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Womanly By Lesley Renee Charles Chapter 1 Kyle Goodman strolled into his high school, in a relatively good mood. He was joking with his friends and clowning around when a strange black haired girl bumped into him. This set off one of his infamous tirades against women. Kyle was very misogynistic as a result of his mother leaving him with his extremely misogynistic father. "Watch where you are going, bitch." "Excuse me, show a little respect for others, Kyle. You need to learn more respect for women." Gwendolyn said. She was the new girl with black hair and an eclectic style in dressing. Today she was wearing a diaphanous black gauzy dress. "I will show respect when a woman earns it, but everyone knows men are better." Kyle stomped off and went towards his locker. Kyle was tall, slender with fiery red hair and a slight dusting of freckles. He was running for Class President and would win since he was rich and good looking. He was also arrogant and cocky and very male chauvinistic in his attitude. He could see no good in women and basically just used them and discarded them. He treated them very badly. Once he got to his locker, Lucy his locker neighbor was there and got a good dose of his verbal tirade. "Lucy, why don't you go adjust your make-up, your face paint is a mess." "I am not wearing any and don't need to. Why are the majority of men pigs?" Lucy retorted back. She was just as misandristic as Kyle was misogynistic. They had some pretty good verbal sparring with neither seeing the good in the other sex. Neither one noticed that Gwendolyn was nearby. She decided that both of them needed to learn what is was like for the other sex. Kyle needed to know what life was like for a woman, not always being treated the way a human should be treated. Lucy needed to see that some men were decent caring individuals. She decided to give them a second chance before she would implement her plan. She would give them to Prom Night and if they did not change their views before then, she would put her plans in action. Prom was less than a week a way. Chapter 2 Kyle strode into the auditorium where the prom was being held with his date, Emily Rose Smythe on his arm. He treated her like the eye candy he believed her to be. She was silently fuming over the treatment and could not believe the amount of disrespect he had for woman. She just wanted to get through this evening with the minimal amount of fuss. She regretted her decision to come here with Kyle; she thought that the stories weren't true. He ignored her all evening and left her to her own devices. Gwendolyn observed this behavior from the corner spot she was hiding in. She was wearing a sparkly gown in a decadent gold. Her long raven hair swept up in an elegant chignon. She was disappointed in that Kyle was showing even more bad manners than previously. She smiled to herself knowing how in a few moments his viewpoint would change. She hoped he would use this to become a better man and learn a valuable lesson. He had to learn that women were just as important as himself. Lucy was just entering the room with football stud, Drake Evans on her arm. He was acting all macho and arrogant or so she thought. Lucy tended to focus her thoughts on the belief that all men were dicks and acted that way. Of course, she usually dated men that were that way ignoring the nice kind guys. She too, was ignoring her date; when she wasn't harping on his macho attitude. She too, was being observed by Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn also hoped that Lucy would learn from the lesson that Gwendolyn had planned for her. She hoped that Lucy would learn that not all men were brutes and that there are good men around you just have to look for them. Kyle was wearing a pastel blue tuxedo which brought out his sapphire blue eyes. His auburn hair glistened under the lights as he led Emily Rose out onto the dance floor. He figured he would look good on the dance floor with his beautiful date. She wore a gown of lavender. Unfortunately Kyle viewed her as only eye candy and that was all she was good for in his opinion. Lucy wore a gown of lemon yellow which billowed gracefully around her svelte legs. Her pale golden hair swept up in an elegant updo. She led Drake out onto the dance floor. She, like Kyle viewed her date as eye candy. She did not really want to get to know him better as she viewed him as a typical guy. About midway through the prom, Gwendolyn thought the time was right for her intervention. She walked over to both Kyle and Lucy. "You both will learn what it is like to be something you hate. You both have a year to find someone that will treat you with respect to undo this spell. If not, then it will be permanent. I will visit you both later to start it so enjoy your last moments as you now are. I sincerely hope you both will learn to be more kind, open people and treat others with respect." Chapter 3 Kyle started to enter his room, but before switching on the light, he saw something move in the corner of his eye. He quickly switched on the light. He saw Gwendolyn standing there. He was starting to feel anxious as he had dismissed her as being crazy. "Hello Kyle, are you ready to embrace your new existence for the next year? Please come over to your mirror so that you can see what you are now." Kyle walked over to the mirror. He felt a different sway to his walk. His clothing seemed to move different. He looked into the mirror and stunned. Staring back at him was a familiar face but it was also all wrong. It was a woman's face. He looked down and noticed his pastel blue tuxedo was now a pastel blue evening gown which accented his new curves brilliantly. His auburn hair was now in a chignon. There were diamond earrings in his lobes. He also had the thought that he should be referring to himself as a she now. "That is right Kyle, you are now Kylie. In this new reality you were born a girl, everything else is the same as you still live with your