Park Life free porn video

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Introduction: Cooling down on a hot day in the park just gets hotter! It was a beautiful sunny day and I had been stuck inside the office all morning converting purchases and sales. I could hardly concentrate on the job in hand as I stared through the windows at the bright sunshine beating down on the city.

Enough is enough I mused to myself a nice healthy profit for the day so mow Im going to take some me time! and with that I closed down and locked up the office and headed out of the building to make for the park.

Everyone I passed seemed to be just soaking up the warmth and the speed and hustle of the city began to slow and ease away as I passed through the park gateway to stroll along the avenues there. I let my jacket slide down from me and folded it over my arm as I made my way to a square enclosure where a neat lawn area was surrounded by raised flower beds interspersed with inviting park benches and selecting one facing the sun I draped myself along it with my arms extended either side and my head tilted back to absorb the heat of the sun. Mmmm this was nice and even through my closed eyes under my shades I felt the rays begin to warm my retina as I day-dreamed of far away island beach holidays.

The time was my own and Im not quite sure how long I had sat there when I had that strange feeling of being watched. Slowly opening my eyes beneath my shades I was able to look ahead and spot my observers without them seeing me.

Directly across from me about twenty feet away, lying face down on the grass were two youths, one with a tight cut head of hair and the other very dark curly hair and they were both snatching glances in my direction. They were probably about 14 years old or so and quite good looking in that adolescent way. They glanced around at the few passers by and then when they had gone they would return their gaze to me. They were nudging each other and giggling as they ogled me and I swear one of them was wriggling about as if trying to hump the ground he was lying on.

With more than a little sense of amusement I realised that they had positioned themselves where they could look at my legs in the hope maybe of a flash of thigh at some point. Here was I in my mid thirties with what were basically two children trying to get a flash from me.

At first I thought of sitting forward and asking them what they thought they were doing. Then I thought of simply sitting forward and staring back at them which would probably have sent them running off home as fast as their legs could carry them. However, if they thought they could sneakily enjoy themselves at some drowsing womans expense in the park they were in for a shock as I finally decided that I would be the one to have some fun from the situation.

Still pretending to have my eyes closed as I basked in the sun, I slid my hips forwards a little in pretence of lounging further on the bench and as I did so my knees parted slightly. I had a real struggle to keep my face straight as I saw their jaws drop in amazement and they nudged each other hardly able to believe their luck.

I stayed in that loose cruciform state with my face tilted up to the sun, my arms spread along the back of the bench at each side accentuating the swell of my breasts and my hips almost dropping off the front of the bench with my skirt riding upwards along my thighs. They were now clearly uncomfortable and both slid hands beneath themselves no doubt stroking their cocks at the sight they were receiving.

This was feeling good! I didnt need to touch myself to know my pussy was leaking fluid and soaking my panties. I have always been a bit of an exhibitionist but this day was all the more pleasurable as I was flashing to these two boys who would hardly have any control over their actions once that teen testosterone kicked in.

I absentmindedly bent my left arm and brushed away imaginary flies and then settled it into the open top of my blouse where I slowly stroked it across and down my cleavage, as if rubbing away the heat of the day. This was too much for them now and I saw the dark haired one mouth fucking hell to his friend although I couldnt hear him as they were too far away. They were both almost purple with the effort of staring at my legs and trying to peek up my skirt and me stroking my breast almost put them out completely.

This was such fun and I sneakily scanned around beneath my shades to be sure no one else was nearby and then spread my knees apart to reveal a full shot of my white panties for them. This stopped them dead in their tracks and they both just stared open mouthed and didnt move a muscle. Im not even sure if they breathed at that moment.

The sight of them then was just too much for me to keep up the pretence and I burst out laughing. They then realised what Id been doing and looked a little sheepish before noticing that although I was now looking directly at them and laughing, my legs had remained open and my panties were still fully on view. They quickly realised that I was not objecting to their voyeuristic acts and was in fact enjoying it myself.

