The Spirit Of Justice free porn video

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The Spirit of Justice By Heather St. Claire Terry Martin was drunk. That wasn't much of a surprise; he was drunk just about every night, and most days as well. As a college senior and the child of privilege, he could do just about anything he pleased. He flung an empty Jack Daniels bottle out the window of his Porsche and slammed his foot down on the accelerator. Martin was due to graduate in three months, and he knew he hadn't earned the Bachelor's Degree he was going to receive, that it was a sham; it had been purchased with more than $250,000 in donations to the university by his father over the past four years. Not that the diploma really mattered anyway; he knew that a "job" would be waiting for him in the family firm once he graduated. He used the term loosely in his mind; he knew there would be an office with a nice view and his name on the door, but he wouldn't ever have to show up if he didn't want to. He doubted that he would want to. Martin started fumbling in his lap for the phone he had just picked up and then dropped. The Porsche was still racing through the residential neighborhood at 65 miles an hour when it approached the intersection where Mariah Washington's eight-year old Honda Civic awaited. It was shortly before two a.m. Mariah was 20 years old and the mother of five-year-old twin daughters, Tasheka and Chanita. She had just picked them up at friend's apartment, where she had left them after being called in to another last minute overtime shift at the Q-Mart where she worked. She was relieved that both her angels were sleeping peacefully, but was still annoyed at being pressured to work extra hours for the third night in a row. Mariah saw the Porsche barreling toward her, but had no time to act, not even time to scream. The next thing she knew, there was a sickening crash, and all was dark. Then she felt herself being drawn toward a bright light.... The shock of the crash had snapped Martin out of his fog. He could see the badly-mangled Honda, which sat at an angle in the middle of the intersection. He could see the driver, a black woman, slumped in the driver's seat. She was covered with blood, apparently unconscious, maybe dead. "Oh, damn," Martin thought. "This is going to be an expensive one for dad to fix. There's going to be hell to pay for a while." Martin was startled by a resonant male voice that declared: "No, there will be Heaven to pay, Terry Martin." He wondered where the voice was coming from, and why he suddenly felt no effects from the alcohol he had been consuming for the past several hours, but he didn't have time to dwell on the questions. He was astonished to feel himself rising up from out of his body. He seemed to be floating in the air, moving with the wind. Something carried him over to the Honda, where he had a very clear look at the dying form of Maria Washington. "Oh boy," he thought to himself. "This could be bad." He saw two scared little girls in the back seat of the car; they appeared to be unhurt. He then floated up to a vantage point several feet above the accident. "Oh crap," he thought. "Am I dead?" The male voice spoke again: "You are not dead, Terry Martin. At least not yet." This time Martin sensed the voice was coming from behind him, and turned, astonished to see an imposing male figure with long flowing white hair and beard, clad in a loincloth. "Who are you supposed to be?" Martin asked. "God?" "No, Terry Martin, I am not the God of the Heavens...let's say I'm one of his agents. I am the Spirit of Justice." "Justice? How about some justice for this bl?"Martin stopped himself. "For this bitch who creamed my Porsche?" The spirit being shook his head, as much in sadness as in anger. "Terry Martin, you were the one who slammed into her vehicle. You are the one who was speeding. You were the one who was driving drunk. You must be called to account for your actions." "What do you mean? If you're a spirit, or whatever, just fix her up and we'll all be on our way." "It is not that simple. Mariah Washington has already gone to her Heavenly reward, and it is beyond my powers to call her back to this realm. I could consign you to the fires of Hell right now, but that would leave those poor children without a parent. The solution I've come up with will keep that from happening, and give you a chance at redemption." Martin was hearing the words, but not comprehending their meaning, and asked: "What are you talking about, you crazy old man?" The Spirit cried out: "Silence!" and Martin found he could no longer speak. He then watched in disbelief as the wounds on the body of Mariah Washington were healed; then he turned in horror to see injuries similar to those suffered by Washington inflicted on his own body. Then, for a moment all was darkness again. Martin suddenly felt groggy. He could hear two young girls calling: "Mommy, mommy, are you all right mommy?" He slowly opened his eyes. As he did so, he glanced up at the rear view mirror of the Honda?and saw Mariah Washington's face staring back at him. First, the new Mariah screamed. Then she exclaimed: "Holy crap!" For the last time, she heard the voice of the Spirit of Justice: "It is not crap, Terry Martin, but it is indeed holy." As the realization of what had happened began to sink in for the new Mariah, she began to sob and wail, "Oh God, Oh my God, Oh my God, no, Oh God." "Are you hurt mommy?" came the cry from the back seat. Her eyes were closed, but she saw a bright light shining in front of her. Was she on her way to the afterlife after all? No, she opened her eyes to find a policeman shining a flashlight into the car. "Ma'm?" he said. "The ambulance should be here shortly. It looks like you and your children are going to be O-K...which is more than I can say for the drunken fool that hit you." "What do you mean?" she sniffed. "Is he....dead?" The officer just gave her a sad look and shook his head, before stepping aside to allow a paramedic access to the vehicle. All was a blur for a while; the trip to the hospital in the ambulance; the wait for a CT scan, the further wait to be examined by a doctor, the reassurance that she was okay except for a bad bump on the head, the repeated message that her children (her children? When would she wake up from this nightmare) were okay, dealing with questions from the police. She was given a bottle of prescription strength Ibuprofen and told to use an ice bag on her head if it hurt. She sensed most of the people she was dealing with wanted to be rid of her as quickly as possible. The fog finally began to lift when the discharge nurse asked her if her husband could give her and the girls a ride home. "I'm not married," she replied. (How did she know she wasn't