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Jul 4, 2010

Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Five Trouble In New Mexico

Current mood:creative

Heavy Metal Thunder Productions


Copyright protected on June 2010.

The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental.

Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are intended for a mature audience.

Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit

Written by Stacy James Meadows

With Concepts Created by Stacy James Meadows, Larry William Van Hoorebeke, and Donald Edward Van Hoorebeke.

Previously on Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit… Jason Chambers had killed three women, but because of lack of evidence was sent to back to his home under house arrest until more evidence can be brought forth. He thought about the past for awhile before falling asleep. Meanwhile, Steven ‘Shadow’ MacGraw came home for a night off from work, and celebrated a pagan holiday by casting a magical circle, then he went to bed where he astral traveled and then had a few prophetic dreams. We now go to New Mexico where the menace Steven was warned about is freed.

Chapter Five

‘Trouble in New Mexico’

The moon was full and bright in the New Mexico sky. Deep within a cave in the nearby hills at Sitting Bull Falls, New Mexico, way past where anyone today traveled to, in a half-buried side tunnel, a clay ceramic vase sat with a lid that was sealed to the top. Outside the small conclave where the vase sat were Native American writings and drawings on the walls that if translated would tell of the evil spirit inside the vase and warn everyone to stay away from it. Included as well was a story of the great battle with the evil spirit, and how it was captured, in fact, the same story that was told to Steven, and written by the same Native American shaman, Grey Wolf, who told the story, and placed the writings on the walls hundreds of years ago.

Inside the small conclave, half-buried now, was the clay ceramic vase surrounded by several black widow spiders, and their webs. Several of the spiders were surrounding it on the walls, two spiders were walking across the top of the lid, and one spider was crawling around on the side of the vase.

Normally black widow spiders did not travel or gather in great number together at all, but this was a special case. They all were answering to a calling. A calling emitting from this very vase. It spoke to them about doing it’s bidding, and in return they would be highly rewarded. It was false promises by the spirit, but the spiders did not understand the concept of lies and betrayal, and even thought of the calling as emitting from what they considered to be a god. They would do whatever their new god asked of them, with no questions asked, and little if any regard to their own lives. They were utterly his dark army to command as he willed.

Suddenly, as if a spider had accidently hit a light switch, the clay ceramic vase began to glow with a bright blue light. The spiders could not feel any heat on their legs from the vase, but was blinded by the light. The spider walking on the side of the vase began to feel a slight vibration underneath her legs, and quickly moved towards the top of the vase, as a small crack began to form in the vase’s side. All the black widow spiders started to become restless, and paced back and forth. They were excited because they knew their new god was coming. The crack got bigger and bigger until finally smoke began to pour out of the crack in the side of the vase, and engulfed all of the spiders in the small conclave.

After several minutes the smoke quit coming out and began to dissipate, the spiders now calm and waiting patiently for the new god’s orders. They felt the dark blessings of their new god, and the spiders began to hear and obey a voice that began talking to them. It said, ‘For far to long man has controlled us, come, my brethren and sisters, and let us seek out our revenge on humanity ‘

* * * *

Joseph Sanchez was running blindly from the horror he had just witnessed. He didn’t know which direction he was running to, leaving it up to his feet to just take him where ever, but he did know he had to get away, so he kept on running blindly as the shock and horror of it all filled his mind, and the stench of his own feces filled his nostrils, but went unnoticed by his thoughts.

Joseph knew that all those people, including the rest of his family, were dead. They were nothing but disgustingly bluish puffy poisoned corpses. It was hard for him to believe it, after all he had just been with just moments before and all of this morning.

* * * *

Joseph Sanchez had been working hard on waking up that morning. His wife, Sarah, had already gotten up, taken a shower, and had breakfast made and placed on the table for everyone. She yelled at him for the seventh time that morning, just as the snooze alarm went off again for the fourth time. This time though, he shut the alarm off for good, and went to go take a shower. He quickly showered and shaved before getting dressed and eating breakfast.

Joseph had been excited that morning when he finally awakened. He had been planning for this day since last week, finally getting a scheduled weekend free after being bogged down way to long with no days off from the warehouse in which he worked as a loader with no help until recently they hired two new guys, and was excited and eager about getting up and getting out the door, though his wife Sarah had awakened first.

