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My girly girlfriend Casey has this great big treehouse in this huge old oak tree in her back yard. She tells me her dad built it for her when she was like four years old, but it's big enough for a couple of teenagers to spend the night in. She has sleep-overs in it all the time. Her dad even ran a phone line out there so she could call them if she needed them. S eesh!

One Friday night in April, she told me to sneak out and come see her for a few minutes.

"Be there by eight! But if you're not there by 8:30, don't come at all!"

"Fine. I'll be there at eight," I replied, pretending to be annoyed. But I could never be mad at her, and she knew it. She was just too beautiful. She could melt me with a smile.

At around 7:55, I was scaling the back wall of her property. Her parents are rich, and her yard is huge. The wall is about seven feet high, but covered along its entire length with Virginia creeper. If you stand on an upturned garbage can, and then jump up a little, you can grab the low-hanging vines and pull yourself up. Well, most people couldn't, but I'm pretty strong.

Anyway, I got up to the top of the wall, carefully got to my feet, and then leaned as far as I could to grab a branch of the great old oak tree. It was tough to do in the gathering gloom. I could hardly see it. I almost fell. I always almost fall. But I managed to catch it with one hand and then swing over to the back wall of the treehouse. One day that damn branch is just gonna snap on me. But it didn't that day.

I stood on a gnarly old limb next to the back window and waited. The back window was basically a rectangle cut out of the wooden wall, with a sill on it. I didn't peek in yet. She wasn't there. She told me never to peek in because sometimes her mom comes out there with her, helping her carry her blankets and pillows and such. I just waited.

It was a nice night. In April in our city, the sun goes down around 7:30. There was still some light in the western sky, but the stars were coming out. There was a cool breeze that made me kinda wish I'd brought a sweater. My T-shirt was damp from the run all the way to Casey's house, and now I was chilly. But I waited patiently. My watch said 8:02.

A few minutes later, she came out. I heard voices murmuring as the two women crossed the back lawn. They climbed the slats on the trunk of the tree that served as a makeshift ladder and flipped the trap door open. The door thunked against the tree. Light spilled out of the window from her lantern. I held my breath.

"You want me to call you when your little friend gets here?" her mom said.

"Mom, she's taller than me."

"Well, compared to me, everyone's little. Especially you, little pixie."

"Sure. Call me. I'm just gonna read for a few minutes."

"Take your sleeping bag..."


"Here's your pillow."


"Your magazine."

There was a fluttering of pages. Casey took it.

"And here's some cookies. Don't eat them all."


"Now gimmie a hug."

They hugged, I assume. All I heard was the rustle of cloth. I pictured Casey sitting next to the trap door on her sleeping bag, and her mom standing on the second last rung of the ladder, leaning in to hug her. I'd never actually climbed down that ladder, though I'd been in that treehouse many times. I always exited the way I came in, nearly killing myself trying to swing back onto the top of the wall, most of the time in the dark.

"Aren't you gonna be cold out here dressed like that?" her mom asked.

"Mom," she said, sounding annoyed. "That's what the sleeping bag's for."

"All right. Fine. Just asking. Call if you need anything. And you come straight inside when it's time for her to go. I don't want you sleeping out here by yourself."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You've told me a thousand times."

There was a thump as the trap door was shut behind her, and then barely perceptible footsteps striding across the grass back to the house. Her mother muttered to herself about crazy kid this and die of hypothermia that. The last thing I heard was, " ... not even wearing pants!" I became suddenly excited.

A minute later, after a slam of the back door of the house, an arm extended out from the back window, holding the lantern. And then a pretty little face leaned out and turned to see me awkwardly crouched on the tree like some sort of costumeless ninja, ready to pounce. I just looked up at her and sighed.

"Good evening, miss!"

"Comfy?" she said.

"Not really."

"Been waiting long?"

"Five million years."

"Shut up, you goof."

Casey was absolutely gorgeous. She's petite, just over five feet tall. Her eyes only come up to my chin. She has to stand on her tiptoes to kiss me when we're standing up. She has short reddish-brown hair, auburn, I think they call it, but it's more reddish than brown. She has green eyes that light up and sparkle when she laughs, but they're magical when she smiles. Her cheeks are covered in the most adorable freckles. She's got nice little boobies, too, and a butt so cute and round and bouncy, you'd almost risk going to jail just to grab it and give it a nice firm squeeze. She lets me grab it all the time, though, so no worries for me.

She was indeed barely wearing anything at all. She had a little red night shirt on that came down to the tops of her thighs, and that was it. Leaning out the window like she was, I could see her panty-covered butt. I hummed in appreciation.

"Mmmmm-mmmmm... !"

"Stop it, you perv! Get in here!"

She leaned back and I climbed in. Moments later, she was kissing me like we'd just fought an epic battle against the world's ending and finally found each other again after a life-and-death struggle. Cue the brass section. Cue the strings. Forte!

Ah, who'm I kidding? She's just really horny all the time, and God, do I love her for it.

She shoved me back onto the sleeping bag, swung one leg over, planted her plump and puffy, panty-covered pussy right onto the crotch of my sweat pants, and went crazy on me, kissing me, shoving her boobies into my chest, grinding on me, moaning, and sighing happily. She practically devoured me, to be honest. Not that I was complaining. Her tongue in my mouth was like candy. Within moments I was hard as a rock, bent awkwardly sideways down there, almost poking right out of my sweats. And I was moaning into her excited little kiss as she stroked her damp little mound against me. Oh, man, I could feel everything, so soft and wriggly.

"Shhh!" she kept reminding me. "You're too noisy!"

Like I could help it! We kissed even more, until finally it was her who was moaning.

"I love you, I love you, I love you! My beautiful sexy boyfriend!"

"I love you, too," I whispered. "Wanna fuck?"

She climbed off me and sat up. "You wish."

"I sure do."

"Just shut up and listen! My friend is coming over in a few minutes. Her parents are visiting my parents, and she's going to hang out with me out here while they're busy in there doing ... whatever the hell they're doing."

"I heard your mom say something like that. So why did you need me here?"

