ShawnChapter 4 free porn video

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Dad hired many native performers not only to entertain the children but also the adults. Acrobats, jugglers, magicians and clowns kept the party going till late at night. That night we gave Lusa our own presents. She hugged the large doll and revelled in the nice clothing. The last a present from me bought by mother was a beige dress with shoes and purse to match. Lusa came to all of us and gave us a kiss and a hug. Mother got two, one to her head and neck and one to her abdomen. She was very happy and I just passed the feelings on to the adults.

I was in dad's office two weeks later trying to gain all the information I could about tactics and weapons from a Colonel in the Rhodesian Army when I started to feel odd. Returning home I found Mom feeling a little discomforted. Checking her body against the information I had accumulated I knew it was about time I was going to finally come into the world.

I informed dad and said that the water would break in a few hours and that he could probably finish the rest of his day at the office. I would try to handle things here until he arrived. My own planning came into play and Japera found one reason or another to be with mother. Mother was the last to know and wasn't even told till her water broke at 3:54 in the afternoon.

Japera had managed to get mother into the bath at the time and did not even notice too much the incident happening. When the first major cramps came dad was called but we all knew it would be hours until my arrival. Lusa was running all over the place. She was very excited at the prospect of finally seeing me.

Dad had a hard time staying at the office and ran through his patients as quickly as possible and made it home at 4:30. Mom and he were constantly in touch through me and both were not too worried even if I was to be their first child.

At 10:35 the final contractions started and three minutes later August 12 1950, I felt myself squeezed through a narrow opening. Dad had performed an episiotomy to make the way easier but it was not much. It was frightening to me even if I did not need to breathe on my own yet. Mother was in a lot of pain and I tried my best to help her. I didn't bother giving any advice to dad even though I thought he could speed things up a bit. Even I could use my phantom hands to pull myself out faster but left the job to mother nature and dad.

I could hear for the first time, Lusa saying, "He's coming, he's coming."

The sound was very loud and I tried to shut it down. When I was turned the lights shone directly into my eyes and that hurt as much as the piercing sound before. Even with my eyes closed the pain was present. At long last I tried to interpose my arm to block out the light and found the muscles not following my orders the way they should.

Dad laid me down on a comfortable surface and used two haemostats to pinch off the blood flow to the placenta and carefully cut the umbilical cord. He ran his big finger around in my mouth looking for obstructions and picked me up by the ankles and gave me a slap on my butt.

"Owww," I screamed verbally, "Dad, that hurt," I said to their minds.

"Sorry, that is the way we were taught and I needed to do it to see if you could breath."

"Yes I know but it still hurts."

Lusa said very loudly, "Are you all right Shawn?"

In all of their minds I said, "I have just been ripped from my warm comfortable home and thrust out into a cold, loud and too bright environment but other than that I am fine. How are you doing mom?"

Mom felt pain now but much less than moments ago. With my eyes closed I was able to use my phantom eye and see dad wrap me up in a soft cloth and present me to Mom. She looked at me while I kept my own eyes closed against the harsh lighting. "You certainly don't look like you did in my dreams."

"That is because I am all blue now and my head is deformed to make it out here. In a few weeks I will be like you saw me. I am sorry for putting you through all the pain Mom."

"That's fine. It was worth it. When I was a girl I never imagined I would ever be talking to my baby the way I am now."

Dad said, "Hold still now." He gave a local anaesthetic and then said to me, "Did I do it right Shawn?"

"Yes you did dad and thanks for being here for us. I know you are joking but I figured I could help a bit but I let the expert do it."

"Well thank you. It may take a while to get used to having another doctor running around the house."

I was starting to feel unaccustomedly tired and said, "I am sorry but I think I have to get some sleep. My body now is making a lot of demands on me. Thank you Japera for helping us. I will peel all the potatoes for a month to pay you back."

Japera laughed and told me, "With all the extra work you might have to do it a few months. Your diapers will possibly up the bill considerably."

I smiled using my muscles and hope it looked like I did not have gas. "Where is my woman? Lusa will you come on the bed and lay beside me too?"

She was very close and looked at the adults for permission and her daddy said, "Get up then but be still for a moment. I have to put a few sutures in."

I could feel the bed shake as Lusa and her 'doll' came onto the bed and both of the women held me as tight as they could without hurting me. Mother said, "Go to sleep my son while your dad makes me as good as new."

When I awoke it was bright and I opened my eyes but had to close them quickly. The light was far too intense. I could feel Lusa beside me and mother moving a little to get more comfortable. Using my mind I found dad already at work and Japera preparing some food in the kitchen. My body ached in many ways but the most urgent was in my torso. Searching through my memories I deduced that it could only be hunger.

"Mom, mom. Mom you have to wake up feed me."

"Waa. Food?"

"Mom you have to feed me."

She moved more to relieve a kink in her back then said, "Oh Shawn. I am sorry. Let me get ready for you." She looked around and looked for a basin of water, soap, cloth and towel.

"Mom forget the preliminaries. Mothers act odd when they have their first child then fall into an easy routine later. Let's just go to the easy way first."

"Ok, we will try it your way." She undid her housecoat and pulled it open. Then she turned on her side and a breast came into my mind's eye. Opening my own eyes saw the same thing but different in many ways. Relying on my psychic abilities I homed in on the nipple before me. My muscles would not obey my commands and I could do nothing but twist a bit.

"Sorry mom but you have to hold me. My muscles are not developed yet and it's difficult to find the controls for them."

Mom just reached over and guided my head to her breast. My lips moved quite well and I began to suck in earnest. Mom inhaled a deep breath at the unaccustomed sensation of fluid flowing through her ducts. I paused a moment to see if she were in pain but only felt her instincts to feed me and a lot of love to keep me safe. I went back to sucking but did so at a slower pace.