married?) "Parents?" "They're dead." (Again, how did she know this?) "Other relative? Friend? Neighbor? Co-worker? Anyone?" "Uh, you can call my Aunt, Tonya Stevens." As she recited a phone number, she realized that she could somehow access the memories of the original Mariah. She hoped this would always be the case, or this difficult new life could become even more difficult. About ten minutes later, Aunt Tonya came running into the emergency room in tears. She grabbed Mariah and hugged her tightly. "Oh child, oh child," she sobbed. It was just the latest in a series of strange sensations, the weight of another woman's (ample) breasts pressing against her own bosom. Soon Tonya was depositing Mariah and her daughters in front of a dingy- looking apartment building near the edge of the poorest section of the city. "You sure you're OK, child?" "I'm fine, Auntie, just fine, all I need is some rest." "Thank the Good Lord your precious babies are O-K." "Yes, thanks to Him for sure." She waved as she watched her aunt drive off into the night. (Aunt? Why do I know this woman, she wondered. Why is any of this making sense to me?) She turned her attention to the girls standing on either side of her. She knew that Tasheka And Chanita were twins; they had been born five years earlier, which meant she would have been 14 at the time they were conceived. Fourteen? She shook her head in wonder. What kind of life has this girl lived? Her feelings of puzzlement gave way to a flood of images and she was quickly overwhelmed by sadness. She realized that Mariah's?her?father had disappeared shortly before she was born, and she had no idea whether he was alive or dead. Her mother, just 19 at the time of her own birth, slid deeper into addiction after that, and had died of a heroin overdose when Mariah was 11. Aunt Tonya had raised her after that. No wonder she felt such a strong bond with the woman. She realized her eyes were closed and she was crying again. She felt the girls tugging on her denim jacket. "Mommy? What wrong, mommy?" She looked at Chanita and felt a sudden flood of tenderness and concern unlike anything she had experienced in her former life. "Nothing's wrong, honey. We're all O-K. That's the most important thing." She took the girls by the hand and escorted them into the building. The hall of the structure was a scary place. Half the light bulbs were burned out or missing, and trash and debris littered the halls. The same instinct that had guided her in the past few bewildering hours now steered her to a door, and prompted her to reach into the purse over her shoulder (purse?) to extract a set of keys. "We're home now, girls. We're home." She unlocked the door and swung it open to see a small, threadbare, but spotlessly clean apartment. The furniture had to be thrift store acquisitions; the small kitchen looked to be barely big enough to turn around in. Taking a few steps inside, she saw there was a single bedroom, which apparently was shared by the girls, and a single bathroom. Where did she sleep? Why, on the fold-out couch, of course. Somehow, she knew she should each give the girls a cup of juice, have them change into their pajamas, and brush their teeth. She also realized she would have to stay with them until they fell asleep, as they were still processing the scare they had all been through together. She held each of them for a long time, stroked their foreheads tenderly, and sang to them. With a mix of fear and relief, 'Mariah' came to realize that although the real Mariah was gone, some memories and instincts had remained behind in her body. When the girls had dropped off to sleep, Mariah took some time to explore the apartment that was now her home. She found a bookcase in the living room filled with books?children's books, books about parenting, and books on African-American history. Mariah took a moment to reflect on what she saw, and thought, "This girl was very proud of her heritage. That shows in the choice of names for her daughters. What on earth do I know about black women? Oprah, Michelle Obama....oh yeah, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman...Aunt Jemima? Oh God, there is no one on earth less prepared for this than me." She collapsed on the couch in tears. While she still felt deeply sorry for herself and her strange plight, she also felt the first pangs of conscience over taking a loving mother away from her children. She cried until no more tears would come; then, without even bothering to pull out the bed, she soon feel into an exhausted sleep. Pokes and shakes from the girls brought her out of her slumber. She opened her eyes to the realization that it hadn't been some kind of horrible nightmare; 'he" was now a black woman with two small children to take care of. She had a moment of insight as she realized the girls seemed none the worse for wear despite last night's ordeal. "They are resilient," she marveled. Her instincts took over again, as she managed to give both girls a bowl of cereal, make sure they dressed, braid their hair, get showered and dressed herself, walk the girls to their nearby Kindergarten, then catch a bus to her job at the local Q-Mart. She knew she had a long shift as a cashier ahead (although the store grandly styled her a "junior associate," which meant she wore a red vest; she would graduate to a green vest if she stayed on the job another two years) and she wasn't looking forward to it. She felt slightly ill from the residual effects of the accident, the bumpy ride of the bus, and the diesel fumes she was forced to inhale. She missed Terry's Porsche?the comfort, the speed, the sense of control. She reached into the purse that was slung over her shoulder and took out a compact. She flipped it open and studied her new face carefully. Though her skin was clearly mocha-colored, she had a straight nose and relatively thin lips; she was no doubt of a mixed heritage. With her large, liquid brown eyes, the overall effect was quite pleasing; she thought she might even be attracted to this were she still male. Before long, she found herself behind a check stand at the Q-Mart. Nothing in her previous life of wealth and privilege had prepared her for anything like this. Terry Martin's family hired people to shop for them and prepare their food. Their clothing only came from the best stores. Who were these people buying pancake mix and frozen dinners, 12 dollar jeans and bottles of detergent? As the hours passed, it began to dawn on Mariah that the world treats a poor young black woman far differently than it treats a wealthy young white man. A lot of people in her line, regardless of age or race, were quite friendly; but others seemed to regard her with wariness; she watched more than one shopper get into a line to wait for a white checker, even