Kelli free porn video

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Introduction: This is how I remember it!

She wasn't THE prettiest girl I knew, but she was certainly one of them. And to my

way of thinking, Kelli was the ultimate Girl Next Door – and I’m sure you would

have agreed, if you happened to be (as I was at the time) an athletic, fun-loving,

mischievous f******n-year-old boy. She was a year younger than me; we had

lived house-by-house since I was ten, when my family moved to that quiet

suburban neighborhood of older homes, wide tree-lined streets, deep lawns and

a large public park with its own woods that in spring and summer provided a

private retreat.

Kelli and I had been friends and playmates since word one; we were both only

c***dren of two-working-parent families, and the only k**s our age for several

blocks around. Her long brown hair and flashing brown eyes, ready grin and

playful attitude -- not to mention practically inexhaustible energy and daring that

matched mine -- made her as good as "one of the guys" in all kinds of

adventures. At about 5'2" she was maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet; there

wasn't an ounce of additional flesh on her petite but muscular frame -- except, as

we grew (and I noticed!) for those two slowly emerging mounds on her chest. They

weren't much more than the size of halved oranges at the time this story occurred

-- an event that was to change everything between Kelli and me.

It was a lazy June day, and she and I had spent the morning on our bicycles,

racing through the trails in the Woods. We made it back to her house and

scrounged some lunch – baloney sandwiches and chips we munched on in front

of the TV. "I'm hot!" she complained. "Wanna swim?" I haven’t mentioned that the

previous year Kelli's dad had put in a very nice 4-foot above-ground pool with a

deck extending out their back porch, which increased his value to me

tremendously. "Sure, I'll be right back!" I responded, and running next door,

stripped and pulled on my trunks. By the time I got back she was already in the

pool in a skimpy little bikini, and we began splashing and laughing and playing

tag and wrestling around as we always did.

She was something to see! When she climbed out on the deck to dive back in, I

couldn't help staring at her chiseled abs and lean, muscular legs -- and of course,

those two areas of her wonderfully female body no boy my age could help but

ogle, barely hidden under the thin cloth of her swimsuit. Maybe it was the cool of

the water that was causing those little points in the centers of each side of her

bikini top to jut out temptingly, and although I had at that time no earthly idea of

female physical geography I could make out a vertical depression in her bikini

bottom between her legs that was fascinating to a degree I could neither

understand nor explain. All I knew was that the water certainly wasn't cool enough

to keep my f******n-year-old manhood – such as it was -- from twitching to

attention as I began to allow myself to wonder what might happen if...

"What's wrong with you? Getting waterlogged?" Kelli giggled. I had not even been

aware of it, but I had been just standing in the pool staring at her for who knows

how long. "Not me!" I retorted, and lunged for her. In a flash we were playing tag

again. She was quick as an otter, and slipperier than a trout, and not above

flailing those pretty little feet at me in escape, for I was the hunter in this game and

she the prey. For several minutes of wild splashing she avoided my grasp, but

finally she lost traction on the soft bottom of the pool and I grabbed her from below

by her legs, pulling her down into the water and -- as luck would have it -- bringing

my face into sudden contact with the very center of that mysterious crease in the

fabric of her bikini bottom! She struggled -- she squirmed -- but I had won, and

hung on by main force for another second or so, as was my right. Then I let her go

amidst the cries of "You cheated!" and "No fair!" that usually followed. But I could

tell she was intrigued. There was a redder-than-usual flush on her face, and as

she panted from the exertion I felt she was looking at me in a different way. "Well, I

won!" I exclaimed "so what's my prize?" "Ummm -- a backrub?" she suggested.

"Great!" was my response -- I'd had Kelli's backrubs before, and they were

downright heavenly. Her hands, although small, were firm and strong, and she

wasn't afraid to "dig in" and do some good. Laying a beach towel down the yard

behind the pool I stretched out on it and began to relax under Kelli's experienced

attentions. After she had worked her way down from my shoulders to the small of

my back she said "Now my turn!" and, pushing me off, took my place. "Not too

hard!" she said as I knelt over her. She purred like a kitten as I began gently

massaging that wonderful little body, and believe me, I was enjoying it more than

she was!

