Lifeboat free porn video

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Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war!

Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship.

Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck, but you gotta’ go some way. Them refugee fuckers in steerage were another thing, though. They’d no choice but to stow away and surrender once at sea. Captain probably knew they were on board at the start and was glad to help out by moving them along. The company would never know. Cookie had met a man and his crippled son on the stern and they seemed pretty regular, just couldn’t speak English. When he ladled grub to send to their quarters, he usually scooped in some extra meat. No sense arriving for a new life hungry.

The lifeboat had been as empty as a church on Monday, probably dumped by the fuckin’ deck crew. He’d scrambled over the gunwale, pulling after him a girl who must have been one of the refugees. Life’s mainly luck about who finds the lifeboat.

Nobody else floated by, not live ones anyway.

She seemed to be in her teens. Thick black braid, eyes almost blue. A lot older in her stare, though. He couldn’t understand a word she said, but fuck it, what difference would it have made?

And goddamnit, his Giants were playin’ at the Polo Grounds and it would’ve been on the short wave. Luck goes both ways, he realized; as he’d been on the ladder to the radio room when the torpedo hit. Them fuckin’ Dodgers were probably winnin’, thanks to the umps.

The sub surfaced almost beside them and a Kraut emerged from the conning tower, ignoring them, to photograph the sinking vessel. A few moments later, a seaman emerged with a rifle, looked down at the two, and took aim.

Make it clean, buddy. Don’t leave us for the sharks to finish off. Cookie begin the Lord’s Prayer, as far as he could remember it, anyway, but switched to Hail Mary, which to his surprise, all came back. It’d be good to be saying something at the end. The girl, best he could tell, was just waiting.

The sailor fired, his half-dozen rounds splashing far to their left.

What the hell?

The German — just a boy, he was — looked them over once more, motioned with the palm of his hand to lie down, and pulled the hatch behind him.

Cookie looked at the girl. We’re alive?

Krauts may be bad people — not the American ones, the Kraut Krauts — Cookie allowed, but maybe some of them aren’t all bad. When the sub got sunk — it was going to happen --, he hoped the kid would have the luck to find a life raft and make it back home after the war.

The fuckin’ destroyer still didn’t show and after a few hours, Cookie realized he’d better get to work. The boat seemed seaworthy and had its rations, but survival’s about always preparing. They’d need to catch whatever rainwater a squall brought them, for example. Merchant Marines know the drill.

The girl’s name seemed to be Mirta, something like that. His “Momma?” and “Daddy?” must have made some sort of sense to her, because she shook her head. Anyway, what difference did it make now? Probably somebody said to follow the sun until she got to the ocean, and even then, it wasn’t safe for a girl with nothing but herself. Not that it’s that safe for us out here, but at least she’s not back there. Fuckin’ war!

At least she seemed to see how a lifeboat works, rewrapping rations and even snagging an extra oar that floated by. Not that they’d row anyplace, but at least she was working.

Fuckin’ Krauts! He’d had his share of this goddam war, torpedoed once already up in the North Atlantic where it was colder than a witch’s tit. Would have died if they hadn’t fished him up. They say the third’s the one that sends you with the ship. Goddamn Merchant Marine! They’d pay you till you get sunk, but nothin’ for sittin’ in a goddamn lifeboat. Fuck everything.

But as there was no way to complain to the girl, he prepared a flare, just in case.

The rations seemed sufficient, though Cookie would have preferred more variety. He’d cooked his way around the globe enough times to know what could be provisioned if you care how it tastes.

As by the second day, still no ship appeared, Cookie knew it could be a while. The sea around them merged with the clouds above, one shade of steel into another.

The girl didn’t say anything, or better put, didn’t say anything that made sense. She didn’t even seem that affected, actually. Maybe wherever the fuck she came from, she’d had lots of ships sunk, so to speak.

When the girl let herself over the side, Cookie figured she was peeing. Cookie thought it foolish to get yourself fuckin’ wet, but maybe they’re more private where she comes from. In case that was so, Cookie did the same.

Nothin’ to do but wait.

By the next day, though, watching the swells was tiring in itself. The turn in the weather was at least a change.

When splash pasted the girl’s blouse to her, Cookie could see that there wasn’t much to her breasts, but maybe whatever godforsaken place she’s from, they don’t have enough to eat.

Nothin’ to do but wait.

