Park Bench Adventure
- 2 years ago
- 31
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‘It’s still there,’ I muttered under my breath as I walked towards the small park. Unconsciously I picked up my pace a bit when I saw it unoccupied and I couldn’t help feeling a small surge of happiness to see it that way. Stopping a few feet away, I took in the sight. It seemed to be just sitting there forlornly, maybe waiting for me, I mused. Just a plain park bench, perched on the edge of the vast Atlantic Ocean.
I took a few seconds to look around before I sat down, but it appeared nothing had really changed, but then again, memory can surely be a fickle thing. I settled in to my seat and stretched my arms along the back. I felt the smooth edge of the backrest beneath my hands, it was obvious that the years and the elements had combined to wear the once sharp concrete edges into a pleasing smoothness. Looking out into the ocean, I saw a few people enjoying the beautiful day, some sailing, surfing or boating, but not much swimming going on in this area.
But it was hearing the waves as they broke onto the rocky shore that was the subtle reminder of why I picked this spot. Looking up and down the coast a couple hundred yards, I saw a small section of rocky shore in both directions. Those rocks are why this was a small park, with a few scattered benches, instead of the sandy beaches preferred by the partiers that invaded Florida during the annual spring break season. I needed the quiet solitude that this spot provided, yes, I so needed it now as I so needed it then.
That thought turned my attention to why I was here and it brought my mind back to the purpose of this trip. Ten years, I thought, yes ten years ago this very day I sat on this very bench, my mind cluttered and full of the same thoughts that were swirling inside my head now. No, that really wasn’t right I realized, as I completed a bit of self-analysis. It was this very day and it was this very bench, but the thought then was fear, now unfortunately, it was regret.
Which is more powerful I pondered, my mind taking the flight of fancy that one’s does when you sit in a spot such as this, gazing out into the vastness of the ocean. Fear is strong I reasoned, but for the most part short, sometimes momentary, sometimes longer, but eventually what you fear either happens or doesn’t, and then it’s done. Maybe you go on to the next bout of fear or maybe the fear was real and what you feared occurred, but either way the fear you had is gone.
Ah, but regret, now that is another thing entirely, and with that epiphany I couldn’t help but feel myself let out a deep and mournful sigh. While fear can be a knife that quickly jabs you in the gut, regret is a deep and constant ache that never seems to go away. Well maybe, I thought, staring out into the water, it will go away. As yes, it has lessened a bit in the last couple of years, but go away, no, not yet. Not yet and especially not now sitting on this very bench on this very spot, exactly to the day, ten years gone. No it won’t fade, not as long as this bench sits here, and by the looks of its impressive concrete construction it will probably outlive me, me I think, me … and my regret.
‘Why can’t I just let it go?’ I said out loud, surprising myself with my sudden outburst.
I quickly spun my head around and looked to make sure there were no passersby who might have heard me talking to myself. I guess I really didn’t care, wasn’t anybody here I knew, but I guess human nature is such that you really don’t want to be seen sitting alone talking to yourself. But I looked, and there was no one around, but yet there was a tiny stab of disappointment in that fact. It occurred to me that maybe, just maybe she would come back too. I silently scoffed at the notion, I’m sure she has the life she wanted. The life she choose, when she choose him over me.
I shook my head a bit, trying to get rid of that thought, though it never really worked well. Especially considering that ten years ago, this very day, I was sitting on this very bench and she sat down beside me.
Ten years ago, peering out to sea, I was so focused on my thoughts that my eye barely caught the flicker of movement by my side. If I could have foreseen the end result of what was such an insignificant moment, that small act of someone sitting down on this very bench, I would have gotten up and walked away. But I didn’t, and because I didn’t, that failure to stand up and walk away would start a chain of events that would cause me to sit here today with regret burning deep in my soul.
‘I’m sorry I disturbed you, you seem so deep in thought,’ the intruder said softly that day ten years ago, as she stood back up.
