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The twins not being vampires, they fell asleep a lot faster than Mom or me, of course. Still, I got a little action out of them, as did Mom, for that matter. We snuggled up together on the master bed now, the wooden stake now on the nightstand next to us just in case. The rest of the bat was in the trash with the dust, of course. I could feel Mom’s sleek skin against mine, her hair on my chest as she lay there in my arms. She was naked and I could see where she had indeed shaved her twat right before lying down with me.
As dawn struck, Mom and I rose, covering our bodies as much as possible to ward off sunlight. Her bosses probably thought that she had converted to Islam or something. I had Heather’s blood for breakfast, while Mom had Natasha’s. Neither girl complained as they knew that we couldn’t have solid food anymore. What we would do for lunch was anyone’s guess, but at least I wouldn’t be in high school much longer. We did give the girls a boxed lunch of leftover liver and onions to keep their iron levels healthy. I had a feeling that liver, clams, shrimp, spinach, and other high iron foods would become staples for the twins in our house.
When we reached the high school and my stepsisters, being sophomores for the rest of the year, headed to their homerooms, I was immediately summoned to the principal’s office. The new principal, Samantha Roth, of course. Rumor had it that she was a lesbian. I wouldn’t be shocked if she was, but I knew that she had stood up for me against Principal Hogan and I was thus in her debt. I sat nervously in front of her desk while waiting for her to arrive, which she did more punctually than her predecessor. Then again, he probably fucked someone while I waited in the past.
“Mr. Mazzini ... can I call you ... Charles?” Ms. Roth asked me now.
“Sure. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Ms. Roth? Or should I call you ‘Principal’ Roth now?” I smiled, feeling a bit disarmed by the former vice-principal who had saved my hide and put that asshole in jail where he belonged.
“How about Samantha, Sammie, or just Sam? You won’t be one of my students much longer and I owe you ... big-time,” she told me with a very friendly smile.
“You owe me? Are you sure that I don’t owe you something, for saving my ass?” I countered.
“Okay, we’ll call it even. You just got me a big, fat promotion, kiddo. Fair enough?” Ms. Roth suggested.
“That works for me,” I shifted a bit in my seat, unsure of how to deal with a friendly face in that particular post.
“You’re not used to trusting school authorities, are you, Charles? I couldn’t help you that much in the past, but now I can. Lewis Hogan is history, along with everything that he represented. The old ways are done. Even so ... there is one ... thing that you can do for me,” Sam squirmed now.
“What is that?” I asked her.
“You can fuck me ... okay, two things, you can bite me, too,” Sam bit her bottom lip, looking a bit flustered, of course.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess. What about the old ways being done again?” I observed, more than a little jarred by this sudden turnabout.
“No, no, no ... not like that. He forced people to do it ... and offered nothing in return but avoiding his wrath. I will do things ... for you ... in return. Like maybe ... do my utmost to minimize your exposure to sunlight, my dear lad. All I ask is that I get the honor of feeding you directly ... and of course, of fucking you, right here, right now,” Sam sought to reassure me.
“Here, I heard that you were gay,” I chuckled now.
“No ... but I am bisexual and into ... students. Male and female alike. But unlike Mr. Hogan, I like to be nice about it. Submissive to them, in fact. I can assure you that you’ll have all the power in our relationship. All of it. I have the authority here, but I don’t like to have it off the clock, you understand? That’s far more true now, in fact, when my power is much greater at work. Principal of the school. But in private, I want ... a discreet student or two ... or three, to take me to task, bring me to heel, and use me for food in your case,” Sam shocked me with her proposition.
“Wow ... what’s in this for you ... it sounds to me like I’m getting all of the benefits here, Sam. Another cougar in my bed, another food source ... other than my stepsisters, in fact. Power over you. What’s your ... real agenda, Sam. Let’s lay all your cards down on the table, shall we?” I demanded to know the catch.