Cookie had fucked plenty of women, for sure. There were whores, in fact, if their pimp wasn’t watchin’, who’d fuck him for free. It would be nothin’ to fuck this one out in this goddamn ocean. Why not? Wouldn’t hurt her any. He’d saved her life, hadn’t he? He’d prevailed on less-than-willing broads before, the ones who winked in the bar to egg him on and then out in the alley tried to play hard to get. Some gals want to fight a little, at least to push your hand away for a bit.

That night, he touched the girl’s blouse, not realizing that her eyes were open until he saw her stare.

It didn’t seem right to continue. “Didn’t mean to,” he offered, hoping she’d catch the gist.

The girl lay still after he moved away. He’d give her a little more time to get interested.

He decided he’d fuck her the next morning, but there was a fish on the line and by the time they’d finished gutting, things were too messy.

He figured he’d do it that afternoon, but a squall threw itself at them and Cookie’s attention was devoted to replenishing the fresh water.

That evening the sky was clear and the moment was perfect. He’d rehearsed in his mind how he’d hold her wrists. It would be tricky, but he’d the advantage of size. He wouldn’t mind a few scratches, though there’d be no mates to boast, “Fuckin’ dame fought like a cat, she did, then saw it my way and wouldn’t let me stop.”

But she didn’t fight, hardly even bothered to move, just looked at the sky. Her buttons didn’t match, he noticed, as he unfastened them. When he fondled her, she did nothing. Her skirt was threadbare, easy to lift. He pulled down her undergarment and she did nothing.

He unbuttoned his trousers to show her his intention. Still no reaction.

Shit! This ain’t no fun. He’d make it quick. Break out some extra rations afterward. But Jesus Christ, she’s probably been fucked through the Russian lines, the German lines, the Allied lines, for chrissake! Raped or whored, it mattered none.

Fuck it. Maybe he didn’t need to do it right now. He needed to be watching the horizon.

Unsure of how to redress her, he draped her with a sail, but as the canvas felt coarse, he replaced it with his jacket.

He’d keep watch for a while, maybe rethink the Giants’ batting order. Been leavin’ too many goddamn runners on second. Did they maybe beat the fuckin’ Dodgers?

A shooting star passed overhead, heading west.

When Cookie awoke, the girl was dressed, boiling a fish over a Sterno. She’d fashioned a scarf out of some sacking and had it over her head. He knew she watched him while he washed his face.

Shit! he decided. She’s still cold and gestured for her to keep the jacket.

When she nodded, he could see the blue in her eyes.

For fish stew, it wasn’t bad. Boiled fish is better than tinned beef. Maybe where she’s from, he decided, they know how to boil it better than we do.

The breeze blew their lifeboat onward to wherever breezes blow.

As the vessel that at last came upon them was British, nobody on it knew shit about baseball.

The two were debarked in Sierra Leon, where the American Consulate would tide Cookie over until a Yankee ship could sign him on. The lieutenant was up on the pennant race, and though he was holding out for the Phillies, invited Cookie to bunk in the guard barracks. “We Marines need to heal each other out,” which Cookie thought well of, as he was just a Merchant Marine. Cookie, in return, could mess them up some better chow. Fair deal, as there wasn’t anything else to do in this rat hole and Marines deserve decent chow.

If anyone could understand the girl, though, to get her to where she was headed, Cookie couldn’t find the fucker. The first evening he found her sitting in the square. As it wouldn’t be right to leave her there, a white face amidst the black, he found her a room let by a Negress. It didn’t set him back much. As she had to eat, he passed a few dollars and what he liked from the larder of the guard barracks. The one thing that they did have lots of in this place was scarves, and he bought her a new one — red, yellow and green — from a boy who flew them from a pole.

She smiled when he presented it to her, and as it did seems like a special moment, he bowed in return. “It makes you pretty,” he said, though of course she didn’t understand English. She smiled bigger.

He could tell that she welcomed a familiar face. He’d announce himself with, “Greetings, Miss. Blue Eyes,” and she’d respond with what he figured meant “hello” where she came from. He’d chat sometimes about things he’d seen at sea, whales and such, and sometimes about things he’d seen in port, barefoot coolies with 100-pound sacks on their heads and such Not that she could understand any of it, but being stuck in a godforsaken’ place like Freetown, it’s good to chat.

At first he thought of the visiting as killing time, but then their time together began to be something to which he looked forward. Although he understood none of the words, he knew that she was telling him about her home, and that she understood when he said he was sorry. When he said it, he meant being sorry about what the war had done, but after he said it, he realized he was telling her that he was sorry about the thing he’d almost done.

