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Poetic Justice by Jennifer Chapter 1 Friday night; 11:35 PM - Somewhere along Route 264; just outside of Falling Rock, AZ. Her head bobbed rhythmically to the beat of the blaring radio; it was difficult to stay focused on what I was trying to do. "Oh yeah . . . " I managed to groan. With her free hand, she grabbed a handful of her flowing hair and flipped it to the other side of her head . . . away from her face. As I took a quick look down at her, she gave me a mischievous little look. "I wonder what she's thinking?" I thought to myself. I found it amazing that she seemed so passionate . . . like she enjoyed it so much. But hey! For the two hundred fifty bucks I gave her . . . it had better be the best blowjob of my life! ............................................... Just a couple of hours ago, I was at my favorite local strip joint. As usual, I was checking things out . . . looking for someone to score with a little later. Most of the women, I had seen before . . . but there was a new one . . . one that caught my eye. With long legs, a shapely figure, huge breasts, a striking face, and a flowing mane of blonde hair . . . she was a walking wet dream. She even had a little bonus . . . just below her navel was a small tattoo. It was a purple heart about the size of a half-dollar with a round, yellow `smiley face' in its center. I'm not really sure why, but it drove me wild. Fortunately, she seemed to take a liking to me . . . so it wasn't too difficult to talk her into coming with me after she got off. I did have to raise my offer a couple of times, but hey . . . nothing good in life comes free. ............................................... "Yeah . . . that's right," I said softly. I slid my right hand down the front of her open shirt and began to massage her dangling breasts. "Don't stop . . . don't stop" I said. I could hardly concentrate when all of the sudden a horn blast snapped me out of my trance. "Jesus!!!" I swore as I swerved my car back into its lane. "Maybe I should stop?" she said in a concerned tone of voice. "I'm fine. Really. It won't happen again . . . I just lost my concentration for a second." I said assuredly. "Why? Was I distracting you?" she laughed. With that, she opened her mouth and plunged her head down over my throbbing cock once more. "Ohhh" I moaned, as I thrust my hips up towards her face. The feeling was incredible. The next thing I knew, I began to cum . . . I awoke in a haze to the sounds of someone pounding on my side window. I turned my head slowly and tried to focus on the face glaring at me through the cracked glass. After a few moments, the sounds of her voice started to unscramble into legible sentences. "You . . . you!!" she screamed in anger. "You and your cheap whore . . . you will both pay!!" Slowly, the face of an elderly Indian woman began to take shape. I turned my head to the right and saw the striper that I picked up looking back at me in shock. She had a nasty gash on her forehead; blood dripped down her face. "An accident . . ." I thought. My senses seemed to snap back into place. "Oh my God!" I gasped. "Are you alright?" "I think so" the hooker responded. "But I don't think they are." She pointed to a twisted heap of metal through the windshield. "Jesus Christ!!" I gasped. Once again, the pounding to my left caught my attention. "I hope you burn in hell!" the old woman said with hatred. "My husband! You've killed my husband!!!" Chapter 2 One Week Later (Friday); The 52nd District Courthouse The sound of the gavel echoed throughout the courtroom. "Order please . . . order. I've reached a decision." The judge bellowed. "Based on the evidence at hand, and the testimony of Officer Jim Wilcox, I have no alternative but to drop the charges against Mr. Thompson." The judge looked over to the old woman and said, "I'm sorry ma'am. It appears by the skid marks of the automobiles that your husband inadvertently pulled out in front of Mr. Thompson's vehicle. I'm sorry . . . " The sound of his voice drifted into infinity as the old woman's eyes met mine; her gaze piercing my very soul. I knew that I had literally just gotten away with murder, but what else was I to do? Spend the rest of my life in jail? Thank God Jim Wilcox was an old High School buddy of mine as was willing to help me cover things up. If it weren't for him, there was no way in hell I would have gotten out of this. Thank God it was Jim who answered the phone at the Sheriff's Outpost when I called for help on my cellular phone. He told me to sit tight and stay calm . . . he'd be there as soon as possible. I begged for his help as I told him the circumstances surrounding the accident. He reluctantly agreed, but told me that I'd have to "Loose the hooker" before he arrived. So what was I to do? I gave her all the money I had in my wallet and told her to sneak off when the old woman wasn't looking . . . it was the only way that we both weren't going to jail for a long, long time. Jim falsified the accident report and allowed the hooker to go free. Despite the old woman's testimony, he swore that when he arrived at the scene of the accident, there was no evidence of another passenger in my car . . . just me, the old woman, and her dead husband. The sharp sound of the judge's gavel snapped me out of my dreamlike state. I blinked and looked up . . . once again catching the cold stare of the old Indian woman as she turned and slowly staggered back to the throng of supporters that had accompanied her. Outside of the courthouse, I pulled Jim aside and shook his hand. "I owe you one old buddy," I said in appreciation. "Lets just put this whole th . . ." Suddenly the old woman broke into our conversation. She didn't utter a word . . . but instead lifted her hands towards me; gesturing as if to offer me their contents. I looked down at her hands and reluctantly took the folded piece of paper. As I went to open it up, she mumbled something in her native Navajo tongue, and then began to chuckle. She turned, and quickly began to walk back towards her friends . . . "Bizarre" Jim said. "Those Indian folks can sure be a little different." "Yeah, I guess," I said. "She gives me the creeps. How about you?" "Naaa . . . she's just a little weird . . . that's all," he said. "I don't know . . . something abut her . . . " I said as I began to unfold the paper. Once open, I stared at the strange site before me. "What is it? Let me see." Jim said. I held it so we could both see . . . A couple of bird's feathers and some dirt blew away with the wind . . . the piece of paper was covered with pictograms and writing that I couldn't understand. "You speak any Navajo Jim?" I asked with a little laugh. "Sorry, not a bit" he said. "Looks like we'd better find ourselves a translator . . . huh? "Naa . . . who the hell cares what it says anyway! Crazy old