Lisa learns the hard way
- 1 year ago
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Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies. She?d passed all the interviews and had finally landed the job. All that was left was to see the personnel manager to sort out some final details. She knocked on the door and entered the office.
?Ah, Miss Jones. Welcome to Amalgamated Holdings. I?m Christine Holmes.? The personnel officer, a smartly dressed woman in her early thirties, stood up and came round from behind her desk.
?Dr Andrews was most impressed with your interview. We?re sure you?ll make a good addition to the team. You graduated last month, I understand.?
?Yes, I have my degree certificate with me.?
?Oh, that?s not necessary. We got confirmation from your collage. This must be quite a step for you.?
?Yes, I?m very excited. It?s a bit of a worry being so far away from home but I?m sure I?ll manage.?
?I wanted to talk to you about that. Have you found anywhere to stay? I have a list of flat letting agencies if you like. Alternatively have you thought of lodging somewhere? It?s much cheaper and can make things easier settling in.?
?I don?t know. I?m not sure what to do.? Lisa realised that in the excitement of getting the job she?d plain forgot about somewhere to live. And she was due to start next week. What was she to do?
?Tell you what. I know just the place for you. Excuse me while I make a phone call.? Christine sat down again and picked up the phone. In a few seconds she was connected.
?Judy, hi it?s Christine here. I?ve got a young lady looking for digs. If I?m not mistaken she?s just your sort. You?ve not got anyone at the moment have you? Can I send her round??
Lisa felt slightly bowled over by how quickly her life seemed to have been taken over but the digs sounded like a good idea and it was better than flat hunting. She had enough to organise as it was.
After a few minutes Christine put down the phone. ?That?s settled then. Judy would love to meet you and see if you?re compatible. Here, let me write down the address. It?s quite easy to get to by bus. You haven?t got a car have you??
Lisa took the bit of paper with the address on it. Christine had also written careful instructions about bus routes and stops so it would be easy to find. ?When can I go to see her?? she asked.
?Fortunately Judy, err Miss Ford, is free this afternoon. She?s expecting you as soon as possible. Best to get these things sorted out right away. Now off you go and we?ll see you next week. Welcome aboard.?
As Lisa sat on the bus she wondered what she had let herself in for. This Miss Ford sounded like an old battle-axe. Still she?d stay there until she found somewhere better. Finally the bus arrived at her stop and she got off. It was not what she was expecting at all. The area was obviously quite prosperous and when she found the house she was surprised by how big it was. Surely someone who could afford a house like this wouldn?t take in lodgers. She walked up to the front door and rang the bell. When the door was answered she was in for another shock. Miss Ford wasn?t an old battle axe at all but a slim athletic woman about the same age as Christine Holmes. Smartly and elegantly dressed she looked like some sort of powerful business woman, not the sort to take in lodgers at all.
?Hi, you must be Lisa Jones. Do come in. Would you like a cup of tea?? Lisa felt herself swept into the house, still to taken aback to do anything but follow.
?You must call me Judy. I can?t be doing with too much formality. Anyway I?m sure we?ll be friends.? Judy took Lisa into the kitchen and put the kettle on. ?Christine told me something about you but only the bare details. I gather you start with Amalgamated next week. Must be quite exciting. Now tell me all about yourself.?
Lisa soon fond that she was telling her life story to Judy. After a slightly nervous start she relaxed and found that Judy was very easy to get on with. Perhaps this wasn?t such a bad idea after all.
?So, you?re moving down here from Manchester. That?s quite a step. You won?t be able to get home much. How does your boyfriend feel about that??
?Oh, I haven?t got a boyfriend. I never seemed to find the time, what with my degree and all.?
?No boyfriend? I must admit I?ve never been much on the male of the species myself. Well I?m sure you?ll fit in here just fine. Here let me show you the rest of the house.?
Judy took Lisa and showed her the room that would become hers, where all the bits an pieces were and finally took her out and showed her the garden.?
?Oooh, I like this. You keep it very well, and so private.?
?Well I like my privacy. I don?t have any rules but one I do insist on that that my private stuff is just that, private. Do you understand??
?Yes, yes, of course.?
?Well, we?ll get on just fine then. I think we?ve covered everything. I?ll let you get back to Manchester and see you next Sunday, moving in day. I?m sure we?re going to be very happy together.?
Sunday came and Lisa moved in. She found that Judy was the perfect landlady. Indeed she was more of a friend than a landlady and they soon started doing things together. In particular Judy jogged every morning. Lisa joined her and they would do two circuits of the local park. In shorts and a tight tee shirt Judy looked magnificent and Lisa found herself staring at her in admiration. She?d never met anyone like this. So kind, so helpful, so, dare she say it, beautiful?? She remembered feeling this way about her gym teacher back in school. She?s never done anything about it of course but she wondered what it meant. Why did she feel like this?
One thing she soon found that was Judy went out every Friday, punctual as clockwork. Lisa asked where she was going but only got evasive answers. ?Out. That?s all you need to know.? Was all Judy would say. It was on a Friday then that Lisa found herself alone in the house. There was nothing to watch on the television and she was bored. She moped around for a while and then began to look at the books in the book case. Tucked away on the top shelf was a photo album. She remembered Judy?s request for privacy but if it was out on the bookcase surely it wouldn?t hurt to look. She got it down and lay it out on the coffee table.
As she turned the pages Lisa cold hardly believe what she was looking at. It was full of photos, mostly Polaroid?s, of young women. Some were dressed as maids, some in school uniform, some wearing nothing except leather straps that looked like a horses bridal but each picture kept to the general theme. All the women were being punished, or something like it. It wasn?t just that canes and paddles featured heavily but the women being punished were all in totally humiliating positions. One picture in particular caught her eye. A young woman, not much older than herself was dressed up as a maid. However she was shown from behind, bent over, her skirt pulled up around her waist and her panties down around her ankles. She was bent so far over that she was clearly showing her most private parts and, to cap it all, there were a series of red stripes across her bottom. It took little imagination to see that she had been caned, and quite severely. But the bit that got to Lisa most of all was that she was looking back so her face was quite visible. Instead of the tears, or a grimace that Lisa would have suspected she had the biggest grin on her face. She may be bent over in the most humiliating position, she may have been caned, but she was obviously enjoying herself.
Lisa flicked through the rest of the album. Some of the women were performing the most degrading acts, all were posed so that they had no dignity, showing their all, but many were smiling and all seemed to be there by choice. Some of the photos showed the women giving the punishment. She recognised Judy in many of the shots. Sometimes holding a cane, sometimes a paddle, and sometimes objects that Lisa couldn?t recognise. In each case her dress matched the pose. If the punished were dressed as a schoolgirl then the punisher would be dressed most severely, as if she were a strict teacher. If the punished were dressed as a maid the punisher would be dressed as a Victorian lady.? There was obvious attention to detail.
Lisa realised that Judy would be home soon. She pushed the album back where it belonged and hurried off to bed. As she lay between the sheets her mind whirled. Part of her wondered ?How could they? How could anyone allow herself to be trussed, tied, beaten, and, above all, exposed in that way. She?d be mortified to let anyone see her like that, let alone take photographs. On the other hand part of her, part she hardly dared admit to, was strongly aroused. She tossed and turned and was still wide awake when she heard Judy come home. Part of her wanted to ask Judy about the photos but that would be admitting that she?s pried. No wonder Judy was so secretive about her private life.
The hours dragged by. Lisa still couldn?t sleep and she heard Judy taking herself off to bed. The images swirled before her mind, in particular the picture of the maid bent over. She realised if she was going to get some sleep she would have to sneak back for another look. Moving quietly as she could she crept downstairs and into the lounge. She got out the album and searched for the picture.? It was still as disturbing, as alluring as it had been earlier. Almost without thinking about it her hand slid down the front of her pyjama bottoms. As she stared at the picture wondering what it would be like to be that woman, to be bent over and exposed like that, she started to play with herself. In her mind she could hear the swish of the cane. It must have hurt to make stripes that red, that vivid. Her hand rubbed harder and faster at her crutch. Her breathing was fast and shallow. She could feel herself starting to come. How could a picture affect her like this?
?And what do you think you?re doing.? Judy?s voice, stern and hard, jerked Lisa from her reverie. She jerked her hand from her pyjamas but nothing could hide the damp patch between her legs. Judy stood at the door wearing a dressing gown.
?I? I? I was just?? Lisa stuttered.
?I can see what you were just?? Judy snapped back. ?I told you my private life is private and now I find you snooping around. Well??
?I?m sorry, I didn?t mean to pry.?
?You didn?t mean to pry? What do you call this?? Judy seemed quite angry. ?I?m not sure I want to share my home with a little sneak like you. What do you say??
?I?m sorry, I?m really sorry. Please I?d like to stay. I really would.?
There was a long pause. Judy seemed to study Lisa, her eyes resting on the damp patch between her thighs. Eventually she spoke.
?Well, as you can see, I have my own way of dealing with naughty little girls. Maybe a good spanking would teach you some manners. Well??
Lisa?s mind whirled. She really wanted to stay and she had been a naughty little girl. Maybe she did deserve to be punished. But? But?
?Well?? Judy asked again. ?Speak up. What do you have to say for yourself??
Judy?s sharp tone seemed to take control of Lisa. Se felt disturbed and aroused. She knew she should turn and run but something made her stay.
?Yes, I?ve been a naughty girl and deserve to be spanked.? Lisa felt as if she were in a dream. The words seemed winched out of her. She stared at the floor unable to meet Judy?s eyes.
?Right then, at the bottom of my wardrobe you?ll find a brown holdall. Go and get it. Quickly now. And while you?re being punished you address me as ?Miss?, do you understand??
?Yes Miss.? Lisa hurried off and fetched the bag. It was heavier than it looked and clinked ominously.? When she returned Judy had positioned an upright chair in the middle of the room.
?Put the bag down next to the chair and stand there.? Judy indicated that Lisa should stand in front of the chair and sat down. She reached into the bag and brought out a short leather strap with a wooden handle. ?I think this will do.? She looked up at Lisa.
?Yes Miss.?
?You?ve been a naughty little girl and you deserve to punished. Don?t you??
?Yes Miss.?
?Now I?m going to spank you for being naughty. If you plead for me to stop I?ll ignore it but if you say strawberry then I?ll stop immediately. Do you understand??
?Yes, Miss. Strawberry Miss.?
?Very good.? Now drop you pyjama bottoms. Come on, around your ankles. Quickly girl.?
Judy?s voice was stern and sharp and demanded obedience. Lisa nervously slid her fingers under the elastic of the waistband and started to push her pyjama bottoms down.
?Come along, we haven?t got all night. It?s late enough as it is.? Judy prompted. Lisa realised she was committed now and pushed the waistband down. As it cleared her hips the pyjama bottoms fell to her ankles. She stood up straight again she glanced at Judy who had a curiously satisfied smile on her face. There was a pause as Judy looked her over, studying her. Lisa blushed in embarrassment.
?Well may you blush young lady. There?s no dignity for naughty little girls like you. Now get over my knee.?
Lisa positioned herself across Judy?s knee. Judy grabbed her wrist and turned it behind her back holding her firmly in place. Her other hand reached down to Lisa?s buttocks and began to stroke them.
?Move you legs apart.? Judy pushed at Lisa thigh. Lisa had to wriggle her feet out of her pyjama bottoms so that she could comply.? ?That?s better.?
Judy?s hand returned to it?s stroking but this time she delved deeper between her thighs. Lisa realised that any moment Judy would find out how aroused she?d been, how damp she still was. She cringed with embarrassment as Judy?s fingers reached her lips and pushed inside her.
?Well, well, well. Who?s a randy one then. Seems like my pictures got you quite turned on, didn?t they?? Judy?s fingers reached Lisa?s clitoris and began to stroke it.
?Yes Miss.? Lisa whispered.
?What was that? Speak up.?
?Yes Miss.?
?Yes Miss what?? Judy demanded.
?Yes Miss, your pictures turned me on.? Lisa was horrified by what she was admitting but Judy?s finger was pushing her right back toward her orgasm. Suddenly it withdrew. There was a short pause and thwack, the strap landed across her buttocks. Lisa cried out in pain and tried to wiggle free but she was too firmly held in place. Besides, she deserved to be punished, she?d been a naughty girl. Along with the pain there was another deeper sensation that went straight to her groin. Thwack, thwack, thwack. Judy kept up a steady rhythm. As Lisa squirmed and struggled her mons rubbed against the rough towelling of Judy?s dressing gown arousing her further. Despite the pain, because of the pain she felt waves of pleasure coursing through her. Each one higher, more intense, more powerful until, until, until??
As Lisa climaxed she bucked off Judy?s knee and fell to the floor. She lay there sobbing, exhausted. She?d never felt anything so powerful, so all consuming. She?d never climaxed like that before and it took her a few minutes to get her breath back. Meanwhile Judy had crouched down beside her and was cuddling her gently. Finally Lisa sat up and reached for Judy.
?That was fantastic. Thank you, thank you.? She reached out her arms and gave Judy a hug. ?How can I thank you properly?? she asked.
?Come on. It?s late. Come back to my bed and I?ll show you.?
Judy took her by the hand and led her off upstairs.
Lisa rolled over after a long satisfying sleep. It was Saturday morning and she could lie in. As she came too she realised that the bed was too wide and then it all came back. She was in Judy?s bed. She?d never meant to? She let out a horrified gasp as full recollection came back. She?d behaved like a shameless slut! Judy wasn?t there beside her now but she?d surely be back soon. She looked for her pyjamas. The top lay on the floor beside the bed. She blushed again when she remembered where the bottoms were. Back in the lounge where she?d? Perhaps if she snuck out now she?d be able to see Judy later and explain that it had all been a big mistake. She wasn?t that sort of girl, honest she wasn?t. She was reaching down for her pyjama top when the door opened. Judy entered wearing a satin dressing gown and holding a loaded tray.
?Good morning. I?ve brought tea and toast.?
Lisa slipped back under the covers holding them high to cover herself up.
?A little more modest this morning, are we?? Judy?s tone was half mocking.
?I? Err? About last night.? Lisa stammered.
Judy put the tea tray down and reached over touching Lisa?s lips with her finger as if to shush her.
?You look a little worried. Let me guess. It goes something like this. You?ve never done anything like last night before. You?re not sure you want to do anything like it ever again and you?re worried about how this puts things between the two of us. But before you run away just remember how good it felt. I know you weren?t faking that bit! Here, put your pyjama top back on if it helps you feel more comfortable and stay and have breakfast with me. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.?
Lisa took the pyjama to from Judy and snuggled under the covers to put it on. Reluctantly she agreed that she might as well stay for breakfast.
As the two women ate their toast Lisa turned to Judy and asked ?How did you know how I felt? I mean, you were spot on. Look, I don?t want to be a wet blanket or anything but I?m really not sure about all this. I?m not sure it?s right, right for me I mean.?
?Good heavens girl, do you thing you?re the only one to be nervous after her first time!? Judy laughed. ?Why, after my first time I had all the same doubts. ?Oh my God! I?m a lesbian pervert? or something like that.?
Lisa had never thought that the suave, self-assured and confident Judy could be like that. The thought intrigued her.
?Your first time? What was it like? We?re you seduced by the older woman like me??
?No, nothing like that, and less of the ?older? thank you. No, it was completely different.?
?Please tell me, I?d love to know.? Lisa?s curiosity had overcome her nerves.
?Well, it was some time ago. I was fresh up at collage when I met Christine. She and I just sparked. You know how it goes sometimes. You meet someone and instantly get on. She and I just bonded. Nothing sexy at first, just good friends.
?Anyway she invited me down to spend the summer holidays with her at her family?s farm down in Devon. I couldn?t resist an offer like that so I went down to join her. It?s a lovely place. Right out in the country. Lots of fresh air and open spaces. I had a great time.
?One day her family all went off for market day. We girls stayed behind to look after the house and work on our tans. We decided to have a picnic out on the lawn so we got in our bikinis and took some food, and more importantly a bottle of chilled white wine out into the garden. After lunch the wine and the hot sun had made me drowsy but it had the opposite effect on Christine. She got quite playful and started to mess around. I didn?t mind at first but I just wanted to relax and read my book so it was beginning to get on my nerves.
?After a while she disappeared for a bit. The next thing I knew a stream of ice-cold water broke over me soaking me and my book. Christine was standing there with a hose. I jumped up to grab the hose off her and the whole thing developed into a bit of a struggle. I wanted to get the hose off her she wouldn?t let go. It was all friendly and laughing but either of us wanted to lose.
