Divine Justice Conner Evans vengeance
- 3 years ago
- 24
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I left Hanna the next morning and got in a cab that took me to the airport. Hanna and I had sex twice more before I left, Ill never forget that night.
After two planes and another cab, I stood in front of my new home. It was a three-story house with a nice front yard, tall windows and a wide, shadowed porch. It looked like something my parents would buy. I smiled as I looked at it. Hartford would be a new start. At the airport I had honed my abilities. They were nowhere near perfect, but I could do some pretty neat things. Using my newly sharpened mental senses I scanned the rooms of the house. I was able to get a visual without actually going inside. It was quite nice. The rooms were all carpeted upstairs, with one bathroom on the third level and another two on the second. There were two bedrooms on the third floor, three on the second floor and the last one on the ground floor. A large backyard stretched out behind the house with a pool and a garden. At the moment, seeing as it was seven o clock, everyone was at the dinner table. They werent expecting me for another hour. I sharpened my focus and looked at each person individually.
My mother wasnt the perfect woman or a MILF. She was just an ordinary woman in her fifties, blonde hair, blue eyes, short height, graceful movements but a cold attitude. My father, siting next to her, was the opposite. He looked thirty at fifty five, and there was an air of knowledgeable humor about him that made people laugh at the stories he told. He wore a suit constantly, one of the trademarks of a banker, I suppose. His hair was short brown and his eyes were the same. He stood at five foot eleven, he made up for height in going to the gym every day. It was a frightening thing to watch him lift, knowing how hard he pushed himself. He looked like a fighter. Next came my older sisters, the Twins: Katy and Kathy. Leave it my parents to be original. Katy and Kathy are identical twins: long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes and very very sexy figures that made guys drool over them: a pair of 36D breasts and a nice, firm ass that even made me rise to the occasion sometimes. Theyre both smart, but neither of them ever really applied it to things they should have. Therefore they always seem like typical blonde bimbos. Looking through their heads, I found some very strange things. Katy and Kathy were not the evil souls Id figured them for. They were both virgins, despite numerous boyfriends, were kinder to their friends than I had previously thought, and had very specific dreams that each was stressing over. Both had trouble in school due to a lack of interest, meaning that they werent getting where their dreams wanted them. Next, my younger sister Clair. Born a year after me, she is the opposite of my older sisters. She wears glasses while they wear contacts. She was in the band while the Ks did cheerleading and track. They wear short skirts, she wears t shirts sort of thing. However, she is like everyone else in our family: extremely attractive. Her brown hair is but short, her glasses make her the most beautiful nerd ever, and her chest, while smaller than her sisters suits her well. She was a little bookworm and had almost everything she ever wanted. Except one thing: she was bi sexual. That didnt blow me away, considering I knew almost every dirty secret that could be found without interacting with my family. She enjoyed lesbian porn very often, something Id found interesting. But her discovery had led to very extreme personal conflict. I could tell she wasnt purely gay, but she was scared of that possibility. It made her work harder at school and isolate herself more. Last, my younger brother, Tommy, born three years after Clair. He is my fathers pride and joy, everything he ever wanted in a son. And of course the two of them took every opportunity to hold it over my head. I poked into Tommys head quite a bit and found nothing extraordinary. He was an average intelligent person who played sports. Nothing special.
After going over each of these people, I found another. I was shocked until I remembered that our family was hosting an exchange student from France for a year of school. I pushed into her mind and was blown away. She was the opposite of my family in every way but one: she was gorgeous. Black hair, green eyes, and very nice body and an extensive knowledge of English, French and Spanish, she was a regular genius at everything. Then I discovered the truth. She wanted to be a dancer, and her parents, both very smart, hated that part of her. She was smart, but had to study hard at it, and it created a very sad side of her, a side that was very unsure of herself. To top it all off, her name was Juliet, of all things.
I shook my head and focused, downloading the information on languages and her home. I smiled. I was trilingual in a few seconds, and I knew everything about everyone in the house that I knew like a map&hellip, I was omniscient in this house. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked toward the front door, disregarding the fact that I was interrupting the family meal. I knocked and waited a second before throwing open the door and spinning my suitcase inside. The shock was immediate. I scanned everyone again, this time for emotion. My father and mother were angry and surprised. My sisters were all simply shocked that I had the balls to do what Id done. My little brother was glad that I was home, for some reason. Juliet was scared for a moment and looked over at Clair, who hastily pointed and reassured her that I was someone who was supposed to live there.