One afternoon, nothing much to do, Cookie stepped into the Church of the Sacred Heart. It had been a long, long while since he’d been in such a place. He didn’t mind that the priest on the other side of the screen was as black as coal; it was better, in fact, him being such, as he probably hadn’t understood any of what Cookie had said. He’d just wanted to say it out loud.

The cleric suggested twenty Hail Marys, a pretty light sentence, it seemed to Cookie, and then pulled the curtain aside and aside. “Welcome back, my son.”

“Welcome back?” wondered Cookie. He’d never been here before. This padre must have confused him with some other sailor. We all probably look the same to him.

The priest told him that the Blessed Virgin would protect him on his onward journey.

He didn’t deserve more protection, himself, Cookie figured — overdrawn on that account, he was — but he lit a candle for the girl and did another twenty to help it stick. As the father seemed to be looking out for a bunch of raggle-taggle nigger kids and Cookie had spotted a carton of spam the Marines wouldn’t miss, he’d drop it by the next day, just leave it by the candles.

That he did, but maybe they could use some tinned meatballs. For sure, some Hershey’s. Might need a kid to two to help him carry, but that wouldn’t be no problem. Afterwards, maybe he’d teach them somethin’ about baseball.

Maybe he’d bring the girl along to show her how his church works. Maybe she’d be willing to help out cooking up the spam. He’d show her how. Gotta’ to be fried right or it tastes like salted cardboard.

The priest told both of them that blessing can come out of trial when you ask.

This goddamn port had an English newspaper, but it didn’t report shit about the pennant race. The fuckin’ British influence, he judged, nothin’ to do with them being black, as American niggers know who’s how many games out.

Fortunately the consulate received the scores by wireless, and between Cookie and the head honcho, a Cubs man, unfortunately, it was crystal clear that the Giant’s batting order needed to be changed. The White Soxs, Cookie could understand, but the goddam Cubs? You gotta’ stick with your team, the other explained, with which Cookie agreed.

When an American freighter at last hit port, they needed a cook to replace the one who got in a bar fight and Cookie stopped by the square to tell the girl that he’d be on his way. The wave she understood, but maybe he should shake her hand as well. After all, they’d been on a lifeboat together.

But who’s then gonna’ get her out of this shit-hole?

The Cubs won that day and his new baseball buddy saw Cookie’s point that as the girl had been traveling on an American ship, she’d had to have had some sort of papers, the argument improved by omitting how she’d come to be on board. It wouldn’t be that hard to issue her something to get her on her way. “That’s why they made you the consul, right?”

Cookie wasn’t sure that the girl understood why he brought her to the office, but she must have realized by its armed guard that it was an important place. Maybe she thought Cookie was some sort of important guy, he hoped, by the way, that the Marine at the gate and the boss-man inside seemed to know him.

The girl’s name was Mirta; of that Cookie was sure. For family name, maybe she’d said “Ozbekchi.” When she understood that the question was about her age, she held out ten fingers twice, then four, surprising Cookie. She knew some Russian words, but a seaman on the British freighter said she didn’t know much. Must be from one of them fuckin’ places no one’s heard of, maybe “Postacbrez.” You gotta’ fill in somethin’.

Cookie gave an address on the Lower East Side for her supposedly-waiting kinfolks. Her father works for the Sanitation Department, as a public servant always looks good.

Leaving the consulate, Mirta looked at a poster of the Statue of Liberty for the longest time and took Cookie’s hand until they reached the gate.

It was the greatest country on earth, Cookie told her, a place where you’re safe, a place where you’re free, a place where you can make a new life. He doubted she understood his words — he’d maybe made it more like a speech, and he was no speaker — but he hoped that she’d garnered something of his certainty. Holding her hand made him pretty proud to be an American.

The purser wasn’t about to take on a fareless passenger, but the newly-signed cook assured him that this one was also a cook herself. Grand Hotel in Postachbrez, figuring it sounded impressive. Save havin’ to hire a galley assistant. Cookie wasn’t that sure about her kitchen ability, other than what she’d done with the fish, but when he showed her the works and pointed to a picture of a cake, she seemed to know where to start. He’d never tasted one with nuts and found it not bad. You can be a cook for years and still learn new ways.

Cookie could have taken her to his bunk, there beside the galley; they probably thought he was doing it, anyway. Maybe she owed him something, but if it was settling a debt, it would make her a whore, and that she wasn’t, no matter what she’d gone through. And anyway, she’d settled any debt by giving him something to do right.

