A Meeting In March free porn video

March 26th
You’re beggin’ me to go, you’re makin’ me stay, why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know, do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing you’ve had?
‘Love Is A Battlefield’ …Pat Benatar
The thirty minute drive to the airport was rather nerve wracking, despite the lack of traffic. My heart pounding so hard I could feel it echo in my head. Sudden thoughts of “what if” kept running through my mind…pushing them firmly back…he would be there!! I kept saying that to myself over and over…fighting back tears, foot heavy on the accelerator, making the vehicle lurch forward with a deep growl. Why this tormenting lost feeling?
It would be alright once I laid eyes on Him, I just knew it. Squeezes eyes tightly shut, forcing myself to face the worst, yet hoping for the best. Opening them to the sudden blare of a horn…sighing softly, mind wandering back to that first time, same month one year before. From the moment he mentioned a meeting… sweet anticipation caused my heart to race and took my breath away. Knowing it was forbidden, and yet…..
March 15th
~~if I could turn back time…if I could find a way….I’d take back all those words that hurt you and you’d stay…”Turn Back Time”…”Cher”
Gathers the thick golden strands up, unhappy with the look, staring at myself in the mirror, scrunching my nose in quiet desperation, wondering how the hell I was going to wear those stubborn curls. A deeply frustrated sigh escaping my lips, running the brush through my hair once more, thinking how much of a fool I was…to have agreed to this meeting, knowing what the discovery would do to my husband…my son. Places hands on the sink counter, feeling a thousand butterflies racing through my belly, just listening to the everyday noises that always brought comfort to my soul.
My son was getting ready for school, yelling for the dog to come inside to keep him company while he eats breakfast….my husband’s electric razor humming in the other bathroom down the hall. These simple everyday things brought no pleasure this morning…it was Friday, March 15th…the day. I had already paved the way to sin by telling my husband of a much needed visit to my sister. A haunting phrase…”beware the Ides of March” drummed in my head. Making a face at myself in the mirror…how easily lies now slip from this woman’s lips…amazing in fact…since I always prided myself on being truthful and honest. Squeezes eyes tightly closed, unable to bear a flash of guilt stabbing into my heart.
Tossing the brush aside, heading to the kitchen to greet my son, a smile pasted on my face. “Hey you! Gonna miss your mom tonight?” brushes my lips across his cheek, ruffles his hair and slips into a chair, pouring myself a hot cup of coffee. My son glances up, flashing a sunny smile, nodding his head as he digs into more cereal, one hand petting the lab’s head.
She smiles back, fingers curling around the spoon to stir some sugar into my cup…”good love…will miss you too”. Turning my head at my husband’s approach, noting the quick peck on my cheek…swallows hard and tenderly slips my fingers in a slow caress of his jaw…murmuring…”morning darlin…don’t miss me too much” shifting in my seat, not wanting my agitation to show too much…”Oh!!! Don’t forget to set the timer on the lasagna…or my guys will starve…” dark eyes twinkling, despite the fear that continues to nag at the back of my mind…the fear of discovery.
My thoughts kept meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror as I drove to the airport, hoping my lover would find me pleasing, would want me as much as I wanted him. To have him fill that ache that began a long time ago. Laughs softly at myself…it was one thing to carry on a love affair in chat… totally another to bring those heat filled words to reality. Shivering suddenly…hoping I wouldn’t find sanity and back out at the last moment. Resolve filling my mind….I wanted this as much as he did…and we both realized the consequences of our actions…yet…falling in love was something I wasn’t prepared for…should have known the minute we met that he was the other half of my soul.
~~closer to the truth to say you can’t get enough, you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to love….”Addicted to Love”..Robert Palmer….
Anxiously awaiting his plane’s arrival, pacing on trembling legs between the monitor and the gate, counting every minute…cell phone clamped tightly within my sweaty palm…whispering to myself…”oh god…oh god…” feeling slightly nauseous. Swallowing the lump in my throat as I hear the announcement of the plane’s arrival at the gate….stiffening, turning to watch the disembarking passengers…suddenly unsure of why I was there….’oh my god…I can’t remember what he looks like…” blinking rapidly as each person walks quickly by, going on with their own lives…frantically trying to recall a likeness, yet no one resembled him. The cell phone vibrates….glancing down into my hand, feeling a tingle run up my arm…my mind a total blank. Raises the phone to my lips and whispers tentatively into the receiver…”yes?”
