- 4 years ago
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Jessica and I never made it home before she arose a vampire. It didn’t take long to realize this, as well as the fact that we needed to get to my place and reassure my worried mother and sisters. By now, Chelsea would be back from her sleepover, and she likely freaked out over the changes in Mom, if nothing else. I just hoped that she didn’t stake Mom in anger or panic.
Just then, my cell phone rang as Jessica and I took stock of our situation. It was Mom, of course. She was more than a little concerned, to put it mildly. We were supposed to be home some time ago ... or rather, I was. She didn’t know that I had turned Jessica, or rather Mrs. Cortez as she knew her. Boy was she in for quite the shock!
“Hey, Mom, sorry ... I fell asleep ... with my newest ... convert. Mrs. Cortez. Or as she prefers to be called ... Jessica. She is a vampire now, just like us. So much for her teaching career, but I somehow doubt that she cares. Jess, baby, do you care?” I asked my Spanish and homeroom teacher, who shook her head.
“Fuck, no! I don’t miss that life anymore ... teaching, marriage to that pendejo, any of that! I just want to be with my Carlos, my Charles ... my lovely young man! Forever ... we’ll be together forever. You, him, and me! And anyone else who he turned!” Jessica declared after turning on the speaker button for my cell phone.
“You love my son, too? Well, then, feel free to share his bed ... our bed! Not that it’s up to me, of course. My son is also my Master, you understand. He’ll also lie with his sisters, of course, and anyone else who appeals to him. I don’t make demands of my Master, my son,” Mom aka Vicky encouraged Jessica as I transformed into a bat and she followed my example.
We were home with shocking speed due to that flight in bat guise. Jessica later confessed that she never felt quite so alive as when she flapped her wings and flew through the air. It was a heady wine, as I could attest, to change shape into a creature that could literally fly. As we resumed human form, we both realized that we were naked ... except for the cell phone between my teeth. I might have damaged it, but that was the least of my worries. I just wanted inside well before dawn, especially in the nude. Jessica was in much the same boat.
Finishing the school week was gonna be hell on Earth. I could already tell that much. And not just for me. For Jessica, too. How was she supposed to work under such conditions, even for a few days? How the fuck was I supposed to study under them? Those last days of school were a pickle for us.
Anyway, it wasn’t but seconds before Mom opened the door and let us both inside the house, kissing me hard on the mouth ... and then doing the same for Jessica Cortez. The look in Mom’s eyes was relief mixed with desire and curiosity, even as Natasha, Heather, and yes, Chelsea stared at us from inside. They all rushed at me, much to my astonishment, even planting kisses on my lips. Who was the youngest one and what had she done with Chelsea?
“So ... Dad’s ... dead, huh? And you’re in charge now? And you’re ... a vampire, Charles? Did you kill Dad?” Chelsea asked me directly.
“Yes, twice, in fact. First by draining him after one fight ... and then by staking him after he arose as one of my kind. Once drained and killed, a mortal becomes one of us, though he or she doesn’t emerge until after dusk. I don’t know the rules about underage mortals, though. I didn’t turn vampire until yesterday, so I’m not taking any chances. I will not attempt to turn anyone under the age of eighteen, in case they die more permanently, without a chance to really live their lives.
“Now, you and I, we’ve had our issues and differences, but you are still my baby sister. I have come to accept Natasha and Heather as true sisters, despite only being step, so a half-sister definitely counts. Word of warning. Your mother and I are lovers, as are your sisters and I, and Mrs. Cortez here, who prefers to be called Jessica. Well, she prefers that from me, at least. I made her a vampire like me, after all.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a vampire teacher to screw,” I told my sisters as I bent Jessica Cortez over an armchair in the living room and slid right into her slippery slit.
“Oh, fuck, yes ... Dios mio! You’re definitely the teacher’s pet now!” Jessica exclaimed as I slammed her harder on each thrust in front of my other ladies.