misogynistic father and will have to find it in yourself to find all that is beautiful about being a woman. You will now have to experience the monthly visitor. I have also put you on birth control as I don't want you to be stuck as a woman by accident. You now have a choice, if you find you like this body and this life then just let the year run. If you want to go back to Kyle then fulfill the conditions of the spell. You have to find a man who will treat you with respect and not be with a man who treats you as you have treated woman. You will be able to access the memories of Kylie to help you throughout your new existence. They will help and guide you on this new journey. I will always be around in case you need some help and guidance." Gwendolyn vanished as soon as she finished her spiel. Kylie then looked around her room. She noticed everything was now different. There was a white canopy bed with lavender bedding. The rest of the furniture was in white wicker. Now there was also a white vanity covered with all kind of make-up. She walked over to her closet and saw all kinds of dresses and skirts, but hardly any trousers. Her walls were now lilac. She decided to get ready for bed. She slipped off the gown, and took a good look at her lingerie. She was wearing a sky blue bra which hugged her average size breasts. She noticed that she made an attractive woman. She was average in height and slender. She stripped out of her underwear and looked at her new nude body. She had to get used to the sight of having a mound and a slit now, instead of a penis and scrotum. She got curious as to how the new body felt. She slipped a finger into her vagina and enjoyed the sensations. She caressed her new breasts and nearly screamed with ecstasy. She went over to her dresser, used her new memories to find her nightgowns and slipped on a sheer pink baby doll. She then got into the bed and asleep. Memories of Kyle flashing through her troubled mind. Chapter 4 Lucy was about to enter her room when she felt the presence of Gwendolyn there. She switched on the light and felt compelled to view herself in her standing mirror. She walked over to it, noticing that her walked seemed off. Her strides seemed longer and there was no impediment that the long dress should have given. When she got to the mirror, she noticed that she was taller, her hair was now in a shaggy style. Her brows were thicker, her jaw squarer, with a hint of stubble. That was when she realized that she was now a man. She took in her broader shoulders, flatter chest when she notice her new bigger package. "That is right Lucy, you are now Luke. You still live with your mother who is still bitter against men for what your father did to her. You have a year to decide to stay in this body and life by not fulfill the spell or go back to being Lucy, by learning to be a kind and gentle man and treat a woman with respect. I want you to know that you have memories of being Luke to help you through this new life. You will be able to access them when you need their help. I will also be around should you need my help." Like with Kyle, Gwendolyn vanished. Luke looked down and noticed he was now in a light yellow suit. The jacket emphasized his new broad body. He decided to get undressed so he removed the suit. He noticed now he only had on a pair of bikini briefs which emphasized his new penis. He lowered the briefs to get a better look. He was slightly above average in size. He went to his dresser and put on a clean pair of briefs and a pair of pajamas. He noticed that his room now took on a more masculine appearance. There were sexy posters of bikini clad women around his room. He got into his new bed and dreamed of being Lucy. Chapter 5 "Get up, girl and get my breakfast ready. Don't forget you have a lot of household chores to do. After all you are a woman and have to take care of my house." Kylie tried to shut out the drone of her father's yelling. She knew she was going to have a hard time now, knowing how her father was before and now she was what her father felt was inferior. She got out of bed and made it to her shower, to get the sleep out of her system. Showering as a woman was more erotic than as a man. The water hitting her breasts was giving her sensations she never felt before. She thought shaving her legs was hard. She had hoped that last night was a dream. I have to do what I can to get back to being me again, she thought to herself. After her shower, she threw on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt as she felt she had a lot of work to do and did not want to take care of her appearance. She walked out to the kitchen to get her father's breakfast ready. "What are you doing trying to like a boy, do you think you are worthy enough to look like the better sex? I don't think so. Go back and get dressed like the woman you are, dress or skirt and for goodness put some make-up on. I don't want to look at your face like that. Then you can do your chores and leave me alone." Kylie's fears came true. Her father was mean, abusive and ignoring her; just like he did when Kylie was Kyle. "I can't wait to go back to school Monday." Kylie muttered to herself as she served her father breakfast. She then went back to her room and got dressed like her father wanted or she would be punished. She went on autopilot and let Kylie's memories take over so that she could make up her face like her father wanted. Then she spent the rest of the day accomplishing her chores. She cleaned the house from top to bottom and Sunday was the same. Finally Monday came and she got ready for her first day at school. She got dressed in a plain skirt and blouse and tied her hair in a ponytail. She wore minimal make up per school regulations. She went out to wait for her bus. "Looks like the rich girl is condescending to ride the bus with us." "Yeah, stuck-up bitch." Kylie lowered her head in shame. "I so have to change my life around." She thought to herself. As the bus took her off to school, she was lost