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Uneori, în viata ti se întâmpla lucruri la care nici macar nu te-ai fi gândit cu un minut înainte ca ele sa se produca. Spun asta pentru ca eu însami am fost în mai multe astfel de situatii. Ultima, si cea mai tare - chiar de Martisor.

Eram acasa în concediu medical. Nu ca eram bolnava, dar nu aveam chef de munca. Pe la opt dimineata, dupa ce fiica-mea a plecat la gradinita, mi-am facut dus si, numai cu tricoul cel lung pâna sub fese pe mine, m-am bagat în pat. Nu trec doua minute si aud ciocanind usor în usa. Crezând ca e fetita, sar si deschid fara sa ma mai uit pe vizor. În usa, Florin, vecinul de alaturi, sotul Ancai, o fata pâinea lui Dumnezeu, cu care eram prietena din copilarie. Prietena nedespartita.

- Sarut mâna, Andreea!
- Buna.

Fiind, ce mai în sus si-n jos, aproape goala, m-am dat dupa usa si l-am privit întrebatoare.

- Am venit sa-ti aduc un martisor. Pot sa intru?

N-a mai asteptat raspunsul. A intrat si a închis usa dupa el. M-am tras înapoi speriata de tupeul lui. M-a privit din cap pâna-n picioare si a zâmbit. Dar ce zâmbet! Pur si simplu, mi-a înghetat sângele în vene si am amutit. S-a apropiat de mine zâmbind.

- Deci, aveam eu dreptate când sustineam ca nu ai doar fata si bustul frumoase, ci si restul!

Mi-a ridicat poalele tricoului pâna la brâu.

- Doamne! Ce forme perfecte! Hopaa! Ia te uita! Esti barbierita! Ia sa te vad mai bine! Hai sa scoatem acesta de tot!

A tras de tricou în sus. Ca vrajita, am ridicat mâinile, ajutându-l astfel, sa mi-l scoata. S-a îndepartat putin si m-a studiat iar de sus pâna jos.

- Ooo! De-a dreptul superba!

S-a apropiat din nou de mine. De data asta, aproape ca s-a lipit. Cu sufletul la gura, înecata de emotie, îl priveam hipnotizata. Nici macar nu eram în stare sa ma gândesc la ce avea sa urmeze. Îngenuncheaza, îsi pune gura la pasarica, ma prinde de fund, mi-l strânge si ma trage spre el. Îi simt limba patrunzându-mi între labii, alunecând printre ele. Ma trece un fior si, brusc, ma umezesc. Abia atunci am o umbra palida de ratiune. "Nu, nu se poate! E sotul Ancai! Iar eu sunt maritata!" Îmi mut piciorul stâng în laterala ca sa ma strecor printre Florin si perete, dar el mi-l prinde de gamba si-l pune pe umar.

- Nu, Florine! Nu! Te rog! Nu!

O placere formidabila, noua pentru mine, îmi strabate trupul ca o sageata. În mine se aduna revolta si dorinta. Nimeni nu-mi mai facuse sex oral. Dar de ce tocmai Florin? Vreau sa ma smulg, sa fug în pat si sa plâng. Am facut o miscare de retragere pe care el a "parat-o". Dupa prima sageata, alte mii de sageti se transforma într-o placere dementiala. Continua înnebunitoare.

Clitorisul mi-este supt, tocat cu dintii, presat, labiile strivite. Valuri de placere pun stapânire pe trupul meu, neobisnuit cu asa ceva. Tremur. Îmi înfig degetele în parul lui. Îmi place la nebunie si vreau mai mult! Vreau împlinirea. Un deget i se strecoara pe sub fese. Pasarica e mica, o stiu si mi s-a spus. O stiu pentru ca o simt aproape zilnic pe pielea mea. Sotul meu se chinuieste mult sa mi-o gaseasca. Si e mai mult us**ta. Rareori mi se umezeste. Acum mi-o simt leoarca. "Doamne, cât de excitata sunt! Ce e cu mine?" Mi-o gaseste si un deget îi aluneca în mine. De placere, trupul mi se zguduie. Degetul începe sa se miste. Înainte, înapoi, când încet, când repede. Uneori, în cercuri. Îmi vine sa urlu. Ca sa nu o fac, îmi musc buzele. Dar nu! Uite fularul lui pe cuier. Fularul sotului meu. Îl apuc cu o miscare rapida si îmi înfig dintii în el. Îmi astup si gura cu palma.