They had a quick conversation with each other whilst still not taking their eyes off my prize and then they eased themselves from the ground and edgily began to approach me. Even from that distance I could see two handsome bulges in their jeans and it was flattering to know they were there simply due to a quick flash from me.

As they drew nearer I removed my shades and stared into their eyes and with a seductive smile I welcomed them towards me. When they were about six or eight feet away I asked Well you two, did you like what you could see?

They grinned rather stupidly and nodded a yes as they faltered a little in their approach. If you liked it so much maybe you would like to see a little more. I purred and dropped my left hand to my lap where I let my fingers slide down the rim of my panty leg until they were level with my soaking lips and then I slid them beneath the material and pulled it to the side to reveal my dripping hole.

Hows this then? I asked the two slack jawed zombies in front of me Is this better now? Just look how excited you two have made me! and with that I slowly slid my finger inside me and then swished it backwards and forwards.

As I did this two hands slid absentmindedly onto two cock bulges, not quite sure what they were supposed to do. The only speech they could manage came from the dark haired one who simply muttered Fuck!

Extracting my finger and pulling my panties back into place I raised my hand to my mouth and licked my juice from it whilst staring directly at them both. I couldnt suppress my laugh again and I giggled at the sight of these two. How I had turned the tables on them now. I think I could have walked up to either one and knocked them over with my breath.

Now you. I said.

It took a few seconds to register and even then they were still befuddled and unsure what to do. What? was all the short haired one could say.

You heard me. I said now you! You were happy enough to spy on me and then to ogle my pussy so now its your turn. Show me your cocks! Come on, fairs fair, Ive shown you mine so now you show me yours.

Someone might see! he spluttered and his friend sort of nodded his agreement.

That didnt bother you before. What if someone had seen me?

Thats different, you could hide it easily but we cant if we pull our cocks out!

Yes his dark haired friend agreed, feeling braver now and grinning from ear to ear now that he had recovered a little if I get mine out now Ill never get it back!

They both laughed at this and I had to agree it was a funny comment as I imagined a rampant cock being bent and pushed as he tried to get it back inside his pants.

OK I agreed youve got a point there, but you dont get away with this that easily and I want to see what youve got. Come on you two must be from around here somewhere so lead on and lets get to where you feel you can show without being seen.

They looked at each other then started an animated conversation with them looking around and nodding and they finally turned to me and said OK, theres an old bandstand right across there and not many people go there now so we could see if its empty and go there.

That sounds perfect! Lead on.

They set off across the park as I sauntered along behind pondering what might happen when I got them to this bandstand. They had to keep stopping and waiting for me to catch up as they tried to hurry things along but I was enjoying myself too much to rush this. Eventually though we reached the bandstand and sure enough it was deserted. It was surprisingly much cleaner than expected, although there was a fair amount of graffiti boasting about various things with a few amusing little quips too.

I moved across to the far side and rested against the handrail. They just stood in the entrance looking sheepish and obviously wondering what they should do next.

Well I challenged have you forgotten what we came all the way over here for? Its your turn now so get those cocks out and show me what you are hiding!

They looked at each other with rather stupid teenaged grins on their faces and then the dark haired one nudged his friend and unzipped his jeans. His friend followed suit and they both reached inside to pull out what I must say were two very nice looking cocks, both over 7 in length and looking nicely weighty in their hands. They appeared rather comical just standing there with cocks in hands and not knowing what to do next. I was clearly going to have to take control so I beckoned them to come across to me and they shuffled over.

Now that we have these out, what do you think we could do with them? I teased, taking hold of one in each hand. I thought for a moment they were both going to just cum there and then. Whoa boys I urged lets not be in too much of a hurry now that weve got here. I want to inspect what you have to offer. What are your names?

Im Jed and hes Tony said the dark haired one with short gasps are you really going to give us a wank?

Would you like that boys? I giggled do you want me to wank each of you separately or together? Just for now let me see how good you are at holding back.