in her thoughts. Chapter 6 "What is that stiffness I feel down in my crotch?" Luke thought to himself before he realized he had what he heard other guys mention as morning wood. He looked down to see a nice size pole sticking up. "How do I get rid of this annoying thing? I miss being a girl so much, I hope I can get back to being one." He accidentally touched the pole and noticed the wonderful sensations coursing through his body. He kept up stroking until he felt it twitch and release this white goo. "Yuck, what a mess. Being a guy is just so messy and annoying." He got out of bed and went into the shower. Showering with his new body was an experience he wanted to forget. First off, shaving a face is way different than shaving legs. Second all that ugly body hair all over his body. Yuck. Then washing his penis, and it getting hard again. "Don't that thing ever stop?" Luke got dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. He quick combed his hair and went out to the kitchen. His mother was there and she shot him a nasty look. "Why did I have to be stuck with a male pig as a son? Why couldn't I have a daughter? Go do something useful, like some of the yard work. That is all that a man is good for." Just as Luke feared, his mother had no use for him and would spout a lot of misanthropic statements. Luke was starting to get an understanding of how the guys she bad-mouthed felt. He spent all weekend doing all the chores his mother told him to do. On Monday, he got dressed in khakis and went out to the bus stop. There all the girls flirted with him, trying to get his attention. Chapter 7 Kylie walked into the school, suddenly aware of all the guys staring at her new body. "I am glad I wore a longer skirt. Is this how it felt to girls when I was staring at them?" She walked to her locker which happened to be the same locker as when she was Kyle. She looked at her class schedule that was taped in her locker and noticed a lot of changes. She had less advanced academic classes and most of those were more language based and English classes and less Math and Science. Also she now had Home Economics and she feared that was geared to making her a housewife for a future husband. "I still want to go to college and have a career, why should I just be some guy's trophy?'" Then she finally realized that this was the role she forced on her girlfriends when she was Kyle. "How could I have been such a jerk? I got to go back to being Kyle but I will change my past behavior and hope it is not too late to start anew." She grabbed her books for her first class then went to homeroom. As she made her way there she was very mindful of the eyes following her. It slightly crept her out. At the same time she was doing this, Luke was strutting into the school. He was surrounded by his mates, who wanted to talk about the girls they were dating and what they were willing to do. Luke did not like how they referred to women and told them off. Luke decided that he would try not to be like a jerk he used to feel all men were, but he was afraid that that witch's spell was going to make him be that guy. He decided that he would learn to be a guy but also treat women with respect and not as objects. He left his friends, and went on to his locker. He checked his class schedule and noticed more masculine classes than he had before as Lucy. He grabbed his books and went to homeroom. "There are some pluses to being a man, but these harsher fabrics have got to go." Kylie did not have much problems until she got to Home Ec. She foolishly decided to not let her girl memories take over and almost destroyed the kitchen when she let the blender explode all over the place. She almost got her wish and was kicked out of the class but the school policy was that all girls had to take the class. As Kylie was leaving she bumped into Kevin, Captain of the Football team. He made up his mind that Kylie was going to be his latest conquest. "Are you doing anything Saturday night?" "No, I am free, why?" "Would you like to go out to the movies?" "Sure" "I will pick you up at seven." "I will be waiting. Good bye." "See you Saturday, Babe." He left her standing there wondering if she made a mistake. Luke left his last class when he noticed Serena, one of the head cheerleaders, walking towards him. He got nervous and tongue-tied. He also felt a stirring in his groin. "Not now. How do guys put up with this thing?" "Serena, would you like to go to the movies Saturday?" "That would be lovely, pick me up at seven." She gave him her address and phone and left. Chapter 8 Saturday night arrived. Kylie was in her bedroom putting on the finishing touches to her make-up. She smoothed out her light blue skirt and navy top. She dressed casual but nice as she wanted to make a good first impression on her first date as a girl. She was nervous about it and prayed that Kevin would not be a jerk like Kyle used to be. She heard the doorbell and heard her father say, "So you are going to take the bitch out?" Kylie cringed; how could a father call his own daughter a bitch? "Yes sir, I am here to take you beautiful daughter out on a date. How could you call her that?" "I wanted a son, this is a man's world. I did not want a girly, feminine child. At least she could have been more a tomboy and I would not have minded her being a girl." "You are a misogynistic bastard. Call her down and we will leave before I punch your lights out." Kylie rushed down the stairs. Kevin ushered her out of the door and down to his car. He held the door open for her as she entered the car; careful not to wrinkle her skirt. He drove them to the movie theater. * * * * * * * * * * * * Luke put on a dark green pair of corduroys and a flannel shirt. He thought he looked cool and masculine. There were some aspects of being a male that were nice. Like how quick you could get dressed; but they were other parts that the Lucy part of him cringed over. Erections for one, she did not understand how males thought they were great, she found them