A Darker Side Of Justice Part 1 free porn video

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A Darker side of Justice By LaShaunda Part 1 It never ceases to amaze me, in hindsight, just how quickly and unexpectedly my life turned upside down. It was in my sophomore year of High School, and I NEVER would have seen this coming. And it was not just me, but everyone in my town and family who was ultimately affected. My life growing up was a paragon of normalcy. I was just a regular white kid from the suburbs outside of the city, and from day one, I was instantly run through a life of football, basketball, and baseball practice, in the fall, winter, and spring, respectively. Summer was for Boy Scouts and camp. I went to school, and I'd come home to a meal prepared, homework, 4 hours of video games, and then up again next day to start the routine over again. Even though most of my free time was spent in organized sports, I really wasn't tall enough or strong enough to really get a scholarship, even though my father harboured his delusions. I figured maybe I'd go to a state school, if I was lucky, or I'd wind up going to ITT-tech or something like that and maybe just carrying on in the WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant) middle class. I was just a regular High School Student, and absolutely nothing about me stood out in any way. Honestly, I really had yet to "find myself." I had tried asking a few girls out, but nothing came of it. At school, we had the top tier of jocks and preps whom monopolized the hot girls and really got on at the top of the "pecking order." In the middle, there was me and my 3 friends, Joey, Ricky, and Scott. We sort of hung out with ourselves and kind of aspired to be the "cool kids," even though we didn't really have the pedigree to get there. Below us, there were the nerds, band-geeks, class clowns, and the random rabble at the bottom of the totem pole. Our school was almost entirely white. We lived about 30 minutes outside of the inner city in a nice white suburb. We'd have the occasional foreign exchange student from India or Kenya in our school, or the occasional migrant worker's kid who would stay for a year or two, but there was never a big minority presence in our school. All we ever really knew was seeing white kids and other white faces. In fact, we never even thought about black people or minorities, except if we watched MTV. A lot of kids liked rap music and the "Wigger" outlook, but that was just "posing." Our school was safe, serene, and totally removed from the chaos of the "Hood." The same for our town.... Our malls had nothing but cookie cutter chain stores. You could go out to eat and pick from Chili's, Chevy's, or Longhorn Steakhouse. You could be out and about all day and never see a colored or minority face. In fact, our community was rather sheltered. In one summer, however, everything seemed to change in the drop of a hat.... Before we started hearing the name of "Judge Leticia King" in the news, the biggest issue ever to afflict our town was if we should budget the tax surplus on a new swimming pool or a new skating rink. In fact, you could say our life was rather ideal and that we really had nothing to worry about, which was true. You would think that the appointment of a new district judge for our greater county area would have been no big deal, and at first, it wasn't. However, over a couple of years, we began seeing Judge King's name all over the papers and re-election advertisements. Then, came the news stories and controversies. For us kids, we thought we would never be personally affected. After all, Judge King only talked about the niggers from the inner-city; people who may well have been from Africa, or even on another planet. We only ever saw black people on the nightly roll of petty crimes on the local news. When I was about 14, however, my parents began talking worriedly about things like "Affirmative Action" and "Mandated Busing" every time I came home from school. "What will we do," said my worried mother, "You know we can't afford a private school. What if they bus in all those little niglets from Piedmont Heights. I don't want David around those types of people, you know." "I don't know what we will do," said my father, equally dejected, "But if this court case goes the way it goes, our fire department will have to lay off half of its white firemen and hire all niggers, even though the niggers are far less qualified than we are. It's a fucking crying shame!!!" I was sick at the thought of my father getting fired in such a manner, just because he was white. I found myself angry and furious at the thought of my dad losing his job to make way for a less qualified black man who would be given the job. I balled my fists. A deep, undefinable anger and rage burned inside of me, from the deepest recesses of my stomach and my soul. It was a painful rage I had never felt before in my life.... I HATED black people.... (the way they looked, with their retarded big lips and poufy hairstyles). - I snapped back to reality.... "Its this judge King," said my mother, "First, she ruled that case saying all new scholarships from the Community College had to go to "underprivileged" students. Now, she is saying that 200 nigglings from Piedmont will be bussed in to our school, while 200 kids from our district will be bussed into their neighborhood and have to go to their school. Judge King says It is for "Racial Balance."" "Racial Balance my ass," said my dad, "It's just these damn niggers thinking they run the country now since Obama got elected and offered "Change." Well, fuck him." There was little I could say, but this was a contentious issue not just for me, but for my whole neighborhood. It was the ONLY topic of discussion around barbeques and birthday parties. Citizens' groups protested outside of the courthouse. The issue on bussing would be ruled on any day now by Judge King, and the Firefighters' lawsuit soon to follow. But honestly though, I had bigger thoughts on my mind that summer. My friends and I actually had outside shots at making the football team!!! I was in final contention for a spot as a linebacker, Ricky on the offensive line, Josh as backup QB, and Scott as a kicker. And if we made the team, we may actually finally get some girls interested in us. Ever since we wore our practice jerseys around school, a few hot girls had actually talked to us and seemed to flirt with us!!! Megan Landry even said hi to me in the hallway one day!!! And truthfully, what could disturb our world ??? To my knowledge, it all happened very fast. Judge King, despite vehement protests, had mandated bussing to be implemented "immediately." Within 1 month, 200 black kids would be automatically enrolled in our school. We had no idea what to think or expect, but they would be here, like it or not, at the start of September. Much more horrifying, for us, was the "lottery" conducted to determine which unlucky white kids from our district would suffer an hour long bus ride to the ghetto school of Piedmont Heights, to "racially balance" that school. NO ONE wanted to go. I was horrified that I would be drafted, and I knew that it would basically be akin to entering prison. I was not really tough enough for that hostile and "wild" environment, and I did not want to leave my friends, Megan Landry, and basically my entire life to be thrown in instead with a bunch of hideous negroes..... Worst of all, it would not even be MY choice, but because some arrogant judge wanted to feel good about herself and turn me into a statistic. I hated the thought of having no control over my fate. I could not handle the stress alone of having to be bussed to such a shitty inner-city school. We basically had a 1 in 4 chance of "selection." If we were selected, we would be banned from re-enrolling in our home district (Lakeview High) on pain of severe penalites. Our only option was to accept busing to Piedmont, or pay for some other private tuition out of pocket. Despite serious