“Hello darling, where the hell are ya?” My heart nearly bursting, overcome with joy, simply at the sound of that sweet southern drawl in my ear.
Jerking as if the instrument burned a hole in my ear…seeing a well dressed tall man talking quietly into his cell phone, brown hair with a touch of silver, a wide grin spreading over his tanned features as he snaps the phone off and takes a few steps in my direction, arms spread wide.
Almost dropping the phone as my feet fly to his outstretched arms…feeling the warmth of his embrace…the first touch of his lips over mine…so cool and firm…the gentle thrust of his tongue into the warm cavern of my mouth, teasing and coaxing into a playful dance.
Drawing back to gaze deeply into his eyes, noticing how dark blue they were…hearing his murmur…”godddd you are beautiful baby…so beautiful…come, lets get my bags…” lacing his fingers with mine, tugging me swiftly to the baggage area. His voice softly whispering about how happy he was to be with me…how wonderful the city looked from the sky…wishing he didn’t live so far away.
All this chatter making my heart sing…my blood pump…knowing what will happen once we reach the hotel…quivering with anticipation, eyes brightly shining into those blue fathomless ones.
March 26th
~~I know her love is true, but it’s so damn easy makin’ love to you, I got my mind made up, I need to feel your touch…I’m gonna run to you…’Run to You’…Bryan Adams…
Pulling into the airport parking lot, my heart feeling like stone in my chest…that god awful feeling returning as the cobwebs of memory fade. Selecting an out of the way spot and gathering my purse, getting more agitated by the minute.
Pausing at the counter to check the arrival time and gate, then wandering aimlessly through the terminal. I finally decided that a good stiff drink would help calm my jittery nerves. Stopping at the first bar that caught my eye, waving off the offer of a menu as I hopped up onto the stool…ordering a JD on the rocks.
I tried taking slow sips while trying to keep my mind occupied with other thoughts. Still, my eyes kept straying to the clock.
Heaving a sigh, finishing off the drink and tossing the money on the counter, making my way to the gate, feet dragging…filled with dread…unable to pinpoint an exact reason for my unease. Another pause to recheck the flight, heart leaping, the plane was on the ground!
Searching for him, every face, asking passengers what flight they were on….nervous as a cat…goddd…don’t do this to me!!…There he is!!!!…that initial leap of joy knowing he was actually here, running to his outstretched arms and hugging
him tightly, savoring the feel of his flesh against mine.
That’s when I felt IT. Not that I didn’t think he was happy to see me…it showed in his eyes at that moment…but something was…different. I grabbed his hand and tried to make small talk to the elevators….he told me he hadn’t sleep much the night before and had come online hoping to talk to me.
I told him I had taken a bubble bath along with a glass of wine to make me sleepy, never venturing online….actually thinking he wouldn’t be there anyway. This visit he had only one bag, slung over his shoulder.
Walking to the car, we both seemed to fall silent. I settled behind the wheel and he reached over running his fingers down my right thigh, squeezing briefly than just as quickly withdrawing, asking how long would it take to get to the hotel.
My mouth dropped in surprise…he had yet to kiss me…and again, that nagging feeling of everything going wrong swept through me. I started the car, disappointed and hurt. Wondering why I felt this ….distance. I shrugged it off, telling myself to be happy, don’t show anything in my voice…my actions. After all, he had made the effort to be with me.
Making small talk on the way to the hotel, I couldn’t help but compare the previous visits to this one…something kept nagging at me…something didn’t seem right.
When we reached the hotel, he seemed more like my lover…a little cocky…grins…but always something I found endearing about him. I must admit I was impatient to get to the room….to be with him, to feel him naked against my own body. I was getting extremely wet and excited….thinking about it as he registered, laughing at his silly jokes, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear.
Once we reached the room, he was eager…rushing me to the bedroom….the first explosion came as he flung me on the bed, yanking up my skirt and tearing into my panties, his tongue darting forth to rove over my clit and into my cunt, curling and teasing as I writhed with intense pleasure.
