Lisa Lus free porn video

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The bus came to a shuddering halt. Except for an old couple occupying the seat directly behind the driver it was almost empty. The only other passenger was a young girl. She glanced nervously towards the door as a youth climbed aboard. He was probably about 18 she thought, a few years older than herself, and quite good looking. However her swift appraisal quickly turned to concern, because as the bus pulled away from the stop the boy made his way down the central aisle and with a grin sat down next to her. Colour immediately rose to her cheeks. She quickly turned her face to the window and tried to ignore him, concentrating instead on the countryside that was gliding past. The summer sunshine was bathing the fields and hedgerows in a yellow glow. But it didn't help...she could feel his eyes as they roved slowly over her. Her nipples grew hard under the unwanted attention and she squeezed her thighs tightly together. She so hated her mother! Because the weather was "lovely" she'd made Lisa wear a short summer dress. It was way shorter than anything she'd normally consider wearing, and besides exposing most of her thighs, it also revealed far too much of the swelling curves of her breasts. Usually she kept herself hidden beneath baggy sweatshirts but her mother had insisted. According to her it was summer and it wasn't healthy "to hide yourself away from the sun". Worse still she hadn't been allowed to pack her own suitcase so was more than a little worried about what she would find when she finally opened it.

Lisa Lus was 15 years old and incredibly shy. At school she was teased incessantly about it. Her cheeks always burned when she was made to answer a question or explain something in front of the class and whenever she had to get changed for games she always tried to keep herself covered. The rest of the girls on the other hand didn't seem to mind wandering around the changing rooms naked so her shyness attracted lots of unwelcome interest. On several occasions her classmates has threatened to strip her naked and show the boys everything she'd got! And even though the teasing probably wasn't serious it still filled her with worry and caused her cheeks to flame with embarrassment.

She'd begged her mother not to send her, but it hadn't done any good. Now she was on the final part of her journey to her Aunt and Uncles farm. She'd be staying with them for the summer break, almost six weeks. The thought was just too horrible to contemplate; but her parents intended to travel across Europe for several weeks so there wasn't really any choice. Her Auntie Olivia was a very strict but also very attractive woman. The main problem was that she didn't like her niece one little bit. Lisa had no idea why this was but it was obvious whenever the pair met. Aunt Olivia constantly criticised her and often suggested to her mother that Lisa would benefit from some good old fashioned discipline, whatever that meant. And now she was going to be under her Aunts' supervision for the whole of the summer. As she'd waved goodbye to her mother at the railway station her heart had been filled with dread.

The short train journey had passed without incident and she'd found the bus station easily enough but now her heart was hammering in her chest as the boy next to her pressed closer.

"My names Anton," he said quietly and held out his hand. Very reluctantly and blushing profusely Lisa looked up into his grinning face before shaking his hand politely as she'd been taught to do.

"I'm Lisa. Lisa Lus," she said. It was almost a whisper.

"Well Lisa Lus and where are you going?" The grin on his face never wavered causing the blush in her cheeks to grow steadily hotter.

"I'm staying with my Aunt and Uncle, the Brites, on their farm for the summer," she said reluctantly. She'd been brought up to be polite at all times, so she had to answer the horrid boy. She was horribly aware that his eyes kept flicking down to the expanse of smooth thigh revealed by her short dress and then back to the twin points that her nipples were making as they pushed shamefully against the thin cotton. Her face burned.

"I know it well, you'll need to get off in about 15 minutes, your Uncle’s farm is a few miles this side of the village." He paused and looked at her thighs once more. "Why don't we play a little game?" he said. The grin on his face grew even wider. Lisa looked up sharply. She didn't like the sudden superior tone in his voice and couldn't disguise the look of absolute horror that appeared on her face when she heard what he said next...

"Take your panties down and give them to me, and I'll let you get off at your stop." Her face turned scarlet. "If you don't I'll keep you here till we get to the next town, then you'll be in real trouble!" Lisa's heart was hammering so hard in her chest she thought it was going to explode. He grinned some more.


"Please," she whispered, "don't make me. Don't make do that."

"But that's exactly what you're going to do, well, if you want to get off at your stop." He grinned with pleasure at her obvious embarrassment. "Do you want to see your Aunt and Uncle tonight or are you coming into town with me?" He looked thoughtful. "If you don't do as you’re told I'm going to tell the driver and that old couple that you showed me your pussy. It won't take long before your Uncle hears what a little slut you are!“ He sniggered. The girls' face was absolutely scarlet. Lisa was trapped. She knew the awful boy was serious, if she didn't do as he said she'd be in all sorts of trouble. She looked desperately up the bus but no one was going to help her.

"You'd better hurry up," he said threateningly. She looked into his eyes. They were blue and hard like ice. With a small sob she reached under the hem of her dress, lifted her bottom slightly up off the seat and with trembling fingers slowly drew her white knickers down her legs. They sat there above her knees.

"All the way off and give them to me." It was an order. She did as she was told, leaning forward in the seat and slipping them off over her sandals. As she handed them to him she saw the look of triumph in his eyes and his gleeful smile. She wanted to hide herself away and escape from his grinning face but she couldn't, she was trapped where she sat, and now she didn't have any panties on! Watching her closely he opened the tiny garment, brought it up to his nose and sniffed.

"Mmmmmm I'm pleased you're a clean girl." Her face was so hot she felt dizzy. Suddenly she jerked as something touched her thigh. She grabbed for his hand and gripped it tightly, trying her best to push it away.

"N...N...No don't! Please don’t!" she stammered.

"Put your hands on the back of the seat in front and keep still," he said very quietly. The threat in his voice made her shake even more. Looking into his angry eyes she slowly lifted her hands and gripped the back of the seat just as she'd been told to do. Her knuckles went white as his hand slid up her gently quivering skin.

"Open your legs you little tart!" he hissed. Again she found herself doing as she was told. The hand curved around the softness of her inner thigh as it disappeared under her dress. She gasped and bit her lip, her cheeks glowing with heat as his fingers touched the fine hair that nestled between the tops of her thighs. Her bush kept all of her private places covered so she never trimmed it. And now she could feel those private places throbbing and tingling with a life of their own. She gritted her teeth as she felt a tell tale wetness beginning to seep from her girlish slit.

"P...P...P...P..Please stop," she whimpered but he didn't. Instead he leant heavily against her and she gasped as the creeping fingers slid easily between her slippery folds. In the hot moistness beneath her dress two of them pushed forcefully into her tight hole. Her hands gripped the seat back like a vice and she almost groaned out loud as the teasing digits slid wetly back and forth. He chuckled and held his hand up in front of her face. The fingers were shiny with sticky fluid. Blushing deeply she closed her legs tightly together. After that he made her beg him to let her go, which she did very prettily; But only after he'd pinched and pulled at each of her nipples through the thin material of her dress did he allow her to stand up.

Now as she stood at the side of the road he waved from the bus window as it pulled away, in his hand were her white panties. The grin on his face was as self-satisfied at it had been when she'd first seen him. With her pussy still leaking and with her nipples throbbing madly she looked up and down the empty lane. She couldn't believe what had just happened and now she was really worried. Her Aunt and Uncle were expecting her at 3 o'clock. She looked at her watch, it was half past already and she had no idea where she was! Luckily at that moment an old lady on a bicycle came around the corner. A few enquiries and Lisa discovered that the horrid boy had kept her on the bus way past her stop. According to the old woman, who thankfully gave her directions, she could reach her Uncle's farm within half an hour, if she took a path through the forest. Keeping to the road would almost double the time. Whilst the old woman spoke she kept staring down at the very prominent points that Lisa’s hard nipples were making in the front of her dress. The young girl blushed hotly, aware that she was leaking sticky fluid down the inside of her thighs. As the old woman stared a breeze suddenly lifted the hem of the summer dress revealing Lisa’s lack of panties. Her pubic bush and the delicate lips beneath were fully exposed. She squealed and grabbed at the floating material but it was too late.

“You dirty little hussy,” snapped the old woman, “I’ll be speaking to your Uncle!” With that she was gone.

Red faced Lisa hurried along the side of the road until she came to the path the old woman had described. Gratefully she plunged into the shelter of the trees. Once safely out of sight of any passing traffic she laid her little case on the grass and opened it. It didn’t take long to search through its contents but much to Lisa’s dismay there weren’t any panties. Her mother had sent her with two white cotton vests, a very short denim skirt, two pairs of sandals and several short summer dresses. Besides her toiletries bag there was nothing else in her case! That was all! No panties or bras and, she realised, no nightgown or pyjamas either! What was she going to wear in bed? Lisa couldn’t believe what her mother had done. Why on earth hadn’t she included any underwear? Self-consciously she continued to walk along the forest path with nothing beneath her dress. Her face was burning with both embarrassment and indignation. How could her mother have been so cruel? She hadn’t walked far when an urge to go to the toilet began to make itself known. Soon her bladder wouldn’t be denied but Lisa was a very shy and proper young girl. The thought of going to the toilet, or "making pee-pee" as she childishly called it, in the open, filled her with anxiety. What if someone happened to come along and see her? It didn’t bear thinking about. Soon she was almost running as the need to urinate became increasingly urgent. As she hurried along the track it passed narrowly through a stand of thick bushes. It was then that she spotted the cabin standing a short distance from the path. They were bound to have a toilet! Gratefully she scampered through the gate, which was set in a heavy wooden fence, and up to the front door where she knocked loudly. No-one answered.

