Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 12 Forth Friday
- 4 years ago
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When Kelli arrived the next week, the father said, 'I'm sorry I have to ask for the second week running but can you stay late again. We have to attend a company dinner dance and my boss has asked if we can remain after to meet some of the out of town reps.'
'It means it will be gone 2:00am again before we return.'
Kelli had to restrain herself from jumping up and down, and said in an artificially calm voice, 'sure, it's no trouble, I'll just watch something or maybe do some of my stretching exercises, it's difficult to find enough time some days.'
'See you later'
As normal she settled the daughter into bed at 9:00pm and was outside Mike room by quarter past, happy the girl would sleep. There was a change however, the chair where she had been leaving her clothes was still there but there was no cardboard sign. Kelli stopped for a second and decided to strip anyway; she found it made her aroused just thinking of entering HIS room naked.
She opened the door and stepped into the room, as she did so Mike rose from his desk chair and Kelli literally ran to him to be held his arms. She started covering his face all over with kisses. He grinned and in between her kisses to his mouth said 'Well that's a lovely way to be interrupted.'
'I've been climbing the wall all week waiting to get here' she said, 'it's been the longest week ever.'
'Have you got a phone so I can at least call you or you call me so I can hear your voice?'
Mike said 'Kelli I think we need to talk.'
'That's why I want your number silly so we can talk when we're apart.'
'I mean we need to talk, about us'
She said 'ok, but not until I undress you, I want your skin against mine first.'
Following the same ritual as previous weeks, he was soon naked, and both her breasts and his cock had been well kissed.
She snuggled up against him and rested her head on his shoulder. 'Now what do you want to talk about, you said we needed to talk.'
'It's what you said as you left last week, it left me in a shocked daze and as my parent were down there talking to you I couldn't call you back.'
Kelli said 'what, because I said love you.'
'That and you called me lover.'
'Well after last week I do love you, and what you did was far more than any lover would do for his girlfriend let alone just any girl.'
'I still don't see how you can say you love me, we've only met twice and the first of those was because I forced you.'
'Yes but by the end of that first meeting it was different.'
'Why, I forced you to strip for me, ' he said
'Yes, but that was nothing more than what had happened during the lesson.'
'Then I forced you to undress me.'
'Yes, but because of the way you made me do it and the way you treated me, by the time I had finished it was the most sensual and erotic act I have ever done.'
'And at the end I had the most intense orgasm ever; you could have made me do anything then. Instead, you just held me in a loving embrace. Every other time I have had sex my partner would move away as soon as he had come. If I came, I would be feeling all alone.'
'Because of the way you treated me you made that orgasm the best ever' She raised her head and kissed him deeply. 'I will never forget that however long I live.'
'And last week, that was nothing short of amazing.'
'When I met my friends on the Saturday they wanted to know why I was so happy. They said I was still glowing. When I told them someone had spent more than four hours kissing and caressing my body they said it was impossible.'
'According to them there aren't any guys on the planet that would do that.'
Grinning she said 'that why I told them I wasn't letting them know who you were, in case one of them tried to steal you.'
'I did make one mistake when I saw my friends the day after our first Friday, I hope you won't be too upset, ' she said looking a bit uncertain.
'What terrible mistake have you done that is going to make me so upset that I would want to break up with you, ' he asked
'When I was talking to the girls I told them your name, at least I told them it was Mike, I didn't tell them any more though.'
Trying to look stern but failing completely, he told Kelli 'I think you need to propose a suitable payment for such a major digression, like my payment for the lesson last week.'
'And it has to make you feel so good you will forget my indiscretion?' she asked.
'That's right, something so intense and pleasurable for me that I'll forget to punish you because I'll be so far out of it that by the time I'm coherent again we will be thinking about something else.'
Kelli asked 'how long to I get to think of what to do?'
'How long were you talking to your friends before you let it slip, ' he asked.
'Before I tell you that, I had better tell you about the two days between the lesson and Friday night.'
