Sylvia s Pleasures Part 1
- 4 years ago
- 40
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Monday - continued:
While at lunch, I asked Rob and Art, "What do you think of leaving my side logs extended out from the front of my cabin, and use the spare logs to make a porch?"
Both men sat there and thought but Jenn said, "That would be nice, maybe someday you could screen it in." I know she was thinking about the swarms of mosquitoes that seem to be particularly bad since the last wet spell we had.
"I think it is doable, but we need to build a foundation under the logs that would hold up the roof." stated Art.
"The logs only extend out about six or eight feet and the supports would be for looks, more than support, so we could pour the footing some other day." commented Rob, Then he continued, "We should attach the end logs, then the back log, leaving the front log to the last. We can then secure the back log with more bolts than we have been using, giving it more strength."
"Will this take a lot of time?" I asked.
"Not really, the extra time will be the notching of the end logs and installing the rafters that will become the roof of your front porch." replied Rob.
Next we discussed what I needed to do about the possible drainage problem I would have on the back side of my cabin. It was decided we would use a back-hoe to dig a trench across the back and down the sides then fill it with large rocks to provide a path for the runoff to follow. Art and Rob both agreed, it was most likely a good idea to do the same at their cabins too.
A short time later, the radio let us know that Bob was inbound with the stove, so we headed for my cabin. Lowering the stove into the cabin was no problem and we were ready for Roy when he arrived with four more logs. This time Rob had the men roll one of the logs off the back of the cabin. When I asked if that was a good idea, he said with the number of men we had available, we could lift it back up without too much trouble. Then he said, "The problem would be if we had to do that for the sides or front because we would have to raise one end higher than our heads." I had to agree, the idea of standing on a slope and lifting a thirty-foot log, just did not seem to be a good idea.
Practice is good. Moving the two end logs into place was easier now and it took us very little time to get the back log in place and secured with the extra bolts. Now and we were ready to lift the last log onto cabin. It took all of 15 minutes to gather the men and lift that log up onto the cabin. The notching and securing was completed just before Roy returned with four more logs.
After the logs were lowered into place, Bob showed up with a load of flooring, which we had delivered to a spot between Art's and Rob's cabins. Rob used a ladder to notch the logs that extended out past the front of my cabin. While that was going on, I managed to notch the log which would go across the front porch of my cabin.
Latter Roy returned with the last three logs which made up the porch supports and the ridge pole supports and the ridge pole. Then he landed for the day and came to help us. Art started to notch the sidewall logs and ridge log at both ends. I cut the ridge pole supports to length. Within an hour, both tasks were completed. The men immediately started putting rafters in place to hold everything in position. By the time, we were called to dinner; all the rafters were in place.
As we sat down to dinner, Bob interrupted us by saying he was inbound with a load of supplies from the State Police. We had him lower the supplies onto the ramp in front of the hanger before he landed for the day.
During dinner I asked, "Roy, how much more time can you spend in the air and not exceed FAA rules?"
"Right now we have been pushing it and will have to take a day off soon."
"That's fine but what will happen to your business."
"Most of our business has dropped off because of the cost of fuel. Our arrangement with Rob was for our time, plus fuel. Rob had two large fuel bladders installed at our field and we have been using that gas to ferry your stuff here. Incidentally one of those fuel bladders is empty now."
"I guess we could see if the State police want to use it now." suggested Rob.
"That's a good idea. How much fuel is left in the second bladder?" I asked.
"We took one tank load out today for Bob's chopper, so I would say we should have enough gas to bring all the other items you need to complete your cabin and the woodshop." replied Roy.
"Rob, do you know anywhere we might be able to buy more AV gas at a reasonable price?" I asked.
"Why?" queried Rob.
"Well, as we have progressed much faster than I expected, we will either need to buy more plywood and Formica to make our cabinets and counters or, we need to buy them already made. Also, I forgot about interior doors for our cabins." I explained.
"I guess we really need to talk with Tommy. He would have a greater knowledge about what is available." said Rob.
"Who's talking about me behind my back?" said Tommy as he and George walked up.
"We were wondering where we might buy more gas at a reasonable price." I said.
"George Walker crashed last year. His widow still owns one of his planes, spare parts and as far as I know a couple of storage tanks full of gas. The problem in the past was, she wanted to sell the whole kit and caboodle. Incidentally, the plane she is selling is the mate to mine."
"I take that to mean the spare parts will work on either plane."
"That's true enough."
"Let's find out what she wants for everything."
"Do we need the property?" asked Jenn.
