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Copyright 2007-2012

by madengineer3

all rights reserved


My name is Paul. I live in a very rural area. I try to live a quiet and uneventful life. I believe in the truth of the old Chinese curse ‘May you live in interesting times.’ I hate conflict because I find self control to be greatly needed and very difficult. I try to fit in, and generally do. I am a good member of our local Community Church and attend most important civic events. After all, I need to ‘fit in’ as far as the community is involved. However, because I am not what I seem to be to the casual observer the dangers caused by losing my temper are almost unimaginable to normal folks. I am one of the last of a dying breed that is all but extinct. You might not even class me as a human. In the old days they might have called me a wizard, warlock, shaman, or witch doctor. There is a monstrous power hiding inside me and I dare not let it out except in very rare circumstances. Let me tell you about the last time I had to let some of it loose.

I had a person living next door to me named Brian who had a younger sister named Eleanor. Eleanor had been living in Brian’s house for many years. I met her, by pure chance, when I was out looking at the barbed wire fence way out behind my house. She was alone, and crying. She didn’t even know I was there, at first.

I spoke to her, identified myself, and tried to find out if I could help with what was bothering her.

‘I don’t think anyone can help me Paul. My brother, Brian, was named the executor of our parent’s estate. I had been allowed to live at my parents home with the promise that it would always be available. Being somewhat blind and crippled, and without college training, I have no means to support myself. My brother has told me that if I want to leave I can only take my clothes and my Bible. He also said that if I want to stay there will be certain things that I will have to do for him. I have no money, no place to go, and almost no hope. Just walking out here to be alone for a while took me the better part of an hour. It would take more than a day’s walking for me to get into town and once there I would have no place to go. Our only telephone is in Brian’s room, which he keeps locked.’

‘If you don’t mind me asking, Eleanor, what kinds of things does your brother demand.’

At this Eleanor’s face turned a deep shade of red and her tears came back.

I told her that she didn’t need to answer my question and that I was sorry it had upset her.

I suggested that she come over to my house for tea some day and we could talk about her situation. I also told her that in an emergency she could come over to my place at any time and I would provide her sanctuary.

After making sure she was o.k. I headed back to my house. As I walked away from her I turned to one of the powers that I need to suppress most of the time. I opened a channel so that I could see what she was thinking. She was brooding over the sexual favors that her brother required for her to stay in her home and have food to eat. Now that put me in a fowl mood! I needed to be careful. I didn’t want to be responsible for literally destroying Brian.

In the past I had some minor dealings with Brian. He was a bully and a brute. He didn’t treat his farm hands or his livestock properly. He seemed to have a mean streak in him that was a mile wide. But now, when I found out how he treated his own flesh and blood I was almost in a rage.

It was about ten that night when there was a quiet knock on my back door. I got up and turned on the outside light. It was Eleanor. She looked a mess! I let her in and had her sit at my kitchen table. I offered her a cup of tea and some cookies while she told me what had happened.

As soon as she got home Brian started to yell at her and push her around. When he found out that she had talked to me he had punched her in the gut and told her that she wasn’t to leave the house unless he told her to. Then he raped her.

As soon as Brian had gone to sleep she quietly left the house and came over to my house.

She asked some very important questions.

‘What am I going to do? What can I do? I can’t stand up for myself. I can’t prove what he has been doing to me and I can’t continue to live this way. Oh, Lord, what is to become of me?’

‘Eleanor, may I make a couple of suggestions?’

‘Please do, Paul. I’ve run out of answers.’

‘First of all, I have a guest room that has a good lock on the inside. You are welcome to use it for as long as you want. Second, I have plenty of food and you will not be any burden to me. Third, it would be nice to have company around here. It does get lonely at times. Finally, I will not make any sexual advances toward you. You will be as safe here as you were with your parents. Could you handle that?’

‘Are you serious, Paul? What do you get out of it?’

