Destroyed By My Dream free porn video

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A few months ago my friend Ashley asked me if I wanted to go camping with her and some of her friends from a neighboring town for Memorial day weekend. I didn't have any plans and it would be nice to meet some new people, as hanging out with the same crowd every weekend had gotten a little boring. 

"So who are these guys were going camping with?" I asked Ashley while we were packing Friday afternoon. 

"Um Mike is 25 and Justin is 26. I've known them for a few years and they're pretty cool. And they said they're bringing their buddy Tuff who I've never met." 

"Oh, okay!" I said excitedly. 

We jumped into Ashley's jeep Cherokee and headed for the mountains where the boys had given us directions to the camping spot. After about 2 hours of driving we finally came to where the boys had camp set up. Ashley pointed out Mike and Justin's Toyota pickups and said the big white dodge with the horse trailer behind it must be Tuff's. 

We set up our tent with Justin and Mike helping us while this Tuff guy was no where to be found. After setting up camp we started drinking some beers when the hottest man I'd ever seen showed up. 

It was just like a seen from a movie; he rode in on a tall black and white paint horse with the sun setting behind him. His black felt cowboy hat pulled down low, wearing a button up white and blue plaid shirt. He climbed off his horse in tight blue wrangler jeans, with worn brown cowboy boots and spurs on his heels. To say the least I was a little blown away! 

He unsaddled his horse and joined us around the fire. The next few hours and 2 days were some of the most frustrating of my life, I flirted with him every way I know how. I brought him beers until I figured for sure he'd be drunk enough to do anything. What was this guys deal? I've always been cute and never had any problem getting any guy I wanted to pay attention to me but the entire weekend, despite mine and coors lights best effort, I slept alone each night. 

Fast forward 2 months. 

I was at the bar with some friends on a Friday night doing my best to drink them out of jello shots and vodka. After a few hours of drinking I noticed a cowboy hat out of the corner of my eye. I ALWAYS notice cowboy hats! I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Tuff! Then I remembered my 2 1/2 days of futile attempts to get him to notice me. 

A bit later I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see the 6'4 handsome cowboy standing behind me. All he said was "You ready to go?"

I turned to face my friends and they practically shoved me after him! With a blushing smile I turned back to him and nodded. He led me out to his lifted pickup and we climbed in. It was about a 10 minute drive out of town to his house, and the only thing he said to me was "You like to get real wild right?" 

I always considered myself fairly adventurous and I didn't want to disagree with him so replied "of course!" with a smile. In the dash lights of the truck I couldn't help but notice what appeared to be either a third leg or the biggest penis I'd ever seen running towards his thigh in his tight jeans!

We pulled up to his house and climbed out of his truck, stepped inside the front door and before the door even swung shut he had me pressed up against the wall shoving his tounge down my throat. As he kissed me deeply he roughly groped my tits through my shirt. I reached down and felt his cock down his pant leg through his jeans. 'Holy hell!' I thought 'This thing is huge!!'

Without warning he pulled completely away from me and in a stern voice said "Meet me in the bathroom, naked." I nodded agreeing and headed down the hallway. 

I found the bathroom and stepped inside closing the door behind me. I shed my jeans and tank top, folding them and putting them on a towel shelf, stepped out of my black lacey thong and unclasped my bra, folding them as well. I stood in front of the mirror making sure my hair and make up were perfect. I squeezed my boobs together and rolled my lips together spreading my lip gloss in the mirror. 

I heard footsteps coming down the hall and turned towards the door, crossing my legs and leaning against the counter. The door swung open and he stood naked in the doorway. I couldn't help but look down and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was unreal! It must have been 9 - 10 inches long and as big around as a soda can! I gasped and covered my mouth whispering "Oh my god..." 

In one swift motion he spun me around, pushed me into the shower and held me against the tile wall. The tile was cold against my nipples. He pulled my arms behind my back and I felt cold steel clasp around my right wrist and then my left. 'Did he just handcuff me?'