when her register was open. And as for men, especially young men? Black or white, they seemed to have one thing on their mind. She knew, because it had been the main thing on her mind until last night. She had dressed for the day in khaki slacks and a black polo shirt; nothing low-cut or particularly revealing of her breasts. Nevertheless, she was exasperated, then infuriated, but the number of men who couldn't seem to make eye contact with her, even when she was directly speaking to them. Their gaze was fixed not on her face...but slightly lower. Mariah stumbled through the routine of her life over the next few days. She was brought up short, though, to be leafing through the newspaper in the store's to find her, or rather, Terry's obituary and funeral announcement. The service was set for the next afternoon; she wasn't scheduled to work that day. Getting around was a little easier now that the insurance company had issued her a check for $800 for the Honda. Mariah had only carried basic coverage on the car, but Terry's insurer was eager to avoid any claims and processed the check quickly. Check in hand, Mariah had gone to a used-car lot to find that the best she could manage for $800 was a nineteen-year old Ford Taurus with 170,000 miles on it. The left rear fender had a ding in it, and the broken tail light lens had been repaired with cellophane and tape. As she drove the Taurus off the lot she shed a tear for the Porsche she had destroyed. Inside the battered trailer that served as the dealership's office, the car salesman shoved his cigar back into his face and fumbled for a match to relight it. He carefully slipped Mariah's eight 100-dollar bills into a small safe. "Funny," he thought. "The n***** bitch didn't even try to haggle on price." (In Terry's world, of course, everything was purchased at full retail.) Mariah drove to the church where Terry's funeral would take place, but couldn't bring herself to go in. She knew a simply-dressed black woman would stand out in this wealthy white crowd. She watched with growing distress as her?Terry's?parents arrived for the service. His mother seemed to be overwhelmed by grief, and his father had visibly aged in a matter of days. She felt tears of guilt and shame welling up in her eyes. She waited until the service was over and felt a wave of nausea as she watched the casket holding the shattered remains of her male body being carried to the waiting hearse. Mariah followed the funeral procession to the cemetery and watched from a distance as the remains of her former self were lowered into the earth. She slumped back into the car seat. The reality of what she had done was sinking in at another level. Once more, she found herself contemplating suicide rather than continuing to live in this prison she had somehow created for herself. Two feelings stopped her. The first was fear. Fear that something worse would await her after death. The second was something akin to love. A feeling toward Tasheka and Chanita that could be described as a protective tenderness. She couldn't abandon them. They were...her babies. "Oh God," she muttered to herself. "I'm developing a maternal instinct." Saturday night of her first week as a female arrived. She climbed into bed feeling bone-tired. She was grateful she wasn't scheduled to work the next day; she fervently hoped the girls would allow her to sleep in. That was a wish that wasn't to be granted. "Mommy! Time to get up Mommy!" they called. "Oh, what is it? What do you want, girls?" she said groggily. "We'll be late for church, Mommy!" Church? Terry hadn't been to church since he was a child. Religion was something for least that was what he had believed until a few days earlier. Now, Mariah thought, she probably should go to church. She obviously had a long way to go on any path to redemption. As she stood before her closet after showering, she inspected her wardrobe carefully. Most of what she owned were simple things appropriate for work and casual times; but there were four nice dresses at one end of the rack. She put one of them on; it was blue silk with a colorful floral pattern. It was the first time she had ever worn a dress. And though she had worn tennis shoes all week, she realized that wouldn't be appropriate with this dress; she stepped into her one good pair of heels. She applied her lipstick and pronounced herself ready to go; she went to check how the girls were progressing in making themselves presentable. Shortly, they were in the sanctuary of the neighborhood's Baptist Church. Mariah looked around at the all-black congregation; quite the contrast, she thought, with the upper-crust Methodist church she had attended a few times as a male child. She had dim memories of somber, people going through rituals mechanically; but this was a very different experience. The men, women and children around her were full of life, happily greeting each other as they filed in. Even when the service started, the hubbub didn't completely subside; the preacher (he wasn't a minister, he called himself a preacher, and he was quite the showman) was orchestrator of a passion play filled with singing, dancing, and worship. It was as much about the heart as the mind. Mariah found herself, for the first time in her life, actually listening to the words of the sermon. "We are called to a new life in Christ..." the preacher shouted. ("Tell me about a new life, brother," Mariah thought to herself. "I'll show you a new life." She actually chuckled to herself. It was the first time she had felt anything like joy since the accident.) It rained heavily that Sunday night, and not long after the girls had fallen asleep, a thunderstorm began. Both girls came running out of their bedroom and asked if they could sleep with their mother. She turned back the covers and invited them to climb under with her. The sensation of their bodies against hers was both strange and comforting at the same time. "There, there now, girls" she said. "Don't worry. Nothing's going to hurt you. Your mamma's right here." All three of them soon fell asleep together. Gradually, it got easier. Day by day, the routines of her new life seemed less foreign, more natural. It was never easy. She was always tired, always worried whether her meager paycheck would stretch far enough to cover the most basic necessities, wondering what would happen if her car broke down or she lost her job or one of the girls got sick; no, it was never easy, but somehow, it got easier. Mariah was spending less time worrying about how she would get through each day that she was able to open herself to other emotions?like loneliness. She was in the break room at the Q-Mart one day when the store manager walked in to introduce her to the new assistant manager. He was tall, dark (very dark) and