lady." With that, I wadded it up and tossed it back toward where she was standing. She gave me a patronizing look and flashed me a toothless smile. She then turned, and shuffled away. "Come on, let's get out of here," I said. Chapter 3 Later that night; at my home. I was tired. It had been a long day . . . a good day . . . but a long one nonetheless. The stress on me over the last week was terrible; it was quite a relief to get that verdict out of the way. Now, perhaps, I could get back to my life again. I took off my clothes, slipped on an old tee-shirt, and got into bed . . . anxious for a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, that's not what I got. It was one of `those' nights. You know, the kind that that you just seem to roll around . . . never really seeming to sleep. Thoughts . . . images of the accident just kept running through my mind. I tossed and turned for what seemed like the entire night. Sometime around 6:00 AM, I began to break out in a cold sweat. I felt like I had food poisoning; my stomach began to churn and ache. Before I knew it, I found my self kneeling in front of the toilet . . . vomiting uncontrollably. When it finally subsided, I crawled back into bed. Exhausted . . . I managed to fall asleep. I awoke at about 8:30 AM feeling sick once more. After another visit to the bathroom, I took a look at myself in the mirror. "God, you look like shit," I thought. My eyes were hollow, my complexion pale. I spent the rest of the day (in fact . . . the next two days) laid up in bed. I had no appetite and didn't eat a thing for over 48 hours. It was awful. It seemed that every half-hour or so . . . I was back in the bathroom. If I wasn't urinating every two seconds, I was either throwing up or had diarrhea. It was terrible, I could never remember being this sick before. Finally, late Sunday night, things began to break a bit. I managed to hold down a glass of water, and crawled into bed around 9:00 PM. I awoke the next morning to the sounds of my alarm. I turned it off and sat up with the hopes that I'd be able to make it into work. As I tried to stand though, I realized that there was just no way. I was so weak, so dehydrated . . . I could hardly move without every bone in my body aching. I went into the bathroom and glanced at myself in the mirror as I passed. "Jesus Christ!!!" I gasped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "My God! I look like a skeleton." My face was thin and hollow . . . my eyes sunken. I slipped off my shirt and took a gaze at the rest of my body. I was emaciated . . . by the looks of my reflection, I bet I'd lost at least fifty pounds over the weekend. My thin skin seemed to cling to every bone on my body like wet paper. I turned and headed over towards the scale. My eyes almost bugged out of my head as it displayed . . . 104 lbs.!! "This can't be!" I quipped. "I weighed over 175 lbs. just the other day!" In shock, I went back into the bedroom and dug out some clothes. I had no choice . . . I was going straight to the hospital. While getting dressed, I noticed something else. Not only had I lost weight . . . but I had shrunk as well! My clothes hung on me like a sack. It was almost like a kid in his father's clothes. I had to roll my pant legs up at least 6 inches so that I wouldn't trip. I looked ridiculous . . . so I took them off and opted for a pair of black nylon running shorts & a white tee-shirt. Fortunately, they both seemed to fit me a little bit better. I took another quick look at myself in the mirror, grabbed my car keys and wallet, and headed out to the car. As I turned to shut the front door behind me, I saw something placed on the brick pavers near my door. I reached down and picked up a small envelope. I opened it and pulled out its contents. It was a note that said: "Do not worry. Your sickness is only a passing phase. Things will get better before they get much worse. You will pay." I recognized the paper, the ink, the penmanship . . . it was from the old woman! I quickly got into my car and pulled out of the driveway. But instead of making a right at the end if my street (toward the hospital), I made a left. I was heading for the desert. I had myself an old woman to find! Chapter 4 4:00 PM; some 150 miles outside of town. It seemed to have taken all day, but after driving around the reservation for hours and asking countless people directions . . . I finally managed to find my way to the home of an old woman that I believed was the one I was looking for. I had been to at least a dozen places already with absolutely no luck at all. I didn't think it would be this difficult, but I wasn't going to stop until I found her. I got out of my car and began to make my way up the decrepit driveway. As I did, some nearby people began to stare. I felt their eyes burn holes in me as I made my way toward the front door. But just as I raised my hand to knock, the door opened first. Staring at me was the face of `THE' old woman . . . "You are not welcome here" she said as she pushed me backward away from the door. "You have no place here . . . go home and suffer your fate." "My fate?" I asked. "So you DO have something to do with this! You've done this to me?!" "No" she said as she shook her trembling finger at me. "You've done this to yourself! Now leave . . . the sight of you makes me sick." "But please, I beg you. Stop whatever it is your doing to me . . . I'll give you anything. What is it you want? Money? I'll pay you anything . . . just make this stop. Please." "You disgust me" she snapped. "Do you think that money is fair payment for the price of my husband's life!!" "But please" I pleaded. "It was an accident! I swear it was an accident!" Her eyes became narrow and angry. "Accident!! How dare you call it an accident! You and that cheap whore of yours . . . you killed my husband . . . and now you all must pay. She was here too . . . over an hour ago, begging like a sniveling dog. I told her what I would tell you. Justice is blind . . . you cannot buy or talk your way out of it . . . you will see. Justice will find you . . . the spirits have made it so. Now go!" "Listen . . ." I began. But just then I was grabbed from behind by a couple of guys. In my weakened state, I could hardly put up a fight as they dragged me back to the car. "Please!" I shouted. "I beg you . . ." It was no use. She had gone back inside; and with these two goons standing over me . . . I was going nowhere except back home. Chapter 5 6:30 PM - A deserted mountain road; some 50 miles outside of town. I looked over at the clock on the dash. "Not too bad" I thought. "I seem to be making pretty good time. I'm glad I decided to try this shortcut." All of the sudden, my radio began to fade . . . the car started to loose power. "What the fuck?!" I hissed in disgust. I looked down at the dashboard and saw the voltmeter jumping around like a hot