Kelli free porn video

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At first I thought `what have a gotten myself into?' I had agreed to
babysit for the neighbours whenever they were going out, since I was home
alone in the evenings anyway. I had made the mistake of telling Pete
and Judith, who lived in the adjacent townhouse, that my wife worked
nights and that I spent most evenings watching cable and playing games
on the computer. Their eyes had fairly lit up when I said that, and
they had immediately asked if I could babysit their two k**s from time
to time, so they could get out of the house. Ugh. How could I refuse?
I'd just told them I did nothing in the evenings, so I could not very
well make up an excuse now.

Their boy Jeff was twelve and Kelli, his older sister, was sixteen.
Were they sure these k**s even needed a babysitter. Kelli certainly
looked old enough to take care of Jeff, if he even needed any looking
after. Judith was adamant, though - k**s should not be left alone.
What if someone broke in? What if there was a fire? Fine, fine, I had
said, though I had to wonder if someone *did* break in if I would stick
around to be of any use.

I arrived at 6:00, just after they had finished dinner. Their place was
pretty messy, especially compared to our spotless home (my wife is a
neatness fanatic), but I guessed that was due to the presence of the
k**s. I expected a night of real horror after seeing the disarray
around me; `these k**s must be monsters,' I thought.

Pete greeted me with a smile. "Say, Hank! We really appreciate this,
pal. We're finally going to get out on our own for the first time in,
god, how long honey?"

Judith emerged from the kitchen, wearing an evening dress with a
plunging neckline. She was a nice looking lady for someone 15 years my
senior. "Forever," she said, and smiled at me strangely.

"Yeah, forever. Anyway, we're going to Les Miserables and then a late
supper. Midnight too late for you?"

"No, not at all," I said, wincing internally. "My wife gets home about
then, so I'll just call her and tell her I may be over here when she
gets home."

As I was talking I began to hear some decidedly loud thumps coming from
upstairs. Pete noticed me glancing at the ceiling. "k**s!," he yelled
up at the stucco, "knock it off and get down here." I heard giggles and
more rumbling, then footsteps running down the stairs.

Little Jeff emerged first. He was awfully short for his age, and wiry.
He really looked like a much younger k** than he was. But then, Pete
looked like a k** too, and he was over 40. Genetics.

Right on Jeff's heels, and tugging on his hair, was Kelli. If jeff had
looked half his true age, Kelli looked almost twice hers. I remembered
when that film director, Polanski, got in trouble for messing around
with a minor and he claimed that he'd thought she was in her twenties.
I had taken an `oh, sure' attitude about that, but now I knew what he

Kelli was a lovely girl. She had an hourglass figure, long smooth legs,
large breasts for a 16-year-old, and a face that reminded one incredibly
of Elizabeth Taylor in `National Velvet.' Or maybe Natalie Wood in some
of her younger roles. Her soft brown hair fell in lovely, loose,
natural curves all around her neck. And she was very tall for 16 -
almost as tall as my wife. If I did not know better, I would have bet
she was 19 or 20. She was dressed in a knee-length T-shirt with a
picture of a teenage mutant ninja turtle on it, and that combined with
the roughhouse play she was engaging in with her brother were the only
indications that this was a k**.

Pete made the k**s stand still and he introduced them to me. I had seen
Jeff playing around the complex, but had never met him or even seen

"Hi," he said, looking away.

"Hi," Kelli said, looking me right in the eye. Her expression had a
kind of boldness to it, but she still looked terribly innocent.

I held that gaze for an uncomfortable moment, then looked up to see that
Pete and Judith had already started heading for the door. "You k**s be
good - mind Mr. Freeman," Judith said, not looking. Pete followed her
out the door without a word. They told me nothing about who to call if
there was a problem, or any of the stuff I'd thought one would tell a
sitter. Pretty neglectful parents, I thought.

The k**s showed it. For the first hour things were rocky. These two
just would not calm down. They wrestled, tumbled, and ran over most of
the house, and I felt weird telling them to `settle down' and things
like that. It made me feel like my father, and hence rather old. I
began to see why the place was such a mess. I decided to retire to the
TV room and hoped the k**s would get tired soon.

I was watching some nudie flick on the Playboy channel, and things got
reasonably quiet for a while. Then all of a sudden I head a loud *bang*
followed by crying.

I ran into the kitchen and saw Jeff lying next to the undersink cabinet.
I felt my heart jump when I saw the blood running down his face. Kelli
was standing next to him, looking too innocent and doing nothing to help

"Damn!" I said, and hurried to check him out. As it turned out, the cut
was very small and looked far worse than it actually was. I glared at
Kelli as I was calming Jeff and cleaning the cut with a paper towel.

"I didn't do anything," she said, indignantly.

"Sh-sh-she pushed me down!" Jeff said, sobbing.

"Nuh-uh! Did not!" Her voice was high and frantic. She'd done it, of

The k**s did that `did not, did too, did not' thing for about a minute
until I bellowed for them to shut up. Jeff looked good as new once I
got the blood out of his hair. I could not even find the cut anymore.
They went running off to do more damage and I cleaned the spatters off
the kitchen floor, swearing to myself.

Before I could even get back to the TV room I heard another thump, and
more crying. This time it was Kelli who was the victim. Jeff had
obviously tripped her as she was running up the wide carpeted stairs.
She was laying in a heap on the tile at the foot of the stairs, crying
and holding her knee.

`Dr. Hank, call to surgery,' I thought. I sent Jeff to his room,
rather angrily, and knelt to examine Kelli's knee. Jeff ran up the
stairs sulkily.

I could not help but notice that her long T-shirt had ridden up to her
waist, and as I checked out her left knee, my eyes kept wandering to her
white cotton panties. Her sobs were subsiding as I ran my hands over
her knee - there was no damage that I could see. But I prolonged the
moment, my mind reeling madly as I noticed the tiny curls of pubic hair
that were peeking around the legbands of her underwear. All of a sudden
I was being turned on by this girl - my dick was hardening, my heart was
beating faster, I felt my breath coming shallow and quick. I could
barely see the folds of her labia, or imagined I could, through that
thin white material. My attentions to her knee had caused her legs to
spread slightly, and I found myself pushing the knee farther, pretending
to look for damage, watching feverishly out the corner of my eye as the
edge of her pussy began to barely peak out from the elastic. I began to
slide my hand down a bit from her knee, feeling the taut youthfulness
of her thigh.

"Ow!" she said, and I looked up. I had spread her legs far enough that
she'd felt it. Her face was red with a blush.

"Um, your knee looks OK," I said.

"Thanks," she whispered, then bolted up the stairs. Had she seen me
looking at her pussy? I was not sure, but something seemed to have made
her react.

