Talon IGPT, 5 free porn video

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Talon IGPT, 5 The Staging Areas I was surprised to see Howler pulling in from the other direction as we found our place near the front of what looked like some sort of Military base. Maybe one used for their air ships or whatever they called them. We all filed off of Reaper carrying our TCFB's and quickly formed ranks. "Well done Scouts," praised Commander Otru. "You performed admirably. And we have something for each of you," grinned Saniya. Slowly she began walking down the line presenting us each with a whistle. Each one engraved, 'Talon IGPT, Tracker Scout Earth Mission'. They were whistles just like Midnight and I were using. We were then turned over to Dorian who marched us back to Talon. As we made our way proudly, I noticed the little flying cameras darting around us, up and down the lines of trucks already here. "Karen Tomahawk here covering what looks to be the biggest Convoy the stars have ever seen. And the leaders of this are Old Elk Lightfeather and Tim Wyoming. As you can see the Intergalactic Police are providing Transports to assist them along the way." "But probably the most interesting Transport is Talon. Talon is a brand new addition to the IGP Transport Fleet, and interestingly, he is also the first Draconian IGPT. He is designated as a Training Transport, and we see that his first group is made up of Tracker Scouts from all across the stars." Commander Derrell stepped out to greet us as we came to a halt and turned at attention to face Talon. "Well done Scouts. You've earned two days down time, please get to know those around you. If you leave this area the name to use for directions is Lambert International Airport, this is the former Air Force Base that we are using. There is I have been told, a Carnival set up across the highway and the Drivers from Earth have offered to show any of you around who wish to experience it. When I release you, grab a shower and chow, then go have fun." "Scouts, Dismissed." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lyconian Transport Terror: Sanissa Demure and Desire Gore sat watching the news feed from Earth. As they watched they noted the five young people who seemed to be a group of their own. "Oh gods I hope Tarriana isn't watching this," commented Sanissa as PFC Thorne helped her cousin up the steps into Talon with his hand on her shapely bottom. "My gods she let him caress her tail!" "What?" Desire was busy watching her son as he swapped spit with Vikki Terrn. "Never mind, I think Dorian has found someone special too," said Sanissa. "Yes would you help keep an eye on him for me? He's a good kid and I want to be sure he knows how much I love him while I'm gone." "You heard back?" asked Sanissa. "Commander Gore, have you thought of a name for your Transport yet?" asked Commander Deirri. "What? You got a Command slot?" the rest of the crew was now celebrating. "Desire, you have a Comm request," she was informed. Stepping into her private quarters she opened the view screen. "Sharra, hello." "Desire, I wondered if I could ask you a favor seeing as our two seem to be hitting it off." Began Sharra Terrn. Then before Desire could say anything she asked, "Would you look out for Vikki for me? I got one of the command slots that just opened up. But I haven't told her yet. Dorian is the first person she's shown any real interest in." "Sharra, I was going to ask you the same favor. Now I don't know what to do." The name 'Seeker' just popped up on the HUD as under construction. "You're commanding 'Seeker'? I've got 'Star Explorer'," she said out of the blue. "Commanders, don't worry we'll take good care of them for you. You just be sure you return safely," said Lydia. After they finished talking Lydia said, "Sharra, why don't you go spend some time with them while you can?" she knew that Vikki knew that Wolfs Bane was here, and would probably drop in to visit. She'd known both kids since they could crawl, almost since they were born. That got her thinking about her daughter, Tassia. She really missed her so much since her mother in-law had begun trying to keep her from visiting by always being off planet somewhere when she was there. It had been the same with Randi as well. The old wolf wasn't really doing it to be mean. She just didn't approve of her Career. She hadn't approved of her own sons career either. But Garr had felt it his duty to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. It had been rough on them being assigned to different Transports. She'd worked her way up aboard Whiplash, raising both children after Midnight Run had disappeared. And then Wolfs Bane had been commissioned. While she was competing for Command she'd let her Mother in-law take care of the kids, feeling she was doing the right thing for them. But Tassia had begun getting into trouble. She'd seen what had happened with Randy after she'd transferred him to LMA, away from his grandmother's constant influence. Given he was always interested in the IGP, he'd begun pulling pranks to get attention. Then when he was able to spend more time with her he'd settled down, become more serious as well as closer. She could see a lot of Garr in their son and daughter. But mostly it was their son who took after him. She was deep in thought when Torri Sharr got her attention, "Ma'am you have a message." "Thank you Torri," she keyed her personal screen. "Lydia, I will not stand for you to destroy her future," began her mother in-law. "I really don't care what you think anymore, she is my daughter and I will be there to pick her up at the end of this mission." "Like you didn't already send someone to pick her up?" the old wolf was pissed off. "No I did not, I have no idea what you are talking about. But you had better start explaining it," demanded Lydia. "Look I have the note she left before she snuck out." "Grandma I'm going to Earth to see my Momma. I have to go now because the Transport is going to meet me at the Maintenance barn." "Tassia" Ignoring her mother in-law now she keyed her Transport wide Comm Channel. "Wolfs Bane to all Transports, I need to know who picked up my Daughter on Lyconia." All the other Transports were reporting negative on her request. Then she spotted the request for a personal call with Werewolf. "Yes Commander Lash?" "Lydia, I'm sorry I thought you knew or I would have let you know." "Let me know what?" "When I was at the MAG graduation I got a call from Tassia. She said she was supposed to be with