potato. "God damn it! Fucking alternator . . . it's got to be the God damn alternator!" All at once, the car went dead as I coasted to a stop along the side of the road. "Shit!!" I yelled. "This is great, just fucking great!!" I reached into the glove compartment to grab my cellular phone, but I came up empty. "Fucking son of a bitch!" I screamed. "This is even better . . . I forgot my damn phone . . . just fucking great!!" I slammed my hands on the steering wheel in anger. After a few minutes, I regained some composure. I was in the middle of nowhere; nothing for miles around, and it was going to be getting dark soon. There weren't a whole lot of options. I had no other choice but to sit around and hope for someone to pass by. Unfortunately, this old mountain pass was rarely traveled . . . I was worried that it could be days before someone stumbled across me. What was I going to do? I had no food, no water . . . I tried to stay calm; I knew that getting all bent out of shape wasn't going to do me any good. So I sat in the car, and began to wait. After about 20 minutes, a strange feeling started to come over me. I stepped outside to get some fresh air. As I stood up, my body began to cramp. "Ugh" I moaned. The aching increased as the muscles in my body began to twitch with energy. It had been a weird couple of days since the verdict, but nothing could have prepared me for what happened next: The feeling in my legs began to intensify . . . I looked down and could only drop my jaw in shock. Before my very eyes, my legs began to change. Quickly they began to alter . . . shifting in shape . . . lengthening . . . I could feel my bones stretching!! I was numb as I watched the hair on my legs contract back into my body. Then, all at once . . . the feeling began to grow in my arms. My fingers knotted up in pain. My arms trembled as they began to shift in form. I felt a burning in my finger tips as I clenched my fists to try to alleviate the pain. Within seconds, I felt my fingernails digging into the palms of my hands. I spread out my fingers in horror to see that my nails were at least an inch long!! "Oh my God!! What's happening to me!!!" I shrieked. I gripped my head as my face began to burn. I pulled my hands over my face and screamed in agony. Every nerve was on fire . . . every sense on overload. I felt hair . . . falling over my hands . . . flowing down my neck . . . onto my back! I fell to the ground and doubled over as I felt my insides begin to churn. "Make it stop!" I yelled. "Make it stop!" All at once my crotch began to ache. My penis was on fire . . . it felt like someone had just kicked me in the balls. But the pain slowly changed to a tugging sensation. I reached my hands into my pants . . . trying desperately to comprehend what was happening. But the only thing I could grab was air. My cock and balls withered away in less than a minute. Before I knew it . . . they were gone! "Oh my God!!" I was hysterical. "Noooo!" I hardly had time to think, as my ass began to swell uncontrollably. I gripped it tightly as I felt my flesh inflate and my body fat redistribute itself. My pelvis began to hurt, I gripped my hips tightly. They began to shift . . . to pull apart . . . all I could do was watch! As I doubled over in pain, the tingling in my chest was a dead give away for what was next. I didn't want to look . . . I didn't want to touch them. But I could feel my nipples begin to swell. Behind each one, the pressure began to mount. And then, as if a dam had just bust . . . they began to inflate. Within seconds, it felt as if there was at least 10 pounds hanging from my tiny ribcage. My hands instinctively reached down. My petite fingers dug into two massive breasts. As I did so, I could feel my huge nipples pressing into the palms of my hands through my thin tee-shirt. As the pain faded, I started to weep uncontrollably as everything began to sink in. "I don't want to be a woman!! Please! Noooo!" I screamed as the sound of my voice echoed through the canyons. "How could this have happened?!! How?!" But what was done . . . was done. After a few moments, I got up and staggered towards the car. My breasts jiggling with every step I made. As I sat down in the driver's seat, I pulled the rear view mirror toward me so that I could see my reflection. I couldn't believe the sight before me. Staring back at me was an incredibly seductive woman. "My eyes . . . Oh my God, my eyes" I gasped. They had remained virtually unchanged . . . softened a bit perhaps . . . but most definitely my eyes. I touched my face in disbelief; allowing my fingers to explore every new contour of my altered shape. I slowly ran my fingers up into the hair above my forehead . . . my eyes following in astonishment at the mounds of flowing hair falling between my fingers. My gaze shifted downward toward the sight of my protruding chest. My breasts were so large, that they blocked my view from going any further. I allowed my hands to touch them once more. Their weight was incredible . . . it was such an odd sensation. I quickly slid my hands underneath my tee-shirt and allowed them to explore further. As they slid over my erect nipples, erotic sensations began to course through my veins. "Unbelievable" I gasped. I opened the door and stepped out so that I could stand. Still unable to see below my jutting breasts; I slid my right hand downward into my pants. First a trim, flat stomach . . . then a tiny bit of sparse pubic hair . . . and then (not to my surprise) . . . "Oh my God" I cried. "It's gone!" My fingers continued downward until they found the smooth, formless crotch of a woman. I shuttered at the new sensations; my heartbeat quickening from the new feeling. As I explored some more, my index finger slid gently between my parting lips. I squatted slightly to allow myself better access . . . the feeling was so foreign, so strange. All of the sudden my erotic exploration was interrupted by lights. I quickly jerked my hand from my pants and turned my head to see a car approaching. "Thank you Lord" I mumbled as I reached into the car to gather my belongings. My car keys . . . my wallet . . . "Damn it!! Where's my wallet?!" I said in frustration. There wasn't much time; I flagged down the oncoming vehicle. A dark green minivan came to a halt right next to me. As I approached, the passenger side window rolled down. Inside the vehicle, a good looking man leaned over toward the window. "What seems to be the problem . . . miss?" he said as his eyes began to check me out. "My car's dead. I think it's my alternator. I could really use a lift" I said. "I'm sure you could" he responded in a sarcastic tone. "The desert sure isn't any place for a pretty young thing like yourself. You never know what could happen, and besides . . . the temperature is dropping. In another hour or so, it'll be damn near freezing out here." I looked