"No, maybe you have more kin we can give it to. What we do need is the gas and spare parts. I want to learn to fly, so having the plane is also a good deal. If we can pick everything up for a reasonable price, then we come out ahead on just the price of the gas alone."
"I need to fly George back to Fairbanks tomorrow, so I will stop and talk to her." said Tommy.
"I am fixed wing qualified, and can fly your plane. I also have a few hours left before I need to take some downtime. Would you like me to come along tomorrow?" asked Bob.
"Sure. Can your big chopper fly one of those bladders back full?" asked Tommy.
"No, but the Air Force has a chopper that could. I am sure if Captain Stumpf were to ask for their help, they could fly it back for us."
"I think I know the field Tommy is talking about. I could stop and refuel there. Its only about five miles from my place." stated Roy.
"Tommy, how much did Widow Walker want?" I asked.
"In April, when I talked to her after the funeral, she said that she wanted $115,000.00 for it all. I thought that was a very good deal, but didn't have that type of cash money and the bank was unwilling to lend it to me." explained Tommy.
"How are we doing for funds, Jenn?" I asked.
"We have plenty in the bank to cover that, plus we hit a nice little pocket the other day, and now have between 12 and 13 ounces of gold." said Jenn.
An excited Tommy said, "That's great! According to George here, the price of gold is now over $1000.00 per ounce."
"Speaking of the mine, has all the equipment been serviced?"
"Yes, we serviced them today. We need to buy a couple more air and oil filters for the bulldozer and the front-end loaders for future use. If you want, we could start mining operations right now." said Frank.
"That is not necessary, I really would like to sleep in, tomorrow morning, if possible." I pleaded.
"Boss, none of us will leave until we see your smiling face in the morning." said Tommy.
Frank held his hands up and said, "Don't look at me. I plan to sleep in also."
Mary, who had been quiet through the whole conversation said, "I'm having trouble keeping mud out of my new house."
"What can we do about it, Mary?" I asked before Art or Rob could say anything.
"Putting wood down would be a temporary fix. Last time I went fishing up the second creek, east of here I saw some shale. That would make good stepping stones." explained Mary
Before I could even open my mouth, Jenn added, "The slate would look good in front of your door or even under the entire front porch."
I sighed and said "Who is going to get this slate?"
"The boys will help us, but we women should be able to load it into a riverboat and off-load it to a hopper, to be carried up to the cabins." explained Nukka.
"That would be fine with me. I would like a slate porch too. Please just be careful of the slate snakes." I suggested.
"There are no snakes around here!" stated Jenn.
"Well, let me tell you, Virginia had copperhead and water moccasin snakes. I have killed several of both types. Texas and New Mexico had rattlers. Every time you want to move something in the woods or field, you need to push it with a stick to be sure you are not bothering one of them critters. All three types of snakes love to live under large flat rocks like slate." I explained.
George added to it by saying, "Aren't those snakes the ones, if they bite you, you only have about two minutes to live?"
"That's right! The worst part is their size. They range from 2 to 3 foot and are between a ¼ and ½ inch thick and are solid grey-black with black eyes." added Frank.
It wasn't long before everybody said good night. Jenn took me across the river. Then we decided to cuddle again. I woke up about 5 and managed to get up and go to the bathroom. On the way, I found the tie cord that look like it came out of the hood of a sweatshirt. After rubbing dirt into the tie, it changed its color perfectly to resemble a slate snake. Then I saw some monofilament fishing line and borrowed about three feet. I tied one end to the snake, which I placed under Jenn's boots. The other end, I tied a slipknot and slipped it over the end of her thumb.
I was lying there quietly waiting for her to wake up. I must have fallen back to sleep. Apparently, Jenn tried to get out of bed without waking me. As soon as she reached for her boots, she saw the slate snake move. Of course this caused Jenn to jump back and, lo and behold, that snake then attacked her. I know everybody on the north side of the river was awake in a second. I can't vouch for the south side. Art Sr. was the first one through the door and stopped short, carrying a shotgun. Then he started to laugh so hard he could hardly stand. Tommy and George were right behind him, laughing also.
Then Jenn caught on and turned on me. I claimed innocence and asked all three men if they had seen me get up and get the snake. Jenn said that was no proof at all, because they would lie for me. "Well honey, I have been holding you all night. Don't you think you would have missed me if I had left?" Now that is known as a loaded question. If Jenn says "no", then you can say she must not really love me, on the other hand; if she says "yes", then I would ask, how could I possibly be responsible.
The capper was when Frank stepped through the door and asked Jenn what she was doing with his pet slate snake. Then, he proceeded to catch the snake behind the head and carry out of the room while he talked to it. His acting was definitely that deserving of an Oscar.
