Divine Succession Chapter 06
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Samantha has a suggestion. Joe Jones laid back, happy. The past few weeks had been the happiest of his entire life. His little brother had told him he was God, and hed used his powers to turn his wife Jenny into an 18-year-old sexpot, who could barely keep herself away from his cock. Fucking his 18-year-old, 37-weeks-pregnant wife was one of the hottest, most pleasurable things hed ever done in his entire life. Both of them had been enchanted to where they could go for as long as they required, so now, even after half a dozen orgasms, his cock was still as firm as could be.
Jenny got out of the shower, and walked into the bedroom completely naked and dripping wet.
Dry me off, Jenny ordered him, and Joe happily obeyed. He grabbed hold of the towel, and wasted no time in rubbing it all over his naked wifes body. He bent her over, and slid back into her pussy, their genitals re-uniting after barely 10 minutes apart. He continued running the towel over her body, before eventually discarding it in favour of caressing her with his bare hands. He reached for her boobs, and squeezed them enthusiastically. Theyd been healthy D-cups before, but since David commanded them to double in size, theyd become absolutely enormous, the biggest and most wonderful boobs hed ever had the pleasure of getting his hands on.
Joe and Jenny both let out a great cry of pleasure, as Joe pumped yet another large load into his unbelievably sexy wife. He pulled out of her, and turned her around. They made out passionately, Joes still-erect cock rubbing against Jennys baby-filled belly, while the last remnants of his ejaculation dribbled out of him.
Stay home today honey, Joe said as they made out. I wanna make love to you all day long.
I cant, I need to go to work, Jenny said, breaking the kiss. And you have work to do to.
Jenny got dressed and headed to work, while Joe laid back on their bed, his penis still sticking up high. He worked from home, but, God, right now he didnt want to do any work, just relax and fuck. Relax and fuck for all eternity.
Having fun? Joe turned and saw his little brother laid next to him, completely naked, with his own cock fully hard.
Oh, hey David, you startled me, Joe said. What are you doing here?
Just checking up on my big brother, to make sure hes enjoying the presents I gave him.
Oh I definitely am. Ive had more sex these past few weeks than the entire rest of my life!
I know how you feel. These powers are incredible. I love being God.
The last God picked well.
Are you just saying that because of all the sex Ive gotten you.
David just laughed, and snapped his fingers, triggering 10-minute orgasms in the two of them.
Oh God, I never get tired of that, Joe panted when it was over.
Me neither, David said. Nothing like a good orgasm to start the day. And continue it. And end it.
You got that right&hellip,
So then, how about I answer that prayer of yours?
What prayer?
God, I dont wanna do any work today, just relax and fuck, David said, quoting him. Relax and fuck for all eternity.
That wasnt a prayer! Joe said. I didnt even say it, just think it!
Im God. Your thoughts are mine to read as I so please. And you addressed that thought to God, so heres God to answer your prayer.
Well if youre gonna get me laid again, then by all means, answer away.
Well Im not going to give you the eternity bit just yet, but you can certainly having some relaxation and fucking. How about I give you a sample of what awaits you after death?
You mean&hellip,
David snapped his fingers, and a set of pearly gates appeared, opening up.
For the next six hours, enjoy Heaven, David said. Joe didnt have to think twice. He ran through the gates, which closed behind him. David just smiled.
Your drinks, my Lords and Ladies, said an angel servant boy.
Thank you Charlton, Amia said as they boy handed the glasses around. The 6 archangels were sat naked in a large hot tub at Achré, and Amias mansion, socialising.
That servant boy is so slow, Dorothea said. Where did you get him from?
His mother works down in the ironic punishments department, Achré, replied. We took him on as a favour to her.
And hes not that slow, Amia said. You just have very high standards.
If one of my servants was that slow, Id be sending him down to you, Achré,, Dorothea told them.
And Id be sending him back, Dorothea, Achré, said.
Honestly Dorothea, loosen up, Michael said.