‘I don’t like to see people or animals hurt for no reason. Now, I’m not as big as Brian but I can assure you that I am not afraid of him. Unfortunately, for him, he is not as afraid of me as he should be. What do you say?’

‘Can you show me the room, Paul?’

I led her to the ground floor guest room. When I had moved into the house I had remodeled it so that the guest room had its own bathroom. She looked at the solid oak door and heavy latch bolt on the inside of the door. I showed her that there were some useable clothes in the closet. There were also a robe and pajamas in the dresser.

She decided to take me up on my offer.

I told her that if Brian came over that she should lock herself in the room and let me take care of the problem.

We both went to bed, in our separate rooms, and tried to get a good night’s sleep.


At Six thirty the next morning there was a loud pounding on my front door. I got up from my chair in the kitchen, slid my forty-five caliber Colt semi-auto into my waist band, and answered the door.

Brian was there and mad as a wet hornet. He started to try to push his way into my house when he spotted the forty-five in my belt. That gave him pause.

‘What are you after Brian? And, why are you being so noisy this early in the morning?’

‘You know damn well what the matter is. I want my sister back right now! Get her!’

‘Brian, she is my guest. As such I am responsible for her safety as long as she is here. She is an adult and can make up her own mind as to where she wants to be. I suggest that you head back home and stay away from her unless you want me to bring the Sheriff into this situation. I’ll bet that he is not fond of rapists. I should warn you, I may not look like any danger to you but I can assure you that you are incapable of beating me.’

If looks could kill I would have been dead, but Brian didn’t have that particular gift. He started to move towards me and I simply rested my right hand on the butt of the Colt. He looked at me again and started to walk away. As he was leaving he told me ‘You haven’t seen the last of me! You have no idea who you are messing with.’

Neither did he!


The next few months passed without any incidents. Brian seemed to be keeping his distance. Eleanor and I had gone into town several times to purchase food and needed supplies. Among other things she needed some decent clothes and the local eye doctor checked her eyes and provided updated glasses for her. My doctor gave her a good physical and a prescription for some medicine that would help her reduce the pain of her arthritis.

We got into a regular schedule. Other than shopping there were only two other trips that we regularly took. I took her to church with me and followed that with dinner at a good restaurant.


Then the excrement hit the impeller. I had to make a quick trip into town to pick up some small, but very needed, hardware. I told Eleanor tha
t I would be back in about an hour.

When I arrived home Eleanor was nowhere to be found! Her bedroom door had been smashed in with a sledge hammer. A note was left telling me that if I wanted to help her that I should go to Brian’s house and I had better be unarmed.

I immediately went over to Brian’s house. As I walked in he was waiting for me with a shotgun.

‘You damn fool, you came over. I’m going to enjoy this.’

He tossed me two pairs of handcuffs. He told me to put one pair on my wrists and to latch one half of the second pair around the chain that separated the pair I was wearing. Then he marched me out of the house and into his barn. He had me walk up to a steel floor support and had me put the unattached handcuff around the pipe and latch it to the chain between the cuffs I was wearing. He felt safe with my arms fastened around a steel column

‘So much for your bragging that I could not subdue you. You will never get out of here alive, but I’m going to have fun seeing how long I can play with you before you die. First I’m going to sic my dogs on you. Before they kill you I will switch to the whip. You see this bull whip over here. I’m going to rip every square inch of skin off your body with it. I’ll enjoy it but I guarantee you that you won’t enjoy it at all.’

‘So, you’re sure you have won Brian?. It does look that way doesn’t it? You have nothing to lose now, why don’t you tell me where you’ve imprisoned Eleanor?’

‘Why, what good would it do you, Paul?’

‘None, it’s just idle curiosity.’

‘It can’t hurt now, you will never be able to tell anyone. She’s in the bottom of a cistern just outside of this barn. One of those concrete slab that forms the pavement leading into the barn closes the top of the cistern. I figure that she has another couple of days to live. Dehydration and hunger will kill her by then.’