handsome. "Paul Evans," he said, offering his hand for Maria to shake. "Wonderful to meet you." Mariah couldn't help but look at his strong jaw, flashing smile, and kind eyes and feel a little flutter in her stomach. When her hand touched his, she felt a little electric jolt. "Oh my God," she thought. "Can I actually be attracted to a man? To this man?" In the parking lot at the end of her workday she learned that she could be attracted to Paul. She was about to climb into her car when he stopped her. First, he wanted to talk to her about work. "Miss Washington?may I call you Mariah?" "Yes, please do." "Mariah, I don't know if you're aware of this, but Q-Mart is really putting an emphasis on promoting minorities and women. I'm living proof. If you ever want to talk about getting your pretty self onto a management training track, just come see me." He flashed a grin. Mariah heard herself asking: "You really think I'm pretty?" "Sure do. And if it's not being too forward, can I spend some more time telling you how good you look over dinner?" "Yes, I'd like that. We just have to find a night when my aunt can watch my girls." "Girls?" She thought she saw him momentarily stiffen, but the relaxed charm quickly returned. "I have twin daughters, age five, Tasheka and Chanita. They're very sweet girls." The date was made for the following Friday. Mariah couldn't believe she was looking forward to it with anticipation and excitement. ("I'm a man?or used to be. Why am I attracted to this man? I'm not queer....but I guess I am a woman now, and women are attracted to men...well, at least most women....oh hell, just go with the flow girl, go with the flow." It didn't consciously dawn on her that it was the first time she had thought of herself as a 'girl.' She put extra effort into making herself look as attractive as possible for the date. Her dress, hair and makeup had to be perfect. She had even thought briefly about buying a new dress at the store, it wouldn't be too bad with her employee discount, but she then remembered she was saving every spare dollar for the girls' birthday celebration in a few weeks. She dropped her daughters at her aunt's apartment ("Stay out as late as you want, child. You've been working so hard and been through so much lately. You deserve a good time.") and waited to be picked up by Paul. It was an upscale steak house with tablecloths and waiters in vests and ties. Mariah felt a shudder of recognition. She hadn't been in a place this nice since....since before. They quickly fell into animated conversation. Mariah experienced a phenomenon common to single parents of toddlers?discovering that she hungered for an adult to converse with. Not that Terry had ever been much of a conversationalist?his main interests were in when he could get drunk or high, with what substances, how much sex he was going to have, and with who?but Mariah was actually finding it interesting to get to know this man better. He had been born into poverty, but had gone to a small college on a basketball scholarship (his height, six feet five inches, and muscular build now made sense) and while he didn't have any realistic expectation of making the NBA (too short!), those dreams died forever when he suffered a serious knee injury toward the end of his junior season. He dropped out after that, leaving his business degree unfinished, and drifted for a while before his mother steered him into a job at Q-Mart. Mariah listened with interest, but from time to time her mind kept drifting to one question: were all the stories about the size of black men's 'equipment' really true? The part of her that was still Terry was horrified by the thought, but the new Mariah genuinely wanted to know. So it was no surprise when she accepted his invitation to come to his department for an after-dinner drink. As they sat on his couch, he put his arm around her and drew her close for a kiss. As her lips met his, she felt her nipples stiffen and a tingling sensation in the groin. The part of Terry left inside of her was still crying out in protest, but what she had come to think of as the new Mariah asked herself, 'Do I really want this?' and she responded: 'Yes, I want this.' And she got it. And she learned that, at least in Paul's case, the stories were true. The following Monday at work, Paul sought her out to thank her for a fabulous evening and make a second date for the following Friday. But when Friday came, he cancelled at the last minute. He promised to reschedule, but kept making excuses. Mariah was angry and hurt and in some ways, more confused about her identity than ever. Paul did seek her out in the break room one day to hand her a folder with the application for the management trainee program already filled out. "Turn this in," he urged. "You could be a store manager before you're 30. I can see that you work hard and care about doing a good job. And frankly, you're a double." "A double? A double what?" "You know, a double check mark. Black and female. Don't be afraid to use it to your advantage, Mariah. It's been held against us for so long." Mariah had decided she would enter the program, though she couldn't help being overwhelmed by the irony. She had once been in line to inherit millions. Now her greatest aspiration was to manage a Q-Mart. She forced a smile and said. "Thanks. But what about?us?" "I've been busy, baby, just really busy." After Paul broke another date at the last minute, Mariah decided to follow him as he left the store. She watched him drive into the downtown area, where he stopped in front of a sleek office building. He bounded inside and soon emerged with a tall, elegantly dressed black woman on his arm. Mariah confronted him at work. "Who the hell was that? Your sister?" "Look, Mariah, you're wonderful, but two kids...I'm just not ready to take on that kind of baggage!" "My girls are not baggage!" she wailed, then began to cry. "Not in here! Do you want to make a scene?" "Yes, damn it, I do want to make a scene....but I won't...for the sake of my job, and my girls." After that they went out of the way to avoid each other at work. Life resumed its normal rhythms, until Mariah ran into a bout of illness. It was the third morning in a row she had thrown up. She washed her face and headed to her bookshelf to pull down one of the well-thumbed volumes on pregnancy and childcare. Mariah knew a trip to the drugstore would be necessary to be sure, but a sickening feeling inside told her she was pregnant. It was abundantly clear to Mariah now that she had been put into this situation to learn lessons and atone for her past mistakes. What she hadn't factored into the equation until now was her opportunities for poor judgment in this new life. It seemed like the lessons would keep coming for a long, long time.