“Or rather, the teacher is his pet instead!” Chelsea joked as she walked behind me and began kneading my buns, “truth be told, I was so tough on Charles mainly because I was attracted to him and I could never admit to that around Dad. He’s my half-brother, blood kin, after all. That’s incest, but it’s clearly not a hang-up anymore. I’m ready to go next, if you’ll have me, bro. I’m tired of being a fucking virgin!”
You may have been wondering why I haven’t written anything much lately, though in truth, I doubt whether many have even noticed. There’s a reason! I’ve read about it and written about it but never at my age ever expected to find myself in a similar position to the poor chaps that I feature in so many of my stories. Yes, my wife has … There’s someone else. The biter bit, or perhaps the writer hit indeed! His name is Joss, and no despite the name he is quite white as white could be though...
The search bar on Hubite’s front page looks innocuous enough, but I wouldn’t recommend typing in any names unless you’ve got time to kill. I’ve been meaning to write this review for a few days now, but every time I got started, I end up falling down a rabbit hole full of naked internet chicks. I just filled up yet another old gym sock with sperm, and I’m hoping the post-nut clarity helps power me through this thing. Fap-testing pornography ain’t just my hobby—it’s my job!You don’t have to be a...
Porn Search EnginesGive me your comments at for more stories and photo of my mom .My Amma pallavi got divorced when I was 8 years old, I am just eighteen now. She is a petite lady with short hairs and likes to wear mostly jeans. That’s what she wears to work too, she looks kind of sweet. She worked hard and took good care of me, though she had to let me do quite a bit of the house work, I didn’t mind and I loved her so, I wanted to touch her and feel her but all I could go for were long hugs that she allowed me...
Bill heard screams coming from close by. It was a beautiful woman screaming that she had just been bitten by a poisonous snake. He rushed over to see what he could do. She yelled. "Oh, thank God someone is around." He asked. "Is there a Doctor close by?" She said. "There's no time for a Doctor right now, just listen to me closely and I will tell you what to do." Quickly unbuttoning her blouse, she reached back and unhooked her bra and slid it off. He couldn't help but stare at her...
“How did he get out of jail?” I asked with considerable surprise about former principal Lewis Hogan. “That’s easy. I bailed him out ... just so that we could do this! Boy, did he fall straight into the trap!” Samantha Roth snickered, even as I noticed the look of abject terror on Mr. Hogan’s face. I also saw that he had a ball gag in his mouth, as did the others. Yeah, this could really be some lit fun, couldn’t it? I turned him over and sank my fangs into his neck just for the fun of it,...
“How good of you guys to join us, Mr. Mazzini and Ms. Bevan. If you hadn’t already aced this class by now, I might be inclined to give you detention or something. However, as you’re not typically tardy and you’re two of my best students, I’ll cut you both some slack,” Adam Hugo singled us out before moving back on topic. Pneumatics ... fascinating as ever, even if I was somewhat lacking in breath or air myself. I still felt as if the air had been kicked or knocked out of my lungs, in fact. I...
Tori's POV:It was dark. I had lost track of time a long time ago. There were people all around, loud music pounding in my head. Orange flames flickered in the distance, probably the center of the craziness. I stumbled into something hard and groaned. It was a tree. And it was the only thing really helping me to stand right now.Where was I? What was going on?I pushed myself off of the tree and staggered away from the madness. There was a structure; I couldn't really see it from here. Fuck. What...
“Hail, the conquering hero!” Mr. Hugo was a bit goofy as he greeted me coming in, but I could tell that he somewhat meant it. It felt more and more as if the attention was all on me, just as I felt as weak as possible right then. I needed to feed and to get out of sunlight, but neither seemed possible right then. I would just have to somehow last until lunchtime and see if I could find my sisters to feed off them. They were sophomores, after all, and they seemed willing to let me dine off...