you this summer, but you couldn't leave Earth to pick her up. I was wondering why she didn't just hitch a ride with Talon, but she had that covered." "Petrinna, please tell me she is with you," said Lydia. "Oh yes she's here. And any time we try to get specifics she changes the subject. Lydia, she's scared. I'm sorry but I was trying to make sure of who she was afraid of and she keeps saying that you will be mad." "Mad, well yes I am mad that she just took off like that. But I am so happy that she's safe." "She made us promise not to tell you that she was coming. Her Majesty said she would take full responsibility," said Petrinna. "Please let her know that I am looking for her." "Oh we definitely will. She also hinted that she would just disappear if we tried to take her back to her Grandma Shore's." "Thank you, how soon before we can meet?" asked Lydia. "We'll be there in the morning. We Phase Jumped with Duke from Iridani. They're bringing new Rollers for all the Transports." They talked a bit longer then Lydia let the other transports know that Tassia was safe. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Tarri, have you seen the news from Earth?" asked Shastarr. "Yes isn't it wonderful?" asked Tarriana in return. "I really hope we can find time to ride on the Roller Coaster when it is finished." She was grinning knowing that wasn't what he meant at all. "Tarri?" "Oh hush, so he's human and a Military Officer, what's the harm?" "He isn't an officer Love, he is a lowly Enlisted Man." "Oh, well that just won't do at all." She picked up her phone, "Get me Colonel Zimmer Please." He sat there in shock not knowing what to expect now. He hadn't intended to interfere in his daughter's love life. "Oh Stephanie, thank you for taking my call. It seems that Shasstine has become involved with a Human Marine. PFC Thorne." "Yes, I was wondering if we could get him permanently assigned as our Liaison. Yes Shastarr would like to get him enrolled in the TIGA Officers Academy?" "Yes thank you." She hung up with a smile. "Well?" "She's going to talk to their President on my behalf," grinned Tarriana. "You realize this will be a bigger scandal than our own love at their age?" She caressed his chin, "I'll be waiting for you. Maybe she needs a younger sibling." She wasn't going to tell him that she was already pregnant. She'd let him discover it on his own, she also remembered how insatiable she'd been with Shasstine and she was already feeling those urges again. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We walked on each side of Tom as he led us by the hand to the Carnival. It was loud with music and bright lights. The fat guy at the gate saw us and motioned us in without charging admission, then gave us ten dollars' worth of free tickets. When I asked if a Dollar was the same as a Galactic Credit, my PDA flashed the current exchange rate of $4.00 to GC1.00. I giggled and handed over a Ten 'GC' note in exchange for another $40.00 worth of tickets. The guy winked at Tom, "Way to go son. Are you sure you can handle a Tiger and a Wolf at the same time?" He just glared at him in response. As we were getting on the first ride, something called the Tilt-a-whirl, he apologized for the guy's crudeness saying he wasn't like that. I don't know why but as the lady running the ride approached to make sure the locking bar was secure holding us in we both kissed his cheek. Then as I reached to caress his thigh, something we'd learned by watching human girls, my hand met Midnight's. We both giggled at his startled look before saying, "We're Foster Sister's, and we share almost everything." As the ride started our hearts began to pound, being thrown against each other over and over again, it felt like we were going to be thrown out into the crowd. Everyone was screaming, and we joined in, realizing it was so exhilarating. As we were about to get off we spotted an Alpha standing next to where we'd been told to leave our Vershang. His 'I' was drawn and he was facing the lady running the ride. "Don't ever touch someone else's blade unless you are ready to die," he warned her. "Especially these two." Turning to us then he asked, "Did you enjoy the ride your Majesties?" "Yes thank you. And thank you for watching our Blades," I said. Two more Alpha's stepped up then. "Patches, we'll guard the blades for you on the next ride," said the young girl as Patches shifted to a Wolf Furry. "Princess Natira, may I escort you through the Carnival?" I was just standing there staring into his grey eyes when Midnight nudged me from behind and I stepped forward, right into his arms. He was a perfect gentleman as was Tom, and offered his arm which I took. We got on a Merry Go Round, and rode the different animal figures. Going around in circles up and down, we leaned toward each other holding hands. We walked around a bit after that occasionally running into other Scouts. Then Tom wanted us to ride the Farris Wheel. Here we were allowed to keep our weapons since it wasn't a fast ride. The seats were just big enough for two of us and I rode with Patches as Midnight and Tom rode in the one in front of us. As more passengers were loaded I noticed that almost all the humans were engaging in heavy kissing. Could I get away with it? I mean there were no cameras here, and no one watching every move we made. I leaned in the way the human in front of us was doing and kissed him on the cheek. Then as he started to kiss my cheek I twisted my face around, our lips meeting, as we began kissing. The ride moved again and I looked up to see that Midnight and Tom were doing the same. Here we were free to be teens, unobserved by our Spiders or cameras intent on recording every detail. Then at the top it stopped again and we saw the stars in the night sky, so beautiful. So close, we were together just the two of us, holding hands and kissing. Oh how I wanted to do more. Sure I knew what a blowjob was, Midnight and I had both done that a few times at school. But this was different, would Patches have a nice knot being a Wolf Shifter? Or would he take after his human side? I let my hand caress up his thigh, my fingers caressing his rapidly growing Hardon. Stopping near the base at the feel of his knot, not yet swollen, but there. I felt my heart skip a beat or two. "If you keep that up I won't be able to hide it," he whispered into my ear. "Besides you are the Lyconian Princess, and I'm just an Alpha Shifter." He was worried about my honor as a Princess, and it made me want him that much more. I