I am, thats why Im here, She said. So I can spend time with my equals, instead of those lesser beings.
Well I like mortals, Raphael said.
Of course you do, its your job to like them, Dorothea said.
Hey, how about we stop arguing? Gabriel suggested. Amia, tell us about the new God. You think hes any good?
Oh definitely, she replied. He had a few rough patches at first, but hes definitely improved.
Thats good, Id hate him to be like Erathur was, Michael said.
I thought wed decided we wouldnt talk about Erathur? Raphael said.
Well Id say its pretty relevant, Michael said. Talking about how the current God isnt as bad as the guy who sent everyone in the whole universe to Hell.
Which was fine because Amikins got him to retire pretty quickly, Achré, said, before he got a playful slap for using the nickname shed forbidden him from using in front of people.
Yes, and fortunately the new God was pretty keen on reversing what hed done, Amia said.
Yes, its very difficult to torture people when the number of damned souls outnumbers the number of torturers by 100 trillion to 1, Achré, said.
Well Id very much like to get acquainted with the new God, Dorothea said. Its been so long since Ive fucked one of them.
Well feel free to try, hes open for sex with pretty much anyone, Amia said.
Oh I will. You can trust me.
In the Jones household, everyone was happy. Luke and Isaac were sat on the sofa making out and stroking each-others cocks. Jack, Molly and Megan were doing a 3-player game on Mario Party 10. David and Samantha were cuddled up on an armchair watching the kids, stroking each-others skin lovingly.
Our lives are perfect, baby, Samantha said, kissing her husband.
And thats how theyll stay, forever, David said. He looked around at the kids. Luke and Isaac reached orgasm, spurting their cum all over each-other, while Jack and the girls finished gaming, and went to start a 5-way make-out session with the two brothers.
But David, Ive been thinking&hellip,youre like the king of this house, right? Samantha said.
Well dont you think you should be the king of more than that?
What do you mean?
I mean youre God. Shouldnt you be king of the world?
What? Why would I want that? Ive got a good job, a great wife, wonderful kids, and sex with whoever I want whenever I want.
But dont you want more? Dont tell me youve never dreamed of ruling the world.
Of course I have. But I never thought Id actually do it.
And 3 weeks ago you were an atheist. Things change.
Alright, Ill think about it.
That means no.
No, it means Ill think about it.
Well I think itd be cool dad! Molly said. I could be a Princess!
And Jacky could be my Prince Charming, Megan said, kissing her boyfriend.
Im gonna go for a walk to think about it, David said, getting up.
David left the house, making clothes appear on his body as he did. As he walked the streets, he thought about Samanthas proposal. Truth be told, his ego liked the idea of ruling the world, and it was something hed fantasised about many times. But in a way, didnt he already rule the world? He had infinite power over it, and if he didnt like something, he could just will it to change. Did he really want to become a public figure?
David decided that he needed to talk to his brother about this. He teleported himself to Joes house, and knocked on his front door. Chloe opened the door, dressed in her pyjamas.
Its Uncle David! She shouted back. David came in, and saw the heavily pregnant Jenny sat on the sofa.
Oh hey David, she said. Id stand up to hug you, but the baby complains whenever I do that.
Temperamental already? David said. Id watch out for that, she could be a real handful when shes born.
How do you know itll be a she?
Oh it will, trust me. Wheres Joe?
In the shower. Im sure hell be down in a minute.
Upstairs, Joe was indeed in the shower, his cock fully hard, just as hed commanded it to be. He tended to keep himself permanently hard now, except when it was absolutely essential to be soft. Joe figured that with all the sex he was having now, it was just more convenient to be hard all the time. Time spent getting an erection was time spent not fucking.
While Joe showered, he felt a hand on his cock, beginning to stroke it. He looked down, and realised there was no-one there.
David, is that you? Joe asked.
Oh fine, youve got me, David said, appearing. He was doing a handjob motion with his hand.
David, I appreciate it and all, but its really weird getting a handjob from my brother.