Confused and turned on, I returned to the TV room. The Playboy channel
was still on, showing some playmate who was golfing in the nude. I
switched off the idiotic thing and sat in an easy chair, my mind filled
with what had happened.

Kelli's young body had turned me on, but that was natural, wasn't it? And all I had done was
look - how could I help myself? The girl was a knockout, though she
clearly did not know it. I mean, to have ignored that pretty little
cunt when it was staring me in the face would have been inhuman.

Wouldn't it?

My dick would not soften. I tried to think of mundane things like work
and gardening, but no matter how hard I tried, my thoughts ran back to
Kelli's thighs, Kelli's pussy, Kelli's little hands wrapped around my
cock shaft, the sheer madness of sinking my prick, centimetre by
centimetre into that tight little quim. Oh god, this was insanity - how
could I get this girl out of my head?

I turned the Playboy channel back on - they were showing a softened
version of some porno film. I took out my cock and began to beat off
feverishly. I turned the sound down so I'd be sure to hear if the k**s
came downstairs. I shot off in about a dozen strokes, pouring my sperm
into a paper napkin that was sitting on the endtable.


In the days that followed I found myself becoming increasingly obsessed
with Kelli, thinking almost constantly about that moment at the foot of
the stairs. Sometimes I could almost convince myself that I had reached
down and stroked her pussy though her panties with my fingertips. Other
times I imagined ripping through that thin cotton material and sinking
my tongue into her tight hole. All of it was bullshit, all of it drove
me crazy.

I was almost too quick to agree with Pete and Judith when they asked me
to sit with the k**s again. They did not seem to notice my strange
eagerness - but that was not too surprising. When it came to their k**s
they seemed to notice damned little.

It was the weekend before halloween, and the k**s were fussing about
their costumes. Pete and Judith had left abruptly, again leaving me
with no instructions, and I was trying to help the k**s, especially
Kelli, to finish up their costumes.

Jeff was going to be a cowboy. Easily done, all you need is jeans and a
plaid shirt, a cowboy hat, a six shooter in a holster, and maybe some
chaps. Jeff had all these things but wanted to be a Marshall, so I made
him a star out of tinfoil. Kelli waited patiently for my help with her
costume, which was to be a female vampire. Once the star was finished,
Jeff ran off upstairs to look at himself in the mirror and play in his
new costume.

"I want to be a vampira," Kelli said, holding out a black swath of
material. The swath was actually an extremely slinky, tight nylon dress
that she'd borrowed from her mother. She also said she had a set of
false fangs she'd bought at the novelty store, and a black wig an aunt
had given her for a witch costume the previous year.

"Well," I said, "if this is your mom's dress I doubt it will fit you.
She's a lot bigger than you." I glanced at Kelli's chest. "Taller, I

"I also need a cape, and I don't know where I'm going to get that." She
looked dejected.

"Well, let's take one thing at a time. Have you tried the dress on?"

She shook her head.

"OK, well let's see how it fits."

I expected her to then go off somewhere and put the dress on, then
return so I could see the fit. Naturally, in that part of my mind that
was still remembering her little wispy hairs peeking out the edge of her
panties, I wanted her to change right there in front of me. What I got
was something in between. She went behind a sort of Japanese screen
they had near the fireplace, and took off her jumper. But the glass
door of the fireplace was a pretty good mirror, and I had a darkened,
but reasonable view of her as she slipped the dress on. I did not see
much, since she wore a bra and panties, but I was struck by how slim her
waist was. I thought I might be able to get my hands around it
completely, thumbs touching in front, middle fingers in back. I felt
myself getting hard again, especially when I noticed how strained her
bra was. Her mom had not noticed how much Kelli had grown and bought
her a larger size. Her appearance in that tight bra was extremely sexy,
since it emphasized the fact that she was just then blossoming into

She came out from behind the curtain. The dress, which was obviously
intended to be mid-calf length, piled up on the floor, and the waist was
somewhere between her hips and her knees. Not the proper effect, but
sexy as hell since the neckline, already intended to plunge, was almost
to her navel. We tried and tried to adjust the dress, and during this
time I had several chances to run my hand over her tummy and the small
of her back. The feel of her was fantastic - so smooth and firm. I
suggested that we might be able to bring the dress up by shortening the
shoulder straps, and while standing behind her I demonstrated by pulling
the dress up by the straps. I watched that silky black material slide
over her tits and ass, and my boner became a real problem. I sat down
quickly while Kelli held the straps up and knotted them.

"This should work, though the knots will look funny." She noticed my
distress. "Are you OK Mr. Freeman?"

"Yeah, sure. Just a leg cramp." I doubled over to massage my leg, and
also effectively hid my hardon.

"What do we do about the cape?" she asked.

"Well, I think I have a black bedsheet that will work, though you'll
have to give it back." I was still rubbing my leg, and watching her
curves through that dress. I was hoping she'd leave to play, like Jeff,
so I could take care of my problem.

"You have black sheets?" she asked, amazed.

"Sure. Other colours too. So?"

"I thought they were always white." She shrugged. "Well, thanks. That
pretty much does it I guess." Without another word she walked out the
door and I heard her ascend the stairs.

I did not wait a second. I whipped out my painfully hard erection and
flicked on the Playboy channel with the remote. They were showing,
oddly enough, a woman dressed as a vampire, but with nothing underneath
the cape. As she spread her cape wide, she undulated her hips and
heaved her breasts as she hissed. Pretty sexy stuff. I began to stroke
my cock slowly, trying to enjoy the sensation and imagine Kelli was the
vampire, beckoning be to fucked by curling her black tipped fingers.

I had not turned the sound down. So I did not hear when she came back
into the room.

Suddenly I heard a gasp behind me. Without thinking I whirled around,
and there was Kelli. She had retrieved her false fangs and had put them
in her mouth. She'd also put on the black wig. Obviously she wanted to
show me the costume - and now she was standing stock still, staring at
the hard cock in my hand.

I should have tried to hide myself, or cram my dick back into my pants,
but I was too stunned to do anything for several seconds. Kelli had
started to say "I vant to suck your blooood", in a Beli Lugosi-type
voice, and had said simply "I want to suck your..." before I had turned
around and had stopped her in her tracks. Now the irony and sexiness of
that partial statement caught me, and I was just stuck there, standing
like an idiot with my dick in my hand.

"God," she said, finally. Her voice brought me back to reality. I
hurriedly turned around and painfully jammed my shrinking dick back into
my pants. I muttered some kind of apology, but by the time I turned
back around she was gone. I heard her running up the stairs. The wig
and the fangs were on the floor.