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Mediaeval Justice

The count looked at the beautiful young girl that sat opposite of him at thewell loaded table. He smiled to the girl, trying to be as nice to her aspossible under the given situation.He had some mixed feelings about this and tried to explain his point ofview."It is just bad luck for you, dear", he argued, "but there is a law touphold"."But that law is inhuman", the girl protested. Her name was Ruby and she wasonly s*******n years old. She was so scared, that her voice quivered. Butshe realized...

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Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...

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Backdoor Justice

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov You can talk about the courtroom dramas on TV all you want. They're crap, I tell you, utter crap. Listen. I know a story that tops it all. New York has this peculiar institution known as the Sanitation Court. That's where you report if you get a summons for littering or maybe if you're a contractor who's tried to sneak a couple of bags of renovation debris into the regular municipal trash pickup. And it's where young judges start their career, and...

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Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...

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Spirit Ch 04

Jun 18, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Four Astral Travel & Dreams Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories...

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To Dress with Spirit

TO DRESS WITH SPIRIT "You know the locals say it's haunted," said my quirky friend Elena as we turned into the long carriage drive which led to the country house hotel in which I'd gained an internship. Her eyes were laughing as she said this, and I pinched her arm jokingly. "Pull the other one." We were both too worldly and rational to believe in ghosts. I'd heard the rumours about the hotel when I talked to people about the internship opportunity, and of course I'd dismissed...

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In the Spirit of

In the Spirit of... By TwoSpiritsTG ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoy the story please leave a review. I always read them, and love hearing back from those following my works. It's the inspiration that keeps me writing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a collection of holiday specials. This will not interfere with any other stories I am working on. It will be a majority of...

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Path of the Blue SpiritChapter 5

Kara walked into the kitchen before dawn, the smell of coffee and eggs and sizzling bacon rich in the air. Ellen walked over to her without speaking and gave her a very prolonged and fierce hug. Mark's father Tom looked slightly surprised at the intensity of the emotions his wife was showing, but otherwise just nodded his greeting at Kara and smiled. Kara caught Mark's eyes, and she realized Mark had found the time to tell his mother about the horrors in Kara's childhood. Kara felt...

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Compensatory Summary Justice

Note to the reader: This story is a bit of a departure for me. It is mainly in the first person and it is not at all erotic. This is a ‘revenge’ and/or ‘Justice’ story. It is entirely fictional and everyone is over eighteen (not that it makes a difference in this particular story). If you are after a sexy or super descriptive, violent, story this is not it. * I have some basic hang ups that have been with me for most of my life. If I see someone picking on a person who is not able to defend...

