Jeff ThousandaireChapter 2: Architectural Connections free porn video

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"Good morning, boss."

I looked up from my computer. "Good morning, Melody," I answered easily. My eyes flitted to the clock. She was right on time for a Monday morning.

"Coffee? Your usual?"

"Thanks, that would be great." I relaxed into my chair as the pretty blonde nodded and headed out. Maybe everything would be alright, despite the animosity she'd been showing last Friday. Maybe we would be back to normal.

A few minutes later, I heard the hollow knocking on glass as Melody returned with my coffee. I watched her legs in the tight skirt as she circled around the desk, setting the mug down next to the keyboard and then leaning back against the desk. "So? Did you sleep with her?"

"Huh?" My hand stopped halfway to the coffee mug and I turned in surprise. I hadn't been expecting that question.

"Did you?"

My eyes answered before I could verbalize anything. Taylor Brynn had sex with me ... ME. Taylor-fucking-Brynn, international supermodel, billionaire socialite, and all around gorgeous sexpot, had fucked me, and even brought her beautiful assistant into our bed. I could already feel my chest swelling with obscene pride. Even if it never happened again, I would always have that memory. I started drawling, "Well..."

Before I could finish my sentence, Melody's hand whipped out lightning quick and then I felt my head rotate to the side with the impact.

I winced in pain but managed not to yell, instead holding my own hand to my quickly reddening cheek as I faced her with a look of disbelief. "What the hell was THAT for?"

"Can you honestly tell me you DON'T think you deserved that?"


She slapped me again, this time on my other, unprotected, cheek.

This time I squalled, "Oww!!!"

Melody just got up in a huff, muttering, "MotherFUCKer..." And with that, she left my office and plunked herself heavily into her own chair.

So much for back to normal.

At five o'clock, the hollow rapping on the glass stirred me from my stupor. Gradually, my head pulled out of the virtual design world and I managed to focus across my desk to the door.

Melody was still standing outside, but with her head through the open doorway. "Come on, we're going to O'Brien's."

"But I-" I gestured to my computer.

"NOW," Melody growled, and then pulled her head back and closed the door. Through the clear glass, I could see her turn away and start packing up her purse.

Melody was not my girlfriend. She was my subordinate. She worked for me. She had no right to be giving me orders and then walk away expecting my compliance. I WAS THE FUCKING BOSS HERE.

And yet I rose from my seat, grabbed my jacket, and went out the door to join her. As I came through the door, she turned to walk in front of me and led the way to the elevators, never looking back. She always did have me wrapped around her little finger.

We were silent through the whole ride down and the short walk to the pub, and a sense of foreboding started to creep down my spine. Melody's demeanor was all ice queen, standing aloof from me, not looking in my direction and generally radiating get-the-fuck-away-from-me signals. If we didn't resolve this ... whatever ... and soon ... it was going to make our worklife unbearable.

Melody's attitude completely changed the moment we got to the pub. We caught sight of our friends, who had already snagged a booth, and with a bubbly smile Melody scampered over. "Hey guys!"

"Gawd, I hate Mondays..." Frank, the draftsman, sighed immediately as he nursed his beer and sank lower into his seat.

"You say that every week," Erica, the admin, scoffed.

"Enjoy these Mondays while you can, Frank," Melody warned. "Once this Kwong project gets rolling you're going to have more work than you know what to do with."

"Aww, Mel. You know JUST how to cheer a guy up," George complained before chugging the rest of his beer and then burping loudly. "Now I'm going to need another one of these."

Our other two coworkers just grinned and we all settled down. It took me a minute, but once I got comfortable everything started to flow and I settled in for a relaxing afternoon. I was especially relieved when midway through our evening, Melody slipped her hand onto my thigh beneath the table. Again, I started to believe that despite our awkwardness, Melody and I would be alright in the long run.

When it was time to leave, I briefly toyed with the idea of going back upstairs to work. But just when I was about to make that announcement and leave the group, Melody slipped her hand into mine and leaned over to say, "We're going back to your place." It was not a request.

I glanced down, seeing her baby brown eyes hard-edged ... not with desire, but with determination. I nodded in agreement. We did nothing to hide that we were getting a cab together. This group of friends had figured out months ago that we were banging each other.

Still, most of the times Melody and I had shared a cab, she had her hands all over me as if she couldn't wait to strip me naked. This night, she simply gripped my hand as if holding me on a leash lest I try to get away.

She held onto me all the way to my apartment. Once we got inside, I found myself at a slight loss over what to do. We were fuck-buddies. Every time we got into an apartment alone together, we were usually sucking each other's faces, hurriedly getting to the main event so we could be on our way within thirty minutes or so.

But the urgent lust wasn't there this time, and since I wasn't sure what to do, I simply went through my usual routine of depositing my keys and hanging up my jacket.

I turned back to Melody, and then that stinging pain was once again on my face and my whole body had been twisted to the side with the force of impact. "Oww!!!"

I was holding my cheek and if her hand wasn't already rocking me back on my heels, Melody's mood swings would be enough to give me whiplash. "What???" I cried.

"How could you sleep with her?!" Melody was already on the verge of tears. "You said nothing was going to happen."

"I didn't think anything was going to happen!"

"But something DID. You fucked her!"

"I never promised I wouldn't!" I rubbed my sore jaw and righteous annoyance flared inside me. "Am I missing something? Did we agree to be exclusive and I just forgot?"

She didn't answer my question. Instead she just yelled, "Why? Why'd you do it?"

My eyes were wild and my volume went up to match hers. "Because! She wanted to! I wanted to! It just happened!" Melody had laid out the rules a long time ago. I didn't own her and she didn't own me.

