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by Callipygia

This sounds like the beginning of so many other stories, but as cliche as it may sound, I met the most amazing woman through the internet about six months ago. Her name is Jacqueline, and since then we've discovered many things together. As beautiful as I would eventually discover she is, what made Jacqueline really interesting to me is her mind. No, really! You see, I am sexually submissive and have always dreamt of being a woman's slave, and she's got a hell of a mean streak that comes out in her sexual fantasies.

She'd originally discovered this in her teens, when one time on a bet she made her then boyfriend kneel before her and kiss her feet. She found that feeling of dominance and superiority so erotic that she found that her attitudes toward men and sex were forever changed. She had enjoyed sex up to that point, but infusing this new sexual aspect made her ravenous for more. Her attempts to introduce these ideas to her boyfriend did not go that well, and she eventually broke up with him in frustration.

She'd had some success finding willing partners when she was in college, and even experimented with some light "golden showers" with one guy. She masturbated often over these few events, which basically amounted to her peeing on the guy's leg in the shower, but she found herself hungering for a guy who felt as strongly as she did (in a complementary way, of course). She once bemused to me during one of our many on-line chats, "I found that most people don't seem to share my enthusiasm to have them service me orally, then be pissed on!"

These frustrations eventually lead her to try to find someone "anonymously" through the Ônet. She quickly found that most guys on the web were just like the guys she met in "real life"; to use her words, "shallow, fuck-oriented, and selfish". Eventually she began to find sites that featured subject areas that were close to what she wanted, but she quickly learned that she didn't want to get into a classic dominatrix role.

"Too much work!" she would type,

"I like being pampered without having to bitch for it! LOL!"

As luck would have it, I was in a chat room on the web that caters to domination and submission themes when she "entered". Believe me, there's like a 1000 submissive guys for every dominant girl, so I felt incredibly lucky when she picked me to chat with. I told her that it was my fantasy to adore and worship a woman, with special emphasis on oral activities, and that I'd thought of doing the nastiest and most degrading things for women. When she asked what I meant by that, I suggested that we go "private". We discussed some of my ideas in detail, and I was amazed at how we seemed to mesh together like two adjacent pieces from the same puzzle.

Over the next few weeks, we spent hours each night chatting and getting to know each other, and having cybersex. It occurred to me that "she" might be a man, but I decided it didn't matter since it was all over the internet anyway. In fact, I'd resigned myself to the idea she most likely was a man, but then she offered to meet me in person. She said it was because she liked my imagination, that I wasn't just a "mindless groveler" as she called it.

Still, I admit I had mixed feelings at first. Part of me was concerned about the safety of meeting someone from the internet, but I realized that even if she were totally legit, I was also a little uneasy about meeting someone specifically under the context of being a slave. The phrase "be careful what you wish for" kept going through my mind. I kept wondering if the harshness of reality would spoil the perfect wonder of fantasy. I was truly frightened of the implications of actually doing for someone some of the things we had discussed. They were incredibly degrading. While that turned me on in fantasy, would the shame of it in real life be too much?

Because of the way we met and the things we had discussed, there was no masking or sugar-coating the nature of our relationship, and I knew that if I agreed to meet her, I would be admitting an inherent inferiority to her. I would be volunteering myself to be used like trash, and there would be no turning back. I would willingly subjecting myself to a dark side of human nature.

Nevertheless, my libido over-ruled my mind and I agreed.

I had plenty of time to think about my predicament since she lived in Seattle and I in a suburb of LA. I was quite nervous when I drove to the airport to pick her up. I kept waiting and watching as people piled off the ramp where her flight was docked. I was looking for a woman who said she was 26 with red hair, and nearly certain that I was really there to pick up a phantom.

Jacqueline had been fairly reticent about the way she looks, so I assumed if she was for real that she was probably not very attractive physically. I didn't care because her kinks matched mine perfectly and I didn't think we'd ever really meet anyway. As I mused over these thoughts, I became totally distracted by this stunning woman that had just gotten off the plane. I felt oddly guilty as I fixated on her beautiful auburn hair and tastefully made-up face, which exuded classic beauty.

I quickly looked away when this gorgeous woman noticed me staring at her. I decided that I had waited long enough and that in fact there was no real Jacqueline. I turned and began to leave when I heard a female voice call my name.

"Mark?" she called,

and when I turned to the voice I was shocked to find it was the very girl I had been staring up and down before! As she approached, I got my first real look at her face. She was gorgeous but with just enough flaws to be real. As I quickly studied her, I saw character and intelligence in her sweet, almond-shaped green eyes.

"Jacqueline?" I answered, and we both laughed.

She gave me a warm, if somewhat polite hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you," she said.

There was a pregnant pause until I finally asked how her flight was, and we began to exchange small talk. It felt very strange speaking with her in person, and I think in those early moments we both struggled to break through the awkwardness of our first physical meeting to some semblance of the friendship and intimacy we had developed on-line. I didn't know how it would go, and I suppose for different people it may have gone differently, but for us, it was slow going at first.

One thing for sure was I could not possibly be disappointed in her physical appearance. We went to go pick up her bags, and whenever she was looking the other way I stole opportunities to check her out. She seemed more phenomenal the more I got to see of her. Sometimes when you first meet someone, you can be blown away by the way they look, but as time goes on, you start seeing more and more of their imperfections. Not so with Jacqueline. I was enrapt in absorbing the simple physical presence of this glorious female person. She was wearing a white v-neck sweater with ribs that implied ample, well-shaped breasts and, combined with her tweed skirt, seemed to accentuate the soft pinch of her waist. Her shape could only seemingly come from a perfect combination of genetics and exercise.

