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This is an original work of TG Fiction intended for adult audiences. If you are under 18 years, go away and come back when you are. Any resemblance to real persons is entirely purposeful for which the author accepts all responsibility. Many thanks to Femur for a very generous and thorough review and edit that helped improve the final work and prevented much grammatical embarrassment. *---*---*---*---* Altered Fates - POWER by Lorna Samuels It is hard to accept the fact that I'm not the prettiest girl in the gene pool. But mirrors don't lie, and if you're honest with yourself, the truth will be seen. I wasn't always so mediocre in the looks department. I was a fairly cute kid, at least that's what my family and friends told me, and I guess I pretty much believed them. My first period when I was 12 really scared me, and even Mom's 'girl talk' didn't help much, but like everyone else, I slowly began to accept reality and learned to live with tampons and bras. I grew quickly but stopped at 5'7" by the time I was in high school, then started filling out, especially in the chest. About the same time my hormones really kicked in and I began to notice boys. Which was all the more frustrating since the cheerleader and 'sports girls' cliques had their pick of the guys, forcing the rest of us to compete for leftovers. I've learned since that it's not much different from anywhere else, but the pairings among the 'in crowd' were generally fairly stable (at least for a few months or even years), while the rest of us seemed to be more varied in our selections. Dating was almost a round-robin affair among the 'mid and lower classes', with almost a caste system of rules in place where different 'levels' didn't mix. There were always a few rare exceptions, but they never lasted. So the fix was in and I quickly learned that I wasn't going to be the quarterback's prom date. But I wasn't any less affected by my body than any other girl. Learning what made boys happy was easy to learn simply by listening in the relative privacy of the girls' locker room, and even sometimes in public conversations. The main rule I learned was to make sure the boys never knew that a girl might like what they did -- every bit as much (if not more!). I was 14 when I gave my first BJ. I'd determined to do this at least once, often imagining my first being every boy I dated, but the timing just never seemed right. It wasn't something I was particularly looking forward to. It just seemed like a necessary step in a girl's progression in the dating arena. I tried to imagine how it would feel and taste., but determined to try at least once, even if it ended up being gross and disgusting, He was a Junior and one of the backup linebackers for our mediocre team. He wasn't in the 'top tier', but far enough above my 'station' to make me sufficiently grateful that he'd asked me out to a movie, so I decided this was the moment that I'd been planning for. He'd been a complete gentleman the entire evening, no wandering hands or lust-filled groping as had others I'd dated. He simply held my hand or rested his arm around my shoulders in the theater, improving my opinion of him, and my growing urge to 'make him happy'. It happened right in front of my own home when he was dropping me off. He'd parked under the big sycamore that blocked most of the streetlight's glow, so the inside of the car was pretty dark. "Thanks for the evening, even if the movie was a dud," I beamed. I'd just freshened my dark red lipstick, my hair was neatly brushed, and the hem of my dress showed a couple of inches above my knees. I wasn't a fox, but it was the best I could do, and it seemed enough at the time. "Sure. You're a nice date. Maybe we'll do it again sometime." He was staring at my chest, even though the high neckline of my blouse left everything to his imagination. I slid over to him, as close as I could. I put my hand on his chest, then let it slowly slide down to the belt of his khaki pants. "I'd like to show my appreciation for taking me out tonight." His eyes widened, then a knowing grin curled his thin lips and he simply nodded. I leaned up and tried to kiss his smirk away, then watched his growing smile and widening eyes as my long nails worked at his zipper and freed the large bulge beneath, a sure sign that he was ready for my 'thanks'. I'd seen pictures, but never a live naked man, so I only had a general idea of what they looked like, although I did know that there was a wide range of sizes and dimensions. I was curious to see it, but the darkness inside the car made this impossible. It had grown to about the size of a large, long cucumber, and I was pleased by the young man's substantial size and girth. In the darkness, my small hand was overfilled by the large tube of flesh. It was firm and very warm, with ridges of veins that seemed almost alive. I moved my head into position and touched the soft, bulbous head with my lips. The shaft twitched noticeably, and his hips pushed upwards, pushing the head into my mouth. Without thinking, I licked the fleshy knob, tasting something viscous and salty, but not unpleasant. Then it filled my mouth and I began to massage the pole with my tongue. I was a teenage girl in full rut. I knew about sex, probably more than my Mom knew when she got married, and maybe more than my date. I knew, at least in theory, how to perform a BJ, but even though I was a novice my hand moved down his shaft to allow full 'engulfment'. It was like having a large sausage in my mouth that tasted slightly salty, with a mild pungent odor., and I was actually liking it. The emotions that consumed me were tempestuous. There was an overwhelming euphoria in the giving of pleasure to my partner. After only a few minutes I was getting a rhythm and beginning to think this was pretty nice. Then he stiffened and pushed my head down. My hand cleared away as the shaft pushed into my throat, and I had to suppress my gag reflex to avoid choking when it seemed to expand even more. That's when I felt the pulsing, and was totally surprised by ejections that filled my throat. It to me. All I could do was swallow and concentrate on breathing as best I could until it was over. As his erection receded, it left my mouth and throat filled with the salty taste and gooey texture of his pleasure. Later, while trying to get the residual taste out of my mouth with vigorous brushing and mouthwash, I was left to wonder if I would ever do such a thing again. Sure, it wasn't entirely unpleasant for me, but virtually all the pleasure was his, except for that mild euphoric sense that I was making him happy. Couldn't that be accomplished just as well with a lot of foreplay, or even a handjob? (Yeah, I knew about those too.) But after I began having sex, it became obvious, at least to me, that BJs had their place. They were: a quick and easy way to quiet a guy down if you didn't want to have sex with him; the best indication that you wanted more; the best option at the moment; and/or, a delay tactic until the time was better for real sex. So life moved on, relationships came (sic!) and went throughout high school and then college. It was there that I met a friend (for the purposes of this writing we'll call her 'Marge') who gave me my biggest and dreamiest break. She had a friend who worked for a very powerful man and they were looking for an infusion of young blood, preferably candidates who were working toward professional or political careers. I got the referral, an interview, and within a few whirlwind days was offered a job at the 'corporate' headquarters. Even though I was a mere lackey, a 'gofer', college suddenly became an afterthought. This was far too exciting, working for the top 'executives' who had direct contact with 'The Chief', all with power of thousands of people and tons of money. I have to admit that I was totally smitten the first time I was privileged to meet Him. He was middle-aged, tall, handsome, and extremely pleasant. Even though I knew he was married, when his eyes unapologetically raked over my body, it was obvious that he was a man after his own pleasures. Oh, there were abundant whispers around the water coolers about clandestine liaisons, and even some rumors of unwanted advances. But whenever anything rose to a level that garnered significant attention, or the woman made accusations, there was a cadre of well-paid lackeys, lawyers, and professional character assassins who made short work of the 'situation'. HE was untouchable, although he did all the 'touching' he wanted. And he proved it the first time we were alone together in his palatial office. Late one evening, I was dispatched by my boss to delivery some paperwork to His office. He spotted me waiting for the sign-off by his secretary and asked me to 'discuss something with him' in his office. I was a bit nervous when he told the secretary that he didn't want to be disturbed, then closed the heavy door, leaving us alone together. He