public anger and protests, there was nothing to be done but accept. Lakeview was now full with 200 new black students and could take no more. White families attempting to re-enroll in protest were turned away by Federal Marshals. Every Lakeview student was mailed a random # lottery between 1 and 800. On the local news one night, one of 4 bouncing balls was randomly selected from the lottery machine.... I watched intently..... (My parents said the process reminded them of the Vietnam War draft). "And the redistribution lottery will affect.... Students # 200 - 400 from Lakeview," said the Announcer.... .... "WHEW!!!" That was such a close call!!! .... - I was # 401..... "YES!!!," I did not have to have this dramatic upheaval in my life. I stay in my school and keep my spot on the football team I had worked so hard for!!! I felt bad for my fellow students who were "drafted" by this grotesquely unfair law, but it was out of my hands, and no fucking way would I change places with them!!! My parents were also elated. Life would go on as before. I called up Joey, "Hey, guess what, NONE of us got drafted. You, Ricky, and Scott also all drafted over 400. I remember Megan Landry saying too that her number was 653. We all get to stay together!!!" "Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous about all the new black kids coming in though," said Joey.... "I know dude, but we still outnumber them." The four of us thought we had missed a close one. Monday afternoon, we headed out to the Football field for practice, gear in hand, all of us eager to impress Coach Johnson and retain our slots on the teams. Even better was that we learned that many of the football players on the Lakeview JV starting squad had been "drafted" in the lottery to go to Piedmont, and were now ineligible to play. We felt bad for John Sanders, Dave Smoller, Ryan Smith, and a few others who were now off to that awful hell-hole in the city, but this amazing development had opened up a brilliant new opportunity for us.... Many of the "preppy kids" who had been above us on the totem pole on many levels had been eliminated, and now we 4 had a chance to "move up" in social ranks and even possibly woo their old girlfriends... "Yeah, I heard that Jenna Johnson was in tears about Ryan Smith leaving." "Don't feel bad for him," I said, "His dad was rich enough to afford a private school." "Yeah," said Joey, "Jenna is so hot, I just gotta bide my time and then maybe make a move." We were so carefree as we sauntered to practice, but then, "reality" basically slammed us in the face in the worst possible way. We expected basically a vacant football field upon which we could show our talent, but what we found was a vision straight out of some exceedingly perverse horror movie (something like Planet of the Apes). As we got onto the field, we saw, to our horror, that at least 40 or 50 fully-grown black boys had donned practice gear and were out tearing up the grass. And ALL of these black boys seemed to be a head taller than us, and outweighed us by about 50 pounds. It was shocking. The blacks were sprinting up and down the field, and catching passes and "breakdancing" in the endzone. It was like the Harlem Globetrotters of football. Though the 4 of us tried to put a brave face on it, we basically felt like the Pee Wee squad, instantly, against this crew now wearing OUR white and gold "Lakeside" colours. What fucking business did these NIGGERS have out here on OUR field? We wished we could have gone and told them to get lost, but what could we do ?? We looked over into the corner, and we saw our few remaining white teammates sitting and looking rather forlornly on some benches in the corner. They were in the same boat we were. Even Patrick Thomas, the starting Quarterback, had apparently lost his job to a giant buck Nigger hurling "Hail Marys" 100 yards down the entire length of the football field with complete accuracy. Patrick was the toughest "Alpha male" in school, but he looked about to cry as he saw his starting slot totally usurped. His dreams of a scholarship were wilting away. The worst thing was that we had maybe expected Coach Johnson to be in the corner of kids he had trained since we were 5, but he seemed to be absolutely ECSTATIC at his new crew. Coach Johnson had worked with the same class of kids (us) for years, but he totally abandoned us to fawn over his new protoges. "Oh yeah, Damien, we'll take State for sure if you pass like that," he said to the arrogant and swaggering buck Quarterback. He seemed to have basically passed the new darkie Patrick's job already. The arrogant negro seemed to have no comprehension of the job he had usurped. He strutted around like a god, as if he already owned the place on his first day. However, to be honest with you, its not hard to see why Coach Johnson should have been so excited in hindsight about his new influx of talent. Our old football team was lucky to just to win a game against other white schools. Every time we were matched against a school from the inner- city, we would get stomped. The fact of the matter was that we WERE wimpy and small. And it was only 9 or 10 of us white kids left on the team, against all these new blacks who looked basically like the Pro-Bowl squad, only taller and darker. I know I had given up my dreams, seeing 5 or 6 black boys out there playing lineman, taking down tackling dummies like no one's business.... "Hey, if it makes you feel any better," said Joey, "we aren't alone." We looked over in the field where the cheerleaders were practicing. As we looked, we saw to amazement as 13 or 14 black girls, all looking like polished turds in cheer jumpers, "got their swag on" and shook their fat asses like Junior-Strippers. The demure white and preppy girls all just stood around and watched in silence, unable to match the aggressive rhythm of the African females. Megan Landry just stood there, shocked, as the old cheer captain was stripped of her rank, on the spot, and her captain's insignia handed to a ghetto-queen almost 6' tall. It was clear that the black girls had a depth of dancing talent that the white girls were nowhere close to matching. Something inside me felt deeply infuriated at seeing these black kids "invading" in this manner and taking over our Football and Cheerleading teams, Lakeview's two proudest institutions. I remembered that Judge King had put a little rider in the lawsuit verdict that said "All school clubs had to have token black students, or whatever, participating in activities, and so many had to be captains, etc, etc." Anyway, coach did not even acknowledge us that day, so the 4 of us figured that Football was basically "over," even though we hadn't really been officially cut off the squad. We didn't want to linger around though as we knew we would not get playing time in this new situation. Nothing needed to be said, but we acknowledged defeat and left school sports. Quite honestly, Football had lost all of its lustre, and we no longer really wanted to hang around with all of these niggers. Even if we were still on the team, we didn't want to be in the minority. So we just grabbed our gear and headed home, not saying much. For the rest of that summer, I think quitting football was sort of a blessing in disguise. The four of us hung out and played video games, or touch-football in a backyard. It was the most fun summer of my life, actually. I also had more time with my parents and I got to know them a bit better too. Dad wasn't even mad at me about quitting Football. I explained to him what had happened with the black kids taking over, and all he said was, "I understand, I understand." However, just before school started, Football was the least of my worries. "Well," said my dad, "I've been informed that I'll be laid off in 3 months from the Fire Department." Dad said it rather matter-of-factly, as if he had no intent to make any sort of protest. "But you have over 10 years tenure," shrieked my mom in protest. "Doesn't matter," said dad, "Captain