At her voice, I was shaken from my musings. ‘No, that’s okay, just scared is all.’ I replied, shocking myself that I had expressed my fear out loud to someone who was interrupting my deep contemplations.
‘Oh God! I thought I was the only one!’ She exclaimed as she plopped back down on the seat.
‘What?’ I replied as I turned towards her. It was just a quick glance but it struck me that her eyes were dull and lifeless and I saw some deep apprehension in them.
‘I was so sure that I was the only one scared out of my wits!’ She answered back, those eyes showing just a hint of moisture as she struggled with her obvious emotions.
It was then that I took the time to take in her appearance. The intruder was a girl, just a girl, not beautiful, gorgeous or any of the superlatives applied here, just a plain college girl. In fact if I had to guess, she hadn’t bothered a bit with her appearance today, no makeup, and hair in a quick pony-tail. Her clothes were simple, conservative shorts, baggy t-shirt and flat sandals. She had obviously chosen comfort over flash today, a surprise when you considered what we were obviously in town for.
‘What are you afraid of?’ I finally asked, after completing the quick inventory that all guys make of all girls.
‘Oh no, you said it first!’ she replied quickly and I caught just a tiny glimmer of playfulness in her eyes.
‘Okay …’ I began hesitantly, not really sure why I was even having this conversation. I’d wanted to find a place to sit quietly and now I was having to answer to someone I didn’t even know! ‘Okay, well I got here a couple days ago and did the spring break thing. You know, drink beer, party, get stupid, chase pussy!’
Damn, for the millionth time in my life my mouth ran faster than my brain and I knew I blushed a bit as I heard a small giggle come from my seat mate.
‘Catch any?’ She asked with a laugh.
‘Ah … well -,’ I stammered, embarrassed at the slip of the tongue
‘Go on, just teasing!’ She said, letting me know she wasn’t offended.
‘Actually, I didn’t to tell you the truth. I barely even tried, I’ve kind of felt this dark cloud over me the last couple of days.’
‘Dark cloud?’ she repeated, obviously looking for an explanation.
‘Yeah, I mean, it’s been building up but it really hit me this morning. I’m supposed to graduate and face the world here in a couple of months and it just scares the living shit out of me!’
Surprised by her exclamation, I asked. ‘What … wow?’
‘Well, just wow, I guess we’re in the same boat. I can’t believe it, but I have the same problem.’
I couldn’t help it as a thought occurred to me and I started laughing before I gave her a sly look. ‘So, you couldn’t catch any pussy either?’
‘WHAT!’ She exclaimed and then started laughing as she put it together.
‘Just got the one but that puts me one up on you!’ She threw out with a grin. I immediately realized that she was pretty quick on her feet.
‘OHHHHH … that hurt!’ I replied, recoiling as if I had been hit in the chest.
‘Serves you right!’ She said, still chuckling. ‘So go on with your problem.’
‘Well, I mean, that’s it! It seems like I’ve been in school my whole life, I’ve had some jobs but nothing solid
, just part time. When I graduate, I’m going to have to move on and get an actual career. I have some money saved, but I really have to find something quick or I’m out of luck!’
Turning back to her, I could see the way her eyes showed her fear. It struck me how they displayed her emotions so plainly. ‘So what about you?’ I asked.
‘Worse! I’ve never even had a job! I’m not even sure how to get one.’ She answered, her eyes welling up a bit.
‘Never had ANY job?’
‘No, I had a scholarship and my grandmother left me some money, so I never worked, I just wanted to focus on school. I even took classes in the summer so I could get a dual major. I do have some money left, but if I don’t get a job, I could be homeless!’
I was struck by the tenor of her voice, she was really worried. ‘Well, what about your folks, can you move back home?’ I asked, trying to be a calming voice to her obvious fright.
‘Hah,’ she snorted, ‘You mean the folks who were pissed off that I inherited Gram’s money and was going to waste it in college when they could have used it for booze and cigarettes!’