took my hand and I was forced to follow as he sat behind his desk. Still holding me, his first words confirmed his intent. "I'm always eager to get to know my employees really, really well, Miss." His familiar voice oozed confidence and had a suggestive lilt that was unmistakable, especially after he purposely adjusting his crotch. "So, how do you like the work so far? Would you like to work for me?" I never had a chance to answer, at least not vocally. He already had his pants down. Now, Momma didn't raise a stupid daughter. I knew the lay of the land. Either I did what He expected, even demanded, or I was out on the street, my college prospects probably shattered, and only a mediocre life to live. It wasn't a difficult choice. So started our relationship, such as it was. He often blamed his 'roving' on his wife's frigid refusals after their only child was born. It was utterly without merit, even if he had been a real man devoted to his family. In truth there seemed to be little love there, so he sought out satisfaction elsewhere. Strangely though, he never called it 'sex' when I was kneeling under his desk (his favorite 'position'). It even happened a few times while he was having meetings with staffers or others in his office. It was fun the first few times, trying to get him to flinch or respond in a way that would give away the 'situation'. But that stopped abruptly when he warned me that if I ever tried that again I'd end up as fodder for the female trash heap, joining all his other previous 'interests'. Lesson learned. Oh, I knew I was being used and abused, but simply being in that position, so close to that level of Power was like booze to an alcoholic or heroin to an addict, impossible to turn away from. Sometime during this period, my friend Marge left school and got married. She still lived in the area, though in far superior and vastly more comfortable circumstances, so we still kept in touch. One day, out of the blue, she invited me for a weekend at their seaside cabin. "Hubby's off on one of his business trips and I need some girl company. It'll be fun. We'll 'shop til we drop', swim, and have a great time." By then I was ready for a break from the work and 'office tasks', so I eagerly accepted. By the time we arrived Friday night, after a long tiring drive, it was too late to do much but settle in and rest up for the girly times to come. The early dawn light revealed a beautiful two-story 'cabin' that was larger than the house I grew up in, and better appointed too. I even had a large bedroom and bathroom to myself. It was an easy place to like. I'd grabbed fresh underwear, a sports bra, crop top, shorts, and sandals by the time Marge called me down for a light breakfast. While we munched on scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee, she wanted to talk. "Kid (she liked to call me that even though she was only two years older), before we start our little adventure, I want to ask you about your work. I know you can't say much, but I'm getting some vibes that you're not very happy." "Don't worry, it's just that it's such an important place to work, and there are a lot of pressures." "Bull! You're stressed...big time! I can see it in your eyes. And you act like the world's on your shoulders. They're not all that broad, you know." I had to laugh. "Yeah... I know. It'll be fine, Marge, I'm a grown woman. I'll deal with it." "Well, just in case, I think I've found something that just might help you unwind and relieve some of that stress you seem to be enduring." She pulled out a large jewelry box and removed a pendant on a long chain. "This is the Medallion of Zulo," she declared, "and it might be the answer to all your troubles." From the two-foot chain hung a bulky 4 ? inch disk that looked like aged (greenish) copper, but was actually bronze. On one surface was the worn- down image of what resembled an angel or cherub, but could have just as easily been anything with wings. "Ha," I responded, "that's the tackiest thing I've ever seen. Look at the back! There's nothing on it!" Marge simply shook her head and spoke as if to a small child. "According to my research, the image is an avatar of the young Zulo, the Trickster. It's a very old and extremely valuable necklace. There are thousands who want to know its whereabouts and claim its powers for themselves." "Ah, come on, Marge, ...powers? That ugly thing?" I huffed. "You make it sound like some sort of magical hocus-pocus." "Exactly!" she confirmed with conviction. "You've gotta be kidding! There's no such thing as magic, ...not the real thing anyway." She grinned broadly. "Need proof, do ya?" "Like I said, there's no such.....," I tried to argue, but was interrupted by a sharp tingle when she placed the object in my hand and laid her hand over it. "Whoa, that's different," was my first reaction. [At this point anyone who knows about this object might wonder why it would be so unusual for two women to share its magic. Well, trust me, the differences between me and Marge are stark enough that it's a unique experience for us both. See, she's one of those 'alpha females' that I was subordinate to in school. Tall, long dark blonde hair, clear ivory skin, perfect hourglass figure, large breasts, long sleek legs. In contrast, I'm the 'Mutt' to her 'Jeff' (look it up) - slightly overweight, uneven complexion, saggy C-cups, mousy brown shoulder-length hair, too hippy, thick calves, and short stocky legs. Like I said, the differences are stark. So now you know.] Marge simply sat silently and watched me with a sniggering grin that I was about to wipe off her face with a bitchy retort when I noticed something odd. Her eyes had turned brown, and I'd swear they had always been bright blue. Then her nose twitched and before my eyes morphed into a slightly broader shape. Her lips were getting a bit thinner too. Her whole image was changing before my eyes! When I looked down at our overlapping hands, her fingers had lost their long red manicured beauty and now matched my much shorter lilac nails. I hadn't even noticed that our hands seemed to have been exchanged. My fingers had acquired her gorgeous nails! And that's when I noticed other, much more subtle changes in myself. Hair was brushing my upper back, and blond strands had appeared in my peripheral vision. My chest felt puffy, almost like when they first began to grow, and my arms were slimming down. "MM...Marge!" I stammered, "What's happening?" She grinned even more broadly, but this time with my mouth! "We're turning into each other, kid. Isn't this amazing?" All I could do is stare at what looked like my own face, but was different too. Then I realized that I was seeing myself not through a reflection that I was used to but as others view me. "Oh MY GAWD!" I squealed....and with my friends voice too! My panties and shorts were loose now, but the sports bra was pushing the bigger jugs up and exposing a cleavage that I'd only ever dreamed of seeing when I looked down at my chest. Marge was chuckling again. "I guess we'll have to change clothes. I know you're uncomfortable, and so am I. For now we'll have to swap bedrooms, at least until we can change back." "Oh, thank God we aren't stuck," I responded in relief. "Hey, I thought you always wondered what it was like to be a foxy chick?" "Yeah, well, that may be true, but it isn't me. Not really. I guess I've kinda gotten comfortable in my own skin." I grinned too. "Hehe, and I wonder what that says about me, eh? Since it took a dose of magic for me to realize that?" "Better late than never, kiddo. Now, what do we do with the rest of the day?" "Hey, wait a minute! Won't it be a bit awkward like this?" "Well, it can't be helped. The Medallion won't work on us again for at least 12 hours. Anyway, I figured that'd be plenty of time for you to get a bit of perspective on a gorgeous woman's life. Not that I'm bragging, ya know," she giggled. It was weird hearing my own voice from outside my own ears. "No brag, my friend, just fact." I hefted my augmented chest. "Ha, you'll have even more fun with those when you wear my favorite bikini to the beach." That stunned me to silence, but not for long. I was beginning to look forward to this 'adventure', courtesy of my dear friend. I had even more respect and love for her too, since she had 'demoted' herself to tagalong girl friend status. 