I squatted down on my haunches between them so that they had a good view up my skirt and began to stroke these two teenaged cocks. They just stood there and shuddered slightly as they looked down at me. Holding their shafts in my hands I drew up and down on them, not too much pressure and not too little, guessing what seemed right for them both. Almost together they were oozing nice dribbles of precum and I slid my index fingers over each cock head and smeared it around for lubrication which served only to increase the flow of this slippery fluid.

That wasnt the only slippery fluid oozing right then and I could feel my crotch cool as my own juices soaked through my panties and were exposed to the air. God this felt good I thought and I was almost breaching an orgasm myself.

Oh fuck yes! muttered Jed.

Its so good Im going to cum soon! grunted Tony as he began to thrust his hips forwards.

If you two find this so good I teased lets have a race now and see who can cum quickest and who can cum the most and with that I began to up the speed of my strokes with an almost immediate effect. I had expected it to be Tony to cum first but I was wrong by about five seconds!

With a gasp and a grunt it was Jed whose balls let loose and thick gobs of spunk flew from his cock with some landing on my silk blouse whilst the rest flopped on my skirt. As I continued to tease his thick load from his cock, Tonys knees shuddered and he began to cum too. His was much thinner in consistency but there seemed to be so much more as jet after jet splattered onto me, joining that of his friend with some splashing onto my face and hair.

Now my lust took over and pumping these two handsome cocks just made me want more. Switching from side to side, and cock to cock I slipped each into my hot wet mouth to suck the remnants of their cum from them and to ensure they maintained their hardness. I neednt have had any fear there as these youthful cocks seemed to be in no hurry to soften on me.

They tasted lovely! Both with a sweet tanginess that can only come from youth. How old are you two anyway? I asked between licking and stroking them.

Eighteen muttered Tony.

Yeah, eighteen we are agreed Jed.

I stopped my sucking and looked up at them both Do I look stupid? I challenged neither of you two are even close to eighteen so if you want me to keep going with this you had better tell the truth.

OK then, were both fourteen, but Im oldest volunteered Tony.

Are you going to let us fuck you? Jed chipped in with a note of hope in his voice.

You cheeky sods I laughed you wander around the park, get me to seduce you both and wank you off, then I suck your cocks and now you want to fuck me! Your two ages combined still make you ten years younger than me so why do you think Ill let you do that?

Come on misses! You are the one who started it and you are enjoying it too or you would have gone by now.

He was right of course and now that the subject had been raised it started to stir my thoughts too. So far I was just enjoying having a bit of fun with these two but the thought of having a pair of fourteen year olds in a public park was certainly getting to me and my juices were already running through my panties and dripping down my thighs at the thrill of these two meaty cocks in my hands.

Well, can I finger you then? Tony asked can I just feel what you are like?

How could I refuse such a polite request? Standing up now before them I let go of their cocks and leaning back against the rails of the bandstand I lifted my skirt up to my waist and pulled my panties to the side giving them both a clear view of my soaking pussy. They were back in stunned shock again at this and I thought I was going to have to take the lead again when Jed reached out and I felt his cool hand against me, cupping my hole and then he slid his finger into me and I grasped it with my pussy muscles as I shot into another orgasm. God this felt so naughty and so good!

Fuckin ell, shes dripping here and its so hot too he advised his friend who took the hint and pushed his hand at me too. He followed Jeds lead and now I had a finger from each of them wriggling inside me. I was the one gasping and shaking now and I clung to the rail to hold myself up. If it hadnt been there Im sure my knees would have failed me and I would have just flopped to the floor.

Of the two, it seemed that Tony had the slightly larger cock and I reached for it and pulled him in to me, easing it along my slit. Come on then I gasped you wanted to get it in me so do it now. Come on, fuck me then! and I tilted myself backwards slightly to give him better access and I felt his lovely cock slide into me.

Christ Im in! he gasped its so hot and wet and Im in her now!

Fuck me! his friend mumbled fuck me, I can see you going in her. Give me a go and he hastily shoved Tony to the side and slammed his cock into me. Oh yes! Damn you are so right it feels great.