With Frank having taken the Slate Snake out of the room, things got back to normal and we got dressed and headed across the river. Jenn was still giving me strange looks from time to time. Junior met us when we tied up the riverboat and inquired if Jenn was okay.
"It's not funny! I was scared half to death!" Jenn told him rather loudly, which just caused Junior to crack up. Jenn turned and gave me a furious look, before stomping on up the float, without another word.
The worst was yet to come for Jenn. Her mother and father acted real concerned about her. They got her to set down, supplied her with coffee and asked her what she wanted for breakfast. Yes, you have guessed it. Jenn was served the Slate Snake cut into bite size pieces. Rob said, "You catch it. You eat it." when he put it down in front of her.
Now the reaction that Jenn displayed was not what I expected. She looked down at the late Slate Snake, reached out, picked up a piece and threw it at me, without a single word being said. I thought she would have left the table, except her mother placed a hand on her shoulder and said "Jennifer!" Jenn settled right down and muttered, "I'm sorry." at me. I reached across the table and gave her hand a quick squeeze adding, "That's okay."
Now the whole puzzle to me, is when I cornered Frank later about cutting up my snake, he went and returned with it from his room saying, "I never gave the snake to anybody. It has been in my room ever since I picked it up." Bearing truth to what he stated, was the monofilament line still attached to the Slate Snake just as I had tied it.
The question now was, and still is "just who got whom" And no one is talking, except to asked Jenn if she has seen any more snakes.
After breakfast, the mine started operations again. Junior and Sul went to finish wiring my cabin. A four-man crew went to start on my roofing. The women and four teenage boys went up river to recover snakes, I mean slate. The men at the mine planned to have the hoppers ready to take on a load of slate as soon the women brought it back.
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Fantasy & Sci-FiWe met each other on a meeting website. She is a little black girl from Haiti and she is 10 years younger than me. I saw that she doesn’t like weak guys and she said that she was looking for a real guy. In my mind it echoed as: “Even if you are not the man of my life, we could have some fun together ;-) “. After few words, she has switched on her cam, she were wearing a small baby-doll. We didn’t really spoke about sex but it was not very far. Some days later I went to the bus station to pick...
It was Thursday evening and I was looking to let off some steam have some fun and meet some women so I headed over to this hotel bar I knew of the place is nice and the customers were usually business people that are staying at the hotel looking to relax after a long day.I got there as happy hour was gaining steam a little after 6 I walked into the bar scanned the room walked over to the jukebox dropped a couple dollars worth of quarters into it and picked a few good tunes I left the rest open...
I am 17, new to public schools because I was home schooled until my Dad ran off with his secretary and Mom had to go to work to support us. I’m average build, average looks, very smart but very lacking in knowledge about life that most 17 year olds have already learned. That includes sex, which is what my story will be about. I’ve been at High School now for about three weeks have made a couple of friends but not really accepted yet. I marvel at being in big classes, big lunch room, the mass...
After a wild time at an Ellie goulding concert, I was even more pumped up after getting an all access pass from a mate of mine and I was so excited and I though I was going to get a boner. Making my way past the security guards and showing them the pass, as they let me go pass, There happened to be someone else who also had a backstage pass, he was getting his photo took and the lot. I literally dashed backstage, meeting her with all her live members. It was such fun, it was too much to...
© Copyright 2013, by Leslie P. Lowe. All rights reserved. [email protected] Synopsis: A gal named Tish succinctly answers a cry for help from a sister t-girl in extremis. Hi Tish FM 3 by Leslie Lowe Hi Tish, I have a female friend named Sherri who asked me to go with her to get her manicure and pedicure. I was sitting there in Radical Nails as if I were her boyfriend, and the nail shop owner asked me if I wanted a manicure and pedicure. I'm not Sherri's boyfriend, by...
i decided to meet up with a couple of friends from xham at a nearby adult theatre. i pulled up and went in to browse around since they hadn't arrived yet. i got in and immediately my eyes were drawn to the dildo and fleshlight shelf on the wall. just walking over to them and seeing glimpses of porn everywhere started to get me horny. looking at a couple of fleshlights, my cock was growing fast, when both of my buddies strolled in together. we greeted, and immediately JC was eager to go back to...
Hello Readers, Hi, Indian sex story readers, my name are Aryan and about myself, I am 5.8 tall and have a decent 5.5-inch penis. This is a real story of how I got intimate with my girlfriend and ultimately banged her heads out This happened around 5 years back. I started to love this beautiful girl. My name is Aryan am from Alappuzha, Kerala. Today am sharing one of my experience which happened with my girlfriend sometime back in our college days. I do have an average physique. My girlfriend...