?Eventually I got her face down on the ground with me sitting astride her. I spotted one of the flip-flops we?d been wearing and a sudden impulse got into me. ?If you?re going to behave like a little child I?m going to treat you like a little child.? I told her. ?A good spanking is what you deserve.?
?I grabbed the flip-flop and stated to spank her.? This awoke some devil inside me and I started quite hard. It really must have hurt. After half a dozen strokes or so I started to get worried about the squeaks of pain that Christine was making so I stopped. I could not have been more surprised when Christine called out ?Please, please don?t stop. That?s fantastic!?
??Well little madam. If that?s what you?re like then we?d better do it properly? I replied. I grabbed her bikini bottoms and pulled them down. Her bottom was already covered in red marks and I stroked them gently. Then I set to with a vengeance. Christine wriggled her arm beneath her and, to my amazement started to play with herself. The more I smacked her the more harder she rubbed herself and I was getting turned on too. It didn?t take long before she cried out and came with the strongest orgasm I?d ever seen at that point in my life. I stopped smacking her and she rolled over and pulled me down to her. ?Thank you, thank you, thank you? she repeated between deep passionate kisses. ?Now, I?ve had my orgasm, what about yours??
?Gently she rolled me over onto my back and started to kiss not just my lips but my neck, my shoulders, anywhere she could get at. She took of my bikini top and kissed my nipples. I?d never felt anything like it. Sure a few tentative boyfriends had had a go but what do men know? All this, the sun and the wine was have a powerful effect on me and I took her head in my hands and pushed it down to my groin. Christine needed no further prompting and she removed my bikini bottoms and started to kiss between my thighs. It was like turning an electric switch. Within seconds I knew I was about to have the most powerful orgasm I had ever had. Her tongue lapped at my clitoris pushing me higher and higher. Moments later I came with a shout that must have been heard in the next county. I pulled her back up to me face to face and in one long cuddle we drifted off to sleep together in each other?s arms.
??Fortunately we didn?t sleep too deeply so we were woken by the sounds of the rest of the family returning. We threw on some clothes and tried to pretend nothing had happened. Luckily Christine had a wrap nearby. Her bikini wouldn?t have covered the marks on her bottom even if it had been on her! It was quite an act keeping a straight face when her family came into the garden looking for us. We?d managed to get decent by then, but only just.
?Well, we didn?t get any time in the rest of the day to talk privately but it was quite common for Christine and I to sneak into each others rooms at night and share a bed. Nobody thought anything of it, assuming correctly that we were just chatting. That night I knew all the uncertainties you?re feeling now. What would I say to Christine? We?d been a bit drunk at the time. How was it going to be now we?d sobered up? How was this going to affect our friendship? Where did she want to take this? Where did I want to take this? I?m sure you know what I?m talking about.
?Anyway when she came to my room that night it turned out she was as apprehensive as I was. We talked and talked late into the night about how we felt and what we wanted. And at the end of the day what we decided was ?So what? She had had fun. I had had fun. No one got hurt, at least not more than they wanted to and we?d both had the best, most powerful orgasms ever.??
?Wow. That?s fantastic And what happened next?? Lisa asked Her eyes were right with excitement..? ?Did you keep playing together??
?Of course. Christine and I spent the rest of that summer, and a whole lot more besides experimenting with what we liked, what turned each other on.?
?And do you still see her? Is she still you friend??
?Well, we?ve drifted apart a bit. She goes her way and I go mine but we?re still very much in touch. You?ve met her you know. She?s head of personnel at Amalgamated.?
?Christine Holmes! She?s your Christine!?
?Oh yes, and we still play together from time to time. Anyway, enough about me, what about you??
?What about me?? Lisa asked a bit nervously.
?Well, if I?m any judge, and I am, someone?s got a bit worked up by my little story. Let me see? Judy?s voice had regained its authoritative tone. Gently she pushed Lisa back onto the pillows. Her hand slid beneath the covers and started to move down Lisa?s body. When her hand reached the bottom of her pyjama top she slid it over Lisa?s thigh and into her crotch.
?Well Miss I?m Not Sure. Looks like I really got to you.? Lisa felt Judy?s fingers slip inside her. There was no hiding how damp she was. Lisa struggled with indecision. She still wasn?t sure how far she wanted to go with this but Judy?s hand on her groin was giving her delicious tingles.
Judy pulled her and away and sat up. ?I know what you need.? She said and she undid the belt of her dressing gown and slipped it from the loops that held it around her waist.
?Put you hands together over your head.? Lisa obeyed reluctantly wondering what was coming next. Judy quickly looped the dressing gown belt around her wrists and tied them together. The smooth material was tight enough to hold her but not tight enough to hurt. She tied the other end off to the headboard.
?Now then, you just lie there and I?ll make the decisions for a while.? Judy pulled back the covers so Lisa lay exposed. Then she knelt over Lisa and started undoing the buttons of her pyjama top. ?That?s better. You?ve got lovely breasts. You shouldn?t hide them away. Judy lent forward and kissed Lisa?s nipples. Lisa felt strangely comforted by having her hands tied. After all, if she couldn?t escape then she wasn?t really agreeing to what was happening. Judy had started to use her teeth on Lisa?s nipples. As she bit harder and harder it started to hurt, not much but enough. Each bite seemed to send a tingling shock straight to her groin. Suddenly Judy bit much harder. Lisa groaned and arched her back as a wave of pain and pleasure washed through her. Judy sat back with a look on her face like the cat that?s stolen the cream.
?Please, please don?t stop.? Lisa begged.
?Now now. I told you. I make the decisions. I don?t want another word from you young lady. If you speak again I?ll have to gag you.? Judy returned to her work kissing Lisa?s stomach, her hips, the top of her thighs. Lisa?s groin ached to be touched. She was so close, so near and yet so far. Judy?s kisses continued to circle in towards the centre of Lisa?s pleasure until finally, with one brief kiss, her lips brushed the top of Lisa?s slit and she sat back again.
?Ooohhh.? Lisa couldn?t keep back the groan of frustrated pleasure. She needed release and had been so close.
?I told you, one more word and I?d gag you.? Judy got off the bed and searched around for a moment. When she returned she was holding a pair of panties and a headscarf.
?Open wide.? Lisa was far too far gone to do anything but obey. Judy pushed the panties into her mouth and tied the headscarf around her head to hold them in. Once again she set to work, once again she played with Lisa?s body but every time Lisa came close to orgasm she draw back. Lisa?s body screamed with frustration. She tried to roll over, to rub herself against Judy, anything for relief. Judy firmly pushed her back.
?You come when I say you come. Understand?? Judy got off the bed and went to the door. ?Just lie there a second. Don?t go anywhere.?
Minutes later she returned with the holdall that had been left in the lounge the night before. She laid it on the floor and rummaged around for a bit, took out a few things and put them on the bed.? Then she got back on the bed herself.? Judy picked up a short length of chain with a clip at either end. She knelt beside Lisa?s body and attached each of the clips to a nipple. They were quite tight and the caused a throbbing sensation. If Lisa hadn?t been so turned on they would have hurt but in her present state they just added to the overall sensations. Judy played gently with the chain, tugging it to increase the sensations, to increase the pain. Lisa felt as if she would explode. Even with the gag she was pleading for release, her voice muffled and distorted. Judy reached down to the pile of things on the bed. Now she held a large vibrator. Lisa looked on with horror. Something that big would never fit inside her! However Judy wasn?t going to do that, she switched it on and started stoking it against Lisa?s lower lips. The throbbing from her nipples and the buzz of the vibrator combined in Lisa?s body to build in wave after wave of feeling, of pain, of pleasure, of? Lisa started to come. Again and again she climaxed but each time Judy wouldn?t let her finish. Each time Judy kept pushing her to one more wave until finally Lisa cried out as loud as the gag would allow, arched her back and pushed herself away, as far as her tied wrists would let her.
Lisa was still sobbing with emotion as Judy unclipped the nipple clamps, switched off the vibrator and untied Lisa?s wrists. Then she took the girl in her arms and held her close.
?Still unsure about what you like?? Judy?s tone was mocking.
?Wow, that was fantastic!? Lisa was still breathless. ?But what about you. What can I do for you in return??
?Don?t worry little one. I?ll get my pleasure later. Why don?t you agree to be my little slave this afternoon??
?Yes, anything, anything after that.? Lisa replied and snuggled back into Judy?s arms.
?Gotcha!? Judy thought to herself.
In a warm post coital glow Lisa lay cuddled in the crook of Judy?s arm. Whilst she still had doubts about what she was doing she felt safe here. Judy was strong, self assured and confident. So different from her. Absentmindedly she ran her hand over Judy?s stomach. She loved the feel of it. Judy?s jogging and sessions in the gym had left her body firm and lean. She really was very beautiful. Her hand edged lower, just brushing the top of Judy?s pubic hair. She kept it short and neat, not shaven, more like a crew cut. She snuggled in closer.
?Ummm. That?s nice. Judy purred. ?But we can?t lie here all day. We have things to do. I need to go into town to shop. Do you want to come too??
?Yes please. That would be fun.?
?Come and join me in the shower and then we?ll get dressed and go.? Judy got out of bed, shrugged off her dressing gown and headed for the en-suite.
Lisa hadn?t shared a shower with anyone since games days at school. She was a little nervous and unsure of what was expected of her. She tried to keep herself as far away from Judy as possible. Judy had other ideas. ?Here, let me help you with that.? Judy took the soap and started to work up a rich lather all over Lisa?s body. Standing face-to-face Judy wrapped her arms around her and held her close as he worked on Lisa?s back ?You?ve got a lovely little body, you know.? She said as s soaped into the crack of Lisa?s buttock. ?You really should show it off more.?
Lisa didn?t think she had a lovely body at all. When she looked in the mirror all she saw was this skinny little thing. And now Judy was saying she was what? Pretty? ?It?s not as nice as yours.? She murmured as she nestled her head into Judy?s shoulder. The hot water, the soap and the feel of Judy?s body held close to her were turning her on again. Lightly she kissed Judy?s neck.
?No time for that now.? Judy laughed. ?Come on, rinse the soap off. It?s time to get dressed and go.?
They got out of the shower. Judy handed Lisa a towel, took one for herself, and they went back into the bedroom. As Lisa dried herself off Judy wrapped her towel around herself, turned to her dressing table and rummaged in a draw. Finding what she wanted she turned back to Lisa.
?Right young lady. You remember your promise about later?? Judy asked.
?Er? yes? Lisa replied nervously.
?Well here?s something to make sure you don?t forget. Take off that towel, come over here and stand in front of me.? Judy sat on the stool by her dressing table as Lisa obeyed. Judy produced a length of golden chain. At one end was a small padlock, at the other a heart shaped medallion with ?Judy? inscribed on it. She passed the chain around Lisa?s waist and, after a few adjustments clicked the padlock shut. The medallion was quite heavy and the chain was adjusted so that it nestled just at the top of Lisa?s labia. Lisa could see that with every movement it would bump against her, not hard, but enough to know it was there. Judy took the medallion and pointed out the inscription to Lisa.
?That?s to remind you just whose property you are at the moment. Right, off you go and get dressed. I want to leave in ten minutes. When you?re wearing the chain wear a dress or a skirt, no jeans. Oh, and no bra or panties either. I?ll be checking!?
Lisa looked at herself in the mirror. The medallion nestled in her pubic hair. She was taken by how pretty it looked but the work ?property? echoed in her mind. It wasn?t just the physical chain and how, or more importantly, where it lay against her. She felt like she?d been tagged, or possibly gift-wrapped.
?Come along. Stop admiring yourself. We haven?t got all day.? Judy told her.
Lisa hurried back to her room. It was a bright sunny day so she chose a loose summery dress in light cotton. She felt a bit exposed; naked under her dress, but a quick check in the mirror confirmed that it didn?t show. No panties implied no tights either so she chose short white socks and ?sensible? shoes. She went downstairs and a few minutes later Judy joined her. As ever Judy was a picture of smart elegance. Lisa felt the difference in their dress emphasised the difference between them. She felt young and vulnerable, almost grateful for Judy?s protection.
As they walked round town hand in hand Lisa could feel the medallion bumping against her. As it swung forward it would hit the material of the dress and she wondered if anyone would notice. The cool breeze around her legs seemed to emphasise her nakedness underneath. She began to realise the subtleness of what Judy had done to her. Here they were having a perfectly normal Saturday morning shop but she was kept constantly aware of how she was dressed and what was to come. This, combined with the bumping of the medallion, was keeping her lightly aroused.
At noon they stopped off at a wine bar for lunch. Judy chose a quiet corner where they would not be disturbed. They had hardly sat down, and were still awaiting a waitress to order when?
?Hello Judy, Lisa. How are you? Do you mind if I join you?? Christine Holmes appeared at their table.
?Of course not. Pull up a chair.? Judy replied. The waitress arrived and the three women ordered.
?So, how are you two getting on?? Christine asked. ?When I found out that Lisa her was looking for digs I thought of you right away. Was I right or was I right??
?Oh were just fine.? Judy replied. ?Getting on like a house on fire. Lisa and I are having so much fun together.?
?Really?? There was a questioning tone in Christine?s voice.
?Oh yes. As a matter of fact she?s chained right now.?
?Judy!? Lisa was horrified, her face burning with embarrassment. How could she betray her like this?
?Now, now dear.? Judy?s tone was firm. ?I told you about me and Christine. It?s only fair that she should know in return.?
?Chained? Right now?? Christine had a wicked grin on her face.
?Oh yes, why don?t you have a feel?? Judy slipped her arm around Lisa in what looked to the outside world as a friendly hug. In fact she was holding her quite tightly. Christine shuffled her chair a little closer and slipped her hand under Lisa?s dress. Fortunately the tablecloth hid her actions from the rest of the wine bar.
?Legs apart dear.? Judy whispered in Lisa?s ear. Christine?s hand slipped between her thighs and found the medallion. In a sitting position it rested much lower, touching the chair Lisa was sitting on. Christine?s fingers took hold of it, rubbed it gently up and down Lisa?s labia and then slipped it inside. Lisa gasped in surprise.
?Oh yes, she?s really quite wet and excited. How long has this been going on?? To Lisa?s relief Christine removed her hand. She licked the tips of her fingers. ?She?s quite the horny one.?
?Just since last night. I caught her peeping at the photo albums, gave her a sound spanking and we?re taking it from there.?
Lisa was appalled by what had just happened. Judy had offered her up without so much as a by your leave and Christine, without a moments hesitation had touched her in the most intimate way possible. She felt as if she were a new toy being shared by the two women but she couldn?t make a fuss without making a scene in this very public place. Part of her was appalled by herself. Christine was right. She was aroused and the medallion, still resting inside her, was not making things any easier. The chain was pulled against her clitoris. She urgently needed to? to do what? Pull it out was the obvious answer but she couldn?t resist the thrills running through her. If only she could just touch herself. She moved her hand down to her lap. Maybe she could reach the chain through the light cotton of her dress.
?No.? Judy took her wrist and pulled her hand away. ?I can guess what Christine did. Leave it there.? The three women pulled apart as the waitress arrived with their food and drinks.
When the waitress left Christine took a long drink from her wine. ?So, if Lisa here is chained it looks like it?s playtime tonight.?
?Yes indeed. Would you like to join us?? Judy didn?t so much as glance at Lisa for confirmation that this would be all right with her.
?I?d love to, I?ve nothing on tonight, or nothing I can?t cancel.?
?Come round for supper then. Seven for seven thirty OK??
?I wouldn?t miss it for the world.?
?But? But?? Lisa stammered.
?Later dear. We?ll sort it out later.? Once again Judy?s tone brooked no argument. It was obvious that as far as she was concerned the matter was settled.
For the rest of the meal Judy and Christine chatted idly. Lisa tried to join in but she found it difficult to concentrate. The tingling from between her thighs mixed with her nervousness about what was planned for this evening was making her mind reel.
Finally the meal was over.? ?Right, I must be off. I?ll see you later.? Christine said as she got up from the table. As Lisa got up she felt the chain tug the medallion from inside her. She told Judy that she had to nip to the toilet.
?Right. I?ll come with you. I want to make sure you don?t play with yourself in there. That?s against the rules.?
?Rules, what rules??
?My rules. Now off we go.?
When the two women reached the toilet stall Lisa blurted out ?Why? Why did you invite her without asking me? Don?t I get a say in the matter.?
?Keep your voice down.? Judy replied sharply. ?Someone might come in at any moment. Let?s keep this private.?
?Private! You?ve just invited someone I hardly know to come and see me? and see me?? Lisa couldn?t bring herself to say the words. Furthermore she wasn?t quite sure exactly what Christine had been invited to come and see.