Im only doing the motions, David said, continuing wanking the air, moving his thumb to stroke the tip. The hand you can feel is Taylor Swifts.
Well thats a bit better I suppose, Joe said, letting out a groan. But still pretty weird.
How about I make it weirder? David then began wiggling his hips, and Joe moaned as he felt a vagina around his cock, fucking him, at the same time as feeling the handjob.
Holy fuck&hellip, Joe moaned. Whose pussy is that?
My archangel Amias, David replied. Good, isnt it?
Ill say&hellip,Fuck, I dont think I can hold back much longer&hellip,
Joe let out a loud groan, and started humping the air as he hit his umpteenth orgasm of the day, shooting his load all over the shower. David grabbed hold of his brother to prevent him from falling, and held him close as he rode out his orgasm.
Wow&hellip,thanks&hellip, Joe panted when it was over. But can you let me go please? I dont really wanna cuddle my little brother.
Sure thing. David snapped his fingers, and the two brothers were instantly sat on Joes bed.
So any particular reason for coming over, or was it just to make me fuck a ghost? Joe asked.
I need some advice, David said.
Well that makes a change. Youve not asked me for advice since you were 15 and wanted some of my amazing pick-up tips to try and get girls to fuck you.
Samantha says she wants me to use my powers to make us King and Queen of the world.
Seriously. I was considering it, but I really dont know what I should do.
Well its a big decision. Do you really feel up for governing the whole world?
I already govern the whole universe, this would just be me being more active on Earth. Besides, Ive got omnipotence and an angelic advisor to guide me. I should be fine.
So its really just a case of if you want to do it.
Yeah. And maybe I do. I mean, who wouldnt want to rule the world?
I know Id be up for being Prince Joe. And I dont think Jenny or Chloe would object to being princesses. Wait, would this mean wed have to tell them about your powers?
No, Ill just alter everyones minds. Im not about to go blabbing about being the most powerful being in the universe.
Well its up to you David. Remember, youre God. If you decide youve messed up, you can just clean everything up in 5 minutes if you want to.
Thanks, Ill remember that. And youve convinced me. Ill do it.
Really? Youre sure?
Im sure. Like you said, I can clean everything up in 5 minutes if I want to. Decided, David got to work with his powers&hellip,
Its a beautiful day outside Westminster Abbey, on the day of the coronation of the first ever King and Queen of Planet Earth, said Hugh Edwards, reporting for the BBCs coverage of the big day. As we all know, every head of state in the world willingly gave up their roles when it became apparent that David and Samantha Jones would be much better rulers. The royal couple themselves are said to be excited about their new role. Therell be a fly past tonight by other 30 air forces from around the world, in honour of the new royal family. Meanwhile, the New Dollar is currently being introduced into circulation, with the royal family having posed for the pictures last week.
A large carriage arrived at the Abbey, and the police struggled to hold the crowds back as they scrambled to get a picture of the royal family. The doors opened, and people started getting out.
And first out of the carriage is&hellip,Prince Jack, with his wife Princess Megan. Rumours that shes pregnant with their first child have so far been unconfirmed, but&hellip,Oh, and the crowd is going wild as the couple share a kiss for the cameras! Next up we can see Princess Molly with her husbands Prince Luke and Prince Isaac, fresh from their honeymoon tour of the world. Next we can see the new Kings brother, Prince Joseph, and his two children Prince Benjamin and Princess Chloe helping the heavily-pregnant Princess Jennifer out of the carriage. The couple has been keeping quiet about the gender and potential names of the child, though sources close to the royal family believe it will be a girl.
Many more members of David and Samanthas families were listed as they arrived, the crowd growing increasingly impatient. Eventually, a larger, golden carriage arrived, and the crowd got very excited indeed.
That is the royal couples personal carriage, decorated with their coat of arms. Likely well be seeing them emerge from&hellip,and yes! We can see now King David climbing out of the carriage. Hes turned and is now helping his Queen Samantha out. Ever the gentleman. The couple are now waving to the crowd, who are now taking thousands of photos with them.