She’d bought a brassiere in Freetown, larger than needed, but there, they just sell big ones. It gave the crew less reason to eye her, he figured. He’d occasionally see a breast when her undergarment fell loose, but he tried not to look. Sometimes he forgot, though.

The crew’s attention was additionally discouraged by the flash of steel as Cookie cubed beefsteak while reading a tattered Look. It was just as well that they took her to be his girl.

That a cook and his assistant must dance closely has nothing to do with the two-step, which Cookie knew a little. It’s to do with anticipation. A galley’s too small for errors. A helper with a filleting knife makes a left, thinking the cook’s on the right, when actually, the cook’s on the left, and cook gets cut, not the cod. Cookie figured that being on the lifeboat, maybe she’d learned some professionalism, but then again, maybe they’d just come to think more the same.

But the best of dancers can misstep. While the ship listed as the two kneaded bread, he bumped her hip. She’d at first moved aside to where she couldn’t work the dough, but when it happened again, she ceased scooting. Cookie was the one embarrassed, actually.

Cookie would take her hand to show her how to crack two eggs, one blow, or peel a potato the Navy way, not the foreign way. He liked how their fingers interlocked.

Sometimes in passing through the storeroom door, their bodies would for a moment press. Sometimes at the stove, a small breast would touch a burly arm.

When Cookie whacked his head on the goddamn hatch, Mirta cradled him against her while she bandaged him up. She told him a story, a happy one, he could tell. Worth the wound, he told himself, letting her hold him past when the bleeding stopped.

Thinking of her got him excited at times. He’d not have been a sailor if he couldn’t snap to attention, his justification. But as it wasn’t just about that; it just didn’t make no sense.

Cookie could teach her some her English, he figured, say oven temperatures. Once when he’d had an erection and she’d backed into him, she’d blushed, but maybe it was because of a counting error.

But you don’t take advantage of someone you’re escorting to America on behalf of the U.S. government. You do what any rated Merchant Marine would know to be right. They think we’re just bruisers, and maybe sometimes we are, but we’re good men, even if we do slip up now and then.

It wasn’t half-bad to have someone like her around. He sometimes even peeled the damn potatoes and he was the goddamn cook.

He liked it when she joined him in the radio room to listen to ballgames. He’d move coffee cups on the chart table to indicate the fielding positions and demonstrate a home run by running the saltshaker around the diamond. She didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, but it didn’t seem to matter. She did learn how to say “firs baz, secon baz, therd baz, home,” however. You gotta know something when you get to America.

Even as she picked up more language, Cookie realized that she’d not understand how he thought about her as he wouldn’t know how to say it.

Once a sailor, an ancient one, spent from coiling cable in the elements, entered the galley. The boatswain had said the old timer marined the last war as well. The gentleman finished his soup, studied last year’s calendar, and then rolled dice, right hand vs. the left. Jesus H. Christ! Cookie thought, looking at himself if he made it that far.

Approaching Manhattan at daybreak, Cookie was on the deck when he saw Mirta alone, adjusting her scarf and facing into the headwind. For him it was just another westbound crossing — albeit a long one — but then again, it seemed a crossing over waters never before charted. He shuffled his feet to announce his presence.

“Almost there.” Cookie wondered if she’d heard. “A great place.”

She nodded and he laid his jacket over her shoulders and spoke of skyscrapers, Coney Island, Rockaway Beach, Brooklyn Bridge, the Giants. He so much wanted to tell her that everything would be fine.

Mirta didn’t understand much of what he said, Cookie realized, but at the end looked him in the eye. “Sankew, Cokie.”

Cookie asked the Blessed Virgin to be with her. Mirta was herself a little like the Blessed Virgin, he thought. “I’ll miss you,” and took her narrow hand in his beefy one. He really would.

Cookie didn’t know what Mirta expected when they sailed past the Statue of Liberty and she burrowed into his sweater. Yes, he’d miss this girl.

There was, of course, no one awaiting her and Cookie didn’t have much to do. These fuckin’ places are pretty much the same, he admitted. He’d ship out, soon as possible.

The two entered the city, passing from one neighborhood to the next, her listening all the time. She clung tightly, but her steps became longer. He liked the idea that the New Yorkers might think the broad on his arm was his gal. He liked having her there, even if the fuckers didn’t notice.