And yet, there were enough real imperfections that I was not totally intimidated by her. Her flaws accentuated her beauty, and it quickly seemed like this was how I always had envisioned her, even though that certainly had not been the case. Her physical appearance soon seemed to match perfectly the fantasy version of the person I'd spent so many hours logged into the internet with.

One thing that did seem incongruous was the unaffected simplicity of her beauty. She seemed so sweet and nearly innocent looking that it was nearly impossible for me to imagine that this gorgeous creature ever had a nasty thought in her head. We continued to fill the time with light banter about her trip and the weather. I was amazed at how relaxed I was quickly becoming with her, and I began to see glimpses of the mind that had so attracted me in the first place. This made our initial time together much more comfortable and enjoyable.

In the excitement of it all, I'd forgotten all about checking out my favorite part of the female physique; her ass. While the rest of her body made her look so angelic, one look at her ass gave an equally opposing impression, at least to me. I don't know why, but a nice feminine ass beckons to me with nasty power, full of capacity to force me to acts of deep depravity. I've always loved this seeming paradox a woman embodies, between such wonderful beauty and the dangerous puissance to reduce me to utter personal slavery.

The full, ripe curvature of her ass seemed almost out of step with those trim, athletic legs. The twin globes hinted at a dark crevasse that was full of evil adventure. I felt a real light-headed tingle in my spine looking at her as she walked in front of me into my apartment. Without exaggeration, I truly felt faint. Would I really get to kneel before this gorgeous woman, kiss her ass, then let her piss on me as we had so richly detailed to each other electronically? My knees felt weak.

As we talked that first afternoon, I marveled at how "real" she continued to be. One of the things I loved most about Jacqueline on-line was how three-dimensional she was, and just as we had discovered in our web chats, we had much more to talk about than just sexual kinks. She had a wonderful sense of humor, and we found ourselves talking about a lot of things as the day progressed. Like me, she seemed to not be entirely sure of what she was doing, so things unfolded comfortably slowly for us.

As we grew more accustomed with each other however, our conversation would progress further and further into sexual flirtation. Still, we rarely even hinted at the context that had ostensibly drawn us together. One time while we were flirting, I finally told her that I was completely unprepared for how beautiful she is. I asked her why she hadn't told me before. She told me that she'd purposely avoided that topic on-line because first of all, who would believe her anyway, and secondly she didn't want it to be a distraction from the main topic of our conversations.

Teasingly, I asked her what that was, and she snapped back with a laugh,

"You kissing my ass of course!"

I laughed with her, but inwardly I felt my face turn red. She was so right! I was suddenly overwhelmed with a desire to do just that. Before I knew what I was doing, I'd placed a hand on her leg and began stroking it. She reached out and we began holding hands.

"I'd love nothing better right now" I said.

"I know,"

she said through a sigh and then she leaned forward and kissed me. As I pulled her close I felt painfully aware of her breasts pressing against my chest. Her lightly perfumed skin smelled intoxicating. Every sense tingled with life in response to this delicious woman. I ran my hand down her back and over her skirt. Her ass felt impossibly round and a little harder than I'd expected. When she arched her back invitingly, I couldn't resist the urge to snake my hand down into her skirt. I soon realized she was wearing a g-string. I remember thinking vaguely that I wasn't surprised; that that matched the Jacqueline I had gotten to know in cyberspace.

I slipped a finger into her underwear and felt her incredibly deep crack. I remember being thrilled by how moist it felt, and I began to imagine how it might smell. I was consumed with lust. I ducked under her arm and pulled her body around so that she was now facing down on my sofa. I scrambled behind her and began showering her neck and back with kisses. I worked my way down her spine until I was kissing her ass through her skirt. At one point I just pressed my face into the fabric between her cheeks and as subtly as I could I inhaled. Not knowing what to expect, the aroma I encountered faintly seeping through the fabric was much more erotic than I had imagined!

She was driving me absolutely mad, and I began furiously kissing away at her ass through her skirt. She chuckled softly at my nearly involuntary display of subservience at her backside, then reached down and flipped the back of her skirt up. The scent I had encountered grew immediately stronger, and I was totally enslaved. The g-string revealed an impossibly perfect ass. How someone could really look like that in real life, with such smooth skin and perfect shape? That was the fodder of air-brushed magazine pictures. And yet, the ripe scent I inhaled underscored just how real she was.

Here she was, my absolute fantasy, "in the flesh"! I kissed her ass. Ass-kissing is an incredibly, inherently, demeaning thing to do — hence it's reputation. You are paying loving homage to a person while they stick their shitter in your face, and it presents the potential for a whole myriad of degrading acts. When my lips finally connected with the skin of her ass for the first time, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of absolute gratitude, and I wanted to be used by this sweet piece of feminine candy in the worst possible way.

Jacqueline snaked a finger under the top of her g-string as I kissed the cheeks of her ass and slowly pulled the string out of her crack. I watched as the thin fabric appeared from the deep crevice, and strained to get my first glimpse of her asshole. That dirty anal scent was accentuated by the steamy heat that escaped with her underwear. I thought I would lose consciousness when I noticed a faint tan-brown mark on the cloth near the bottom of the underwear. I felt completely unable to control the feelings of worship that coursed through my veins. I wanted to kiss the stained underwear, so I did.

She let out a happy sigh of satisfied arrogance as she suddenly let the underwear go, and the thin piece of cotton snapped back into place between her cheeks. She announced,

"I think that's enough for now."

I tried to gulp down my delirium in the face of my darkest fantasies coming to life, but could not.

"Please," I cried, "please just let me lick your asshole just once! Please!"

"Maybe later," she said smugly, "after you take me out for dinner!"
She squirmed out from under me, stood up and smoothed her sweater and skirt. She licked her lips, and tried her best to look at me as though nothing had happened, but her face was clearly flushed. I stood up, embarrassed both by my behavior and the massive hard-on I had sprouted during my little display of ass-kissing.

