Gold Birmingham Escorts
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The sun had fallen. Marilee saw no light through the cracks in the barn wall. Without the light beams tracking across the floor, she had no way to estimate the passage of time. She guessed it had been at least an hour since sunset; possibly less. The misery of laying cold and naked in the filth of the old barn floor stretched time into agonizing minutes that passed like hours. Her mother lay shivering against Marilee to share body warmth.
The near door opened, its hinges creaking violently in protest. She turned her head. She saw a dark figure lean down to set something on the floor. Then it pulled something from under one arm and tossed it, a formless shape, in her direction.
“Food, water, blanket,” a growling voice said. The shape moved away and pushed the door shut with another loud squeal of complaint from the hinges. She heard another small squeak of a rusty hinge and the ‘snick’ sound of a padlock snapping closed.
“Mother, I’ll move over and see what’s there. If there are blankets, I’ll toss one to you. If I can do it without spilling it, I’ll move the food and water closer.”
Madeline sat up. Marilee rolled onto her bound hands and knees. She ‘inch-wormed’ her way to the door, carefully steadying herself on spread knees to reach out, slowly, her hands taped together, to feel around. She felt a rough blanket. She pulled it to herself, wadding it up.
“Mom. I’m tossing the blanket to you.” She swung her arms around, releasing the blanket towards the manger and her mother.
“Got it,” Madeline answered. “Is there food? Water? Oh, please, let there be water at least!”
Marilee carefully searched along the floor, sweeping her hands from side to side. Yes! A cold jug. A paper sack! She reached into the bag. Sandwiches!
“Mom, there’s a jug of water and a sack of sandwiches. I’ll bring them over.” She found it very difficult to move herself with the jug and sack. She rose up to support herself on her knees, moved the jug, and then the sack, as far forward as she could without falling forward. She placed her hands on the floor just behind them, and scooted her knees forward. Reach and scoot; reach and scoot. She tore her bare knee on something. A nailhead!
Damn that hurts! An old, rusty nail had worked itself up out of the plank floor. It gashed her left kneecap. Blood began running. Filthy floor litter crusted on the wound when she brought her knees down again to move back to the stall.
I must wash it! she thought. Make it bleed clean, then use a little water.
It was a gallon glass jug, the kind with the molded finger hole below the neck. She could just spread her hands enough to hold it up and drink. She took two swallows. Then she held it out to her mother.
“You put a finger through the grip hole, Mom. I’ll hold the bottom to take the weight and steady it while you drink. I took two swallows. Let’s be careful and make it last.”
They found two sandwiches in the paper sack. Bread and bologna, with cheese slices, the kind that comes in plastic wrappers. Nothing else.
Marilee rested the jug on the floor and sat close to it. Her mother tipped it forward carefully to pour a trickle of water into her extended, upturned hands. “Enough,” she cautioned. She slapped the water onto her left knee before it trickled away. She rubbed the wet crust of blood and filth away. “Again, please,” she asked. Twice more she flung water against her knee and scrubbed with her bare palms. She ignored the pain. The nailhead had torn a ragged gash. It began bleeding again, free of the clotted dirt. It will stop, she thought. I’ll have to keep it off the floor, keep it clean.
The blanket was rough wool, thick and dark, although it was impossible to see color in their dark confinement. If she snuggled tight against her mother, they could lay on half the blanket and pull the remainder over themselves. The night dragged on. She could feel the cold on her face; the temperature was falling fast. After a time her mother stopped shivering as their body warmth grew under the blanket.
Oh, Graydon! We need you! her mind called, over and over in a silent plea. She called to her love. She called again and again, calling out their plight: the abandoned barn, the cold night, laying naked and bound in the stall. Long minutes, long into the night, she called. It calmed her. Somehow she knew. He would hear her mind’s plea. He would come. She fell asleep. And the dream came.
Graydon fell asleep, physically exhausted and emotionally distraught. He blamed himself for failing to consider the threat to Madeline, to Marilee. He tossed about, the sheet and blanket wrapped around him, binding him. He woke sweating and half-panicked. He glanced to the other motel bed; Mike slept, his breathing ragged and irregular. He, too, was troubled. His dreams must be very bad, Graydon thought.