Fuck off you bastard, I was in first, it was me she wanted first growled Tony as he now pushed Jed out and slid his cock back into me, leaving Jed furiously wanking at his side as he gazed at Tonys cock slamming in and out of me.

Alright, alright you two I breathed there is time for you both but dont you dare waste that cum now that youve started. When hes finished I want it in me. I nodded to Jed as he pumped his cock and thankfully he took the message and slowed his stroking almost to a stop.

Meanwhile Tony was pumping in me at a furious rate in the excitement of what Im sure was his first time. His prickly tuft of hair was scratching my clitoris perfectly with each thrust and driving me crazy and I lifted my right leg up and hooked it around his hips pulling him in tighter when he suddenly gasped and clenching his teeth he started to cum inside me. He grabbed my hips and thrust as far in as he could get and I felt those lovely spasms as his spunk flew from the end of his cock inside me. Yet another orgasm washed over me and my pussy muscles clamped tightly on him again as I milked his fluid from him.

As he finished he dropped his head with a sigh, almost as a signal to Jed, and he let his cock flop from my gasping hole which was immediately filled by Jed who was almost frantic in his desire to get into me. Only a half dozen thrusts or so and he too started to cum in me. I could feel Tonys spunk dribbling down my thighs as Jed added to it and pulse after pulse shot from his cock to splash all over my cervix. The excitement was so intense I swear I could taste his cum all the way through me. He rammed his cock hard and deep with each squirt of his spunk until he had emptied himself and then he slowly eased his cock from me.

My open pussy was like a tap when he pulled out and I stood there, legs apart, as these two loads dribbled from me to the floor between my legs. All three of us clustered in silence as we caught our breath, although they were both still erect and both stroking their cocks again. I eased myself to the floor between them again and returned to my alternate licking of one cock then the other, tasting a beautiful mixture of both lots of spunk mingling with my own juices.

God, Im exhausted! I mumbled you two are just going to have to wank yourselves off onto me because I dont have the energy for any more right now and I eased myself back against the side of the bandstand and enjoyed myself watching these lovely boys tossing their cocks just for me.

With the impetuousness of youth, they concentrated on gratification with the least possible effort and quickest possible time and within another five minutes I was thanked with two more loads of cum jettisoned over me. Although only fourteen and hyper excited at their activities, this was the final cum for them both and as their last dribbles fell onto me and the floor their lovely cocks began to subside until they hung limply down.

They were both grinning like Cheshire cats as they looked down at me then at each other, nodding at what they had just experienced and they looked so funny that I started to giggle again.

Whats wrong? asked Tony with a puzzled look on his face.

Wrong? Believe me boys, I answered getting to my feet and smoothing down my skirt and trying to wipe as much cum from my blouse as I could before putting my jacket back on believe me there is absolutely nothing wrong. Thank you boys I quipped giving each a final kiss as I left the bandstand and maybe we will meet again sometime for some more fun.

As I walked from them across the grass towards where I had parked my car at the start of the day I received a few querulous looks from passers by as they peered at my cum stained blouse or so I thought. It was only when I got into my car and checked my mirror that I realised not only was my blouse stained but there were several strands of spunk clearly visible in my hair and on a hot day like this they glistened there for all to see what a sex crazed little slut I had been today.

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Park Fuck

Ok you told me you wanted me to wear a mini dress for my Park date, so I arranged to meet my brand new BBC fella. I told him I was on this site and would post the story of us.Mick my hubby was the driver for the day, so we called for Moby at his place on the way to the date. I met him on a swing site and we had swapped pics and chatted there for a bit. Mobe is a 6 footer, big lad and sexy young late 20's-very virile and was always hard when we spoke...mmm. He said he had a few older Ladies who...

2 years ago
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Park Me Ladke And Pakda Lund

Hi dosto mera name rajat bhardwaj h m haryana ka rahne vala hu age 30 shadi ho chuki h ak pyara sa beta b h vaise mujhe kabhi ladko k bare m ye nh pata tha k unke sath bsex hota h mtlb unhe gaand marvane ka shonk hota h khair chhodo age 30 h or lund size 8 inch 3 inch mota ht 5.8 or wt 60 kg rang gora hairy body slim or m engg. Hu. Ab story b ata h shayad pakk gaye hoge Ye baat kuch 2 year purani h jb transfer karake fbd aya tha job achha chal raha tha fir maine yanha p room b le liya room.M...