Once as the two pushed toward a turnstile, his elbow crossed the buttons of her blouse, a breast within the too-big African brassiere. When it happened again, this time at a crosswalk, he turned in search of a sign. “Lexington,” he offered, his arm remaining.

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 9

They headed to New York City on Wednesday, Joe, Eddie and Cheryl, a couple boxes of singles carefully packed with them. Though relatively old songs, they remained the best of Eddie so far. And they had the better sounding tape from the Longhorn. Several copies. First stop the overpriced Holiday Inn in Midtown. Two queen sized beds. Joe still hadn’t told Joanne about Moe. As far as Cheryl went, she told Joanne she had a friend she would stay with. Just not that it would be Joe’s friend. Moe...

3 years ago
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Ye beware of dead Pirates

Blood leaked from his mouth as he whispered a few words from an ancient voodoo spell. “I’ll be see’n the lot of ye again… and if’n not ye, then ye decentents ya wretched dogs. Ye hear my words, and hear them well. I’ll be coming back for my vengeance. And when I do… I’ll be unstoppable ya hear?” he managed to choke out before dying. In what felt like a flash of the mind, his eyes opened. He was cold, lifeless. Skeletal fingers with raw flesh draped on lifted to his face. Letting out a sigh...

1 year ago
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The Watching HusbandChapter 7

Kate awoke with a start. Sun was streaming in the window! God! Where was she! She looked around her and found that she was in the same bedroom... She groaned. Oh, God... it was true... Her body's aches told her immediately that everything she remembered had really happened. She... Kate... Baby Kate her mother called her... She had screamed and twisted and cried out for more under three different men... all night long. But why hadn't they awakened her... why... And where was Sam! The last...

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Roxys Revenge

Roxy and Karen used to be major enemies. Ever since grade school, they despised each other, and spent much of their time thinking of ways to ruin each other's lives. They were both popular and good students, especially Roxy, who came from a traditional Indian family. Roxy put up the innocent look for her parents' sake, but in reality, she was far from it. Karen, on the other hand, was as innocent as she pretended to be. She planned on saving herself for marriage ever since she was a little...

4 years ago
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College Collage MChapter 6 Sophomores

In the middle of the week before Christmas, Andy’s Dad asked him whether he’d sent the Christmas packages to California. “Weeks ago. This would be too late.” “And did you get a present for your young lady?” “Dammit, no,” Andy said “Well, I know you think me an old fart, but I suggest you do so. Do you know her well enough to select a book?” “Not really.” Although that would be his first choice. But she didn’t read SF, and she had any literature that he knew would interest her. “I’d...

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3rd Chromosome Helping Hands

Hey everyone, I have another request here for you. Contains the usual: futa, celebs, sexiness. Also some large sizes and such. Also, this one builds off the chapter ‘Someone to Love’ reading that beforehand is highly recommended. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback are, of course, welcome. Enjoy! *** *Knock* The sound reverberated through the apartment, causing the occupants to groan. Both of them were firmly in bed, wrapped in layers of blanket and each other. Neither stirred....

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Sandy and Frank Ch 08

I had let her talk without interruption, for she was still on a high, excitedly giving details of her wild evening. That her affair was our joint enterprise was clearly shown by her enthusiastic description of everything she and Frank had done – making sure that I, as her partner in crime, knew every detail. While there certainly was affection and intimacy that was different from her experience in the car, it still was fun and an adventure rather than a true romantic love affair. This might...

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The first time crossdressed and strapon

The first Time Croasdressed and Strapon It has been 9 years since the first time being made in to a sissy for my then girlfriend. Her whole family was going away for the weekend so she said she want to stay home, here parents where ok with her stay home for the weekend and even told her to uave me over to keep her company when they where gone and enjoy the weekend together. Friday morning she came to pick me up telling me she had a very exciting weekend planed out for the two of us. So when...

1 year ago
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Daddys Little Minx Maria

First story — remember, this is FANTASY. ——————————————————– Marias fingers reluctantly hitched under her panties and she slowly pulled them off. I could barely restrain myself from grabbing her right there and fucking her tight pussy. But I tried to relax and told myself, get a grip, old boy. Easier said than done considering I had a raging erection that wanted, no needed, to be inside Marias wet slit. She looked at me innocently and spread her legs. Her finger flicked her little clit and I...