"Because I have to fill you in on the plan before I tell her!"

"There's a plan?"

"Just shut up and listen!"

"I'm listening! I'm listening!"

I pretended to be annoyed again, but I was looking down at her little B-cup boobies in the lantern light. They were amazing. She wasn't even wearing a bra.

She punched me in the chest. "Pay attention!"

"Okay!" I replied in a loud whisper, rubbing the little injury a bit. She packed quite a wallop.

"Here's the plan! Two magical things are happening on Monday."

"Such as... ?"

"Well, first of all. You don't have school, and I do."

"True," I said. I went to public school. She went to a private girls' school. St. Mary the Perpetual Cherry, or something like that. At least that's what my buddies at school called it. Anyway, we normal kids had Monday off for a teacher's training day or something. The Cherry girls had no such luck.

Casey talked very fast, explaining the details to me, and the whole time, she was shoving and smacking my hands away as I moved to grab her and caress her and fondle the various parts of her pretty little female form. She even dodged my kisses when I tried to kiss her again. She really wanted to get the story out.

"The second magic thing is, I just happen to know that our Janitor, Martha Wallabee, is going to be away on Monday. I was in the office today, picking up some photocopies for our science teacher, Mrs. Angelo, and I heard Martha talking to the secretary about how she had to move her day off from Wednesday to Monday because the painters screwed up their schedule. The secretary was all in a huff and told her she's lucky she's even getting a day off, how the school would be absolutely wrecked by the time she got back, but Martha told her to stuff it. I'm pretty sure she was just kidding."

She said all that so fast, my head almost popped from the overload of information. But my logical male mind got the gist of it anyway: the school janitor was going to be away on Monday. I finally managed to get a kiss in on her neck.

"So what?" I said. "So Martha's getting her house painted. Why is that so magical?"

"Because, stupid! The Maintenance Room!"

I felt like I was hearing an inside joke that I wasn't in on.

"I don't get it. That supposed to mean something to me?"

"Don't you remember? That day we went to the Ice Cream Castle last November! I told you about the boiler room and how the door doesn't even have a lock on it, and the only thing keeping anybody out of it is the sign that says KEEP OUT! People can just pretty much go in and out of there whenever they want! It's right next to the girls' washroom by the back door of the school!"

"And?" I said, still confused. If there was a point to all of this, she sure wasn't making a long story short.

"And I'm the only one who knows about it! I saw Martha go strolling in there one day without even unlocking the door. She has to take out her keys and unlock every other door in the school, but not that one. She just opens the door and goes in. There's a lock on the door, but it must be broken or something. Or maybe she goes in and out of there so many times during the day, she just doesn't bother locking it any more. It looks broken to me, though. Maybe she lost the keys at some point and had to break in. I have no idea. I peeked in there one day, just to look. There's all kinds of machines, and electrical panels, and fans and air ducts and stuff. I guess the furnace and air conditioner and fuse boxes and everything are in there, for the whole school. I'm pretty sure Martha sneaks in there for a smoke break, or a nap or whatever. I'm not sure, but all I know is, that door doesn't have a lock on it, and from what I saw, it's huge in there!"

"How magical," I said, teasing her. She smacked me in the chest again. In retaliation, I gave her left boob a little jab with two fingers, getting a bit of a nice feel for half a second. She didn't even smack my hand away. She just looked down for a moment, and then scowled at me.

"It's a good thing you're so gorgeous because you sure are dumb!" she told me.

"Hey, now! That's not nice." I wasn't mad of course. Her creamy white thighs were exposed before me, and sitting cross-legged like she was, I could see the crotch of her little white panties.

"Don't you get it!? I'm gonna sneak you into the school! We can have an extended make-out session, with no worries of being caught, no time limits. Just a whole hour, all to ourselves! You're off school, I'm not, and Martha Wallabee won't be there. So basically nobody will interrupt us! We can do whatever we want."

That did sound very nice. We'd been dating for nearly a year, but so far, our longest make-out sessions had been twenty minutes or so up in the treehouse. But even then, we were scared half to death of hearing the back door slam and me having to scramble out the window in a mad rush, nearly killing myself. It happened all the time. The only time they ever let her stay out there overnight was when she had a friend with her, and that was eliminated any sort of heavy duty making out we might have planned. Her friends from school were all tight-asses who thought even kissing a boy made you a whore. None of them even knew she had a boyfriend as far as I knew.

But now she'd come up with this once-in-a-lifetime plan to have a whole hour alone together. I was giddy to say the least. It would be almost like we were married or something!

"Well, we better fuck right now then, just for practice!" I told her, reaching for the crotch of her panties with two fingers. She did smack my hand away this time.

"This is the thing, stupid! It's your birthday on Monday, too! So that makes it extra special!"

"So it is," I murmured. "You're gonna fuck me on Monday, then?"

I flinched expecting another smack, but she just raised an eyebrow. "Well, I am going to give you... something."

My heart nearly exploded in my chest. My eyebrow shot up, questioning. Up to this point, she hadn't let me do anything more than grab her boobs and ass above the clothes. She'd grabbed my dick once, but it was purely by accident. At least I think so, anyway. She'd moved to get up and she'd put her hand on what she thought was my thigh. When she'd felt a weird, elongated bulge, she'd given it a curious squeeze, wondering what it was. Then she looked down and gasped, yanking her hand away. That was the most action I'd ever gotten out of her. It was pathetic and glorious at the same time.

But now she was planning, well... something.

"But this still doesn't explain why you need to let your friend in on this whole mess," I said.

"Well, d'uh! It's not a hundred percent fool-proof. There's still a very small chance someone could come along. We need someone for a look-out."

"Okay. Makes sense."

"The only thing you need to know is to be at my school, waiting by the back door on the Kingsway side, at exactly 9:55 am on Monday, by the parking lot. Nobody can see you walk up from that side. The doors are locked from the outside, but I'll let you in. Let me handle everything else. I have a study period in the library from 10 to 11. But the librarian is so out of it most of the time, she won't even notice if I'm gone the whole period, and if she does, I'll just say I had girl troubles in the bathroom."