Colostrum came into my mouth and I swallowed it joyfully. I was so hungry I had little chance to taste it. Part way through the feeding Lusa awoke and watched me eat. Her small tan arm came onto me and stroked the cloth covering me. She looked at mother and said, "He's so cute like that. I wish I could feed him that way too."

I said, "Good morning Lusa. If the two of you have your way I will be the fattest baby around. Even Japera would like to feed me."

Later Lusa got out of bed and carried me around to the other side as mom turned to present her other breast to me. She placed me down but wanted to keep me to her instead. Her own maternal instincts were coming out and she had just turned seven.

Before I was finished Japera came into the room with a tray of food for mom. I said, "Good morning Japera."

Mother added her greeting, "Good morning too, Japera. Shawn is eating quite well and I am starving. I have to go pee too."

Japera laughed and said, "I will help you up when you are done. We better get a diaper on Shawn before he floods the bed."

I concentrated on my skin and felt some moisture already. I must have done it in my sleep. "You are a little late momma. But maybe next time."

"Momma?" Japera asked.

"Yes you are momma now and mom is mom, unless I have my little mom too."

Japera said, "I can handle that. I washed the new diapers and they should be nice and soft for your cute little bum."

"My cute bum is sore as well as the rest of my skin. It was much more comfortable in my last abode but I am sure there will be compensations later."

Mom asked, "What can I do to help my little man?"

"I am itchy now and feel odd being free movement. My mind wants me to be held tight. I find that gravity is not as nice as I thought. I am pulled down just a little too hard. You sure I can't just crawl back to where I came from mom?"

"Men, once they come out of a woman they spend the rest of their lives trying to get back in." The women's laughs were very loud and I did my best to reduce the stimulation to my brain.

"I am full now mom. You can go pee now and I can get changed." Japera picked me up and held me tightly to her breast in the casual way a woman had when accustomed to babies. When she saw mom having difficulties she used one hand to help her out of the bed and to the bathroom. Mom felt her stitches give her some pain but resolved to finish her job.

When she cleaned herself with a douche she came out and had Japera give her a little help in changing me the first time. They opened the damp cloth and looked all over the front of my body. My phantom eye looked at my body and saw the pink coil of the umbilical cord still attached. I was freezing in the open air but decided to let my family look.

Mom took a damp cloth and wiped me down. She turned me on my side and did my back then finally prone to do the job better. I was more pink now. The head was still oddly shaped from all the forces put on it getting out. Hair was plastered to my head and I tried to see what I might look like when I got a little older.

After turning me back over again, mom picked me up and placed me on a small piece of cloth then picked up my feet and used her fingers to place cream between my legs and in my crack. Pushing at my anus a little I felt ticklish, "Watch that. I am not ready to have somebody poking around there."

Mom decided to disregarded my words and finished what she thought was right. She wiped her hands and Japera handed her some tape and used it to hold the short umbilical cord close to my body till it fell off in a few weeks. Lusa was watching all of this and said, "He's a lot bigger than my cousin."

I looked into their minds more and found the women agreeing. It seemed that I was fairly well endowed boy. "Just like women checking out all the males around to see who can do the job better."

Mom laughed as she pulled the diaper up and put two safety pins into the cloth to hold it in place. This time Lusa held me tenderly as mom went back to bed with me soon placed at her side. She ate the cold breakfast but looked at me and didn't taste any of it.

I was sleepy again for some reason and just nodded off. I woke partially some times but stayed asleep until dad came home. The crib was in the room and I had pillows on each side of me in case I rolled off the bed. Dad came in and asked, "Are you up to a stroll around the house carried by your father?"

"Hello dad. Yes, I had a good sleep. I am sleeping more now for some reason. My body is making demands on me that I didn't have to worry too much about before."

Dad picked me up and carried me into the kitchen where the light was very bright. I closed my eyes and said, "The lights are very bright and my eyes and brain have not adjusted yet. Everybody appears to be upside down." The girls laughed at my statement."

Dad said, "He's right. The human eye gives an inverted image. The brain eventually turns it around the right way given enough time. Japera will you see if you can close the curtains a little." Japera took off the small pieces of cloth around the window and tried to close the curtains as much as possible but they were not made to really close.

Dad did not set me down and I thought that I would have little peace till the novelty of a new child wore off. Looking now at an upside down Lusa I knew that this would never really happen. Dad walked through the house to allow me to see all the rooms with my own eyes. I had visited them all before but it was different now even excluding the way the image was inverted. Last we went to the nursery where everything was set out. Dad used one hand and placed a soft blanket in a large wicker basket then placed me in it with a roll of cloth on each side so that I would not move. A final thicker cloth went over the handle and the interior now got darker. He picked the basket up and walked to the kitchen just in time for dinner.

I tried to help Japera but she wanted to do the work herself. Dad was very solicitous of mom and asked all about her day. I was getting a little hungry myself but decided to wait for mom to finish first. The diaper all of a sudden got damp and I felt a shiver go through my body. With the uncomfortable wet feeling now I resolved to gain a much better control of my own body. My arms were swaddled but I concentrated on my fingers and tried to get each one to move as I directed them. It was not as easy as I thought. The phantom fingers were much easier to use.

Dad asked what I had learned recently and I could only reply, "Being evicted from my former home is a traumatic experience. All my nerves are giving me information that I didn't have to deal with before. And on top of that I am sleeping more and not getting my studies in or Lusa's for that matter. I have to start controlling my functions because I do not like being wet or worse. Finally I have to eat now. Before it was automatically given to me. It is compensated though by everybody holding me tight and letting them know that they love me."