“I ... I want ... to be ... turned. Eventually. Not yet, but later. I want to become a vampire ... and part of your household. I want to sleep with you, kiss you, bed you, share you, serve you, you get the idea. I’m a little subbie at heart, you know. Subbie Sam. Pretty please? I’ll do ... whatever you like. Imagine instead of a principal who mistreats you, one who serves at your beck and call. What do you say?” Ms. Roth really stunned me for sure.
“I think that you need to start by telling me the secrets of every last member of the faculty. All of them. I want to have that kind of power over them, even if it’s for the week. And then, of course, you’ll feed me ... from that nice little vein in your right breast,” I instructed Sam, who blushed and licked her lips in obvious lust.
“Okay, then ... to start with ... Mrs. Murphy. Pam ... she and I ... do sleep together now and then. Okay we do it a lot. We’re not gay, just bi. She’s a bit older than my usual preference, but she knows how to eat a pussy like nobody’s business. It’s kinda hard to ignore that, right?
You may have been wondering why I haven’t written anything much lately, though in truth, I doubt whether many have even noticed. There’s a reason! I’ve read about it and written about it but never at my age ever expected to find myself in a similar position to the poor chaps that I feature in so many of my stories. Yes, my wife has … There’s someone else. The biter bit, or perhaps the writer hit indeed! His name is Joss, and no despite the name he is quite white as white could be though...
The search bar on Hubite’s front page looks innocuous enough, but I wouldn’t recommend typing in any names unless you’ve got time to kill. I’ve been meaning to write this review for a few days now, but every time I got started, I end up falling down a rabbit hole full of naked internet chicks. I just filled up yet another old gym sock with sperm, and I’m hoping the post-nut clarity helps power me through this thing. Fap-testing pornography ain’t just my hobby—it’s my job!You don’t have to be a...
Porn Search EnginesGive me your comments at for more stories and photo of my mom .My Amma pallavi got divorced when I was 8 years old, I am just eighteen now. She is a petite lady with short hairs and likes to wear mostly jeans. That’s what she wears to work too, she looks kind of sweet. She worked hard and took good care of me, though she had to let me do quite a bit of the house work, I didn’t mind and I loved her so, I wanted to touch her and feel her but all I could go for were long hugs that she allowed me...
Bill heard screams coming from close by. It was a beautiful woman screaming that she had just been bitten by a poisonous snake. He rushed over to see what he could do. She yelled. "Oh, thank God someone is around." He asked. "Is there a Doctor close by?" She said. "There's no time for a Doctor right now, just listen to me closely and I will tell you what to do." Quickly unbuttoning her blouse, she reached back and unhooked her bra and slid it off. He couldn't help but stare at her...
“How did he get out of jail?” I asked with considerable surprise about former principal Lewis Hogan. “That’s easy. I bailed him out ... just so that we could do this! Boy, did he fall straight into the trap!” Samantha Roth snickered, even as I noticed the look of abject terror on Mr. Hogan’s face. I also saw that he had a ball gag in his mouth, as did the others. Yeah, this could really be some lit fun, couldn’t it? I turned him over and sank my fangs into his neck just for the fun of it,...
“How good of you guys to join us, Mr. Mazzini and Ms. Bevan. If you hadn’t already aced this class by now, I might be inclined to give you detention or something. However, as you’re not typically tardy and you’re two of my best students, I’ll cut you both some slack,” Adam Hugo singled us out before moving back on topic. Pneumatics ... fascinating as ever, even if I was somewhat lacking in breath or air myself. I still felt as if the air had been kicked or knocked out of my lungs, in fact. I...
Tori's POV:It was dark. I had lost track of time a long time ago. There were people all around, loud music pounding in my head. Orange flames flickered in the distance, probably the center of the craziness. I stumbled into something hard and groaned. It was a tree. And it was the only thing really helping me to stand right now.Where was I? What was going on?I pushed myself off of the tree and staggered away from the madness. There was a structure; I couldn't really see it from here. Fuck. What...