Limba lui Florin ma domina, îmi domina simturile. Îmi strabate labiile, mi le striveste din ce în ce mai tare. Devine aspra, amplificându-mi placerea. Ma umezesc si mai puternic. Limba ia foliculina si o întinde pe labii si printre ele. Ma simt uda si între picioare. Este transpiratia mea si a lui. Si foliculina.

Acum limba aspra aluneca mai bine. Patrunde prin toate cotloanele. "Aiii!" Clitorisul! Luat între buze, supt, tocat marunt si fin cu dintii! Placerea e tot mai mare. "Aiii!" Degetul! Intra doua falange, face ravagii în pasarica. Cât mai rezist, oare? Stiu ca vrea sa termin asa! Si eu vreau! Dar nu acum! Vreau sa mai dureze!

Deodata, senzatiile orgasmului m-au lovit ca trasnetul! Luata pe neasteptate de acea placere de-a dreptul devastatoare, mi-am coborât si mi-am presat pasarica pe gura lui. Buzele mele si ale lui s-au strivit reciproc.

- Mmm!

Zbaterile orgasmului mi-au luat trupul în stapânire. Mi-am tras înapoi piciorul pe care-l tineam pe umarul lui. L-am lipit si mai strâns de mine. "Vai! S-a terminat!"

Florin s-a ridicat abia respirând. Saracul! L-am lasat fara aer! M-a ridicat si a fugit cu mine pe pat. Si-a dat pantalonii jos si s-a urcat pe mine. L-am simtit penetrându-ma cu viteza. Toata, pâna la capat, din prima. Si ce placere! Si câta mirare! M-a gasit repede si nu m-a durut deloc. Din nefericire, prea excitat ca sa îmi îndeplineasca dorinta, a terminat cât te-ai sterge la ochi. Nuuu! Nu m-am suparat! Îmi daruise ceea ce nimeni pâna la el nu o facuse: placerea sexului oral. Ca sa-l rasplatesc, în timp ce termina, am facut cele mai tari miscari pe care le stiam. Si l-am vazut ca e fericit.

Dupa ce a terminat, l-am aruncat de pe mine si am fugit la baie. Eram speriata. Uitasem complet ca sunt exact în mijlocul perioadei de fertilitate. Când m-am întors, era întins pe pat, fara nimic pe el. Scula îi era gata de o noua "repriza". Am ramas stupefiata. Câta virilitate! Dar nu! Acum chiar ca nu se mai putea!

- Nu, Florine! Gata! Nu se mai poate! A fost o greseala din partea amândurora! Eu sunt casatorita, tu ai o sotie care mi-e cea mai buna prietena… Nu! Nu se mai poate!

- Bine, nu se mai poate! A fost o greseala.

Si a întins mâinile spre mine. M-am dus spre el hipnotizata de scula care tresarea ritmic.

- Nu, Florine, nu!

Si mi-am desfacut larg picioarele ca sa-l primesc în mine.

Din acea zi de 1 martie, vreme de doua saptamâni am sa traiesc cu teama în suflet. Daca am ramas gravida? Pentru ca nu am tinut cont de calendar nici atunci, nici în zilele urmatoare. Asta ca am vrut ca totul sa fie OK si din parte mea. Cu barbatu-meu intentionat nu am tinut calendarul. Ca, daca o fi sa fie ceva, sa am o scuza. În fata lui. Ca, într-a mea, stiu cine e autorul!

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Emerald Princess Chapter 16 Whateley Fan Fiction

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Long Awaited Pleasure Part 2

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Do Pariwaron Ka Milan

Hi friends, main shukriya ada krta hun ISS ka jisne mujhe apne anubhav aap sab logon tak pahunchane ka mauka diya. Jinhone mujhe mail krke comments bheje unka bhi mere khade lund se dhanyavad. Aur jinhone milkar mujhse apni choot aur gaand marwayee unhen us meethe se hole pr meri ek jordar pappi. Keep commenting and giving more inspiration. Main raj aapko apni behan simran and mom usha ke sath chudai gatha aapko pehle hi bta chukka hun apni pehle ki kahaniyon me jinka tile tha….ghar me swarg...