?Look, normally of course I?d check with you but when you?re my slave I make the decisions. The slave?s job is just to obey and disobedience will be punished.?
?I don?t know. I?m not sure about this.?
Judy?s tone softened. ?Look, I know this is all a bit much but why don?t you trust me a bit. You know I won?t hurt you, well, not more than you deserve. Use the stop word if you must but I promise you if you trust me you?ll find out just how much fun we can have.?
Lisa thought it over. She could feel her resistance slipping away. The turmoil in her mind was being overcome by the itch in her groin and also, truth be told, by a growing curiosity. Guided by Judy she had just had two of the most fantastic sexual experiences ever. What more was to come? Furthermore she was getting fond of Judy. She didn?t want to ruin their relationship by being a prude. Maybe she?d try it just this once. As Judy had said she could always use the stop word.
?Come on now, if you came in here to pee then pee. We?ve got shopping to do.?
?What? In front of you??
?Yes little one.? Judy laughed. ?I like to watch.?
Somehow peeing in front of Judy was more intimate, more exposing than all the sex they had shared together. However Lisa realised she had to get used to the new regime. She pulled her dress up, sat down on the toilet, moved the medallion to one side and started to pee.
As Judy watched she smiled to herself. The ?accidental? meeting with Christine had been no accident! A quick phone call while Lisa was getting dressed was all it had needed. Christine had played her part perfectly. She had been a bit concerned about moving Lisa on to the next step so quickly but her choice of a public place had been spot on. She knew Lisa was well hooked now but she still had to tread a little carefully or she?d frighten her off and lose her. And with Lisa she felt it wasn?t just another notch on the bedpost. She was genuinely fond of the girl. Even before last night she had enjoyed having Lisa around. If they were as compatible as she thought then there could be great times ahead.
On the drive home Lisa was a quiet and thoughtful. Judy glanced across.
?A penny for your thoughts.? She asked.
?Judy.? Lisa sounded uncertain. ?Is it always going to be like this??
?How do you mean??
?I don?t mind being your slave today, well I don?t think I do, but what about tomorrow? Can we just be Judy and Lisa again??
?Of course we can. There are some people who are always in role but I?m not one of them. Let?s just let tonight take its course and tomorrow we?ll be Judy and Lisa again. When we?re in play mode we?re in play mode, when we?re not we?re not. OK??
?Yes.? Lisa sounded relieved. ?I mean I want to do this, I really do, but not all the time.?
?I understand.? Judy realised that Lisa was reassuring herself more than anything else. ?Here we are, back home. Get the bags out of the car and come up to my room. We?ll sort out the next bit.
Lisa did as she was told. When she arrived at Judy?s room Judy was searching around in the back of her wardrobe.
?Now then.? She said turning to Lisa. ?I seem to remember that it was a photo of Sally as a maid that got you so turned on last night so a maid you shall be. I haven?t got all the bits so we will have to extemporise.?
She laid out on the bed a full-length cotton apron with frilled edges. After a few more minutes searching she found some old fashioned bloomers, a starched mop cap and an old fashioned corset. She gathered them together. ?Now, off to your room and we?ll see what we can find.?
Judy rummaged through Lisa?s wardrobe and picked out a plain black skirt and white short-sleeved blouse. ?These will have to do. Now let?s get you in uniform. Off with that dress young lady.?
Lisa obeyed and Judy picked up the corset and held it against her body. It reached from her hips to just below her breasts. ?Hmm. Not quite your size but there?s enough lacing to make up for that.? At first the corset seemed quite loose but as Judy pulled at the laces it got tighter and tighter. Not only was her waist pulled in but she was forced to stand straighter. Judy tied off the laces and reached for the bloomers. These were very old fashioned, no elastic but ribbons that tied off around the waist and above the knees. They were baggy enough not to restrict the medallion in any way. The skirt, blouse, apron and cap completed the ensemble.
Judy stood back, looked her up and down and sighed. ?Well it?s far from perfect but it will have to do for now. There?s plenty of housework for you to be getting on with. Off you go.?
?Ok? Lisa replied.
?I beg your pardon Jones. What did you just say?? Judy?s voice was sharp and firm.
?Sorry Miss. I forgot.?
?You forgot? I?ll make sure you never forget. I demand that you show proper respect at all times. Is that understood??
?Yes Miss. I?m sorry Miss.?
?That?s better but I prefer Ma?am from my maids.?
?Yes Ma?am. Of course Ma?am.? Lisa hung her head. She felt like a little schoolgirl being told of by a strict teacher.
?Well get on with your chores then. Off you go.?
As Lisa got on with the housework Judy sat in the lounge and read a magazine, pointedly ignoring her. The tight corset restricted her movements and was a constant reminder of her position. As she polished the big mirror above the fireplace she looked at her reflection. The cap and apron marked her as quite the little maid at the beck and call of her mistress. Why did she find it so erotic?
?Jones! It?s fourthirty. Where?s my afternoon tea??
?Coming Ma?am. I?ll be right there.? Lisa rushed to the kitchen and put on the kettle. She knew she?d be in more trouble if she didn?t get this right. It couldn?t be just a cup of tea. Hurriedly she put together a tray with teapot, cup, saucer and a plate of biscuits to round it off.
As she brought the tray into the lounge Judy inspected it. ?You?re late and I don?t expect to have to ask. You should anticipate my demands. Put the tray on the coffee table.? Lisa did as she was told, poured out a cup and handed it to Judy.
?Don?t just stand there you gormless girl. My feet are sore. Massage them.?
Lisa knelt down in front of Judy, took off her shoes and started to massage her feet. Somehow this felt right. Lisa wanted to be here, kneeling before her mistress giving her pleasure. She was slipping into a more and more subservient role and finding it fitted. She bent forward as far as the corset would allow, lifted Judy?s foot to her mouth and kissed her toes through the stockings. Judy rested her other foot on Lisa?s lap.
?Closer girl. Move closer.? Judy demanded. Lisa shuffled forward. The foot on Lisa?s lap was now resting firmly on her groin. The pressure against her was tantalising, teasing, adding to her aroused state. Lisa tried to push herself against it.
?Don?t wriggle.? Reluctantly Lisa kept still and concentrated on Judy?s foot. All day the erotic tension inside her had kept rising. She needed release but knew she?d have to wait for it.
?That?s enough. I need to get ready for tonight. Run me a bath. Off you go.? Lisa gently put down Judy?s foot and went to the bathroom. As the water was running she searched through the various bottles on the shelf and picked out an expensive bath oil. ?I hope this will do.? She thought to herself.? A few moments later Judy appeared wearing her dressing gown. She shrugged it off and slipped into the bath. Lisa turned to leave.
?Where do you think you?re going? Come back here at once. I expect full personal service from my maids. And what is my dressing gown doing on the floor??
Flustered Lisa picked up the dressing gown and hung it up. She turned back to the bath where Judy was holding out a sponge. As quick as she could she rolled up her sleeves as Judy was obviously impatient. Then kneeling beside the bath she took the sponge. If massaging Judy?s feet had been a form of worship then this was more so. Lisa adored Judy?s body and here was the chance to caress it all over.
Judy lay back and luxuriated in the warm water. Lisa?s gentle strokes with the sponge were delicious across her flesh. This was definitely getting her in the mood and if Lisa was spending a little to long washing her breasts and between her legs than was strictly necessary she wasn?t going to complain. However the water was beginning to cool and time was moving on. She pushed Lisa away and got out of the bath.
Lisa took a towel off the rack and handed it to Judy. The immediate look of disapproval on Judy?s face told her she was mistaken. She realised she was to do the towelling. Starting with her shoulders she gently rubbed Judy dry. By the time she got to Judy?s feet she was kneeling in front of her, her face right in front of Judy?s perfectly groomed mons. She couldn?t resist it. She leaned forward and kissed her lips.
?Don?t be impertinent? Judy pushed her away. ?Now come to my room and help me dress.?
When they got to Judy?s bedroom Lisa saw a dark red gown laid out on the bed. Next to it were all sorts of items. Some of which Lisa couldn?t recognise. Judy picked up a red satin basque and handed it to Lisa. ?Come along now. You know what to do.?
Lisa started to dress Judy. Whereas her own outfit was cobbled together from bits and pieces Judy had the complete wardrobe of an Edwardian lady. Lisa felt all fingers and thumbs as she struggled with the buttons and laces. Some of the items were very complex. Judy tutted at her clumsiness. Finally it was finished. Lisa stood back and looked. Judy looked magnificent, regal and very beautiful. Lisa wanted to kneel down and worship right there.
?What are you staring at. Get on with your tasks. The bathroom?s in an awful state and you?ve the meal to cook by seven thirty. Get on with it.?
Lisa hurried off to clean up the bathroom. She was beginning to understand that this was another job that had to be done perfectly. Judy, or should she say Ma?am was a stickler for detail. By the time she finished it was time to start cooking. She wasn?t the best cook in the world but fortunately the meal Judy had picked out from the market wasn?t too difficult. She was busy with the pots and pans when the doorbell went. Seven o-clock already! After a few seconds she realised that it was her duty to answer the door. She put down what she was doing and rushed to the front door.
Christine swept in totally ignoring Lisa. She took off a long cloak and Lisa just managed to grab it before it fell to the floor. She then dropped a holdall which Lisa gathered up and put with the cloak in the cupboard. She too was in Edwardian clothes, her gown a delicate yellow which matched her blonde hair. However Lisa wondered how many Edwardian women wore stout leather collars like the one round Christine?s neck! A silver dog tag hung from a metal loop at the front. Lisa wondered with a sharp twinge of jealousy whether the dog tag said ?Judy? like the medallion she wore.
?Christine my dear. So good of you to come. Do come in.? Judy swept up to Christine and the two women kissed, not just a peck but a long lingering kiss. Lisa seethed with jealousy. Judy was her mistress, not this interloper. The two women went into the lounge and Lisa followed. Judy offered Christine a drink. Luckily Lisa realised it was her job to fetch it. Spurred by her jealousy she was determined to prove just how perfect a maid she could be. Then it was back to the kitchen.
As she took the food to the table Lisa smiled to herself. She?d made the effort and she felt she?d done well. Everything was in its place looking just right. She went on through to the lounge and announced that the meal was ready.
Throughout the meal she bustled around making sure that neither woman wanted for anything. Not that either of them appeared to notice. They treated her as if she were invisible, as if wine glasses filled themselves and the food came and empty plates left by magic. She hardly had time to grab more than a quick bite from the kitchen table as she passed. Not that she was particularly hungry. Nervousness and anticipation had killed her appetite.
Finally the meal was over and Judy and Christine relaxed with glasses of brandy as Lisa cleared up. The dishwasher was just starting when she heard Judy calling her.
?Jones! Jones! Come in here girl.? Lisa hurried to the dining room.
?Jones, there have been several regrettable lapses in your behaviour today. You know what that means, don?t you??
?Yes Ma?am.?
?Yes Ma?am what??
Lisa realised what was expected of her. ?Yes Ma?am. I deserve to be punished.?
?Quite right. Now let?s go to the playroom. Come along.? Judy led the two women to the hallway. Taking a key from around her neck she unlocked a door that Lisa had previously though was just a cupboard. When opened it revealed stairs leading down. The house had a cellar that Lisa hadn?t even guessed at. She followed Judy and Christine down the stairs.
Most cellars are cold, damp and dusty. This one could not have been more different. The rooms were spacious, heated and well decorated. The lighting was soft and indirect. Lisa looked around in amazement. A collection of canes hung from one wall, shackles from another and there were a number or wooden and leather contraptions she could only guess at. At one end was a carver chair set up, almost like a throne. Judy walked over to it and sat down. Lisa stood in the middle of the room anxiously waiting. Christine stood to one side.
?There have been several lapses of behaviour today. You left my dressing gown on the bathroom floor, you?ve been impertinent several times and you?ve been clumsy and forgetful. What do you have to say for yourself??
?I?m sorry Ma?am. It won?t happen again.? Lisa replied meekly.
?I?m going to make sure it doesn?t. Christine, the horse I think.?
Christine went to the side of the room and dragged back what looked like a gymnast?s vaulting horse. Four wooden legs held it steady and each one had a leather shackle chained to the foot. The top was quite thin and covered with leather. Christine went over to Lisa and, taking her by the hand, stood her in front of it. She knelt down and lifting Lisa?s skirt reached up and undid the laces from the waistband of Lisa?s bloomers. The loose material fell down, now held by the laces above her knee. Then she guided Lisa until she was standing against the horse. She shackled Lisa?s ankles left and right. There was barely enough give in the material of the bloomers to let Lisa open her legs that wide. Lisa was then bent forward over the horse and her wrists shacked to the opposite side. Finally Christine lifted the back of her skirt and tucked it into the ties which held her apron. There was a short silence and then a flash and the click of a camera shutter. Lisa realised she was in roughly the same position as the girl in the picture that had started all this. She had wondered how that girl had felt. Now she knew. The only difference was that the girl in the picture had been soundly caned. Lisa knew that difference would not last long. Her mind whiled with a mixture of emotions. She was nervous about being caned; she was embarrassed by her nakedness; above all, and somewhat to her surprise, she was aroused.
Judy got up from the throne and approached Lisa. She reached between her thighs and cupped her hand over her pubic mound. One finger wriggled in and began to play with her clitoris.
?Naughty little maids need to be punished. That?s how their mistresses show that they care for them. Do you understand??
?Yes Ma?am. Yes, I do.? Lisa was panting gently. She had been kept in a state of semi arousal all day and Judy?s finger was fast pushing her towards release. She needed release so badly. However she knew she?d have to be caned first. Looking back between her legs she could see Christine looking on. She?d show the bitch that she could take her punishment, that she could be a better slave to Judy than Christine ever was.
Judy took her hand away and then swish, thwack the first blow fell. A stripe of fire seared across her bottom. Last night?s spanking had been nothing like this. Swish. Thwack. The second blow fell. ?Please, please stop. I can?t take it.? She managed to gasp out between sobs. Judy took no notice but carried on. Lisa bucked and struggled, her bottom a searing ball of pain but she was determined not to use the stop word, she was determined to serve her mistress.
Finally the last blow fell and the room was silent except for Lisa?s sobbing. She felt curiously elated. She?d made it. Furthermore, in spite of the pain, because of the pain, her whole body felt high, felt alive. It was more than sexual, almost spiritual. Judy came round the horse and crouched down beside her.
?There. Good girl. You?ve taken your punishment. Now, what do you say??
?Thank you. Thank you Ma?am.? Lisa realised she wasn?t just saying it. She really meant it.
?Well now you can thank me properly.? Judy unclipped the shackles from the feet of the horse leaving them locked round Lisa?s wrists. She drew her arms behind her back and fastened them back together. Then she fastened Lisa?s ankles together in the same way. Lisa slid to the floor. Judy returned to the throne and sat down.
?Here girl, come to me.? Lisa shuffled forward on her knees. The chains made it a bit awkward. As she approached Judy lifted up the front of her gown.
?Now girl, show me how much you love me. Show me how you thank your mistress.?
Lisa shuffled between Judy?s knees, leant forward and burrowed between the folds of clothing. Finally she was there. Her lips grazed the centre of Judy?s pleasure. Her tongue probed in. Chained and kneeling before her this was truly an act of worship. Again there was a flash and the click of the camera but she didn?t care. Her tongue caressed Judy?s clitoris which swelled beneath it. The sweet taste of Judy was mixed with the salty taste of her tears that had run down her cheeks. She could feel Judy responding to her tongue, pushing herself forward. She increased the pressure but kept the steady rhythm. Even through the layers of clothing that covered her she could hear Judy moaning with pleasure. Judy reached down and held Lisa?s head, pulling it into her. Lisa could feel spasms running through the muscles of Judy?s thighs either side of her head. ?Yes, yes, yes, OOOHHHHHHH YES.? Judy?s orgasm was long and explosive.
For a minute or two Judy just sat there getting her breath back. Then she eased Lisa up from under her gown. And gently pulled her to her. They kissed and kissed. ?Well done girl.? Judy whispered in her ear. ?But it?s not over yet.?
Judy undid Lisa?s shackles and unfastened the bloomers from where they hung from Lisa?s knees. The skirt, however, was left tucked up, leaving a cool breeze to sooth Lisa?s poor bottom. Then she turned to Christine.
You could tell from Christine?s eyes that she had been enjoying the show. Her face was flushed and she was obviously excited.
?Well Christine, your behaviour has been less than perfect today, hasn?t it??
?Yes Miss.?