She looked down at my crotch and laughed.

"I think this is going to work out pretty well, Mark!" she said with bemusement.

"Do you know of a good restaurant we can go to? I love Mexican, as you well know." The smirk on her face was downright evil in its beauty.

I marveled at how quickly these events changed the atmosphere of our meeting from casual friendliness to subservience and dominance. It was an odd, mixed feeling, like one you might get if a good and trusted friend you worked with was suddenly promoted to the position of your immediate superior. One moment you are equals and friends, and the next you are not, and no matter how much you may try to mask it, your relationship is inalterably changed.

Whatever emotional ambiguity I may have been feeling was totally lost in the sea of excitement I felt, however. I could hardly wait to get food into her, so we promptly left. I don't like Mexican that much, but I would do anything for her then. Interestingly, and perhaps mercifully, the demeanor of our conversation resumed the light tone it had before during dinner. Still, she had me wrapped around her little pinky now and we both knew she knew it.

After dinner, I felt a real urgency to take her back to my place to pick up where we left off, but she insisted that I take her to the local mall. She said she was in the mood for shopping. She drove me nuts with how long she took to try on various clothes and jewelry. I was shocked when she decided she was going to get all three outfits she had tried on, and all of the jewelry. I was thinking she must be rich, and then she asked for my credit card! She answered my look of doubt with an almost imperceptible glance toward her own rear-end. I immediately coughed up the card and she charged the whole thing — in excess of $3000 — to me. It was worth it though, because then she finally said she wanted to go home to my place.

When we finally got there, she waltzed into my bedroom, threw the bags on a chair, and flopped lazily down on my bed. Face down naturally. I'll never forget the look on her face as she arched her back and glanced back over her shoulder at me. The look, so smug, so arrogant, so presumptuous, so beautiful, suggested that it was time to pay the piper; it was priceless!

And yet, I was not remotely prepared for what happened next. I dove onto the bed behind her and snuck my head up under her skirt. As I pressed my lips against her ass, I was greeted by a brief trumpeting fart. Humiliation stung my face. As I listened to her laugh, my cock grew rock hard. I was shocked and flabbergasted, but my cock ruled my thinking, and I began to feel the temporary insanity I felt when I was kissing her ass before dinner return in spades.

I fought to control the urge to simply dive in as I pulled her g-string aside. The vestiges of the fart were still deep in there, and I was taken aback by how much stronger they were. I can't describe exactly how, but the humiliation of it made her stink smell good to me. I caressed her ass lovingly and gently spread her cheeks to take in the sight of her asshole for the first time. The wrinkles around the hole were like deep furrows and mostly a dark brown with some sporadic hair. I was quite pleased to see that she did not appear to trim this hair in any way. The hole itself was the same pink that you see inside a conch, and was partially open, maybe an 1/8" to a 1/4". This sight made me think my head was going to explode!

I began stringing kisses together at the top of her anal cleavage, working my way down. The dampness soon wet my lips, and I felt as though I were swimming in the hot rank smell. And then in a moment that has been forever memorialized in my mind, my lips touched the wrinkled orifice of her ass — her precious, beloved asshole — for the first time. I imagined what it must feel like to have someone worship your body so much that where you shit is considered nearly holy, and I admit the feeling of degradation that came over me was powerful.

The sheer nature of kissing someone's asshole that way, of becoming familiar with each wrinkle, of becoming accustomed to not only the natural smell of her ass, but even further with the particular stench of her gas, of knowing that my lips touched her asshole the way toilet paper does had it's effect. I felt like a complete slave to her. She responded with supreme arrogance. She was, after all, having her ass kissed. I could hear little chortles, and at one point she placed her hand on the back of my head and forced my face into her ass.

Then I pulled up her skirt, and looked up at her.

"What's it feel like to have your ass worshipped like this?"

I asked, caressing the cheeks of her ass and kissing the top of the split of that exquisite ass again.

She looked over her shoulder at me with amusement.

"You have no idea," she said with just the hint of a smirk on her lips.

"C'mon, tell me!"

I begged, and nudged my lips gently against her asshole again. I had been purposely saving the moment when I would taste that asshole, but I was very sorely tempted to begin lapping away at it, to begin licking off the residue that left the stain I saw earlier.

"OK," she said,

"try to imagine that you are the most important person on earth. People fawn all over you and will do anything you ask, even if it's just on your whim." She paused. "That's pretty much what it feels like when you do that to me," she said and nodded toward her ass.

"Mmmm, good!" I said, "I want it that way!"

I knew it was more the way of what I was doing than the what. Surely she'd had her ass kissed before. I made sure she knew that I considered the humiliation of kissing her ass a rare privilege. I began to describe to her how her ass feels as I rub my lips up and down the crack of her ass, and how wonderful it was that she was a little dirty; how much I loved that smell. She laughed at that and said, "I love the way you go out of your way to make me feel like my own shit doesn't stink!"

But she did stink, and I loved it. I craved it. I looked down at her ass, which was quite moist from her body heat. Her fragrances were so strong. I held her ass cheeks apart with my hand and pressed my nose into the crack. I sniffed very loudly and moved my nose down until the tip pressed slightly into her asshole.

"See what I mean!?" she laughed.

"You're my bitch, aren't you? I can do anything I want to you! That amazes me!"

She was right too. The incredible femininity of her ass, combined with her small waist and wonderful muscle tone made me lose all volition. The strong combination of anal and sweat scents from her ass now covered my face, and seemed to complete my enslavement to her. I reveled in the feeling of sniffing her dirty asshole.