The whole royal family made their way inside, where the crowds were gathered for the ceremony.
The King and Queen are making their way down the aisle, with the choirs singing loudly. The Queen has her head raised pridefully, while the King is looking around at all the people. Theyve reached the end now, and have taken their seats.
We are gathered here now under the eyes of almighty God to bear witness to the coronation of our one true King and Queen, said the Pope, who had been flown over specifically for the occasion. Sirs, I here present to you David and Samantha, your undoubted King and Queen. David, Samantha, will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Planet Earth, and all her possession and territories, according to the laws and customs of their peoples?
We solemnly promise so to do, David and Samantha said in unison.
Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?
We will.
Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God, respecting him as your Lord and Master?
All this we promise to do. The things which we have here before promised, we will perform, and keep. So help us God.
After many more oaths were made, the royal crowns were brought out, having been specially made for the first rulers of Earth.
And now, by my God-given right, I crown you King David and Queen Samantha, first rulers of the Planet Earth, the Pope said, lowering the crowns onto their heads. Go forth and rule, as is your divine right to do so.
At the post-coronation party, everyone was having a wonderful time. There was food in abundance, with David having enchanted everyone so that they could eat and drink as much as they wanted without getting fat or full. He sat back, and watched the festivities, smiling.
Lord, may I have a word with you? Amia asked, sitting down next to him.
Certainly Amia, what is it? David replied.
Well Lord, Im just a bit concerned that you should have consulted me about this before doing it.
Why would I have done that?
You have used your powers to bring about a large-scale change in the worlds order. As your advisor, it is my job to advise you on such decisions.
And what would you have said if Id asked you?
Id have advised against it, and I still do. Your role as God is to govern the universe from the shadows, not taking a full political position on one individual planet.
Amia, Im not sure why you think this is a problem. My family and I are happier than weve ever been, and theres world peace now that we rule everything. What could possibly be wrong with this?
Lord, this is not the way things are done. We have procedures. We have traditions! The original God would not have approved of this.
Well hes not here, is he? And theres no problem here at all.
I disagree.
Well Amia, thats great, except that Im in charge here. Im sure in time youll come to realise this is great.
Yes Lord.
I know youre just trying to look out for me, but really, theres no need to worry.
Yes Lord.
Tell you what, how about you take the next week off? Go home and relax. Fuck your husband or something.
Yes Lord&hellip,
Authors message: Im sorry about this chapter being so short, but I wanted to get it out tonight, and it was a good stopping point. The only real way to stretch it out would be to to add an extended sex scene, which I could have done, but like I said, I wanted to get it out tonight. As its 1am right now, writing a sex scene tonight isnt an option. As I mentioned before, Im going on holiday on the 22nd, so this story WILL be finished this week. Im thinking 2 or 3 more chapters, though Im not sure exactly as Im not sure how long my ending is going to take. 2 chapters would be ideal because itll mean itll end with the same number as A Boy and his Genie.
Samantha here is beginning her manipulation of David to get what she wants. This will be what eventually causes the ending of this story. Stay put and see exactly what will happen.
This weekend Ive been thinking about what I want to write after this. Id like to return to the Boy and his Genie universe properly, with another full story instead of a one-shot. I have 4 or 5 ideas in my head, with one of them looking the most likely. Ive got the whole first chapter planned out in my head, so I hope I can think of what exactly to do with the story. It wont appear until mid-September at the earliest though, so dont expect it soon.
Thats it for this message. Im off to bed now. Hopefully I can get the story finished in time!
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Introduction: Wrongs are righted. David woke up early the next morning. He looked down at Samantha, who was cuddled up to him closely, her chest rising and falling gently as she slept peacefully. David kissed her, and teleported out of bed, so as not to wake her. Sleep honey&hellip, David whispered, stroking her skin. You dont have to go to work today. Just sleep. You deserve it. David then did the same thing to Jack and Molly, allowing his family the lie-in they all desperately needed. David...
