Jeff Gets Flattened free porn video

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JEFF GETS FLATTENED by Throne Sean and Jeff were roommates. Everything went smoothly between them because the former worked days and the latter did night shifts. But then, one weekend when they were both there, Sean noticed his friend intensely browsing a website called Bimbtech. He didn't know what it was so, on Monday evening when Jeff was back at his job, Sean did a web search for that odd name. He discovered that it was a company that offered very specialized products. They combined magic and technology to offer devices that made bizarre transformations possible. Transformations of... people. Jeff had been having some difficulties in his relations with girls. And he did have a vindictive streak. Could it be that he was planning to use something from Bimbtech on one of his dates? Sean certainly hoped not, but he decided to keep an eye on the situation, just to be careful. After all, he didn't want to get in trouble himself for something that his roommate might do. A few days later, Jeff started to act especially distracted. When Sean questioned him, making sure to keep his tone concerned rather than alarmed, Jeff revealed what was going on, or at least part of it. He said, "It's nothing important. I just ordered something from this company and, um, I figured they'd deliver it during the day, while you're at work. I mean, while I'm home. You know... sleeping. And..." He was getting a bit flustered, obviously not wanting to say too much. "It's just that I've noticed some of those delivery companies are still on the streets after dark. So, um..." "So you want me to accept the package if I'm the only one here when it arrives?" "Well, yeah, but..." He hesitated. "It's supposed to be here next Tuesday. So if you could, you know, try to get home from work right away and not go out or anything..." Not wanting to let his friend know that he had any suspicions, Sean simply said, "No problem. That's a good TV night for me anyway." "Great." Jeff was noticeably relieved. "I appreciate that." Sean didn't appreciate that HE was obviously being lied to. Or at least not told everything that was involved. So when Jeff wasn't there, Sean took a closer look at Bimbtech's site. He was amazed to see some of the products they offered. There were ones that supposedly could turn a person into an action figure, and others that would transform them into a plush toy. The people could continue to look like themselves in their new forms, or if the device was programmed to change them, they could come out looking like a super hero or a cartoon animal. All sorts of disclaimers were included but it still seemed dangerous. The box arrived right on time and, as Jeff had feared, got there when Sean was the only one home. So Sean accepted it, signing the slip offered to him by a harried driver, who was in too much of a rush to be concerned about what he was dropping off. The package was about four feet square, less than a foot deep, and not too heavy for its size. He carefully took it up the steps and placed it inside their door. Mission accomplished. He continued to wonder about who Jeff intended to use his new plaything on. The next morning, when Sean woke up, Jeff was there. He said that he had gotten home from work and, instead of going to bed, unpacked his purchase and got it ready to use. In fact, he went on, he wanted Sean to witness its first job. Jeff was twitchy and it was obvious he was trying to hide something. Sean got a bad feeling that his roommate intended to use the Bimbtech machine on him. Sean had no desire to be transformed in any way, but he decided to act nonchalant and deal with matters as they developed. After all, maybe Jeff was perfectly innocent. As Sean was getting ready to go to work, Jeff called him into his room. There was the Bimbtech machine. It looked like an oversized computer printer, flat but with a raised area at one end. Though it was obviously a piece of technological equipment, there were also magical symbols embossed on its surface. The name printed on it was BIMBTECH BIMBO FLATTENER. A chill ran up Sean's spine. Jeff gave him a lopsided smile. "I just need you to help me a little bit," Jeff explained. He opened the top of the device. "Just put your hands on the screen there, would you, buddy?" Stalling for time, Sean said, "How do you mean? Could you show me?" A dark look crossed Jeff's features but he quickly replaced it with a relaxed expression. Moving deliberately, Jeff placed his hands on the flat screen and looked back over his shoulder. He said, "See? It's simple. All you have to do is..." Suddenly the lights on the front of the machine were blinking. It hummed softly and the screen began to glow. Sean was startled and backed away. The light got brighter and, afraid of being affected by whatever mix of science and sorcery was at work, he retreated out the door and then closed it partway. Through the opening he