at his disingenuous grin and said, "So I take it that's a yes?" "Well I think it could be arranged . . ." "Arranged?" I said. "What do you mean by that?" "Well . . . you know . . . I'd expect a little thank you." I looked at him perplexed. "You know . . ." he continued. "A little . . . how do you say . . . payment. If you catch my drift." The look on his face said it all. He wanted me to have sex with him! "Are you kidding?!" I yelled. I recoiled and put my hands to my face; trying to gather my thoughts and composure. "Suit yourself lady. It's a long, long walk to town. . . and I very well may just be the last car to pass by tonight. Who knows, I might even be the last car for a couple days. But if that's what you want . . . it's alright with me." He turned away and started to roll up the window. I began to panic. "OK, OK!!" I hollered in desperation. He reached over and opened the door. "Hop on in" he said as he gave me a devilish little look. Chapter 6 The van moved quickly over the bumpy road. I had an urge to grab my breasts and stop them from bouncing, but I didn't want to accelerate what I knew was soon coming. After a couple of minutes, he reached his hand over and placed it on my knee. I had to fight every reflex I had not to pull it back. "I getting pretty cold out missy . . . why don't you come over here and give me a little warm-up." The sick smile on his face said it all. "Look Mr." I said. "I don't know if I can do this . . . I mean . . . if you want to drop me off out here, that's fine . . . but I'm just not about to have sex with you. I just can't make myself do it." "Ah come on now . . ." he said in a light hearted way. "You didn't think I wanted . . . well, you know . . . intercourse did you?" He let out a little laugh. "Nah . . . I was just thinking of something a little simpler." His eyes looked down at the bulge in his pants. "You know what I mean?" he said. "I not sure Mr." I said softly. "I really . . ." "Aww come on . . ." he interrupted. "A little blow job in return for being rescued from the desert? That doesn't seem like too much to ask . . . now does it?" "I . . . I still don't know." I muttered. "it's just that I . . ." All at once the car began to break. We came to a screeching halt. He turned and said, "Well . . . I guess this is where we part ways then." My heart began to race. I looked at the clock on the dashboard . . . it was getting late . . . we were in the middle of nowhere. I panicked . . . "Alright!" I said in haste. "Just don't leave me out here . . . OK?" Once again the car began to accelerate. Within a few moments I was kneeling in between the seats with my face only inches from another man's crotch. I couldn't believe what I was about to do . . . but since the alternative could be much, much worse . . . I didn't really have any choice. He unzipped his pants and slid them down to his ankles as he continued to drive. I tried not to think about what was happening . . . but when I saw his engorged cock in front of my face, it was difficult not to. "Why don't you take that shirt of yours off?" he said. "Anything to buy myself a few more minuets" I thought. I slowly pulled the skin tight tee-shirt up over my head, exposing my breasts to the already excited man. I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. I closed my eyes and bent over towards his lap. My huge tits dangled on the bare skin of his right leg; my erect nipples pressing gently into him. I wrapped my hands around the base of his cock and opened my mouth. I pulled back slightly and decided that I'd better work my way into this . . . I began to lick the shaft of his penis instead. He began to moan with pleasure. I couldn't believe what I was doing. Then after a minute or two, I decided to take the plunge. I opened my mouth and allowed my lips to spread over the head of his rock hard cock. "Oh yeah!" he moaned. I opened up a little bit more and allowed it to enter further. As it did . . . It took all I had to fight the urge to spit it out. My heart was pounding. "Oh God" I thought. "Make this get over fast . . . please let it be over fast." I felt his body squirm again. "That's right you little whore . . . suck it good now!" Then it came to me . . . as disgusting as it seemed, I realized that the only way to end this was to make him cum. So . . . I decided to bite my pride, and fight my natural instincts . . . I needed to `get him off' as quickly as possible. Since I was a man just a couple of hours ago, I had little trouble remembering what I needed to do. I slowly began moving my head up and down . . . letting out little moans along the way. I wanted him to think I was turned on. Then I raised my head up and whispered "It's so big . . . so hard." That was all he needed to hear . . . he grabbed the back of my head and drove it down over his cock. As I continued to moan and make sucking noises . . . he quickly began to unbutton his shirt. "Oh my God" he said in a carnal tone. "I think I'm gonna cum soon!!" I hastened my pace and began to groan a little louder. Once more, he grabbed my hair and held my head fast. My moans turned to choking sounds as I tried to gasp for air; the muffled sounds of my voice inaudible. Then . . . all at once . . . it hit. Like a hot volcano erupting . . . his semen began to fill my mouth. It seemed endless . . . there was so much . . . nowhere for it to go . . . some oozed out of my mouth as I tried to gasp for air . . . some shot up through my nose as I tried to breath. "Ah!!" he screamed with pleasure. "Un-fucking-believable!!" He still held my head firmly over his cock as his ejaculation subsided. I was choking . . . I needed air . . . I had no choice but to swallow. As I squirmed to pull away . . . I noticed something out of the corner of my left eye. I turned my head slightly to get a better look. There . . . before me . . . just underneath his navel . . . was a tattoo. A little purple heart with a yellow `smiley face' in the middle!!! My heart pounded . . . my emotions intensified. It was her!! He was her!! The stripper that I had picked up on that fateful night. I let out a scream at the top of my lungs, and pushed off with all of my might to get away from him/her. As I did . . . my shoulder hit the steering wheel. All at once, the world around me was silent. ............................................... A few hours later, Officer Wilcox responded to a 911 call from a passing motorist. When he arrived at the scene of the crash . . . both passengers were dead. The First: A man with his pants pulled down around his ankles. He had a strange tattoo near his navel. The Second: A topless hooker with semen all over her face. "Jesus" he thought. "Haven't we had enough of this kind of stuff lately?" As he wrote out his accident report, he couldn't help but think to himself, "Well, at least I won't have to lie about this one in court." The End