He left the bed, padded in bare feet to the bathroom and using the light coming from the window, rinsed his face and unwrapped a plastic glass. The water tasted stale and reeked of chlorine. He sluiced the phlegm and sour taste from his mouth, wondering if the chemical taste was any better substitute. He relieved himself, returned to his bed, and lay awake on his back for a long, silent time, staring up at the ceiling.
She is calling ... she is hurt, in pain, bound and helpless ... she is calling...
Graydon heard the call in his mind, in his dream, repeating, insistent. He came alert in his dream state.
Nighthawk! he cried.
She is calling! Nighthawk replied. They are hurt.
Hurt! How badly? Where are they? Are they together?
small hurt but it will grow worse, much worse. She and her mother, they are together. She does not know where.
Please, nighthawk! I must see her, talk to her.
Reach out to her. Answer her call. She waits. Seek her. You will find her waiting. Nighthawk faded from his vision. A faint call came from a far place. Graydon, frantic, urgent, fearing for her, focused on that dim, far voice.
... need you ... pain ... cold ... help us.
Marilee! he cried. He soared forward, the dreamscape rushing past. He saw in the darkness, two forms huddled together under a blanket lying on a filthy floor in a stall. He hovered, casting about to see a location. Nothing but darkness. He could see nothing surrounding the vision.
Marilee! he cried again. A small, frightened girl rose to meet him, hovering. Her arms were bound at the wrists; her ankles bound tightly together. An ugly gash reached part way across her knee.
Graydon! You came. You heard! Oh, my love...
You are hurt! he cried. Where are you? We will come. Do you know where?
No, she cried. We were drugged. We woke up here in this place. I ... we can’t see anything. Just the sun shining through the cracks between the old boards. I can’t get close enough. I can’t see out.
We must find you! Graydon urged. When did they take you from the house?
I’d just got home from school. I came straight home. Then somebody knocked at the door. They crashed in!
Was it still daylight when you woke up, where you are now?
Yes, but the sun was low. The sunbeams through the cracks in the wall stretched across the floor, in long streaks. I woke up, then I think it was maybe an hour, Mom woke up. The sun was still up but very low. I can only guess how long we were here before I woke up. An hour? Less? A little more? I don’t know, Graydon. I just don’t know!
That’s fine, love. You can’t be more than a few hours from home. Sunset was about seven thirty. You got home from school not long after three thirty, when school got out, right?
Yes, it was nearly four o’clock when Mom answered the door.
Alright. From four o’clock to seven thirty, minus an hour while you waited for your mother to wake up. Figure another half hour they spent loading and unloading you guys, that’s a maximum of three hours they could drive. On local highways, and being careful not to be spotted, and maybe changing vehicles. And then driving over who-knows-what roads to get to that barn. I would figure no more than a hundred miles, at the absolute most.
Graydon, it must be open to the west from here. The sun was very low before sunset. It didn’t go behind a mountain or anything.
That helps. You can’t be in the valley. The mountains and hills on both sides are too steep.
Graydon! I heard something earlier! It ... it was an airplane, not far away. I was trying to sleep. I kept waking up. It was cold. Mom was shivering, and my knee was hurting and I was so...
What kind of airplane? What did it sound like? And after dark! Close enough for you to hear it? It wasn’t a jet, an airliner. They fly too high. You wouldn’t hear it loud enough to notice.
No! Not one of those. This was ... different. Only one engine, with a big rumbling sound. And it was funny. It sounded like it kept going back and forth. It would get loud for a moment, and then kinda make a diving sound, and then sound like it was flying low and straight, then it would get loud like climbing, and then ... it kept doing that over and over, Graydon. What was that? It was a big rumbling engine. It sounded powerful. Not far away, maybe a mile or two?
Wonderful! Oh, Marilee! You’ve nailed it! That was a powerful, single-engine airplane, alright. It was a crop-duster! That’s what they do. They fly at night, so the air is still and the spray doesn’t drift and cause problems for the neighbors. And they fly back and forth across the field. They climb and make a hard turn at each end, line up with their flagman’s light, and make another level run. You described exactly what they sound like! Marilee, what direction was it from where you are?