“Hail, the conquering hero!” Mr. Hugo was a bit goofy as he greeted me coming in, but I could tell that he somewhat meant it. It felt more and more as if the attention was all on me, just as I felt as weak as possible right then. I needed to feed and to get out of sunlight, but neither seemed possible right then. I would just have to somehow last until lunchtime and see if I could find my sisters to feed off them. They were sophomores, after all, and they seemed willing to let me dine off...
Special Thanks to Spirit02 for the editing. Those of you who are fans of ‘A Gift From his Father’, Chapter 22 is coming along nicely, but I had to get this final chapter ‘Bite of the Bimbo’ written to clear my head. Enjoy and thanks for all your feedback! ***** For the last two months Officer Sarah Penn had followed Dr. Karen Murphy’s instructions to the letter. While on duty she was a model patrol officer, but when off duty she was what could only be described as a nymphomaniac. She had as...
“He’s an asshole and we both know this,” Stella said with a disapproving look. I sniffled, taking another tissue from her. “If you came here for a lecture, I really cannot deal with it tonight,” I warned. I looked down at my short pj’s and thin tank top smeared with tears and chocolate ice cream from earlier. I almost laughed at my cliché way of dealing with this break up. “Okay, I’m sorry. I talked to your Mom, she’s okay with me staying the night. Are you?” she asked. She was in her pj’s too,...
Oral SexTime for Spanish class, of course, and there I met with a major lip lock from Sadie Turner, of all people. Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher, raised an eyebrow playfully as she saw that, and then winked at both of us. She also made a point of showing me no small amount of her cleavage by virtue of no fucking bra under her blouse. Nor was said blouse fully buttoned, either. When she caught noticing these facts, she gave me a coy smile and another wink before running her tongue...
“Well, first, I want to reward Anne here with a victim of her own. She deserves a chance to feed. Take your pick, my lady,” I pointed to the captives. Anne Fairfax, a succubus born in the seventeenth century who had lived through the English Civil War and been a secret Royalist while married to a Parliamentary commander, seized Oliver Manson and began to suck his cock in front of his girlfriend. Then again, Melinda hadn’t exactly been the poster girl for fidelity, had she? What had Oliver...
In 1979, I was stationed at a military base in Virginia--where I spent the next two years. My favorite hobby was metal detecting, and, due to the abundance of Civil War relics and old coins to be found, I pursued this endeavor at every opportunity. During the colder weather months (winters are relatively mild, around Hampton/Newport News), it was a coin/relic hunters dream; this was largely due to the absence of flying pests--mosquitoes, in particular. However, when spring rolled around, the...
FetishI made it home, still in bat form though very sentient, only to find that Jerry was home, too. And he wasn’t alone. Mom and he were in the midst of a real knock-down drag-out quarrel over something. I just couldn’t tell which. It was strange that they were both home, but my sister and stepsisters weren’t. I never got along with any of those, of course, and they were atrociously spoiled. Then again, the orange tabby cats, Felicia and Colleen, never seemed hostile to me. They didn’t even hiss...
It was one of those days when I felt frisky as soon as I awoke. I rolled over in bed to be greeted by bright sunlight seeping through the curtains. It poured through the gap between them and formed a beam across the muscular contours of your body, which highlighted your tanned skin against the white sheet that was rumpled around your navel. You were still asleep and looked so relaxed lying there naked on your back, with a look of content on your face and one arm resting above your head. I...
“Well, well, you actually made it to class today, in spite of it being daylight! I applaud your resolve and resourcefulness, my new vampire student! Class, let’s give Charles here a hand! This can’t be easy. He has a major handicap here, having to deal with the sun’s light sapping his strength. I’m just glad that it doesn’t fry him as the legends claim. I kinda like having him around,” Mrs. Barker, who had NEVER shown any interest in me, sexual or otherwise, stunned me by flirting with me in...