She said, "That's it wipe my asshole with your nose and lips, bitch! You know that feeling I was telling you about? Multiply it by a 1000 if I ever get to do some of the other things we've talked about."

Her voice was low and guttural with heated passion. She paused, and then her tone changed, as if in self-unaware introspection,

"I'll be honest though; I could never respect you if I did do them. Maybe we should just leave it at what we're doing now."

Then she added with a laugh,

"Actually, I'm not really sure I respect you now!"

And then as if suddenly becoming aware of the blunt cruelty of her words, she looked me in the eyes and finished through a barely concealed smile,


I believed she was serious, and on a certain level this revelation stung, especially since I felt like I had fallen in love with her. Still it was also exactly what I had wanted, what we had hinted at in all of our conversations on-line, the relationship that we had crafted. I had wanted her to feel disrespect for me even though I would be in love with her, precisely because it made the humiliation sting. It hurt because it was supposed to, and yet now that my situation was so real, I had suddenly become unsure.

"But you WOULD like to do those things anyway, am I right?"

I asked tentatively, afraid of the answer because I now both so wanted to feel like shit beneath her heel and yet was so afraid of the pain of it. She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment, as though probing me to see if I was for real, if we should really go down this road...

"God! Of COURSE I would!" she laughed derisively,

"Who wouldn't? Doing that to someone might feel better than anything I've ever done before! I know it's mean, but I'm afraid it's true."
She batted her eyes with mock innocence over her shoulder at me and said, "You don't think less of a girl for that do ya?"

I looked down at her sweet asshole and couldn't stop myself from saying, "I adore you!" I kissed her asshole tenderly and softly, then began to nuzzle my nose against it.

"Man, you really love to kiss my ass, don't you?" she chuckled.

"I live for it!" I cried.

"I am so in love with your asshole. It's so beautiful! I can't believe you shit with this thing!"

This brought a sudden burst of laughter from her. "Mmmmmmm... Well, believe me, I do!" she crooned.

I was getting into such a strongly subservient mood kissing her ass like that. It was so humiliating and highly erotic at the same time. Then I felt her asshole soften briefly and another brief squeak of gas leaked out. I heard her giggle.

"You like doing that, don't you?" I said, but she just laughed, and responded,

"Not half as much as you like receiving it though, right?"

I felt my face redden, and then in spite of myself I kissed her asshole like it was the love of my life. I couldn't shake the thought that I now knew what it felt like to have someone literally fart in my face, even as I kissed her ass! I was overcome by the realization that this was not just idle masturbatory fantasy. This was real! She had really just farted in my mouth and I had really just sucked it down. The awful shitty aftertaste underscored that revelation. My shame seemed excruciating, and yet I felt like some inner demon had taken over and I couldn't help myself. My cock had grown so hard, and I wanted nothing more than to feel more of the bitter end of degradation from her.

"Please, please please may I have more!?"

I begged, the sound of my near whimpering humiliating me even further. She seemed a bit surprised herself at the intensity of my tone, but then she recovered quickly with the recognition of just how deep her power over me had become. You could see that she was really beginning to realize that she could do absolutely anything to me, and she was clearly beginning to love that fact.

"More what?" she teased, and subtly moved her hips slowly back and forth, observing and soaking in the impact her perfect ass was having on me.

I kissed her asshole again briefly, and then surprised her by moving my mouth down and kissing her pussy lips and clit. Her wetness spread over my lips, and the erotic feminine scent of it intoxicated me. Meanwhile, there was a slight lingering scent of her fart as I inhaled over her asshole. The cheeks of her ass seemed immensely full, and swallowed my vision completely. I was getting drunk on the scents of her body.

"May I smell more of your gas!"

I finally blurted out from beneath her clit, and began to open-mouth kiss her there. I began massaging the small stiff piece of feminine sex with my lips and finally my tongue, sucking on the tiny shaft and head, drawing it into my mouth, tasting her growing come and sniffing her wonderful asshole!

"OK," she managed between deepening sighs and moans,

"you asked for it! Smell this!"

And then she let a much longer fart go, the wetness of my saliva on her asshole greatly accenting the sound of it into a very loud flatulence. The first farts were silent and had only a faint gassy smell to them. They stunk, but it wasn't too bad. But this fart in all it's wetness proved to be overpowering in its stench, with a hint that all that Mexican food promised more.

Quite involuntarily, I choked and gagged while struggling to continue to service her in the way she deserved, sucking on her clit like a miniature cock. There was something about the fact that I was trying so hard to pleasure her while she inflicted this very personal humiliation on me that was particularly stinging. The affect it had on me was to sink me even deeper into my strange hunger for abuse at her hands. The worse she treated me, the worse I wanted it, and the more I wanted to stroke her ego for her efforts, to make her feel like she deserved to do what no person should even have the arrogance to want to do.

I also knew in my heart, that the more subservient I behaved, the more I encouraged her to let loose her own abusive fantasies with abandon, and that my fate was sealed. I was going to perform the dirtiest tasks one human can be made to do in service of another.

She immediately let another fart go that was even stronger than the last. The source of its wetness was clearly NOT from just my saliva. I was learning quickly and managed to suppress my own body's need to gag so that I could continue to service hers. I sucked greedily on her beautiful body and relished the building orgasm that I was bringing her to.

Suddenly, her hips bucked and shook as I hung on with my hands and my mouth, trying desperately to keep that precious little female cock in my mouth. Come flowed out of her in such copious quantities, I thought I might drown.

"Oh SHIT YES! YES!! SUCK ME BITCH! EAT ME!! OOOOOoooh, you FUCKER!!" she cried. She reached back and pulled my hair while violently fucking my face.

After the initial waves of her come began to subside, her frantic humping of my mouth cooled to a slower grind. She seemed to be rubbing her pussy and ass into my face, mouth, and nose.