Rawlings was dismissed.... The new captain is a black man, and he's bringing in ALL of his own people. The Fire Department will be ALL black staffed by next year." "But surely that goes even beyond the "fair split" that Judge King kept talking about," protested mom, "Judge King doesn't want fairness or racial harmony, she wants it to be Negro, and Negro Only!!! And even Lakeview only has a few black people living in it." "They'll get bussed out here too to be firefighters." "Its so unfair," cried mom!!! "What will we do now ???" "Well, I can get unemployment," said Dad, "And find a new job." "But you have no degree," said Mom, "And who else is hiring firefighters." "We'll get through it." So that school year was starting on an angry and sour note for me. I was sick inside, and depressed, about my dad getting forced out because ONE judge had a perverse racial agenda. She was out to "stick it to whitey." Apparently we were going to suffer what blacks in this country had suffered for 400 years. My dad was also feeling really down. He had no idea what to do, as being a firefighter was his whole life. Every other department in the county was being affected by "minority quotas," which meant that only minorities would be hired to fill new slots. And dad would compete with EVERY other white fireman in the same boat as him if he even tried for another first- responder job. It was grim.... However, it could have been worse. On the first day of school, I saw Johnny and Dave boarding a rusty yellow twinkie that chugged off to the inner-city. The forlorn kids practically looked like they were on a prison bus as they rode off to a chaotic and hellish Piedmont High. I could not even imagine what horrors awaited them there.... I had heard awful stories about white kids getting mugged, beaten up, and knifed in bathrooms there.... Total and utter chaos...... Dirty and grimy negroes screaming, climbing on walls like monkeys, gang bangin', drugs, and just the worst possible situation. It was truly unimaginable. I normally HATED the first day of school, but Lakeview would be a sanctuary compared to what my peers would endure. The 4 of us got to Lakeview, and when we got there, we instantly noticed large crowds of black kids were milling about the halls; screaming, clambering wildly. The black kids were all very large, and even the teachers seemed a bit tentative and overawed when it came to restoring order. The black kids did not take direction well, refusing to take their hats off, sunglasses off, or spit out gum when the teachers would direct them too. In fact, it almost seemed like a crew of 200 monkeys and gorillas were dumped off in our school. It was like a giant culture clash when a prim and proper little white teacher would DARE confront a giant buck nigger and challenge him to remove his sunglasses. The look of total disdain and disrespect is one I will NEVER forget. The white teachers were overwhelmed and clueless at how to respond to this new intrusion We also noticed that may of the black females were dressed in quite a "slutty" manner, with tight tops, and thongs hanging out of their low ridin' trousers. The black boys wore their loose pants down around their ankles, showing off their boxer shorts. They were giant shirts the size of blankets, and flamboyantly colored tennis shoes. We stayed away..... One brave teacher attempted to confront a large buck youth and ordered him to pull his jeans up. The black youth snapped at the white teacher, sending him scurrying off practically in fear. Then, the little gang- banger laughed about it with his friends. "Oh Oh Oh, I's be makin' poindexter over der wet his pants!!!" Then, the bell rang, and the crews surprisingly broke up and drifted to their classes. The rest of the day proceeded somewhat normally. It was weird having blacks in class, but they were a bit more subdued now that the day had begun. At lunch, the blacks were wild and obnoxious, but stayed to their own tables. The 4 of us just avoided them through the day and just carried on with our lives. Things were ok for a couple months or so. In fact, without football or sports to worry about, I felt much less stressed in general. My grades even came up on my first report card, as I had nothing to do but homework. Megan Landry was even talking to me, but I didn't have a car, and since dad was laid off, no money to take her out on a date if I asked her out. Still, things were ok. A lot of white kids in the school had kind of been affected by the changes in one way or another, so we were all adapting. Dad was on unemployment and got a generous 2 year allotment, so I could just finish up school and then get out in time. It is shocking, however, how quickly things can turn on a dime. I went to school just like any other day...... My dad had informed me that he would pick me up just after lunch to take me to an afternoon Doctor's appointment. With that in mind, he had asked me to eat lunch early in order to meet him I the lot...... When the black kids had come to our school, however, they had established a "pecking order" in the lunch line. The black gangs and the "head" black kids would eat first. Then the white kids would eat. No white kid would dare eat before a black. No white kids had challenged this structure as soon as the impromptu black gang "Little mob" had formed and had imposed this little routine. No member of the faculty said anything about the blacks asserting such a hierarchy in this way (I don't think anyone dared to.) I really did not want to eat so late, however, and make dad wait for me until 12:30. He had no idea of the lunchline "rules" the blacks had imposed. I got Joey, Ricky, and Scott together, and said, "Come on, if we go through the front as a foursome and stick together, they may not fuck with us." (the few white kids to dare "cut" in front of a black had been harassed severely, with milk poured down their shirts. "Fuck, I don't know," said Joey, "Its not worth it." "Come on," I said, "We'll stay near the back of the blacks. They won't fuck with us if we aren't too bold." So we headed to the lunch room around 11:40 and got behind the tail end of the darkie students. It was only the fat "big momma's " of their bunch pulling up the rear (no pun intended) for them, so we weren't worried. One of the girls in front of us looked like "Precious"; she was so big and fat you could barely see around her. However, just as we got relaxed and began sniggering at the big behemoths in front of us, another big dark cloud of blacks swarmed up behind us and got in line, sandwiching our small group. The lead nigger boy of the new group was an especially ugly baboon-like darkie named Tanius. I remembered him specifically as the buck negro out there running drills at MY linebacker position during football practice. I remembered specifically his "grill" of gold in his mouth, and his exceedingly ugly mis-shapen face, big eyes, and broad nose. My blood boiled up... "Was you lookin at honkie," he challenged as we got close to the food line? "Nothing," I said, not really wanting trouble. It wasn't worth it. I looked, and it seemed he had a crew of girls behind him though, who quite honestly seemed to be attached to him in some way, as if they were a cluster of his "girlfriends" of some sort. I did not want to think about It, quite honestly. "No honkie," he challenged brusquely, "You's in da wrong spot of da line. You's be in da black spot. You's go back to the line." I was raging. I felt like Rosa Parks in reverse. Even though this "boy" acted tough, he quite honestly only had girls flanking him, but not his "bros". I gained courage. I was going to stand up to this creature who had so intrusively fucked up my life. "Fuck you," I said defiantly. "I'm just getting my lunch." I put an open cup of grape soda on my tray. He put his fat hand on my shoulder and said, "Wha da fuk you say ???" "What, you don't speak English, only Ebonics," I taunted.... "Yeah," said Joey, suddenly encouraged, "You fucking animals can go back where