2 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 2

She wore the ill-fitting dress she had arrived in to the morning meal. She carefully sat down, as far from his as possible. Claude sighed and set aside his epaper. "Renee." She stared at her plate, but she was listening. "I told you to wear the clothes I had purchased. Why aren't you wearing them?" "They were too small, sir." "It ... displeases me when you persist in wearing such an ugly sack of cloth." He was listening in, and he felt the flash of triumph when she learned she had...

3 years ago
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A Reluctant HeroChapter 12

0600 hours, December 14, 2013 – Downtown Manhattan, New York City The jangling phone awoke Josh with a start. He groaned and reached for the receiver. "Huh?" "This is your 6:00 AM wakeup call, Sergeant Warner," the night operator reported. "Major Van Dyke needs you dressed and ready to leave for Rockefeller Center in thirty minutes. The major said that you should not worry about packing. One of his assistants will handle that for you." "Thank you," Josh managed to grunt as he...

1 year ago
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Daddy Avenges His DaughterChapter 9 Daddys Daughter in Danger

Breakfast the next day turned into a council of war. The girls, all of them, were bent on vengeance. The sex had bound us to Becky, and with the understanding and apologies all round she was one of us now. Sally had checked the school website and all three of the blackmailing rapist gang were still there. My new Becky-style Vonnie was still in favour of the ultimate solution: “Sex offenders always reoffend,” she pronounced, sounding as though she was quoting a website, “you can’t stop them...

2 years ago
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Our First Home Part 2

She was so turned on by how the scenario had worked out for the front yard installation that, while we were fucking on the living room floor that night, she asked me if we could do something similar with the back yard install. If that didn't work out, she'd get the first outfit to come back. The second estimate was the next day and she asked me for a few changes in her program. Her costume was a bit different than the first episode, and she wanted me to be an active part in the whole thing. In...

Straight Sex
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The Desire WithinChapter 3

Evony wakes up on the cold hard floor. It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust to her surrounds, and when they finally do, she notices she is back on the top floor of the building in her own lab. Everything is still a mess but there isn’t any sign Stanley or the creature that took him over. Slowly, she pushes herself to her knees and then up into a kneeling position to glance over the edge of the counter. Her eyes dart back and forth and she breathes out a sign of relief upon not seeing...

3 years ago
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Finally did it a true story

So I’m nervous as fuck and start drinking a bit more just for the fuck of it to calm down. I start feeling really good. She’s laying next to me on the floor and her body looks so damn good I just keep staring. He movie starts to get pretty sad and I can see her crying a little bit, so I ask if she’s ok. She tells me she’s fine just lonely and wishes she had someone like her sister has to treat her right. Now I started to feel like an asshole for thinking about cheating on my girl with her...

3 years ago
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Awakening of DebbieChapter 10 Showtime

"Ted," said Earl, "My good buddy, you are going to see just how talented your little bride is." With that he pressed the play button and the screen filled with the scene of Debbie and the judge discussing her case. Ted watched in horror as the drama unfolded. From the first rape by the judge, to the second by the sheriff, to the final assault by Cindy, Debbie sat staring into space without a word. Ted couldn't believe what was happening to his wife on the screen. When it was over, he...

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Summer Hire Ch 03

A New BeginningMelissa slipped into the departmental office, her feet feeling sticky and sweaty in the pumps she had hastily shoved on. She looked around and saw the visitors’ chairs were empty. Then Professor Gavin’s office door opened and the departmental admin stepped out. When he saw Melissa, he nodded back to the office and whispered, “They just went in.” He held the door open and motioned to her, “Go ahead.”Melissa stepped in quietly, gave Professor Gavin a small half wave, and walked...

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fondled in a night club

My friend Wiffer wrote a story “The girl in the spray-on jeans” and I liked it so much, I thought I'd write a version from the girl's point of view. Hope you like it...I was bored. Very bored. I hadn't been out for ages and all my friends were away. When I'm in this kind of mood, dancing always lifts me and I remembered some complimentary tickets I had picked up for Polyanna's nightclub that night. So I thought, that's what I'll do.I went through my wardrobe wondering what to wear and...