‘That’s all I needed to know Brian. I suggest that you surrender now, while you can.’

‘Ha! What can you do handcuffed to a six inch I beam?’

‘Watch your handcuffs!’

As Brian watched he saw the steel warp and snap as if it were made of cheap plastic. I was not physically doing anything with my arms but the handcuffs looked like some invisible machine tool was pulling them apart. Brian’s face blanched. He picked up his shotgun and fired both barrels at me.

He stood there with his mouth hanging open when he saw the lead shot hanging still in mid air. Then he watched as the shot dropped onto the floor.

‘How is that happening?’

‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told you Brian. Let’s see if you believe this.’

At that moment another pair of handcuffs lifted themselves off the workbench where his bull whip was laying. They flashed over to him faster than his eyes could follow them. Half a second later Brian’s hands were fastened together with the cuffs.

I walked over and took Brian’s arm.

‘Brian, I’m going to ask you nicely, once, and only once. Which slab do I need to move?’

‘What are you going to do if I don’t answer you?’

I shrugged my shoulders and said, ‘How about this?’

Brian found himself floating just under the main ridge beam of the barn roof. He was approximately thirty feet off the concrete floor.

‘Ok., ok. put me down gently and I’ll tell you.’

As Brian’s feet hit the floor he took off running. Seconds later he was back beside me with his feet floating six inches off the floor. Whatever was holding him was squeezing him hard enough so that he could barely breathe.

‘I asked you, which slab needs to move? This is my last gentle question, the rest will hurt significantly.’

Brian’s face now showed real terror. He had never run into power like he was seeing demonstrated here.

‘That slab that is under the old Case tractor. The tractor transmission is frozen up and it needs to be moved first. I needed to use a crawler tractor to move it there.’

As Brian watched the tractor was suddenly a foot off the floor and rapidly moving aside.

Brian watched as the entire slab was lifted up and placed beside the tractor. Moments later Eleanor could be seen floating up through the opening.

I turned to Brian, ‘Back up against that wood support beam and put your handcuffed arms over your head as far as you can reach with your feet flat on the floor.’

Brian did as he was told. The next thing Brian saw was one of his hay hooks slamming into the beam so hard that half of the hook became buried in the hardwood beam. Brian was temporarily trapped.

‘Now Brian, nobody will believe a word you say if you tell them what happened to you. Since your sister is obviously unconscious she has seen nothing. I suggest that you move. In fact I suggest that you move a long way from here because if there is one more attempt to hurt Eleanor I will not be as gentle as I have been this time. Do you understand me?’

Brian shook his head in the affirmative.

‘We better not see you later Brian.’

Before Brian could say a word, Eleanor and I were gone.


If Brian had been a sane and reasonable man things would have ended there. But, as you have seen by the narration up until now, Brian’s pride wouldn’t let his reason rule him.

He left the area and I had hoped that we were through having to deal with him.

I had a good attorney, who also attended the church I go to. I had him draw up the needed papers so that Elixir’s name was listed as the sole owner of half of the property. The animals were sold to another farmer since neither of us wanted to run the farm.


Over the next few months Eleanor and I became much more than just good friends. Like most humans, or in my case humanoid, we both had sexual needs. What had started out as friendship moved into serious courtship. Because of our belief that intercourse before marriage was wrong we avoided it. That does not say that we didn’t enjoy heavy petting.

Just about one year after we met we were married. Because of Eleanor’s arthritis we made sure that we wouldn’t have any children. After all, raising kids is a young person’s game and we weren’t young.

It was early spring, two years into our marriage, we suspected that Brian was back. One night, while we were asleep, a fire started in the back of my house. If it weren’t for the alarms that I had installed I would have lost the entire building and its contents. I was outside hosing down the burning area while Eleanor called 911. Our local volunteer fire department showed up within twenty minutes and were able to save most of the structure.