?And what did you do to this poor girl at lunchtime??
?I molested her Miss.?
?And did I give you permission??
?No Miss.?
?And do you deserve to be punished??
?Yes Miss. I was very naughty Miss.?
?Well, first of all I think we had best get you more suitably attired for punishment. Jones, remove her outer garments.?
Lisa went over to Christine and started to unbutton her dress. As she undid the top buttons she had a quick glance and confirmed that the tag on the collar did indeed say ?Judy?. She removed it carefully and hung it up.? Next came a white cotton chemise. This too was removed and hung with the dress. Lisa was impressed how Christine?s clothes, like Judy?s, were accurate for the period. Christine now stood in a white whaleboned corset not unlike the one she was wearing, a pair of bloomers, white stockings and white-heeled ankle boots.
?And the bloomers I think.? Judy ordered. There?s no dignity for those being punished.?
Lisa crouched down in front of Christine to undo the ties which held the bloomers on. As the fell to the floor they revealed that Christine was close cropped like Judy. However you could tell she was a natural blonde. Lisa hung up the clothes neatly and returned to Christine. Whilst Lisa did not think she was as beautiful as Judy you could tell Christine was no stranger to the gym. Her breasts, which were semi supported by the top of the corset, were firm and high. Her legs slender and well toned. Now that she was semi naked the dark leather of the collar stood out. Lisa thought it looked perfect and wondered if she could have one of her own.
?The pillars for you, I think.? Judy got up and led Christine over to where two stout pillars, five feet or so apart, ran from the floor to the ceiling. There were metal eyelets attached at various heights. Judy took the shackles she had unfastened from Lisa and put them on Christine?s wrists. Then Christine lay down on her back between the pillars and her wrists were attached. Judy then got two more shackles, this time attached to much longer lengths of chain. These she attached to Christine?s ankles. She threaded the chain through eyelets about four feet up and pulled. The effect was to pull Christine?s ankles back over her head, spreading her legs in the process. Lisa felt she looked open and exposed.
?As Jones was the one who you molested I think it?s only fair if she?s the one who punishes you.? Judy went over to the wall and took down a flogger consisting of a short handle holding many thin strips of leather. She handed it to Lisa. Then she showed Lisa how to stand astride Christine?s waist so that she could whip the inside of Christine?s thighs as well as the buttocks. Tentatively Lisa gave the first stroke.
?Much harder than that! Come on girl, she?s not made of glass.? Spurred on by Judy Lisa set to with a vengeance. As the blows got harder it woke a spark in Lisa. She was Judy?s slave, not this interloper. The blows rained down, sometimes on the thighs, sometimes on the buttocks and sometimes straight onto Christine?s crotch. Between the thuds of the blows she could hear Christine moaning, the tempo built and built. Christine?s thighs and buttocks were bright red, criss-crossed with countless red lines where the thongs had struck. Lisa was losing herself in a blur of excitement.
?Ok, that?s enough.? Judy?s hand on her arm stopped her. Lisa was panting from the exertion. Christine lay there writhing against her bonds moaning gently. The tension in the air was electric. Judy guided Lisa back and gently pushed her down until she was squatting over Christine?s face. Christine reached up as far as she could go and kissed Lisa between her buttocks. Lisa needed no further encouragement. She wriggled down until her labia were over Christine?s lips.
?Lick me bitch! Lick my cunt out!? Lisa hardly knew what had come over her. Se would never use language like that but the heat of the moment, the build up of tension, had taken her a place she?s never known before. She found, as she desperately tried to get Christine?s tongue as close to her clitoris as possible, that she was bending further and further forward, further and further towards Christine?s crotch.
?Go on, you too, give what you?re getting.? Judy ordered. She put her hand on the back of Lisa?s neck and pushed her the rest of the way. Lisa took her cue and started to search out Christine?s clitoris with her tongue.
Whereas Lisa had licked Judy in a worshipping, reverential way with Christine it was more like two wild animals. Lisa had a whole day?s pent up emotion to lose and Christine was giving back as good as she got. Lisa ground her groin into Christine?s face. She could feel Christine losing control beneath her. She could feel herself losing control. She reached round and grabbed Christine?s buttocks, digging her nails into the soft flesh. This obviously brought Christine to her climax as her whole body bucked and writhed held down by Lisa?s body and the chains to her wrists and ankles. Lisa could take it no longer, she too reached a shuddering climax, her screams of pleasure muffled by her face deep in Christine?s groin. Lisa rolled off Christine and collapsed panting beside her.
Judy crouched down beside Lisa and whispered in her ear. ?Well my sweet? Did you enjoy that??
?God that was fantastic. I?ve never felt anything like that before.?
?Good, now come on and help me untie Christine.?
They untied Christine and helped her to her feet. The three women hugged and kissed each other gently coming down, coming back to normal.
?Right you two. Let?s go upstairs and get changed. I don?t know about you but I could do with a drink.? They went upstairs to Judy?s bedroom, Christine grabbing her holdall on the way. There they helped each other undress. Judy put on her dressing gown, Christine produced a jogging outfit from her holdall, and Lisa went to her room to find something loose and comfortable. Then they returned to the lounge. This time it was Judy who poured the drinks, forever the perfect hostess. She sat down on the settee but Lisa and Christine preferred to remain standing. After a while Christine glanced at the clock.
?Good Heavens! Is that the time! I must go, I?ve got things to do tomorrow.? She turned and hugged Lisa whispering ?Welcome to the club.? in her ear. Then she hugged Judy and went towards the door.
?I?ll pick up my bits tomorrow. Is that OK??
?Sure. See you tomorrow.? Judy and Lisa saw Christine to the front door. Closing it behind her Judy turned to Lisa.
?Right, it?s late for me too. I?m off to bed. Are you coming??
?With you?? Lisa wasn?t sure where Judy expected her to sleep tonight.
?Of course. Come here.? Judy gently pulled Lisa into a hug. ?It?s not all whips and chains you know. Come to bed and let me kiss it better. We?ll tidy up in the morning.?
Hand in hand the two women went upstairs to bed.
To be continued?.
Lisa?s stomach was filled with butterflies. She?d passed all the interviews and had finally landed the job. All that was left was to see the personnel manager to sort out some final details. She knocked on the door and entered the office.
?Ah, Miss Jones. Welcome to Amalgamated Holdings. I?m Christine Holmes.? The personnel officer, a smartly dressed woman in her early thirties, stood up and came round from behind her desk.
?Dr Andrews was most impressed with your interview. We?re sure you?ll make a good addition to the team. You graduated last month, I understand.?
?Yes, I have my degree certificate with me.?
?Oh, that?s not necessary. We got confirmation from your collage. This must be quite a step for you.?
?Yes, I?m very excited. It?s a bit of a worry being so far away from home but I?m sure I?ll manage.?
?I wanted to talk to you about that. Have you found anywhere to stay? I have a list of flat letting agencies if you like. Alternatively have you thought of lodging somewhere? It?s much cheaper and can make things easier settling in.?
?I don?t know. I?m not sure what to do.? Lisa realised that in the excitement of getting the job she?d plain forgot about somewhere to live. And she was due to start next week. What was she to do?
?Tell you what. I know just the place for you. Excuse me while I make a phone call.? Christine sat down again and picked up the phone. In a few seconds she was connected.
?Judy, hi it?s Christine here. I?ve got a young lady looking for digs. If I?m not mistaken she?s just your sort. You?ve not got anyone at the moment have you? Can I send her round??
Lisa felt slightly bowled over by how quickly her life seemed to have been taken over but the digs sounded like a good idea and it was better than flat hunting. She had enough to organise as it was.
After a few minutes Christine put down the phone. ?That?s settled then. Judy would love to meet you and see if you?re compatible. Here, let me write down the address. It?s quite easy to get to by bus. You haven?t got a car have you??
Lisa took the bit of paper with the address on it. Christine had also written careful instructions about bus routes and stops so it would be easy to find. ?When can I go to see her?? she asked.
?Fortunately Judy, err Miss Ford, is free this afternoon. She?s expecting you as soon as possible. Best to get these things sorted out right away. Now off you go and we?ll see you next week. Welcome aboard.?
As Lisa sat on the bus she wondered what she had let herself in for. This Miss Ford sounded like an old battle-axe. Still she?d stay there until she found somewhere better. Finally the bus arrived at her stop and she got off. It was not what she was expecting at all. The area was obviously quite prosperous and when she found the house she was surprised by how big it was. Surely someone who could afford a house like this wouldn?t take in lodgers. She walked up to the front door and rang the bell. When the door was answered she was in for another shock. Miss Ford wasn?t an old battle axe at all but a slim athletic woman about the same age as Christine Holmes. Smartly and elegantly dressed she looked like some sort of powerful business woman, not the sort to take in lodgers at all.
?Hi, you must be Lisa Jones. Do come in. Would you like a cup of tea?? Lisa felt herself swept into the house, still to taken aback to do anything but follow.
?You must call me Judy. I can?t be doing with too much formality. Anyway I?m sure we?ll be friends.? Judy took Lisa into the kitchen and put the kettle on. ?Christine told me something about you but only the bare details. I gather you start with Amalgamated next week. Must be quite exciting. Now tell me all about yourself.?
Lisa soon fond that she was telling her life story to Judy. After a slightly nervous start she relaxed and found that Judy was very easy to get on with. Perhaps this wasn?t such a bad idea after all.
?So, you?re moving down here from
?Oh, I haven?t got a boyfriend. I never seemed to find the time, what with my degree and all.?
?No boyfriend? I must admit I?ve never been much on the male of the species myself. Well I?m sure you?ll fit in here just fine. Here let me show you the rest of the house.?
Judy took Lisa and showed her the room that would become hers, where all the bits an pieces were and finally took her out and showed her the garden.?
?Oooh, I like this. You keep it very well, and so private.?
?Well I like my privacy. I don?t have any rules but one I do insist on that that my private stuff is just that, private. Do you understand??
?Yes, yes, of course.?
?Well, we?ll get on just fine then. I think
we?ve covered everything. I?ll let you get back to
Sunday came and Lisa moved in. She found that Judy was the perfect landlady. Indeed she was more of a friend than a landlady and they soon started doing things together. In particular Judy jogged every morning. Lisa joined her and they would do two circuits of the local park. In shorts and a tight tee shirt Judy looked magnificent and Lisa found herself staring at her in admiration. She?d never met anyone like this. So kind, so helpful, so, dare she say it, beautiful?? She remembered feeling this way about her gym teacher back in school. She?s never done anything about it of course but she wondered what it meant. Why did she feel like this?
One thing she soon found that was Judy went out every Friday, punctual as clockwork. Lisa asked where she was going but only got evasive answers. ?Out. That?s all you need to know.? Was all Judy would say. It was on a Friday then that Lisa found herself alone in the house. There was nothing to watch on the television and she was bored. She moped around for a while and then began to look at the books in the book case. Tucked away on the top shelf was a photo album. She remembered Judy?s request for privacy but if it was out on the bookcase surely it wouldn?t hurt to look. She got it down and lay it out on the coffee table.
As she turned the pages Lisa cold hardly believe what she was looking at. It was full of photos, mostly Polaroid?s, of young women. Some were dressed as maids, some in school uniform, some wearing nothing except leather straps that looked like a horses bridal but each picture kept to the general theme. All the women were being punished, or something like it. It wasn?t just that canes and paddles featured heavily but the women being punished were all in totally humiliating positions. One picture in particular caught her eye. A young woman, not much older than herself was dressed up as a maid. However she was shown from behind, bent over, her skirt pulled up around her waist and her panties down around her ankles. She was bent so far over that she was clearly showing her most private parts and, to cap it all, there were a series of red stripes across her bottom. It took little imagination to see that she had been caned, and quite severely. But the bit that got to Lisa most of all was that she was looking back so her face was quite visible. Instead of the tears, or a grimace that Lisa would have suspected she had the biggest grin on her face. She may be bent over in the most humiliating position, she may have been caned, but she was obviously enjoying herself.
Lisa flicked through the rest of the album. Some of the women were performing the most degrading acts, all were posed so that they had no dignity, showing their all, but many were smiling and all seemed to be there by choice. Some of the photos showed the women giving the punishment. She recognised Judy in many of the shots. Sometimes holding a cane, sometimes a paddle, and sometimes objects that Lisa couldn?t recognise. In each case her dress matched the pose. If the punished were dressed as a schoolgirl then the punisher would be dressed most severely, as if she were a strict teacher. If the punished were dressed as a maid the punisher would be dressed as a Victorian lady.? There was obvious attention to detail.
Lisa realised that Judy would be home soon. She pushed the album back where it belonged and hurried off to bed. As she lay between the sheets her mind whirled. Part of her wondered ?How could they? How could anyone allow herself to be trussed, tied, beaten, and, above all, exposed in that way. She?d be mortified to let anyone see her like that, let alone take photographs. On the other hand part of her, part she hardly dared admit to, was strongly aroused. She tossed and turned and was still wide awake when she heard Judy come home. Part of her wanted to ask Judy about the photos but that would be admitting that she?s pried. No wonder Judy was so secretive about her private life.
The hours dragged by. Lisa still couldn?t sleep and she heard Judy taking herself off to bed. The images swirled before her mind, in particular the picture of the maid bent over. She realised if she was going to get some sleep she would have to sneak back for another look. Moving quietly as she could she crept downstairs and into the lounge. She got out the album and searched for the picture.? It was still as disturbing, as alluring as it had been earlier. Almost without thinking about it her hand slid down the front of her pyjama bottoms. As she stared at the picture wondering what it would be like to be that woman, to be bent over and exposed like that, she started to play with herself. In her mind she could hear the swish of the cane. It must have hurt to make stripes that red, that vivid. Her hand rubbed harder and faster at her crutch. Her breathing was fast and shallow. She could feel herself starting to come. How could a picture affect her like this?
?And what do you think you?re doing.? Judy?s voice, stern and hard, jerked Lisa from her reverie. She jerked her hand from her pyjamas but nothing could hide the damp patch between her legs. Judy stood at the door wearing a dressing gown.
?I? I? I was just?? Lisa stuttered.
?I can see what you were just?? Judy snapped back. ?I told you my private life is private and now I find you snooping around. Well??
?I?m sorry, I didn?t mean to pry.?
?You didn?t mean to pry? What do you call this?? Judy seemed quite angry. ?I?m not sure I want to share my home with a little sneak like you. What do you say??
?I?m sorry, I?m really sorry. Please I?d like to stay. I really would.?
There was a long pause. Judy seemed to study Lisa, her eyes resting on the damp patch between her thighs. Eventually she spoke.
?Well, as you can see, I have my own way of dealing with naughty little girls. Maybe a good spanking would teach you some manners. Well??
Lisa?s mind whirled. She really wanted to stay and she had been a naughty little girl. Maybe she did deserve to be punished. But? But?
?Well?? Judy asked again. ?Speak up. What do you have to say for yourself??
Judy?s sharp tone seemed to take control of Lisa. Se felt disturbed and aroused. She knew she should turn and run but something made her stay.
?Yes, I?ve been a naughty girl and deserve to be spanked.? Lisa felt as if she were in a dream. The words seemed winched out of her. She stared at the floor unable to meet Judy?s eyes.
?Right then, at the bottom of my wardrobe you?ll find a brown holdall. Go and get it. Quickly now. And while you?re being punished you address me as ?Miss?, do you understand??
?Yes Miss.? Lisa hurried off and fetched the bag. It was heavier than it looked and clinked ominously.? When she returned Judy had positioned an upright chair in the middle of the room.
?Put the bag down next to the chair and stand there.? Judy indicated that Lisa should stand in front of the chair and sat down. She reached into the bag and brought out a short leather strap with a wooden handle. ?I think this will do.? She looked up at Lisa.
?Yes Miss.?
?You?ve been a naughty little girl and you deserve to punished. Don?t you??
?Yes Miss.?
?Now I?m going to spank you for being naughty. If you plead for me to stop I?ll ignore it but if you say strawberry then I?ll stop immediately. Do you understand??
?Very good.? Now drop you pyjama bottoms. Come on, around your ankles. Quickly girl.?
Judy?s voice was stern and sharp and demanded obedience. Lisa nervously slid her fingers under the elastic of the waistband and started to push her pyjama bottoms down.
?Come along, we haven?t got all night. It?s late enough as it is.? Judy prompted. Lisa realised she was committed now and pushed the waistband down. As it cleared her hips the pyjama bottoms fell to her ankles. She stood up straight again she glanced at Judy who had a curiously satisfied smile on her face. There was a pause as Judy looked her over, studying her. Lisa blushed in embarrassment.