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Introduction: David gets answers. Okay seriously, who the fuck are you? David asked the mysterious girl. You&hellip,look familiar. I am Amia, Lord, your chief archangel and personal assistant. Your memories have been repressed by your predecessor Lord, but simply will it to be so, and they shall return to you, the girl said. What are you talking about? Lord, there is much we must discuss. Why do you keep calling me that? And why are you bowing to me? I always bow to Gods before I am given...
Introduction: The morning after a night with God. At 4:38am, exactly 8 hours after David had made his command, the two of them began to feel their orgasms start to dissipate, before they finally ended. They fell asleep almost instantly, their bodies absolutely exhausted. Their bedroom was in utter disarray. In their passions, theyd completely ripped the mattress cover off, and onto the floor, as well as the pillows. The mattress itself was also on the floor, with David and Samantha cuddled up...
At 4:38am, exactly 8 hours after David had made his command, the two of them began to feel their orgasms start to dissipate, before they finally ended. They fell asleep almost instantly, their bodies absolutely exhausted. Their bedroom was in utter disarray. In their passions, they'd completely ripped the mattress cover off, and onto the floor, as well as the pillows. The mattress itself was also on the floor, with David and Samantha cuddled up lovingly on it, but completely exposed, the...
"Okay seriously, who the fuck are you?" David asked the mysterious girl. "You ... look familiar." "I am Amia, Lord, your chief archangel and personal assistant. Your memories have been repressed by your predecessor Lord, but simply will it to be so, and they shall return to you," the girl said. "What are you talking about?" "Lord, there is much we must discuss." "Why do you keep calling me that? And why are you bowing to me?" "I always bow to Gods before I am given...
"Molly!" David shouted. "What are you doing here!?" "Dad, what's going on?" Molly asked. "There was this man in white robes. He told me I was going to be judged. He told ... I was dead." "Amia, explain this, right now!" David demanded. "Molly Amelia Jones was shot by a mugger who'd attempted to steal her purse and phone," Amia explained. "She ran off, and was shot in the back. She was dead before help arrived." "I remember that ... I ran off, and I felt a pain in...
David woke up early the next morning. He looked down at Samantha, who was cuddled up to him closely, her chest rising and falling gently as she slept peacefully. David kissed her, and teleported out of bed, so as not to wake her. "Sleep honey..." David whispered, stroking her skin. "You don't have to go to work today. Just sleep. You deserve it." David then did the same thing to Jack and Molly, allowing his family the lie-in they all desperately needed. David got dressed, and headed...
When David got home, he found Samantha, Molly and Megan arranged in a triangle, eating each-other out, while Jack was sat on the sofa, enjoying an unending orgasm, firing cum all over the girls. "Oh dear, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," David smiled. "H ... hey dad..." Jack groaned, his face and voice giving away just how much pleasure he was experiencing. "Honey, when you're done with this, I'll be in the shower," David told his wife. David went upstairs, got undressed,...
When Samantha woke up the next morning, she rolled over, in order to cuddle up to her husband. She was rather surprised however to find only an empty space. She opened her eyes, and remembered that David was away on a business. She sighed, and went back to sleep. It was nearly midday when she finally woke up again, put her dressing gown on, and went downstairs. “Hey mom,” Jack said. He was sat on the sofa, playing on his PS4, while Molly and Megan pleasured him. Molly was sucking his cock,...
Joe Jones laid back, happy. The past few weeks had been the happiest of his entire life. His little brother had told him he was God, and he'd used his powers to turn his wife Jenny into an 18-year-old sexpot, who could barely keep herself away from his cock. Fucking his 18-year-old, 37-weeks-pregnant wife was one of the hottest, most pleasurable things he'd ever done in his entire life. Both of them had been enchanted to where they could go for as long as they required, so now, even after...
