On A Rainy Night free porn video

The rain was coming down in torrents when a sudden flash of white light shattered the darkness outside, soon followed by a violent thunderclap that seemed to rock the house on its foundation. Then the sound of Mindy, crying out in terror at the noise, set my heart to racing.
I'd been awakened a few minutes before by the grumbling of the storm, and spent a minute or two staring at the ceiling, resenting the heat, unable to return to sleep. When I heard Mindy scream, I quickly jumped up, disentangled myself from the sheet and raced down the hallway to her bedroom.
Although it was very dark, there was just enough visibility for me to see Mindy sitting up in bed, shaking all over and sobbing. "I'm ... I'm scared," she whimpered.
"Oh, honey, it's okay," I crooned as I drew the child's slight body to mine, enfolding her in my arms.
Even as I whispered soothing words to the terrified child, I was happy for the chance to hold her. It felt wonderful, considering how emotionally frustrating the past three months with her had been.
I'd wanted everything to be perfect when I agreed to become Mindy's adoptive parent. She'd never known her father, and her mother had died in a bicycling accident, leaving her orphaned at the vulnerable age of ten. Since she had no living relations, the state had no choice but to hand Mindy to Child Welfare, where I discovered her. Despite being single, and a lesbian, I was given the opportunity to become her new mother.
Sadly, she was emotionally distant with me from day one. I'd tried every way I could imagine to break through her shell, but to no avail. She wasn't hostile, mind you, just unresponsive and sad. She had withdrawn into her suffering and loss, and my affection for her just wasn't enough ... at least not yet. I still dared to hope that I might somehow win Mindy over, but felt increasingly discouraged. What did she need that I couldn't give?
Another flash of lightning, another rumble of thunder ... not as loud this time, but Mindy still flinched. With that, I made a decision.
"You can stay with me tonight, honey," I murmured. I gently lifted Mindy up, cradling her in my arms as I carried her through the house to my bed. Fortunately, I made the trip safely ... since the electricity had gone off earlier, we were in near-complete darkness, except for the occasional flash of lightning.
I gently lay Mindy down on one side of the bed, then drew the blankets over her thin body. Shipping into bed beside her, it occurred to me that I was wearing only panties, but it couldn't be helped. Without power there was no air conditioning, and I couldn't even open the windows, as the high winds would blow the rain in and soak everything. I'd been meaning to buy some heavy-duty screens, but had put it off again and again. So the house was hot, even with the rain ... much too hot for pajamas.
I lay down beside Mindy and reached out to draw her to me, innocently resting her head on my breast. I was startled when, after a moment, she took my left nipple into her mouth.
Although I'd never given birth to a child, the feeling of Mindy's warm mouth against my breast was what I had always imagined nursing to be like. She was doing what my lovers had done to me many times before ... but more naturally, somehow. It was like nothing I had ever experienced.
I adjusted my body slightly to provide Mindy easier access to my breast. Not for a moment did I think of stopping her, nor did the strangeness of what we were doing faze me. It was what my frightened girl needed at that moment. Besides, her mouth did feel very nice.
Cuddling the child closer to me, I gently rocked her, crooning wordlessly to soothe her jangled nerves. Soon, Mindy drifted off to sleep, her lips still touching my breast.
She started when another thunderclap sounded, and I hastened to calm her. "It's okay. You're with me, honey. I'm watching over you," I murmured. She raised her head slightly, her wide-open eyes gazing into mine for a heartbeat, then slowly relaxed in my arms again.
I noticed that both of us were slightly moist with sweat. With the electricity still out, any relief from the heat was out of the question. I disentangled myself from Mindy to remove my panties, and whispered "You should take those damp things off, sweetheart ... you'll be much more comfortable." She was still half asleep, though, so I did it myself, carefully slipping off her t-shirt and underpants.
To this day, I wonder if the heat was my true reason for undressing us both ... or if, deep down inside, I wanted Mindy and I to be naked together.
I lay down beside the child, wrapped my arms around her head and shoulders and guided her back to my breast. Once again, she took my nipple between her lips to suckle, her body nestling into mine.
After a moment or two, I could feel Mindy moving gently against me. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening, but when I did, it was a shock. My sweet little girl was rocking her hips ever so slightly, working her babyish sex against my leg while she continued to suck at my nipple.