I had only just begun to get into this experience – I had never given Kelli a backrub

before – when (as often occurs in the South) out of nowhere a dark cloud

appeared overhead with a bolt of lightning, a crash of thunder and a sudden

downpour of cold, hard rain! Kelli and I both scrambled for the shelter of the eaves

behind the garage, and she nestled up with her back to me; I found my arms

around her, holding her close to me, and the feel of her warm naked skin against

my arms that were brushing up against the swellings in her bikini top once again

brought my loins to attention – but this time her barely clad behind was pressed

against it! As each flash of lightning made her squeal and squirm, she rubbed

against my erection more and more, and I – too embarrassed to move, and too

awestruck to the amazing sensation to want to – began to wonder if she was

doing it on purpose.

As the rain fell harder, my question was answered; slowly she turned to face me,

still wrapped in my arms. Our eyes met for a long moment, and without a word her

head tilted slightly to one side and mine to the other as she lifted herself on tip-toe

and I leaned down; our lips met, and for a while we stood there, unaware of the

storm, slowly beginning to explore a new world of passionate affection. As if by

simultaneous yet unspoken consent our mouths opened slightly and our tongues

introduced themselves – at first with civility and curiosity, then with a growing


This went on – how long? I don’t know – time had frozen for us. But the joy of our

kisses began to overtake me, and I found my mouth straying from hers to kiss first

her face, then her neck; she willingly and happily yielded to these forays, and

began to softly moan with the pleasure of my lips on her neck. It was then that the

real surprise came. She turned back around, pulling her wet tresses to one side,

and as I began to kiss the back of her neck she guided my hands with hers to

those tempting soft globes beneath her bikini top! Now her moans became soft

sighs – I heard her involuntary “Ohhhhhhh!!” as I began to caress her breasts with

both hands, while at the same time she began once again to again to rub her

bottom into my now-raging hardness.

Her breath became shorter, and her sighs more frequent, and the pressure

against my erection more constant, the circular motion against it more intense,

and I found that my right hand was beginning to stray down from her breast to feel

the tension of her hard, muscular abs. With each motion of her ass against my

cock my hand made ever wider circles until it brushed against the fabric of her

bikini bottoms, and then I felt her legs part ever so slightly, inviting me to explore

further. The garment was loose enough after our pool-play for my hand to easily

slide under it and in a flash of lightning I felt the downy-soft hair; as the ensuing

thunder boomed I found the inner source of the crease I had observed earlier.

Now her moans and sighs had become a series of panting sounds – “Oh! Oh!

Oh!” on and on until my middle finger came to something wet and warm within the

folds of softness – a slight swelling – and her legs parted even more as she cried

“Yes! Oh, yes – yes – YES!” and we began to move in rhythm – the circles of her

ass against my cock, the circles of my left hand around her breasts and stiffened

nipples, and the circle of my finger around her tiny immature clitoris. Now she

stiffened – her breath came in short catches – she arched her pelvis against my

finger and then suddenly, at once, her legs clamped together on my hand, her

arms wrapped tightly around mine across her breast and a loud, impassioned

“OHHHHH!” made its way out from deep inside her, and I felt wave after wave of

some other-worldly ecstasy course though her, over and over and over, and with

each wave another “OHHHHH!” – part moan, part cry – forced itself from her

throat. Eventually, after another timeless eternity, little by little the waves

diminished, and then I felt her knees buckle. I caught her in my arms as she fell,

exhausted, and gently I lowered us both to the wet grass and held her gently as

she panted her way back from wherever it was she had gone.

After a while she began to move; I found myself asking “Are you OK?” She

laughed a laugh I had never heard – a deep, relaxed, satisfied laugh, and then

answered “Oh, yeah, Danny. I’m great. That was awesome!” Then she turned and

looked at me with something brand new in her eyes – a look of wonderful

contentment and joy – and in another instant there was a hint of mischief. “But

what about you?” she asked coyly, and her eyes fell to the still-throbbing erection

causing an obvious tent in my trunks. She pushed my shoulders to the ground,

and in a moment had pulled my swimsuit down. I heard her surprised “Oh!!” as my

cock sprang to its full six inches, and before I knew it her hand was on it. “Show

me how” she breathed, and I placed my hand around hers and began to stroke it

up and down on my shaft. Soon I was able to relax my grip, and did she ever take

over from there. I lay with my face in the rain as she jacked me off – first gently

and slowly til I moaned “Faster!” She did as she was told; the result was


Now, I had been masturbating for over a year, but nothing could have prepared

me for the incredible rush of that first orgasm from Kelli’s hand. I felt my balls

begin to tighten as a burning sensation at the tip of my cock began to work its way