Jessica and I never made it home before she arose a vampire. It didn’t take long to realize this, as well as the fact that we needed to get to my place and reassure my worried mother and sisters. By now, Chelsea would be back from her sleepover, and she likely freaked out over the changes in Mom, if nothing else. I just hoped that she didn’t stake Mom in anger or panic. Just then, my cell phone rang as Jessica and I took stock of our situation. It was Mom, of course. She was more than a...
The next morning, a Wednesday I believe, I went to school with Jessica Cortez, my homeroom and Spanish teacher who also drove Natasha and Heather with us. The whole time she kept any free hands busy caressing my flesh. She made it clear that she adored me, and she wasn’t alone. Natasha and Heather each surrounded me and insisted upon accompanying me right until I was called into the principal’s office. Again. Yeah, it happened again. I wondered why, until Samantha Roth greeted me with her...
When I felt my cousin Maria riding me, I was even more excited over the fact that she was flesh and blood to me, just like Chelsea and Mom. I could get used to this, couldn’t I? Banging my first cousin was just one example of the glories of incest that greatly appealed to me. I just plain enjoyed pounding such luscious ladies who were attracted to vampires, but especially those of my own kith and kin. The more I thought of it, the more I wanted to really shake up society and transform it...
“Damn, you’re pretty tight for a pretty boy, guess you just never bottomed before, but that will change if you live with us, won’t it, David?” I teased David Schuyler as I pounded his ass for a little longer and finally came inside him. “Well, it hurts like hell, but it also feels pretty good ... I guess that there’s something to that ‘prostate’ thing after all. I could get used to threesomes with you and Amber, no doubt of that. Among other things,” David blushed as he admitted that he...
Anne’s classroom was a bit wild, too, since she chose to show up as her true demoness self, naked with her horns and pointed tail on full display. It was mere seconds before she grabbed me and pushed me onto her desk to start riding me in front of my classmates. She didn’t even try to hide her intention to get fucked by me. She wanted her sweet piece of vampire ass ... and cock, and she was eager to get it. She didn’t even try to stop the others from doing what they wanted, and so Lindsay...
“So, folks, in case there’s any doubt, I want it clear that a certain, soon-to-be graduate here, Charles Mazzini, is among my lovers. As of today, or was that last night? How about it, man? I know what I said about screwing a student, but your grades are basically final now. It’s all a formality and after Friday, you’ll never be a student again. Something tells me that the life lesson will help more than anything related to shop work today,” Adam Hugo told me as he bent over in front of me...
Mom now approached me on her knees, a strange gleam in her eyes as she took me into her mouth. It was a very sudden epiphany on her part ... and it seemed to put a bit more spring into her step, a little more life into her soul. I pulled her closer, caressing her face and stroking her hair as she started sucking my cock in earnest. Something in her eyes ... what was it, anyway? I had to know. “Victoria Diane Larson, what is going on in that sneaky human mind of yours?” I demanded to know of...
“Oh ... damn ... I’ve never felt so alive ... and yet I’m undead ... God ... fuck, yes!” Mom screamed as I pounded her thick, plush bottom good and hard from behind. “So, a vampire’s life for you?” I teased Mom as I slapped her booty and she moaned in pure bliss. “I’m yours ... forever! Forever! I’ve always dreamed of belonging to a man ... forever! I wanted it, but feared it ... because it would mean that I was ... helpless, weak, and submissive ... but, oh, fuck me! I craved it so much!...
“I wouldn’t think that you wanted to be with someone as ... aggressive as me, given how Jerry was,” I commented while pounding the fuck out of Natasha in the missionary position. “There’s aggressive ... and abusive, bro. You know how abusive is ... God knows that we were that way to you at times and so was Mom, too! You ... you’re just what the doctor ordered, what we’ve both craved and didn’t know it. Besides, we really need to atone, too, for being such bitches to you. Just like Mom, we...
“Oh, fuck ... oh ... my ... fuck ... ing ... GOD!” Samantha Roth bit hard down on her lower lip as I began reaming her in earnest. “You like?” I teased the principal as we kept up our quickie. I had to admit that I enjoyed the sight of Samantha’s ass while I plowed her, too, my thick vampire cock thrusting repeatedly inside her juicy, slippery twat. The way that I played with her asshole didn’t hurt, either. She really started cussing and moaning as I fucked her within an inch of her life...