'My girl friends were worrying about me all day Thursday, I kept breaking down crying. On the Friday, I was even worse, if you had not done what you did that day, or had forced me to do something obnoxious, I might well have got suicidal.'
Mike was shaken, he had not realized how close to the edge Kelli had been, his actions had been more correct than he had known.
'So on the Saturday after you had healed me so much they could see a big a difference. They we pestering me why my mood had changed so much, I was no longer close to suicide. Actually I was still on such a high, thanks just to you alone, I nearly told them everything.'
'How long before I told them, I have no idea. Anyway I don't need any more time to think of what to do in atonement for telling them your name, ' she said.
'OK what have you thought of?'
'This is payment for my mistake in telling them and to thank you for saving me from suicide' she said.
Taking a deep breath she looked directly into his eyes and said 'And also for being the most wonderful lover in the world.'
Mike looked at her shaken at the intensity of her look, and the sincerity in her voice.
She took another deep breathe and said simply, 'I give you ME, forever and ever.'
'I want you to take me to your bed and experience the joy of making love to me however YOU want, as often as YOU want and for as long as YOU want. And I don't want you to ever stop.' She emphasized each phrase by kissing him intensely between each.
Mike was in shock, he had never expected this, he was fifteen years old and a beautiful, wonderful eighteen year old had just said she was giving herself to him and had said it was forever. Could he handle it?'
Kelli pulled him to his bed and said 'Mike please, make love to me.' She kissed him again to bring him back down to earth.
He finally snapped back to coherence. He said 'Kelli I can't accept a gift of that magnitude that is more than anything I imagined you would offer in this game.'
Kelli said 'I'm serious; I'm giving you me, if you had not saved me as you did, and that's what it was you saved me, I would probably be either dead or in psychiatric hospital. Even giving you me is not enough in my mind to pay for saving me.'
'I'm going to be working all the rest of my life making your life wonderful so I can feel I have really thanked you enough.'
'Now stop arguing and make love to me, wonderful glorious love with your girlfriend.'
Mike realized she really was serious; he was being given a most wonderful gift. He pulled her to him and their lips met in the most intense kiss he had ever experienced.
They broke the kiss and Kelli lay back on his bed, her legs spread wide, waiting for him to join her. Mike looked at the inviting view and remembered the first time he had seen her like this; it seemed an age ago, so much had changed.
He lowered his body to hers and gently maneuvered his cock to her waiting entrance, as he slowly and gently slipped into her body, he leant down and kissed he again.
He said 'I love you, you know this is the first time I have never done this.'
'I joked it should be something intense and pleasurable to make me forget. This is so far above that, but I would never forget this night even if it wasn't the day I gave you my virginity.'
'So I accept your gift of you and give you in return my virginity and my love forever.
'I also ask you to give me one more thing, your hand in marriage, marry me once we are both old enough.'
Kelli pulled him as close as possible and said 'yes, yes, yes, it will be a real story for our kids, my new boyfriend proposed to me while his cock was impaled in my body as I took his virginity. There can't be too many proposals like that.'
Both of them burst out laughing at the thought. Then Kelli said, 'now make me come with your body, you gave me orgasms with the instruments in the demo, now do it properly.'
Mike parents were not going out this Friday so Kelli was not coming over; Mike was somewhat depressed as a result. He was lying on his bed reading, thinking what to do when the phone rang. He was lying wondering if one of his pals was calling when his mother called up, 'Mike, phone call for you, sounds like a girl, the caller said just tell him its angel one, have you been keeping a girlfriend secret from us, ' her voice a barely suppressed laugh. 'Thanks a lot mum, I'll take it up here,...
Friday started with the now regular ritual, Mike said as they finished drying him, 'this week has been wonderful but it is definitely going to be a terrible wrench when we go back home, I will be very depressed each morning showering in my little one person cubical all alone. No cheerleader team washing me, no group hugs, we are going to have to get back here as often as possible.' The angels hugged him tight, 'is there a chance we can get time here in the future?' Kelli asked. 'I...