The local fire inspector looked at the building the following morning. His conclusion was that it was arson. The fire had three independent starting points. No random accident has multiple starting points. On top of that the odor of an accelerant, gasoline, was clear even to human noses.

I didn’t raise my concerns with Eleanor. But I definitely talked with the inspector and the sheriff’s investigator. They indicated that they would be on the lookout to see if Brian had moved back into the area. They were sure that they knew the types of things Brian had done, while his sister lived with him, but they never had enough proof to get a search warrant.

The sheriff’s deputy looked carefully for vehicle and/or human tracks leading to the house. There were tracks found but they led to the road. Someone must have spent time watching CSI or such because the tracks had all been rendered useless by a stick or small broom.

It was two days later that I noticed that Brian’s house was again being lived in. I mentioned that to the Sheriff’s investigator. He dropped in to see who was living there and it was Brian and his common-law wife. Brian, of course, had an airtight alibi for the night of the fire. He had been in bed with his wife and she swore to it.

I had night/day vision video surveillance equipment installed
at the same time the contractors were finishing up the repairs on my house. From now on in, data from the cameras would be streaming to a computer with massive hard drives. (4Tbyte)

The next thing that happened was the passage of a bullet through the house. Eleanor and I were eating dinner when there was the sound of breaking glass and shattering lath and plaster walls. We phoned the Sheriff again and their investigator came out to review the damage. We determined several things. The bullet hadn’t dropped on its way through the house. The distance from the floor to the bullet holes was within a small fraction of an inch from room to room. The holes in the front wall and three interior walls were all the same size, 0.500′. That bullet would never be found! It was obvious that someone had used a high powered rifle chambered for the 50 Cal BMG (Browning Machine Gun) cartridge. Without the bullet, ballistics could not be used to trace the bullet to a specific rifle.

I knew that unless I did something to stop this trouble I could lose Eleanor. After all, unlike me, she wasn’t immortal. I decided that I needed to force Brian’s hand. The following day I put my plan into action.

I watched Brian’s house very carefully for the next week. Every time he went outside he found that he had tremendous crushing chest pain. It didn’t last long but it was enough to frighten him. After a week of this he came over to our house with his wife in tow.

He knocked on the door. When I answered it he informed me that he was sure that I was doing something to hurt him. Of course I proclaimed my innocence. He then informed me that he was going to complain to the Sheriff and have me arrested. Upon saying this they both left.

Two hours later a sheriff ‘s deputy was at my door. He asked if Brian and his wife had come over earlier. I indicated that he had. He then informed me that they claimed that I had pointed a gun at them and threatened to kill them.

I took the deputy back to the computer that recorded outside and inside movement. He watched the video of Brian and his wife coming up to our door and me answering the door. The audio was very good, as was the quality of the video. It was very clear that no gun was present and no threat had been made by me. I fast forwarded the video and showed him that, per the time stamp, the deputy had shown up almost exactly two hours later.

With that, I burned a DVD of those sections of the recording and thanked him for dropping out.

Having been foiled again, Brian was too stubborn, too proud, or too stupid to leave things as they were. After all, I didn’t want to cause him problems if he left my wife and me alone. However, he was smart enough to leave us alone for the better part of a year.

Our wedding anniversary was coming up and I invited our friends from church to come out and help us celebrate our special day. I had the party catered. We all had a very good meal followed by a delicious dessert. It was about nine p.m. when the festivities wound down. I decided to leave the clean-up until the following day. After all, I did the cleaning because of Eleanor’s arthritis. We had been in bed, cuddling, for over two hours when the alarm went off. It wasn’t loud, just a gentle beeping and a flashing light. Someone was doing things outside the house. I got up and quietly went to a window on the side of the house the alarm had indicated. I cracked the window open and could smell the thick odor of gasoline. The monitor showed Brian moving around the house pouring gasoline along the entire perimeter of the house. As he reached the front of the house he walked about fifty feet away and lifted a bottle with a rag in it (a Molotov cocktail). I was not going to let him burn my house down! I opened the door and told him to leave while he could. He laughed, lit the rag and tried to throw the bottle.