North, or maybe northwest of us. The sunset came through the cracks at the far end of this old barn, to our left; and the sound came through the wall in front of us, which would be the north wall. Does that help?
Oh, you wonderful smart girl. Yes, it helps. Marilee, how did you get hurt? How bad is it?
Just after dark; it got really, really dark. Somebody brought water and a couple of sandwiches. He ... it must have been a man, because he only said three words and it was like a low growl. And he set them on the floor, just inside the door, and he backed out. So trying to scoot the stuff back to our stall, I snagged my knee on an old nail that worked up from the floor plank. It tore my knee open. It bled and got really dirty. Oh, damn it, Graydon. It hurts and I’m scared and I’m whining like a little girl!
You ARE a little girl, sweetheart. You’re your daddy’s little girl, and you’re MY precious girl. So you’re allowed to cry and complain a little. but only a little, okay?
You goof! I’ll have a good cry when this is all over. Please, come get us?
Immediately, if not sooner, love. Okay?
Graydon lay awake after that, thinking, thinking ... planning. It was obvious what needed doing, given the priceless information about the crop duster. He’d have to wait until dawn. Then he and Mike and Molly would call all the known crop duster bases in the immediate region. When and where did they make any night flights? And was there any abandoned barns within a couple of miles of where they’d sprayed?
“We got it! Molly shrieked, bouncing around the motel room, almost forgetting to let go of the telephone handset before jerking everything to the floor. “Greenfield Aviation, a small one-man crop duster outfit. Off of Anderson Field, the Brewster Airport! Gus Greenfield said he had a job last night, a big haying operation. Eight hundred acres of alfalfa with a bad weevil infestation, across the river just south of Monse.”
“Brewster! That’s easily within my distance estimate, guys!” Graydon stared back at Molly, who’d stopped bouncing around. “Does he know of any old barns in the area?”
“There’s a lot of old homesteads between Brewster and Okanogan, Graydon. Before the Columbia dams, a lot of hopeful homesteaders tried to make it near the river, but most of them couldn’t hang on. Times got hard. It was expensive to pump water from the river, and lots of things were against them. Now that the reservoir is there from the new dam, that’s all changed. Big outfits have taken up with huge sprinkling systems. Anyway, we’ll go take a quick look. We’ll find that barn!”
They were minutes away from the Okanogan airport and Molly’s airplane. Mike sat beside Molly in front; Graydon sat in back. Molly announced their takeoff on the unicom frequency to alert any aircraft in the area, and they were flying.
Jim Brightman and Frank Jacobs rousted Abner Goode. He drove them to the courthouse to warn Sheriff Johnson and his deputies to be ready when Molly called in a probable location.
“I have the aircraft VHF radio. Sheriff Johnson has his own radio system, but it’s probably not capable of tuning the aircraft band. So I asked Gus at the airport to stand by and monitor; when I radio in a probable sighting, he’ll relay by telephone to the Sheriff. That’s the best we can do, with what we got,” Molly explained.
The Monse area, a tiny cluster of homes surrounded by orchards and hayfields, was just a few minutes flight southeast from Okanogan, following the Columbia River.
“I don’t want to fly too low or circle anything too close,” she explained over the airplane’s headsets. “If somebody is there, we don’t want to spook them. Graydon, grab those binoculars from the side pocket back there. Pass them up to Mike. I can ease up and go slow and steady so he can give whatever we find a good look.”
They spotted their prospect south of the huge hayfield complex. The strip of land, overgrown in weeds and brush, lay between the hillside sagebrush flats, the irrigated fields, and the steep river banks. A rutted two-track road connected it, winding up through the sagebrush to intersect with the highway a mile away. It was the only possible approach to the derelict farmhouse. A weathered gray barn, roofed with rusted steel panels stood a short distance away alongside small outbuildings. Most of those were fallen over or standing open to the weather, their roofs gone. A van sat parked by the house, close to the side away from the highway. Nobody would ever spot the house or the van except from the neighboring field or from the air.
“Mike, I’ll ease back on the throttle and glide for a minute to steady us. Get those glasses on that van. Read that lettering on the side, and try to get a read on the license plate.