3 years ago
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Park Play

It is a crisp fall evening as I walk to the park bench. I can hear my high heels disturbing the leaves as I walk deeper in the park. I feel their dampness on the tops of my naked feet as I stir them up approaching the bench I was told to wait at. The wind is singing a song on the empty leafless branches and slipping under my long fall coat touching my thighs and bottom; it is all I am wearing, as I was told to do. As I arrive at the bench I slip my hand into my jacket pocket and pull out the...

2 years ago
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Park n Ride encounter

Yesterday morning I was heading over to do a little grocery shopping and decided to swing in to the park and ride to see if anything was going on. First, let me tell you I'm inexperienced with a guy other than when I was much younger and got picked up hitch hiking and talked out of my clothes in some mans car.I pulled into the park n ride off exit 1 on I84 and slowly cruised through the parking lot. I notice on vehicle backed in with a man about my age, 60's, sitting there by himself. I...

2 years ago
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Park and Ride Spanking Part 1

Sheila drives into the church lot and parks her car. She grabs her belongings, locks the car, and heads away from the Neighborhood Park and Ride to catch the bus. Today is like any other work day right up until the point that the groundskeeper intercepts her as she turns from the car. "Good morning Miss. Can I have a moment of your time?" Smiling as she checks her watch, Sheila nods and follows him into the side door of the church and down a dark hallway into what she surmises is the...

4 years ago
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That’s what I was doing at Thomas’ the night I met Parker. The band was one of those unknown indie bands that I just couldn’t miss and since no one else had any interest, I went alone. I had no intention of meeting anybody, hell, I think I’d only picked up two girls in bars in all of my thirty five years and truth be told both of those picked me up. And so it was with Parker on that night. The bar was crowded…and loud and I was enjoying the band and the bodies. Working on...

1 year ago
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park walk

You was watching a movie on TV when I came in and said I was going to take the dog for a walk. As I walked by I bent over and put the lead on the dog and I flashed to you that I didn't have any knickers on under my skirt. You sat back down to watch your movie but something nagged at you The more you thought about it the more uneasy you became. Finally you had to check it out You went to the park about two blocks away. I had about a fifteen minute head start on you . Once in the park you...

3 years ago
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Park Main Gf Ki Chut Maari

Hello dosto yeh meri pehli bar story likh raha hu to padna aur mujhe mail jarur karke batana kaesi lagi…… Story yeh hai ki mera naam vishu hai main delhi main rehta hu avrage looking hi hight achi hai aur lamba choda hu jaha tak ke mere lund ka swl hai wo bhi 7 inch ka hai aur 2.5 inch mota hai…….. Main jis company main phle job karta tha us company m meri girlfrnd hai jiska naam shalini hai pyar say use shalu bulata hu shalini bht hi beautiful hai uska figure mujhe bahut pasand hai gori hai...

4 years ago
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Park Me Mili Sexy Bhabhi 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, this is my second sex story jo ajse 2 month pahele ki,me un sare friends ko thanx kaheta hu jinhone meri first story read ki or ache review diye, Agar koi bhi sexy hot bhbhi yaa girl jo secretly relation rakhna chahti ho vo muje mail kare mera email I’d hai.  Me promice karta hu ki apko naraj nahi karunga&ek barr trust kar sakti hai Abme apne bare me thoda batadu my name jems,good body& very handsome ,mera lund kisi bhi sexy bhbhi ki sarri pyass bujane kke liye bahot hai,ye me...