He was stunned to see that the bottle appeared to be stuck to his hand. He decided to run foreword and start the fire with the burning rag. Unfortunately, for him, he couldn’t seem to move his feet. He panicked. After all, he was holding a large bottle filled with gasoline with a burning rag hanging out of it, and he couldn’t drop the bottle or move.

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The girl needed help. She knew that, now. Which is why she was here. The waiting room. All so normal, exactly what she expected for a mental health counselor’s office. Ecru walls, long blue sofas and firm orange armchairs, ferns and philodendrons and rhododendrons. Drowsy clove scent in the air. The short-haired middle-aged white slightly dumpy (don’t fat-shame her don’t age-shame her) receptionist who had welcomed her in with professional courtesy but certainly hiding suspicions. Right?...

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Synopsis: To understand the true significance of her traumatic experience, college-student Laurie must undergo a radical and empowering cognitive therapy.Author: Adam Lily ([email protected])***********Dear Reader:This story delves into themes of power and race. It might be someone's stroke fiction, and that's great—let me know—but it likely won't appeal to many.So if you do like this story, please let me know. If you hate it, let me know that, too. But if want lighter fare, go elsewhere....

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Amys Power

My Name’s Amy Webber, I’m 19 Years Old and Studying Musical Theatre at University, I’m a little petite at 5’’4 My Boobs are 34 DD’s, I Have Blonde Hair Down To my shoulders and I Keep Myself Neat and shaved, and I’m Bisexual I was in secondary school when I first realised I had This special power, I Was Young And infatuated With This Popular Guy Called Dave, every girl fancied Dave and one night at this party he chose me, I Was dancing and he came up behind me and danced with me, rubbing...

3 years ago
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Power Power Whos Got the Power

POWER, POWER! WHO'S GOT THE POWER! By Bea I took my eyes off the road for a second. Charles sat, eyes fixed downwards, his knitting needles flashing, the ball of pink angora wool on his lap making tiny little jerks. He was becoming quite an accomplished knitter I thought. I did feel a little flash of jealousy at the sight of his small, well formed, soft hands. I mean, it's not that mine are huge or anything but it seems eminently unfair that even though he's just a little smaller...

1 year ago
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Apprentice to a Power

Apprentice to a Power I'd been standing there for five minutes; a nervous staring match with the door had ensued. I finally tapped at it and stood back, expectation and fear struggling for expression. Marianne opened the door immediately and smiled. Her features were powerful; intelligent, dark blue eyes examined me from beneath perfect eyebrows. What I could see of her body beneath a sparkling, navy robe was simply beautiful. Breasts, held firmly by the powerful brassieres...

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What Price Power

This is purely a work of fiction….*wink* Or is it?```````````````````````````````As the fury of the storm built, she looked again at the deceptively simplecard gracing her palm.Do you have any idea how crazy this is?""Do you think I have any choice? This will make me a major league playerat twenty-six. There is no way in heaven or hell I will pass it up. In theworld in which I grew up, dirt poor would have been a step up in life and Iwill never go back to that. Not now… not ever. This is the...

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Charmed Girl Power

Prelude In a downtown tenement of San Francisco, Lena, a 16 year old girl sat on her bed, head in hands with her long straight brown hair hanging down like a curtain, obscuring her face and the tears on her cheeks. The events of the past two days had turned her world upside- down. The blazing row with her parents in the mall had started it when she had flung her arms out in anger and frustration. The catastrophic results of this action had demolished a shop on one side and had taken out the...