noticed Midnight and Tom doing the same things we were. And then the wheel began moving around and around. It was fun, and from the corner of my eye I caught a flash of a black hairy leg. I knew that Starr would be here too, probably poised over Midnight, as Yarris was poised over us. But they would not interfere so long as they didn't feel we were in danger. Yarris had allowed me to see just enough to know that he was there. From the top again I saw a long snaking set of tracks, little cars racing along them with people screaming their hands stretched up in the air. It looked exciting, and I knew Midnight had seen it too. At the end of the ride we were trying to get them to take us there. "You mean the little Roller Coaster?" asked Tom. "That one's more for little kids, it doesn't even have any loops or rolls." "Roller Coaster? Like the one that we're escorting to Omega Seven?" Midnight was excited. "We've gotta ride that next," I joined in. "I umm, I need to let things calm down first," said Patches. "I can barely walk without everyone knowing I'm hard as a rock," he admitted. "Yeah me too," added Tom. With a giggle I followed Midnight as we lead them behind some huge Carney trucks. Now that I knew they were there it was easy to know where they were. I could feel Yarris redirecting people away from us as Midnight and I both knelt and began giving our gentlemen blowjobs. I could feel my own semi stiffy oozing out into my pantys as I thought about how naughty we were being. As my lips pressed against his knot I heard a stifled growl purr and glanced over at Midnight. But it wasn't her she had her mouth full of stiff cock. It was Tom, and he had shifted. We'd never known that he was a shifter. I heard her gurgle and realized that her hand was squeezing the base of his cock, stimulating his barbs to stiffen at the head of his cock as he jerked, his cock pumping his seed into her throat. I squeezed the knot, rewarded by the hot jets of cum blasting into my throat and filling my mouth. Then as it grew soft I turned to Midnight and we almost burst into giggles as we swapped cum before swallowing it all. Then I realized that Tom was scared for some reason. "I, I shifted. I won't be able to shift back for a few hours yet," he admitted that this was only the third time he'd ever shifted. Hey you're in the Seven Nations, you're safe here," assured Patches as they helped us to our feet. I knew that Midnight wanted to fuck Tom. I also knew that she was, and had been holding back because of me. But now that we both knew a secret about these two, could we trust them with my secret? Would Patches be gentle for my first time? Would he understand that I was still a girl even if I had a cock instead of a pussy? As we walked toward the Roller Coaster holding hands he squeezed mine, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I know a place to get the things we need to make your first experience pleasurable. And yes it will be my honor to keep your secret intact." "What? How did you know?" I asked. "Yarris and Starr threatened to bind me in web and rip me limb from limb if I hurt you. Besides," he blushed. "I kind of read your thoughts just now." "Y, Yarris spoke to you?" "Yes Nati, I spoke to him. He feels very deeply for you," said my Spider in my mind. Dorian and Vikki are getting in line behind us," he changed the subject. And I turned to see them there with Vikki's mother Sharra Terrn and my Aunt Dinessa Yorre. And with them were Saniya and Dessi Demure, Midnights Aunts. I leaned forward. "We may have trouble," I whispered into her ear and she turned to look. "Oh crap," she blushed. "Is everyone enjoying themselves?" asked Dessi. "Yes Ma'am," we answered. Saniya handed Midnight something, and she looked startled. "It is a double room at the Airport Motel. We'll cover things with Commander Derrell." "I think as long as you six stay together she'll not have any complaints," added Sharra. "Besides we'll be in the room right next door." The previous passengers all got off and we began heading for the cars. The Carnies all looked delighted to see how big a hit the Coaster was with everyone. Then I saw that Dorian was carrying a huge Teddy Bear. "He won it for me playing Ring Toss," gushed Vikki. There weren't any loops or rolls, but the plunging dives and ninety degree turns were still exciting. I can't remember ever having so much fun while being scared before. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was nearly three in the morning when the All Hands Recall alert got everyone's attention. Then the pounding on the door even as we hurried to get our clothes on. "Yes, what's happening?" Midnight asked her Aunt Saniya seeing the rest were in just as big a hurry. "We just received activation signals from two more of Midnight Run's Portal Beacons. Hurry, we have to find out what's happening." "Midnight Run? They're alive?" came the confused question from the others. "We only have the Beacon signals, nothing from the Transport," Dessi answered as they began to sprint for their individual Transports. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Marsh sat there staring at Talon's HUD, she'd put it in course track mode causing the beacons to flash on in numerical sequence like guiding lights. "Commander Derrell, I need to cross deck to Wolfs Bane for a few minutes," she said. "They're going past Kelvin Nine." In her subconscious, she mentally added to the course track, seeing how it curved outward in an arc spiraling through the seventh parallel System. She needed to tell Commander Shore what she felt, what she'd pictured in her mind in the brief flash. The seventh parallel was a virtual dead zone. She'd scanned it for communications as she passed through it. But she hadn't been scanning for IGP Portal Beacons, just Delphi and Skecksies Transmissions. She'd been following Doru's engine exhaust trail. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Truck Factory, Kelvin Nine Jarda Nimbus smiled happily to himself as he watched Star Explorer being towed clear of the end of the Paint Bay on the assembly line. His crews had been working nonstop to complete this Contract. Seeker was due to clear the line in the next six hours with Pathfinder and Lifeline following at six hour intervals. Already the technicians were uploading the computer packages, being careful not to imprint the systems. Others were installing the rest of the equipment. Off to the side sat another truck, a TM III carrying all the Armament as well as defensive and tracking equipment for each of the new TL Mark 5's. That crew had been happy to have extra down time, only there hadn't been any with the speed at which Jarda's crews were working. "What's the big rush? You don't have to have them finish until," he gave the date that was still being kept secret from those who didn't have a need to know. "I have a hunch that they will be needed sooner than we think," answered Jarda. He wasn't going to tell anyone yet that already the crews were heading this way. He hadn't gotten this far in life without staying on top of vital information. He'd been sitting in the navigation seat while the technicians had been running the long range scanner tests, watching as the other Transports all popped up on the HUD. Now he was in a dilemma, if he notified IGP Command that he'd seen the Transport signatures for two of the lost Transports they would know that he had the Black Box Locator program. They would also know that he'd improved it over the years. This was just the latest tweak he'd made to it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tank Electronics, Iridani Five "Daddy quick," yelled Bounder. They'd been working to improve the long range search programs knowing that the four newest Transports would be coming here. "What is it?" asked Hob. Pointing to the display in front of her she asked, "Are those Transports?" there were six new signatures on the screen, but four stated they were too far away to identify. The two closest were listed as Midnight Run and Leopard. "Teala, call the Queens." He didn't need to specify which ones, as she began placing the calls to both Terrellia and Lyconia. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Commander Merkuri, there is a Teala on line four for you from 'Tank Electronics' on Iridani Five," said the Palace Operator. "Teala, a pleasure. What can we do for you?" Darius began. "Commander, it is urgent we speak with the Queens. We've located Midnight Run and Leopard's Black Boxes," Hob interrupted him. Both Shastarr and Tove Yorre coughed up their coffee. "Where, we'll get a rescue mission set up," started Darius. "Darius, why are you going to set up a rescue mission? What is going on?" asked Tarriana as she entered the office, Natani and their kittens following close behind. Just then a cadet arrived from TIGA with an urgent message. "Wolfs Bane is about to Phase Jump to Kelvin Nine. They just received three Portal Beacon activations from Midnight Run and one from Leopard," gasped the Cadet out of breath having run the entire way. Blinking several times Tarriana asked, "How is this possible? Where are they located?" "We've been trying to increase the range of the long range scanners, and Transport Detection systems," explained Hob. "Then right after that failed beacon was activated here on Iridani we had the other Beacons light up. But as we were trying to tweak the signal strength Bounder received a signal from the black boxes," he explained quickly. "Why is Wolfs Bane Jumping to Kelvin Nine then?" asked Natani. "Mission Commander Winterbourne has submitted a preliminary search course, those beacons are all on the same path," reported Shastarr showing that he was up to speed with classified IGP information. "And Mr Nimbus has been working his crews around the clock, the new Transports will be ready to go within the next seventy two hours." Leaning forward now Tove said, "And each and every Portal Beacon is being triple checked." The new beacons had a much longer range as well. And operated independently from each other. They didn't need the signal from the next in line to connect with the rest. Their signals followed the freeway from portal to portal. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cree and Morella sat on the patio of the southern palace watching the video footage from the Earth mission yet again when Morella received a call from Otru. "Son, is everything alright? Is my Granddaughter safe with that Human boy who is so interested in her? And what about Nati?" "Mom, how much have you seen? How much has Tarri seen?" he asked. "Enough to know that if she isn't careful she'll wind up with a half human kitten. Have you any idea what this could do to our government?" "Excuse me husband," Saniya reached in front of him aboard Reaper. "Mom, I think you need to see more recent footage." She plugged her personal PDA into the screen to show the four young people as they stepped out from behind some trucks at the carnival. "Who is the Cheetah that is with her now? And where did that Wolf come from?" "Mom, the Wolf is an Alpha Shifter named Patches. See he carries the three blades. And that Cheetah is the young Marine that Shasstine has been showing so much interest in," stated Otru. "You had Klathnar following them," she realized. The video jumped to the six young people hurrying from the Hotel room together. And Saniya realized she should have made sure that she'd stopped sending it. "They, they, Nati has tied with him," Cree recognized the glow on her granddaughters face, the sore way she moved as they hurried to Talon. She cued her own view screen. "Natani, we need to speak right away. Do you have any idea the things your daughter has been up to on Earth?" "Momma, she's young, let her have her fun. Besides you didn't say anything when Tarri and Kai hooked up before she met Shastarr. Or the fact that I was hooking up with Shastarr myself after that Vershang match when he had my back. So they're sharing a human boy, big deal," said Natani. "Sharing a Human boy, you think that is what this is about? Some school girl crush?" "Isn't it? I know they like the way he kisses, I've seen the footage," admitted Natani. "They spent the night together in a hotel room. Nati is involved with some Wolf Shifter that we know nothing about," began Cree. "Momma, please allow me to handle things. But I doubt they've done anything like you are suggesting." Natani was secretly hoping that she was right. "Commander Derrell please," she heard Tarri requesting behind her. "Your Majesties, they are doing fine," began Serena. "I wish to speak to Nati please," said Natani. Serena transferred the call to Nati's personal bunk area. Nati started in shock as the video screen came to life on the wall. She lay there almost naked on her bunk, Patches arm around her protectively from behind. "M, Momma," she squeaked as she yanked the sheet up over them. "So you've met someone who understands?" began Natani as her daughter started to crawl out from under the cover. "He looks fit enough