She sputtered a little more and paced my room, waving her hands in frustration. But at least she wasn't hitting me anymore. She growled through her teeth and once she finally turned to face me, her eyes were aflame and she exclaimed, "You fucking CHEATED on me!"

"I cheated?" I couldn't believe what was happening. Not two weeks ago, the night we'd won the design contract, I'd broached the idea of stepping up our intimacy. I'd been willing to move in the direction of a real relationship with Melody and she'd shot me down cold. But now? Now that I might dare to sleep with another woman she wanted to play the scorned girlfriend? This was just unfair and I was getting pissed. "What do you call that kid in the mail room? And don't tell me you didn't boink Sanderson after the Christmas party."

She tossed her hands aside. "You keep bringing up the mail room intern! Those were one-time hookups. Those don't count!"

"Then what do you call this? How many times did I hook up with Taylor? One time!!!" I shook my index finger in her face. And then frustrated, I took two steps away. "Don't you get it? You don't OWN me, Mel. We-" I waved my hands back and forth between us. "-don't get to tell each other who we can and cannot fuck."

The pretty blonde's eyes went wide and her jaw clenched as she got right up in my face. "Get this. You fuck Taylor one more time and you're never touching me AGAIN." And with that, she gave me a healthy shove to the chest. "You got that?" she raged.

"Melody..." I sagged. I didn't want to give Melody up but the thought of being with my goddess again was just too enticing. "Be reasonable..."

"You're such a fucking MAN," she spat. "Words or not, titles or not, didn't you think I was special? I thought I meant more to you than just that." She paused and started pacing away fro me. "FUCK, Jeff! We've been fucking for six months! I've swallowed your cum more times than I can remember! Doesn't that count for something? You can't just screw me every other day for six months and think it's not going to MEAN something!"

I sighed. "Isn't this EXACTLY what we didn't want? All the hassles and expectations and obligations of a relationship?"

At her wit's end, Melody moaned and turned away from me, her back bending like a willow in the wind. She clamped her hands onto her head and spun around, finally staggering over to the couch and sitting down heavily. Half of the tension in the room evaporated as she sat down.

I took a deep breath, calming myself as blissful silence reigned for just a brief while. When I felt like I could speak without yelling, I went to her. "Mel ... What's going on? I never thought you'd react like this."

She wore a haunted expression I'd only seen once before: the morning after we'd spent the night together. It was a look of desire and fear and utter confusion all at the same time. "I don't know. I wasn't expecting to feel like this. We were good. We were friends. We had our benefits. I guess ... I guess I just got used to having you all to myself."

"I don't belong to you, Mel," I said softly, laying my hand on hers and ever alert in case she tried to hit me again.

"Don't you?" she asked, her voice cracking.

I sighed. "I'm not supposed to."

"I know," she sniffled again. "But I can't help how I feel. I'm fucking jealous of her."

"Why? You didn't seem to have a problem when Mary down in accounting was flirting with me last week. And after that kid in the mail room, you flat out told me you wouldn't begrudge me a hookup of my own."

"But you never DID. In six months, I was your only one. And then Miss fucking- gorgeous-supermodel had to go and show up. You think I don't see the big fucking poster of her in your bedroom? And that gorgeous sketch? Why do you think I wanted you to sketch ME so badly? You made me look so incredibly beautiful! That PROVED something, didn't it?"

"YES! Alright, dammit. YES! I care about you! You are a dear friend to me, Mel, and like it or not, what we have shared together has changed us!" My emotions burst out. "I want to see you happy, but Melody..." I hung my head and sighed. "Do you want to start dating? Do you want to be my girlfriend? Do you want that kind of commitment?"

"NO!" Melody cried. "I just want things to be the way they always were..."

"Meaning what? We're just fuck-buddies with no ownership of each other? You can do what you want and I can do whoever I want and we can just come together for a good time every once in a while?"

"NO! I want... !" She started shaking. "I want ... I want my freedom but I want you to only be mine! Okay! There! I said it!"

I exhaled loudly, my shoulders sagging as I finally came to a realization. If we couldn't make a commitment to each other, mutually, and if we couldn't continue the way things were with freedom on both sides, then Melody and I were just a disaster waiting to happen. If she really just wanted to have her cake and eat it to, I would only end up resenting her for it. "I'm not your beck and call, Mel," I said coldly but quietly.

She didn't answer. Instead, she just stared at some point away from me and trembled.

I sighed and pinched my forehead, feeling a massive migraine coming on. "Maybe it's best that we stop now. Mel, I can't give you what you want, and I don't want to hurt you. It was great while it lasted, but-"

"FUCK YOU!" Before I could react, Melody had slapped me again, my jaw still sore from the last times she'd smacked me. The pretty blonde before me choked, her eyes trembling. She looked stricken, as if I had just run over her beloved cat or something. The tears tumbled forth, and this time, she got up, grabbed her jacket, and fled out my door, sobbing the entire way.

I gripped the coffee table beneath me and hung my head. This was baaaad.


The next day, Melody never came to her desk.

She didn't call in sick or send me a text message. She simply didn't show up. I figured she was mad at me or otherwise unable to face me in the office. So I got my own coffee and went to work; there was simply too much to do. Besides, this was for Taylor, and there was no way I could disappoint Taylor.

But by lunchtime, I started to worry. I called Melody's cell, just to make sure she wasn't dead in an alley somewhere, but after a few rings the call went to her voicemail. Mildly starting to panic as my brain dreamt up further worst-case scenarios, I called Erica, one of Melody's best friends and another admin with the firm.