“Got it. Oh, my! It says ‘Cascade Telephone’ on the side. The back license plate is muddied up to obscure it, but I recognize the general pattern. It’s a Colorado plate! That’s got to be the kidnappers!”
“Great! We’ve been high and distant so we’ve done nothing to spook them. I’ll bear off to go hang over the hills. We can watch and provide oversight and guidance. I’ll call Gus now.”
The plan came together very quickly. Sheriff Johnson, realizing he had ‘eyes in the sky,’ dispatched a deputy and his car to Anderson Field to provide a radio link from Gus Greenfield’s aviation base radio to the Sheriff’s repeater system. He called the hospital to request that an ambulance be dispatched to attend him, to stand back from the rescue scene and wait for his call. He then called all of his remaining deputies to prepare for a hostage rescue. It was still early morning. FBI Agent Dougherty had not reported in.
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Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. A Quick intro and greeting:Hello to all my pets, fans, and anyone else who is new. I love writing, and sometimes I...
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It was the last but one day of competition and Jake sat on the bench on the walkway that led between the stadium and the athlete’s village. He felt dejected and deflated, his elbows propped up on his knees and his head in his hands. Fourth place was worse than coming last. He was the nearly man. Four years of blood, sweat and tears destroyed by one hundredth of a second. As he picked up his bottle of water Talinka and Trynka approached on their way to celebrate their gold and silver...
Group SexWarning, there is adult material in this story. If you are under 18 or offended by such, don't read any further. If anyone else wishes to archive , please contact me. Gold Digger By Morpheus. Philip walked into his mansion, looking around, pleased at how nice it looked. He was sure that, like always, it would impress Carly, his secretary. As it always did. He'd worked very hard for the mansion, and all the rest of his money, having worked hard then wisely invested. ...
Thursday: I was awoken by the arrival of a chopper again. They were bringing in the heaters and the required pipes and fittings to support them. They set the load down in front of the huts, and then the chopper flew off without landing. A short time later, the second chopper and load arrived; set the load down and departed also. At breakfast, Junior interrupted my conversation with Jenn, to ask if I wanted to help connect the heaters in the huts. I agreed and after breakfast, Jenn ferried...
Our arrival at the camp was not what I expected. All work had stopped and everybody was gathered around the plane as it was tied up against the bank. Dad was, of course, the first one off the plane, having flown in the co-pilots position. He was met by an old man, who said something to him. The next thing I knew, they were hugging. Jenn leaned forward, looking out the door said, "That is my grandpa. What's going on?" "I have no idea." "Art served in the same National Guard Unit with...
Monday - continued: While at lunch, I asked Rob and Art, "What do you think of leaving my side logs extended out from the front of my cabin, and use the spare logs to make a porch?" Both men sat there and thought but Jenn said, "That would be nice, maybe someday you could screen it in." I know she was thinking about the swarms of mosquitoes that seem to be particularly bad since the last wet spell we had. "I think it is doable, but we need to build a foundation under the logs that...
Thursday: I walked down to the camp. Things were quiet and Nukka was coming out of the dining tent, so I asked her "Where is everybody?" "They have gone hunting and fishing today. Some of the men went down river to meet the salmon and will be gone for three or four days. Art and Rob have gone to find where the caribou herds are located." "Who is in camp?" "Mainly us women. Of course, there are the troopers and radio operators too." "Where is Tommy?" "Oh yeah, Tommy and Pa are...
I CAUGHT THE FIRST FLIGHT to Chicago that I could get a business class seat on. It was a red-eye at 12:20 in the morning. I swung by the office on the way to the airport to grab a few last minute things and write a note for Riley. The brief respite from the rain this morning had ended and I was pelted as I left the cab and moved as quickly as I could into the office. Riley had found the information that I needed to follow up on, though even she didn’t know yet what I was looking for. Far...
Who would have thought that eighteen years later everyone on the island would still be participating in a sexual orgy when the mood took them. After my seduction of Brian, we decided to march Brian straight into Karyn’s waiting arms, or knowing Karyn, somewhere else. Between the four of us we sketched a general plan which, as it happened, went quite well considering we were all amateurs at making plans. Only the four of us knew that Brian had been assimilated into our community. The rest would...