Mike's father agreed to drop the four friends up there Saturday morning early and collect them at the end of next Sunday giving them almost nine days. When they got there, he would check over the generator, fill its tank, check the gas for the stove and generally make sure everything was safe for them. Finishing all the checks, he left the boys alone by 10:00am saying, 'have fun.' Once they were alone Mike told them to just throw their kit into the bedroom, saying 'we will sort it out...
The following Friday she arrived at his house again, feeling apprehensive, what would happen this time? The last time she had been here she had been through events that ended with the most enjoyable night she had ever had, she wanted more. The parents greeted her and asked would it be ok for her to stay a bit later. The event they were going to was not due to end until about 1:00 a.m. and it was over an hours drive to get there. They wanted to stay until the end so could not be back until...
The day started as usual with Mike's fantasy and followed by the rest. After breakfast, they gathered on the bench seat to discuss the day's activities. Kelli took the lead asking Becky and Julie, 'right, who wants to play the "who comes first" game? Either of you want to try?' 'Both of you have issues, Becky until Mike helped; you were scared of guys and you still have not told us why, Julie you had been disappointed by every sexual encounter before Mike. I think both of you will...
The following year when all the boys had reached 16 they had decided they had better tell their parents, it would allow them to talk and meet without having to hide. Each pair of parents was invited by their son or daughter to a thank you barbeque to be held at the cabin, they were each given a map to follow to the cabin and each given a specific time to arrive. None was told that anyone else was coming so the fact that each was being given a different time did not seem odd. As each pair of...
Morning came and the angels almost dragged Mike to the shower, they had agreed among themselves that they were going to give Mike his fantasy every morning; it was part payback for the wonderful holiday and part for everything he had done for each of them. He could not object or try to stop them it was too much fun. After the angels had finished with Mike, the rest of the guys joined them in what had quickly become a morning ritual. After they finished, they all moved to the table for...
The following morning, when it was obvious all had woken up, Mike sat up and said, 'guys, I am going to be greedy first thing, if the angels agree, and steal them away from you for a while. Angels, would you be willing to re-create my fantasy, it is selfish but, what the hell, its fun. The four girls laughed and giggling got out of bed and left the room, Mark said, 'hay what gives, what fantasy and where have they gone?' 'Well if you follow me you will find out, the first time they did...
The next morning started with Mikes shower with the angel team, and then the others got theirs. Breakfast followed as in previous days, the whole group enjoying the closeness it created. When all was cleared away Kelli said, 'I think we need another restful day, Mike told me there are some lovely secluded pools not far from the cabin where a couple can be alone; I want him to show me his favorite.' Mike said, 'if any of you want to find the pools just follow any of the larger streams...
When everyone was wake the following morning, instead of Mike asking the angels they pulled him into the shower, when they had finished he said, 'if you beautiful angels keep this up I will be suffering withdrawal problems when this holiday ends, I won't be able to look at a shower the same again.' The four girls returned to the shower and called, 'is there anyone else interested in either helping us shower or wanting us to wash them?' The three guys raced into the shower laughing...
After the now regular morning shower ritual had completed, Chet using the camera to take the set of pictures Mike had requested of his fantasy shower with the angels, and breakfast finished Kelli said, 'well today is the last one for games, and it's Julies turn. What do you want to play Julie, the "who come first" game or something else?' 'What else, we have only played that or the one where we had to suck the guys. Is there another game you know?' Kelli grinned, 'I have thought of...
The weeks rolled past, Mike and Kelli managed to be together most weeks but not all, although she had healed a lot, not being with Mike once a week left her very depressed. Mike also felt very depressed, knowing that Kelli would suffer each time they missed a week. The end of the school year came and Kelli graduated, she wished Mike could have been there but could not think of a valid reason to get him there. Mike was also thinking of ways to spend more time with Kelli before she would be...
The four girls started college and moved into the dormitory. Over the first few weeks, they made friends with a number of fellow female students. During an evening get together in the common room in the dorm, the others were discussing the various guys on their courses and around the campus. One of the other students asked Kelli, which ones she thought were the best looking, and would she go out with them. Kelli replied that all those they had been talking about certainly were good looking,...