In a few moments I was taken to the music room with the large comfortable chairs and mom picked me up and started to feed me. Lusa got a soft blanket and another diaper for later. They had the lights turned low and I was able to do some exercises. Everybody was around me was looking at what I was trying to do. "Lusa honey, will you hold my feet and I will push against you?"

We did exercises for only five minutes before I was tired. With a soft blanket thrown over me I helped Lusa in her studies. I was currently giving her the best course I could in her native language of Bantu and in English. Mathematics and science were at grade 5 if she were in Britain. But that would be impossible here under Rhodesian law.

With the way dad was treated, I endeavoured to monitor his office as much as possible to sidetrack any trouble and to learn more to be the best doctor possible.

The next day in dad's office in the city I saw dad treating a young boy of two and a half. Derek was a mute from birth. His father was a rich landowner from the western portion of Rhodesia. He sat with the boy in his lap while dad did some of his tests. I saw in the boy's brain an area that was completely dormant while very active in everybody else's mind.

I made a sound like I had done before, "price of a hair cut - two bits." In dad's mind alone. He may think he had heard someone knocking on his office door.

He looked up when I said, "Hello dad it's Shawn. I just dropped by for a visit when I saw your patient. His mind has a dormant and undeveloped section. If I had some time I could try to get it functional. Do you think I should try to help and if so is there a chance that he could come here for the night with his dad?"

Dad had stopped dead when I spoke, listening intently. "I don't know yet. Let me think on it," he said in his mind.

Dad completed his tests. "Mr. Farthing the problem your son has is not treatable yet. I do know somebody that has an amazing rapport with children. I don't know what can be done but I would like to try.

Hugh Farthing was a tall, bull of a man. His thick dark hair and naturally glowering face put people off at first. He had a very dominant personality that got him into trouble many times but also got him one of the wealthiest farms in his area. His wife had died soon after the birth of her first child. This did not make Derek his only child though. He kept a succession of black mistresses that gave him many children. The children were financially taken care of but he did not see them as his children as he saw Derek.

"Certainly, Derek is my only son. Every specialist I went to has said that Derek will never talk. How do I contact this person?"

Dad spoke to me. "Shawn if this man comes over have your mother represent you so the gentleman is not frightened out of his wits." Then to Mr. Farley, "Where are you staying tonight?"

"We were going to check into 'The King's Court' tonight and do a little shopping before going home. Why do you ask?"

The person I spoke of is part of my family. If you will consent to stay the night I can see what may be done for Derek."

"That is very hospitable of you. We will gladly accept."

"I have three more patients and will be leaving soon. If you care to wait I can drive you to my house or if you have a car to follow."

Dad finished and led the Farleys to our house.

Everybody had been warned about the visitors and the purpose. Mother was going to act as the miracle worker if necessary. She basically told me that I had the young boy's life in my hands and I should be very careful about what I did.

When the men came in and were introduced I looked deep into Hugh Farley's mind for the first time. His aura was tinged with grey. After reading his thoughts, I did not like what I saw. He wanted my mother even though she just had me and he wanted Japera just as he did his other mistresses. I did not know how to take this. Would all men want the women in this house or was he just greedy and wanted all women? This I did not understand.

I made the women in this house happy I hoped while this man just wanted to collect them. Was this my destiny too? I hoped not.

Mom talked for a while and pulled Derek off to another room to talk to him as she said she would. As she spoke I delved into Derek. It appeared that the boy was somewhat lacklustre due to his withdrawal from any relations that would stimulate him to learn.

Derek looked around at the piano and the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling that caught the afternoon sun. The reflected beams caught his eye and made him smile.

I passed through into the mental room with his knowledge. There was very little here and what there was, was in disarray. I choose the rudimentary English and Bantu words I possessed and put them in an organized pattern on his shelves and straightened his memories up as well. My own articulation of words was automatic. It was difficult to find the mechanism and export it to Derek's mind.

One aspect of his memory could hold a key to getting him to want to speak. His mother looked similar to mine. He had not recognized this fact yet. He was too young to remember and had only seen her picture a few times.

The next step was to stimulate the speech centre. This new room was different from my extra senses. The flow of energy travelled like electricity from one point to another, through many conductive paths. Two gaps broke the flow. The gaps could be bridged by three conductors if they were moved slightly. This was the least intrusive of my options.

I grasped the first conductor and pulled one end away from its mount.

Derek started to cry loudly. He was not hurt just did not understand the sensation. His father and dad came into the room to see what happened.

"Mother, Dad he is all right just a little concerned about a small alteration. I need to do two more. Give me the time to do so."

Mother started before the father could voice a question. "Derek just started crying as I talked about the dogs and trees around this property," she lied.

I completed the other two connections and tried to bring up the picture of his mother.

The boy cried louder and reached up trying to hug mom around her neck. "Maaaama," came faintly from his lips.

Mom heard but the men were not sure they believed their ears.

"Do you miss your mommy, Derek?"

He nodded his head to this.

I hinted to mother a stratagem. "Do you want to go to your father now?"

He shook his head. He wanted his mommy.

Mother started to hand him off. The boy cried and said a distinct, "Nooooo."

The father was amazed. These were the first words he had ever heard from the boy. He rushed forward and hugged his son and Mom at the same time.

Mother tried again, "Who is this Derek?"


Both were squeezed tighter in Hugh's happiness.

Dad was concerned about mother and the child and tapped Hugh on the shoulder to get him to release them. He reluctantly released his son and retreated on his knees to be close. Tears ran down his face in happiness.

The boy hung tightly to mother as he looked into her eyes.

"How can I thank you? Everybody said it was impossible," Hugh said to mom and dad.

Mom and Derek were tired from the hectic day and needed a little peace for themselves. To mom and dad I said, "Mom should take her new little man to bed with her for a while."

Mom agreed. "We are going for a short nap. We are both tired out." then to Derek, "Come along Derek we are going for a nap."