witnessed Jeff's figure shimmering and then being sucked into the device. The lid snapped down. Sean slammed the door. From under the door came even brighter illumination. It went from clear to rainbow hued, the colors coruscating over the floor. Sean stood there with his mouth agape, barely believing what he was seeing. From the other side of the door, Jeff shouted. Once. And then was heard no more. The bright light faded and was gone. Cautiously, Sean put his hand on the door knob. It wasn't hot or anything, so he slowly turned it and then eased the door open an inch at a time. Jeff was gone. Sean stood there, stunned. Suddenly the machine began to hum. He backed away from it but, instead of repeating its recent impressive performance, it began to turn internal rollers and then to feed out a large sheet of paper. He took it gingerly by its edges and turned it over. What he held was a poster showing a sexy hentai girl. She had long hair that was shockingly pink. Her oversized eyes looked at him from behind large glasses. She had a tiny nose and small but full-lipped mouth. The red blouse she wore had burst open and her super-sized boobs were half exposed. Similarly, her tiny skirt was parted in the front, allowing a peek at her most intimate region. She had long shapely legs which were encased in fishnet stockings. On her feet were lustrous pink shoes. Her pose reflected the startled look on her face, with arms thrown up and knees angled inward. Sean held it up, unable to deny how stimulating the image was. She was definitely a bimbo, with the emphasis on brainlessness. At the same time, he somehow understood that he was looking at Jeff, who the device had simultaneously flattened and transformed. He also knew that Jeff was aware and was looking back at him. Moving mechanically, Sean went to the bulletin board and extracted four push pins. He held the poster against the wall and fastened it at the top and then the bottom. Even though he knew Jeff could see him, Sean couldn't help ogling the image lustfully. How much shame and embarrassment must Jeff be feeling, to be put on display like that. Being flattened and made over into an empty- headed ditz was bad enough, but being stared at by a horny guy had to be even worse. In spite of himself, Sean snickered at his roomie's new self. After all, Sean reminded himself, this was what Jeff had intended for either some girl or maybe even Sean. He shook his head at Jeff and made a tsk-tsk sound with his tongue. Then he went right back to leering. All at once he was struck by a brainstorm. He went to the living room and took down the mirror that hung there. Bringing to Jeff's room, he went to a set of three small shelves that hung opposite the poster. Sean removed the action figures that were there, the best ones in Jeff's collection. He grinned at the poster and said, "I'm sure you won't mind if I take these for myself. After all, in your current state you have no use for them, Jeff." He paused and thought for a moment, then went on, "And I'll have to stop calling you by your old name. I mean, with those humongous boobs and that feather-brained look you should be called something like... Jinn." He chuckled at his cleverness. Then he went back to work, hanging the mirror on the nail that had formerly held the shelves. Though Jeff/Jinn had no way to react, Sean felt a ripple in the psychic ether between them. Yes, his old roommate was upset to see his new self. And so long as Sean left the mirror where it was, Jeff would have to see himself that way constantly. How he must be squirming -- at least mentally -- to be subjected to the unchanging reminder of what his bad intentions and rush to use the device had caused. Sean lay back on the bed, with his head near the footboard, so he could look up at Jeff's imprisoned helpless image. Sean smiled and nodded. He said, "You know, Jinn, looking like that, you certainly could get a guy aroused. And then the guy would have to do something to relieve all the pressure that you caused, with your blatant sexiness and invitingly vulnerable expression. I mean, what else could a guy do if he was being seduced by you, Jinn, and was all alone in the room, with nobody to see how he let off pressure." He chuckled and locked eyes with the hentai bimbo. Imagining how humiliated Jinn must be by this new development only got Sean more involved. ****** The next morning, after sleeping in Jeff's room, Sean called his job and asked if he could take a few personal days off. He was ahead on his assignments, so they said it would be fine. He spent an hour admiring Jinn, never tiring of running his eyes up and down her. He guessed the magic had something to do with that. Then he got another surprise. A second package arrived from Bimbtech. There was a letter attached, which congratulated Jeff on being selected to receive a new piece of equipment for free. They only asked that he test it and report back with his thoughts and any suggestions he might have. Sean