Erica quickly reassured me. "She's here, Jeff. Just ... well, it's complicated. Sit tight, okay? But she's alright and she's in the building. I'm sure she'll be talking to you later this afternoon."

And so I relaxed. I wanted to puzzle over Melody's little mystery, but Jonathan Kwong wanted stables on the property, something about how Cassandra Cooper always loved horses, and I had to make the new building.

I actually left for lunch since I didn't have an admin to pick up a sandwich for me. And I had just returned and was settling back into my work when a hollow knock sounded off by the door.

I looked up and Sheldon was walking into my office, followed by both Melody and Erica.

The balding man stood up to his full height and glared down at me. "Jeffrey, I'll get to the point. I don't pretend to know EVERYTHING that's going on but I understand that you and Melody are having ... well ... a relationship that is inappropriate for your positions." Sheldon's diction was clipped and formal, and from his posture he seemed to be speaking on behalf of the company's laws, and not from his own personal opinion.

I waited for the inevitable bad news, something perhaps along the lines of "You're fired." But fortunately it didn't turn out that way.

"As such, it is the board's decision that the two of you be separated from your current working relationship. Neither of you will be disciplined, and should you choose to pursue this relationship, you will be able to do so without violating any further rules governing interpersonal behavior." He arched an eyebrow at me with a little grin. "Please keep your frolicking OUTSIDE of the building."

I realized then that Sheldon was under the impression I was going to start dating Melody. She was standing behind and to the right of him, nodding in agreement with everything he said. Just what had Melody told him?

"Now, obviously the Kwong project is an extremely high priority to the firm, and we can't leave you without a replacement admin. I assume you already know Erica?"

Yeah, I just had a beer with her last night at O'Brien's. "Uh, yes we are acquainted, sir."

"Splendid! Erica is being assigned as your new admin, effective immediately."

I glanced over at the pleasant-looking brunette. Erica shrugged, the look in her eyes clearly saying 'I don't know any more about this than you do.' I figured it was just a coincidence that out of all the other admins in the firm, they were pairing me with someone I knew.

Sheldon continued. "Also, Melody will not be assigned new responsibilities until we are sure that the handover is running smoothly. She will be training Erica until you deem it no longer necessary, understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, that's that. Carry on." Sheldon spun on his heel and left.

I looked back and forth between the pretty blonde and the more comely brunette. Melody turned and smiled at her friend. "Wow, this was unexpected, but quite cool. This is a good move for you, Erica. This project is VERY high-profile."

"What am I getting myself into?" the brunette asked.

"Don't worry, I'll train you on EVERYTHING. Piece of cake." Melody looked over the both of us. "Everything will be EXACTLY the same as when I was running things."

"One thing will certainly be different," Erica declared.

"What's that?"

Erica turned and smiled at me. "Jeff, I will NEVER give you a blowjob in this office." She grinned and Melody blushed.

I just raised an eyebrow, a smart-assed remark already on my lips. "What about outside this office?"

Erica rolled her eyes. "You really want to go down the sexual harassment road?"

Instantly, I was defensive. "Hey! You started it!"

Erica smiled and waved me off. "It certainly will be interesting. Anyways, I'm going to head back to my cube. I've got to start packing." And with that, my new admin left the room.

This left Melody and me together and alone for the first time since last night's implosion. I let my amused grin disappear as I looked at her intensely. "Mel, what's going on? You told Sheldon we're dating?"

She pinched her lips together and shrugged. "I can't help how I feel, Jeffie. And I thought about it a lot last night ... about us. Don't you see? This is how it has to be. We can't be employer/admin anymore. I can't just fetch your coffee or sandwich and take orders from you. Not after last night."

"So ... what, that whole thing with Sheldon was just a ruse to get yourself reassigned away from me? You don't really want to start dating?"

"It's ... it's complicated." Melody looked at the floor, clearly looking like she'd rather be anywhere but in my office at that moment. She sniffled just once and then composed herself. "I'd better start clearing out my desk."

With a little frown, the pretty blonde turned away and went to the door. She stopped just before grabbing the handle and said, "Look. We'll talk later, alright?"

And before I could say anything else, she left the room.

The feminine ass in my hands was absolutely perfect. The hips flared prettily around perfectly-shaped tight globes. The skin was milky white and unblemished save for the red blush where my hand had been spanking her.

"God, Taylor, you are so fucking hot..." I groaned as my cock pistoned in and out of her body. I could stare at this sight all day.

"I know..." she answered confidently, then moaned once again. "Spank me again..."

Immediately, I let fly with my left hand, leaving a faint red imprint on her buttcheek that quickly disappeared. I absolutely adored that this gorgeous supermodel would let me spank her. It was kind of a fetish of mine. There was no heat in my slaps, but the jarring sensation certainly spurred Taylor on even further. We were back in her guest bedroom, just the two of us this time, and as I felt her wondrous pussy walls clasping at my naked rod, I felt like I was in heaven.

It had been 1pm when Taylor called my cell phone and demanded I come over to their apartment and fuck her. I'd thought her fiancé was back in town, but she assured me he was in LA for business.

I'd barely gotten any work done the whole day. I was lost in my thoughts, staring through the plate glass to watch Melody as she puttered around showing Erica where everything was. Had we made the right decision to cut things off? Should I have probed to find the real depths of her feelings for me? Should I have pressed her harder for a relationship? Did I even WANT a relationship with her anymore?

Taylor's call had been like a burst of cold wind that blew aside all the clutter in my mind. The thick haze in my brain cleared out and all that was left was the burning desire for my raven-haired goddess, rooted deep inside me from the time I was fifteen. Between my flaming lust and Taylor's husky pleas, I readily agreed to meet her.