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The unPleasant Rise to Power

"There it is, at long last!" I exclaim, as my eyes set sight on a lone statue in the centre of the chamber. It was surprisingly well lit by the rays of light seeping in from cracks in the ceiling. I scan the area for any obvious traps, and after considering the month long journey it took to get here from the capital it seems like dying at the foot of success would be an ironic way to go. Cautiously, I walk down the path, passing the marble pillars that held high above. My reflection painted...

1 year ago
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AF Power

This is an original work of TG Fiction intended for adult audiences. If you are under 18 years, go away and come back when you are. Any resemblance to real persons is entirely purposeful for which the author accepts all responsibility. Many thanks to Femur for a very generous and thorough review and edit that helped improve the final work and prevented much grammatical embarrassment. *---*---*---*---* Altered Fates - POWER ...

3 years ago
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Hidden Powers

You are Louis, a male at the age of 24. Your whole life weird things have been happening to you. Until a couple years ago you couldn't quite understand how or why. All your life you would get into unusual sexual situations. When you were in high school you were really popular among girls and you never found it hard to get someone. You only realized in college that you have powers unlike anyone else. You can influence people, stop time, become invisible, and have whatever you are doing seem...

2 years ago
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Dude I Think I Have Superpowers

Welcome! In this story, you will follow one or more characters who wake up one morning to find that they have superpowers! The branches will be generally quite grounded, so don’t come into this expecting people to start hurling black holes at each other but what you can expect will be outlined at the beginning of every branch. Whether it is gritty or more light hearted will depend on the branch in question. The powers come from an unknown source and can be explained by an author if they so...

4 years ago
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The Skate ParkTransfer of Power

The Skate Park---Transfer of PowerMornings at the sk8t park were always the best. Still lots of tree shade, but in the summer, still hot as fuck by noon. I was surprised at how many of the guys showed up---it was kinda short notice. Dustin and Kelso were sk8tin around the short track. I was just hangin on the table, waiting for the rest of the guys.Finally they were all there---I gave out a loud and hard whistle---lots of dudes were so jealous cause I could do that. We all were assembled now....

2 years ago
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Testing Moms Will Power

Testing Mom’s Will PowerBy ReebThe summer of 2011 started out as the hottest ever of my seventeen years of life so far. We live in a rural Pennsylvania community so the summers can be very hot and humid but I am referring to the intense sexual heat created by my raging teenage hormones. At this age, all I can think about is having sex and in my case lately, with the most beautiful woman in my world, my mom.I cannot help myself as I feel the strong need to masturbate numerous times a day, at...

1 year ago
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No Power

“I hate snow!” I muttered to myself as I walked up the steps to my apartment building, placing the key in the door lock and letting myself in.As I walked up the three flights of stairs, the lights began to flicker. “Great, this is all I fuckin need,” I yelled, not caring who heard. I placed my briefcase on the floor in front of my door, and unlocked the door and deadbolt. I walked in, tossed my bag and briefcase on the couch, and headed for the kitchen.I picked up the evening paper off of the...

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Garima And Nuzla Unleash Their Girl Power

I was bent over a spanking bench with my arms tied behind my back. In front of me was Naksh, seated in a chair and naked. His huge monster cock was 10 inches down my throat. I was sucking and slurping so passionately. I love Naksh’s big cock. Garima had spanked my butt for 300 swats with a large wooden paddle. My poor butt was sore. Nuzla had shoved a vibrating dildo so deep in my ass that she could not get it back out. She tried to grab it and wanted me to push, but I was too ass-full to push....

Gay Male
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Aladdin Absolute Power

"You little fool! You thought you could defeat the most powerful being on earth!" Jafar shouted as he strangled Aladdin. "Without the genie, boy, you're nothing!" "The genie has more power than you'll ever have!" Aladdin struggled to get out. "What!!" "He gave you your power, he can take it away!" "Al, what are you doing? Why are you bringing me into this?" The Genie asked. "Face it, Jafar, you're still just second best!" Aladdin continued. "You're right! His power does exceed my own! But not...