u came from." The gauntlet was thrown down now. A few faculty members and lunchladies eyeballed the stand-off, but did not dare intervene. A spat was clearly forming. A few of the male niggers further up in the line were clueing in to what was going on. "Un, get dat white boy Tanius," said an especially misshapen and hard- faced black girl in the rear, egging on her "boo." So it was "on" now. Tanius seemed to square himself against me, anticipating blows. I had no intention, however, of striking him. I grabbed my sandwich and fries, moving down the line. "Fuck off," I said. I just wanted to pay and get out of here.... Tanius would have none of it, however. He would not accept such a brusque challenge to the new hierarchy that he and his militant minority had created to rule this school. He turned and swung a big haymaker punch with his large baboon arm right at my head. I saw it coming, however, and ducked. Tanius crashed into the guard- rails covering the tins of heated food. He was shocked at losing balance to his momentum. I had a momentary advantage to possibly fight him and beat him up. However, more of the big buck niggers further up were turning around to watch the fight and intervene. I lost my courage and I didn't punch Tanius.... However, I had my grape drink in my hand, and I just wanted to shock the black boy, and possibly embarrass him. I quite honestly have no idea what came over me, but I took the grape soda drink and chucked the liquid right at Tanius's face..... Unfortunately for me, however, Tanius ducked the soda, and the stream of liquid sailed out of the cup and splashed ALL OVER the black girl standing immediately BEHIND Tanius. She was wearing a tight white top that showed off her immense bosom and the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. The soda completely soaked her face and shirt, especially showing her enormous nipples through her now wet top.... EVERYONE stopped at this... No one expected this..... "OH MY GOD," said the black girl in the most ghetto, sultry voice you could possibly imagine. She was totally indignant. She was also dripping wet. It would have been hilarious had not the big lynch mob of blacks been ready to beat us within an inch of our lives. "What dat white boy do, what dat white boy do," came shouts from up front. Now a big crowd gathered. "He dun threw soda ALL OVER dat girl...." "Oh no he didn', Oh no he didn'...." Fuck, now we were screwed. One big black boy grabbed little Scott by the jacket. Scott was the smallest and scrawniest of all of us (the former place kicker on our team.) Then, all the students began cheering, "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!!! For a few seconds, all chaos broke loose. I dodged a few punches. Then, however, we were saved. The school police officers came running up (whom had basically been in the role of riot police this school year, crashing several gang fights every day.) I threw one final punch that actually cracked Tanius in the jaw!!! He reeled with pain and buckled to the ground. I even saw TWO of his permanent molar teeth come flying out, with blood spattered everywhere. He grasped at his mouth frantically, totally shocked at the punishment given to him by this white boy!!! It was very satisfying, but more blacks threatened to overwhelm us. Joey was pushing two more large ones back. "Break it up, Break it up," the police demanded assertively. One of them even sprayed pepper spray, which backed off the crowd of braying blacks. "Oh thank god," we said. We were saved. Unfortunately, however, we just assumed the police would take OUR side. The officers got up to the scene, and the blacks backed off from us, leaving our little gang in the middle of an oval of chaos. "Who started it," demanded the lead officer ?? "He did, he did," screamed Tanius, through his bloody mouth. "He don knocked out ma teeth!!!" Tanius played the "victim" to a tee. The black girl with her soaked shirt began sobbing, claiming she felt "violated." "Call an Am-boo-lance, Call an Am-boo-lance!!!" "Yeah, dese whiteys be trippin!!" It was true at a glance. All the signs were there that we had started it. WE were in the minority. Tanius was a bloody mess, and I didn't have a scratch. I had thrown grape soda all over a "helpless" girl (even though she was probably bigger and stronger than me,) which added moral weight and indignity to their side. Joey had hit another black boy, giving him a bloody nose. Finally, there were just more of the blacks then us, and they were louder, demanding immediate justice. All of the immediate evidence showed that WE had done more damage and had initiated it. We were shocked as the cops slapped handcuffs on all four of us. "Wait, wha ???" we protested.... The blacks had stopped screaming, and instead looked at us with very satisfied looks that I would never forget. The 4 of us would get punished for our insolence. The blacks really acted as if we had intruded on "their" turf, and they were going to get away with it. The cops lead us out.... Students with cell phones clicked away at images of the aftermath of the fight. Worst of all, not ONE white faculty member or student stood up for us, daring to say what they really saw transpire. Suddenly, at that moment, I felt a strange loss of faith in my white brethren. I suddenly felt a bit "ashamed" to be white. The 4 of us were led out the front entrance of the school in handcuffs. We were being taken to police cars and we were under arrest; our Miranda rights read to us. We were going to the station to get booked for assault. As we were being lead out with our heads low, I tried to protest, "You can't be serious, you can't be serious.... There were like 100 of them and 4 of us.... It was all so absurd." "Don't worry," the one white cop reassured me, "It will get sorted out. I'm sure you boys will get off the hook. I think this is just a formality, to be honest with you." As I was being walked to the police vehicle, I saw my dad come out of his car, where he had been waiting for me. He was in TOTAL shock at seeing his son being lead off in handcuffs. What could have happened? Drugs? Fighting ? "Dave, what happened," asked dad as he ran to me? "Sir, back away," said the cop authoritatively as Dad came to my side. "I'm his father." "Don't worry dad," I said, "I just fought with a bunch of niggers. That's all." "Oh." As Dad came up to me, however, yet more people were snapping and clicking away with cameras and cell-phones at the scene. Other people came out of their houses to witness a "disturbance at the school." (Our mostly white town was not used to school violence, so seeing a group of boys led off in handcuffs was an extreme novelty.) More townspeople snapped away piccies with their cellphones. The 4 of us; me, Ricky, Joey, and Scott, were led off in handcuffs to the police station. We were booked and told we would appear in Juvenile court in short order, as soon as charges were brought against us. We spent the night in the station, eating donuts and drinking soda (the cops were cool to us, so we felt we didn't really have to worry.).... A few cops even came up to us in our cells and congratulated us on standing up to the" dumbass gang-bangers". So we quite honestly felt very optimistic that we would get off with minimal impact to our lives. My three friends were released the next day, but I, as the "ringleader" of the "Lakeview 4" was confined to jail until the trial. However, I had really won the favor of the cops for my actions at school, so jail was quite honestly like a vacation from school. I played video games all day and hung out with the cops. It was pretty cool as they even let me shoot their weapons at the range one day. I was actually having a great time and feeling very proud for how I had stood up for myself (and my "people").... It was one of those stories that flashes as a news-blurb on every banner on every feed-website around the world. The Daily Mail, Berlin Express, and New York Times all got hold of the "Lakeview 4." Word of the "racial violence in a mixed school" spread like wildfire. Much of the world was up in outraged arms about the awful harassment being endured by poor minority students in American schools. While some extreme conservatives in the USA praised our actions, there was LOTS of negative feedback from other sources. Of course, no one had actually BEEN at Lakeview, but everyone heard only about a gang of 4 vicious white football players terrorizing a defenseless black boy and especially harassing a black girl, throwing grape soda (A stereotypical African-American drink) on her pretty white shirt. We knocked out two of the black boy's permanent teeth!!! All of the "liberal" newspapers railed against us. It was sort of like the "Jena 6" incident all over again. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton heard of what transpired, and they got out the cause, marching up and down the streets with an endless parade of niggers demanding "justice be done." Oprah also lent her support. The lead pics of the newspapers showed an iconic image of me being led off in handcuffs, with my disgraced father close behind yelling for his racist son at a police officer. Our pictures were blasted everywhere!!! Ricky, Joey, and Scott got off easy; they were not really shown in any other pictures besides their mugshots. Dad, however, had been plastered all over people's walls as a household name, mostly because he had been in the "wrong place at the wrong time." Dad, as the father of a notorious racist and school thug, had himself become a target. On a visit to the station, Dad informed me that he was even getting anonymous death threat letters saying things like "die whitey die!!!" Black people identified him as sort of a "George Zimmerman" figure to Trayvon Martin, and Dad could not step foot outside the house without being recognized. He even feared for his life. Fortunately, however, the police posted a gratuitous guard outside our home, to prevent some black people from actually carrying out such threats!!! So my world was unraveling. I could NEVER go back to my old life, and definitely not Lakeview. I quite honestly didn't know what I would do, as I was a pariah who had committed an atrocious act of school violence in the eyes of the world. The actual truth did not matter, but I was villainized unfairly in the eyes of the media and public perception. Then, I watched with horror as events unfolded. My life fell apart like a house of cards. I was informed one day that I would be tried as an ADULT, and not as a juvenile. Our family was too poor for a lawyer, and the "Tea-Party" really had no money, so our group was assigned a sad-sack attorney (last in his class at Ithaca), while Jesse Jackson was representing the NAACP against us. A jury had been stacked: Half white, and half black..... Finally, we got the worst news... the final nail in the coffin. Judge Leticia King was to be the presiding Judge at the trial. I was sure she had manipulated things to allow her to get this decision. NOOOO... My heart sank!!! It was over for sure. I was a dead man. She'd arrange it so I'd get booked for life and go to some awful max-security penitentiary, and Leticia King would see to it that I didn't get any sort of "segregation." She'd see to it that her little racist (me) would spend 50 years in the hole, getting pounded 20 times a day by the biggest, nastiest, buck nigger you can imagine. I'm sure she was wetting her fat lips at the thought. I did not know what to do. With no job, and living as a "dead man walking," Dad's life was basically over, and mom was in his boat. Dad had no future, as he'd surely be lynched by the first black man unlucky enough to cross him... (by the time of the trial, the media had basically trumpeted the both of us up to be "David Duke and David Duke Jr.," tormenting the helpless minorities of America.) I was surely a total pariah too. God only knows what the future would hold.... I even contemplated suicide in jail, and hanging myself by my underwear in my cell. I was so terrified of prison, possibly getting raped, or even AIDS.... I prayed for a miracle. With the deck stacked against me, I was hauled out to the courthouse. Surprisingly, however, the crowds were somewhat subdued, and less angry than I had expected as I was lead up the steps. I was informed that the public anger about my actions had subsided somewhat, and that after the initial burst of anger, the rage had died down. Some other "facts" had come out about the fight that mitigated circumstances. Some of the "life" was taken out of the prosecution. Jesse Jackson had stepped down for other commitments, leaving an adjunct as prosecuting attorney. There were rays of hope... Maybe it was not so bad. I was told that the new "hot news story" was about another girl vanishing in the Bahamas, and that everyone had forgotten about me. I felt a bit more confident that I might just make it. I wondered if Judge King was upset about having some of the "wind" taken out of her case? I was last up into the docket. Joey, Ricky, and Scott were already there waiting, with our dumb-looking defense attorney. Our parents sat in the galleries, crying. The jury looked neutral. My friends were shaking and seemed VERY nervous. I had not really talked to them, but I'm sure they were pissed about the situation they had been sucked into. After all, we had just been normal guys not long ago, but then caught up in a giant "black invasion," and we were now at the mercy of the utmost injustice. Tanius and our grape soda victim just glared at us. Judge King came out and sat down at the bench, looking imperious. Before any formalities of the trial had even begaun, the prosecuting attorney approached the bench and handed King a giant folder of paperwork. "mmm, mmm...." She mulled over it. She slammed her gavel.... "Ahh," said Judge King, "The state has offered a deal....." "A deal!!!!" our ears perked up. This was not expected. "After all," said Judge King, "Despite the enormous public outcry over this case, all 4 of the defendants in question are still 3 years away from reaching legal adulthood. No matter what our passions, we can not allow our politics to stand in the way of truth and justice. We CAN NOT ruin three young lives that can be redeemed, when it really seems that nothing more happened than a lunchline scrap." (This is good, right ??? Ok, maybe she is not so biased, and she can be fair and balanced? Hope sprang eternal.) Judge King continued, "The state has come in to offer a very generous deal to this case. Without the deal, each of you will face a minimum of 5 years prison time for aggervated assault in the first degree, as well as 2 more years for "Upsetting the public order." ........... As I see it, however, the real problems here are the ridiculous racial passions and hatreds that have torn this city apart for centuries. The 4 of you acted in a way that showed complete insensitivity to a minority group that has been opposed, oppressed, and humiliated for years. I think the real lesson here is that we ALL need to learn some sympathy and understanding, instead of doling out harsh punishments. These 4 defendants can be redeemed." (What does she mean "redeemed???" Community service?) My defense attorney whispered something in my ear, "Don't get your hopes up," he said, "It still has to be something severe enough to satisfy your opponents." (Aren't you getting paid to advocate for us, you incompetent fuck ???) "I took this case because I feel that there is real potential here to bring people together, and to let us all see "the other side" of things, "said Judge King. "BOYS, I am not upset about you coming to blows with other boys. However, your harassment and assault on a poor defenseless little African-American girl is something that just cannot be tolerated. Not only from the fight, but it seems like the four of you hold very disrespectful attitudes towards black people in general, and towards black woman. You four have never walked in the shoes of an underprivileged