‘Sorry.’ I said quietly, instantly feeling bad that I had asked. It had seemed like an obvious question but as I sat there, I realized that in trying to calm her, I made it worse. Glad I hadn’t majored in psychology!
We both seemed to need a short break so we stared off into the ocean for a bit. ‘It’s okay, you didn’t know.’ She finally said softly. ‘What about your parents, can you go home?’
Now I saw that she felt bad as my face betrayed my emotions. ‘No, there really is no home. My parents divorced early, dad took off. My mom and I get along but she remarried and they had a couple more kids. It was okay growing up but … just uncomfortable I guess. Odd man out, you could say. When I got a scholarship offer from across the country, I took it and left.’
‘Still talk to her?’ She asked and I could hear a real empathy for me in her voice. She seemed better at this than I was. Maybe she majored in psychology?
‘Yeah, Mother’s Day, Christmas, on my birthday, but she has a new life and I think we call more out of a sense of obligation than anything.’
‘I’m sorry.’
Again the quiet settled in until I thought of something she said. ‘So … scholarship huh?’ I asked, changing the subject to what I hoped was a better one.
‘Academics,’ She answered proudly. ‘You?’
‘Really, well maybe you can go pro!’ She said excitedly.
‘No, not really an option.’
‘Oh, what happened, get hurt?’
I looked over at her and caught her eye again, surprised at her genuine interest. ‘No, not hurt, just not good enough. I mean that was the dream, but one day I just looked in the mirror and realized that no matter what I did, I just didn’t have it. At that point I buckled down and started taking school more serious, so in the end, I’m okay with moving on.’
‘So if baseball’s not your future, what is?’
‘Well, I’m getting my degree in marketing, so I hope to get in advertising, you?
‘Accounting and business!’
‘Ahh .. good with numbers I suppose.’ I teased, so much for my guess of psychology!
‘Hope so, or a lot of homework went for naught!’ She said with a laugh. I noticed her eyes had a bit more sparkle than when she sat down, that seemed like a good sign.
A rumble broke into our conversation and I looked over at her as she hid her head in embarrassment. ‘Missed breakfast,’ she said sheepishly.
‘I’m getting a hot dog, I saw a vendor just over there.’ I said motioning my head to the side. It was then that I realized I had been talking to her for a while now and had missed a step. ‘Say, I don’t even know your name.’
‘Uhmm … Cammie.’ She answered hesitantly.
‘Cammie? Short for?’
‘Oh, okay, well I’m Mark.’ I said and held out my hand to shake hers.
Taking my hand, she gave me a firm handshake, which felt strangely warm and comfortable. ‘Short for Markus?
I chuckled as I released her hand, her question hitting me funny. ‘No, believe me, my parents weren’t that smart. Mark is just Mark.’ I answered still grinning.
‘Well at least you don’t have to explain it to everyone.’
‘Ah … but just like you, people assume.’
‘Touché!’ She answered as her stomach rumbled again.
‘Come on,’ I said as we got up and walked down the path. ‘So where do you go to school?’
‘Ahhmm – ‘she hesitated again.
Catching on quickly, I let her off the hook as I remembered why we were here. ‘I know, let me guess, spring break safety briefing?’
‘Sorry, I guess it’s drilled into me.’
‘I understand, and I’m not offended. But you do have to wonder with what I saw the last couple of nights if everyone got the word.’
‘Yeah, no shit!’
We were still laughing as we got to the stand and placed our orders. After picking up our food, we wandered back to the same bench to eat, making casual conversation along the way.
I finished first and dumped my trash in a nearby container. I had also gone without breakfast and the casualness of our chat had made me forget about the usual girl/boy rituals. No fine dining proprieties, I just inhaled the hot dogs as I was really hungry!
‘You’re fast!’ She told me with a smile, as she was just half way through her lunch.
Dropping down into my seat, I gave her a cheesy little grin. ‘Yeah, shocking with all my speed, I still couldn’t catch any.’