“Welcome back to my English class, Count. It has a nice ring to it, right? Count Charles? That’s your new name in my class at least. It’s traditional in the Gothic horror genre and pop culture in general to call vampires ‘Count this or that,’ right? Blame Bram Stoker and Hollywood for that! So, anyway, Lindsay, I’m going to ask you a question, right here in front of the class. Then your honesty, if you are honest, will count in place of that essay that you dreaded so much,” Anne Fairfax...
We sat opposite each other on the settee in our living room. We had silently made coffee and put two large whiskeys in each cup. At first, we just looked at each other not knowing what to say, where to start.‘Talk to me, Ali, tell me everything. I need to know, everything.’‘Are you sure?’‘Yes. I believe you both that you haven’t been shagging behind my back for months, years but there’s been a, you and Liam for a long time, I know there has.’I told Pete everything. I tried my best to find a...
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Nina woke in the morning not feeling very rested, and when she saw herself in the mirror she immediately began to feel depressed. Her breasts showed the marks of Jamie's hands and fingers, and they were still quite tender to the touch. She tried to see what her rear end looked like but couldn't get a good view of it. She wryly thought, 'I could always ask Joan to check it over. I'm sure she'd like that.' Resolving to just bear the pain, she showered and dressed, this time choosing a...
I could never decide whether Randy was technically a daddy or just a sexy bear. With his rugged face, his handsome beard, his brown wild hair I never asked if the man was fifty or not since he passed for thirty!I don't rightly how I met him it seemed it was years ago and we just became good friends with he and his wife.Who knew I would get the chance to suck a man off for the first time? Not just a man, but the man that I have had fantasies about for years! A dream cum true.I was merely 25....
After a while, the embers began to fade, and Bevan had run out of songs to sing. His throat was growing sore, and the pots of stew and soups had been all but emptied. The moon was high in the sky, peeking through the leaves of the forest canopy as the wind rustled the treetops. Gharol stretched her arms out, then stood, scratching her neck idly. “Right, time to turn in I reckon. Some nice songs those were, Bevan. I don’t regret carting ye out here with me.” Bevan stood too, waiting...
(Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013)Mitch was expecting someone. He paced his living room floor nervously, anticipating the person’s arrival. As he took another step, he wobbled and nearly turned an ankle. “Stupid heels,” he muttered. He was still getting used to walking in high heels. He’d just put them on about fifteen minutes ago. He glanced down at the high heeled sandals, his exposed feet and his red, painted toenails. Is this for real? He asked himself. He heard the sound of a car door slam. His...
CrossdressingI grew up on a ranch in central Montana, which meant that I didn't get to see many folks very often. So it wasn't odd that my sister Christy and I were pretty close. She was two years younger than me, but that didn't mean a thing on the ranch. We both had chores and they were to be done. Period. If they were hard, or dirty, or whatever, that just plain didn't matter. You just did them.Daddy had been raised in some kind of religious commune back east, and had come west when it got raided by the...
When I was working as a journeyman. I was often put with trainees since I enjoyed being around young guys and the older guys had no patience. I was about 28 when I met Mark. His girlfriends dad was the business agent for the union. He got him a job since he had knocked up his daughter and wanted the k** to have a descent living. I liked Marks looks. He was 18, thin, 5 ft 9 and weighed about 170. he was light brown hair and blue eyes with eyelashes that any girl would love to own. We got into a...