Melody and Erica were poring over something on the computer. I simply strode past them, curtly informing the two admins that I was going out for a couple of hours and would be back late in the afternoon. Then it was a short cab ride to Kwong's apartment building.

Upon arrival, Edward simply took my jacket and then escorted me directly to the guest room. Two minutes after that, Taylor strode in wearing nothing but a silk teddy and a skimpy thong.

A few minutes after that, Taylor was moaning, "Spank me again..."

With my hands gripping her hips and my cock rhythmically plunging in and out of her juicy snatch, Taylor rapidly climbed up to orgasm, shrieking loud enough that I swore I could heard her scream echoing down the hallway. And when she came down from her high, she slowly stopped and I sat back on my heels, resting for a moment and ducking my head down to take a taste of her feminine juices. I reveled in the power trip as my goddess wriggled her sensitive clit on my tongue.

"Ooh, you're almost as good at that as Charlotte..." Taylor giggled, craning her head around and flashing her eyes at me.

"I can't help it. You taste so delicious." I moved back and kissed the globes of her asscheeks. "Mm ... and you have a PERFECT ass..." I rubbed it lovingly.

"Do you wanna fuck it?" Taylor grinned.

"Hm?" I sat up.

"Fuck my ass, Jeffrey. Sink your big, fat cock up my little asshole. I want to feel your spunk swimming around in my bowels."

"Holy shit!" I gasped, my eyes wide in disbelief. My goddess, my dream, was asking me to bugger her ass.

She wriggled the object of my desire in my direction and then pointed to the nightstand with her left hand. "There should be a bottle of lube in the drawer."

I'd been backing away from my orgasm after Taylor's climax, and my cock had softened slightly while I was licking her. But now I was back at full mast and my hard dick wobbled in the air as I clambered over to the nightstand. I fondly remembered the blindfold and handcuffs in there, but rooted around until I retrieved the lube. Sitting back up, I poured a healthy dollop into my hands and started rubbing them for warmth.

"Don't baby me, Jeffrey. Oil yourself up and then just shove the nozzle into my ass and squeeze. I can't wait any longer to feel your dick up my tight asshole!"

I was dizzy again. I don't think anyone's mind is set up to be blown this many times. Taylor was absofrigginlutely the sexiest, naughtiest, most seductive vixen in the frikkin' universe. I did as she said, coating myself and then squirting a few globs of lube directly through her anus.

She wriggled her hips at me again as I settled into position, nudging my mushroom head forward and gasping when it popped through her sphincter more easily than I'd expected. Taylor then backed herself up, impaling me to the hilt up her rear entrance. "Fuuuuuck!" she growled.

I just breathed shallow breaths, trying to absorb every little sensation, for certainly this would be the last time I would ever feel something like this again.

Still on her knees, Taylor ground her ass against me, carving my rod inside her bowels as she panted lustfully. And then she sat up straight, her back arching to me as she reached around, grabbed both my hands, and planted my palms on her round tits.

I still had some lube on my palms, and she directed me to begin rubbing her. My fingers took over from there, instinctively squeezing and massaging her mammaries while she began to buck her ass back at my dick.

We were almost vertical, kneeling on the bed with Taylor between my thighs as we humped each other. I used her slickened tits as handholds to guide Taylor's gyrations, experimenting to find every possible angle with my dick up her ass.

Taylor's mouth gaped open the whole time as she whimpered and panted constantly, her eyelids fluttering as she soaked up the pleasurable pain while I split her asshole wide open. And I was just enjoying the ride.

Taylor's ass was so tight, so hot, and I felt like I was melting in a sauna from the heat. I had no concept of control, and I already felt my orgasm boiling in my balls.

"Oh, Taylor! Oh, Taylor!" I groaned.

"Fuck me, fuck my ass. Cornhole the hell out of me, Jeffrey!"

"Taylor! Taylor!" I whimpered just before the bubbling explosion inside of me let loose.

"Cum! Cum in my ass!" She cried.

And then I detonated. Volley after volley of jism flew out of me, blasting away into Taylor's rectum while she continually wriggled her butt in my crotch. I felt the blissful relief settling into my brain after the third shot and then I felt her internal squeeze as Taylor found a release of her own.

Like a locomotive coming to a halt, we pulsed in unison, bouncing up and down but moving slower and slower and slower until my butt hit the bed and we stopped, my cock still embedded up Taylor's backdoor.

My muscles relaxed and my head lolled forward onto Taylor's shoulder, and she simply clutched my palms to her big tits as we both panted for oxygen. Then Taylor laughed, "Thanks for coming ... and for cumming..."

"My pleasure," I answered her honestly.

The residue from her scented shampoo gave off a wonderful fragrance. The feel of her body molded to mine, as if there were a trillion points of skin-to-skin contact between us, was absolutely incredible. Our simple embrace felt almost as pleasurable as my greatest orgasm. She smelled so good and I never wanted to let her go; but when Taylor released her grip behind my back, I knew I had to.

Still, I didn't let her completely out of my grasp. I just leaned back and looked into her royal blue eyes. "Taylor, why are you doing this? With me?"

"What, fucking? Because it feels good. Why? Do you want to stop or something?"

"No, no!" I said hurriedly. "But ... where is this going?"

"Jeffrey..." she reached her hand up and rubbed my cheek. "This isn't going anywhere. I thought you knew that. I love Johnny."

I sighed. "I ... I do, I do." My mind went back over something Melody had said. "But ... we can't just keep screwing forever without it meaning something."

"It won't be forever, Jeffrey. Things will be very different once I'm married. Maybe we can still continue, maybe not. But let's not think about that right now, okay? Just enjoy it for what it is."