She had just taken a bite of her hot dog when what I said hit her and she started laughing so hard I thought she was going to choke. I was quickly going through my basic CPR instructions and trying to remember how many breaths to how many chest compressions, when she started to breathe again.
‘OH MY GOD!’ She yelled out as she finally regained control. ‘You almost killed me!’
‘Well, you ARE one up on me!’
‘STOP IT!’ She screamed at me playfully. ‘Let me finish in peace!’
I kept quiet while she finished the rest of her lunch and threw away the trash. I was just enjoying the view of the ocean and the gentle breeze when she returned to the bench and joined me again.
‘Penny for your thoughts?’ She finally asked.
I thought of continuing the joke but decided to be more serious. ‘I just wish I knew my future.’ I answered and I think she picked up on the conviction in my voice. I wasn’t playing, I was very serious.
‘Yeah, I know what you mean. I actually feel pretty confident that eventually I’ll do well, it’s just … I guess I wish I knew how hard the next few years will be before I get there.’
I turned towards her, stunned by how her thoughts were almost exactly the same as mine. ‘I swear you must be reading my mind, I was thinking the same thing!’
‘Wouldn’t it be great if we knew the next ten or fifteen years. I mean, I’d be good with that, maybe just ten years, after that, I think I’ll be okay.’
‘Ten years, yeah, I’m with you there, ten years, that’s all I need.’ I replied, still deep in thought. Then like the proverbial light bulb going off over my head, I had a crazy idea. ‘Tell you what, ten years from today, we meet back here and see what happened, how we did!’
‘What?’ She exclaimed.
‘It’ll be great, we meet back at this bench and then we tell each other all the struggles, successes, whatever that we had.’
‘You’re serious?’ She asked shaking her head at me.
‘Hell yeah, it’d be great.’
‘Fine, deal!’ She said and we exchanged another warm handshake. This time when I looked in her eyes, there was a small twinkle, gone was the darkness that was there when she sat down.
‘Now all we have to do is make a plan for our big success!’ I said as our hands broke apart.
‘All right, what’s the plan?’
‘Well first goal … I’ve gotta catch up!’ I told her,
with a sly grin.
‘Catch up with what?’ She asked quizzically.
‘How soon you forget that you’re already more successful than me.’ She didn’t even answer me, her face clearly showed her confusion, so I just pressed on. ‘You’re one up on me!’
Once again, we started laughing and I realized how much I enjoyed hearing her. She had a way of laughing with her whole body, letting it all go, without caring about how much noise she made or embarrassing herself in any way. I actually found it endearing after dealing with girls that were afraid that they might smear their makeup or ruffle their hair.
Ahh, the memories. Sitting alone on the bench, I reflected on how I had fallen for her over the next few hours. We talked about everything, our upbringing, challenges of school, but mostly our hopes and dreams for the future. As the day long ago passed, I remembered how her eyes kept getting brighter and brighter, her laughter more and more uninhibited. She was like no one I had ever met, serious and thoughtful one minute, hilarious the next. Her sense of humor and quick wit kept me off balance but behind the playfulness was an intellect that intrigued me. She was obviously smart, and I wasn’t at all surprised when she let on that she was going to graduate near the top of her class. She was obviously not a cheerleader in her slouchy shorts and t-shirt but after a while I saw that there was just something magnetic peeking out from inside of her.
I remember coming on spring break to party and find a girl or better yet girls, for some casual sex. But somehow I had run into one that had taken my mind into an entirely new direction, friend. I was sharing more of myself than I had ever shared with anyone in my life and I felt entirely at ease with it. Was I conscious of the fact that Cammie was a girl, of course, but for some reason that I couldn’t explain, it just didn’t seem to matter. All of my normal, impress her so I can get laid thoughts were gone, replaced with ‘hey this could be my best friend in the world’, and I was having the time of my life!
But after we talked for hours, it seemed that a lull finally settled in on us and I could see her start to grow anxious. I knew our time was coming to an end and we needed to return to our respective spring break plans. I couldn’t believe how it saddened me that we were just the proverbial ships passing in the night.