disgusting. The Luke part took over so that he could finish up dressing so he could go pick up Serena. He went down the stairs and told his mother that he was going on a date. "That's fine, don't be a prick though." "I will treat her like a lady. Why do you assume I am going to be a bastard just because I am a male?" "Because all men are pricks and think with their dick is why." Luke left before he called his mother all kind of nasty names. He got into his car and drove over to Serena's house. He climbed up the steps to her front door and rang the bell. Her father answered. "How can I help you, son?" "I am here to pick up your daughter and take her to the movies. I will have her back home as soon as the movie is over." "Thank you, son. Serena your date is here." Serena answered her father, as she was coming down the stairs. She was eager to go out with Luke as she viewed him as a great catch. Luke escorted her to his car and helped her in; treating her like a lady. He drove them to the movies. * * * * * * * * * * * Kevin and Kylie arrived at the multiplex and were trying to decide on a movie. Kevin wanted an action flick and Kylie wanted to see a chick flick. They finally settled on "Clerks". "I hear this is funny." Kevin said. Kylie agreed and so they went in. * * * * * * * * * * * * Serena and Luke arrived and they agreed quickly that they both wanted to see "Clerks". They walked into the lobby and bumped into Kevin and Kylie. Luke felt an immediate attraction to Kylie and she felt the same to Luke. Chapter 9 When the movie was over the two couples met in the lobby and decided to go to the local ice cream shop for some ice cream. Luke asked Kylie for a dance, after putting a quarter in the jukebox. Kylie accepted and felt at ease in his arms. Kyle felt that this was different than what he was used to when he was the man in the relationship. He did kind of like being guided but he was hoping to meet a man who would treat him with respect so he could go back to his previous life, but with one major change; he no longer viewed women as objects and he vowed he would treat them better. Lucy also felt that it was different being the man and guiding a girl around the dance floor. She felt the power that men had, but she vowed she was not going to treat a woman like an object since she hated that she was treated that way. She also could not wait for the spell to end so that she could go back to being herself; she too vowed that she would not assume the worst in men and that there are some nice guys around. Meanwhile Kevin asked Serena for a dance. He loved the feeling of having her in his muscular arms. He felt an attraction to her and was willing to see how far it would lead. * * * * * * * * * * * Monday morning, Luke approached Kylie at her locker as she was getting her books for her first class. "I had a lot of fun dancing with you on Saturday. Would you like to go out on a date with me?" "Sure, I would love to. I had great fun with you. I sense a kindred spirit with you." "Same here. How about tomorrow night I take you out to dinner?" "That would be lovely." "I will pick you up at seven and dress fancy." "Fine, I will see you then." Kylie was planning what to wear when she decided she didn't have a dress fancy enough. She decided to go to the mall once school was finished. She started to walk down the hall while listening to the catcalls from the cocky males. She thought to herself so this is how I was like when I was doing that. I promise to never make someone feel as small as I feel right now. I never realized how hard it is for women to go through this as often as they do. I will not treat someone like that anymore when I am back to being Kyle. Kylie learned several lessons on being a woman. She learned that periods are not fun to go through. She now had to take longer to get ready for everything. Putting on make-up took a lot of time; also styling your hair. Putting on all the fancy lingerie also took time. She missed how easy it was to get dressed as a male. Luke meanwhile, was planning which suit to wear. He also felt that Kylie was special. He felt a tingle in his groin when he was with her. He wanted her to be his steady girlfriend and would treat her accordingly. * * * * * * * * * * * Tuesday night came. Kylie was dressed in a black and gold dress she bought yesterday. It suited her very well. She also bought matching shoes. She was just finishing sweeping her curls in an elegant hairdo, when she heard the doorbell. She prayed that her father would not be an asshole, but she knew that was a given. Luke's introduction to her father was a repeat of last Saturday. * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter 10 Luke decided to take Kylie out to an exclusive restaurant. He wanted the date to be special as he was falling in love with her. She was a beautiful woman who was confident in herself. In fact she reminded him of Lucy, but not as resentful of men. After dinner, Luke asked Kylie if she wanted to go for a walk in the rose gardens, that were in full bloom. Kylie agreed and they strolled off. "Luke, I am enjoying being with you. You are a wonderful guy." Kylie thought to herself that Luke was how she should have been when she was Kyle. "Kylie, I too am enjoying being with you. You are a perfect lady." They strolled along, enjoying the sights and smells of the rose garden. The magic of the garden taking its toll on the two blooming lovebirds. Each one wondering if they were closer to being a couple and if that would change after they changed back. They didn't know the answer to the question, besides they didn't even know if they were close to breaking the spell. Luke took Kylie into his strong, muscular arms and softly caressed her slender shoulders. Kylie moaned and encouraged him to go further. Luke reached in for a kiss, nothing but a gentle lover's kiss. Kylie let him approach and place his lips on hers. It was a truly magical moment. Kyle took his lips from Lucy's. He asked her for another date and she said yes.