What to do? My mind was totally divided between two terribly conflicting
ideas. One half of me was still incredibly aroused by the memory of
Kelli standing there staring at my penis and telling me she wanted to
suck me, even though I knew that it was an accident of fate that put
those words into her mouth. My other half was terrified of what might
happen if she reported the indecent to her parents. At best they'd get
pissed and maybe tell my wife. At worst I could end up talking to the
police. I decided I'd better talk to her about the whole thing and make
sure she understood that I did not mean her to see me like that.

I cautiously went upstairs. I checked in on Jeff first and found that
he'd fallen asleep in his cowboy outfit, lying on top of the covers. I
covered him as best I could with the bedspread, which was balled up on
the floor and looked as though it had been there for some time, then
turned off his light and closed the door to his room. Kelli's room was
on the other side of the bathroom, a bit down the hall.

As I walked the short distance to her door I went through all the things
I might say, in my mind. Nothing seemed to sound right, though, and I
decided to play it by ear. I had no idea how experienced she was or
what she knew about men and sex. 16 is a nebulous age; some girls have
even had sex by then. Others have barely thought about it.

Kelli's room was dimly lit from a desk lamp in one corner. Like the
rest of the house, her room was a dishevelled mess, though she had left
no clothing on the floor as her brother had. Mostly there were stuffed
a****ls and magazines everywhere. Kelli was sitting in a window seat
and staring outside when I came into her room. When she turned to look
at me her face was a mixture of confusion and defence.

I crossed the room and sat on her bed - I did not consider that to be
lascivious at the time, it was simply the farthest spot from her and I
did not want to be threatening. Looking back, I suppose the symbolism
was pretty strong. She went back to staring out the window and I
realized that I was going to have to speak first.

"Kelli," I began, "I'm really sorry about what just happened. I did not
mean for you to see me like that."

She said nothing for a moment, and I was about to try and phrase it
another way when she said: "I know. I'm always doing that."

Doing what? Making grown men jack off? "Always doing what?"

"Always interrupting private stuff. Like with my mom and dad." She
looked terribly glum.

"You walked in on them in bed?"

"They weren't in bed - they were in front of the fireplace and I just
wanted to get my Tiger Beat that I'd left on the TV set and I walked in
and saw them.... doing it. Sort of."

"Oh." Sort of? How can you do it `sort of'?

"Anyway, my dad got really mad and told me I was a peeking tom and mom
got even madder and wouldn't talk to me." Her face dropped from glum to
positively sad and I felt truly sorry for her, though her reference to
`peeking tom' was cute enough to make me smile a little.

"Well, you couldn't help it. You didn't know."

"Another time," she continued, almost ignoring me, "was with Jenny, our
old babysitter. I came downstairs late because I forgot to take my
vitamin B for flea bites and I saw her with this boy... on the stairs.
I had never seen the boy before, but they were doing stuff and they got
really mad too. They made me promise not to tell or they'd tell my
parents I was touching myself or something. I was scared already. I
wouldn't have told."

She looked at me, a sort of pleading in her eyes. "I'm not trying to
see anything. It just keeps happening to me. Don't be mad, OK?" There
was a tear running down her left cheek.

Amazement turned to relief. She was more concerned with what I might
say to her parents - she had not even considered saying anything
herself. I stepped over to her and put an arm around her shoulder.
"I'm not mad, Kelli. Not at all. It was not anyone's fault; just a
mistake. I'm sorry I made you sad and made you think about those other
times. Why don't we just forget about it?"

She smiled. "Thanks Mr. Freeman."

"Call me Hank."

She blushed a little, then all of a sudden gave me a very womanly look.
"Thanks, Hank."

"No problem. Good night."

I started to leave, and had gotten to the door when she asked me: "Can I
ask you a sort of personal question, Hank?"

I turned. She was still sitting at the window seat, but had turned to
face the room. The straps on the dress and slipped back, and the
neckline hung low on her. I could see the lacy trim of her bra above
the scoop, and could see the tops of her breasts rising out of the
one-size-too-small cups. I sat on the floor near the door and brought
my knees up, looking casual but hiding my rekindled erection.

"Shoot," I said, trying to sound totally at ease.

"Well, um. I was wondering... Well, if you don't want to tell me it's
OK, but..."

"Ask away, Kelli. You've seen everything I have to hide already."

She laughed embarrassedly into her hand. "Um, well. I have seen a
guy's... thing... three times. And, well, I just wondered how come
when you wear pants it doesn't, like, show. Like a tent. You know...
poke out, like..."

She thought men were in a perpetual state of erection since she'd only
seen dicks when they were hard. Sorry to have to break the bad news to
you k**...

"Well," I said, "a man is not always hard. Most of the time it just
sort of... hangs there."

She giggled. "Oh. Really? Well, then... but... uh... I don't know.
I mean, how does it... um...." She obviously wanted to know what made
men hard, but was too shy to ask.

I held up my hand. "It's like this. When a guy gets aroused - sexually
excited, like when your babysitter and her boyfriend were fooling around
on the stairs - then the guy gets hard, like you saw."

"It... _get's_ hard?"

"Sure. Just sort of swells up and gets really stiff. Don't they teach
you this stuff in health class?"

She shook her head. "Your parents have to sign a thing, and my mom
wouldn't. Well, I think maybe she lost it. So, does it hurt when it's
like that?"

This was strange - this beautiful little girl was asking me intimate
details about my cock. If it were an older girl I was having such a
conversation with, I would have assumed we were in for some action; I
had to remind myself that this one was only a k**. "No. Not really.
It's very sensitive, though. Like when your leg goes to sleep and is
just waking up, you feel everything like little tingles?"

"Yeah, that's a weird feeling," she nodded her head.

"Well, that's sort of the feeling, but nicer."

There was a very heavy silence for a moment, as she turned away, then
back to face me, then away again. Finally, she said "so my dad got
excited because my mom had his thing in her mouth." Ah, so that was
doing it `sort of.' "And that boy was excited from putting his thing up
against Jenny's poochy..."


"You know. Down there."

"Oh. You mean pussy."

"Oh? OK, well... pussy." She blushed a deep red. My rising boner
jumped a bit at hearing her say that word. "Anyway, so um, so why did
you? Get excited I mean. Was it that TV show with the naked vampire

This was a key moment. I did not want to lie to her, but I did not want
to scare her either. I had avoided a major possible disaster, and it
was not a good time to plunge back in. "No. And I don't think we
should talk about this anymore, Kelli." I got up and turned to the door.

She rose, panic in her voice. "Did I say something bad? I'm sorry. I
was just curious. Don't be mad..."

