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Uneori, în viata ti se întâmpla lucruri la care nici macar nu te-ai fi gândit cu un minut înainte ca ele sa se produca. Spun asta pentru ca eu însami am fost în mai multe astfel de situatii. Ultima, si cea mai tare - chiar de Martisor.

Eram acasa în concediu medical. Nu ca eram bolnava, dar nu aveam chef de munca. Pe la opt dimineata, dupa ce fiica-mea a plecat la gradinita, mi-am facut dus si, numai cu tricoul cel lung pâna sub fese pe mine, m-am bagat în pat. Nu trec doua minute si aud ciocanind usor în usa. Crezând ca e fetita, sar si deschid fara sa ma mai uit pe vizor. În usa, Florin, vecinul de alaturi, sotul Ancai, o fata pâinea lui Dumnezeu, cu care eram prietena din copilarie. Prietena nedespartita.

- Sarut mâna, Andreea!
- Buna.

Fiind, ce mai în sus si-n jos, aproape goala, m-am dat dupa usa si l-am privit întrebatoare.

- Am venit sa-ti aduc un martisor. Pot sa intru?

N-a mai asteptat raspunsul. A intrat si a închis usa dupa el. M-am tras înapoi speriata de tupeul lui. M-a privit din cap pâna-n picioare si a zâmbit. Dar ce zâmbet! Pur si simplu, mi-a înghetat sângele în vene si am amutit. S-a apropiat de mine zâmbind.

- Deci, aveam eu dreptate când sustineam ca nu ai doar fata si bustul frumoase, ci si restul!

Mi-a ridicat poalele tricoului pâna la brâu.

- Doamne! Ce forme perfecte! Hopaa! Ia te uita! Esti barbierita! Ia sa te vad mai bine! Hai sa scoatem acesta de tot!

A tras de tricou în sus. Ca vrajita, am ridicat mâinile, ajutându-l astfel, sa mi-l scoata. S-a îndepartat putin si m-a studiat iar de sus pâna jos.

- Ooo! De-a dreptul superba!

S-a apropiat din nou de mine. De data asta, aproape ca s-a lipit. Cu sufletul la gura, înecata de emotie, îl priveam hipnotizata. Nici macar nu eram în stare sa ma gândesc la ce avea sa urmeze. Îngenuncheaza, îsi pune gura la pasarica, ma prinde de fund, mi-l strânge si ma trage spre el. Îi simt limba patrunzându-mi între labii, alunecând printre ele. Ma trece un fior si, brusc, ma umezesc. Abia atunci am o umbra palida de ratiune. "Nu, nu se poate! E sotul Ancai! Iar eu sunt maritata!" Îmi mut piciorul stâng în laterala ca sa ma strecor printre Florin si perete, dar el mi-l prinde de gamba si-l pune pe umar.

- Nu, Florine! Nu! Te rog! Nu!

O placere formidabila, noua pentru mine, îmi strabate trupul ca o sageata. În mine se aduna revolta si dorinta. Nimeni nu-mi mai facuse sex oral. Dar de ce tocmai Florin? Vreau sa ma smulg, sa fug în pat si sa plâng. Am facut o miscare de retragere pe care el a "parat-o". Dupa prima sageata, alte mii de sageti se transforma într-o placere dementiala. Continua înnebunitoare.

Clitorisul mi-este supt, tocat cu dintii, presat, labiile strivite. Valuri de placere pun stapânire pe trupul meu, neobisnuit cu asa ceva. Tremur. Îmi înfig degetele în parul lui. Îmi place la nebunie si vreau mai mult! Vreau împlinirea. Un deget i se strecoara pe sub fese. Pasarica e mica, o stiu si mi s-a spus. O stiu pentru ca o simt aproape zilnic pe pielea mea. Sotul meu se chinuieste mult sa mi-o gaseasca. Si e mai mult us**ta. Rareori mi se umezeste. Acum mi-o simt leoarca. "Doamne, cât de excitata sunt! Ce e cu mine?" Mi-o gaseste si un deget îi aluneca în mine. De placere, trupul mi se zguduie. Degetul începe sa se miste. Înainte, înapoi, când încet, când repede. Uneori, în cercuri. Îmi vine sa urlu. Ca sa nu o fac, îmi musc buzele. Dar nu! Uite fularul lui pe cuier. Fularul sotului meu. Îl apuc cu o miscare rapida si îmi înfig dintii în el. Îmi astup si gura cu palma.