down through my entire pelvis, and it felt as though a volcano at the core of my

very soul had begun to rumble and shake throughout my whole body; my eyes

squeezed shut as my breath turned to panting. As though from some distance I

heard myself begin to vocalize with each heavy exhale, just as Kelli had done

minutes before – “Oh! Oh! OH! OHHH!” and then suddenly the volcano erupted

with such force and such indescribable pleasure as I had never experienced in my

young life. Rope after rope of white-hot semen burst from my purple member as

Kelli continued to pump faster and faster – and with each ejaculation came, one

after another, wave after wave of amazing, overwhelming ecstasy. As lightning

crackled and thunder exploded over me I cried out time after time, utterly lost in

the most all-encompassing, earth-shaking, mind-blowing orgasm I had ever

experienced or even dreamed of. Finally the eruption subsided and as I felt by

body begin to relax, Kelli fell beside me, pulling up my swimsuit as she stuffed my

limp but satisfied cock back inside.

We lay there listening to each other breathe as the rain softened and the sounds

of thunder moved farther and farther to the east, and in a few minutes a ray of sun

broke through the western sky. The storm was over. I rose – first to my knees, then

to my feet – and stretching out my hand I tool Kelli’s and pulled her up. Again we

kissed – a long, deep, passionate, loving kiss; pulling slightly away I looked at her

questioningly. “Have you – ever – before – umm…” and my voice trailed off,

unsure of the words, but Kelli understood. “No, never” she said simply, her eyes

never leaving mine. “Have you?” “No, never!” I replied emphatically. We stood

peering at each other for a moment, and a grin came over her face. “But you want

to – again, don’t you?” “Oh, man, are you k**ding?” I gushed. “That was the best –

the most – you were – oh, God, Kelli, I don’t even know what to say! Like you said,

awesome!” She smiled sweetly, and in that smile I saw something so

indescribably beautiful that I knew what had begun in a sudden summer storm

would never, ever end. “Good,” she replied, as though reading my thoughts. “We’

ve got all summer left!”

We slowly made our way back to the pool, and spent the rest of the afternoon

floating on the water, kissing and occasionally fondling each other, until we heard

her mom’s car coming up the driveway, and I went home wondering what we

might discover tomorrow.

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It was poker night at home.Ana was the hostess for my poker buddies, Simon, Artie and Brett. We were playing and laughing; but my sensual wife looked as she was getting bored. She offered us some snacks and then she sat down on the couch to watch a movie.I saw her turning off the TV and she told me she would go upstairs.My friends stared at her nice round buttocks, while Anita swayed her hips as she climbed the stairs.A while later, my buddies’ jaws dropped to the floor, as Ana appeared again...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 42

"Before we begin, I think we should say a few words." Dad set down the steaming bird, picked up his knife and his steel, and started his ritual sharpening. Like Mom didn't keep all her knives sharp and ready. "Traci..." Dad began. "Would you mind if I went first?" I asked, standing. "Tony?" Mom said in surprise. "Usually we have to practically threaten you to get you to say anything. And then you mumble something about football or baseball, and sit down." "Last year it was...

3 years ago
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Fan Meeting

Fan meeting It had been a long day at work, and I was getting ready to go home when I heard the noise. Whoosh ... thunk. Woosh .... thunk. I knew that noise. It was a sound effect on my favorite tv shows of all time, Dr. Who. I followed the sound, and there, in the corner of the lunch room beside the Coke machine, was the Doctor's time machine, the Tardis. I stared at the thing for a while, and then the door opened, and out came the latest incarnation of the Doctor,...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 37

Phil was checking the coals in the hibachi on the balcony when he saw Tiffany’s car pull up and Hailey exit. She smiled nervously as she came up the stairs, wondering how her opening gambit would be received. Phil put his arm around her waist as she reached the landing and Tiffany honked the horn. They both waved down and Tiffany waved back before she pulled away – a huge smile etched across her face. “Can you leave that for a moment?” Hailey asked, determined to follow through with her...

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Angels Night Out

Hi, I'm Angel. I am a 19-year old sophomore in college. I'm so tired of my boyfriend Anthony blowing me off for something else. He's always busy with school or work or friends to spend time with me or treat me right. He's a nice guy and all, so I'm happy to have him sometimes, but he rarely takes me out and rarely fucks me. And when he fucks me, he rarely pleasures me. Who could resist me? I'm a slightly tanned skinned white girl with dark brown eyes and long dirty blonde hair. I'm 5'4, 115...