Im home, loving family! Everyones expressions darkened and I grinned even broader. I was going to enjoy this too much. My father stood up, shaking.
Thought you wouldnt be home for another hour, Terrance. Why didnt you call?
Cell phone died. I forgot to charge it last night. I gave the answer as I hugged him. That really pissed him off. He hated when people hugged him in the suit. My mother didnt say anything, as she started speaking I planted a kiss on her head and she shut up pretty quick. I said hello to everyone else, gave my younger siblings hugs, and held out my hand to Juliet.
Bonjour, Juliette. Mon nom est Terrance. Comment tes-vous cette belle soiré,e? I would like to think that it shocked everyone more than anything else I had done. My French was perfect and I spoke with no accent, another side effect of downloading. Juliet smiled at me and looked around the table.
Je vais bien Terrance. Pourquoi sont-ils tous à, la recherche de vous?
Ils ne maiment pas beaucoup. Je peux vous expliquer plus tard, si vous le souhaitez.
Jaimerais beaucoup. Cest trè,s é,trange.
Je suis daccord, mais joue long pour moi. She smiled and fluttered her eyes in what I understood as a yes. I was glad to have her on my side. I looked around at my family and they all stared at me. What? I know French.
The dinner was not cut short by my arrival. My Father was very strict about family dinners. I decided to let everyone mull it all over while I began my unpacking. I was on the third floor with my little brother, which meant nothing. I checked the walls of the house quietly and smiled to myself, they were already soundproofed against each other, however that worked. I unpacked most of it quickly, trying out a little bit of telekinesis and finding it pretty easy (after I dropped several objects including a lamp) to use. In the end, I was done well before dinner was over, and I had plugged in all of my necessary chargers by the time everyone arrived to visit me. Gladly first it was not Juliet but Clair. She didnt like me particularly, but I understood after invading her mind. She saw me as trouble and wanted no part of it to rub off on her. She walked into my room, knocking on the open door nervously.
Terry? I looked over at her and smiled.
Whats up Clair? She looked around and made a face of approval.
You unpacked pretty quick. I guess you clean the way you learn languages. I smiled at her. She glared at me. It went on for a while.
You know, if you want to know my secret, youll have to be nicer. With those cute little glasses, you might have a chance of getting the answer out of me. She blushed wildly.
Why am I getting turned on? Hes my brother and an ass&hellip, God this is insane! Hes super attractive. Did I just not pay any attention before? Or maybe he got hit with lightning or something&hellip,
I pulled out of her head smiling. The Stranger had promised that I would be a chick magnet and I was, I knew what to say and how to say it to get her aroused. And I wanted to get all of my sisters curious about my newfound abilities.
Maybe I dont want to be nice. You did just get us all a lecture on being rude to your family&hellip,
They arent my family. Clair looked at me with shock and fear in her eyes. I didnt realize how cold and harsh I sounded.
What? Theyre your parents, of course theyre&hellip,
None of you are, if you arent going to play nice. And I want to make that clear Clair. If you want to be my sister thats fine, but dont treat me like shit twenty four seven unless you have a reason, and trust me, Ill know if youre acting on your reasons or theirs. Im a very different person than before. Clair stared at her feet.
I act that way to avoid trouble&hellip, Hes brother, were all family, this feud between him and our parents is going to destroy us&hellip,
And Clair&hellip, I know your secret. I found out a while back what youve been trying to hide from Mother and Father. She stiffened. Im not threatening. I dont plan on ever telling or revealing or doing anything that you dont want. What Im doing, is offering you my help. If anyone finds out, youll need help to keep it quiet from Mother and Father.
What, so we arent family, but youre my knight in shining armor? Her voice had dropped to a hiss, and her eyes became slits. She was seething with anger. I pushed into her head and calmed her down a little, made her rage die and replaced it with wavering trust. On the outside she took a breath and then looked at me evenly. How do I know you wont use it against me? I havent always been nice to you.