Limba lui Florin ma domina, îmi domina simturile. Îmi strabate labiile, mi le striveste din ce în ce mai tare. Devine aspra, amplificându-mi placerea. Ma umezesc si mai puternic. Limba ia foliculina si o întinde pe labii si printre ele. Ma simt uda si între picioare. Este transpiratia mea si a lui. Si foliculina.

Acum limba aspra aluneca mai bine. Patrunde prin toate cotloanele. "Aiii!" Clitorisul! Luat între buze, supt, tocat marunt si fin cu dintii! Placerea e tot mai mare. "Aiii!" Degetul! Intra doua falange, face ravagii în pasarica. Cât mai rezist, oare? Stiu ca vrea sa termin asa! Si eu vreau! Dar nu acum! Vreau sa mai dureze!

Deodata, senzatiile orgasmului m-au lovit ca trasnetul! Luata pe neasteptate de acea placere de-a dreptul devastatoare, mi-am coborât si mi-am presat pasarica pe gura lui. Buzele mele si ale lui s-au strivit reciproc.

- Mmm!

Zbaterile orgasmului mi-au luat trupul în stapânire. Mi-am tras înapoi piciorul pe care-l tineam pe umarul lui. L-am lipit si mai strâns de mine. "Vai! S-a terminat!"

Florin s-a ridicat abia respirând. Saracul! L-am lasat fara aer! M-a ridicat si a fugit cu mine pe pat. Si-a dat pantalonii jos si s-a urcat pe mine. L-am simtit penetrându-ma cu viteza. Toata, pâna la capat, din prima. Si ce placere! Si câta mirare! M-a gasit repede si nu m-a durut deloc. Din nefericire, prea excitat ca sa îmi îndeplineasca dorinta, a terminat cât te-ai sterge la ochi. Nuuu! Nu m-am suparat! Îmi daruise ceea ce nimeni pâna la el nu o facuse: placerea sexului oral. Ca sa-l rasplatesc, în timp ce termina, am facut cele mai tari miscari pe care le stiam. Si l-am vazut ca e fericit.

Dupa ce a terminat, l-am aruncat de pe mine si am fugit la baie. Eram speriata. Uitasem complet ca sunt exact în mijlocul perioadei de fertilitate. Când m-am întors, era întins pe pat, fara nimic pe el. Scula îi era gata de o noua "repriza". Am ramas stupefiata. Câta virilitate! Dar nu! Acum chiar ca nu se mai putea!

- Nu, Florine! Gata! Nu se mai poate! A fost o greseala din partea amândurora! Eu sunt casatorita, tu ai o sotie care mi-e cea mai buna prietena… Nu! Nu se mai poate!

- Bine, nu se mai poate! A fost o greseala.

Si a întins mâinile spre mine. M-am dus spre el hipnotizata de scula care tresarea ritmic.

- Nu, Florine, nu!

Si mi-am desfacut larg picioarele ca sa-l primesc în mine.

Din acea zi de 1 martie, vreme de doua saptamâni am sa traiesc cu teama în suflet. Daca am ramas gravida? Pentru ca nu am tinut cont de calendar nici atunci, nici în zilele urmatoare. Asta ca am vrut ca totul sa fie OK si din parte mea. Cu barbatu-meu intentionat nu am tinut calendarul. Ca, daca o fi sa fie ceva, sa am o scuza. În fata lui. Ca, într-a mea, stiu cine e autorul!

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Kavita A Virgin From Mail To Bed

Hey, friends thanks for loving my previous story ‘ sejal an innocent virgin’… I got lots of mails from girls and boys.. I’m glad to hear that all liked my story.. But again m boys se khna chauga k ap lo please number mat manga kre kisi ladki ka m nhi duga kisi b condition pr.. Aap khud socho ek ladki mujpe trust kr k mujhe number de ri hai to apko kaise de du.To plz next tym number k liye mail mat krna……. And now thanks sb girls ko etne sare mails k liye I think mne sb ko reply diya b hai.....