"Boy, you really have planned all this out, haven't you?"

"I've been dreaming about it for months. Now shut up and kiss me."

We kissed, and somewhere in the kiss, I rolled her onto her back and found myself mounted comfortably between her legs. She had them pulled right up to her shoulders, in fact, and everything was hot and humid down there. My erection was pressed so deliciously into her plump little mound that I nearly came in my pants with every move she made. And boy did she move! It was almost like we were having sex for real! If not for our clothes, we would have been.

Like I said, for such a prim and proper, well-raised girl, she sure was horny when you got her alone. She rocked and bumped and thrust up and down against me, and she squealed and moaned into our kisses when I grabbed her boob with one hand. She tried to yank my hand away at first, but then relented, sliding her hand up to caress my back instead. I enjoyed the feel of her soft round breast over her shirt. It wasn't nearly enough, but I had to take what I could get.

Finally she tore herself away and shoved me off of her. My erection was now thrusting out the top of my sweat pants. She was about to say something, but she just gaped at it for a moment in the lantern light. Her mouth dropped open. Her eye sparkled a little. But she quickly snapped out of it.

"Put that away!" she said, as though she were talking about a piece of stray cutlery or something. I tucked it back into my pants. She moved to the front window and glanced out. "I think they're here," she said. "You better go."

The phone rang on the wall beside her and the back door flew open with a bang at the exact same moment. A girl came hurrying across the lawn. She quickly shushed me (as if she needed to), and waved me out the back window. I went. She grabbed me and gave me one last kiss. The phone rang on. "Go! Hurry!" she said in an impatient whisper. And then she picked up the phone. "Hi. Yeah. I see her. Thanks." And she slammed it down again.

The trapdoor banged open before I even had a chance to get my balance to walk across the tree limb and swing down to the wall. I couldn't go now. Her friend would hear me, especially if I fell! So I crouched down in the ninja pose again and waited. God, I hoped her friend wouldn't be there long. I still had a frickin' hard-on.

"S'up, girlfriend!" a girl's voice said. It sounded sweet and musical, the kind of girl who probably would have made a great singer. She sounded about Casey's age. They must be classmates.

But then her tone changed almost immediate. "Holy! You okay? You look all messed up, like you just saw a ghost!"

Yikes! Apparently, the hot and heavy make-out session was still showing on Casey's face.

"You startled me! That's all. Don't come crashing up through the trap door like that!"

Nice cover, I thought to myself.

"Sorry!" her friend said, sheepishly.

I wondered if she was hot. She sure sounded like it. I mean, I wasn't about to go cheating on Casey or anything. I loved her with all my heart. But a hot girl was still nice to look at, as long as you don't say anything to your girlfriend about it and don't get caught staring. Casey always tested me, asking me which girls I thought were hot as we walked around together or sat in a coffee shop. I always told her nobody was as hot as she was, and to me, it was true. But a guy can still look sometimes.

Her friend closed the trapdoor again with a gentle thump.

"So what's the big secret you had to tell me?" the girl said.

"Okay! Sit down. It's kind of a long story."

"Is it a sexy story?" her friend asked, with a naughty giggle.

"Oh God! You're such a perv!" Casey replied. "Si' down!"

The girl sat.

"Boy, it's cold out here. Your nipples are like, solid!" the girl commented casually.

"So are yours!" Casey said back, sounding defensive. I think she was worried her friend would suspect she'd just had a boy grabbing those very same boobs not five minutes ago.

"Mine are always like that! So embarrassing!"

"That's because you're always horny and thinking about boys, ya perv!"

The girl giggled again. Yummy! I thought to myself.

"I love your hair, by the way," Casey said, suddenly changing the subject. Sheesh. How girly. I wished she'd get to the point.

"Thanks," the girl said. "I went with pony tails today."

"It's cute. But they're like, nearly covering your boobs. You'll never get a boyfriend if you keep covering your boobs like that."

So she had long hair, and she was single. Not that I was gonna go hit on her or anything. I was just gathering information, that's all.

"As if I'll ever have a boyfriend anyway!" she said in a sad, pouting tone.

Casey paused. My legs were slowly cramping. It was getting colder. Finally, she continued, beginning with a long sigh.

"Well, speaking of boyfriends, this is what I had to tell you."

"No way!" the girl said. "You have a boyfriend!? Oh my God! Is he hot!? Have you, like, kissed him and everything!? How far have you gone!?"

Boy, she'd jumped to those conclusions pretty quick! She wasn't wrong, though. She was a sharp one, whoever she was.

"Just wait! I'll get to it!" Casey said, feigning exasperation. "God! Such a perv!"

Casey told her the whole story. I listened with increasingly cramping legs, smiling at the memories. Eventually, I just slid my feet out from under me and hung them down on each side of the limb, sitting instead of crouching. It was still murder on the ass after a while, though.

We'd met at a little dessert place near my house, near their school. The Ice Cream Castle. She'd walked in wearing her little school uniform, red tartan skirt, white blouse, matching tie, knee socks, the whole works. She even had a little red beret. Her hair was in these little pig tails that just barely hung down from each side of her ears. My heart nearly stopped. God, she was so cute! She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen up until that moment. The spoon slipped out of my fingers and clattered onto the table. She looked over at me and saw me staring with wide-eyed wonder. She blushed cutely and looked away, stepping up to get in line behind this enormously fat woman.

She glanced my way again and I made a motion for her to back away from the fat lady a bit, implying with a grimace that a creature that size might be dangerous if anybody got in between her and her ice cream. The girl, who I would later come to know as Casey Angela Simmons, suppressed a giggle.

She ordered her ice cream treat, and then scanned around for an empty table. The fat lady had taken the very last booth just before she'd gotten her order. I gallantly got up and offered her my table, since I was done anyway. Idiot! Why hadn't I thought to just stay and sit with her? I was so nervous, though!

"Are you sure?" she asked in the most beautiful voice I've ever heard.

"Sure! I was, um, just leaving. I'm here every Wednesday, anyway. It's no big deal."

"Every Wednesday?" she asked, sliding into the seat as I got up from the opposite side of the booth.