I dont plan on it because there would be no point. I want a family, not a bunch of secretive people I cant trust. And I want you to trust me. Youre my little sister&hellip, I dont want to have the relationship that I have with everyone else in this house with you too. I want you to talk to me about this sort of thing&hellip, like siblings should. Clairs heart softened and she smiled at me. But even that was tinted with both mistrust and hatred.
We are siblings. I love you Terry, I just&hellip, I dont want Mom too mad at me for treating you&hellip,
Hey Clair? she stopped and looked at me. Im not the same person as before. I can make her stop treating you guys badly for being nice to me. Mother and Father will never mess with me again, and I can get my siblings back. Thats my plan here. I opened my arms and Clair looked at me suspiciously. Finally, though, she smiled and gave me a hug. She walked out very pleased with the conversation. Within fifteen minutes, Juliet arrived. She walked in radiating insecurity. I really didnt blame her for feeling that way. I stood up as she walked in and she looked around the room uncertainly.
Bonjour à, nouveau, Madame.
Je pré,fè,re langlais, puisque cest la langue. She smiled at me and I smiled back. It seemed so simple.
Alright, if you prefer English. I thought it might be easier for anyone listening if they didnt understand us, but I dont mind English. I gestured toward my desk chair and sat down on the bed as she took the chair.
Your parents dont like you&hellip, Or am I wrong?
Youre right.
Okay&hellip, Why? Before you arrived, everything seemed so easy between them. Your parents were kind and your siblings were friendly toward one another. Now everything is different. Your parents are fighting and your siblings are all very&hellip, shifty. They all act as though someone is trying to hurt them. I thought about it. Juliet had become very relaxed, or as relaxed as she could be. I kept myself from pushing into her head, this one I wanted to work with on equal terms.
Well&hellip, Juliet, this is the way my family has always been. I know it seems wrong, but something happened between my parents when I was born. They dont like me, trust me, or care for me… at all. My siblings took up the same dislike and now&hellip, This is the result. I spread my arms wide and looked at the door. I could sense my mothers thoughts just outside the door, where no person could possibly have seen or heard her. I got up and walked to the door, gesturing for Juliet to remain quiet. She looked at me curiously but nodded. I thought I saw fear in her eyes.
Mother, did you need something? She jumped as I poked my head out the door and looked at her. She glared at me and put on a fake smile.
No, Terrance. Is Juliet up here?
Yes maam. We were just talking about the house and everyone. Nothing really important, but she wanted to ask me something so I invited her in. Mother nodded and walked away, waving the remark aside. She had her information. I turned and walked inside the room. Juliet looked at me with a smile on her face.
How did you see her? I grinned.
I didnt. I had a feeling someone was listening. Just a talent I guess. I shrugged and she cocked an eyebrow at me. I swear an arrow pierced my heart right then. What? You think Ive got the hallway rigged or something?
Maybe. I dont know, but I wouldnt blame you if you did. These people dont like you at all. With that she got up and walked out, strutting a little bit. When she got to my door she looked back and I smiled at her. I want to say she blushed, but I cant be sure. I fell back on my bed and sighed in delight.
I didnt get another visitor for an hour. It was my older sisters, each wearing a sneer. They were only older than me by a year, so they werent as much older siblings as just siblings. They had more power than I, but then that was before my… enhancement.
You think youre clever walking in on dinner like that Terry? Making us all look like idiots in front of our guest? Kathy was always more bold than Katy. I knew that the fight would be pushing her into submission and getting her sister to follow, not working on both of them. True to my expectations, Katy stayed quiet. She didnt even sneer, she just looked at me with curious eyes. I smiled at her and she looked away.
Well Kathy I did a damn good job of it didnt I? You always underestimated me, you and the Rents, as you call them, made a habit of it. And you know, it wouldnt make you look bad if you showed a little kindness to your underprivileged little brother. I went back to my book. That really pissed them off. Kathy grabbed my book and threw it across the room. That ticked me off a little bit. Hey, Kathy. Quit being a bitch for once and you might find a guy thatll want to get you in bed despite your&hellip, frightening qualities.