2 years ago
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The Sexy Black Panties

The Sexy Black Panties I walked into my office looking at the paper I had just received. It was the final approval to go ahead with the construction project. As I looked up my secretary was holding a pair of sexy black panties between her fingers. Pamela said, “Look what I found in your desk drawer.” I stuttered but managed to say, “I don’t know how they got there.” Pamela smiled and said, “Then I’ll just have to put them back on.” She had a terrific but twisted sense of...

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Her real name was Ophelia, but there was no way in the world any of these people were ever going to know that. Leah is a marvelous name, and it’s not a total bastardization of her given name, so she gets to have her cake (not being called Ophelia) and eat it too (not having parents that hand out guilt trips left and right about something as simple as a name). Leah, right now, was sitting on a bar stool. At a bar. A dirty one, actually, she thought as she sneered down at the counter. Running her...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Alice Coxxx Stepfathers Perfect Fit

Alice Coxxx is a hot ginger teen who is blossoming into a beautiful young lady. Her mother was helping her pick out her first real bra and it wasn’t going too well. She couldn’t find a style or a fit that truly complemented her figure! They called stepdad in for his opinion, but he felt awkward and just agreed with his wife. As he left, he stayed near the edge of the door and got to creeping. Boy did his stepdaughters tits look nice and supple. As she tried on another lingerie set,...

3 years ago
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Awakening My Trans Nature My First Experience Of

It is not a big story with gangbangs or anything but it was important in my development. We are talking about the mid nineties and I was away at Sussex University and had very limited luck with the female students so read a lot of porn mags. Several come to mind, in one a male reader posted a letter saying they allways in the summer shaved their pubic hair, this stuck with me and I was more often than not hairless "down below." It was then an odd thing to do but just felt right. Once I was in...

2 years ago
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Hard Time Book 2Chapter 12

The day before, we had ridden a short distance before coming to a bridge that was out. It had been there before and the break did not look completely natural. However, we had to cross the river to continue our trek. We spent part of the day building a raft and hauling our supplies and carts across. By the time all were across, it was early evening. I had directed that camp be prepared as we finished the last bit of the crossing. Cin and Loo joined Nan and Nor and I in the tent for supper....

1 year ago
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The PropositionPart 6 Her Slaves Arrival

She stood there half hidden behind the front door. The sun glistened off her latex boots. It was such a surreal feeling stepping out of that SUV and approached that large pink house. I can still remember the hum of insects from the woods surrounding me, the birds, and the crispy sound of the tires grinding on the gravel as Alex departed. She pulled at the edges of her short skirt as she stood there waiting for me. When I got to the porch she asked me to undress. Her voice was soft and...

2 years ago
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The Deckhand Saturday Cruise Part 2

I arrived at the dock parking lot, about ten minutes before six.  Grandpa's car was already there, so I knew we would be getting to work right away.  As I walked the pier, I noticed that there were already four people sitting on the bench by Grandpa's boat.  When I got a little closer, I recognized one of the men as Mike from the Tuesday cruise.  As I approached, Mike stood up and introduced me to Bob, Chad, and Chuck.  I remembered their names as Saturday regulars from talking to Grandpa....

Gay Male
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Dutch Treat Ch 02

All names, and most of the detail in this story is fictitious. If I’ve accidentally used your name, my apologies. Sophia and I tumbled over and under each other in bed. It was a delightful afternoon, but eventually we were tired and hungry, or hungry and tired. I was too bleary-eyed to know which came first. ‘Room service?’ ‘Yes!’ Sophia was eager to hear the rest of the story about my Dutch friends and their adventures. We washed up and robed ourselves in the time it took for our order to...

2 years ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 1

The New Christmas Mommy (written Dec 17-28) "Ok, I can do this," the lady spoke softly to herself as she stood at the entrance of big townhouse in the middle of the city. She crossed her arms together, tapping a gloved finger against her slim body. The flimsy wood sign next to the door read "Southside Street Orphanage" and the lady knew that, of course. Being an upper class middle class housewife, she didn't have much to do around the holiday season besides indulging in shopping sprees...