"Ooooohhhh come on, come on!" she gasped under her breath. But nobody came to the door.

Resignedly she ran back to the path now almost overcome with the pain building in her bladder. If she didn't go within the next few minutes she'd wet herself. Looking frantically around she hurried across to a gap in the surrounding greenery, held her dress up to her waist and bobbed down. Just as the first trickle of fluid began to spurt from her hole an angry voice made her literally jump out of her skin.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Lisa looked up into the face of a huge man. His shirt sleeves were rolled up revealing bulging forearms and across one shoulder he carried an axe. She squealed and tried to stop the fluid that was starting to jet from between her open thighs but her bladder wasn't going to be denied. The stream of urine squirted noisily onto the grass. Her face burned with humiliation as she realised he could see everything, absolutely everything. She tried to lower her dress but couldn't. It was firmly trapped above her bent legs and rolled around her waist. She couldn't move. With no choice she remained in the revealing position until she'd finished. The man was angrily calling her a dirty little scrubber but she was too consumed with shame to really listen. All she was aware of was that he was seeing her go pee-pee and she wanted to curl up and die. She could feel his eyes examining the open lips of her pussy as she squatted in front of him. The embarrassment was so intense that she thought she might faint. At least that would be an escape! Slowly the flow decreased and after a few final squirts she jumped to her feet.

"Aren't you going to wipe yourself?" Lisa simply shook her head miserably as she fixed her gaze firmly on the grass by her feet. She couldn't bear to look at him.

"And why aren't you wearing any panties you little tart?" Lisa couldn't bring herself to answer. She just stood there shaking like a leaf with her face bright red.

"This is private property and you're trespassing." Picking up her case he turned and started to walk towards the cabin. "Well come on!" he barked crossly.

He disappeared through the door with Lisa following slowly behind. Once inside he handed her a piece of rag before sitting down on a chair and sliding her case onto the kitchen table.

"Well go on, clean yourself up you dirty girl." Beneath his amused gaze she quickly wiped her pussy and not knowing what else to do put the now slightly wet rag into her pocket. She glanced up fearfully. His annoyed expression frightened her so when he told her to stand in front of him and put her hands behind her back she did just that. Her nipples had been hard ever since the horrible boy had pinched them and since the old lady had looked at them but now because she was scared they were getting even harder. Her girlish but full breasts bulged out against the front of the thin dress, her bra doing little to hide the erect state of her nipples. They stuck out like thorns. The man asked her who she was, where she was going and why she wasn't wearing any panties. Red faced she answered truthfully, almost breaking down in tears when he made her describe what the boy had done to her.

"I know your Aunt and Uncle well," he said. "When they pick you up from the police station I expect they'll be very angry." Lisa looked at him in shock.

"Oh please Sir, please," she begged, "don't call the police!"

"Trespassing is a very serious offence I don't see what else I can do?" His smile made her cringe inside. She started to cry.

"Mmmmm...well maybe I could discipline you myself," he mused. "At least then your Uncle wouldn't need to know." Lisa looked up at him through her tears with hope in her eyes. She knew she'd been a bad girl. It was probably all her own fault so she had to be punished. She deserved it.

"Yes Sir you punish me but please don't call the police!"

"I don't know..." he said teasingly. He looked at the sobbing girl and couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face. "Are you willing to take a proper spanking? If not..." His hand reached towards the telephone.

"Yes! Yes Sir! Pleeeease! I'll do whatever you say!"

"Take off your dress," he said sternly. Lisa gripped the hem and pressed it desperately against her thighs. The fresh panic in her very red face only made his grin spread wider. The last thing Lisa wanted to do was undress in front of him. Her embarrassment would be unbearable. She thought about pleading with him but knew it wouldn't do any good.

"Now I said!" Choking back tears and swallowing noisily she reluctantly grasped the edge of the dress and drew it slowly upwards. After a few wriggles it passed over her hips and seconds later she was holding it in her hands. Her face burned as she held the crumpled garment in front of her small bush of pubic curls. It was a futile attempt at keeping her private places hidden from his eyes. Encasing the full curves of her youthful breasts the plain white bra did little to disguise the engorged state of her nipples and through the thin material he could clearly see the dark pink circles of her aureoles. He chuckled quietly.

"Get that bra off." Whimpering she turned away from him and still keeping the dress pressed against her stomach managed to unclip the bra with one hand. The straps slid down from her shoulders and she slowly took each arm out in turn. As the bra tumbled to the floor she kept one arm pressed across her chest cupping one of her full globes in her hand.

Ben Bolker looked at the trembling young girl and smiled to himself. Within the confines of his underwear a stiffness was beginning to grow.

"Hands behind your back. Come on I haven't got all day!" Lisa looked at him with wild eyes. Panic was etched on her very hot face but she knew in her heart that there was no chance of escape. Sobbing piteously she let the dress fall. It dropped to the floor.

"Now stand up straight girl and let me have a proper look at you." Wishing that a hole would miraculously appear in the floor and swallow her up she did as she was told. Now the whole of her front was exposed to his interested stare. She was consumed with humiliation as his eyes slowly inspected her nakedness and all that was on show. Grinning triumphantly he reached out towards her. As his huge hands closed over her trembling breasts she began to sob more loudly. For several minutes he amused himself squeezing, lifting and moulding the wonderfully firm globes before gripping their sensitive tips between his thumbs and forefingers and pinching hard. Lisa let out a wail of dismay as he pulled firmly making her stumble even closer to him. His hands traced the smooth contours of her belly and then pushed in between her soft thighs. She had no choice but to spread her legs. Immediately she began to mewl in protest as his thick fingers investigated the very wet slit of her pussy. He wasn't particularly gentle which caused her to jerk and moan as her delved deeply between her delicate lips. She squealed and rose up onto her toes as the tip of a questing digit met the thin membrane that remained intact within her tight hole.

"Well that's a surprise," he said sarcastically, "I'd have thought a little slut like you would have had lots of cocks up her!" Lisa writhed on his fingers, her face ablaze with humiliation, and groaned as her pussy oozed fluid.

"But I'm glad you're still a virgin, you'll be able to show your Aunt and Uncle what a nice young lady you are." At that moment she began jerking her hips back and forth uncontrollably. Delicious sensations were flooding her belly. Unable to stop her pussy rhythmically gripping the teasing fingertips she threw her head back and squealed.

"Mmmmmmmmmm! Ooooooooooohhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Oh God!" A tiny squirt of sticky fluid signalled the arrival of her orgasm as she came all over his hand.

"How dare you, you disgusting girl! What on earth do you think you're doing?"

Once pulled down across his lap very different sensations began to fill Lisa's world. Because of his work the man had big hard hands and from the very first spank Lisa began to shriek. After a few minutes her poor bum cheeks were literally on fire. Each impact was met by a burst of tears and a moment of frantic wriggling. From the outset she tried to cover her buttocks for protection but he simply pinioned her hands in the middle of her back, leaving both of the fleshy curves helplessly exposed. Worst still she could feel his hardness pressing into her stomach. She knew exactly what it was, she wasn't stupid, but she'd never touched a "cock" before so her fear was growing in equal measure to the awful burning in her bum. She cried out as another hard impact flattened one of her rear cheeks. The little cabin began to ring with her howls and the regular slap of a palm striking soft flesh. He talked as he spanked her. His voice mocking;

"What a fat little bottom you have, is it feeling hot?"

"Nice girls don't give their panties to boys and let them touch their privates, now do they?"

"Is that stinging a bit, well good, maybe it'll teach you a lesson."

"Why are you so wet between your legs? I think you might be enjoying this a bit too much."

"Do you usually give your panties to boys and let them touch you?" Lisa squealed and pleaded and begged for him to stop. She promised to be a good girl in future! She promised! She promised! She promised! After every few spanks he paused and parted the writhing red curves before peering closely into the space between her legs.

"Goodness me you naughty girl. You're leaking juices all over the place. And just look at your pussy lips! They're all thick and swollen, are you enjoying this?" Lisa wallowed in a sea of humiliation as she heard his words. She knew exactly where he was looking and it filled her with shame.