'Marge' was right, the experience was mind-boggling and spectacular. She showed me the research she'd done on the Medallion and explained what it could/would do. Then we shopped, we swam and sunbathed (topless, of course), flashed our fellow swimmers, and generally had the most fun I'd had in a very, very long time. We probably looked like a couple of drunken floozies, but we didn't care, and we weren't drunk, except on the highs of that bit of life we were living. But by the end of the mandatory 12 hours, I was almost ready for a return to myself. Marge had other ideas. "Ever wonder what you'd look like if you were a man?" "Aw, Marge, I don't even wanna think about that. It's just too....too yucky." "What? You don't want to know first-hand what the fuss is about?" I watched her carefully for a moment, and realized with a shock, "You've done it, haven't you!?" "Well, yeah, with Hubby, actually. We found the Medallion at a flea market and he admitted to knowing what it was. After we got it home, we were joking around and it got caught between us, on our bare skin." To my questioning gaze she responded, "Hey, we're married, after all! It was only natural that we try it as each other. And, kiddo, was THAT an education!" "You're sick, my friend." "No, really, being a big strong guy isn't much otherwise. Less needs covering, and there's a lot of physical difference, but after a few hours it was almost comfortable. Hubby had a devil of a time getting used to my big tits on his chest, but I showed him some of their benefits until he was more ....uh... satisfied. After all," she pointed at me, "I know what makes that body happy." "Fine for you, ...I guess, but I'll pass." "Okay, but if you ever change your mind, let me know. Just do it so there's enough time to change back before we have to go home." The prospect of going back to those pressures put a damper on the rest of the evening, even after we'd changed back into our original (and admittedly much more comfortable) selves. Sunday, we slept late, then Marge took me to her favorite spa where we were pampered and spoiled until I felt like a queen. Then it was back to the mall for more shopping therapy before returning to pack for the return trip. "Thanks for a phenomenal weekend, Marge," I said as we joined the gridlock of all the other weekend returnees on the highway. "Anytime, my friend." She was quiet for awhile before asking, "Kid, will you hand me my purse?" I did, and she dug deep to retrieve what she wanted. "Here, you can borrow this for awhile. Maybe it'll help you at work somehow." The box containing the Medallion was in my hands. " Marge, no. I don't want the responsibility. It's too much." "Nonsense, it's exactly what you need. Go do some creative shopping, and use it to escape those heavy weights on your shoulders. Maybe you'll even get up the nerve to be a guy for a while. It's not that bad, ya know." "Ha, maybe not, but it's not my 'thing'." "Not mine either, kid, but it's okay for a little while. Getting totally out of your own comfort zone can be a good thing, ya know. Almost therapeutic, in fact." "But you've been too generous already. I feel guilty enough letting you pay for this entire weekend, and even buying me clothes that I'll probably never wear." "Hey, you found some pretty good stuff while you were me. The least I could do was reciprocate." "Big word for a trophy wife!" "Yeah, ain't it?" she giggled and hefted her prodigious chest while we were stopped at a light. We both noticed that the older couple in the car beside us had seen her gesture, and that made us both laugh even more. "Okay." "Okay what?" "Okay, I'll borrow it, but you can have it back any time you want it." "Fair enough. I know ou'll put it to good use." Well, as you've already guessed, I did use it, and often. It was just too appealing to resist. The changes I made were small at first, a cup size or two, a different hairstyle and/or length, taller, shorter, prettier. The big jump came when I finally got up the nerve to make a purchase 'for my boyfriend'. I hadn't a clue about the size so guessed and returned to my shabby apartment with a packet of 34" boxer briefs. The experience was strange, wildly educational, and even wonderful, especially that extraordinary sensation of total focus on just one place and the resulting explosion of pleasure. But it didn't last long enough, and I was soon pining for my longer, more full-bodied experiences. Weeks passed and although we were often meeting for lunch or just talking on the phone, Marge never even asked about the bauble. I finally admitted to using it as she had suggested, but she didn't ask about the details and I didn't offer them either. It was just too private an experience. Meanwhile, the pressures at work were increasing. HE was getting more demanding, taking risks of overt discovery that I considered reckless. But he was in charge and I was too weak to resist his demands, no matter where or when. But it couldn't last, and guess I knew that from the start. There was just too much activity and too many people involved who knew, or suspected what was going on. So I had done some planning. Still, when the end finally came I was so clueless that I didn't even notice until it was almost too late. There seemed to be a lot more snickering and whispers that day when 'the call' came from Him that I was needed in his office immediately. That had never happened before, since our 'connections' had always been indirect, while I was there on errands related to my actual work (such as it was). So there was no denying something was wrong. Alone with Him once again in his lavish and by now very familiar office, not a word was spoken as I took my 'normal' place, kneeling between the large desk and his seated position. It was a rush job, over quickly, and there was an air of finality But I had planned and prepared for this moment. As I knew firsthand, it's a wildly distracting sensation for a man. He loses focus, except on what's happening between his legs (yes, I learned that too). So it wasn't difficult to remove the Medallion from my purse and cup it in my hand as I grasped his member while vigorously tonguing it. He never even noticed the slight jolt of power, but I did. Thankfully, the end soon followed, and He was still a bit unfocused when he began speaking. His first words confirmed that I'd done the right thing. " dear, it appears that th...things have gotten too compli...complicated. I'm sorry, but this is the last ti...time. You're a liability now, so ...go clean out your desk and vac...vacate the premises immediately." He hadn't noticed yet that his voice was up an octave already and mousy brown hair was brushing his ears. "I thought we had something special, sir!" I cried, playing the petulant victim even as my own tone lowered and my dress got terribly tight. But I was smiling within, knowing that I was about escape the fate that had been perpetrated on all his previous victims. While he shrank into my bodily form and I grew into his, he was somehow out of sorts, like he was on some sort of relaxant or even a mild narcotic. He was what I liked to call 'zoney', so what was happening to his precious manhood went largely unnoticed. It was easier than I had anticipated to get him out of his clothes, then quickly removed my own before they burst at the seams. It was quite comical to see him (quickly becoming 'her') play 'bouncy bouncy' with her growing breasts. I'd donned his suit and was tugging my dress down over her head when she finally realized something definitely was not right. "Hey, what the hell are you doing, mister? Where's that girl...and...oh shit." He was staring at the fulsome chest that filled 'her' hands. I knew where the call button was and pushed it, then smiled down at her. Just as the security men appeared, I leaned in close and gave her my parting words. "You meant this for me, so now you'll get real familiar with the plight of all the women you've tried to destroy for telling the truth about you. Don't make any trouble. It won't do you any good. You're better off learning to be a good girl, and learning it quick!" She was stunned into a silent, voiceless stupor as the escorts took her by both arms and removed her none too gently from the office. My last visual image of my old body was a quite pleasant sway of generous hips in a rumpled dress. I was in a place I could never have imagined, and the challenges would be many. She, however, was in a worse mess. She'd lost her precious Power along with her manhood. It would be a long and difficult adjustment, of that I was certain, and would probably last well beyond the misery that was sure to befall her immediate future. But I didn't wish her too much ill. She was paying dearly for her transgressions, and I hoped she would find peace sometime in the future. A grin passed my lips at the prospect of her actually becoming a man's lover and mothering his children. Now that would be something to see. But I had other priorities. The first of which was to call a certain number. "It's done." As planned, my friend Marge (and owner of the cell that I called), went to the media with a story about me being "involved in something untoward", and offered substantiated evidence. The lid blew off with an explosion that rocked our worlds. The aftermath was fast, furious, and as history has documented, it was quite a show for the media and public that reverberated for a very long time. Much later, I was seated with my very supportive wife to face down the media's cameras and the firestorm behind them. "I never had sexual relations with that woman," I emphatically declared. It was the truth!