The months went by with the world under David and Samantha's rule. World peace was achieved, with wars abolished. Dictatorships no longer existed, so their subjects were now free citizens of David and Samantha's planet. Their new global law enforcement agency kept people in line, and soon, crime was basically non-existent. The royal family themselves lived in a giant palace, which took up several square miles. It was the most luxurious thing ever constructed, and had everything anyone...
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My name is Terrance Graves. To sum up, I have a decent sized family. Two older twin sisters, a younger sister, and a younger brother… My parents were pretty busy people. But see, I was a mistake; the only mistake of the bunch, but a mistake. I must have been; my parents despised me. Absolutely despised me, to the point of cursing at me in front of my siblings. I don’t know what it was that I did or that I said, but it was all my fault, everything that had every gone wrong in our family. My...
Hi! My name is Joanna. I am twenty-five years old and for three years I’ve been married to Mike. We met at university and dated for two years before tying the knot. One day we will (hopefully) start a family but there is no great hurry.At present, we are both pretty wrapped up in the early years of marriage. We have a very active sex-life and to reflect that fact I call Mike “Unicorn” because of his impressive rampant member. I’ve even had a small unicorn tattooed on my groin.Early on in our...
VoyeurAuthors note: This is a revision to Divine Bliss. I added more depth to the characters and also some background to Calise. Hope you enjoy. Questions or comments are welcome. I promise I wont get mad…lol Enjoy * ‘Where are we going?’ Calise asked her best friend of ten years. They had been driving for a little over an hour and she was tired of seeing desert out of the car window. When Shauntea arrived at Calise’s house tonight all she said was get dressed. That was it. She refused to tell her...
Conner Evans was, in three words, unlucky, unappreciated, and unliked. To say that he lived in hell was an understatement. He lived in a degree of hell that only the devil could stand. Standing at somewhere around six foot two inches tall, he wasnt a lightweight. Conner had some muscle built up from everyday things like running form stray dogs in the neighborhood or lifting furniture to appease his god awful foster parents. He wasnt ugly by any means, sporting brown hair with some strange...
Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...
He knew he was finished when the official State of Womanhood post arrived. It simply read "You have been found guilty of the grave crime of masturbation and have been selected for trial at which your guilt will be confirmed. You will prepare yourself for collection." The writing had been on the wall when he had been refused entry to the maternal sperm bank. The stern receptionist had smiled cruelly at him on his last visit. 'Your seed is no use anymore, we shall not see you again; the Chief...
We left at dawn the next morning. I was less than pleased to be awoken only a few hours after I normally went to sleep, but as I have learned time and time again since my sentence began my wishes count for little. I was wearing all new clothing and boots, something unprecedented in my life. My hair was clean, combed and trimmed. In fact all of me was much cleaner than I was accustomed to. On the streets, I bathed perhaps once a month and cleaned my clothing once a tenday at most, but both...
It seems to be a divine plan "You didn't do the dishes correctly, Toby," said an irritated Kelly. The dishwasher was brand new. Ten years old and has only been used once or twice. The couple in this story liked their wares cleaned, not only sanitized. Toby rolled his eyes at the ingratitude of his wife of five years. He counted off the several items that pissed him off with Kelly's statement. How about some appreciation that Toby had cleaned the dishes unprompted? The fact that...
Divine Plan? III "Oh, Tabbi, your eyes look so big. Doesn't Big George feel so good stuffing your sissy pussy? I can see how much you like it. All your tasty semen is swallowed and gone, and you are still impressively erect. You look so innocent and sort of virginally surprised. And how will you ever learn to walk in those six-and-a-half-inch strappy heels?" Kelly asked joyfully. Tabbi stood there with a shocked expression on her face. She remembered the size of what Kelly showed...
DIVINE PLAN? IV "Oh, she still has her balls," Trudy claimed with joyous mirth in her voice. Tabbi was still a little behind the eight ball. She was now a woman with something extra. A removable boob job was not what had transpired. George was trapped deep inside her as her keeper ensured he did his job dutifully. Looking down at her decollete, perfect cleavage, and sculpted breasts stood proud and were hers. Her crossed legs looked so natural with her now expanded hips and ass. The...