The years passed for Mike and the guys, and finally reached their final year at high school. All four of them were repeatedly pestered over the years to tell what went on; Mike had said years before that the whole story would come out at some point. The senior prom was being organized and it raised many questions when Mike and his friends all got two tickets, and they were again pestered, 'why do you need two tickets, you never go out with any girls so who could you bring.' Mike replied,...
Kelli was finally released from the chair and as she climbed out was very unsteady on her feet. The teacher then said to the class, 'I think a round of applause would be in order to show our thanks to Kelli for her help today.' Kelli was much more interested in getting her cloths back but could not see them anywhere. The teachers next words filled her with dread again, as he said, 'I think it would be a nice gesture from Kelli if she gave each boy a hug and kiss in thanks for the way you...
At the end of the break Kelli clung to the though that now she would be released for this torture but instead the teacher named another six boys to take the chairs. As the teacher called out the names, Kelli heard one name that sounded familiar, her regular baby-sitting job was for a family with the same name, and she knew there was a son but she had never met him or even knew his full name. She hoped it was just a coincidence. The group settled into the chairs around her she realized the...
After the short break, Kelli was horrified to hear, the teacher calls another six names to come and sit in the seats close around her. Then she noticed the teacher placing another tray of instruments next to her. It dawned on her she was going to have to put up with it again, it was not going to be one hour but two hours of the most humiliating events, she could imagine. What she could not tell was both the glass speculum and the dildo in this set was about a quarter inch larger then the...
Kelli's only shred of hope was this is the last group, if she could survive the group the torture and humiliation would finally end. She could tell from the chatter around her while the teacher was getting the instruments that these boys were even younger. She could not understand why the school would allow such young boys to be part of a class like this. The teacher emphasized the instructions to the boys, telling them to make sure they inserted instruments to the marked line. The final...
The principle left immediately, leaving Kelli with the teacher, she tried to smile but was very nervous. He told her to sit and he would explain. 'As you may have noticed, this is a boy's only school so we have major problems when it comes to the biology and sex ed. classes. Being all male they do not have much female contact which limits their natural urge to apply what they learn in sex ed.' Kelli face was turning red and she was starting to panic. 'Before you start panicking I am not...
'Right class, I'm splitting you into 4 groups of 6 by age, so that all of the eldest are in one group, then the next and so on. The means that each group will be broadly equal in age so we won't have one person in each dominating how each group does.' His final words made Kelli feel even worse when he said 'There is a digital camera available to take pictures. I shall expect a detailed report from each of you.' He then placed 6 chairs around the front of the table and called the first...
'First thing we have to do is get Kelli into the proper position for the demonstration. Would you place your feet into the stirrups please.' This was the point she had been dreading since getting into the chair, the stirrups were 18 inch apart at least, she would have to open her knees to reach, which meant her crotch would be open as well. Taking some deep breathes she placed a foot in each. She knew the boys immediately in front of her could now see her slit clearly, the rest would only...
The final day of the holiday started as all the others with Mike's shower, followed by the rest, all wanted this to be memorable so that they could re-live it in their head until the next time. Breakfast took much longer as all the girls spent some time sitting on each guys lap hugging and sharing feeding each other, all wanted to create many memories with each partner to take away. When everyone had eaten their fill and all had spent enough time, sharing hugs and kisses, they settled on...
The hands pulled her shirt over her head. Who was this? She still could not see, but she did not stop the hands as they unfastened her bra and gently pulled it off her. The hands came under her arms and fingertips stroked at the tenderness of her breasts so lightly that it gave her a chill. She looked down and watched as the hands fondled her. It felt so good. She had to know who was doing this to her. She turned around slowly as the hands held her close and her body was pressed into this...
The hands pulled her shirt over her head. Who was this? She still could not see, but she did not stop the hands as they unfastened her bra and gently pulled it off her. The hands came under her arms and fingertips stroked at the tenderness of her breasts so lightly that it gave her a chill. She looked down and watched as the hands fondled her. It felt so good.She had to know who was doing this to her. She turned around slowly as the hands held her close and her body was pressed into this person...