Group Sex[ Warning! If the topic of interracial sex offends you...DON'T READ ANY FURTHER. Thanks. ] I was on my way to meet two white married couples who had chosen to have interracial offspring, instead of their husbands fathering them. I'd been trying to arrange such a meeting for about three months. However, at first, these two couples were unsure if I was trustworthy, and I understood that perfectly well, and so I tried my very best to gain their trust; and eventually, I did. Then, at the last...
Melinda Smith was getting spooked out by the Confederacy vessel. She had been one of the paramedics who had raced through the transporter to help in the marked out triage area in the transporter room. She also wanted to make sure they were doing the right thing, letting the victims be brought up here. Seeing the familiar, and dreaded, color coding of a mass casualty triage area had gotten her pulse racing and her mouth went dry. The professionalism of the medical personnel she had observed...
Fraser felt the pain in his head before he came fully awake. His eyes blinked open, but quickly snapped shut again to block out the harsh bright light, which was reflecting off of the sterile white walls. The confusion in his pounding head began to clear and the memory of the masked gunman came back to him. Lying there, he mentally took stock. He flexed his arms and legs, searching for any pains that might indicate where he had been shot. Nothing other than his head seemed to feel out of...
Dave, Pam, and Alice looked through the one-way glass at the classroom with an array of children in it. Bobby and John, the older children he’d had with each woman, were in the class and were surprisingly behaving well. There were three ‘teachers’ or ‘facilitators’ in the room: Samantha Stone – one of the twins, Taylor Volker, and Athena Willis. Each was working with a small group of children looking at computer screens and-or workbooks. The group they could see right in front of the one-way...
She was running late, and she hated being late for this sort of thing. It had taken too long to get the stockings on and she hated the feel of them. It had been years since she’d worn stockings with a garter belt and she wasn’t sure why she was wearing them now. It was just coffee at a Starbucks. The red suede suit with the skirt with the slits up the sides was hanging on the closet door. Too dressy? But she’d dressed in red the times before and it was Christmas. Well, almost Christmas....
Disconnections Disconnections- a series of stories -by Eve Adorer Disconnections - Overall Synopsis:?Disconnections? comprises independent, and not interdependent, stories. Though not interconnected, the stories have a common theme: the ?disconnections? of the overall title. I hope you?ll enjoy them ?. Sulina ToledoSynopsis: A becoming mission beckons ambition. Sulina Toledo ? Part ONESulina Toledo sat checking her clipboard. The all-female studio audience murmured, conversing....
"Well that is cryptic" I said. "Can't wait to hear about it tonight!" Katie said with a smile. She kissed me. "But I am running late for class. Reagan is going to drop the little one off at mom's and take the kids to school." She kissed me. "I love you!" I headed over to Escondido to see what it was that Mounika found. When I arrived I saw a different car in front and a dumpster out front. Mounika met me at the door. She had been excitedly awaiting me. She jumped on me,...
It was a crisp winter’s day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...
Straight SexSTARTING YOUNGGoldilocks, yes she had hair like that, absolutely right, down to her navel. But who was she really?Photographing her, painting her. Reaching under her short little Catholic skirt and touching the silk of her naked thighs, I thought of all that, too, I have to admit. I thought of kissing her, seeing if her face was as soft as it looked - baby flesh.Yes, it was there from the start, especially once she gave me the age-old inviting smile and her eyes became, for a moment, a woman’s...
Anyways, my father remarried a couple years ago; my biological mother, Whitney, married my father 2 years before I was born, and she died in a big pile-up on the Eastern Highway coming home from work when I was a 1-year-old. I’ve never seen a picture of her, but I reckon she had black, silky hair and sharp green eyes, because I couldn’t have inherited them from my brown-haired, hazel-eyed Dad. Yeah, I’m fairly certain Trisha married Dad for the money. Trisha is a complete bombshell, and my...