When some girls were playing with dolls and pretending to be princesses, 19 year old Penelope was fucking a dildo and dreaming of being a porn star. She was the high school slut who would give blowjobs to every Tom, Dick and Harry, and Paul, Dave, Kevin, you get the idea. So it’s no surprise that this blonde nympho would walk through our doors looking for fame and fortune, not to mention as many hard cocks as she can get a hold of. The bottom line is she’s a natural which is fine...
xmoviesforyouThey were just about to graduate but only one thing was holding them back. That was the Senior Project they were required to do. They hadn’t come up with an idea and had to start there at least. They knew they had to have that done and so they headed home and spent some time thinking about it. They thought hard that night. Time was closing in. Jefferson even went to bed thinking about it. He was the groups’ leader. He laid awake that evening as thought and he thought about her that night. He...
Everyone in the crowd froze in a various array of postures. Moments after they got to their seats the group battle ended, and in both ghastly and bloody manner, at that. “Is ... is that it?” Someone asked in a barely audible voice. “In just a few seconds he took out five of the eight of them, killing three of them, not less...” Another person mentioned waveringly. “How terrible, he even didn’t spare the woman...” “Dad, dad, what Martial school this expert belongs to? Please sign me in!”...
I finished getting the batter ready and pulled the big skillet out of the cupboard. I put in the oil and spices I liked to use and turned the fire on and let it slowly heat the oil while I dug out some of the thick fries I knew the girls liked. I plugged in the deep fryer to heat as I finished up with a couple of small things for cooking. Tran and George came in with the fillets. I checked to make sure there were no bones in them as I dipped them into the batter. I waited a few minutes while...
I woke up in almost the exact same position that I fellasleep in. My face was buried in the pillow while the rest of my body was twisted to the left facing Ellie’s sleeping form. I could feel warm skin lying on top of my right hand. As I opened my eyes I was greeted by a mess of blonde hair splayed all over the pillows. Ellie’s mouth was slightly open and her soft breath was making the hair in front of her face swing back and forth. My eyes traveled downward to where my right hand was. Our...
Love StoriesThe next morning we relaxed and had coffee and waited to see if Smitty would call and invite us to Al's club. He did call but said that he had been unable to set anything up before the time he had agreed upon to release Tammy at the airport and allow her to continue on to Orlando. Since there was not going to be another lesbian sex show I made Inga put on a tiny skirt and revealing top and we went out on the bike to see what kind of fun we could find. I rode out of town to a biker bar that...
It’s the start of a long hot summer in early 50’s England. Anna has again begun her school hols by coming to the small local outdoor pool; but this summer she’s wearing her new polka-dot bikini. She stands near the poolside with a fresh self-conscious pride as music filters from a little radio on the grass at her boyfriends side where he lays on his towel, sunbathing. Anna views his pale body smothered in suntan oil; highlighting the youth’s skinny physique. Despondently she wonders when he...
Dress Code by Brian [email protected] I wrote this back in 1999. Be kind. If you review history, you'd be surprised to see how often a small event can have the most monumental results. If the driver of Archduke Ferdinand hadn't taken a wrong turn in 1914 he wouldn't have been assassinated and the world wouldn't have been plunged into The Great War. If Lincoln hadn't gone to the theater that night, he never would have been shot. If Hitler had been a really good artist, then he...
Sandi's new promotion vaulted her into the city's social stratosphere. She hobnobbed with rich and famous people on a regular basis now. Her date/escort on these occasions was the young handsome Officer Ben Johnson, much to his embarrassment. The evening gowns and dresses his boss wore on these occasions showed way too much of her voluptuous body for him not to notice her beautiful figure. He confessed his troublesome thoughts to his silent love, Lady X. He told her that he was beginning to...
Blonde, big tits and a spectacular body too, Sharon White looks incredible in uniform in Private Specials, Playful Maids and with studs Alberto Blanco and Potro in the house, she decides it’s time to clean some cock too! Watch this spectacular girl in action on as she teases and lures in both men with her beautiful ass before treating them to a couple of sloppy deepthroat blowjobs. Then enjoy the sight of Sharon getting fucked as she takes turns satisfying both cocks with some...
xmoviesforyouTheir cries mingled with the sounds of the storm and, like the storm, gradually became softer. Spent, Dan remained atop her stretched body, but lifted himself on his arms. He lowered his lips to her breasts and slowly sucked and kissed each nipple. Lisa drew in her breath and quivered at his touch. His tongue traced some of the red lines left from the whipping and this too brought a response from the bound girl. With a catch in her breath she said, "All right, Captain," you've kept your...
