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He was fabulously wealthy and had a beautiful young wife. He also had hidden powers I could never have dreamed of, powers that would change my life completely. POWERS by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - It was Plato's 'Republic' that did it. As usual I was working the six-'til-midnight shift at the gas station on Highway 5, a dozen or so miles outside the town of Baxter. These weren't hours that allowed for much of a social life, but then it wasn't as if I could really afford much of a one anyway - I worked in a gas station, remember. On the plus side, the work was undemanding and those hours allowed me to fit in a lot of reading when I wasn't dealing with customers. I first encountered *him* one evening in early summer. And after that meeting my life would never be the same again. I watched his arrival on the small monitor under the counter, the CCTV that covered the pumps capturing his silver Lamborghini as it pulled in for gas. It was a gorgeous car with what appeared to be an equally gorgeous young blonde in the passenger seat. The driver climbed out of the low slung seat with some effort, lifted the hose from pump number three, removed the Lamborghini's gas tank cap, and thrust the nozzle into the opening. He looked vaguely familiar, appeared to be in his early sixties, grey haired and around the same height as me. He was also obviously very wealthy, though given how much of an effort it had been to get out of the Lambo I wondered about his health. The charge counter for pump three displayed on the digital display next to my monitor came to a stop at $25 precisely. Not that this was unusual. While some customers keep pumping until their tank is full, most stop at an exact dollar amount. This probably says something or other about human - or at least male - psychology. It wasn't until the guy came inside to pay for his gas that I finally recognised him. "You're David Graham," I said, "the hotshot consultant." His was, like, the ultimate 'local boy makes good' tale - if you accept 'local' as referring to anywhere in our state, that is - though I was kinda hazy about what sort of consultant he was. "Guilty as charged," he said, smiling as he pulled out his billfold. "Twenty five bucks, right?" "Yep," I said, taking the bills from him. That was when he noticed the book I was currently reading sitting on the shelf behind me. "Plato's 'Republic'," he said, sounding surprised. "Are you a student?" "I wish," I said, "but this isn't just a job I work when I'm not in class; this is my actual job." "High school drop-out?" "Not through choice. I had to quit school as soon as I could to start bringing money in, not that I could ever have afforded college anyway." "Plato isn't the usual reading of a high school drop-out." "Being uneducated isn't the same as being stupid," I replied, somewhat defensively. "No, it isn't, and I never meant to suggest otherwise. I'm just curious as to how you would have encountered Plato." Customers didn't usually show this much interest in my life. "Mister Walesca," I said. "After he died and his relatives took what they wanted from his trailer, they dumped all his books outside for the everyone else in the park to help themselves to. The fiction went pretty quickly, but no-one wanted his political non-fiction volumes, which my mom saved for me. Been working my way through them ever since." "Do you live with your mom?" "I did until I was twenty one. For the past six years I've had a one- room apartment in town above a liquor store." "Hmmm," he said, staring at me thoughtfully, clearly weighing me up. "I suppose it must seem to you like I have everything." "Well, yeah. That's a sweet ride, and your lady friend is beautiful." "Yes, she is. We've been married three months. Natalia's what's known as a 'black widow', a woman who marries men for their money then murders them. She's only twenty-five and I'm her third husband." "Wait, what?" I spluttered, completely thrown by this. "When did you find out? Have you contacted the police about her?" "Hardly," he chuckled. "I was the one who sought *her* out knowing full well what she is." I thought at first he might be pulling my leg, but his face said otherwise. "You're serious!" I said. "I am, yes." "Let me guess. You have an ironclad pre-nup so she gets nothing in the event of a suspicious death." "Nope, nothing of the sort. In fact I've let her know I'm leaving every last penny to her in my will." "That makes no sense." "I assure you it does," he said, laying his hand over mine. "Meet me at the Des Lux Hotel in Des Moines this time tomorrow evening to learn why. Now I must be going." With that he turned on his heel and left, leaving me stunned by what had been possibly the most bizarre few minutes of my life. I pondered his words long after the roar of his Lamborghini had faded into the distance. - 2 - I could have not told you why I listened to David Graham and did as he asked, not then at any rate, but the following day I called in sick and took the bus into Des Moines. The Des Lux Hotel was easily the swankiest place I'd ever set foot in. In the lobby was a board on an easel proclaiming a charity event in the ballroom. This was on behalf of something called the Walter Dawson Fund, whatever that was, which probably explained all the people around me done up to the nines in their tuxedos and evening gowns, and the snooty way the receptionist looked me up and down when I made my way across to reception. My jeans and leather jacket were in stark contrast to the sartorial norm for the evening. "Could you tell Mr Graham that his gas station attendant is here?" I said, relishing how the words made him wince. "He's expecting me." "As you wish," said the receptionist, his tone telling me he didn't quite believe me. His expression quickly changed when he called Graham's room. "Certainly, sir, I'll send him up right away." I smiled smugly. "Mr Graham is waiting for you in his suite on the top floor." I made my way up to the suite and was greeted at the door by David Graham himself. "Come in, come in!" he said, ushering me into a room several times larger than my entire apartment, and a lot more luxuriously appointed. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked, noting his cummerbund, bow-tie, and the jacket hanging over the back of a chair. "Yes, Natalia and I are attending the charity function being held in this hotel," he replied, fiddling with a cuff-link. "Your timing is perfect...umm." He frowned. "Y'know, I never did get round to asking you your name did I?" "It's Frank," I said, "Frank Becker, and I'm not really sure why I'm here." "Well, Frank, this is an audition of sorts. If you pass it, what happens next will change your life." I would have asked him what he meant, but his wife chose then to enter from another room and the words died in my throat. This was my first close up look at Mrs Graham and she was absolutely stunning, with a gorgeous face and figure. "Could you zip me up, darling?" she purred, presenting her back to him and lifting her hair. She had a slight Russian accent. "Of course, my sweet," he replied, zipping up her spectacular evening gown. Only when she turned round to face us did she give any indication she had noticed me. "Who's your handsome young friend?" she asked, giving me the sort of smile that makes men go weak at the knees. "This is Frank," he replied, taking her hand and mine, "and he'll be accompanying me to the charity event tonight." As he said this I felt a disorienting moment of vertigo, one which caused me to briefly close my eyes. When I opened them I was staring across at myself. In shock, I cast my gaze downwards, staring in disbelief at the cleavage revealed by the evening dress I was wearing, my now bare arms, and the long, blonde hair I could see out of the corner of my eye. Somehow, David Graham had switched his wife's body with mine! I should have and would have freaked out at this point had he not spoken the words he did next. "Stay calm, Frank," said David, and suddenly I was. "As for you, Natalia, go into the single bedroom and stay there watching TV until we return." "Ok, David," she (he?) said calmly, turning and heading for that room. I don't have the words to describe just how weird it felt seeing my real body walk away. David turned his full attention to me. "Don't worry, this is only temporary. I'll switch you back at the end of the evening. In the meantime you will feel entirely comfortable in Natalia's body and will say nothing to anyone to reveal you're not her. I'll explain everything downstairs at the event." As he said it so it became true. I *did* feel comfortable in this female body; as comfortable as I did in my own. David let go of my hand, donned his jacket, then offered me his arm. "Shall we?" he said. I took his arm and we headed out, with me both acutely aware of how different this body was to my own and of how differently I was dressed while at the same time feeling both comfortable and unconcerned about the change. I now understood why I had done as David asked and met up with him in Des Moines. Whatever he told you to do when your flesh was in contact with his you had no choice but to comply with. This combined with his ability to switch the minds of others meant he was terrifyingly powerful. When the elevator arrived and the doors opened, I caught my first full look at myself in its rear mirror. Even knowing I was now this beautiful woman I still couldn't quite accept it. The image in the mirror was not the one I usually saw, was not me as I knew myself to be, yet when I moved so did she. I lifted a hand to my face and she did the same, gently running her fingers over her lips like I did mine. As we descended in the elevator, I became fascinated by multiple sensations new to me: the gentle heaving of my breasts as I breathed in and out, the long hair brushing my bare shoulders as I moved my head, the feeling of nylon stockings cladding my legs, and the taste of lipstick on my mouth. Exiting the elevator at ground level, I once again took David's arm. "We've been assigned a table with Preston and Lavinia van Persie," he said as we entered the ballroom. "A lovely couple, and major philanthropists. They flew out from their home on the west coast just to be here this evening." At the far side of the ballroom was the stage from which we would soon be regaled by various celebrities with stories designed to elicit large donations from us. The rest of the room was dotted with tables at which expensively clad men and women were sitting while caterers moved between them carrying trays of wine. We grabbed a glass each from one of these then David led me over to a table where an elderly couple were already seated. The man got to his feet when we reached it. "Ah, David, " he said, offering his hand, "so good to see you again." "You too, Preston," said David, shaking hands then placing his free hand on the woman's bare shoulder, "and Lavinia, of course. And now that I'm making contact with both of you these are my instructions. My wife and I will be discussing important personal matters. You will ignore anything we say this evening, remembering only such conversation as we have with you. Oh, and you will of course forget me ordering you to do so." David broke contact with the couple