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You awake a to a bright morning. You look around your room to see that it's still a mess. You feel the frustration to have to clean, you hate it. You jerk off, finish up and put some clothes on. You open your door to see your two sisters fighting in there room. You walk past with disapproval that they still fight AND share a room at age 21. You with they would just move out, but then you wouldn't be able to stare at their breasts, or look at their right asses as they walk away.

Mind Control
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I was alone in the house, Tina was at work. It was 4 in the afternoon and i was looking over some pictures when the phone rang. It was Tina, "Hi Sweetheart" i said. The tone of her voice was harsh "Start getting ready, tonight you will be my sissy, you can choose to wear any of my clothes except the ones in the top drawer, I'll be wearing them." That was all she said and put the phone down. My tiny little dick instantly got an erection. This was really unusual, i normally have to hassle her in...

4 years ago
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Yesterday morning,I was relaxing in my apartment.Then the doorbell rang.Not thinking about what I was wearing (a loose, sheer blouse doing nothing to conceal my tits, as well as thong panties, with my long, smooth legs completely exposed), I answered the door. It was my paperboy Seamus, a nice young k** who had always been kind to me, while stealing glances at my barely-concealed body."Hey,Seamus," I greeted him with a smile. His eyes scanned up and down my body, which naturally triggered the...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