?Well may you blush young lady. There?s no dignity for naughty little girls like you. Now get over my knee.?
Lisa positioned herself across Judy?s knee. Judy grabbed her wrist and turned it behind her back holding her firmly in place. Her other hand reached down to Lisa?s buttocks and began to stroke them.
?Move you legs apart.? Judy pushed at Lisa thigh. Lisa had to wriggle her feet out of her pyjama bottoms so that she could comply.? ?That?s better.?
Judy?s hand returned to it?s stroking but this time she delved deeper between her thighs. Lisa realised that any moment Judy would find out how aroused she?d been, how damp she still was. She cringed with embarrassment as Judy?s fingers reached her lips and pushed inside her.
?Well, well, well. Who?s a randy one then. Seems like my pictures got you quite turned on, didn?t they?? Judy?s fingers reached Lisa?s clitoris and began to stroke it.
?Yes Miss.? Lisa whispered.
?What was that? Speak up.?
?Yes Miss.?
?Yes Miss what?? Judy demanded.
?Yes Miss, your pictures turned me on.? Lisa was horrified by what she was admitting but Judy?s finger was pushing her right back toward her orgasm. Suddenly it withdrew. There was a short pause and thwack, the strap landed across her buttocks. Lisa cried out in pain and tried to wiggle free but she was too firmly held in place. Besides, she deserved to be punished, she?d been a naughty girl. Along with the pain there was another deeper sensation that went straight to her groin. Thwack, thwack, thwack. Judy kept up a steady rhythm. As Lisa squirmed and struggled her mons rubbed against the rough towelling of Judy?s dressing gown arousing her further. Despite the pain, because of the pain she felt waves of pleasure coursing through her. Each one higher, more intense, more powerful until, until, until??
As Lisa climaxed she bucked off Judy?s knee and fell to the floor. She lay there sobbing, exhausted. She?d never felt anything so powerful, so all consuming. She?d never climaxed like that before and it took her a few minutes to get her breath back. Meanwhile Judy had crouched down beside her and was cuddling her gently. Finally Lisa sat up and reached for Judy.
?That was fantastic. Thank you, thank you.? She reached out her arms and gave Judy a hug. ?How can I thank you properly?? she asked.
?Come on. It?s late. Come back to my bed and I?ll show you.?
Judy took her by the hand and led her off upstairs.
Lisa rolled over after a long satisfying sleep. It was Saturday morning and she could lie in. As she came too she realised that the bed was too wide and then it all came back. She was in Judy?s bed. She?d never meant to? She let out a horrified gasp as full recollection came back. She?d behaved like a shameless slut! Judy wasn?t there beside her now but she?d surely be back soon. She looked for her pyjamas. The top lay on the floor beside the bed. She blushed again when she remembered where the bottoms were. Back in the lounge where she?d? Perhaps if she snuck out now she?d be able to see Judy later and explain that it had all been a big mistake. She wasn?t that sort of girl, honest she wasn?t. She was reaching down for her pyjama top when the door opened. Judy entered wearing a satin dressing gown and holding a loaded tray.
?Good morning. I?ve brought tea and toast.?
Lisa slipped back under the covers holding them high to cover herself up.
?A little more modest this morning, are we?? Judy?s tone was half mocking.
?I? Err? About last night.? Lisa stammered.
Judy put the tea tray down and reached over touching Lisa?s lips with her finger as if to shush her.
?You look a little worried. Let me guess. It goes something like this. You?ve never done anything like last night before. You?re not sure you want to do anything like it ever again and you?re worried about how this puts things between the two of us. But before you run away just remember how good it felt. I know you weren?t faking that bit! Here, put your pyjama top back on if it helps you feel more comfortable and stay and have breakfast with me. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.?
Lisa took the pyjama to from Judy and snuggled under the covers to put it on. Reluctantly she agreed that she might as well stay for breakfast.
As the two women ate their toast Lisa turned to Judy and asked ?How did you know how I felt? I mean, you were spot on. Look, I don?t want to be a wet blanket or anything but I?m really not sure about all this. I?m not sure it?s right, right for me I mean.?
?Good heavens girl, do you thing you?re the only one to be nervous after her first time!? Judy laughed. ?Why, after my first time I had all the same doubts. ?Oh my God! I?m a lesbian pervert? or something like that.?
Lisa had never thought that the suave, self-assured and confident Judy could be like that. The thought intrigued her.
?Your first time? What was it like? We?re you seduced by the older woman like me??
?No, nothing like that, and less of the ?older? thank you. No, it was completely different.?
?Please tell me, I?d love to know.? Lisa?s curiosity had overcome her nerves.
?Well, it was some time ago. I was fresh up at collage when I met Christine. She and I just sparked. You know how it goes sometimes. You meet someone and instantly get on. She and I just bonded. Nothing sexy at first, just good friends.
?Anyway she invited me down to spend the
summer holidays with her at her family?s farm down in
?One day her family all went off for market day. We girls stayed behind to look after the house and work on our tans. We decided to have a picnic out on the lawn so we got in our bikinis and took some food, and more importantly a bottle of chilled white wine out into the garden. After lunch the wine and the hot sun had made me drowsy but it had the opposite effect on Christine. She got quite playful and started to mess around. I didn?t mind at first but I just wanted to relax and read my book so it was beginning to get on my nerves.
?After a while she disappeared for a bit. The next thing I knew a stream of ice-cold water broke over me soaking me and my book. Christine was standing there with a hose. I jumped up to grab the hose off her and the whole thing developed into a bit of a struggle. I wanted to get the hose off her she wouldn?t let go. It was all friendly and laughing but either of us wanted to lose.
?Eventually I got her face down on the ground with me sitting astride her. I spotted one of the flip-flops we?d been wearing and a sudden impulse got into me. ?If you?re going to behave like a little child I?m going to treat you like a little child.? I told her. ?A good spanking is what you deserve.?
?I grabbed the flip-flop and stated to spank her.? This awoke some devil inside me and I started quite hard. It really must have hurt. After half a dozen strokes or so I started to get worried about the squeaks of pain that Christine was making so I stopped. I could not have been more surprised when Christine called out ?Please, please don?t stop. That?s fantastic!?
??Well little madam. If that?s what you?re like then we?d better do it properly? I replied. I grabbed her bikini bottoms and pulled them down. Her bottom was already covered in red marks and I stroked them gently. Then I set to with a vengeance. Christine wriggled her arm beneath her and, to my amazement started to play with herself. The more I smacked her the more harder she rubbed herself and I was getting turned on too. It didn?t take long before she cried out and came with the strongest orgasm I?d ever seen at that point in my life. I stopped smacking her and she rolled over and pulled me down to her. ?Thank you, thank you, thank you? she repeated between deep passionate kisses. ?Now, I?ve had my orgasm, what about yours??
?Gently she rolled me over onto my back and started to kiss not just my lips but my neck, my shoulders, anywhere she could get at. She took of my bikini top and kissed my nipples. I?d never felt anything like it. Sure a few tentative boyfriends had had a go but what do men know? All this, the sun and the wine was have a powerful effect on me and I took her head in my hands and pushed it down to my groin. Christine needed no further prompting and she removed my bikini bottoms and started to kiss between my thighs. It was like turning an electric switch. Within seconds I knew I was about to have the most powerful orgasm I had ever had. Her tongue lapped at my clitoris pushing me higher and higher. Moments later I came with a shout that must have been heard in the next county. I pulled her back up to me face to face and in one long cuddle we drifted off to sleep together in each other?s arms.
??Fortunately we didn?t sleep too deeply so we were woken by the sounds of the rest of the family returning. We threw on some clothes and tried to pretend nothing had happened. Luckily Christine had a wrap nearby. Her bikini wouldn?t have covered the marks on her bottom even if it had been on her! It was quite an act keeping a straight face when her family came into the garden looking for us. We?d managed to get decent by then, but only just.
?Well, we didn?t get any time in the rest of the day to talk privately but it was quite common for Christine and I to sneak into each others rooms at night and share a bed. Nobody thought anything of it, assuming correctly that we were just chatting. That night I knew all the uncertainties you?re feeling now. What would I say to Christine? We?d been a bit drunk at the time. How was it going to be now we?d sobered up? How was this going to affect our friendship? Where did she want to take this? Where did I want to take this? I?m sure you know what I?m talking about.
?Anyway when she came to my room that night it turned out she was as apprehensive as I was. We talked and talked late into the night about how we felt and what we wanted. And at the end of the day what we decided was ?So what? She had had fun. I had had fun. No one got hurt, at least not more than they wanted to and we?d both had the best, most powerful orgasms ever.??
?Wow. That?s fantastic And what happened next?? Lisa asked Her eyes were right with excitement..? ?Did you keep playing together??
?Of course. Christine and I spent the rest of that summer, and a whole lot more besides experimenting with what we liked, what turned each other on.?
?And do you still see her? Is she still you friend??
?Well, we?ve drifted apart a bit. She goes her way and I go mine but we?re still very much in touch. You?ve met her you know. She?s head of personnel at Amalgamated.?
?Christine Holmes! She?s your Christine!?
?Oh yes, and we still play together from time to time. Anyway, enough about me, what about you??
?What about me?? Lisa asked a bit nervously.
?Well, if I?m any judge, and I am, someone?s got a bit worked up by my little story. Let me see? Judy?s voice had regained its authoritative tone. Gently she pushed Lisa back onto the pillows. Her hand slid beneath the covers and started to move down Lisa?s body. When her hand reached the bottom of her pyjama top she slid it over Lisa?s thigh and into her crotch.
?Well Miss I?m Not Sure. Looks like I really got to you.? Lisa felt Judy?s fingers slip inside her. There was no hiding how damp she was. Lisa struggled with indecision. She still wasn?t sure how far she wanted to go with this but Judy?s hand on her groin was giving her delicious tingles.
Judy pulled her and away and sat up. ?I know what you need.? She said and she undid the belt of her dressing gown and slipped it from the loops that held it around her waist.
?Put you hands together over your head.? Lisa obeyed reluctantly wondering what was coming next. Judy quickly looped the dressing gown belt around her wrists and tied them together. The smooth material was tight enough to hold her but not tight enough to hurt. She tied the other end off to the headboard.
?Now then, you just lie there and I?ll make the decisions for a while.? Judy pulled back the covers so Lisa lay exposed. Then she knelt over Lisa and started undoing the buttons of her pyjama top. ?That?s better. You?ve got lovely breasts. You shouldn?t hide them away. Judy lent forward and kissed Lisa?s nipples. Lisa felt strangely comforted by having her hands tied. After all, if she couldn?t escape then she wasn?t really agreeing to what was happening. Judy had started to use her teeth on Lisa?s nipples. As she bit harder and harder it started to hurt, not much but enough. Each bite seemed to send a tingling shock straight to her groin. Suddenly Judy bit much harder. Lisa groaned and arched her back as a wave of pain and pleasure washed through her. Judy sat back with a look on her face like the cat that?s stolen the cream.
?Please, please don?t stop.? Lisa begged.
?Now now. I told you. I make the decisions. I don?t want another word from you young lady. If you speak again I?ll have to gag you.? Judy returned to her work kissing Lisa?s stomach, her hips, the top of her thighs. Lisa?s groin ached to be touched. She was so close, so near and yet so far. Judy?s kisses continued to circle in towards the centre of Lisa?s pleasure until finally, with one brief kiss, her lips brushed the top of Lisa?s slit and she sat back again.
?Ooohhh.? Lisa couldn?t keep back the groan of frustrated pleasure. She needed release and had been so close.
?I told you, one more word and I?d gag you.? Judy got off the bed and searched around for a moment. When she returned she was holding a pair of panties and a headscarf.
?Open wide.? Lisa was far too far gone to do anything but obey. Judy pushed the panties into her mouth and tied the headscarf around her head to hold them in. Once again she set to work, once again she played with Lisa?s body but every time Lisa came close to orgasm she draw back. Lisa?s body screamed with frustration. She tried to roll over, to rub herself against Judy, anything for relief. Judy firmly pushed her back.
?You come when I say you come. Understand?? Judy got off the bed and went to the door. ?Just lie there a second. Don?t go anywhere.?
Minutes later she returned with the holdall that had been left in the lounge the night before. She laid it on the floor and rummaged around for a bit, took out a few things and put them on the bed.? Then she got back on the bed herself.? Judy picked up a short length of chain with a clip at either end. She knelt beside Lisa?s body and attached each of the clips to a nipple. They were quite tight and the caused a throbbing sensation. If Lisa hadn?t been so turned on they would have hurt but in her present state they just added to the overall sensations. Judy played gently with the chain, tugging it to increase the sensations, to increase the pain. Lisa felt as if she would explode. Even with the gag she was pleading for release, her voice muffled and distorted. Judy reached down to the pile of things on the bed. Now she held a large vibrator. Lisa looked on with horror. Something that big would never fit inside her! However Judy wasn?t going to do that, she switched it on and started stoking it against Lisa?s lower lips. The throbbing from her nipples and the buzz of the vibrator combined in Lisa?s body to build in wave after wave of feeling, of pain, of pleasure, of? Lisa started to come. Again and again she climaxed but each time Judy wouldn?t let her finish. Each time Judy kept pushing her to one more wave until finally Lisa cried out as loud as the gag would allow, arched her back and pushed herself away, as far as her tied wrists would let her.
Lisa was still sobbing with emotion as Judy unclipped the nipple clamps, switched off the vibrator and untied Lisa?s wrists. Then she took the girl in her arms and held her close.
?Still unsure about what you like?? Judy?s tone was mocking.
?Wow, that was fantastic!? Lisa was still breathless. ?But what about you. What can I do for you in return??
?Don?t worry little one. I?ll get my pleasure later. Why don?t you agree to be my little slave this afternoon??
?Yes, anything, anything after that.? Lisa replied and snuggled back into Judy?s arms.
?Gotcha!? Judy thought to herself.
In a warm post coital glow Lisa lay cuddled in the crook of Judy?s arm. Whilst she still had doubts about what she was doing she felt safe here. Judy was strong, self assured and confident. So different from her. Absentmindedly she ran her hand over Judy?s stomach. She loved the feel of it. Judy?s jogging and sessions in the gym had left her body firm and lean. She really was very beautiful. Her hand edged lower, just brushing the top of Judy?s pubic hair. She kept it short and neat, not shaven, more like a crew cut. She snuggled in closer.
?Ummm. That?s nice. Judy purred. ?But we can?t lie here all day. We have things to do. I need to go into town to shop. Do you want to come too??
?Yes please. That would be fun.?
?Come and join me in the shower and then we?ll get dressed and go.? Judy got out of bed, shrugged off her dressing gown and headed for the en-suite.
Lisa hadn?t shared a shower with anyone since games days at school. She was a little nervous and unsure of what was expected of her. She tried to keep herself as far away from Judy as possible. Judy had other ideas. ?Here, let me help you with that.? Judy took the soap and started to work up a rich lather all over Lisa?s body. Standing face-to-face Judy wrapped her arms around her and held her close as he worked on Lisa?s back ?You?ve got a lovely little body, you know.? She said as s soaped into the crack of Lisa?s buttock. ?You really should show it off more.?
Lisa didn?t think she had a lovely body at all. When she looked in the mirror all she saw was this skinny little thing. And now Judy was saying she was what? Pretty? ?It?s not as nice as yours.? She murmured as she nestled her head into Judy?s shoulder. The hot water, the soap and the feel of Judy?s body held close to her were turning her on again. Lightly she kissed Judy?s neck.
?No time for that now.? Judy laughed. ?Come on, rinse the soap off. It?s time to get dressed and go.?
They got out of the shower. Judy handed Lisa a towel, took one for herself, and they went back into the bedroom. As Lisa dried herself off Judy wrapped her towel around herself, turned to her dressing table and rummaged in a draw. Finding what she wanted she turned back to Lisa.
?Right young lady. You remember your promise about later?? Judy asked.
?Er? yes? Lisa replied nervously.
?Well here?s something to make sure you don?t forget. Take off that towel, come over here and stand in front of me.? Judy sat on the stool by her dressing table as Lisa obeyed. Judy produced a length of golden chain. At one end was a small padlock, at the other a heart shaped medallion with ?Judy? inscribed on it. She passed the chain around Lisa?s waist and, after a few adjustments clicked the padlock shut. The medallion was quite heavy and the chain was adjusted so that it nestled just at the top of Lisa?s labia. Lisa could see that with every movement it would bump against her, not hard, but enough to know it was there. Judy took the medallion and pointed out the inscription to Lisa.