"Yeah. They have a, uh ... special ... on, um, milkshakes." I wiggled my nearly-empty cup at her. She smiled.

I was trying so hard not to look at her boobs. They were so gorgeous. But her eyes were gorgeous, too. I could barely speak, I was so overwhelmed. I just stood there awkwardly, like an idiot, wanting to flee in terror, but never wanting to not be near her ever again. It was sort of love at first sight, I guess.

She told her friend in the treehouse how cute I was as she described the scene to her, how I was just stammering and babbling. She also told her friend how amazingly hot I was, and how she'd almost died right there just staring into my eyes. That was nice.

"Ever looked into a boy's eyes and just wished you could put the universe on pause so you could lay down and spread for him right there on the spot?"

Her friend gasped, adding a little bit of a sigh, a squeal, and a giggle all at the same time.

"Well, that's how I felt about Jeffery Taurling the very first day I met him. Oh my God! You'll just die when you meet him!"

Anyway, I'd left the ice cream place and walked home in agony and terror, wanting to run back and get her phone number, or even just sit and talk to her for a while. It was too overwhelming, though. She was so beautiful I could barely speak. I was afraid I'd make myself look like a fool. So I walked all the way home and just laid on my bed, thinking about her. Apparently the opportunity was gone forever, though. Or so I'd thought.

Next Wednesday, she was back again. She told her friend she'd planned it all week, knowing I'd be there, hoping I wasn't exaggerating. I grinned to myself. Sure enough, there I was, sipping my milkshake and reading some stupid flyer somebody had left on the bench. Something about sin and hell and dying without Jesus. In walks the little red-headed angel again. No fat lady this time, though. The place was nearly empty, in fact. So imagine my surprise when she strolled right up with her ice cream sundae and sat across from me in the booth. My heart nearly seized right up on me. I couldn't even speak for like two minutes, other than an awkward, "Hi ... back again?"

"Yup!" she said. "This seat taken?"

I just shook my head and fell into awed silence.

Boy could she talk! She babbled on like she would suffocate if she didn't belt out at least a hundred words a minute. She talked like she was addicted to it. Well, I didn't mind. I was soon addicted to her. She told me her name. I told her mine. She asked about my school I asked about hers. We exchanged ages. I'm exactly four months older than her. I was born in April, she was born in August, both on the 18th. She clapped her hands with glee, declaring our meeting must be fate.

"What are the odds we're both born on the 18th!?" she exclaimed in amazement.

"One in thirty," I muttered. I wasn't even being a smart-ass. We'd actually taken a course in probability in math class just a few days before that, and that was one of the questions on the quiz.

"You're cute," she said, taking a spoonful of her ice cream.

It was a very delightful conversation, though mostly one-sided. But like I said, I didn't mind at all. I was happy to just have an excuse to stare into her eyes. I was completely in love by the end of that second Wednesday. And when it was time to go, I asked for her number. She said she couldn't give me her number. She wasn't allowed to talk to boys. My heart nearly died on me, but I tried to remain cool.

"Okay. So now what?" I asked.

"See you next Wednesday?" she said.

And so it became a thing. We met there every Wednesday for the next month. Finally we made other plans, plans to see movies together, plans to walk in the park, plans to go bike riding. She was always sneaking around, though, telling her mom she was meeting a girlfriend, or just going to study at the library or whatever.

Eventually, I asked her to be my girlfriend, on a sunny hilltop near the library. It was just a few days before her birthday. I gave her a little stuffed bunny and just went ahead and asked her. She was stunned. She was elated. She was horrified, all at the same time. She almost looked like she would cry.

"I really think you're the most beautiful guy I've ever met, and I'd love to, but..."

"But?" I asked, frowning, nearly panicked. I think I might have thrown up if she said no. It had taken me a whole month to work up the courage to ask her.

"But, my parents. Nobody knows I've been seeing you. Not a soul. We'd only ever be sneaking around forever. That's not much of a girlfriend to have. And you could have any girl you-"

"You think I haven't thought about that?" I told her. "I know we'd be sneaking around, but even scraps of light from an angel is better than living in darkness forever."

She really did cry right then. A tear spilled out of her eye and trickled down her cheek. "You're so sweet to me. I'd be a fool to say no."

"So, that's a yes ... then?" I asked, anxiously.

"Yes! Of course, stupid!"

And so it was decided. We didn't even seal it with a kiss, though. She just smiled so brightly I thought I would go blind from it, and then reached out and hugged me tightly to her soft warm body. It was the most beautiful moment of my life so far. Even the smell of her hair made my brain tingle.

It was after that she told me about her treehouse. I told her I'd climb the wall and meet her there, like Romeo and Juliet. She didn't think I could do it, but I scrambled up that wall like a champion athlete that first night and haven't failed once since then.

That's where we first kissed. And I was lost forever, completely and totally gone in love. I didn't eat for a week after that night.

She told her friend in the treehouse a lot more about it than that, mostly girly details about how great a kisser I am and stuff like that, and how she'd let me grab a boob eventually. I grinned to myself. All she ever told me in person was how dumb I am. But apparently, she was really over the moon for me. Her friend sighed, confessing herself to be dying of envy.

It was at this point, I leaned over and peeked in the back window, just a little. It was dark in the rear foliage behind the treehouse. They didn't see me, but I saw them. Her friend was facing the front, but sort of turned toward Casey, who was half turned away from me as well. Neither of them saw my one eye peering over the sill like a ninja in the dark. Casey apparently just assumed I'd left the moment I climbed through the window.

Her friend really was hot. Her face was pretty from what I could see, but it was her lips that I noticed in that dim lantern light. They looked like a kiss from them would make you faint, so soft, round, and puffy. I couldn't believe she didn't have a boyfriend.