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A New Age Chapter 2 Rightness and Justice

She followed him out of his car, up the pathway to his door, and as he unlocked it, the order he’d given her before was still in effect. “Kayla, I order you to act as yourself but do as I say,” he’d said, no more than 15 minutes before. Now he looked over at her and spoke. “Kayla, I want you to want me to fuck you. To cum in you. I want you to be a slut for me,” he said, to which she immediately responded. She hopped up into his arms, her being so short, her arms wrapped around his neck,...

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Sweet Justice

This is a completely non-sexual tale about right, wrong and responsibility. Each reader will have to come to his or her own conclusions about relative morality. * ‘Ah, Special Agent Jenkins, my favorite FBI agent! You’re welcome to sit out here on the porch or in your government sedan while I waste more of my precious retirement income on my attorney who I would think will be here within the hour.’ ‘Mr. Thompson, you don’t need to call your lawyer. The judge approved your writ. I’ve been...

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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join http://awriterswonderland.forumatic.com/ for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I’ve always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine....

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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join http://awriterswonderland.forumatic.com/ for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently...

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Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...

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Mediaeval Justice

The count looked at the beautiful young girl that sat opposite of him at thewell loaded table. He smiled to the girl, trying to be as nice to her aspossible under the given situation.He had some mixed feelings about this and tried to explain his point ofview."It is just bad luck for you, dear", he argued, "but there is a law touphold"."But that law is inhuman", the girl protested. Her name was Ruby and she wasonly s*******n years old. She was so scared, that her voice quivered. Butshe realized...

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Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...

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Backdoor Justice

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov You can talk about the courtroom dramas on TV all you want. They're crap, I tell you, utter crap. Listen. I know a story that tops it all. New York has this peculiar institution known as the Sanitation Court. That's where you report if you get a summons for littering or maybe if you're a contractor who's tried to sneak a couple of bags of renovation debris into the regular municipal trash pickup. And it's where young judges start their career, and...

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Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...