Over my shoulder, against my better judgement, I said "It was you,
Kelli. I saw you changing clothes in the glass fireplace door. That's
what made me hard. I'm not mad." I closed the door and walked


Down in the TV room I sat and concentrated, willing my dick to soften.
I did not dare try and relieve myself, though I considered going to the
bathroom and locking the door. The feelings I was having were heavily
conflicted; I was still fighting that 50/50 battle between my adult,
rational resistance toward the idea of sex with such a young c***d, and
my feisty, horny desire to see and explore her naked body. I sat there
in the overstuffed easy chair, watching an interview with Dudley Moore
and fidgeting.

Again, she stole into the room unnoticed. This was the girl that
thumped and wrestled around the house with her brother? She could
really be quiet when she wanted to be.


I almost jumped out of my chair - she had crept up to within a few feet
of me, just off to my left, totally silent. "Ah! Oh, Jesus Kelli, you
scared the shit out of me..."

"Sorry. I just came down cause I don't want you to be mad at me." I
sensed that this was not totally true - she did not have that sad look
she had before. There was a strange mischief in her eyes.

"I'm not mad. I told you that - I just did not think we should keep
talking about... sexual things."

"Why not?"

"What do you think your parents would say? I'm a grown man, and you're almost u******e. If they thought..." I stopped myself. She was asking me to talk, not to fuck. What was I assuming here? This was a 16 year old
girl, even though she looked older.

Her face was a confused puzzle. She looked curious, unsure, a little
scared, a little sad. And a little excited.

I patted the chair next to me, on my right. "OK. Sit. If you have
questions, I'll answer them. But you absolutely have to promise that
this conversation will stay between the two of us."

"I swear," she said, solemnly. She crossed in front of me to the chair,
and I thought I noticed something different about the way she looked,
but I could not place it. She sat down, her face fairly glowing with
the conspiratorial quality of the moment. To her, we were like k**s
whispering under a blanket.

"What did you want to ask me?"

"Well. It's just that.... you said you got.... you got..." She was
nervous again.

"Hard," I prompted.

"Yeah. You said you got hard because you saw me changing my clothes in
the glass door. That was a dirty trick, you know." She smiled a little,
like a k** playing a game. But it was forced.

"I'm sorry," I said, seriously, and her smile vanished. "It _was_ a
dirty trick. People have a right to privacy. I should have turned my

"Oh. That's OK. But why would that make you get hard? I mean, I'm just
a k**."

I smiled and leaned forward a bit in my chair. She leaned too, I
suppose because she thought she was supposed to, and I noticed then what
that difference was in her appearance. She'd taken off her bra.
Through the low scoop in that black dress I could see most of the curve
of her right breast, and even the edge of her nipple, which was pink and
perfect. I shifted in my chair, feeling my cock rise, and tried to
concentrate on my hands as I spoke.

"You have not looked in the mirror lately, have you? You're no k**." It
was true. She could pass for 19 easily.

"They still treat me like one. I can't go on dates, I can't stay out
late, I can't even watch R rated movies on HBO. It's stupid."

"Well, your folks are used to thinking of you as a c***d. I'm not. I
can see you for what you are. A beautiful young woman."

I looked up, but she had turned her face away, obviously embarrassed.
"But why? Why did looking at me..." she drifted off. After a moment of
silence, she turned back to face me. Her face was bright with nervous
excitement. It was as if she had hoped someone would notice her, and
someone finally had. And now she was not sure how to feel about it.

"Why?" I said. "Well, it is very simple, actually. When a man sees a
beautiful woman's body, part of his brain automatically responds,
sending signals to his..."

"Oh, I know that. I mean, I figured that out from what you said before.
But why me?"

"I told you. You have a lovely body, Kelli. When I peeked, I got hard.
It was not the first time either."

"Oh?" She looked surprised and a little pleased. "When else?"

"When you fell down the stairs last time I was here and I helped you
with your knee."

"I remember. But I didn't take my clothes off then."

"No. But I saw your panties, and... well, that area. It had a similar

"Really." That mischievous look was back, and something in her smile
told me that she was pretty happy at the notion of having so much
control over an adult. She was realizing the effect she could have,
whenever she wanted to. "So, um, are you hard now?" She was examining
her fingernails closely, trying to appear casual, as though the question
was purely conversational.

"No," I lied. In fact, I was about 40% hard, and rose to about 50% at
the question.

With one deft motion, and without any warning, she slipped her shoulder
straps down and the top of the dress slid down to her waist. I think I
gasped a little: there she was, stripped to the waist. Her young
breasts, bigger than a handful on each side, stood pale and proud in
the warm light of the TV room. Her rosy pink nipples were perfect, and
had been pressed flat by the dress. They were not erect, but her
breathing, shallow and quick, told me she was excited, or scared, or
both. Her smile was quivering, her gaze steady.

I wanted to touch her so badly. My dick had sprung stiff and straight
as a steel beam. Her titties looked so inviting, and I could not tear
my gaze away from those nipples. "Kelli," I whispered. "This is really
not a good idea..."

"But does it make you hard?" she asked, her voice strangely gentle. "I
mean, is this enough to do that, or do you need to see my poochy too? My
pussy, I mean."

My hands were shaking. For some reason, I glanced at the clock - it was
9:30. Her parents would not be home until midnight or 1:00am. I could
not leave. I could not stay. I wanted to see her little pussy more
than I wanted to take another breath. I wanted to run from the room. I
did not know what to do.

Some sort of instinct had taken over in Kelli. There was no way she
knew how I was feeling, and yet somehow she was compelled into action.
I heard her leave her chair, though I was still staring stupidly at the
clock, terrified that I was about to come in my pants. She stood,
walked into my field of vision, blocking my view of the clock, and
dropped her dress to the floor. No panties either.

When I had glanced at her panties before I had seen little hairs poking
out from around the elastic. Now I could now find them. She had a
little swirl of pubic hair, like the curl on a kewpie doll's head, high
on her venus mound, then a space of bare skin, then the beginnings of
her pussy folds, just barely visible as she stood. Nothing more. Her
young thighs fit smoothly together as she stood, heels together, hands
behind her back. I stared - what else could I do? She was my every wet
dream come true. It was like she was waiting to be inspected, approved.
Touched, maybe. Maybe.

"What about now?" she said so quietly that I would not have heard if my
nervous system had not been running on overdrive. "Are you hard now?"

"Yes," I croaked. I could not seem to move. My desire for her crept
into my muscles, my nerves. Even my eyelids began to tingle. I began
to realize that I was losing control.

"Can I see?" I looked at her face. Her mouth was slightly open, her
breath coming rapidly. Her skin had flushed. She was scared, but she
really wanted to see.

What could I do? I'm only human.