Mind Control
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Terras Pearl of Power

You are Terra, a woman in her mid-twenties. You have shoulder length red hair and freckles to match, though mostly faded due to taking care of your skin. You're fairly attractive, though single, and you have a B cup bust and a fit bubble butt. No one would ever really say you've got big assets but it's not like you're exactly a stick. You are kind of a nerd, or at least you were but now you don't have as much time to indulge in nerdy things. Except maybe once a week or two. "Nat 20! It's a...

1 year ago
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Perks of Power

Throughout history men and woman have done whatever necessary to gain as much power and influence as possible in their lifetime. From the all powerful one percent, using their unstoppable influence to use the world as their personal playground to those with much less power but use what little they have to wreck havoc on others. Now its your turn to create or follow the adventures of those who use their power to use and claim those weaker or gullible then them. Choose the path you wish to take...

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The Perils of Powers

What a time to find out you have powers. Forty years old. Don't ask me how it happened, why or what, because I don't know. My parents don't have any powers that I know of, nor anyone else in my family. Me, some months after my fortieth birthday I woke up after a poor night's sleep to discover that I was covered in fur! I panicked and desperately wished it would go away, and it did. I lay back, relaxed, and put it down to a lucid dream. But I was curious. I tried experimenting. ...

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She Told Me She Had Super Powers

She told me she had super powers. I did not believe her. I laughed. ‘You are a woman. You are weak. I am a man. I am strong.’ I looked at her 5’4′, 115 pound frame. ‘Do you want to see super powers from a super man?’ I raised my arm and flexed my bicep. Proud of the strength of my body and the muscles that I possessed, if anyone was super powerful, it was me, not her. Unrelenting and confident in her abilities, she stood her ground, smiled, and felt the hardness of my muscle. ‘Yes, you are...

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A Shift In Power

Ava had been in the waiting room for only twenty minutes before she started fidgeting. She picked at the invisible lint on her skirt, and every couple seconds she would straighten it. Her eyes kept glancing around the room, and she grew more and more embarrassed as the time ticked on. She couldn’t figure out why she was the one sitting in the waiting room of a sex therapist office. Will was the one that had been having the affairs. ‘Surely, he should be here discussing his issues with...

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The Monks Power

THE MONK'S POWER How I got there The Monastery Janan Marish's story The Tour Jakeed What Next Marish's Gift Dalark The Omni My memory returns The Master's Death The Monk's Power How I got there As I slowly woke up, several realizations occurred to me at the same time. I was freezing although I was covered with heavy coverings and didn't even have my face exposed to the frigid mountain air. I also hurt all over and knew that my body had been badly...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 7 Speaking the Truth to Power

July 10, 1992, Chicago and Glencoe, Illinois “Be very careful, Tiger,” Jessica said on Friday afternoon. “I will,” I said. “I just want answers to my questions.” “Will you be able to trust those answers?” “That’s a good question,” I said. “All I can do is see what she has to say, if anything.” “You said that her dad thought she’d talk to you.” “But he wasn’t completely sure. She didn’t tell him ‘no’ outright. It’s as we discussed - she’s an emotionally immature seventeen-year-old. Jesse...

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Nascio gets powers

It was night at my house and I was yet again with a book in my hands. I have always been smart loving math, physics and stuff but I never stopped to actually study anything. In my free time I usually was reading something science fiction fantasy and such. I’m 18 and in school anything that interested me was always easy to understand. In the start or at most middle of the explanation I already had the rest figured out. When everyone was doing the second exercise I had finished. But even then I...

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Sexual Power

After a long and arduous day of training and learning at the hand of the Sorcerer Supreme, Wanda wandered the countless lines of dusty, three metre high bookshelves in the Sanctum’s library. She wasn’t hardly ever looking for anything in particular, Wanda just took whatever old text happened to catch her eye. Today her wandering gaze finally landed on a thin, hardback book in a deep shade of red. Removing it carefully from the shelf, she read its title. Seitekina Chikara. Two words Wand managed...