Elizabeth Grey - Part 16: That set us off again. I called Fiona Woolf's office first thing and left my name and Jeremy's number. For the next hour and a half, I paced the house, disturbing Jeremy as he tried to work until the telephone rang. 'Miss Grey, this is Fiona Woolf returning your call?' 'Thank you Miss Woolf, you probably don't recall me but you...' '...gave you my card after you played at Jeremy's birthday party.' She chuckled. 'I don't give out my card to just...
Aunties and girls interested in chatting n more….please contact me… or Even as a young boy, I had a power, the power to make people dislike me. It was probably because I usually had a smart- ass comment for everyone. It makes it difficult to make friends. I read a lot, and that gave me more ammunition, and that made me less friends, and then I read a lot more. I did have one friend for a while, Drew. He had more of the power than even I did. But after the eighth grade he moved away and I was...
IncestChapter 26: THE CORE TEAMThat night b**st was still not back. I wasn’t exactly worried, he was a big boy after all. It was just that I missed him. Only two nights but it was everything going on, the information flowing in, the meaning of all this information, and the action that need to be taken. I need him with me, involved in the process. I rely on his balance for me.So when during the night I had a dream with b**st in it, a gentle dream of him teasing me, licking my body, my face, it was...
Parker thanked the sheriff for the coffee. The Goldsworths had been sitting in the interrogation rooms of the local police office for the afternoon. Barrow came out of room three with one of the deputies. “She’s asking for a lawyer.” He grinned. “Finally one of them is.” The sheriff took off his hat. “I’ll call Donna Zucker, see if she’s free to represent her.” He stopped when Parker put her hand on his elbow. She smiled. “We’re going to talk to the mom. We have our own recording...
My name is Peter. I'm twenty three and I'm a member of the small internal IT team at a large corporation. It's a typical office setup and our small team of three were kept busy with the day to day tasks; failures, PCs and printers and general support. I'm generally pretty quiet and unassuming and, whilst polite and good at small talk, I'm pretty shy, so just keep my head down and do my job. I joined as a junior aged twenty one straight from University. The office was full of people of all ages...
CrossdressingI was standing pressed against the wall with my cock through the hole and I felt the familiar warm, moist feeling of soft lips around it and the flicking tongue working around my knob. My cock was so hard, I thought it would burst but the sensation was running through my body like electricity, turning me into a mass of trembling jelly. I don't know who the guy was, never saw him, but he was no novice cock-sucker for sure. I had left the cabin door open so that other guys could watch me getting...
GayIt wasn’t just raining, it was pouring down with such force the drops bounced off the terrace floor and the surrounding grass. I stood under the roof looking out while smoking a cigarette. It had begun just a few minutes earlier but the grass and gardens where already soaked and slowly it crept over the flagstone floor and slid towards me. I returned to one of their several wicker chairs standing around a glass table on the terrace, I didn’t think the water would reach me there, or at least I...
MatureOn November 7th of that year Herbert Hoover was elected President of the United States. The Democratic candidate Al Smith managed to get only 87 electoral votes against Hoover's 444. The people of the country felt secure that the Republican prosperity of Calvin Coolidge would continue. Charlie Desmond said: "Well, we're all saved, aren't we?" He planned a nightclub celebration, a small party for himself and Nancy and his most important client Arthur Littlewood and Littlewood's wife and...
[All characters are age 18+] Sorry for not giving an update for so long. My gimp son and I are still here and having fun together since our last update. Sadly, the experiment to expand his chest with hormones didn't work out the way we thought. Needless to say, the milking machine has been sitting in storage collecting dust. I was so discouraged by this setback that I couldn't bring myself to give these updates anymore. And I promise, my girlfriend Christina and I tried everything on...