Her hair was long, all the way down to the floor the way she was sitting, in two rope-like ponytails. She was blond, too. She had a nice round bottom. But her boobs. Oh my God, her boobs were absolutely epic. I could hold one of them in both hands and there would still be room left over. It was insane! They were high and pert, and protruding proudly, like monuments to female beauty. She was wearing a loose-fitting T-shirt, but it didn't really hide much. Her boobs were as obvious as the full moon on a clear summer night. Two full moons, actually. That would be really conspicuous! And as she'd said, her nipples were stiff little points, poking through the cotton of both her bra and t-shirt. I nearly whistled in appreciation. I didn't, of course. I'm not that stupid. Instead, I crept back into the shadows and just took a deep breath, calming myself.

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One morning recently I was up before my hubby Jason who had pulled an all-nighter editing a hot new video we had just shot the night before. I was still feeling a little frisky from that shoot even though I’d been used every which way by a strong well hung military man (my contribution to the war effort). While hubby slept in I intended to make some coffee and perhaps sext with a hot BBC I’d met on Yahoo. But my morning plan was foiled by an empty coffee can. No caffeine buzz makes me a very...

1 year ago
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Gurmeet8217s CFNM Houseviewing With Realtor

Dear Indian sex stories dot net Readers, I’m Gurmeet Chaudhary, 33 y/o management consultant in Gurgaon. Recently, my wife Deepali and I decided to buy a new house, finally having pooled in enough money to buy a luxury penthouse somewhere near our workplaces. Deepali is a fashion designer and she insists we both remain fit. Well, that was never a problem for me, since I used to be a fitness model back as a 19-year-old in Chandigarh. I work hard to maintain an eight-pack physique with a hectic...

3 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 19 February 1984 Laura Meets Lou

The situation felt weird, but good. Laura hadn't kissed anyone in months, not since she'd broken up with Marta and Milton and their friends. Now, here she was on a date with some guy who was barely eighteen, of course she was not quite nineteen, but there seemed to be a world of difference between them. She'd only gone out with him at the insistence of her only friend, Nellie. But Justin had one thing going for him, persistence. Laura knew damn well that he wanted to kiss her following...

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PervMom Lauren Phillips Mothers Day Muff Dive

This Mothers Day, Lauren Phillips is getting taken care of by her loving stepson. He makes her breakfast in bed, and it gets Lauren hungry for some extra breakfast meat. She sticks his sausage in her mouth for a wet blowjob, using her luscious DSLs to do the trick. Later, Laurens stepson goes above and beyond by giving her a nicely wrapped Mothers Day gift. Lauren is so happy, she pops her MILF pussy and lets her stepson slide inside of her. A little while later, Lauren gets into a big fight...

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Tushy Arya Fae Lily LaBeau We8217ll Do Anything to Get Closer to Him

To graduate from their Fine Arts programme, Lily and Arya need to be mentored by a professional. The girls are lucky enough to be set up with a famous French artist that they have always admired and fantasised about, and they are not going to let this opportunity go to waste. When he goes upstairs to get ready, the girls take their chance. Sneaking up in some very sexy lingerie, they let him know that they’ve been waiting so long to get him all alone. As they undress in front of him so...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 49 The Ogrersquos Prowess

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My stomach tightened as Ava crashed into the hallway wall. I knew that wasn’t her real body, and yet seeing the feyhound form struggling to gain its feet, the front, left leg snapped and half-hanging from splintered twigs, tore at my heart. Ava limped forward down the hallway. Though her proxy was battered, she was still fighting. My fingers shoved into my pussy, coating them...

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Punishment ParkChapter 3

Victor Banks quivered in a mixture of fear and masochistic anticipation, constantly reminded of his fate by the goading women at Hortense’s plush residence, who slapped his face and flicked his flesh with their canes, just for the sheer pleasure of it. They’d seen Hortense snuff males before, but there was something extra arousing about having one who had been made formally aware that this was to be his fate. Their pleasure at the situation grew more intense as the day of the hanging dawned,...

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Customer Service Rep

When I first met her, I was the sales manager for a Chicago based national distributor of hardware products, nuts, bolts, chains, hammers, and what-nots. My name is Dan Raymond and I worked for Accent nearly 25 years. It was my first job out of college and I started off in inventory control and worked my way up to the sales manager’s position. Periodically we needed to hire additional Customer Service Reps (mostly due to expansion). The process took anywhere between six and eight weeks and...

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My Friends mom

I think that my friends mom is seducing me...Can't say that it bothers me :) She was kinds turning me on from time we were in school. Always awesome hair, nice outfits...gentle hands...Anyway...I usually come to my friend for a beer or coffee...and she always comes, especially if my friend has to jump to his shop in neighboorhood and leaves me alone...she would came and usually in skirt, sit infront of me..crossed legs, uncrosing-crossing...playing with her hair...or she eats a cookie and then...

4 years ago
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My wedding

This is the first time I am writing and I hope you enjoy my misery and worthless life, just like so many men did. My Name is Rajesh and I am 26 years old. I got married on 1 Feb 2006 to my beautiful wife Sumana. Sumana was 23 years old then and works as a Manager in a Call Center at Bangalore. She stands about 5’3″ tall and is slim and fair with long hair, but has ample breasts and a nice perky ass. She was a very lively but soft natured person, whom everybody liked, wheras I am a quite person...

2 years ago
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Conquests of Eric RochetChapter 4

A few days later Eric sat in a small restaurant sipping a soft drink as he waited for Kevin who had called and asked to meet. The waitress was young, perhaps a student working weekends to help ease the financial burden of college. She was a bit thin, her face pleasant if not all that attractive, but as he sat waiting for his young protégé, he had toyed with her as she had taken his order and served his meal. He had started an innocent enough conversation, light and funny, then...

1 year ago
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Determinisme Naturel

D?terminisme naturel ? son retour Solange vit tout de suite que Marc ?tait tout chamboul?, et il ne lui fallut pas longtemps pour lui tirer les vers du nez. Solange ?tait une personne g?n?reuse, et elle ?tait sinc?rement heureuse que Marc ait pu trouver du travail. Elle tenu ? f?ter ?a, et elle annon?a que ce soir ils d?boucheraient une bouteille de cidre pour la circonstance. Solange questionna Marc en d?tail, et tr?s vite elle donna des conseils "Mon chou, les entreprises de publicit? il y a beaucoup d'argent,...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Claudia Bavel Spanish Maid Gets Dirty

This week the cleaning service sent me a super hot maid with a phat ass. After watching her clean my mess I asked her if she was down to do it in her underwear. She declined, but the more cats I flashed in her face the more she started to like the idea. Eventually, I was able to get her to clean my apartment completely naked. Watching her ass bounce as she cleaned my crib made me horny as fuck. So I pulled my dick out and started jerking off to her. Once she caught me, all I had to do was offer...