"I don't think your Aunt will be too impressed when I tell her about your clitoris sticking out when I punished you!" He chuckled as her pleading grew even more desperate.

"Have you been letting the boys at school touch this too?" he asked teasingly, as he pushed a fingertip against her clenching bum-hole. She went rigid on his lap at this intimate invasion, her sobbing growing louder as his fingers leisurely explored the length of her bottom crack.

When he stopped she thought it was over but her hopes were quickly dashed. He parted the burning cheeks of her bottom once more but this time pushed his fingers back inside her tight vulval hole. At once she started to moan and groan and grind her pubic mound against his knee, she couldn't help herself. And then she was ready to come! Sticky fluid was coating the inside of both of her trembling thighs and she could feel her wetness soaking into the trousers beneath her belly.

"Stand up!" Swaying slightly and sobbing quietly she did as she was ordered. The tingling between her thighs was maddening.

"You can show me how you touch yourself before you go." He chuckled happily. "And you'd better hurry up. Your Aunt and Uncle are going to be very cross that you're so late!" Lisa couldn't believe her ears. Surely he wasn't serious. Surely he didn't want her to play with herself in front of him! He'd already made her come once! It was too shameful! She begged him not to make her do it, but he just laughed. Standing naked with her nipples sticking out and everything on show was so so embarrassing; But it was her pussy that she was most aware of. Its' lips felt thick and heavy. And her clit was swollen and throbbing and standing up so much that it was actually poking forwards from beneath its' little fleshy hood. And everything felt really wet and sticky and coated in her spendings!

Knowing that he wouldn't let her go if she didn't do as she was told, and worrying about her Aunt and Uncle the young girl resignedly moved her hands down her stomach. Closing her eyes she began to make little circles over her clitoral knob, gasping and sobbing as the feelings of both humiliation and pleasure gradually increased. Soon she was sliding her fingers between her slippery lips and groaning unashamedly. And then she made herself come. It happened quickly because she was so turned on by the awful situation and so guilty because she was so turned on! Her head was spinning and she knew she was being really naughty and would have to be punished for being a little slut but it felt so good! In her head the confusion was making her think that she actually deserved to be punished! As the orgasm hit it was so intense that as she frantically finger fucked herself her eyes flew open. She found herself staring directly into the awful mans' amused gaze. Unable to look away as her pussy contracted again and again her cheeks flamed with fresh humiliation.

Several minutes later, and on wobbly legs, Lisa was again hurrying down the forest path heading towards her Uncle's farm. Try as she might she couldn't stop the worry that was spiralling inside her head. What would her Aunt say? She was in terrible trouble! When they realised she had no panties on she'd have to be punished! What was going to happen? And what about her suitcase? The horrid man had refused to give it back to her saying she'd have to return and collect it in the morning! She'd begged and begged him but he'd just laughed. He'd kept her bra too so now she was totally naked beneath the thin summer dress! Between her legs her pussy refused to stop leaking. She could feel it wetting the inside of her thighs and blushed hotly. Before she'd gone much further she knew she'd have to stop and do something about it. So, feeling terribly exposed, she squatted down and using the scrap of rag from her pocket carefully wiped the stickiness from her thighs and vaginal crease. As her fingers brushed across her clitoris a rush of guilty pleasure flooded her belly. But it was her poor bottom that demanded most of her attention. Even the light cotton moving against her rear cheeks was sending uncomfortable tinglings racing across the sensitised flesh. To alleviate the stinging she guiltily held the thin dress away from her rolling globes allowing the cooling air to gently soothe them. With her mind full of dread she rushed on. The terrible day had changed the shy schoolgirls' life forever. She'd never experienced such humiliating things before and she never wanted to again! Little did she know what lay in store…

Chapter 2: Hot cheeks

Finally the path emerged back onto the road. A few yards further down on the left hand side was an open gate with a sign which said "Brites Farm" in bold letters. Thankful to have arrived safely without any further awful things happening to her, Lisa hurried to it and headed down the drive. As she rounded a bend she caught sight of the old farmhouse and her heart filled with equal measures of both relief and trepidation.

She scampered up to the front door but just as she was about to knock it swung open.

"Where on earth have you been girl? We've been worried sick!" said Olivia Brite, Lisa's Aunt. She was a tall intimidating woman whose curvy figure belied her years.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I missed my stop and then and then I got lost in the woods and..." Her Aunt cut off the rambling explanation.

"Where's your case?" she asked angrily. Lisa's face was already flushed but now it bloomed with heat turning her cheeks bright red.

"I lost it in the woods," she blurted out nervously.

"You careless girl, hasn't your mother taught you anything about responsibility? Come inside!" Lisa stared at her Aunt's back as she turned and led her through the house and into the kitchen. Sitting at the table was her Uncle Bryan, a tall grey haired, but heavily built, man. He looked up from the newspaper he was reading and his expression wasn't one of welcome.

"Where's she been?" he asked his wife.

"Says she got lost in the woods, if you believe that, and to top it all she's lost her case...apparently." They both stared at Lisa with disapproval in their eyes. She squirmed under their combined gaze, horribly aware that she had nothing on under her dress and that her nipples were sticking out shamefully. She stood there wringing her fingers together nervously.

"Shouldn't she be wearing a bra at her age?" he asked curiously, as his eyes examined the obvious points that were jutting out from the front of her dress. Lisa's heart was hammering so hard she could feel her boobs juddering as he looked at them.

"Yes she should! I can't understand it. I know her mother doesn't discipline her but letting the girl make such a slutty display of herself, well it's disgusting. Why aren't you wearing your bra girl?" Lisa didn't know what to say. Her face burned as she pathetically mumbled that she had forgotten it! Her Aunt gave a spiteful laugh.

"Well you won't be forgetting things while you're here my girl! First of all you'll address your betters as Sir or Miss, do you understand?"

"Yes Miss," Lisa replied meekly. She certainly didn't want to anger her Aunt any further.

"Now sit down and I'll get you something to eat." Lisa stared around the large flag-stoned room as her Uncle returned to reading his paper. From the thick black beams hung a whole array of drying herbs and different shaped pans, whilst occupying one wall was a huge iron range with two ovens. The room was certainly warm. She gasped quietly as she sat down on the hard wooden chair, biting her lip as her bum cheeks flared with heat and the tingling in her pussy reignited.

As she poured the glass of fresh milk and tipped the little vial of white powder into it Olivia Brite was careful to keep her back to both her husband and her niece. She grinned wickedly to herself. Allowing her sadistic nature free reign where her young niece was concerned was something she'd been looking forward to for several years, and now that an opportunity had finally presented itself she intended to indulge herself fully. Jack Ford, the local doctor and Olivia's very good friend, had provided the stimulant free of charge. He too was eagerly looking forward to meeting her young niece Lisa. The pair of them had shared an interest in discipline and submission over many years, often discussing the subject and exchanging ideas over a friendly cup of coffee. Olivia's husband occasionally entertained his wife's fantasies but knew nothing of the plan that she and their old family friend had decided to carry out. Olivia knew that once they began to punish the girl, and she became their plaything, her husbands' natural instincts would take over. Under the watchful eye of her Aunt, Lisa quickly ate the sandwich and gulped down the glass of milk unaware of the chemicals that were now entering her system. It wouldn't be long before the girl began to feel the benefits! mused the older woman smiling happily.

What Lisa also didn't realise was that her Aunt had spoken to Ben Bolker only half an hour earlier. The woodsman often did work for the Brites and just like their local Doctor was also aware of Olivia's particular interests and of her plan. Earlier that day, when the nervous girl had walked up to his cabin, he'd realised immediately who she was. But when she'd then squatted down and begun to urinate he really couldn’t believe his luck. Olivia Brite licked her lips as she looked at her niece finishing the last of the milk. She knew full well that the girl was naked beneath the summer dress and also that she had a sore bottom! It was those two facts that she was about to exploit in a most enjoyable way. Her heart began to beat a little faster.

"Come along Lisa," she said leading the girl out of the kitchen, "I'll show you where your bedroom is." Once upstairs she led the way along a landing and turned through a doorway. The room was small but comfortably furnished. A single bed with an old fashioned iron surround stood against one wall and jutted out into the centre of the room. A wardrobe and dressing table stood at the end opposite the door. What Lisa was surprised to see were two heavy armchairs, each positioned close to a bottom corner of the little bed. They looked out of place and took up quite a bit of the available floor space, but maybe her Aunt didn't have anywhere else to store them.

"Your Uncle and I sleep in the room next door. Now seeing as you've lost your case I need to find something for you to wear to bed, come along."

In another room further down the landing Lisa was feeling very warm and close to panic as she stood next to her Aunt, who was pointing to the top shelf in a tall cupboard whose door was open.