Without a word I leaned back in my chair, lowered my zipper and drew my
manhood from my pants. It stood absolutely stiff, throbbing with my
pulse. I could not believe I was doing this. But there she was, and I
could not stop myself.

"It's moving," she said, her voice a whisper. She bit her lower lip,
surely not realizing how sexy that looked, and took a half step closer.

"With my heartbeat," I said, my voice much calmer than I was. A little
drop of precum oozed from the slit, and her eyes opened wide.

"What's that?"

"Just another sign that you're turning me on, Kelli," I said. The
moment seemed to freeze then. She was staring at my cock, mesmerized.
My gaze darted from her face to her tits to her pussy and back again,
over and over. My dick throbbed like a conductor's baton.
u*********sly, her index finger traced a line along her hip, and I knew
she was getting turned on too, even if she did not know it.

After what seemed like hours, I said "you can touch it if you want to."
I could not believe I had said it. My mouth was dry, and the back of my
head started to itch.

She took another step, then reached forward awkwardly, her fingers
coming within a fraction of an inch of my cock. "It's all right?" she
asked, still whispering.

"No, it's not all right. But I don't mind."

Her eyes flicked to mine and there was a moment of real recognition. We
were doing something `naughty' - but she wanted to. She took my cock in
her hand, wrapping her fingers around the shaft, and slid to her knees
before me. Her young breasts flattened against the insides of my thighs
. Her hand was warm and soft, and almost by instinct she gently jacked
the shaft, sliding my taut skin over the firm muscle of my dick.
Precum dribbled out and rolled down over her thumb. She smiled, her
eyes twinkling.

"Is this right? Something came out... Did I do that?" Her enthusiasm
and interest was so insanely sexy.

"That's fine - yes, you made that come out. It's.... uh..... precum
fluid. If you keep doing that, I'm going to come for real." I was
close, so close, but trying to hold back.

She slowed her stokes to almost nothing. "What's that mean?"

"White stuff will come out - a whole lot of it. It's called semen."

"My mom had some stuff like that on her face when I saw them doing it.
Is that what will happen if I put it in my mouth?" She almost giggled,
then bit her lip again. She was talking about sucking me off in the
same tone she might have used to discuss barbie dolls or the latest
album from her favourite pop singer. I felt like my brain was going to

"Yes, it sure will. Do you want to put it in your mouth?" Please, oh
please, my mind screamed. I no longer cared about much of anything
except her mouth and her pussy and what they would feel like around my
cock. Looking back I can see I was shamelessly leading her on, but at
the time I was simply lost to the passion of the moment.

She nodded, opened her lips, and leaned forward.

For the rest of my life I will remember that moment. It was simple a
thing - my dick slid into her mouth, and I could feel her lips, her
tongue, her teeth, the roof of her mouth. She took it about a third of
the way down, then slid it back out and looked at the wet shaft. She
knew nothing about sucking a cock, of course, and had merely taken me in
and slid me back out. But it was perfect. "Should I do it again?" she
asked, grinning.

"Yes," I said, barely able to speak. "Leave it in, then bob your head
up and down. Lick and suck. Like a popsicle. Just like a popsicle."

She must have eaten a lot of popsicles in her life, because she took
right to it once I gave her that analogy. She sucked, actually sucked
at the skin as she slid my cock into and out of her mouth, like it was
giving her a flavour, which I suppose it was. She would lick up and down
the shaft, fervently, like she was catching the drips of a melting
treat, which I also suppose she was. She kept her teeth away, as you do
when you are eating a popsicle, to keep from getting them too cold. She
slurped and licked and bobbed her head, sucking my cock with energy and
enthusiasm. It was a perfect heaven.

I felt my come rising.

"It's c-coming, Kelli. Swallow as m-much as you can."

She lifted her mouth to say "OK," just as the first spurt came, it
leaped up and hit her in the chin. She giggled like a k** playing with
a kitten and quickly took my cock back into her mouth and began sucking
and swallowing. Her eyes were looking up into mine, questioning... Is
this OK, Hank? Am I sucking it right? Her throat gulped with every pulse
of my cock as she, incredibly, swallowed every drop of my come.

I felt as if the world had fallen away, and there was nothing but she
and I, suspended in that easy chair, my cock in her sweet little mouth.

She kept my cock in her mouth as it shrank, then grew again almost
immediately. She was very excited about having felt that. She drew her
mouth away, smiling, the come glistening on her chin and chest.

"It got small again, then grew in my mouth, Hank!"

"Yes. After a man comes he usually shrinks back to normal size for a
while." I smiled to myself. "Usually it takes 15 minutes to a half an
hour before it can get hard again." My dick was stiff and pulsing as
though I had not come at all. I was amazed.

"But you got hard right away." She spoke with the admiration a pet
student saves for her favourite teacher. "That's cause you're good at
sex, isn't it?" She nodded to herself.

"Not really. I'm just normal. It's you that made the difference.
Seeing you, feeling you, it makes my body respond so strongly that I got
hard right away. That's never happened to me before."

"Really?" She stood, looked down at herself, then looked at my hard
cock. "I did that?"

"Yes." I wanted to fuck her so badly that I had to think very hard, to
concentrate on jail cells and courtrooms, to say "if you want to stop
now we can, Kelli. You know this is really bad, what we're doing. I
could get into a lot of trouble if anyone found out. I could go to

"I don't want to stop," she said, seriously, but serious in that
c***dlike way that is almost funny. "And I won't tell anyone. Maybe we
should go to my room. We can lock the door." She smiled, but there was
a kind of lust in the smile.


I was too far gone to think clearly now. I followed her up the stairs,
watching her cute little ass bouncing ever-so-slightly as she ran up the
steps. I thought back to the time I had seen her and Jeff playing on
these stairs, and how different things were now. For some reason, this
made me even harder.

I also began to be concerned about Jeff. Here his sister was running
naked up the stairs, followed by Hank with his dick sticking out of his
pants. Before I had time to really think through what I would do if he
popped out of his door we were in Kelli's room again, and she was
closing her curtains.

"We should lock the door," she said, and motioned behind me. I realized
that I was standing up against the closed door, blocking access to the
lock. What a strange feeling - I was scared, as though she was the
experienced adult and I was the virgin. My cock throbbed and fairly
hummed with excitement, but the rest of me was not so sure.

But then she sat down on her bed, smoothed out the wrinkled sheets, and
laid back, reclining against her pillow. The sight of that tuft of
pussy hair and those womanly breasts made me give in. I reached behind
me and flipped the lock. Then I doffed my clothing as quick as I could
and stepped over to the bed.

She reached out and began to stroke my cock again, her lying on her side
on the bed, me standing next to the pillows. "What do I do now?" she
said. "Should I put you in my mouth again?"