4 years ago
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ExpeditionChapter 11 Spring Planting

Two Voices asked the Cheese if anyone knew how to plow with horses, the Cheese asked Jo, Jo asked Vickie, Vick asked Bill, Bill asked Chione. Chione asked Jimmy. Jimmy laughed. "Dude!" So, as the Six figured would probably happen, Jo called a town meeting. "I hate town meetings," said Jo. "Cheese, you're supposed to be in charge. Why don't you do it." That was much more a command than a question. (which tells you who is really in charge) The Cheese addressed the assembled thong ......

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Taste Of My Pussy

I want to feel your lips against mine. Come kiss me, taste my awaiting lips. Taste my flavour, as I taste yours. Mm, yes, that’s it. Your lips finally move to mine, needing mine as much as I need yours. It isn’t long however, before your lips are moving slowly down my lily white skin. You’re exploring me, making me arch and writhe under you until I’m trembling and arching for more. I know you’re savouring every inch of me as you pass by my lips, moving further south. My skin grows hotter...

3 years ago
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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 10

The battle-hardened veteran of the Holy Crusades stared down at the hardness of his cock standing outright ready for action. He was in the lower levels of his castle and was employed in the art of interrogation of a fine set of gypsy females accused of poaching on his family estate. There was a definite age disparity between the two females, but they looked like two peas in a pod in all other respects. The experienced cocksman noticed that the older one’s breasts drooped slightly whilst...

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HotMILFsFuck Ellie Its an Emotional Rollercoaster

We like a good challenge over here at HMF, and this girl was a tough nut to crack for sure. The best juice is always worth the squeeze and we had to keep reminding ourselves of this as our girl, Ellie, was a bit aloof and didn’t seem to want to get into the swing of things right away. Right off the bat she can’t seem to stop touching this newly done make up! Yes, those are your eyelashes now girl! Rest assured, we will get that Ellie-juice a’ flowing and sometimes the best way to kick those...

3 years ago
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How I Finally Attained My Maid Part II

By: Schmuk As, I heard Padma mutter those words, millions of possiblities of what to do with her struck my head. But I wanted it to be mutual so that we both enjoy our company to the max. I told her Ok, finally you have accepted. Now tell me, how you wish to be touched” Padma instantly said I don’t want you to touch me below my navel you can do as you please above. I quickly went near her navel and drew an invisible line with my finger to which she squirmed with pleasure. I said Ok now we...

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My Amsterdam trip from last year x

Yesterday was very surreal, I had a lot of first time experiences. I've never been that wasted in a public place, I was surrounded by strangers and soaking wet...turns out it wouldn't be the only time that day...afterwards I went to a daytime live porn show, I can't say I've ever watched porn in a theater with 5 Indian guys lol. The show wasn't great, the strippers were good but the live sex not so much, I almost asked if I could replace her and show her how it's done. After that, another smoke...

2 years ago
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How could this happen

How could this have happened, over the past year I have become what most people would call a slut. Let me explain, I am a 50ish Hispanic female with 36d breasts and am 5 foot 6inches weighing in at about 145. I have always enjoyed sex, and have been happily married since I was 25. Before getting married I was a bit wild, having tried many of the basic sex things, 2 guys, a girl, and many different positions. But this past year I do not know what has gotten into me. My husband knows about...

3 years ago
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Banking for BeginnersChapter 4 Loan Agreement

Kerren Kerrish's office was even larger than Henry's. It was hardly surprising, Henry thought, but it did mean you ought to be able to get a taxi from the door to the desk. As he arrived, Kerrish emerged from what Henry took to be his own cubicon, followed a moment later by a leggy dark haired women in her late thirties, Henry guessed. She gathered her wrap around dress about her with a flourish that left Henry uncertain what if anything he had seen of her body and left the pair of them to...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Jezabel Vessir Jezabel Vessir8217s Fourth Appearance

Jezabel Vessir is moving away from being in front of the camera…to being behind it. Sure, she’s been on a lot of sets, so Jezabel should know something about producing smut, but she’s always asking questions to learn more about the production side of the biz. Who better to ask than James Deen? He’s been on both sides of the camera, so he’ll know a thing or two! Turns out James knows just as much about being in front of the camera as behind it. And speaking of...

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ASSWAS Sex Bracelets 1

The following is true and written to the best of my recollection:My addiction to "Anonymous and Spontaneous Sex With Any Stranger(s) (ASSWAS)" began with a successful hookup through Craigslist. After a few emails, I met the guy in a parking lot and gave him head in my car. It was exhilarating, but I was hoping for something more spontaneous as well as even more anonymous.The next experience was in an adult video store at the glory hole. It wasn't as satisfying as I expected having to wait for a...