?That?s to remind you just whose property you are at the moment. Right, off you go and get dressed. I want to leave in ten minutes. When you?re wearing the chain wear a dress or a skirt, no jeans. Oh, and no bra or panties either. I?ll be checking!?
Lisa looked at herself in the mirror. The medallion nestled in her pubic hair. She was taken by how pretty it looked but the work ?property? echoed in her mind. It wasn?t just the physical chain and how, or more importantly, where it lay against her. She felt like she?d been tagged, or possibly gift-wrapped.
?Come along. Stop admiring yourself. We haven?t got all day.? Judy told her.
Lisa hurried back to her room. It was a bright sunny day so she chose a loose summery dress in light cotton. She felt a bit exposed; naked under her dress, but a quick check in the mirror confirmed that it didn?t show. No panties implied no tights either so she chose short white socks and ?sensible? shoes. She went downstairs and a few minutes later Judy joined her. As ever Judy was a picture of smart elegance. Lisa felt the difference in their dress emphasised the difference between them. She felt young and vulnerable, almost grateful for Judy?s protection.
As they walked round town hand in hand Lisa could feel the medallion bumping against her. As it swung forward it would hit the material of the dress and she wondered if anyone would notice. The cool breeze around her legs seemed to emphasise her nakedness underneath. She began to realise the subtleness of what Judy had done to her. Here they were having a perfectly normal Saturday morning shop but she was kept constantly aware of how she was dressed and what was to come. This, combined with the bumping of the medallion, was keeping her lightly aroused.
?Hello Judy, Lisa. How are you? Do you mind if I join you?? Christine Holmes appeared at their table.
?Of course not. Pull up a chair.? Judy replied. The waitress arrived and the three women ordered.
?So, how are you two getting on?? Christine asked. ?When I found out that Lisa her was looking for digs I thought of you right away. Was I right or was I right??
?Oh were just fine.? Judy replied. ?Getting on like a house on fire. Lisa and I are having so much fun together.?
?Really?? There was a questioning tone in Christine?s voice.
?Oh yes. As a matter of fact she?s chained right now.?
?Judy!? Lisa was horrified, her face burning with embarrassment. How could she betray her like this?
?Now, now dear.? Judy?s tone was firm. ?I told you about me and Christine. It?s only fair that she should know in return.?
?Chained? Right now?? Christine had a wicked grin on her face.
?Oh yes, why don?t you have a feel?? Judy slipped her arm around Lisa in what looked to the outside world as a friendly hug. In fact she was holding her quite tightly. Christine shuffled her chair a little closer and slipped her hand under Lisa?s dress. Fortunately the tablecloth hid her actions from the rest of the wine bar.
?Legs apart dear.? Judy whispered in Lisa?s ear. Christine?s hand slipped between her thighs and found the medallion. In a sitting position it rested much lower, touching the chair Lisa was sitting on. Christine?s fingers took hold of it, rubbed it gently up and down Lisa?s labia and then slipped it inside. Lisa gasped in surprise.
?Oh yes, she?s really quite wet and excited. How long has this been going on?? To Lisa?s relief Christine removed her hand. She licked the tips of her fingers. ?She?s quite the horny one.?
?Just since last night. I caught her peeping at the photo albums, gave her a sound spanking and we?re taking it from there.?
Lisa was appalled by what had just happened. Judy had offered her up without so much as a by your leave and Christine, without a moments hesitation had touched her in the most intimate way possible. She felt as if she were a new toy being shared by the two women but she couldn?t make a fuss without making a scene in this very public place. Part of her was appalled by herself. Christine was right. She was aroused and the medallion, still resting inside her, was not making things any easier. The chain was pulled against her clitoris. She urgently needed to? to do what? Pull it out was the obvious answer but she couldn?t resist the thrills running through her. If only she could just touch herself. She moved her hand down to her lap. Maybe she could reach the chain through the light cotton of her dress.
?No.? Judy took her wrist and pulled her hand away. ?I can guess what Christine did. Leave it there.? The three women pulled apart as the waitress arrived with their food and drinks.
When the waitress left Christine took a long drink from her wine. ?So, if Lisa here is chained it looks like it?s playtime tonight.?
?Yes indeed. Would you like to join us?? Judy didn?t so much as glance at Lisa for confirmation that this would be all right with her.
?I?d love to, I?ve nothing on tonight, or nothing I can?t cancel.?
?Come round for supper then. Seven for seven thirty OK??
?I wouldn?t miss it for the world.?
?But? But?? Lisa stammered.
?Later dear. We?ll sort it out later.? Once again Judy?s tone brooked no argument. It was obvious that as far as she was concerned the matter was settled.
For the rest of the meal Judy and Christine chatted idly. Lisa tried to join in but she found it difficult to concentrate. The tingling from between her thighs mixed with her nervousness about what was planned for this evening was making her mind reel.
Finally the meal was over.? ?Right, I must be off. I?ll see you later.? Christine said as she got up from the table. As Lisa got up she felt the chain tug the medallion from inside her. She told Judy that she had to nip to the toilet.
?Right. I?ll come with you. I want to make sure you don?t play with yourself in there. That?s against the rules.?
?Rules, what rules??
?My rules. Now off we go.?
When the two women reached the toilet stall Lisa blurted out ?Why? Why did you invite her without asking me? Don?t I get a say in the matter.?
?Keep your voice down.? Judy replied sharply. ?Someone might come in at any moment. Let?s keep this private.?
?Private! You?ve just invited someone I hardly know to come and see me? and see me?? Lisa couldn?t bring herself to say the words. Furthermore she wasn?t quite sure exactly what Christine had been invited to come and see.
?Look, normally of course I?d check with you but when you?re my slave I make the decisions. The slave?s job is just to obey and disobedience will be punished.?
?I don?t know. I?m not sure about this.?
Judy?s tone softened. ?Look, I know this is all a bit much but why don?t you trust me a bit. You know I won?t hurt you, well, not more than you deserve. Use the stop word if you must but I promise you if you trust me you?ll find out just how much fun we can have.?
Lisa thought it over. She could feel her resistance slipping away. The turmoil in her mind was being overcome by the itch in her groin and also, truth be told, by a growing curiosity. Guided by Judy she had just had two of the most fantastic sexual experiences ever. What more was to come? Furthermore she was getting fond of Judy. She didn?t want to ruin their relationship by being a prude. Maybe she?d try it just this once. As Judy had said she could always use the stop word.
?Come on now, if you came in here to pee then pee. We?ve got shopping to do.?
?What? In front of you??
?Yes little one.? Judy laughed. ?I like to watch.?
Somehow peeing in front of Judy was more intimate, more exposing than all the sex they had shared together. However Lisa realised she had to get used to the new regime. She pulled her dress up, sat down on the toilet, moved the medallion to one side and started to pee.
As Judy watched she smiled to herself. The ?accidental? meeting with Christine had been no accident! A quick phone call while Lisa was getting dressed was all it had needed. Christine had played her part perfectly. She had been a bit concerned about moving Lisa on to the next step so quickly but her choice of a public place had been spot on. She knew Lisa was well hooked now but she still had to tread a little carefully or she?d frighten her off and lose her. And with Lisa she felt it wasn?t just another notch on the bedpost. She was genuinely fond of the girl. Even before last night she had enjoyed having Lisa around. If they were as compatible as she thought then there could be great times ahead.
On the drive home Lisa was a quiet and thoughtful. Judy glanced across.
?A penny for your thoughts.? She asked.
?Judy.? Lisa sounded uncertain. ?Is it always going to be like this??
?How do you mean??
?I don?t mind being your slave today, well I don?t think I do, but what about tomorrow? Can we just be Judy and Lisa again??
?Of course we can. There are some people who are always in role but I?m not one of them. Let?s just let tonight take its course and tomorrow we?ll be Judy and Lisa again. When we?re in play mode we?re in play mode, when we?re not we?re not. OK??
?Yes.? Lisa sounded relieved. ?I mean I want to do this, I really do, but not all the time.?
?I understand.? Judy realised that Lisa was reassuring herself more than anything else. ?Here we are, back home. Get the bags out of the car and come up to my room. We?ll sort out the next bit.
Lisa did as she was told. When she arrived at Judy?s room Judy was searching around in the back of her wardrobe.
?Now then.? She said turning to Lisa. ?I seem to remember that it was a photo of Sally as a maid that got you so turned on last night so a maid you shall be. I haven?t got all the bits so we will have to extemporise.?
She laid out on the bed a full-length cotton apron with frilled edges. After a few more minutes searching she found some old fashioned bloomers, a starched mop cap and an old fashioned corset. She gathered them together. ?Now, off to your room and we?ll see what we can find.?
Judy rummaged through Lisa?s wardrobe and picked out a plain black skirt and white short-sleeved blouse. ?These will have to do. Now let?s get you in uniform. Off with that dress young lady.?
Lisa obeyed and Judy picked up the corset and held it against her body. It reached from her hips to just below her breasts. ?Hmm. Not quite your size but there?s enough lacing to make up for that.? At first the corset seemed quite loose but as Judy pulled at the laces it got tighter and tighter. Not only was her waist pulled in but she was forced to stand straighter. Judy tied off the laces and reached for the bloomers. These were very old fashioned, no elastic but ribbons that tied off around the waist and above the knees. They were baggy enough not to restrict the medallion in any way. The skirt, blouse, apron and cap completed the ensemble.
Judy stood back, looked her up and down and sighed. ?Well it?s far from perfect but it will have to do for now. There?s plenty of housework for you to be getting on with. Off you go.?
?Ok? Lisa replied.
?I beg your pardon Jones. What did you just say?? Judy?s voice was sharp and firm.
?Sorry Miss. I forgot.?
?You forgot? I?ll make sure you never forget. I demand that you show proper respect at all times. Is that understood??
?Yes Miss. I?m sorry Miss.?
?That?s better but I prefer Ma?am from my maids.?
?Yes Ma?am. Of course Ma?am.? Lisa hung her head. She felt like a little schoolgirl being told of by a strict teacher.
?Well get on with your chores then. Off you go.?
As Lisa got on with the housework Judy sat in the lounge and read a magazine, pointedly ignoring her. The tight corset restricted her movements and was a constant reminder of her position. As she polished the big mirror above the fireplace she looked at her reflection. The cap and apron marked her as quite the little maid at the beck and call of her mistress. Why did she find it so erotic?
?Jones! It?s
?Coming Ma?am. I?ll be right there.? Lisa rushed to the kitchen and put on the kettle. She knew she?d be in more trouble if she didn?t get this right. It couldn?t be just a cup of tea. Hurriedly she put together a tray with teapot, cup, saucer and a plate of biscuits to round it off.
As she brought the tray into the lounge Judy inspected it. ?You?re late and I don?t expect to have to ask. You should anticipate my demands. Put the tray on the coffee table.? Lisa did as she was told, poured out a cup and handed it to Judy.
?Don?t just stand there you gormless girl. My feet are sore. Massage them.?
Lisa knelt down in front of Judy, took off her shoes and started to massage her feet. Somehow this felt right. Lisa wanted to be here, kneeling before her mistress giving her pleasure. She was slipping into a more and more subservient role and finding it fitted. She bent forward as far as the corset would allow, lifted Judy?s foot to her mouth and kissed her toes through the stockings. Judy rested her other foot on Lisa?s lap.
?Closer girl. Move closer.? Judy demanded. Lisa shuffled forward. The foot on Lisa?s lap was now resting firmly on her groin. The pressure against her was tantalising, teasing, adding to her aroused state. Lisa tried to push herself against it.
?Don?t wriggle.? Reluctantly Lisa kept still and concentrated on Judy?s foot. All day the erotic tension inside her had kept rising. She needed release but knew she?d have to wait for it.
?That?s enough. I need to get ready for tonight. Run me a bath. Off you go.? Lisa gently put down Judy?s foot and went to the bathroom. As the water was running she searched through the various bottles on the shelf and picked out an expensive bath oil. ?I hope this will do.? She thought to herself.? A few moments later Judy appeared wearing her dressing gown. She shrugged it off and slipped into the bath. Lisa turned to leave.
?Where do you think you?re going? Come back here at once. I expect full personal service from my maids. And what is my dressing gown doing on the floor??
Flustered Lisa picked up the dressing gown and hung it up. She turned back to the bath where Judy was holding out a sponge. As quick as she could she rolled up her sleeves as Judy was obviously impatient. Then kneeling beside the bath she took the sponge. If massaging Judy?s feet had been a form of worship then this was more so. Lisa adored Judy?s body and here was the chance to caress it all over.
Judy lay back and luxuriated in the warm water. Lisa?s gentle strokes with the sponge were delicious across her flesh. This was definitely getting her in the mood and if Lisa was spending a little to long washing her breasts and between her legs than was strictly necessary she wasn?t going to complain. However the water was beginning to cool and time was moving on. She pushed Lisa away and got out of the bath.
Lisa took a towel off the rack and handed it to Judy. The immediate look of disapproval on Judy?s face told her she was mistaken. She realised she was to do the towelling. Starting with her shoulders she gently rubbed Judy dry. By the time she got to Judy?s feet she was kneeling in front of her, her face right in front of Judy?s perfectly groomed mons. She couldn?t resist it. She leaned forward and kissed her lips.
?Don?t be impertinent? Judy pushed her away. ?Now come to my room and help me dress.?
When they got to Judy?s bedroom Lisa saw a dark red gown laid out on the bed. Next to it were all sorts of items. Some of which Lisa couldn?t recognise. Judy picked up a red satin basque and handed it to Lisa. ?Come along now. You know what to do.?
Lisa started to dress Judy. Whereas her own outfit was cobbled together from bits and pieces Judy had the complete wardrobe of an Edwardian lady. Lisa felt all fingers and thumbs as she struggled with the buttons and laces. Some of the items were very complex. Judy tutted at her clumsiness. Finally it was finished. Lisa stood back and looked. Judy looked magnificent, regal and very beautiful. Lisa wanted to kneel down and worship right there.
?What are you staring at.
Get on with your tasks. The bathroom?s in an awful
state and you?ve the meal to cook by
Lisa hurried off to clean up the bathroom. She was beginning to understand that this was another job that had to be done perfectly. Judy, or should she say Ma?am was a stickler for detail. By the time she finished it was time to start cooking. She wasn?t the best cook in the world but fortunately the meal Judy had picked out from the market wasn?t too difficult. She was busy with the pots and pans when the doorbell went. Seven o-clock already! After a few seconds she realised that it was her duty to answer the door. She put down what she was doing and rushed to the front door.
Christine swept in totally ignoring Lisa. She took off a long cloak and Lisa just managed to grab it before it fell to the floor. She then dropped a holdall which Lisa gathered up and put with the cloak in the cupboard. She too was in Edwardian clothes, her gown a delicate yellow which matched her blonde hair. However Lisa wondered how many Edwardian women wore stout leather collars like the one round Christine?s neck! A silver dog tag hung from a metal loop at the front. Lisa wondered with a sharp twinge of jealousy whether the dog tag said ?Judy? like the medallion she wore.
?Christine my dear. So good of you to come. Do come in.? Judy swept up to Christine and the two women kissed, not just a peck but a long lingering kiss. Lisa seethed with jealousy. Judy was her mistress, not this interloper. The two women went into the lounge and Lisa followed. Judy offered Christine a drink. Luckily Lisa realised it was her job to fetch it. Spurred by her jealousy she was determined to prove just how perfect a maid she could be. Then it was back to the kitchen.
As she took the food to the table Lisa smiled to herself. She?d made the effort and she felt she?d done well. Everything was in its place looking just right. She went on through to the lounge and announced that the meal was ready.
Throughout the meal she bustled around making sure that neither woman wanted for anything. Not that either of them appeared to notice. They treated her as if she were invisible, as if wine glasses filled themselves and the food came and empty plates left by magic. She hardly had time to grab more than a quick bite from the kitchen table as she passed. Not that she was particularly hungry. Nervousness and anticipation had killed her appetite.
Finally the meal was over and Judy and Christine relaxed with glasses of brandy as Lisa cleared up. The dishwasher was just starting when she heard Judy calling her.
?Jones! Jones! Come in here girl.? Lisa hurried to the dining room.
?Jones, there have been several regrettable lapses in your behaviour today. You know what that means, don?t you??
?Yes Ma?am.?
?Yes Ma?am what??
Lisa realised what was expected of her. ?Yes Ma?am. I deserve to be punished.?
?Quite right. Now let?s go to the playroom. Come along.? Judy led the two women to the hallway. Taking a key from around her neck she unlocked a door that Lisa had previously though was just a cupboard. When opened it revealed stairs leading down. The house had a cellar that Lisa hadn?t even guessed at. She followed Judy and Christine down the stairs.