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In the Pursuit of Power

There are evil things in this world. Things both dark and foul that man was not meant to know. Magics forbidden to all but the most crazed or foolish, for they deal in things most civilized men find distasteful... corrupt, or entirely evil. Despite this, there are many who seek these arts, convinced that mastering the spells and rituals of the forbidden arts will make them more powerful than their peers. This is a tale of one of them. Her name is Asharra Valaar... though that name is one of her...

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XSFGCChapter 10 The Power

Phillip went into the kitchen, looking for a snack and a drink before he had to meet Ann Marie in the Danger Room for a training session. He had just finished a different kind of training session with the Professor. The Professor had scanned Phillip mentally again and when they were done the Professor said that he put some blockers in Phillip's mind so that he wouldn't feel so much pain upon manifestation of his powers. He told Phillip that he expected him to do the hard work required to...

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Stripping Power

Frank got out of bed just like he did any other day. The sun was already shining through his cheap, half-broken blinds through his window, bathing the room in soft light. He rubbed his eyes, yawned and staggered towards the small kitchenette that was on the other side of his drab, studio apartment. After starting up his coffee machine and throwing some instant oatmeal in the microwave he noticed a strange envelope on his kitchen counter. Printed neatly on the envelope was his full name and...

Mind Control
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Items of Power

Some examples of the Items that might appear in the reality of your choice: Ring of 3: A golden ring with three emeralds. When worn you can change a person through the use of a three word phrase. A person can only be changed three times before they are immune to further uses of the ring, however any transformations are then permanent. Reality Remote: Alter reality through the use of a remote control. Tainted Cube: The power within a Cosmic Cube allows whoever wields it to literally reshape...

Mind Control
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A Quest for Power

A Quest for Power AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story will consist of multiple chapters, its length will depend on howmuch reader feedback I get (i.e. how many people are enjoying the story) andhow many ideas I have (although readers feel free to send me ideas, I quiteoften use them in plot lines). Since the codes for the story have to be predetermined before the story isposted (and I can't change them with each new chapter) I guessed at what codesI will be incorporating. I apologize if the code you...

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Path to Power

In the ancient and dangerous realm of Hythoria many races of sentient and mindless creatures dwelled together in a turbulent coexistence. In the massive continent there were several petty kingdoms that had been carved out in the sprawling expanse, but the largest three were divided between the kingdom of Vitrainia, which was ruled by the race of Men and their warmonger King, the kingdom of Exonia, ruled by the cold and indifferent Elves and their Queen, and the large swath of Wastelands that...

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Dream Power

It’s been a long day and you are tired. So tired that after dinner you go to bed early, hoping for a nice, long, relaxing sleep and maybe a pleasant dream as well. Within minutes you are sound asleep… You blink a couple of times, wondering what sort of weird dream you’re having. You are surrounded by darkness in every direction, with no light visible, yet you are able to see your own body. “Well, it is a dream…” You tell yourself as you stand there, completely naked. Then a woman emerges from...

1 year ago
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Balance of PowerChapter 2 Consolidation of Power

If I had known how things might turn out from my position now beneath Tay, I would have pushed her foot away that was still pressing painfully on the side of my cheek grinding my face further into the dirt. Pushed her foot away, stood up, and marched straight back to my education department with a full report on how she had assaulted me. I would have recommended her immediate expulsion and had her file re-opened, the same file that the Board had examined when it recommended her re-instatement...

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A Chinese slut submitting to White power

A Chinese woman's submission to White powerPART I1I'm a cheap chink cunt and I have the sexual need to be used by a White man        I'm 29 years old, slim, petite, well educated Chinese woman.  Even though I still look very young compared to other women of my age, biologically I'm approaching the peak of my sexuality.  But I'm married to a worthless Chinese husband who can't fulfill me and every day and night I fantasize of being sexually dominated by a real man, a White man—whenever I...

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