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Impersonating an Impersonator "Rob, you need to do something. These paparazzi give me no peace. I don't want to talk about Alex." Melody Rodriguez, the glamorous up and coming star in Hollywood was in her plush suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel. She had been discovered about two years earlier. She modelled her looks on Marilyn Monroe with full blonde hair and full pouty red lips. Her 36-24-34 figure was a copy of Monroe. She was a few inches taller than Monroe's 5'5". She had...

2 years ago
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Using lace pt 2

Stepping out of the limo Lacey relished the cool night air on her flushed body. Leaning against the cold metal for support she tried to calm her racing nerves. Never in her life would she view a limo the same again. Every inch of her screamed in need and demanded completion. How could he do that to her. He seemed so heartless sometimes. Bringing her to the brink of cumming only to stop and leave her hungry and unsated. Looking over at Antonio as he stepped out he looked so calm, unfazed even....

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Johnny Pulaski and the Cult of AmunRaChapter 4

Bashar picked up the pottery food storage containers from the underground room three days after the gate was installed. During those three days away from the dig Johnny stayed busy by operating what amounted to a free clinic for the local villagers. He set up an awning outside the dispensary and treated anyone who walked up. Word of the clinic spread quickly and he and Hala stayed busy. For Johnny, treating the ill and injured without the pressure of collecting exorbitant fees, was what...

3 years ago
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Blood LustChapter 14

Tom pushed his shaking, rattling car to the limit, trying to get to Sam's Tavern as quickly as possible. When he arrived at the scene, he found that the area had already been cordoned off by a number of black and whites, their red and blue lights reflecting off the nearby buildings, alternately creating and destroying monstrous shadows. Tom wryly noticed that, despite the late hour, a small crowd of onlookers had already begun to gather outside the yellow tape. As Tom exited the vehicle,...

2 years ago
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Mount Up Boy and Girls

There are hundreds of thousands of people who are addicted to sex, in the same way some people must have cigarettes, drugs, or alcoholic beverages. The sex that I'm referring to is far more than just the sex act itself. It starts hours or even days before meeting with the other person. It stirs the imagination. Chemicals are released causing excitement, happiness, even if the meeting has anxious parts, such as sneaking to avoid an employer, or a mate. If for some reason the addicted person...

4 years ago
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Young Man Used by a Married Couple

What I’m about to tell you happened fifteen years ago. It’s only after reading other people’s experiences online that I’m beginning to take ownership of that event. All through my twenties I was disgusted by the memory of what I allowed that night, but these days the memory burns white hot and I find myself wishing it could happen again. But I’m no longer the lean and muscular young man I was, so I doubt such a thing ever will.Back then my particular thing was the thought of fucking another...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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My First Time

My First TimeSnuggling close to you, your arms pull me closer, even in your sleep. I kiss your lips softly, smiling to myself. My heart, mind, and soul are full of you. I'm happier than I've ever been, more content. All is right and wonderful in my world.I lay next to you, thinking of the things we have shared, everything that you have done for me, taken and made the time to do. Images from the video you sent last week linger in mind and I am instantly filled with desire. I try to settle and...

4 years ago
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The Night I Shared my Wife Ch 2

I broke away from my beautiful wife and asked him, “Alec, would you like to dance with the lady?” That was probably one of the hardest things I had ever done, as badly as I wanted her right then! Alec looked at me with shock on his face. He had no idea that Michelle and I wanted him to be her leading man for some hot lovemaking. But, he eagerly got off the couch. I gave Michelle one last lingering kiss and passed her off to him. Alec looked a little shy at first, not sure what he should do,...

2 years ago
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Sex in the City Chapter 1

A new neighborhoodAlice looked up at the apartment block and smiled before turning back to Charles, “Well we had better get started, it is going to be a long day moving everything in. I still think we should have paid to have a removal company shift our stuff rather than doing it ourselves”.Charles scowled, “I know but we have saved ourselves a fortune which is a good thing considering the mortgage cost on this place.  Even with my pay raise for accepting the promotion we are still only just...