Most cellars are cold, damp and dusty. This one could not have been more different. The rooms were spacious, heated and well decorated. The lighting was soft and indirect. Lisa looked around in amazement. A collection of canes hung from one wall, shackles from another and there were a number or wooden and leather contraptions she could only guess at. At one end was a carver chair set up, almost like a throne. Judy walked over to it and sat down. Lisa stood in the middle of the room anxiously waiting. Christine stood to one side.
?There have been several lapses of behaviour today. You left my dressing gown on the bathroom floor, you?ve been impertinent several times and you?ve been clumsy and forgetful. What do you have to say for yourself??
?I?m sorry Ma?am. It won?t happen again.? Lisa replied meekly.
?I?m going to make sure it doesn?t. Christine, the horse I think.?
Christine went to the side of the room and dragged back what looked like a gymnast?s vaulting horse. Four wooden legs held it steady and each one had a leather shackle chained to the foot. The top was quite thin and covered with leather. Christine went over to Lisa and, taking her by the hand, stood her in front of it. She knelt down and lifting Lisa?s skirt reached up and undid the laces from the waistband of Lisa?s bloomers. The loose material fell down, now held by the laces above her knee. Then she guided Lisa until she was standing against the horse. She shackled Lisa?s ankles left and right. There was barely enough give in the material of the bloomers to let Lisa open her legs that wide. Lisa was then bent forward over the horse and her wrists shacked to the opposite side. Finally Christine lifted the back of her skirt and tucked it into the ties which held her apron. There was a short silence and then a flash and the click of a camera shutter. Lisa realised she was in roughly the same position as the girl in the picture that had started all this. She had wondered how that girl had felt. Now she knew. The only difference was that the girl in the picture had been soundly caned. Lisa knew that difference would not last long. Her mind whiled with a mixture of emotions. She was nervous about being caned; she was embarrassed by her nakedness; above all, and somewhat to her surprise, she was aroused.
Judy got up from the throne and approached Lisa. She reached between her thighs and cupped her hand over her pubic mound. One finger wriggled in and began to play with her clitoris.
?Naughty little maids need to be punished. That?s how their mistresses show that they care for them. Do you understand??
?Yes Ma?am. Yes, I do.? Lisa was panting gently. She had been kept in a state of semi arousal all day and Judy?s finger was fast pushing her towards release. She needed release so badly. However she knew she?d have to be caned first. Looking back between her legs she could see Christine looking on. She?d show the bitch that she could take her punishment, that she could be a better slave to Judy than Christine ever was.
Judy took her hand away and then swish, thwack the first blow fell. A stripe of fire seared across her bottom. Last night?s spanking had been nothing like this. Swish. Thwack. The second blow fell. ?Please, please stop. I can?t take it.? She managed to gasp out between sobs. Judy took no notice but carried on. Lisa bucked and struggled, her bottom a searing ball of pain but she was determined not to use the stop word, she was determined to serve her mistress.
Finally the last blow fell and the room was silent except for Lisa?s sobbing. She felt curiously elated. She?d made it. Furthermore, in spite of the pain, because of the pain, her whole body felt high, felt alive. It was more than sexual, almost spiritual. Judy came round the horse and crouched down beside her.
?There. Good girl. You?ve taken your punishment. Now, what do you say??
?Thank you. Thank you Ma?am.? Lisa realised she wasn?t just saying it. She really meant it.
?Well now you can thank me properly.? Judy unclipped the shackles from the feet of the horse leaving them locked round Lisa?s wrists. She drew her arms behind her back and fastened them back together. Then she fastened Lisa?s ankles together in the same way. Lisa slid to the floor. Judy returned to the throne and sat down.
?Here girl, come to me.? Lisa shuffled forward on her knees. The chains made it a bit awkward. As she approached Judy lifted up the front of her gown.
?Now girl, show me how much you love me. Show me how you thank your mistress.?
Lisa shuffled between Judy?s knees, leant forward and burrowed between the folds of clothing. Finally she was there. Her lips grazed the centre of Judy?s pleasure. Her tongue probed in. Chained and kneeling before her this was truly an act of worship. Again there was a flash and the click of the camera but she didn?t care. Her tongue caressed Judy?s clitoris which swelled beneath it. The sweet taste of Judy was mixed with the salty taste of her tears that had run down her cheeks. She could feel Judy responding to her tongue, pushing herself forward. She increased the pressure but kept the steady rhythm. Even through the layers of clothing that covered her she could hear Judy moaning with pleasure. Judy reached down and held Lisa?s head, pulling it into her. Lisa could feel spasms running through the muscles of Judy?s thighs either side of her head. ?Yes, yes, yes, OOOHHHHHHH YES.? Judy?s orgasm was long and explosive.
For a minute or two Judy just sat there getting her breath back. Then she eased Lisa up from under her gown. And gently pulled her to her. They kissed and kissed. ?Well done girl.? Judy whispered in her ear. ?But it?s not over yet.?
Judy undid Lisa?s shackles and unfastened the bloomers from where they hung from Lisa?s knees. The skirt, however, was left tucked up, leaving a cool breeze to sooth Lisa?s poor bottom. Then she turned to Christine.
You could tell from Christine?s eyes that she had been enjoying the show. Her face was flushed and she was obviously excited.
?Well Christine, your behaviour has been less than perfect today, hasn?t it??
?Yes Miss.?
?And what did you do to this poor girl at lunchtime??
?I molested her Miss.?
?And did I give you permission??
?No Miss.?
?And do you deserve to be punished??
?Yes Miss. I was very naughty Miss.?
?Well, first of all I think we had best get you more suitably attired for punishment. Jones, remove her outer garments.?
Lisa went over to Christine and started to unbutton her dress. As she undid the top buttons she had a quick glance and confirmed that the tag on the collar did indeed say ?Judy?. She removed it carefully and hung it up.? Next came a white cotton chemise. This too was removed and hung with the dress. Lisa was impressed how Christine?s clothes, like Judy?s, were accurate for the period. Christine now stood in a white whaleboned corset not unlike the one she was wearing, a pair of bloomers, white stockings and white-heeled ankle boots.
?And the bloomers I think.? Judy ordered. There?s no dignity for those being punished.?
Lisa crouched down in front of Christine to undo the ties which held the bloomers on. As the fell to the floor they revealed that Christine was close cropped like Judy. However you could tell she was a natural blonde. Lisa hung up the clothes neatly and returned to Christine. Whilst Lisa did not think she was as beautiful as Judy you could tell Christine was no stranger to the gym. Her breasts, which were semi supported by the top of the corset, were firm and high. Her legs slender and well toned. Now that she was semi naked the dark leather of the collar stood out. Lisa thought it looked perfect and wondered if she could have one of her own.
?The pillars for you, I think.? Judy got up and led Christine over to where two stout pillars, five feet or so apart, ran from the floor to the ceiling. There were metal eyelets attached at various heights. Judy took the shackles she had unfastened from Lisa and put them on Christine?s wrists. Then Christine lay down on her back between the pillars and her wrists were attached. Judy then got two more shackles, this time attached to much longer lengths of chain. These she attached to Christine?s ankles. She threaded the chain through eyelets about four feet up and pulled. The effect was to pull Christine?s ankles back over her head, spreading her legs in the process. Lisa felt she looked open and exposed.
?As Jones was the one who you molested I think it?s only fair if she?s the one who punishes you.? Judy went over to the wall and took down a flogger consisting of a short handle holding many thin strips of leather. She handed it to Lisa. Then she showed Lisa how to stand astride Christine?s waist so that she could whip the inside of Christine?s thighs as well as the buttocks. Tentatively Lisa gave the first stroke.
?Much harder than that! Come on girl, she?s not made of glass.? Spurred on by Judy Lisa set to with a vengeance. As the blows got harder it woke a spark in Lisa. She was Judy?s slave, not this interloper. The blows rained down, sometimes on the thighs, sometimes on the buttocks and sometimes straight onto Christine?s crotch. Between the thuds of the blows she could hear Christine moaning, the tempo built and built. Christine?s thighs and buttocks were bright red, criss-crossed with countless red lines where the thongs had struck. Lisa was losing herself in a blur of excitement.
?Ok, that?s enough.? Judy?s hand on her arm stopped her. Lisa was panting from the exertion. Christine lay there writhing against her bonds moaning gently. The tension in the air was electric. Judy guided Lisa back and gently pushed her down until she was squatting over Christine?s face. Christine reached up as far as she could go and kissed Lisa between her buttocks. Lisa needed no further encouragement. She wriggled down until her labia were over Christine?s lips.
?Lick me bitch! Lick my cunt out!? Lisa hardly knew what had come over her. Se would never use language like that but the heat of the moment, the build up of tension, had taken her a place she?s never known before. She found, as she desperately tried to get Christine?s tongue as close to her clitoris as possible, that she was bending further and further forward, further and further towards Christine?s crotch.
?Go on, you too, give what you?re getting.? Judy ordered. She put her hand on the back of Lisa?s neck and pushed her the rest of the way. Lisa took her cue and started to search out Christine?s clitoris with her tongue.
Whereas Lisa had licked Judy in a worshipping, reverential way with Christine it was more like two wild animals. Lisa had a whole day?s pent up emotion to lose and Christine was giving back as good as she got. Lisa ground her groin into Christine?s face. She could feel Christine losing control beneath her. She could feel herself losing control. She reached round and grabbed Christine?s buttocks, digging her nails into the soft flesh. This obviously brought Christine to her climax as her whole body bucked and writhed held down by Lisa?s body and the chains to her wrists and ankles. Lisa could take it no longer, she too reached a shuddering climax, her screams of pleasure muffled by her face deep in Christine?s groin. Lisa rolled off Christine and collapsed panting beside her.
Judy crouched down beside Lisa and whispered in her ear. ?Well my sweet? Did you enjoy that??
?God that was fantastic. I?ve never felt anything like that before.?
?Good, now come on and help me untie Christine.?
They untied Christine and helped her to her feet. The three women hugged and kissed each other gently coming down, coming back to normal.
?Right you two. Let?s go upstairs and get changed. I don?t know about you but I could do with a drink.? They went upstairs to Judy?s bedroom, Christine grabbing her holdall on the way. There they helped each other undress. Judy put on her dressing gown, Christine produced a jogging outfit from her holdall, and Lisa went to her room to find something loose and comfortable. Then they returned to the lounge. This time it was Judy who poured the drinks, forever the perfect hostess. She sat down on the settee but Lisa and Christine preferred to remain standing. After a while Christine glanced at the clock.
?Good Heavens! Is that the time! I must go, I?ve got things to do tomorrow.? She turned and hugged Lisa whispering ?Welcome to the club.? in her ear. Then she hugged Judy and went towards the door.
?I?ll pick up my bits tomorrow. Is that OK??
?Sure. See you tomorrow.? Judy and Lisa saw Christine to the front door. Closing it behind her Judy turned to Lisa.
?Right, it?s late for me too. I?m off to bed. Are you coming??
?With you?? Lisa wasn?t sure where Judy expected her to sleep tonight.
?Of course. Come here.? Judy gently pulled Lisa into a hug. ?It?s not all whips and chains you know. Come to bed and let me kiss it better. We?ll tidy up in the morning.?
Hand in hand the two women went upstairs to bed.
To be continued?.
Lisa's Night Out It all started because I opened my big mouth, actually. And by the time everything had reached an end, I found myself simply amazed at just how far some people will go in order to encounter new experiences.I'd just been hired by the new high school as a science teacher. Fresh out of college three months before, I spent the summer at my parent's beach house, not doing much and making sure my beer intake,...
"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...
I guess the first time I sucked a cock was when I was about ten. Thecock I sucked belonged to my friend, Ted who was two years older than me.Even at twelve years old Ted had a gigantic cock. Then it was a good sevenor eight inches long. Ted had just started to cum and that is the reasonthat I sucked him. We were in the woods and he was telling me that he hadjacked off and he came. We had jacked off together before and had talkedabout what most boys talk about, cumming or shooting off as we...
Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...
(Couple meets hot slut at strip club)We'd had a long lunch with plenty to drink before Lisa dropped me at the front door, and headed off toward the bar a mile down the road. I'd told her to give me half an hour before she came back, and to wait in the parking lot. "Drive carefully" I said to her as I closed the door and entered the dimly lit strip club.I stepped inside and waited a second, letting my eyes adjust from the brilliant Canadian sunshine to the dark interior of the strip club. It was...
Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...
Lisa = Torture It had been only four days since Lisa had heard about the ML. Hailed in the underground as one of the richest dealers on the black market, able to get a person almost anything that they wanted?for a good price of course. Jennifer, Lisa’s best friend since 3rd grade had told her about the money and possibility’s that could happen if she joined her in the ML. Lisa couldn’t help but check it out, seeing that it was her Senior year in high school and Jennifer seemed to be...
Oh no LISA?S REALITY Chapter one - Taken Oh god, not again!? Lisa struggled as she felt a hand cover her mouth and was lifted off the ground by a firm arm around her waist.? She kicked her legs in the air, but soon realised she was not going anywhere.? Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain like a bite in her bottom and everything started to go fuzzy.? Try as she might, she was unable to stay alert and felt herself getting weaker until everything went dark. ****Lisa started to wake slowly,...
Lisa's InterviewThe evening was pleasant. A warm breeze cooled the deck, and dinner was served to the 6 couples aboard the yacht. Light chatter and laughter could be heard by the four men in the smaller boat anchored 100 yards off the starboard bow, unseen in the dark. After observing the yacht for an hour, the leader, Albert, noted that there were only three crew aboard, one a woman. Albert and his men thought of themselves as pirates, but they were slavers. As the dinner drew to a close with...
Weddings are sexy affairs, the whole thing is sexual and women in particular always seem to get turned on by the occasion, I think it is because everyone knows that the couple being wed are going to be bonking their bones to death in the very near future. In June we attended a friend's wedding, my eldest daughter who had recently had her 10th birthday, was a bridesmaid. The couple that were marrying (Sadie was a work colleague of mine, both were on their second marriage, l guess in their...
We arrived at Mark’s house, which was situated in a tiny and secluded Surrey village at about 8 ‘o’clock that Saturday night. We knocked on the door Lisa was looking very apprehensive; he opened the door to us almost immediately. He was according to his letter, a retired Army Major. Aged 57, but didn’t look a day over 50, he was tall, about 6ft 2”, looked thin and wiry, as sharp as a rapier. Mark showed us into his lounge and poured us both a drink. He asked Lisa if she was still willing to...
Lisa was sitting at the kitchen table as her parents talked. Then she heard her father say that perhaps they would go out of town again this weekend. Last weekend they had let her stay home alone. Her young body tingled with excitement. Last weekend she had given her first blow job and had acquired a vibrator. She felt her body heat with excitement and she wondered if Jimmy Simpson would want to come over. She had already made up her mind she was going to fuck him. If they could have the whole...
The bus came to a shuddering halt. Except for an old couple occupying the seat directly behind the driver it was almost empty. The only other passenger was a young girl. She glanced nervously towards the door as a youth climbed aboard. He was probably about 18 she thought, a few years older than herself, and quite good looking. However her swift appraisal quickly turned to concern, because as the bus pulled away from the stop the boy made his way down the central aisle and with a...
Part One: Lisa Takes Charge Lisa circled the bed slowly. Leslie's arms were firmly held to the bedframe by the shackles on her wrists. A broad leather strap held her body down on the bed. She strained to reach Lisa's soft skin and lush body, but the younger blonde-haired girl held back just out of reach. Both women were naked. Lisa held a large vibrating dildo that was covered with flavored KY jelly in one hand, and a leather strap in the other. Her tits bounced on her chest as she...
Lisa got on the bus and took her normal seat in the third row. As she sat down, she looked over to see Rose looking at her. Lisa was struck again at just how young the other eighteen girl appeared but today she was also struck by Rose’s large deep blue eyes. Lisa quickly changed so that she was seated next to Rose.“How are you today?” Lisa asked as she looked at the other girl.“I’m ok.” Rose replied but she kept looking at Lisa as if she was thinking about something and then she asked; “Did you...
Lisa woke up with a start when a loud noise from somewhere in the distance startled her. She looked around and was very confused, she discovered she was in a room she had never seen before, not a very big room, probably about 4ft by 5ft. There wasn’t any furniture in the room except for the bed she was lying on. There was a small window with bars across it. The sun streaming in through the window told her only that it was day time. She moved her legs, her intention was to look through the...