Introduction: Husband gets special birthday gift Today is Adams birthday. Today he turns 30. Not a huge birthday but a milestone of sorts. Hes excited because his wife Kevia had promised him a birthday hed never forget. He amused himself all day thinking of what that might entail. Kevia is an absolutely stunning woman. As far as Adam is concerned, shes the most beautiful woman Adam has ever seen. She has eyes that sparkle and a smile that will disarm you in a heartbeat no matter how angry you...

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A first person account of a woman that takes a joy ride discovers a horse and his female owner

It was a usual balmy hot and humid afternoon right after lunch, and I was feeling stir crazy, so I decided to take a drive. So I changed real quickly to something more airy and loose fitting, choosing a spaghetti- strap tank and a short mini skirt and my sandals. I then put my hair up in a pony tail and spruced up my lip gloss, grabbed the keys and my purse and headed out for the country side. I went out on the state highway which was known to be a bit scenic and have quite a few ranches along...

2 years ago
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the suprise

My name is Aaron. I am a 36 year old married man. My wife Lauren and I have been married for 12 years now. We have 2 k**s, Laura, is 9 and Daniel is 6. My wife and I have always had a great sex life together. I met her back in college, but we went our separate ways for a while, until I moved back to where I went to school at and found out she was still living there. Her parents didn’t agree with our marriage at first, because they were still from the older days, when interracial relationships...

1 year ago
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Wife with sleazy old man

A hot story I found on the internet... hope you enjoyThe annual neighborhood bar-b-que was upon us again. Me and my wife Kate were ready as always. We had moved to the neighborhood five years ago and the bar-b-que was an annual tradition for the neighborhood and we had come to love it. I was 30 my wife Kate 29. Kate was such a beauty with long brunette hair, a round firm ass, and big d cup breasts to fill her 5'6" frame. Atop her body was her beautiful face, every guy in the neighborhood wanted...

3 years ago
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The Pregnant Asian

Ohhhhhhhh, John, Ellyn cried, shes absolutely perfect, I can hardly wait to get her out of her clothes. Come in, dear, John said to the tiny Japanese woman who was standing nervously in the foyer of the large suburban home of the John and Ellyn Wexman, as you heard my wife is very happy to see you, and of course I am, too!!! Taking their visitor by the arm, John led her into the family room in the rear of the house, and after pouring drinks for everyone asked, So, Kira, are you sure you want to...

4 years ago
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Bus Route Four

Everyday I would ride bus route four home from work. I would get on the bus at the same time everyday give or take a few minutes. A couple of times I have came out and the bus was pulling off and as a ran after it the bus would stop and I would get on from the back. I admit this bus driver was the sexiest bus driver I had ever seen. As he rode me home everyday I would just think about what his life was like after he got off the bus. One day I was early getting off work and as he pulled up I...