"Right, right."

She leaned in and kissed me softly. It was a tender kiss, more affectionate that passionate. And before she pulled away she gave me a firm hug. "You're a great guy, Jeffrey. I've already found the one for me, but you'll make some pretty young thing very happy one day."

Taylor's eyes clicked to the side rapidly and for a second, it was like a lightbulb went off in her head. She quickly looked right back at me with an excited expression on her face.

"What?" I was just a little nervous at the eager look in Taylor's eyes.

"Nothing ... architect ... I just can't believe I didn't think of it before."


"Oh, you'll see..."


"Hi, Taylor!" I gushed into the phone. "Are you getting lonely without John? Do you need me to come cheer you up?"

"No, no, kitten," Taylor laughed. "I'm doing just fine."

"Hmph, no fair," I pouted. "Some people don't have pretty personal assistants to keep them company when John goes away on business. I'm going CRAZY around here." For the umpteenth time I wished Lindsay hadn't moved away.

"Actually, that's why I'm calling," Taylor said in a sultry voice. "There's a ... a friend of mine I think you should meet."

"Friend?" I heard the catch in Taylor's voice. "How intimately do you know this friend?"

Taylor started laughing again. "Well ... how can I put this delicately ... he just creamed a gallon of spunk up my ass twenty minutes ago."

"THAT'S 'delicately'?" I giggled. "Well if you're already using him, then why are you calling me?"

"Well for one, I can't keep him. And two, I think you and he might have something in common. I can certainly vouch for his bedroom prowess. Some girl has taught him well."

"In common?" My mind flickered back as I pondered what she could mean by that. "Wait, is he the design architect you were asking John permission to seduce?"

"That's the one."

"Is he cute?" The last guy Taylor tried to push in my direction was built like a Mack Truck but had the face of a Mack Truck as well.

"Cute enough, I think." Taylor's voice was a little wishy-washy on that point. "Seems more of a brain than brawn, honestly. But think of it this way, kitten. Even if you don't want to screw him, he'll probably have some architectural connections. Couldn't hurt for your career, Miss I-wanna-design-skyscrapers."

"I've got classes tomorrow. How about the day after?"

"I'll call you."


"You take a shower or something?" Erica asked as I walked back into the office. My hair was indeed still damp after my quick shower at Taylor's place.

Same as Jeff Thousandaire
Chapter 2: Architectural Connections Videos

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Jeff Leaves the Farm

CHAPTER 1 Love lies waiting for everyone, er almost everyone and in the romance stakes Jeff Harrison was a marginal candidate and that’s being generous. Jeff was lanky with mousy hair, big ears that almost flapped and had earned him the nickname of Dumbo at school. He tried to hide his weak chin with stubble he kept trimmed to about three-quarters of an inch but he was nibble-brained and great at fixing things. He grew up unloved because his mother wished she’d birthed two daughters rather...

2 years ago
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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 9

Jeff started his hike to the hill campus. His phone signaled a call from Chelsea. He answered it. “Hey ... How did your AMA go?” “It went well,” she replied. What sort of things did they ask?” “Mostly the usual -- when did I discover I was a trans-sexual, what is transitioning like, have I had the surgery. One asked if my boobs are real. Some tried to ask about my own sex life and Dr Wolfe cut them off and said it was off-limits.” “Do you recall anything in particular?” he asked. “One...

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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 3

Morning light roused Jeff. He saw Chelsea lying on her side and regarding him. “Morning,” he said. “Morning.” “Been awake for long?” She shrugged. “Not really...” She regarded him for a long moment. “So...” “So what?” “Any regrets?” Jeff shook his head. “No. None.” “You’re sure?” “Positive. Like I said -- you’re a girl with a different kind of clit, that’s all. You have any regrets?” “Oh, Jeff ... You can’t imagine what this has done for my self-esteem. To actually feel wanted ... to...

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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 4

Morning light roused Jeff. He opened his eyes and regarded Chelsea. She lay on her side facing him. “Morning,” he said. “Morning.” “Been awake long?” “A while. I’ve been thinking.” “About...” “About us.” “Starting to have regrets?” “It’s complicated. This weekend has been life-changing for me, Jeff. I never imagined I could have this. I never imagined I could receive a man inside me and wake up in his arms. It wouldn’t have happened with anyone else, Jeff. You’ve been so gentle and...

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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 6

Jeff loaded his and Chelsea’s luggage into the back of a gray Volvo station wagon. Livia approached her daughter. “Did you pack your prescriptions?” “Of course.” “Do you have that debit card you can use for gas?” “Yes, Mommy.” “And, the AAA card?” “Yes, Mommy. We’ll be fine. It’s only for one day.” Livia turned to Jeff. “It was a joy meeting you and knowing Chelsea has someone in her life who loves her the way that you do.” “Thanks,” Jeff replied. “I enjoyed getting to know you and...

2 years ago
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Jeff and ChelseaChapter 2

Jeff and Chelsea walked from the union holding hands. “I like that episode,” he said. “I like Tom Baker. He made the best of the Doctors.” “Mmm ... I agree. I like his sense of anarchy.” “I saw an interview with him. He said that the BBC is rather good at period costume dramas. Less so at giant man-eating rats.” “I guess that’s true,” she replied. “I think some of the cheesy special effects are part of the charm.” “Have you ever seen Logan’s Run?” “No.” “It was considered the ultimate...

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Jeff Doesnt See It Coming Part 2 of 2

Friday came and Jeff surreptitiously slipped a small bottle of olive oil into his case, not sure how he was going to get it to the gym. He stood there thinking about the gorgeous Temple and the shocking and amazing Miriam. He left the kitchen sporting a woody, which his wife never even noticed.Jeff's cock only subsided when he thought about the oil. He was afraid of what Miriam wanted it for. No, he thought he knew and it scared him, but it also excited him in a strange way. After ten years of...