Lisa and Brit The small plane took off from the grass strip andleft Lisa and Brit standing there, wondering why Dr.Schmidt was not there to meet them. They shoulderedtheir back packs and started toward the road whichshould lead the village. They had no sooner reached theedge of the forest when they were surrounded bysoldiers carrying automatic rifles and dressed incamouflage uniforms. The soldiers took the back packs. An officer approached them. "May I see your passports, please?"He...
Lisa was a single mom who would do anything in the world for her daughter. She was a very hard working professional who lost her husband when Lynzee was only six. Although it was a struggle raising a child being a single parent, Lisa managed to make all of the necessary sacrifices to ensure her daughter had a good childhood. It wasn't until lately that the relationship with her daughter became very strained and Lisa felt bad because it seemed they were fighting almost all of the time. The two...
I’ve been married to Lisa for about three years now and although I do really love her our sex life was a little safe and boring. This was mainly due to Lisa’s upbringing her parents were very over protective and she had two older b*****rs who had always scared off any boys that came calling. We had been dating on and off since we were teenagers and luckily I had taken her virginity. Which was fantastic for me as she had been so very tight, then I had gone off to college for a few years. Lisa...
I’ve been married to Lisa for about three years now and although I do really love her our sex life was a little safe and boring. This was mainly due to Lisa’s upbringing her parents were very over protective and she had two older brothers who had always scared off any boys that came calling. We had been dating on and off since we were teenagers and luckily I had taken her virginity. Which was fantastic for me as she had been so very tight, then I had gone off to college for a few years. Lisa...
Lisa appeared suddenly in our lives, well, Amber’s life. She had been hired to work in the same office and they immediately became friends. They had a lot in common. About the same age and similar backstories. So naturally, the girls found reasons to do things together and talked regularly. I was glad because it gave Amber someone close that she could have some fun with and do girl things. The only difference between them was that Amber had found me and Lisa had a bit of a spontaneous streak....
Locations: The Simpson House, Ned’s RV. Homer and Marge are talking in their living room Marge: “Oh Homie, it’s great Lisa is safe and will be home soon.” Homer: “Yeah Marge it is great that Lisa is safe now. Meanwhile upstairs in Bart’s room, the room appears to be empty but for Bart’s left leg as he leaves through the window and climbs into his tree house and then down into the rear yard Bart: Muttering, “Lisa should have been home by now. I don’t believe it takes so long to unload a...
Lisa felt a little strange as she sat at the table with her Mom and Jack. There were several reasons things felt weird but the oddest was knowing that Jack was not her biological father. She had always loved him but their new relationship in some ways was even more rewarding. It had only been about a half an hour before when she and her mother had given him a joint blow job that had him blasting off like a rocket. The other thing that felt strange was the fact that she was wearing skin tight...
Lisa felt her stomach churn as her car entered seedy side of the city, she had grown up in. Her parents would not approve her going anywhere in that part of the city unless her father had accompanied her and even then, he would never allow his daughter to do even that. That side of town was renowned for its strip clubs, massage parlors, prostitutes and adult book stores. It was the last of these that was the reason for Lisa to venture into the “Forbidden Zone”.Lisa had grown up in a strict home...
Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of...
Introduction: This story is quite long, but I must tell you, it was a long day. Lisa was a beautiful light brown haired, almost blonde young wife suffering from lack of sex in her marriage. She on the verge of cheating until her friend persuaded her to try a massage, an erotic massage. I began watching the comedy series, Chuck, on television when it started two years ago. I continued to watch it every week. For some strange reason I took a keen interest in the blonde actress, Yvonne Strahovski,...
I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of the greatest tits I have ever seen. It was a pretty normal dating relationship except one thing, Lisa never had an orgasm! I have fucked a lot of women in my day and never had one I couldn’t get off numerous times but Lisa just wasn’t going to cum. One night, I found her hot button and this is a...
One Friday evening shortly after Lisa's birthday her mother and dad were sitting in the living room after she went to her room to watch TV. When Lisa left the room her dad, Chuck put one of his adult movies in the VCR and began to watch it with Debbie, his wife. He began to get horny watching the sexual action on the screen, and started to play around with his wife, Debbie. Although she usually got very turned on by his caresses, tonight she wasn't feeling very well. She asked him to stop, and...
This story begins during one of my many sessions at Rhoda’s house. Rhoda is one of my earliest and most memorable clients of my massage career. It seems that almost every week after her daughter Sharon moved back in, my massage business began to flourish. All of Rhoda’s Saturday massage sessions at her house have been full of fond and pleasant memories. There was more intrigue and voyeur versus voyeur at that house than you would think possible. It made the massage sessions more desirous for...
Okay, so yes I sorta had the feeling that during our marriage she had been laid more than a few times by various other men, and again that actually turned me on and in time that turned out to be truer than I could have imagined. She’d been very discrete, but I’d spotted a few signs in the more recent months. Then a few weeks before this incident; in bed, after sex; I had jokingly suggested that I’d like to watch her with another guy; she’d looked at me seriously for 5 seconds or so, then she...
Plus, by agreement Lisa could have one evening or night out to meet whoever, only telling me about it afterwards. She would often arrange one of our married or single friends to come and keep me company on those nights, failure to do so would result in her having a forfeit of a sexual nature to do later, this would happen about 40% of the time. At first those forfeits were mild, like lack of underwear at work; Play squash/tennis at public court in skirt without underwear, to phone a friend of...
Previously in the Saga of Sarah and Greg: Greg is a normal heterosexual guy, and Sarah is a normal pre-op transgender woman. They met, fell in love ("Sarah and Greg"), moved in together ("Sarah and Greg Start a Life Together"), and got married ("Sarah and Greg Get Married"). During the time they lived together, they spent a day running through various sexual fantasies ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration"). What they learned about themselves is that they enjoyed public sex. This led...
Nochmal Teil 4, der ersten Version fehlen die letzten Absätze...Lisa war nun bereits über eine Woche der Ferien bei Nicole und Ihrer Tochter Chrissi, und hatte schon einige Male geile Bekanntschaft mit dem Latexequipment und der versauten Lüste der Beiden gemacht.Die drei verstanden sich immer noch so gut - nein, besser - , als am ersten Tag, was jedoch aufgrund der miteinander erlebten, geilen Sauereien nicht Wunder nahm. Es war ein sonniger Dienstagmorgen, und sie saßen gemeinsam am...
Ami ekon kakimake nak dhorei daki, ekhon aar kakima bole dakina, ami bolechi tomake aar kakima bolbona nam dhore dakbo kakima boleche he toke diye jodi chodate pari tobe nam dhore dakle aar apotti kise tor jab halo lagbe dakbi. Kakima bollo Raja ekta good news ache amar ek bandhobi asche ekhane kichu din thakbe. Ami bollam tate amar anonder karon ki. Kakima bollo bandhobi ta bidhoba onek din kono bara or gude dhokeni bara pabar janno chot phot korche oke toka diye chodano karabo. Ami bollam...
### CB-4418 ###The Sitter Loves To Suckby Steve GoldenFOREWORDThe process of growing up, of passing through the age of adolescence has, through the ages, been marked by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family and peer group alike. Certainly, in modern society, the problems of youth appear to be more marked than ever before.Lisa Fuller is a teenager embarking on her own special journey toward adolescence. She finds herself overwhelmed by powerful emotions,...
Friday finally arrived, and by 11:00am I had a full house. Lisa had shown up on time with Kayla in tow, and the two youngest k**s. Beth was only a few minutes behind them with her oldest. Including my daughter we had 4 k**s in the pool, and 3 incredible MILFs wearing only the skimpiest of bikini's and catching the morning rays. We hung out by the pool for a while, all of us aware of where the afternoon was headed. Once the k**s were fed Beth gave us the green-light to head inside while she...
Lisa leaned back in the car's worn leather seat and closed her eyes. The slim 14-year old girl adjusted the earphones that ran from her ears to the CD player on the seat next to her. This was just typical of her father, Lisa sighed. She might have known this would happen. It wasn't the first time. Lisa was the daughter of Karl and Cathy Adams, a couple whose marriage had dissolved because of Karl's problem with gambling. He got so bad he was losing his paycheck before he got home on...
M43, g16, size, penetration, cum swallowing, Synopsys: Lisa and Willie the next day Characters: Lisa, Willie, Chief Wiggum, Sgt Lou, Homer, Bart, Marge. In the early hours of the morning the Tornado dissipates into a rain storm while Lisa and Willie sleep. A few hours Later Willie awakens still cuddled up to Lisa, He remembers the night before where he finally fucked Lisa Simpson, The girl he had been dreaming of fucking for the last 3 years as he secretly watched her maturing young body...
The movie, which was shot over a two-day period in the heart of Hollywood, was hyped as "Suzi Sweet's final adult film". It promised fans "scorching sex scenes" with the legendary goddess featured, along with "young and busty newcomer, Lisa Sweet", playing the co-starring role. Since the movie was put together so quickly, Lisa did not have much of a chance to come up with a unique stage name. So, she decided to play on the fact that her and Suzi were relatives in real life - and chose...
LISA and LUANN LISA and LUANN I knocked on the door, and Lisa opened it.? We exchanged pleasantries, and I told her that I had brought some presents.? She was pleased, but said, ?First, have I got something for you.? Raising her voice, she said, ?Luann, come out and meet Bob.? Luann emerged from the bedroom, a picture of beautiful temptation.? She was wearing white bedtime things; frilly, translucent, barely covering her hips, and very sexy.? The bottom was little more than...
Lisa wore a coat to travel to the house, when we got there l tried to persuade her to leaving it in the car, but she was faltering a little, even though she’d drunk a large sherry al¬ready. We arrived about 10pm and Lisa visibly relaxed when she saw that other girls were equally or in fact in a couple of cases even daring than herself. There were some really sexy outfits in PVC and leather, Our hostess, a very attrac¬tive woman in her mid-30’s, met us, wearing high heeled thigh boots,...
Another good night out with friends and as the pub wasn't far from where we live this time me, Lisa and Gary were going back to ours. We got home and Gary asked to used the toilet. I told him where it was and off he went. When he'd left the room Lisa said are we going to enjoy ourselves tonight. I hope so I said. She smiled and said she would freshen up. Gary came back down and I said Lisa is up for a bit of fun tonight how about you. Gary said it would only be good manners if we both joined...
Lisa was glad to have her sister over for the evening. After the divorce and the k**s moving out, the loneliness was getting to her. She wondered how her sister had made it through her divorce and still seemed so happy."I just don't get it, Amber," Lisa said, wiping tears from her cheeks. "How do you do it? You make it look so easy.""It wasn't easy at first. It gets better as time goes on." Amber moved closer and wrapped her arms around Lisa. She then brushed Lisa's hair out of her face and...
Jack was glad to have a little time to himself after the events of the day. His wife had just gone to be bed and Lisa was doing homework in her bedroom. Jack put his feet up and closed his eyes. Never in his life had he ever been so sexually satisfied. Despite feeling guilty about fucking another woman it was what he needed. If his wife had taken care of his needs none of the would have ever happened. It was then that his phone announced a text message. He looked and saw that it was from...
Cheri, also known as Mary, looked at her husband’s car parked at the Relax Inn. Cheri had just spent the day with her former lover and porn producer. David had reawakened the nymphomaniac that Mary had thought she had buried nearly twenty years ago. At some point Cheri had heard the couple in the next room having sex and had even made some comments to them through the wall before having David fuck her again. Cheri had not felt a sexual high like this since she had tried to run away from...
Lisa Keller groaned, as much in shame and humiliation, as in budding pleasure as she thought about the chain of events that had brought her to this place of her incipient adultery. She had not wanted to go to this party, but her husband had insisted. They had only been married for six months, and they had moved into this country club neighborhood, into a home that they really couldn't afford. Her new husband, Brad, had stressed to her how important it was that he succeeds in his new job, as the...
Introduction: Please read parts 1first In the second part things are becoming a lot more interesting. Please read part 1 first and watch for the third (and final) part. When rating please keep in mind the context of this entire true story. There, problem solved she announced. Obviously, any embarrassment from the candid photos was long forgotten. I glanced over to Jill to catch her reaction as did Lisa. Well if we are doing this together&hellip,.. Jill said as she undid her bikini top while...
Kenneth Wagner was flabbergasted!He couldn't decide if he was insane or not. An hour ago, he was a king. Now, he'd been reduced to shit! At the age of 43, an executive for a multinational group of companies, he had always maintained his status, in and out of the office, among his community and his near and dear ones.But what happened a bit ago changed all that!Visuals of the last hour unfolded in his mind. He could not erase the images from his memory, nor reverse the activities that took...
Meanwhile, I’d begun looking at dogs in a new way. Once a week wasn’t enough for me and sex with Prince had awakened a lust for more and bigger dogs. I began to notice them everywhere, before realizing there was a nice one living right next door. His name was Duke, a large Black Lab with (I hoped) a nice, big cock. His owner, Jenna was my age, but went to a different school. Her brother, Jake was a year or two older. I was soon having dreams about getting fucked by Duke. Of course, my route...
A friend of mine asked me to post this story on his behalf - I know much of it is true as I know most of the people involved - if he gets any favourable reactions he'll pass me some more to post - there's another 19 chapters I think. My name’s Steve, I’m just the wrong side of 40 now, long-time divorced and up until fairly recently single. I’m Mr Average really looks wise – six feet tall, about 14 stone (probably carrying a stone too many to be honest), brown hair and blue eyes. I’ve got my own...
Lisa looked at the text from Daniel and was puzzled at what it said. She bit her bottom lip and a frown crossed her brow as she battled to understand the text message. ‘Are you alone’ the message screamed as Lisa’s fingers gently caressed her smart phone to fully open the text. She nudged the reply box and said ‘Yes. Why?’ Her phone immediately beeped as a return text came from Daniel’s phone with the intriguing message ‘Open the e mail I’ve just sent you!’ Lisa walked across and plugged in...
Introduction: A true story. A mistake takes a good turn. Introduction: For a bit of background on my wife, Lisa, and me please read 20 Questions (posted in three parts). During many years of marriage, there will be a few times when something spectacular happens. This is one of those times and is one of the reasons I will never step out on my wife. The first part just sets the scene so please keep that in mind when rating it and judge it in the context of what it promises. I had just walked in...
I had just walked in the door after work when Lisa confronted me, mad as hell. “You lied to me”, she said as she hit my chest with her fist with enough force that I knew I was in trouble, even though I had no idea what she was talking about. “You told me you had deleted those pictures.” Lisa went on to tell me that she was showing her friend Jill some of our recent vacation pictures on our computer that afternoon, during their weekly coffee klatch. Jill, (her real name is Gillian and...
CHAPTER 1 Gene Sutherland was in a mood. Lisa Jack was already treating him like crap and they’d only dated three times. This was his midweek gym night she’d called to ask him to buy take-outs and eat with her and listen to her crappy music, not that she gave that label to her music. Gene entered the front door and yelled for Lisa and she yelled she was in her bedroom. He walked in the direction of her voice and saw her mom on the bed pulling on black stockings. Mrs Jack was wearing only a...
Lisa was just thirteen years old but already a beautiful preview of the sensational woman she would become when a mature adult. Lisa lived in Lincoln Alabama a town of about five thousand population, located forty miles east of Birmingham Alabama and one hundred miles west of Atlanta Georga. Lincoln is alongside a power company lake about 40 miles long on the Coosa River. The Lincoln school is one large complex, K through 12. Lisa was in the seventh grade in middle school and had been...
Lisa Gager pulled her car into the field next to the Washington house where she saw all the other cars parked. Just what I need, she thought, chaperone a party for the senior members of the high school football team. Even though they graduated, this was the first chance Coach Allen had to throw the party for them. She climbed out of the car and straightened her sexy white dress. It was backless down to her waist with a zipper starting there and ending below her butt at the back of her thighs....
Interracial“There, problem solved” she announced. Obviously, any embarrassment from the candid photos was long forgotten. I glanced over to Jill to catch her reaction as did Lisa. “Well if we are doing this together…..” Jill said as she undid her bikini top while Lisa gently clapped her hands together joyfully. I turned back to Lisa, half the rope and slipped the midpoint over her head. Bringing together the two pieces that were now hanging in front of Lisa I tied simple knots at intervals...
Our sexual relationship was forming where we’d had several men together in a threesome, plus a few where I’d just watched and she had gone solo with quite a few others – straight sex with me ready to ‘clean up’ after he left or she came home. She accepted from me several ‘hotwife’ challenges, to which we had both derived fun; mostly teasing exhibitionist things, but in general meant she went around without underwear most of the time. Since our orgy with Theo and his brothers back in June,...