Their two boys were already dressed, wearing black swim shorts, a black t-shirt with cartoon like characters of The Intergalactic Space Travelers from their latest musical album Electrical Fire In/On My Ear on them, and sandals. They were already eating breakfast. Their dog, Bear, a Rottweiler puppy, was under the table, and occasionally the kids, trying to be sneaky about it, slipped him some scraps under the table for him to eat. Their mother was to busy to notice, but Joseph did and slightly reprimanded them on the act, and then told the dog to go eat its own food.

Joseph quickly ate, and got the family together. His wife, Sarah, had the boys quickly help her to clean the dishes, while Joseph packed some things into the family van. His son, Eric, was drying the dishes, while his other son, Robert, put them away, all after his wife, Sarah, had scrubbed them clean. He grabbed several lawn chairs, an older model radio, a cooler for the ice and sodas that he would get on the way out of town, and a suitcase full of towels and an extra change of clothes for everyone.

The sun was beginning to rise about the time he had finished, and gotten everybody loaded into the van, including the dog.

Joseph only made one stop at the store to fill up on gas and pick up drinks and ice before he left, and was on his way to Sitting Bull Falls. He had made his wife and sons stay put in the car while he got the things because he knew if he let his boys go into the store with him they would be begging him to get them candy or toys they saw, and they didn’t have time for all that today. The trip to Sitting Bull Falls would probably take about forty-five minutes to an hour.

Of course, like always when you have children in the car for far to long, there was fighting and bickering in the back seat and Joseph had to threaten to pull over a couple of times even though he really didn’t plan on doing so. His only real fear at that time was that the road sometimes flooded over, and he hoped that wouldn’t be the case today.

It was about eight o’clock in the morning when they finally pulled up to Sitting Bull Falls. The summer weather was already beginning to heat things up. Joseph was relieved that the roads weren’t flooded, and showed no sign
s of doing so, after all it has been pretty dry with hardly no rain this last week. With everyone’s help Joseph and his family grabbed everything from the trunk and walked up the hill side toward the falls. They traveled some little ways up the falls from the parking lot area, and set up everything to the side of the river. The four lawn chairs set with two on each side of the cooler, the bag of clothes behind the cooler, and the radio was placed on top of the cooler, and turned on to an oldies rock station.

Even though the oldies rock station usually played older songs, it sometimes played the newer ones too. Currently it was playing ‘This Is How I Feel’ by The Intergalactic Space Travelers rock band, which was a funny song about breaking up, but the only thing the one guy missed was his video games. Joseph and his family enjoyed this band very much, and even the boys danced a little to the tune before running off to play.

It was another scorching day in the desert heat at Sitting Bull Falls, in New Mexico. Joseph was glad he was wading through the water to cool himself off. Joseph and his family played in the cool refreshing water from the falls to cool themselves off from the oppressive heat. His wife, Sarah, was sitting on a rock, and splashing her feet around in the water fall. Meanwhile, his two boys, Eric and Robert, and their dog, Bear, who ran playfully here and there sniffing everything he encountered, were having fun playing and splashing around in the water. The two boys chased after the dog from time to time to try and splash him with water, while the dog would bark back at them, or they would find various sticks and played fetch with the dog. They weren’t alone as several people surrounded them and were basically doing the same thing with a few park rangers walking around to kind of keep an eye on things.

Joseph and Sarah had a chance to talk to almost everyone there, except for the park rangers, who were staying quite busy patrolling the area.

There were two teenagers, Mark and Jenny, who had snuck down here from their parents to spend time with each other. They were in, what Joseph considered to be puppy love, and spent most of their time on the side of the falls cuddling with each other.

Also, there was another family like theirs there. Leonard Thatcher, the husband and father, who worked for a trucking company, was just laying back in the water of the falls and enjoying his day off because he had to zero out his driver’s logs. Millie, Leonard’s wife, was playing in the water with their three-year-old daughter, Tiffany, who was running around and splashing gleefully. Their seven-year-old boy, Mike, sat on the edge with his feet dangling in the water, and throwing small rocks into the water.

No one expected, or could have even predicted, what was about to happen next.

Suddenly, to everyone’s surprise, a swarm a black widow spiders came out of nowhere, swarming over the park rangers biting them in thousands of places all at once, agonizingly killing them almost instantly, though the park rangers let out a horrified scream, and then surrounding everyone else. There were millions if not billions of them everywhere. All of this happening in what seemed to Joseph a blink of an eye, with no time to react, but instead watch in horrified awe.