1 year ago
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the sexual frustration act 1768

THE SEXUAL FRUSTRATION ACT 1768THE PROLOGUEEngland mid 18th century was a lawless place, marauding bands of demobbed troops roamed the streets fighting all and sundry. Women were out of control, many spending time in the branks, which did not seem to deter their offensive behaviour. Pub fights were routine and **** a common offence. No one appeared happy and all appeared irritable.This was not the sort of England that Farmer George wanted to reign over. Thomas Hobbes’s works on the social...

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My Lavinia

My LaviniaI was happy. The girl, laying naked before me in the bed, was a virgin, a real virgin. Her body was white as snow. We were in a hotel. She laid on the bed in her night-gown, and I sat befor her only in underwear. Sudden she moved her gown up and showed me her legs, saying: „Here I have a scar at the knee, can you see it?“„Lavinia,“ I said, „give away this gown.“ She crossed her arms and tore the gown over her head. What I saw, was nearly too much for me. She showed me two really...

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Do you Watch 4 Fetish when you’re jacking off, or are you more into that tired old vanilla porn your grandparents watch before making the nursing home smell like old cum and despair? If you’re just into missionary sex and blowjobs, well, you’ll probably want to go back to my big list of the Top Premium Porn Sites here at ThePornDude. If you’re a true freak, though, read on. I’ve got something special for you gives away the gimmick right in the title: this is premium porn...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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My name is Jenny I am 22 years of age. Although I say it myself quite attractive, with shiny black hair, very dark brown eyes, a well shaped nose, full red lips, a firm 36D pair of tits that turn up slightly making my nipples point upwards, a 23 inch waist with a flat belly, 32 inch hips , a tight arse , long shapely legs and where they meet there is a downy black bush of pubic hair surrounding a pair of pouting cunt lips. I am 6.1 ft tall and weigh 109 pounds.Now to my story.I was awakened by...

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The Dirty Old Resident Part 2

Meranda pulls into a parking spot at work and put's her car in park. Still holding the steering wheel with a tight grip as she stares at the building. Part of her just want"s to drive away and never go back ever. But something deep inside of her was...curious? She leans back in the drivers seat and takes a deep breath, turns the car off and opens her door. She keeps a straight face and heads inside to the clock in, swipe's her badge and then walks to the office to pick up her keys. She...

3 years ago
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Accidental Lovers Part 2

PART TWO HOME SCHOOLED CHAPTER 1 Alicia Cooper was thrilled when the Bennington School District had hired her two years ago. She had been fresh out of the University of Northern Iowa with an education degree and was quite happy to get away from Cedar Falls and Iowa in general. She had grown up in the Corn Belt and while she had a great childhood, the conservative nature of the state was something that she really needed to get away from. She had run into far too many people who took...

3 years ago
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Murder in Pink Part 2

Murder in Pink Part 2 by Tanya Lynn Cast of characters *The good guys* David Scott and Tanya Lynn Lamm- our intrepid, dual identity private eye and hero. Carol Darfler- loyal secretary who knows his dual identity. Steve Romeros- police detective and Dave's best friend and former partner Susan Taft- David's girlfriend and Tanya Lynn's best friend. Various minor characters (cops, etc.) *The victim* Lydia Sisneros- a vicious old lady who had spent her life...

1 year ago
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There and BackChapter 125 Unexpected Results

“If you two don’t mind, could we talk?” Seranni nodded, but Velanna sniffed derisively. “We need to speak with the Warden Commanders, as I understand it, Shemlen. We don’t have time for idle chatter.” I stiffened, annoyed at her continuing rudeness. Not that it’s surprising, but ... seriously? Seranni barked something at her in Elvish, and Velanna blanched, softening her tone. “My sister sickens. These delays cannot be healthy. Please.” I nodded. “I have my husband and brother’s leave to...

2 years ago
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The FourDay Weekend Part III Mom s Home

My sincerest apologies for taking so long. It’s getting harder and harder to find time to write these days, but I’ve got lots more stories to tell, and since I’ve met with such a positive reception here, I don’t see any reason to quit now! Also – I double-checked to make sure all the italics code was entered properly; sorry about that in the last chapter; total accident. As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy. Sunday There was a long, terrible silence. Minda was huddled...