and we sat down. A small amount of inconsequential small talk followed before we got down to business. "I've now shown you what my powers are capable of," said David, "so what do you think?" "I think they're terrifying," I replied. "You could use them on people in key positions and take over the country if you wanted to." "I could," he conceded, "but who needs all that work? Also, why would I make myself a target for an assassin's bullet? No, these are powers best used on the down-low with no one even suspecting they exist." "Is that how you got so rich? Using your powers, I mean." "Yes, but not in the way you probably imagine. I could just tell people to give me money while touching them and they would, but that doesn't work for me. Despite the enormous temptation, I have a moral code I adhere to. If they give me money I have to give them something in return for it." "Is that what your consultancy is for?" "Clever boy; that's exactly what it's for. I charge two hundred thousand for a ten minute session with me. It's a price they gladly pay, and I'm worth it. I also tell them to sing my praises to their wealthy friends in order to bring in new business, of course." "What is it you do for them, exactly?" "I boost their confidence, assuring them they're the best, and afterwards those that suffered in any degree from imposter syndrome no longer do." "Imposter syndrome? What's that?" "The feeling that you don't deserve to be where you are, that you're a fraud in some way, and that any day now you're going to be found out. It's surprisingly common, even among very successful people." "It sounds nuts!" "I assure you it's very real. For example, the writer Neil Gaiman tells a story about being at an event for high-flyers and finding himself at the back of the room talking to someone he describes as a very well- mannered, very polite elderly gentleman. The guy was telling him he didn't feel worthy of being in such company, that everyone there had produced great works of art, or were Nobel prize winners whose scientific discoveries had contributed greatly to human knowledge, while all he'd ever done was go where they sent him. 'Well,' said Gaiman, 'you *were* the first man on the moon. I think that counts for something'." "So even Neil Armstrong felt that way?" "Yup, even him. And if one of the most globally famous people in human history could feel that way, a man whose name will live forever, then of course others will too." I took a sip of my wine, momentarily distracted by the long, painted nails on the hand holding the glass, then put a question to him. "You might have no interest in taking over the country," I said, "but have you ever been tempted to influence specific politicians to get your desired result on any issue?" "Of course, but I've never done so. What about you? Would you use the powers that way?" "Maybe. The main difference between the parties is that the Democrats pretend to care about the poor and the Republicans don't. Either way, if you're poor you're screwed. It's considered unseemly or even Communist to talk about class differences in America. Of course, the people who've decided it's unseemly or even Communist are those whose interests that narrative best serves, namely the rich and powerful. There's been a class war under way in this country for decades, and they're kicking our asses. I agree with you about not wanting to take over wholesale or make a target of yourself, so I'd work as a political consultant or lobbyist for a while. That way I could figure out exactly where the levers of power are then manipulate them to slowly change things so the country became a fairer, more equitable place than it is now." "Interesting," said David, regarding me thoughtfully. "You might just be the one I'm looking for." "The one? What one?" "The one I pass my powers on to." - 3 - For a moment I sat there stunned. "How...how do you know you can trust me with them?" I asked. "I don't, not for sure. I'm not an idiot; I understand human nature. None of us is a saint. Given these powers anyone, anyone at all is going to use them to do a few questionable things. What I want to ensure is that the person I give them to isn't going to go nuts with them. I daren't let them end up in the hands of a monster! And can you imagine what our government, what *any* government would do if they knew these powers existed and were transferable?" He shuddered then took a sip of his wine. "You're not the first one I've auditioned, Frank. Just last week I sized up someone who seemed perfect. Unfortunately it soon became clear he considered himself an 'incel' and would use the powers to get all the women he felt he deserved to have sex with. In other words, he would use the powers for rape. You're a good-looking guy, Frank, and you seem pretty confident, so I assume that even given your financial circumstances attracting women is not a problem." I gave a shrug. "I do alright," I said. "So you wouldn't use my powers to bed women?" "No," I answered, truthfully - not that I had any choice but to be truthful, "I would not. What turns me on is knowing the woman wants to be there, that she chose to be with me. It's why I'd never use prostitutes, even if I could afford to." "Good, good," said David, nodding, "but what about revenge? Swapping bodies and lives between those who don't deserve their good fortune and others who deserve it more is one thing, but taking petty, personal revenge is another. Would you use the powers for personal revenge?" "Yes," I said, "but not petty, and only on one person: my father." "Explain." So I did. "OK," said David, after listening to my story, "I think that one's understandable, and entirely