The swarm of black widow spiders did not move unless people started to move toward them. The ground on either side of the falls looked to be covered in a black spider web, with all of the black widow spiders huddling so close together. Leonard pulled his family into the middle of the water, in vain hopes that the spiders was afraid of and wouldn’t come into the water. The two teenaged lovers followed suit. Joseph was already in the middle, and the rest of his family was on the other side of everyone else. Bear was barking frantically at the surrounding spiders, but would not really approach them, he would bark a little, then back up a bit whimpering because it could sense the danger they were in. Joseph stood frozen in terror and wondering what the hell was going on, as an eerie disembodied voice filled the air, coming from everywhere all at once.

‘I am power incarnate, and a god! You will kneel before me! I have been trapped here for over five hundred years by the tribes of natives that roamed these lands! For this injustice to me all will pay!’ The disembodied voice screamed at them.

‘The Native American Indians are no longer here, why are you doing this to us?’ Leonard asked in a trembling voice.

‘You did not free me, and for that all will pay!’ Came the disembodied reply.

‘But we didn’t even know you existed!’ Screamed Leonard in protest as the swarm of black widow spiders closed the circle, swarming into the water. And began killing everyone. Leonard’s last words were a horrid scream of painful agony.

To Joseph’s horror he watched as the swarm covered over his dog, two kids, and his precious wife. The spiders were coming from everywhere at once, falling from the trees, rocks, hillside cliffs, and just plaining swarming the water from the sides, turning it from clear clean looking water into a black almost dirty oily looking substance. The others, Mark, Jennifer, Leonard, Millie, Tiffany, Mike, Sarah, Eric, Robert, and even Bear as well were quickly covered by the swarm, like a dark wave, but slowly Joseph realized that the spiders spared him.

Joseph stood too horrified to move. He watched as each person was covered in hundreds of thousands of black widow spiders, crawling even in their mouths, noses, and ears, as the person swatted uselessly to get them off. The spiders bit everywhere as the person would scream in terror and agony and then die. Each person’s death etched permanently into Joseph’s memory, as he looked onto what was left afterwards of their fat blue poison bloated bodies. Joseph’s bowel movements could no longer contain themselves and both yellow and brown goo oozed down his legs.

After everyone else died, and the spiders began to ease away somewhat, the eerie disembodied voice spoke again saying in a booming voice, ‘I temporally spare your life, so you can tell others of their coming death! The next time we meet, you will die! Now go!’

The spiders moved to open a path for Joseph to pass through. As Joseph passed through, the spiders swarmed back together behind him, and watched as he left. As soon as Joseph left, the black widow spider swarm began moving on south wards.

* * * *

Joseph was still running, even through the now flooded street, as the Sheriff’s car was driving up. Apparently all the spider’s and dying people caused the river to over flow, and if Joseph would have been listening he would have heard even more people all up and down the river dying. The water flooding the road looked nasty as if a septic sewer system had over flowed. The Sheriff saw Joseph running, and something about how Joseph and the nasty overflowing water on the road looked bothered him. The man who was running looked terrified like a huge bear, or even a swarm of bees was chasing after him. Pulling up toward Joseph, the Sheriff rolled down his window and yelled out, ‘Stop right there!’

Joseph paid him no heed. In his mind he didn’t even realize that the Sheriff was even there, where he was, or that he was running, because he still saw all of those people dying.

The Sheriff pulled over and ran after Joseph yelling, ‘I said stop!’

As the Sheriff got closer he could smell, and even see, Joseph’s own feces running down his leg. The smell was also mixed with the bad odor of sweat, which completely now covered this man, who must have been running as fast as he could. The Sheriff leaped at Joseph wrestling him to the ground, and then handcuffing him. The look of horror on Joseph’s face made the Sheriff wonder if he was high on something, and having a very bad trip. Apparently something was happening, and the Sheriff felt justified in cuffing Joseph.

Joseph looked up at him, now noticing the Sher
iff for the first time. Madly Joseph screamed out, ‘They’re all dead! All of them! There’s nothing you can do to stop it!’

‘Who’s all dead? Stop what? Did you do something?’ The Sheriff asked, now convinced that this man was high on something, and briefly considered doing a field sobriety test.

‘Everyone at the falls! It spared me! It wanted me to be its messenger! Spiders, everywhere, thousands of them came from nowhere!’ Stammered Joseph, who was now ranting and raving, as he began to repeat himself over and over again. ‘They killed my family! They killed my family!’