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Australian Blonde With Me In Windsor

Hi. I feel I’m a lucky guy in the world because on 26/07/2016 I met a Australian lady in ITC Windsor and had a awful fun. By the way my name is Shree from Bangalore 20 year old. Looks normal, athlete , I have already been in relationship with a lady near my locality too. So things happened like this. Even though I am in a relationship with a lady I wanted try some other things. So posted a add on Craigslist in search for a right person. Once in a two days I was reposting my add in the site. At...

4 years ago
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My Niece I Part 8

My last night home for a while was as good as it gets. Two hot and horny women whom I love dearly reminded just whit I would be missing. We made love until it was time for me to leave. I would catch up on some sleep on the plane. We showered together, this time they gently shaved my cock and ball sack as if they had both done this many times before. Shower sex has got to be one of the best places with the warm water and slippery bodies. I kissed them both goodbye and headed back to...

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Kinky caravan old couple

Several summers ago, my old buddy and I booked a caravan in Devon but at the last moment he had to back out leaving me on my own.But it turned out to be to my advantage. Arriving on the Friday, I found that I had been allocated a van at the far edge of park. After unpacking I took a beer and my book to relax on the deck. After about an hour a couple in their late sixties passed by and being pleasant, I said good evening. They stopped and introduced themselves as my neighbours Basil and Thelma....

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Jim and Stacy Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday morning: Stacy and Jim arrived early to school again, unlike the previous three days, they have found a new confidence in themselves. Instead of trying to wait, they simply walk up to the boxes and start stripping. When other students get there, they allow themselves to felt up. Stacy even let a boy touch the cleft between her legs, though she would not let him put a finger in her. The other program participants get there a few minutes later. Jamie and Elizabeth are sporting a new...

3 years ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 22

The tenders for the extra garaging were submitted and Grace was able to put together her paper explaining the need for more trucks and the space to keep them. She made recommendations. She left the final draft with Peter Curzon. She had also let Anthea have a look at it. Peter was very complimentary. “You’ve done a very good job there, Grace. I can’t fault the reasoning and I didn’t spot a single typo or poor choice of words. Well done you!” Grace was unable not to blush with pleasure....

4 years ago
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City of Depravity Kristas Ride

The inviting warmth of the train was a welcome change to the weather outside. The temperature had dropped to almost 40 degrees, much too cold for early fall. Krista slid out of her navy blue wind breaker, and was greeted with chants of “Let’s go Yankees!!!” The 14 year old smiled sheepishly as images of her beloved team ran through her head. As expected, people continued to get off of the train at every stop. But no one seemed to be getting on. Oblivious to the world around her, Krista...

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Slutty Day

Slutty Day As a closeted CD it's sometimes hard to find time or a place to play. I usually meet my dates and dress at their place, or get a hotel room, but my car died and I haven't been able to afford a new one yet. Needless to say, playtime has been even more scarce. Compounding this, I don't live alone so I can't usually host. I did have a rare day with the roomies gone recently, so I just had to take advantage. I got up early, placed a Craigslist ad, did an all over body shave, and...

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Vampire Hookers

It was a mesmerising flicker reflected from Steve’s hard cock pounding Sapphire’s willing pussy. This flicker didn’t distract him from the building orgasm within, nor the taste of Sapphire’s juices drying on his lips, nor the smell of her floral perfume lingering in the air. Sapphire laid angled across the brothel bed, her Greek Goddess body calling with the power of any siren. Steve couldn’t resist any further. His hand glided over her trained flat stomach, over her accented ribs, cupping her...

3 years ago
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Lust for nephew

Introduction: A confession of a 40-something year old woman. Editors note: This is not my story, please understand that I did not write this story so I dont take any credit. I had to translate this story into English so I apologize before hand if the story is hard to read, I did the best I could to translate it without any errors. Its not a story about some mature woman fucking some young guy (there isnt any sex in it), its rather a confession of a 40-something woman who has thoughts about...

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Do unto Others

Do Unto Others ? Part I Do Unto Others ? Part I It had been a few weeks since Lisa and Sharon had gone through their grueling punishment session at Lisa?s house after being caught smoking at school.? The pain and the marks from those spankings had subsided fairly quickly but the humiliation of their ordeal that night left a much longer impression on the two teens.? As such, their behavior had improved markedly as they both vowed never to be put through that type of punishment again.?...