2 years ago
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The Hazards Of Helen

THE HAZARDS OF HELEN © 2010 by Anthony Durrant Leaning against the wall of an old house in the Dell, an area of the bowery, a place in the city, the man known as the Farmer stood and watched the people go by as he sang: "The Farmer's in the Dell, The Farmer's in the Dell, Heigh-ho the derry-oh, The Farmer's in the Dell. "The rat ate the cheese, The rat ate the cheese, Heigh-ho the derry-oh, The rat ate the cheese. "The cat ate the rat, The...

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Tori's POV:It was dark. I had lost track of time a long time ago. There were people all around, loud music pounding in my head. Orange flames flickered in the distance, probably the center of the craziness. I stumbled into something hard and groaned. It was a tree. And it was the only thing really helping me to stand right now.Where was I? What was going on?I pushed myself off of the tree and staggered away from the madness. There was a structure; I couldn't really see it from here. Fuck. What...

2 years ago
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Pregnant Beckyagain

I had written about my long lasting lust for my college friend Becky brought to fruition in my story Pregnant Becky. Circumstance had provided us an opportunity for an amazing fuck and I knew that she would be back for more. Not because I am a stud, because that’s not the case, but because it felt so good to be so bad. She had delivered the baby and recovered nicely, deciding to stay home from work for awhile if they could afford it. Her husband made decent money and Becky ended up staying home...

4 years ago
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74 Ghante Ki Chudai 8211 Part III

(Hi Friends, this is the third part of this scintillating true life tale. In the previous two episodes, you have read, how Bhabhi and I, celebrated my success in B.Tech. in a unique way, by fucking in the Kitchen, then in Bed room and then in the Bathroom…. Next-) When my Lund calmed down, I got up, lifted Bhabhi in my arms, and put her carefully in the ready bath tub. Bhabhi signaled me also to come inside. I stepped into it. She adjusted herself to make room for me. We lay facing each other....

1 year ago
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Accidental AttractionChapter 4

The next morning arrived, breakfast with it: fried egg. It was overcooked, cold and barely edible. The fat in the fried bread had congealed. After Daphne's cooking, Reg was appalled but he ate it, and the cold baked beans. "I've got to eat to live," he thought wryly. The dreaded bedpan came next but he was getting used to it. Just! There was no bed bath. After doctors' rounds an orderly appeared with a wheelchair and he was carefully and efficiently lifted into it. He was taken down to...

3 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 16

The Inn was built like a fort ... or the best log cabin you ever imagined. The few windows were high up under the eaves and the door wouldn’t look out of place on a vault. The construction was squared off logs and probably two feet thick. That made me realize the forests here were prime timber cutting territory. Dense and first growth. They had one of those bristle brushes on a little platform that a caring fella could use to brush off the road filth acquired by walking anywhere in...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 11 Renee ZimmermanChapter 4

On Pearl Harbor Day, a day that was still subdued in America in those days, there was cause for celebration in both Hutchinson and Granger when Amanda Griggs went into labor and delivered an eight pound nine ounce baby boy, with coal black hair and blue eyes. She would forever think that it was the excitement of sucking her father’s erection that caused her water to break. She would also admit, later, that she panicked. She apologized to her father for abandoning him, and drove herself to...

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College Teacher Ki Chut Chudai

12th ke baad college aaya. B.Tech. ki girl ke bare mai kya batau. Mood kharab ho gaya. First year ki wo C++ ki pheli class muje ab tk yaad h, jab maine apni maam “Mona” ko phali baar dheka tha. Kya figure tha. Chalti thi to boobs hilte they. Us class mai 100% attendance hoti thi, sale sb boys usi ko dhekne jate. Maam ne just 2 years phele hi kri thi. Itni young n hot teacher ko dhek ke kisi ka mann laga rhe class mai. Maine tabhi se soch lia, clg pass out hone se phele is ki chut jaroor...

1 year ago
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Batman (TAS) – Partnerships “This party is so bo-o-ring...”, was what Selina Kyle whispered to herself inside another fundraiser for some Gotham City’s charity in Gotham’s Museum. She went to the party by invitation of Hamilton Weir, a good friend and former boyfriend of hers. But, by her face, the brunette wasn’t to keen to join the usual chit-chat of celebrities and socialites talking about their lives and how they are rich, nice and bought a new house or a car. The boredom at Selina’s...

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First Threesome with a Married Couple

The year: 1994. or was it 1993. No matter. Just remember this was before everyone had a computer and 'surfed the net.' Back in the day, there were several phone chat lines. Some were of an adult nature, of course. I had met a few women off one line in particular. I even had a long term relationship with one married woman. But, that is saved for maybe another story. Here is how this phone service worked. Anyone could call in and listen to profiles (well, we called them ads back then) But, if you...

Group Sex
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Dead Stick 9

"Shit! You mean she was that way with all of you?" I asked shocked. "I thought to you guys she'd at least be a lot more civil. Laughing the elder nodded his head then he got serious, "How many more levels have you gone up?" The elder asked him. "As of today I have raised seven and a half, I might have enough to piss him off that's about it, I might even get him to feel it." I told him with all seriousness. "Seven and a half? Crap son I can only think of one, no two...

