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Uneori, în viata ti se întâmpla lucruri la care nici macar nu te-ai fi gândit cu un minut înainte ca ele sa se produca. Spun asta pentru ca eu însami am fost în mai multe astfel de situatii. Ultima, si cea mai tare - chiar de Martisor.

Eram acasa în concediu medical. Nu ca eram bolnava, dar nu aveam chef de munca. Pe la opt dimineata, dupa ce fiica-mea a plecat la gradinita, mi-am facut dus si, numai cu tricoul cel lung pâna sub fese pe mine, m-am bagat în pat. Nu trec doua minute si aud ciocanind usor în usa. Crezând ca e fetita, sar si deschid fara sa ma mai uit pe vizor. În usa, Florin, vecinul de alaturi, sotul Ancai, o fata pâinea lui Dumnezeu, cu care eram prietena din copilarie. Prietena nedespartita.

- Sarut mâna, Andreea!
- Buna.

Fiind, ce mai în sus si-n jos, aproape goala, m-am dat dupa usa si l-am privit întrebatoare.

- Am venit sa-ti aduc un martisor. Pot sa intru?

N-a mai asteptat raspunsul. A intrat si a închis usa dupa el. M-am tras înapoi speriata de tupeul lui. M-a privit din cap pâna-n picioare si a zâmbit. Dar ce zâmbet! Pur si simplu, mi-a înghetat sângele în vene si am amutit. S-a apropiat de mine zâmbind.

- Deci, aveam eu dreptate când sustineam ca nu ai doar fata si bustul frumoase, ci si restul!

Mi-a ridicat poalele tricoului pâna la brâu.

- Doamne! Ce forme perfecte! Hopaa! Ia te uita! Esti barbierita! Ia sa te vad mai bine! Hai sa scoatem acesta de tot!

A tras de tricou în sus. Ca vrajita, am ridicat mâinile, ajutându-l astfel, sa mi-l scoata. S-a îndepartat putin si m-a studiat iar de sus pâna jos.

- Ooo! De-a dreptul superba!

S-a apropiat din nou de mine. De data asta, aproape ca s-a lipit. Cu sufletul la gura, înecata de emotie, îl priveam hipnotizata. Nici macar nu eram în stare sa ma gândesc la ce avea sa urmeze. Îngenuncheaza, îsi pune gura la pasarica, ma prinde de fund, mi-l strânge si ma trage spre el. Îi simt limba patrunzându-mi între labii, alunecând printre ele. Ma trece un fior si, brusc, ma umezesc. Abia atunci am o umbra palida de ratiune. "Nu, nu se poate! E sotul Ancai! Iar eu sunt maritata!" Îmi mut piciorul stâng în laterala ca sa ma strecor printre Florin si perete, dar el mi-l prinde de gamba si-l pune pe umar.

- Nu, Florine! Nu! Te rog! Nu!

O placere formidabila, noua pentru mine, îmi strabate trupul ca o sageata. În mine se aduna revolta si dorinta. Nimeni nu-mi mai facuse sex oral. Dar de ce tocmai Florin? Vreau sa ma smulg, sa fug în pat si sa plâng. Am facut o miscare de retragere pe care el a "parat-o". Dupa prima sageata, alte mii de sageti se transforma într-o placere dementiala. Continua înnebunitoare.

Clitorisul mi-este supt, tocat cu dintii, presat, labiile strivite. Valuri de placere pun stapânire pe trupul meu, neobisnuit cu asa ceva. Tremur. Îmi înfig degetele în parul lui. Îmi place la nebunie si vreau mai mult! Vreau împlinirea. Un deget i se strecoara pe sub fese. Pasarica e mica, o stiu si mi s-a spus. O stiu pentru ca o simt aproape zilnic pe pielea mea. Sotul meu se chinuieste mult sa mi-o gaseasca. Si e mai mult us**ta. Rareori mi se umezeste. Acum mi-o simt leoarca. "Doamne, cât de excitata sunt! Ce e cu mine?" Mi-o gaseste si un deget îi aluneca în mine. De placere, trupul mi se zguduie. Degetul începe sa se miste. Înainte, înapoi, când încet, când repede. Uneori, în cercuri. Îmi vine sa urlu. Ca sa nu o fac, îmi musc buzele. Dar nu! Uite fularul lui pe cuier. Fularul sotului meu. Îl apuc cu o miscare rapida si îmi înfig dintii în el. Îmi astup si gura cu palma.