The Sheriff, even though he didn’t really want the awful smell in his car, reluctantly loaded Joseph into the car and closed the door. He decided that he would check out this man’s story, and if it was true then he would cough up the incident to shock, but if everything looked all right, which the Sheriff was more than sure was the case, this man was going to the loony bin for sure. Looking one more time at the over flowing water on the roads, which looked to be nastier than usual, made the Sheriff wonder what could be making the water over flow. He briefly thought about it, but pushed it from his mind, after all, the water sometimes flooded these roads, and there was no telling what was on the ground when it over flowed like this. The Sheriff got into his police cruiser wishing he had a nose plug, and began to drive towards the Sitting Bull Falls parking lot.

‘What the hell are you doing? They’ll get us too! They killed my family! They killed my family!’ Ranted Joseph, who was slamming himself against the back of the Sheriff’s seat, and continuing his chant of, ‘They killed my family!’

‘Calm down back there! I have to investigate the scene, and check out your story!’ The Sheriff retorted.

The Sheriff pulled into the Sitting Bull Falls parking lot and found a space to park. The parking lot was still full of cars, but the Sheriff couldn’t see anyone else around. He spoke saying, ‘You stay here while I take a look around.’

Joseph tried to protest, but the Sheriff was already heading up the path toward the falls. Joseph slammed his body repeatedly against the patrol car’s door in vain and screamed after the Sheriff, ‘No, don’t go! They will get you, and then me! They killed my family! They killed my family!’

The Sheriff paid no attention to him, but found it odd that he couldn’t hear any other noise at all from anywhere else, as he went onwards. The Sheriff returned after a few moments, that the Sheriff thought that must of seemed to Joseph to be hours, since what he said seemed to be true. The Sheriff returned to his car and grabbed the radio through the window, not wanting to be around Joseph’s smell or loud ranting.

Hearing no protest in the back seat he looked into the back seat, and realized that the man back there didn’t even probably realize he was even there. The Sheriff spoke into the radio saying, ‘Dispatch, we have a situation at Sitting Bull Falls. I need an investigative team here immediately. Also, all available ambulances, meat wagons, and any and all available units here immediately. I’ll brief everyone of them when they get here.’

Meanwhile, Joseph in the back seat went catatonic, no longer aware of the world around him, just sitting there reliving the horrid grizzly scene over and over again in his mind.

* * * *

The investigative team arrived about forty-five minutes later, and everyone else about ten or fifteen minutes later. For the Sheriff, and possibly Joseph, though the Sheriff doubted it, it seemed to be an eternity. Joseph had gone delirious in his ranting and ravings now. Occasionally Joseph would mutter a ‘No!’ or ‘They killed my family!’ The Sheriff was sure that the man was unaware of the world around him though by now. The Sheriff had waited sitting outside in one of the many park tables near the parking lot thinking that it would take a hose to clean out his back seat, and trying to keep the horror of all those dead bodies out of his mind.

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Punishment For A Sissy V By PJD The sissy lay over the chair sobbing, tears coursing down his face. Never had he experienced such terrible pain, his arse was on fire, from the thrashing he had received from the elderly housekeeper, and then the pain of the needle as the doctor had injected estrogens into his ravage arse. "Well, let's get on with our duties ladies." said Miss Smith. "What about Panties?" Enquired Natasha. "Leave her where she is," said Mrs Cartwright...

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Wild West Club

Tales and myths from the American Wild West have fascinated boys all over the world during the last 140 years. An old saying says, "Boys are always boys and will never grow up to be adults". Even some of us middle aged men in our small Scandinavian town do have an "Old West Club" with twelve members. Names as Wyatt Earp, John Ringo and Doc Holliday are magnified and fact is mixed with fiction in numbers of novels, films and TV soaps about these characters. But out there had been a large...

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Pool Girls Part 2

Tess got out of the cab and made her way up to her apartment. She had slowly started to come around during the jostling of the cab ride, She still felt drained, but at least her mind had begun to start working. She looked at the clock, it felt like it was late but it was only 7PM, too early to go to bed. She could smell the sex and sweat on her body so she decided that the first thing she needed was a shower. She went into her bedroom and took off her clothes, only noticing then that she...