They left hand in hand to mom's bedroom. Before they got too far I told mom that he had to pee and he was not trained yet.

Mom changed course slightly and put Derek on the toilet. I got his muscles to relax and a stream splashed into the water below. Mom praised him for being a good boy and doing it in the toilet. The boy's smile paid mom for all her work.

"Your wife is amazing. How did she do it? I was not joking. All the experts said that Derek would never be able to talk. How can I repay you for what you have done for me and my son?"

"My wife doesn't tell me her secrets. As for payment there is my consultation and testing charges at the clinic. Agatha will have to discuss any other fees with you when she wakes up."

"That sounds fair to me. I don't think anything would be too much for what she has given me."

An hour later we sat at the table with Derek rested and usurping my throne. The tray was removed and he was sitting at the table. Japera had to return to serving the meal.

Lusa looked a little putout that my chair was occupied. I told her to behave herself and play with the child after the meal to get him away from mother.

After eating, Lusa held Derek's hand and took him to the music room where his first words were uttered. They sat at the piano and played at playing.

"Shawn will you try to play something too. This is getting boring."

My phantom fingers walked over the keys trying to find the amount of pressure needed as well as the force. Derek saw the keys depress themselves wondering how it was happening then to the floor where I depressed one of the pedals.

I found one of dad's favourite pieces of music: Für Elise by Beethoven. My fingers pressed the keys as quietly as possible but dad and Hugh soon came into the room followed later by mom to see the music being played. I saw my mistake and told Lusa, "Tell them you don't like to have anyone look at you when you play otherwise I am in trouble."

Then to dad, "Lusa will admit to playing. Try to get Mr Farley away from us, please dad."

"Lusa, I know you don't like visitors but will you continue playing if we go to the other room?"

A stunned Lusa could only nod her head, not knowing what to say.

As they left the room Hugh asked dad if Lusa were his child. She was certainly talented enough.

"No she isn't but I treat her as though she was my first born. I couldn't ask for anybody more dedicated to watching over Shawn. She and her mother are part of my family."

The music returned with me playing as the piece should be followed by mother's then a little of Hugh's favourites. In between Derek gave his rendition of his own music. His father smiled as he listened to his child's laugh that he hadn't heard before.

Dad and Hugh had after dinner drinks then Hugh wanted more. Dad drank in moderation with Agatha abstaining. Hugh was getting more and more drunk in his happiness.

Derek was happy to sleep with Lusa even though there was a bed for him. I wanted Lusa close in case he was going to wet the bed. If I caught him soon enough he would be encouraged by his successes to continue using the toilet. For tonight she would have a living doll to sleep with.

Hugh was put to bed at the other end of the house in the guest room still in his clothes.

Mom fed me and changed my diapers even though there only a few slips since my birth. I now went into the nursery because I felt mom wanted some privacy while she cuddled with dad. I said goodnight to my parents as they went to bed themselves. Following my routine I said good night to Japera.

"Good night, Shawn. You did a very nice thing today."

I felt very happy now knowing that I was really appreciated.

Derek's mind still needed a little tweaking which I did so while he slept with my woman. Later when I was in the library mentally I felt something new. Japera needed me.

Hugh had woken up and wandered into Japera's room took off his clothes and wanted to take the naked woman as he would one of his mistresses. His large hand covered her mouth as his hand worked into her crotch. His heavy knee forced her legs apart then the other knee joined the first. He was pulling her legs up ready to force his cock into her when I hit him with my 'fist', breaking his jaw and knocking him off the bed.

I held the crying Japera trying to console her. She got up and I showed her the unconscious would be rapist. I called mom and dad telling the present situation. They came down the hall after hurriedly dressing.

John and Agatha came into the room and turned the light on. They saw a naked Hugh on the floor in a heap. Then dad saw the beautiful woman crying on an invisible form.

"Shawn tell me again what happened."

I did and mentioned my part in hitting the man hard enough to stop him without killing him. "What shall we do about him? Call the police and press charges?" I asked.

"The laws here favour the whites. I could try to lay changes but I don't think it will have any effect. He would get good lawyers and the white jury would find him innocent no matter what evidence we had," dad replied.

"Do you think you should patch him up or send him to a hospital?"

"He is still a guest. I will work on his jaw."

Dad was amazed as Hugh floated into the air. I held his jaw in place as we travelled to a room dad could use for the minor procedures. Wire was used to quickly keep the jaw in place using the upper jaw as a splint. Dad measured out something to make sure he slept then injected it into the still unconscious man. I helped by reading dad's mind and having everything at his hands when he needed it as well as moving the man as dad needed.

Mr. Farley was strapped to the table to sleep the rest of the night. "He is lucky that there is only one break usually there are two."

Mother had taken over holding Japera. As dad came by mom said, "Japera will sleep with us tonight."

Dad was shocked at the idea but understood the reason.

I picked up Japera and preceded mom and dad to their room. Japera's crotch was displayed to them as they followed.

"Put her in the middle Shawn and we will get in on each side." When I had done this mom said, "Thank you Shawn for saving my sister."

"I would do anything for any of you," then silently to mom, "Dad had a good view and is excited. Japera knew I was carrying her to entice him. She is definitely interested in both of you. She is so excited sexually that if you touch her breast she will orgasm.

"Now may be a good time. Tell Japera to get him started. Now you leave us to our fun," she said on our private line.

To Japera I said, "Mom wants you to start on dad and don't worry."

"Good night everybody," I said to them as I went to see Lusa.

Lusa had remained asleep throughout the entire episode cuddled to Derek the way she usually cuddled the doll while thinking of me. I smiled thinking of the way she would hold our children when they came along. I went to Mr. Farley and watched him as I did my research.