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HillBilly Justice

"HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : Rape,anal,violence,cruelty,sodomy,murder and torture. "HILLBILLY JUSTICE" Part #1 : I had been following the murder trial of a mother in another state who had killed her child and I became pretty upset.I would watch it after getting home from work. She claimed she was innocent and had no idea what had happened. I followed the trial and the investigators kept saying how much she had lied and made numerous false claims, blaming a...

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Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice by Jennifer Chapter 1 Friday night; 11:35 PM - Somewhere along Route 264; just outside of Falling Rock, AZ. Her head bobbed rhythmically to the beat of the blaring radio; it was difficult to stay focused on what I was trying to do. "Oh yeah . . . " I managed to groan. With her free hand, she grabbed a handful of her flowing hair and flipped it to the other side of her head . . . away from her face. As I took a quick look down at her, she gave me a...

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A Simple Girls Justice

A Simple Girl's Justice By TouchedBug I stand on the rotting wood of the dock leading out to the Rio Grande, careful that my soft feet aren't pierced by a splinter or stray nail. A moment is taken to enjoy the trickling sound of the river and the buzzing of insects singing their mating song. During the day this stretch of the Rio Grande which runs through the Texas town of New Braunfels is congested with inner tube sailing, beer guzzling tourists effectively turning the river...

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Rubekestan Justice

Rubekestan Justice Synopsis Arrested for shoplifting while on holiday in Rubekestan, Nancy is sentenced to the harsh punishment meted out in that country. Her abusive, authoritarian nature only makes her situation worse. Rubekestan Justice by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF MMM+F NC. Whipping/caning If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your...

1 year ago
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On the Trail of Justice

The rider on the buckskin took his time, studying the trail, and, by turns, the terrain ahead. He could tell by the way sand occasionally fell into a hoof print that he was not far behind his quarry. The horse he was following had been ridden hard, and from the way the hooves scraped sand between steps, must have been on its last legs. The heat made the air shimmer as he studied the rocks and brush ahead for any sign of the man he had chased halfway across the territory. Yesterday, they had...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 155 Human Justice

(Kenshin and the others are walking home. A man on a ladder is ringing a bell.) Kaoru: The fire bell... It must have something to do with that sound. Tae: Kenshin, you said it was an Armstrong cannon? Shouldn't you... Tsubame: I... I think so too. Kenshin: I may just be imagining things. We can check it out tomorrow. It's getting late. Kaoru: You're right. It won't do any good to worry about it now. Sanosuke and Yahiko: All right! Then we can go back to the Akabeko for another...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 56

Floating... No breathing... No heartbeat... Floating... No body... "Is this death?" thought Mayoni. "I am alone... No input... Not even a body for comfort... And yet... I'm not alone... What is it? My soul should be breaking for Keona, and yet... Something is comforting me... Shielding me from the pain... Yes, of course... Thank you Spirit... Your love never leaves me... You are so close to me now..." There was no sense of the passage of time in the drifting, no sense of anything, of...

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Beths Erotic AdventuresChapter 9 Marie meets Spirit

They awoke early the following day, Beth couldn't help but laugh as Marie sat cross legged beside her and asked, "Can we go riding today?" "OK but how about a morning kiss." They kissed for a while before Marie sat back up, "When can we go." "Why don't you go and start the shower, I'll ring Meg and arrange everything and join you in a second." As Marie headed for the bathroom Beth lifted the phone and dialled the stables, "Hello!" "Hi Meg it's Beth, Beth...

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Legion of LightChapter 23 Spirit Walk

The following morning started with Ginny and I being interested observers as Sylvia Porter and Whit Levine, disguised to look like us, took off for Angel's Camp in Ginny's GTO. First thing in the morning I had told Tony Herrera what I wanted. "I thought about this all night. I want these guys to know we know they're there, and that I want them gone. We need to show them that we have our own very good security, and that we can take care of ourselves." I got a big grin in response. And...

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Spirit QuestChapter 16 Epilogue

With my passing, I felt myself elevating above my body, and was able to look down on the scene below me. Each of my wives was kneeling around me, one hand touching me. I felt their prayers buoy me as they prayed to the Deity or Deities they believed in for my spirit to make the journey safely to wherever they believed spirits went. When Audoflede finished her prayer, she walked to the window and closed a black curtain I hadn’t known was there. Barely a minute later, bells in the tower of the...

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A Spirit For The Ladies

I know you’re tired sitting there at your computer desk. Right now, nobody else is around. Take a break, why don’t you, and lay your head back. Close your eyes. Relaxing, isn’t it? What’s that….it feels like someone lightly kissing your forehead? Go ahead and open your eyes……there’s nobody there. Close your eyes again. Suddenly you feel warm breath on your cheek, then what feels like those same soft lips. It’s OK to check… your eyes…there’s nobody there. Maybe it is a spirit? Close your...