minority to see what they endure on a daily basis. Throwing grape soda on a black girl's shirt is unacceptable." The four of us hung our heads. However, we were all practically dancing inside. Judge King was talking about "Grape Soda." Surely we'd get off with a slap on the wrist!!! "Anyway, enough preachin', "The State has come up with a very generous offer to have the 4 of you assigned to the stewardship of the Waldorf Institute for two years, instead of a prison sentence. I highly recommend you take this deal. You four will simply be assigned to one of their very effective "rehabilitation programs," in which you all will hopefully pick up some very valuable new perspectives on life." Joey broke order in the court and asked, "What exactly do we do there, Judge, I mean, ur honor ???" "Oh young MAN," she said, "Don't worry about a thing....Lots of community service and learning experiences. I feel the program is very apt for young men like you." Our defense attorney said, "I think we need to discuss this with the parents." "I think we'll take it," said many of our parents in unison, not even really needing to discuss the matter. "Should we draw up paperwork," asked Judge King ? "Yes," said the defense attorney, "Lets make a verbal commitment here that they will undergo the program, and if not, the procedures of this trial will resume upon fracturing of the commitment." "Yes," said Judge King, "I have already taken the liberty of drawing up the fine sub-parameters of everything that will be expected of these 4 participants at the Waldorf institute. I really would like to see these fine young men succeed, as I feel they will benefit so much from this." (Things were moving so fast. The prosecution attorney let out an odd smirk.) I demurely raised my hand... "Yes...." Snapped Judge King!!! "What, uh, your honor, are we going to do at that institute." "Well, I am so glad you asked," said Judge King, "As I said, part of your punishment is to see how "the other half lives," so you can learn some sympathy and possibly see why we do things like bus black kids to privileged white schools. The Waldorf institute is a clinic that specializes in helping kids whom have certain "issues." As part of your rehabilitation, the four of you will spend the next two years living inside and out as African-American females, since you feel so free and easy about harassing them. Now, you BOYS will see just what it is like to have the shoe on the other foot. Waldorf is a specialty clinic that assists youths who have "gender difficulties" in preparing for things like a sex-change, correcting ambiguous genitalia, or living full time as a member of the opposite gender. Waldorf will teach you everything you need to know and have the four of you transformed into black females for the next two years. Then, I think you all will come back as much better MEN from this experience, conscientious and politically-correct towards everyone. - All Jaws dropped.......... So here it was. This was a fate that would satisfy the Black-power hardliners, but save face for Judge King. Wow!!! This woman was devious. I was so horrified, however. I had no idea what to think. I wanted to fight and protest, but I could not find words. I wanted to scream and cuss. It was all beyond my comprehension. I could not even imagine being a black girl, or what I would have to go through. Ricky was always the quietest one of our group. He had not said much. He was kind of a bigger and huskier guy (an offensive lineman type).... He suddenly found his voice at this outrage.... "NO, FUCKING NO," he screamed.... "I'm not going to fucking do it!!!" Ricky was raising hell. However, Ricky's father, who was seated behind him, put a brave face on it, "No son, you WILL do this... Do you want prison ??? Fuck no, just do it and get it over with." "But Dad, I can't!!!!" Ricky sobbed..... "Its all right son, its all right," said his dad, hugging him... Our fates were laid out for us..... It seemed to take a moment longer to register with Joey's parents. Joey's dad Nick was a strong guy, a captain on the Police Department who was soon due for a lay-off thanks to an Equal Opportunities measure. He was steaming. Joey had always been a strong kid.... A type A guy and a good athlete. Nick was proud of has masculine son and I am sure the idea of seeing his boy presenting as a girl was too much for him. I mean, hell, this was totally going where NO judge had gone before!!! Leticia was setting a new precedent. Leticia went on, making a statement for the court, "Punishment by experience or humiliation Is a great way to really teach a valuable lesson. For example, we force thieves to stand outside stores wearing signs that say, "I stole, so now you must pay higher prices." We force sex offenders to stand on street corners and hand out condoms..... Well now, these boys will think twice about harassing black girls if they actually have to spend a period of time BEING them.... As Donna Brazille once said, "A Black woman is the most invisible thing in America." Well, now these boys will know what that feels like, and what it feels like to be in the minority." Joey's dad Nick was now absolutely fuming. How could he see his son, his pride and joy who he threw the football with every day, being changed to a black female by some quack institute ??? Nick could not contain himself...... Nick himself was a paragon of masculinity.... Prison was preferable to this fate for his beloved son. "Fuck no your honor," said Nick, letting go a paroxysm in court that startled everyone, "Fuck no Joey here isn't goin' to some crazy sex- change clinic..... We'll take our chances at a trial." Judge King did not miss a beat, "Bailiff, arrest that man for contempt of court!!!" The Bailiff cuffed a flailing and screaming Nick. Nick, despite his strength, had no chance. "I think maybe someone else could benefit from our program," said Judge King with a not so subdued smirk. "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck," I asked to myself??? Joey's dad, a man I respected so much, was getting led away. He was having a visible breakdown at the words Judge King had just belted out. Joey was hanging his head down. Scott was speechless. What hope was there? I looked to my dad and Scott's dad for support, but no one wanted to go the way of Nick. If Joey's dad failed to make a stand, then NO ONE had hope. My legs felt like rubber, and nearly collapsed... Judge King then said, "In the interests of time, we will leave the other details to be sorted out in the office. I will hold Nick Muller in contempt of court and set a trial date for him within 48 hours. The 4 defendants will be released on their own recognizance to their families.... However, in-processing at Waldorf will take place in 72 hours at this time: (11 AM on Friday)....... Failure to report will result in a breach of good faith on the deal and will see you back here to resume the trial where we left off. We were uncuffed and released.... Scott and Ricky held quiet conferences with their parents. Joey hugged his mother. "Don't worry son," my dad whispered to me, "I'm sure it won't be that bad. They'll probably just make you put on a dress a few times and that will be that. It is not the end of the world." "I'm not so sure dad," I sniffled, "I think this will be pretty severe." "Just endure it and get through it," he said, "Just remember you are always a man underneath. I know it will be tough, like a juvenile hall, but I know you can do it. You are a braver man than I, especially for standing up in that fight. No one will ever forget that, no matter what happens." "Thanks dad, that means so much to me." Dad gave me a big hug. I felt so proud knowing I was his son. And with that, we went home as if nothing had happened, and we ate dinner together as a family. I just felt rather relieved to have avoided prison..... I honestly felt like I could take whatever was thrown at me like a champ. Little did we know that those would be the last few days of our "old lives."