Poor dad was being abused in his own bedroom. Mother was even cheering Japera on instead of protecting her man. Japera showed both mom and dad the benefits of using her mouth on dad's cock. Dad came back to life as Japera got on her knees in front of him. He got behind her and slid into the warm tight cunt he just left. Japera helped remove mother's panties and started kissing her way up the inside of mother's leg. Dad watched this with wide open eyes not believing what was before him. I helped a little and helped dad cool down or he would have been off like a shot. Mother got a little on the other hand to allow her to catch up.

Same as Shawn
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The content of the message: call me. There was Cy on the other end of the Skype line. Her hair was in even more disarray than last time, and a towel was hanging around her neck. ‘You’re lucky I picked up,’ she said. ‘I’ve just been at the beach.’ ‘Of course. What else is an Australian to do?’ ‘Dan-o,’ she said, ‘you owe me big time, and I don’t mean sexual favors.’ ‘What did you find? I’m very intrigued!’ ‘You sure as fuck should be! Exactly nothing like this has ever come out of...

2 years ago
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Owning Cousin StaceyChapter 3

“So, I note that Aunt Mary is always referred to in the past tense. Did she die or something?” I asked Stacey as we ate the chili. “Yes, as a matter of fact, she had lung cancer toward the end of her days and was too far gone by then for any kind of treatment plan to put it into remission. Stage IV. She was always a heavy chain smoker, as you know. Daddy/Uncle Troy regularly visited her grave shortly after that, just to piss on her headstone. No joke! He was still very pissed at her for...

1 year ago
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Playing with toys

I was shopping for something sexy to buy my new girlfriend. Christmas was coming soon and I knew I wanted to be cumming too. (pun intended) I looked at silky gowns and wondered over to the toy section. I saw the strap on selection and thought, I wonder if there is anything in the to get the girl off other than just the thought of doing her man ? I ended up picking out a double dong and a small butt plug. I had a few experiences with other men and while I had chances to, I avoided having...

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Work and Play

It was the second summer that I worked for our local public library but this time, I was assigned to a different branch from the one last year, which had been the branch I generally went to. Now, before I tell you about what happened, I'll tell you something about me, after all, I do work in a library so maybe I'm not the senior all-star quarterback. And I'm not. If you thought I didn't do a lot of sports, you're right, I mostly work at getting good grades so I can get a scholarship...

3 years ago
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Rangin Din Mere Hone Wale Devar K Sath

Kolkata ki rahne wali hu mere ek boyfriend v hai aur hamara rishta 3 saal se hai aur humlog shadi v karenge isi saal yunki main is forum me nayi hu to main utna expert nahi story writing me bas apna yaadgar din aaplog k sath share karne k liye yea story likh rahi hu aur main bengali hu to agar koi spelling bhool ho to maaf kar dena aaplog. Ab main apne bare main batati hu main 22 saal ki jawan ladki hu.mere height 5’5″ hai aur rang medium hai.Aur figure hai 36-32-36 to aap log samajh hi rahe ho...

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The Cherry PopperChapter 10

Friday night Sue sat in an easy chair in the living room and watched her brother Dave as he, Cindy, and Janet enjoyed a three way. "Fuck me, Dave, fuck me," Cindy shouted as she bounced up and down on Dave's cock. At the same time Janet screamed in pleasure as she sat on Dave's face so he could eat her blonde cunt. Sue watched them and groaned in frustration as she tried to satisfy herself with her hand. Now that she was so close to losing her cherry the young girl felt more frustrated...

2 years ago
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A Virgin With A Stranger

Hi , This is Mohan Reddy with a latest from Goa. You may have read my indian sex stories that I have posted before. I am a 5 ft 11 in man with a 6 inch tool. This is a story of my recent visit to Goa. I was alone in a shack Hotel after Baga beach closer to the Anjuna Beach. It was a quiet place and had some benches near their food shack. I was there for a week so when I reached I had a bath changed into shorts and a banyan hired a bike and moved around. In the early evening I came back and...

3 years ago
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Weekend Fuck With My Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

I always wanted to lick her asshole. I licked the shit covered in my fingers it won’t taste that much but it was from her hole my angel. After 30 minutes she returned from toilet she was fully tired came near to me and layer on me then I again started to rub her asshole but she refused and don’t do that again it was hurting she said. But I always dreamed about fucking in her ass and I wanted to so I decided to told about my fantasy about her ass and need that much. She started to laugh and said...

3 years ago
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An Amusing Dichotomy

AN AMUSING DICHOTOMY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT GROUP #1 The sophisticated and mannerly elder began: "Well then, it's my turn. Let me tell you what I...

1 year ago
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Teaching her a Lesson1

Teaching Her A Lesson The girl next door may be every boy’s dream but the girl that lives next door to me is a monster. She thinks that my backyard belongs to her and that she has free access to walk through my flowerbed and stomp on anything that she wishes too. Tina Louise Carter or TLC as she likes to refer to herself. Tender Loving Care is not what I would to do to her bare ass. At fourteen she thinks she knows it all and that her shit don’t stink. The boys are all over that....

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Danis Story Book III Decisions Chapter I

Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age saga. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader...

1 year ago
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Best Friend Black Bred Wife Part 1

The phone rang and when Hakeem picked it up he could hear Bob's excited voice on the other end telling him that he did an awesome job and he(Bob) and Becky are finally going to be parents. Bob told Hakeem that Becky is six weeks pregnant and she is just starting to develop a little baby belly. Before ending the phone call Bob suggested to Hakeem that the next time he was in town, they should all get together to celebrate. Hakeem said he would be right over. As he hung up the phone Hakeem's mind...

