for the job. Later on, Ryan is taking a relaxing bath, completely blissed out. As Elias checks on her, she asks him to help wash her back. As he does, Ryan gets flirty, obviously...

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Chained and Spanked SisterChapter 7

“Look at those two cunts,” Tommy said. He and his brother rested on the bench. Their mother and sister were in the same positions as before. Peggy was sobbing quietly, her legs numb now. The taste of Robert’s come juice lingered in her mouth, and she was ashamed that she, too, had come. She was ashamed because her mother had seen her sucking Robert’s cock, ashamed because her mother seemed to enjoy the brutality the boys inflicted upon them both. Joan continued to hang from the ceiling,...

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My Neighbor My Mommy

My Neighbor - My Mommy By Deewet My story started almost a year ago, quite by accident on my part because not in my wildest dream would I think I 'd be sitting here, thickly diapered in my feet pajama's writing about my regression into being an helpless, and quite content baby girl. I was a little man, standing only five feet tall and 90 pounds. I use the past tense here because it is hard to think of myself as a man now. Even in my dreams at night, safely tucked into my crib, I'm...

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the breeder vampire

this vampire is just as powerful as the common vampire with only exception.this vampire doesnt want your blood.hewants your fertile pussy.his power is to breed with any and all females that are fertile.this passage will tell thetale of how he lures women with his eyes.he controls them with the tone of his voice.women can not resist.thisvampire can not be stopped.he will not stop.his power is to breed. a long long time ago at the age of thirteen a young male c***d,while in the shower...

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First hand job I gave

I Started. to experiment with my body, or what I really mean is explore from an early age.I mean I did everything kinky or sexual i could think of. I would steal magazines from the local second hand store or from the rack at the local convenient stores and I would make sure that I stuck all those pages together.It got even more fun when I found some hard core magazines in the local school trash bin. Seeing pics of huge veiny cocks penetrating ass and pussy was inspiring and not to mention cum...

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Finding ShelterChapter 16

I joined Carrie out front a few minutes later. She smiled wanly. "I didn't hear screaming or breaking glass so I guess it went OK," she said. "I don't know whether it did or not," I told her. "I didn't realize everyday would be a new lesson." I sat heavily beside her. "Maybe the rest of your life," she said with a small laugh. "Yippee," I replied. "She feels badly about what happened and we talked about some other things that have happened in the last few weeks." Carrie...

2 years ago
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Listening to JackChapter 25

And after the little incident with Kevin, things calmed down a little for Emily. Okay, calm probably wasn’t quite the right way to describe it – things were still crazy. But crazy in the most deliciously dirty sort of way, where everything, absolutely everything, was purple amazing and awesome and totally wonderful. Just like it was supposed to be. Except purple for some strange reason, it was awfully hard for Emily to remember a lot of what was happening to her. She knew she was always...

4 years ago
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The Professor

At the Christmas show... I can’t help but smile, watching my beautiful daughter sing her solo. This year’s Christmas show is the biggest and best yet. Turning to my wife, I take her hand and look into her eyes. She is glowing with pride, as a happy tear forms, then trickles down her cheek. Looking again on stage, I feel how lucky we are to have such a talented daughter as Natalie. The lighting brings out the highlights of her strawberry blonde hair, making it shimmer, and the glitter on her...

2 years ago
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Best Friends Girl Part 3

Chris sat on the floor, just outside the door of his new job. He flicked the cigarette he had just finished into the far corner of the parking lot, then took a deep breath then went back inside. The mail room was as busy as he had left it. "Finally back from your break huh?" his boss shouted at him. The moment he came back inside, Chris hated him. He wanted to punch the small fat man in the face every day. "Nope, just came in to make sure you had not eaten everybody," Chris whispered. "What...

3 years ago
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My First Anal Experience

My name is Larry. I am happily married to Mindy. She and her friend Laurie are very good friends. They both have long black hair, which they are wearing up today. Their bodies are toned and tanned, with 34C cup breasts. Laurie surprised me in the shower yesterday. Mindy was happy to see that we were getting acquainted. This morning, the girls hatched their plan to give me my ‘First Shave.’ After they were finished, Mindy took my hand, ‘It’s time to clean you up, Larry.’ The three of us headed...

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Training My New Married Bitch PT2 Gay

Tony knelt and stared at the semi-hard cock that twitched in his hand, and as he pulled back the foreskin, the slit in the head leaked a drop of glistening pre-cum. Without a pause, Tony sucked eagerly, tasting the saltiness and loving the way Gary moaned with pleasure. Tony could feel the cock swell and harden in his hand, and as Gary started to grow to his full 10 inches, Tony reflected on how the last 24 hours had changed his life.It had started with him playing around with his dildo on cam,...

1 year ago
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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 51 The Company Continues to Grow

Each weekend in May we had our return season at the Pumphouse; we hoped that our series of live performances might give a boost to the CD sales. The album had sold moderately well, certainly not to the same levels that our ‘Roberttones’ albums sold, but they were targeted at different markets. Mary Beth had been contacted by the venue management, they wanted to change the image of the Pumphouse to a place where the more ‘sophisticated’ young adults – in their mid-twenties to thirties would...