‘Well, I should really go.’ She said as she stood up.
‘Yeah, me too.’ I replied, rising up also.
I moved in slowly to her and gave her a chaste hug, wanting to feel her against me but not wanting to come across as the creepy guy from the beach!
‘See you in ten years.’ She said as we parted and she spun around and walked away.
‘See you then.’ I answered, unsure of what else I should say.
Watching her go that day, I had the feeling you get when you’ve lost something important. My thoughts started swirling as I tried to get a handle on the moment. Quickly I went through an inventory of her assets, looks, intelligence, and on and on. Then I switched to pro’s and con’s. Hell I didn’t even know where she was from, or where she was going, or where I was going for that matter.
But suddenly my analytical mind cleared and it was if all the independent thoughts were gone. Somehow, someway my heart took over and every thought I had was replaced in an instant with one, and I heard it loud and clear, DO NOT LET HER WALK OUT OF YOUR LIFE, STUPID!
Sprinting after her, I was surprised how easily I caught up. ‘HEY!’ I yelled out as I approached her. Maybe my mind was trying to gain back control as it calculated the appropriate time and distance parameters, went through the geometry and sent me out a little warning that she should have been a lot farther away than she actually was!
She quickly spun around at my words and I could see the tears in her eyes. Now that I was here, I realized I had no idea what to say, and looking at her face with those two wet tracks running down her cheeks, it wasn’t getting any easier.
Finally my heart stepped up again and cleared out my thoughts. It made me throw caution to the wind and speak straight from that heart that had taken control.
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I sat on my heels trying to be as small as possible. I squatted really, hiding my nudity by pulling my knees up to my chin. My whole body was folded up on itself with just the bottom of my feet touching the cool sand. It had only been a 30 minutes since Bo had left, but it seemed like hours. The waiting was getting to me. I wanted to get out of there and be done with it all! Just then the box sitting on the sand in front of me crackled to life. "Heidi? Are you there? Press the orange...
The golden sun lights up the sky. A new day is raising its head to view the fleeting moments of its existence.On a bench, in a park, a young man sits engrossed in the object held in his hands. With his shoulders hunched, his lower legs are drawn back hard against the seat. On any other day, he would be in bed wrapped up with his partner. Her slender body usually pressed against him, rousing him slowly to a sensuous awareness. When she was horny, he would feel her hands upon his body. She gently...
MasturbationShe rose; it was early morning. She thought she would walk to the shop across the park, for fresh air more than anything desperately needed. Quietly, and quickly, so as not to disturb anyone, she put on shoes, and grabbed a coat. A warm one, as she had no clothes on. 'It won't matter' she thought to herself 'I look perfectly respectable'.So thinking, she stepped out into the early morning sunshine. Pleasant, but a bit nippy, which made her think of her nipples, and smiled to herself at the...
MasturbationHi Guys and girls. This is Karan here.This is my third story. Now without much ado let me start with my third story. Ye story tab ki hai jab mai college ke last year mai tha. Meri ek girlfriend hua karti ti jiska naam tha roohani. Kafi hot thi especially her ass. I loved her ass. Uska size hga almost 34 28 38. N yes with a firm ass! So I was studying in Chandigarh and wo Delhi mai padti thi. It was sort of a long distance. Hum kafi kam milte the. And usally phone par hi baat kte the. To aise hi...
I arrive from work in my best suit, tired from the commute but looking forward to seeing you, and as I slip quietly in the front door, I can hear the sounds of the Adagio from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata being played on the piano in the living room. I walk slowly over to you, say nothing, but place my hands on your neck and give a little squeeze – you turn to look over your shoulder, smile, then return your attention to the piano. You look so beautiful sitting there, such perfect posture, in...