3 years ago
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Fallen Earth Caught in the Hospital

“That must be it,” Adela murmured as she paused to look at the twisted cross hanging loose from a concrete wall spider-webbed with vine-filled cracks. The young ranger was tall and slender, with an ample chest and long blonde hair that she wore pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of loose-fitting black leather pants designed to survive several days of traveling, and a brief halter that provided just enough modesty in the sweltering southern heat. Her only equipment was the sword slung...

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A Taste of Cheerleader Discipline

Dick Hardown was the dean of Roughton University. His job wasn't easy, but it was quite rewarding. Yes, the salary and benefits were very nice. However, the best thing about being a dean was the students. The female students. And the hottest female students were cheerleaders.The school's football team was truly terrible. However, there wasn't a single college in the country that had cuter cheerleaders than the ones that attended Roughton University.The school mascot was the beaver while the...

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andrew my brother in law

At 24 years old I became a widower. Karen, my wife of three years waskilled in an auto accident on the eve of our third anniversary. She waskilled by some idiot running from the police. I had been depressed andunder a doctors care since the accident. I simply could not get past herbeing gone. Karen's parents and her younger brother were the only family Ihad now. My parents having passed away when I was 13. The aunt who hadraised me after their death died just before our wedding three...

1 year ago
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Having an Affair With My Sisters Friend The End

Karen answered the phone. She told Lee to be quiet, but he just couldn’t be that quiet. So Scott heard something in the back ground. Scott asked her about it and she just told him about Lee. So she busted him on the fact that he was cheating as well with his sectary. So they decided to talk about this when he came home. So Karen and Lee hugged and kissed each other. Then he left and came over to my house to tell me what was going on. “I think they are talking about it right now,” Lee said. “And...

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Tribute Story for cokokisses Part 5

My chest was heaving considerably, the fast and furious pace that I'd set earlier having caught up with me. Deep ragged breaths were drawn in and I let them out as slowly as I could, my heart hammering in my chest. I was sore, and slightly tired from the fucking, but one look over at the woman beside me had all of that disappearing. I grinned over at her as I reached down to untie her ankles and wrists, letting the belts pull free before tossing them onto the floor. She rubbed her wrists and...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 20

“Everything’s so dark,” Shirley muttered as Robert drove through their neighborhood. His roadster’s headlights cut the gloom but only straight ahead. Except for a few houses with lit candles or battery backups, everything was pitch black. His wife was a wonderful woman and willing to endure almost anything. One of the things she drew the line at was anything in complete darkness. The one time he’d suggested camping as a fun vacation, she’d stared and replied, “Camping? Out in the wilderness,...

3 years ago
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Bholi aurat

Mera ek friend tha jiska nam mohan tha humlog use mohan ji kahte the uski sadi gaon me log kar deye the uski bb dekhne me sunder nahi thi lekin uske chuchi aur gand mast the.o apni bb ko gaon me hi chorkar mumbai aa gya tha.aur yaha per ek aurat ko pataya tha usi se pyar kartha tha.humlog ek sath rahte the .aur o aurat bagal ke building me rahti thi.gaon ke logo ne uski bb ko mumbai pahuncaha diya.lekin o use yahan bhi neglect karta tha.uski bb bahut hi bholi thi gaon ki jo thi.mujhe uspe dya...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 3 A Daughterrsquos Choice

(Floyd and Lily’s Story) Floyd found he hardly recognized his daughter these days. Sometime in the past week Lily had dyed her naturally blonde hair an unnatural pink and taken to wearing it up in girlish pigtails. Like her hair, Lily’s dress was distinctively childish. Not at all fitting to a young woman of eighteen. Floyd thought nothing of the laminated cards the man in the hoody handed him and Lily outside the mall entrance. That was until his daughter asked, “Dad, what does your card...

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PenthouseGold Madelyn Marie Makes Wet Dreams Cum True

Randy Spears has to go to bed with blue balls after his wife turns him down for sex, but thankfully brunette seductress Madelyn Marie comes to his rescue. Not sure if its a dream, but definitely willing to give the busty babe a go to see for himself, he’s soon eating her trimmed pussy out and getting the best blowjob of his life. The sexy siren sucks and slurps on his big cock until he’s ready to explode and begging to fuck. The Penthouse bombshell then rides his rod, milking him...

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A Sailors Talechapter Seven

Chapter Seven   With a firm command I received a reply “You have been behaving like a real baby and tonight I'm going to show you how a real man makes love to a woman.”   I began to struggle against the powerful man who wanted me over by the statue, with a gasp I feel Sally grab my balls and tug me to my fate, the pain is formidable, the anguish even worse as my uncle lifts my hands up and binds them to the statue over my head.   Sally releases her grip as...

4 years ago
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Awakening Her Desires

It had been a shock to her system, that first experience. She had reacted with fury and embarrassment at first.. Then with mounting excitement and finally almost unadulterated pleasure. But later at home, thinking of it, it had really only seemed like a deliciously naughty game. An unreal kind of fantasy…her first ever spanking, in the woods last summer at the company Christmas picnic. Charlotte had not considered then that it might lead to her current position. Which was bent over the...

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Journey OutwardChapter 26 Say It

Saul starts right back where he has left off on Maggie, only this time he dances her back into the bed room. They almost make it. Maggie grabs the door frame for support and Saul gives up on his forward motion to simply push her up against the frame. "I heard what you said." Nimrod whispers in my ear. "Not the girl, but who she is getting attention from. I wanted that to be me." he sighs. "You're right of course. And I didn't think I could learn anything at my age." "You old...

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My friend seduced me

This all happened in the summer where I turned 18. Every year, my parents went on vacation for a few weeks, usually abroad. In the years before, I went with them, but seeing as I felt too mature to go on vacation with my parents, I decided to stay home this year. I hadn't planned much to do yet, so in the beginning I just stayed home most of the times, occasionally meeting with my friends. One of those friends was Jake. We met in school, and, like me, he had also just graduated. We hung out a...