1 year ago
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Park Mein Mazze

Mera naam Daniyal hai…..yeh khani usswaqt ki hai jub mein 28 saal ka ….handsome jawan…aur mein bara launde baaz hoon…mein 6’lamba hoon….aur mera Lund 9 inch gora aur bara mota hai….kaffi larkoon ki mein ney apne purine muhalley ke larkoon k gaand maari hai….abb mein doosre city mein aagaya hoon…. Iss city mein jahan mein rahta hoon…khareeb ek park hai…. Kuch der baad maine ghaur kiya to Mohsin jo 18saal ka tha aur paas k eek government school mein padhta tha, mujhe palat ke dekh raha tha, wo...

1 year ago
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Parker Luck No 2

It was seemingly because of that friendship that Sue rang up Parker within the hour of him announcing his new line of work, insisting she be his very first client. It was abrupt, and she didn't seem to want to take anything but an emphatic 'yes' as his answer. She explained she had the clothes in mind for the shoot, he just needed to give her the direction when she explained it to him--but not over the phone. Parker was ecstatic, word had reached far enough to catch Sue's ear about how he...

3 years ago
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Parker Luck No 3

"So you want a couples' shoot?" he asked as he set everything up, working on arranging his apartment's little photography corner. He was seeing a lot of business lately, but Mrs Walkers was only the second taker on his 'specialty' line of work, not that he minded. "Any idea where you want to take that, and do you have your own poses in mind?" "We did talk about the plan earlier. I want to be a willing, total slut for Kevin, and have the photos tell the story of me submitting to him"...

2 years ago
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Parker luck0

Not only did the girls agree to it, but while Parker set up some space in their apartment for shooting, Ashley and Sarah went out to pick up some extra special lingerie for the occasion, promising it was going to be amazing. He prepared himself as best he could, setting up lighting and taking a few test shots to make sure he had everything right where he wanted it, already planning out scenes and shots in his mind but knowing his devious friends were both likely to have their own ideas and...

3 years ago
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Jay had no idea how the night would turn out when he walked into the bar that evening, and once he saw the interior, he wanted to leave. In his mind, gay bars were always elegant and hip, clean and cool. This place was just an ordinary run-of-the-mill dive bar. An old man in a leather vest (with no shirt) and a black cap glanced at him when he walked in. A large woman sat at the far end. She looked like a permanent part of the place, like the pool table or the jukebox. A small pride flag was...

3 years ago
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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

2 years ago
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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

3 years ago
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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

1 year ago
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Parkers sex life

I am William Parker, 21 years young and still a virgin. I am new in this college, don't know many people, maybe because of my shy nature. If I'm not in the gym working on my 6'1 body, I'm home studying or playing video games. LIfe isn't as easy as living at the parents' house, but I'm getting used to it rather faster than expected. My sex life is pretty dry, except for wanking off once a day, speaking of which, I found i had a hidden kink which was SHEMALES. Even if I loved pussy, the idea of a...

3 years ago
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Park Play

It is a crisp fall evening as I walk to the park bench. I can hear my high heels disturbing the leaves as I walk deeper in the park. I feel their dampness on the tops of my naked feet as I stir them up approaching the bench I was told to wait at. The wind is singing a song on the empty leafless branches and slipping under my long fall coat touching my thighs and bottom, it is all I am wearing, as I was told to do. As I arrive at the bench I slip my hand into my jacket pocket and pull out the...

3 years ago
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Park Pleasures

Park Pleasures Jon sat in his black Lexus SUV longer then he planned. He’d had such a long day, and he needed the extra time. He placed his hand on the door handle, opened the door slowly and breathed in the fresh air as he stood on the pavement. He takes in the peacefulness of the birds, he enjoys this park the most for his nightly runs. Jon closes the door, hears the beep as he locks it with the remote and strides to the nearest bench. Reaching one leg up he stretches, raises his hands and...

2 years ago
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Park and Ride Spanking Part 5

Sheila answered the knock at her door only to discover the neighbor across the street. "Hello""Hi Sheila, may I come in?" he said not waiting for an answer but pushing past her and closing the door behind him. "Now that's better, unless of course you'd like me to spank you on the porch for all the neighborhood to see."Wait a minute ..." Sheila stammered. "What ... How do you know?"“Calm down. The pastor and his team at the park-n-ride have decided to add a new level of humiliation to your...