Group Sex
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Jeff his Family and Me 2

Chapter 5 Jeff patted my bum as we left his house and I gave him my sexiest smile. What would happen at the Disco? My mind raced as we walked hand in hand, was I a brazen hussy or what, as we walked to the bus stop. We sat on the back-seat of the bus and he was all over me like a rash. It was all I could do to keep his hands from groping me! When we finally arrived at our stop he kissed me before escorting me off the bus and into the queue for the club. I was so happy. He didn't...

4 years ago
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Jeff and his daughter part II

Part IIKNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK!!!Jeff looked a little surprised but it only slowed his fucking by a little bit.“Expecting some one?” He asked?“Oh yea dad, Caitlyn said her dad had that thing you need done, and was going to bring it by today.” Jessica breathed in between Jeff's thrusts into her love slot.“Should we move some where more private?” Jeff asked.“No, Caitlyn's cool. If your lucky maybe she'll join you.” I said putting the camera down and walking to the kitchen to answer the...

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Jeff and his mom

It was an early summer evening. I had been out with some friendsfor a late dinner when suddenly one of them became ill. So ourplans fell through and I returned home earlier than expected.As I entered the front door, I noticed that the TV in the den wason. The den is accessible from the hall via an open door and fromthe kitchen via a swinging door. A shuttered "window" also lookedin on it from the kitchen. It was originally supposed to be adining room, but with k**s formal dining rooms are...

4 years ago
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Jeff au Poivre

"Jeff au Poivre" JEFF AU POIVRE A Playful Prose Fantasy or Short Story by Dacneus Ouch! Damn! At least that’s the very least Jeff would have shouted—or screamed—if the ball-gag hadn’t been securely wedged between the roof of his mouth and his tongue and projecting halfway down his throat. And the sharp pain of the fork’s long tines pricking playfully and selectively into different places on his naked belly and then—damn—briefly but playfully—at least that is how he gauged his master’s...

2 years ago
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Jeff his Family and Me 3

Chapter 8 That night, and for many nights afterwards, all I could think about was Jeff, his cock; his Dad, his cock; Jeff's Sister. His Sister! Was I more than confused. After all of the goings on with 2 males, here I was still lusting after his sister, Sue! I kept imagining her helping me to dress up and then descending into a "lesbian" frenzy where my "special clitty" would be put too more "traditional use". This, and Jeff's obvious infatuation with me, led me to continue...

3 years ago
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Jeff and his Daughter Part Two

Part IIThere was a knocking at the door. Jeff looked a little surprised but it only slowed his fucking by a little bit. “Expecting some one?” he asked. “Oh yea dad, Caitlyn said her dad had that thing you need done, and was going to bring it by today.” Jessica breathed in between Jeff's thrusts into her love slot. “Should we move some where more private?” Jeff asked. “No, Caitlyn's cool. If your lucky maybe she'll join you,” I said putting the camera down and walking to the kitchen to answer...

1 year ago
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Jeff turns on Carol a 51 year old

“Damnit how is it he makes me feel this way” the Fabulous Fifties host Carol Jones said as she climbed her stairs to get a quick shower. After talking to her daughter’s old friend Jeff Carr who just returned home from Arizona because of personal and legal troubles, she couldn’t believe how much he had matured. She had been lying by the pool tanning herself after a good swim. Swimming laps in her country club size pool in her back yard, Carol Jones would lie around if time warranted it to tan...

Erotic Fiction
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Jeff and his Cousin

That summer my parents were going to Kentucky to visit our family for the week and I had to stay at my aunts house with my cousin Debbie she was 20 and didn’t feel much like going. The rest of the family was going so it would be just her and me so I packed my book in my bag because I figured I would have plenty of time there to read and look at it. When they dropped me off I help my aunt and uncle put the rest of the stuff in there car and they took off right behind my mom and dad. That day I...

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Jeff his Family and Me 4

Chapter 11 As I came down the stairs, Jeff's juices squelching around up inside me and trickling down the insides of my thighs, I could see her sitting with her legs crossed sipping her wine. She looked even more pissed than earlier. Her blouse was partly undone so I could see her more than ample cleavage, her skirt half way up her thighs. I wanted to just leave but something stopped me. She asked if Jeff was OK and I said that he was just taking a nap. She smiled (rather knowingly I...

2 years ago
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Jeffs Suprise

This Story contains acts of homosexuality of young teenage boys, so if you have any problems with these topics do not read on!!!!! Jeff was in the shower prior to his best friend Lorcan came over to sleep over for the night. His daydream in the shower turns into more than a dream! As a shower of warm water hit his naked body and slowly covered ever inch of 13 year old Jeff he was in heaven, with the warmth covering him. Jeff was a very a good looking kid with brown hair, green eyes, and a...

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Jeff ThousandaireChapter 3 Adoration

STILL SATURDAY NIGHT "Ungh ... ungh ... ungh..." the pretty brunette whimpered over and again while my cock drilled in and out of her clenching pussy. Over the course of the past few weeks, I had been wondering what this would be like. The reality did not disappoint. I gripped her hips tighter as I pumped her slender body from behind, and then put my hand to the small of her back, forcing her torso down until her chest was flat on the sofa cushion. Charlotte simply licked her lips and...