It wasn't a lot of money Parker Fullbright embezzled from the company. It wasn't like he was a crook or something. And after all, his uncle was the CEO. Well, that was the problem actually. You see his uncle was not only CEO, but also gay, and his uncle had wanted Parker's young ass ever since the boy was twelve. He had been fascinated by the kid for years, and if Parker's Uncle Jake had one quality it was persistence. If he had a dream, he stuck to it! Which is was he gave Parker a job in the...
I arrive late from the office, tired from the long day at the office, looking forward to seeing her, as I slip quietly in the front door, I hear the sounds of the Adagio from Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata being played on the piano in the music room, Marina is a classical trained pianist. I walk slowly over to her, say nothing, but place my hands on her neck and give a little squeeze - she turns to look over her shoulder, smiles, then returns her attention to the piano. She looks so beautiful...
My wife got a new bench it's amazing. She told me she wanted to try something new I agreed and she told me to be at home on Fri night at 8:00. I asked why and she said youll see. I got there at 8 and she met me at the door and asked if I was ready and I replied I guess. She said heres the deal me and some friends are having a toy party and we need someone to demo toys on. I was a little nervous then she said oh you will enjoy it and if you want you can back out. Well I couldn't let her...
Lessons from a Park Bench Conversation The first thing I noticed, was she had pretty feet. I know, I know, as soon as someone says that, everyone thinks you're a perv. All you have to do is do a search on "foot fetish" online, and you'll see stuff that would make your head spin. But I'm not like those dudes. Its just ... when a girl has pretty feet, I notice, that's all. The feet were encased in a sexy pair of sandals, and were attached to a nice pair of legs visible under a...
When they started to exercise, she purposely positioned herself every time to give the man the best view. Soon she was happy to see the man was mostly staring at her. --- "Why this man is staring at us." --- said Ms Summers, as she noticed the man on the bench. Lilly was preoccupied in giving a good show to the man, that Ms Summers remark startled her. She thought quickly, as the teacher clearly considered shouting something to the man. --- "Oh. I know him." --- she said pretending to...
I’m Mariss Foley and my older sister is Merritt. I’m 19 and Merritt is 20, but everyone thinks we are twins, we look that much alike. I would not be bragging to say we are “hot”. We both have nice bodies and light brown hair, with pleasant faces. We both resemble younger versions of our Mother, who recognized early on, that her daughters were going to be sought after. As I approached my 16th birthday she took us both aside and said she had something uncomfortable to do, she wanted to give us...
As dusk fell and the rosy glow of a beautiful sunset filled the sky, they picked their spot. A huge old oak tree with a wooden picnic bench underneath its heavy boughs. She sat on the table with her feet on the bench seat, her knees slightly apart. He stood directly in front of her, running his hands up the long length of her smooth tanned legs, inching higher with each stroke. They kissed lightly at first, but as her skirt went higher and his fingers explored further, their kisses got deeper...
Quickie SexThe second week, she noticed him lurking in the bushes, checking the park. She concluded he was suspecting some sort of an ambush, and was expecting to find FBI hiding under some bench. After the class she made a scene of checking all the toilets, and walking off with a disappointed face. This, she thought, made the trick, as the next week, the man was sitting on his bench, with black sunglasses, and a newspaper. Lilly smiled when she saw him. Before the exercises started, she turned in his...
Nobody really knew when the park had appeared in the outskirts of the capital. Some say it just had been there one day, a fully operational amusement park, others said that it had been founded many years ago and slowly grown to its modern size, without anybody noticing it of course. Maybe the secret was somewhere in the middle. Regardless, it seemed to be a magical place, accessible only to adults and on a limited basis. You had to get tickets beforehand and nobody really knew how many tickets...
Mind ControlHallo frd me aaj aap ke sam ne apni nayi kahani lekar aaya hu, asha rakh ta hu jai se aapne meri sari kahani o ko saraha sie bhi pasand karange. Aap padh kar mail jaroor kare aapko yah kai si lagi mail id is : Jai se ki aap sab log jan te ho me ne meri cousin bhabhi ki help se unki 3 4 frd ki khooob chudai ki hai.. Aaj me aapko meri block me rehne wali ek mast bhabhi ke chudai ke bare me bata ta hu, meri block me karib 2 mahine pehle ek family rehne aaya, us me husband bhabhi (priyanka) or...