4 years ago
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The Conversation AKA No Good Deed

The Conversation AKA No Good Deed By Laura Anne Mason NOTE: I'm a longtime reader, but this is my first story submission - exploring how seemingly kind and charitable intentions could result in a man being trapped in a servile female role... forever! It's a little different than the norm, but hope you like it :) ************* Diane dreaded the conversation she had to have, but she couldn't put it off any longer. With her husband Jack out with friends, now was a perfect time. So...

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Teacher Student

Hi this is Pabby…I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, living in Chandigarh. Married/unmarried/ unsatisfied women/couples contact me for a satisfying date. Ladies call me for escort contact me immediately. Secrecy guaranteed and demanded. Only serious people contact me now at “We have a lot of work to do if you’re going to finish this project by Friday,” Miss Heena said while reviewing Neha’s notes, “drop by my apartment this evening around seven, I think with a little concentrated...

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Cover UpChapter 4

Ed was driving fast on Interstate 15, about ten miles west of Baker, when he suffered a blow out of his right front tire. He fought the car as it careened crazily to the right, off onto the soft shoulder of the road. By the time he got the car back under control again, the front wheel had come off, and the exhaust system had been knocked off as well, when the car passed over a large rock. The Highway Patrol radioed into Baker for a tow truck, and Ed and Maria were forced to get a motel room...

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Broken PromisesChapter 29

The Blue Boar Inn was a fairly upscale bistro, and it had the virtue of not being a place that her ex-fiancée frequented. And, it was also a tad further up the food chain than the Sand Bar. Marian Carton was in a wistful mood. She missed her man Julian Willis. But, throw away a half million dollars? Not happening. She just couldn’t bring herself to do it. And then it happened, a man, a man she knew plopped down on the bar stool next to the one she was sitting on. She couldn’t believe it. “I...

2 years ago
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A Friend Of Her Sons

A Friend Of Her Son's "Oh, hello Mrs White. I'm sorry to trouble you but is your son in please?" I hear this pretty but rather nervous young blonde say to me as I come face to face with her for the first time at my own front door. "She must be his latest girlfriend," I say to myself, as I let her into my home. I can see she why my son would want to go out with someone like her. She has a lovely figure and, how do you guys say it, all the curves in the right places? Anyway, from...

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Divine And Erotic Coupling Between Son And Mother

My sexual relations with my mother started when I was eighteen and she was 37. Dad was a simple Government servant whose appetite for sex was minimal. He fucked mom maybe once a month and that too was a ritual. I did not know any of this until one day when I was 18, I was lying on my back on the bed and masturbating, when mom suddenly walked in. Let me describe all three members of my family here. My father as I said was a government clerk and he was about 5’7″ in height and slightly on the...

4 years ago
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Interlude 2377

Twenty Three The exertion of her encounter with JD, coupled with the outrageous fruit wine and the smooth ‘motion of the ocean’ as the boat slipped through the night had combined to give her one of the deepest, most relaxing sleeps she had ever enjoyed. JD’s breakfast was excellent. She wasn’t sure what he had put into his scrambled eggs, but they were delicious. Sitting at the table munching on them, she had an evil thought that maybe he had put some of his ‘special sauce’ into them....

2 years ago
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Pillow Princess For My Bestie Finally Tasted Her

The familiar feeling of charlie's lips hungrily exploring my throbbing pussy brought as much sexual comfort as it did excitement. I let the pleasure she gave me bubble up out of my throat in a variety of gasps and sighs, the freedom I felt with her filling my body with anticipation and relief. Charlie is my oldest and best friend, since before she changed her name from Charlotte to Charlie. Her mouth swerved hotly back and forth across my tummy, teasing me before she plunged back down towards...

1 year ago
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The Apogee Amulet

A horse's penis is a very different proposition to that of a human or even of a dog, but Kate was in great need, the hunger she felt for semen so intense and a horse's penis such a fine provider, that only the call of her mistress, Candice, could drag her from her efforts. The horse stood, curiously motionless, while with both her hands and her mouth Kate pummeled and squeezed and twisted and bent and chewed and licked the penis of Firebrand, the noble steed upon which her mistress and the...

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Super Market Stalker

I am a 66 year old man. Not the most handsome man but I do look like Santa Claus. I am out going and friendly. So I guess I appeal to a certain type of woman. I am 5’ 10” inches tall and I spend a fair amount of time out and about. I am married and have been for 42 years. My wife and I have an open relationship. She keeps telling me I should find a new model and replace her. I had something happen yesterday afternoon that I had to write about because it has happened a lot. I do all the...