He spun me around, kissed me hard once more then pressed me down to my knees by my shoulders. Kneeling in front of him in the shower his enormous cock was mere inches in front of my face. I stared at it still in disbelief. I felt a hand lightly guiding my head towards it, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and took the first few inches in my mouth. I could barely fit my mouth around his swollen dick but soon found myself bobbing up and down on the tip of it. 

I pulled off to catch my breath and look up at him. When I did this I felt two strong hands pull my hair back out of my face then press my head down onto his cock. He forced my head down as far as I could go, which was maybe halfway down, then began thrusting in and out of my mouth. With each thrust I could feel the tip touching the back of my throat. I let out a squeal, shook my head and pulled off his cock. 

"Easy there!" I said with a smile. "I don't wanna gag on it!" I said looking up at him. 

Quicker than I could look down again he slammed my head back down on his veiny prick then started vigorously thrusting in and out of my throat. I started to gag with each thrust and soon felt my eyes watering. Soon I could feel tears of eye liner streaming down my cheeks and drool running off my chin as he continued to roughly pump my throat. He continued to pick up his pace when I felt my stomach start to tighten up and wrench. 'Oh no! I'm gonna throw up!' I thought as I let out a squeal and tried to pull my head away. But he didn't slow down at all. In fact he took a step forward pushing the back of my head against the shower wall. 

Then all at once I felt my stomach turn over. He must have felt it too because he thrusted extra deep then pulled his dick out of my mouth. I tried to lift my hand to cover my mouth and soon remembered I was cuffed behind my back. I tilted my head down a vomited all over my perky round tits, down my flat stomach and over my smooth tan thighs. 'Oh my fucking god!' I thought, so embarrassed. 

"Good girl" he said in a low voice jerking my head back up and shoving his cock down my throat. 

'Is he getting off on this?!?!' I thought as I felt my stomach turn again. He repeated this process 5 - 6 more times until I was dry heaving. He pulled out and stepped back looking me over. I glanced down seeing my own puke completely covering my titties, stomach, thighs and the shower floor. 

Then without warning he lifted me to my feet by my hair causing me to let out a shriek of pain. He yanked me out of the shower and through the bathroom towards the door. I glanced in the mirror and hardly recognized myself. Multiple streams of eyeliner ran down my cheeks to my jaw line, I was covered from face to knee in my own vomit, strings of saliva dangled from my chin. Looking back I wonder why I didn't say anything but I think I was mostly shocked. What happened to my strong silent cowboy? Who was this pervert with the monster cock who was leading me around by my hair? But this was just the beginning of things to come...

He pulled me into a spare bedroom containing only a bench that was about 3 feet off the ground , 3 feet wide and 4 feet long and in the corner, a night stand. The lighting was surprisingly bright and everything in the room was clear and visible. 

Once in the room he shoved me to the ground which led to my tits breaking my fall seeings how my hands were still cuffed securely behind my back. Before I could attempt to get sat up Tuff yanked me back to my knees. He walked to the night stand and returned with a handful of straps and devices like I'd never seen before. 

Before I had a chance to catch my breath he had wrapped what looked like a dog collar with a round rubber ball in the center of it (which I later learned is called a gag ball) around my head with the ball stuffed into my mouth. He cinched it down until there was no way I could have spit it out. Next he took two clothes pins and clamped one onto each of my nipples. My tits were already a little tender and rug burned from being shoved to the floor. He did all of this so swiftly and quick I hardly had a chance to realize what he had done to me before he was starting with his next idea. 

I was in such awe of what was happening I never had a chance to comply with what was being done to me. I mean, a half hour ago I was climbing in a pickup with the sexiest cowboy I'd ever laid eyes on. 10 minutes ago I was being repeatedly throatfucked until I was completely covered in my own vomit by some sort of extremely well endowed pervert. 

At this point he picked me up and bent me over the bench on my stomach. My knees were on the carpet and my head reached over the other end. Clothes pins on both my nipples and my hands handcuffed behind my back. I watched him walk back to the nightstand and grab about a 2 foot bar with straps on both ends of it. He brought the bar back behind me, spread my legs with his hands and strapped the ends of the bar to the inside of my knees. 