eagerly opened the box and found that it was a unit that could be hooked to his computer. There was a code on the flattener which he used on the Bimbtech website, so they could remotely link him to any subjects he flattened... and put them on his computer screen. Sean chortled as he prepared everything. He felt like a mad scientist in a cheap movie. But when he activated the program, he was startled to see an image of Jinn appear on his screen. She was frozen there, but as he had the day before, Sean knew she could perceive everything that was going on before her. He greeted his little captive and rotated her in a full circle, just to demonstrate his power. Then he pulled up a menu of options. He selected one and hit it. All at once her breasts, already generously large, began to swell even more, until they were the size of watermelons. Then he selected another option, one that allowed Jinn to speak. "Please," a high voice said pleadingly. "What are you doing to me?" She was still feeling the shock of being flattened and transformed into an empty-headed hentai fantasy girl. Sean loved that his former roommate was denied even the chance to sound like a guy. He said, "Well, Jinn. I'm just doing what you were planning for someone else. Now why don't you tell me who that someone was going to be. You wanted me to put my hands on the screen, so I'm guessing I was your target." "Well," the bimbo said, with her arms under those absurdly big hooters to support them. "You were just going to be a test subject. You know, to see if the device worked." "I see. So that means I can use you as MY test subject. I can see that the first device worked, so now I have to explore the possibilities of the second device." When Jinn didn't understand, Sean had to detail the second delivery, what it was, and how much fun he expected to have with its many opportunities. "And I'm guessing I'll be giving Bimbtech a glowing report about it. Under your name. Or rather, under your old name. Now you're called Jinn." "You can't do that," Jinn protested, not sounding very threatening as a hentai sex object. Sean re-hit one of the options and her chest began to expand again. It got so heavy that she toppled forward and hit the ground with a yelp. Sean asked, "Do you really want to try to tell me what I can and can't do, Jinn?" He hit another key and her bottom began to enlarge. She struggled to her feet, straining to support her massive breasts and dragged back by her now double-wide bottom. Her clothes had stretched to keep up with those burgeoning dimensions, but that just made her appear sexier. Her nipples jutted out obscenely. Those large eyes expressed her upset at being further altered. Jinn cried out, "All right. I'll do whatever you say. Just please, make me back the way I was." Her new master snickered, but did reverse what he had just done. Her curves returned to their former state of being too big but not ridiculously so. She tried to tug the front of her blouse together, and to pull the hem of her short skirt down, but nothing worked. The original program which she had selected, when she was still Jeff, prevented that sort of modesty. Sean spent the next hour acquainting himself with the versatility of the system. He started by changing Jinn's hair color from pink to red to blue to orange to platinum, and back to pink. No matter what the color she still looked like a total airhead. Then he varied her hairstyles, with the same happy result. The program made sure that no matter how he changed her she always resembled a ditz. He did the same exercise with clothing and was delighted to see just how slutty he could make her appear. Jinn, of course, was shamed and angered, but remained utterly helpless. Sean reminded her that he would be happy to give her those impossibly full contours again, if she fussed too much. Then he was ready to try an experiment. He programmed eagerly and put her into a cropped top and micro-shorts. For good measure he placed a phallic looking candy-on-a-stick in her hand. He liked the image and enhanced it by painting her fingernails purple. Jinn had to walk around, swinging her hips and sucking suggestively on the candy. When she was at her self-mortifying best, he froze her and recorded the image. Then me reanimated her and moved on to other, equally unflattering set-ups. After he had a dozen of them, he called them up one by one. He left each one on for a quarter hour while he savored it, knowing that she was suffering from high-level shame. Then he left her on the final selection -- on her back with her legs up in the air, her pouting pussy lips on display -- and gave her back the ability to address him. Caught in that horribly shameful posture, Jinn wailed at him to let her move. He only laughed and told her that he really liked her that way. Then he froze her again for a full half hour. When he let her speak the next time, she was more subdued. He had made it plain that he could call up any one of the scenes he had