3 years ago
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The Ballad of Tam Lin

‘O I forbid you, maidens all, That wear gold in your hair, To come or go by Carterhaugh, For young Tam Lin is there.’ -‘The Ballad of Tam Lin,’ Traditional. *** Halfway through the forest the carriage stopped for no reason and wouldn’t budge an inch. Lady Astrid fanned herself as the coachman tried to get them going again. ‘What seems to be the problem?’ ‘Can’t say ma’am,’ said the driver. ‘It’s like the wheels just don’t want to turn.’ ‘Wheels turn, it’s what they do. Why should we stop for no...

2 years ago
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Tuesday Afternoonbybigbrother054©Josh and Ted stopped in front of Jessie's high school. Jessie, Josh's sister, was talking to a couple of friends, waiting for her brother to pick her up. Ted nudged Josh and jerked a thumb toward the group."Your sister's friends are hot," he said, making a different jerking motion in his lap.Josh shook his head. "Jesus, Ted; is that all you ever think about?" Josh had listened to Ted's lurid description of every female under the age of thirty, as they drove down...

4 years ago
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Joans Story Ch 07

March 28th – Another Visit To The Swinger Club. It’s been a month since our last orgy which was my birthday party. The sex in between was basically with Vanessa and John having me joining in three times a week. It’s pretty enjoyable sex but rather vanilla. Hah! A bisexual threesome with anal is vanilla sex. How my life has changed!! Vanessa asks to go to the Swinger Club for some fun. I think she’s missing Jim. Of course, the other ladies want to go. Both Maria and Sue tell me they are more...

4 years ago
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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 19 Completion

In Tanitsar life returned to normal. With Odar returned from the Hanilei campaign, Macro had more time for his wives. Thesia and Alana were more than two-thirds along in their pregnancies, and Anais was only two moons behind them. The state of hope in which the three princesses found themselves was known all over the island and preparations were under way for a huge celebration. The last royal birth, that of Elbar, had been over a half century ago. Under the erratic rule of a mad king, the...

2 years ago
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A Modern Kajira Part 3 The Collaring

Christina was carried into a more closed space, undoubtedly a corridor, which had some sort of carpeting that muffled her captor’s steps. Master George stopped and rummaged around in his pocket, then withdrew his hand. Presently she heard a key turn heavily and reluctantly in a lock, and another massive door swung open. This room seemed to be more dimly lighted than the rest of the house, and the light did not come from directly overhead, but in a consistent glow from all sides. It was more...

4 years ago
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Strict rules of engagement

It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadn’t yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brody’s mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brody’s day dreaming had been rudely interrupted by a piece of crumpled up paper hitting the right side of his face. As he snapped back to reality he...

1 year ago
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Crackpot Spammer Ch 06

Disclaimer: The following short story is fictional. No resemblance to any person, living or dead, is intended or should be inferred. Faustus begins his lecture by discussing significant figures: ‘Consider a number of the form ‘1.234567,’ or thereabouts. Such a number clearly has seven significant digits. Such a number might arise from rounding the transcendental irrational number pi, for example. The number pi is given by 3.1415926535898…. Rounded to seven significant figures it is 3.141593....

3 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 39

So, if it's the Department of Natural Resources, what about us? thought Isabella. She was looking at the 36 lifeboat and it looked pretty full. "You had a collar," Grace asked, "Where did that come from?" My former owners. She thought. I like you people. You don't think you OWN me. I said, "It's probably the other way around." How does that work? Grace said, "We'll probably end up being your pets." A bobcat laugh is a lot different than a bobcat purr ... Cats don't bark ......

3 years ago
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A Bewitched Housewife Part 2

“You know, Henry, I do believe that you have a cock that won’t quit, that it can go all night if my husband don’t mind if you and I have sex all night long till morning. I bet you that your dick can go all night. Darling do you mind if we have sex all night long?” “I…I don’t mind if you two wants to fuck the hell out of each other all night long,” Douglas said surprise at hearing what he just heard. “Well then...

3 years ago
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New Fantasy 8

The New Fantasy 8 By Paul G. Jutras ?You plan to what?? Jack?s dad screamed. ?Are you out of your mind?? Jack Staple stood before his dad in a thin, pink dress and white sweater. His face and hair were done up in a way that made him look like a pretty 21 year old girl rather than a man. Jack was lucky that even though he was 5? 8? he only weighed 145 pounds and had a rather good figure. ?Ever since I was little I knew I was meant to be a woman.? Jack protested. ?I let mom...

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