2 years ago
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Just a place to crash

I’d just moved into the apartment.   It was just a crash pad, a place to stay while I worked during my 7 day shift as an air ambulance pilot. I’d be commuting back and forth from Denver for my week off.   The job itself kept me pretty busy with 12 hour shifts but I was usually home by 6 or 7 and every other week I alternated working days or nights.   I’d usually read a book after making dinner or watch TV.   Sometimes I’d get online and read some stories or check up on the news.   Now and then...

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Agony Aunty 8211 Innocence to Excellence 8211 Final Part

Next day, I went their home bringing Veet with me. Rahul and Darshna were studying. Vandna was seated in room. I gave her cream. She said thanks and smiled. I just returned back home. In night, she called me to her home. As i went there,children were already slept. She called me in room and said me that u hadnt explained me the procedure to use Veet. I explained her its use. She told me that ‘As u know it perfectly, u just seat till I do it’. That was again my DAY. I said ok. She brought a...

4 years ago
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Turning PointsChapter 4

Even after almost four years, her heart still felt the sorrow of that day. She exited off the belt line and turned onto the avenue which would eventually take her home. Home, she thought. What is that? Her childhood had been no precursor of what adult life would bring. She had been a happy child from a loving if lower-middle income family. Most of her recollections of childhood were happy images of time spent with loving, caring parents. How very different life had become when Allan had...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Journey 8211 Part 5

Continuing from the last part. Still kissing my classmate Mausam and rubbing her clit through her thong, I opened my eyes and looked down. Her sister Alisha was naked and was on top of me resting her knees on either side of me. She was rubbing my dick on her cleanly shaved pussy. She was so wet down there that I could see cum dripping from her pussy. She looked at me and moaned, “mmmmm” as she slowly sat down on my dick. It went in easily and I was surprised as Mausam had told me that her...

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Dark Paths

Ranulf shivered under his shirt of padded chain mail, welcoming the first rays of jungle sun. Soon enough it would be steamy hot, the wilderness coming to dangerous life under Tarag's fervent sun. "Kick that scaly buzzard bait you call a mount and make it move", he growled. "Get humping, or I'll leave the both of you to find your own way out of here." "Patience, Warrior," Hissath answered, his voice an unlovely slow croaking. They were an unlikely pair. Ranulf was tall and rangy, with...

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As I thrust away, jilly whispered in my ear, 'keep going then accidently slip out and push your cock up her arse and cum'. I knew karen wouldn't be keen on that but I would do as I was told.I thrust away pounding my cock into karen's lovely juicy pussy, then as I pulled out I grabbed my cock and pushed the tip against karen's puckered up bumhole.'No! Don't you dare' karen screamed.'Shut up! And just do it' jilly retorted.I held my cock against karen's bumhole and then grabbed her hips and...

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UNCERTAINTY By Ingrid Halb The room was dark. It was the middle of the night and the blinds were drawn, but that did not explain the atmosphere. There was darkness here that went beyond the normal pall of night. It was a darkness that subdued the LED clocks and computer power indicators that stood out like beacons during the afterhours of any normal office building. This was a very normal office in a very normal building. There was however, a rather unusual ceremony under...

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BlowJobFridays Serena Santos Director Fulfills Her Fantasy

Serena Santos just got done filming a scene for Bang Bros, but after a quick post shoot interview, Serena tells us that she’s still horny and needs some more dick. Our director tells her that there’s no room in the budget to film another scene for her, but Serena has a different idea. She told us that it’s always been her fantasy to suck a directors dick after a shoot. Luckily for her, our boy Logan Xander, is not just the director of her scene, he’s also the Blowjob...

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JapanHDV Ako Nishino Comes to visit in her uniform to do some role play

Ako Nishino is back with the second part of her adventure in the houses of the perverted men who belong to the Uniform Club. Today she is in her school outfit looking like she just skipped biology class and headed off campus to meet her older lover at his home while his family is away. There is so much role play happening and so much you can add to the story with your imagination. The club can have any uniform or costume on any of the young models who role play for the older gentlemen that...

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Sheri and Jeanette Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jeanette followed her cousin downstairs. She had to make an effort not to cross her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, knowing that they were going to ask Ethan to fuck them. "Where is he?" she said. "I don’t see him yet." Jeanette nudged Sheri and pointed. "Look, there he is," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. "Check out his pants. He’s already got a woody. Let’s ask him. That woody will fix that funny feeling inside you."...

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John and JoChapter 9

Although Jo quickly settled back into her courses, with every day that passed she was also acutely aware that her sister was getting near to her due date for the birth of her baby. Jo knew that Julie had a lot on her mind and she didn't want to upset Pete by continually ringing, but usually at least once a day the sisters spoke on the phone. On Friday morning at around 6 a.m. the phone next to the bed rang; John picked it up and almost immediately passed it to Jo. Then he got straight out...

2 years ago
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Exhibitionist in me letting brother watch me

So. As i mentioned before how i became an exhibitionist, here iam rubbing my self in the living room on the sofa. My two fingers were deep inside pussy and i was rubbing my clit with my other hand. The sensation started, i was getting sweatier, and my clit started to get very sensitive. I was moaning louder and louder, i was near to cum, when i heard my brother's car sound in the garage. I was nearly there so, i calculated and started rubbing my self faster, i heard the voice of his car...

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The Dirty Little Shemale

I am Nicola, a 25 year old shemale. I am 5'7", slim, athletic, I have shoulder length light brown hair, green eyes, 34D tits, a 6" cock and am a dirtly little fucking slut that will do anything. It's Friday night and I head to the local club dressed in my tight black top that I'm almost coming out of, very short denim skirt that only just covers my crotch, sexy black panties and black leather knee high boots. I get inside and the club is packed. There are sexy men and women everywhere I look. I...