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LadiesWhoLunch In The Cosmic Bubble

"Ladies-Who-lunch: In The Cosmic Bubble" The second week of August,1961. Summer was coming to a close and fall was just around the corner. The schools were being readied as the grade school kids grumbled, while the college set was spending the last couple weeks with friends and starting to pack up and plan for their coming year. Sitting at the kitchen table the steam drifted lazily up from the coffee cup as Joyce read the short letter sent by the university registrar concerning...

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A Black on a Blonde Part 2

"You two ....Kiss." I looked at her and she looked at me, i already kissed a couple girls before so this wasnt so bad. She came closer to me, my eyes still locked on hers, I met her halfway as our lips met. I was the first to open my mouth and slide my tounge in hers, she was the first to grab my hips. I grabbed hers too as we took part in a passionate liplock. Never in my life have i kissed a black girl but her mouth tasted just as sweet. We started moving our heads around getting more...

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DoceoChapter 5 A Weekend with Sarah

I set my tray on the table and collapsed back in the seat. The lecture had 'gone long, ' on a Friday no less, so I was worn out. Being over an hour late, most of The Girls had given up, gone to lunch, and already returned to the dorm. Only Amy and Jess had waited. "You feeling okay?" Jess asked between mouthfuls as she wolfed down her food. "Yeah, you're looking pastier than usual," added Amy, a hint of concern coloring her teasing. "I'm doing okay, just really tired," I replied...

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RockmanChapter 12

Ged walked round the empty flat. Nothing of what Cassie and he had bought remained. In his old office-cum-music room there was the filing cabinet and the computer without a monitor or keyboard. Nothing else. Ged sat on the floor of the flat and sorted the mail, looking for letters from the bank or from the courts, placing them in a pile of their own. He found the electricity and gas bills, all red, and realised by experiment that the electricity had been cut off and so had the gas. He went...

1 year ago
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Strangers to LoveChapter 5

Reaching his place in the barn, he set her down on her feet. Her arms stayed around his neck and she leaned into his chest. He murmured against her lips, 'Are you sure?' 'Yes ... I want ... I need ... you. I don't know how... ' Leanna whispered, the longing and need in her voice as well as her words. 'Tell me... ' her voice trailed off, unsure of what was expected. 'Have you ever been with a man?' James asked, not sure if it would matter, but he needed to know. 'No. I've only...

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Sandy and Frank Ch 18

‘I swear that I floated back up those stairs because I don’t remember my feet touching the treads! The idea of wearing that little nightgown in front of the others would never have occurred to me, and if it had, I would have said ‘no way!’ However, Frank asked me so nicely and so lovingly to try it on for everyone. I did it, really, for him. Obviously, he was right for I was basking in the unqualified admiration of everyone and that approval from them really thrilled me. Also, the public...

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Monday morning thoughts

Monday Morning ThoughtsThis is a repost with permission from the author. I have had comments from my readers, who say "so you like cock" in that sarcastic online tone.Would it be cruel of me to stop talking about how I love cock so big and hard and smooth and soft. I love when a cock becomes fully erect and the little eye opens and winks once. It is like an eye of a lover who blinks once in the early morning to see in what devilish way i am waking Him this morning. He blinks tiredly, sees, he...

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Alien InvasionChapter 13

Joe adjusted the speed of the HAF-1 to match the speed of the chip carrier. That alone was a great argument in favor of us adopting the flying box for our air force. The flying box was able to maintain its position in the air at least as well as a human helicopter, so Joe just held his position until the chip carrier had dumped its load. As soon as it departed, Joe dropped to 50 feet above the factories roof and moved slowly in until Sam shouted for him to stop. Joe held the position while...

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Modern Draupadi Part III

By : Amus Now I am narrating the detail of last day first of all I give brief of my story which is a true incident we four couple ,kailash ,kamini,raman,pallavi and bittoo and pooja and me and my husband went mussurie and in the card game they staked their wives for sex and in almost 8/9 hours we all ladies and gents had sucking and fucking session as per the result of card game and in last two ladies were given two men each and in that round me and pooja selected and Raman and bitto allotted...

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Congratulations! For winning the Gundamium Sensual Summer Contest. You were chosen by our company president based on your written entry. As the winner you are now to partipate in our new program: to design the perfect partner. Before we begin, we'll just need to figure out if your a man or woman, what exactly you're looking for in your partner: your partner's race, what type of partner you would like, breast/chest size, vagina/penis size, and outfit that they're wearing when they meet you. So,...

1 year ago
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Slut9Chapter 1 Elizabeth

Wednesday December 13 "David, "I will not tell you my name. It's simply too dangerous. I will tell you that I am a research biochemist at a major pharmaceutical company here in the US. "For the last decade or so since the introduction of the drug popularly known as Viagra, almost all pharmaceutical researchers have been working to "jump on to the train" to make some of the billions of dollars consumers are willing to pay in order to improve their sex lives. "The company that funded...

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The Sugar Hill Inn

The Sugar Hill Inn Chapter I Jay could feel his heart beating and the knots begin to form in the pit of his stomach as he drove north, through the rolling hills of New England. The fall foliage was at its' peak as he crossed the boarder into New Hampshire and he realized that he was less then 30 minutes away from experiencing his destiny. Jay turned 40 in January and he made himself a promise. After years of hiding his true self, in the proverbial closet and the relative safety of...

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itailor and my customers

One day Jyoti came for a new blouse stitching. She was alone and looking gorgeous in pink saree and pink blouse which was stitched by me 2 months back. This time the blouse cloth was black. I said "Madam, let me use the same measurements as I used for this pink blouse (looking at her chest)". She said "No, please take a new measurement as this has gone tight". I said "OK Madam, please come inside". As soon as she entered, I pulled the curtain. As the garrage is small, there is not much...