as a first fling," she smiled. "But I hope the two of you are being discrete." Nati had sat up now and quickly began pulling her clothes back on. "Momma it isn't what it looks like." "Did he make you howl?" asked Dorri, her birth mother with a grin of approval. Blushing now she said, "Oh gods Momma you have no idea." "Dorri?" "Nat, this is our daughter. If she wants to play hide the bone with that handsome wolf behind her then it is fine with me, but I want to meet him in person you understand?" no one needed to tell her the horrible things that would happen to him at Dorri's hands if he hurt their daughter. Now Nati gently nudged Patches' shoulder. "Hey wake up, my Momma's want to meet you," she urged. "Oh hells," he jumped and reached for his clothes before realizing that the view screen was active. He quickly turned his back as he pulled on his blue jeans. "He's nice, I like him already," commented Dorri. "I think Nina would like to meet him," she mentioned Nati's year and a half old sister as she left the room. "Momma please don't be mad at me," she started. "Are those his blades hanging with your Vershang?" asked Natani instead. "Yes Momma," she answered. "Good that means he can guard your back if needed." "Momma I know how dangerous it is to have someone know my secret," said Nati. "Ma'am, I will guard her and protect her every day of my life. With every breath I take I will be thinking of her safety," said Patches now. Now more seriously Natani asked, "Will you be willing to share her with a purebred Lyconian so that she can sire the next Heir to the Lyconian throne as I have done with her birth mother who is my mate?" "Momma?" "Ma'am?" "Nat?" "Please Dorri, I will not argue with you. Besides I see more here than just Puppy Love." "Patches, I hope you are willing to leave Earth and follow her out here. Maybe even live full time as a Wolf?" "Yes your Majesty, I would follow her to the ends of the Universe. And I will happily let her sire Pups to ensure the future." "Then I will speak with Tribe about the Betrothal. Of course you two will be an even bigger scandal than my own, since no one knows who sired Natira or her baby sister. Can you weather that kind of storm?" "As long as we are together," he answered. "Will you take her last name? Ours is a matrilineal inheritance," reminded Dorri. "Patches Yorre," he smiled "I've never had a last name before," he admitted. Natani looked shocked at first, then saw the seriousness in not just his eyes, but those of her daughter. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Morella was handling things better than Cree had now that she knew Tom was a Shifter. Only three people had known that Jarrik was not a Purebred Terrellian, that he was in fact a Human Shifter who had talked his way into follow her out into the stars after seeing her once when her own brother, 'Stern' had retrieved her from the Kitten Academy when she was in her third year. She remembered the shuttle had developed some sort of engine failure and they'd sat down in a corn field in Nebraska. And then Jarrik stepping out between the rows of corn to offer his help. When the shuttle finally reached the ship in orbit Stern had introduced him to their mother as a stranded Terrellian seeking a ride home. Jarrik himself had carried the Three Swords of an Alpha, but by the time they reached home Stern and her oldest brother 'Reacher', had taught him enough Vershang to get him into TIGA. But Reacher had never learned that he wasn't Terrellian born. "Cree, I know that you have very strong feelings about bloodlines," she began as they entered the palace. Still Cree said nothing. "Tell me what you honestly thought of Jarrik," she requested as she stepped in front of the fireplace that had his portrait above it. His Vershang on display in the rack above the set of three swords. "He was a very strong and loving Tiger. I remember Tove talking about how dedicated he was and how much of a good friend he was," answered Cree. Now wrapping his arms around her from behind Tove spoke quietly into her ear. "He was my best friend, and I didn't care for a minute that he was born a Human Shifter. To me he was always Terrellian." "You, you knew he wasn't Terrellian?" Cree was shocked. This was a secret that could topple the Demure Royal family line. "Love, it isn't what he was born as that matters, it is who he was inside. Who he became, the life he chose to live. That is what made him Terrellian. The same thing that has made our Daughter a queen and will see her own daughter take the throne. No one here needs know that either of them were not born Terrellian and Lyconian." "How did you find out?" she asked her husband now. "When you spend your life defending those who need defending you grow close to others like yourself. But it was he who told me his secret. When I asked why he was telling me he told me that he felt safe in my knowing. Then he told me that he would guard our daughter's secret to the grave." At her confused look he snorted in amusement, "Don't you remember, he was there as Morella's representative at the christening." At the time of Natani's birth it was Cree's older sister who was in line for the throne. But she had been passed over in favor of Cree, one of the differences between the two cultures, Lyconia's queen could choose, where Terrellia's could only choose if the first born daughter Abdicated freely as Niesha had done. "So you think that we can hide the facts from the public?" "They will see what they need to see, what they are told. It is up to those two to become that which they choose," said Morella. "It was so easy everyone needed a hope for the future." "So how do we help to sell them as lost citizens?" Cree finally asked. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They were gathered in the Commandants office at TIGA when Tove placed the call to Drew Correll's office. "Ahh, Mr. Yorre. A pleasure to hear from you," he was greeted. "I need Citizenship Documentation for the Earth Alpha known as Patches, to be a lost Lyconian Citizen. Perhaps his grandparents were lost there at some point?" Drew grinned now, "You mean Patches Durian, son of shuttle pilot Hess Durian who crashed and was never recovered?" he was holding up birth certificates and other documentation to the view screen. "Can that be traced?" asked Cree. "It will be by the time I am finished generating other documentation. Should I be expecting a similar request from her Majesty Tarriana in regards to Thomas Thorrne, Grandson of Thomas and Yolanda Thorrne, lost on holiday?" "You put that together rather quickly," stated Tarriana. "Because Thomas Thorrne is real, and is PFC Thorne's grandfather. I have DNA results to prove it. Give me a sample of Patches' DNA and I can solidify his almost as easily," assured Drew. "Thank you Mr. Correll. Please forward all documentation as soon as possible. How is the newest Correll doing by the way?" asked Tarriana. "Growing strong, and healthy thank you." The Commandant was being included because he would have to know. But before they left his office he sent his secretary on an errand. When she returned she handed him a file, which he handed to his Queen. With a smile he said, "I had my own documentation before Mr. Correll." Thomas Thorrne had been a graduate of TIGA. He was also at the time his ship was lost, a Chief Tracker. "Might I suggest we look into young Mr. Patches background? You will notice that Tracker Thorrne had a Jr Tracker Yoni Curr as his Primary Pilot." The photo of Yoni Curr showed her to be Lyconian. "Can you make this solid?" asked Natani. With a grin he picked up his phone. "Stassi, that information you were looking for, did you locate it?" "I did better than that, both have left DNA aboard Talon who routinely logged and processed it. You should be able to pull it up on your screen from IGP Headquarters now." They were looking at DNA results for both young men, and the cross references with the two lost Trackers. They also read the reports that both bodies had been recovered during Shimmers massive raids. "Commandants, Thank you," said Natani. "Mr. Correll," Tarri was on the phone. "Contact Tracker Command. We just got confirmation of both their Lineage. But you should start with Chief Tracker Thorrne." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Talon was headed for the Reservation to rendezvous with the Pierce's when the message arrived for Commander Derrell. The other Marines had already been delivered to their Liaison assignments. "ATTENTION IGPT TALON, URGENT!!!!" "PFC Thorrne, Thomas, descendant of Chief Tracker Thorrne of the IGP is hereby declared a Terrellian Citizen and will continue on as part of your mission." "Patches Curr, descendant of Tracker Curr is hereby declared a Lyconian Citizen and will continue on as part of your mission." "Thorrne will report to TIGA, and Curr will report to IMA at the end of your current mission." "IGPHQ, Omega Seven" She keyed the intercom, "Patches, Tom please report to the command deck ASAP." Vikki turned from her position at the Comm station. "Ma'am?" But Serena just grinned in response. When they both arrived she turned to her HUD and activated the intercom again before reading the message out loud. "Congratulations you two. You might wish to see if anyone has a new uniform that might fit before we stop off in Cougar Town." They just had the one stop so that the citizens of Cougar Town could see Talon as well as meet the Tracker Scouts. Serena knew that if she'd gotten this official message there would be intergalactic news cameras there to meet them. They were after all following the wrecker Crunch and the news truck assigned to the reporter Karen Tomahawk, aka, Karen Lighthorse. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Keren sat in her mobile news studio going over the new information she'd just received from Omega Seven, and confirmed by both the palaces at Terrellia and Lyconia. Picking up her phone she called Talon. "Commander, may I speak with them please?" She'd talked with both couples and gone over her questions, she didn't want there to be anything to catch anyone off guard. Then she told her driver that he needed to be at a certain Jewelers shop on the town square to set up. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Talon pulled to a stop in front of the City Courthouse, just across from the Jewelers. It was no surprise to see Sarah Owens standing there waiting to greet them along with dozens of citizens. The interview with Commander Derrell was brief. Then her cameras switched to both young men as they exited the Jewelers. Tom dropped to one knee in front of Midnight, taking her hand he slid the Emerald Engagement ring onto her finger. "Princess Shasstine Demure, will you do me the honor of accepting my offer of Marriage once we are both finished with our schooling?" The camera zoomed in on the already huge Emerald ring. There were several gasps from both the crowd as well as the viewers at realization that she actually was the Terrellian princess. "Yes, oh gods yes," she said as she hugged then kissed him. "Princess Natira Yorre, will you do me the same honors?" asked Patches as he slipped the Ruby onto her finger. "Oh hell yes," giggled Nati as she too hugged and kissed her man. "Well I don't guess we need to worry about anyone else finding out now," snickered Lorissa as Karen launched into the rest of her prepared report. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Both Queens were smiling now knowing that nearly every citizen in both Quadrants had seen the news. It was also deflecting attention away from the fact that Eight Transports were about to leave Iridani bound for Syracuse II and the unexplored region beyond it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Oh my god," gasped Erika and Rachel at the same time. "Momma come quick you have to see this." They'd been watching the news aboard Arvee as they began fixing dinner. "Maleeza, did you know they were aboard Talon?" asked Donnie. "No Daddy," she answered. They'd just come back from teaching Tassia and Anna to ride. "I wonder how their mothers are going to feel about this?" I speculated. So far nothing had been said other than they had met here on Earth. I knew that Tarriana might need someone to talk to especially if she hadn't known about it before hand. My return call came in the middle of dinner. Yes they were both aware of it. And through coordination with Karen it would be released as if it was just being discovered so that people would be less inclined to dispute it. But they really were who they would be revealed to be and it was being done this way, so that there would be no questions later. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The trip to the Spirit Lake Reservation saw us threading our way through Kansas City. The reservation was where we would be picking up Randi Shore and Maleeza Pierce. And we'd have a lot of time to learn about the tribal cultures while we were there. It would let the scouts unwind before the big convoy started.