Bondage"Close the door," you order and wait until the knave turns toward you. "Usually, I would ask my maids this favor...," you start before making a pregnant pause. "... but in this case, it isn't possible," you continue, lowering your eyes. "The... it's just impossible...," you sigh and turn your back on him. After waiting some moments, you finally come to the point. "This is where you come into play...," you say in a low voice. "I heard, that you took care of your lord's hair removal...," you add,...
Fantasy"Are you aware that President Stinson, his Chief of Staff and several other key members of his administration, including two members of the Supreme Court, have gone missing?" Bob Zaglinder asked of Michael at a Saturday brunch in the Ambassador's quarters. "I have heard something to that effect, yes, Bob," Michael answered. "Do you know anything more? Anything about the circumstances of their disappearance?" Bob asked. Michael studied the contents of his coffee cup for a moment,...
After hanging up, Charlotte went into the living room and sat on the couch next to Jamie, who was still playing his Xbox. He was so engrossed that he didn’t even notice his mom peeking at his erection as it stuck straight up from his lap. It was either the wine, or the site of his hard young prick, or hearing Julie describe the taste of his cum… but whatever the reason, Charlotte’s pussy was starting to drool again.As she glanced at Jamie’s cock bobbing slightly with the beat of his heart, she...
IncestNothing had ever caused an obsession for Julie like her experience with Jamie had. She thought about masturbating to another orgasm, but instead, she suddenly decided to call the Bradley’s. After all, she told herself, she and Charlotte were becoming friends, and she was being nothing more than a good doctor concerned for her young patient. So she quickly found the Bradley’s phone number, and after taking a big gulp from her wine, she picked up her phone and dialed the number.~~~As Julie was...
IncestAs Julie Alexander was contemplating her feelings, Jamie and Charlotte were already back at home. It had been an hour since Jamie had told his mom he had gotten another erection, and as she looked in on him watching TV, she could see him fidgeting uncomfortably. After watching him squirming around, she asked, “Jamie honey, are you alright?”Her son let out a frustrated sigh and then said, “Yeah mom, it’s just that my… my penis is really hurting.”Charlotte could tell by the way her son hesitated...
MILFWhile still in the doctor’s room, the young doctor said, “Now Jamie, you understand how important it is that you be completely honest with your mom… right?”“Yes ma’am, I will be,” the young boy replied, nodding his head.Then Dr. Alexander said, “You also need to remember that you don’t want to masturbate as soon as you get an erection… it’s very important to see if it goes away on its own, but if it stays hard for about four hours, and you start to experience any discomfort, then go ahead and...
IncestChapter I - Cure by Mother’s Hand Jamie Bradley sat quietly in the doctor’s office waiting room as his mother filled out the insurance information and questionnaire as to why they were visiting. This was nothing new, since Dr. Alexander had been Jamie’s doctor since he was a young boy, and had remained so for his annual checkups and other typical illnesses, even though he was in high school now. But this time there was nothing routine about the reason for their visit, and the teen was very...
IncestAuthors note: Here is chapter two. I thank everyone for the comments. I hope that you enjoy this one as well. As I’ve said before comments and questions are welcome. ***all poetry used in this and future chapters are copy written*** enjoy * Calise sat in front of her computer. She was supposed to be studying for her exams at school but couldn’t focus. A certain club owner kept occupying her thoughts lately. The night she had with Deondre at the club was wonderful. She hadn’t let loose like...
I had come home from a long day, one of those days that never seemed like it could end. Thankfully it did. I ran home as fast as I could, but not speeding the car too fast as to avoid a ticket. It was already dark outside, a little cool for an October night. Closing the car door with my hip and locking the door. Fumbling through my purse for the keys to the door, but pushing it open before I could even turn the handle. Someone was in there. Turning on the hallway light and looking around my...