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PornWorld Roxy Lips Slutty Cop Roxy Lips DPd by Partners After Busting Burglar

After a steamy masturbation session in her shower, policewoman Roxy Lips walks out of her bathroom to find that her house is being burglarized. Being the good cop that she is, she immediately finds her handgun and uses it to detain the masked man who had been plundering her home. Before long, the man is handcuffed and her colleagues in the police force are at her apartment, helping her to restrain the burglar. As one of her partners takes the burglar into another room, Roxy – still naked with...

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Our 5 day nude camping trip continued

You enjoyed the first day of our adventure during my 5 days of nude camping that I figured you would like to hear about the rest of our trip. We slept until sunrise and the glow of the sunshining into our tent woke us up. We were still on top of our sleeping bags with the door and window flaps open. I couldnt help but notice we had a lot of joggers taking their time slowly passing our tent checking for our next show. Not to disappoint hubby and I started masturbating each other before he moved...

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Do you want to meet my Daughter

I put a ad on a swingers site for les or bi females .Few days later i got lot of replies .Most them did have clear face pictures but older couple who replied the female half had picture she was about 50 but great looking. I replied back to her and told her ,i do not do men.If you are willing i am happy to meet her.She replied back in the evening.We arranged to meet next day during the day.I was not willing to give her my number and i told where to meet and the time .I waited for and i saw her...

2 years ago
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I admit it: I’m guilty of taking my wife for granted. I’m not exactly sure when I began neglecting Lily. Perhaps it was when I accepted the promotion to district manager from account manager. Long hours came with the responsibility of moving up and the challenge of doing something different. Those hours and the money accompanying them sustained the lifestyle Lily and I wanted: the house in Sunset Hills, the cars, her SUV and my Beemer, the electronics, the clothes, everything else that we had...

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How I Learned to Love All Women of the World

When I grew up I always thought I knew what I liked. Sexually, I mean. I always thought I wanted a skinny girl with a nice ass and a pretty face. That's the kinda gal I dated all my years, since Junior High. But it want' until Jeannie broke up with me that I opened my eyes to a whole new world that was completely worth exploring. I was browsing profiles on some internet dating site, when I got a message from a girl. It didn't say much, mostly that all she wanted was a fuckbuddy. I considered...

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Vintage Champagne

Another one for you to comment on ..........You lead me into your bedroom by my cock sticking out of my jeans. You are wearing a really sexy basque ,that just cups under your tits pushing them out,showing of your beautiful hard long nipples. No panties to show of your beautiful hairy cunt ,hold up stockings mmmmmm you look good enough to eat . You kneel on the edge of the bed and push your arse out to me ,i kneel on the floor and move my face in between your arse cheeks , i can smell your cum...

1 year ago
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The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 1

Hello readers. This is Malvika Kapoor from Mumbai. I wanted this to write from a long time and in the last few days I had been through a lot and then thought about to assemble all the encounters and write it in a form of a story in parts. Some fiction is also added to make it spicier and dick rising tale for you guys. Suit yourself! Main Characters : Malvika Kapoor : A 38 year old lady working at the position of HR manager in a MNC. Siddhartha Kapoor : A 42 year old man , Malvika’s...

3 years ago
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The Path to Enlightenment Chapter 2

As she turned into a small alley, she noticed a trio of wrinkled beggars sitting on the rough gravel, backs to her. Homeless old men were becoming an increasingly ubiquitous feature in the peripheries of the city. They were huddled together in the cold, perceptibly shivering. Her heart went out to them. Sliding her jacket deftly off her slim shoulders, she strode towards the men, intending to offer her outerwear to protect them from the harsh weather. Hearing the sound of high heels...

4 years ago
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How My Deviant Life Started Part II

Now, you have to understand that I grew up in an conservative, but open-minded household. There was nothing special about us....working class parents with two teenage k**s just trying to keep head above water type of family. We lived in a suburban paradise in the northeast and we just got over one of the biggest natural disasters the east coast had ever had. We had four channels on our black and T.V.s, banana seats on our bikes, and the only pools were the community ones. Life was much...

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Lakshmi And Boss 8211 Real Time 8211 Part III

Hi.. Lover & Lakshmi here. Firstly let us give a “BIG CHEERS” to dear ISS TEAM MEMBERS! Hey.. “ONAM” greetings from we all.. dear ISS Team and Dear Readers….. We are astonished to see the huge number of responses, flowing in.. ISS should be proud.. See even the witters are motivated thru positive comments and replies…. Thanks a lot… But on behalf of ISS & all other writers: “FOR THE NEGATIVE COMMENTERS!” – Please avoid comments like “This story is written by a MALE, imitating as a FEMALE” the...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Friends Stocking Feet

I work at home so I often, I get to meet my wife's girlfriends. On a recent day, while my wife was out, one of her friends whom I had not met, called and asked if she could drop something off. I said, "Yes." She arrived about ten minuets later. The day was cold and kind of snowy. She rang the bell and I answered. She was very attractive in her blue jeans, turtle neck, boots and leather jacket. She handed me the item she needed to return to my wife and we stood chatting at the door for a few...

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Lesleys fuck away from home Part 1

Lesley’s fuck away from home! Part 1 This is a true story about me (Richard) and my wife Lesley, who is 32yrs old 5’3” brown hair 34c breasts 24 waist 32 hips. When we first met she had never been unfaithful to any of her other boy friends but that was all going to change with me as I have always been turned on with the thoughts of my girl friend having sex with other men. It all started on night when having sex we started to talk dirty to each other and afterwards she asked me what my fantasy...