Special Thanks to Spirit02 for the editing. Those of you who are fans of ‘A Gift From his Father’, Chapter 22 is coming along nicely, but I had to get this final chapter ‘Bite of the Bimbo’ written to clear my head. Enjoy and thanks for all your feedback! ***** For the last two months Officer Sarah Penn had followed Dr. Karen Murphy’s instructions to the letter. While on duty she was a model patrol officer, but when off duty she was what could only be described as a nymphomaniac. She had as...
“He’s an asshole and we both know this,” Stella said with a disapproving look. I sniffled, taking another tissue from her. “If you came here for a lecture, I really cannot deal with it tonight,” I warned. I looked down at my short pj’s and thin tank top smeared with tears and chocolate ice cream from earlier. I almost laughed at my cliché way of dealing with this break up. “Okay, I’m sorry. I talked to your Mom, she’s okay with me staying the night. Are you?” she asked. She was in her pj’s too,...
Oral SexTime for Spanish class, of course, and there I met with a major lip lock from Sadie Turner, of all people. Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher, raised an eyebrow playfully as she saw that, and then winked at both of us. She also made a point of showing me no small amount of her cleavage by virtue of no fucking bra under her blouse. Nor was said blouse fully buttoned, either. When she caught noticing these facts, she gave me a coy smile and another wink before running her tongue...
“Well, first, I want to reward Anne here with a victim of her own. She deserves a chance to feed. Take your pick, my lady,” I pointed to the captives. Anne Fairfax, a succubus born in the seventeenth century who had lived through the English Civil War and been a secret Royalist while married to a Parliamentary commander, seized Oliver Manson and began to suck his cock in front of his girlfriend. Then again, Melinda hadn’t exactly been the poster girl for fidelity, had she? What had Oliver...
The twins not being vampires, they fell asleep a lot faster than Mom or me, of course. Still, I got a little action out of them, as did Mom, for that matter. We snuggled up together on the master bed now, the wooden stake now on the nightstand next to us just in case. The rest of the bat was in the trash with the dust, of course. I could feel Mom’s sleek skin against mine, her hair on my chest as she lay there in my arms. She was naked and I could see where she had indeed shaved her twat...
In 1979, I was stationed at a military base in Virginia--where I spent the next two years. My favorite hobby was metal detecting, and, due to the abundance of Civil War relics and old coins to be found, I pursued this endeavor at every opportunity. During the colder weather months (winters are relatively mild, around Hampton/Newport News), it was a coin/relic hunters dream; this was largely due to the absence of flying pests--mosquitoes, in particular. However, when spring rolled around, the...
FetishI made it home, still in bat form though very sentient, only to find that Jerry was home, too. And he wasn’t alone. Mom and he were in the midst of a real knock-down drag-out quarrel over something. I just couldn’t tell which. It was strange that they were both home, but my sister and stepsisters weren’t. I never got along with any of those, of course, and they were atrociously spoiled. Then again, the orange tabby cats, Felicia and Colleen, never seemed hostile to me. They didn’t even hiss...
It was one of those days when I felt frisky as soon as I awoke. I rolled over in bed to be greeted by bright sunlight seeping through the curtains. It poured through the gap between them and formed a beam across the muscular contours of your body, which highlighted your tanned skin against the white sheet that was rumpled around your navel. You were still asleep and looked so relaxed lying there naked on your back, with a look of content on your face and one arm resting above your head. I...
“Well, well, you actually made it to class today, in spite of it being daylight! I applaud your resolve and resourcefulness, my new vampire student! Class, let’s give Charles here a hand! This can’t be easy. He has a major handicap here, having to deal with the sun’s light sapping his strength. I’m just glad that it doesn’t fry him as the legends claim. I kinda like having him around,” Mrs. Barker, who had NEVER shown any interest in me, sexual or otherwise, stunned me by flirting with me in...