2 years ago
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Well, it was settled. Jeff had propositioned both of us and we accepted. It was after 10:00 p.m. and he arrived. We didn’t want anyone in our neighborhood to suspect anything so we made it late. We all knew why Jeff was there so we didn’t waste any time. We all three stripped at the same time. It was erotic watching my wife and Jeff looking at each other as they stripped. Here was my bride looking at another guy nude for the first time since we married. Here was a close friend looking at my...

2 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 2

Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Previous Chapter Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but...

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Jeffry and Billy 5

Summary – Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry are caught by Billy's older sister! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

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Jeffry and Billy 1

Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other...

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Jeffry and Billy 4

Summary – Billy and Jeffry get caught! Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry play even more sexy games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

2 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 6

Summary - Becky apologizes and tries to make it up to poor Susie Previous Chapter Summary - Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

4 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 3

Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

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Jeffry and Billy 7

Summary - The Siblings Invite Susie to a Party! Previous Chapter Summary - Susie Meets Becky’s Boyfriend Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

3 years ago
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Jeff Zephyrs Life JZL0501 The Beginn

I was a c***d of the sixties, born about the time that John Kennedycame along to shake things up. The times they were a-changing. Myparents were 50's k**s, and my mom was just 16 when she had me. Mydad had his Harley, and I and mom rode behind him (before car seatlaws and helmets), and we lived with my dad's mom and aunt, who wealways called just Grandma and Auntie. I don't recall anythingspecifically related to sex before five years old, and even then it isvague. Like many k**s, I got to see...

1 year ago
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Jeffs Models

Jeff’s Models have a certain something about them, some unifying feature that sets them apart from other porn sites. To be honest, the girls remind me a bit of the local Tinder pickings in my town, only without the meth-addled tombstone teeth. Yes, ladies and gentlemen and assorted deviates, I’m talking about fat chicks, a subject the titular Jeff has been capturing on video since 2013. The landing page even has a little gold ribbon that says they were voted the Best BBW Site, though it doesn’t...

Premium BBW Porn Sites
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Family Connections

Family Connections Bob Collins lifted his coffee cup to his lips and breathed in the steamy scent before taking a sip. He cradled the warm cup in his hands and looked around his lush back yard, filled with trees and shrubs and surrounded by a high concrete block wall. Across the small patio table from him sat his 20 year old daughter Laurel, home for the weekend from her third semester at college and her current roommate Jill. The two girls sat side by side, slightly away from the round, glass...

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Mistress Dyvias Connections

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. A Quick intro and greeting: Hello to all my pets, fans, and anyone else who is new. I love writing, and sometimes I...

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Mistress Dyvias Connections

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. A Quick intro and greeting:Hello to all my pets, fans, and anyone else who is new.  I love writing, and sometimes I...

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For Blood or MoneyChapter 13 Redeye to Hell with Connections

I CAUGHT THE FIRST FLIGHT to Chicago that I could get a business class seat on. It was a red-eye at 12:20 in the morning. I swung by the office on the way to the airport to grab a few last minute things and write a note for Riley. The brief respite from the rain this morning had ended and I was pelted as I left the cab and moved as quickly as I could into the office. Riley had found the information that I needed to follow up on, though even she didn’t know yet what I was looking for. Far...

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Jeff the Killer Fan Requested

"Go to bed!" he screamed bashing the door once. She went to the mirror and stared at herself, her eyes moistened, her mascara leaking down her pale face.  Her face was once extremely pretty. Years of abuse from school and from her Christian parents her face was took on a sterner, and almost a depressed face. She pulled one of her black bangs out of her face sniffling once.  The girl with Marilyn Manson posters all over her walls. She took off her "Nightmare before Chrismas" sweatshirt...

4 years ago
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Jeff Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday, September 1, 2005 Mrs. Bremer was in the locker room again, but this time, she followed Zach out instead of us. When we got to Ms. Lease's class, Hunter leaned in to speak to me. "It's time I paid you back for yesterday," he said, and then picked me up and placed me on Ms. Lease's desk. I gasped as he took my penis into his mouth. He began deep-throating me as my cries of pleasure filled the classroom. "I'm cumming!" I yelled, and he pulled off me just as the first spasms...

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Jeff Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday, September 2, 2005 Hunter's brother Quint was snapping pictures of us as we undressed. I did a few poses for him before Hunter came over, his erection leading the way. "What do you say we give him a show?" he asked me. "Sounds like a plan," I responded. "Great, why don't you guys sit on that bench and stroke each other." Quint said. We sat down and took one another's cock in our hands. Quint told me to look up at Hunter. The sight of his face straining as I pleasured him...

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Jeff Naked in SchoolChapter 5

Friday, September 3, 2005 Hunter wanted to jack me off again in the locker room, but I suggested we wait until class. I wouldn't want to disappoint our audience two days in a row. We made our way to the classroom and sat down on the desk. Hunter grasped my cock in his hand and began stroking as I did the same to him. We mutually increased our speed as waves of pleasure coursed through our bodies. I turned to look at Hunter, and we kissed. He put his free hand to my face as we continued...

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The Island Final Connections

Who would have thought that eighteen years later everyone on the island would still be participating in a sexual orgy when the mood took them. After my seduction of Brian, we decided to march Brian straight into Karyn’s waiting arms, or knowing Karyn, somewhere else. Between the four of us we sketched a general plan which, as it happened, went quite well considering we were all amateurs at making plans. Only the four of us knew that Brian had been assimilated into our community. The rest would...

Group Sex
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Family Connections

[ Warning! If the topic of interracial sex offends you...DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. Thanks. ] I was on my way to meet two white married couples who had chosen to have interracial offspring, instead of their husbands fathering them. I'd been trying to arrange such a meeting for about three months. However, at first, these two couples were unsure if I was trustworthy, and I understood that perfectly well, and so I tried my very best to gain their trust; and eventually, I did. Then, at the last...