'What in the hell have I gotten myself into? I don't even know how he's going to fit his dick in my pussy. I've never taken anything even close to that big inside of me' I thought to myself. 'Even if I scream, who's going to hear me? We're 10 miles out of town and there's a rubber ball lodged in my mouth.'

Now he grabbed a leather strap about 6 inches wide that reminded me of the weight lifting belts that were hanging up in the weight room in high school. He wrapped it right above my hips, over my back, and under the bench. He tightened it until it was snug then pulled it a little tighter and was making it hard to breathe. He stepped away, standing in front of me looking over his work, stroking his massive cock with both hands. 

I still couldn't believe the size of it. I'd watched a few porn videos with my girlfriends just joking around, but this completely dwarfed any of the guys in this movies. And I knew without a doubt it was going to be filling my pussy soon. 

He walked behind be out of view but I could feel him get on his knees behind me. The front of his thighs lightly touching the back of my legs and ass cheeks. He must have had his cock up under the bench because I couldn't feel it rubbing against me. 

"SLAP!" I felt a strong hand come down with authority on my right ass cheek, snapping me back to attention. It stung like hell but reminded me that the man of my dreams was naked behind me. Completely forgetting that he just throatfucked me in his shower, reducing me to a kneeling, bound, puke and tear covered slut. Forgetting that I was completely strapped to a bench in a strangers house, I could feel my pussy getting wet in anticipation of his enormous cock penetrating me. 

I could feel two of his fingers reach under and begin rubbing my clit in a circular motion, helping me relax, closing my eyes in sexual pleasure. After a few minutes of this, warming me up, he slowly inserted 2 of his fingers into my now sopping wet pussy. He worked them in and out gradually speeding up bringing an orgasm near. He withdrew his fingers and I knew that monster dick was coming my way. 

I felt the massive head at my entrance as he placed a hand on the small of my back and begin pressing it in. I could feel it stretching mu pussy walls all the way in. It hurt, i wont lie, but I'd never felt so full. He slowly pressed it in until I felt the tip of it hit my cervix. "That's gonna be a problem babe because I've still got 4 inches to go" he said in a low voice. 

This worried me about the damage he could do to my body with his oversized tool but I needed to cum. He withdrew a few inches then forward again, back and forth, slowly building a rhythm. I couldn't hold back any longer, the combination of being stretched out and such deep penetration, I completely let loose and came. I came hard! It lasted longer than most of my orgasms, probably because my pussy muscles had literally no room to squeeze around his dick. After I came he started to pick up his pace, faster and faster with each thrust until the entire bench I was strapped to was moving forward a few inches with each pump. I came 2 more times until I could feel my pussy juices running down the inside of my thighs. Being completely bound and unable to move was like nothing I'd ever felt and made me cum that much harder. By this point he was pounding me harder than I'd ever been fucked and I could feel his cock ramming into my cervix. Amidst being pounded from behind I lifted my head and noticed we had fucked the bench so far forward my face was only 6 inches from the bedroom wall. With a few more thrusts my face was crammed into the wall with my neck cocked back at an awkward angle. 

The bench sliding forward must have been my only saving grace because I could feel the head of his dick bottoming out against my cervix with more and more force. I could sense he was getting close to cumming as he grabbed my shoulders with both hands while pounding me from behind. I began worried about my body and he was fucking me so hard. He started grunting and I knew he was going to cum. He began fucking me harder than ever, all at once I felt a pop and a sharp pain inside my pussy. I let out a scream of pain and opened my eyes wide open. Simultaneously He squeezed down on my shoulders even harder and I felt him dump his load deeper inside of me than I knew possible. I could feel him pumping stream after stream right where the sharp pain was coming from. I put 2 and 2 together and realized what had happened. His dick had ruptured my cervix when he came in me. 

'Oh my god' I thought to myself, 'What the hell have I done, I'm going to have to go to the doctor and explain what happened...'