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The SmithChapter 9 Justice

The week of the 23rd was the introduction of garter belts, stockings and corsets. Since most of the lingerie was see through or as good as, Cat wore one of my undershirts belted all week as a minidress. On the 24th, Justice came out with their issue. “SPECIAL ADDITION” “Who is the man holding the leash of the sixteen-year-old girl that has the world at the edge of their seats?” With a picture of me from ten years ago with a ‘?’ over a grayed out oval superimposed behind Cat in her red...

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Compensatory Summary Justice

Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...

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HillBilly Justice

"HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : Rape,anal,violence,cruelty,sodomy,murder and torture. "HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : I had been following the murder trial of a mother in another state who had killed her child and I became pretty upset.I would watch it after getting home from work. She claimed she was innocent and had no idea what had happened. I followed the trial and the investigators kept saying how much she had lied and made numerous false claims, blaming a...

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A Simple Girls Justice

A Simple Girl's Justice By TouchedBug I stand on the rotting wood of the dock leading out to the Rio Grande, careful that my soft feet aren't pierced by a splinter or stray nail. A moment is taken to enjoy the trickling sound of the river and the buzzing of insects singing their mating song. During the day this stretch of the Rio Grande which runs through the Texas town of New Braunfels is congested with inner tube sailing, beer guzzling tourists effectively turning the river...

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Rubekestan Justice

Rubekestan Justice Synopsis Arrested for shoplifting while on holiday in Rubekestan, Nancy is sentenced to the harsh punishment meted out in that country. Her abusive, authoritarian nature only makes her situation worse. Rubekestan Justice by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MMM+F NC. Whipping/caning If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your...

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On the Trail of Justice

The rider on the buckskin took his time, studying the trail, and, by turns, the terrain ahead. He could tell by the way sand occasionally fell into a hoof print that he was not far behind his quarry. The horse he was following had been ridden hard, and from the way the hooves scraped sand between steps, must have been on its last legs. The heat made the air shimmer as he studied the rocks and brush ahead for any sign of the man he had chased halfway across the territory. Yesterday, they had...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 155 Human Justice

(Kenshin and the others are walking home. A man on a ladder is ringing a bell.) Kaoru: The fire bell... It must have something to do with that sound. Tae: Kenshin, you said it was an Armstrong cannon? Shouldn't you... Tsubame: I... I think so too. Kenshin: I may just be imagining things. We can check it out tomorrow. It's getting late. Kaoru: You're right. It won't do any good to worry about it now. Sanosuke and Yahiko: All right! Then we can go back to the Akabeko for another...

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Royal Justice

At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...

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The Girl Scout 18 Street JUSTICE

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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Live On Line with Victoria Justice

Rushing home from school, I couldn’t believe that the day was finally here. This was the day that my obsession, Victoria Justice, was going to be doing a live chat on my favorite website. I had been dreaming about the chance to talk to her for so long. I knew that with the thousands of fans who are on her live chats, she may never see my comments, but I had to try anyway.Finally getting home, I flew through the front door, ran upstairs to my bedroom, shut the door, and turned on my laptop. As...

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Partying With Victoria Justice

THIS STORY WAS POSTED ON XHAMSTER BY THE USER TreborCox WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I WILL LINK IN THE COMMENTS WHERE THE STORY WAS POSTED AFTER I WROTE IT IN 2012Disclaimer: The following story is a complete work of fiction. If Victoria Justice and/or Ariana Grande just happen to do things like this in their personal lives…total coincidence. Read the story codes before reading the story.--The tapings were finished. The third season of ‘Victorious’ was now fully recorded. It was a long week as the...

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The Detectives Justice

The Detective's Justice By Donna Mary Allyson (c) 2003 Author's note: My sincere thanks to Carla Winters who volunteered to be my proof reader for this story. My spelling was atrocious and Carla kept me on track. Cast of Characters: The Good Guys: Saul/Sarah Meyer: Sergeant Mayfield Police Kathy Meyer: Saul's wife Carolyn Meyer: Saul's young daughter Virginia Harrison: Saul's Captain of Police Terrie Davidson: Saul's new partner from Livermore Lou Peterson: The Desk...

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Delayed Justice

Delayed Justice By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Features Characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 October 2003- The Beginning "Sam, how did your parents take it when you told them about your costume?" asked seventeen-year-old Sharon...

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Eighteent Century Justice

Eighteenth Century Justice Chapter 1. Annette is hired as a servant Annette is sixteen years old. She is the humble subject, one of the least important, of his glorious majesty, Louis XIV, king of France by the grace of God. The year is 1713. Annette lives in a small town called Grenade in southern France. Her parents are both dead. Her mother died when Annette was just ten. Her father died recently. He had been a good blacksmith, but after his wife died he became a drunkard. There was nothing...

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Justice ****** John sighed with relief as he saw the hands of the clock edging to 5. Nowadays he always felt that the workday would just never come to an end, and yet he also dreaded coming home to Sandy. It was not always like that for him. why, only six months ago he was a rising young executive, whose future with Consoladated seemed assured. Assured that is, till his atavistic male chauvinistic attitudes got him into deep trouble.He looked down at the keyboard...funny how fast he...