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I Have No IdeaChapter 18

I have never been grabbed by my father while I had been naked. I’m more than certain this was true despite the blackouts. As a baby, my father would’ve had held me. He would not have lunged for my shoulders and yanked me. He had done that once. I had nearly stepped into New York traffic, at age 9. I had been dressed then, even wearing my Rangers windbreaker over a sweater and another shirt. No, this was a new experience. “When? When did you take these pills?” He growled. “Who? Who would give...

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Excerpts From My Life 8211 Part 2

After Shoba left the house, I kept thinking about her. I felt bad to have rushed through without realizing how it might affect her. I texted her the same evening but again, got no replies. Back home things didn’t go as planned. The cook’s kid got sick and was admitted in a hospital there in Assam. So she had to stay back. I also asked the maid to spend some more days at her place. But I gave them both their salaries. Life again got monotonous. Although Shoba texted back, she avoided any kind of...

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Explaining to MommyChapter 5

Mommy took a deep breath and asked "So you and Kate are lovers?" "I guess we are." I hadn't thought about it like that. "Have you done anything else with her yet?" "Yes Mommy, and it's different than with the boys." "You don't want to charge her?" "No Mommy, but there's more to it than that." "Explain." Kate and I had plans to meet the next day after school, but when I got to school Rick found me. "Hey beautiful, I was wondering what you were doing after school...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 46 Frances

In Richmond, I had the pleasure of meeting one of that area's true belles and of spending much of a busy night in her company. She was introduced to me by one of Von Steuben's aides at a dinner for Captain Foster and several other officers. I was standing outside, supposedly on guard duty, smoking a pipe and keeping an eye on the stable area, when a sad-eyed captain appeared with this frilly, dark-eyed young lady on his arm, chattering away like a magpie. He seemed more than happy to leave...

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Holiday of Fun Part 1

Holiday of fun Part 1My annual holiday had been booked months in advance, I was looking forward to chilling for 14 days in the sun, relaxing on the beach and having a few drinks at night. This year was different though as I was travelling alone, my friend had recently got engaged and would be holidaying with his fiancé. So, as I enjoy my own company I decided I would still travel but this year I could do as I pleased without having to compromise to keep my friend happy as well.It was Friday...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 7

I finished using my sick rad dragon shapeshifting powers to pull bullets and stitch up the holes on the last of the civilian gnomes who hadn’t gotten to cover in time, then flipped my cute butt over an overturned table, landing between two United Nations Marines. The UNMC was pretty swoll and rad and all sorts of cool words – and one of the reasons why was that the human race had, for years, wanted to put their people into bigger and bigger suits of armor to make them more swoll and rad with...

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ThotsBay Forum

Did you know Thotsbay has a forum? It isn’t uncommon for a free porn site to have a message board, but it isn’t all that common for those message boards to be hopping places. The one on Thotsbay is different in part because there’s actually something going on in there. In fact, it’s arguably a cornerstone of the website, where you can see and crank off to a lot of the material before it even hits the front page.I already wrote an extensive, lengthy review of, so I will focus on the...

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Diversity 2

Diversity 2 by Angela Collins Just to show willing, I asked her for the names of her contacts and she said she would e-mail them to me. Though, I had little thought of contacting them. I certainly had something to think about while leaving the office. I really wanted the job. I also needed the job. My redundancy money was not going to last indefinitely and my mortgage payments were eating into it fast. If I did not get a job soon I would have to start thinking about downsizing. ...

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The Rise and Fall of Marcy DentonChapter 9

Marcy had been afraid that Lamar would punish her for her distortion of his wishes at the reunion, but by the following Tuesday he was smiling and obviously pleased that, at the very least, Marcy was being praised by those who had partaken of her, with terms like "vixen" and "wildcat" being bandied about. "One hundred and thirty-two! Damn, bitch, that must be some kind of record! Who woulda ever thought a White chick could fuck that many Black men in one evening!" He looked into her...

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At Work

Have you ever had one of those days when everything you do just seems to go wrong? The alarm didn't go off... The car won't start... Well, today was one of those days for me.I got up late for work because I didn't hear the alarm. I guess my boyfriend must have accidentally turned it off when he got up to leave. He has to be at work a few hours before me, so I generally just stay in bed. Luckily he is pretty quiet when he gets up! Anyway, I had to rush to get ready. Grab a quick shower, dress in...

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No FutureChapter 80

Sick and Sore Olive 2085 The doctor must be shitting her. It wasn't right. Olive had already been infected before by gon, syph, NSU, chlam and every fucking thing but AIDS, but why was this syph so fucking different? "A jab, a few days off work, and it'll be gone," said Olive pleadingly. "I've had syph before. It ain't no big deal." "It's not as easy as that," the doctor of the charitable health centre said sadly. He peered with one eye at the clock: conscious of the queue of...

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Caring for JulieChapter 6

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, Julie was still next to me. I looked over at the clock. "What the fuck?" It was 0645 hrs. Chief was supposed to wake me for last watch at 0430. What the hell was going on here? I quickly dressed, and went to find out what was up, leaving Julie covered up in bed. I found Chief in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "There's more in the pot," he said. "Thanks. I thought you were going to wake me for last watch, like we agreed last night." "Well,...

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Seatmate8217s Sis

It had been a few weeks since I had returned from the conference in Chicago. The events that had transpired had been mind blowing. I had met a short little black girl in her mid-20s named Mya. She had an apparent fantasy about finding a white boyfriend. She found that and me and in the span of 24 hours had went from a sweet virgin to absolutely sex-crazed. But once I had gotten back to California, I had been busy with family road trips, etc. I had also had been giving a few of my other...

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