2 years ago
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Targets of OpportunityChapter 2 Recovery and Connections

Melinda Smith was getting spooked out by the Confederacy vessel. She had been one of the paramedics who had raced through the transporter to help in the marked out triage area in the transporter room. She also wanted to make sure they were doing the right thing, letting the victims be brought up here. Seeing the familiar, and dreaded, color coding of a mass casualty triage area had gotten her pulse racing and her mouth went dry. The professionalism of the medical personnel she had observed...

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Gold MountainChapter 19 Connections

The sun had fallen. Marilee saw no light through the cracks in the barn wall. Without the light beams tracking across the floor, she had no way to estimate the passage of time. She guessed it had been at least an hour since sunset; possibly less. The misery of laying cold and naked in the filth of the old barn floor stretched time into agonizing minutes that passed like hours. Her mother lay shivering against Marilee to share body warmth. The near door opened, its hinges creaking violently...

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The Romantic VigilanteChapter 5 Connections

Fraser felt the pain in his head before he came fully awake. His eyes blinked open, but quickly snapped shut again to block out the harsh bright light, which was reflecting off of the sterile white walls. The confusion in his pounding head began to clear and the memory of the masked gunman came back to him. Lying there, he mentally took stock. He flexed his arms and legs, searching for any pains that might indicate where he had been shot. Nothing other than his head seemed to feel out of...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 9 Security and Connections

Dave, Pam, and Alice looked through the one-way glass at the classroom with an array of children in it. Bobby and John, the older children he’d had with each woman, were in the class and were surprisingly behaving well. There were three ‘teachers’ or ‘facilitators’ in the room: Samantha Stone – one of the twins, Taylor Volker, and Athena Willis. Each was working with a small group of children looking at computer screens and-or workbooks. The group they could see right in front of the one-way...

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She was running late, and she hated being late for this sort of thing. It had taken too long to get the stockings on and she hated the feel of them. It had been years since she’d worn stockings with a garter belt and she wasn’t sure why she was wearing them now. It was just coffee at a Starbucks. The red suede suit with the skirt with the slits up the sides was hanging on the closet door. Too dressy? But she’d dressed in red the times before and it was Christmas. Well, almost Christmas....

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Disconnections Disconnections- a series of stories -by Eve Adorer Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?.  Sulina ToledoSynopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition. Sulina Toledo ? Part ONESulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing....

4 years ago
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My Life Part 14 Renovations and Reconnections

"Well that is cryptic" I said. "Can't wait to hear about it tonight!" Katie said with a smile. She kissed me. "But I am running late for class. Reagan is going to drop the little one off at mom's and take the kids to school." She kissed me. "I love you!" I headed over to Escondido to see what it was that Mounika found. When I arrived I saw a different car in front and a dumpster out front. Mounika met me at the door. She had been excitedly awaiting me. She jumped on me,...

3 years ago
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Jeffreys Divorce and Recovery

Amy had only been in her job at Harriman Manufacturing for about three months when she realized she and Mr. Harriman’s Administrative Assistant’s Secretary were friends. At first when she ate in the employees’ dining room she would eat with her friends from the Marketing Department. One day Janet Daily came up to her and asked if she could join her at the table. Amy was surprised at how much they had in common and before long they ate lunch together every time Janet was in the office. Sometimes...

4 years ago
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Jeffys Adventures in Alberton

Jeff's Adventures in Alberton By Katie Dale I was fourteen. Life at home stank ? I was the youngest of five kids. My older siblings (two boys and two girls) were really successful in everything they did ? the girls were gorgeous and the boys were strong and muscular. They were all brilliant. I, on the other hand, was a very skinny boy, and not at all muscular. I did okay at school but wasn't outstanding like the rest of them. I could hardly play sports, and truth be told, didn't...

4 years ago
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Jefferys Divorce and Recovery

Amy had only been in her job at Harriman Manufacturing for about three months when she realized she and Mr. Harriman's Administrative Assistant's Secretary were friends. At first when she ate in the employees' dining room she would eat with her friends from the Marketing Department. One day Janet Daily came up to her and asked if she could join her at the table. Amy was surprised at how much they had in common and before long they ate lunch together every time Janet was in the office....

1 year ago
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Jefferey and Layla

Jeffery rubbed his throbbing member and plunged his fuck stick into the soft, fertile soil. He thrusted it deeper until he couldn't stand the burning sensation any longer...the grass must have been fertilized earlier. He rinsed off with the garden hose and his balls shriveled up like dehydrated prunes. He made his way over to the zucchini patch to indulge in his homosexual desires and savagely unrooted a thick bulging specimen of vegetable fuck and proceeded to ram it vigorously into his...

3 years ago
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Andreas Two Connections

Excuse me Miss, but… blah, blah, blah a man spoke to me as he grabbed my wrist as I walked past him. Im sorry? I replied, turning to face him. The music in the club was so loud, I couldnt hear everything that he was saying. Still holding my wrist, he bent forward and whispered in my ear, I said that you have amazing breasts! Stunned, I smiled and replied, Thank you! He let go of my wrist and lent forward again. I didnt know how you would respond. You might have slapped me. The tall handsome...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 18 Connections

June 23, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “Mario called last night to let me know he was safely in Los Angeles,” Julia said to kick off our Monday morning meeting. “What did you decide about Cincinnati?” I asked. “Cindi and I will do it,” Julia said. “With your sister and Elyse handling the day-to-day administrative stuff for the summer, I can spend the time. The real pinch is that it’s going to take Cindi away from sales for a week. We don’t have an option, though, because we really can’t afford...

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