I reached down to stroke her pretty hair. "Just lie back and spread
your legs," I said, trying not to sound too frantic. She smiled and
complied, rolling onto her back and spreading her legs wide apart.

I stepped to the foot of the bed and laid down on my stomach, my lower
legs hanging in mid air. Her pussy was wide open to me - so pink and
wet and tiny. I stroked at her thighs with my fingernails and she
giggled. She kept giggling until my fingers found the folds of her
labia and began to stroke them. Then she began to moan in a thin, high

I lowered my face to her little slit and began to lick and suck her
pussy lips. Her reaction was strongly frightened at first, her eyes
wild and her hands moving to cover her breasts. But as my licks began
to strumm against her clit more and more she eased, opened, and began to
get into it. Soon her hips were rocking slightly and her small hands
were rubbing her nipples, which were fully erect.

I began to tongue her seriously, and let my finger probe her pussy
gently, exploring the extent of her virginity. Her moans dropped into
a lower register as my finger dipped into her hole. About knuckle deep
I felt some thin tissue blocking my progress, and I knew I had hit her
hymen. My dick surged as my finger diddled her pussy, almost as though
the finger was telling the dick what it was in for.

She was very close to coming now, but I know how to prolong an orgasm,
and I kept her at a plateau for a good while. I looked up at her face
and chest as I pulled my face away from her pussy and let my thumb and
finger keep her hot for a moment. She was never more lovely. Her
angelic face was bathed in the soft light of her desk lamp, her eyes
were closed and her lips were slightly, slightly parted. Her face was
framed by the soft curls of her hair, the ends of which were slightly
beaded with sweat. Her nipples were erect, so much so that most of the
pink areolas were now part of the rising nipples. Her breasts had
swelled to a full roundness, and there were tiny, almost delicate beads
of sweat on her chest and shoulders.

I moved up and knelt between her thighs, my hard dick aching now for her
cunt. As I started to run the head of my cock against her slit her eyes
popped open and she bit her lower lip.

"Oh! I'm scared, Hank," she whispered, grabbing my hand.

"I know. We don't have to if you don't want to," I said, but at that
moment I started rubbing her clit directly with my cockhead. If she had
said no, I would have stopped, but I might have gone mad.

But she responded immediately to the direct stimulation of her clit.
"Uhh. Umm. No, I want to, I want to. Put it in. But please don't
hurt me." She was talking in a dreamy voice now, on the verge of her
first orgasm, her hands opening and closing, her eyes rolling, her hips

I pressed the head of my cock up against her hole and moved my thumb
back to her clit, stroking, stroking. The hole was intensely tight - I
had only fucked a virgin once before, but Kelli was twice as tight as
she had been. Or I was a lot bigger now than when I was 17. Anyway,
the head of my cock popped in after a little coaxing, and though she
shuddered a little, she did not seem to feel great pain.

I began to slip the head in and out, no more than an inch deep, while my
thumb continued to do its magic. I began to suck on her hard nipples,
one then the other, as just the head of my cock slid in and out of her
pussy. She was making a tiny little "uff" noise on every in stroke now,
and I began to gradually, very gradually increase the depth.

The feeling of her young cunt was indescrible. She was so tight that
once I had two inches in her, her pussy formed a kind of suction. There
was no room for any air to get in, her pussy walls were wrapped so tight
around my cockshaft, and once the air was forced out I found it hard to
withdraw more than half of the length I had in. It was like her body
was sucking me in, drawing me into the hot, wet, tightness of her

Presently I found my dickhead pressing on her hymen. It gave slightly,
but did not break.

"Kelli," I said, but she only moaned. "Kelli, this part will hurt a
bit. The first time you do this, it does, then it never does again.
Don't be afraid." My heart was racing, my breath short and quick, but
somehow I managed to sound reassuring. "If you want to stop, say so,

Her eyes opened, still dreamy, and she smiled a sort of drunken smile.
"Do it to me," she said, her voice 10 years older than it had been

I began to rub her clit as fast as I could, and felt her edging over the
plateau. When I felt her thighs begin to twitch and heard her breath
drawn in sharply, I knew she was coming, and I pressed past her hymen,
breaking it with one stroke.

The pain must have been intense - her face grimaced sharply - but her
orgasm quickly covered it with pleasure, as I hoped it would. She
sighed greatly, and I felt the flood of her first come filling her pussy
and lubricating everything. My cock began to slide in and out like a
well-oiled piston, her tight pussy gripping it and sucking it. The
sensation was pure madness. I was fucking a goddess, my mind reeling,
almost passing out. She was whining now, a whine of pleasure, matching
the rhythm of my strokes, and I found myself making a low, guttural
noise as my come began to rise.

She was still coming, her pussy still pulsing and her hips still
shifting from side to side. I knew I was gong to come any minute.

All at once I flipped us over so that she was astride me, and I was
laying on my back. I grabbed her hips and began lifting her again and
again until she got the idea and started fucking herself on me.
Finally, I sucked her left nipple into my mouth, grabbed onto her ass,
and pulled her down, sinking deeply into her cunt as I came.

I felt as though my whole essence was pouring into her. I came in five
or six long, wonderful spasms. Then I put my arms around her and pulled
her into an embrace, my cock still inside her. I felt her tears
dropping on my neck as I buried my face in her hair. Or perhaps they
were my own.

We laid like that for some time, and she slept.

She awoke at around 11:00, just as I was thinking we'd better get
cleaned up in case her parents came home early. Her mouth was at my ear
as we embraced, so she whispered: "Oh, Hank. I wish we could do it
again right now."

"Your parents will be home soon."

"I know. And also I might get pregnant."

"No. I've had a vasectomy." She turned her head slightly, as if to ask
what that was. "I had a very minor operation so I can't make babies."

I felt her cheek rise against mine as she smiled. "So we can do it as
much as we want?"

I began to think about possible futures. Kelli in various beds. Or
perhaps me in various jails. My dick in Kelli's pussy. Or perhaps some
sleazy convict's dick up my ass; c***d m*****ers fair badly in prisons.
Well, you takes your chances, as the man said.

"Yes, but we have to be careful. And it must always be our secret." I
tried to sound as definite as I could.

She sat up on me, my cock still inside her pussy, her tits rising in a
sigh. "Nobody will know, Hank. I swear to god. I'll never tell."

"OK, I trust you," I said, and I smiled.

She smiled back, and moved her hips just a little. My cock began to
grow within her. "Maybe we have a little time left" she said, and I
felt her cunt respond to my rising dick with a warm squeeze.

I had to agree.