Same as Talon IGPT, 5 Videos

4 years ago
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Talon IGPT 4 return to the mission

Talon IGPT, 4 Talon, Draconian Load Star Tracker Scout Training Transport Training Cadre: Serene Derrell, Commander, Draconian Mordina, Sub-Commander, Primary Driver, Draconian Lorissa, Sub-Commander, Navigator/Communications, Demonian Dante, Captain, Traffic Control and investigations, Terrellian Portellini, Lieutenant, Crowd Control, Lyconian Valdemere, Lieutenant, Reports and Forms, Terrellian Dove, Captain, Medical Officer, Orion Marsh, Chief Tracker,...

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Talon IGPT Tracker Scout Training

Talon IGPT Tracker Scout Trainer By: Malissa Madison The idea was simple, they needed ways to prepare the Tracker Scouts for the IGPT Academies. Serena Derrell had herself graduated from the Terrellian Academy. At the time of her graduation though, the only position open for her on one of the Transports was as a Liaison Officer. After her ten years, she transferred home to become a Guardian Commander. She'd served her Queen...

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Talons of Pleasure

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Town Spirit

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Mom Fucked By A Gigolo

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Squirted Tiffany Watson Ebony Mystique Squirting Maid

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Unloading For Mom

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Horny Office Colleague

Hi… Its Your Mr. Pleasure here from Vadodara. My email add is I am always ready to sahre your any kind of feeling & fantasies. first up all many thank for all those emailed me and inform that the like my last story step by step sex with sister now I am going to tell you another incident which happed between me and my office friend Vijaya she is still working in my office soon going to get married let me tell you something about her she is good looking normal Indian girl who always ware Shalwar...

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An Afternoon Encounter

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Conservative Mom Fucked By Taylor

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The Least She Could Do Part 3

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Paradise Valley

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Fucked By Married ExBoyfriend For Good

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Sins of the Father Chapter 3

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All Hallows Eve Stranger Sex

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a pregnant craving

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Ice StormChapter 4

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Cumming of age part II

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Birthday Sex

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Occult JusticeChapter 5

Miriam Holt sat smiling contentedly as she smoked a cigarette, legs crossed and the harness which strapped her exquisite mature body blending wonderfully with the leather sofa in which she rested; a picture of pure feminine dominance in the eyes of Thomas Arne as he writhed on the bench, still feeling the effects after the latest caning she had served on him with spiteful pleasure. Her contented smile broke into a grin as the dull sound of a buzzer accompanied by a gently flashing red light,...

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You mind if I rant for a minute, O? Jesus loves me, this I know. All my music tells me so. All of the posters on my wall and all of the friends my parents want me to hang out with say the same thing. I guess it's pretty much fucking unanimous. Jesus loves me, even though I'm a fucking lesbian. Not because I'm a lesbian, mind you. The manual states it clearly, I've been told. He loves me despite my sinning ways. I guess that's the way it goes, though. Jesus loves a fucking project. He...

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Happy Wives Dont Cheat

Man wins his life and his wife back.Happy Wives Don't CheatShe walked up to the table with a nervous smile. She was still just as beautiful as always. Shoulder length dark red hair, blue eyes, and a small frame, yea she was the most beautiful woman on earth. Petite is what she was best described as. Not much in the way of breast or an ass, but slim and perfect. But, she wasn't supposed to be here. They promised me she wouldn't be here. I guess they lied like they have been for months. I should...

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Kim Kim Kardashian Gangbanged by 4 BBC

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The Plane Crash

It was my first time flying alone. I was going to Hawaii to meet up with my grandparents, who retired there. My mother thought it would be a lesson to learn, and since I was already 17 I thought I could handle it. Now that I was actually living it, it was rather frightening. I continued scanning the crowd. All of a sudden an emotion that felt like I was about to throw up my heart hit me as I recognized one of the girls in the terminal with me. It was Cassandra, (or Cassy for short) a girl...

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Twink fem from around the way gets her ass used by

(fiction)I spun my truck around and headed back towards the store, it was about midnight on a Friday. I doubled back because I saw "her" car. Mia a slim sexy little trans who lived a few blocks down. She was home from college for a brief minute I supposed. She had graduated this past year. I pulled my truck up to the driver side of her car, I could see she was at the register paying for whatever it was she had gotten. I rolled my window down as she exited the store, "look at you Mia" I said as...

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Dance of a Kiss

by My Erotic Tale and Du Lac (Thank You Du Lac for the EDIT and adding your special touch to my tale. This story has been touched by the Du~ Thank You~) The Challenge~ Thundering rumble of horses in flight. Banded together in an all out spree across the burning sands of a scorching plane. Dust cloud bellowed behind the riders, racing toward the Tower of Love or Doom. Nostrils flaring with winded mane, neck and neck lashings to get the beasts to spurt into a lead ahead of the others. To win...

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Experimenting with the Waitress

Sarah was a thirty-five-year-old, married respectable woman, she was sweet, kind and successful. She had always been quiet, perhaps a little straight laced, but popular all the same. Deep down though, behind the exterior she had a secret passion she had fought her whole life, a desire to let loose her sexuality, explore and be free. She had never had to confidence to do it however. Behind closed doors once others were far away she would fantasise of orgies, sexual freedom and hedonistic...

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Sex in The Desert

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Boss Finds Out My Secret 2

About 3 weeks after our new relationship had started Rick asked me come into his office after work for a meeting. He said this in front of the whole tech staff nothing out of the ordinary. I came into the office a little early and went into the bathroom where I pulled my get ready kit out of my bag and cleaned myself inside and out. It took about 15 minutes. I had put everything away when I heard Rick talking out in hall to one of the admins. Rick came into the bathroom and stood pissing...

4 years ago
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You BetchaChapter 8

“Damn, Sis ... wow!” I told Becca as she began washing me in earnest. “Hey, Bro, what are sisters for? If it were up to me, all sisters our age would bathe their brothers and vice versa. It should be the norm, the rule, not the exception. It might be naughty, but so what? I’m my own woman and I have the right to love and serve whoever I wish. I happen to love two men ... a lot. The love that I feel for Eddie is more respectable, whereas what I feel for you is far more taboo. “I would be...