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Fair Justice

Fair Justice CHAPTER IGreenville High Street had a new attraction today.  Judge Fair of Greenville Law Court, who had a reputation of not living up to his name, was always keen on cruel and unusual punishments.  Today’s treat was one of the housewives of plush Greenville convicted of adultery.  Normally for such an offence Fair would dole out any combination of branding, a flogging, and a prison sentence anywhere between a month and six years (as the law prescribed) depending on the case and...

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Western Justice

Western Justice- Western Justice-?By Dungeon Master Marshal Dillon was sitting in his Dodge City office gazing over some wanted posters when kindly, but cranky old Doc Adams moseyed in the front door. "Hey Doc. How?s it going?? ?Busy mornin? Matt,? Doc replied, shaking his head while taking a seat across from the rugged lawman?s desk. ?Had go out to the Schrader place this morning to help deliver a calf. The mother and daughter are doin? just fine,? he said with a pleasant voice...

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When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...

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A Question of Justice

Chapter 1 Lt. James Weaver, commander of the USS Allegiance, gazed rapturously across the majestically rolling waters off the West African coast, watching the sunrise in its scarlet, oranges and yellow hues. “I love this duty,” he said, quietly. The beauty of land, the breathtaking expanse of the sea, and the mission. It made the years of tedium and discomfort more than worth it. “Didja say somethin’ to me, cap’n?” asked the skinny young man at the ship’s wheel. “I’m sorry, cap’n me hearing...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 205 The True Intentions of Earthly Justice

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu Ougi Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki!! Watoujutsu Zetsugi Kofuku Zettousei!!! (Tomoe smiles; swords flash. As they part, a huge slash opens across Kenshin's chest. He falls to his knees, bleeding profusely.) Enishi: A second later and we would have killed each other... That was trickier than I thought. My thanks, Mr. Gein. Seeing it once did the trick. Gein: You're welcome. I feel proud myself. Sanosuke: How--how could he be faster than the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki?...

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SiobhanChapter 10 Lady Justice

At Mishka’s request, BEM found and gave them a luxury passenger van capable of comfortably transporting the entire family, including pets. Jackie excitedly entered the van with the family. The cats, though willing to accompany Imp anywhere, were not as enthused. The family’s visit to Tawny and Peace in Athens, Georgia, was both instructive and pleasurable. They had been present on the day The People had begun arriving - greeting and hugging and assuring them of their welcome. Now, The People...

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Poetic Stimulation

This story is dedicated to the curvy, voluptuous women who will always be loved, while I was inspired by a woman in particular, I was also inspired by a song from Isaac Hayes, “The Look of Love”, respectively ©1973. However, I dedicate this to the curvaceous, the confident, and the lovely voluptuous women in the world. Cindy was a caring, warm-hearted woman who just got out of a bad relationship with a man of four years. She cooked, cleaned, and worked two jobs just to keep him happy. A...

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Poetic Seduction

Emma had listened to ‘Moments of a Welsh Village’ by her favourite author a thousand times. Well, not actually voiced by him, but by a cast of actors and actresses. The leading voice was of the best narrator, in her opinion, that ever lived. She even had the DVD of the movie, with the same actor playing the leading role, though in her mind, she didn’t think it was as good as the hypnotic voices that echoed in her psyche.And here she was, in the very village it was written; to the home of her...

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, stuffing it farther down as if to assure herself that it was still there. I couldn’t help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket, following the movement of her butt as her weight shifted. The legs of her snug fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six packs of cheep beer which the clerk was placing in separate bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one...

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Jennifers Obsession Justice

As she waited for the file to open she slouched back in her chair, leaning to one side and with her left hand under her chin, supporting her head. Something appeared on the screen and she sprang bolt-upright and wide-eyed, her mouth slowly falling open. She sat dead-still for a second, before hurriedly closing the file down and fighting hard against the temptation to lose herself in her developing hysteria. As the horror vanished from the screen, Jennifer’s shoulders began to slouch and her...

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The chimerical falsehoods of Lady Justice

Iustitia was walking the streets of tokyo late at night with Kyle, Known deviant and distributor of lewdity of the aforementioned super heroine. Despite this he hadn't technically broken any law and this Iustitia had no means of subduing him for this behavior. So her efforts were acutely diverting his attentions away from such wrong doings. At this time the pair were strolling down the street till they passed a vending machine "Yo it's a sparkling water machine. I hear this stuff's supposed to...

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Slow Justice

Slow Justice by Ellie Dauber "Mr. Foreman, have you reached a verdict?" The jury foreman rose. He was an older man in a plaid work shirt and jeans. He looked nervously about the court room, his eyes never resting on Jenny or her parents sitting nervously behind the District Attorney's desk. Jenny Benton was a slender seventeen year old, her blonde hair done in a pony tail that hung down well below her shoulders. She wore a pale blue blouse with matching skirt and belt, light...

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The Realm of Revenge Jennas Justice

This is a new world I have created. It has the possibility to contain a little bit of everything. It is meant not as much as a follow up to "Sweet Revenge," but as an explanation, and a foundation for many many more stories. The story found within is a story of a woman and her boss, who wants much more than office work done for him. This sets the stage, and it will be followed up soon with an array of stories (hopefully!). The Realm of Revenge-Jenna's Justice by Kristen...