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A Spirit For The Ladies

I know you’re tired sitting there at your computer desk. Right now, nobody else is around. Take a break, why don’t you, and lay your head back. Close your eyes. Relaxing, isn’t it? What’s that….it feels like someone lightly kissing your forehead? Go ahead and open your eyes……there’s nobody there.Close your eyes again. Suddenly you feel warm breath on your cheek, then what feels like those same soft lips. It’s OK to check… your eyes…there’s nobody there. Maybe it is a spirit? Close your...

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Team Spirit

Team Spirit By Ms. Jenny Ann Preface by author: The following story was authored by me, it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. A comment was made to stop with my photos, so this story will not have any; however, in order to get the random thoughts to come together in some sort of way, I had to get inspired. I began by slowly transforming myself, stopping along the way to read a few stories. It worked and I now know what I want to add to this story. I did take a picture;...

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The Crying Spirit A Twilight Zone Story

A lonely man makes an incredible find in a small antique shop. How could he know that within the confines of the ancient cabinet was a portal into another time? Come with us as he enters... THE TWILIGHT ZONE. The Crying Spirit: A Twilight Zone Story By Anon Allsop "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."--Rod...

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Tammys Spirit

Tammy's Spirit We stood at the window, and the woman with us pushed a button on the wall. The curtain pulled back, and on the Gurney, on the other side of the window, lay Tammy. She looked just like she was asleep, but I knew she was dead. My friend Phil, almost collapsed from the pain of seeing his wife. A little over an hour ago, I had received a panicky call from Phil. The local police had called, and told him that his wife had been involved in a bad traffic accident, and they...

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Spirit Ch 05

Jul 4, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Five Trouble In New Mexico Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 02

It was time. The sun had fallen below the treetops. To facilitate the appearance of the Vision, the Medicine Man insisted, ‘You must obey the creed. Enter your Quest as you entered the world.’ Tom left the protection of the cave — completely sober and completely nude. A hundred yards farther up the game trail, in the middle of a pine thicket Tom found a clearing perfect for the vision ground. Slow and silent, he began the prescribed ritual — circle the area, commune with the Great Spirit...

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Victoria Is A Free Spirit

 "Are you ready to meet her? I swear, you'll love her," she assured me, lying down with me."Really, Molly? I'll love her? Is she going to be a threat to you?""Yes, yes, and no smart-ass," she giggled, pecking my cheek. "She is just my twin sister, but we're fraternal twins. We don't have superpowers or read each other's minds; only identical twins get those. I can't think of a better woman for you to be with, than me."I nodded and looked away for a second. "So, just to be clear...

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Spirit Of Adonis

Adonis growled harshly, though his agony stemmed from something other than pain. He moaned and groaned; his limbs moved heavily with a dead weight. The Greek attire he wore was tattered, torn, and hung from an equally torn body. There was no more blood. Actually, there was no pain either, and it felt very odd. He had yet to acclimate himself, being suspended in the Middle World and the world below it. The Middle World still coursed through his veins, the Under World, through his soul. It was...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 35

Earth time: 4:44:46 PM Monday, April 25, 2033 (EST) Earth time: 5:44:46 PM Monday, April 25, 2033 (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) Aina time: 5:33:34 PM day 253 of 1436 "Time mark!" called the technician on the intercom. "Path minus five minutes." "Acknowledged," said Mark calmly at the bottom of the Blue Spirit well. Mark looked at his mother and smiled, and then glanced up. More than ten meters above the floor was the roof of their hexagonal tunnel. Directly in front of them was...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 49

Aina time: 2:40 AM, day 286 of 1449 Earth time: 2:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, Sunday, July 19, 2043 Jennifer opened her eyes, feeling very groggy. She realized several people were in her hospital room with her, and she shivered as she realized some of them were male. She forced herself fully awake, and looked around. There was only Dr. Ker with her now. "Dr. Mayoni will be here in just a second," Ker said quietly, and then she looked at some monitors. Jennifer looked at her arm band. She...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 55

Honolulu daylight savings time: 7:18 AM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 West Virginia time: 12:18 PM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 3:29 PM day 173 of 1451 Mayoni grunted softly, lifting her legs up higher so that her knees were almost touching her breasts, providing Keona deeper access into her. Mayoni was lying on her right side, and she lifted her left arm up without thinking. So in tune with Mayoni's desires that he wasn't even conscious of doing it, Keona left...

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The Detectives Justice

The Detective's Justice By Donna Mary Allyson (c) 2003 Author's note: My sincere thanks to Carla Winters who volunteered to be my proof reader for this story. My spelling was atrocious and Carla kept me on track. Cast of Characters: The Good Guys: Saul/Sarah Meyer: Sergeant Mayfield Police Kathy Meyer: Saul's wife Carolyn Meyer: Saul's young daughter Virginia Harrison: Saul's Captain of Police Terrie Davidson: Saul's new partner from Livermore Lou Peterson: The Desk...