7 months ago
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The Interview pt 2

Rachel was staring down ward at the floor, through the fake window looking into the movie set thinking, “This is where I will be revealing myself as well as my private parts for people ‘strangers…’ to look at. Fondling another woman and being fondled by another woman are experiences I have never really thought about, and now my god I will be doing both in front of a group, maybe hundreds of people looking on and bidding as if I were a car, or a house, or a piece of meat on the butchers block up...

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Becca B Part 3

Becca B. Part 3part 1 http://xhamster.com/user/bam_bam/posts/51026.htmlPart 2 http://xhamster.com/user/bam_bam/posts/52032.htmlBecca B. Part 3It was getting late and I had to be at work by 4 am, we made our plans for tomorrow, we decided that I would drop her off on my way to work and with it being so early no one would be awake and all should be good to go. I would be getting off at noon (being a store manager has its perks) and we would meet at the malls parking garage and I would pick her...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Alex Coal Liz Jordan Flirt Or Fuck

Alex Coal is really into her roommate Liz Jordan. Too bad for Alex, Liz is oblivious to her crush. Tonight, Liz is having her first date with Codey Steele. Alex helps Liz get ready and is in the middle of trying to confess her crush to Liz when Codey arrives at the door, interrupting the moment. Liz does give Alex’s confession a small nod by staying in so she and Codey can watch a movie with Alex. It’s not very fun for Alex watching the new couple get all flirty and handsy the...

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I was nearly finished my shift for the day. I just had to clean 2 more rooms and then I could leave this seedy motel. I hurriedly pushed my cleaning trolly to the next room. I knocked on the door while calling out "Room Service". I waitted the mandatory 10 seconds and then let myself in.As I opened the door I saw a man sitting up on the bed looking at his computer. I was just about to say something when I realized he had ear phones on and wouldn't hear me. Our Motel rooms have a long hall...

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a perfect afternoon

She told him to get on the bed on all fours facing away from her. His grin told her he was ready to comply. She began by slipping under him so she could suck and taste the wonderful cock above her head. She used her tongue to lick the length of him and then used a gentle suck on the head of his cock. Her tongue began to circle under the head of his cock, making him groan and begin humping. While she paid exquisite attention with her mouth on his cock, her fingers started exploring his...

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Khelia and David

David is a high school quarter back, who has spent his wholelife trying to be likeable. Given his popularity, he gets all the pretty girls he wants. He wants most of them for his reputation. The girl who is really on his mind is Khelia… Khelia is your typical do-not-want-to-be-noticed girl; Always in her corner, talking to a selected number of classmates. The kind that is not aware of how sexy she is. She secretly likes David, but she thinks he will never be interested because she is not as...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 9

Fred, very tentative with the big RV, maneuvered it into the Wal-Mart lot only a few miles from the dealer. Carla, sitting in the passenger seat, pointed to the other side of the lot. "There are two RVs parked over there." "Okay, thanks," Fred said as he waited for a car in front of them to move. The lot was busy, at least closer to the front of the store, but once he managed to get past it and to the other side, there was nothing to hinder him. "If I had realized, I could have come...

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The Teachers Conference

"Damn," Doreen Doyle said under her breath as the sunlight from the open window forced her to open her eyes and greet the new day. Rolling over in bed, the 26 year old was immediately reminded of the indecent amount of alcohol she had consumed at last night's teachers' party. Sitting up in the bed, she discovered that her head still hurt a little. Who'd have ever thought that a bunch of teachers could party so hard. Doreen hadn't felt so wasted after a party since her senior year of...

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My Girlfriends Daughter Ch 6

Chapter 6 of 7, the best I think so farAs I woke on Saturday morning, I realized that my time alone with Monica was coming to an end, her mother Marie would be flying home one week from today. With only a week left I wanted to take full advantage of my remaining time with Monica. I knew that I would be marrying Marie and that any time alone with Monica would be stolen time in our family life.By the time we had eaten breakfast Monica and I had made-love once and were ready to shower and start...

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2nd Shift Surprise

Several years ago I took a position as the night manager for a large hotel chain in our capitol city. Giving up the freedom of roaming the hotel as a security officer took some getting used to. In my former position barely a weekend would go by without ‘catching’ couples in compromising positions throughout the hotel as I made my rounds. Sure, as night manager, there was the occasional phone call, to the front desk, with offers of watching couples or joining in etc. These calls certainly did...

1 year ago
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CoOperative CathyChapter 5

Cathy uttered a long, shuddering sigh and slumped down, her cheek resting against the older man's softening organ, a pool of semen draining onto his groin from the corner of her slack-lipped mouth. Afterwards the two academics were gentle and kind to the girl they had so cruelly abused. They gave her another drink, helped her dress and by the time she left, Cathy believed that what had happened was her own idea. But she yearned to be intimate with Miro. She couldn't get rid of the guilt...

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The Sisterhood Part 1 Defeat Chapters 14

In the beginning was Chaos. And Chaos detested organisation and structure. He was roguish and full of mischief. Whenever order and logic looked likely to prevail, he would chuckle, wave his divine hand and delight in thwarting such impudence. Exasperated, the other gods sighed. How would the mortals below ever be able to prove themselves with such troublesome interference? It was always the same; the wheel turned, and mankind managed to make a mess of everything. Again.The debate continued to...

3 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 4

Bill’s turn: Surprises. That’s what I need in my life. More surprises. Marrying Haley? Not a surprise. It’s going to happen. The little brown-haired darlin’ treats it as inevitable. Since she’s got me wrapped around her little finger, I guess it really is inevitable. She’s the one that broke the news to Deena in a roundabout manner. When I called Deena to talk with her about us getting married, she launched into me about what she’d heard at school. So, okay – daughter’s good with it....

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