"There should be some old pyjamas of your cousins up there," she said, placing a chair in front of her niece. Lisa didn't know what to do. If she got up onto the chair her Aunt was going to discover that underneath her dress she wasn't wearing any panties! Her face began to heat up at the thought but what concerned her even more was that her clitoral knob and nipples had started to throb and tingle and she could feel that her pussy was wet again. It was beginning to ooze with excitement. Usually she only felt those sensations when she was being naughty and touching herself. What was happening to her?

"Well hurry up I haven't got all day!" With no choice Lisa forced herself to climb up onto the chair hoping against hope that her Aunt wouldn't notice that she had a bare bottom. But the shelf was so high that she had to stand on her tiptoes and reach up to quickly grab the folded pyjamas. That was all it took!

"Good grief!" yelled her Aunt. "You aren't wearing any panties! What on earth do you think you're doing?"

A few moments later, during which time she was scolded loudly about her sluttish attitude, Lisa found herself standing once more in front of her Uncle. He looked up from his paper with annoyance in his eyes. Being disturbed whilst he was reading always irritated him.

"Lift up your skirt you little tart and show your Uncle the state you're in!" Lisa looked at her Aunt with pleading in her eyes. For the shy schoolgirl this was like her worst nightmare coming true. With shaking hands and a face which was glowing crimson she slowly raised the hem of the offending dress. Her smooth softly curved thighs came into view and then, much to her chagrin, the tuft of private curls between her legs.

"Get it higher than that girl!" snapped her Aunt. Drowning in humiliation Lisa lifted it until the whole of her belly was on show.

"Why isn't she wearing any panties?"

"She tells me she lost those at the same time that she lost her case, it all sounds like a pack of lies to me!" Lisa stood with her pussy on show desperately squeezing her thighs together. She'd die if they saw the way her clit was sticking out. Even though she was nearly fainting with embarrassment it was still throbbing and tingling.

"Are you telling us lies Lisa, big fat lies?" The trembling schoolgirl shook her head, horribly aware of her Uncles eyes as they leisurely roved over her thighs and stomach.

"No Miss," she stuttered, "I really did lose them." Lisa nearly dropped to the floor when she heard what her Aunt said next. The woman's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"But I thought you'd given them to a boy on the bus."

" do you know that....I mean...I didn't!" The desperation in the girl's voice brought a smile to the older woman's face.

"I...I...I didn't...I did lose them...honestly....please please believe me!"

"To a boy?" asked her astonished Uncle. "You gave your panties to a boy?"

"Uncle I did lose them...please believe me...I..."

"Enough young lady! You're in big trouble! I know all about you and what you've been up to so I suggest you tell us the truth right NOW!" shouted her Aunt impatiently. "AND KEEP YOUR DRESS UP! I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO LET IT GO!"

"Auntie...please..." Lisa began sobbing as she lifted the hem of the dress up to her face to wipe away her tears. As she did so the whole expanse of her flat stomach and even the lower curves of her breasts were exposed.

Olivia Brite grinned maliciously as she addressed the red-faced girl.

"Yes you little liar, Mr Bolker has already rung and informed me of your disgraceful behaviour in his garden! Turn around!" Snivelling unhappily Lisa did as she was told revealing her reddened rear cheeks to their combined gaze. The soft curves wobbled enticingly as the girl blubbered unhappily.

"Ben warmed her bottom when he found her urinating in his garden," she said, feigning shock, as she looked at her husband. "Apparently she then ran off and dropped her case. I've told him she'll fetch it first thing in the morning."

"Urinated in his garden? So she just squatted down like a common little tramp and relieved herself?" Bryan Brite licked his lips and told the girl to face him once more.

"I thought you were a well mannered young lady Lisa, but obviously I was wrong. I can't believe my niece is so shameless!" There was deep concern in his voice. "You're in serious trouble my girl. I won't stand such behaviour whilst you're staying under our roof. Do you understand?" Lisa stepped back trembling nervously.
"I...I...I so wanted to pee...I just couldn't hold it any longer..." she started mumbling whilst hanging her head in shame.
"I don't want to hear your excuses Lisa! How you dare disgrace us so? Shame on you! How dare you? Am I right Olivia?" His brows knitted together with anger as he looked at his wife.
"You're absolutely right Bryan!" agreed the older woman smiling slyly. "Get that dress off young lady. Right off! We can do without you hiding anything else from us!" Overwhelmed by humiliation but also frightened by her Aunt's curt tone Lisa reluctantly did as she was ordered. Visibly shaking she pulled the dress up and off over her head. It settled on the floor in a little heap. Now fully nude she tried to cover her breasts with her hands and keep her legs pressed together.

"What have you got to say for yourself?" her Uncle asked, looking with interest at her exposed vaginal crease. It bulged rudely between the tightly closed thighs. Olivia Brite secretly glanced at her husband as he openly examined the young girls' nude body and its' little bush of pubic hair.

"Stop slouching girl!" she suddenly barked, "Stand up straight and get your legs apart!" Lisa had to do as she was told. She had no choice. She knew she was in terrible trouble. Consumed with shame she pulled her shoulders back and shuffled her feet apart. Nooooooooo! Please No! They're going to see! Please don't let them see! But that's exactly what they did!

"Good grief! Just look at the state of her!" commented her Aunt as she gleefully focussed her husband's attention onto the girl's engorged clitoris. It was actually peeping out, a clearly visible pink bud emerging from the hairs covering the vulval folds. Lisa's face burned with shame as her Uncle stared directly at her throbbing clitoral button.

"I'm sorry Sir! I'm really really sorry," she blurted. "The horrid boy made me take my panties down. I didn't want to but he made me! Oooooh please Sir I'll be good from now on!" She dissolved into tears.

"Well yes I'm sure you'll be good from now on but I'll not have lying in my house. You obviously need teaching a lesson where the truth is concerned. Don't you agree Olivia?"

"Yes I certainly do," replied his grinning wife as she stared hungrily at the helplessly exposed flesh. "So now Lisa you're going to sing in a different way!" I'll be interested to hear you try and explain yourself once that fat little bottom of yours is writhing over my lap!

With a smirk on her face Olivia Brite tried to keep her excitement under control. She nearly burst out laughing when she heard what her husband asked next.

"Why is your vagina so hairy and unkempt young lady? Girls should always keep themselves clean and well trimmed down there." He looked at his wife, "Maybe we should shave her? Wouldn't it be much more hygienic?" Lisa's embarrassment was so intense that she could hardly breathe. She squirmed with humiliation under the searching eyes of the two adults. Bryan Brite's imagination had started to fill his head with exciting possibilities. If we shave her clean her pussy will be fully exposed, get rid of that hair and she won't be able to hide her little lips or her clitoris. It's sticking out already so how will it look once we get it properly uncovered!

"Yes dear that's an excellent idea," Olivia replied, before suddenly stepping forwards and slapping her niece's hands away from her chest.

"Don't you dare cover your breasts you naughty girl and spread your legs more...yes that's better. You didn't seem bothered about showing yourself off to that boy or Mr Bolker so don't pretend to be shy with us." Now her Aunt and Uncle had a much more interesting view. The girl's nipples were dark pink and fully erect poking excitedly from the centre of her gently wobbling globes. Lisa saw their eyes travel down to her pussy and began to feel herself drowning in shame. She knew her lips were now parted allowing them to peek at her slightly gaping and very wet hole. But horribly she also felt incredibly aroused. Her clit was throbbing uncontrollably and her nipples tingling in the warm air.

Standing naked in their kitchen with her nipples sticking out and her pussy shamefully exposed Lisa watched her Aunt and Uncle as they busied themselves preparing the kitchen table for her "shaving". It didn't take long.

"Up here girl," snapped her Auntie pointing to a large folded towel which she'd placed on the very edge of the heavy wooden tabletop. Acutely aware of her nakedness and the way that her uncovered boobs were bouncing Lisa lifted herself and managed to shuffle her bottom onto the waiting material. Immediately her hot buttocks began to prickle uncomfortably on the rough cotton.

"Legs up and open them nice and wide." Awkwardly and with her face literally burning with embarrassment Lisa lifted her legs and spread her feet apart on the table. Mortified by the exhibition she was making of herself she began to sob miserably. Olivia Bright grinned at her husband as they both peered at the swollen lips of the pouting pussy. It gaped wetly between the helpless girls' thighs. Her clitoral stalk jutted out from the upper juncture of the intimate crease and below it they could see into the tight pink hole which continued to seep clear fluid even as they watched. A trickle of Lisa's excitement escaped from her slit and ran down between the spread cheeks of her bottom. It collected in the red dimple of her tightly clenched but fully visible anal opening. Olivia glanced down at the front of her husband's trousers. She could see that he'd grown visibly more excited during the past half an hour. What he'd no doubt do to her later would certainly have her begging for more and hopefully mercy! Bryan had always been a forceful lover but when he was really aroused she almost fainted from the pleasure!