Fingers sliding into his hair, tugging on the silvery brown strands, whimpering as my back arched, thighs clamped around his face, seeing the smear of my passion across one cheek as he pulls away to undress…then swiftly returning, murmuring soft words of love into my ear, teasing the delicate shell with the tip of his tongue.
His cock finding purchase as he thrusts forward, impaling himself deeply within the velvet sheath of my heat…crying out, not holding back, drenching his meat with my musky essence, rewarded with the harsh grunt of his pleasure, spurting into my womb.
Pressing tender kisses over his face, sweeping a lock of his hair back, gazing into those blue eyes that haunted my dreams, stole my soul.
Relaxing in his arms…whispering to him how much I had missed him, wanted him…noticing the slight darkening of his face, the look of pain slashing across those tanned features, followed by the slow roll of his body off mine.
His deep sigh tearing thorough me, but not as much as that softly spoken drawl…”how I wish I had met you first darling.”
A sudden chill filling my heart…the coldness spreading through my limbs, like daggers of ice impaling themselves into my soul. Turning away from his naked form to curl myself into a fetal position, lashes fluttering, eyes filling with tears.
March 15th
~~~Let’s make love, all night long, until all our strength is gone, hold on tight, just let go, I want to feel you in my soul…’Lets Make Love’….Tim McGraw~~~
He walked fast, tugging me along…laughing as he spun me around, catching my waist and pulling me against that rock hard body for a tender kiss, murmuring against my lips…”the car babe…? where?”
Dark eyes twinkling as I pointed it out among the few scattered here and there…whispering back…”race ya!” jerking away and quickly darting over to the parked vehicle, heels clattering, amazed that I didn’t slip and fall.
Popping the trunk and then gasping as his arms encircle my waist…warm breath tickling my ear, “gotcha darling…never gonna let ya go either..” the tip of his tongue teasing my earlobe, making my knees go weak…hot whisper into it…”you are mine…” dragging that teasing pink organ down the warm flesh of my neck, body shivering under the onslaught of goose bumps that appear across my skin.
The words he utters sending a deep thrill to my very soul…insides melting, cheeks flaming as I realize my inner thighs felt suddenly sticky from the spurt of arousal.
Swallows hard, turning in his arms to brush a quick kiss over his chin, murmuring in a breathless tone…”lets go love…”
Slipping into the driver seat after stowing his bags, he reached for me again, pulling me close, those lean digits of his skimming over my stocking clad thigh…making the flesh burn with desire. Blue eyes sparkling as he asks…”tell me how to get there…” starting the ignition, but not before kissing me again…whispering…”can’t believe how beautiful you are…god….I love you…”
The moment we reached the hotel…we lace fingers, our eyes meeting…snatching sweet kisses in the elevator, at the door…almost falling inside the entrance to the room as he unlocks the door, lips planted firmly on mine….laughing with playfulness as he maneuvers me to the couch….already unbuttoning my blouse….eager to gaze upon the soft swells that he has yearned to see….to touch…yet savoring every moment.
My own dark gems gazing into those blues….lost…completely mesmerized by the look within…the love shining forth…the want…lays back against the soft cushions…allowing him to undress me completely…smiling at the look upon his face….whispering to him…”I was so afraid you wouldn’t find me pleasing….is not a young girl anymore….”
Leaning forward to lick my lips as he slowly releases his breath….”you are gorgeous darling….inside and out…”
Taking his time, slowly teasing my flesh into submission….the ache between my thighs unbearable….softly crying out as he inserts two fingers into the tight sheath of my heat, spreading them as he searches for that spot…discovering it as my back arches, hips squirm…my voice raspy with my lust…”oh god baby…don’t stop…” pulling them out quickly to swipe his tongue across them, tasting me.
A smile crossing his tanned features…hissing as he rises from the couch…”now I’ll make you truly mine darling…splay those thighs for your Master…”
Allowing me no chance to admire broad shoulders and his lean torso, he started laughing at my startled look, stripping quickly. My eyes gazing with obvious desire at his thick, erect meat, seed seeping, the droplets causing the crown to glisten. Positioning himself between my spread thighs…a low growl escaping his lips…thrusting forward to impale that thickness deeply within….claiming me as his own…grunting with the sweet pleasure that sweeps through us both.