Same as A Darker Side of Justice Part 1 Videos

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Justice by I.R. Nixon April 1997 For Judy Pollux the Delta Delta Chi's spring party was the highlight of an already great day. She had enjoyed bicycling with her two best friends Mary and Louise in the morning. In the afternoon she went shopping at the Mall and then her and Louise treated themselves to a fine dinner at Edwardo's Resturant before going to the party. With her first year of college nearly over she was now in a party mode. Roger Turner brought her a mug of...

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The SmithChapter 9 Justice

The week of the 23rd was the introduction of garter belts, stockings and corsets. Since most of the lingerie was see through or as good as, Cat wore one of my undershirts belted all week as a minidress. On the 24th, Justice came out with their issue. “SPECIAL ADDITION” “Who is the man holding the leash of the sixteen-year-old girl that has the world at the edge of their seats?” With a picture of me from ten years ago with a ‘?’ over a grayed out oval superimposed behind Cat in her red...

3 years ago
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Occult JusticeChapter 7

Arne sensed a freshness about Bathsheba's excitement as soon as he was awoken by her, the stern woman riding his face as soon as he was conscious, the lushly erotic scenario of his public humiliation still filling her with raw excitement as she burst into a heady orgasm; her ecstasy embellished with thoughts of the events to come magnified her pleasure; she would be granted even deeper satisfaction later, and her erotic elation would not be denied. Temporarily sated, he was pulled from the...

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Darkview Justice Ch 01

Dark(view) Justice, Black Court & Red Quarter By Bryce. Hat tip to Chrystal Wynd for starting the ball rolling on Darkview. Chapter 1 It was a minor traffic stop, but he couldn’t shut up long enough for the cop to leave. Which is why his ass was drug off to jail and a bail hearing in the morning. It should have been a quick in and out hearing, if he hadn’t had caught Judge Cynthia Grindcock’s attention. His case was called and before he had a chance, he was being ushered to the jury box...

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Compensatory Summary Justice

Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...

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Justice the hard way

“This can’t be justice” he said pitifully. 4 months ago John was out late in the evening jogging and was hit by a car, he suffered a spinal injury and lost the use of his body from the waist down including the use of his penis, The car was full of young black males who were out celebrating their last high school football game, the driver was drunk like his passengers and he had not seen John jogging across the street. The court case was farcical due to the judge presiding it. Judge...

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HillBilly Justice

"HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : Rape,anal,violence,cruelty,sodomy,murder and torture. "HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : I had been following the murder trial of a mother in another state who had killed her child and I became pretty upset.I would watch it after getting home from work. She claimed she was innocent and had no idea what had happened. I followed the trial and the investigators kept saying how much she had lied and made numerous false claims, blaming a...

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Victoria Justice Photoshoot Fun

I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I dedicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day.I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently Kode magazine got a hold of my portfolio and they were impressed . They got into contact with me and told me that...

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Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice by Jennifer Chapter 1 Friday night; 11:35 PM - Somewhere along Route 264; just outside of Falling Rock, AZ. Her head bobbed rhythmically to the beat of the blaring radio; it was difficult to stay focused on what I was trying to do. "Oh yeah . . . " I managed to groan. With her free hand, she grabbed a handful of her flowing hair and flipped it to the other side of her head . . . away from her face. As I took a quick look down at her, she gave me a...