4 years ago
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Through Our Eyes 2

Her Monday Day Two It is hot; steam swirling around my body like moist silk fabric. I lie there, my body stripped of any covering, as my arms remain held over my head by some invisible force; my legs spread, my womanhood open and wanton. Yet, as I lie here, I am without fear; I feel a hunger, an emptiness, a need to be filled. He is there, in the dark. I can feel his presence, and I try to find him, the mist and darkness obscure my view. At last I see him, his eyes, staring at me, taking...

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DchasChapter 5

Once outside they walked four abreast with Rusty in the middle and their arms intertwined. The view down the valley in the late evening light was picture perfect. The sun was just touching the edge of the cliffs at the end of the valley when they came to a small overlook. After pausing to look around, Sarah guided Rusty to sit in the middle of a bench. She then straddled his lap facing him so his cock lay nestled between her warm wet labia. Terry and Sally sat straddling the bench facing them...

2 years ago
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Stable Boy

DedicationThis story might never have happened if it weren't for the help and encouragement of Miss Worthing's biggest fan. At each stage of the process I was never let off the hook, I was cajoled, encouraged, bullied, pushed and pulled until this story became the best it could be. Many of the plot twists were suggestions and, in a very real sense, this story is a co-write.As such it is gratefully dedicate to a very good friend with my profound thanks.LJ 15/07/2009Jim lay on his bed and stared...

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TittyAttack Dylann Vox Angel Tits

Beautiful teen angel Dylan Vox is absolutely perfect. Her long blonde hair, her silky skin, her huge, natural titties. She has it all! Today, she is looking to get into some crazy, nasty action with someone from a different world. The angel meets a devil in a red suit, and he has a red hot cock waiting for her to slobber on. She climbs on top and spreads her legs for the big dicked demon to climb inside her heavenly snatch. He screws her from below, trying his best to help evil conquer good...

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"He makes my pussy cream" Sarah said as we walked through the woods at the top of the hill, eating our ice cream as we walked. "Wow! can I lick it?" I said as I took a long, loud slurp of my ice cream. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks. Sarah was fourteen at the time, I was two months past my twelth birthday. Sarah was tall for her age, five, six, and about one hundred twenty pounds. She was pretty and had a set of big tits, skinny waist, and a nice inverted heart shaped ass....

4 years ago
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The beginning of the End

I'd been working pretty hard for the past year and half. I'd retired from my school board and opened up a Educational Software company. We had a good product, and I was in demand. Unfortunately, with the company, my home life changed. For years, my wife Barb and I would hang out with our best friends, Joanne and Steve. Steve and Barb taught in the same high school and Joanne and I in an middle school. Joanne and Steve were our best friends, and for me, I couldn't tell you who I was closer to....

2 years ago
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Mera Pehla Sex Apni Hi Maa Ke Sath 8211 Part II

Hello friends kaise hai app sub mein apni story ka agla part leke hajir hoon app logo ke liye bahut sare emails mille mujhe app logo ka thanks iss sub ke liye now jin logo ne is story ka pehla part nahi padha plz. Wo log padh le iske pehle story ka naam hai Mera Pehla Sex Apni Hi Maa Ke Sath now jyada boor na karte hue hum story pe ate hai give your valuable comments at the same id Uss din jab maa ko ehsaas ki priya aa gayi hai toh wo ik dum se meri god mein se uth gayi mera bhi lund khada ka...

3 years ago
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Bridesmaid for a Friend

Bridesmaid for a Friend by Thomas Robinson This is a true story, I have only changed the names and the location so as to prevent any embarrassing identification of the people concerned. It was earlier this year (2006). I was a fairly normal 18 year old boy. Fairly normal I say because I am only 5'6" tall with small hands and feet, but wiry and strong for my size so I played scrum half at rugby and was accepted as one of the lads. Sarah is a good friend of mine. We met at school...

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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 02

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 02 - Post University Days ------------------------------------- Ryan invited me to go and stay with his parents with him for a few weeks while we waited for our results and planned what we were going to do for the rest of our lives. I’d already decided that if Ryan asked me, then I’d go with him to where ever he got a job, and then look for one myself. I discussed knickers with Ryan. I said that I thought...

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My Eighteenth BirthdayGF81part1of1

I was looking at a guy that I thought was alone when suddenly a guy sat up in the seat next to him. He’d had his face in the other guy’s lap and it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. It made me wonder how many of the other guys that appeared alone weren’t. My Eighteenth Birthday Part-1-of-1 I don’t mind telling you that I was excited. It was my eighteenth birthday and my first trip to an adult movie theater. When I’d moved across the lobby and walked into the darkened theater the...

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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

4 years ago
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Breaking The Norm ch2

As I pull up to my appointment I do my usual survey of the cable plant leading up to my customer. Pulling up I went ahead and survey the yard and all the specs pertaining to the cable on the exterior of the house. As I was finishing up on the side of the house I was greeted with the voice of a sweet melodic voice of a young lady. I wasn't let down by my gut feeling this go round. I looked up to have my eyes rest upon a PYT. "Hey there cable man. What you got goin on?" "Hello there...

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Extreme Board

Hmm, Extreme-Board? Do you regularly watch pornography? Are you the kind of person who can’t go a day without watching pornography because fapping to internet porn keeps your neurochemical makeup balanced and your mood in check, keeping you from opening fire on a group of civilians with an AK-47? Do you like to soothe your life’s frustrations by squeezing one out every now and then and getting that good old dose of dopamine that you oh so desperately crave? Well then you sir, are what’s called...

Porn Forums
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This is just for me to clear my mind and conscience. For two weeks we have been getting the trailer that we will be living in ready for occupation, it has been ten years so you can imagine what we found. The floors had to be replaced ,plumbing redone and the heat and ac were patched up as well as they could be. So my two boys and I moved from a four bed, two and a half bath house to a two bed one bath 40 year old mobile home, while my husband is off to Afghanistan for 10 months. The boys have...