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One Week With Heather Part 1Day 4

I woke up at around 6 AM on my own, alone this morning. It gave me time to ponder what I might be in for. Heather’s mention of “friends” didn’t sit well with me. I really didn’t want any more people involved than necessary, but I didn’t really have much say in the matter either. Heather came out at about 7 o’clock, and she smiled and said “Good morning.” She came and sat down on the couch next to me. She made no effort to remove my cuffs. My wrists were getting a bit chaffed from sleeping...

3 years ago
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My Buddy wins a bet Real

So After the first time sucking my friend off, We have done it few times since.One time I will never forget, because I let my mouth write a check my ass had to cash....He looked at the original dildo that we used to get the girls excited. Made some comment like "its not that big" I told him if he could take that in his ass I would let him have mine.WTF was I thinking? Anyway that toy disappeared right before my eyes.I'm not sure if I was more shocked at the fact that he just popped it in...

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inter-NETTED Players (by order of appearance): Chuck Martin as Mary Beth and Little Mary; Susan Baker, co- owner and recruiter for SSI; Julie, Chuck's new manager; Tina Bridge, head of personal; Rose Atwater, in charge of wardrobe; Joyce Landers, field supervisor for SSI; Tim Truman, as Tammy. Ms. Martha Blanch, head of WOW or Women Organizing Women; Carol, Chairman of District Seven; Brenda Capwell the Receptionist; Jenny Lockwood, photographer; Mark Tripp as Marie; Clair...

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A fun bus ride

I was also freaked out by the fact I was physically attracted to a few guys in college. Not knowing how to deal with this situation, I certainly didn’t want to talk about it with them, because I knew they would laugh and probably reject me. Everyday was the same old routine; take the bus, being surrounded by ugly, smelly people. That all changed one day as I was returning home after a long day in college. The bus was packed as always, And here I was standing in the middle hoping the 1 hr trip...

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I had been married just about ten years. Two kids. One younger in elementary school, the other older in high school. My step-daughter had been part of the family since she was younger. I always raised her as my own, although we got along better as pals and buddies, compared to the whole ‘dad’ thing. It was a great relationship. For the first four-five years, my wife and I had a good thing. Friends, social life, do stuff with the kids, a good family life, and even a pretty active sex life. ...

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Eight Ball Chapter 2

As my other fingers wrapped around Carter, I could feel him twitch in my hand. This happened more and more, as I began to move up and down his shaft, and soon his head was pushing against my dress, wetting the fabric as it begged to bury itself inside of me. [I seriously hope you enjoy my posts, because Bailey Jones has honestly been the most fun protagonist I've ever had the pleasure of writing about. If you guys enjoy the samples, be sure to check out the full story on Amazon.]It took a...

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The Handy Feeling

A friend recommended The Handy when he heard about my latest visit to the hospital. “Don’t you think it’s time to give up on building your own dick-sucking robot?” he asked. “Maybe it’s time to leave it to the professionals.” I’ve never been one to abandon a dream, but as I applied the prescription salve to the friction burns, I thought, perhaps he’s right.That’s why I spent all morning checking out, which makes a high-end masturbation gizmo they call “the most advanced sex toy...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Summer heat Hermione and Ginny

It had to be the hottest summer in years. The heat was practically suffocating and seemed to leave everyone feeling lazy. There was also a warm stillness to the air that didn’t fade even with the best cooling charms. It produced a restless feeling that wasn’t helped by staying indoors where it was somewhat cool. For the last three weeks, Hermione had stayed inside with her books. She had charmed a Muggle fan to work along with the charms so the sitting room felt better than the rest of the...

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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

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The island

The heavy iron belts make it quite difficult to walk The heavy iron belts make it quite difficult to walk. The weight causes problems and I cannot imagine to stay with these terrible belts for a longer time. But there is one advantage of the belt around my waist: As long as I wear the belt I cannot become laced in one of these extremely tight corsetts which I saw on our way throug the yard. These corsetts seem to be incredible tight. One girl was standing, fixed in a frame with her...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Dare

“Abby!”“What?”“Do I really have to do this?”“You picked dare, baby.”This all started as an innocent game of truth or dare, but as I catch a glance of the mischievous look on her face, I realize I should have known better. Now here I am, taking another shot, getting ready to go out. I stand here, jeans just below my ass, shirt on ready to go and the new toy in my hand. It’s a feeldoe to be exact, or well that’s what it said on the box anyways. Looking down at it, I’m wondering how I'm going to...

1 year ago
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I Find Love in the Arms of My Son

I felt fantastic and it showed, the day was lovely and warm, the sun shone brightly and I was going on holiday, only the second one in twenty years without my soon to be ex husband. Well it was more than a holiday, my husband had taken up with our son's wife and the pair had run away together, it had been a very unpleasant time for both my son and myself, but we'd kept our heads down and now I was going to stay with him for a week or so in Spain where he lived, we intended getting our heads...

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Black Cock Warning Pt4

I'm tied to a spanking bench on all fours. I've just been spanked by theboss and sucked his cock until he came in my mouth. I'm exhausted, my assstill stings from the strapping I got, I can feel the leather strap on myass and I can imagine the red marks it left on my white ass. As I try tocatch my breath, I think about the situation I've gotten myself intobecause of my lust for black cock. I've decended into the depths ofdepravation and humiliation in my quest for black cock. I'm now...

2 years ago
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My Dear Teacher Nirmala 8211 Part 1

Hi I am David from Kerala I am 21 years old I was 6.2 feet height now I am here to share my wonderful experience with my teacher Nirmala. Nirmala is a 33 year aged women her height is 5.3feet her size is 34-36-36 I was very fond of her deep navel and ass. Come on lets go to the story I was 12th at that time nirmala was my class teacher. All the sirs and students are curious about nirmala. She is the dream girl of the entire males in the school including me. I was good scorer in the class so all...

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Jerking Off At The Office

I was working late at the office and thought I was all alone. I was feeling some pent up tension because it's been a while since I got any. Seems like all I need these days is the slightest sexual innuendo and I was fucking horny as hell. A buddy of mine sent me joke e-mail that talked about sex and that was it for me. I was fucking horny. I decided to take a break from the work I was doing and release some of this pent-up tension. I was pretty sure I was the only one around so I pulled...

3 years ago
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My parents have the k**s this weekend.That’s usually the ticket to some sex for hubby and I. But, after eight years of wedded bliss, sex had oftentimes lost its edge. Kiss a little. Rub a little. Suck a little (if I was lucky). Fuck a little. Come. I wanted this evening to be more special. To have more excitement, more energy.“I’m going to rinse off before bed. Can you bring us up a drink?” I was sure he was anticipating the lovemaking as I was.The shower heightened my arousal. I’d been...