"Oh, yes. Lap my pussy. Suck it. Mmmmmm," she crowed.

After a few minutes of this, I moved my mouth up over her pussy so that I could fill my face with as much of her come as possible. There was enough to literally drink, but I held it in my mouth until I could swish my tongue around in pungent fluid, and then swallowed it in one huge gulp.

"Oh GOD, that felt good. That's so much fun!" she cried out.

"How can you suck pussy so well? Maybe more importantly, how can you let a girl fart in your face like that?" She laughed derisively, and I reacted by kissing her asshole some more.

"I think we should have your mouth surgically attached to my asshole!"

Finally, she began to relax as I continued kissing her ass. She stretched her arms over her head and arched her backside into my face. "That's it..." she purred,

"kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. I love saying that to you!"

"I love hearing it"

I offered, but my demons were not at all satisfied. In addition, my cock felt like it was going to explode, since I had to keep it under control that whole time. I just kept kissing her ass and her pussy, happily worshipping her while she enjoyed her afterglow.

"I'll bet you do, asskisser!" she giggled.

"You know what? I gotta pee pretty badly."

Her face took an almost evil, mischievous grin.

Humiliation burned with excitement through my veins at her obscenely arrogant position, that beautiful look on her face just enslaving me. I moved my mouth down over her freshly comed out cunt, and waited like the obedient toilet she had turned me into without even asking. I could no longer see her face, but I could still envision the self-satisfied look on it as she began to piss in the mouth that had just served her so selflessly. There are no words that can adequately describe what it feels like to serve as a toilet to another person. If you let it get to you it can crush you. I let it get to me because I wanted it to, and as I drank her piss, I began to cry quietly. I drank it and swallowed it like she was pissing on my soul, and I wallowed in the feeling of it breaking my heart. I envisioned the cold selfish pleasure she would take in knowing the effect her pissing on me was having, and I struggled with all my strength not to give in to the nearly inescapable urge to come right then. I wanted to serve her even more before allowing myself to take any pleasure in the pain and humiliation I felt for her whimsical pleasure.

When she was finally finished going to the bathroom in my mouth, she sighed and ordered me to lick her clean. I was frantic to be sure that she had not noticed that I was crying, and so I decided to respond to her order without a word. And yet like a dam completely bursting, the demon inside me took complete control.

"I have a better idea. Let me lick your pussy some more. If you come in my mouth again and let me drink more of that sweet honey, I'll let you shit in my mouth and I'll eat it. I swear I'll really do it! And you can piss on me anytime you want!"

This confession was especially poignant because in all the times that we'd chatted on-line, we'd never discussed anything that extreme. Mostly the humiliation culminated in things like her pissing on me while I licked her feet or something like that. She couldn't stop a look of shock and surprise before it crossed her face, but she quickly recovered and began to laugh hysterically.

"Let me get this straight: you want to suck me off for a second time, and in return you'll let me shit on you like a toilet?!?" she cried through tears of laughter.

"OK! Sounds pretty fair to me!"

Her beautiful laughter rang like music in my ears as I began long sweeping strokes of my tongue from her clit to her asshole. I paused every now and then to bury my tongue or nose in her cunt or her ass, concentrating on the alternating sweet and bitter tastes and smells I encountered. It became clear to me that she really did have to shit. I began to taste it as I licked her ass. This was no idle threat; this beautiful wonderful goddess was going to use my body as a repository for the waste of her sweet body.

I was not prepared for how bad the little excrement samples tasted and yet, each putrid mouthful of residue further secured my fate. I was truly concerned about being able to follow through with my end of the bargain, but I could not possibly deny her. And she obviously wanted this to happen. She kept laughing and making veiled references to my impending role beneath her. She seemed to be nervously excited in her own right, and she kept giggling in spite of obviously being very turned on.

After another quarter hour or so of varied licking, sucking, and kissing her body, her ass, her pussy, and her clit, this sweet piece of feminine candy came again. Her body produced only slightly less come, which I got to gulp down as she orgasmed. I think her need to go to the bathroom forced her to rush a bit.

In spite of the obvious pleasure on her face, I felt a little bad for her, as I imagined how badly she must have to take a shit. It was a peculiar side-effect of my subservience that my mind interpreted every circumstance in her favor. My inferiority to her was now complete, and I now felt it was her God-given right to shit on me at that point for selfishly making her come again when she had to go so badly. It may have been twisted thinking, but I really believed that to the core of my soul at that point.

I told her to shit, and placed my mouth over her ass, waiting. She pulled away and said,

"No, not yet."

She instructed me to lie down on my bed, face up. She stood over me, straddling my face and looked down on me. The sight was indescribable. It was something out of one of my fantasies only much, much better. Her pussy lips looked slightly red and swollen from the considerable sucking they had gone through. She looked down at me with an arrogance I had never seen before.

"Kiss my feet and beg me not to piss on you," she said.

The arrogance had a seriousness to it that made her quite intimidating. I was a little surprised because she had already pissed, but almost as though she read my mind she added,

"I always have to piss after I come."

I strained to turn my face to one side so that I could kiss her feet, licking the arch, and said, "Please, my gorgeous female goddess, please don't piss on me! Please spare me that degradation. Please show me some mercy. I have used my mouth to service you diligently today, and though I deserve it, please spare me that unique humiliation of having to wear your urine!" If the words sound like the pleading of low-life scum, I must tell you they felt even worse to say. And to be kissing her feet so pathetically throughout made the experience nearly intolerable.

"Yes, you have used your mouth on me very well today. I haven't ever felt anything better. No one has ever treated me better. Still, think of how much fun I might have watching you drink my piss anyway?" she taunted, and then a hot stream of piss escaped her pussy and showered down onto my face. The force of the stinging flow was so powerful, that some penetrated into my eyes even though I had squeezed them shut. The pain that had brought me to tears before returned.