Limba lui Florin ma domina, îmi domina simturile. Îmi strabate labiile, mi le striveste din ce în ce mai tare. Devine aspra, amplificându-mi placerea. Ma umezesc si mai puternic. Limba ia foliculina si o întinde pe labii si printre ele. Ma simt uda si între picioare. Este transpiratia mea si a lui. Si foliculina.

Acum limba aspra aluneca mai bine. Patrunde prin toate cotloanele. "Aiii!" Clitorisul! Luat între buze, supt, tocat marunt si fin cu dintii! Placerea e tot mai mare. "Aiii!" Degetul! Intra doua falange, face ravagii în pasarica. Cât mai rezist, oare? Stiu ca vrea sa termin asa! Si eu vreau! Dar nu acum! Vreau sa mai dureze!

Deodata, senzatiile orgasmului m-au lovit ca trasnetul! Luata pe neasteptate de acea placere de-a dreptul devastatoare, mi-am coborât si mi-am presat pasarica pe gura lui. Buzele mele si ale lui s-au strivit reciproc.

- Mmm!

Zbaterile orgasmului mi-au luat trupul în stapânire. Mi-am tras înapoi piciorul pe care-l tineam pe umarul lui. L-am lipit si mai strâns de mine. "Vai! S-a terminat!"

Florin s-a ridicat abia respirând. Saracul! L-am lasat fara aer! M-a ridicat si a fugit cu mine pe pat. Si-a dat pantalonii jos si s-a urcat pe mine. L-am simtit penetrându-ma cu viteza. Toata, pâna la capat, din prima. Si ce placere! Si câta mirare! M-a gasit repede si nu m-a durut deloc. Din nefericire, prea excitat ca sa îmi îndeplineasca dorinta, a terminat cât te-ai sterge la ochi. Nuuu! Nu m-am suparat! Îmi daruise ceea ce nimeni pâna la el nu o facuse: placerea sexului oral. Ca sa-l rasplatesc, în timp ce termina, am facut cele mai tari miscari pe care le stiam. Si l-am vazut ca e fericit.

Dupa ce a terminat, l-am aruncat de pe mine si am fugit la baie. Eram speriata. Uitasem complet ca sunt exact în mijlocul perioadei de fertilitate. Când m-am întors, era întins pe pat, fara nimic pe el. Scula îi era gata de o noua "repriza". Am ramas stupefiata. Câta virilitate! Dar nu! Acum chiar ca nu se mai putea!

- Nu, Florine! Gata! Nu se mai poate! A fost o greseala din partea amândurora! Eu sunt casatorita, tu ai o sotie care mi-e cea mai buna prietena… Nu! Nu se mai poate!

- Bine, nu se mai poate! A fost o greseala.

Si a întins mâinile spre mine. M-am dus spre el hipnotizata de scula care tresarea ritmic.

- Nu, Florine, nu!

Si mi-am desfacut larg picioarele ca sa-l primesc în mine.

Din acea zi de 1 martie, vreme de doua saptamâni am sa traiesc cu teama în suflet. Daca am ramas gravida? Pentru ca nu am tinut cont de calendar nici atunci, nici în zilele urmatoare. Asta ca am vrut ca totul sa fie OK si din parte mea. Cu barbatu-meu intentionat nu am tinut calendarul. Ca, daca o fi sa fie ceva, sa am o scuza. În fata lui. Ca, într-a mea, stiu cine e autorul!

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I Came Here to DieChapter 19

Rick came home to find Erin pacing like a mad man back and forth in their living room. Outside was the worst cold snap in Texas history. It was down to ten degrees below zero. She was wearing satin panties and a silky rose colored pajama top. The cold inside didn't seem to bother her. Rick had bought a portable heater run by kerosene that had an anti spill proof gadget to it. It threw off a tremendous amount of heat in a twelve foot radius. It wasn't even Thanksgiving yet! "I'm sorry...