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The Girl Scout 18 Street JUSTICE

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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Royal Justice

At that point Joseki made several charges. (your Grace please post your missive) Stephan did try to account for his actions in the face of these charges and aquitted himself well. But was unable to refute the sheer mass of physical evidence presented. He was found guilty of brining a cursed weapon into Avalon. This being the weapon he left in the then Captain Craven’s hand. He was sentenced to remove this Item in the same fashion. It was stuck in his hand and he grandly carried it off. We look...

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Live On Line with Victoria Justice

Rushing home from school, I couldn’t believe that the day was finally here. This was the day that my obsession, Victoria Justice, was going to be doing a live chat on my favorite website. I had been dreaming about the chance to talk to her for so long. I knew that with the thousands of fans who are on her live chats, she may never see my comments, but I had to try anyway.Finally getting home, I flew through the front door, ran upstairs to my bedroom, shut the door, and turned on my laptop. As...

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Partying With Victoria Justice

THIS STORY WAS POSTED ON XHAMSTER BY THE USER TreborCox WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I WILL LINK IN THE COMMENTS WHERE THE STORY WAS POSTED AFTER I WROTE IT IN 2012Disclaimer: The following story is a complete work of fiction. If Victoria Justice and/or Ariana Grande just happen to do things like this in their personal lives…total coincidence. Read the story codes before reading the story.--The tapings were finished. The third season of ‘Victorious’ was now fully recorded. It was a long week as the...

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Delayed Justice

Delayed Justice By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Features Characters from The Julieverse Chapter 1 October 2003- The Beginning "Sam, how did your parents take it when you told them about your costume?" asked seventeen-year-old Sharon...

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Eighteent Century Justice

Eighteenth Century Justice Chapter 1. Annette is hired as a servant Annette is sixteen years old. She is the humble subject, one of the least important, of his glorious majesty, Louis XIV, king of France by the grace of God. The year is 1713. Annette lives in a small town called Grenade in southern France. Her parents are both dead. Her mother died when Annette was just ten. Her father died recently. He had been a good blacksmith, but after his wife died he became a drunkard. There was nothing...

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Justice ****** John sighed with relief as he saw the hands of the clock edging to 5. Nowadays he always felt that the workday would just never come to an end, and yet he also dreaded coming home to Sandy. It was not always like that for him. why, only six months ago he was a rising young executive, whose future with Consoladated seemed assured. Assured that is, till his atavistic male chauvinistic attitudes got him into deep trouble.He looked down at the keyboard...funny how fast he...

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Fair Justice

Fair Justice CHAPTER IGreenville High Street had a new attraction today.  Judge Fair of Greenville Law Court, who had a reputation of not living up to his name, was always keen on cruel and unusual punishments.  Today’s treat was one of the housewives of plush Greenville convicted of adultery.  Normally for such an offence Fair would dole out any combination of branding, a flogging, and a prison sentence anywhere between a month and six years (as the law prescribed) depending on the case and...

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Western Justice

Western Justice- Western Justice-?By Dungeon Master Marshal Dillon was sitting in his Dodge City office gazing over some wanted posters when kindly, but cranky old Doc Adams moseyed in the front door. "Hey Doc. How?s it going?? ?Busy mornin? Matt,? Doc replied, shaking his head while taking a seat across from the rugged lawman?s desk. ?Had go out to the Schrader place this morning to help deliver a calf. The mother and daughter are doin? just fine,? he said with a pleasant voice...

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When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...

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A Question of Justice

Chapter 1 Lt. James Weaver, commander of the USS Allegiance, gazed rapturously across the majestically rolling waters off the West African coast, watching the sunrise in its scarlet, oranges and yellow hues. “I love this duty,” he said, quietly. The beauty of land, the breathtaking expanse of the sea, and the mission. It made the years of tedium and discomfort more than worth it. “Didja say somethin’ to me, cap’n?” asked the skinny young man at the ship’s wheel. “I’m sorry, cap’n me hearing...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 205 The True Intentions of Earthly Justice

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu Ougi Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki!! Watoujutsu Zetsugi Kofuku Zettousei!!! (Tomoe smiles; swords flash. As they part, a huge slash opens across Kenshin's chest. He falls to his knees, bleeding profusely.) Enishi: A second later and we would have killed each other... That was trickier than I thought. My thanks, Mr. Gein. Seeing it once did the trick. Gein: You're welcome. I feel proud myself. Sanosuke: How--how could he be faster than the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki?...

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SiobhanChapter 10 Lady Justice

At Mishka’s request, BEM found and gave them a luxury passenger van capable of comfortably transporting the entire family, including pets. Jackie excitedly entered the van with the family. The cats, though willing to accompany Imp anywhere, were not as enthused. The family’s visit to Tawny and Peace in Athens, Georgia, was both instructive and pleasurable. They had been present on the day The People had begun arriving - greeting and hugging and assuring them of their welcome. Now, The People...

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