Copyright© 2006 Sexybeast Kelli tossed her bag down on the floor just inside the door, even though her mother was always telling her not to. Kelli didn't listen to her mother much these days. It seemed anytime they tried to sit down and have a conversation it turned into an argument and Kelli wound up storming off. At sixteen, Kelli thought she knew everything and her mother's lectures just got on her nerves. She also kicked off her sneakers as she didn't want to track mud through the house...
The little Miata sped into the parking lot of the health club, shooting down a lane to park next to a familiar blue Mustang. That’s Natasha’s car, Kelli thought, wondering why her friend was here so late. Natasha usually came to the early evening classes and it was nearly 10pm now. Kelli got and was locking the door when she realized Natasha was sitting in the car. Walking around to the other side, she tapped on the glass getting Tasha’s attention. ‘Hey girl, whatcha doing sitting out here?...
The little Miata sped into the parking lot of the health club, shooting down a lane to park next to a familiar blue Mustang. That's Natasha's car, Kelli thought, wondering why her friend was here so late. Natasha usually came to the early evening classes and it was nearly 10pm now. Kelli got and was locking the door when she realized Natasha was sitting in the car. Walking around to the other side, she tapped on the glass getting Tasha's attention."Hey girl, whatcha doing sitting out here? Are...
Dora put Kelli under the shower and turned on the warm water, they had a removable shower head on a flexible pipe and she ran it all over Kelli's body, she could see that Kelli was in shock about what had happened to her. Dora started talking to her in a clam voice. "Kelli listen to me, nobody knows we are here and we will be out of here tomorrow night. I know this isn't anything you want to do but the fact is that all three of those guys are going to fuck you". With a grin she continued...
It is now late Sunday night and the weekend is over and what a weekend it had been. I had meet Kelli a few months ago and she had warned me that she has been working on a project that was really bazaar and had asked if I would consider helping her if she needed any help. Kelli is a very beautiful girl somewhat into the western style.. jeans, boots, etc.. she is also a stout built woman.. 5'4" around 135 pounds.. long black hair that reaches her hips, oh yes and her age is around 25. Though we...
It is now late Sunday night and the weekend is over and what a weekend it had been. I had meet Kelli a few months ago and she had warned me that she has been working on a project that was really bazaar and had asked if I would consider helping her if she needed any help. Kelli is a very beautiful girl. somwhat into the western style.. jeans, boots, etc.. she is also a stout built woman.. 5'4" around 135 pounds.. long black hair that reaches her hips, oh yes and her age is around 25. Though we...
At first I thought `what have a gotten myself into?' I had agreed tobabysit for the neighbours whenever they were going out, since I was homealone in the evenings anyway. I had made the mistake of telling Peteand Judith, who lived in the adjacent townhouse, that my wife workednights and that I spent most evenings watching cable and playing gameson the computer. Their eyes had fairly lit up when I said that, andthey had immediately asked if I could babysit their two k**s from timeto time, so...
Kelli began to want so much sex during her last two years of high school that she began to date several guys at the same time. She sometimes went out with more than one guy in a single evening, and loved all that it brought her way. Kelli had more than enough energy and sexual desire and hunger to enjoy being with two or three guys in an evening and have each one of the slide inside her and fuck her until he shot his jism load inside her. Then, in her final year of high school, Kelli began to...
Author's Note: Kelli -- I've known several very sexy and attractive young ladies by that same name, but the one who is the subject of this story will know it is HER I am writing about if she ever reads what is contained within these lines. Kelli will know it by the physical description, by the personality, by the experiences the female character of this story has, and so forth. Kelli will know this is an erotic description of her because she shared all of this with me. I've told some of...
I will never forget that first day I met Kelli. What a sexy young blonde and she was sitting there waiting to be interviewed for a job. It was one of the few times I ever saw Kelli in a dress but she looked great in it. Little did I know what I was really seeing at that moment, but later I found out that I was looking at the very sexy and nicely endowed chest of a young mother about 20 years old who'd given birth to her first baby only about a month earlier. What especially caught my attention...