created and, when he locked it, she was stuck. It was the same as when she had been a poster, flattened to the dimensions of a piece of paper, except that now she was made over into the thinness of a computer image, but still able to see and hear what was going on around her. She was forced to apologize to Sean for letting herself get upset and to agree to behave. He knew she would still be seething inside, be disgraced beyond belief. But what could she do? He left her in that most embarrassing posture, legs apart, essentials shown off, and cut off her power of speech again. Then he angled the computer screen so it was facing the newly hung mirror. It was worse than before for Jinn because now she wasn't just looking at herself as a hentai bimbo, but as one who was helplessly exposed. Could it get any worse for the former Jeff? It certainly could. Sean made another two dozen lewd images of him and saved them with the original set. Then he was ready to take his manipulations to another level. Jinn was horrified the next day, around lunchtime, to hear Sean welcoming other guys into the apartment. There were three of them, who he invited into Jeff's bedroom to see the new poster that hung there. They were excited about the image of a hentai bubblehead, her blouse unable to contain her bust, her skirt not properly covering her intimates, and that perfect expression on her face. Of course, Jeff was witnessing their every hungry gaze and hearing each rude comment. After he'd had more that he could stand, Sean directed everyone to the computer. He filled the screen with one of the later images of Jinn, this time in a tiny bikini from which her generous assets threatened to burst. The brief top showed off massive cleavage and plenty of side boob, while her nipples were obviously pressing out against the thin material. The bottom created an unmistakable camel toe. They all admired it as Sean explained how he could produce endless similar pin- ups. Jeff was aware of everything that was happening. He worried about what Sean intended. The guys began to clamor for a chance to work their own wishes on Jinn. Sean feigned reluctance. Jeff hoped desperately that he wouldn't allow them to do what they wanted. But of course he did. So three more busy sets of hands spent the next few hours putting Jinn's computer self into one naughty, or dirty, or downright pornographic pose after another. They left her in an especially wicked one, holding one heavy breast up to her mouth so she could suck her own nipple. Sean did something to the program so that, when they left to go get lunch, Jeff could not only see himself in the mirror, but feel the pressure of his lips on that tender nubbin. He was stimulated but could do nothing about it. His Jinn pussy throbbed with need. The frustration was maddening. When they got back they were very excited. Jeff didn't like the sound of that. It turned out that what they had decided to do was to make likenesses of themselves and enter into scenarios with Jinn. The action could be recorded as more single pictures, as well as being saved in files and even put onto discs. Sean went first, creating an on-line version of himself, which was, to Jinn's upset, anatomically correct. With the other three guys cackling and urging him on, Sean put his virtual self alongside Jinn and made her drop to her knees. Jeff wanted to run away but that was not an option. Instead, he felt himself opening his mouth to engulf Sean's rampant tool. Jeff/Jinn pleasured it expertly. She used her hands and varied her techniques, while everyone watched and Sean occasionally recorded a freeze frame that he could imprison Jinn within. The other guys got their turns, putting Jinn through scenes that would have made a whore blush. Sean made sure that they saved plenty of those intimate moments. Jeff lost count of how many they would have, each of which he could be put into at a moment's notice and left inside for any length of time. When they were done, Sean demonstrated exactly that by selecting one in which Jinn had her mouth overstuffed with cock (were the fellows giving themselves bigger endowments than they possessed in real life?) and leaving it on the screen. Jeff was stuck like that and, worse, could feel the physical sensations of that moment. Feel and taste. And react to emotionally. But not respond to physically. He was imbedded in the moment of joyously giving the perfect blowjob. And that's where they left him while they went out to go and see the latest superhero movie. As they were leaving, Sean mentioned that it was a long movie and that they would be stopping for something to eat afterwards. It sounded like he was saying it to the guys, but Jinn knew it was meant for her ears. ******** (Got plenty of inspiration for this story from, including the BIMBTECH name. Hope I didn't stray too far from the themes that Candy enjoys. My use of the name 'Jinn' isn't taken from her use of the term 'djinn'. Just a coincidence. Honest.)