He must have known what he did as well because he withdrew from my soaking wet pussy very slowly. I laid there catching my breath waiting for him to unstrap me so I could take a shower and wash the puke off myself. Also so I could try and figure out what kind of damage was done inside my pussy, which was throbbing with my heartbeat and I could feel swelling by the second. 

I assumed he would let me loose and we would sort of discuss things but when I heard his footsteps walking away I assumed this wasn't over. I laid there bound, sore, swollen and worn out. I tried to fall asleep but I was too worried about the damage inside my swollen pussy. After what must've been 20 minutes I heard heavy footsteps coming back down the hall in my direction. He walked up and knelt down next to my face, his cock rock hard again and pointing straight out. 

"Pussy a little sore?" he said in a sarcastic voice with a grin

"Mmmmmhmmmmm!" I mumbled through the gag. My jaw was aching in pain from being pried open for close to an hour now. 

"That's too bad, cuz I wanna cum again."

I could feel an upset looking expression come across my eyeliner - tear soaked face. I heard him leave the room and come back in a second later, then kind of a shuffling sound. I could hear him stroking his cock with both hands but it sounded wet now. He grabbed the bench beneathe me and pulled it back to the center of the room. 

'Theres no way he's going to put that thing back in my broken pussy, and why is there a gag still in my mouth if he wants to come again?' 

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart sank into my stomach and I started to panic the second I felt a cool wet liquid being poured onto my virgin anus. I went into a complete panic. I was screaming as loud as I could into the gag. Shaking my head as hard as I could back and forth trying to indicate no. I pulled as hard as I possibly could against the handcuffs and straps on my knees until my muscles ached but it was useless. 

He poured a liberal amount of lube on and around my ass, then took a hand and rubbed it all around my virgin hole. 'No fucking way' I thought. 'This is not happening! I'm not some sort of dirty slut who gets fucked in the ass. I've never ever had anything in my ass before and that huge cock is not going to fit.' I shook and screamed and struggled against the straps but it was pointless. 

I felt him standing behind me and crouch down, positioning himself above my ass. I heard him pour more lube on his cock and stroke it some more. "Just relax, you'll be fine" he said in that low raspy voice. I felt the head of his thick slippery cock press against my virgin anus, as he began pressing in. 'Maybe it's too big and it won't fit, and he'll just forget the idea' I thought hopefully. 


"Wow your tight, just brace yourself" he said. 

I don't know why he was saying anything to me, it's not like there was anything I could do about it, I'm strapped and bound to a bench like some sort of fuckdoll. He slapped my ass and said "We'll try this again."

He began pressing his rock hard dick even harder against my ass, applying more and more pressure. I felt my virgin ass start to open up around the very tip of his cock. I began to scream as he continued to force it in, my muffled scream getting louder the more he got in me. Once he felt me opening, in one quick forceful motion he jammed his entire cock in me all the way to his balls. The pain was unbearable as I screamed as loud as I could, my ass being torn open by the biggest cock I'd ever seen. 

The pain was like nothing I'd ever experienced, I felt tears well  up in my eyes and stream down my cheeks as I began crying. My head was yanked back by my hair as he began fucking me as hard as he had my pussy. I was screaming and writhing in pain as he pulled my head back with both hands, crouched above me, ripping my ass open as he pounded me without mercy. I'd never been fucked so hard in all my life, let alone in my virgin asshole, or by a monster cock like his. 

I don't how anyone could have anal sex because the pain never subsided. He must have railed my ass for a half an hour and I cried the entire time. My throat was burning from screaming so hard, my chest ached from breathing so deep and rapidly, my jaw was throbbing from being pried open for a over an hour but none of that compared to the excruciating pain of having my ass ripped open and fucked mercilessly. Finally I heard him begin breathing deeper, his pace sped up even faster which I didn't know was possible. He yanked my hair back to the point of where I could see his face above and behind me. He let out a long moan and cocked his head back as I felt his cock pulsing, pumping shot after shot into my wrecked ass, deep in my bowels. He slammed balls deep into me and held there for about 30 seconds as he regained his composure, then pulled his cock out of me swiftly as I let out another bark of pain through my cries. 