The next morning, a Wednesday I believe, I went to school with Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher who also drove Natasha and Heather with us. The whole time she kept any free hands busy caressing my flesh. She made it clear that she adored me, and she wasn’t alone. Natasha and Heather each surrounded me and insisted upon accompanying me right until I was called into the principal’s office. Again. Yeah, it happened again. I wondered why, until Samantha Roth greeted me with her...
When I felt my cousin Maria riding me, I was even more excited over the fact that she was flesh and blood to me, just like Chelsea and Mom. I could get used to this, couldn’t I? Banging my first cousin was just one example of the glories of incest that greatly appealed to me. I just plain enjoyed pounding such luscious ladies who were attracted to vampires, but especially those of my own kith and kin. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to really shake up society and transform it...
“Damn, you’re pretty tight for a pretty boy, guess you just never bottomed before, but that will change if you live with us, won’t it, David?” I teased David Schuyler as I pounded his ass for a little longer and finally came inside him. “Well, it hurts like hell, but it also feels pretty good ... I guess that there’s something to that ‘prostate’ thing after all. I could get used to threesomes with you and Amber, no doubt of that. Among other things,” David blushed as he admitted that he...
Anne’s classroom was a bit wild, too, since she chose to show up as her true demoness self, naked with her horns and pointed tail on full display. It was mere seconds before she grabbed me and pushed me onto her desk to start riding me in front of my classmates. She didn’t even try to hide her intention to get fucked by me. She wanted her sweet piece of vampire ass ... and cock, and she was eager to get it. She didn’t even try to stop the others from doing what they wanted, and so Lindsay...
“So, folks, in case there’s any doubt, I want it clear that a certain, soon-to-be graduate here, Charles Mazzini, is among my lovers. As of today, or was that last night? How about it, man? I know what I said about screwing a student, but your grades are basically final now. It’s all a formality and after Friday, you’ll never be a student again. Something tells me that the life lesson will help more than anything related to shop work today,” Adam Hugo told me as he bent over in front of me...
Mom now approached me on her knees, a strange gleam in her eyes as she took me into her mouth. It was a very sudden epiphany on her part ... and it seemed to put a bit more spring into her step, a little more life into her soul. I pulled her closer, caressing her face and stroking her hair as she started sucking my cock in earnest. Something in her eyes ... what was it, anyway? I had to know. “Victoria Diane Larson, what is going on in that sneaky human mind of yours?” I demanded to know of...
“Oh ... damn ... I’ve never felt so alive ... and yet I’m undead ... God ... fuck, yes!” Mom screamed as I pounded her thick, plush bottom good and hard from behind. “So, a vampire’s life for you?” I teased Mom as I slapped her booty and she moaned in pure bliss. “I’m yours ... forever! Forever! I’ve always dreamed of belonging to a man ... forever! I wanted it, but feared it ... because it would mean that I was ... helpless, weak, and submissive ... but, oh, fuck me! I craved it so much!...
“I wouldn’t think that you wanted to be with someone as ... aggressive as me, given how Jerry was,” I commented while pounding the fuck out of Natasha in the missionary position. “There’s aggressive ... and abusive, bro. You know how abusive is ... God knows that we were that way to you at times and so was Mom, too! You ... you’re just what the doctor ordered, what we’ve both craved and didn’t know it. Besides, we really need to atone, too, for being such bitches to you. Just like Mom, we...
“Oh, fuck ... oh ... my ... fuck ... ing ... GOD!” Samantha Roth bit hard down on her lower lip as I began reaming her in earnest. “You like?” I teased the principal as we kept up our quickie. I had to admit that I enjoyed the sight of Samantha’s ass while I plowed her, too, my thick vampire cock thrusting repeatedly inside her juicy, slippery twat. The way that I played with her asshole didn’t hurt, either. She really started cussing and moaning as I fucked her within an inch of her life...