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Charlotte Sometimes

Charlotte Sometimes. By Tanya H. From the moment I walked into the shop my eye was caught and held - just a skirt, you might have said if you had seen where I was looking. You've already got plenty. True enough; but not one like that. Kayla Ormond, my secretary - of the long legs and enigmatic smile, had been wearing such a skirt over the summer, I had been very envious, and this wonderfully displayed version was the first of the style I had come across in a shop. One of the...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 31

Davik I could not tell how long I had been here, but my stomach was beginning to demand that I accept the food that the young girl had been bringing. True to her word, Brenson had stopped using blunt objects and began using a whip. I had to be careful as the pain of the strikes could have made me bite my tongue off, which would have been very painful, and I doubt I would have been able to grow it back. The whole time, he was asking how I was able to do the things I could, where I got my...

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NubilesPorn Anya Olsen Aria Haze Rally Race 7

Cock craving blonde Anya Olsen continues her mission to spread awareness of the Nubiles rally race as she finds more people to interview. Her first pickup is Richard, who can’t believe his good luck! They do a bit of chatting, but it’s clear that Richard wants to be part of the action. He convinces Anya to feel him up, much to his delight. Jesse and Mikes are Anya’s next conquests. Mike is a little bit shy, but Jesse is instantly into Anya. It’s not long before she has...

3 years ago
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River 21

Chapter 21 So far: things are moving along nicely. Alison and Mark are on the road north again, now permanently, with Nick escorting them. River has seen another couple given a special treat by the river, as her store starts to come together. And the expedition north is days ahead of schedule. ----- ----- ---- Connie called in sick on Thursday, her third day in a row. "Lovesick," she joked to River, as they worked setting up the store. She planned to drive back to Sault on Friday...

2 years ago
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Dead Mans Heaven

Bill Thornbury, holding his cards just below his eyes, watched Jack Burton laying down his three aces. "There, you bushwhackers, read 'em and weep," Jack said as he reached for the pot. "Not so fast," Bill said. "I did not stay in just to sweeten the pot" With that, he lay down his cards. "Just got these itty bitty pair of sixes, and three pretty nines, for a full boat." Ron murmured under his breath," Sandbagging son of a bitch!" All six guys at the table laughed. "Lets take a...

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Gina From Up The Street

She grabbed a drink and plates for pizza and we sat on the floor across each other with her legs crossed and no panties on I could see the promised land. We got to talking about her day and the students at school *blah blah blah* that’s literally all I heard for 40 minutes as my mind was stuck on her FRESHLY SHAVED PUSSY. After a long day on the interstate, I stopped at a gas station for some beers and saw shorty in a Red satin dress and thought “Gotta be Gina” (the girl I gave head...

1 year ago
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Naughty talk

".......okay, let me see if I've got it all down," Linda said as she finished filling entering the order data into her computer terminal, "that's two hundred of the XT40's, sixty of the ZX35's and forty of the ZX25's, is that right!?!" "Good," she replied, "that shipment will go out tomorrow at the latest, so you should have it by Friday afternoon, thanks for your order, good by!!!" She was just finishing up sending the order down to shipping when her boss stopped by her desk and asked, "How's...

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The Keyholder

“Just that please,” Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chastity cage and padlock on the counter. He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elation of winning combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fantasies. Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel embarrassed,...

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Mrs Hill

She was my granny’s neighbor. She was a fat elderly woman of about 65-70 with huge boobs and enormous ass. That summer I was helping my granny with the house and her neighbor Mrs. Hill often asked me to help her too. She lived alone, her husband died, and her relatives didn’t visit her often. Now and then I felt her looking at me in a strange way, but didn’t really pay attention to it at all. It was Sunday, I spent the whole day helping both of the ladies round the house, it was night, and I...

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Waiting for Robbie

When you pull up in the drive way from football, I am there, dressed in only a silk robe waiting for you. You step into the house and I see you swelling in your shorts instantly, I can see it’s aching to be free. I kiss you deeply on the lips, and slowing massage your tongue with mine. I pull your shirt over your head and kiss down your chest. You’re enjoying the teasing, but I can tell how much you want me. I get on my knees and pull your shorts down, releasing your ever growing cock from its...

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the bull the legend

this story is about Henry, a Millionaire who genuinely wants to be a playboy. He has an abandoned Adopted younger brother who never really lived in the spoils of the parent. they need to deal with their issues and help each other. Sascha is a Russian mobster who is a 3rd generation Russian mafia who also shares the same luxurious dream as Henry since his new to money but an old school practitioner of his type of kink. though his a support character. we take roles in various ways including the...