1 year ago
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Chapter 8SarahIt had been several weeks since the evening Josh left the house. Yesterday he picked up the last of his belongings and now all traces of him were finally gone. She felt sad about the situation but was now looking forward to being with Daniel without the random pangs of guilt that she used to feel.It was a Saturday morning and Isabella woke early. She was enjoying her own space, and the house was starting to feel more like her own. She had put up more photos of her family and she...

3 years ago
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Seduced by Feet Pt 5

After our morning fun together we spent the rest of the morning, and part of the afternoon, snuggled on the couch just talking about anything and everything. From time to time both of us even drifted off to sleep as we enjoyed our loving embrace. The TV was on but for the most part we didn’t pay attention to it. It did however trigger our next interesting topic. Stacy saw a commercial that featured a bride in her wedding dress. The next thing I know she asks a question. "Joe, will we ever get...

1 year ago
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A weekend fucking my girlfriend and her mother 1

Sam and Ruth are taught the facts of life by Ruth's mother.This story is fictional and copyright remains with me. It was posted by me over a year ago but in celebration of a new Part 3, I have re-posted this part after re-editing for grammar, punctuation and typo errors.---Part 1Mid-December, 1978, Bristol, England.Suddenly, the rugby ball bounced loose from the ruck and stuck in the brown glutinous mud with a splat. All around there were shouts, sweat and slipping boots. My bursting lungs and...

4 years ago
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I know what you did Part 5

I rolled over and yawned as I stretched out in my bed. I couldn't get Club Cuffs out of my mind as I continued to replay the events of my test over and over. I jumped out of bed and turned my computer on. I picked up the big envelope that Kate gave me last night and opened it. I pulled several sheets of papers out and began to read. They were mostly rules of the club with several disclaimers. One page however caught my particular interest.I read down the page carefully. "Sign up sheets for the...

3 years ago
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Sharons Wednesday

The bus ride home always felt so much longer on Wednesdays. It was the anticipation and the excitement that did it and Sharon was filled to the brim with both. At times she would wonder why she hadn't started to get bored of this yet, every Wednesday for over a year now, but if anything she was more and more pleased every time the school rang out on those extra short days in the middle of the week. Then she'd have a light skip in her step on the way to the bus stop, no matter what the...

11 months ago
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PrincessCum Molly Little Cheeks And Balances

Nathan Bronson just can’t wrap his head around his finance homework. He gets visibly frustrated, so his stepsister Molly Little tries to explain it to him. Nathan does his best to understand, but Molly’s explanation flies over his head. She claims she’s not going to help him anymore and leaves the room. Returning to the room a bit later, Molly is dressed as a sexy teacher. She says she’s going to try a physical approach to demonstrate finance to Nathan. She explains the...

2 years ago
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Vickies Venture Ch 06

Nathan was pouring himself a cup of coffee and preparing to watch a re-run of ‘Law & Order: SVU’ when he heard the phone ringing. It was Vickie’s business line, but as she was on an all-day date, she wasn’t there to answer it. He and Vickie were making a lot of money from their little venture and Vickie didn’t like to disappoint anyone. He had answered phones for her before and made some of the arrangements, so he thought he should try and handle things. If he couldn’t, they could always leave...

2 years ago
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First Date After Engagement

My first sex story……Comments on This is a huge ass story because I was too lazy to do it in parts. It’s basically a two or three part sex story crammed into one. Deal. With. It. After our engagement, I suddenly had to travel abroad for work and didn’t get time to spend with my fiancee. Her name is sriti. She’s an amazing girl. The perfect wife. She is cute, goofy, childish and whole lot of fun. She was gorgeous too, a small height of 5’4 that made her even cuter…. 32-28-34. She is the woman of...

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The Lady in Blue Ch 05

Chapter Five: A fight before satisfaction Lisa’s point of view On the drive back to the vineyard, Ted seemed to take every back road he knew. I tried to watch the scenery and act as though it didn’t matter how long it took to get back to his house but I was melting in my seat. Never in my life had I been so worked up as this morning and I needed release. He wouldn’t let me touch myself but he did reach over every few minutes and caress me, like he was keeping a pot simmering. My glorious...

3 years ago
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mom understands

One night my mother had fallen asleep on the couch and I happened downstairs. What I saw left me speechless. My mothers nightgown had rode up so high that I was now staring at her pantieless pussy, I just stared in awe. By now my pecker was at full attention and without any thought I just started rubbing myself through my shorts. I was brought out of my daze when I happened to look up and she was staring right at me. I didn’t know what to say or do, so I just stood there looking at her and to...

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