2 years ago
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Park to house of part 2 by fun

Hope you enjoy..... BunnieI spent all night thinking what I had done in the park bathroom... and what the hung stranger may have in mind for the next meeting...... my own mind twirled constantly... as the time approached, I had the feeling more was going to be expected of me than just my mouth, so I cleaned myself thoroughly to be prepared....... I enjoyed that pleasure and knew how wonderful it made guys feel... I slipped on my pink panties, bluejean cutoff short shorts and an oversized white...

4 years ago
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Park Bench

You are out for some exercise in your sweat shorts and sneakers. The weather is great. Perfect for a walk or a run. Fluffy cumulus clouds dotting the sky as the sun drifts in and out behind them. But it's a weekday and not a lot of people out and around.You see them sitting on the park bench as you come around a bend in the running and cycling path. Two young people, late teens. Laughing and giggling. They see you and settle down as you see her hand swiftly jerk away from his crotch. What are...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Park Bench

I hate to reveal how naive I was at 18. Here I am now, 48 years old, two grown kids, a loving husband I cheat on, and financially well off so I never have to worry about when the bills are going to be paid. I am 5’6″, around 125-130 pounds, a 36C bust and mousy blond hair. The rest of the measurements are 36-30-40, a far cry from the 34-25-35 I was at 18. But now a lot wiser and well worn, I can look back with a smile and tell you how it began. No, I was not raped by my...

1 year ago
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Mark first crush. I was in a new school, second in two years, and who would've thought I would meet the perfect, athletic, Superman of my dreams in Band class?? He was first chair trumpet, I was fifth chair trombone. He was sooo handsom! He had a huge birthmark on his right arm, the shape of Canada, and the cutest little face in the world. Alas, I was at the time afraid to show my gayness; the eighth grade is no fun when others mock you constantly. So I was forced to admire from...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

3 years ago
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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

2 years ago
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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

1 year ago
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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

3 years ago
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In his small but immaculate barracks room Marine First Sergeant Jake Weeks took off his uniform for the last time. In his mirror he saw a man who was more at home in a uniform than jeans and a pullover shirt. Tall and lithe with cropped grey hair, blue eyes and leathery tough skin, he looked exactly what he was: a warrior. Or at least what he was up until today. He had spent the afternoon in the NCO club laughing and joking with old friends and avoiding the question of what he was going to...

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‘Well, that ended badly.’ Peter mumbled to himself. He tried to get to his feet. He was sitting on the floor of his living room trying to sort out just what had happened. But his alcohol clouded mind and his stinging cheek made coherent thought a little difficult. He had acted like a prick and he knew it. He made another attempt at standing up but his pant-legs were bunched around his ankles and one foot slid out from under him again. ‘Fuck it.’ He growled. And lay back onto the floor, his...

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I had just broken up with my boyfriend, Bryce. I wanted to be able to go to a club, get drunk and fuck with a guy I’d just met. Bryce was too clingy, I liked to be free. Well, now I was. Tonight would be fun. I would get drunk and have sex. Simple, right? Right. I was 21 and in college, and partying was what college was for. I dressed in my sluttiest dress, skipping underwear. The dress was long enough to cover my ass but short enough that when I bent over you could get a full view. I did my...

1 year ago
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Interview mit PORNOLIFE

PORNOLIFE: Wann hast Du deine ersten Sex-Erfahrungen gemacht? Andrea: In der Schule lernte ich viel, aber Sex lernte ich von den Jungs. PORNOLIFE: was bedeutete dies für dich? Andrea: Das Lusterlebnis war bestimmend für mein Selbstvertrauen. Ich war begehrt und deshalb stolz auf das, was ich als junge Fickstute tat. PORNOLIFE: Und nach der Schule? Andrea: Ich hatte weiterhin sexuelle Beziehungen zu den Jungs und deren Familien aus dem Maghreb, wo ich wurde zur Hure abgerichtet wurde. PORNOLIFE:...

2 years ago
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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...


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