justified. So...if I offered you my powers, would you take them?" I'd been thinking of nothing else since he raised the possibility, weighing the pros and cons while we talked, so I'd already decided what my answer would be. "Yes," I said, "I would." "Then it's time I told you a story. Before coming into my powers I was a high school math teacher. The person who passed them on to me had no idea where they came from, any more than the person who passed them on to him did. I know they go back at least a century, but they could go back further, much further. I've demonstrated to you what they can do, but transferring them to someone else is a one time only deal. Once you've given the powers away they cannot be returned to you. So here's the deal, I will transfer them to you and you will then use them to switch my body with Natalia's." That was when everything I'd seen finally fell into place. "Now it all makes sense," I said. "You're dying, but why choose to become a woman?" "I've spent sixty three years as a man, and I'm ready to try something else. When you've made the transfer you will tell me I'll be happy with my new body and find it comfortable - but only that. Then our business will be concluded, save for one thing. If and when I contact you and ask you to switch the bodies of two people you will do so without question. Do you agree?" "I do." Having realised what they could ultimately be used to achieve I'd expected this to be part of David's terms, because I wasn't an idiot, either. "Then let's get back to my room and do this, before the speeches begin." We rose to our feet, said our goodbyes to the van Persies, and left the ballroom. As we retraced our steps, my stiletto heels tapping out a rhythm on the marble floor, I thought about David's final condition. Instructing the person you pass the powers on to to switch the bodies of any two people you ask them to was a way of attempting to achieve immortality. And David had not specified that one of those people would necessarily be him. Which meant earlier wielders of these powers were probably still out there and still calling on their successors for that service. After all, the only way David could know the powers were a century or more old was if that was also true of one of his still living predecessors. It was a clever system, and when it was my time to pass the powers on to someone else you could be damn sure I'd be continuing it. When we reached his room, David returned Natalia and me to our own bodies then took both my hands in his. "My final instruction to you is to do all that was agreed," he said, "now accept my powers." If I'd expected anything dramatic I'd have been disappointed. All I felt was a faint tingling that travelled up my arms and into my head, where I momentarily experienced a sort of soundless buzzing. And then it was over. David dropped his arms. "Now make me Natalia," he said. His wife was still standing docilely next to him. I frowned. "She received all her instructions before I gave you my powers," he said, holding out his hand, a move she mirrored. Shrugging, I took their hands and performed the transfer. How did I know what to do? Beats me. I just did, that's all. "You will be happy and comfortable in your female body," I told him- now-her, then released their hands. The former Natalia went and sat in a chair, smiling faintly, while the new one ran her hands over her face and body before letting out a throaty laugh. "How do I look?" she asked. "Absolutely stunning," I said. "Yes, I do, don't I? I think I'm going to enjoy life as a beautiful woman." "What happens to the former Natalia now?" "Oh, that's all arranged. I'll be taking him to a nursing home tomorrow where he'll spend whatever months or weeks he has left. All the papers have been signed to give me power of attorney over his affairs, of course." "Of course," I said. She held out her hand. "Goodbye, Frank. I've given you a gift most people can only dream of. Use it as wisely as you can. I'll also arrange the legal transfer of my consulting business to you tomorrow. If you're serious about your intentions it will give you a platform from which to carry them out. I shall follow your progress with interest." We shook hands, and then I left, still somewhat dazed by the events of the past twenty-four hours. When I reached the hotel lobby I stopped for a moment, letting what had just happened sink in. This was like winning the lottery - no, a *hundred* lotteries. And I was determined to share it with the person who meant more to me than anyone else in the world. I took out my phone and called her. "Mom? It's Frank. Something unbelievable has happened to me. I'll come over tomorrow and show you. In the meantime I want you to think about who you'd choose to be if you could be anyone else in the world. Why? You'll see, Mom, you'll see." For the first time in my life I had the means to do something wonderful for my mother. I could hardly wait. ********* The End ********* Notes: If you want to see what Frank does with his powers check out the other tales in the sequence: 1. Powers 2. Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman? 3. Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman: The Investigation I wasn't planning on making this a trilogy but, well, like most writers not constrained by contracts I go where the muse takes me. Unfortunately, I got enthused by another story midway through writing this one so it sat on my hard drive semi-complete for months before I finally got back to it. If I've put it together correctly, when this and 'Whatever Happened to Wonder Woman?' are read one after the other they should fit together fairly seamlessly.