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The VoicesChapter 10

It soon became obvious to me that CO2 had been wrong in his prediction about me not regretting my decision to cede more control to him and the other voices. It just made me uncomfortable, allowing them to have such control of my life. I realized I'd never be satisfied allowing anyone else to change me, and those around me, no matter how gradual and subtle those changes might end up being. Perhaps it all stemmed from my earlier experiences with the voices, but I just couldn't summon up the...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 4

The night with Zelena wasn’t just a one night thing. Somehow, it had developed into a two night thing and then a three night fling. That’s was several weeks ago. Azelia finds herself alone on the weekend in the human’s bed. Zelena is out shopping with a friend, leaving the alien to sleep in. After all, last night was pretty much an all-nighter. Azelia can’t figure out how the girl can be so energized, especially enough to go shopping. But maybe that is just the way human women work. Or maybe...

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Tabooville Episode 3

At least once a day for the week Chrissy visited, Paul and Cindy found time to fuck her, lick her, and generally use her in any way she wanted. Chrissy had finally admitted that she had really wanted to fuck Paul but figured he was off limits. Cindy confided to her that she and Paul had an open and honest relationship with emphasis on honest. Each could play with others as long as they were honest with each other and that any interaction with others did not lead to a long term relationship that...

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Male Erotic Allround Therapy

(Male Erotic Allround Therapy) John was an average man in is late thirties, who had most things in life sorted out. One thing that was missing in his life though was an intimate relationship with a loving woman. He had a couple of romances before, but none was quite fulfilling for him. He just didn´t seem to find the right partner. His last relationship was already through, and his ex had a new boyfriend by now, whom John couldn´t stand, but she still seemed to care for John, since she...

3 years ago
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The Bottle Section

The Bottle Section Note to the Readers: This was my very first attempt at an erotic story and I have yet to submit it online anywhere. Please be kind with your criticism, though any criticism is accepted. Thank you for taking the time to read. Enjoy.  He didn’t necessarily have everything I was looking for. He had more. I was intrigued by his appetite for attention. It wasn’t obvious that he wanted to impress me, to the others. But it was obvious to me. The mocha toned skin matched mine and...

1 year ago
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Faeophobia Pregnancy Scare

It had always been about tits. The question was, what should a girl do with them? Nancy had solved the problem, she thought. Not like the rest of the human girls at Madison University. She smiled with a wicked gleam as she strutted through the Student Center Food Court. The Creatures of Fairy no longer bothered her. It was her turn now, It was Nancy's turn to make jaws drop, to cause heads to shake in dismay; and to cause cocks to harden in her wake. Ever since the Celestial Conjuction a few...

2 years ago
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After Five YearsChapter 18

2009 - Egypt Once again we were fully dressed and all the ladies were silent when we had our breakfast in the hotel restaurant. I had reserved and paid for the rooms for three days, so nobody would question if we left the hotel carrying only some light packages with us. Of course, it was also good to have some kind of backup plan if my initial plan failed for some reason. I just wasn’t yet sure what that backup plan would be. If we were betrayed now, there was a big possibility that I...

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Bonnie and Clyde Armistead

Occasionally, I get a story idea sent to me by a reader. This story is based on one such offering. It is completely fiction, and the allusion to the infamous Bonnie and Clyde is per their names only; put another way, this story has no relationship whatsoever to the gangster pair of the 1930s. Similarly, the Ana Campanas character in the story is no relation to the "Woman in Red" of John Dilinger fame either. At any rate, here goes. "Such is the pow'r of love in gentle mind that it can...

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monday morning

i guess you guys liked my last story so i thought i'd keep it going since we fucked all summeri didnt talk to max till monday at work i came in all nervous not knowing what to expect.when i got there he acted like nothing had happened and it was bussiness as usual until lunch max asked me if i wanted to go lunch with him so i went he was quiet for little bit but then he asked me what i thought about what had happened so i told im i liked it. he asked me if i'd like to keep it up and i had to...

1 year ago
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me mom dad

me n my dad r good friend anybody see us will tell we r not father n son the way we talk. I always wanted to fuck my sexy mom she has a nice body big boobs round ass she always wear shree at home or we go out one day me n my dad were drinking I asked my dad that I wanted to fuck mom he said ok but my sure don't tell any one I said ok I well not tell any one than he said nobody will be home tomorrow so we can have some fun I will ask her at night ok n let u now I said ok so I want in my room n...

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Futanari tales by Serca45

This is formally "the futanari cab driver" but has now changed... I have alot of stories going right now but this is one of my favorites, this story has alot of branches though so be sure to like/comment on the threads you like. All that aside this is a collection of stories written by me involving futanari, please enjoy!