He walked around the bench and unclasped the ball gag behind my head, I spat it out letting it fall to the floor. I wanted to scream at him, to tell him what a fucking bastard he was. But I didn't have the strength. I laid there with my head hanging over the bench sobbing, strings of drool hanging out of my mouth into my hair and onto the floor. 

He went behind me, uncuffed me, removed the strap from my waist and the bar from my knees. I flopped off the side of the bench and rolled into the feedle position, sobbing into my hands. I cried myself to sleep there on the floor, my ass and pussy still throbbing in pain. 

When I awoke I tried to sit up, but as soon as I rolled onto my butt I shrieked in pain and rolled back onto my stomach. My ass was unbelievably sore. I slowly climbed to my knees and saw my clothes thrown next to me. Ever so slowly I climbed to my feet, putting on my panties. I went to put on my bra and noticed I still had dried vomit covering my tits and stomach. 

I searched house but he was no where to be found, and his truck was not outside. I washed off in the shower, being extra careful around my torn ass and swollen pussy. I got dressed and on the counter was $30 and the phone number for a cab...


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The Devils Pact Sidestory Marks Dream

Monday, November 24th, 2014 – The Mansion I was exhausted when I crawled into bed next to Mary. The world seemed to be ending. Ever since I killed Lilith, the sun had been eclipsed, and the moon had become the color of blood. Panic gripped the planet; gripped me. Lucifer was dead, but he wasn't the only Power I freed from the Abyss. Dagon, Chemosh, Astarte, Baal-zebub, Asherah, Hadad, Marduk, Tammuz, Milcom, and Ashtoreth were all carving the world between them, their demonic hordes...

3 years ago
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Michaels Dream

Story: #41 Copyright ©2008 Written: July 25 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Note: I don’t have any knowledge of Gender Reassignment Surgery(Sex Change) if some things in this story do not make sense it is due to that lack of knowledge. ******************************************** "BEEEP, BEEEP, BEEEEP" The sound of the alarm woke Michael...

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Summer Discoveries No 6 Lake House Dream

After an exciting, pleasurable and surprising experience with Mark and Anne, — surprising because they had never imagined meeting a couple so much like them at Catan's Masquerade — Jack and Steph showered before getting dressed, saying warm good-byes to Mark and Anne, and leaving the club.As they relaxed on the drive to Phil's lake house on the south side of the lake, they looked forward to the peace and quiet there. "Are Amy and Phil going to be there?" Steph asked. On the one hand, it would...

Wife Lovers
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My Sexy Dream


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Sissy Denises nightmare is her Mistress sweet dream

I dreamed I had Denise absolutely at my fingertips. I know I couldn't do that in reality to her, but it was a dream. After a long foreplay I had her finally tied with her belly down and her ass up. But she was curiously tied. Not hands and feet, firmly in leather and chains in an X over the bed. Her legs, from feet to knees were firmly tied and her breasts also, with big broader leather straps. Denise couldn't move those parts. Her head was free to move so I guess I could kiss her. But her...

4 years ago
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My favorite dream

I don't know how long I was under...days, weeks...who knows, maybe evenmonths. Reality blurred with nightmares as I felt my flesh being cut intoby cold scalpels and stuck with needles, filling me with horriblypersuasive dreams of a beautiful new body. I tried to imagine myself as aman, just to see if I still could, but it was futile. Every dream I hadfeatured me with bouncing breasts, an hourglass figure that told everyonewhen it was time to fuck me...which was all the time, and a face of...

2 years ago
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Step Dads Dating App 4 Ricks Dream

I can't remember the first part of the dream but things become clear and memorable when I was lying on my back. A woman, I can’t tell who it was at first is straddling me. We’re fucking, she is riding me, pretty hard. It's so fucking vivid! I can feel how hard my cock is. How it feels inside her but I can't see who she is, can't see her face. I look to see if she has the same recognizable thin arms and dark hair as my step daughter. And she does, it's Selena! I can finally see her face...