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Bump In The Road #2 took an interesting twist or two on the following Wednesday evening. Ethan had left the house after cleaning up and showering after work to take his new girlfriend to dinner and spend the evening with her ‘out somewhere’. As we were doing almost every night when we were home, Ginger and I went next door to swim and enjoy an evening cookout with our neighbors and then some gratuitous sex with them. The sun had set, a few thunderstorms were around but it had been dry in our...

2 years ago
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Realising Im A Lesbian Part Five some people never learn

Introduction: Part Five, cant wait for all your feedback, THANK YOU ALL! I pulled down Nikkies little panties, to reveal her beautiful pussy, pink puffy lips, wet as a hose, and it was just the kinkiest thing ever. I kissed the out side of it and heard Nikkie moan, she clamped her knees against my head and moaned more. I kissed it and licked the outside of it slowly with my tongue that got her moaning like crazy, Dont tease me Tyler! Please, Come-on! I WANT you! I heard her saying, between...

4 years ago
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Slippery Maneuvers

“Do you trust me?” I ask as I tie a blindfold around your eyes. “Yes, of course I do,” you respond with a smile, not knowing what I want to do, but sure that it will be enjoyable. “Come with me.” I take you by the hand and guide you to something soft. As you climb on it, it feels like the bed. “Kneel down,” I tell you, “and put your elbows against your knees.” You do so. Then you feel something going around the back of your knees,...

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Trapped by the Pregnancy ClubChapter 10

clink What was that? Something metal had fallen to the floor. I was in the unfinished storage area of the basement with the exercise equipment, fetching a roll of toilet paper. The girls were in the other room waiting for me to come back and play 'charades'. I reached behind and felt around the shelves, before my fingers closed around a small cold object. It was a key. I looked around and saw the bulkhead door to the outside. "I wonder..." I muttered. Curious, I put the key in the...

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Made in the Mirror Part One

Made in the Mirror: Part One By Jennifer Richardson "Your sister is searching for you." Lee Burrows frowned, thinking that he had misheard what the woman had said. "I'm sorry, you must have made a mistake, I think you've come to the wrong house." He replied glancing left and right down the road. The last thing he needed was one of his stuck up neighbours seeing him talking to the scruffy dressed old woman. "No mistakes, this is the house and I tell you that your twin...

2 years ago
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InitiationChapter 5

Mark waited an additional ten minutes after seeing David and his mother leave their house to go grocery shopping. LuAnn had informed him that she had found out from David that Thursdays were grocery days for the Wright’s. He had been waiting over an hour and was relieved to see them drive off. He approached the house casually and walked around to the back of the house where he climbed in an unlocked window. How stupid people were, locking their doors and then leaving windows unlocked he...

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The Director Of BuenosariesChapter 2

Across the rooftop of the city slums the air shimmered with heat. It was early in the afternoon and each block of tightly packs homes hummed with music, animal barks and the noise of adolescent scooters and games. In the middle of one such street deep in the Buenos-Aries "villas" a non-descript block of homes was the setting for a homemade porn movie. The men inside whom once associated with the thugs and perverts of the old junta regime now eked out a living supplying "old contacts"...

3 years ago
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Divya 8211 Ek Teacher Kee Sex Story 8211 Part I

I am Divya , not very beautiful lekin aas-paas , ghar ke andar , bahar school college mey loag sity bajaate thheye, hai meri jaan kah kar bulate thheye to achchhaa lagta thaa… lekin hai re kismat , 21 saal kee ho gaee lekin naa to kisee ne kabhee chuma, chuchi dabaya yaa lawda hee chusaaya…Tarasti rah gaee . Graduation kiya aur ek university mey B.Ed kaa admission liya aur saath hee ek school mey naukari bhee kar -lee. Me and father tried a lot but could not get job in any city school. Lack of...