Lisa watched in horror as her Uncle vigorously worked the bristle haired shaving brush in the pot of shaving soap. When he lifted it up it was coated in a thick white froth.

"Don't you dare move girl. Stay in position or I'll give you such a thrashing that you won't be able to sit down for a week!" Lisa jerked and whimpered at the first touch from the brush but stayed with her legs fully spread and her pussy embarrassingly on show. Her Aunt watched her niece's flushed face as the bristly brush gradually worked its' way over the exposed private parts and saw the play of emotions the girl was experiencing. Shame, humiliation, helplessness, embarrassment, forced arousal; she could feel her own pussy tingling with excitement. Seeing her niece wallowing in such shame and submitting to the outrageous things being done to her was causing her own arousal levels to increase almost uncontrollably. No doubt the mix of chemicals was now doing its' work. Lisa being unable to control herself sexually would allow her to manipulate and dominate the young girl in any way she pleased. Surreptitiously Olivia Brite squeezed her thighs together causing a jolt of pleasure to race through her belly.

Slowly the brush moved back and forth over the vaginal mound coating not just the tuft of curly hair but also the delicate vulval lips and extremely sensitive clitoral bud. Lisa gasped at the intimate contact. It took all of her self control not to moan out loud! Oooooooooooh! Aaaaahhhhh! Oh God! What was the matter with her? She gurgled pitifully as the bristles searched between her bum cheeks and tickled her bottomhole. Satisfied at his handiwork her Uncle carried the soap and bowl of warm water over to the sink. Whilst he busied himself his wife left the room but quickly returned with a razor in her hand. She smiled at her niece whose face was literally beet red. Being so nakedly exposed with shaving foam spread all over her most private of places was causing the girl to sob with humiliation. As the two adults began to discuss Lisa’s sluttish behaviour she started to whimper and moan pitifully.

The shaving foam quickly began to dry causing a tightening of the hairs covering the virginal pussy. It was really uncomfortable. Lisa whimpered again.

“Stop whining girl we’re trying to talk!” snapped her Aunt suddenly.

“I just can’t believe she’s so naughty," said her husband. "Besides all that lying she’s never shaved her vagina either. I thought it was a well known fact that young girls should be clean down there?”

“Yes honey I agree with you, I don’t understand why she’s so slovenly. And why my sister has never shaved her, well, I’ve no idea. Probably the girl’s so badly behaved that she’s a real problem at home. I think we really need to take her in hand otherwise she’s going to turn into a proper little slut.” Bryan Brite nodded as he glanced at the wide open thighs of his young niece.

“And how dare she turn up here without any panties? She’s so shameless,” he said. “She’s needs to be taught right from wrong there’s no doubt about that.”

“As I’ve always said the girl’s needed to be well punished.” Olivia Brite took a deep breath and smiled slyly as she too stared at the helplessly displayed vaginal folds. “We’ll teach her what real humiliation is! Shave her now. The soap will have dried out nicely so it’ll pull at those hairs of hers a bit. It’ll teach her a lesson!” She couldn’t stop herself giggling quietly.

"Those" curly hairs immediately caught in the old razor. Lisa squealed and begged as they pulled painfully at her soft flesh but her Uncle just ignored her.

“Be quiet girl and keep still!” he barked crossly. Lisa sobbed as the blunt blade scraped against her delicate skin. Horribly she could feel her pussy reacting to the painful sensations. It was oozing fluid and she couldn’t understand why! In fact the stimulant had such a firm grip on her reactions that her arousal levels were no longer receptive to her influence. She gritted her teeth as her Uncle methodically worked his way across her quivering pubis. Taking a firm grip on the labial folds he pulled each one to the side before sliding the razor along the stretched flesh. Lisa moaned and cried and shook as the terrible shaving continued but suddenly she lost all control and began to moan urgently, and for a very different reason. The combination of the intense humiliation and the pain and, unbeknownst to her or her Uncle, the chemicals in her bloodstream, caused a totally unwanted reaction!

“Lisa how dare you! She’s coming right now…in front of us! Olivia just look at the little slut. I can’t believe it!” shouted Bryan Brite, his eyes wide with surprise. Lisa humped herself on the edge of the table, pushing her stiff clitoral bud against the firm fingers.

“Nnnnnnnnnnnnn!...Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!....Y…Y…Y…Yeeeessss!” she gasped. Then she screamed as the orgasm arrived. Her Uncle simply continued to stare in shock.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. She’s such a dirty little girl.” Lisa started to cry, overcome with shame at what she’d just done, and covered her pussy with her hands.

“Don’t you dare cover yourself young lady!” he snapped, slapping her hands away. Cruelly he reached out and pinched one of her thorn-like nipples.

“Aaaaaaaahhhh!” she sobbed, “I’m sorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy Uncle!” Olivia Brite’s pussy was throbbing uncontrollably as she devoured the scene in front of her. She smiled and took the girls’ other engorged nipple in her own fingers. Lisa squealed as her sensitive buds were squeezed.

“You’re going to be punished very severely for that wanton behaviour my girl. Young ladies should always have control over themselves, I can’t believe you’ve just come in front of us! You’re so shameless, how on earth does your mother stand you! We’re not going to have such disgusting things going on in this house, am I right Bryan?” Whilst she scolded the girl she kept pinching and twisting the engorged nipple. Crying and writhing Lisa tried to stay in position on the edge of the table but her thighs kept lifting and closing.

“Pleeeeeeeeeease Aunty I’m so sorry! Owwwwwwwwwwwwww it hurts so much!” she yelled. Her Uncle pulled thoughtfully at the stiff nipple he was rolling between his finger and thumb and nodded his head.

“I’m sure you’re right darling. This little tart is going to need some severe discipline to keep her in line. Spread your legs girl!” he shouted. “Now I said! Wider girl!” As Lisa did as she told her Aunt laughed,

“Just look at her, the way she’s showing herself, totally shameless!”

They both released Lisa’s breasts at the same moment. The soft curves wobbled deliciously as the girl continued to sob loudly. Olivia Brite looked at the abused red mound, it looked sore, very sore, the blunt razor had done its’ work just as she’d known it would. She licked her lips and squeezed her legs together excitedly.

“Look at that Bryan,” she said pointing to the table top beneath Lisa’s spread vaginal folds. There was a little pool of shiny clear fluid that had dripped from their niece's defenceless pussy. “The little tart has marked my table with her juices!” Shaking his head with disbelief her husband picked up the razor once more before roughly pulling the girl’s quivering bum cheeks wide. Lisa squealed and begged and jerked as he scraped the blade over and around the clenching hole of her bottom. He noticed his wife’s eyes were alive with excitement as the girls' awful humiliation continued, and smiled to himself. He was enjoying the game just as much as she was!

Once wiped with a flannel soaked in hot water Lisa’s pussy bulged obscenely. Now it was completely on display, as was her tight anal dimple. She sobbed piteously as her Aunt and Uncle looked at her. Her poor pussy was so sore and it was tingling and itching and oozing. She could feel it! Her pubic mound was red, its' labia swollen and glistening and gaping apart. At their top juncture the shaking girl’s clitoral knob was stiff and bright pink. It stuck out, just like her exposed nipples, as she sat fully opened on the edge of the table. The two adults exchanged glances and grinned happily. Now Olivia’s Brites “fun” was beginning she could hardly contain her excitement and by the look of the front of her husband’s trousers, he could hardly contain his either!

Chapter 3: Evidence of a close shave

Lisa cringed with embarrassment as she perched on the edge of the table displaying her sore pussy. With her thighs fully opened her Aunt and Uncle could see every detail of her most private, and now red and tender, anatomy. She looked through tear stained eyes at the two adults as they pulled two dining chairs together before sitting down facing each other.

"Get down and come here!" snapped her Aunt. Lisa slid down from the table, immediately covering her freshly shaved pussy with one hand whilst trying to cover her boobs with her arms. Once stood directly between the two of them her Uncle slapped at her hands.

"Hands on your head and stand up straight!" he barked, causing her to jump. With her hands out of the way Lisa's nipples were once more revealed, sticking out stiff and pink.

“Uncle please it’s so humiliating, please forgive me” begged the naked young schoolgirl. She desperately kept her legs pressed tightly together as her face burned crimson.

"If I'd been caught lying when I was a girl my mother would have given my thighs a good slapping," said Olivia Brite, looking at her husband and ignoring the pleading tone used by the panic-stricken girl. "I think we should start with that, before we spank her, and then hopefully she'll get the most benefit from her punishment. There's absolutely no point in being soft with her!" Bryan Brite nodded his agreement to his obviously excited wife.

"Auntie pleeeeeease don't! Oh please!"

"Stand still young lady!" Olivia snapped threateningly as she lifted her hand and swung it viciously towards the back of one of her niece's legs. Lisa squealed and jerked as her Aunt's hand stung her thigh just beneath the curve of her bottom.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh! Oh it hurts! Please Miss....Ooooooooooohhhh...I'll be good!"