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A Dream

*** Note: This is my story from another site. Enjoy! ***I had a dream this morning that was so intense and vivid. It was also nasty, depraved, and twisted.My dream starts with me finding myself in a house. Its dark, all the shades are drawn. I quickly come to realize that I’m in a tweaker house. Its not overly crowded with people, but there are quite a few people around, males and females, all ages, sizes, and races. The constant is they’re all naked, sexing, and very, very high. I can smell...

2 years ago
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Dirty Wolf Dream

(The following story is in a fantasy world setting)Loping through tall grass, the wind rippled over his soft thick curly fur. Greg ghosted through the meadow, his wide paws making almost no sound. A shadow of black with only the high sun to highlight the deep red that lies within as well. Golden eyes survey his surroundings. The day was perfect. The sky was bright and blue with only the sparse thin high clouds to break it up. Hundreds of butterflies danced atop the high grass, in a swirling...

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Slutty Bitch And His Dream

“Aaahhh .. Aahhhhh…. Aaahhhhh” Rituraj was moaning very loud. His hands were rough and was moving all over on Rituraj’s smooth buttery body. He pressed Rituraj’s small but cute boobs very hard. He rimmed. He licked. He fucked Rituraj’s ass royally. “Yeahhhhhh …. Aaahhhh Ritu… Aaahhhhh … I am gonna make you go crazy, you slutty bitch…” With each push Rituraj felt that he’s in heaven & finally all the cum was to be feed in his cute, round ass. ******************** “Wake up Raj, wake up” said...

Gay Male
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 18 My Days Have Been a Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, thus much let me avow — You are not wrong, who deem that my days have been a dream; yet if hope has flown away in a night, or in a day, in a vision, or in none, is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. I stand amid the roar of a surf-tormented shore, and I hold within my hand grains of the golden sand — How few! Yet how they creep through my fingers to the deep, while I weep — while...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that’s why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copper blond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...

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Lucid Wet Dream

Twenty five years on, one can easily see the mistakes made in their youth. But, as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. There is little to be gained by rehashing past mistakes in your head again and again, losing sleep over it, and making yourself mental in the process. And yet this is exactly what I did on a regular basis. It's said that without closure, no relationship is ever truly over. It's also been written that sometimes closure can come from writing a letter to your ex that you never...

1 year ago
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It Started With ChristmasChapter 8 I Have A Dream

It was still early when we got back to the apartment. We cycled through the bathroom, and the girls decided that a conversation would go better in comfy clothes, so they changed into the Christmas jammies I had put into their stockings. Jess mixed a rum and Coke for me and for herself, and Kate put some background music on. I made a mental note to find out how these two children of the 1990s had been introduced to ABBA. Soon we were settled on the couch, with me on one end, Kate on the other,...

3 years ago
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Imaginary Fact Appeared In Day Night Dream

I was totally at loss, frustrated. I was aimlessly roaming here and there with broken heart, broken health. I lost everything. My bank account made nil to my so called wife’s account. My house was taken forcefully. My son, my daughter, my wife, even my parents… all, all had thrown me out. My neighbors have left me. My childhood friend Shakti Chaudhary abandoned my company by slapping. I was, not first class student, but above average student. I bagged several merit awards. My class mates, my...

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TGirls Dream

T-Girl's dream (With apologies to Katy Perry) Wish I was pretty I'd put some make-up on I'll tell you hunny the feeling is quite strong Can you get me can I let my walls come down ... Down ... If I just let me stop trying to be a fake But things can be real heavy Time to bring me to life Yes I think it might be my time ... my time Gonna go all the way tonight no more fear just time start to live, before I die Yes can I Now be real forever I'll be...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Dream

Hi to all, I’m “Cross Dresser and Lesbian from Bangalore and I served so many lesbian in my life time. Most of them are my friends and they telling their story in these stories I am sending you the following stories and this is one of my real story which took place at Shimogga Koppa. I and Ashu are the two close friends from our collage days. We are in different class. But we meet daily and chat till to end of the school. She is at hostel and I am coming from home day by day our friendship...

3 years ago
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Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...