The security detail arrived for the diplomat and was waiting for him to depart. Anyone taking close notice of the detail would recognize the similarity this group had to that of a band of bandits know to be in the area. There were 9 mounted on horses; 3 dark elves armed with long bows and twin short-swords, 2 half-elves armed with X-bows and long-swords, 3 humans armed with lance & shield also a broad-swords, the last was an ogre armed with a bastard sword and obviously the leader, there...
While his mother was on the phone, Ben got into his pyjama bottom and waited. Soon his mother came in, still naked except for the fish-net arm sleeves and fish-net stockings. "That was your father. He's coming tomorrow. He said that his boss had invited your father and me to dinner at a restaurant tomorrow night. That means you and Jim will be able to study together without our presence." Ben was happy. That meant Jim wouldn't ogle his mother too much and she wouldn't have time to get...
Several days later while out shopping WEUSALL informed me that a female was being attacked in the alley we were walking past. I turned into the alley and the others followed me asking where I was going. ‘A woman is in trouble’ I said as I hurried farther into the alley. The guy was about 5’10” and maybe 200 lbs. Russian maybe, short dark hair, very pale skin, short beard and mustache; the woman was actually a girl maybe 14 years old with white blonde braided hair down to her butt, 5’6”...
Part Three Sandy clapped his hands enthusiastically. "Oh, that was good, Mommie. You too, Miz Taylor." Beth beamed. "Why thank you, Sandy. But aren't you just a teensy bit prejudiced?" "Oh no, Mommie. Everything you do is wonderful." Beth laughed and swept him up in her arms, squeezing him tight. He had her wrapped around his little finger and she knew it. But he was so sweet, so precious, she would hate to give him up to Miss Fairland's in the fall. Beth smothered her son...
It was by some distance the hottest day of the year so far and to Katie going for a walk around the lake was beginning to seem like less of a good idea. Even though she was only dressed in a pair of skimpy cotton shorts and a very small bikini top se was feeling the heat. As she looked down on the shimmering blue waters of the lake they seemed to beckon her with their promise of a cool and refreshing dip. Of course this meant she would have to go for one of two options. Either she skinny dipped...
EroticMarch 12, 1987, Indianapolis, Indiana “Morning, Babe!” I said as I walked into the apartment just before 7:00am. “Hi, Tiger! You must have been up very early!” she replied, pressing herself against me for a tight hug and kiss. “And what are you doing here early this morning instead of tonight?” “We finished yesterday, so I decided to surprise you by coming up this morning. This way I get to see you before you go to work! What time does your shift end?” “At 6:00pm. I’ll be home about...
I am laying on my stomach, my feet crossed as I prop my head up on an elbow, looking at you laying next to me. I sigh softly, biting my lip as I let my eyes wander down your temple and chin, along your neck and then the sheet bars my view. I softly and gently pull the sheet back, making sure not to wake you as I lift myself off of the bed slowly. I get on my hands and knees, unable to stop smiling as I settle down on my knees between your legs, my eyes traveling up your chest to your peaceful...
…Kitty asked herself. Is it so wrong that I want to be surprised in the middle of my routine and raped? She blushed, feeling ashamed to want forced sex from a stranger. The blush got deeper when she wondered out load, “hmm, from a stranger, or… strangers.” Her throat betrayed her with an involuntary chuckle. She wanted to open her front door when she was home alone and be surprised and thrown back into the house and fucked, mercilessly fucked. Sometimes she walked around naked on...
g home from college to visit my dad for the weekend, got home and the house was empty, a note from dad saying he got called out and would not be home till the next morning. i decided to take advantage of the situation and just relax. got online and was looking at some hot porn. after a little while i was hot, got naked just for the fun of it because i knew i would soon be jackin off since my dick was already throbbing hard and leaking precum from watching the porn. the phone rings just as i am...
Rharri Rhound is happy to finally get home after a long trip. She is even happier when she finds a cute note written by her man. It lets her know that he cleaned up the house for her. She is so pleased by this, that she plans a surprise for her man while he takes a rest on the couch. She slips into the other room and puts some sexy, long see through black stockings and a body suit on. Then she toys herself with a long purple dildo in the shower. She sticks it up inside her for her man to find...
xmoviesforyouAutumn had arrived although the temperatures were like summer time. The seasonal change also meant many of the wealthy borders prepared for their moves to warmer climates before winter set in and the flood of horse transporters had started. While our most affluent boarders maintained their payments on their stalls, their horses were on their way to Florida, Arizona or Southern California to their winter homes. With fewer horses to take care of, we reduced the number of helpers to care for the...