3 years ago
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Kitten 13 Road Trip

Kitten, 13, Road Trip By: Malissa Madison, aka, Bernice The ringing of the phone woke me from my sound sleep. Rolling over I looked past Samantha to the clock beside the bed. It was Two AM, who in the hell could be calling me at this time of morning? "Erika, we need to talk," said Vet my foreman out at the farm. "Can it wait until daylight?" "I'm afraid not." I heard strange noises in the background. "Where are you?" I began pulling on clothes as quickly as I could. "I'm...

3 years ago
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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part X

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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Correction house for naughty girls

Hi my name is Jillion, I am 5' 7" tall. I have natural blond hair that always wear in long pig tails. I have bright deep green eyes. Body wise I am slim and gym toned.I am here to tell you the story of what happens to naughty girls like myself and how they can be molded and shaped to be obedient polite,,contrite and submissive as I now am.From an early age I found I attracted men so used this to my advantage. I committed many lewd sexual acts for money. I stole, set fire to a pensioners house...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 16 Meeting and Having Dinner with Jessicas Mom

We got downstairs and I figured I'd have to hail a cab on such short notice, but we walked out of the lobby and there was Sandy and the limo standing there with a big grin on her face. "Sandy," I said, "¿Qué Pasa, mi amiga?" "Nada Señor Roberto," she shot back without hesitation. "¿y usted?" "Bien, Gracias," I replied. "¡Vamos al restaurante!" Sandy smiled and said, "Necesitamos hacer una parada" "¡No hay problema! Vamos." The girls were looking at us both a bit...

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Katie PunishedChapter 20

If only these pathetic creatures had not been so keen on keeping dry! The gun snagged for a second on the waterproof as Evans tried to raise it and halt Katie's onslaught in its tracks. That second was all Katie needed and she brought the side of one hand down against Evans's arm and grabbed the gun away with the other before he had time to stop her. Possession of the weapon presented Katie with a problem. She had not the slightest idea how to use a handgun. The subject of firearms was a...

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Me Aunt Rock On

Hi friends I’m a ISS reader my name is Rohit height 5.8 inches I hope u all will believe on my story this is true incident happen when I was 18 yrs old I shifted to new Bombay from Jalgaon and we owned a flat my neighbors were good but in first 6 months I was not introduced to anyone but in December I made my friends easily cause I was good in arranging parties and I helped everyone and all became my good friends then they all introduced to me to everyone in society And had a great fun one...

2 years ago
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Conspriracy At The Office

CONSPIRACY AT THE OFFICE by Alexis Santiago My wife and I own a Travel Agency in South Florida. Business has been good -- so good in fact that my wife, Linda, stopped working at the office about one year ago. I have six gorgeous women in my employ and used to spend the better part of my day fantasizing about them. My fantasies were not about having a sexual affair, but centered on being projected into their image as women. I didn't just want to wear their clothes, I...

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Amys Junior Year AbroadChapter 11 Fucked

Amy felt a prick in the back of her neck. She collapsed in the arms of the someone behind her. When she woke, she was naked lying on a wooden floor with metal cuffs restraining her hands and feet. Amy had no idea how long she had been lying there, only that she was stiff, hungry and thirsty. She screamed and screamed and screamed until her throat was so hoarse that all she could was whisper. No one came. Her mind finally cleared. She rolled over and began to study the room. It seemed like an...

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Spring Broken

Spring Broken We drove into Fort Lauderdale about an hour after dark. My name is Candice Hubbel. Candice, never call me Candy. My husband, Dave Girard was asleep in the passenger seat of our rental Challenger. Dave had just worked out his notice with his old firm in New York City. He was going to start at his new job in Wichita Falls, Texas in 4 weeks. Neither of us had the money when we were in college to attend spring break. We had some money set by now that we were in our early...

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My Friend David Fucks My Chinese Mom

The following is a true story… of my friend fucking my mom.My friend David and I grew up together in the same rural neighborhood. David is two years older than me, but we still would hang out at each other’s houses because there just weren’t that many guys around the neighborhood. David eventually graduated from high school and went off to college across the State.We would still hang out on a regular basis when he was home for the summer and on break. My mom (Lena) liked him because he took...


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