1 year ago
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Living the Dream

--- Living the Dream (MF, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- Angela stirred from her sleep, feeling warm flesh pressed into her back. Graham, her boyfriend, had moved into the "spoon" position, his pelvis grinding into her butt. "You're so beautiful," he whispered. His pelvis dipped lower, allowing his erect penis to stray under her bum, searching for that magical spot. Angela blushed. He hadn't said she was beautiful in months, and she was beginning to think...

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Mr Sandman Bring Me a Dream

I was dreaming; I had to be. I was sure no place like this ever existed. Golden sand stretched toward the horizon in every direction. The sun was high in the sky, but I couldn’t feel the heat that was coming off it. The sand didn’t burn my bare feet. I wiggled my toes, making sure I could feel them, making sure that I could feel at all in this mysterious dream world. The sand didn’t even feel like sand! It felt like the finest silk was swaddling my feet, reminding me of the costumes I made for...

3 years ago
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Dream Dream Dream

Dream. Dream. Dream.At 28 years old, Abby (short for Abbigail) was happy. At 30 years old, Jason was happy too.Abby, was a loving wife of 5 years, having known Jason for nearly 8 years. They were totally in love from the first moment they saw each other.Not just a normal Husband & Wife, they were Master and Slave. They were made for each other.Abby was a looker, no doubt about that. 5ft 3 tall, slim body she had worked hard to keep in shape, nice blonde hair just past shoulder length and light...

2 years ago
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Living the Dream

I would like to thank Cassandra Morgan's 'A Few More Favourite Themes' for putting me on to the stories by Mrs Anyonamrs and Miss Anyonamiss : Careful and Careful 2. They were basically one story from two perspectives, but provided the inspiration for my short and comparatively dim shadow of an offering here. The original stories seemed to hang in the air, have the author(s) thought of giving them both a definite finish? They were too good to be just left with unanswered...

1 year ago
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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 7 Franks Dream

Everything went well this week; we even ordered some more electric vehicles for the property. I guess we could officially call it a ranch now, since we have horses. We also came up with a bio-fuel formula that Kristy could easily produce; the vehicles could be easily converted to run on it, while still accept regular fuel. I love it when a plan comes together, as my old TV buddy (Hannibal Smith) used to say. We were just about to sit down to dinner when it happened. "Spatial anomaly...

2 years ago
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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 4 The Dream

After watching Renée drive away, I turned back to the dorm. Replaying the night's events over and over again, I made my way back to my room. The feel of her skin, the way she smiled at me and the unbelievable way she totally had her way with me all made me smile. I could still smell her scent lightly on my hands, and it gave me another charge. Once in my room, I got undressed and climbed into bed. For a few minutes I relived portions of the night in my mind. The feel of Renée's body...

1 year ago
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The Sorrowful Shores of Dream

I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls. – Job 30:29 (For Robin, who asked me to write a story about dragons, elves, and unicorns . . . . ) Melissa came awake with a start, her heart beating in great excitement. Her husband Tim had turned over in his sleep, tearing her from the world of dreams, and the transition was so jarring that she almost wept for the loss. Melissa glanced over at the alarm clock on the bedside counter, it’s glaring red 6:45 mocked her. Time enough to fall...

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After the Dream

Ever since I turned 16 sex had preoccupied most of my dreams, but the dream last night had felt so real. Standing under the shower hot water pouring down over me, my pussy was still sticky and wet with cum. Closing my eyes I could still feel his fingers rubbing my clit and his voice whispering in my ear.“You love it don't you?”By the time I finished my shower he was already at the table eating breakfast. I tried to keep my voice cheerful, "Good morning Daddy."I leaned down to kiss his cheek,...

3 years ago
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Erotic Dream

I woke up suddenly from a vivid erotic dream that I couldn't remember at first. It was late Saturday morning, the sun was streaming in through my curtains and I was lying naked on the bed, cold. I had the makings of a full hangover too, my head spun as I reached over to pull the quilt around me. "That's your own fault girl", I admonished myself, "That second bottle of red wine was defiantly not a good idea." I felt sticky and was about to get up and take a shower when I noticed Duke had...