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In Flight Service

Flight Time – Cabin service with a smile.I never like to fly, even intercity Europe was too much for me, so this long-haul flight, as with every other, had me standing or walking around at every possible opportunity. It didn’t matter that everyone else was sleeping and the cabin was dark, I just couldn’t relax in my seat.“Are you ok?” was the question that brought back my attention from the dark window I’d been staring out of.The questioner was beautiful, smiling and could only be on the clock,...

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Savita becomes a Sexy Secretary Comic Video

  Savita worked hard in her office, but worked harder to impress her bosses. At last, she receives a call she has been waiting for so long. The big boss, Bade Saheb, has called her to become his personal secretary. Savita is very happy with the offer. But who is Bade Saheb and why does he want Savita as his secretary? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 31 – Sexy Secretary. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to and search, ‘Savita bhabhi...

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38yr old Woman turned me into a man

To set the experience.I'm Mexican and all my friends were also. Being Mexican we would go to parties where adults and teenagers are all drinking. That's how I grew up. It all started on a cold Wisconsin night.It was my birthday and i just turned 18 and was in a car with my friends going to a house party in Illinois about an hour away.The party was fine for awhile,but we decided to leave.A big breasted, red headed woman name Lynn at the party asked us if we could give her a ride home,...

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Solace Rosanna Ch 08

2003: ‘I had her in my arms, Lee…in my arms and then she was gone!’ Casey whaled with her head in her hands. ‘You must be losing your touch,’ Leander offered, knowing this would get a response from Casey. As he thought, she looked up, her eyes blazing. ‘Not on your life! It was that damned cell phone call. It spoiled the whole moment.’ Casey sat up, her fingers gripping her knees. ‘I’m going to have her, Lee. She can’t just walk out of my life now.’ ‘You walked out of hers.’ Leander...

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The Barstow Girls

A big thank you to LadyCibelle and Techsan for their fine editing and making this story a much better read. Have you ever thought about all the beautiful women that go out west to be models and movie stars? Where do they all end up? We know there are thousands and thousands aspiring to be stars and they go to Hollywood or elsewhere to make it big. Unfortunately most don’t make it. The ones who do become successful seem to need a shrink or have been married a half dozen times. My name is...

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The Lawyer and the Killer Ch 12

Shawn was having the time of his life. Testifying and participating in discussions all day, and out partying all night. With Kia and Shai by his side they kept the taverns open and the impresarios up all night long. The CID, thanks to the beneficence of Warrant Officer Sam Houston, had provided him with a splendid expense account, and Shawn spent his country’s money as though deficits didn’t matter. The three ate, drank, danced, and made the rounds of the hottest hot spots in the hottest city...

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Thrills in Silk Satin and Lace part 3

Thrill and Frills in Silk Satin and Lace Part 3 By G Lacy Panties Well some Readers wanted this to continue so here we go! I'll see what I can do! It the day before Donnas' wedding and we are going home from work to change for the rehearsal dinner. Amy and I arrive home shower and get dressed for the event; Amy has picked out my outfit and me hers. The outfit Amy picked for me is a pale blue sleeveless short skirted dress with a matching jacket, lace topped nude hold up...

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Damsel in Need Meg

Ian is a 55 year old really retiree who kept himself in good shape by regular sessions in the gym. He had just finished a workout session, and had showered and changed before heading to have some lunch. He was having his lunch in the food court of the local shopping center when he first observed Meg and her infant son. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, tall and slim with long blonde hair, and dressed in a colorful mid-thigh length skirt and a loose fitting white top. Her child was asleep...

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Doomed By Margaret Jeanette Edna and Jerry Hoeft were on their way to work. They had a realty office and were starting to really grow. Jerry was president of the company and Edna was shown to be executive vice president. They had five agents working for them. Edna said, "With the two sales yesterday I know this will be our biggest month yet! We are going to have to look for more help soon." Jerry agreed. "Yes, I know. The least we can get by with is someone to do the filing so...