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Jeff ThousandaireChapter 2 Architectural Connections

MONDAY "Good morning, boss." I looked up from my computer. "Good morning, Melody," I answered easily. My eyes flitted to the clock. She was right on time for a Monday morning. "Coffee? Your usual?" "Thanks, that would be great." I relaxed into my chair as the pretty blonde nodded and headed out. Maybe everything would be alright, despite the animosity she'd been showing last Friday. Maybe we would be back to normal. A few minutes later, I heard the hollow knocking on glass as...

2 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 2

Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Previous Chapter Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 5

Summary – Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry are caught by Billy's older sister! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 1

Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 4

Summary – Billy and Jeffry get caught! Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry play even more sexy games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

2 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 6

Summary - Becky apologizes and tries to make it up to poor Susie Previous Chapter Summary - Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 3

Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

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Jeffry and Billy 7

Summary - The Siblings Invite Susie to a Party! Previous Chapter Summary - Susie Meets Becky’s Boyfriend Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

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Jeff Zephyrs Life JZL0501 The Beginn

I was a c***d of the sixties, born about the time that John Kennedycame along to shake things up. The times they were a-changing. Myparents were 50's k**s, and my mom was just 16 when she had me. Mydad had his Harley, and I and mom rode behind him (before car seatlaws and helmets), and we lived with my dad's mom and aunt, who wealways called just Grandma and Auntie. I don't recall anythingspecifically related to sex before five years old, and even then it isvague. Like many k**s, I got to see...

1 year ago
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Jeffs Models

Jeff’s Models have a certain something about them, some unifying feature that sets them apart from other porn sites. To be honest, the girls remind me a bit of the local Tinder pickings in my town, only without the meth-addled tombstone teeth. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and assorted deviates, I’m talking about fat chicks, a subject the titular Jeff has been capturing on video since 2013. The landing page even has a little gold ribbon that says they were voted the Best BBW Site, though it doesn’t...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

4 years ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 14 Violet Begets Violence

Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...

2 years ago
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Jeff the Killer Fan Requested

"Go to bed!" he screamed bashing the door once. She went to the mirror and stared at herself, her eyes moistened, her mascara leaking down her pale face.  Her face was once extremely pretty. Years of abuse from school and from her Christian parents her face was took on a sterner, and almost a depressed face. She pulled one of her black bangs out of her face sniffling once.  The girl with Marilyn Manson posters all over her walls. She took off her "Nightmare before Chrismas" sweatshirt...

4 years ago
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Jeff Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday, September 1, 2005 Mrs. Bremer was in the locker room again, but this time, she followed Zach out instead of us. When we got to Ms. Lease's class, Hunter leaned in to speak to me. "It's time I paid you back for yesterday," he said, and then picked me up and placed me on Ms. Lease's desk. I gasped as he took my penis into his mouth. He began deep-throating me as my cries of pleasure filled the classroom. "I'm cumming!" I yelled, and he pulled off me just as the first spasms...

3 years ago
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Jeff Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday, September 2, 2005 Hunter's brother Quint was snapping pictures of us as we undressed. I did a few poses for him before Hunter came over, his erection leading the way. "What do you say we give him a show?" he asked me. "Sounds like a plan," I responded. "Great, why don't you guys sit on that bench and stroke each other." Quint said. We sat down and took one another's cock in our hands. Quint told me to look up at Hunter. The sight of his face straining as I pleasured him...

4 years ago
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Jeff Naked in SchoolChapter 5

Friday, September 3, 2005 Hunter wanted to jack me off again in the locker room, but I suggested we wait until class. I wouldn't want to disappoint our audience two days in a row. We made our way to the classroom and sat down on the desk. Hunter grasped my cock in his hand and began stroking as I did the same to him. We mutually increased our speed as waves of pleasure coursed through our bodies. I turned to look at Hunter, and we kissed. He put his free hand to my face as we continued...