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Forever of the Wood Part Two of Two

Kia gasped when one of Steve’s hands slipped beneath her skirt. Her hand crept between his legs again, and she shivered from the combination of his touch and the feeling of his hard cock beneath her fingers. She needed more, and tried to remove his belt. He released her nipple with a final kiss and rose up to his knees. She panted in anticipation as he peeled off his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. While he finished the work she’d started on his belt, Kia sat up in order to reach the...

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Ambers Weekly Reckoning

"Cocoa sir. Nodding off a bit?" "Ah what, oh yes my cocoa. Nodding off you say? Well I suppose it's getting on to bed time." "Its Thursday evening sir, here let's have a sip now." "I can hold the cup my self you know; oh very well carry on then. Ah, that is good cocoa Amber. Thursday evening you say and nearly time for bed." "No sir, it's only eight o'clock and sir knows I like holding the cup, another sip?" "Oh, alright... I supposed then maybe some reading. Did you see my...

1 year ago
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Reddit ChickFlixxx, aka r/ChickFlixxx! Uh oh, it looks like we’ve got one of those feminist ratholes up in this bitch. What am I talking about? Well, there’s this sub called /r/chickflixxx that seems to be all about “female empowerment” and “letting women finally have a say when it comes to NSFW subs”. Listen, if your gender wasn’t full of squeamish and delicate little bitches, then I think that you could have a say on any NSFW subreddit. The thing about girls is that they just aren’t so...

Reddit NSFW List
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Chub slave

Look at that ass, look at all that ass. Fat and ready to go. What would you do if you found this naughty chub alone and naked in the forest. Would you take advantage of that ass? I know what you're thinking, and I know that guilty look, you would take advantage of his fat ass. Well, let me tell you my tale...He would be in so much trouble if I found him like that. I mean, what is he going to do? He's caught naked in the forest and there I come along. I told him: Drop to your knees now. He is...

3 years ago
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I rose from the dead, except thqt's putting it simply. I was never alive and still wasn't, in the way some people are. Even creatures made of gas and lightning are more like a standard mortal than a real angel or devil, which are themselves not quite as weird to a human in this world as dimensions like me. I recall what banished me, for the last thousand years. It wasn't a man I hate, for I cannot blame him. I have come to ruin this world, and he saved it. I have returned to ruin it more. I see...

4 years ago
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I Dream of DemieChapter 7

When I got home Friday evening I grabbed a beer and plopped my ass down on the couch. I was tired! It had been almost two weeks since Demie had come into my life but sometimes it felt like longer ... months ... years? I heard a cat howling outside. One of the neighbors hadn’t gotten her fixed so she was calling out for the local toms* to come put some kittens in her belly. The thought gave my dick a little pep. Cripes, my newfound impregnation kink knew no bounds! (* The irony of the...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 81

Even though Hailey had fallen asleep on Phil’s shoulder, she awoke with him pressed up against her from behind. She put her hand on the one that gripped her breast. She groaned when Phil, seeing that she was awake, began manipulating the supple nipple until it stood out proudly from her orb. He woke her up the same way every morning he got up before her. And he had arisen, Hailey knew, because she could feel it pressing into her backside. She rolled over and kissed him gently. He pushed her...

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Gym Teacher

Gym Teacher by Cindy V It is not politically correct to say this, but most teachers of academic subjects like myself feel superior to teachers of the non- academic subjects. And the least academic subject of them all has to be gym. Excuse me - physical education. I mean, come on - anyone can stand in front of a class and count a cadence for jumping jacks. Even hygiene, the one real class that gym teachers teach, is pretty easy. Any real teacher could cram for a week and then teach...

1 year ago
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A Boy and His dungeon VIII

Over the next week I settled in, getting the house in order, learning my way around the campus, and became familiar with the Land Rover. Jill all but moved in, sleeping with me most nights. Conner came up with digital copies of out text books as well as digital transcripts of the associated lectures. All of us started challenging required courses and freeing up time. I continued to challenge all my courses except for my computer courses because I wanted to keep access to the school's...

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The FHA Section 1 The Night Before

SECTION 1 - THE NIGHT BEFORE Glen threw the door back into its frame behind him and it shut with a slam. The panes of glass in the window of the door rattled in their casings as the vibrations faded away. He threw his school bag down and it hit the wall on the way down. Glen huffed to himself, what a day. He had got in to trouble in nearly all of his lessons, and had actually ended up with a detention after school and had only just got back from it. He had had an argument with his two...

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Loving my brother

100% fiction! My name is Carrie. I'm an 18 year old girl with an 20 year old brother named Mark. Mark is home for the summer from the same college I will going to in the fall. Unlike most brother and sisters that I know Mark and I are very close. I consider him my best friend. We are always teasing, chasing each other around the house and wrestling. As hard as I try I can never get the best of him, but he is a good sport and lets me think I have a chance. A couple of years ago I started to look...


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