For a few moments all that could be heard was the crack of the woman's hand meeting soft flesh and the gasps and sobs of the crying schoolgirl. Quickly the backs of Lisa's thighs became burning hot. Each cruel impact made her cry out as the terrible stinging got worse and worse.

"Stop making such a fuss, we've hardly started yet!" said the older woman smiling happily. She looked carefully at the quivering legs. "That should do for the backs Bryan, you do her front."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" Lisa suddenly screamed as her Uncle's hand started striking the softness on the front of her defenceless thighs. She squirmed wildly where she stood trying frantically to escape the horrid stinging. Amazingly she managed to keep her hands firmly locked on the top of her head. She knew if she didn't stay in position she'd be punished even harder! It shouldn't have taken long to transform the soft skin from white to crimson but Bryan Brite took his time. Each slap was delivered after a slight pause so that the girl had time to fully absorb the smarting impact before the next one arrived. And between each smack her Uncle stared hard into Lisa's very red face and smiled. To her horror she realised he was really enjoying himself!

By the time she was ordered to turn sideways she was sobbing uncontrollably. The tops of her thighs, both front and back, were on fire. Without any trace of sympathy her Aunt and Uncle immediately began slapping the soft curves on the outside of each of her legs. The awful stings made Lisa whimper piteously. She twisted violently back and forth under the cruel blows begging her Aunt and Uncle to "Please stop!" Finally and much to Lisa's dismay she found herself being lifted onto her Uncle's lap. His hands gripped the undersides of her sore thighs and held her legs wide apart. Being touched by her Uncle was proving a mortifying experience for the shy girl but now, even more horribly, she could feel his erect penis pressing against her bottom.

Spread and helpless she screwed her eyes tightly shut, laying her head back on her Uncle's shoulder as she tried to escape the overpowering feelings of shame and humiliation flowing through her. Her pussy was once more embarrassingly revealed to her Aunt's eyes. Olivia Brite bent forwards and slapped the inside of one of her niece's thighs with as much venom as she could muster. Lisa screamed and tried desperately to close her legs but there would to be no escape. Her Aunt watched as a red hand print rose quickly on the sensitive skin. The impact had been only a few millimetres from the bulge of the girl's vulval increase. She smiled at her husband and continued striking the defenceless curves for several minutes. When she'd finished the girl was howling and tears were pouring down her face.

"Oh please please please no more! Oooooooooooh! I can't stand it!" blubbered Lisa, as she shamefully continued to squirm on the stiffness that was pressing between her bottom cheeks. She couldn't help it! Olivia looked at the insides of the girl's trembling thighs. They were bright red and she could feel the heat rising from the scorched skin. As her gaze dropped to the vaginal slit she noticed the shiny fluid that was smeared along its length and smiled knowingly.

Lisa tottered unsteadily on her feet as her Aunt and Uncle watched her with amused curiosity. Surprisingly the girl had managed to keep her hands stuck to the top of her head throughout the ordeal they'd just put her through. And although her thighs were glowing red they were now going to spank her, which would prove a much more painful experience. Olivia turned to her husband,

"Dear, where's your brown belt?"

"You mean my old leather work belt?" he answered, smiling to himself, as he knew immediately why his wife was asking.

"Yes but I mean the new one we bought a few weeks ago, the one with the iron buckle."

"Oh that one! I keep forgetting I've got it, I've had the old one for so long." He coughed trying to hide his smile as he contemplated the new sensations the girl was about to feel on her ripe young bottom cheeks. "Try the bedside table in the guest room." Lisa looked at them both with terror in her eyes as she also realised what the belt was about to be used for.

"Oooooooohhhh P...P...P...Please Miss I'll be good pleeeease don't hurt me anymore I'll do as I'm told I'll behave I will I will I promise I promise! Oh Please! I'm so sore!"

"Of course you're sore my girl, that's the idea!" She smiled at her husband. "Warm her up Bryan I'll be back in a minute."

Lisa howled as her Uncle's hand bounced off her burning bottom.

"Owwwwwww! It stings soooooooooo much!" She wriggled and kicked but it was no use. Laying naked across his knee with her hands pinioned in the middle of her back she could do nothing but bawl like a baby as she tried to express her discomfort. The view she was giving her Uncle was so shameful. Each impact made her wriggle and jump on his knee which caused the cheeks of her bottom to gape apart showing not only the wet slit of her vagina, but also the clenched opening of her bumhole. As his hand landed the pain forced her to rub her clitoral knob frantically against his leg. Her face was burning with humiliation but even more shameful was the stickiness that she could feel oozing from her pussy.

"Stand up!" her Aunt Olivia suddenly shouted as she came back into the kitchen. Lisa scrambled to her feet and stood sobbing and swaying with her hands held protectively in front of her pussy.

"Don't you dare cover yourself you naughty girl!" snapped her Uncle slapping her hands away.

"Aaahhh! Please I’m sorry…oooww! It's so embarrassing!" Once more Lisa placed her hands on top of her head shamefully revealing her thorn-like nipples and stiff clitoral stalk to their inquisitive eyes. Sobbing loudly she squirmed in front of them, rubbing her hot thighs together and rolling her bottom lewdly in a futile attempt at relieving the awful stinging that was consuming her lower half. She stared in dread at her Aunt who was almost lovingly running a thick leather belt through her hands.

"Turn around," she said quietly. Lisa did as she was told showing the woman her tormented rear cheeks which twitched and clenched with a life of their own.

"I know!" said Olivia Brite enthusiastically as she opened a drawer. Kneeling down she drew two crosses on the flagstone floor with a small piece of white chalk.

"If you move your feet off these marks before we've finished my girl we'll start all over again." She turned to her husband. "Do you think twenty will be enough to teach her a lesson this time?" Grinning, her husband nodded his agreement.

"Yes I think so," he said. "And she can count them out loud and thank us for each one."

"That's a splendid idea," giggled his wife. "You heard your Uncle young lady. You'd better count each stroke and thank us nicely if you know what's good for you!"

"I will be g...g...good p...p...please noooooo more pleaseeeee," sobbed Lisa unhappily.

"Well get into position you shameless girl! Do it NOW! And stop all that whining!" barked Bryan Brite threateningly.

Shaking and sobbing Lisa stood naked with her feet spread apart, covering the two chalk crosses, and her hands on her head. She felt dizzy with embarrassment. Her Uncle was sat directly in front of her on a chair. She couldn't meet his eyes so stared fixedly at the floor between her feet. His gaze moved leisurely from the pert breasts with their hard pink points to the reddened mound of the girl's pussy, a redness which matched the band of colour encircling the upper parts of her legs. Beneath the bulge of her pussy he could clearly see the delicate vaginal lips that seemed to glisten in the light. Even now the girl was wet! The memory of her bottom writhing and squeezing on his hardness a few moments earlier caused the throbbing in his trousers to surge.



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Lisa and Brit

Lisa and Brit     The small plane took off from the grass strip andleft Lisa and Brit standing there, wondering why Dr.Schmidt was not there to meet them.  They shoulderedtheir back packs and started toward the road whichshould lead the village.  They had no sooner reached theedge of the forest when they were surrounded bysoldiers carrying automatic rifles and dressed incamouflage uniforms.  The soldiers took the back packs. An officer approached them.      "May I see your passports, please?"He...

2 years ago
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Lisa Gets Dominated by Her Daughter

Lisa was a single mom who would do anything in the world for her daughter. She was a very hard working professional who lost her husband when Lynzee was only six. Although it was a struggle raising a child being a single parent, Lisa managed to make all of the necessary sacrifices to ensure her daughter had a good childhood. It wasn't until lately that the relationship with her daughter became very strained and Lisa felt bad because it seemed they were fighting almost all of the time. The two...

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Lisa comes alive

I’ve been married to Lisa for about three years now and although I do really love her our sex life was a little safe and boring. This was mainly due to Lisa’s upbringing her parents were very over protective and she had two older b*****rs who had always scared off any boys that came calling. We had been dating on and off since we were teenagers and luckily I had taken her virginity. Which was fantastic for me as she had been so very tight, then I had gone off to college for a few years. Lisa...

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Lisa comes alive

I’ve been married to Lisa for about three years now and although I do really love her our sex life was a little safe and boring. This was mainly due to Lisa’s upbringing her parents were very over protective and she had two older brothers who had always scared off any boys that came calling. We had been dating on and off since we were teenagers and luckily I had taken her virginity. Which was fantastic for me as she had been so very tight, then I had gone off to college for a few years. Lisa...