All right, I know it was mean for a brother to say to his sister. But then my life sucked pretty hard and Kathy was very mean to me sometimes. Maybe I should have been nicer, yeah, but you wouldve done the same thing in my position. Probably not, but thats beside the point.
Truth be told, Katy laughed at it and then hung her head. Kathy looked appalled, tears formed in her eyes. And I felt awful, absolutely awful. I grunted and looked away as Kathy ran out of the room, crying pretty hard. Katy laughed and sat on the bed beside me.
You know there was a time when I thought that you guys were actually the same person. Now I realize you have a much sicker sense of humor. Katy just looked at me with a smile. I pushed into her head and realized something: Katy had never truly disliked me, as Kathy had come to. She only stayed quiet. I realized that looking back on my own memories as much as hers. She was actually one of the kinder sisters, in line with Clair.
Well youre right. Thats what was funny, she just got done agreeing with Mommy how stupid you are and here you go exposing her innermost fear. Katy kept laughing and even fell backward onto the bed. Her head plopped down on top of my lap, directly on top of my hardening dick. Whether it was on purpose or not, I cant be sure, but she didnt seem upset abut it. She moved her head around a little bit and giggled. You know youre kind of hard to get comfy on right now&hellip, youre such a little pervert, getting hard for your older sister!
Well I cant help it. You arent ugly, Katy. I tapped her on the nose and made her laugh. Meanwhile, I managed to keep my shaft from growing anymore.
Well, since your such a good boy, maybe Ill help you out with this. My eyes got wide as she got up and knelt on the bed, reaching for my belt. I grabbed her hands, still surprisingly calm. She looked at me, disappointed. What, I thought I wasnt ugly?
Youre gorgeous, Katy. I love you, but I dont want you doing anything like that&hellip, just yet. All right, lemme pause again: I dont know what made me say that. She was my sister, and it was wrong, but the words just came out and I knew that I really did want her. I didnt love her. But I wanted her. Next thing I knew I was kissing my sister, a closed mouth kiss that was very&hellip, hot. Her lips were very soft, her hair smelled like the beach, her skin was smooth. When we broke it off she smiled and pecked me on the cheek before sauntering her way out of the room. Before she was out of the door she whipped her head around and winked at me. I smiled and winked back as I leapt up and retrieved my book.
That night, as I turned off the light and crawled into bed, I scanned the house again. My parents were sleeping soundly. My brother was the same. Juliet was somewhat asleep, half sleeping half dreaming. She dreamt of home, France. I smiled at her memories and her dreams. Finally I switched to my sisters. I found the Twins and smiled. They were sitting up talking about nothing. Katy was still thinking of our kiss and my hard on, Kathy was thinking of me as well, though it was a general thought. Things I had said before, things I had done. It was interesting, but not what I was looking for. I dont know what I was looking for. Finally I looked into Clairs room. I grinned. She was under the covers touching her body, thinking of Juliet. I smiled and pushed my boxers down, letting my cock spring free under the blankets. Closing my eyes, her pleasure became reality. I found myself immersed in thoughts of pleasure between the two women. My cock hardened and my hand moved down, gripping the shaft and rubbing up and down. The pleasure in my head, the pleasure that Clair felt, would have been enough. But the feeling of my hand rubbing up and down on my shaft was overwhelming. I wanted to barge into her room, change her desires and take her roughly. My own fantasy mixed with hers in my head, but suddenly everything changed. Her fantasy became me, in her bed with her pleasuring her. She rubbed her clit hard and moaned as she imagined my penis sliding into her body, taking her virginity and forcing her to enjoy it. I didnt need my hand anymore, her pleasure was too intense. Suddenly she moaned and her body seized up. Her orgasm washed over us and my body did the same. I smiled in disappointment. A dry orgasm wasnt what I had wanted. Wrapping my hand around my shaft, I stayed inside of her head as she continued the fantasy. Shortly after I felt the real thing rising in my balls. I pushed deeper into her mind and connected her body to mine as I imagined doing what she wanted me to. She exhaled and another orgasm surged through her young body as I came, thinking of spraying the inside of her sex with my cum. We sighed together, completely synchronized, and pulled the covers back over our bodies (since mine were already on I simply pulled at them). I pulled back, sad that I had to lose the feeling of Clairs mind totally fused with mine. As I released her and pulled back completely I heard her whisper my name and fall soundly asleep.