2 years ago
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Building a DreamChapter 2 Janey

Janey turned from the building crying. Sam finished his beer and left the saloon. When he got to the street he saw Janey sitting on her wagon seat. Her shoulders were shaking from her crying. Sam walked up and stood beside the wagon. He climbed up onto the seat beside Janey and wrapped his arm around her shaking shoulders. Without thinking about his action Sam gently pulled Janey into his arms and hugged her against his chest. Sam felt Janey snuggle into his embrace. Finally her tears...

1 year ago
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I Tricked My Sister Part 2

I can still hardly believe what happened last night! I wakeup in the morning and get ready for school. Still half asleep she didn’t lookup or say anything. My eyes followed her as she walked into her room and closedthe door. We go to different schools because she is still in middleschool. It crossed my mind for a second how hot it would be to sneak off withmy sister during class and get a blowjob in an empty classroom somewhere.Thinking about that now has my dick throbbing. I take a quick...

4 years ago
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The Whims Of Witches

It’s not even true winter yet, and my studio apartment is hopelessly chilly as if the street lamp outside the paper-thin window is the source of all the world’s cold. Researching my graduate thesis in Magical Realism, reading the lush descriptions of my Colombia is painful. Longing squeezes my heart like a tourniquet.So, I spend the chilly evening with a cup of decaf tea, a thick blanket, and a pile of student essays. A night of monkish intellectualism. A scholar in a foreign place surrounded...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Amara Romani Spoiled With A Creampie

Amara Romani is one of the luckiest teens on the planet. She has a loving stepfather who gives her almost everything she wants. On a weekly basis she can expect to receive the keys to the car, a new cell phone, stepdaddys credit card, spa treatments, and even just a handful of cash! All her stepdad expects in return is her everlasting love and to good in school. Unfortunately, Amara came home one day with an F on a project. He had no choice but to slap her wrists and send her to her bedroom....

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Knight and Dragon Ch 1by DesTodes777

Ser Alec Longstroke (his last name a call to an ancestor who used a spear-like sword to defeat a foe one) had been riding his horse, which was wearing a white and red cloth caparison and who’s name was Fira, for almost a week now. He was a knight of a guild and he specialized in hunting what had done this to the countryside, dragons. His destination was the Castle Rooker, a place that a dragon would have rested before it moved on. It was his hope that the dragon was still there and that the...

2 years ago
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Sex Education To 18 Years Old Maid

Hi Team, I have been reading ISS for 4 years now and made good friends especially married females. I am a muslim married man in his 20s and got married 2 years back. I have a very keen interest of maids and married womens and always seek them for my hunger for sex. Pls share your comment on Let me start the story. There is one maid in my in laws house and she is working from past 7 years. Recently her parents has took her to see some guys for her marriage. She was very happy for her marriage...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 21 New Civilization

We had spent the last several months in meetings planning our future. The subway had long been completed and was now attached to the Grotto, which was also the newly built CAP headquarters. I had been given the honor of being elected Chief Executive of our growing colony. I could basically do whatever I wanted to as long as I didn't piss off the people. We had just over 2,200 people now living either in Big Bear or the area by the CAP tower that we were converting. The security forces only...

3 years ago
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Sex in woods

I(Jenny) and my best friend (Tom) had snuck out of college, we had another boring lecture and on a nice summers day, we decided it would be good to do something different, rather than stay in class. We weren’t a couple or anything, just good friends we had known each other for years and admitted that we found each other attractive Tom admitted that he thought I had a nice body even though he never saw it naked and I said the same to tom, he wasn’t muscular or anything but he had a nice torso...

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Rock and Water Chapter 6

Patrick stays over the next evening too. It feels like we’re falling into an easy rhythm. So far we’ve always stayed at my house, but he asks that I come to his place for the first time this Friday. We’re both pretty wiped out when he arrives after work, so we just eat a simple dinner and watch a movie curled up on the couch together. Both too groggy to do much more than stumble to the bedroom when the movie is over, he puts me to bed promising wicked pleasures in the morning. For once, I wake...

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Sissy Patti My Toy My Lover Ch 2 Renamed Conti

Sissy Patti – My Toy, My Lover, Ch 2Renamed From - My Little Toy Sissy-boiBy CDJackieI went to the living room, turned on some music then kicked back in my recliner as I waited for her. After our little session in the bedroom I was naked except for my bra so I decided to take that off too since it felt a little restrictive. And I really didn’t need it anyway since my 38C tits sit so well on my frame with just a hint of a droop, but I like that because it gives them just that little bit of...

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Kelly in Her Apartment

Keda My head was spinning; I just watched my young receptionist strip naked and masturbate. I worked for a small construction company. During one of our growth spurts we hired a new receptionist. Her name was Kelly. She was 19 and had just graduated from a tech school. She was beautiful, just loosing her baby fat and turning into a stunning young lady. She was about 5 feet 6 inches tall. She had the shiniest brown hair. Whitest perfect teeth. Great smile. Full lush lips. She had been a...