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Ben and Melissa

Ben Holden fumbled with his key ring as he exited the building where he was a paralegal for Milford and Saxe. He had thought to go directly home, but was eyeing the donut shop across the street. It was 6:00AM and he was flat burned out and hungry. He'd been up all night with some of the rest of the M&S high priced staff preparing documents and making last minute calls overseas for the firm's top litigator Dirk Grimes. To say it had been a long night would be an understatement of heroic...

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Craving CassieChapter 2

After one of the most exhausting weekends of her life and all the fuss with Andi, Cassie was relieved to get back to work. Yet again Cassie had spent longer at the hospital the day before than she'd planned, simply because Andrea's parents needed a break to head back to their hotel and get some sleep. Cassie stayed by her best friend's bedside all day, doing her best not to bring up uncomfortable conversational pieces like, "By the way, did you know your asshole husband threatened my...

4 years ago
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secretaries first week for women

Sally had only had her job for a week when she was called into her bosses office. Her boss, Mr. X, was sitting at his desk while she strolled in. "Have a seat Sally" he instructed her. Even though she didnt want to admit it, she found Mr. X for attractive. His deep voice sent shivers up her spin every time she heard it. As she sat down, he noticed he was looking her her exposed legs in her modest dress. "Shit, am I dressed too raveling? Its this inappropriate for the office?" she thought to...

2 years ago
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Caught in the act Part 1

Damn it she thought, managed to leave the training course a day early and she couldn’t get hold of her husband to tell him. Never mind it will be a nice surprise for him to see her home a day early.The rain didn’t help, nor the delayed train. Getting in at 9pm at the station dampened her spirits a little, but not to worry, a warm fire, a glass of red wine and a nice hot bath beckoned. And with luck, a nice massage and who knows something warm and hard to round off the day.What luck, a taxi was...

1 year ago
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Passing my Mother off to my brother

Note : This story is completely fictional! After my mother was fucked and abused by my friends and I on my 20th birthday, she continued to service my sexual needs. She even became pregnant shortly after the party and used her connections at the hospital where she worked to take care of the problem. She went on the pill after that incident and we no longer had to worry about her getting pregnant. Whether it was my baby or one of the guys from the party who could know, and I didn’t care. My...

4 years ago
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My Triangle Series Sexperience And Beginning

I was good looking, pleasant and had a lot of girl friends than boy friends and had a lot of sexual desires from my young age. To be precise, I was a FLIRT. The following incident happened when I was 18 years old and during my 1st year in college. I was in an affair with my cousin sister’s cousin sister, who was 15 years old at that time. In fact, when I had the intention of having my affair, my cousin sister was not too happy, as I was a little naughty to girls, including her. Eventually, she...

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Ah, Pmate Hunter aka Playmate Hunter! We all know of Playboy playmates. In fact, it was probably the first contact that we had with porn in our lives. I remember back in the days when porn was really hard to come by, and Playboy magazines were all the rage. People were buying them left and right just to rub one out. And by people, I mean mostly dudes. And I was one of them. So you can only imagine my surprise when I learned that there is a site that shows you all of those amazing Playboy girls...

Porn Pictures Sites
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A Day on the Dunes

My name is Samantha. I’m 41 years old. My story begins one afternoon this last July. My son Steven asked me if I would take him to the sand Dunes to do some dirt-bike riding.This was something his father used to do with him ever since Steve was eleven. Now, since his father {My ex.} had married his twenty two-year-old secretary, three days after our divorce was finalized, he hasn’t had time for his son.Steve is fifteen now, almost sixteen, and loves to ride that dirt bike. I don’t ride with him...

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Panties for PE stories about billy

Mum was always very strict, but it seamed she was always a bit harder on me than she was to my two sisters, Sue who was older than me an Jen who was younger.it was more like i was the home help and my sisters knew this. They would frequently make up stuff an tell mum who would always give me some chore to do around the house like cleaning up, or come up with something to embarrass me. Like the time they told mum i was teasing them about their school uniform as they had to where a hat , mum made...

4 years ago
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My neighbour the sexy CD

I put the phone back in it's cradle. 'Damn!' It was Monday. I had just had bad news first thing Monday. My week off had not started well. My car had been showing an amber light for a few days, so, as I had leave available, I had taken the week off. Get the car done Monday and the rest of the week was mine then. 'Damn!' The car was not going to be ready till tomorrow. They had found a second fault and didn't have the part in stock, ordering it in overnight and it should be ready the next day. So...