"You want me to do what, Tom?" Kelli asked as we talked on the phone together that afternoon. "Kelli, I want you to join me for dinner tonight, and I want you to dress just for me, OK?" I said. "I don't want you to worry about what anyone else thinks; you're dressing with me in your mind." "What would you describe as dressing just for you, Tom?" Kelli asked. "Kelli, you know what I think of you. You know how hot you make me and how you get me so fucking horny. If you were trying...
After waking from her nap, Kelli showered and then began selecting her outfit for that night. Kelli knew she was hot and lusty, and she knew she was going to have fun starting right then as she decided what to wear to titillate and seduce her horny lover and admirer, Tom. He was obsessed with her and she was with him, too. They had never been romantically attracted to each other but their mutual sexual attraction and serious fuck-buddy relationship was all Kelli had ever dreamed possible....
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Kelli and I continued our illicit sexual liaisons for a number of months; as long as Kelli was still interested in having me help her play out her own sexual fantasies. When Kelli tired of a sexual relationship or of a particular lover, he was finished. She didn't spend any energy trying to sustain a sexual relationship gone stale. I was amazed that Kelli never tired of me, and as long as she and I lived in close proximity, Kelli would fuck with me as often as our lives and schedules would...
Kelli was married and had one baby, but she was not happy. She had thought her husband was the one for her, but she quickly found out that she was far from happy and contented to be married to him. For one thing, she found that once he'd knocked her up and she'd gone through the pregnancy and then given birth, her husband, Larry, no longer seemed to have any sexual interest in her. She didn't understand why because she was the very same young woman in her early 20s who he'd used to fuck 3...
Kelli – Married Tom didn't even wait to get Kelli alone in the bridal suite he'd reserved for them to spend the night in. Kelli had far exceeded Tom's wildest imaginings of what she might pick out in the way of lingerie and wardrobe to get his attention. He knew he'd given Kelli the challenge of dressing as hotly as she could; regardless, he knew he wouldn't be surprised. Kelli was a totally hot and very sexual young woman. He loved how sexy and beautiful Kelli looked and Tom wanted...
Kelli just lay there her body coming down from it's climax when she felt the bed shift with another's weight. She opened one eye to see a naked Carl his thick stalk swaying before him as he crawled toward her wide spread legs. She didn't know if she had the energy for anymore but it didn't matter to anyone but her. Carl's lust was high from watching her get pounded twice and he wasted no time, taking her slim ankles in each hand and spread her legs as wide as he could pushing them back...
Kent came into my office at the church the other day to discuss his wife’s behavior. I had married them two years earlier. Kelli had been a relatively submissive 19 year-old at the time. I was surprised to hear that they were having problems. Kent explained, “The first 6 months were fine. She kept the house spotless. My meals were ready and waiting when I came home. And she was ready and waiting when I came to bed each evening. But as time passed, her behavior became more sporadic. The house...
I took Kelli and led her by the hand down the hall to what appeared to be her master bedroom. If she wanted us to play-act that this was her honeymoon deflowering, we were going to do it in her real-world marital bed. If she wanted me to "take her" as though she was a virgin and this was her first sexual experience, we were going to do it for real in the bed that she shared with her real-world husband. I don't know what it does for the married women and MILFs I get to bed, but there is...
Introduction: This is how I remember it! She wasn't THE prettiest girl I knew, but she was certainly one of them. And to my way of thinking, Kelli was the ultimate Girl Next Door – and I’m sure you would have agreed, if you happened to be (as I was at the time) an athletic, fun-loving, mischievous f******n-year-old boy. She was a year younger than me; we had lived house-by-house since I was ten, when my family moved to that quiet suburban neighborhood of older homes, wide tree-lined streets,...
Kelli and I had been friends and playmates since word one; we were both only children of two-working-parent families, and the only kids our age for several blocks around. Her long brown hair and flashing brown eyes, ready grin and playful attitude -- not to mention practically inexhaustible energy and daring that matched mine -- made her as good as "one of the guys" in all kinds of adventures. At about 5'2" she was maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet; there wasn't an ounce of additional...