I grew up in your typical Midwest small town. Very conservative, sheltered life growing up there. We lived just across the street from the city park. The park closed at 10pm every night. Being a normal k**, that never stopped my friends and I from exploring it after dark. We used to play being ninjas hiding in the woods and jumping out to scare each other. For years it seemed harmless and fun. It was later in my youth that all changed one night in late July. I was by myself in the woods just...
There is a park near to where I live and sometimes, especially on hot, sunny days, I like to get into my bikini and go and lie in it. Sometimes I do this with friends but often its alone as well. My husband doesn't like this because he's a jealous man who doesn't want to share me. I, on the other hand, like to flirt and enjoy the attentions of other men. So when I go to the park by myself I'll often make up some excuse or white lie that gets me a couple of hours alone time in my bikini.At the...
We meet in town for lunch to catch up and have a laugh..I arrive early and order a drink from the bar and take a seat in a quiet corner....I see you come through the door about 15 mins later....and stand up and wave.....our eyes connect and we smile as come over and we kiss.I ask what you would like and go and order from the bar.....I return and you are looking as gorgeous as you are dressed in ankle high heeled boots, tights or stockings (yet to find out), long dress for a...
Park PleasuresJon sat in his black Lexus SUV longer then he planned. He’d had such a long day, and he needed the extra time. He placed his hand on the door handle, opened the door slowly and breathed in the fresh air as he stood on the pavement. He takes in the peacefulness of the birds; he enjoys this park the most for his nightly runs. Jon closes the door, hears the beep as he locks it with the remote and strides to the nearest bench. Reaching one leg up he stretches, raises his hands and...
Group SexIntroduction: Cooling down on a hot day in the park just gets hotter! It was a beautiful sunny day and I had been stuck inside the office all morning converting purchases and sales. I could hardly concentrate on the job in hand as I stared through the windows at the bright sunshine beating down on the city. Enough is enough I mused to myself a nice healthy profit for the day so mow Im going to take some me time! and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the...
“Enough is enough” I mused to myself “a nice healthy profit for the day so mow I’m going to take some me time!” and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the building to make for the park. Everyone I passed seemed to be just soaking up the warmth and the speed and hustle of the city began to slow and ease away as I passed through the park gateway to stroll along the avenues there. I let my jacket slide down from me and folded it over my arm as I made my way to...
Hello dosto, ummeed hai aapko meri pichli story pasand aayi hogi. Aaj mai aapko pichle hafte ki rangeen kahaani sunaata hu. Kisi bhi aunty ya ladki jisko full satisfaction chaahiye ho wo mujhe mail kare Mai saari service k liye available hu aur privacy ki poori gurantee hai. Ye kahaani hai avantika ki jo mujhe subah park mai cricket khelte hue mili. Mai mere dosto k saath har saturday sunday cricket khelne park jaata hu. Hum har weekend subah 6-8 cricket khelte hai park mai. Tabhi waha aas...
Hello dosto mera name prem hai or meri age 26 years hai or email id() hai ager koi girl ya aunty (only delhi and faridabad) mujhse sex chat kerna chachati hai ya mere sath sex kerna chahti hai to plz mujhe meri email id per mail karein.Aaj main apni ek or real story share kerne ja raha hu.Meri pichli 2 sex stories apko bahut pasand ayi unke liye thanks.Ye kahani uss time ki hai jab mere b.Tech 3rd year ke exam ho chuke the or meri 2 months ki vacation chal rahi thi To maine time pass kerne ke...