4 years ago
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Had in the Park

It was a nice sunny spring day. I had the day off and it was a weekday so nobody was around. I was in my early 20s and very horny. I put on my black and pink Lycra shorts and a tight t shirt and went for a run in the valley near where I lived. I liked running in that park because sometimes I would get some cock action. There were a lot of wooded areas there so finding a place to play was easy. About 2 miles into the park there was an overgrown picnic area that nobody used anymore. I ran out...

2 years ago
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Dean Bareback It Must Have Been The Car

Nevertheless, when I was going up the hill at the end of my road on a beautiful sunny afternoon in my brand new penis-extension, who should be ambling down the other side of the road toward me than a spikey-haired youth in a T-shirt and jogging bottoms. I’ll be honest and say that the first thing I spotted was the protrusion in the front of his jogging bottoms; THEN I saw the youthful face and my sex-alarm went off. He was one I hadn’t seen before. “Hmm, nice,” I thought to myself as I...

1 year ago
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yuvraj ka sex

Pyari sex yuvraj ke saath Author:yuvraj Editor:raaj Hiiiiii dosto mainISS site ka bahut bada fan hoon.main is site ke story ko regular padhta hoon.To phir maine socha kyon na main bhi ek story likhlu.main orissa ki berhampur main rehta hoon aur main aap sabhi ko mera first sex experience batane ja raha hoon aur ye mera fist stoy hai.so main aap sabhiko mere bare main batana ja raha hoon mera naam yuvraj hai ,mera age 22 hai,height 5’9” aur main ek gora 7″ 3.5c.m lund wala ladka hoon.ye story...

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ImNotYourMommy Bridgette B Kyler Quinn Whipping The Neighbor Boy Into Shape

Robby Echo has gotten into trouble one too many times for his perviness, so his mom has sent him to her friends Kyler Quinn and Bridgette B to get him straightened out. Kyler and Bridgette know just what to do to get under Robby’s skin. Putting him in a chair, the girls confront him by turning him from side to side as they tag team him in a good cop, bad cop routine. Eventually Robby admits that he got caught in his stepmom’s closet, peeping at her. Bridgette and Kyler can work with...

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Mirando Las Olas

I have to profoundly thank my editor for breathing life into this story. Dpond2k2 did such a great job on it it is profound. i hope reading this story you enjoy it as much as i did writing it. As usual feel free to comment on the story and vote as your mind dictates. Please make comments constructive. Again enjoy the show! * As the cell door shut behind me, I knew I had fucked up good. I was in a holding cell with thirty other guys, and this was not where I wanted to be at all. I found a...

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Camping trip

Camping trip. An adventure with a hotwife and 2 teen boys while hubby watched. We’d planned our camping trip for quite a while and were excited to finally get away. Of course as the day neared, the forecast got worse and worse for the area we were heading to. We had to decide whether to go or not and decided to go because we’d at least get a break from the day to day.The day to leave arrived and the weather wasn’t bad at our end so we headed out but as predicted, when we arrived we were greeted...

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The MagicianChapter 4 Moses Grant Narrates

I slept with many a sweet dream in my head that night after meeting Ty and the few nights after. You know, I’ve been a miserable, lonely old bugger in my old age, since Mavis left me, twelve long years ago. I miss her so much. We had a lot of fun throughout our 46 years together but towards the end I let her down. All the magic I had at my fingertips and couldn’t save her. Dying at 68 and in pain, is too soon nowadays. Sure, I could give her a day free of pain, even day after day free of...

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Relatively Related

In their room the two girls froze when they heard the loose board in the hallway squeak. “What was that?” Hailey quietly whispered to her sister. Straining to hear more, Jamie replied, “I think it’s the Nanny trying to catch us playing in mother and father’s room. Oh dear! I am afraid that the ghosts aren’t going to be happy!” Giggling softly Hailey asked, “You think they will scare her away?” “I’m not sure this one is the toughest we have ever had; we’ll have to wait and see,” Jamie said...

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My friends daughter and a kiss

I didn't get to see her girls grow up as we lived too far apart. Then about two years ago health and financial reasons brought her and her daughters back to town to live with her parents. I soon started spending more and more time with Renee and especially her daughters. Kay (named after her father) is the oldest. At 16 she is the oldest and is a very beautiful and smart young lady. She is a great artist and a hard worker. She loves anime and is going to art school after she graduates.She is...

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