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And Justice For All Part 4

Hey y'all, new name for Sushi Radical, but the story goes on the same... anyway, on with the show... By the way, after this one, I'm kind of running short on ideas as to where this should go, so if anyone wants to make any requests or suggestions, let me know! Love y'all! Apple xxx ...And Justice for All ...Part Four By Apple Beccy lay, her small hands working feverishly at her sex, trying to push herself over the edge to orgasm. Her hands ached, her body was sore, but still she...

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A Simple Girls Justice

A Simple Girl's Justice By TouchedBug I stand on the rotting wood of the dock leading out to the Rio Grande, careful that my soft feet aren't pierced by a splinter or stray nail. A moment is taken to enjoy the trickling sound of the river and the buzzing of insects singing their mating song. During the day this stretch of the Rio Grande which runs through the Texas town of New Braunfels is congested with inner tube sailing, beer guzzling tourists effectively turning the river...

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Rubekestan Justice

Rubekestan Justice Synopsis Arrested for shoplifting while on holiday in Rubekestan, Nancy is sentenced to the harsh punishment meted out in that country. Her abusive, authoritarian nature only makes her situation worse. Rubekestan Justice by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MMM+F NC. Whipping/caning If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your...

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Justice Club The White Queen

Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...

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On the Trail of Justice

The rider on the buckskin took his time, studying the trail, and, by turns, the terrain ahead. He could tell by the way sand occasionally fell into a hoof print that he was not far behind his quarry. The horse he was following had been ridden hard, and from the way the hooves scraped sand between steps, must have been on its last legs. The heat made the air shimmer as he studied the rocks and brush ahead for any sign of the man he had chased halfway across the territory. Yesterday, they had...

4 years ago
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Justice Club The Scarlet Witch Project

Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 155 Human Justice

(Kenshin and the others are walking home. A man on a ladder is ringing a bell.) Kaoru: The fire bell... It must have something to do with that sound. Tae: Kenshin, you said it was an Armstrong cannon? Shouldn't you... Tsubame: I... I think so too. Kenshin: I may just be imagining things. We can check it out tomorrow. It's getting late. Kaoru: You're right. It won't do any good to worry about it now. Sanosuke and Yahiko: All right! Then we can go back to the Akabeko for another...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 9 Justice is Blind

July 5th, 2002. Chelmsford Crown Court. Next morning the court opened at 9am, and the courtroom was packed. Adultery, drug dealing, and underage sex. What other revelations would be forthcoming? V-P called me into the witness box and took me through the story of me coming home and finding Miriam and Hodge at it in the bedroom. I described my attempt to hit Hodge — a baited hook which V-P hoped Blackburn would swallow — my action of putting the house up for sale and starting divorce...

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A Justice Providers TaleChapter 3

Room service had brought me breakfast. Local planet time was maybe somewhere around late afternoon. Thick fog rolled over the lake surface and didn’t allow for much visual distraction. While holding a strip of bacon in one hand I had the GalNet terminal open and checked the Union-wide Runner list, published by the Justice providers association, mine and perhaps your future professional organization. You can do this independent. Any citizen can arrest or detain a Runner and thus earn the...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 19 Awakenings

I know not how long it was that I was aware of something. It came as a great shock to me when I realized it had penetrated the thick fog of my coma-like existence. Many beings had I dreamed of during my slumber, but none had so bright a soul nor so resolute a personality as to make my soul sing with the need to be nearer to it. I was surprised at how far away this person was, once my newly awakened senses began functioning. There were many leagues between my new master and me, for I was sure...

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A New BeginningChapter 15 Healing Mom Samrsquos Justice Sylvan Gets a Surprise My Bond Daughters

As she turned and walked away my parents started laughing. I had not even heard them approach when the class ended. I grinned and looked at them, “getting used to the place?” My dad nodded looking around, “it takes getting used to but I think I like it. I am going to miss my practice though. I had a lot of people that worked with me that were friends.” I looked at them, “sorry you came?” My mother stepped close, “no Michael. This place is different and we will make new friends. You...

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The Justice Warriors

Richie Riley cautiously approached the nondescript warehouse in the middle of the city's industrial district. His incredible nano-tech armor, designed by his mentor the one and only TechKnight, was currently in stealth mode, making him virtually undetectable. Stealth mode automatically camouflaged him to his surroundings in real-time making him virtually invisible, especially while standing still while also hiding his heat signature and absorbing radar waves. Richie Riley or CyberSquire was one...

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Royal Justice

At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...

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The Girl Scout 18 Street JUSTICE

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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Justice League The New Recruit

(Watchtower) To Think, That Five Short Years Ago, He Was An Ordinary College Student, and Now He Was Standing In The Justice Leagues Watchtower, a Recent Addition. John Had To Keep himself from Wetting himself in Excitement. He Had Previously been the Protege of Guy Gardner, and Was One of the Few Non-Green Lantern Lanterns in the League. His Ring was Born from the Power Of Hope Itself. But Even Without The Ring, He Was Powered. Super Strength, Super Endurance, Skimming, Heat Vision, X-Ray...

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The Justice League XXX

I am Superman and The Justice League and I have eliminated all of the villains for the time being. It is a time of peace and we have nothing to do. Now I shall tell you about my fun-filled days of peace. I was walking around my fortress of solitude admiring all of the extinct species and even glancing at the picture of Supergirl while she was a baby. I had thought of her like a sister even, but she was growing into a fine looking female with measurements 34-24-28. Anyway, I was walking and the...

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Live On Line with Victoria Justice

Rushing home from school, I couldn’t believe that the day was finally here. This was the day that my obsession, Victoria Justice, was going to be doing a live chat on my favorite website. I had been dreaming about the chance to talk to her for so long. I knew that with the thousands of fans who are on her live chats, she may never see my comments, but I had to try anyway.Finally getting home, I flew through the front door, ran upstairs to my bedroom, shut the door, and turned on my laptop. As...

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