My arms wrapping around his neck, needing….no wanting…so much to feel his flesh against mine….his hips slamming, taking me…arching my neck as his lips caress over my throat, along my collar bone, whispered words driving me crazy with want…”mine…always mine…” screaming his name as my cunt erupts, splashing his meat with my honeyed essence…followed by his own primal cry…the thick snake jerking, the inner muscles of my sheath clamping tightly, his seed jetting into my writhing body.
Lips in constant motion, pressing butterfly kisses over my chest, on each nipple…flicking his tongue along my belly as he slowly slides down, mouth cupping my mound, sucking softly…taking the hooded clit between his teeth to chew, tongue dabbing over the fleshy folds as he gleans the rewards of his efforts…the heady smell of sex wafting through the room….shuddering with release once more as he
brings me to that edge of heaven and back…..
March 26th
~~no more broken hearts, we’re better off apart, let’s give it a try, tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…’Little Lies’…’Fleetwood Mac’~~
“Gonna take a shower babe…” the bed moving with a subtle sway as he slips off, padding over to the bathroom, totally oblivious to my pain…not even waiting for a reply. Hearing the water rushing from the shower…blinking furiously…knowing now why instincts screamed.
This was my kiss off…my goodbye fuck….anger flooding my body as that inner voice cries out ”why??? Why is this happening to me..?” sweeps lashes down over wet eyes…drawing on inner strength. Standing stiffly, gathering the scattered garments strewed across the floor, fingers fisted around them…gritting my teeth to avoid the sob that threatens to release from my lips. This was a dream for sure…I’ll awake in a few minutes, safe in his arms.
Glances to the bathroom…if he walked back into the room, his heart would be pierced with the dagger like stare in my eyes. Suddenly I felt dirty, cheap…and used. My mind was at war with my heart. Snatching my overnight bag, searching through the items for a pair of jeans and a knit top…climbing into them, not even bothering with underwear.
Swiftly zippering the bag up, grabbing car keys off the dresser, my fingers trembling, heart breaking into small bitter pieces. Halting in my movements, noticing the sound of rushing water had ceased…the quietness of the room overbearing. Turning slowly around to see him standing there, dripping…a towel wrapped around his waist.
Tilting his head with puzzlement apparent in those blue orbs…”going somewhere darlin?” the southern drawl working on my nerves.
Nodding…voice a breathless whisper…”I’m leaving…its obvious to me…that you have problems with me being here…this meeting was a mistake….”sobs suddenly…”can’t believe you would do this to me!!! ” shaking my head, my heart breaking at the lost look in his eyes.
Raising his hand to rake through the wet strands of hair, voice weakly replying…”I dunno darling….I can’t seem to find the right words…with you or with the wife…” sighs deeply…”if you want to leave I won’t stop you..”
Turning his back to me with a wave of his hand, as if in dismissal, the towel slipping down his waist, exposing more of his flesh. Tears streaming down my flushed cheeks as I heft the bag over my shoulder, taking the few steps towards the door…my mind screaming in protest.
Suddenly slammed up against the door, a grunt as my cheek burns from the smack of the wood…turning my head slightly to see the blazing blues…his plaintive wail…”don’t go babe…don’t!!…I need you…need…dammit!!!!! Don’t go!!!” …the last words causing a shiver to run down my spine at the heated anger in them.
Turning fully within those arms, dropping my bag, startled out of my wits as he snuggles his face into my neck, nibbling on the exposed flesh.
His softly uttered words making my heart melt once more….”oh god…I do love you so…” Lifting me with little effort into his arms, pressing a tender kiss on my forehead, laying me once more on the coverlet of the bed…tracing my lips with his fingertip….”don’t move babe…stay right here…” the light of love once more shining within those blues…”let me get dressed and we’ll order something to eat…and talk…”
Watching covertly as he dresses then flips pages of the phone directory…looking for local delivery…my eyes closing, listening to him talk quietly into the phone…then the bouncing movement of the bed as he returns…tapping his finger over my eyelids.
Sweeps my lashes up, eyes burning as he whispers…”this is the last time we can be together…” the stricken look across my face stopping his words momentarily, then he braved on…”baby, you will find someone who is more worthy of your affections….hell, you can now go back to being free and choose from the litter once more…” voice breaking in exasperation as he tries to get his meaning across.

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