Still her ravenous ego had not had enough of my emotional pain, and when she could see me crying she laughed again, saying, "Open your mouth and drink my piss, you piece of shit!" Then she aimed her hot stream lower. Of course, being a woman, her aim was not perfect, and the searing urine sprayed up into my nose before I obeyed and opened my mouth for her to piss in.

Even though I had just tasted her hot piss before, I was shocked and disgusted by the caustic acid taste and the biting ammonia aftertaste of this piss. I drank the rank fluid anyway, rendering my body's health and my dignity secondary to the task of serving her cruel whims. I began to really believe I did deserve it. That no matter how well I treated her, I deserved to have my existence trampled in this nefarious way.

Just when I thought I could not humanly endure any more degradation, the urine slowed and stopped. Even though it stung like hell, I opened my eyes and looked up at my beautiful goddess, for whom I had abdicated all personal dignity. I was genuinely frightened because I realized for the first time that as much as my perverse mind had enjoyed this abuse, she had enjoyed it even more.

She was hyperventilating slightly and her face was flush with dark laughing cruelty. She had clearly taken special pleasure in my tears. She turned around, and my breath was taken away — as it always is — by the sight of her gorgeous female ass. She knelt down, and that precious ass was now almost in my face.

"It feels good to be pissed on, doesn't it?" she goaded, looking over her shoulder at me. "Kiss my ass and tell me how grateful you feel that you got to feel your eyes sting from my urine."

I showered the cheeks of her ass with furious kisses, as my several-hour old hard-on strained forward still longer, and said, "Thank you for pissing on me! I live for your piss and to feel pain for you."


she laughed.

"Good! Now tell me what a worthless piece of shit you are. Tell me how you are so low, you want to live in my shit for the rest of your life."

In spite of myself, I couldn't stop stinging tears from forming in my eyes again. The words seemed too painful to say, and yet I was a slave to my inner demons and most of all her. It seemed like she was trying to regain the rush of making me cry from the humiliation.

"I..." I began, then choked slightly, "am a worthless piece of shit."

"Speak up!" she demanded.

"I am a worthless piece of shit, and I deserve to live in your shit and filth and take any abuse you can dream up for the rest of my pathetic life. I deserve to die in your shit!"

The words escaped my mouth unchecked and without volition. Tears of abject humiliation streamed out of my eyes.

Even she seemed to be taken aback — momentarily. Then the cruel gleam returned to her eyes, and she said, "Maybe you'll choke while I'm shitting down your throat, and you'll die with your face stuffed with my shit! Maybe someday, I'll bestow that privilege on you... ...if you beg me enough!"

"Please let me eat your shit! Please let me eat your shit! Please shit on me! Please let me swallow it! I deserve it! Please!"

I begged like I was begging for my life, without any semblance of control whatsoever. I was crying openly.

She reached around behind her and pulled one cheek to the side, exposing the orifice I so richly worshipped. Then she smirked at me and said simply,


With that, she sat back onto my face and leaned nearly her whole weight on me. My vision was lost in the deep crevice of her backside. The smell of her ass crack, her come, and her urine provided a constant reminder of my role in her life. I opened my mouth and was surprised at how far into my mouth her puckered asshole extended. My tongue encountered those beloved wrinkles while still pretty far into my mouth, then wiggled up into the widening orifice. I pushed my tongue up and into her ass, and was greeted with soft putrid, bitter shit. The time had come.

As I tasted a squirt of anal gas escaping into my mouth around my tongue, I heard her saying,

"I just want you to know that shit is filthy. It's very unhealthy and dangerous. You could get very, very sick from this, and maybe even die if not treated. I expect you to suck it down like it's chocolate ice cream though, right? I want you to taste my filth knowing it may actually be a death sentence, you dirty shit eater."

She chuckled absently and began to shit. The soft putrid mass of filth squeezed my tongue out and then filled my mouth. I quickly ran out of room in my mouth and was forced to start eating shit. My body was screaming at me with urges to vomit and gag, but my desire to serve remained stronger, and I swallowed down the foul shit as quickly as I could.

I briefly thought about what she was saying, and contemplated the possibility that I might die as a result of letting her shit down my throat, and even as I write this, I am embarrassed by the fact that I wanted to die at that moment. I wanted to give her that final indignity.

"Really think about how it feels to eat my shit..."

She seemed to lose herself for a moment.

"Concentrate on the degradation as I let you lick my ass, and then shit right in your mouth! Absorb the stench into your body! Imagine what it will feel like when I look at you knowing that your mouth, your stomach, your face, YOU are filled with my shit!

"For the rest of your life, you'll have to live with the fact that you consume my waste. That you eat my shit. That you are not above letting me shit on you. That your body is a receptacle for my droppings — that you are my personal human toilet, my sewer! That while you worship me and honor me with the ultimate expression of humiliation, I return your admiration with the worst possible insult. I shit on you, and you eat it. I shit on you," she said emphasizing the words.

I realized vaguely that she had started jerking off while relieving herself in my mouth. I couldn't eat her shit fast enough, and my mouth was now crammed full with shit. In addition, I hadn't breathed for at least a minute. Finally, survival instincts took over and I frantically pulled her ass cheeks apart so that a bare wisp of air could escape to my nose and pass to my lungs.

The stench was ungodly. Imagine how your shit smells when you take a dump. Now imagine bringing the shit right up to your nose and taking a deep sniff. I guarantee you the wetness of saliva and sweat only accentuates the intensity of the stench of fresh shit. My tongue was literally buried in that; my mouth chock-full of her shit. In some ways it was even worse to breathe!