4 years ago
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Saving the Little Girl Next DoorChapter 17

The bomb killed me instantly. Both Wayne and Erika died with me. The blast completely disintegrated Wayne's house and severely damaged the neighbouring houses. Based on what Sherwin said, the police believed in the involvement of terrorists. Since Sherwin never knew about Erika, everyone thought only Wayne and me died. Fiona never told the police what I told her, but she unsuccessfully tried to tell Sherwin. Since Erika's presence was only acknowledged in the minds of a two people who saw...

2 years ago
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The Bridesmaid Part 6

In the car home, I turned to Lisa, "What's going on?" She smiled. "What do you mean?" "You know full well what I mean." "Patience. Just have patience and all will turn out well." "Enough with the oblique comments. Tell me." I turned to Sandy, "What is going on? I've been manipulated long enough." She shrugged. "Ask Lisa. This is her show." "Very funny. I want to know, or this is over." Lisa rolled her eyes. "Oh god, she's at it again. Look, I'll tell you one thing and...

1 year ago
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Pillow Talk

Kelsey Pierce flipped a page in a book she had been reading and felt a loose strand of hair slide out from behind her ear so she pushed it back. Just as she flipped the next page in her book she came across a scene that really began to get her all hot and bothered. In the book a tall and strong man with wavy hair and large arms comes across a young maiden who was bathing in a lake. As the man approached the lake the young maiden turned to see him and shrieked. He removed his clothes revealing a...

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Gone FishinChapter 23

"What?" "I want to have a baby." "I thought you wanted to work for a while." "I do. I did. But when I saw Rachel. I ... I ... I want to have my own baby. I want us to have a hostage to fate of our own." "We can do that. There's no problem. You recall, though, it generally takes nearly a year." "You're not mad?" "Why should I be mad? I love you. I'll love our baby. Our babies. My parents will be thrilled. Your dad will be thrilled." Weena was crying, but I didn't grab...

2 years ago
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Mom and Bille 2

Mom said Billie had set up a camera and were recording everything in the other room. Billie wasn’t wearing anything and said she was ready for her turn. Now I had just had the best sex of my life but, being 18 and having mom suck my dick clean had just made it grow harder. Billie got up on the bed and mom slid off and said she was going to leave us alone. Billie reached down and grabbed my dick and said, “Oh, I see it’s getting hard again, 18 year old boys are great.” She started stroking it...

4 years ago
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Bhabi Ke Saath Wo 74 Ghante 8211 Part I

Hi Friends, Piyush here. Once again with a scintillating true life tale-expanded in four deeply engrossing parts. This is the tale of those fuck full 74 hours, which I and Bhabhi spent together-throughout naked. You have read so far the memoirs of my school days’ sex adventures, which commenced ten years ago. Here I am presenting before you the incident that took place just after passing out my Engineering, last year. You know, my sex journey started at the age of 15, when I was in class IX....

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A Good Son

It was your 18th birthday, and your mom made you go to school today anyway. You decided however, that you were an adult now and you should make your own decisions. After coming to this realization you abandon school after your second period class. Exams were over, so you weren't going to miss much, not that you particularly cared. You sneak out to the student lot and jump in your red truck, pulling out quickly. You drive all the way home to see your mom's car and and only one of your sisters'...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 110 Spring Break Mission ndash This Ainrsquot Kansas

“Upgraded electrically augmented armor protection and camouflage. Lightweight kinetic charging power source will provide thirty seconds of digital imagery covering two hundred-seventy degrees of view angle. Impact gel augmentation distributes projectile forces across armor surface,” the text read. “UD target tracking utilizes multiple spectrums. Activate?” Uh, yeah. So how do I activate? It turns out that the armor and camouflage weren’t exactly tied to the goggles. Duh! Whoever made this...

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Rajs mother

I am a 28-year-old guy. I am tall and have quite a healthy physique due to which I look younger. On first sight strangers assume I must be around 22 years old. I have a fair complexion. My friends mother is a 42yearold lady. But she has a slim and trim body she looks 36. She has black hair and has a fair complexion. My friends mother drinks every Sunday. Sometimes when she is in a really good mood she lets me join us with a beer.She never lets his son drink more however. Now I can still...

1 year ago
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Shape Of Beauty

What is the Shape of Beauty? Ask a hundred different dudes and you’ll probably get a hundred different answers. Body types seem to come in and out of fashion in the porn business, from the silicone-enhanced bimbos of the VHS era to all those sexy girls next door you see in reality porn these days. What if you’re looking for something a little bigger and better, maybe even a little something more real? is a premium BBW porn site, showcasing some of the sexiest, fattest ladies in...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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MomPOV Vids

Mom POV Vids! Do you wish that you could fuck a mom in real life? You know, instead of standing in the corner and jerking off to them as they walk by you like a fucking creep? How awesome would it be to actually fuck an experienced, horny mom that isn’t getting any dick at home?Well, you can keep dreaming! Even the most desperate women are not going to go for you. Your mother was right about that, so there is no point in wishing for the impossible. Instead, visit Mom POV Vids and watch MILF POV...

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