2 years ago
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Getting fun during a boring meeting

My slutty boss Barbara informed me that I was the chosen one to attend a boring conference out of town. Victor was not available to join me, since he was very busy at his own work. My loving husband had been stressed lately and so, our sex life had been a truly disaster.It made me be fucking horny and aroused most of the time…After the first day, the conference was absolutely boring to me; but after dinner, I met some interesting people there at our hotel.One of my colleagues was called Peter,...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 7 Hero Maybe Not Superhero

I had been wondering about lunches in American schools, how they would be different from those of the other cultures where I had lived. I should have known better. Yuk. This is food? If it is, maybe the food they serve to farm animals would be better; the pictures I saw of cattle and hogs on the Web showed them as being healthy and well nourished. So I won’t describe the fare; if you haven’t eaten yet it might ruin your appetite. I selected a salad, fruit, and milk. At least I could identify...

3 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 12 Decisions

The lights were out. They snuggled together under a duvet in the big new bed. "Anne?" "Umm?" "Can I meet Saul?" "Yeah, you never. You've never seen him. Sure. Lunch tomorrow?" "Good. We've got some things to work out about our new guys." "Uh-huh. Just wait to meet up with us until he has his food on the table. He's dangerous when he meets new girls. Assuming you like him, what do we do next?" "We've got four guys now. First question is, are they the right four? Then,...

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Me And Sam

Me and Sam by Darla Raspberry Just throw the damned ball" Sam shouted... I stood on the pitcher's mound and stared at the target. The field was built to big league specifications and the pitcher's mound was exactly 60'6" away from home plate. I went into my wind up and released what I thought was a powerful pitch. Where is the radar gun when you need one? Sam laughed as she caught the ball, it made a soft "plop" in...

3 years ago
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wife catches me with the neighbour part 2

Sorry i havnt finished this story but im only just getting over what happen on that night .When i left off my wife was about to get the biggest two cocks she has ever seen shoved down her throat .Thats it look at your wife trying to deepthroat two black cocks how does it feel that you cant do anything about it and your wife is never going to be the same again . Well i must admit im kinda getting turned on watching my wife with you guys . Next thing one guy grabs...

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A Sacred Prayer

The crow soared far above the prairie, looking down over vast herds of buffalo in the endless fields. The dust trailed them for miles and the rumble could be heard even in the clouds. Mo’ki felt the wind on her wings as she circled in the Ghost Dance. Moving around the dancers in her feather robe she silently left her body and became Crow Woman. She was not alone soaring through the skies, Grant Left-Hand, her husband flew closely beside her. They flew above the Ghost Dancers in a desperate...

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Pams PonyChapter 3

Pam's pony stomped the earth with his rear foot as he watched the girl suck her uncle's rigid cock. Pam giggled and slipped her hot mouth off the man's prick. She glanced over at her pony and giggled again. "I think he's jealous," she cooed. Ben Forbes chuckled. "Why not? You were just cock-teasing him for the first time. He probably wants more." Still trying to conceal her innermost desires, Pam looked up at her uncle with a frown. "Don't talk like that, Uncle Ben," she said,...

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I was standing in front of a rack of Victorian corsets in myfavorite sex shop. I have several playmates, and I'm always on thelookout for new, exciting bits of erotic lingerie for my pets to wear.I was fingering a particularly sexy satin corset, when a shy lookingyoung woman entered the store. She looked to be in her early 20s, darkblonde hair, beautiful green eyes, and a body that sent an instantspark to my cock. She looked around hesitantly,obviously uncomfortable in the...

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Tease a bull get the horn

"...The incredible first high for me was hearing her say “shush” followed by the incredibly hot and the immortal sounds of kissing, a belt being undone, a zipper being lowered, pants being opened, and the sound of pants being removed."TEASE A BULL, GET THE HORN---------------------------------------------I have never been a jealous man. Rather, I’ve always dreamt of a women who enjoys expressing her sexual power and allure. I thought I’d found the perfect match when I met and married Judy. In...

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New Office Whore

After getting fucked over at her last job, Gina Marie Torres decided that enough was enough. She was fed up with her boss constantly passing her over for the newer girls, even though she was more experienced than all of them put together. She was cleaning her desk out when her Friend Maria came over. ‘I’m sick of this shit! Getting fucked over everytime by him just because I won’t fuck his little limp ass!!!’ she said to Maria. Gina was 5’7′, 120 lbs with a 38C breasts and a very plump firm ass...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Satin and Lace

Adventures in satin and lace. By Georgina. Chapter 1 Trembling hands slid the Chubb key into the door of the one bedroomed flat just at the back of Victoria station in London. The door opened and I slid inside and placed my few possessions on the floor, then turned and closed the door firmly behind me. I was in heaven. For the first time in my young life I was at last on my own. I was nineteen years of age and for the first time I was going to live in my own place since the day of...

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Into Africa with a Scandanavian Flavour Part II The Wild Introduction

Their intent was obvious. The unspoken word confirmed it all. Frankly I could not wait any longer either. How could two adult men even think of divorcing these amazing beauties? They were so perfect in every respect and a rare species indeed! Why was I the lucky one? These thoughts kept flooding my mind whilst only selected downlighters of the motorhome were switched on as well as the few battery powered candles I had brought along. The ambiance was captivating. The ladies removed their...

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HelloWe go back into the city, there are a lot of shops, we hang out a little, we arrive in front of a hairdressing salon, Hans attracts me to him and asks me:"Honey, you want to go get a cup?"I am surprised, I did not expect this from him, but at the same time it makes me want:"I booked yesterday, you're expected"I jump in his arms:"Thank you darling, it's very nice my love!"We go into the living room, Hans comes, a hairdresser takes me in hand, Hans leaves me:"I will be back in an hour"I had...

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Tale of the other world Act IV1

The thunder woke me. Wall of bright blue lightning formed outside. Rain cascaded. "What a way to scare us." I looked at the doorway. "Dreyah.." she walked over to me and smiled. "Welcome home." I wrapped my arms around her. "Its all my fault.." She lowered her head and rubbed my shoulder. "We know about the thing. Its gone off into the dark zone. It killed almost fourty men without raising a hand. He had black lightning." "I cant win…hes too strong." "Hush my child. I...

4 years ago
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Double Dhamaka On A Ride To Cochin

I was traveling from Chennai to Cochin and in a renowned AC sleeper Bus, It was a few days back I was going back to Cochin after long weekend at Chennai, By the way I am jason 31 yrs old normal average looking guy, people say I look younger than 28 yrs. I just boarded the bus from Koyambedu and it took off in some time, it reached perungulathur where I noticed this young boy along with someone in early 40’s boarded the bus. This twink was so cute and just like a shade of north east guy. The...

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