2 years ago
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Me and Mr Smith 3

Introduction: Wills secret is discovered… I was back in my room, studying for my mid-terms, or pretending to do so. It had been a day since my last encounter with Mr. Smith. Mike and I had decided to go steady, and he was taking my out this weekend to a restaurant just outside of town. We booked a private booth, so that we would not be seen by anyone we knew. I was skimming over some text when my computer beeped. I had recieved a new e-mail from Mike. Will, Sorry I didnt warn you… Tried...

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Graduation and Ch 08

Bobby gazed lovingly at his date for the prom. Paula Wilton looked stunning in a black satin dress that clung to her wonderful curves but had a lot of gathers and a deep cut in the back. Her waist length blonde hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail and she was wearing understated makeup. She was so lovely that looking at her made it hard for the young man to breathe. He had the problem the whole time her parents, who’d met Bobby and seemed to like him, were taking pictures of them....

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My Wet and Wild Dreams

It was a cloudy summerday. Well and what does one do on such a cloudy summerday being home alone? I dont know what you will do but I prefer surfing the net, hunting for peeing pics, free pictures of nude pissing, most of all for my preference number 1 - watersports. But also love fuck, anal, blowjob, gangbang, lesbian & Toys. Simply the best for me: Golden Showers! Today I give it another try via Adultcheck and WOW...look at this what I am striking. A GaySite containing nothing but...

4 years ago
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Induction of Dylan Magee

CHAPTER 1 Dylan Magee stood at the doorway looking into her mom’s bedroom at the guy with his pants around his ankles who was holding her mom up high as he slowly and rhythmically shafted her. He’s good, thought the 23-year old. And strong too. The guy who had his back to her had a real mop of dark wavy hair that suggested he would be closer to her age than her mom’s age of forty-five. Dylan thought lucky mom and wondered what her dad would think is he knew how his wife spent some Fridays...

1 year ago
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My thoughts for the 22nd

The thought of Alex’s hands on her naked body, his hard cock inside her was all Isla had thought about that day. And finally she had been summoned. As instructed, she wore only a white summer dress, no bra or kickers. Alex liked to think about her walking across London, her large and full tits bouncing as she walked, men admiring her slender and tanned legs as she travelled to submit herself to his will.Isla stood in the doorway of his bedroom, her pussy and thighs wet with excitement, yearning...

2 years ago
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Kimiko Loves Puppies

It was Friday night and every one was out having fun. Everyone except for Kimiko, that is, who had other plans for the night. It was quite in her house, with the only audible sound being that of the TV. Kimiko was in the kitchen preparing a late supper and chatting on the phone to one of her friends. She was suddenly interrupted by the alarm clock going off, at which point she put down the plate in her hands and excused her self from the conversation. "I'm sorry to cut our conversation short,...

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My Wife Roses Birthday Surprise

Today was My Wifes birthday, and I had to go out and pick Roses present up this morning. Rose was awake chatting on the Internet all night when I left. While I was out getting her present she stayed home and was online all day. Rose was sitting down naked at the computer and surfing the web. She then went to a search engine and typed in k9 for dogs, as she had been talking about getting another pet. She thought she could do some research. She clicked on a couple of links until she came upon a...

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Betting on Green in Vegas

Dr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...

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me my daughter and a shemale

my last story was with my daughter for the first time now we both have shemale girlfreind very beautiful ones they would come over me and my daughter would put on our sexy heels she picks my shoes now lol and they would fuck us both on the same bed theses shemales are in good shape they would fuck me and my daughters tight lil asses and shoot globs of cum then they would watch us creampie it out one of them came over one night when i got off work my daughter wanted me to tougue out her shemales...

2 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 27

The Sandersons and the Kaheakus may have had similar inclinations in the way they lived, but that, by itself, did not lead to any immediate conjoining of activities. Just as people on a nude beach do not engage in sexual play just because they are nude, these two families were still reticent about becoming involved in any kind of joint intimacy. The word had been circulated that Kahoku and Lanikai were closer than just brother and sister, and that both were just as close with their parents....

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Country Club Dance

Hi, I'm Katie Richardson and did I get away with something cool! My parents are always trying to get me to do what they want and stuff. Well, their latest plan was to have me join in with the junior country club set and kind of be a nerd. Hah! My friend Claudette and I changed their plans as you'll see when you read my latest story. Every June, the Young Texas Wranglers put on a "Start of Summer" dance at the Big Spring Country Club. Now, I'm not too sure what the club is all about,...