I was stunned ... even more so as my body responded to hers. My vagina was touching her thigh, and her movements couldn't help but feel good. Without a thought I began to move with Mindy, falling into her rhythm. She sighed contentedly, her thin arms circling my neck.
I couldn't comprehend what this ten-year-old and I were doing. I'd always had a thing for teenage girls, and had enjoyed a few hot fucks with barely legal baby dykes in the past. This, though, was something else altogether. She was just a child, for God's sake ... and my adoptive daughter!
But she felt soft and sweet in my arms, the steady movements of her body against mine were downright hypnotic ... and I was so thrilled to finally make a real connection with Mindy after months of emotional distance that I just couldn't push her away. Besides, I had to admit that the forbidden aspect of what this little girl and I were doing had my cunt throbbing with excitement. I remembered how, as a budding lesbian of fifteen, I used to have intense sexual fantasies about my mother ... and had often fingered myself to orgasm while imagining Mom making love to me.
Mindy was now grinding against me, openly pleasuring herself. I could feel the heat of her sex drawing a line of fire along my thigh. Unable to restrain my awakened lust, I moved along with her ... and then she was pressing her leg between mine, creating a delicious friction against my now dripping cunt.
I was experiencing sensations that were better than any orgasm. Mere words can't come close to describing what this little girl made me feel. It was intensely physical, tactile, emotional, and utterly wonderful. My hands slid down Mindy's back to clutch at her bottom, pulling her harder into me. We were both panting with excitement.
When I came, it was like a climax beyond climax. I cried out loud, throwing my head back into the pillow. It was then that I heard a keening sound issue from Mindy's throat ... and I felt a surge of joy and wonder at the realization that she was coming too.
We rode one another through our mutual ecstasy, bodies moving together in perfect time. It was beautiful ... like no lovemaking I had ever enjoyed. The forbidden nature of our act seemed insignificant. What my child and I now shared felt so good, so real. We bonded like mother, daughter, lover and wife.
Afterwards, I lay snuggled with Mindy, blissful and content. We were silent, perhaps knowing that the time for words was later. Mindy peacefully returned to her slumber. I soon drifted off myself, vaguely aware that the storm was subsiding.
As dawn began to illuminate the world outside, I awakened, Mindy's little hand resting on my breast. I moved, ever so slightly, and her sleepy eyes fluttered open. She smiled shyly at me ... and I at her, so overjoyed to see my sad little girl made happy.
Feeling an impulse too compelling to resist, I placed a tender kiss on her mouth. She kissed me back. As a test, I playfully teased her lower lip with my tongue. She accepted it eagerly, sucking it just like she had my nipples a few hours ago ... then her own tongue timidly responded, toying with mine until we were kissing passionately.
I held her tightly, moving our bodies so that our pussies pressed together while we kissed. She twined her arms around me, hugging me to her. I could feel her heart racing in tandem with mine. I gently pulled away from Mindy, just enough so I could see her. She had a dreamy expression on her little-girl face.
"I love you, sweetheart," I whispered.
"I ... I love you too, Mommy," she breathed.
My heart sang -- Mindy had never called me "Mommy," not until now...
My mouth sought out hers again, and we shared another hot, hungry kiss. I licked a circle around Mindy's lips, and my sweet child parted them further, welcoming me. My tongue trailed down to her chin; then I placed a line of soft kisses along her neck, into the hollow of her throat and further.
Her breasts were slight -- barely there, really ... but her pert nipples thrilled me. I took one between my lips to suckle, and my little angel cradled my face to her chest, a soft whimper escaping her lips. I moved from one breast to the other, then back again, flicking at the pink tips with my tongue. She shivered happily, her hands trembling in my hair as she held me close.
My hand rested lightly on Mindy's tummy ... and slowly, so as not to alarm her, I allowed it to drift between my little girl's legs, gently tracing her bare slit with a fingertip. She cried out, clutching at me. Her pudendum was moist and sticky, and I brought another finger into play, exploring the child's sex. I could feel ripples of excitement running through her body as her pleasure grew. She was close to orgasm again, I could tell ... but I needed to taste her.

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