4 years ago
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Threesome With Girlfriend In Singapore

Hi ISS readers! I’ve been following this site for years and I’m glad to share my own story with you all. I’m James, 26 well endowed to satisfy any girl and I’ve a Singaporean girl friend Maria 25. Let me describe her, she’s small 5’0 and a bit chubby but is curvaceous with 34-28-36 and a hot piece of ass. I usually go to Singapore to visit my girlfriend and have fun around before returning back to my work. Once I decided to surprise her and went to Singapore without informing her and when I...

1 year ago
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After School

"Hey Linds!!!" Becky said as she got out of her car, and ran to catch up with me. "Hey, What's up?" "Not to much, just a little frustrated with that damn Trig homework from last night. Did you understand it at all?" she asked. "I had a pretty good understanding of it. If you need any help I could come over" "Oh that sounds great!" Becky said excitedly. "How about after practice you come over?" "Sounds good to me" I said. "I will see you later" "Bye" Becky said cheerfully School pasted by as did...

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Ek Anokhi Kahani

Hello Friends it’s Aditya Kapoor from Bombay and let me tell you about me waise mujhe yeh sex aur fucking mein thoda bhi interest nahi hai but kuch ho gaya. I’m 30 years old ye story saat saal pehle ki hai jab me 23 years ka tha main mere college ka 1st topper tha mere college mein ek Sanskrit teacher hai and her name is Renu ka maine Renu ka aise kyun likha ye tumhe baad me pata chalege! So,main apni tarif nahi kar raha hoon par sach bata raha hoon ke mere collage me hafte me ek ladki to mujhe...

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Scott and Mary

“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT!!!” “It was a sort of spur of the moment thing.” “And it didn’t occur to you to, you know, speak to me first?” “I honestly didn’t expect anything to come of it.” “Oh and that makes it all okay does it?” “I know I...” “Don’t you dare even try to wriggle out of this.” “I...” “You have done some stupid things in my time, but this? This is a whole new level of stupidity.” The voices crashed into silence. Fifteen year old Scott looked over at his one year younger...

3 years ago
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My Real Sex Encounter

Dear ISS Readers, Hi! I am Sameer from Andhra Pradesh. At present I am a mature man at about 40 years. The story I am writing here is actually not a story but a true incident of my life. Once I was staying in Paying Guest accomodation in Hyderabad doing my computer course. It was there I got introduced to ISS by my room partner.From then I have been a regular ISS reader. But I never thought of submitting my sexual experience. However, lately I decided to share my sexual encounter with all ISS...

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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 10

During the remainder of the week, and the weekend, I dealt with the various matters that my staff brought to my attention. I skim read the procedure for determining a currency exchange rate. Most of it addressed financial considerations that were not familiar to me, and I was definitely not qualified to address those considerations. I would have to turn it over to Kendrick and my financial support group. Once I finished that familiarization process, I decided to begin writing the document...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 11 Foursome Date

Thursday just after five o’clock and as expected Dave brought Pam back to the house along with her luggage. He ‘officially’ situated her in the guest room, but they’d already talked about her staying in their bed. Alice had come home a half-hour early to be there to greet Pam. After their initial greetings, she told Dave she had also arranged for Owen to join them at dinner at a restaurant, and then for dessert at home. Dave smirked because Alice and he had started using the term ‘dessert’...

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Losing my virginity to my cousin Courtney

in life. I don't know but whatever it was, I was attracted to Courtney. I always knew I had cousins and relatives that I had never met but I never thought much of it. Courtney was on my dad's side of the family, along with a lot of my other family such as my aunt,cousins,etc. I met them all in the summer when I was about 10 years old when they came to spend a week or two at our house. I met my cousin Michelle,Jason,My aunt Susan, and of course Courtney. It was my first time meeting them...

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lucky guy part 1

Ive been with my girlfreind may for around 3 years now,she was my fuck buddy until we decided we wanted a realationship.Although we dont live together as i like to keep my apartment for a bit of space now and then.After a while the sex dried up and we were more freinds than lovers which was nobodys fault it just turned out that way.May had a daughter,a very spoilt daughter who was growing up quite quickly,Raynor was 21.I had never thought of her sexually,that is until May asked me to decorate...

2 years ago
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Model Sex SlaveChapter 11

Marg shook her sex toys, "It's 8:00 girls we've slept in, get up!" The two naked girls squinted in the light, as their mistress drew the curtains. Diana got up and staggered into her mistress's arms. "Run to the shower dear, we got to get going the show starts as 11:00." She slapped her ass, "quick as a bunny now!" Diana hurried to the bathroom, turned on the shower and got in. Marg entered and Diana washed her quickly. Daisy came and stood outside the shower waiting. As soon as...

4 years ago
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They Planned It All

Sheila and I have been married six years now and we’ve stayed happy with each other, even though we’ve had a few ups and downs. These were more to do with job and money than anything. In the time since we’ve been married, we’ve each lost our job, though, right now, we’re both employed. I actually am making considerably more money, a real blessing these days. When the stress would begin to get to us, we always resorted to the stress-relieving exercises we began using when we were dating: sex....

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