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Lisa Amber An Unexpected Evening

Lisa appeared suddenly in our lives, well, Amber’s life. She had been hired to work in the same office and they immediately became friends. They had a lot in common. About the same age and similar backstories. So naturally, the girls found reasons to do things together and talked regularly. I was glad because it gave Amber someone close that she could have some fun with and do girl things. The only difference between them was that Amber had found me and Lisa had a bit of a spontaneous streak....

2 years ago
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Lisa Simpson Lost Found and Finally FuckedChapter 4

Locations: The Simpson House, Ned’s RV. Homer and Marge are talking in their living room Marge: “Oh Homie, it’s great Lisa is safe and will be home soon.” Homer: “Yeah Marge it is great that Lisa is safe now. Meanwhile upstairs in Bart’s room, the room appears to be empty but for Bart’s left leg as he leaves through the window and climbs into his tree house and then down into the rear yard Bart: Muttering, “Lisa should have been home by now. I don’t believe it takes so long to unload a...

1 year ago
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Lisa ndash A Slutrsquos First Gangbang

Lisa felt a little strange as she sat at the table with her Mom and Jack. There were several reasons things felt weird but the oddest was knowing that Jack was not her biological father. She had always loved him but their new relationship in some ways was even more rewarding. It had only been about a half an hour before when she and her mother had given him a joint blow job that had him blasting off like a rocket. The other thing that felt strange was the fact that she was wearing skin tight...

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Lisarsquos Story

Lisa felt her stomach churn as her car entered seedy side of the city, she had grown up in. Her parents would not approve her going anywhere in that part of the city unless her father had accompanied her and even then, he would never allow his daughter to do even that. That side of town was renowned for its strip clubs, massage parlors, prostitutes and adult book stores. It was the last of these that was the reason for Lisa to venture into the “Forbidden Zone”.Lisa had grown up in a strict home...

2 years ago
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Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For

Contact: You may contact the author through this site or via ya-hoo IM as aprincelyfrog. Please do NOT add me as a friend as I get so many IM's its impossible for me to keep up with everyone so my friends list is for family only. On to the story... Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of...

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Lisa a Frustrated Young Wife

Introduction: This story is quite long, but I must tell you, it was a long day. Lisa was a beautiful light brown haired, almost blonde young wife suffering from lack of sex in her marriage. She on the verge of cheating until her friend persuaded her to try a massage, an erotic massage. I began watching the comedy series, Chuck, on television when it started two years ago. I continued to watch it every week. For some strange reason I took a keen interest in the blonde actress, Yvonne Strahovski,...

3 years ago
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Lisa Gets More Than She Bargained For

I had been through a nasty divorce about 18 months earlier and was just getting back into the dating scene when I met Lisa. Lisa 42 years old, a mother of three and had a hot little body with two of the greatest tits I have ever seen. It was a pretty normal dating relationship except one thing, Lisa never had an orgasm! I have fucked a lot of women in my day and never had one I couldn’t get off numerous times but Lisa just wasn’t going to cum. One night, I found her hot button and this is a...

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Lisas Birthday night

One Friday evening shortly after Lisa's birthday her mother and dad were sitting in the living room after she went to her room to watch TV. When Lisa left the room her dad, Chuck put one of his adult movies in the VCR and began to watch it with Debbie, his wife. He began to get horny watching the sexual action on the screen, and started to play around with his wife, Debbie. Although she usually got very turned on by his caresses, tonight she wasn't feeling very well. She asked him to stop, and...

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Lisa a Frustrated Young Wife

This story begins during one of my many sessions at Rhoda’s house. Rhoda is one of my earliest and most memorable clients of my massage career. It seems that almost every week after her daughter Sharon moved back in, my massage business began to flourish. All of Rhoda’s Saturday massage sessions at her house have been full of fond and pleasant memories. There was more intrigue and voyeur versus voyeur at that house than you would think possible. It made the massage sessions more desirous for...

3 years ago
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Lisa 4

Okay, so yes I sorta had the feeling that during our marriage she had been laid more than a few times by various other men, and again that actually turned me on and in time that turned out to be truer than I could have imagined. She’d been very discrete, but I’d spotted a few signs in the more recent months. Then a few weeks before this incident; in bed, after sex; I had jokingly suggested that I’d like to watch her with another guy; she’d looked at me seriously for 5 seconds or so, then she...

3 years ago
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Lisa 9

Plus, by agreement Lisa could have one evening or night out to meet whoever, only telling me about it afterwards. She would often arrange one of our married or single friends to come and keep me company on those nights, failure to do so would result in her having a forfeit of a sexual nature to do later, this would happen about 40% of the time. At first those forfeits were mild, like lack of underwear at work; Play squash/tennis at public court in skirt without underwear, to phone a friend of...

1 year ago
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Lisa learns the hard way

100% fiction! Don married Lisa ten years ago right after Lisa's divorce. She brought a daughter into the marriage. After ten years of marriage, Lisa decided she needed time to find out what she wanted. She asked Don to leave home until things quieted down, and she knew what she wanted. Don decided to play it safe and see a lawyer. The first thing the lawyer checked was bank accounts. Would you believe there was no money? The next thing was car titles; the titles were already changed over to...

1 year ago
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Lisa Moves in With Sarah and Greg

Previously in the Saga of Sarah and Greg: Greg is a normal heterosexual guy, and Sarah is a normal pre-op transgender woman. They met, fell in love ("Sarah and Greg"), moved in together ("Sarah and Greg Start a Life Together"), and got married ("Sarah and Greg Get Married"). During the time they lived together, they spent a day running through various sexual fantasies ("Sarah and Greg's Day of Exploration"). What they learned about themselves is that they enjoyed public sex. This led...

3 years ago
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Lisa Teil 4 Die Latexputznutte

Nochmal Teil 4, der ersten Version fehlen die letzten Absätze...Lisa war nun bereits über eine Woche der Ferien bei Nicole und Ihrer Tochter Chrissi, und hatte schon einige Male geile Bekanntschaft mit dem Latexequipment und der versauten Lüste der Beiden gemacht.Die drei verstanden sich immer noch so gut - nein, besser - , als am ersten Tag, was jedoch aufgrund der miteinander erlebten, geilen Sauereien nicht Wunder nahm. Es war ein sonniger Dienstagmorgen, und sie saßen gemeinsam am...

3 years ago
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Lisa kakima

Ami ekon kakimake nak dhorei daki, ekhon aar kakima bole dakina, ami bolechi tomake aar kakima bolbona nam dhore dakbo kakima boleche he toke diye jodi chodate pari tobe nam dhore dakle aar apotti kise tor jab halo lagbe dakbi. Kakima bollo Raja ekta good news ache amar ek bandhobi asche ekhane kichu din thakbe. Ami bollam tate amar anonder karon ki. Kakima bollo bandhobi ta bidhoba onek din kono bara or gude dhokeni bara pabar janno chot phot korche oke toka diye chodano karabo. Ami bollam...

3 years ago
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### CB-4418 ###The Sitter Loves To Suckby Steve GoldenFOREWORDThe process of growing up, of passing through the age of adolescence has, through the ages, been marked by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family and peer group alike. Certainly, in modern society, the problems of youth appear to be more marked than ever before.Lisa Fuller is a teenager embarking on her own special journey toward adolescence. She finds herself overwhelmed by powerful emotions,...

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Lisas Back Payment

Friday finally arrived, and by 11:00am I had a full house. Lisa had shown up on time with Kayla in tow, and the two youngest k**s. Beth was only a few minutes behind them with her oldest. Including my daughter we had 4 k**s in the pool, and 3 incredible MILFs wearing only the skimpiest of bikini's and catching the morning rays. We hung out by the pool for a while, all of us aware of where the afternoon was headed. Once the k**s were fed Beth gave us the green-light to head inside while she...

2 years ago
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Lisa Pays Daddys Debt

Lisa leaned back in the car's worn leather seat and closed her eyes. The slim 14-year old girl adjusted the earphones that ran from her ears to the CD player on the seat next to her. This was just typical of her father, Lisa sighed. She might have known this would happen. It wasn't the first time. Lisa was the daughter of Karl and Cathy Adams, a couple whose marriage had dissolved because of Karl's problem with gambling. He got so bad he was losing his paycheck before he got home on...

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Lisa Simpson Lost Found and Finally FuckedChapter 2

M43, g16, size, penetration, cum swallowing, Synopsys: Lisa and Willie the next day Characters: Lisa, Willie, Chief Wiggum, Sgt Lou, Homer, Bart, Marge. In the early hours of the morning the Tornado dissipates into a rain storm while Lisa and Willie sleep. A few hours Later Willie awakens still cuddled up to Lisa, He remembers the night before where he finally fucked Lisa Simpson, The girl he had been dreaming of fucking for the last 3 years as he secretly watched her maturing young body...