I was planning a trip to Florida to get away from everything, play some golf and just relax and I decided to ask my daughter, Kelli if she would like to go with me and spend some time with her stepfather. Having a fairly busy and stressful job, she eagerly agreed. I booked the flights made the limo reservations for the airport and we were off the very next weekend.My daughter and I have always been very close. We share the same sense of humor, similar interests and can rib each other beyond...
Her fingers traced the profile of the girl’s breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli’s hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli. The girl’s eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big...
Her fingers traced the profile of the girl's breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli's hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli. The girl's eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big...
Kelli Goes Out By Kelli Andrews I finally decided to take the plunge and go out in public dressed as a woman. I had only been out twice before, each time just walking around an outside shopping center and doing some window shopping, but this time I was going to go to a club for a drink. I'm 34 years old, 5'7", 145 lbs., and married to a wonderful woman who has no idea about this side of me. She obviously knows that I shave my body, but I had been doing that since before we met and she...
Part 3, Myself and Mike, Candice and Tarryn. FridayAfter a naughty fun afternoon with my sister and Carry, my parents were soon home. We chatted a bit before all helping with dinner and tidying up before heading our separate ways. Carry and my sister were first in the lounge watching TV, where Mike and I joined for a while as we message Tarryn and Candice, finalizing plans for tomorrow. Even tho being open with my sister and Carry, Mike and I soon said good night, leaving the two girls to enjoy...
Part 2 Mike meeting Candice and Tarryn and Thursday at my houseWhile waiting for Mike to arrive, myself and the 2 girls eventually moved back inside the house. Both Candice and Tarryn put a top on over their wet bikinis and into the kitchen we went to make lunch. Mike arrived while we were eat, and after opening up for him, I introduced him to my new girlfriend Candice and her naughty friend Tarryn. The 4 of us chatted as Tarryn and Mike started to get to know each other better. The afternoon...
"Fuck thats amazing," Mike said, Kate looked up at Mike for a second and she had a huge smile on her face and started to work Mikes penis even harder. Kate had never woken Mike up sucking his penis before, ever since the poker party a few weeks ago she had been a bit more adventurous in the bedroom and she had not cared who heard too. Her mom was only a few doors down the hall, Mike groaned again with pleasure as the slurping noises from Kate got louder. Kate took her mouth away from his...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
I woke up sometime around 5am well rested, but I felt like I was gonna be sick. Mike was still sound asleep, actually snoring a bit. It was real faint, but definitely a snore. It was kinda funny actually. I couldn't laugh to hard though as I had to pee bad. I untangled myself from Mike as gently as possible trying not to disturb him, then went into the rest room did my business. Must have been all that wine last night, cause I sat there for what seemed like forever. Can the human bladder...
Mike stared ahead of him at the long ribbon of highway that stretched as far as he could see without a town in sight. He had been driving since early morning and it was now 5:50PM in the evening. His was getting tired and he needed a rest. The next town of any size was still forty miles away where he could check in at a hotel, and get some food and a good bed to sleep in. He still had two hundred miles to travel before he would be home and with his wife. He planned to stop and buy her a gift as...
Straight SexDave begins this true-life story.Mandi was at the point that she needed to spread her carnal wings as quickly as possible, and use this newfound freedom to enjoy as many possible sexual experiences she could. I was encouraging her to do just that, as it totally turned me on when she had sex with someone else. Of course, I had the same freedoms but not near as many opportunities as she had.I had an office in Silicon Valley in California. It was a Tuesday afternoon about a month after the...
ExhibitionismThis one picks up right where the story "Second time with Mike" leaves off, so make sure to check out that, and probably my story of my first ever experience (Was my first time ever, and first with Mike!) to catch up to speed! 4th and probably final one I will write about my adventures with Mike coming soon!We finished paying and then grabbed an Uber. Mike was quick to that and made sure it was on the way fast! We said our goodbyes to friends that we were going to go crash. We headed outside,...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...