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That evening I drank two glasses of ouzo. Usually I drink only one but that evening I drank two. For once. And maybe that's why I had a strange dream. Or maybe the cause was rooted in the green salad I stuffed myself. If so, then the nitrates definitely can do miracles. I was sleeping meekly and soundly when I saw a lovely girl. She had a long copperblond hair, pale blue eyes and body of a model. I continued sleeping nonchalantly, pretending not to be interested. She fluttered her eyelashes...

2 years ago
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Freddie in the Dream

I didn’t know which was worse, being an out of work writer like me, or being an over the hill, out of work movie star like Lois. Lois was her real name by the way. Her stage name was Marietta Miles. Some hack agent had given her the name when she arrived in the Dream. She had stopped going by it the second year after she stopped working in the flicks. She had gone back to Lois Nelson of Hastings Kansas. Why she didn’t go home to her family was beyond me. It was just as well for me, since she...

2 years ago
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Lindas dream

I don't know quite what to make of this dream. I've never dared to tell anyone about it, and I don't think I ever will. I don't dream it every night. I don't know when it will make its presence known. Sometimes it's infrequent enough that I've almost forgotten about it.It starts somewhere in the middle of a normal day. I volunteer at a modern art museum four days a week, as a roving guide of sorts - answering questions for people or getting them to spit out their gum into the trash or...

Mind Control
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The Ball Boy Experiment Chapter 3 The Dream

Ryan thought about telling her the truth: I've been watching the new ball boy suck the dicks of all of my players, and then had a private visit of my own after everyone left. And then I had to shower, of course. The thought made him smile to himself. Obviously, that would not go over well. "Practice ran a little late. Sorry, hun." She smiled, walked over to him. "That's okay. I've been waiting to tell you: I have some exciting news!" Lacey proceeded to tell him that she'd been given...

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A Slave Pets Dream

Melanie looked out of the window. The rain splatters were drying and she hoped the rain would stop long enough so that she could leave the office and get to her car without getting drenched. It seemed, lately, that the rain was never going to stop. She sighed and moved back to her desk, sitting in her chair and staring at the papers scattered all over the place. Melanie was not a tidy person. On the contrary, some would say she was horribly untidy. Her house, her desk, her life, all a...

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October 31, 2018 – 3:00am CST – New Orleans, Louisiana Dr. Sean Mallory slowly moved his cursor up to the little apple icon in the far left top corner of his massive twenty-seven inch Thunderbolt display. He clicked on it and then hovered over the words ‘shut down’. He paused briefly, and then, with an audible sigh, he confirmed his choice. The computer slowly began to shut down all open programs. The screen went grey, and then black, and the fan that had been cooling his hard drive came to a...

1 year ago
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Living Beyond the Dream

Living Beyond the Dream By: Malissa Madison My sister had finally arrived. It was like looking at myself ten years from now, or like looking at Missy. I was searching for words to convey how I felt but nothing seemed appropriate. "Malissa, are you ok?" she finally asked. "Uhh, yeah, I'm fine. This is just, well everything is happening so fast." "It usually does in battle," she commented. "Thankfully this one is staying peaceful. That's why we're moving so fast, before the...

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It started with a dream

It started out like any other Monday morning except this time I woke up from a dream. Not a nightmare, but a very realistic dream staring Tyler the 17 year-old that I’ve known since the 6th grade. You see I know things about Tyler; in fact my dream was about his biggest secret. I had dreamt that Tyler was finally coming out of the closet to the whole school with me by his side to help him through it. But it’s just a dream, it means nothing right? It was the third time I had had this dream,...

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A Life Ever Changing 43 Dream a Little Dream

"Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams whatever they be Dream a little dream of me..." - Gus Kahn, Wilbur Schwandt and Fabian Andree A Life Ever Changing #43 Dream a Little Dream By Angel O'Hare Oh GEEZ! Barbara had a large manila envelope in her hands! She was smiling ear to ear and giggling as well! I knew what she had and I didn't like it much! Sylvia had given her some of the pictures! I made her promise...

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