Still, having satisfied the immediate survival need to breathe seemed to rejuvenate my capacity for self-degradation, and I resumed consuming her shit in mass quantities. Luckily, she had stopped shitting for the moment as her fingers furiously busied themselves on her clit. My mouth was nearly empty of shit when she screamed out in orgasmic pleasure again, forcing one more small piece of shit into my mouth.

Even though it halved my air supply, I released one of her ass cheeks and grabbed my now sore cock and began stroking it ravenously. As her final piece of shit slaked down my throat, I began to blow sperm everywhere! To my shock, I felt her mouth immediately clamp down on my throbbing cock as it spurted. She was sucking on my cock furiously while I nearly blacked out from coming. I never knew I could come so intensely or for so long, and I feverishly licked her asshole clean until my spurting cock finally subsided.

We stay there in this variation of the "69" position for some time afterward. I continued to lick her asshole clean, and use my tongue to pick the shit from between my teeth, while she contentedly sucked on my cock like a lollipop. Curiously, all humiliation seemed to seep away from the moment and I was overcome with a flush of indescribable content and pleasure. The warmth of her exquisite body felt like velvet heaven to me.

Even the stench of her shit seemed to disappear, although that was certainly impossible. I made murmuring sounds as I kissed her asshole gently, and then her pussy. Eventually she let my soft cock pop out of her mouth, and then — sadly — she rolled off of me. She lay there next to me in a feet-to-head position staring up at the ceiling for some time.

"How do you feel?" she asked with genuine concern, "Are you sick?"

I did feel a little queasy, but I told her no. I asked her how she felt, and she said,

"That felt incredibly rude."

We lay quietly for a while longer, and then she added,

"but I loved it!"

Over the next several months, we spent hours and hours talking about it when we weren't actually doing "scenes". We discovered that each of us had a little Jeckyll and Hyde in us, and that they seemed to interlock perfectly. It also became clear, however, that when we were in a mood like that, that we were dangerously capable of doing anything. I think that adds to the thrill.

She's my wife now, which makes it really weird watching her fuck other guys. But that's one of the ways she likes to humiliate me. Of course, in some ways at least, it's a little safer than some of the other things we do...

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The First Ride is always Free PT2 Sybian

"It will blow your mind!"That's what Nicki had said. Kim sat in her car contemplating the average looking suburban house, tempted to turn the key in the ignition and just take off again. What am I doing here? She glanced down at the hands in her lap, her nails ragged, and sighed. Marriage therapy, individual therapy, various serotonin-altering d**gs, even a weekend away at some swinging couples resort, and still, since the second baby, there had been nothing, not any hint of a spark. This is my...

3 years ago
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Wonders of American BackroadsChapter 8 Hot Lava

The day had come and I could no longer avoid it. I’d spent most of September around Seattle getting my necessary checkups, spending time with Maddie and even with Treasure, meeting with friends. And writing. I kept looking at my outline for Becoming the Storm, which I had originally titled Sins of the Father. I knew what was going to happen and I hated it. I kept putting it off. It wouldn’t be this chapter. But then I saw the writing on the wall, as it were. It was about to happen. I left...

3 years ago
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The Accidental MasterChapter 12 And then there was light

The rest of the evening and the night is still a blur. To say it was filled with sex, to the point where I didn't even have a sexual thought the next day, would be putting it mildly. When I had penetrated Sally and taken her virginity, I was so engrossed in the power and the sex that it barely registered with me at the time, but when I had orgasmed inside her, filling her with my cum, it dawned on me that she might not be on birth control since she was a virgin. And then the dark guilt...

4 years ago
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Ghar Mein Jhagde To Baahar Honge Hi Lafde

Namaste dosto, main Vijay khud ko rok hi nahi paya ye story likhne se. Abhi raat ke 3 baje hai. Lekin mujhe likhna hi hai ye. Meri age 32 hai, aur wife ki age 27 hai. Same age mere padosiyo (neighbours) ki bhi hai. To baju wala ye couple zor-zor se jhagadta rehta hai. Kehte hai ki baju waale ki wife jhagdalu hai. Baat aisi hai, ki baju waale ki wife hamesha sab ko achi hi lagti hai. Lekin sach baat ye hai, ki wo dono hi, yaani couple named Adarsh aur Gauri handsome aur beautiful hai. Gauri ki...

3 years ago
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A Day In The Hot Sun Part 1

 Hello all. We're just coming out of a stretch of very hot weather here. For over two week, we had temperatures in the middle and upper nineties. I've always loved hot weather, but even for me, it's a bit too hot. You can't stay in all of the time, so you just need to deal with it. If dressed you're appropriately, and stay hydrated, you'll be fine.A week ago this past Sunday was the hottest of all , the temperatures were ninety eight in the shade, and there was bright sunshine all day....

Straight Sex
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Fishing for Virgins

I arrived at my spot around noon. It was 82 degrees, perfect for cat fishing. I set up my little camp with my blanket, folding chair and cooler with sandwiches and beer. I baited and casted my pole, set in the Y stick and kicked back soaking up the sun. I must have dozed off for awhile. I awoke to the bell on the end of my pole dinging, for when I get bites. I grabbed the pole, but the fish was not hooked. Dang, I'll wait for another bite. I got myself a beer and relaxed. I...

3 years ago
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Two Different WorldsChapter 13 That OldTime Religion

Jewel's lips brushed his forehead, and at the same time Amy tenderly kissed his cheek. "Awake, oh Master. The dawn is nigh." "What the devil... ? Oh, good morning, Jewel, Amy. What are you two giggling about?" "Why, Neal, you're blushing! All right, we'll be good. How would you like some hot breakfast to start your day off right?" Jewel triumphantly held up a blackened kettle from which savory odors arose in a cloud of steam. "There is also water to wash with," Amy added...