A simple choice - cut thru the park or go the long way round. A simple decision that was to change Sophie Deeley's life. "I'm running late" she thought, "I'd better take the short cut." Leroy Kwesi was doing what he did past. Hiding behind bushes in the park, seeing what fortune brought. A drunk to beat up, a pensioner to mug or best of all a woman to rape. So long as his victim was white Leroy was'nt too fussed. When he saw what was coming toward him Leroy thought that all his...
I was browsing the Park Lane Escorts menu all morning, ostensibly just so I could review their site for ThePornDude, but I’m not sure I can just sit on this information without doing anything. It’s kind of like finding out a local shop has a killer deal on that ice cream you like, but you actually get to bust a nut for a few bones instead of licking up some melted dairy product. I was supposed to take my grandma out to dinner tonight, but I think she’d totally understand. Sometimes things come...
Escort SitesLUKE'S VOICE Winter was fading and it was beginning to feel as if spring might really arrive. I was leaning out of the classroom window one afternoon, breathing warm air for the first time in months, and admiring the pale blue sky when there was a tap on the door and Frau Fischer came in. 'Luke, we need to talk'. Her voice was worried and I wondered what had happened. 'Sure, Angela. What's the problem?' 'Frau Kurtz has handed in her notice. She says that she needs to look after her...
Dad waited while I checked my GPS. “There’s a big commercial truck stop in about four miles,” I responded after a brief search. Dad agreed and hung up. As the exit approached, the right blinker on the horse trailer ahead of me came on. It and my dad’s diesel pickup drifted onto the off-ramp. Following in our RV, I turned off also. Dad pulled onto the huge asphalt expanse of the lot at the truck stop, heading for the seclusion of the unoccupied parking spots at the far end of the...
While in Oregon one summer a few years back I was looking for something to do outdoors and of course looking for cock to suck. I looked on one of those "things to do" locally pages in my hotel room and there was a park not far away so I decided I'd go for a walk and little hike if possible. After arriving at the park I started to explore the walking paths and after a while I saw a sign for a skate park so I decided that could be an interesting place to find some healthy dick and I made my way...
last week i was looking after my friends house and dogs there were going a way for 1 week the frist night was ok i got up and i went to work when i got to my friend home i went to take the dogs for a wake it was about 7.00 ish went to the park i seen some ppl drinking 4 lads and 5 girls all drinking i wake past with the dogs and one lad shouded out get your tits out i just waked past not reaping. on the way out there were still there one of the girls said well are you, i said wot. come on i...
Standing in its own private grounds and set back from the road, the only way into the property is by a long and winding driveway. At the rear of the main building are several smaller buildings, an enclosed courtyard next to the old stables and a large walled garden. Foundered by the Marchant family in 1837, it has provided care and shelter for children who have lost their parents at sea, for the past 60 years. Located in the St John’s Wood area of London, it serves, through the family...
Cam Archive! I know all of you horny fuckers love cam shows. I mean, everyone I know does. I also know beating it to recorded videos of your favorite cum dumpster having her pussy smashed can get a little monotonous. Well, especially for you since you don’t get to see plenty of pussy. Oh, you do, but only the recorded ones. What I’m talking about here is a real fleshy pussy, you know, the one that can get your dick wet. How do you losers go for months without pussy, though?Anyway, back to cam...
Free Cam Girl Video SitesBeing the social butterfly that I can be at times, I was checking a website that listed my area to see of there were any 'cruising' areas I could check out in hopes to share my fetish for crossdressing and pleasure. There were several areas, too many to choose from, so I opted for a forested state park. Since much of the funding for the parks in Ohio have been suspended or cut, the chances of being targeted by a park ranger or law enforcement for public indecency can be pretty low. I've heard...
CrossdressingBeing the social butterfly that I can be at times, I was checking a website that listed my area to see of there were any 'cruising' areas I could check out in hopes to share my fetish for crossdressing and pleasure. There were several areas, too many to choose from, so I opted for a forested state park.Since much of the funding for the parks in Ohio have been suspended or cut, the chances of being targeted by a park ranger or law enforcement for public indecency can be pretty low. I've heard...