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Altered Fates Poetic Justice

POETIC JUSTICE © Jennifer Adams, 1997 Jim watched the big titted blonde, all covered in cum, as Tony pulled away from her. He still chuckled in his mind. He twisted the necklace in his fingers and thought about what she had said about it turning her into a woman. A smile broke upon his face. She sure was a good fuck. Even if she had a little trouble giving head. Maybe she really was a guy. 'Nah,' he thought. 'That's impossible.' Tony finally got the car back onto the highway....

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A Travesty of Justice

A Travesty of Justice by Paul G. Jutras "Welcome to your new dorm room." Frank said as Gary walked through the doorway, dropped his backpack, and his jaw practically to the floor. Except for the twin beds, the small room looked more like a research lab than a dorm room. He began to wonder if he cold sleep with the blinking lights of the computer panels going off all night. "What are you working on?" Gary asked. "Genetics." Frank replied as a few quick moves on a computer...

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Hypnotic Justice

Hypnotic Justice by Vanessa White Dr. Vanessa Morgan sat behind her desk and filed some paperwork as she waited for her 9 a.m. appointment to show up. In fact, she had reserved the entire day for this particular client. It would be the final session in a two-year project she had been working on. To say she was brimming with excitement would be an understatement. She smiled as she heard a car door shut out in the parking lot and she knew that her appointment had most likely...

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Ring of Justice

Kevin Joiner is on the run, wanted for multiple counts of violence and rape on women over the last three weeks; in a shoot-out he was shot twice in the abdomen and is now bleeding profusely. Trying to move as fast and stealthy as he can with his sustained injuries he ducks down a little side alley, not far behind he can hear the sound of police shouting and further back dogs, he knew he needed to get find an escape route and soon. Looking around, he noticed a shop he hadn't seen...

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Instant Message Instant Justice

Instant Message... Instant Justice By Amber Smyth After a long day, Lily wanted to just relax and do a bit of friendly chatting, online, in the comfort of her home. She starts up her computer and logs in to her favorite chat room. She's disappointed as she sees that the chat room is empty... at least that is, until somebody enters the chat room. Somebody with the username "AwesomeNinja57". "Who is this person? At least it's someone to chat with. Hope whoever it is, is...

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Family Justice

                               Family JusticeNicole Vallenti tried to focus through eyes blurred with tears, sweat and strain.  Did the light filtering through the basement window seem dimmer?  Or was it she, losing her doomed battle?  It mattered little, which was true.The willowy blonde, 38 year-old, performed what must have been her millionth, carefully mincing, pirouette, in hopes of finding a salvation she’d overlooked all the previous times.  Well, perhaps ?overlooked? was a tad...

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Justice by EmileThis work is fantasy, and the author does not advocate anything other than consensual sex with adults. Copyright 2007---- The three studs were court martialled for bringing the service into disrepute when their diaries of sexual conquests, on mission and at base, on and off duty, were officially "discovered" by their commander during a night raid.  The troops had known for years, egging them on to more daring and filthy adventures, each trying to outdo the other for the audacity...

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Jelly Bean Justice

UNTITLED   JELLY BEAN JUSTICE! ByAnne Gray It wasn?t a swagger, or even a strut, it was an attitude, she knew she looked good and she did.? Even at just 5? 6?, plus a bit more with the heels on the boots, she had an arrogance about her that managed to give the impression she was looking down her nose at everyone.?? In a sense she probably was.  I suppose that kind of confidence was needed when you made your living defrauding people, but the clothes certainly helped complete the...

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, assuring her self that it was still there. I couldn't help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket; following the movement of her butt as she shifted her weight. The legs of her snug-fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six-packs of inexpensive beer which the clerk was placing in separate paper bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one of the bags...

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Mountain Justice

It is not really important who I am. I am just one of the many McGee clan members from down state. I wanted to set the record straight on exactly what started the unpleasantness up in Clay County a few years back. I know there was a lot of blood spilt on both sides these last few years. In all honesty, I have to agree it was probably all unnecessary. Looking back on it now, I think it was a combination of stubborn pride and some of those killing skills the Marine Corps tend to enhance in...

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Aliens and CowboysJustice

Knowing that Rift 5 was that close to Earth, made Mark a bit nervous. Earth was his home and all that remained to defend the planet was the Earth Spaceport. Sure, it was a space-based version of an aircraft carrier, but it was simply a fighter base with pulse cannons, laser turrets and TRDs ... it had no singularity drivers, which was the only weapon proven to quickly dispatch a Destructor ship, albeit at great cost. All other weapons, TRDs included, required a lot of shots hitting the exact...

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FaithfulChapter 3 Justice

Thirty feet above the canted deck of the Janet Lune, Robert O'Malley's rotting corpse swung and twirled with the ship's constant motion. His body had been hanging for three days after he was raised, wildly kicking and briefly screaming, to dangle from the highest yardarm. It had taken him a long time to die and even longer for gobs of foul excrement to stop dripping from his bare feet. His protruding tongue was now black and swollen. Fetid gases had bloated his grotesque torso and split...

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