4 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 5 The Honeymoon

At 1400 we escaped to Sonoma County Airport and the Cessna I had rented. We flew to Redding and rented a 35 foot class A motor home, then drove out State Rout 44 from Redding to a Camp site at the Manzanita Lake Campground. We had two elecrtropeds on the bike rack on the rear of the motor home that we planned on using to explore the park. Lassen Volcanic National Park is 50 miles east of Redding California. On the way there I took a detour north on State Route 89 to the Subway Caves and...

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Lawn Care

I have had the same lawn care guy(s) for years (have serviced everyone of them in one way or another). Anyway, today my plans were to clean the house do some baking so I took my time this morning getting started. Picked out my outfit a yellow flowered short sundress, bright yellow panties, thought a black under-wire push-up bra was suitable (had my "A" cup falsies on). and white sandals. Of course even when home I had full makeup and wearing a wig. Had my long black wig pulled back so I could...

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ChoicesChapter 6 An enchanting evening

The spot proved to be as good as advertised. After a few minutes of traipsing through little-disturbed underbrush (the near-full moon helped), we emerged into a grassy clearing, bounded by trees on three sides and gently moving water on the fourth. If Maddie hadn't told me otherwise, I'd have sworn that no one had ever been here before. "It's beautiful," I breathed. Turning to her, I asked, "How did you ever find this place?" "Rachel and I used to come here a lot. We stumbled across...

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The Black Hitchhiker

I am a bisexual, married white man in my 50s, and although I prefer to suck and fuck a nice juicy pussy, I still like to suck cock and balls and swallow cum every now and then.  I started down this path about 10 years ago, reading cuckold and creampie stories, and slowly developed an interest in sucking cock.  I was fascinated by the stories about hung studs fucking a cuckold’s wife, and then having the husband suck up all of their combined juices, and then even sucking the stud’s cock.  The...

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A New BeginningChapter 6

On my return I was just about to go into the tent when a loud "Hello!" stopped me. I turned and saw a slightly older lady in her mid-forties, small, slim and with a massive pair of glasses coupled with what appeared to be a massive case of the frizzies in her hair. "Hello," I replied. "I wonder if you can help us," she said. "We've just arrived today and can't seem to get our stove to work." "I'll be glad to have a look," I said and followed her to the tent next door and a...

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A Cautious ManChapter 8

Zena moved in with Bill three weeks later. It was at his invitation. He was smitten with the striking young woman and he felt they were destined to be together. Zena did nothing to dissuade him. She complimented him frequently and showed her affection often. As they become more familiar with each other as lovers, Zena showed Bill the special touches she enjoyed and he took pleasure in giving her his complete attention. As their relationship deepened, Bill began to think about a long-term...

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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 31

Tonight I am meeting with Rylander28. I don’t know his real-world name, but I do know that in the immortal world he is the son of Nama’s Child. The boundaries between the immortal world and Phoenix Rising are always complex for me. Emotions cross that boundary from character to player always. But this is more than that. I’m trying to introduce him to the world of physical intimacy. I will become one of the most important experiences in his life. It’s crazy—crazy hot and crazy insane both. I...

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The Driving Test

“So, Mr Robinson, when you’re ready? I want you to continue down the road, and turn left at the junction.”  The instructor sat there waiting for me to get the car moving, waiting for me to make another mistake. The test had gone horrible from the start. Forgetting to check my blind spot when I pulled out from the test centre, he maybe could have forgiven that, but mounting the kerb turning the first corner, or almost hitting that pedestrian when he told me to park up, no matter how nice he was...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My friends dad 18

As little Jeanette was 9 weeks old, it was safe for me to have sex. So John and I had a date night and had Christina and Jeanette babysit for the night. Of course Jeanette needed some experience, they both had one coming soon, she was 15 weeks along. We went to a nice restaurant for dinner. It was expensive, but it was a celebration. So we came home and we both went straight to our bedroom. We laid down on the bed on our sides. “That was a great meal, no bullshit,” I said. “Well I hope so, it...

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A Mother and Son Tale

MourningA Mother and Son Tale. By SpectreI liked this story and couldn't leave Mark without sampling his sister as well. Part one belongs to Spectre.It was two days after the funeral that Mom had her worst breakdown. Nobody expected Dad to die, although many of us had long wished he would. He was a mean drunkard who regularly beat us as k**s although Mom worshiped him. So when...