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Introduction: Divine Revelations Molly! David shouted. What are you doing here!? Dad, whats going on? Molly asked. There was this man in white robes. He told me I was going to be judged. He told&hellip,I was dead. Amia, explain this, right now! David demanded. Molly Amelia Jones was shot by a mugger whod attempted to steal her purse and phone, Amia explained. She ran off, and was shot in the back. She was dead before help arrived. I remember that&hellip,I ran off, and I felt a pain in my back,...
Jenny's Recollections (Day 44): The photo session is possibly one of the most humiliating experiences of my life. Worse than having Jo watch me on the toilet back at Inward Bound. Worse, maybe than when Jo showed me the video of me masturbating. At least, then, I felt I was still a person. This time I just felt like so much meat. It is one of the heavies that comes in to do it. He doesn't even speak, just waves the camera at me like I am supposed to understand what he wants. He pulls me...
The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join http://awriterswonderland.forumatic.com/ for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I’ve always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine....
The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join http://awriterswonderland.forumatic.com/ for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently...
The week of the 23rd was the introduction of garter belts, stockings and corsets. Since most of the lingerie was see through or as good as, Cat wore one of my undershirts belted all week as a minidress. On the 24th, Justice came out with their issue. “SPECIAL ADDITION” “Who is the man holding the leash of the sixteen-year-old girl that has the world at the edge of their seats?” With a picture of me from ten years ago with a ‘?’ over a grayed out oval superimposed behind Cat in her red...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
She followed him out of his car, up the pathway to his door, and as he unlocked it, the order he’d given her before was still in effect. “Kayla, I order you to act as yourself but do as I say,” he’d said, no more than 15 minutes before. Now he looked over at her and spoke. “Kayla, I want you to want me to fuck you. To cum in you. I want you to be a slut for me,” he said, to which she immediately responded. She hopped up into his arms, her being so short, her arms wrapped around his neck,...
This is a completely non-sexual tale about right, wrong and responsibility. Each reader will have to come to his or her own conclusions about relative morality. * ‘Ah, Special Agent Jenkins, my favorite FBI agent! You’re welcome to sit out here on the porch or in your government sedan while I waste more of my precious retirement income on my attorney who I would think will be here within the hour.’ ‘Mr. Thompson, you don’t need to call your lawyer. The judge approved your writ. I’ve been...
(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional. This story takes place on the date that Madison, the younger of the two, turned of legal age.) “It’s okay, I know you’ll be allowed in. The club is eighteen and up,” Victoria Justice told her s*ster, Madison, as she parked in the lot next to the Pangea Lounge in their home-town on Hollywood, Florida.“Awesome! I've...
Justice, of a Sort By Circe Doctor Braxton, You asked me to write about what happened because you think I'm not "confronting the reality of what occurred." That's a nice theory, doctor, but the realities - all of them -- are not in question. If I ever doubt the current reality I have two great reminders close at hand. All the therapy in the world will not change that. Still, I know that I have to complete the therapy before you will let me out of this hospital, so here is what...
Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...
A Darker side of Justice By LaShaunda Part 1 It never ceases to amaze me, in hindsight, just how quickly and unexpectedly my life turned upside down. It was in my sophomore year of High School, and I NEVER would have seen this coming. And it was not just me, but everyone in my town and family who was ultimately affected. My life growing up was a paragon of normalcy. I was just a...
The count looked at the beautiful young girl that sat opposite of him at thewell loaded table. He smiled to the girl, trying to be as nice to her aspossible under the given situation.He had some mixed feelings about this and tried to explain his point ofview."It is just bad luck for you, dear", he argued, "but there is a law touphold"."But that law is inhuman", the girl protested. Her name was Ruby and she wasonly s*******n years old. She was so scared, that her voice quivered. Butshe realized...
Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...
Converted from "3934_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Medieval Justice Time: middle ages By Ivan Bulley Chapter 1 A girl's school: Somewhere in EnglandThe curtains were drawn in the head mistress' office. In the dimmed lighting, faint drops of sweat on the foreheads of three teenage girls went unnoticed. Outwardly they seemed calm and even slightly arrogant. The headmistress of the girls' school stared at the delinquents. This time she would make certain that their punishment would...
Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov You can talk about the courtroom dramas on TV all you want. They're crap, I tell you, utter crap. Listen. I know a story that tops it all. New York has this peculiar institution known as the Sanitation Court. That's where you report if you get a summons for littering or maybe if you're a contractor who's tried to sneak a couple of bags of renovation debris into the regular municipal trash pickup. And it's where young judges start their career, and...
Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...
Arne sensed a freshness about Bathsheba's excitement as soon as he was awoken by her, the stern woman riding his face as soon as he was conscious, the lushly erotic scenario of his public humiliation still filling her with raw excitement as she burst into a heady orgasm; her ecstasy embellished with thoughts of the events to come magnified her pleasure; she would be granted even deeper satisfaction later, and her erotic elation would not be denied. Temporarily sated, he was pulled from the...
Just as we agreed, I arrive at the main entrance to your hotel. You are there in a pastel pink sundress with a floppy straw sun hat with a matching pink ribbon. An angel. You immediately recognize my van from the description and wave. You did not need to. I could have found you in any crowd. The Bell captain opens the door. You smile at him. He helps you step up. I am sure he just wanted to touch your perfection before you rode out of his view. We smile and make small talk. Your show went...
Introduction: The new God awakens. David opened his eyes, and saw a bright light. But this bright light hurt his eyes, causing him to close them again. When hed finally gotten himself adjusted to the light, he sat up, and saw that he was laid in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. But wait, hadnt he died? The last thing he remembered was&hellip,fucking Scarlett Johansson. While he made out with Taylor Swift and played with her tits. Or was he? It all seemed so distant now, like it had...
Divine HelpBy: Londebaaz Chohan The parish, rather the whole community was lucky to have father Laski as the head of the church. Father Laski’s passion to serve the Lord by serving his people was gigantic. His compassion for all, could only be equaled by the size of the cock father had in between his legs. He was a great teacher, preacher but he was an out class mentor for the youngsters instilling the values of God in them. Many a boys and girls had joined the church as the choir singers, some...
Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...
Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...
The rider on the buckskin took his time, studying the trail, and, by turns, the terrain ahead. He could tell by the way sand occasionally fell into a hoof print that he was not far behind his quarry. The horse he was following had been ridden hard, and from the way the hooves scraped sand between steps, must have been on its last legs. The heat made the air shimmer as he studied the rocks and brush ahead for any sign of the man he had chased halfway across the territory. Yesterday, they had...
Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...
July 5th, 2002. Chelmsford Crown Court. Next morning the court opened at 9am, and the courtroom was packed. Adultery, drug dealing, and underage sex. What other revelations would be forthcoming? V-P called me into the witness box and took me through the story of me coming home and finding Miriam and Hodge at it in the bedroom. I described my attempt to hit Hodge — a baited hook which V-P hoped Blackburn would swallow — my action of putting the house up for sale and starting divorce...
“This can’t be justice” he said pitifully. 4 months ago John was out late in the evening jogging and was hit by a car, he suffered a spinal injury and lost the use of his body from the waist down including the use of his penis, The car was full of young black males who were out celebrating their last high school football game, the driver was drunk like his passengers and he had not seen John jogging across the street. The court case was farcical due to the judge presiding it. Judge...
Richie Riley cautiously approached the nondescript warehouse in the middle of the city's industrial district. His incredible nano-tech armor, designed by his mentor the one and only TechKnight, was currently in stealth mode, making him virtually undetectable. Stealth mode automatically camouflaged him to his surroundings in real-time making him virtually invisible, especially while standing still while also hiding his heat signature and absorbing radar waves. Richie Riley or CyberSquire was one...
Dark(view) Justice, Black Court & Red Quarter By Bryce. Hat tip to Chrystal Wynd for starting the ball rolling on Darkview. Chapter 1 It was a minor traffic stop, but he couldn’t shut up long enough for the cop to leave. Which is why his ass was drug off to jail and a bail hearing in the morning. It should have been a quick in and out hearing, if he hadn’t had caught Judge Cynthia Grindcock’s attention. His case was called and before he had a chance, he was being ushered to the jury box...
Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...