2 years ago
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Jeffreys Divorce and Recovery

Amy had only been in her job at Harriman Manufacturing for about three months when she realized she and Mr. Harriman’s Administrative Assistant’s Secretary were friends. At first when she ate in the employees’ dining room she would eat with her friends from the Marketing Department. One day Janet Daily came up to her and asked if she could join her at the table. Amy was surprised at how much they had in common and before long they ate lunch together every time Janet was in the office. Sometimes...

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Jeffys Adventures in Alberton

Jeff's Adventures in Alberton By Katie Dale I was fourteen. Life at home stank ? I was the youngest of five kids. My older siblings (two boys and two girls) were really successful in everything they did ? the girls were gorgeous and the boys were strong and muscular. They were all brilliant. I, on the other hand, was a very skinny boy, and not at all muscular. I did okay at school but wasn't outstanding like the rest of them. I could hardly play sports, and truth be told, didn't...

4 years ago
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Jefferys Divorce and Recovery

Amy had only been in her job at Harriman Manufacturing for about three months when she realized she and Mr. Harriman's Administrative Assistant's Secretary were friends. At first when she ate in the employees' dining room she would eat with her friends from the Marketing Department. One day Janet Daily came up to her and asked if she could join her at the table. Amy was surprised at how much they had in common and before long they ate lunch together every time Janet was in the office....

1 year ago
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Jefferey and Layla

Jeffery rubbed his throbbing member and plunged his fuck stick into the soft, fertile soil. He thrusted it deeper until he couldn't stand the burning sensation any longer...the grass must have been fertilized earlier. He rinsed off with the garden hose and his balls shriveled up like dehydrated prunes. He made his way over to the zucchini patch to indulge in his homosexual desires and savagely unrooted a thick bulging specimen of vegetable fuck and proceeded to ram it vigorously into his...

3 years ago
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Jeffrey and Jayne

Jeffrey and JayneJayne lay there awake again. She had Just looked at the clock and it was 2am, she had to be up for work in 4 hours! However much she tried to nod off she just couldn’t, she was far too frustrated.It started when Jeffrey got home from work, as it always did.She called “Hello sexy, I’ve run you a bath!” As he walked through the door, then “Tea will be 20 Minutes!” All she got in reply was “I’m hungry and tired!” He had a bath and then ate his tea in silence. After he had eaten...

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Jeffs Daughter Part one

“Mmm, that's it baby” Jeff moaned as I took a seat next to him on the couch. He looked over at me a little bewildered. This was the second weekend my daughter Jessica had greeted him with a blowjob in my living room. Even my wife had blown him a couple of weeks back, but both times I had left the room and given them a little privacy, but here I was one cushion away from him. His golf pants around his ankles while my naked 18 year old daughter sucked his middle age dick. “There's something I...

2 years ago
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My girly girlfriend Casey has this great big treehouse in this huge old oak tree in her back yard. She tells me her dad built it for her when she was like four years old, but it's big enough for a couple of teenagers to spend the night in. She has sleep-overs in it all the time. Her dad even ran a phone line out there so she could call them if she needed them. S eesh! One Friday night in April, she told me to sneak out and come see her for a few minutes. "Be there by eight! But if you're...

4 years ago
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Jeffs Family HaremChapter 8

Jeff slapped Paige on the ass and sent her upstairs as the boys turned to Allyson. She swallowed and blushed slightly under their scrutiny. Jeff moved toward her and slowly began to unbutton the front of the long dress she was wearing. He turned to Phil with a smile. "When you've got a Mother who looks like this, you can't resist fucking her every day." "Yeah, I bet." Phil breathed. "I used to watch her, you know, peaking at her in the shower and her bedroom. When I watched her jerk...

4 years ago
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Teasing His Nuggets

“That's my seat.”“What was that?”“You're in my seat.” I showed him the cinema ticket. “I wouldn't make a big deal about it, because I don't want to break up your friend group, but I don't want to take someone else's seat either.”“We just have to each move down one. Guys?” He and his two male friends each shifted in the theater row to their assigned numbers.“Thank you.”“No worries.”“Hey…” I mused as rested in the reclining chair.“Hey!”I inspected his beautiful face. “You were in line next...