1 year ago
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Vacation With Sexy Mom

Hello readers! This is a story about Anil and his sexy mom Malini. The family had planned their summer vacation to Goa. As Anil was joining his college from the next month, this could probably be their family’s last vacation. Everything was booked for these three people. But one day before they were supposed to leave for Goa, Anil’s dad got summoned to his company’s headquarters by his superiors. Disheartened that Anil’s dad won’t accompany them for the trip, Anil and Malini decided to drop the...

2 years ago
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Futas Wild PassionChapter 9 Lesbian Eats the Futarsquos Creampie

A fresh musk filled my nose. Something squirmed atop me. A hot mouth engulfed my dick, sucking hard on me. My cock pulsed in the hungry mouth. My eyes fluttered open. I groaned, this heat rippling through my body, my cunt clenching. I had a cock? My groggy mind struggled to work through that question. My eyes opened and stared at the pussy inches from my face covered by a fine down of strawberry-blonde hair. The slit was tight, beading with juices. I shuddered from the mouth sucking hard on...

2 years ago
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Stella and Marina SM in Spain 2

Stella is Mistress and Marina her slave in our second day of role play, while I'm her Servant.Stella eagerly grabs her opportunity to rule for the next twenty-four hours for her satisfaction.She starts right after midnight, terribly turned on by how former Mistress Marina ended as slut.She takes the initiative to explore some sexy and foxy fantasies from deep within her dirty mind.Nice naughty night for a sexy start of Stella's first day of rule as our MistressStella exchanges glances and...

2 years ago
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I was barely 16 that hot and humid July afternoon I admitted to Amy, my sweet little cousin, that I’d been having sex with my father for two months. “What?!” she gushed. “Courtney! Oh, my God!” Also, that I was on birth control, but that my up-tight mother had no idea or she’d have killed me! Of course, at St. Katherine’s, where we both went to school, they wouldn’t have been too thrilled at that part, either. “I can’t believe this!” Amy was almost panting at the news. “You’re doing your own...

1 year ago
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From Boy To ManChapter 2

I enjoyed being home again, but I missed my pussy. Susan and Orlanda were always on my mind. Women I saw I compared them with Susan or Orlanda. I then realized I was more interested in these elderly women than the young ones. Why this affliction I asked myself, before meeting Susan I got turned on by anything in a skirt, now it was the older ones who drew more of my attention. I even looked at my mother as a possible sex partner, but I'm sure my father was satisfying her in that department....

3 years ago
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Pizza Delivery II

My husband is an senior engineer for an oil co. and is away a lot, so i have plenty of opportunities and I have been doing younger guys for 16 yrs.+, without him knowing. He couldn’t handle seeing me being fucked by a young black cock, he’s very jealous with me he’s too uptight about sex for the sake of sex alone. He is overseas for a job and will be gone for 4-6 weeks this time. I was feeling lonely and bored then I decided to go get a hotel room in a nice hotel drink some more wine and order...

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Chloe 2 Suzy joins the family

Chloe sat in the middle holding her phone with one hand and her father’s cock with the other. Roy had his arm round his daughter’s shoulders, his hand resting on her breast as he gently tweaked her nipple. Ann had her hand between her daughter’s thighs, two fingers slowly stirring inside the girl’s cunt. “We’re so proud of you,” her father said, “you did so well having to think quickly when he changed the time, Suzy did a great job of filming it. Have you sent a copy to Grandad?” “Yes,”...

3 years ago
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Lonely Old Woman Wanting High Performance Mature Gentleman

This is my second story based on real experience and events, I am Anglo Indian age 65 years old and widowed and retired from business, my wife died 5 years ago suddenly. Since then I have remained quite active. My daughter and son are living and working away and seldom visits me, as they are busy with their own families. My son is in Mumbai and due to go to UK soon, and my daughter is married and in the USA. Being a widower it is quite easy to mix up with the opposite sex of a similar age...

2 years ago
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The Drive

The Drive "Have a nice trip home, dear," my mother said to me as I walked out the door. My heels clicked on the stones of her Florida pathway leading from her front porch to my car. It was still humid from the afternoon rain, and I could feel the beads of perspiration start to form on my forehead. Hopefully, the air conditioning in the car would continue to work in the heat. As I sat in my car, I smiled and waved at my mom. She has always been so worried about me when I am...

3 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 35 Cunnamulla to Blackall

Saturday Week 13 Dave decided to give the girls some space, so went for another bike ride before breakfast. He would have liked to have been a fly on the wall, because he figured that Wendy was going to tell Kellie what had happened yesterday afternoon and why she had left the light on while she made love to Kellie. He found out later that afternoon that he was right. When he got back, there didn't seem to be any problem and Kellie was happily preparing breakfast for them. It was almost...

4 years ago
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The Debt Collector Part2

Introduction: This story is pure fantasy. After reading stories on this website and being impressed with the basic ideas, but disappointed with the lack of description, I decided to mix a few together with some of my own ideas and I do plagerize myself from time to time. I also tried to be a little more descriptive. I encourage more people to do the same. For anyone who doesnt like the themes listed, such as incest or rape, please dont read any further. For everyone else, be thankful for the...

4 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 23 Double Penetration

My entire body shook uncontrollably in the throes of the incredible orgasm. Both men displayed consideration by keeping their tools static and letting me savor the sensations to the fullest. My hubby’s and son’s dickheads radiated in the depths of my cunt, and my throat. It felt like a warm-up for the double penetration. My shuddering and endless muffled moans (due to my son’s cock embedded in my mouth) ended. Both men withdrew their poles from my orifices simultaneously and laid me to bed. The...


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