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Sexual Encounter With A Widow

Hi friends, I am Tony( name changed) from Goa. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. This is my first story so please comment and mail me your valuable feedbacks as it will help me in narrating more interesting stories. I am here to share my sexual experience with an aunty who was in her mid forties and I happened to meet her at a resort. This incident happened a few days ago while I was on my semester vacations. During holidays I used to go to my friends resort and help him manage the...

1 year ago
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A Reasonable Deal Pt 2

Chapter 1 “How'd work go B?” Jim asked. “It was good. Um, its amazing actually, John gave me a raise,” Bianca replied, with not nearly enough enthusiasm for the occurrence. Dammit. I just jacked off my boss, and now I have to have a conversation with my husband about how awesome my boss is. This is going to suck. “That's.....nice....” Jim said...but the look on his face darkened a little. “I'm not a huge fan of charity though.” He probably was eying Bianca's ass as she walked...

3 years ago
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Return of Grady

CHAPTER 1 Like thousands of expensively educated youngsters before him and destined to tread a similar path after him, Grady Halliburton was totally undistinguished in his passage through Ascension Boarding School for Boys, New Hampshire. His marks ran consistently at C-level with the occasional B and D to inject variety and in sport he was designated ‘water boy’ or assistant to the assistant coach and his popularity among fellow students rarely got better than ‘Grady who?’ Grady completed...

2 years ago
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Sapphires EmeraldsChapter 10

As executive assistant to the director, Cynthia had cultivated a vast network of contacts, both within and outside the agency. Joey downstairs called her to tell her that the FBI had arrived, right after Mellody, the FBI director's assistant, called to say there was something major brewing and Fornell had stormed out of the director's office cursing all the while. Mellody didn't have any more details to share, but she promised to call when she did and Cynthia extended the invitation of a...

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My Hot Indian MILF Kusum

Hi readers. So I had this maid who worked at my house. She had been with us for a over a decade or so. She literally watched me grow. I was a teen at the time when one of my friends pointed out that my maid was one sexy MILF. I had never heard that word before in my life. So I googled the same and came across some images of some mature naked women. They seemed physically fit, sexually attractive and strong women, which was kind of a myth to me. I always thought that women peaked their physical...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE:   Welcome to my final erotic work, 'Culture Shock'.   By way of introduction, I’d like to explain that this long story was written to fill a niche that is largely unexplored in ‘real’ BDSM erotica, and that is, ‘How does a submissive actually get from online to real life in the world of D/s and BDSM? What kinds of things have to happen? What questions need to be asked and answered?’     My hope is that you will better understand the journey after reading this story.   This is...

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I was an attractive 35 year old, with long, blonde hair, a pretty smile and bubbly personality….it was what attracted Nigel to me in the first place….well, that, along with my natural 35E boobs, narrow waist, and shapely legs. Over the past several years, I still managed to attract my share of attention, and even occasionally enjoyed some strange cock every now and then to help pass the time when Nigel was traveling or working late. Nigel’s recent promotion had us relocated just outside of...

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Spizoo Tiffany Tatum Receives The Pleasing Fuck She Desires

Tiffany Tatum has been waiting for this moment her entire life. She can finally experience the pleasure only Max Dior can provide. For the special occasion, the skinny blonde wears a pair of latex shorts with a sheer black blouse. The horny duo doesn’t waste any time at all. Max passionately kisses Tiffany before eating out her tasty, shaved pussy. The beautiful tall hottie returns the favor by giving Max a passionate blowjob. Unable to control her lust any longer, Tiffany rides the lucky...

2 years ago
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Aunt May Chapter 3

With what had happened with my Aunt Maylast week I just couldn't get her out of my mind and I don't think she could either. Nearly every opportunity that we had we would having sex, she was even calling work and asking for me as there was some sort of family emergency and when I got there she'd always be in her bed waiting for me. I don't think even my Uncle knew what had come over her as he was like the cat that got the cream after we'd started. But I wasn't going to stop unless she was going...

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Red Heels Black Leather

The restaurant was usually very busy on Sunday mornings. My friend and I went every weekend for breakfast or lunch. The food was great, the price was fair and the atmosphere good. The real reason we went there was the waitress that worked there.My friend Kevin had a crush on her and wanted me to come and check her out. Being shy with women he wanted to ask her out but was too shy to do it alone. As I was our groups resident "ladies man" and the best wingman going he wanted me to tag along and...


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