“Welcome back to my English class, Count. It has a nice ring to it, right? Count Charles? That’s your new name in my class at least. It’s traditional in the Gothic horror genre and pop culture in general to call vampires ‘Count this or that,’ right? Blame Bram Stoker and Hollywood for that! So, anyway, Lindsay, I’m going to ask you a question, right here in front of the class. Then your honesty, if you are honest, will count in place of that essay that you dreaded so much,” Anne Fairfax...
We sat opposite each other on the settee in our living room. We had silently made coffee and put two large whiskeys in each cup. At first, we just looked at each other not knowing what to say, where to start.‘Talk to me, Ali, tell me everything. I need to know, everything.’‘Are you sure?’‘Yes. I believe you both that you haven’t been shagging behind my back for months, years but there’s been a, you and Liam for a long time, I know there has.’I told Pete everything. I tried my best to find a...
CheatingThe kids had been far too excited to hear we were going out and they were fending for themselves. It had been hard walking up to the local pub, we instinctively kept going to grab each other’s hands. We were sat in the beer garden, late spring sun on our backs by four, eagerly awaiting the very late lunch we had ordered. Liam did buy me lunch and I bought him a pint. I allowed him to mock me for ordering lime and soda and refusing to drink with him, but I am a bit of a lightweight and without...
Cheating‘I need to see you, can we meet?’A text I was not expecting pinged on my phone Friday morning. Last time I spoke to Liam, almost a week ago, we decided enough was enough. We had taken too many risks already, we had to cool it before it got too out of hand and people got hurt. We agreed we didn’t want to hurt anyone. We hadn’t messaged each other as we had started to, all our messages had been on our mutual friends' group chat, the chat that contains our respective spouses. Everything back to...
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I have had a crush on Ronnie (Veronica) ever since I met her at college orientation. I would not have called myself a lesbian or even bi, but she was just so beautiful, about 5’6, tight tan body, black hair, green eyes, and the most perfectly round C cup breasts. Ronnie was extremely outgoing and I was very shy so I was surprised that we became such good friends. Through college I kept my crush a little secret, but school was almost over and I could not leave without at least trying to get with...
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We had discussed at length the outfit you were to wear for me. There had been a volley of emails with links, suggested by both of us, for various different items of adult bedroom wear. You once said, coming from Australia, that you didn’t know much of the bondage gear and sex toys existed, but at the same time I could see in your eyes that you liked the idea of dressing up for me and trying some of it out.I once bought you a shiny black pvc cup-less bra which sported chains across your breasts...
Hi dosto kaise ho aapka sexy sam nayee story lekar hazir hai.agar kissi aurat,ladki,bhabhi,widow,housewife ki chut iss story ko padakar gilli ho to mujhe zaroor mail karna aur agar mere sath koi voice sex,real sex,c2c sex karna chahe to muje mail karna main aapke liye hazir hoon. Mera id hai ,yeh story mere ghar main aayee door ki didi hai.wo bahut sexy thi aur mere par wo mohit ho gayee thi,main bhi uske sath sex karna chahta tha.ek raat main bathroom gaya dekha ki didi ka room khoola tha....
By: Robin Noida Hello friends,sexy kudis,aunties, bhabi sab ko sex bhara pranam.this is Robin from Noida, I hope ki aap me se kuch log pehchante hoge mujhe, par naye logo ko main apna intro de du, I am 23 old guy from Noida, I love Sex and my fav site is ISS waise toh ye sab kehne ki koi zarorat nai par fir bhi ok ji any girl, bhabhi, aunty can contact me at Chaliye aapka zayada samay na lete hue main aapne ek aur sex encounter ko share karna cahongaa. I hope you will like it ye baat lagbhag...
This story was posted on another site years ago by me. I only recently stumbled onto Lush and I wanted to share it with you all. ********** As I stripped down to my boxers for bed, I cant help but think of my day. Why in the world had my ex-girlfriend been staring at me so strangely in class today? And why had she looked so content, as if released of a great burden? Dismissing these thoughts from my head I slip into bed and drift off to sleep, hugging my pillow tightly. A noise at the foot of...