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Devar Ke 9 Inch Lund Se Chudai

Mera naaam rani hai, mai 22 sal ki hu. Mere shadi ko 3 sal ho gaye, lekin mai abhi tak maaa nhai ban payee. Mere ghar me pati ke alawa saas sasur aur ek natkhat dever bhi hai. Uska naam arvind hai. Mere pati medical representative hai, aur aksar tour pe rehte hai, Bacche na hone ke karan, mere saas aur sasoor mujhe hamesha tane bane kaste hai. Pati thode kamjoor hai. Pati se jab bhi ladai hoti, dever mujhe kosta , tum bhaiya ko ku dosh deti ho, tum apan ilaj karwao, doctor dikhao. Doctor se sab...

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gulami ke saath maa ki chudai

hi.. main aapka jyada time kharab nahi karonga.Mera naam santosh hai aur main aapko apni maa ki chudai ki kahani sunane ja raha hoon. Meri maa ka naam rajani hai aur vo bhut hi sundar aurat hai.meri umar 18 saal hai aur meri maa abhi 33 saal ki hai. main engg main padhta hoon aur mere papa business ke silsile main bhara rahte hai. main aksar suah jaldi uth kar padhta hoon.aur meri maa der raat se soti hai. mera kamra basement main hai aur main adhiktar basement main hi rahta hoon. ek din mai...

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Horn Bunny! Sometimes, all we really want is to enjoy porn while not being bothered with any of those ads or pop-ups; without anything fancy or annoying. Well, if you are looking for something simple, you might enjoy what has to offer. This is a free site with lots and lots of dirty porn content you can fap to, which is what I imagine you are here for.As for those who were looking for something fancy, I think that is really not the place for you. Luckily, my site is...

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Lost FoundChapter 65

Sunday, August 5th I pulled into the parking lot beside Pollock Commons a few minutes before four o'clock. I grabbed my key from Housing and Residential Life before heading back to the Nittany Apartments. The place was buzzing as forty-four football players moved into their homes-away-from-home for the next nine months. I grabbed a luggage cart and loaded it with my things before pushing it to my apartment. Virtually every player greeted me with a hearty, "Hey, Coach, welcome back,"...

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Reverse world

Mom was in the kitchen in a very revealing suit - a mini skirt that opened up a great view of her cute slender legs and a short blouse with an extensive cleavage. "Hi, mom!" "Hey, son!" I came up behind her and gave her a little hug. She immediately responded to my caresses, rising on tiptoe and leaning her hands on the sturdy kitchen table. With impatient hands, I reached under her skirt, found a funny little pair of panties, and pulled them down. Mom slowly moved her hips, letting her...

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Glorydaze 3

I closed the door and did my best to clean myself up. On shaky legs I made my way down the hall and into the front of the store. I was surprised to see Dennis leaning on the counter talking to the clerk. As I came out he approached me and handed me a pen and paper "Give me your number, I'll call you" he said. As I wrote he leaned close and whispered "Next time, I want you shaved and clean" When I handed him the paper he handed me a bag, turned, and walked away. I drove home in a daze. I spent...

2 years ago
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His Promise

‘I guess it’s time for you to go, huh?’ she asked. ‘Yeah, it is…I’ll miss you Cassy, I’ll come back for you, I promise.’ he said ‘I’ll miss you too Gabe,’ tears rolling down her eyes she hugged him with all her might, gave him a kiss on the cheek before running back into her house, up to her room and flopped onto her bed. Gabe stood outside and watched her flee to her house with sad eyes. He got into his father’s car as they headed to the airport to head to North Carolina ******** Cassy...

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How I Met Your Long Hair Mother Part 2 Pooja

I and Aswathy were having a great indian sex after our marriage. For me, I got everything I wished for, a beautiful wife with thick dark long hair that almost reached her thigh. I used to play every day with her long hair. I may have cummed more in her long hair than her beautiful tight pussy. She too knew my fetish for long hair and was more than happy about it. On weekends when both of us are having holidays from a job, I would massage her head with warm oil in for hours, heavily oiling her...

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Sliding Glass Door

Your husband just called to let you know he would be home shortly. It’s time to take advantage of the fact that you are ‘home alone’. You hurry to your bedroom to get ready for your husband. After dressing, you go back downstairs to wait for him. When you hear the garage door go up you move to the stand in front of the Sliding Glass door. As your husband enters the house, you pretend not to hear him and continue to stare out the door at the inviting waters of the swimming pool. As your husband...

4 years ago
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A Threesome

Michelle graduated from high school and we were making plans for our wedding for the following summer. We were both still living at home and longed for the freedom to have sex when and where we wanted. We talked about our night in the hotel after her prom often and how nice it was to have that freedom. One night when we were at dinner, we started talking about our discussion we’d had in bed that night. We talked about how we had both been with someone else before we met and about that night at...

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Ships Captain

Under your feet, the metal of the SS Orchid hums contentedly. Around you, members of your crew are calibrating, calculating and chattering. In front of you, the depths of space spread out forever, begging to be explored. The date is 2121 and the One Earth Government (OEG for short) is preparing for one of the greatest endeavors in the history of the human race. Today, 333 city sized ships will leave the foundries on Mars, travel to the far ends of our solar system and begin a decade long push...

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Housekeeping Refined

Ever since his parents moved because of their new job opportunity, Damian felt like the lonliest person in the world. He was moved away from all of his friends and the life he had ever known for the past 15 years. His dad had accepted a senior VP position at a new IT company which meant more money for the family but the psychological damage from the move damn near took it's toll on Damian as he became a shell of his former self. He was very outgoing and vibrant but when he left he had a very...

First Time
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I Took That Picture

I Took That Picture I was checking out some of the nude web sites on the Internet when I ran into this: “Hi, I'm Carrie Leaser a horny (and constantly wet!) student! Love to see myself naked online - and elsewhere! Please share, re-post, display and expose me! Make my pussy wet by sharing me! Carrie XX” So I printed out one of the pictures and showed it to my daughter asking, “Isn’t this a picture of your friend Carrie Leaser?” My daughter looked shocked then said, “I took...

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