Authors note: This is the third installment in this series. I hope you all are enjoying the story as it plays out. Thank you to my editor May McQueen for your input and corrections and Miss Kittie for your input. * Calise put the finishing touches on her makeup. As she applied a little gloss, she gave herself one last look in the mirror. She thought that she looked great. She wore a mid-length black Dolce&Gabbana strapless dress with lace-up red stilettos. Looking at her hair, she decided to...
I left Hanna the next morning and got in a cab that took me to the airport. Hanna and I had sex twice more before I left, Ill never forget that night. After two planes and another cab, I stood in front of my new home. It was a three-story house with a nice front yard, tall windows and a wide, shadowed porch. It looked like something my parents would buy. I smiled as I looked at it. Hartford would be a new start. At the airport I had honed my abilities. They were nowhere near perfect, but I...
In a world riddled with pain and suffering, a body of hate, anger, and torture, lives a solitary cancer of joy, a blemish of pleasure and happiness. A solitary cathedral, echoing their religious harmonies, worshiping carnal wants desires. A cult of pleasure, a religion of satisfaction. Every aspect o life here is made for nothing but enjoyment. Many mock their unrealistic views of reality, but they continue on with their faith and worship till the end of time. Many call this cathedral home,...
Fantasy(WARNING: RAPE AND NON CONSENT ARE A BIG THEME IN THIS STORY. IF YOU’RE NOT OK WITH THAT, STOP NOW.) You’re an average fellow. You work a shitty job, live in a shity apartment, in a shitty city. You go day to day just trying pay the bills. You have a bit of an interest though. You rape. Every few nights or so, you’ll pick out an alleyway in this shithole of a city, and wait for a hot piece of ass to walk by. You were usually picky about who you were fucking, but a pussy’s a pussy. It wasn’t...
This happened and trust me the place was what made me do it. Time: Early morning 4.00 amPlace: Temple I was traveling with as friend of mine to the temple town in Kerala. We had taken a nice lodge and stayed overnight and decided to go for the early morning darshan at 3.00 am. I was in the queue with my friend and there was a heavy rush as we reached the temple doors I removed my shirt and was in a dhoti. As I got into the temple the queues converge and my friend got in a first and I let a few...
To understand this transformation, I need to give some background information. My name is Sarah; I was one of two daughters of a minister. During my life, I was always very conservative and sheltered. I never wore makeup, and my dress, which would hide my 38D breasts, was still old-fashioned compared to the other girls in my school. At seventeen, I did have my first date; well, many would not recognize it as a date. A boy named Sam from our church took me to a movie night my father hosted...
CheatingAs I accepted the fact I am Leon's fuck toy, I did whatever I could to satisfy Leon. I did everything to please him sexually, and now I felt I needed to change my appearance to look more appealing. I decided to leave work early and go to Leon's friend Mary. Mary had a beauty salon in the same building as Leon's apartment, and although she and Leon had a history, she had always been so kind to me. I knew she would be the one to help me since she is still so fashionable and also looks...
Cheatingor "Filling This Most Perfect Cup" "Bless me, Father, for I have s-sinned. It has b-been three months s-since m-muh..." and that's as far as I got. I started crying uncontrollably. "Child, what is it?" Father McGuire's concerned voice came through the screen. "Nothing's so bad that it can't be corrected, especially with God's help." "Oh, Father," I cried, "nothing will help. I've prayed and prayed, and it's still the same." "Tell me, child, what is it?" "It's my...
After Zabrac's departure it was as if time and nature themselves gave pause in memory of Quinlan Truesilver. I did not know how long I remained hidden, only that after a time a wind that howled with the grief of angels roused me from my stupor. I do not recall walking or climbing to him, but suddenly I was kneeling by his side and what I saw caused me to weep. Oh, he had been defiled. That monster Zabrac had taken the cruellest of prizes, and now the spirit of the great man I had known for...