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Yuusou and KizunaChapter 4 Birds and Bees

I was the first person up the next morning. Kizuna didn't get up when I did, so I left her and went down to get some breakfast. I was done with a banana when Terri entered the kitchen. She blushed when she saw me. "Good morning, Yuusou." "Good morning." We looked at each other for a couple moments before I added, "You don't need to be afraid of me. I'm not going to bite." "What do you want me to do?" She still looked terrified. I didn't blame her, considering the information I...

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Hi Im Jim

Hi, I'm Jim! By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. My wife was out of town on business again with her new employer, so I had the entire weekend to express my alter ego. While I was still at home, I had put on my...

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My first time without Hubby being there

First time without hubby!! (Obviously with his permission though or should I say more like a blessing lol!!)So this experience happened at Christmas time (well just before – during the party season lol) I also have to say that this was without a doubt the most scariest but exciting and definitely the most riskiest and sexual thing I have ever done. Hubby absolutely loved it but I’m not sure at the moment if I would repeat it (not yet anyway lol)I had an evening out planned with some girls from...

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Bad Boy

‘I told you to leave me alone, you pathetic dickhead’ Emma laughs coyly at groveling man clutching his groin in agony, ‘you broke up with me weeks ago and now you come crawling back. I don’t think so,’ the broken ex slowly picks himself up of the ground, glaring at his aggressive exgirlfriend.   Emma has long auburn hair that falls over her relatively large bust. Her green eyes shine feverishly at him as she keeps smiling at his pain. For being seven inches shorter than he, she was damn...

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I never seen myself as the type that wanted rough

I never seen myself as the type that wanted rough, forceful sex. I even thought those who were into such kink were deviants. Then one night I found myself at the sexual mercy of a man, and I loved every second of what he did to me.I was barely 20 years old at the time. I enjoyed going out and partying, so I worked as a bartender. One Monday night tending bar it was quiet, the bar and town were dead really. I had only one guy there for a few hours, his name was Zachary. We hung out talking,doing...

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 Denise came to visit in 2005. We had never met in person before but I knew everything about her. We met on line years earlier on a message board dedicated to adult spanking. We exchanged e-mails and talked for hours on instant messenger. It was an innocent flirtation. We were both married, she was in Florida, I lived in New York. We didn’t think we would ever meet. She was a shameless flirt. She said she loved to be spanked and she wanted me to describe what it would be like if we met. Would...

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Stuart part 3

I take a deep breath as I enter the vast hospital and quickly find my way to the clean private room, briefly stopping when I see the middle-aged man stood outside. "Hi Mark!" I say to the smartly-dressed man, who greets me with a handshake and a smile. "Hello Stuart!" the man warmly replies. "Jamie's currently being seen by her nurse, but she should done any minute." "That's why you're out here instead of in there, then?" I chuckle. "Yep," Jamie's dad says. "Thought I'd give the...

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The Retreat

Author’s note: Well, it’s been an insanely busy spring and summer at my house. Hectic life has kept me hopping, but I FINALLY managed to get back to writing. I decided to do a contemporary story this time. I will submit the chapters as quickly as possible, but I apologize in advance for delays between chapters. As always, I love to hear what you think. Cheers, Haremgirl * Leslie Drummond awoke with a smile, stretching languidly before rolling over to bestow a radiant smile on her...

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Chudakad maa ko choda

When i was of about 9 yrs of age i saw my mom peeing. That was the first time i saw pussy of an elder women. There were hairy bushes around it and it swelled as the pee was coming out. Then i started getting excited about it. Our bathroom door had a small hole in it. So i started peeking through the door whenever my mom used to go to bathroom for taking bath. I could see her bare boobs which were milky white and erect. I could also see her cute pussy with rose petal type lips. She used to take...

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My Virgin Tuition Teacher

Hello Friends, My Name is Rahul and I am from Himachal. I am a great fan of ISS and I’m very fond of its stories. I am 23 old of 6″2 in having an average body. I love making friends and chatting with them (especially girls) I know you are getting irritated so, with out wasting any time let me tell you my story. This incident happens 5 years ago when I was in 1st year of BSC I was then 18 year old and was still a virgin. We were a family of three: My father, mother and me. We have a big house...

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