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Lisa and Suzi Do HollywoodChapter 6

The movie, which was shot over a two-day period in the heart of Hollywood, was hyped as "Suzi Sweet's final adult film". It promised fans "scorching sex scenes" with the legendary goddess featured, along with "young and busty newcomer, Lisa Sweet", playing the co-starring role. Since the movie was put together so quickly, Lisa did not have much of a chance to come up with a unique stage name. So, she decided to play on the fact that her and Suzi were relatives in real life - and chose...

3 years ago
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Lisa and Luann

LISA and LUANN LISA and LUANN I knocked on the door, and Lisa opened it.? We exchanged pleasantries, and I told her that I had brought some presents.? She was pleased, but said, ?First, have I got something for you.? Raising her voice, she said, ?Luann, come out and meet Bob.? Luann emerged from the bedroom, a picture of beautiful temptation.? She was wearing white bedtime things; frilly, translucent, barely covering her hips, and very sexy.? The bottom was little more than...

4 years ago
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Lisa 2

Lisa wore a coat to travel to the house, when we got there l tried to persuade her to leaving it in the car, but she was faltering a little, even though she’d drunk a large sherry al¬ready. We arrived about 10pm and Lisa visibly relaxed when she saw that other girls were equally or in fact in a couple of cases even daring than herself. There were some really sexy outfits in PVC and leather, Our hostess, a very attrac¬tive woman in her mid-30’s, met us, wearing high heeled thigh boots,...

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Lisas night

Another good night out with friends and as the pub wasn't far from where we live this time me, Lisa and Gary were going back to ours. We got home and Gary asked to used the toilet. I told him where it was and off he went. When he'd left the room Lisa said are we going to enjoy ourselves tonight. I hope so I said. She smiled and said she would freshen up. Gary came back down and I said Lisa is up for a bit of fun tonight how about you. Gary said it would only be good manners if we both joined...

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Lisa and the Society

Lisa was glad to have her sister over for the evening. After the divorce and the k**s moving out, the loneliness was getting to her. She wondered how her sister had made it through her divorce and still seemed so happy."I just don't get it, Amber," Lisa said, wiping tears from her cheeks. "How do you do it? You make it look so easy.""It wasn't easy at first. It gets better as time goes on." Amber moved closer and wrapped her arms around Lisa. She then brushed Lisa's hair out of her face and...

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Lisa Dad Gets Blown Twice

Jack was glad to have a little time to himself after the events of the day. His wife had just gone to be bed and Lisa was doing homework in her bedroom. Jack put his feet up and closed his eyes. Never in his life had he ever been so sexually satisfied. Despite feeling guilty about fucking another woman it was what he needed. If his wife had taken care of his needs none of the would have ever happened. It was then that his phone announced a text message. He looked and saw that it was from...

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Lisa Discovers Secretes Old New

Cheri, also known as Mary, looked at her husband’s car parked at the Relax Inn. Cheri had just spent the day with her former lover and porn producer. David had reawakened the nymphomaniac that Mary had thought she had buried nearly twenty years ago. At some point Cheri had heard the couple in the next room having sex and had even made some comments to them through the wall before having David fuck her again. Cheri had not felt a sexual high like this since she had tried to run away from...

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Lisas Black Submission

Lisa Keller groaned, as much in shame and humiliation, as in budding pleasure as she thought about the chain of events that had brought her to this place of her incipient adultery. She had not wanted to go to this party, but her husband had insisted. They had only been married for six months, and they had moved into this country club neighborhood, into a home that they really couldn't afford. Her new husband, Brad, had stressed to her how important it was that he succeeds in his new job, as the...

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Lisa Gillian and Me Part 2

Introduction: Please read parts 1first In the second part things are becoming a lot more interesting. Please read part 1 first and watch for the third (and final) part. When rating please keep in mind the context of this entire true story. There, problem solved she announced. Obviously, any embarrassment from the candid photos was long forgotten. I glanced over to Jill to catch her reaction as did Lisa. Well if we are doing this together&hellip,.. Jill said as she undid her bikini top while...

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Lisa Missed The Bus and Her Cherry

Kenneth Wagner was flabbergasted!He couldn't decide if he was insane or not. An hour ago, he was a king. Now, he'd been reduced to shit! At the age of 43, an executive for a multinational group of companies, he had always maintained his status, in and out of the office, among his community and his near and dear ones.But what happened a bit ago changed all that!Visuals of the last hour unfolded in his mind. He could not erase the images from his memory, nor reverse the activities that took...

2 years ago
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Lisa and Prince and Jenna

Meanwhile, I’d begun looking at dogs in a new way. Once a week wasn’t enough for me and sex with Prince had awakened a lust for more and bigger dogs. I began to notice them everywhere, before realizing there was a nice one living right next door. His name was Duke, a large Black Lab with (I hoped) a nice, big cock. His owner, Jenna was my age, but went to a different school. Her brother, Jake was a year or two older. I was soon having dreams about getting fucked by Duke. Of course, my route...

4 years ago
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Lisa August 2003

A friend of mine asked me to post this story on his behalf - I know much of it is true as I know most of the people involved - if he gets any favourable reactions he'll pass me some more to post - there's another 19 chapters I think. My name’s Steve, I’m just the wrong side of 40 now, long-time divorced and up until fairly recently single. I’m Mr Average really looks wise – six feet tall, about 14 stone (probably carrying a stone too many to be honest), brown hair and blue eyes. I’ve got my own...

2 years ago
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Lisa Strips for Daniel

Lisa looked at the text from Daniel and was puzzled at what it said. She bit her bottom lip and a frown crossed her brow as she battled to understand the text message. ‘Are you alone’ the message screamed as Lisa’s fingers gently caressed her smart phone to fully open the text. She nudged the reply box and said ‘Yes. Why?’ Her phone immediately beeped as a return text came from Daniel’s phone with the intriguing message ‘Open the e mail I’ve just sent you!’ Lisa walked across and plugged in...

3 years ago
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Lisa Gillian and Me

Introduction: A true story. A mistake takes a good turn. Introduction: For a bit of background on my wife, Lisa, and me please read 20 Questions (posted in three parts). During many years of marriage, there will be a few times when something spectacular happens. This is one of those times and is one of the reasons I will never step out on my wife. The first part just sets the scene so please keep that in mind when rating it and judge it in the context of what it promises. I had just walked in...

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Lisa Gillian and Me

I had just walked in the door after work when Lisa confronted me, mad as hell. “You lied to me”, she said as she hit my chest with her fist with enough force that I knew I was in trouble, even though I had no idea what she was talking about. “You told me you had deleted those pictures.” Lisa went on to tell me that she was showing her friend Jill some of our recent vacation pictures on our computer that afternoon, during their weekly coffee klatch. Jill, (her real name is Gillian and...

1 year ago
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Lisa Jacks Mom

CHAPTER 1 Gene Sutherland was in a mood. Lisa Jack was already treating him like crap and they’d only dated three times. This was his midweek gym night she’d called to ask him to buy take-outs and eat with her and listen to her crappy music, not that she gave that label to her music. Gene entered the front door and yelled for Lisa and she yelled she was in her bedroom. He walked in the direction of her voice and saw her mom on the bed pulling on black stockings. Mrs Jack was wearing only a...

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Lisa was just thirteen years old but already a beautiful preview of the sensational woman she would become when a mature adult. Lisa lived in Lincoln Alabama a town of about five thousand population, located forty miles east of Birmingham Alabama and one hundred miles west of Atlanta Georga. Lincoln is alongside a power company lake about 40 miles long on the Coosa River. The Lincoln school is one large complex, K through 12. Lisa was in the seventh grade in middle school and had been...

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Lisa Plays at the Team Party

Lisa Gager pulled her car into the field next to the Washington house where she saw all the other cars parked. Just what I need, she thought, chaperone a party for the senior members of the high school football team. Even though they graduated, this was the first chance Coach Allen had to throw the party for them. She climbed out of the car and straightened her sexy white dress. It was backless down to her waist with a zipper starting there and ending below her butt at the back of her thighs....

1 year ago
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Lisa Gillian and Me Part 2

“There, problem solved” she announced. Obviously, any embarrassment from the candid photos was long forgotten. I glanced over to Jill to catch her reaction as did Lisa. “Well if we are doing this together…..” Jill said as she undid her bikini top while Lisa gently clapped her hands together joyfully. I turned back to Lisa, half the rope and slipped the midpoint over her head. Bringing together the two pieces that were now hanging in front of Lisa I tied simple knots at intervals...

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Lisa 6

Our sexual relationship was forming where we’d had several men together in a threesome, plus a few where I’d just watched and she had gone solo with quite a few others – straight sex with me ready to ‘clean up’ after he left or she came home. She accepted from me several ‘hotwife’ challenges, to which we had both derived fun; mostly teasing exhibitionist things, but in general meant she went around without underwear most of the time. Since our orgy with Theo and his brothers back in June,...

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