The Sphinx lay hidden between the pyramids and sand dunes like my clit between the folds of my pussy lips. It was 45oC in the shade, if you could find it. We were busy producing a cheap documentary film on the Egyptian theology of an afterlife for a PBS channel. Michael, my cameraman, was a tall well-build man with long blond hair. He handled his Sony digital video camera as if it was a toy. We were pretending to be tourists to avoid paying bribes to the authorities and to evade their scrutiny....
SupernaturalI was a single guy during the first few months of 2001. And that's the way i wanted it to be. However, being a horny 19 year old guy, i still needed to get out some frustrations from time to time. So one night out of boredom, I had decided to try an online dating service just for shits and giggles. I signed up, posted a couple of pictures, and went shopping for dates. I had always thought of online dating as shady, and kinda lame, but in those days in kind of was. This was before meeting...
One of the hardest things I have had to go through was when the Humper County National Bank was robbed. I mean that the only thing that applied was "comedy of errors." Or, as it was said when I was in the marines and my delicate bride for life, Emily, was being true to me in her own way, the term was FUBAR. (That's the initials for "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.") And it took Moose, Brenda, Connie and me to straighten things out while Homer stayed home and got his dick made happy. He...
Once we had finished our discussion, Jenn and I decided to head to Fairbanks for the night. I needed to go to the bank the following day and transfer funds to cover our purchases. On the way to town, Jenn told me Lee was having a hard time because she was of Chinese descent and people were harassing her. When we entered Fairbanks, Jenn pointed out where several Asian businesses had closed and had their windows boarded up. Jenn explained that people had thrown rocks through the windows and...
Monday: The first thing after breakfast, we took sling cables to the equipment rental place and made the necessary connections to the Case 580SL. Once that was done, a quick radio call brought the Skycrane, which hovered while we made the connections to the lift cable. Before we left the rental yard, we picked up some scaffolding and ladders. Next, we swung by Architectural Metal Products and selected the roofing material we wanted. We used their forklift to move the material out into the...
Graydon found himself standing in a recessed doorway set three feet into the side of a dull-red brick wall, a wall that stretched away for fifty feet in both directions. High above his head he’d seen a row of closely-spaced wooden-sash windows, some displaying flower-pots on their sills with curtains in their upper half. Must be apartments up there, he guessed. He faced a stained glass-paned door, massively framed and fitted with heavy bronze hinges and locking pull handles. Gold-leaf...
Roadblocks Lawyer Adams had dealt with the three stooges but it didn’t solve his most pressing problem: how to pry the prized real estate loose from Purdy Kendricks’ unwilling fingers. His attempt to approach Kendricks in his hospital room at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane proved equally hopeless. “I’m sorry, Mr. Adams. There is no patient registered here by that name,” he was told. “Was there a patient by that name who has since been discharged?” he asked. “I’m sorry again, Mr. Adams, but...
Manhunt Sheriff Johnson well recalled Bertrand Adams from the man’s involvement with the ‘clown circus’ as he’d come to regard the incident of the three Methow Valley men who’d accosted Patch Adams and Purdy Kendricks and ‘accidentally’ shot Purdy during a show of bravado, ‘killing’ Patch’s ancient Model A truck with pistol shots through the radiator. Yes, he remembered quite well. But he didn’t have any specific identification or photographs of their lawyer. Wait a minute, he thought. He...
Emily smiled when we all slipped in to her room. "Family only," a waddling old nurse yelled at us. "Shoo. Shoo-shoo." "We're the husbands," Homer said and we went on in. "I'm the sister," Brenda said. "I'm the goddam' baby brother." Moose said, grinning. "I'm the other wife and business manager. They don't sign anything without me." Connie said and shoved the old dinosaur out of the way. "Beat it," Brenda told the unhappy nurse and pulled a knife out of her boot. The...
Excuse me Miss, but… blah, blah, blah a man spoke to me as he grabbed my wrist as I walked past him. Im sorry? I replied, turning to face him. The music in the club was so loud, I couldnt hear everything that he was saying. Still holding my wrist, he bent forward and whispered in my ear, I said that you have amazing breasts! Stunned, I smiled and replied, Thank you! He let go of my wrist and lent forward again. I didnt know how you would respond. You might have slapped me. The tall handsome...