Just before 7 he came into the kitchen. "Smells good, slut." "Please, can't we have a nice dinner together." 'SMACK' He slapped me across the face. "What are you." I couldn't believe it. I'd spent all afternoon making his favourite dinner. It all counted for nothing. "I'm Pauline and I'm a slut." He went to the table and I served dinner. Before I sat down he told me to take off my blouse. I unbuttoned it and took it off without complaint. I had been worn down by the days...
In the lounge area outside the cubicles I picked a clean lab coat off a hook and slipped it on over my smooth naked body. Nudity is fine, but clothing has its purposes, not the least of which is to provide pockets for notebooks, pencils, and so on. I scribbled a brief note about Andy’s progress, he had honestly admitted his desire to see my body and had made an effort to masturbate while I watched. He still had some hope of success in my class, although he was a hair’s-breadth from expulsion. ...
Riley Reyes and April Snow are two flight attendants trying to unwind before the next leg of their trip. April is especially stressed because she’s working a new route with a new crew for the first time. She’s so stressed that her whole body is tense, which Riley calls her out on. Unfortunately, when April tried to book a massage with the hotel, there was nothing available, so she has to tough it out… or so she thinks! Riley is quick to offer a massage to help April relax...
xmoviesforyouThanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. The Taco Bell was within walking distance from my house. Not too many people live beside a shopping center, but the rent was cheap. Every night I made the trip and every night I ordered the same thing; a burrito and a large drink. It was my excuse for a diet. I was always satisfied with it, because it cost less than three dollars, and that meant I could put more money away. I have been saving all the money that I could for the last six...
Dear Readers, after receiving an overwhelmingly positive response to “Start of an erotic journey”, this story continues where the last one left off. This story is more of a narrative. Please as before feel free to contact her through me at Well, after using the strap on and other toys on Mehek, I really got into being the dominant one in our relationship. I was hooked on to the rush of power that I got when I wore a strap-on. The orgasms were also more intense when I was fucking Mehek, than...
As I drove to help Eve I was pretty sure I would be getting a blow job from her mom when I returned.I got more than I thought before that day was over. When I found Eve She was cold wet and happy to see me. It was raining all day luckily Eve was able to make it to a store where the car had died, Luckily we were off the road and not having to deal with traffic.Eve got out of the car when she seen me pulling up . Apparently she had been out before because her long long blonde hair was...
A New Reality by Karen Beth (Karen Elizabeth L.) To say that my sister Karen and I don't get along is an understatement. She's fourteen and I'm fifteen, but to me, she's a bratty little kid who's always getting me in trouble with our parents. She always managed to know when I was doing something I wasn't supposed to be doing and made sure that our parents found out. Of course I happily returned the favor my telling our parents...
Saturday morning I managed to drag myself back to my apartment to shave and shower. Then Saturday afternoon I got a phone call I had not been expecting: Kaia was asking me out on a date. I was a bit surprised, but at her request I told her I'd be there at nine. Kaia told me she had everything planned, but didn't mention style so I stood in front of my closet for a few minutes trying to figure out what to wear. I was still transitioning from High School geek to College stud and my...
Fucked For The First Time As A Gay Rubber SissyThis is a true story about the first time that I had gay sex as a Sissy. I love to crossdress, I am gay and a Bottom. I also have a huge latex fetish and, at the time this story took place, was not new to having rubber sex and being fucked by other Rubbermen, However, I had never had sex while crossdressed. This is about the first time that I was fucked as a Sissy in full drag.I was reading the dating page in one of those local add papers. ...
A true story of a night that had "get in, get out" written all over it It was a Friday night and I was dragged out to the club with my slutty friend who just wanted to use me to grind and dance on to make the men stare and get hard in their 3/4 shorts and want to sleep with her. That night the joke was on her because when we put a bit of distance between us on the dance floor 2 chunky, muscly men happened to be close by. The tallest one was blonde with a pair of seductive blue eyes. He put his...