Straight Sex
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Jeffs Daughter Part Three

Part III The first images pop up on the screen as Caitlyn climbs on Jeff's cock. “ Ohhh fuck!” he groaned as his tool slides easily into the sexy brunette. “Mmmm, I love it.” Caitlyn moans as her pink tunnel is filled. “ There she is Jeff. She's got a lot of potential to be as big a whore as Caitlyn and Jessica here” I proclaim. Referring to the women on the screen on her hands and knees with her head in a mans crotch, her ass and pussy exposed. “ Nice looking pussy.” He said, getting a...

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Jeffs Family HaremChapter 2

Jeff watched in the mirror as she bent over her bureau and searched in her underwear drawer. He sighed as her ass cheeks and pussy were displayed for his inspection. Then she straightened a pair of panties, or rather, the female version of jockey shorts in her hand. They were bright red, with a white elastic on top. Oh, it was one of the string bikinis. She looked so fucking fantastic, he thought, as she drew them up her legs and slid them tight around her crotch and ass. She pulled on a...

2 years ago
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Targets By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 "Wow, you're right Aaron, this is a target rich environment," stated twenty-two-year-old Scott Daniels as several very attractive women walked past him. "I told you this was the best club," replied Aaron Davis who flashed a grin....

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White teacher gets black bred

This story is about a white girl that cheats on her boyfriend and gets pregnant by a BBC. Cheryl is a 31-year-old white woman, and has been dating her white boyfriend, Mike, for 5 years. She’s a skinny, tall, blonde hipster type woman that looks way younger than her age. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, and perky little 34 B cup tits with pink nipples. She always shaves her pussy, and when she’s turned on and wet, her puffy fat labia lips spread open and show off her pink tender...

1 year ago
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JIMS wanking gets him in trouble part 6

Amanda walks into jim's room jim is still asleep amanda reaches under the covers takes hold of jims cock and slowly strokes it , jim groans in his sleep and rolls towards amanda as she strokes his cock harder and faster , jim opens his eyes 'wh wh what are you doing he asks'Amanda carrys on stroking his cock harder and faster not saying a word jims cock is rock hard now and dribbling precum amanda stops stroking and rubs her hand all over the tip of jims cock coating her fingers in precum then...

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Abbie gets stuck

Abbie is a 22 year old girl who has recently been dumped by her now ex boyfriend Josh! She still loved him but he was with someone else now. She left some old cloths of hers at his house that she really wanted them back and didn’t want to talk to him for them because it would be another long conversation on her trying to get him back! She found out that him and his family are going on vacation for a week leaving the house completely empty! “Yes this is my opportunity to get my things without...

4 years ago
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Autographs Devon Sawa Gets Milked

               _________________________________________                                WARNING!                This text file contains sexually explicit                material. If you do not wish to read this                type of literature, or you are under age,                PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!                _________________________________________-------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2007.  Please don't...

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Norwegian man gets invited by Horny Indian couple

I invite my horny Norweigan friend over my place and he wanted to visit India so much that it was his dream. So, Invited him to stay at my house for a couple of weeks so he could enjoy his time. He has an insatiable lust for Indian women, especially Aunties. I came across his name on a sex site and saw that he used to tribute faces of Indian Aunties and so I talked to him for some time and seems like he wants to get laid with an Indian mature Aunty and wants to take videos and pictures of...

3 years ago
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Arvil Lavigne Gets Caught

A huge roar comes from the 500 screaming fans packed into a nightclub in London. The band strike up one final cord and the lights go out. “Great show Avril,” says one of the backstage crew “Awesome mate,” Avril’s lead guitarist says patting her on the back as he hands over his guitar. “Fucking brilliant,” shouts out her drummer who takes a swig of water then goes off to find a female groupie to fuck. “Thanks guys,” Avril replies with her cute smile, “Gotta go get changed now.” Avril walks away...

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