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Gone FishinChapter 34

Monday morning Rob took off for East Perth. I went to the University. Mary and Weena were still dithering around before going shopping. That didn't matter much, as I expected the downtown shops didn't open till at least 9:30 or 10. Both Shirl and Des were in. Shirl was bubbling over because she's received a letter from Maggie asking just what she was interested in and asking for a letter of reference from someone "other than Dr. Hollister." I pointed out that Maggie already knew my...

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The Book Store The otherside of the story part 2

This is the second part of a story The Book Store was part one. This tells the story from the other view point. Hopefully, I will be able to continue this story line about Ted and his mom. Stacy entered the empty closet stall next to the bathroom. Locking the door she quickly began undressing down to her panties. She always stripped before kneeling on her clothes as padding. A habit from when she and her late husband, Ted, had come here together. Stacy is pretty woman, 42 years old with auburn...

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son turned into moms sissy

My name is Barbie. Everyone calls me Barbie because I am small and I have long blond hair. I am the smallest in my class. My real name is Ashley. Before you ask, I do not like Barbie's. I never played with them. I suppose when you have hair down to your shoulders, then people think you look like a girl and call you Barbie. I am eleven years old.I got this diary today. So I might as well write in it. It is a purple one with a bear and heart on the cover. It has a lock on it. I might as well use...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 6

Megan 10:30am I drove to the Stone farm as fast as I could. This morning I didn't care if I got ticketed. Hell, this morning I wouldn't cared if I had to run barefoot over shattered glass with a broken leg. There was just no way I was going to miss this appointment. It just wasn't going to happen. It wasn't every day that people got an invitation to become part of Stone's project. But that was not what had my mother thrilled. I was being given an exclusive. I was to be the first...

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Batrea Part 3

Chad’s pants lay crumpled around his ankles as he stumbled to keep his balance in front of the window. He had expected it to take longer for Melanie to get their seventeen year-old babysitter out of her clothes, so he hadn’t made it up to the bedroom over the pool in time to see Trea’s daring strip by the whirlpool, and by the time he’d fumbled the lens caps off his binoculars, he was only just in time to see Trea’s naked body taking a swan dive into the pool. All he’d seen so far was her sexy,...

Oral Sex
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Mail OrderChapter 2 The Sexy Bit

We stood there for what seemed like an age but was probably just a few seconds, staring into each other's eyes. My hands were on the shoulders but I slid them down to her waist and pulled her closer to me. Her lips were moist from her tongue running over them and I found my own drawn towards them. Hazel groaned softly as I brushed my lips against hers, and ran my tongue across them, tasting her saliva. Her breasts were now pressed hard against my chest and I could feel her breathing as they...

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The Repair Man The Horny Wife

Introduction: Wife goes ahead and does something wrong My husband had a very demanding job at the hospital and he was never home. As a surgeon in a renowned hospital in town, he would get phone calls even in the middle of the night, to rush out and try to save lives. I was just 26 and at the height of my sexual desire. A couple of times my husband had left me in bed wanting more, as he rushed to the hospital. At my age all I wanted was sex-sex-sex, but my husband was not giving me enough,...

1 year ago
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Reluctant Hero

Prologue This story is a rewrite of a story I previously wrote entitled “Coming Home.” I have used many of the same characters but the plot has changed significantly. It is as far as possible historically accurate although of course the characters and the plot are fictional. The Nazi U Boat threat in 1941 was gradually strangling the UK supply lines and Merchant shipping was being sunk faster than they could be replaced. The Germans were using their U Boats to great effect, and had introduced a...

Erotic Fiction
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Choti Si Love Story

Hello everyone…….. yeh jo mein batane wala hoon koi kalpanik kahani nahin hai ek sachi ghatana hai…… bas naam change kiye gaye hain. Pehle main apne bare mein bata deta hoon….. mera naam Ricky hai, main Jammu (J&K) ka rehne wala hoon. Meri umar 34 saal hai, height 5ft 10 inch hai, aur dikhne mein bhi theek thak hoon, main shadi shuda hoon aur mera ek beta hai. Mujhe likhne ka itna showk nahin hai aur agar mujhe se likhne mein koi galti hojaye to please mujhe maaf karna….. Abb story pe aata...

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