Sex With StrangerThis is the story of my wife Rittu whom I got married in1996 she is white complexion tall and fairly attractive her boobs are 36 and her ass is 38. She is innocent and belongs to a middle class family we were living a happily married life and as the time passed I somehow got bored of her and then I started visiting prostitutes. I really used to fuck everyday with different prostitutes some were attractive some were ugly some I used to fuck them in their ass.In the meanwhile when I used to fuck...
Diana had only been home a few days when James called. He apologized for not calling sooner, explaining that he had been moving into a sublet apartment in town for the summer as he would be working as a research assistant for one of his professors. Diana, in turn, told him what she was doing and they chatted casually for a while. Then there was a pause, and after a moment James said, “I, um, got your...message.”Diana froze. Was he going to laugh at her? Tell her to leave him...
BDSMCarmen and I had decided to go out for a nightcap at a local bar and after a while Carmen was feeling quite mellow when she suddenly stiffened up and stared wide eyed at one of the other patrons in the bar. I looked over to where she was staring and saw a rather average looking man and then back at Carmen, "Someone you know?" I asked her. She came out of her trance and looked at me, "That's my old boyfriend Corky" she said as she nodded over at him "We used to date after my divorce from Warren"...
I receive a follower request from him a few months ago. I really didnt pay attention to him until he hit me up on Kik where we exchange numbers.Since then we've been talking sending each other dirty pictures , had phone sex, until not to long ago he came out here. He told me he wanted to see me so we made plans to finally meet. I couldnt sleep the night before i was anxious and nervous. The day has come and i got sexy just for him. When i was getting closer i was getting more nervous and i...
-= Business Liaisons, Chapter 1 – Initial Proposals =- Cyndi was finding that Sean’s concentration and his usual attention to details had deteriorated over the last couple of months. His sense of humor also had all but disappeared as he rarely kidded around anymore and his now infamous practical jokes around the office had stopped completely. He’d fallen into the all to familiar ‘workaholic’ pattern as well. Their manager had noticed Sean had missed some of his milestones on the project...
I was new in town and decided to explore the place on my day off. This city looks very exciting. As I started to wander aimlessly, I happened to stumble into this old neighborhood. I admit, it didn't appear too friendly and I was nervous, especially being new to this place. And so, I started to backtrack my way out of this place. However, to my dismay, I couldn't find a way out. I must admit I was baffled. It seems pretty crazy to be trapped in a small neighborhood. Not matter which...
© 2000 Molly crept from her rented room behind the rustic tavern. Edging cautiously around the corner of the Red Boar Tavern, she trailed a hand over the sun-warmed wall. She absorbed the warmth. Moonlight illuminated enough of her surroundings to keep her steps careful as she rounded the corner and stepped into the alley leading to the docks. The onset of evening had brought with it a chill breeze off the bay. Molly tugged the old woollen cloak around her securely, hiding her intentions...
Laya Rae got hired for one of her very first shoots to star for Bangbros together with Jovan Jordan. She was a little scared since she was a little girl and she looked him up online and he was huge. When he arrived he looked even bigger in real life. She was tiny next to him. Guess what? When he took out his cock it was bigger than her head. She couldn’t even put her hands around it. Unfortunately the more she touched it the bigger it got. She gave him an amazing blowjob but didn’t manage to...
xmoviesforyouI recently met a lady online. She was dominant from the first sentence, which made me wet and wanting more. Through our chats I found out that not only was she black, but also a BBW who is here locally. The trifecta! Chatting with her this morning made me so hungry for pussy I was going crazy. Knowing that my roommate and her bf would be out for the afternoon, I did something I never do, I invited her over. The moment I did, I was nervous and excited and when she accepted, a little scared....